The Straits Times, 4 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.505 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MARCH 4. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 324 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. SELECT FURNITURE AT Hatz ffirotders, Jbtd. SPECIAL ATTENTION AND QUOTATIONS GIVEN FO? HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS LARGE STOCK SPECIAL DESI6NB itifive seasoned wood, finished with Mine in ALWAYS j j MAUC 111 thenre;iteM tare, and supervised nPIIPB ON HIND. l, y t X|)er ienced workmen.
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    • 324 1 CALICOES. SHEETINGS. Robinson A Co. Linen and Cotton Q PC/^I A T Sheets and Sheeting. O I CVjl/lL Swiss Muslim Damask Cloths, Serwitttes, C LI/jW/ Persian Lawns, Piques 5 o'clock Tea Cloths. vj 1 IV^ W Drills, B'llliants, Cushion Coders. f-. Costume Linen Toilet Covers and Side- \_J i board
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    • 4 1 DRINK Martell's 1 Brandy.
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  • 1034 2 BRITISH FLEETS IN RExLISTIC ACTION. Wireless ia War. The Tek-graph'K Plymouth oorreftpondeat Lrlt-grapliK an iuU're*tiug aoooant of tbe <i>inbiniil opcrationa of the llritiah ism of war off ill' Spanwh ooaat in the flntt of Uw ixMubtnwl fleet cxercmcC Tbe floeto wum iliviilixl into two oppoxing forces, Red
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  • 72 2 Mr. W. Morgan Shoater, form rlj Coitec tor of Cuhlohih at Manila, wbo ut recently appointed Director Oencral ol Finance under Uie Fenian OoTernincnt, han oableJ the offer of an appointment to Mr. Frank Uairait, chief of the Custom* lluroau at the port of llotlo. Mr. C'airuH Ikim hocu olforol
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 146 2 i Solution Fat, Flesh. B«?n« and Muscle ii^r Kepler 'SolmiMiii bod— mi jj^^ i|Aiy a medicirK-. j<Yl 1 f The food that rtrua|lhutt kWc weak and fattens the waiter]. r£\ The food that enriches tike blood C\ and (ortines the coaMtkutioa). V The food that iiiilaias Ac iavaU jJ
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    • 12 2 F r all iotoraal oompluoM. Dj«-at*'T UH.gti., Cotda, sM.. taka Wood* Oraa.
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    • 652 2 En This Man Read Your Life ieh. poor, aiaJtad aai fc— Ha eerk Mcc mi Baniaaaa. Harriaae, FrW»da, <-. Chtagea, Hiialrtiii, |.o», Afftirt. Jooraeye, wd all eveata of Lib. SUNY SAY HB BKVB4LB THKIR LI VBS Wl ra AMAZING ACCUK.VC V. Free te*f Ratdinaa will a* east for a nhoii
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    • 263 2 SPECIAL DISPLAY or Necklaces. Diamonds. Rubies and Pearls. Peridots and Pearls. Amethysts and Pearls. Topaz and Pearls. Turquoise and Pearls. Jade. PRICES FROM $25 TO $10,000. A larg<* collection of new and different design* to select from AT ISMAIL AND RAHEEM'S, Bras Basah Road. 1 £Dog's Jiead' guinness THE .fcmt
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  • 630 3 TERRIBLE FIGURES PUBLISHED W NEW YORK. Alienists' Suggestions Tin of New York StaU- aWM been amazed by Uie factn given iv tin- n-|>nrt of tin New York Mate Conimission in l.<>« <«. That rpport made it known tl. t ..lili pi-non in every S7S of thr
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  • 401 3 Rangoon Chamber of Commerce and Beri-Beri. In il.i report i.( t)» i-oiiniiitUt' nt tba lUiiK'»'H ChainUr of Cotniiitroc f«i last year miur» a i eft-rence to the qti< «tion I heri U n ami n< in tbcw Urms A question, which luiyl.t Imm an iini«ortaut lx
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 210 3 SATISFACTION Just twelve letters expressing cisctly what we oiler yo«. We ar«-^ COMMERCIAL aID POSTER PRINTERS. BOOKRINDERS AMD STATIONERS Give us a Trial Order. Estimates supplied Free oa Apr>' <-ation THE STRAITS TINES PRESS. LTD. TCLCPNOM He 3*B RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumental ■•tons. BSTaBLISUBD 1881. JUIT RECEIVED: New
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    • 57 3 ABSOLUTELY SA^F When von haTe a cold get a bottle of liiauibrrlain-a Coach Remedy. It wiU anon Ax you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. Thia remady containa no opium or other narcotic and may be given aa ooaadeatly te a baby aa to an
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    • 492 3 THE Ttuobl). OF KKAIN-FaG. A Famous NovrMM'c Conffs«'on To feel that one', brain ia tin-d, tint one. IP-'P and powrr of eonrrntratinn arr n.i lemp-r what they were i. a trap*!/ woven only tboM »bo have gone through it, or who <lree<l tbt> panaibtlity of iv bappeaing before they have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 654 4 BTEAJER BAIUN6B. p. a?o. BTEAM NAVIG-MION CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN. PENANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA. ADRN, EGYPT, MBDITBRdANEAN, PORTS, PLYSlot' ril AND LONDON. Throogh Bills of Lading issued for China Coast. Persian Oulf. Continental, aad Americaa Ports. flaw 111 lira will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.)
