The Straits Times, 11 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.511 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MARCH 11. 1011. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 307 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Department. f L English 1 i^fgff-^H „-.,Jj^S Manufacture L \£n!Bffiffiit[)v3Sßi gl^^^BßC CLADBTONE BAGS. tXy. Not Browo Cowhide, in rartoaa atjles, bay^H *7 i-arh with Broad Leather, ttrma* .B or Sickc! KiM»«a and KBKli<-h made Lock. -tJt < 8i«e« 16*
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    • 259 1 <jg^-» TO THOSE ijteM' g??^ Homeward Bound SSwa««^ P ROBINSON'S A wary strong, yet light, Imperial Cabin Trunk. Killed with wocd l!a't. v- al tbe top. 525. Have Q^^FSaET n>^ Everything I' A- B^^ Ka 3(£atftß^ I* A a^F I i* K«t f >?Kr i CHAIRS. JT A Strong S«rvio«abl«
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 1174 2 RELATIVE UNIMPORTANCE OF THE BRITISH ISLES. The Empire and English Prestige. The relative uniiaportancc <>* tin; Britinh IkUwlh win ii tin y are •considered not ax a part of tin Hritinli Knipin- bat in iwlaiion, nays the MorniiiK l 1 1 wp brooglit out by two wU of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 1 VANA' L ©TONIC WINE One or two doses dauly, strengthen body, brain and o nerves, and counteract tbe fatigue and depression produced by extreme beat. V <=> Fortifies against Malaria *j? Of all Chemitts See you get 'VANA' Burroughs Wellcomb i k>. i. H .<> ■•.,t.r,l Sta»l» > 1
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    • 750 2 Can This Mao Read Your Life Tbe rieb, poor, liaHll Mi hoasWe aeek bia adriea on Baateaaa, WlNm r rieada, Boemiea Cliaaaat, n^liliMji, Lor* Affairs, Journeys, aad all evaata of I.iic. MANY SAY HB BBVRALS TUBIH LIVES WITH AMAZING ACCURACY. Kree test RmmUbbi wil to asai for a abort time
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    • 291 2 SPECIAL DISPLAY Necklaces. Diamonds. Rubies and Pearls. P*-ri<lots and Pearls. Amethysts and Pearta. Topaz sad Ltoarla. Tnnjii<»is«» and Pearls. Jade. PRICES FROM $2& XO $10,000. A laixt'collection of new and diflfrrfiit dja^gM '<> t from JIT ISMAIL AND RAHEEM'S. Braa Hasan Road STANDARD OIL CO., OF NEW YORK. Devoe's Imperial
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  • 886 3 AIERICA AND THE ST. ANDREWS RULES. Tbe Parthnt of the Ways. Tin intimation of the I niu-1 SUiU -<...!( Association that it in no lonp-i t«i Uhiikl by the St. Andrews rule*., ami that it i- t» ap proacb tbv Koyal ami Ancient lid' other rrvoKniiwd national asMM-iaticii.
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  • 263 3 The Onerous Tolls Levied on Eastern Trade. It »h> publicly Htaiul Uh i'. lui As] afcal tli, kt<HiiiHhip flec-U cx>ntmll^l by Sii John Kll.ri.mii |wy ovtr £:HM),(M*> a year iv Haas taiial iliic-m. Witli reference t«i tin -si- iliaiyi--tli<- l.i».i]-«.| StcaniHlii|iO«in ri' A-wmiatiuU xublnits wiiih- iiiUti -.tiny
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 430 3 In Consumption "Suitable to the most delicate stomach." (war Bsm 5o ss I SB*, s I l«>« a viriin ol phlhitis. aad rapidly lost v.r. ■<■• W li. iii- ulttcd my<lc«rt«. I availed my«l( of Antfirr'^ Enwhina mv hsallta l*«an to awnd sad I <|uirkly pal on «e»h Tlm- BsMBSSS
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    • 13 3 For all internal oomplaia'-i, Dysentery Ooofrfai', Colds, ass., uke Wools' Ores* Peopenniat Can.
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    • 564 3 TORTURED DAY AND NIGHTJMTCHING And Burning. Sore Places on Baby's Cheeks, Hips, Spine and in Bend of Arms and Knees. Could Hardly Walk. Was 111 for Want of Rest. Got Cuticura Remedies and Now has Not the Least Sign of Eczema. "My ton Bsaßl two y**n 014 had Kwmi •sry
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    • 304 3 lifebuoy Soap is invaluable j^\ for Washing Nurses' and i W[l Patients* clothing. It is a ydf^ preventatifc against in rj*m fection, and its regular -—4,f^ use will keep the /cW, house sweet and (1 cleans. Humpies. il^^Bll Wm AND DtSINFFXTS. P rra^rlatan «SSa%H Saa* ~~*^^^^«H 2 4 The Dispensary,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 643 4 STEAMER SAILIN6B. P. O. STEAM NAV IfiATMHI CB. KOR CHINA. JAPAN, PBNANO, CBYLOM, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADBN, BOYPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS, PLY MOtril AND LONDON. Through Bill* ot Lading iasoed ia* China Coast. Persian (ialf. Coawanatal. anal American Ports. Steamer* will leave Singapore on or aboot: MAIL LINES Outward l/or Chin*.) i
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    • 550 4 SHAME! BAIUWB. N.Y.K. 1 •JAPAN MAIL t STEAMSHIP CO LTD. EUwflttUl LINE. A Kortaigbtly aervioe is maintained be tween Tokobacaa via ports to Msrsuillea, Loadoa aad Antwerp, undar mail contract with tba Imperial Japsaeae Oovernmeat The New Twin-anrew Steamer* maintaining this Barrios have beam specially designed aod uii*»li *r,i i,
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    • 632 4 STEAMER BAIUHHB. ■ACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP CO U 8. MAIL LiME. The great *teamabip Urn ssssjmj miNA, JAPAN aad BUROPB, via Hoaolnlo «d Baa Francisco, operatiag tba aew MjOOO on-, twin screw steamers KORBA aad ÜBBIU A. together with tbe wall kaowa .teamen CHINA. ABIA, MONGOLIA MAN JHL'RIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE
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    • 284 4 STEAMER BJUUMQ3. Ganidian Pacific Railway Go "s Royal Mail sKtsMMfctp Lin*. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAYTO BUBOPB Vu Chin*. Jamm, C*juj>a awd tub f NITBD StATBB. Roate from nnagkoaw. via Slianghai, "rm w; (laiaad Saa ot Japaai, Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria aad Vancouver. R.M.S. Bmniass of ladia" T win aerew BMA-B-a^-ofJ^" R.M.S. K
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    • 582 4 STEAMER BMU—I HAMBURG AMEJUKA UK. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTBCHE DaMPFSCHIFF FAHRTBGEB. HANBA BREMEN Combined S*H*vlos>. i Tbe •teamen of tbeas Omapsnin Baaaaaua a sgalar mtvios between HssatTint. Brassea, tntwarp, and RsUerdaai.sßd tba Strait*, Cbiaa tad Japan. H«me«ar.R they are despatched fortaughUy or Havre and Hambarg sad oasa a moatb for SreraerhavvD
