The Straits Times, 2 March 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MARCH 2, 1911. NO. 23.508 PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 144 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. SELECT FURNITURE AT S^atz ffirotders, Jstd. SPECIAL ATTENTION AND QUOTATIONS GIVEN F0» HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS LARGE BTCCK SPECIAL OEBI6NB iuj.uo seasoned wood, finished with w fILWAYS HIDE TO ""'Si^aU'stcare, and supervised nones CH HrND. by experienced workmen. OHDEn. OTTJST RECEIVED Large Shipment of GOLD'
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    • 133 1 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 917, Orchard Road. AWARDED MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE. AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW 81 NO* POKE. 1910. Arranged Floral Baaketa. Booqoata, ibowen and Floral form* of all deacriptioas. Wedding order* receive ipecial attention. MANY LOCAL TESTIMONIALS. Muil Modtrtt.. Cot Klowen ran mrowa Nanenee quite Freeh. NURSBRIBs"
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    • 264 1 CALICOES. SHEETINGS. Robinson A Co. Uetn and Cotton Q DC-O I A I ShtAts and Sheeting. \J EV^ ll\L, Swiss Muslins Damask Cloths, Sem.tta., SHOW/ Persian Lawns, Piques. 5 ••C..*jrs. C^ V n^ W Dri Bn..,,nts, Csasls»C»nf»r»,\ v AF Costume Linen ViHat Csv«r» and $lo> f^ board Cloths. Handkerchiefs, flip..
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    • 44 1 v mm, MORSES DISTEMPER MMMSOK. CUFIUJUI AM tt. in 13 OF YOUR LIFE 18 BPERT IN BED. O«t good bedding from «ye reliable bouse JULIAN FRANK EL FURNITURE CO. (No connection wiU) M an|ita c nrm id lb« City). 166-1, Orchard Road. Phone 344.
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  • 957 2 FIRST DREADNOUGHT BUILT ON TbE THAMES. Luacbed Amidst Estbasiasm. The ttnrt aaper Droadaooght to be baiU na the haute of the Thames- the Thaadens/^ waa iiiimi— 'njlj laoaobed from the Thamea Ironworks at OanninK Town amid a crash of cheering from thooaaada of eathaaiaattc oalonkera and tho roar
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  • 61 2 The well known I lima! y "> inounUkincern. Dr. Bullock W.Tkiuan au I Mm. Hullo k Workman, wlm have U-i-u aLiying in r..tuy.i lor*- miuv IKx-iiiiUt, luave »v th :ir H.vunlii lour >>f Uii' lliiualyaM (wily in April, ami will be away in Uiuau re^ioUH till IXtcciubur, rctiirmn)> to lUiikil-'l.'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 455 2 •'Hantina* Baiw M HaraNna Saew Wmßi i' HarcHrn' 8«ow" Haiahna' Snew" Hanhna taew "Wjlbliw' j— Maiaana Snow '■Naiaiina' Sfww" Haiatma »aew •'Miiiii'tai RaielbN Snow "'Haralina' Snew" Hasina Snow Naarftaa tmm Haialina Snow Haialina Snow Haralina S«ew "Naiaiae' tea" Haialina Snow Hirolina' Snow" HaitJina Saew HaMBM 9mm Haralina Snow Ha/ehnc Snow
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    • 14 2 F<r all iotpraal oomplaiata. Py*ent«" V.(f».«. Cold«, ule., t**o Wooda' Orea f CL»iK3'Ullnl CUXM.
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    • 290 2 J. MOTION 4 GO. Watchmakaea, <iaw*:i«ry, Opttolana BBPaUtt iBUaWLT ■ZaWDTBO I JOHN JAMESON'S THREE STAR WHISKY mm* mnw tat mm. übid. km.i<i. Mwrm BJa. cat IM. Singapore lataraiuts' Stores TAXIDERMI BTS. BIRDS AND ANIMALS MOO NTBD. BTC. DItUU m ux mmm. Bird of Par«dl»« for Sale. NO 177. OMNMH MIO.
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    • 249 2 I DIAMOND RINGS Diamond Rose Rings Diamond Hoop Rings Diamond Half- hoop Rings Diamond Shamrock Rings A LARGE COLLECTION JUST UNPACKED. Auto OTHER RINGS SET WITH BEST QUALITY DIAMONDS AND OEMS OF RARE OCCURENCE InapwOtion cordially invited. ISMAIL AND RAHEEIYI. Brat BiMh Road. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala
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  • 864 3 DEATH OF THE REV. SAMUEL LUCFARUNE. Early Days the South Seas The- lUv. Samuel MacKarUne. 1.1. l> a| pioneer of tbe London Missionary S.« i. > j lUwork ia New Ooiaea, died i. aiavjr.S* SouUiport. aged 78 *«ara. XI .lacKarbuies n.i-.nahty uxercimd gTva* influ«-nc«- both in tl
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  • 149 3 At Calcutta police court, on Kebruary lA, an attorney applied on behalf of Mis* S. It. KcyH, aged about 17 years, that aome jewellery belonging to the girl, which had been depmtited with Mr. Jamen Bury, manager of tlie Bandmann Opera Company, might 1m returned tn her. as nlm- wanted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 You Subscribe for Newspapers Magazines. WHY NOT ALSO FOR BOOKS? B. [ycu kcow tbat for SI a }ear Th* Tim** Sooai O*wb wiU tend yna oaw Rood nov»l every month for twelve months poat free to yoor address Think what Ibis means. You can arrange for a ri^olar aopnly of
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    • 72 3 k IEUABIE REMEDY Yoa are not experimenting on yourself when yon take Chamberlain's Ccugb Kesaody for a cold as tbat preparation baa woa its great refutation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always he ileiiriidMj upon. It w equally valuable tor adults and children aad
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    • 254 3 CHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists. «Bi •OutH BPldf "old IhH Haw Miihiiwi Piiliim (Mi Onim Bndffe. KUlib« uml TriMM DraMaa of W»e» rramatoad i.BABOIs MODUaTI HILL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES Baa* Taetb Pnrim mm! Bfwbw tar «a* T418K16 CHUNG NURSERIES. Orchard Road. H»Te alwaya in Stock Splendid apaot dmm of Orchid* fiom South
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    • 304 3 lifebuoy Soap is invaluable gmj^L for Washing Nurses' and Patients' clothing. It is a >4^ preventati?e against in- /^M fection, and its regular /^OS use will keep the /i7Jl_ifrK house sweet and mm n 7_L v% CLEANS. PUSWRES. MM AND DISINFECTS. l^a«»»_!SSr> »L Pre^^rtete^e ew 3*is**iaj%4 *w*a^> USHUN COALThe Bert
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 657 4 BTEAMER BAIUN63. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION 08. FOR CHIN 4, JAPAN. PKNANO. CEYLON. ALMTRAUA, INDIA. ADBN, BOTPT, MEDITERRANEAN, PORTS, PLY MOU ril AND LONDON. Tbroogh Bill* of Lading issued for Chins Coast. Persian Oalf, Continental, aad American Ports. Steamer* will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.)
