The Straits Times, 8 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.508 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8. 1011. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 216 1 tfATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. SELECT FURNITURE AT diatz ffirotders, Jstd. SPECIAL ATTENTION AND QUOTATIONS GIVEN FO? HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS. LARGE BTCCK SPECIAL DESIGNS ■i \u avc seasoned wood, finished with Minx Til ALWAYS i MffUC IU the greatest care, and supervised CN HAND. hy experienced workmen. ORDER. JUST
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    • 298 1 CALICOES. SHEETINGSRobinson A Go. Linen and Cotton Q PC C^ IA I Sheets and Sheeting. O I Ev^l/\L Swiss Muslins Damask Cloths, __.w Serviettes, SHiIW Persian Lawns, Piques. 5 od-k T.a Cloths. 0 1 I V^ W Drj||s Bf H||ants Cushion Covori, f^ T^ Costume Linen Toilet Covers and Side-
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 1109 2 SENSATION OF UNEASINESS IN THE AIR. Freicta OpiakM. In a uU-jjrain .Lit. <1 January 11. tlic I'a. is nanjnßßou.l.ut 01 .li. Standard *Uten All Uie cveuiiiu newsnaprn u> ilay contain long artielgK eoiniuenting on the Hpeech of Count Ton Aelirenthal. \r.~tro Hun|>ai-ian MininUr foi Korean Affairs. Ufon- the
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  • 886 2 A SERIOUS OUTLOOK. Jwl a* the beat scorches the green 6,1,1s ud>r.-« the siae of stria—, so il won ttnek up, as it weir, the vitality of tbr body and reduce it» nervous fore* to mh.ill amount. The incwfuliU- mmlt of this euatiaur.l .1. pkrtion of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 150 2 -^Tr^r* *^^^B BwK^^^^^P**''^awi MMMr^T^^^pHMMMMMM^^^^Bwl MMMMMmV '"~*Xf J^X^BwMMT "*^^kmmm\ mW Jj| I I y^^y^/l'^mmmmmmm mmW^XWmmmT' B>Vn I (ret iAiQ nPr^Law 'A* M M« V < V \l iKryJOawBMMMMM/ 1 Imwt m\\ H O jmkn^mmt mwr^m] mm m 9* A M| mmV. owßßlm awa _V^ -^^B VANA' Tonic Wine THE IDEAL IN
      150 words
    • 36 2 kheumatit Pains. When you liavc rltcumatwin ia ymr loot or mst. |i .ipi'ly C'liaiubt-rbun'a I'ain Balm and yon will get quick relief. It eontn bat a trill.' Wliy «uffi-r For «ale by all Din-pt-UHiirii- and lValci
      36 words
    • 145 2 STRIKING IXPIRIMIHTS ■I tNi RtgucsT or tmc LOCAL COWMUKT UARO FOR IBfIUU The remarkable t udlnsrxix-i menis conduct*! In the &choo< of Ph>*k>!o«». Trtnlty CHu^r Dublin, at ma rraucM. •< the lucal Government Boara for I i land, prov* that BOVRIL whan added to a Ixoa diet. h. b <l
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    • 425 2 Oriental Jiair VOasf). Thia vary elegant pranaratiin oontniniiia iovalnable atimouwta aad airtrinc enta aad nnmbiainn n Ma uoMuuniniuu the joint iaKredieata of a lotion and a pomade with tbe delicaona odoar of Oriental flo van. poienn ia ita Rreat otility aa a ooMMtnfM highlj a—Mm propertiea, taorenainK tbe (fiowth of
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  • 898 3 REPRESENTATION AT THE SAN FRANCISCO EXPOSITION. Proposed Joint Arrangement Ix>nkiUK fiir«ar<l f<>ur yi»rs. vhi n tin haWAWJI Cwasl shall beo|H!iMil la WM »or 1.1 mill Shu Kmnciaro celeiiraU'H (Ik epi i: by mi BSWaWMsaV a cable((ntiii ».i- Honolulu to Manila, Uwt iii-.>>' ij" ih< i'oiiiiiiercial AUt«-iI- -i
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  • 90 3 A 1 1.-ii telegram datnl February 'SI s«\ s i smls rt-]>nrt that tin it it a large ili-n In t two hundred milt* from tin mouth uf the Cliannel in th. track of Atlantic. Mi <liU iram-au and South African slii|>|.inq. It i-t bcliivcil tij be
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  • 94 3 Soiim' time a|{O Ur- autltoritieo |«w«itl a rrgulatiuii |«rv. ntii^ cyelUtx in Bangkok froui UHinf; uiotor car boron, it tiring laid duwn that all bicyrk« ujust harr UIN It aoouiH. however, tliat Uwmc latter arc not »tiT wnukiD|> innii^li to unit a crrtaiu cIaHH of youth, and instead of brIK
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 500 3 •T PAIN ARISING > Jtllf.Wisl.**""^^,^I f IV I'M»HKt Brolf. I rf\ 7 C (M, WrMoii, V\ af i»T A jmmC.Jd. &.rm,u-J Ok V f •> '\V la)UaW«Jl»nrti<i T/K- f .'>i^W is H«« treated by oiia. -/^*~m '-IS*C/ KIJIMAN-S tnrHmt I. T^-M^M**^ 7 i*frrm*m* *i> en ia the rT^r fr- I~J
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    • 13 3 Fcr all internal eomplaiaU. Dyatatery Uetvxha, Colda, ese take Woode' Great Paapermint Cnrr
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    • 678 3 1 OF HORRIBLE iTOnIN Sore« on Arms, Legs and Toes. Could Not Sleep at Night for the Pain. Gavo It Up as Incurable. Used Cuticura Treatment and Has Never Seen >ny Sores Since. "Bonn ftr-i i •>iiim-» «1 on my «im atx -.1 tan umit. I nmuctit iiiry u w..|
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    • 334 3 C===a MILK j>f a J ...roqp. Thoaa who uaa BTESTL^'B FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a atavaward artiela favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwarda of M yean. Being partly nompnaul af milk, tha addition of water only it required to prepare the Feod far
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 636 4 STEAMER BAILIN6S. PtFO. STEAM NAVIGATION C 8 FOR CHINA. JAPAN, PENANO, CEYLON, AUSTKALIA, INDIA, ADBN. EOYPT. MEDITBRBANBAN, PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast. Persian Oolf, CoatJaeatel, and American Porta. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward {/or China.) 1911 I Delhi
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    • 522 4 oTEAHEa BAIUWBB. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN UNE. A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via porta to Marseille*. London aad Antwerp, under mail oootraot with tbe Imperial Japanese Government Tbe New Twin screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 627 4 STEAMER SAIUN6B. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO U 8 MAIL LINL The great rtiianhtji line between CHI N A, JAPAN aad BUBOPB, via Honolulu and Saa Fraaoisoo, operating tbe new 18,000 tons, twin screw atniirs KORBA aad SIBERIA, together with the well known Un CHINA. ASIA. MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA.