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    • 541 4 STEAMER BAIUHGB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE A Fortaicntly service is maintained be tweea Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London aad Antwerp, nnder mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government Tbe New Twia-sorew Steaim m maintaining this service have been *p«ciaily deaiirnnd anr) ooaatruoted, and are fitted
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    • 910 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP CO U. 8 MAIL LNE. The great steamship baa betwata CHINA, JAPAN aad BUROPB, via Hooolula aad San Franeisoo, operatisg the aaw 18,000 toas, twin screw steam ars KOREA aad BIBBRIA, together with the well known Hill in fi CHINA. ARIA. MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND
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    • 575 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE DAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTBQEB. HANSA BREMEN. Combined tUrvlca. The *t*am«r* of these Oompaaie* maintain a regular service between Hambarc. Bremee, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Strait*. hina and Japan. Hnmeaard*. tbey are despatohed fortnightly for Havrs and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct,
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    • 702 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. iorddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Th< fast and well known mail steamer* ot this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen. Hamburg, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Hontnaaap ton, Gibraltar Uenna. Maplae (ronnaeting Marseilles, Naplea, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Prt Said. Bo**, Aden. Colombo. Peaaag. Singapore flonff'ong.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 615 5 STEAMER SAILING*. INDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tn •tevnars of thisCanpsay maintains a regular direct aarvios betwaw Calcmta, Straits, H n kong Shangn-i sod Japan, taking cargo, on tbrongb Bills f Lading for Canton, Rwatow. Am..) Cbrfoo. TienUin. Newchw.n* Yangtaic Ports. Formosa, tbs Philippine*, etc etc. Steamers Toes Commaaosr KtmAm
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    • 517 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SE ANG LINE OF STEAMERS. M. ••Oleeogle" 8,750 Tons a.« Soang Bee 57W Tons. s.a. Bsaag Chooa 6,775 Tons. FOR PENJUM ANO RANGOON. s.s. BBANJ 888, oa Match 7. FOR HON6UNW. AHOY ANO BWATOW. ss. OLBNOOLB, oa March 18. Tlia steamer baa auaUaat aooom awdaisoa fn» usiiingin, and
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    • 340 5 f7WF= =r^ *ys BcrU i Ciioea i Bai- BEECHAM'S PILLS Hundrada and thouaanda of ailing men sad wonen in every dime have found that BeecaaaVi Mis rasa* Ufa worth living.' They purify the Blood Care Bilious ft Nervoas Disorders Olvs tone to the Nervoea SytUm Care Restleaaaeas aad lasomnls Insure
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    • 435 5 ART NEEDLEWORK ANO FLOWER DEPOT 217, Orchard Road. AWARDED MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE. AQRI- HORTICULTURAL SHOW BINOaPORB, 1910. Arranged Floral Ba-kets, Bouquets, showers and Floral forms of all ilssrriiitinas Wedding orders receive special attention MANY LOCAL TESTIMONIALS. rVlaaa Moderate. Cut Flowers rom oor owa Nurseries quite Fresh. NURSERIES
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    • 245 5 AMERICAN DENTISTRY Is now procurable at 88 8, Coleman I M el opposite Hotel Oe La Paix, from Dr Umk woo is endeavouring tn baild up a permsneat praotiee tare by means of giving tbe pub it tbe advantages of the highest claas o* modem dentistry at unusually low chsrgrs,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 960 6 BINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING Dw I-.r S. li. A. Butrt if U m 'WUI be held on Tut«day. May B, Tl.ur-.! .y, May 11, aad Salurday. May 18. PROGRAMME. FIRST OAY. Tuesday. May'J. i Tin: OMMtHa srvKi-s.-\.. ut %HJO HunHir.p lur Hur-cs that li MJ MM a
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    • 370 6 aw flvafctartefa. th« pi'oaartj of diffirtnt o»Mft. HOTi: Thaattimtion ofowiMrt ia called to Rule which make* the hour tor toratohmg p.m. on the DAY BEFORE the Rmoe. Owners of Urimaa ate rntitled to entor fcr eitUr of tbe foUowiag series ol Baeea Fntr Brritt So. 1 Kirst Day— Bace No.
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    • 497 6 The Dispensary, Ltd. CHEMISTS, PHARMACISTS AND OPTICIANS. FOR ALL KINDS OF -^fceD^PENW^^- ToUet Requisites. Perfumery V ''fjf^j^JdM^ti' Medkate<l Wines. fraAaaf^r Sorjlcal Instruments. f^*| Chemical and Scientific Apparatus Medical. Sitrtteal and Sanitary Appliance. Medicine CheU*. IHUAI aiTllTiail SIVEM T« TRf EQUIPMINT f (STATE HO*»ITUB AM aHHMIIHI Thix is a biaach of
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    • 261 6 r\TROM/.Ki< *?^&wmA^t&m*&' m royalt\ fi\ LADIES' AND GENTS' *>v GOLD pM WATCHES \aM l^F J Of various patterns at t^^ m^^ Lowest Prices. B. P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, HIGH STREET. At the Agri-Horticultural Show held in Singapore in August, iqio. a SPHCIAL MEDAL was awarded to ETERNIT ROOFING SLATES
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  • 172 7 FIXTURES. Saturday. March 4. Higb Water, 0. J4 s-m 0.37 p.m. 8 pore Aft Club, Tanglm Club, 4 to 6 80 Apollo a Cirans. Sunday. March 5. High Water, 0-51 a.m., 1.10 p.m. Monday, March 6. HiV'i Water, 1.2 I am 3.1 p.m. M. M. outward mail
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  • 269 7 TO DAT. IK'i and Ax\iisn Kanea 8 rm Pi naiw, Stbaoi; and I* iianv Pe<l 8 rm I*. ni Mink liailt (ijan im irTS*ilil. Siak and I'. kan V. Hogendorp 8 pm Labinp. .J«.*acll"n. Kodat, San'uksn aL.I /ambosiiKS 1 'irvi I 3 rm nM-i 0 Hock Xi
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  • 182 7 The Imp it riu%o mail steamer L'lotxiw mi I b. RfjaBBSBKi fir li nitkio^. Sainjbii ml .lapan port« at \> p.m. U. d»y. The M M cnmpaoj'a at^amer Haiphong tiaviuK 1. ft Batavia ymterdajr at 11 a.v.. may bt' rxprt-il to arrive bore to norrjw in rninß.
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  • 443 7 Latest Arrivals. Mb\b>, Nor Ptr RM) tons. Cant Fnlhmtn, M.rl. From II n K k k K< b .7. lie ani 7.1 p. I.jw h..m Kor l!«n K kok. Mar 6 It SMB, (.'nlnnibo M«rti ,l«p »'r. ?.ifl ton', Capt C-m.b M-r.l Kmih Kb. Kb 18 O.c. l'4'ir
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  • 105 7 Vessels at Tanj ong Pagar and Keppel Harbour. Wharvet at which Vessels ar* Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAOAR. Ekt WBtßr Rasin— Kasntan. Baut Sectiom No 1 S;roroba». Prrak, Sbbbrs Waiß' Nil. Kn upbuis Main W. &e.t. No T«roba, Mindeioo. B-N.l. 4_\.|. LitfbtoiDr. 6 Vo-ftea, Breonnshire, N.m Sanw. Laooon Dooe a
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  • 96 7 Arrivals r iiU«mi>r T' ongw*. M .rrh 4.— From Vladraii via rorto M- -«r». L. L CHtfa-o, F. I) Sonic Urn <io'd. no. ri;. R. Mn Ibaoaer, J C. Fein«nJci and Mr*. Norman B ack. Per atramer Perak. March 4 Frr>m Tel- k \na n via port*:
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  • 54 7 Turn Kills on Kurt (aniline; ami Mount FaUr ilmp daily at 1 p.m.. Singapore Htan'Unl time, i orrfspondinu to 6 a.m. OmmnM iiM.m time Tlir tun. jnn in tired at 1 1 •'dock noon, indicating Singapore -t. in. l. ii. l tiiiii*. mi cvi'ry day cxciptintj win n it
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  • 441 7 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, March 5, 1911.) First Scxday in 7 A.«.— Mati»s. Fimt Ijfiuion Genc«i<> XIX, 12— 80. Second Lesson S. Mark VI. 80. Hymn 109. 7.45 a.*.— Holt Commcxio* iCbobai.). lntnut 94. Service .Simpt-r. bsJbbbbi MMMasiafli 9. 1 A.V.-HuLY CoXMCNION II'UAIXI. Hvniin 91 and 107.