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    • 545 4 BTEABER BAIUH6BN.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN DIE A Fortnightly servioe is maintained be tweaa Tokohuna via port* to M«r*eille«. London and Antwerp, coder mail contract with the Imperial Japtaeas Oovarasjaaat Tbe New Twia-serew Steam-n maiat*iaing this servioe have been spec ally designed anr ooastrnoted. aad are fitted witb
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    • 631 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP CO U 8. MAIL LiNE. The great atniaahrp line betwen CHINA, JAPAN aad BCBOPB, via Hooolalo and San Franoisoo, oparatiag tb*> new I6\ooo ioo«, twi* sorew steamar* KOEBA aad BIBBBIA, together with tbe well known ■ll Hi* n CHI N A. ASIA, MONOOLU MAM CH'RIA
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    • 262 4 STEAMER SJUUWQ3. Ganidian Pacific Railway Go 's Royml Mail Steetmafiip Ua*, THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BCBOPB Via Cbiha. Jataji, Canada amd m L'mitbd Statbs. Boas* from Hongkong, via Shanghai. Nagasaki (Inland See of Japan), Kobe, Yokobama, Viotoria aad Vanooover. R.M.S. Bmpress of India" Twin screw B M.B. Bmpres. of Japaa"
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    • 572 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AJTD DEUTSCHE OAMPFSCHIFF FAHRTBBEB. 'HANSA BREMEN. Combined lUpvlc*. The stsiiiurs of these Companies maintain a regular ssrvics bstwssa Ham bar* Bremee, ntwerp. and Ruttardam, and toe Straits, bina and Japan. H«me«ard». they ars deepatebsd fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg aod oooa a month for
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    • 688 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. iorddeutscher Lloyd, Bremer IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tbs fast aad wsll known mail atoamer* of tbis Company sail fortnight! r from Bremen, Hamburg, vu Rotterdam. Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar. Uenne. Naplee (onooeotiag Marseille*. Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said. Hnci. Aden CoJombo. Penaag. Siogapors. floag<oog.
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  • 179 5 FIXTURES. Thursday. March a. Hi*h Water, U 18 a.m. B. I. hoaseward mail closes. 8 p.m. 8 C. C. T Minis Tooraameat. Philharmonic Orchestrs, Mem. Hall. BJO. Apollo's Circus. Priday. March j. High Water, 0 0 a.m., 11.49 am. B'pore Art Club. Tanglin Club, 4 to 6
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  • 188 5 To DAT. K2S* Penang aad M taking mails for luross, «tc. vii Bnmbav I ,««U 8 pm Msliora. I'.irt Du-kaon tnt P s«,tt. nhsm Ban Pah Guan Bpn Penang and Calcutta C. Apcar 8 pm Ilsniikuk Triumph 4 pn Han«kok Profit 4 pm Colombo N-ckar 4 pm
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  • 132 5 The I. contract packtt (•Vainer Taroba, hiving ft Ni iispstsiu at 9 p.m. on Saturday. tli<' M l> "'tun >. mty be rxotc*.ed to arrive here on Saturday morning, the 4th inxtant. The Imp (»< Train mail st<*smer Lielziw liavintf Mi Colombo on Saodsy, the 26th ultimo,
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  • 260 5 Latest Arrivals. Tbalaog. H I s M yacht. 190 ton*. 2H crew. Mi >• p. Com C unpbell. M»r From I'onsnw K.b 1H h'or Siowora. Mar 2. W. Brak, DM, go»t str SOO ton«, 25 ere*, 150 hp dm. Wink. Mir 1 From Riouw, Fob in Fur Htiio,
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  • 106 5 Wharvea at which Vessel* are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAGAB. East Wmar Bas»— Kaaataa. Poh Asa. East W. SacnoH No. I— Baa Hoeg Lioag, C. Apcar, (ileamorsg. Sasaas WaAsr-NiL aUi» W. Sbct. No. 2— Teasta, Tara. m n a— Carlos de Biaaguirre. 4
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  • 104 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Selangor, March I.— From Telok Aoson via pnrts: Messrs. C. E. Donsmb. A. Scott, Tadd. Newton. W. C. McCall, O. H. O. Connor and Tan Jiak Clno. Per steamer Ranee, March 2.— From Deli Mr. aad Mrs. H M. Wille, Miss Aspinall. Messrs A
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  • 229 5 Finance Commerce. ffwoim w Sikoatobb. Mab< h 2, 1911. O* Lonoi- Beak 4 m/s Demand 1/44 Private 8 n>/s 1/4* l do 8 m/s 1/4* O» Gbbhakt Bank d/d M 0 Private 8 m/s 144 O« Fxakcs Back d/d 296 Private 8 m/i 2»i Osi Ikd.a Bank T. T. IT4|
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  • 10 5 Singapore, March 2, T waive noon.