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    • 277 4 BTEAMER BAIUN6B. Canidian Pacific Railway Go 8 Royal Mail Sta* nahip Una. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB Vu Cbima. Jatam, Canada and tbb (Jams Statbs. Route from Hongkong, via jTiT. Nagaaaki (Inland Sea of Japaa),Kobe, Yokohama, Tietoria and Vanoouver. R.M.S. Bmprees of India" Twin screw B M.S Bmprass of Japan
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    • 540 4 STUMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNE. HAMBURG. AJTD DEUTSCHE OAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTBGES. HANBA BREMEN. Combined Service. The stssmsrs of these Companies maintain a rsgolar servios between Hamburg, Bramsn, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and ths filraiu. China and Japan. Hnmewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and ones a month for Bremerhaven direct.
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    • 676 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Rorddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tbe fast and well known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnightly from Dramas, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, fin steams ton, Oibratar. Oenoa, Naples (eoaasoting Marseilles, Mnplss, Alaxandna. and vioe versa) Port Haid, Boss. Aden. Colombo. Penaag. Singapore.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 644 5 BTEAHER SAILINGS. SE ANG LINE OF STEAMERS v -Olenogie" 8,750 Tons •Seangßee" S.7W Tons. a^. "SeaogChoon" 8.776 Tons. FOR PENAN6 ANO RANGOON sKan CUOON, oa March 14. HM HONGKONG, AMOY AND SWATOW nn OLENUOLK, on March 18. Tbeae steamer have excellent aeoom modation for rjaxtmgnr*, and oarry qoaliflec snrgeoc* They
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    • 626 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. fm .taaiaar* of thnCompaaT maiatsiaa a ragnlar direct arrvio. batwaan CalcuiU, StraiU H nt koog. Bhaoga«i aad Japan, lakioj oargo, on throogh Billa f Lading for Canton. Swatow, Amoy, Ch*foo. TienUin, Newohwang, YaagUa* Port*. Formoaa, tb* Philippine*, *te ate. StsamaTi Too* Commander KtmuiM
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    • 271 5 BHAPB OF OUR LABELS y^^^^^^oSafc-aaaiSi-jß^r^^l^-lwa-n-nr, /pfc^-W^^Tj*ynawaawßnawWaWßwg*^aaa* We have improved oar SODA WATBR and thia is now AT LBABT A 8 GOOD aa the best in town, oar LBMONADB, TONIC, OINOKR ALB, GINGER BBRR, LEMON BQOABH, ICE CREAM SODA, etc., etc., are BETTER. Sand your trial order to The Bt-aUaa Jt.eMfa.fa
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    • 536 5 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the follow ing places in Siii£;ipon* Messrs John Little Co Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walab, Ltd. Raffloa Hotel. Adelphi Hotel. Hotel ds l'Europe. Hotel van W:jk. Stamford Road. Messrs. Koh Co 90, Bras Baaah Road Tbe "Golden Fountain," Benooolen Street Tbe Rafreabment Huffet,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 686 6 I'\TRONI/BD BY ROYALTY tfS UDIEB MID BENT8 1 S^\ -OLD (*sml watches ■><- J Ot various patterns at Lowest Prices. B P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller*, HIOH STREET. FURTHER REDUCTIONS In thm Price of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th February, inclusive. Ask for new PRICE LIST from DUPIRE BROTHERS, Aganta.
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    • 315 6 BOARD UNO LODGING. MUM tW BESIOENK Comfortable rocms. Near town. Terms moderate. Apply C. D e/o Strsits Times. 84 24 BOARD AND RESIDENCE Splendid single aad doable rooms with veraadahs, baths and showers attanhaii. oloae to town. Bvary Comfort Taaais Coart Terms moderate, Apply runwlatisas. KUliaey House, 7, SI Thomas'
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    • 362 6 ARTICLES FOR SALE. MOTOR MR HM MLE Foor cjlinder Damoq oar, 18 H. P.. saat five, »rry ooirforUb'e, in Tffrikwit eoaatiOß; Bantam Apply K. T. Z., e/o IU TLRKOUTB FOR BALE Oaleattaault two seated VICTORIA, last Aostraliaa Mare and Haraasa; Alao OHAKRY, Aostraliaa Pooy and Har boss. Apply DT. Boyd
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    • 98 6 SATISFACTION Juii twelve letters eiprcaaiag exactly what we offer you. We are-^i COMMERCIAL BJBJ POSTER PRINTERS BOOKBINDERS STATIONERS Give u» a Trial Order. Estimate* supplied Free on Application. THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS. LTD. TELEPHONE Ho 348 YAMATO'S Spring SALE COMMENCES MI ARCH 1. 41, HIGH STREET. Vnil can play tlie
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  • 149 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday. March S. High Water, 2.88 am., 4.10 p.m. 8 C. C. Tmodis Tournament. Y. M. C. A. aaniveraary, 8.45 p.m. Thursday. March 9. High Water, 8 <9 a.m 8.2J p.m. P. and bomoward mail dor, 7 am. S Q, 0. Tennis Tournament Friday. March 10.
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  • 134 7 To-DAT. Batu Pabat Aing Hin 8 pm Baiiwk"k Bridge 3 pm Sonrabiys. Bali and Man a -sr Wilbelrn 4 pm HopfkooK and Japan K«mo Mara 4pm Malacca and Muar K»ka 4 pm Bangkok Cbowtai 4* pm To MOKBOW. Penaoß. Malarra, I M S. iRy train) 1 am
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  • 171 7 Tbe P. and O. homeward mail a'etmer An«ay» having left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, tbe 4th instant, Day be expected toanivi litre to morrow at 8 am The P. and O oatward mail steamer Devanba having left Colombo at 1 a-m oa Sunday, tin- Ml
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  • 237 7 Latest Arrivals. Ban I' >h Ouao, Brit. str. S'6 tnnx Captain Sniitti. Mar 6. From Port Sa-e'.knham. Mar 5 Oc. and 4 dp. Bajsaal St*am<bip Coy. For P.>rt SwetUnhan, I ic. K adH. Hiloara, B it. air. 84<U)tor*. Capt Übdg son. Msr 7 Kro n Caicu'ti. Keb 34.