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  • 232 7 Finance Commerce. IXCHAHOI. SnroAroßß Mabcb 4, 1911. On Lowmw— Bank 4 m/a 1/4|{ Demand 1/4 fr Pii»ate6n./« 2/4JJ do 8 m/i 2/4 i. On OaßHAjrt— Bank d/d SKI Private 8 m/i 544 Oa Feancb Rank d/d 29S I'riTate m/a 29« i Ob litdia Bank T. T. 174) Privsto 80d/i 176.
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    • 175 7 V«lm£ 10 10 ]<• l»t Tin 10 10 Kra»n« 10 10 Bnmh Hyd 10 10 Ktnaboi XI XI Kiuu Tin XI XI K..Uq«Tiq 10 10 Kn»nUD Tin XI XI I.»h»« Him 10 10 M»l»oe« Tin s I*»li»ng Coonl XI XI P.n«k*len XI XI fating H»lira XI XI Puainn L*m»
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    • 626 7 Imoc "3 Value Buyers. Seller*. I/- >/■ Alltgar 6 8 i/. 8/- Anglo Malay 1 4 7J 1.6.6 i/. a/ Btlui Malak* 8, 1 8 9 £1 iltaCnu 1600 15.160 41 41 Ti«» 6.V.6 616 0 41 £1 Bokit Kajang 2.17.6 8 0.0 41 41 Bukit Ldotaafl 410
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    • 128 7 [•roe S k*«loe a. Bayers. 10 10 Eastern Smelting 10 7 675 41 XI Electric Tnmnji S/S 10 10 FrMer Net** M.SO IMI Uowvtn BmkiM 100 7% fret 8000 100 100 K»U Bra. D.I. 100 100 H h 8% Cam. Prof. 10 10 M»jD«rd Co. 34.60 Sellan oom 10
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    • 50 7 Buyer* SvlUm Howartb Erakioe 6% »«OP.ono par Riley. Hanrreavea 6% 1iH4.000 24 Si pm Singaporv Eire trie Trau.way»6% tMOjOOn Spore Muiuoipal 6% 11,878 000 nom. Buyera Beliete Spore Municipal 41% of iwn ti.aoo.roo e% 7%pm Spun. MnuicipaJ 4|% of KM9 11.000,000 7% B%pm 8 port- Municipal 4% lftOi.9oo T%paa
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 Woods Onwt Pefparmißt l°™ 'or ailinternal oomplaiata Dvseatory, Cook its. Coidi< otc I
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    • 393 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Mar. A— At aaJeroom. 13 eases Volanteer Cig»ret'««. at 11. M tr. 7.— At saleroom, anredeeme j pledge*. at 10. Mar 7— X* aa'er-vira. freehold D'opertie*. situate at K lliaey Ro.d. etc.. at 1 80 M tr. 7 -AI aaler <om. estate of J. W.
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    • 496 7 "SPECIALS" M aspero Freres, Cairo. Egypt. A New High-class Egyptian Cigarette IN HANDSOMELY DECORATED TINS OF 50 CIQAHETTES. Prioei $1.26 per tin. FROM JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., And ROBINSON AND CO. Justus Van frlaurik's (Sigars. SELDOM EQUM.IED. NEVER EXCELLED. Specially Recommended MacKinley, Begalia cotnme il faut SS.OO per hundred. MacKinley,
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    • 150 7 HIGH-CLASS Telephone Mo. 61 B. UNDERTAKING. »^«"a»P «t»*-t, >Mn<aisioi«a> MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY stoga to inform tbe public tli a Urn kind patroaace aeoordnd him daring th« paas I. m ywan. h«a made it aeoaaaary lor him to acquire atnothor nsw Rubbs* typaxl Haaraa, which sarpaasM all oth-m in
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  • 25 8 Nfi-bkosmtk \t "CUiny Hill." King* I load. Singapore, J. Edwin Neubronner, in Inn 72nd year. Interment at Bida<lari Cemetrv. at 5 p.m. this evening.
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  • 1045 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY. MARCH 4. TROPICAL COLONIES. It does one good occasionally to get into a scientific environment, althouxh there may be a fueling of trespass while there, and a suspicion that tlnnjjs may not be what they •Jem. We liav. often discussed Uic <|iie«tion whether white colonisation of
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  • 11 8 The quarantine restrictions against Songgora on account of cholera arc withdrawn.
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  • 16 8 The Singapore. Boy Scouts Association. Singapore, has been exempted from registration under the Societies' Ordinance, law.
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  • 39 8 Eloquence is not usually oriaswd with the Cuiueae, but a foreign delegate to a conference at Hankow wriUs of bearing a Chinese who kept his n > in profound attention for three and a half hour* of uninterrupted speech.
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  • 13 8 Latest advertisrmenu of the day appear on page 7 as well as 10.
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  • 23 8 Th. heavy batteries in India are to U re-armed with nrw up u> date guns, but no pattern has yet been ilecided ui«.n.
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  • 26 8 When Uh- person who writes about Chang kat Senlang conforms to Uie ordinary role by sending his name and addreas his letter will be dealt with
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  • 24 8 The local traffic earnings of the Singapore Government Railway during January amount ed to $21.05-2 as against 119.9H9 in the corresponding month in 1910.
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  • 33 8 The Eurasian youth named Van der Beck, who was arrested for Uie theft of a bicycle belorging to an employe of the P. W. I)., has been sent to prison for a month.
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  • 30 8 During February. 7. t IN Chinese immigrants arrirod in Singapore, as against IMW during January, or a total of MJNT, compaied wiUi 1H.:,;«) for the first two months of 1910.
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  • 26 8 The Apollo Circus continues to delight big houses witli uui.|iie performances, Uie feature of which is Uie marvellous exhibition of strength given by the Scotti-h Appollo.
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  • 41 8 The water supply to Uie souUi side of the town will be cut oft from 4 p.m. to day until 11 a in. to morrow to allow of alterations to mains near the jiineiion of CruKs Street and New Kmlge Hoad.
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  • 34 8 At a misting of the Council of Uie Royal College al "vi.c.- his it was announcl ti,.,t; conjunction with th. l:..\>! College of Physicians, h»- decided t. .^:-.ul a diploma in tropical medicine.
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  • 48 8 A meeting of Uie Justices of the Peace for Singapore w ill be held in the first magistrate s chamber* on Sat unlay, the llth inst.. at 12.4.'> p.m. for the |>:ir|«>-. of electing a mem her of the board of licensing justices vice Mr. lt.ib.rt Pcirce, resigned.
