The Straits Times, 1 March 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. Na 23.502 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 286 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. SELECT FURNITURE AT dtatz ffirotders, Jfatd. SPECIAL ATTENTION AND QUOTATIONS GIVEN F0« HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS LARGE STOCK A f urn tlirt is ma^ e > mm f»^y SPECIAL OEBI6NS imuvq seasoned wood, finished with mnp TO the greatest care, and supervised non« ON HARD.
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    • 270 1 fl|R The New Patent Incandes I JH cent Burner I 111 FOR KEROSINE CIL LAMPS ■I H^F These Burners can he fitted to any ordinary Lamp Ell J with screw or Bayonet catch. The Burners give a I" steady, clear and Brilliant light equal to 100 Candle Hffl^ J£L power,
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 826 2 FURTHER DONATION OF TWO MILLIONS STERLING. Endowment o Science. Tl»- Now York cornrnpondrat of the Daily Telegraph write* -Tlie gift at £*****00 to the Carnegie Institution at Washington by Mr. Ai'iln* Carntfrie, itx founder, ia annooneul, brm^iu^ tlu; v miuumU-r'n giftn to tin: institution hi i. .t« lof
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  • 61 2 llii- hu< In lih-s ■>( IVnaiiK K»vr lii|{lily hun.-»vf,,| ti,,.,,. Kriilay la-t. Wo nn t.,1.l Ip\ ili.- Ihn.iii^ i; i/..tu- tlutt Uh mi. I tlic Tnwu Hall wan hanlly rrioyni-ihi. Artistic mitxlx irwl Mi iiamls liad cooTt-rUil (lie okl buildiuK inU> a ilrtani uf buiu-.y. a \<\uc licrv
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 KEPLER SOLUTION NURSING MOTHERS tik J derive great benefit from this |j^!l; '^JJM delicious tonic food. bfGSajfifrnfl Kepler Solution sustains the r^Tnu r*l Q strength and builds up the f, ';K Dodv i*^"** m .v L<tr* I 1 1 increases and enriches the L^^hSSml It is easily digested, and its
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    • 70 2 asSOFTib i^^arxiSHOOTH .dß\^^.^^^^^Tjff^am y/ A •V 'f'U'^ T8 RUBBER PLANTERB. For aale, l.ftOdOO rank* stamp* am' mi- i iL^x it -ins: »n 1 Urift qnaotitM*, agi OI lr>«a raagiug from A wuittia to 2* >u\.\> id luo-c, la baniboc packing or in ax (tonirrd .Nuraerj jome> oi Orebard Roaand
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    • 209 2 I which nndcrmitic the iht\'iii» liJt^P^'i/TMBMr' rm l; ~"'uiui. tlx .u-tivr I system ainl rlt|il« It tin H\ vjkr^ 'A r rlu «M'l' <>l tin- ik ivmis m^i.iii faat," Sanatogen mill ovi-rcomc "!'''"> tissue whkrh I the retanling influence il<M.-asc 'fW 18 11 SB liv- U n 1.-i I develop
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    • 119 2 THE PLANTERS' STORES ft AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klanf, Port Swattenham SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF EBTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Gouges, Coagulating Pans, Sponta, Strainer*, Glaaa, Aluminium, Earthenware and Terne Plate Latex Onpa. Acetic Acid, Ooagulatorfi, Sprayers, etc., etc. Rubber Mingles and Machinery. Larßart aad moat varied atoek o*
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  • 1135 3 NATURE BEAUTIFUL AND LIVING INEXPENSIVE. A Few Tips far the B—tgoer. 1 hough the following wax written by a correspondent of the lor the resident of India, thara are point*, that w ill M.nst StraiU people who are ahout la jiHimey wi-Htwazti Now is the time
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 335 3 IBkjaj Hkrmm*t-im, (irvt. Blk tSt information J .\cn in the Ae*^^, -'/^aaaßH'anm^ placed intij* canon* nub f9mmmTmmmmMMAww'^id. '^aaaaaV^ 1 U.K.P.boi>a.lctal«ocoaf*ina v^^ j^f f 9 aanT^^^^v^BßfiaßßßßßßW i!c«l >ylue as to eauae jf fjm *T^^F^^ it to he in demaad fur First JV UM AiJ and other purpoacs; JL JU jtm** i
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    • 15 3 For all internal eomplainta. Din artery Oonßba, Oolda, etc., take Woode Great Peppai mint Cere.
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    • 713 3 ITCHING FRIGHTFUL HAOJOJEST Nlfht or Day for Two Months. Face and Arms One Mass of Scurfy Skin. Smarted All the Time. She Scratched Until It Bled. Relief, Sleep and Cure In One Box ofXuticura Ointment. "My faer and anna w«r» one mm of enarfr akin aad full <4 inflammation. They
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    • 293 3 Pilsf-^aHslaVaJ §§2 J -f if el iB ...fOpPJ ThoM who uee KE3TLE'B POOD for InfluiU and Con?aleBC6in» place their trust ia a sUAtUrd article btTonblj regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of SS years. Being partly eompo—d sf milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 638 4 BTEA«R SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHIN*. JAPAN, PENANO. CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA. ADKN. EGYPT, MKDII KKHANEAN, PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through BilU of Lading issoed for China Coast, Persian OjU. Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1011 I Dolhi May
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    • 548 4 stbhei mum N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN UNE A Kortniahtly asrvioe ia maintained be tweea Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London aad Antwerp, under mail contract tvith tbe Imperial Japanese Government The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service bave been speoiaily (\emi(cmaA sort ooasimr jA, aod are fitted