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    • 653 4 STEAMER SAIUNBB. N. D. L. Borddeut scher Llojd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast aad well kaowa *aa:l *t*aia»r» of thu Company aail fortoi*<bily frnaa Breraaa. Hambarg. via RoUentam. Antwerp, Boataaaaa10a. (iibrat. Oeaoa, Maples (iiniiaiiiwag MareMlte*. rluie*. AJeuadna aad noe vsaws) Pjrt Kaid. S«*i. Adsa. Ootembo. Peaaa*. Hiaaapor* Hoa«iiua«.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 624 5 BTEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Tib steamers of thi* Company maintain* a regular direct servioe between Caleutts, Straits, Hongkong. Shanghai aod Japan, taking aargo, on through Hills f tiding for I'uloo. gwstuw, Amoy, Cbcfuo, Tientsin. Nrwchwang, Taagtsas Ports, Forrnoae. tbs Philippine*, etc etc. Staaman Tons Commander IH<
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    • 611 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS s-s. "Gleaogle" 8,750 Tom m. 'Saaagßea" 5.7V9 Toes. SeangChoon" 1.776 Toes. S.S. 88ANJ CH'JON, oa March 14. FOR HONGMM-. AMOY AND BWATOW ss. OLINOOuB, oa March 18. These saaametn have excel Uat aoeom tEodUioa for psssiasjari, and oarry qnaiifled rafßaots They have ■laotrie Lights
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    • 160 5 A positive paying investment in aay business, whether large or small, is GOOD 1 Printing Its value cannot be overestimated. Your advertising matter which yoa distribute and the statioaery yoa use generally makes a lasting im preesion, favourably or otherwise, according to its kind. Don t Piy Out MoMjr (or
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    • 274 5 BRIDGE'S RUBBER MACHINERY. Washing, Creping and Macerating Machines. BLOCK PRESSES VACUUM DRIERS DA COSTA COAGULATOR. Stocks held in Kuala Lumpur. Paterson, Simons Co., Ld. Sole Agents, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 1 F MS SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. AND CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICES BRANCH OFFICES Caxtoa House. Westminster 1. 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 915 6 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RUE MEETING ((Mb? .S Ii A. Hhl'm Hactnf), Will be held on Tuesday, May 9, Thursday, May 11. aad Satarday, May 18. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY fwid**, May 9. 1. THE OIKMNIi STAKKS.— Valoe •((10. A Handicap for Hones that have j n. w r woa
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    • 454 6 •it «v« Start trs, tha propsrty of diffsnTit owncn. NOTE Th* attention of owner* ia called to Rula 55. which makes th« hour tor Scratching p.m. on tha DAY BEFORE tha Rao*. Owners of Griffin* are entitled to enter for eitlM.r of the following series of Races Fb>b Btrim No.
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    • 861 6 SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. I FROM FEBRUARY 1. 1911. AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. > CP TRAINS. ***** I I I I A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. PM. PM. PM. PM. 1 Paa«ir Pasjaag T l7 440 Borneo Wharf 745 90S 448 < Peoples Park
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    • 162 6 SATISFACTION Just twelve letters expressing exactly what we offer you. We are-*^ COMMERCIAL HUD POSTER PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS RD STATIONERS Give u» a Trial Order. Ettimatct supplied Free on Applieatija. THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS. LTD. TELCPNOBC 346 FURTHER REDUCTIONS In thm Price of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th February, Inclusive. Aflk
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  • 178 7 FIXTURES. Saturday. March n. High Water, 8 18 a.m., 9.92 p m. Lieaaaiag Jutlior*. 12 46 p.m. Cricket Tournament, S. C. C. Sunday, March ia. High Water, 7.5« a.m.. 10.S p.m. N. D. L. homeward mail doe. Monday, March i.i High Water, 9.9 a.m.. 10.40 p.m. 8.
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  • 185 7 To DAT. Deli and Analian Kane* 8 pm Malacca and P Dicknoo Sappbo 8 pm M»li, lions Liaa Bpm llaiu l'*hat Sri ungsee 3 prj Bengkali*. T Tioggi, Siak and l'tkan V Hocendorp 3 pm Hatu Pabat Aing Hin 8 pm lU'ntkok H 11 Liong 4pm lisnitkok
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  • 116 7 The Imp. German mul steamer Vorek having left Hongkong on the Bth instant at 1 p.m., may be expected to arrire here (m Sunday MM 12th inntant. at 3 p.m. sue will "robably be despatched for Europe on Mund y, at coon. [.«> r >i\ >ki. U
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  • 422 7 Latest Arrivals. Monmoutb. H M. cruiaer. OrJOO ton*. 043 crew, 14 euon, 22.000 lip Com. Power. Mar 11. Imm Saigon, Mar 9. Senior Naval officer Kor Colombo, Mar 16. Koala Aing Thye. Dot. atr. 90 ton*, Naoodab, Mar 10. Krom Indragiri, Mar 9. Oc. and dp. Cboon.
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  • 104 7 Wharves at which Vtmb mn Berthed To- Day. TINJONQ PAGAR. Ba*t Wiar Basin— Nam Yong. Eatt W. Ssctioh No. I— Strombu*. Thongw*. Srsbb* Whakp -Nil. [Soowdtmin Main W Si. t. No. 2 Cambyaea, Bezwada. 8 Pat Ml. 4— Perak. Nil. |Au»tria. n 6—
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  • 424 7 Expected to Arrive. Per N I) L. steamer Kleist. da« March 17.— Mr Felix .1 Kri. ndlu im. Mr H A v d Wall Bake, Mr F Orornewald and family, Mr and Mrs H M Samwell act child. Mr C G Horn and family, Mr C J
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  • 48 7 Time okllh on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m.. Singapore Ktandard time, corrdtponding to A a.m. (ircenwich im-an time. Tin- time-gun in Sred at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore Rtandanl time, on every day excepting Sunday. lieu it i* fired at one o < lock.
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  • 423 7 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, March 12, 1911.) Kdosn Suvdav is I.f\r 7 A.M. MaTIUS AM) IAM First Le«»on _Oeneais XXVII. I— 4l. Second Lesson S. Mark K. 82. Hymn 88. T.4S a.m.— Holy Coxmtkios (Choral). Inn. .it LeadmeLurd. Nnui Mmm.l.r Hymn* 858, Hl2andl*o. 5.80 P.M. Evln»OV. AMD SIBJK.N.