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  • 48 7 inn. halls <>n Kurt Canning ami M»un. Fatal .Ir. > daily at I p.m.. Singapore nLinilanl time. corrc*|>onding to 6 a.lut niimn time Th. unit- ("tin ih tinil at V 2 o'clock nuun, indicating Singapore i time, on rviry ilay rxtx-pting ■bbbbbVi I»-u it m Arod one o'clock.
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  • 104 7 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. T4NJONO PAOAR Bait Wmr Bastn— Knastaa. Bast W. Sbctioh No I— Strom boa, Dilwara. Snaaas Wbabf S<larg<Mr. Maim W. Bb.-t. No. 2 -Kuryalaa, Castor. B—(Jambyses.8 (Jambyses. 4— Nippon. 8- Nil. Mar-j. Aatilooboa, Kaaao Laoooh Dock
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  • 179 7 Arrivals Pr-r steamer Kamo M«m. March 7.— From Loodoo via ports Mr. aad Mr*. C. W. Banks, Mr. and Mra. K H«ritarh, Mr. aod Mm. P C. le Roy ri'Ktiollea. Dr. 1.. Kins, Mr. K F. Bmoie and Captain W. A. Richards. Per suaoj»r Dilwara, March 7.—
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  • 186 7 Per P. aod U. steamer M^>p«oli«. connect in« with tbe atramer Uovanba at Colombo. due March in Mr and Mrs H O Jtrkvo and child Mr J II Wiisns. Mr McK.y, Mr aid Mrs E Hose, MrFDB Op-n»haw, Mr* W J K. np. Mra Knuli.h. Mr W
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  • 338 7 Concession to Subordinate Civil Servants at Hongkong. At a L)>giHlatire Council meeting, re ccntly Iwld at Hongkong, an important paper wm laid on the table explanatory of the Hcheine which ha* been dewed by the Government and approved by the Secretary of State with reference to tbe
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  • 231 7 Finance Commerce. BtMOATOBB. Mai. h H, 1911. O» Loitooß— Bask 4 m/s I/4A Desand l/ 4, r Piivate6o>/a 1/4 A do Sm/s Om Obbmamt Bank d/d 140 Privals I m/a 544 Oa Fbancb Bask d/d i 96 Private m/a MS, Oa Imdia Bank T. T. IT4| Privsts 80d/s 1T« V
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    • 172 7 l-*oe V«loe£ 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Brwwh Hyd 10 10 Kaoaboi XI £1 KinuTm 41 41 KledtngTin 10 10 KaulH Tin 41 41 I.ahat Mine* 10 10 MaUooa Til 6/- Pahan« Couol 41 £1 PtngkaJen 41 41 I'jmdk H»bra 41 41 Puainß Lam* 10
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    • 624 7 E-ItaL I Bayer*. Seller*. I/- AlUrm 411 1/ Au«lo Malay 148 1.0.M I/- >/• Ihriui Malaka a, 10 8 6 tl £1 BttoCtfH 16 00 15 15 0 Cl 41 BtMTm 6.2.6 6 ISO Cl XI Bokil Kftjaag 5.17.6 8 0.0 El XI Bokit Lintaa« 4.100 6.00 Cl IS/-
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    • 126 7 lone 5 Value Buyer*. 10 10 ■■■Urn Smeltioß 10 T n «75 41 41 Kleotric Tramway* 8/8 10 10 FrMw Ne«»e MM 1(0 Howftrtb KrakiDe 100 7% Hrel. 9000 100 100 KaU Bro. IVt 100 100 B a Chip. Prat. 10 10 Mayotrd k Co. 34 60 ScUan 800
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    • 48 7 Bayers Seller* Howsrth Brskine 6% 1000,000 par Riley, HargreaTea 6% 1i84,000 S, Sf pm Singapore Electric Tran-ways 6% 48*0,000 Spore Municipal 6% *****000 bob. Bayers Sellers Spore Municipal 4J% of 1807 11,600X00 6% 7%pa> Spore MnnicipaJ 41% of 1900 ,1.000,000 7% B%pm 8 pore Mußkoipal »ftoi.9Oo T%nsa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 54 7 Answer to the Question. Mow t<> run- a oil. l is a i|ii<-sli»n in whiaft many art- inU-n^iUxl juxt now. I halnbcr lain's Cuii^li K. im^ly ha- won it» groat ri'putation ami iiiitiu-nm; sale by iln remarkable cure of cnUls. It ran alwayx b»' dn-|»-n.1..l ii|»n. For Half by all
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    • 211 7 AUCTION SALES PowsO UlCa. Mm. 11— At S'anmore. Orange Rd Java te%k and Karoo* -male honwhod furntare, etc prooertv rf < ScHa.l-l. E-q at \M. Mar. 11 -AtCtMor.Oclry Road, teak hooae bold furniture, eta, at 8.10. Mar 14 —At aalrroom, aabare in theas*et» aod affect* »f and in a partnsrsbip
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    • 122 7 "SPECIALS" Maspero Freres, Cairo, Egypt. A New High-class Egyptian Cigarette IN HANDSOMELY DECORATED TINS OF 50 CIOARETTES. Prloei $1.26 per tin. FROM JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., Aad ROBINSON AND CO. Justus Van frlaurik's (Sigars. SELDOM EQUALLED. NEVER EXCELLED Specially Rsoommsndsd t MacKinley, Fegalia comme il faut SS 00 per hundred.
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    • 303 7 STOREKEEPER WANTED Wasted, for tbe Federated Engineering Co., Ltd Koala Lampor. a thoroughly oompetent and reUable 31OHEKK8PER Applt with copies oi Testimonial! to the Oeotral Manager, Koala Lumpur 8 8 14 8 TYPIST WANT£D. Wasted at onoe. Typiat, experienced moat know English well. Yost Machine. Applj W.W.M., Howartb Enkine, Damar
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    • 49 7 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Und»rtak«rs and Monum«nt«l Basons. BBTaBLIBHBU 1881. JUST RECEIVEDi New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finiah. Marble*, MeUllio Wreaths, etc. Monument* of every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be bad in the colony. With Plamei in üb«. riLBPHONB i MO. TIT. MO. 187. ORCHARD RO4U 6
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 189 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kaadasg Kerfaao Hospital. March T. 9 a.m. p. a. 9 p.m. Rainfa'l Bared. 82 Fah 3°>9o 39.76H 9.866 Temp 84.0 87.) HT.O Nil. Wet Bulb Ther 76.0 78.4 78.6 Dir (f Wind NA. SB S K M*k Temp. I W>.t Mio. 71.0 I ■am. in San 149.0 Te
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  • 1237 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8. THE CENSUS. There m a good deal of fiery fcc'ling about the form in which the local census paper* have been prepared. Some Government official, daring more than ha* ever been attempted at Hume, nought to get particulars of the religiou* belief* of the
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  • 15 8 Latest adveoiw .in nta of Uie day appear on page 7 as well an 10.