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  • 162 5 V«loa£ 10 10 BeU» Tin 10 10 BroaaK 10 10 Brwah Hyd 10 10 Ktotboi 41 11 KinWTin 41 41 Ki«Ua«Tia 10 10 Kaulu Tin XI 41 L»h»l Mine* 10 10 M»l«e>» Tie 6/ PkhMC CoiMOi £1 tl l'.-n«k«i>-n 41 It I'ohok Bkfara XI XI Pu«in« Lama 10 10
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  • 611 5 Imrae S Value Bayen 11 41 O»w»hln 4.100 41 41 Sbeiford 8.16 8 11 16/- Sialanß 1.6.0 9/- 2/- Sinaapon Par* 1/- StraiU(Bertami 7 10 t >/■ S/- Sumatra Par* 13/4* 41 Ml Sangai Cbofa 61 f> 3/- a/- Sdoro) Kapar U 41 XI Bnns« Balak 4 100 41
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  • 123 5 Vftloe 2 Boyerm. 10 10 Barters Smoltin* 10 7 41 41 Bleetrio Trmmwmyt 8/8 10 10 Fr*wr Ht*n 85 50 HO HowMtta Brakiae 100 ,.7% PmL 9000 100 100 EaU Bra. Dot 100 100 a 8% Cum. Pret 10 10 lUysMd Co. -U 80 Sellan Dom. 1000 700 8640
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  • 51 5 Buyers Sailers Howarth Erskine t% lflOT.OOO par Kiley, Hargreaves 6% lUHJXO 2, Hpm Singapore E lee trio Tramways 6% AWO.OOO Spore Municipal 6% ***** 000 boss. Buyeta Hsllass B'pore Municipal 4J% of 1907 $1,600/00 6% 7%ptß Spore Municipal 4(% of 1909 H. 000,000 T% B%pat Spore Municipal 4% M0i.900
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 The maidrn blunhed A rosy red In sorvota hushed s|>, M>(tly said. With mtirlrnh'od's Swnt dinile drmure, I'lm*<> pivn lvi' W.Hidi 1 I'opptrmiot Core."
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    • 410 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Mar. 4— it saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Mar. 4. At Dalvey House. Dalvey Road, Tanglin, valuable Teak and Europe- made Mohagany aad Oak household furniture, property of H. Oad, Esq. Mar. 8- At saleroom. 12 cast' Volunteer Cigarettes, at 11. H. L. Corhlan and
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    • 1093 5 W. P. af H. O. WILL'S THREE CASTLES "MAGNUMS" A Lmrge Hand Made Cigarette. p^ i* T^ < rtj§ Prioe: j. Ihree Castles ™iMJ Cigarette^ 55 JjTS. Airtight EtS^TA T~-^3t?l r-M Xi nB aSvlleS^^ffis^i Per tiD I W.O &H O.Wills L\ OBTAINABLE AT: John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. AUCTION
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    • 146 5 HIGH -CLASS Telephone No. 818. UNDERTAKING. P*"*** •<*••*. Wn.s»iM. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY age, to inform the public that the kiad patronage accorded him during the pass ttw yrars, has made it necessary tor him to acquire another new Rubber tyre* Hisrss, which shims— a'J others la the Strata*.
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  • 1180 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, MARCH 2. THE PROMISE OF SPRING. It in not our intention to discourse upon the bashful buttercup* or the dainty danue*. or even to dencant upon the low murmuring flow of the bright sparkling brook. Such tiling* can be left to those who hybernate in a
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  • 35 6 At s meeting of the directors of the Hong koag snd Kowloon Wharf and Godown Co., Ltd.. on February Tl, it was decided to pay a dividend of 6 per cent, for the year 1010.
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  • 78 6 The seventh annual report of the Hong gong European Y. 11. C A. ahows progrw in all branches. The nienibenliip mill stands at 176, bat the work of the association from a religious, social and educational point of view has been very mil— fill, and Una fact should be highly
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  • 40 6 The result of Uie bye-election at Cam bridge (.'niversity to All Uie vacancy caused by Uie death of Mr. Butcher wa* as follow* Sir Joseph Larmor. official I'nionist. 1.9.'>4 T. K. I'age. I'nionist ittanding in Uie interest of education. :\ll
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  • 38 6 At San liieg-i, Uie aviator Curtis* in hw hydroaeroplane alightmi on Uie water alongside Uie cruiser Pennsylvania which hoisted Uie machine on board. Curtis* then dropped to the water again and afterwards soared and Dew to Ins abed.
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  • 40 6 Maaars. Vicker*. Son and Maxiiu are com pleting the Admiralty airship. Tlie latter ha* a framework of aluminium covered with 4f1,000 square yards of Uie finest *ilk. thus rendering it waterproof ami gasproof. The ailk cost £1 Is per yard.
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  • 38 6 The Hongkong Government ix aaßaUariajg a bill to amend Uie Defencen i Sketching Invention i Onlinance. IH9S, and to ei>ntn>l hslliMinmUi and other* who liave *|M<cial op portanitieM for obtaining information res |>. i tlllK the llefencVN tlie c-<ilouy.