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    • 666 4 STEAMER BMUIHB. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. U. 8. MAIL LINE. Tbe great stliailhlf Has) between CHINA, JAPAN and BUROPB, via Honolulu sad Saa Francisco, opetatiog ib* aew lifiOO sow*, twin sorew ■liairi KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamon CHINA. AHIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF
      666 words
    • 247 4 STEAMER BAIUWO3. Canadian Pacific Railway Go '8 "oysl Mail Staamahlp Una. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB Via Ciiha, Jataji, Cakada ajtd tbb Cmitbo Statss. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japaa>, Kobe^ Y,kohama, Viotoria aad V.noouVer. R.M.S. Bmpress of India Twin acre w RMS "■mprass of Japan'
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    • 580 4 STEAMER SAIUUQ! HAMBURG AMERIKA URE. HAMBURG. AJTD DEUTSCHE DIMPFBCHIFFFAHRTBGES. 'HARBA" BREMEN. Combined Service). The stssmira of these Compaoie* maintain a regalar service hetwssa Hambarg. Bremee, a atwerp, and Kutterdaa, and the Htraits, bias aad Japan. Hnmeaard*. tbey are despatched forasightly for Havre and Hamburg and ones a month for Bremerhaven
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    • 697 4 3TEAIER BAILIHB3. N. D. L. ■orddtutschar Lloyd, Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast sod well known mail iliiiairi ot this Company aail fortnigbUy from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam. Antwerp, Soutbamp too, Gibraltar. Uenoa, Naples (eoaoeotiag Marseillee, Naplr., Alexandria, and vioe *ersa) V rt Said. Hoez. Aden. Colombo, Peoaag. Singapore.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 618 5 STEAMER SMUNGI. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tan rtesmera of thml'mrani maintain* a regular dirert «rr» ire hrlwe-n Cal v I-, Straita H n baag Sliangi.i and Japan. >akin« cargo, on tatosja Kill* Islwsaj M Canon. Rwslnw. Am«\. C)i<(<>>. Tsaassta, Newcbw.n^, YaugUxe Purta. Formosa, tbe l'lnli|>|>in«s. etc etc. Stttmen Tnns
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    • 484 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SE ANG LINE OF STEAMERS v "Oleaogle" 8.7 M Tjb* Haaag Bea 8 799 Toaa. p« H BeaagChooa" 6,776 Toaa. FOR PFNANG ANO RANGOON SBAN.J BBS, oa Ma<cb 7. FOR HONMON6. AMOY ANO BWATOW. ss. OLKNOOLE, oa Mareb 10. TLi* ateamisr baa axoaHeat aooom nodsttoa (w pa**eageri. aad
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    • 288 5 AMERICAN DENTISTRY la m p»oeoreble at 88 8, Oolaejaa Street opposite Hotel Da La Pats, from Dr Lamk who ia aadawMriag In build op pamaaa— i praotiee ben by nwwni of Kivitg tbe pab<k ibe utiuUtei of the biglttat olaaa cl modern dentistry at unomially low charge* A.iliookl) tbe prescribed
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    • 264 5 /gj LADIES' AND CENTS' A GOLD [mli WATCHES V^ N^4^^^_F or various patterns at Lowest Prices. B. P. de SILVA, Manufacturing Jeweller, HIQH STREET. HARVEY'S WHISKY "R. V." A Genuine Scotch at a reasonable price. Where'er you go ask for R.V." Sole Amenta PATERSON. SIMONS CO., LTD. The Bekoh Rubber
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1291 6 TM MM.IOWIM IS M AMIOUI MIMKCTM 8* TM s«MEI «»l» I'-sU.) Mftataa UT»Ti. IT« Thie prosiMotu* has b«an fllad with the Ra«iatrap of Joint Stock Companies. Tat IM 1 ■**IHrtli*i far tk* riiiPilU tMay State* aaa Strait* Srttliwiiti w« sees aa Tsataai, ta* Hat rsaraary. I*ll. dee* sa *r sefars
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    • 1130 6 Ska property at £B%fiOo. Snbarqoently Mr. Thomas Boyd made his Report, wherein on tbe sis yean' porchaite aystem he valued tbe Estate at I'M.SM net, tbat is alter deducting tbe amount be estimated a* being required to bring tbe cultivated area into bearing, the profit on Rubber being taken on
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    • 356 6 II A useful rP^j Little Book. SI I.iiii'n wt.iiiiiersc-nrfs the Lemco Cookery Book. > ■^1 It is irjmnittl »itli pascskal fi Mtwatal t-« s «v *J P9 aY Ma aWsa jus: haw la sal Lemco t" waw '<1* f Q A LEMCO u*er say* |_ji, A lady once asked me
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  • 156 7 FIXTURES. Wrdnrtday. March I. H.g'i', in M a.m 1 1.87 p-m. H. OL C T« ddik Timmnml Thursday March j. Huh Water, 11.18 am. B I. twmtward mail does*. 8 pm. S C. C. TVnoi* Tonra»m«pt. MaM >oio i)roboalra, Mem Hall, 8 80. Apollo I'irciiH Friday.
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  • 179 7 To dat. Iteniiktli*. Paneb, Afaoan and D Ii Merkoa 8 pm Pam*' tlkal and Samba< Amberat Bpm h .i ilj.rinatain, Cjtie and I'll »i Laut Ban Leong Bpm I latavia, I'ht-ribon and Saiuarang K.lindale 8 pm Malacca. Port Swetten ham aod Telrk \i.~ Kiota 8 pm Iloilo
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  • 137 7 The R I contract packet ■teamrr Taroba, htvintt l> ft N.-vapatam at 9 p m. on Saturday, ttix °2"> Ii u'tim i. m%y be fiorcted to arrite here on ->»tor i«y morning, tbe 4th inntaot. The 1 tun miin mail tteamsr Loetziw having l«ft Colombo on S
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  • 106 7 Litest Arrivals Cy^lnop. IM govt att, 860 tin Captain H«.ii.iii Mir I. K'noi Ta- j 'n< P nang, Feb -J- Pat Ttnj mi I'lDtog. Inc. K «dn. Einl cfa-li. Baft. »tr. V 907 Vat, Captain Arn«iran. Mar 1 From Pain S.mbor. Mar 1. B>lla»t. A^ia'ic P<AroVnm Coy. I'
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  • 116 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. T»N.IOVO PAOAR Ka«t 'inn Haiin Kti«Bt»" Poh Asa. East ft". Sictiom No t— Ban H o* l.rnij. C. Ajcar, li.enmorag. Khibr* Wntkt Kipl**t*la. Maim W. Si. t No. 2 T. eaU, Tara n S— Nil.