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  • 217 7 Finance Commerce. 8i»oapo»«, Ma*, h U, 1911. On LonDow-Bank 4 m/i S/4 A Demand Private 1/4* do 8 m/. 1/4U On OiutHi -Bank d/d M 0 Private I m/i 544 On Fbahc* Beak d/d »6 Private m/« 299* Oa Ikdia Bank T. T. 174| Private Wdji 178| On Homokono Baak
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    • 168 7 lame "g 10 10 Bol»» Tin 10 10 Brnang 10 10 Branch Hyd 10 10 Ktuboi 41 41 KioUTin 41 41 Kledaog Tin 10 10 Kuultn Tin 41 41 LtbatMiaa* 10 10 lUlaeot Tin 5 Pkbaoff Conaol £1 £1 IVnKEftlen 41 41 I'uhdk Bsbra 41 41 I'lidinu Lama 10
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    • 610 7 Value Buyer*. Sellers. >/. >/■ Allagu 4» »/6J a/, a/- An«k> Malay la.i H iu< a/, a/ Baton* Malaka 1 6 8,--£1 XI Batu C*tm 16.100 10.10.0 £1 XI B»ta Tik« 6.2.0 S 10.0 XI XI Bnkit Kajan* 8.12.0 8 0.0 XI XI Bakit Ldntaag 4.10.0 6.0.0 XI 15/
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    • 126 7 lam 3 Value Baytn. 10 10 Indira BnxJtio« 10 T M S7i 41 41 Electric Tnmwtji 8/8 10 10 FnMar k Nero 88.00 100 Howarth Ernkine 100 M 7% Prel. 90.00 100 100 KaU Bro. IW. 100 100 8% Com. Pref. 10 10 Maynard Co. 34.60 Sellen Dom. 1000
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    • 51 7 Bayer* Seller* Howarth Brakine 6% 1900,000 par Biley, Hergreeve* 1284,000 2* B 4 po Singapore Eleotrio Tramway* 6% JHO.OOO Spore Municipal 6% ***** 000 aoaa. Buyer* Seller* Spore Municipal 4|% of 1907 II,<WO,COO 6% 7%pu» S pure Municipal 4J% of 1909 11,000.000 T% B%pm 8 pore Municipal 4% 1604,900
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 272 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Mar. 11 -At Castor, Oiley Road, teak boose bold farnituic. etc, at 3.80. Mar 14.— At asleroom, a abare in tbe asset* and aflFeota of and in a partnership called tbe Melekek Kabber Co., at i.BO Mar. 16 At saleroom, seven geotleman •addle*, esc. at
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    • 451 7 Pagination or the EaM iv broufhi *>o"* la ro in jr*»^ r *^BJIN« K''<cllon I. £f~ J^^BSaV e ir p-i^C.«.ti:-.shi* WE I^BH IBouton Rouge s§f en d felucca *9f Egyptian Cigarettes Jr^^~ Th mta *~">" •*>•< Mis"*- lh« l<il lo Iht ■.!«"*<; »™dgcl. mikn ll>t» ki>n4l 3^sr»^rt. g*Ci re«l»lion lo
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    • 146 7 HIGH-CLASS Telephone Up. a 1». UNDERTAKING. »ti<e»<. Unfupi MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Baga lo inform tbe public thai tbe kiad patronage ai corded bim daring tbe pea* l*w jeers, has made it neeeaaary tor bim lo aojuir another nenw Rubbertyre* Mbbfwb. whioh sarp.aass all oibers in tbe rtralla. Mr.
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  • 993 8 The Straits Times SATURDAY, MARCH 11. CANADA A NATION. The »|>eecli of Sir Wilfrid Lawrier U the answer of Can<la to any grain of xeriouiuies* there may have been in a Hpread eagle oration recently made at Washington, and since explained as a joke. The great Anglo-French statesman possosaon in
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  • 15 8 Twenty -seven Chinese were baninhed from the Colony for life during the month of February.
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  • 15 8 The North-German Lloyd has wold a fourth transport ship, the Heidelberg, to the Turki-h (h>vernment.
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  • 20 8 A tender amounting to 111,750 ha> been accepted for the erection of a houtte for Government officer* on Goodwood Kxtate.
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  • 23 8 A proclamation by the King in Council determining new designs for silver coins is printed in the current issue of the Government Gasette.
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  • 26 8 H.M.S. Monmouth arrived from Hongkong this morning, and will proceed to Colombo to meet the submarine flotilla which she is to escort to the China station.
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  • 27 8 The ladle*' sewing party of the Preaby terian Church will meet on Tuesday next, at 4.80 p.m., at The Manse, Cavenagh Road, the residence of Mrs. Kunciiuan.
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  • 33 8 A Stradivariua, worth £2,400, hax been purchased by a violinist at Strashur^. Cier many, for os. Hd., from a little boy, who was dragging it about full of sand as a toy cart.
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  • 37 8 An order for a steamer of H^SOO torn, for the Nethoriand SwaiuHiup Company, AniHtenlam, liaa been received by the NorUiuiubcrlaud SteauiHliip Company. She i* to be itpecially Atted for the transport of pilgrinut between .lav* and Mecca.
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  • 37 8 It is ofliciallv notified that the following officer-, and N.'t'.O. s of The Huff* have oualineil at Uie School of Mimketrv. Imlia Musketry ami Maxim (run Lieut. S. I Sill idistingiiinhedi. Si-rgt. <». Fincher an<l Sirgt. W Darby.
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  • 40 8 For importing about four and a lialf taluls of cliandu from a neighbouring island, a Chinese tongkang man was arrested on the Oth inst. He was brought before a uiagis tratc yesterday and was fined Ma\ Uie cliandu being oonnscateil.
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  • 38 8 l>uring the past year, the shippers of Manchester cotton goods ami general cargo to the Far Kast were afforded more frequent opportunities for shipping their goods at the Manchester docks. The incruaned xailingn are being maintained this year.
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  • 43 8 A public meeting will be held in the t ouncil Chamber, Kuala Lumpur, on Wednes ilav next, to Miii-i.l.r the .|ii<— li.m of tli. <• 1. iH-ation King <ieorgi-'« Coronation ami to make Uie nei-«-N«ary arrangi-iiM-nU ther.foi All nstiunalitm nave been invited tv atu-nd.