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  • 54 6 It is aunoiini-ol from Inland that mi n f n. in t he salvage sU-amer now st work at tin s|»>t where II M.S. I.utine I*l in ITVJ have brought to Uie HUrface a nuiiila-r of canuon l«ll» and ir:m bar*. The treasure still remaiuini- in the wreck is said
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  • 57 6 In China Street, last night, two Chinamen were seen to attack another man. 0M pulltil the mi tun down wlul. tin otln i -tni. k him. and nheii t i left "ff tin n tun wa* uncoils* I. vi- Hi win taken to the MhM Station 111 that condition hut
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  • 50 6 Tapping wa* commenced in October on the IVrmcnlo Rubber KstaU (the Shanghai Tunis is informed by the local secretaries, tin Shanghai Electric ami Anbeittos Co., Ltd.. i and the amount of dry rubber harvest ■I t<> the end of January is 6Ui lbs., whilst .l.i I trees are being tapped.
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  • 49 6 W l>ipley. alias W. A. Hurt/, and a girl iihiihil •■■.lilie Smith, his -u.-.theart. have been found guilty of murder in the hist degree in •■onuectum with the death of Stanley Ketchell. champion middle weight l».\cr.'in October last. Tin- seuU-uce ineiideil for the prisoner* wa* life imprison ment
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  • 58 6 Private Palmer, of Uie Cameron High lander*, was shot dead while on sentry duty at Uie magazine. Calcutta, by a bullet which appears to have come from the rifle of one of a squad of Uie same regiment engaged in tiring wiUi dummy cartridges in the barracks near by. An
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  • 52 6 Messrs. Lowe. Bingham an.l MatUiews. accountants and auditor*, of London. Hong kong ami Shanghai, have opened a branch office at Kuala Lumpur, under Uie manage ment of Mr. Charle«C. Duuman. A.C.A Mr. Charles C. Uunman has no connection with any other person or bnu of Uie same name in Uh-
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  • 66 6 A drowning fatality occurred through the capsizing of a trading junk in Lyeemun pas*. Hongkong. The junk was under full sail when a sudden gust of wind caught and cap si/cd her. Four out of a crew of twelve wendrowned. Uie oUier eight being saved by a Ashing junk. Tlm-
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  • 61 6 Sir William Richmond. K. A., pn-snlinj; at a conference on Uie *iuoke evil, said hi* bearer* perliap* woulii not like to know Uiat Londoner* had black lungs instead of pink lung* like country people. KecenUy, while having some picture frame glasses washed he had found Uiat Uie dcponil from outweek'*
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  • 60 6 A i-orrespoudent writes from Malacca Uiat Uiat nettlemenl is to have a big finn very shortly, called Uie Malacca General Stores. Ltd.. wiUis capital of •100.1100. The directors are Towkay Tan Chung Laafc, > liainuan of Uie United Malacca Rubber Estate*. Ltd.. and of Uie Tampin Kubber Corporation Ltd., Mr.
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  • 104 6 At a recent meeting of Uie Indian Ba*M| of Oriental Art. it was decided to accept tin offer of Sims. Victor (ioloubew. Uie duttin guiiihcd Kuwtian scholar, to purchase the negative* and the Society* copyright there in of Uie pliotograph* of Uie V I tli and V I lt.ii century
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  • 111 6 An interesting presentation has been lumle to Kaffies Museum by Measr*. Ismail and Kahecn.. the well-known jeweller* of Bra* Baaah Koad, on behalf of Tungku Mohamed Noor bin Raja Muda I burnt Tungku Sultan Haitliartilia. of Negri Serdang. Sumatra. The articles prevented are as follow a baju worn by man
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  • 117 6 Two Javanese lant week broke into tli. quartern of a buy employe I hy Mr. Noon, at Tclnk Koran, am) stole in money and Home clothing. One of the thieves, on hix way townward*. wan challcngix! by a iiativ. pohocinan and to avoid euquiriea he dropped hw bundle anil Dotted.
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  • 336 6 Tin Malsv Mail i* informed Uiat Mr. F. C. Jcavon* will take 'harge of Sioue estate. Tlie Daily Telegraph *ay* it m understood Uiat Lord Crewe will be in attendance on Uie King in India. The Attorney General of Hongkong. Uie Hon. Mr. W Ree* IHtvies. K.
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  • 101 6 Mi- Excellency, the Governor and party will attend the second house of the Alhamhra Cinematograph to -morrow .K'nday awaajna, Uie performance commencing at special film reproducing scenes at the session of the X, ill ml < oiincil at Kuala Kangsar in November last will be
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  • 116 6 On Saturday a motor car pnicetshng up the Ampang Koad. Kuala Lumpur, ran into an electric light standard with the result that the back portion of the car was badly aoMMhad up. Mr. heddic and Mr. Steadinan. who were in Uie car. were both badly hurt,
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  • 117 6 Tin tpollo circus nuil lueungerH will comment* a brief season m Siuga|«>re to night ou Ur- iwual circu» pitch, ltcach Koad. Tlm I ndu ami Burma press hat< Un loud in their prai*e of Uiiii *hoy l>< -mli- the cin-UH seta aud Uie menagerie. Uie show in
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  • 134 6 At a meeting of the hoard of director), of the Canadian i'tu ih< Kailway Company, it was decided that in view of tin |~.»iti..n of Uie land account and of other < xtraneou* asset* of tin company, the distribution from these Solimtl. coMilneln UH Milh tile
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  • 116 6 According to oßicial advu-eM. after tli. French defeat »t Wwlti aptain Kaurc <lc featnl Uh- c* SulUn Iliidiiiurrah at Sagooa killing *K> native*. Tlm remainder (led u> l>artur Tin- Krcnch suffered no In— is. WtiUi in Dow tramim; ument »f French Kquatonal Africa repiu t* h^litin^ at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 189 6 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE TELEPHONE CO. NUMERICALLY ARRANOED. Presented on application by Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., Tirtrrn" and kktail wink \m> spirit merchants. BENSON'S i GOLD EXPANDING j^dßjEoK2^o^^> BRACELET WATCHES I nil. inn expansion and elasticity M JB^ lfc?s^^ Practically unbreakable. Prices *7J. luB, $214 nel aS, LITTLES. I KELVIN Motor Launches.