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  • 25 8 Thr output of aaaal ore for February from the Kinta Assneiation. LimiUil was as follows Kinta mine 'JOJ piculs. tnbuW M jyculs. total .VA'. picnls.
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  • 34 8 The annual Itisley inueting of the Singa MM Kifle Association will be held at Itales tier Kange from Jnne H to 21. both date* inclusive. An attractive prugraiuine is being arrangiil by Uie committee.
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  • 67 8 Among Uie theft* reported to Uic police yesterday was one of which Mr. (i S Ituch waldy. of Thomson Koad. was Uie victim. He accuses his boy of stealing s pair of dan cinq pumps and a handkerchief, value Hl'. Mr. A. (iomex. 10H River Valley Road, also Uie
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  • 60 8 A number of hini-se and Indian shop ki"'|>is wen summoueal before Mi.KiruisU'iie 111 tin first paaaa aaart u> day for aaaaj in imssesMion of various dwellings and Una siires tliat wen' false. Mr. Klauagan. liis|n. tor of Weights and Measures, prusveuted, and yavi en.leiic. regaplint' the degiii of shori age
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  • 69 8 A h-legiain frtHii Umdon dattsl February W, says A letter signed hy Lord Curson, Karl Orey, Lord (ieorge Hamilton, and Sir George Held expresses confidence that the tliat King (ieorge s Kmpire slioiil.l present a Coronation gift to the King will be taken up with favour. Subscriptions from Id.
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  • 70 8 Mr. Miltborp. superintendent of licensed premise-, summoned to tin- district court U> day Tock Siang. manager to Kirn Him nml Co.. spirit .le.lli 1-. 18 Khug Stnvt. IMeudant was charged with varying the amount of proof spirit in dutiable liquors without notifying the kii|h riuUndeiit. Mr. (iaunt. for the defence,
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  • 81 8 lUm -utly. then aJH Pjaataal a case of serious assault hy two Chinsiiien u|*>n a coiu|ntriot. The vi. Tim of th assault died iv lio-.|jilal aud at the resultant inqaast a Masai t ..1 c, ir I 1 .i_ v- ii!- 11. ants «^is retnrniil. Sinei- then, how.ver. a |>«stiiiort/in
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  • 79 8 The will of Hawley Harvey CripfMß, now ronlinol 111 His Ma|.-ty prison at I'enlon ville." and dated November 8, l'.'lo. is la Miss Kth.-l Clara Le of :ili. Horns, y r.«d. and the val in of tin |.io|»-rt\ sworn it X-J6S 6s. t*l. He left everytliini; he should
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  • 93 8 A theft of over IM lbs of r -ihl. in the railway gaaaa sln-d at Klang ■>n the nii;iit of the lst'iust It uoui.l apasai that nun 1 ilil> 1 won reeeivisl ..11 the above date at the goods shed for transport h I'ort S«. tt.uh 1111. The
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  • 91 8 A'le whiell has l»s u.^l «liowiiil; that Mi»~ MeLaai, the tiane.i- ..f the lat. Lieutenant Itoyd Alexander, has faMUM her mission ami is \|«-ru-.| shortly in Kn^ This is ■aaaplad ihaaMafl of the rumours that th.' small |iart\ 11.1 I been luur derol. Miss McLtmd. who is a
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  • 102 8 Tlh- Manila Times announces that tin tiriu of M 1. k. and Co. hat formed a paraaaf ship with C'.il.lUsk. Mae^re^or ami (.1, and Wise ami C... with the firm name of the Manila Wine Merchants. 1.t.l Mark. nmU b.y.iii o|M'ratioiiH in Manila 111 1 The new firm will have
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  • 113 8 Mr. A. lVihn preHidexl at an extraonlinary general lueelin^ of the l>ja|M»r.i Indraciri' ItiibUr I'ompaiiy. Lul.. in the ofri. c of the secretaries. Messrs. Kvatt and Co.. yesterday. The Imsineiw was purely formal, a Maakatfaa bein^pasNod to empower the i'ultuur Maats ehappij Indr.iuni aud its 111 inat;!!!^ dinstor to ne^otiaU'
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  • 161 8 Tin In.liun and Australian liner Kuryalus. of tin- tiriu of tUmm. AaaßßaaM Carrie ami Co.. lvi iirrivcl ( p.rt-. tn Java. The hU-.i:iui left Melbourne, her laxt Australian |-.rt. on February ltt, arriving at Italavia on .Inl luit. Sli. hh'il.-.I auain fi.nn lliat port on 4tli in»t., anil arrival
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  • 414 8 1 iptain s. ■aaaaaaaa, M Itrthnirns, and Lieut It r w.ii.i Tka u,,ns. aaaa b.*n granted leave U. proct-tsl home The funernl of tin Uu Mr Ch.« (iian K Thye will take place on Sumlav. l'-'tl. 111st.. st II a.lll from BaaM Itoftd to Alexandra Koail Mr.