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  • 41 8 T)h funeral uf Uie laU- Mr. Clioa Giang 1 1. take* place tomorrow at 11 a.m.. from (mm the public cemetery at Alexaml. Koad. tin' pr.«i^jiion |««*iug through Mm following roails Orrhanl. Grange. Itrvonslure. Killiney. River Valley. Merbau awl Havelock \Uim\<i
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  • 58 8 A CMMH rubber e>u.u- manager, who haa IS)) acre concession, says the Perak Hanasj got his land felled for «1H per acre, and paid |ty for burning, pruning and cleaning anil $4 for planting Üby l'>. We w.hklii when tinwhole area is plants I up. at what pru< t tir-t
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  • 52 8 Hi. polio' in Northern Ontario have captured a man named John who dis ap|*-»nsl from civilisation live yean ago. and liad bts?n seen occasionally since Uien by trappers. Beck, who is violently insane, ha* been dressing in skins and living m a ra\e. llv lia-s been living on
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  • 53 8 In onler duly U« celebratr the Coronation of King (ieorge V.. a committee of influeu Hal MMMHMa "f Hoii^Uoiii; ha* Usn ap|mint ed, with Sir Francis Piggott. Chief Justica an chairman. V> make all the necessary arrangeuientH. That the celebration will be worthy of the event without Haying. ri-n:ai k*
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  • 62 8 A drowning fatality occurred in th. F. rok. Uiv.r. Caluut. on Kebruary 19. M. M.m. l[.-irii;iie*. employed as a clerk in the Mamelli Coffc« Works, accompanietl by two others named Booth and IV Silva. went for a bath, llodngiies swam off from hi* friends and dived. He dnl not rise
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  • 74 8 In Mai Hoii*c of LonU. during tin dehaU on the Address in K«-plv. tin- Karl at I >. ni.ij^li I'liionisti ap|>caled Ui tin Govi rninent for ussistance for the lus-t sugar industry. Karl Carrington i President of the Itoanl of Ayri lilt lire MfftW that tin paajMa] of th. ns|iiest
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  • 73 8 A new day wvm* Ui liavc dawm-d anal Mm Congo. According to Uie I .ilouial mnu-Ui in the Belgian Parliament, trade is developing on right line*, and the MaWan of tl is much Slavery is now dead. Iwcause labour M baa, The death rate ha* I»iii reduced '•>< |si
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  • 95 8 Tlu cruiser I'eloiu*. Commander I' llavidxon. of Uie Fourth Ihvi-ioii of the Home Fleet at Portsmouth, hail her > r.« completed 1., the approved complement on February 16. to convey to Hongkong a new crew for the surveying ship win. h Comiiiaudei Hisliop M. Davy will recom mission for
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  • 105 8 Montague Holbein luut divided to maki one more effort to swim the Knghxh Cliannel. an I recently lie lian i-oiiiinencsl to loam a new leg stroke by which he not ouly hopi-* to iucreaae his pace, but alno to lemen the strain on his Htamina. lie |>ra<lis<-<l In* new leg
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  • 120 8 Tli> Siamene Minister for War has issued a iiiiiiiHtcrial regulation with regard u< the prmition of the employe* of <oi>i|«iii* undei the Military Ba#*Mt i^aw. If in any year a i.ilii|»iiy pay in taxes Ticals HUM 1 1 or upwanlit, it may have five of il~ eiupl<>v>* relcaMed from the
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  • 131 8 Tlie first »ea K° <D X Ku<lnvin cargo t«hm-1 in nearing completion at South Shield*. The Holcapfel I. i VM ft. Ion)-, with II ft. boaiu. and thi- will carry .100 ton» dead- weight on a ilraii|{l>t of 10 ft. She will be driven by a high itptxal mx-cyluvlcr vertical
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  • 424 8 Mr. V K. Wiekwai it on a M-it to Kuala Lumpur. ICs|>tain A. M. Canlew. It X, ■>■■ a* China to «tiulv the language of the country Mr. and Mrs. (irirhth lon.- r < t iirii.- 1 (i.>n Kngland hv the I' and 0 IVvanha yesU-r •Uv
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  • 93 8 Following are u<>tih. atiou- m thccuueiit i— n. the Government <ia/. .is,- of the jN.vv.i- conferred u|mn him hy the StatuU I^iws Or<linan<. l'.iln li cellency tin Governoi liax anaaMMMi th. Hon. F C. Kills to be a Cuinini— inaar in th. pUuc of Mr H K..,t
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  • 98 8 The mortality returns f<M Singa|mr. hy tin- K. ajaßM lortli- .>n.l baatks, -how tliat duriug th. vv.-k M tli. r. «.n imi death*, giving a ratio per mille ..f i«i|.iil;itioii i ll fever a«xKHint isl for It de.i-.h-. phthl-l- M, eonvill-1.,11- I t. bin Uii in.
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  • 187 8 lnln* n|>.rtmi Mm worming uf v tratioii of Oeetln Ordinance in SingaaMa 111 MM M> X.l r'arrvi skaarVM IKsH bi-r of ileedn |.n*.in."l f.n raajlataaaiM ajaja ■I.Wi against MM 111 MM Mi T.iT in lUiih Tin number of .led* liually n-giHten<l wa.s MM, anainst J 1
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  • 161 8 Tlh' arrangement* for Singapore s aviation meeting are coiiipleUsl. The flying will take place on the K-uiTiiiir mi ThurwUy. Friday and Saturday next, each 'lay from 4 :«i t,, fi.SOp. iv. and tin aviator will I* Mr .1. Christiaens. The MaaMMJ will I- I■ M under the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 150 8 Try chan.e of Whiiky to MACGREGOR'S V.O.S. Parliament Blend. D L MACGBEGOB. CALDBECR 4 C 0, f London and Olaaajow. ESTABLIKHID 1804. A- •uppll-'t tm THt Houif Of iosos BBlftr ft 4« r«r case. tHt y r PRICE: 4>IO duty extra. Moust s or raauaacaT. cs*«*a CALDBEGK, MACGREGOR CO., Bole
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    • 223 8 THE LITEST HAIL IIWS ALHAMBRA New Subjcts I New Subject* I OUR 6IANO WOtIAMMC TO-NIGHT IXCLDDBII HH' FBOM Patk* t MaMM ass Hater* taHaa. (New). Ahw Artistic and Hnmoroos Pictures. tmmrtmm iliiii Comedy. as tslss taaa Ms (New). ■Uza Cs. t Sasswl CsaXa. (New). ONLY HIGH -CLABB PKODI CTIONs KXHIBITED
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    • 13 8 La<wt advertisements at the day appear on page 7 as well as 10.
      13 words

  • 146 9 WORK FOR AMERICAN SHIPS AND TROOPS. Official Explanation Given at Washington. Km tub's Tblbubam. London. March 10. Wa»hingU>u U-legntui says Uie navy .It |«trtlueut l:a- or>U-rt<l tin s. out hunt Cheater h> Tampieo. 111. wai ileparlineiit m<lere<l tline aerop Uih-s Ui be s.-ut U> Texaa to be
    146 words
  • 95 9 LIBERAL PAPERS HOSTILE TO INCREASE. Peace Party Sustains Reverse. Rbctbb'h Tiuokvv. 1.. m 10n. Man li I Tin I >n l l Chronic-le is tin only l.ibi ral i,i|- i i|.p..n i.ii; Oh' naval eHlimaten. Tin li.uK New- sav< tin- increase cannot he i \pl;tiinil or jtistirie.l by
    95 words
  • 58 9 The Government's Forcing Tactics Resented. Kn r»Ks Tkli'.r«m I.. hi. l. >n Manh 11 t>. House of Common* luvt had an all uight sitting ovei the Ke\euiie Rill, embodying that portii>n of th>, Rutlget re«crvt«l frotn last ii Tli. silting v most heau-l. the Ofjmi li. .n n
    58 words
  • 48 9 France Aims at Equalling German Strength. Url'Tßß'K TBLX.HkM. I»mlon. Mart h 1 1 W l> .i-- staUil in the Frvn.-h Parlia ment that in l'ri» lienuany would bv.e .wenty Drnaduoiight- an I Fi Iternianv<l twelve armour.- 1 ui'l V.<m ighUH-n. which wnuld molt |«>werfnl.