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    • 184 6 NEW PICTURES Xo-Nlrfht, ALHAMBRA THE LATEST PARIS FASHIONS in HAIR DRESSING And many Kresh Topical Events at Home and Abroad carers tb« Haw ibscb or Pathe's Animated Baxette, •24Ui Edition. *UPBO>TBJ> BY OTHER ENTERTAINING PICTIRES. TOMORROW Friday, March 3, SPECIAL PROORAMME Under Uie IKstinguinbed Patronage and in Uie Immediate Pretence
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    • 15 6 I a Ins* advertisements of the day appear on page S as well as 8.
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  • 184 7 M. DELCASSE IN CHARGE OF THE NAVY. M. Pichon Refuses to Serve. 111! 111 < TILHHUI. Loadon. March 1. A Paris telegram say* Uiat M. Delcaase haa aen-ptel Ur- portfolio of Marine and M. Rer MBM that of War M Moms MB tin Portfolio of Foreign Affair* to
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  • 204 7 m ADVANCING PRICES AND RECORD (MANTITY. Alleged Cornering of the Para Stocks. i From iM-k own C..imrsF.>M>«NT.i l^inil.m. March 1. The aif Hrn this week has shown an advance all round and tlnr. is ureat interest in tin- maiket. The .|iiantity of Plantation offered Ml up a
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  • 32 7 DmOJMMMMI I.loili TuLK-.Ktii IU-rlin. March 1 11,. t..«ii I'rin. and MmMbl will bi- in MM fioiii \pril Hh to Nth. Kumoiirs that Ili-rr Kidirlen m i-.hii|«iiii-s them ar»- nnfuiindeil
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  • 33 7 I>»K 1 1-ri.nriv hk l.i.'i I' Tri.Ki.m* ■MMb, March I. lln I M rin. in S. i Man in. nlint is settlnl by tin- n-signation .if tin- War MimsUrof Serria.
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  • 42 7 MMtOMnMMMMM I. Lorn Tbliukam Kerlin. March I. Karon von tehreuthal.the Austrian Foreiga Minister ik ill. anil is gouiK on two monUw I. .m but i* not n-nigning. M. I'allavn mi. tin MmisUi at <'.msUnti n-i|>li-. will t for him
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  • 63 7 stMIOMMMMMMaI IaVMJB TrLKiiKAM. IU-rhn. March I. I 'hi 1.1... 1 .11 mi tin.-, at St. I'eU-n bur^ t" ili-M-iiiw hit return to LliasMa. Thi-n i- MMMMJ an error iv Uiv last BBeanage. a* it in only a f<» day* nince Ur- re turn ol tin- DlalaJ
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  • 26 7 Itri i«k TBUMBAM. London. March 1. A telegram from Sydney say* that Kng I in. l ha»rl.alli-ni:<-d AiiHtralaaia for Ur- l»avi« t V
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  • 763 7 Annual Report Records Prosperous Year's Working. The annual report of Uie directors of Messrs. Fraaer and Neave. Ltd.. to be formally submitted to Uw shareholders at a i -us -ting on Wednesday next, is aa follows The Printing Department participaU-d in Ur- general improvement in trade,
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  • 291 7 First St. David's Day Dinner fn Singapore Siuga|kire ha- now got anoUu-r anniversary to 1 1 -in.- mi U-r. St. I lav i.l Day Tlie firet organised cclelir.ition of the day locally took place U-t night in tin Hotel de I' Europe when about a score of
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  • 31 7 i 'ln new straight six furlongs course, now under ..n-tnn tioii by the Ipoh Gyiukliana Club, ia the fti -1 of it- kind in eiUier the S.S. or F M S
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  • 1168 7 PREPARATIONS FOR TAKING THE CENSUS. Difficulties of the Enumerators. There is a red-letter day ahead for Singapore when every individual, whether a devotee of Torpiachore gliding over the floor at the Tanghn Club dance, or a coolie sleeping on Uie five-foot way, will be called upon
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  • 1278 7 SHAREHOLDERS APPROVE THE INCREASE OF CAPITAL. Development of New Territories. Meetinn of the preference and ordinary sliarebotders of the Shell Transport and Trading Company, Limited, held at Wincheater House, iriK'Vf oa February S, agreed to the proposed increase of capital to £3.000,000 by Urn creation of SO.OOO
    1,278 words
  • 508 7 A Strange Oversight in Regard to Recognition. In our leading article of yesterday we pointed out that Dr. Leonard Hraddon. in the pamphlet just issued, hail failed to recognise that Uie Governor's reference to work done by the Institute of Medical Kesearch was not concerned with
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  • 281 7 Plucky Act by a Member of the Bandmann Company. 'l'h< Kungoon (isjiette relNirU tliat a gaJ. lant ris. ih- wao made at vie Royal Lakes on February of two Imlh-s and a chilil. by Mi r OafMl si Mai Hantlmaiin QJmmOMbV pany. It a|>pean< that Mr. Coyne
    281 words
  • 77 7 Aecurding to investigation*, niaile by the IK-partmunt of Kmani-. the foreign trade of Japan in Asia last year waa uuuli a» follows: Kxportrti Ui ur bxpurbt. liu|«tiImportol fruui. \en. \m China W),U87,a54 Am.MW.MI KwantuOK 10.14N.4M 9.740.100 Korea 17.460,890 MHJM nn^hnag M.46V.9U 674 A.1 India IH.7U.giH im.Kl,r.r.