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  • 229 7 Finance Commerce, SmOMOIKjB] BntOAroaa, Mab> h 1, 1911. Oa Lohdom- Bank 4 m/i S/4ft Demand S/4fr Private 6 m/« S/4,1 do 8 m/i 1/4 i, Oa Oiimaxt Bank d/d StO Private 8 m/i 344 On Fkahcb Raok d/d »8 Private 8 m/s 399( O« Ikdia Bank T. T. 174, Private
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    • 167 7 Value Buyer*. SelUr* 41 41 Rtbmu Tin 10.00 10 60 41 41 fUmbatea 900 41 41 lUab Am* Gold 300 IM 41 41 K.dhiiNTm 4.U) KoytlJobora 1.26 10 10 S*l*k Sooth 600 41 41 Biwf Tin 1 00 I.KO 10 10 Ber«Dd»ti Hyd 460 6.96 10 10 SipiM Tin
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    • 626 7 Valued Bnjmn. Seller* 11 XI Serembaa 4.10 0 4.18 0 11 11 Sbetford 816 8 4SO 11 It/- Sialang ISO IJS9fM 2/- 3/ 8io«mpof« Par* 7/8 9/- Strait* (Bertaa) B'6 9 8 3/- 3/- Sumatra Pan 11 4< 14/ £1 11 SuDflui Choh 62 6 6OX %l- Sontfet Kapar
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    • 126 7 1 B 0r 100 100 R Hitkintm 80.00 100 100 7% Praf. 106.00 10 10 Singapore Oold BtonM|a MM SO 60 B'pore IHnptnmry HM 100 l«0 StraiU loa Co. 100 100 Str&ita 8. Ship mn 00 100 60 95 00 41 41 Shell Truwport Tradi^[ 4110 410 10 11
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    • 50 7 Buyer* Sellers Howarth Srakine 8% tWfIPO par Kiley. Harftreavea 6% tJHijOOO UJ 8* pm diagapore Elreirie Trau. way* 5% MK*OJOOB Spore Maa«ipal»% 11,878 COO bob. Bayen Saltan Spore Haaici pal 4)% of 1907 •1.e00.C00 6% 7%pas SfonMoaioipal MX of 1909 n,non.ono t% 8 pore Moniaipal 4% S6OS^OS T% m
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 II aVava iUrlf not a trotibU. f-i.fß, i- as «M out aa M IV? Arr oi.rrv tod pa<n nut m»il. doobtn Hv tic gin of tlie onnxqiwet fee? Ije* i|ln.»« n. t mak« too utjiio. Wh a bt-erth i* »o rl.i »ji crnearw; h'jr r. uk''« ar<H poirl«, »n. n
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    • 526 7 AtCTION SALES Powell and Co. Mar. I— At too Strait* Steam RawmiU. Ltd No 44. Kallang Road, Pooaa and Mer anti plank*, t-tc at 4 JO. Mar. 3— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Msr. 3— At aalerooui, dsmr a i cargo, at 1 1. Mar. aaieroom, unreotemed pledges, at
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    • 463 7 S^B^S*^^ #t fate lukt nt ibe era* I Obtainable at RrsfltOn RftlltfP I JUMN LITTLE 3 Faldcpa I I AND CO LTD. ■«>»«— <***«-** mmv w I Justus Van frlaurik's (Bigars. SELDOM EQUALLED. NEVER IXCELLEO Specially Recommended i MacKinley, Pegalia comme il faut SS 00 per hundred. MacKinley, After Dinner
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    • 364 7 AkS.O- CHINESE FREE BCHOI. Lady Ttactien required for the Primary obi«ea. Apply by letter to tbe Principal. 18 TS THE HAYOEP (DUTCH BORNEO) RUBBER ESTATIS. LIMITED. Notice ia hereby tiven to tbe holders of oar Provisional Certificates bearing tbe following cumber*. »ii., 481 for 50 and 960. 1130 JS and
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    • 48 7 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumsnta! Masons BBTABLIBHBD ISSI. J UaIX RECEIVED: New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monnments of every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the colony. With Plumes in os«. riLBPHONB Ha TIT. MO. IST. OBCHARD BOAI
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  • 1191 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1. BERI-BERI. We are not likely to be accuned u( undue partiality toward* Dr. Leonard Braddon, with whom, on matters political, it in quite impossible for an aTcrage broad minded student o( public affairs to agree. But it would be an injustice to him in
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  • 27 8 Thirteen lives bare been lost as a result of the (oandering of the Oruenock steamer Mount ***** (rom Cadi* (or Yarmouth alter collision in the North Sea.
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  • 13 8 Latest advertneaieata of the day apjia ja page 7 aa well a* 10.
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  • 17 8 It is notified that quarantine restriction' igainst the port of Samarang on account o. liolcra are withdrawn.
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  • 25 8 The lii i nmn transport Neekar, bomewan l '■oun.l. arrived in Singapore yestenUy (rori Fsingtau. She lias on board AO ofneers ami i's3 naval men.
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  • 30 8 A straits born baba named Seek Tan I.y< lias been arrested on a cliarge of stealing 4* -e nts from the (ootboard of a riclwha in which be wa* riding.
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  • 29 8 It is officially not i ft. -I that tbe following: troops will take part in field operations on March U:-«M Company R. K The Huffs and th< Hnl Braliiuans.
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  • 28 8 The gun carriage which (ell into tlie sea while being unlundetl (nun tlie steamei (ilamorganshire on Sunday at Tanjong I'agar. injuring ayunn. rof tin X.(i was recovered yi«tcnlay.
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  • 32 8 A complaint lias bern made to the polio by Mohaiued KiiMjpe. of I'aleinhang Road. t«. In tl.-. t that another Malay has abNCondeil with property valued at 94UU belonging tc tlie couiplainant.
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  • 40 8 One man. not two. was killed in the motor i-ar accrdenl on the Pnliauy lu«d. to reference was made yesterday. He waa badly burnt. The bus is bring taken to pieces ai.d being brought to Kuala Kuhii in parts.
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  • 36 8 In the middle of hist night some persnr thn-w- s rag. saturated with kenneae, and Aliyht int.. the room of Mr. Pereira, 16 Thomson IU«.I Mr. IVrciia saw it in tun. U> prevent any damage.
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  • 38 8 A public inn-ting hi consider whet action should be taken by the I'erak roinmumty with n-ysnl to the King Kdwanl Memorial will be held at Ipnli. tomorrow, Bt. E.O. Watson. Acting Itntish Resident. I'erak. will take the chair.
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  • 47 8 V Ix.ridon <abl< of Vt bru.iiA IT says th. Irish juipcrs are publishing penustent i> |n.hthat Mr. Winston Imrclnll. Horn. Si will change |a.r!f.>hos with Mr. Anyustin. Him 11. Chief Secretary for Inland, in or. 1. 1 he may take ahaBBB of the Home Kul. bill.
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  • 47 8 The homestead leases taken up in tin Canadian West during last year number, .i ■KjMsX and the BBBBH w li.i w ttl.-.l on tli. laud niiml»r.-l llfljOOOsaals, illll»lllB| MjOOD Canaiiians lt.ium Americans. 1...KM Kn^lish I. (i>> ffJaBBBBsV and Mi Irish The uiilin grants cuiupri>ied ,lo natiuuaiilu s.