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  • 41 8 The ordinary general meeting ..f tin share holders H Krasirand N.av. l,t-l »a> held in the hoartl r.»»in st n.«.n to .l.;\ Mi (ientle pasaUai. A full r. |«.rt of the pro asaiiagp aM pakaiakad hi ssano*
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  • 76 8 An ordinary unstiny ai tin Munnipal i > >i 11 1 11 1 1 i> will l« h. 1.1 on Kridai wbea the I. i-in. will 111. hn l. t ot 1. mli 1- hi an tried bMsallalioa at tin Municipal workahop. objectioßs lv tin uV mo htioii
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  • 108 8 ill the first poll. .1 nt .1.1 I'araUu hut. eaplitui ot th. steaim 1 Nippasv was elmrijisl with aarrnag M excess of tin niiinlxr allouisl l>\ his hcemv Mr K.hii..mU. D r praaa .:..i ant aduutUsl the otTeuce but ~tat.-l in e\ U 11 list 1011 that
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  • 357 8 Mi^-sr- Dnpin lin*. aim the l.« ;1 MMI Uu M.iheliii tyiVS, Mm us tlmt they lihm U) ila\ ni i iv sl tssagraakic Hstaraaa lion from Memr* Michehn ami To., ..f Cfat mont Kranee. M ICinuiv yesterday won the l.ran.l Tux .l.\M»ti..n oi niM««i
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 354 8 The Roneo Copier Hare yon investigated the merits of this rery necessary Office Appliance SOME OF ITS FEATURES No water, damp cloths or smutty carbons used, Perfect copies always. No smudging of originals. Copies taken ten times as quickly as by any oUier method. Several copies can be taken from
      354 words
    • 222 8 HUMOROUS PICTUEES or Max Under (The King of Uuglitcr) M. Mm* (The Prince of Mirth) AMD ■■AMY NKW PICTURES ■MM A Film of the American Kinerua Series IKTITLID ••Tit* VMw4m of Lov. ALHAMBRA To-Ni^ht. mi oca n«w issir or PathB's Animated Uaxette, 25Ui Edition. TMKI millllin." Launch of H.M.S. "Thunderer"
      222 words

  • 216 9 IMPERIAL CHANCELLOR AND MODERNISM. The Relations of Church and State Involved. I>*R OITtHUTtMII I.L#Tl> TIUUBAM. Berlin. March 7. In the Prussian I Met II. 'rr Itethiuann dec-land that in tlw myotiationn wiUi Uie Vati. an in reference to tlw modernist oath, child communion, and priest dismissals, he
    216 words
  • 47 9 A Campaign of Two Thousand Meetings. Kki'tpir's Trt > liMMM, March 7. Tin Home Kule 11l ion has bis: n r. v Iv.ll au I. 1 tin presidency of Mr. Winston Churchill. Th. I 111,11 1- MMMMmJ a cauipnign of two thoiisiind meetini;- throughout HriUin.
    47 words
  • 39 9 Rautaai IaLMMaM. LmMi Match 7 Nt Petersburg menaage states that a Bosaian police flotilla will be stationed on the Amur in th. spuni;. and all vesneU. including Chun vv ill be -ilhjo t U. il- order-.
    39 words
  • 35 9 rn'i T> wtti Umb\ M.ii 1 1 1 7 Mi VMMM I Inn. lull, replying MM» tion- in tin 11..,-. of 1 "tiim.,ti-. -aid li. vv^s MMriMMJ int., tin MMMJMMtM 1 ■I
    35 words
  • 35 9 Kettbr's iMMUt Lmmm, Mmm a lv. v m.-.sage says that Piiuce litnUHrH whoM illn.-»s wan r. ]-,!t. .1 r. ntly. 1- in. ,v >>nv alesci nt. and shortiv pna isil- to Japan.
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  • 23 9 HnTrK- Immm 1.011. 1. m. March n. Tin ii i-h MMMM m Feh r:iai\ w.- ll 'l-.1l- nn.l of .\|«.rts
    23 words
  • 29 9 Rectrr's T«lk..i:vm. Lmmm mm 1. I V i-hington mesMige states that Mr. Balbanar, WmMbT of tin Interior, has re. Mr Walt. 1 Fisher, ..f Chi hrn.
    29 words
  • 59 9 Hm-rnts Tri.r..K4M. l^.mlon. March s. .ln. MMMMI s.i\s the draw in the haw- T. inn- C.i, MMMMHm h.-\s taken \mein .1 play- *> i- 1. .In t. .til th. vv inner Filmland. Ti. nust off in time to permit a challenge r. I against the
    59 words
  • 25 9 Itirtta* Tklkokam. l^.ndoii M 11. h s I .king mi-ssagi. sjiv- 'In- pl;vg n Man 1 liuria 1- rapid I d.ii. ising
    25 words
  • 35 9 Dmj tisi vsiui.s. m I. L.1.1. Immm MMM, March 7 1.111 Finanii'MiiiisU'rliasiiifinrmul tli. Hum,, tint tin- tiuan.-.-s of th, Kuipir. MMMMbV I'ln r. is a 1. ii.ilhou- ..f IC-.11I.:. m it 1
    35 words
  • 1196 9 Miss Jean Campbell and Mr. Frank E. Gallimore. A merry ptwl nnn oat from the steeple of St. Andrew* Cathedral on Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mm. F. K. Oalliniore left the > < -try after -lyiunK the marriage regwter. It wax the weridinK of Minn Jean
    1,196 words
  • 243 9 MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS V. SINGAPORE TRAMWAYS. Special Case Before the Court. An tv lion i.f considerable intercut to nlmrf IhuUera in tin- Singapore Electric Tramwaya, Ltd., waa to have been heard in the Supreme Court, before the Chief Jmtic«. Sir W. H. llyndman .lonea. this morning, but owiaff
    243 words
  • 494 9 |KhoM OH <>H> CoKKEHPOMiENT.. Malacca. March K The |«daug enlargement *ln in.- hi- 1- v st 111. .111. 1 ui.Mt of tlw old buildings ..p;vrsite the diih have now been demolixlwd. I Plans have bts?n c-ompleUsl for the promised n. .luh. win. li it is mtendisl shall .uvupv
    494 words
  • 200 9 The follow ing Smga|iorc properties were din prMol of by auction at MemrH. Powell and Co. k saleroom yenterday afternoon: The Kiim |n .in 1 om|KMind house known ax llfl Kmeiald 11:11 Kowl. area IJH mpiare feet, freeliold. inon'.hly rent Id. Teow Kung Hee. H.7t«l the two shoph.itise
    200 words
  • 48 9 Tin- p, ninsiilar ami Oriental Company an nouuees. nay* a Lon<lon telegram to Rangoon. '.hit the new vewtel Maloja will go to Roni bay early in November a* an extra •(earner tiling at Mai-willeM on both outward anti lioiiii-ward journcyn for Uw convenience ol Cor. .nation Ihirhar pamiengeni.