    48 words
  • 21 9 KiitriK Tklb»b*m. l^.tnlon. March 11. oiint Sfor/a. Italian Connul Iteneral at Hn.lapt-t has lie..|i appointed Minister at 1.k,,,..
    21 words
  • 85 9 Hearty Birthday Celebrations in Bavaria. DaOMMMMnI I.lovi. Tblbubam. lUtliii. Mar- I 10. Tlm ninetieth birtliday of IViik. Lnitpol<l Hat ami is being i.libi at Munich. I'll. I', in.-, several tiini-s a<l<lr<^l tlie |«>pulation. mi. l snl«< iiptu .nsate being raisctl for art ami mU pui|»~. M.i, lUrk.
    85 words
  • 34 9 I>xr QnHMMB Li-ovn TplkobaM. Iterliii. Manh In Sj l'< v i-huit: in ws at,*.Mcy hax n<»-iv«l -itisfa<'Uii\ news hlnhii tl situation in Mum lim I Ik re i- n.. lloxci aglUtiou.
    34 words
  • 46 9 Daa DaTAsurivm Ll"»i> Tblbobaii. lierlin. Mart h 10. 1 1., hi. n< li |«|«rs. ...iitrary U> the staUIII. lit llia<U 111 tin Hulls. nf 1. .*****1. .Mr-. UIH' particulan. of i wlieuM Krancu Kii^lisli .i"ii with army ami nav\ itgaiiiNt li rmanv.
    46 words
  • 1063 9 Great Increase in the Demand for Robber Seeds. Mr. H. V lti.ll.> tin- Director of <iank-n». Strait* Settlements. Iwh imaed bin report cm tin- Botanic ami Economic Garden*. Singa pore. for the year 1910 from which it in gaUicml that the revenue fn.m plant* and seed* i-
    1,063 words
  • 45 9 Sir .1 T hUHnm the MnMH Chief .luatice of Ceylou. ami Lady HuU-hiomm arrived at IVnang on Tboraday lant. ami were met by Sit Arthur Young, with whom they lunched at tin- railway resUuranl. Tliey aflerwanN i'ti.w.l to P'rye ami nmUireii through to Kuala Kaug-ar
    45 words
  • 1042 9 AN OPTIMISTIC REPORT BY MR. A. McKENZIE. Condition of the Property. Early in December. last year. Mr. A. Mr Kensie^of Mewur*. Hime Darby tod Company. Nt the request of the director* of H«\.«p 1 1 hitch Borneo) Robber rotates. iMM Band jenuaasin. (or Uie purpose of reporting
    1,042 words
  • 99 9 Kurtlier adrioes receirvd concerning the late Mr. Hatdwin. latterly a partner of the I'enang Foundry, who died laxt month at liome atate that he had three atrokeM of para lyai» a few days before hia death. The de tieaaed gentleman, who waa a cousin of the Messrs CaUiberteon of Bouatead
    99 words
  • 1082 9 ESTATE OUTBREAK COVERS TWO HUNDRED ACRES. Extensive Damage to Robber. Mi' recent Area on I'ulau Obin. mentioned in them oolamna vtmUiimr. were actually more mrioua thai local report made them oat to be. Moreover, the Arc on the Serang<«a Rabber Company mtate wait quite distinct (root the
    1,082 words
  • 33 9 Col .1 K. .lohniton.-. C. B of tU KoyaJ MarincM. who wait in nnnnud of the KoyaJ Marine contingent on Uie ncraaion til Xiluiiral Heymoar'a adTancr Ui Prking. luu pnmi.'Wtl Majoi lieneml
    33 words
  • 930 9 The Proposed Isolation Hospital at Moulmein Road. A Meeting of the Municipal t'otiiiiiiMUoncni waa held 10 the Board Koom. yeatrrdav aftern.a>n. when there were present Mr K. .1. HaUifax tPruaidentl. Dr. Murray Kobertimn. Ml— n Ball. aamxtant Municipal Kngineer. .1. Pulglane, Secretary, J. < arapi.t. A M S.
    930 words
  • 77 9 Scndayan (K. M. S.I Kubber to.. Lul. W-' lb.. niak'inK a total of B.WU Ib. .-..11e.-u-l during tin- first tiv< imtiitliH of the roinp«nv year. rlukit .Motonc Kubber KatateH. Limitnl. I.IUO lb. Senibilan K-Ut.- I.UI. 'l'anipiu l.uiKKi KhUVi i.— January H.W«) Ib. February 4.-4A4) Ib. Kola Tin^Ki
    77 words
  • 56 9 Ih< iiiania«< took place on r'ebriwi y IM. at Wrotliain Parish Church. Kent, of Mr KranciH Nelson, of Uie Hoagkonu and Sliang liai Rankinu Corporation imin of Ur- late Mr II I 11. Nel«>n: ami Mi-- .lean Mont^X! meric i'lauyht«i of tin late l.ieiiU nant Patrick Mont^mM-rH-. I! K..
    56 words
  • 77 9 DETAILS OF TARIFF TREATY KEPT SECRET. Reported Inclusion of Shipping Clauses. tFaoa Oit Own Comrhpondbnt. Urn.too. March It). Tlie (ilaagnw H.TaJ.I my* the new Anglo JtfaMW Treaty ha* U-en oo»p>««aH Tht- deteiK however, arr bpin« kept necret until ronrliMioa of the myotiaUood for a wuimerciaJ trt«ty whioli
    77 words
  • 24 9 Dim (Ntasiati*. up Ll'.w TnaaMnm Mb, in The attack of i|^« ;i.h. in- fi which Inn.. Adalbert in miflennt; ih «h«hl
    24 words
  • 25 9 DH* (taTASIATIiU-HI I.L'.VP Tn.K.IHA* .i. Mir. I, M I'mti.. Itnelow lm« Im-.ii maile honorary pn-oiilvnt of the InU-rnational \l l Kxlnbilion at Koiui
    25 words
  • 27 9 l>> k kHMHi> ln.r..Kii!. Iterlin. March 111 I'll. Teni|~ ik-Hino H mi w lin. ..f |«>ll<\ U. b. Uken b\ Kra i M..r.«...