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  • 54 8 In vii w- of the C'omiuonwealth'o de< isi.,n not to send troops (or the Coronation festivities in London owing to tbe large < \(s n.l: tun' for pur|»Mes of defence, arrangement* irv bi-in« ma<le u> Bsad ..ntinniuts of cadets at the expense of |H-ivale individuals, lite Commonwealth commending the contiugeul»
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  • 55 8 A heavy Mile is expectixl to I- made to lay by tin- Government Monopolies 'lepsrllmnt as the licensed shopkcc|K rs in iii.lerth. mipr.s-i'.n that prices of eliandu will be r.ii-e.l and cotise.pi.utlv buy fns-l« ihe bmm kWaa aan Mm m inontli di-spit. notice;., tl.. t shaft BB liallf in pn.<
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  • 71 8 Four of tbe Chinamen il! .^.-1 t.. l« ooa il rlie.l 111 the i.I.U I >i. i. in. -uni.t Ii Ism Mr .\ci-.ii la, t<ii.i\. It is alajai taattatsj vi. 1.. i i is,. i mi sh.'p. akaai th. ■Mi t ri 1 1 1 1 an i
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  • 62 8 At C'rw-ow. in Aiisiuaii t.ili. ii. a man named Itavi.l Kucliiuil. hax l» n trusl on v charge ot |>>lyt;ani\. Ihe wl.n.. aWwal ' K.aiiiuei •staUiahai bmbmbi for the '.raining of Us^i». His clevi n-st pupils wen women, 'Ml ol wltuiu he subse<|ueuily iiihiti... IU 'lit., i. lit towns, in
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  • 72 8 Mr. Klana^an. Inspector of Weight* ami Mcaxnriv Basajaaaaai Mm him s, kiwti is la the hist [on., court today (ul U in Masiaa ot ;.ils« one man. of I l .iii.ii. feaad, m tinoi |M for aatag la )«»> saasiai ..t ta^ai aaohaag 1 1 t was i pi
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  • 127 8 A brutal caae of cruelty to a bullock was paavai belor.- Mr ririnsionc. his; BaMiateatl Ui-day. dv. riy on Hie evident >n I U Kiny. of ihe laiijon^ I'agar l>oik H.str.l Mr. Kin^ said he saw the accus<d. a Sikh bullock-cart driver, strike one of his bill locks witli a
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  • 162 8 That well kuown "half vtsy lioumi the >•. Ul 11.. i'oloiiilki. is kahaj aalaßjai v. acooi.niMnUu will overUUU quests. I atrucUuo, HayH h I ulombo |«|Mr. is hrepruof, feajM aaHaaaat at a aMayMa »uxl train.. mlh. h uui a* aaaaaai iv su»n and ooaerata. In. ImU-l will tx- 470 fist
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  • 383 8 Tlie Dean of St. Paul's, who is a 3OBB*JBBarian, lias resigned. Mr. l>. W. (iihnoiir. who takes over the i\uala l.umpur ayeney of theCharten-l Itank rom Mr. J. F. Rcddv lias arrival then The 'ieatlis are announced of Charles Alexander MacMunn. the physi. isn. and Major (ieneral
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  • 78 8 Beater wired from Brisbsn. to l^omlou on X. -binary that .Mr. SLaiuiorlh Smith, act inn Administrator of I'apu.i. twowlnu afl vrs twelve native jiohce and foiirteaa oarii. is \t< re left at I 'or I M.,i. *kf aa N.n.iuU r IX List to explore the mUriui
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  • 93 8 I |iii\ by tin v risiooaJ Dgooo. into the en. m of th. d.ath ol apt.tin l/.i' l-in 1.n.1i. r and liiiiin.i hallow on .l.mi .iiv IT. B) til. suiklUK of a <io\< Tlllliclll I. Hi: II a v. I diet ill. and
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  • 89 8 The Si'ii;a|iorc Man. i I unit. -I. 1. a\.~ "ii Sunday Bsatl la kiml.i l.iiinpur. and int. nds s|»ii<iuiK th. tith to «lh lust., rWMaa the various estat«s in S<^oi with •ii. ..ii|..t of luuiTstnn: ii up t0. 1. and Hyslenm which liave Imi devis.'.l to
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  • 94 8 Mr lU.liiphoii. thud iiiimistriit. to day, |NUtM*l s. uUnce on 11.-hh I. m|. ln «l. afoiiiMT employ, of tii. (i.,v, iniiiiiii MasMaoiiaa Us |Nirtm. lit l.iddicoat was chaflßsi primarily on Hnm counts with tin It tiom ln.u.<«l opium sliopH and alternative rhaigeaal Uirliou and PMaMMg illegal pasß*Jßatfaaa
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  • 182 8 Although <in uliistaifc-c* h.i\. |»-nnitu-.| <•( vi r> aaari aaasi aajafjarvaa, 4b>obVs4 ir. u» and McuaKirir ma) Ik- u< peuded u|» >n for a fmi nt.rutiiiiu.iit during its Btaj in ."Miiyn pun II 1115.. .mi li. i. uj wa) India and liuriua and tin priss of tli.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 346 8 The Roneo Copier Have yon investigated tbe merits of this very necessary Office Appliance ?OME OF ITS FEATURES No water, damp cloths or smutty carbon* used. Perfect lupsf always. No smudging of original*. Copies taken ten times aa quickly as by any other method. Several copies can be taken from
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    • 138 8 MEW PICTURES To-Nlglit, ALHAMBRA THE LATEST PARIS FASHIONS HAIB DKESSINO And many Fresh Topical Eventa at Home and Abroad coven th* mbw lasua or P&tne's Animated Gazette, ■24 th E mi i.m. MM I fW 1 1 PMJOf 1 1 1 (Comic a Co. 1 Production). "TM latll MU." (Niua
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  • 113 9 PRIVATE MEETING OF UNIONIST MEMBERS. Loyalty to the Party Leaders. KlttlK TILBOKAM. London, February 3D. The interest of politicians is concentrated on Uie attitude of Uie Conservatives towards reform of Uie House of Lords. Much de|n mis m 1 l>e meeting of Unionist members of tlie
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  • 68 9 A FOREIGN MINISTER COMPELLED TO RESIGN. Barceless Accusations Rashly Repeated. lier QaTMUMH 1.1..YD Tklcdbam. IJcrlin. February "i«. The aarviai Wm MmMm lias u-.ii cini|« llnl t.. resign in tonstspiencc of Uie ■If IllWr- of the German Ambassador. The Minister gave offence by a MMMh n the Skuptsi
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  • 49 9 lUcTfa'a TiuiitAM. Ijundon. February A Itrr'.in MMMM states tint, nt the re quest of tin K. *h. Hamburg American and \onldeutsch< -U amship com |vm» hive agreed to reserve iir go s|«ce for the fr.i MMMMrt of medicines to combat plague in the Far Kast
    49 words
  • 28 9 Kicrrrk s Tilkiikam. London, rebruary 28. Mall Wells b. it Welsh on points in tin Lightweight Championship of Great Britain, lor a purse of nine humlml pounds.