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  • 1533 9 YEAR OF EXCELLENT CREDIT AND SOUND BUSINESS. Satisfactory Progress in Malaya. Tlw ordinary half yearly meeting of the Hongkong and Shanghai Hanking orporation waa bald at Hongkong, on February '15. Mr. U. Halloch, who prwMed. said We are fortunately again in a prikition to leootnmend a distribution
    1,533 words
  • 225 9 Police Station Captured and Telephone Wires Cut. currespuadent sends us son., furtlwi details of tuc gaug rohU-ry I at (it ma- .11 MMMJ >vi *****^. and whit I, l.inrtv r. ferrcd to in a tel-gian: published In i> in yes Unlay. It np|s-an> that a
    225 words
  • 499 9 An Allegation of Gross Deception in British Honduras. A- -h. wiui: th.\ are going along in ,Tts,.l tli.- rulibcr worlil than out »«i,. we quote tin following rc|»>rt published in ILiiil"-'|i by tt-lt-uram fiom Itoiiihay. MNN ing h MM| ill LmMSI "f t llriti-l, H..11 iliims KuhU
    499 words
  • 68 9 VOTE OF CONFIDENCE PASSED BY CHAMBER. Short Life Predicted For The New Ministry. Hbsteb'i Tiljuio London. Mai. I. 7 The Paris 1 hands r ban voted .oiifid.n.rin the new Government by Mm vote* to 1 14. London, Manh h. The new French C'abinet'n programme is too a«Kan. nl
    68 words
  • 23 9 D«*<; MMM IaVMB Immb MMM, March 7 At Pan-, the j-.rt that M P1.11..11 will UMMMI to Hi— i, t
    23 words
  • 25 9 !>■■ OSTASIATIMHR IsMMJ IWmMML i»rh,,. Mm 1. 7 Idols Imvc to the 11 .rth of Ke/, and a French military tin MM).
    25 words
  • 43 9 I M OH <)»v (MMMM Kuala IMMJM MM li lln I'lanteis MMM .in. 1 in ar. in receipt of a cable from I. nl. n ing th.follouini; MMM of rul.U 1 ■M and Ills, tit M I'Vl I I U.I
    43 words
  • 146 9 < h irl. li. ii|amin and C kindly favom 11- with the LaMM piles they havt received this morning Quotations m 1.1.1 1 mm P« PK UhpMS iuadron-p Anglo Malay- .'4 6 LiiMMMp.p I .•nglo .lava- M l.iuggw Anglo .I. .bores Uf.
    146 words
  • 237 9 M. rtou UMJA Kola MM Ml H. KMaag. Mi ib. Urn. I4M ll> Cmm> UNI s, aawaag it'i'i" > -t..:. i. -l-.n.lin- month last v. ai i:J.~.\> Ih. I'otal for first mouth of rinain ml Ih Total In aormpnadiag pariod urn ib. 101 l Cuhls 1
    237 words
  • 108 9 vv hat might proved nn unpleasant snake cx|.Ti.ii(f u> Mr lil.t. k«.«.l oeeanai >n tin- way down from MMajMM tin- Sarawak <<k/cUc When the launch slow. -d down at Katu Knwi t<i take passengers on hoard, an nix' v |»-«-t<-<l fmtmunfter in the »lia|« •>( snake mwliil
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  • 2 10
    2 words
  • 100 10 Kntn.-H for .ho veterans doubles handicap dose on Satunlay at 7 p. m. In the polo match at the Manila Carnival, hrtwivn Hor>|<koog and the team of the Civil riiui.nt. for the international champion- hlnp. 1 1. mgkong scored three i|uartern ana the Civil < iovcraiuent toain
    100 words
  • 204 10 sepoy Lawsw Oolf Club. The following is the draw for the first and mi. hi. l ronii.U 111 the nn\.il foiirsomr* coinl»tition f..i Hrn pi.-i-l. ai s prize, at the S. |-i\ 1...K1 lull Kirst aaaasj Mis WilkinMio and Cn.uchcr v Mm. It. II and Tupp It. Miss
    204 words
  • 338 10 S.C.C. Tournament. I'l.iy in th. >ing.i|«..i. OtisM Club lawn t. mas u.iiriiainent was ...ntinile.! last ev.u ing when tin following lies were Httfri'.N»iiiiI. vail 1»..t lin. -hnaldy w It Sin l>Mergler. iinnnishcl. B 1. w,:;..u,is 1. it <. .1.1. -:j. :i-6. ft— i. K.I in. tt I.
    338 words
  • 13 10 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correapondentn.
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  • 137 10 To the Editor of the Htraita Times. Sir,- 1 went for an outing last evening and took a tram from the Kumah Miskin station and paid 10 cent* first class fare to the Serangoon terminus. On the return journey I tendered the same fare and the collector hesitated
    137 words
  • 153 10 To Uw Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir. I have delavnl answering Mr. Mi. keys 1. it. r until f liad made <-ii.|uiri.from every mpnibcr of the Awociation who wan in the club on tlie night in question, and my enquiries confirm 111 assertion that cvi ry luember hail
    153 words
  • 231 10 To the>r of tbe Straits Times. ■fc The suggestion of yo'irc.rn spoudent H in the issue of your valued journal ycoterdarv ancnt perpetuating the memory of tin lat. Vl. s,ri Tan Ke.,..^ Saik and C'hoa (iiang Thve is approuriaU'. I should nay that the idea
    231 words
  • 300 10 To the Kditor of the Straits Tiuiea. Sir. I unfortiiuaU'ly ini»*n] your articlf on Malayan Knits. swhswal Ui by your .ri.s.|k,n.leut B Tin' Chiku is .it mil lean origin and with Bs* >|simsli (hico. It wan inti'.aliK-til Ui the KanUTii Archipelago in the atajajsiaa <>f the year
    300 words
  • 36 10 A 1 ...n.1. in -«kli. dated the Ist inst. states tliat Lord Lansdownc haa offered the nation the refusal of 's Mill, himself contributing £S.<MU. This is the picture for which an Aiucrican offered AIKMMM).