    27 words
  • 108 9 iFbom Oc» Own Co*u*r<»i»arr.) UaiM, Mhmli hi I'll, i ul. l* i inaik. t iv an. l pn..« an- wuiiiewliat low, r b.^l .|iialltt<-« m-llint; at >'. T i.. > t .;ul\ lim i\ iKboK a Mtuni OMMMMi Malacca. Mm. h II Information liaa be«n rrceiri'.l by
    108 words
  • 33 9 B. I. STEAMER ASHORE. FROM Hl'Kll»N I..M(.n.MiIM Kuala I.iiinpni. March II Ih. I -t.amcr Kapmthala M at midnight H Thursday a -li.wl nortli of Pulan Knysai Klk liat. not yet hit-n rt.*t..l off
    33 words
  • 62 9 iPSM Urn Own CMtMMMn Uml i" Tlm local ixmimitUo at tin King Kdward Memorial sclicMie liavc consilient tin n |>ort of till II -III) i .illillllttc- ll|»>ll til.- J.I 1 Maternity mil Infant* hospital, an. l have resolvnl to a«k tin Muni. i|mhl> an<l the (iov.-inni.-Dt t"
    62 words
  • 131 9 Further Subscriptions Paid. Dm ll.d. Tn«Mlni'« re|»>rt ol HfeMrif Mm actually paid remix a» follows Amount pr. I i.msly MkM«Mpi Towkav Urn long Mm, Kam|*u llchn Im .iihl I I.UI. 1 m llnti-h Vtncruan Tobarv" < I.UI Hon. C. .1 Saunder* JOI Singapore Slipway ami F.ngiueering
    131 words
  • 24 9 Mr. I I' l'.<i< k, II SiiptTinU'iuii ir i;rn|iti- uil Ti lr|vlion,-. Strmt- 'v til. m< inliax liivl kin l«ovi rxU'iubtl b> (••mi mt.iitli-
    24 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 159 10 To tin- Editor of tlie StraiU Time*. Sir. So many n—*\ thin|{n hare been written in the prewi about Uh> lak- Mr. Choa (Maag I'lm ami yet the Chinear oooiniuQity an situiii; .|iii.-t May I as urn- mil i, <ti-il. sii^n.-st that the piiyplf win, have bw-n iiumllv
      159 words
  • 332 10 law n Tennis. S. C. C. Tournament. FoaWwaaf, an tin mbbVi Has <l.« i< l.-.I in |a»g.< lawn fc-iini-. tournament on the K-|ilmii.i'li Ust i-Vfiiiiii. Ha i> I.. N I. m Marsh, t •>. 4, I i Oordna t. :i. rt-;i. C SlNi.l.fI -sniitli Uat Tt I n
    332 words
  • 177 10 V.w (1,.,,1. lUiij.itmn ami Co. kindly f»V lls with till l,<.tl<l.>tl |.llff> tllfV IISVf I ;ln- H...1 nini; Quotation*. Ml DDL* MIDDLE P«.i I« P«ir««. Mli.;.ii-|..p. Xri.l.V.ip. An^l..>« j Ut|inii\s|i.|i. mi \nyl.t .l.i vhm" M 6 ÜbMJ M tit;!.. .1.
    177 words
  • 989 10 The Recent Marked Improvement in Prices. From tlie London and China Kxpreaa, of FVbruary 17. we take the following infonna Woo concerning the rubber industry: Tbe market for Harm ha* been firm and adrancinK. and a large buainem haa been trannat-ted. Hard Fine on the spot and
    989 words
  • 68 10 Tin- I'iiihiik Gazette hear* that Mr. Kirn li, Mi; If ik and the <>tli<-r iiiembi-rs i>f tin family of tlie lav Mr. I'liiiali Ilin Laa»a inti nt l |ir.-» iiliit^ l'< the town of li uaiif :i lir.m/.t' sutue ii( (in Mait-Htv Mm labKiiik Kil» Kul in memory of Mr
    68 words
  • 821 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore- March 11, 1911. Hmdi Lyall and Bract, p 1 --|p aad Share Broken, km the following bat of quotation* this morning: Nona. Value. Bayer*. Sellers. 3/- Ailagar 4 a,- a Option* 1/10J 41 An K lo .Im 7/6 Ml,
    821 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 35 10 Oreat Oladstoae, ho Was W O. And you 11 agrre He was P C. I Litters utaad lv «eiy land Kor wbat. to gr«st folk and obseurp. Is known aa Wuoda' U>eat Peppermint Cuie.
      35 words
    • 92 10 Be«t I iniment. Shglit aci-kk-nta anil injuries arc aln quvnt uocurrence on the farm and in the work »lin|i. A cut or brnine which i-. often tlie i nu- of iiiih-Ii annoyance and loss of time, iiikv be curvd in about one-third the tin ii- usually m|uire>l by applying Cham-iH-rlaiu
      92 words
    • 425 10 WATEBBURY'g METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND. OF ALL CHIMIBTB. njSANono. E. ftO. HOTEL PCHMB The beat and tbe moat frequented Hotel in tbe Island, and CRAfi HOTEL The only Sanatorium in tbe Straits. AM THB SaANCHBS Of RAFFLES HOTEL, Sinftapor*. SABKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. 027 M LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS EUROPEAN WANTED European
      425 words
    • 464 10 Raffles Hg| Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER To-Night. Location Beach Roati APOLLO CIRCUS. Laat Two Parfottnanoaa TO-DAY AT 4.30 PM. TO-NIGHT AT 9PM Children's Matinee Children's Matinee ffWU PHHsMI FM TM UTTU OMI ln-iidil, Sdtunliui. nl 4.'i<) p.m. Children Admitted to ail Parta (or SO em. THE APOLLO CIRCUS To-nijht, at To-night.
      464 words

  • 2908 11 ill? l>i; \i BMM MMM ■>i Rajah of I... iiihock was a vei\ M man. and he MMjIMiMMM gn-atlv in tin way In to.k the 1 eii-us. For MJ .-I know that the chief MNM 1!..|.t1i w.r. D.i i\. -If ah. ad tax ..file.-. a small MMMM
    2,908 words
  • 419 11 Man Superior to All Mechanical Contrivances. In tin S. untiri. Am. m. I>i .1 I ..ff. r- Home interesting eomiiunt- n sor Jules A mat -tndies 011 man a- a iiiaihinc Tin r.-ult of a large MMMM Ml careful experiments is t<> -how that th. human
    419 words
  • 312 11 Inflf nious Germans Propose to Use Soya Bean Oil. It 1- not <htti' ult. says thi' Financier, to understand tin desire which invent"!* pomMi t<> turn to MMI anything ulm h can pusHibly be utilisixl in tin- rubber world, anil now that soya Uan- liave MM t<. the
    312 words
  • 936 11 NIGHT BEFORE THE HISTORIC SURRENDER. The Final Act Mi A It H. Itauaon. in an MMM on liencral Lee. an I knew him." (onlnbuUil to Harper* Magazine, skives an interesting account of the scene at the General h liead qnarters tin night before the surrender, when he
    936 words
  • 131 11 \prorxw of lli. resignation "I the Vtvlnlea iiiu of Ix>ndon. a corre>.|»>nilent 1 it. to tin Churrh Family MMMM that tin 1.1- n 1 hfti. iltv in IU-Hcribing an An-hdencons duties. He in a dlgnitaiA «ho di-. 11.11 g. s .11. India, oiial functions. h
    131 words
  • 148 11 Kin appreciate tin excellent hliiuUuu aud fishing that awaits the visitor to Canada. <n tlie moderate outlay newleil to enjoy a slices* fill outing. Hay* I anada. Km initiative, tin- niHii who can ("ft away for a montli may have fourteen ilays' fishing 'or salmon ami sea trout
    148 words
  • 532 11 A Doctor's High Tribute lo Their Valae. For the man brought up to look upon a draught from an open window an providing the chief item in a doctor* practice, it in something of a nliock to learn on the authority of a medical man tliat
    532 words
  • 509 11 Situation Sad to be Ab>olutel> Hopeless. I 1.. MMM fo> tl.- Bahtaf MMMr* iv Ceylon i» dei idnl. iii-|><i-t'.>ii of tin huil.- 1- being 1 MaiM IMM MMI HIP 1..-I-'' jiv.-n MMB MMI tin \piil MMMMMB, it BrMM tun in. twin ot tin 11. was t id.