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  • 63 8 A collision lad ply- sfpsaJsl St. s i- 1 1 N«rih Mi| K afternottn. basVMB a tram car ami a rubber tyie.l ii. k-h.i. containing a Kir > issa. The ri k-h.i t- sm^ th puller sustained I or .n h i I. and was taken to
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  • 68 8 No few.-i tlr«n thre«- ImMBJ r.|«>rte,| th. Mi !i their BMSM, of watchi-s and iitln i in. ih!, t.. the |».lu>- v.Mr. 11. Ml M iv, l.« U laai, lost 'a watch and 11.j.U) in moi;.-y Mi« k. ..f t^ i. n >tr.t a—il x i h and
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  • 85 8 An action has been roium< nerd in the AU r.l.s n Slientf Court by Cliarl.-s Willsam Hall, commission agent. Boston lions, > Broad Stns-t. IiNM, against tlie trusUi-« of the late James Thomson Matthew i planter' who re*nl. 1 in Aberdeen, for pay ment of two sum- of tttt la,
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  • 74 8 Telegraphic information has been r<-.i\..l in I iloiuho. stating that the home author! ties h, sanctioned the coiistruetion of a win I. telegraphic sUti.m in Ceylon. Mali rials have been indented for. Mi. 8, M Alpine, senior assistant siifieriiitendent of t»'legr»pl.«. is to go home to ina-tei ih. -il. The
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  • 90 8 Sonu mouths ago. pilgrim ship «.i--•|iiarantine<l in Sing»pi>n- ItmuU an. l one .>f th-. pilgrims, while u.i. l.i s.ii«rM-ion on St .lohn Island, was robot"! of ''•>> g nl.l. rs The theft was no: WUjmtmi to the IhlbJ till tin- Wi-ek. but «h.n he .h.l com, to hear of it
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  • 111 8 Hail the CalcutU Turf Club an <\< business tin v hoiil.l luw minU^l inoiiey In granting sj> tial licences to photographer* in the |«-lil hi. says the Kn^h«h'nan. Itarelv, if ever, have m> many camera-. b.-> n m al the races of an afu-rnoon as on the ObtM I'rinit; Cup
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  • 110 8 The India OH- intends to abolish the Indian K.>r.-~l I.of at ( after this year's |>rol> Hi. iii'-rx Invr luii-hi-.! their tr. lining in IMS, Future probationers will Ik- all. m<il the clioi. of „lin L to Oxford. Cambridge. K.hiiburgli oi olli. r Universities, if th.-«e nn.l. rtnk. to fulfil
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  • 134 8 Tlx' slum of moriug pictures at tli. Alliambra Cim inaU^rapli M h>iiimr.-<l la*l infill by MM BBBBBBBJ of Hi* Kxr.-lUn.y th. Governor, who was a. |>mii,.-.| by Mm Kanant. Mr. linn kiuan an. l a party. The on trancr to tbc> hall was dccoraUsl for theocca Mi.m anil special prugratniiius.
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  • 418 8 Lieutenant U D. Unwin. llamrwhirr Itetr*., hat l«'» selix Usl to go to China to study the language. Dr. W. (iilmor. Kllis. on passing through Colombo, bound for ln.nie. |mi.l a visit to th. General Hospital. I(.mtII» Mr. P. J. Sproule. Deputy I'libh. Pmsocntor, Singapore. Bjatsai at
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  • 54 8 Messrs. (iuthrie and >>. a,|\i-e ti- they have ren-ivisl a cable from the BMMSBBSM i if t h liuliU-r. l.nnlUil. informing them that the .hi. .tors haw bbmU a call of .'s. t>.| |»i share. The ca la- r. -TiiltUtl t>. the r.iMi|\ UuiUrr-. the Royal
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  • 127 8 The annual meeting of th.. M.( of Msp«BSM will l« hel.l iii the l,~rture hall of the new huii'hne „n \S lav ne\t. at H.r, p.u, The It. > W. UuiK-iu.ii;. M will presiile. and a shot I pr.^iainni. .f um-i. ill be |k-..v>.1.-.I by Mr F
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  • 187 8 Ai t tin' notiti.ali'.iis in tin rnrr. nt ISsll. .it III.' <i..Virilllll lit It. .11. till' luilowiag Mi .1 i So in. acting I j l y Kigali ar ami HHsisUnt \mifi I'.imiii;. u> act a» Collector of Land mi. I la In .1 mai;i-.ti.iu I'.
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  • 216 8 Mr. T;m lim^ li proidi-nl of Hi. Ama law Daawiaa; Aaaaeiatiaa, raaaatlj .m. r Mass Mr. an. l Mr- I 1 I in Ikut U> a fare Ml dinni-i. tlif (Mali iii. lii'lin- Mi n Kiyart, Am. n. .in \i. GaaaaL In ti >f th.. evening.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 120 8 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE TELEPHONE CO. NUMERICALLY ARRANGED. Presented on application by Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., wilol.F.sW.i: AM> KKTAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. BENSON'S l|iaw|*'^_i«T J~jjr^^^ars t^ssV^— "^SlCj I nitorm expansion and elasticity I/^VaBsS Practically unbreakable. Hrices >7>. tiaB, tJi4 net. ■^a^gasßs^ L/ITiaLEr S. I KELVIN Motor Launches. I t MAii.l.ini
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    • 270 8 SamstliiOi tew and EefreiliiDS ALHAMBRA To-Nlrfht. Second Show. 9 JO to 11 p.m. 1. OVERTURE. U HasasPt a\lMl OiMKOsisaj Malaysia. S. LOVE'S EYES. (Comic). 4. HUMAN BLOOD AND AMKROII) MOVEMENT OK A LEUCOCYTE OR WHITE BLOOD CORPUSCLES AS SEEN UNDER A MICROS COPE. (Science and Nature Series). Tit* Ipollar. MhaaM*
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  • 108 9 MR. lUI.HH R MISTRUSTS THE GOVERNMENT. Parliament Bill Read a Second Time. Kn iu> Tklkikaii. 1-on.lon. March a. In thf IH-liaU' on tlw w«ond|rua<liDX of the Parhanunt Hill Mr Balfour mU th. (iorrrn ni.-nt cull. l not b>- anatal U> aim. ml the con ititution m a
    108 words
  • 83 9 MIXED BODY OF RADICALS AND SOCIALISTS. :vere Comment in French Press. 1.1 I>I: I I LtoKlM. Laaaaa, M. Th. iii» 11. mil Mini-try 1- fnun It eaaaiata nf iyht lU<li. ..I iah-ts. four -i 1 i.. lU|.iil>lic-an4 an. l 1 Ropa latfaai tHai I*W 1 aariaan
    83 words
  • 47 9 Illegal landing at Christmas Island. Knuts Dmhli London. March 4. K Faaaiag 1-1. m. 1s telegram -tat. s that the Hi -h riaa) Vl^.iiuu ha» deta4n.ll th. ftm icll -'i. r I inixri I I th.v ,li.- aal lauded rW-. n JapaMM BtChrlaaßM Island
    47 words
  • 26 9 k 1 >- i-uus. u« Lloyo Tkl*uk*>. lii rim. Mm. Ii I he K.ii~ r ,i!i.| h 881 lin 1. aw on M.n 1, M
    26 words
  • 19 9 IMaaunaaai> Thaaaaaa. IU rim. Man h a. Senator «rii|.in adl.. 1. to thf moderate ty aaVej
    19 words
  • 37 9 nmitnum Luan Tm.r..K,» Berlin. Mar. Ii .1. n in. Iliiilgal r ntt.--.of tin- Baaaaa ma. tli.- 1 1 .\.i -1111.11'. 1 n [l- inn. .-1 that it ill. l In iui)»sHibl<. to complete tin- \lnul
    37 words
  • 33 9 I Dm <>-r imiii- in LtaVß Tklkmram. Keilm. :i. Ih. I-., i Map I f th. t ityof u.lon v ill 1 ..iv an aafcial riaN to fiaaaa in
    33 words
  • 65 9 (KkoM Mail i I CoKKF-I'oM.I'NT.I Malacca, Mai. I. 4 Information has Ufii ni-civnl by Malacca ibU i I Uarftai, that tin- price I tint I'.ir.i in I 1 in -.Ur.l.iy wixi. 11) I 11. Tin kit rival 'I'liit li> tin- I'laulrni I .in-\. Kuil. i Lumpur,
    65 words
  • 37 9 |hinu»|»r< I'ara Itiibher Khl HO Ih Ib rijIHI Ib, fil. lonia. *UUU Hi 'l.iv U. i Lull II). sn ui,iu.isi,i. x/aat ii. IMMOIb. i .'!.<«» 11. lliilmii.i J.ikaill). ll.ii Kn I. ITU Hi. IUUk Kal.H
    37 words
  • 64 9 tutting Iwnkiupti juriadMha in tin i> Mi Justice I lab. i i.l nn appli. .ttion by Sir F.vuna.ou behalf Mi nn. in. is. that a MmMrq order I .ili i of adjudication Ik- inwlc against \V I ...hi. nil. k. in iif a jiK^inint .ii.i. uniting U. »iil;l K-bu.i.