    28 words
  • 32 9 rUt-Tll's TELKIiBAM. London. March 1. At Tans Ma Ku'.v Wale* beat France by I". I" It in- at half time was nought all. Wale- nt .1 strong I
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  • 31 9 DmOi Ltwra TiLirxAM. Hi rhn. rebruary 28. Th. S -I ir] plaints in the Krcn. -h MMI al».it Herr II «riu^en prottvt aguusi glorification of l M La_Ma
    31 words
  • 17 9 l>>» OOTaMaVMcai LaVMJB TrLfi.HAM. IWrhn. Mi Th.- iil of Uaris, M. Joiinart. ha* MMMMaV
    17 words
  • 92 9 (rEoM Malawi CouwsroNDßx Malacca. Mai. I. 1 Information has been ni-eivnl by Malaeo, RubUr I'lantations, Limited, that Uie pric of fine I'ara in Loodoo yesterday was 7, 1 r»r 11. vilue. The maiket dosed steady. (PaM Oi k ow> OaaaawM Kuala Lumpur. March 1. Tin Plant, is
    92 words
  • 74 9 IKSOM Ml I. M»> (■..KhI'sIoM.HITI. I', ii.uit:. rebruary 'JH. A meeting of the Chiniw i-ommunity ha> ap| thn«- MMWMuntativoa U> join the CommittAe formed at tin King Kdward Memorial inivtiug on Kcbruary 'JO. TSe Memorial comiuittee lias uhH. at tlic -I M4'»eral I.eines A sub I
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  • 235 9 Hon. T. de M. L Braddell Welcomed To Supreme Court. In the Supremo Court, yesterday morning, with the Chief Justice, Sir W. H. Hyndman .Tones, and the Puiaae Judge, Mr. Justice Fisher, on the bench Th. Hon. T. .1. M Braddell took the opportunity of attending and presenting
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  • 729 9 Results of Recent Boring Operations In Borneo. Sir Wilham Hood Trearher. presiding at a recent mwtiug in London of the lintish l«€s. Petroleum .11.11 »te. Lllliltnl. said thai their present finauc al aMM was ignite sound, ami their tinanrial backing could he ile|a' upon to prove very substantial,
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  • 155 9 I'npUiiiis of steamers running up an-' down th. east nii.l BsjMaiaaa of tliei'slf are always iiiinplaimn^ of vewrls which liiil to exhibit 111 .11.11 ssary lights at night, with the nsult ihnt n.lli-ii.iis are of frei|nent occurrence. says a Bangkok paper. On Uk- last upward
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  • 647 9 PREMIER'S STATEMENT IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Balfours Reply. Telegrams to Rangoon contain further details of Uie debate in Uie Hoose of Commons upon Uie introduction of Uie Parliament bill on February 31. On rising to introduce Uie bill, Mr. Aaqnith was given ao oration by
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  • 287 9 Surprising Encounter with Black Boy Scouts in Uganda. How two young KnglishiiM'ii travelled through the heart of Africa, from Khodeaia to t'airo. with the aid of one bicyckv. covering .'..Tim miles in I'D .lays, was related by Mr. r. H. Choliuelv. an as»istaul magistrat. in Kh.'l.-sia. on
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  • 105 9 There has been a development in a nivsUri mis poisoning tragedy at Dalkcith on h'ebni ary 8, when, at the celebration of the silver wedding of a certain Iharles Hutchinaon, he and fourteen guests baMBM seriously ill after partaking of coffee. Hutchinaon and one guest died
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  • 1772 9 SINGAPORE'S NEW INCINERATOR THE BEST IN THE EAST. Turning Garbage to Practical Uses. If yon get an jwbere within a mile of it. Uie eye cannot (ail to be caught by ita solitary insgninc—ct, ita unreUoting rigidity and Uie saucy ooroaet with which Uie engineer has topped it.
    1,772 words
  • 603 9 Mr. Buckley Opens A Bazaar in the Memorial Hall. The first aale of work in connection with the above Ix-ajjue wax o|ienei| in the Victoria Memorial Hall, yesterday afternoon, in tin pieM-uu: of a lar« gathering, by Mr. I. B. llurkley. who nnc th. luldrjii a short
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  • 36 9 Seriona floods occarmd in Glasgow district on February In, owing to tin* ptrraiittcnt rain, riiu Clyde oTorflowivl ita bauks. Tlh tram tervic** were suapondul and the trains were ran with difficulty Many football matchea Were postponed.
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  • 61 9 PRESIDENT SUMMONS SENATOR MONIS. M. Briand Explains bis Downfall. Rbcth's Telxhum. London. March I. Preaident Fallierea baa .11 111 mom ii Senator Monis to form a Cabinet. M. Itriaml attrib«t<-« his downfall to personal hostility to himself, and sMMMI to continue in offi.-.. amidst intrigues and ambushes, when
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  • 131 9 iFrou ObbOmj Ommmm I'enang. February 88. lln Chinese community has d.t-idcd to celebrate Uie coronation of King G.nrgc with a chinggay pro. cssioii of dragon boats and a procession to tlw tempi, of the (ioildcaa of Mercy. li iiang. March 1 At a prehmnary uniting In Id at
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  • 662 9 Austria's Fleet to be Built with Borrowed Money. The unval MMJMMM* MMMmI by A.I miral Count Mont.-vin eoh in tin Austrian Naval Commiiu-c of tin MmjMMM has excited publu opinion id both I tin- Austro Hungarian inonar.liv to an unusual i xt.nt Kvnlcntly with the in tent
    662 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 140 10 To the Editor of the StraiH Times. Sir. I>a*t night at &o^ut 11.20 p.m., while my wife no* l were .living in a rickshaw K. ki.| on our wty home, from a siaaaakajsjafh show, we were surprised to fin. l whin we n-arlied Uie Association of Kngineer* that a
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  • 335 10 Difficulty of Operations on Present Day Ships. In MsBM Aajßl <>f kaga hlu|m the work of the salvor is of in. nasiiit; complexity an.l diffl rulty It liax |mumisl. ai-riinling to Mr. William <;..«, iliairiii%n ..Khf Uvarfaaj Salvn^e .11. fn.tii.iiul. of tluuiib |K-rforuiancc to »s< it-ntihi|u. t-!..
    335 words
  • 334 10 The Machine Put to Practical I'se in Russia. Mi .1 hn Sn, th. Moncow Consul 0 tin' Initial state*. ha» reportetl |K>ptilai v. cinematograph hliow* in tint llir 1110*1 in-i^iiiti. ;int towns ami villa^.">. .11 :n r.inoi. ilintrirtH. are well pmywUd with th.lll. ami 11. 1 1.