    77 words
  • 19 7 At the Rubber Exchange weekly auction, yesterday, fair sheet fetched MM) par picul, Manor sheet M37..V1 perpiool.
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  • 97 7 BRITISH AVIATOR BATTALION FORMED. Conditions of the New Service. Ratrrn'i Tiutixjta London. March t. A British army order provMlcs for the organisation of an air battalion 190 strong. The air battalion order take* effect from April 1. It defines the duties aa mi hiding the training
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  • 68 7 LORD LANSDOWNES SWEEPING PROPOSALS. Approved by Advanced Conservatives KiiTri s Tv MMM 1... n. 1. ui Man I I It is ■iihl.isU-.I that the advan servativc* at vest. rila\ n eting wen- -.itis ticl Kith the MMM that l^ml Lan* down, s I 1 1 1 will
    68 words
  • 84 7 iFho* Ot'l O»% CoNKKspoMiKM MM LmM MM h I'he Bukit Tambiin Coconut Plantations will shorth be rioah-d in IaMMB, with a capital of HUM and an initial issue of £00.(1(10. The pn>|s-rty is situated in Province Wellesley. uear Uie I'erak bonier, and i- (if 1.7119 acre*, of
    84 words
  • 27 7 (Faoa Oca Own Cokbbkponpbnt.) Kuala Lumpur. March Tip.- Toil). Shoon Kougsi of l<.-ntong has contributes! f-J.mai to tin FM. S King Edward Memorial Fund.
    27 words
  • 270 7 An oceaxional corre*|>onil<'nt MMMI liieal climatic condition* an- at prem-nt |<n\ai'ing in lln Kelantan. the average maximum ami miniiiiiim U-ni|ieratiin s („t the week ending February i-'l. being HM degrees and 07 itegreev. n-speetively. whilst on February '22, a minimum of tVI ilegntt* waa recorded, this U
    270 words
  • 86 7 Cheviot Kubber. I ted. UUS Ib.. mak M| a tuUl of I.UM lh for tin first two months of Uie ci>in|iany'h financial year. MaJao-a KubU-r Plantation*. Lul. ,',.iiii 11, Labn iK.M.S., Kubh i Co.. Ui.- 17.-72 1b makin a total of H7.UAI Ib. for tin first two
    86 words
  • 91 7 William I. Murdoch, a member County OmMJM Club. Mni <>( MMJMKJ while witnessing a match in Australia inlvm-n Hit AuetaaJian team ami tin- vimling SoutK African*. The ismeaawd waa burn at Saml hurst, Victoria, in lMf and hi* AiiHtralian cricket wan wlentiAed witti Ni-w South Wales. He went to Kngland
    91 words

    • 35 8 The A. Division 125 yank and B. Division 40 yard* monthly hand trap races for March will he nwuni off at the Chinene Swimming I'lub, on Sunday a*it, at 1 p. m.
      35 words
    • 24 8 Howling. Th<- mootiily meiUl for February was won by Mr. K. K. TboiuM wita sows ol 717 plan 50 7«7
      24 words
    • 84 8 5.C.C. Tournament. Hi. following in tin- remilt of yesterday play:l> I Li" SDKILBS. Pat K. Lkiyil beat L I>. Ooaling7— ft. 6—7. 1 Domett U..1 11. A. Soott 6— l, ft— 4. IK. >►»•.>!■■> I* tit*. Hank» II Maephail ami Kilby best l^ess l>»\n -s ami Jennings f>
      84 words
  • 559 8 The Contest for the Feather- Weight Championship. h.\. < I'ti.mal int<ri~.t wan aton-iabil with the return uniting of .lim Oriwull ami Spike ■akaoßlat tin MM uci^ht i liampionithip sad th. LaaaMi belt at the National Snort lag I lull on January tL I'mw x|ii.-utlv it «t>
    559 words
  • 213 8 f t. i iluue yearn of v. t lint *vsleiuatic work Viitini-Hi' |ili\-n inns are now alile U> HlllK.llll.i the BSSMMtI of a tn-atlllellt for i i»e |nral\«i«. tn-aliiHiit in portion of ea«"t. effect* a l« > mauent run. TssBSBSaaM has hitherto hull i-on n)sV >.
    213 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 109 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— ln reply to Mr. L. K. Hickey's letter of March 1, I bag to state there were do mem ben of the association in the rooms at the time stated, nor for some time previous, the last members having left
      109 words
    • 236 8 To the Editor of the Straits Timea. Sir,— May I be allowed through the medium of year paper to call the attention of the Mala ya'Kootbail Association to the action of one of their referees in the semi Anal match played for the third time on tlw 'J6th
      236 words
  • 418 8 by Majok Cl. A. Deukh. Ailing Commandant. S. V. C. Singapore. 'Vbruary 2*. 1911. a. v. > H A Shoot I short Range Handicap. March 11. at iSd.i 0. K. KwA«i. Capt.. R. O. A.. 8. O. to Colonial Force*, t. v. a. l»t.:"-».