    64 words
  • 449 9 Sharpe, Ross and Co. Prosecute Copra Bayer. K» idem c ww heard by Mr. Robinnon, third magMtrate. ycnterday afternoon, in the caw in which Koh Hot- in charged with criminal breach of trimt in rmipect of Uiree Riima of money. ti^Kl. 12.001). and »A,7flH, the property of
    449 words
  • 628 9 Firmer Tone in the Price of Raw! Material From the London and (.'lima Kxprcaa of February 1<>. we take the following inform* tion respecting iln ruliU-r industry: Tin- BariM for I'ara him been quiet, and lia« rixeo, touching 6h. '4>l. at one time, but eai>iag off noiuewliat
    628 words
  • 1098 9 SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITION OF LOCAL CLUB'S WORK. Good Show of Water-Colours. There are two standard* by which tin Singapore Art Club exhibition in Tannin Club might be judged primarily, by the ntandard of amateur art show* all the world over, and secondly, by the standard of art at
    1,098 words
  • 1443 9 PROFESSOR WALLACE DISCUSSES SOURCES OF SUPPLY. Methods of Coagulation. In the Times of February 7, nndrr the heading Monroes of Rubber Supply, IVofomor Kobert Wallace write, of the rubber industry as follow*:— The production of indiarubber by iimj*hs of cultivation in rapidly becoming an important industry, in
    1,443 words
  • 527 9 «>.. Writes Far More Sensibly Than He Did About The King. Tli. following I. Her from Mr Mylin*. who ■■MM rathei Ur^.U in the public l eye fur libelling Kirn; .tj. an 4m for which In i- now i- inn nenU-n' <■ of t». In
    527 words
  • 333 9 Many •bjaciioaa appeared U> have l i, raiwl a^miMl tin- pri>|«>sal of tin- Muuiri|Ktl •Jouiiumhiuoci-h. un<ler Uir Municipal Unh n;m, o( lHJrt. t«' iiiipr.iv.- tin- ili-tii.l of KaiupoiiK K.i| ur within *n .n. bounded a* (oIIowh: On Uu- North by >y,il ttmm lw»ad. tin «>iith li\ l>unlop
    333 words
  • 84 9 PROGRESS OF NEGOTIATIONS AT PEKING. What India is Willing to Do. fUtrm'i Tili..uii London, Match Ranter tear in that n.^otiati. ma have been proceeding between the Wiiwunp and Sir .1. V Jordan, rjie Britiah MinmUr. mn.-e the latter* return, re^anlin^ the reatrictiitn of impurtation of Indian opium
    84 words
  • 90 9 iFrom Oik Own C.ikkksi'omikn r.i I'enan^. Mar. Ii 4. Tin I'ln I'iali Tin r.| fifteen month- t<. Daaember 1.1 last shows a net pmlit of »:ll.«.-.7. Of tin- »i:..V.»-.'is w ntUn otT for >»'i.ition The interim .hvi.l. n.l atmorbnl (4.000. 1.-aTiuj; a balance of MMM,
    90 words
  • 21 9 KkoM <>IH l)»v (..|:l:f.|nV[.(M I'l'iianu. March II tpnt of the Ton^kah Tin oiniatnj in Frhrnary waa 611 pi. il-
    21 words
  • 264 9 KING EDWARD MEMORIAL FU ND. Further Subscriptions Paid. Hi. H..11 I tion- aitii.illv paid a- ban Viio'int pr. \i..;i-lv .i.'ltliowludi;.-.! 1 T 1.1.1. l.l»«l "sy.-l ilin.ii Alsajjoff I.iHII Kh!/ Krotln 1-1 l."«> Iliitteubiuh LieUrt and per H.m W Kvan», IVnanu l.inO Hon. K C Kill- -200 I. v -•>•>
    264 words
  • 68 9 Tin- n -alt of ra ion- at the Tronoh Miiii^. iliiritii; r'< lunar ».i- a- (uliows Output tribnui- on pi. ill- 7_'ir.. imnr nrr pi. ills :t. 177 total output piruli. ||H Value: trilmUrs 01 »:!.-<4i(.'lh. ,1 in. „1. IItHMOCUM, totitl value |1H I profit trilmten.. .ire
    68 words
  • 67 9 I'll, prii-i toe tin ri.«l ft >n I-. M 111. lii-.n.'. of riilluat.-.l nil.U r ..11 wlin h .\|»irt .liity mI. viabl. in tin I M I on an m\ t .il.irem lumii an- itM under per pi. nl. Slioet ami bi« in I Kin.- crepe Beat
    67 words
  • 38 9 ttaaajaj I'oakina. an American tuunit. who ban l»tn trav.lliin; in tbr Kjist. cut hi* throat at the Orrui HUaUtru llot-l. Cal.ntU. on February l.\ Hi- waa "till Mag th. followini; day. but waa in a dangeruoa eowii tion.
    38 words

    • 68 10 Tin- annual double and dingle *nnanh nupiot cnniiMtitioiiK. o|>n to nffiom of th< (iarnson. art' bring arraniifsl. Then, in a challe nge cap for bm! rompctition. The "knockout" HysU'in a ill U- laaawsii In each tie the wintiT. m ill )>■' ilix-idnl on the bout of five
      68 words
    • 303 10 S. C. C. Tournament. Hi. follow inn the rmult uf yentenlay'it tic in tin- S C. lawn U-nam tournament: I Sinyl.H Oaajaai boat Macdougal. ft -4. 6 I Monday's Ties. 111.- following lien will bt- played on Mod day "MMiLHa. L'pooM l-e^ati Terrell v Haaafad Madia* v
      303 words
  • 161 10 ■nun ami Co. kin<lly i v.-ii Ui I. .ii i..v ariose tii. >■ ham Quotation*. Miatl MIODLK P»l'-r«. 'I I^im.i'li niop.p. X"t .l.'i :i p. p £LIBJB. i M -l i I.' a Loadoa Uaatical I Anglo Sumatra* 70 Lannta p.p. tl/tB.