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  • 68 10 Th. hl« I action brought l>y Mr. Siiiiiiiodh. -(ul Uasßßsat MMsMakl f..r St. in tin- Kii<l 111 th. .Inuuarv rln-tion miii. aaaiaat Mr \v.,i k »o,«i t i H Hiu'(i«sfiil raii.lnUu likh \xvn wttlfil. Mr. staasaa^aataglapajrJUM «Mai expmw inn r. xi. t for niakiOK hUU'likiiU. in which In Bssßjai that
    68 words
    • 257 10 Aa eleven representing Measra. John Little and Co. met the H.fftosfana in the Utters ground in aa Association football match yesterday. Tint school boys lost by three goals to one. Mrs. W. Evana, wife of the Resident Councillor, Penang. won the Ladies' Monthly Medal for January with
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    • 54 10 Malaya Football Association. The final gaui< for the Malaya Football Association's Shield »iU take place oa SalunUy. the 4th instant, when the Pemenangan Stia will meet Uie l>arul Bahar. of I'ulaii Krani. The latter have won for the Ilaat two years. Seats will be provided for Kuropean* anil a
      54 words
    • 188 10 5.C.C. Tournament. Following are the result* of yesterday's play:— D. SINULEs. Lloyd beat MrLenaan. o—l.0 I. 3-8, A— 3. IliitW beat Warner. 1 6. 6 4. 6 -8. OaaVag brat Hammond. 7 5. 7 9. 7—5. Sharpe biat Doanett, 4 -6. 6-2, 6-8. I'R.ifT'-lON hflh> M.i Manth a»l
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    • 302 10 Results of Recent Association and Rugby Matches. Tin following are home football resulta 00 February 1* League, I>i« imoii 1 Notta Koreat 1. Shim. in.l .1 Krortoo 1. SbefteM l/nited 0; Kriittol City 1. Lirerpool 1 Uldham 1. Kra.lf<.r.l City 0; Sheffield Wednesday 1, Bury O. Newcantlc I'nitod
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  • 785 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore. March I, IUL Hum. Lyall and Era* Exchange and Share Broker*, iasoe the following list of quotation* thia morning RUBBER SHARES. 2 Allagar 6/6 6 >/■ OptioM 8/9 8/6 XI Anglo Java 11/ 1 ABglo-Johore 12, 15/ 2 An»;lo.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 58 10 »BSOIUTEI> BAFI Wbea you have a oold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Coo^b Kemedy. It will tooa Ax 70* up all right and will ward off aay teadeacy toward paeamonia. Thi. remedy onalaim no opium or other narcotic aad may be giTea as oonAdently to a baby as to an
      58 words
    • 12 10 Wood. Oreat P> pparmiat Ooie tor all atsraai nmaplsiaf Dysftarf. Oaagka. CataKata.
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    • 288 10 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps A T"? T7 1 T^ TT f X3 TT* f^ T^ A tf| WLr rtnc Inc DLo i I L«rg:e New Stocks. A* 1 All Voltages. Hj^ jfi All Candle Powers. \W& I REPUCED I^r N. WE^y prices. Jjy J SOLE AOENTSi ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. *^T^ Riley, Hargreaves
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    • 229 10 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, March 4. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Salmon. The only first claas Hotel in Bai«on. Every ootniort. Splendid verandah Reataorant With maaagemeat, French kitchen aad aa in the finest Boropeaa Rtataoxaata. Mai agar 1 O. Feraody, late from the Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigoa. Theatrioal seaaon
      229 words
    • 71 10 6RANITE. The oaderaißßed are to eater mto oontraot. (or the anpply of Oraai** eroabed aad scrssaed to aay aises. FUSER CUMMING. •a. WiMhwlo Horn NEW MUSIC. WALTZB4. BONO%, BBLBCTIONS. HARHY LADDER 8 BONOB AND ALBUM. W.J.GAROIA, 210. Of*oharaJ Road. Mil Will SINGAPORE ART CLUB. Am Exhibition WILL BK HELD
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  • 1087 11 HISTORY OF THE BLLE HOPE DIAMOND. Mystery of Its Reappearance. iln news ti.rK.'l from Washington that tin famous l|.>pc diamond has Imm-ii purelias.'.l Ig M, Kd«d Mil-anfor I'tHi i««i rev n.s puhln niu r.-t in tlie weirdly evil hiatory of this extraonhnary gem. aaysa Umtlon w.tkly paper.
    1,087 words
  • 618 11 New Books Rcadv for Issue to Subscribers Tlie follow ing new book* will be ready for issue at tlie Kafflea Library tomorrow I Barlow, lane. Mac Adventure* S liflW liirmiiighain. George A.. Ihe Siuipkms I'lot S MSI llran.lon. l>.. Th. Oav.mera S MM RiH-knme. .1. K l>own Our
    618 words
  • 204 11 I'aderewski. th. famous pianist, ia well known among his as a wit who has generally a iea*l\ answer even in Kug lish. a language wiii.h he hao maxU-red wit 1 1 wonderful eaw-. One night In wan to be the < In. f performer at a
    204 words
  • 87 11 In .mi.-, th.n will, the.|lM-lle I'llltiug few i now c\|m hy Ih. (lints, .in Mhbjl ing cw lit is Mpartaa 1 fr th< Philippine* Th vcincul causes anxiety u> the mi initiation olti. imls id, n.. U-.H.IS.' .|ii. n< li-k« < turn ar >i. bawaj MMaj^W
    87 words
  • 87 11 We hat. all heard litiw Mr. Carpenter, who tnule.l ait the Charing from Hank, sank hii.l last I; i *>.'• .I M lof Inn ile|Kmitont' money in .'itU'iupts Wi nianiif m lure rubber out o( peat. Rajaj r.-port to haml of H.rrn l^ouis Titter, a Director of the
    87 words
  • 441 11 Recent Interesting Finds in Bechoamland Some detaila of an important acieutific ex pe.liti.>n. which waa organ i«ed by Mr. <>gil»H('■rant on behalf of the Natural Huttory Mus. urn to Lake Nganii in North WVsU m Bechuanaland. and which brought home eoll.t-tioiis of very Hpecial interest, liaw \»t-o received
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  • 473 11 1 1,199.000 SQUARE MILES. Remarkable Statistics of the British EMpirc. Sulue reiuarkable ligures relating U> tin Iliitish Kmtiire are given in the forty s.-», nth statistical abstract published as a HIII. Baak. Aivnlint to the lat.-st returns, the Mai ana of the in now H.IM.iMM «|iiar< miles, ami the
    473 words
  • 125 11 All American indiaqs seem U> have learned womlerful way iif walking unseen mak ing themselves invisible like i-ertaiu spiders. lihli in caae «.f alarm cautted, for example, by a bird alighting on tin- buah their webs an- spniad upon immediately boom* Uiem hclvch up and down on tltoir
    125 words
  • 460 11 How to Correct Angular Elfect el Gymnastics on Figure. Tlie danger which the gymnavti. and gainea girl mna of beooming masculine in apiN-araiii-c was by I'r Mary Schailieh. a well known lady practitioner, in an atMreaa to Uie Child Study Society at Uie Koyal Sanitary lustftute.