    418 words
  • 115 8 A Tokio -elegram to Hongkong, dated February Ti reports The Kokuminto (Opposition party) has presented a resolution in the Diet debouncing the cabinet far negligence in allowing the recent anarchist plot to develop to Mich a serious extent as it did. The Minister of relocation in aim
    115 words
  • 800 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, Match i, 1911. V«n I, jail and Era**, »Tntia»«i and Shan Broker*, fame the foUowiag list of quotation* tbia moruaff ffUBBEK SHARES. Norn. Value. Buyer*. Hellm. II 8/- Allagar »/4» if An K lo J«t» 8/9 10/6 1 Anglo
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 63 8 ABSOLUTELY BAFE. Win n you have a n.1.l got a bottle of i'liaiiiurrlaiu a i'ougii Keinedy. It will sutm fix you up all right and will ward off any t. u.liuiy toward pneumonia. This r. iiiimlj ontainß uo opium or otlier narcotic aud i. iay be given as confidently to
      63 words
    • 12 8 Woods Great Peppermint Cure lor all internal ocmplainta Dysentery. Coughs. Golds, »U
      12 words
    • 339 8 WATERBURYS MITAMUZIO COO LIVstR OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion Does not op•et the btomach and is onrivtlled lor coughe, colds, bronchi tu and all pulmonary troubles, and is general ton 10 lor building up the system. OF kIA. CHBMIBTB. 1125 ANOSIOO C. HECKER. Stock mt >hs\i»«) Slposw. Tel .No. W7 MM
      339 words
    • 286 8 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday. March 4. Odeon AND Jumbo GRAMOPHONE RECORDS. Messrs. Diethelm Co., Ltd., Singapore, have been appointed Sole Agents for the above records for the Straits Settlements, the F.M.S., and British North Bonwa Catalogues of European, Malay, Chinese, Tamil, Hindustani and Ceylonese records will be sent
      286 words
    • 123 8 NO HOME COMPLETE WITHOUT A Gramophone "If THE BBST AND CHEAPEST HEANS OF PUKE ENJOYMENT TERMS TO SUIT ALL S. Moutrie Co. (LIMITED). THK ARCADE. NOTICE. We beg to announce that we have opened a branch ofßoe at Kuala Lumpur under the managtment of Mr. Char It Dunman. Chartered Aooouotsot.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 88 9 YAMATO'S Spring SALE COMMENCES MARCH 1. 41, HZIC3-HI STBEET. BRIDGE'S RUBBER MACHINERY. Washing, Crepicg and Macerating Machines. BLOCK PRESSES VACUUM DRIERS DA COSTA COAGULATOR. Stocks held in Kuala Lumpur. Paterson, Simons Co., Ld. Sole Agents, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 4 F.H.S CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND MILK TJ ALL
      88 words
    • 950 9 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. THE SPUING RACE MEETING (UmUr 8. JL A. Bmlm o/ Racing I, WiU be bead on Tuesday. May 9, Tbursda/, May 11, aad Saiorday, May IS. PROGRAMME. FIRST MY. Tvesaay, May 9. K. THB OPBNINO STAKES.— Veins loo. A Haodic*p for H .r-ea that bars n. »er
      950 words
    • 726 9 «va Startara, tha property of different OWBSW. NOTE Tha attention of owners ia called to Rue B*. whloh makes tha hour for koratortlng p.m. on the DAY BEFORI tha Raoa. Owners of Oriffln. are entittod to eater frr either of the following series of Races Fbm Serial No. 1 First
      726 words
    • 432 9 QS LADIES' ANO GENTS JL GOLD Q WATCHES Sr or various patterns at Lowest Prices. B. P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, HIOH STREET. STANDARD OIL CO., OF NEW YORK. Devoe's Imperial Brilliant $2.60 per case. SylvAi. Arrow Brand $2 25 per case. TO BB HAD AT ALL RBTAIL STORES OR
      432 words
    • 265 9 ftPCAR LINE. op STEAMERS Tbe andormentioaed mail steamers or tbe snore Line maintain a regular sun cc bt arses Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penanc. Singapore, Hongkong and Sbaniihai en roalr PLEET Toss Om-uao< -r 'Java*" 6.018 A if wall OaaoosT Apcab 4.800 S. H Ha > AajuTooa Arcaa 4.600
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 490 10 INSURANCE. tREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. lead Office: Winchester House. siNOAPORB. Board of Dimotorai A. Dbmkick, Esq., Chairman, a. H. K»ia. Wm Managing Director. Vni Fi.wlib. m n., c.a Chief Mad. tMßcrr. M. Blliut. Km. Rev. N. J. Codvbir. fow NntN I'"-. K*i. Omo Soon Tbb, Esq. Kaoo Sun
      490 words
    • 330 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ABBURAMCE COMPANY OF CAIUOA. BataataoMD IMS. Intursnss in Fores, over .M N.w 19*, over JMwMM Nat »M>»tMa above HaailitJai lor reserve and all uiitatßs^lßgnsilan, over $2,076,000 (Strait* Currency). Over HMM was set aside aa a special addition to Policy isawim. J. H. EVANS, Manager, Sonth Eastern Asia.
      330 words
    • 534 10 LUHKIWQ. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 80,000 Shares ot iTJOeaeb 41.200,000 Reserve Fund £1,600,000 Keserv. I.iabiUtrot Proprietors... 41.300 000 BANKERS. National Bank ot Scotland The London City a Midland Bank. Ltd. SINOAPORB BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed
      534 words
    • 664 10 BANKING. THE tZE HJU TONB BANKING AND INBURANCE 00, LTD. NO. 67 AND 68, KUNO STREET. Established 1907. Capital paid up 11^00^0000 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,***** COURT OP DIRECTORS. 1. Taii Taos Joom ft. Bra Ku Jan t. Nam Km Baao 7. Tao Hoo L*i Had Cm Hut. 8.