    36 words
  • 986 10 Prices Quoted ia the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 8, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issoe tbe following list of quotation* this morning M 1 Jeber 2. Nora 10 Ranaboi 1.25 1.4 A 1 Kinta 18.'*) 16.75 10/- Kledang 1.50 8.00 4 1
    986 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 96 10 Best Liniment. Slight aswkssswl and injuries sre a frc.|in .it BswsswaaM on t!i< farm and in the w.ik -1i..|.. A rut i>r bruiae wliull In often tin i .ins.- i>f mil. Ii annoyance and loss of linn-, nmy U- m about one third the tin,, usually saaasswi by a|>plynii;
      96 words
    • 53 10 Lay oa, MaeDoff! who baaa't r- ad How bold Maoawlh was slain But now be's bven s» loan since dead. Why rake him up aaaiu Th«a t him rest be* out of date Wi ll' turn to anm II.iDH sewtr If you r* ol 1 be not *>••• Is*, fake
      53 words
    • 788 10 RUBBER FACTOBIES ENGINES WACHINERY We are specialists in the construction of Steel-framed Buildings, and as Sole Agents for RUBTON-PROCTOR Suction Gas Hants, and BERTRAMS'" RUBBER MACHINERY. WE AKB IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY THB MOST ECONOMICAL AND UP-TO-DATE INSTALLATIONS. Designs aad fall particulars on application RILEY, HARGREAVES CO., LTD., ■In
      788 words

  • 1650 11 HUGE CONCESSION TO GERMAN COMPANY Dutch East Indies Proposal. Basal ui.'Uihs ago. th. I nit)-.! Malaysian liuM> r oinpan) wax ft.»Usl with a capital of 1-2 I i.ik Hl. for the assssjaa of taking over fr. .in th. Malaysian Company Uleir process ..f n aking highgra.l.- rubber
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  • 312 11 ■s> Considers that Robber is a very Safe Investment. Sir Kobert l.ndlaw Xt I hainuan of \|.s-i~ WhiU-away. L»jdlaw and Co.. Ltd.. waa among the .sengent on board the I', and <>. sU*mei Nubia on his way from Singapore to London per tl, Opltir. Hays the (MM
    312 words
  • 379 11 |m t.. th. annual rc|»>rt on Sumatra l.'i-m. in I'.llil by tin VniHtenlaiu htok. r s tirni ..f 11. mi I't.iit/. th. 4< r imi Inn; h.n v. «t. pi it c<. cU no longer siitli.e for forming a .orr. t opinion of the
    379 words
  • 2555 11 CHAIRMAN'S REPORT ON HIS VISIT TO THE PROPERTY. Estimates of Crops aad Profits An extraordinary general meeting of Mara wan iJaval Itubber Plantations. Limited, was held on February H, at Wincliester House. Old Broad Street, X.C.. Mr. John W Lintner ii hair man of Uie company I presiding.
    2,555 words
  • 838 11 Years Net Profit of the Lniied Serdaog Property. The directors of the I'mUsl Senlang Sumatra, Kubber Plantations, I re |»,rt for tlie year ended August -il. 10)11. that th. i op of rubber amounted to "7.SJ* Ib. and r.ahs«sl a n.-t nw-rag. of os. Hj.d.
    838 words
  • 205 11 Tlk- r«'|MH-t i»f the ley lon Chamber of t'oniiuen-e for the half year lice, mlxr Hi refers- to the inauguration of i.iM»iauctions .is follows At a k|»i general uniting held ■>■• Scptriiib. r 27. the h> laws an.l conditiouH of iiale drawn up by
    205 words
  • 1171 11 PROFITS EXPECTED TO EXCEED THE ESTIMATE. Annual Meetiof of Shareholders. The annual general meeting of the shareholders of tlic Its tan vi Kubber K state. Limited, was heltl nn Kehniary at tha registered office of the ortrnpany. I court. iru-et hurch street XtK t Mi Arthur Addinsetl
    1,171 words

  • 386 12 CROPS AND PROSPECTS OF LEADING COMPANIES. Figures of Producing Estates. An instructive table of crops and estimated profit, of Home of the lea/ling rubber-produc-ing companies has buen compiled by Messrs. Hicks.>n Itnm.. of XH Mincing Lane. From it. select some of the principal points. It should lie noted
    386 words
  • 346 12 Colony's Export of Balata Last Year Valued al £95,507. In ih* official i. it on Cntish (iuiana for tli- v. ;u MBMt\ for»«idi-l by th. 0 ayj nor of the Colony on IH<evmber 7 last, it is staled that al assaafatti of raw materials and ;trtnlc
    346 words
  • 542 12 First Annual Meeting Held in Colombo. The first annual meeting of Uie iKmet Kubber Kstate Company. Ltd.. was held in Colombo on February 34, at the offices of Messrs. Whittall and Co., agents and secre taries. Mr. T. C. Huxley presided, and the others present were Uie
    542 words
  • 487 12 BODE RU BBER ESTATES Hopes of the Guaranteed Dividend la May. The directura of Uie Bode Kubhcr Kstatea. l.innte.l. in notifwnu a call of «d. |»-i share give the followiug information as to the pro grew of the c <.ni|isn\ estate: Th. urea under riibher. they state, ift 520 acres,
    487 words
  • 107 12 A meeting of Uie I'vs Ceylon Rubber Es law-*. Limited, was held on February 6 for Uie purpose of confirming a resolution cliang ing tin name of Uie company to Uie Hingra kadua Rubber Lstatea, Limited. Sir T. Pile, wh.. presided, cxplaine/l Uiat a company named
    107 words
  • 2646 12 Favourable Results of the Drilling Operaiioos Reported At the second ordinary general meeting of Uie British Borneo and Burma Petroleum Syndicate, Limited, on February S, Sir William Treacher. X.C.M.0.. (chairman of Uie company I. presided. The chairman said Oentlemen, Uie directors' report and accounts have been
    2,646 words
  • 410 12 > IU Advantages Where Frequent Rain Is Wanting A circular isauiu] by the Director of Agri culture of Nyasaland m worthy uf fjaaaaaW as showing the advantage of green manuring in regions similar to Nyasaland. when BM .ix mouths of the year rain is absent, whilst a powerful
    410 words
  • 503 12 Points lor the Consideration of Packers. The ni.iiii ohjti -I of many ix|iortcr». h*v» a contributor to Tin- Financier, seems to be ■(irt tin- rubber over to Kuropc. nevci nunil bow a doctrine a* selfish as il ih fallaciou. Not thai philanthropy tan be 1. poked
    503 words
  • 1015 12 The following panwugers are homo ward: P A O Per Assave. sailing March in. Mr. and Mrs l>. Y. Perkins. Mr W. Palchitt. Mi II I^thaiu. Mr. and Mrs A .1 W W.tkin. Mr ami Mrs S. Scott, Sir K and Ijuly I'ag.t. Mr Powers Potts, Mr
    1,015 words
  • 62 12 The accounts of the Ketnbia Itubbur EsUtea, for Uie period from .lunc M. IWW, I Uie date of incort»ralii>ni, to tWiteiiihei 80 last sliow an available sum of i.~J.H.'M, and, after provi<ling for Ui« dividend on thi BM feraaos shares to September *> and writing £.'■oo off preliiiunary and formation
    62 words
  • 29 12 11. \ud aren't you foi.d of Omar Khayyam? She l». \,,u know, I'm not quite sure. It'n so silly of me; 1 alwa.s mix him up with tiunyadi Jauos.