    161 words
  • 60 10 Ati..l!i. i ii|.l..ti MIHH lia» on in. I i. 't.i v. ~.i\~ win- t-. tin. S Moraian "bat, aatad rVhmarv M, The eruption waa •>( NiiiMt nature BMP] ,0.,r,i,.,i »iti, ti,. ■iaaaHpaa „.ui,i....k Mm ntliiT .t.»\ uli.n ninny In.- wen Imt. Ncvert u-lt-HH. it wa« siittieicntl) M-vere
    60 words
  • Correspondece.
    • 66 10 To tbe Editor of tbe StraiU Timea. Mi. In your iwtue of January 5, I read with pleaanre the article on Malayan frnita." However, I undentood the rhtkn waa not indigenous aa in 187H Dr. Robert Little made me a prcMnt of a few from hia Siglap eaUte
      66 words
    • 349 10 To tin Editor of the StraiU Tinuw. Sir. It in wid that fully thivc million* of ■aapal aM ..ii tin- MSJI <>f '•tarvation. Thi* in th>. usually bfwßß, alluvial n^'ou in North Anhwci and North Kiangsu. nontli»,st t i north iii-t. Htirtchiun over IU) iinl<->. and
      349 words
  • 592 10 Km>M OSS ()WH CoIREspoXDIXT.) KoU Bai.m. February 27. Tlif textivi'KM in conntvtion with 11. 11. th«- Rajas V .itli.Uy aaaBBBB«i on t!,. Mfc in«t.. m |iara<U' being lul.l in tin- afternoon in tli, prrs< nee of llie Itaja. the Britiah Adriaer au.l otliers. The Sikh |«.h,i prt«rt)eil
    592 words
  • 1134 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, March 4, 1011. Mean*. Lyall and Eratt, Exchange and Share Broken, iaaoe the following bat of quotation* ttiia morning Nam. Value. Bayers. Seller*. 3/- Allagar 6/8 ft 2 Option* ty 8/8 £1 AnKlo Java 8/8 V 10* 1 Anglo
    1,134 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      14 words
    • 74 10 A RELIABLE REMEDY. Yon are not experimenting on youmelf when you take Cliaiiioerlain a Cough Ke■uedy for a oold an that preparation baa won it* great reputation and xU imin kale by ita remarkable curra of oolda, and can always be depended upon. It ia equally valuable for adulta and
      74 words
    • 221 10 E. A 0. HOTEL. PCNiNQ The beat aad the moat fTFqoeokd Hotel iv tbe Itland, and fßAfi HOTEL Tbe only Sanatorium ia the Straito, a» THi laaiicßia or RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. SA»KIES BROTHERS, Proprietora. U2780 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. KRANI WANTED Wtnted. Chiaeae Krani with excelleat handwriting for comioeicial t.ou*e- t>ne with
      221 words
    • 368 10 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER To-Night. Extra Special Dinner TO-NIGHT. Austrian Ladies' Band of the Grand Continental Hotel in attendance, from 7.30 p.m. to i 0.3() p.m. HOTEL VAN WIJK CO., LTD. 48 4 3 C. HECKER. Stock and Shan Broker. MMtt riCWaaaT MILMMS, SMNUf^OwC Ttl I No. 697. Tele. I
      368 words
    • 134 10 Moutrie IS A SYNONYM OF GOOD FiITH. Moutrie's OLAKANTKK SATISFACTION. Moutrie's SELL THE BEST QUALITY OF OOOOS ONLY AT THE LOWEST PRICES. THE PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE. THE ARCADE. HOUSE TO LET Cree 11*11. Steven* Road, entry April 1. Apply to Fram>r A Camming, '29. Wmcheater Hoo-e. Mil 0 HOUSE
      134 words

  • 490 11 Kmrybuil) kaowa that Khaahaia Liwal i-i.a -.i.uin al,. but few c..uM t. II itow it r. iv.d its nitme. Whil. tratelling BB iv n. i.l,l».iiilk«»l. I was told by old Malimau. the son of a llrunoi woman and a Hnrawal. RaßaW, aajfl the ntti\. ai'tmii of Ur- (iowi.iois
    490 words
  • 256 11 AmusinK Adventures of an Actress Told in Court. Tl v,,- roil- I. i ildi V.I; B I Ml i Hv known as Mi-- I uff. i.l an .v «-«rt t..i she piovid. .1 Urn Urn lain heaag f-r fs m, i i •no.. i 1 1 s
    256 words
  • 247 11 itiHt-iuaing the qnalities mpimd for aac cm. in in tiie vi- M. K < I i .pi.;, s -ral w. II BBOil of haa hajaaaaaa ajajtU M is tin nt.i'l wh •ka >»s wll BBC s lap.d a.i i in. m allaits to day.
    247 words
  • 446 11 NOT M ARRYING MEN. Bachelor* Who Darn Socks and Mend loin Clothes. In Urn: slump in the marriage nui U. th»- in. ressing domeofn ity of the modern kajakatar, wko dnrs i-i m«l a woman to look after him? lUich, lors an li. ing mm and more domcxlicnt.-d. a lady
    446 words
  • 467 11 A Remark. ble >oit>ur of Fortune Who Rcceoily Died. Cuptain < ,".i;, l'».) nt. i.. '.I. lai.ious till •lister. wlu> served undei twi Iva tl and in .pint n a soldi, rof foiiiiu. whin— t to the hint hour, liax ditil in a N, Vora of
    467 words
  • 151 11 In tin- now I»ndon Dint t..i y. which runs to MTi |M){<-h. tin- grt*t Smith family. ..f course. Im ml llu- list <if greatest numlx-i of entries in I lit- couiiiM-rcial directory, and tL< mot fauiiliat luuucs oc< upj Smith 17 coluuius .lon.* v} Drown
    151 words
  • 1097 11 "CUPS" AND WEIR DIFFERENT FLAVOURINGS. A Few Recipes. Siiuv Ninth* ofTx|>riiiK di»|»i»« Ml the world carrying witli Uictn Om- ->•-' tlir vine, IImi iujkkioi; of cu|>~ 1" '«■••'> pleasant time. TIkj Hoik....- .(Mil nil mirta of ,|n utii things to flavour tlicw vu\- im i ImU. bur,
    1,097 words
  • 26 11 Smith has a lovely bmhy girl. Tin- stork U-ft h. r with a Mattel Smith Mined her Oiuooiargerinu. *"or lit hadn't any bat her.