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  • 580 11 Raised in Andalusia and Brought Up For The Ring. The famous fighting bulls of S|iaiu an one ..f tin iiiUnstnii; featureH.if the Andu liisimii plains. The Sjianish hull ofu-n hat I tilliii hollow batk. Mis 1 1 an- larg. rath.-i wide and turued up and
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  • 88 11 In ilii'it statutory report tin direchini of the Batu lUU (Sumatrai Kubbt-r Plantations atate that tin- total ihiiiilk r of shan-* allotUil in AH.nui of 11 each, all of which are allotted for culi. ami upon w hich tin- full amount lias bean .a 11, ,1 up. Th. total amount
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  • 301 11 A Shanghai Company's Satisfactory Statement of Account. The directont' report and statement of acoonnta for Uie year ending October HI. 1010. which were to be at Uie finrt annual general meeting of iihan holders in Uie Chempedak Kubber and (iambi.. KrUte. Ltd.. to be held at
    301 words
  • 375 11 Smaller Qasniity in Good Demand At Enhanced Prices Ah. .'it Mt lolis of plantation rui.U-r w.i. aflaaal at the MrtaJaMt; auction- in Hiaeiaa] 1..H1, \.si,i.i.iy. i» itiu 5..111. iaa t than at': -;u-tli. Kinancier of Fehiuary 1. i.encralU BBaaWMg, KajaaiA 111 in. l pi.\ .1. and pi
    375 words
  • 165 11 Tin nportof the Itembia Rubber Kslates I. muted. sUU-s that tl.. It. l.ilua fioii) of estaUs was taken ovei b\ tin|stu\ an from August I. 190 U. I'll, profit and laai account (<>i the Ui S. ptcinber :\i AmimMMh it i-' it is pr.. |«~-l
    165 words
  • 208 11 The public examination waa held <io Keb ruarv I. lief ore Mr Ib-gistntr (iiffanl, at the Uwi llankmpU'y Court, of the Hon. Kugait OhS Craven, a am ti tin llnnl Karl .if I'm yen, and a iiiciiiUi of Whiu s Club. Tin statement of affairs sliowed
    208 words
  • 393 11 PROFIT FOR YEAR AND PROGRESS OF THE TAPPING Profit to Be Carried Forward. Th. dircUvrsof tin- lUtanm rubber .-tale. in their report from July I. IUtW. to Septeoiber »0. 1010. sUU- tliat at tht formation the company the estate con«i»tetl of aU.ut 67M airen. 44>7 acre* of which
    393 words
  • 361 11 Scarcity of Labour Prevents Rapid Extensions Th. on th. Huhh. r and ('..count entaU-s !.,i th. |sri.«l end.'.l Baataaakai M t*U waa ac.piiretl as from July I. IMK. In, rojs. duiiiit; th. |s riad van IS.9BI) Kills moUsM s 74.1'iU gaut gautanu one gallon appr..\i'....'.
    361 words
  • 199 11 Val D' Or Rubber Estates. Mr Samuel Kid. nl. pn-s|.liug at tin me. t ing <>f the Va! d1 >r Cuhher KslaU-s. ..11 .laiiuary Mi MH that at Oatakai N It 10, the i-oni|mnv was ahea.K 111 tin pt. aim inc. stage, and "at that daU |u..1u. ith. 1
    199 words
  • 83 11 At an \tm..r.lin.iry BjajMH the .la«a Itul.btr IManUtions. Limited. I«-M M D«ai ber In. tin .lir.xtof oliUtiu.-l i» t,, illl mm tlie capital of tin .i.iii|>hii\ (roiu MtjßH Ui MajM li> tin nation of loiuki sii,u.s.,i ti aaak M* adilitioual slmrt-s an now ril.ninv :i ..It. i •J |>1..
    83 words

  • 1732 12 PREPARING FOR THE COCONUT BOOM. Further Laid to Be Taken Up. meeting of sh ir. bolder* of the .lemlerata K.ibbcr wa* held at Bangkok on February 17 I li. li.or mis npnsl by Mr. A. West enhol/. wl.'. plained Uint the director* to g.t some opinion
    1,732 words
  • 500 12 U. S. A. EXPERIMENTS America Rc K innin| to Grow Her Own Rubber M 1., til. Turn-. l>,-ni,HT»t. the I nit il Sun- l> ii.irUn.llt of Agriculture i» ■i ~i\. Ij i \|»uiu.iitiny with rubber. It aays: "Mm! -1, .,11 yro-.v „nr own rubber. Indis-d. we bare Ik^iiii to
    500 words
  • 884 12 OECIDED CH.NGE IN THE TONE OF THE MARKET. Greater Demand from Consumers. An article in Uie comiuetrial supplement of Uie London Times, datoil Uie first week in February, makes Uie following allusions to Uie marked recovery in rubber prices towards Uie end of January and gives somn
    884 words
  • 205 12 The. Financial News of January 80, sUtea The London Venture Corporation. Limited, on belialf of themselves and other lioldera, offer .'iin.iikl shares of the Sampang i.lavai Ituhher Plantations, Limited. The capital is tn m. divided into 1,000,000 sliares of •>*. each, of which 7*1.000 sliarea liave
    205 words
  • 2107 12 'NTERESTING INTERVIEW WITH SIR WILLIAM TAYLOR. Every Assistance For Capable Men The increasing demand for rubber has natu rally directed considerable attention to the great Malay Peninsula, stretching from Siaui to Singapore, says the Financial News, and with a view of obtaining particulars of the opportunities existing
    2,107 words
  • 64 12 The development of the 1 hitch Coloniex is being proceeded with on iuo«t energetic line*. the cultivation of rubber becoming an im ,K>rtant factor to the E*»t Indies, an<l liarticiilarly to Java. It is estimated, says the Financial Times, that clow upon C15.0UU.000 has been sunk in pn>pertie« of .his
    64 words
  • 30 12 The Hatu Caves Company has distributed In i per cent, on account of the profit* earned in l»Ui. which is just .'>> per cent, over and Above that distributed (or IWW.
    30 words
  • 855 12 COMMITTEE OF SHAREHOLDERS AITOINTtL). Candid Criticism Invited An extraordinary general meeting of l.a Martoua Rubber MMMMa. LnuiUil. wa* held on January :11. at the Cannon MMMt llou-l, E. C, to consider the position of the ci>ui|iany. The Secretary .Mr CmH t. MMMMI having reail the notice convening
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  • 214 12 The Plant* r* Chronicle gives tin follow iiii; iihi ful reference table for dweovering at a risssM the ninulier of rubU i plants to the acre from the distaocc of plant ing. or vice versa To ascertain, says our contemporary, th.i ii ii m U r
    214 words

  • 1277 13 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES. AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON FEBRUARY I. A number of aharea ia which loot) inveatr«» are later Bated are no* quoted a kwal ■hare tiata. aad them are oeoaawßall, -iJ .aarjioa k«*weea I***^**" d Loodon. W. mote below the beat available uoooVjo
    1,277 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 363 13 Rowland's Kalydor Makes your sKIn soft and smooth. Vo. can J aa« a cl«r. valwtf. haallby cnoi|4riian l) >ov um Rowland's Kalydor "For Your Shin" Hall .in,.-. rhrmi«l«. k 1 k*iH 1. ■< H"' a 1 L«»Jo;i. anri a»orf »fiiou» inwuiKma. Qrsaite.t of all Took. Wr^, a»raaNar»«»^ O I A
      363 words
    • 588 13 /Jg^t EXCERPT FBOH CLIENT- I'rf: R. I Te B *'H > D a>e t*o 700 by H5 Continental Covera Mid tabes, which I purchased from Whether for Motor, Motor- yon in October 190* two others which I Cycle or Cyc'e yon can bought in September of tbe tame year were
      588 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 482 14 INSURANCE. UEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. dead Office Winchester House. SINGAPORE. Board Of DJr-SJOtO— I w. A. Dbbbick, Bag., Chairman. A. H. Faib, Esq Managing Director. Paraa Fowlib, m a., c a Chief Mad. Officer r M. Blli.t, Bm. Ht v. N. J. Codvrh b. Tow Nu»v fim, Esq.