    29 words

  • 1281 13 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON FEBRUARY 8. A Bomber ol ibim in which local iareaton *n inttMtii M« not qvokd m lew ■bare liata, and there are oaoaaioaally «id> aMfiM batwaaa tpiotaWoi bare and it Loodoo. Wf qaoto below the beat araUable
    1,281 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 222 13 Wat^ans (Weal) j FoiffifSiyflW I Pen To Trust. LjH lk> Ifcuri «*TLI Tbw* I l*~l (Mr p— -Wk'i^ Mm ii.lnl dUniniai •f tmtnt liaua Fn «al* I "fi. -iv «J* k.HT.'JLL «aa I it wJI MtfhlT'w.k nor .p«irt. I •Jl Xl nl «rt •< «»d.r. K w* Urn l.(Mi_ Nik
      222 words
    • 314 13 /g\ EXCERPT FROi CLIENT 8 LETTER. I have aiilJ in dm two 700 by 85 Continental Covers and tabes, which I parchased from Whether for Motor, Motor- jon in October 19O£; two others which I Cycle or Cycle yon can bought in September of the same year were not do
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 789 14 INSURANCE. SREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COLIMITED. dead Office Winchester House, j SINGAPORE. Board Of Di«oto«i A. Dbbbjck, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Faia, Esy Managing Director. fmi Fowlib, cm Chief Mod. Officer M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvaira. i row Nuan Pan, Bs<|. Ono Soon Tbb, Esq. Caoo Sian Tan,
      789 words
    • 528 14 BJUIKIML CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital ia 60,000 Shares of .taOeaeb 11,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor*... i 1,300, 300 000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Account* are opened and
      528 words
    • 583 14 BANKING. THE m HAI TONG BANKING MO WBURANCE CO. LTD. MO. (T AND 68, KLINO STREET, tstabliabed 1907. Capital paid np »1.000,000.00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1400^00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. TaJT Tsci Joom fl Si« Ki* Jaw 8. Nam Kirn Saao T. Taw Hoo Lai S. Liao On* His
      583 words
    • 1139 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. auction bale: of Valuable Teak Household Furniture, etc THK. PROPERTY OF C. .11 RRJK.NS. KSQ AT "CASTOR' i'\LK\ R"AD On Saturday, March 11, mt 3. 50 p.m. An excellent Uned Cottage I'isoo by Rarcrper^er. >tntli;srt. in gowl coadWoß, hsndsome rattan and atraw string woven drawing roc m
      1,139 words

  • 946 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Progress of Aviatioa. 'Hi. l.'.iyal Club's annual dinner w*i lu-1.1 laUJy at I'iino. s It4-staur»nt. ami a<l--vantaK* 1 nan tak.-n >.f tin- »-»ion M prencnt •Kvoral u( tlic bmt known aviatioD prices to siiiik— fiilsiiatni i The Ihike of Arjorll prerhlo!
    946 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 328 15 WOLSELEY Ik 1/ NONE SUPERIOR. Full particaksn from the Solo Agent* CENTRAL %££Z SILENT KNIBHT Arriving Shortly I h lII'., >il({lp cylinder ion r seated Cars. 1J HP.. Two cyUnder five seat«d Can. In Stock i 20 H.r., 6 eyUoder, mstsl seated STANDARD. painted Black. 16 H.l'.. 4cylin.l<r, five <ated.
      328 words
    • 1 15 *^^&^ntf2ss(^|
      1 words
    • 281 15 H Insist on LEMCO. nkia Ik. Btitiak %mmn —nt itk tor LMii'i EitM^MiK met ntncM >n ranan •old v H Tsa omlj H*r{ Eatrmrt r*tr prf-par^d u»4ar tka anaoaa) Jirr tion of Bar.. a I. Liakc mil pr'p.rrJ ,l~Jrr tka SB iy«>a«(^ft-.ml4i.|il «i tar I.iakicr.Hnpuv-.KitrKt a/ Itaat arary Jar
      281 words
    • 324 15 The Boar's Head Brand Guinness's Stout. **^^LAi' '■t^^Bf Sole Importers: H. W. Greer, Ltd., 43, Robinson Road. pELESTINS VICHY TABLE WATERS. VICHY MINsIRAL WATERS of wide world renown are known (or tbnr Koad curatiTe qoaiitiea. bot it ia aot generally known that out of all the Vichy water* ttn oalv
      324 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 899 16 INDIAN PATENT STONE 10 Times More Durable than Neat Cement. WRIT* FOR FULL PARTICULARS I SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WAHTB. PRESSMAN WANTED. I'teaaman with first class knowledge of WlisrMale machine. Only experitaeed men need app y Oood salary given to suitable urn. App y Printer, c/o Straits Times. Ml
      899 words
    • 567 16 TO BE LET 01 SOLD. HOUSES TOUT. Terrace Hooses ia Wilkie Road, Beat •39. Immediate entry. Apply Oathrie aad Oo.Lat OFFICE A BODOWU TO BE LET. With tmmsiWats entry Ho. T. Masses street. Apply to OUTUKIK A CO.. LTD. OFFHSEB TO LET. Whole of second Boor of Commercial Union i—
      567 words
    • 551 16 NOTICES. KliH KMT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Telephone No 421. 109 A 109, Market Street. GRAHMC HUTCHISON NAVAL ARCHI TECT. BDRVBYOB AND CONTRACTOR, has n moved to No. 31, Winchester House. Telephone 518. T8 99 NOTICE. During oar temporary absence from Singapore, we have authorised Mr. C. E. Johnson to
      551 words
    • 741 16 NOTICEB. THECENSUB ORDIMNCE. IMS. It is hereby notified tor public information that ia the column beaded Religion in the Schedule prepared under Section 8 of Tbe Ceaeas Ordtaaaor, 1990," it will suflce in tbe case of persons nviwssaing the Christian religion to eater Christian only, without ■lieustjlag aay lisaominstion of
      741 words
    • 291 16 NOW CHOOSE Baohatain Pianoa Brimmssd Pianos •tsinwsy Pianoa Raohala Pianoa Cotlard Pianoa ■roadwood. White «1«noa Knsbsl Pino. Ruaaasi Piunoa Wlnkalmann Piaxos Krauaa Pianoa Maake Pianoa St rortmangar Pianoa Lshminn Pianos THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. Raohala' Auto-Ptaya** Pianoa Alliaon Auto-Player Pianoa Manual Auto- Player Pianoa Bnnimaad An«falua. Wa WANT to
      291 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 239 16 Straits Isimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATBS.— Mieoellsne ova wants of every description are mi-crt ed at the prepaid rate of II per (our lines tor one or two insertions. Notices ot Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II eaob insertion For p.p.c oarda, oa page 6, la. laca Scalb
      239 words