    26 words
  • 1240 11 INDIA ANOIHEI'ROBLEMOFTHE PACIFIC. The Morning Post Article. Tlie IiiII.iuiiik article, from the \|..r> ny l'<Mt »iu briefly icfcrictl to in a lw r U-h-yrmii at the time •>{ puhliration The prohlcin of Imperial I Vi f tv- w-paratt-d altojjctlwr from tliat o( M one It-fence. N<> I ii
    1,240 words
  • 629 11 How it was Brought to England. W i -jiii il«-c»il<- ami a half ap> I |piu<l< a DMirniiii. all ii|a>ii Mik Ijoftiin Allen, nt tailloii. i'.nki -i.Im-.mI. I little thought l»av« UP. C AMI. y. writm» in tin- lllii<.ti.ti-'*l Ki inn N\hh. "that Uh' Uiria- ur f<mr
    629 words
  • 312 11 Whit is |<r>|,uliirly ax the Battle of indirectly referred to in this inoiitl: Travel mid KxplorAt hv Wirt Ceil. it.- v.hoisat pains to correct Ma nhsmd f«il.i.v .nit aix.ut the aaaattag pawata th.- aaaaa of bbmmm Bna] >/in. pistol Th.' n'.er point* out that tin-
    312 words
  • 45 11 Statistics f,.r tin- yrar IVIO show tli.iL W) Alpinista met with fatal anctdeata in th. mountain*. The injured natubersd HO, of whom 4 died. Moat of too victim* werr Swiss; Oei wand come next, thea Knglwh. Austrians. and Italian*. There wore very few Flood) victims.
    45 words
  • 922 11 Tin tie hunting i- if -t Kiihont \cttenieat. The iiM'tlml of iapt in. MMMkI of the aim pa* act of turning th. tm tl, .n MaMktk Mnoa in this position he i« n: t. r l v h. !pl. <«. lilA only def. n. i>l >,i I
    922 words

  • 1237 12 HILL K >WAW I* T«« WOIU>.I > hvl just MMM '1 >»n in my ttody with cigar tn<l Uu- morning paper to think oat „k. »li n a Ur«.\ dirty mv of Die ■cavcn^.T type pushed open the hall door and walk.*! boldly in. He pat down soli*.
    1,237 words
  • 471 12 Hints for People with Time and Money to Spend. C.-rtaiiily nine out of ten of the visitors to India giv. tli ii. We- MMi chance of MMMJ our great Kastern Kmpire liy tearing in MMMI trains fnmi one show city U> another it i*. oh.
    471 words
  • 326 12 Foretells the Pay When Nobody will Accept Gold. Mr. Thomas A. Kdison, in au iuterview mMmmbl in the Kebnmiy number of the C Mi SJMM Migi/ine. pMMMi the lime is not distant when inventors will have i:i...1. MMMk) the follovvini: 1 .th. MMM, Mai, tissue pn|>or. and
    326 words
  • 166 12 Tin- interesting announcement is made by the l.iiii'olnslnri' Regiment Old Commies' Association tliat it Imm od iU list representatives of throe generations in ex Sergt. I*. H .1..111-. Ilia aon (Sergt. Ma j. I*. H. .luuuai. ami ,I'u I. 11. J whilst the accoud grandson
    166 words
  • 682 12 MIDNIGHT FIREWORK DISPLAY IN LONDON'S CHINATOWN. Crackers on Lady's Hat. "Happy New Yew; thank you Telly much, said hundred* of Chinese to each other in Loodon on Chinese New Year night. Liniehoutc, the Chinese quarter of London, was given over to fireworks, and the display wait more
    682 words
  • 321 12 A Leeds Art Master Declares The) Have Mot. Sonic very drastic criticism on tho pre sent day fashions in women's clothes liax been gncu by Mr. Kichard I'arkrr. a Loud* art master, at a mis-ting of the Association of of Doim site Snl j -<-U in
    321 words
  • 1303 12 HOW CEREMONIES MIGHT BE ABRIDGED. <x Claims of Ancient History. Tbe lloaur of Common* met at noon yesterday (writes Mr. Harold Spender in the Morning Leader of February 'it to proceed with another stage of tbe long formalities necessary to the creation of a Parliameat. On Toeaday afternoon
    1,303 words
  • 505 12 Merc Thai One Message Over A Single Wire More than one telephone ui.-ssag. may now be sent at Uie same time over a single wire, witliout interference, by an invention of Major George O. H>|uic r. of the I'nited Htates Signal Corps. Practically Uie same Uiing has buen
    505 words
  • 379 12 Tbe Right aid ibe Wrong Way of Standing at Ease Poise and position, by an iroiiv of faU'. r.- r:nolin<' fads. l-igiirt-t could, as a matter of fact, have counted for v<-i y lull, wlun h.».|>« and I'aisl.y sli.iw hi'l I. tion au.i iui|» t1.t1,..u alike, an.l
    379 words
  • 123 12 Most Be autiful English Words. After an interesting contest to deride the twenty most beautiful wonts in the English language, in winch thousand* of mciulx ol the Y. M. C. As in MM fan took part. Mr. John Shea, a lawyer, has been declared the winner, the Telegraph states, of
    123 words
  • 623 12 All hi* married nu-n (ricoda. and hi* women frieu.U. iuarni<l i.r Dot. win' a^ro-d that it waa tmn 1 the mitMlcagi*! man married, lonotantlv. tin- dim iik' ion waa renewed, ami by no one mars p»mi-t«'iitly, more vigoroualy, Uiaii by hia »i»Ur. who ha<l married very unhappily
    623 words
  • 344 12 Disappearance of figure to Be fcpriog Fashion's Feature Women hi. to liavi ,|isappMMM| tigur.-s hi- MMH> Tli. Mil f MMMM'I |W «MM Msi in m s au. sx, long M si, -till the outline will Ik- .ill. ■n I MM will l.iok a- it -I, li ul I'he
    344 words
  • 133 12 Among the debutantes in 1-ou.L.ii tins y> If will be MMM M.i.i. l ..f Kit.-. Ih. daughter of tlie I'm... oi K-.yal aim MM IMu of Kite I'nii' Mi MMMMMMi bcrsevi nl.s n'h birthday in April, an.l is two year. MMMM than Imt sister. I'rin. MS AI. vaudra. who v
    133 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 255 13 YAMATO'S Spring T SALE COMMENCES MARCH 1. 41, HIGH STBEBT. FURTHER REDUCTIONS In the Price of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th February, inclusive. A.«k for new PRICE LIST from DUPIRE BROTHERS, A|(*nt., THE DENTAL HALL, NO. 1, RAFFLBS PLACE (OPPOSITE JOHN LITTLE a CO. S BUILDING Under tbe snperTisioe of
      255 words
    • 216 13 BOARD AND LOD6INB. BOARD AND lEBIOENCE. Board aad apartments for single geatls smb at 11, Dfaoby Cihaot. Term. Moderate BOARD AND RESIDENCE Comfortable room*. Near town. Term* moderate. Apply C. D e/o StraiU Times. 84 BOARD AND RESIDENCE Splendid single aad double roons with rorudabs, baths and showers attaohad. Oka*
      216 words
    • 443 13 ARTICLES FOB SALE. FORBALE A new motor boat. 40 H.P., Isacth N'lB x5. Will carry 30 bam rior Apply Oa«(inr sad Co. 8079h a FOR MIL Nearly aew, SMITH PBEMIERTTPE WRITER, No. 4. Apply to H. H. H e/o Straita Times. 88S* 48 POBTA6E'BTAMPB Postage Stamps for Collection., Boofffat, Sold