      664 words
    • 878 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF* Java Teak and Europe-Had* Household Furniture, Etc., THE PROPERTY OF O. SCHI'DBL, ESQ.. To b« held at Stanmore, Grang* Road, Tanglln, ON lATURDAV, MARCH 11. Handsome dr wing-rocm, dining rocm and btdtootc furniture of tlie best deeeriptioo. Exoellent Cottage Piano by Rachala
      878 words
    • 484 10 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Ox VALUABLE Town PfMMBTUtt Ccuipririn^ 14 Gudowo*. a Hict Mill and -I s hop booses. To bt ht-ld at I'owell and Co. Salt room On TiKM>AV, Mabi m 2m, at -1 80 r.a. ELEVEN OOOOWNS known an Noa. 1. 3, S 7.9. 11. IS, r
      484 words

  • 875 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Tke Roll of Road Accidents. The Highway* Protection League ha* iatned a report KiTing the latest available of sccidrnU on the publk roads. In the London rtnela in 1900, while 6V»J borereab* caused the death of «.-v.-n ponton* and injury to
    875 words
  • 132 11 I The Itritish South Africa Charturul Com ry's annual rv|>ort publmlKxl, kli<>«k for Souili.rn IMkkl.-xia for the yi-nr rntliuK Man i. .11, 1 .110, Hiirplim of IX-:Ci.«H7 while for tli.' y. ,ir n.ling March 31, ltf'l, a Hiilwt int ill atlininiitrativc niir plus in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 321 11 WOLSELEY CARS FORMERLY KNOWN AS SiDOELEY AUTOCARS Sole Agents Penan*, F.M.S. and Sumatra. CENTRAL ZSSZ SILENT KNIGHT ROVERS Arriving Shortly I 8 Hl'., Single cylinder, lonr seated Cars. H H.P. Two cylinder five eeatod Can. ia Stock t 20 HP., o cylinder, seven seated. STANDARD. painter! Black. IS HP.. 4cylin.lcr,
      321 words
    • 67 11 TO RUBBER PLANTERS. Par Mir, l^jnoooo rjnbe stomps aod **> njnn)i is -U..1, .o<l tar*- qnaautM», awr» ix im raaßiog from 6 monttis to i y*mn >u|.p i- d tuo in bamnoc pack i ok or ia nas-r m iit-it. d Vui«f) jnrcMM ol Orotiard Road •ud Caiiuiuj ttuad Pncos
      67 words
    • 40 11 THE BEST PHYSIC When you w tut a pliynio thtt is rniki and (■fiitU'. u«sy u« i*'* I >'i I rmu t> act, aiw.»r< dm 'h iiuberUin'w Sto aach and Ltvur FJty k-U. Kur sale by all Piapraianas and iHmlcrm.
      40 words
    • 352 11 STEAMER SAIUNGI COMBINED SKRVIGE OF THE OCEANS. 8 CO., LTD. A THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CO LTD. IITWIM Fiwnantls Perth North Weat Auatrslisn Ke»if, Java ar»d Singapore. Regular Fortnightly sailing between ■*'n«apnre and W, stern Australia, oalling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby. King's Sound, (Port tor the Kimberiev
      352 words
      272 words
    • 225 11 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (NBAR ENTRANCE to BORN BO WHAJUfc Telephone 1021. ISenesooksof all kindsol KROZBIt MBATS, etc. o^ be delivered te Shippinx at tbe Wbarven, or to the HinKapor, Koads. on short Bnsts» OFFICE HOURS Weet day* T a-m. to p.i i Sundays 7 a.m. to 8 a.m
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 551 12 Johnson's "ELEPHANT" Brand CEMENT. The same ol "JOHNSON'S" ia recognised m a gnarantee ol GOOD QUALITY in the CEMENT TRADE. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS* PRESSMAN WANTED. I're^'nian with fir»t class knowledge o( WharMnlc macliioe Only xperienced men m..l afffrf. <»«d salary Riven to suitabk ai*n A| pi) I'rinUr,
      551 words
    • 444 12 WANTS. <>c o-:hi»emi«ee schoi. Lady Ti acbera required for the Primary cWh««s. Apply by Uttor to the Principal. 13 78 BH3RTHANO TYPIST WANTED. Wanted, a Brsv rate Shorthand writer and Tyri»t. Apply to F. W. Barker k Co. 841 v FIREBRICKS AND FIRECLAY Agenta required to sell a high grade
      444 words
    • 503 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD, TO BE UT. FURNIMtO. Villa Marina, Taajoag Katoag. from Apii 1,1911. Ai.p'.y to Stephen* Paul Co. 302 a TOUT. From March 1, Sad floor, No. 89 aad 81-3. The Arcade, large room* for offices, can be joined into oae if required, facing Raffle* I' at*.
      503 words
    • 754 12 WOTICEB. NOTICE. TAKE NOTICK tbat the partner-hip busiaeaa hitherto existing unier the Siyle or firm of Lee Cb vi Tek Co.. of No 84. Win Chester Hoom- (18 Collyer Qaay), (bare brokers, ha* I i< day been dissolved by mutual consent. All claims sgsiaat snd lebts dae to the said
      754 words
    • 620 12 NBTICE3. HUM KIAT A GO. SHIP CHAN I>I.F.K«v Telephone No. 421. 10b A 109. Market Street. NOTICE Cap*. Evsn* of the S S Breaomahire will not be responsible for any del U contract* d by his crew while ia this port without bis wiittoa authority 383 NOTICE. The undersigned beg
      620 words
    • 621 12 BOARD ANO LODGING. BOtRO MID PE3IOENCE Board aad apartmeate lor single genilaJien st 11, Dboby Ghaut. Terms Moderate Hi BOARD AND RESIDENCE Splendid single aad double room with veraadaha, bath* aad showers attached. alone to town. Every Comfort Tennis Court Term* ruadersto. Apply Proeriitress, Killiney House, 7. St. Thomas' Walk.
      621 words