    509 words
  • 59 11 The recent aniounc.-mint that 0111 cloth ins was to be male out of banana ftnn re calls theolil story of Uie par-. .11 who anked a wm uw hat deaf old lady if MM likul bauauas Tin -v may be all right Ml the like* of you. she said. but
    59 words
  • 848 11 la-«- than a year ago a writer .11 .1 -porting contemporary menlioind. a- it it were a unique phenomenon, a French lions that was a triplet. If it had been a "quailruplet then- would have l«in -olnet lung 111 it, as quadruplets it In Matthew. Maik. l.nke. and .lohn.
    848 words
  • 219 11 ul Wolv.rhamptoli. MM known as sui ll.iirv Fowler. MMM whi.h nam. he re pn-.111.1i Kast Wolveihampt .11 in U of ill- from |MM till I'«Im when age bO I pt th. |millal dl-gni-. was al hi- death, which took ntlv. within thin month- of <om pleting
    219 words

  • 1865 12 .1 K I'ATrBRMiN IN I'4LL MaLL MauAZINB. TheUuby,iiteani."traiup," wan lying at an char off < loMaqaal.pioH. in the Bay <>( Cam peacl.y. dincliao(ing her load of "pickled" aleeppm. The time wan M.M) a.m. Day had ju*t liinki-ii. and the nun was about a haod'a breadth above tlw horiaoo
    1,865 words
  • 460 12 New Labour and Time Saving Business Device. li. !.it.-'. .|.-v, 1..|..u.-ui in counecliou »ith Miner i- a machine u> print syllabi.-* wi. and tin l< iiiti by a sinjjl.- pr.-sui. ..ftli.- U\ .i time vavin'i; <U -vice that will ...t Kith nit hi faiour in all biiHinew.
    460 words
  • 953 12 The Coronation flower par excellence ii going to be Uie sweet pea, says a home paper. Some people call a spade a spade. Others use something very much like it oa Uie inw, and call it a putter. -Golf Illustrated. Sir Kufus laHacM told Uie Maccabeans Uiat
    953 words
  • 160 12 1 1., i, lea of learning to swim on dry land long been a target for the humourint. but its advocates have a notable recruit in Dr. K W. Alexander. Uie Medical Officer of 11. ..Ith for Poplar, who ban divined a very ingenious contrivance
    160 words
  • 1652 12 I Like the act independent of r. 'axon. the ar of sympathy i*. I doabt Dot a rare thing i Uw animal world cut id.- nian. Hut in quite ao rare aa we imagine T If I w.r to argue from my own experience only, shook) «ay it
    1,652 words
  • 628 12 Sir Robert Anderson on Need for Distinction. Ih. f. ai ha- ..ft. ii Invn -s.-l that the romance witli liu-li crime v -om.-tnii.-. in vested, or tin- faU. Hytupatli) (r.i|iit -ntly lit-s tnwnd up-.ii i.tfiiicl.r- iniulil have ,t s.rious effect mi rvHin I rpuiual Uml.-ncl. Tin tir-t
    628 words
  • 154 12 In tin- number of the Kmpirc Magaxine, Dr. Klisabeth Sl.wu GaMaW, contribute* a thoughtful -..or might alinwt aay statesmanlike article ,ni tin- ii.h .^uity of saving tli. Kuipire'H babies. She declares Uiat every baby saved v a citixeu gained for Uie Stale -We might ,-a.sily Have.
    154 words
  • 928 12 The following paim-n^T* arr bi»>k<«l houi.--r o rVr Syria, Mulin K Marcli «.'..-Mi i r K HialifHli. M. T,,h ii.ii.l, I>, Q. B. H W. AT. X.11.,«. M, I Mm. Syktit ami t«., irif;mt-. \|i .m-l Mr, \i< 1.,. 11- an, l on. infant. Mi- .1 l>
    928 words
  • 147 12 111. death UN>k place hi lv» ri-.n1.1i,, Ashumiriic. Itiili. >pt. >n OUh^hh. on It unary 81, i.f Mi TJioh (involnii. Mi t, had wmic i Uimi Ui i» ..usi.l, r.^l uf tli>- iulilmt trade in Ouutgow. having Ixsu connected witli Uk- hrin ,>f Mr IVu-r
    147 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 328 13 BOXING. BOXING. THEATRE ROYAL North Bridge Ftoavd. Amerfcm and Eng/mnd'm Gremtemt Light Wmlgkt: BATTLING NELSON V 8 OWEN MORAN. Kleven last and (uiious rounds. 6 knock downs, and MoraaV terrible left hook to the Body, snowing tbe Greatest Knockout ever prodaotd in any ngbt pioture. THIS WILL BE BHOWN ON
      328 words
    • 488 13 IQARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND REBIDENOE Comfortable rooms. Near town. Terms oderate. Apaij C. D., o/o Straits Timaa. 3 8 BOARD AND RESIDENCE Splendid single aad doable rooms with srudaba, baths and showers attached, oee to towa. Every Co-fart Taaafa oort. Terms moderate. Apply Ptoprietresa, illiney House, 7, St Thomas'
      488 words
    • 447 13 THE STRAITS TIMES I Can be obtained at the following pIsOM in SingiMion 1 Messrs John Little ft Co., Ltd. Mean* ICeUy and Walsh. Ltd. JUlttes Hotel. Adelpbi Motel Hotel da 1 Koiopc. Hotel »an Wijk, Stamford Boad. Messrs. Koli Co., 90, Bras Baaah Boad Tbe Oolden Foantaia," lleaooolen Street.
      447 words
    • 217 13 A LADIES' AND GENTS' ,-^S. GOLD (£m WATCHES \_^*vlPMmr f Of various patterns at Lowest Prices. B. P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, MIOH STREET. 'GDog's Jiead 9 guinness THE «toat yoa're nsed to. GOES EVERYWHERE. In Qo»rt>, Pints and NIPS. sole agents KIM HIN CO.. Singapore. THE DENTAL HALL, NO.