      443 words
    • 729 13 TESTED AMD RELIABLE DISINFECTANTS Whalley's Concentrated Sanitary Fluid. A 8 BUPPUED TO THE SSs^SfSS E CO RPMATIOM ROYAL HOUSEHOLDS OF THE CITY OF LONDON aisjsit aca tbam MMa. of Wballey'* CooesatratOne Gallon 2^;%,-;' sar 200 Gallons. feotaat yet discovered CAN BE HAD FROM LEADING DIBPENSABIES AND BTORBB. THE UNION TRADING
      729 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 722 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COUNTED. dead Office I Winchester House, SINGAPORB. Board of Diraotora 1 A. Dbbbick. Bag Chairman. A. H. Fain, Bao Managing Director rVraa Ki.wlib. m s., c v Obief Mad. Officer r. M Elliot B-q. Rev. N. J. Couvapia. Tow Noam Pah. B«q. Olio 8oo« Tbb,
      722 words
    • 522 14 BAJHUIIB. CNARTfIEO INK OF MOIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INOORPORATBD BT ROYAL CHARTKR Paid op Capital ia 6tU>oo Shares ot £20 each £1,200.000 Rtearve Fund. ll.600i»0 ReanrreLiafeiHs^ofPitjarinvara... 11.200 000 BANKERS. National Bank of Soolland. The Ixmdoa Oity a Midland Sank, Lai. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooont* are opened aad interest allowed at
      522 words
    • 742 14 BANKING. THE tZE HAI TON. BANKING AND INSURANCE Cl. LTD. MO. IT AND 68. KLINO STREET latsyisbsd 1907. Capital paid up tIJOOOfiMW Till '-"j 1000JOO.OO COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan- Tec* Jooh 6. Sm Ku Jak Ma* En Ha»o 7. Tm 800 Lai S, Uao Cbia Hbmo S. Ta» Chn
      742 words
    • 1365 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF* Valuable Teak Household Furniture, etc THF. PROPERTY OF J. C. JVTMaIBeVI KSQ AT -CASTOR Mil ROAD. Onrtaturday, March 11, mt S.SO p.m An exrf-Uent trafd Cottage by Ramaprrgnr. Stnt'cart. in grod coodWon handsome rattan and rttew atting woven drawing ro« m lurniturt a
      1,365 words

  • 834 15 NOTES AND COHHENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. An Uveoturt. w .mi of tin slartlin-; adtejituri ol a giddy ol<l Malay l.wiy wlw linn from time immemorial moved »n<l had her bcinu in tin •lecpy lilt!-' township ■>( Tmni;. w»y» the IVnk 1'ioneir. Here (or many yoan* hIkj ban
    834 words
  • 181 15 Exceptionally Big Traffic lixpected At Hongkong. OwinK to Ur- opcuiun up o( ucw rubber fields in Malaya and Itoruio, tlu- .Todmi of ixnlieii from H<>ii|>k<>nK prixuMen to be rx, optionally laryc tliix year, says the lluogkoog Trlpgrapli. ThiN n just the f ami when Ilii-ciiii^rntinn traffic tngins to
    181 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 194 15 WOLSELEY A^RS NONE SUPERIOR. Full particulars from the Sole Agents: central aaas SILENT KNIGHT CC T^ ■^"^■^T'Tr'T^ CIS O^ jct\j\^j V e,cijxrx/»^i> Arriving Shortly t 811 11,I 1 Minn.o cylinder, (oar seated Cars. IS H.P.. Two cylinder fire seated Can. In Stook I JO Hl'., 6 cyundor, sewn seated. STANDARD,"
      194 words
    • 35 15 THE BEST PHYSIC. Whea yon want a physic that ia mild aad geatle,eaay to take aad oartaia to act, al waja aae Cbsmlsrisis's Htomaoh and Li»ar TaV bta. For Ban by all nisjwaaiisa aad Mam
      35 words
    • 572 15 HEAD ONE MASS OF RUNNING ECZEMA Task Every Hair Of. A Pitiful Sight. Kept Someone Night and Day to Prevent His Scratching. After Second Application of Cuticura Ointment,ltching Stopped. Now Has Lovely Skin and Hair Thanks to Cuticura Remedies. "I aar« aMrh sfcaisTi In wirloalat a »MUiils ef baby by
      572 words
    • 755 15 pELESTINS VICHY TABLE WATERS. VICHY MINBRAL WATERS of wide world reaowa are kaewn for their Rood ooratiTe qnaliries, bat it is not generally known that oat of all the Viohy water* the only one that can be used as .able wstor is CELCSTINS VICHY TABLE WtTaTr* Hopital aad Oraad Grille
      755 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 974 16 "ELEPHANT" Cement. BEST PORTLAND GUARANTEED PURE. MANUFACTURED IN ENGLAND. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD. WANTS* PRESSMAN WANTED. I'iuasman with fir»t class knowledge of Wlirtrfilalo machine Only experienced men nxd apply. Good salary given to soitable on Apply Printer, c/o Straits Times. 381 o FOREMAN WANTEO. Wsnted, Foreman for an Aerated Water
      974 words
    • 684 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO K LIT. RMMSHtI. Villa Marina, Tanjong Katoog. from April 1,1911. Apply to bu pheaa Paul k Co. W2 a TOUT. From March 1. Una floor, No. M and 61-3, Tbe Arcade, large rooms tor offices, can be joined into one if required, facing Raffles
      684 words
    • 755 16 NOTICES. KIM KMT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. Telephone No HI. 108* 10*. Market Street. NOTICE. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the boainess of STOCK ANDSHAKE BhOKBHK lately oarrkd oa by the oadersigaed under the name or style of SENG AND COMPANY. at 34, The Arcade, Singapore, will be disoontioued as from
      755 words
    • 678 16 NOTICES. THE CENSUS ORDINANCE. 1110. It is hereby notified for public iofonnstioo that in tha column beaded Religion in theSchedule prepared ander Section 8 of Tbe Census Ordinance, 1880," it will suffice in the case of person* professing tli.- Oirntun religion to eater Cbriat iao only, without > peed y
      678 words
    • 285 16 NOTICES, NOTICE. HE CONTINENTAL STAMP CO. Just Removed to 84. SOUTH HKIIh.K HoAH, Adelphi Hotel Buildings, Singapore Stationers, Bookbinders. Printers. Rubber Stamp Makers, Postcard aad Stamp Dealers. PRICES MOhBRATB. Orders Promptly Executed I 8 a 81 I THE SINGAPORE CD 1«i O 170. ORCHARD ROAD loots aa« Shea* staas t*
      285 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 247 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— MisoaUane oos want* of every description are inse rt ed at tbe prepaid rate of II pnr four lines for one or two insertions Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each iiiawluia Foe p.p c. cards, on page 6, 12.
      247 words