      217 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 726 14 CHEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. de-d Office: Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Director* c. A. Dobjucb, Bag., Chairman A. H. Faib, Em* Managing Director Paras Fovui, cm Chief Mad. Officer f. M. Elliot, Ben. Rot. M. J. Coevaat a. Tew Noan Pan, Beg. O«a Booa Tbb, Esq. taoo Sun
      726 words
    • 528 14 BAiiKiWH CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares of 490 each 11,J00,000 Reserve Foad. 41,*****0 Reserve Liabilitf of Proprietors... 41,300 000 BANKKBS. Natioaal Baak of Scotland. Tbe Loadoa City A Midland Baak, Lai. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and
      528 words
    • 731 14 UNKING. IK tZt NM TOW SMMBJ Ml •Trw^*»Wwaa™»ww B Bft WV*f LI U> NO. IT AND 68, KLING BTBBBT. Established lam. Capital paid ap %\JOOOfiOOJOO Raserve liability ol propriesor. IjmjOOO.OO OOUFT OF DIRBCTORB. 1. Tab Tbcb Joob ft. Sra Kia Jab 8. Nab Kirn SaM 7. Tao Hoo Lai I.
      731 words
    • 1291 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, etc THE PROPERTY OF J. II RKJKNS. ESQ. AT -CASTOR' o\LEI I("AI> On Saturday, March 11, at 3.30 i».r»». Aa excellent tened (ottsge Piano by RsmrprrKer. stnttvart, io good coiidition handsome rattan and straw string woven drawing rorni lurniture. a
      1,291 words

  • 842 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Electric Lights. During tin- «intrr mouths tin- motorist aeoht Ins uua<lliKhtH continually, fur the ilays are hot abort anil the nightx long. Thin luakix Um> acoe—ory wrtioo of Uic E.linbiirßh Hhow intttvirtintt. nays Uic Telexrapli. oMpocialIvan Uiere it a clianye io
    842 words
  • 106 15 lragiu ilincovory »»> inaiU in .m .ifficf ..I Mai Abenlfx-n Daaha. M.. nt ; m tlie morning of Un 2u«l iimt., wlm-o Mr. Mi\.iu<i«r S<|iiair. auooantant, >•> n<l itli I tliruat cut. hikl in a prarth .ill', iim.l. coiiilitiou. Mr. Sipiair. wlh> is about 'J*'i yearn
    106 words
  • 108 15 I In- iwurruyf. ourciuou) li.ija Abdul A/i/, tli. .Hily hoii .il th, l.i;. l;.i i.i Miwla Miwa, wiUi lUj» lialijali. .lauyl.t. i ..I II 11. tl* Sul Uo oflVarak ami rUja I.-i i~uti. omimonocH at Cliangkat HajMa t<> mo. mw. tin rtth idhl. ami turniinatni
    108 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 349 15 WOLSELEY ARS NONE SUPERIOR. Full parti( ulars from the Sole AfOBTOI CENTRAL SSSS SILENT KNI6HT cc ROVERS Arriving Shortly l 8 HIV. Single cylinder (our seated Cara. II HP, Two cylinder fire aoatod Can. In Stock •JO HI, 8 cylinder, se»en aeated, STANDARD," painted Black. 15 UP.. 4cjhn.lor, five aeated,
      349 words
    • 39 15 Rheumatic Palna. When joa li»\. r>M!iiniatmm in your foot >ir insti p aiiply liiaiuburlain'H l"am Kalru uxi yoa wilt gut .iiii.k r. li.f 1 1 out* bat a trifle. Why anffer I Kor -ale by all Dia-rx-nHarwa a»l Drak'nt.
      39 words
    • 328 15 Japanese Dentist, 74 BRAB BABAH ROAD Dr. K. Tnrtada 'm tb* only Japaaeaa Uentiat in tbe tows with wbom yoa eaa 3oaaaH direct aitbar la BaajMah at Malay. Painleat Bxtraatioa from 11 each Oold Caapiac I JoinedCroWT BtidaaWork Full Mt teeth oa plate 30 Gold&Uiaf Treatmeat SO eta. a time.
      328 words
    • 134 15 B VAN DER TACK Fry« Staia aa4 beat Mwioaw Qlgn-t eanaot be eqnaibd A trial wiU eaavteoe yoo CERIL BREAD K U HLM ANN SAUBAOEB sas Baat Liqaan aad Cm be obtained of j i fvy m Rnßimuiii Rnin Wbotaaala aad Retail Dea.. I QUICK WAY TO AMASS A
      134 words
    • 104 15 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO.. LTD. \r W< KNTKANCBroBORNBU WbART) Talaphone IO2S. Us«ailockao<aUkiD.Uoi I KOAKti MEATS. Me., caa be delivered lo Slnppia* at tbe Wbanrea or id Urn Hi—an nr- Boa<l«, on akaa* aotioa. JfFICE HOURS Week day* 7 ant to 9 p.nj Saaday. 1 a.m. to 8 a.m., it I
      104 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 484 16 "ELEPHANT" Cement BEST PORTLAND GUARANTEED PURE MANUFACTURED IN ENGLAND. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS. PREBBM«K WMTID. I'romman witli fir-t clans knowledge of Whatfdalo uiacliin.'. Ooly experiencl an and spply Good salary given to suitable man. Apply Printer, co Straits Timer. !fl 1 U FOREMAN WANTEO Wanted. Foreman for an Aerated
      484 words
    • 451 16 WANTS. SHISTWM TYPIST WHTEO. W&utif) a firn rate Shorthand-writer and Typi"t. *rP y to W. Barker 4 Co. I Ml ENGINEERS WANTEO. 11 1.. :r opt an Engineer to drive and look aft- r an Oil Motor Tractor and Plough at Malacca >oe Native Kngineer with Driver's Cettihcati to take
      451 words
    • 532 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOUBEB TOUT. Terrace Hooees ia Wilkie Road, Bant •26. Immediate entry. Apply Gothrie aad Co., Ltd. OFFICE ft MOOWN TO BE LET Witb imm«dia** entry Ho. T. Makooa Saras*. Apply to OOTHBIB A CO., LTD. aIM OFFICES TO LET. Whole of second floor of Commercial
      532 words
    • 721 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Mr. 0L E. .loonson ia no longer ia out esupioy BELLAMY AND CHRISTIE 10 8 13,; HUSO. AND NEAVE. LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that tbe Coupon Serial No. 18 on Share Warrants to Bearer of this Company for tbe Dividend declared at the rate of 15 and
      721 words
    • 646 16 NOTICEB. KIAM KMT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. BBBMsaWfaaaBBBBBat aaasßß BBBsaaaaavaakai I «U. m n^nTwaaT^naßßßßßf» ajawaj BsWaWnaßßaaaßßj MwimiwTt. Taieahoae No. 431. 108 109. Market Street. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION It ia hereby notified that the List of Applications for Public House l.itmt^rt to be considered oa tbe 21st March, 1011, by the Board
      646 words
    • 493 16 NOTICES. PEGOH. LIMITED. NOTICE OF LOSS OF SCRIP Notice is hereby givno tbat la*^ in tbe aaiue of A. A. .1 Broun lot J5 Kully I'aid Shares in this Company numbered 864 M to 864.V1 has btin lust and anyoa«ooming into possession of thr above named scrip is asked to
      493 words