      482 words
    • 254 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL UK •SSUMM* OOBPUn Of MMftl BaTABUSBBn 18BS.* in Force, over JsnjßMJHt M ew flusinaaa. 1909 over Nat Supolu. above liabiUtaes'lor reaerve and all outstanding olaims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over MI.BBB was sat and* aa a ajaaial additioa to Pobcy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Manager. Sooth Eaatara
      254 words
    • 511 14 BAMKIHfc CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IMGORPOBATBD BT BOYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital ia 80,000 Shares of «oeach AUOOJOO Biiwti Fnad. 41.*****0 I rtsaarreUabihty of Proprietor*... 41. W0 000 BANKERS Nation*! Bask at flootUaii The Loadoa City MidlMd Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. I Current Accounts are opeaod mad
      511 words
    • 667 14 BANKING. THE BZE HAI *TONB BANKING MM INSURANCE C 3. LTD. NO. 17 AND 68, KLINO BTBSBT. tatahlishid 1907. Capital paid op 11.000,000 00 nsasry« liability of proprietors 1.000.C00 00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tab Tbcb Joow 8. Sm Ku Jak 8. Nam Kj» Bbho 7. Tao Hoe Lai 8.
      667 words
    • 871 14 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION BALE OF Java Teak and Europe-Made Household Furniture, Etc, THE PROPERTY OF O. BCHUDEL, ESQ., To b« h«4d at Stan more, Grange) Road, Tanglln, OM BATURDAV. MARCH 11. HaadMme dr wias-rocD, dining room and bedroom furniture of the beat deecripttoa. ExoaUeat Cottage Piano by
      871 words
    • 451 14 PRELIMINARY NOTICE IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of \AI.I ABLE TOWN PBOPI Compriaiog 14 (iodowov a Kic« Mill and 4 Shop booses. To bo beld at Powoll «nd Co.'. >*k- rooi. OH TIKiDAT, M\Bi H 'JK, AT 280 P.M. ELEVEN GOI.OWNS known as Nos. 1.8.6 7. 9, 11, 18. i.'j. 17. 19
      451 words

  • 988 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. No Radical Changes Likely. TIH-rt- is at tin prcMiil moment rxtnoiielj little new* ixmccrninK motor i-mn in the strict Nvnao of the wunl. sa\-n Major MaWno, writing is Tin- Work), hew new type* are i ohuiid l« fi n iln jiiililn
    988 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 326 15 SILENT KNIGHT Arriving Shortly 8 H.l'., Sincle ey Under, four seated Oars. H H.I 1 Two cylinder five seated Can. Im Stook i JO Hl', cylinder, seres seated, STANDARD," paiated Black. 15 HP, 4-cylind..r, tn seated. "NAPIER" paiatad Kbakj. IS HP 4 cylinder, fire seated, ROVBR" paiatsd Blaok. l*,ao II
      326 words
    • 122 15 THE BEBT PHYSIC. W)ien yon want a pliyxic thai m miM aad Ktmtlc, <*sy to Uiti- i in I certain to act, always nt- Chainberlain'H an<l Liver Tabi< tn. Kur nalo by all INnpi nnarwa aad I I. ilriH. RUBBER ESTATE VALUES. A COMPRKUEVSIVB SURVEY, With many Tables of
      122 words
    • 436 15 WOLSELEY CARS j FORMERLY KNOWN A 8 StOOELfY AUTOCAItS Sole Agents Penang, F.M.S. and Sumatra. CENTRAL SSKS AELESTINS VICHY TABLE WATERS. VICNV MINBHAL WATBRS of wide- work! renown are knows tor tueir good curative qualities, but it is not generUly knows that oat of all the Vichy waten the only
      436 words
    • 166 15 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. J (NEAR KNTRANCK to BORNEO VHill> Telephone lOai. II SsassMkaotallkuida of FROZEN MEATS, etc, can be deUvetsd H Shipping at to* Wbarrea, at la she Sinicaporo Roada. as abart II aotfcse. OFFICE HOURS Week day* 7 ajsi. to 6 pa I Sundays T »jb. to
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 554 16 INDIAN PATENT STONE 10 Times More Durable than Neat Cement. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS. PRESSMAN WANTED. I'reacman with first, class knowledge of Wharf i lsle machine. Only experienced men need apply. Good salary given to suitable msn Apply I'rintcr, c,o Straits Times. 361 a
      554 words
    • 424 16 WANTS. BNORTHAND TYPIBT WANTEO. Wanted, a first rate Shorthand writer aad Typint. Apply to F. W Barker A Oa. 343 a FIREBRICKS ANO FIRECLAY Agents repaired to sell a high grade brand of firebricks sad fireclay. Good oommiasioo sod other farili-Jn. allowed. Letters to be addressed to T. H. H
      424 words
    • 496 16 TO BE LET OR 80LD. TO Be UT. FURNISH :0. Villa Mariaa, Taajona Katoag, from April 1,1911. Apply to bwphtons Paul Co. SH-S a TILET. From March 1, lad floor, Na f 9 aad 61-1, Tbe Anode, large rooms for offices, oaa he joined into oaa if required, facing Baffles
      496 words
    • 547 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Cap*. Bvaaaof the H. 8. Breaecnshire will not be responsible for at y debts coouaov d by bis crew wb sj ia this port wiihoat bis wiittea author 383 EXPORT TRADE OF THE STATE OF VICTORIA. Auatralla. Tba Siata of Victoria baa a large aad in oraaaing export
      547 words
    • 654 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT et CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. Telephone No. 431. 108 A 109. Market Street. NOTICE. The undersigned beg to inform the public that from the Ist day of March, 1911, they will start an establishment under the Firm name of Ching Keng Lee Co., at No. 3, Baffles Place,
      654 words
    • 317 16 NOW CHOOSE B«ohatein Pianos Brintmaad Pianos Stein way Pianos Rachalt Pianos Collard Pianos Brocdwood, Whit* Pianos Knabal Pianos Rusmll Pianos Winkalmann Pianos Krauss Pianos Htak. Pianos Strohm en gar Pianos Lshmsnw Pianos THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED Raohalt' Auto-Player Pianos Allison Auto-Player Pianos Manual auto-Player Pianos Bnmmasd Angelua. Wa WANT
      317 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 244 16 Straits iDimes. ADVBRTISBMBNT RATBS.—Miaoaliaae oas wants of every description are insert od at the prepaid rate of II par war Unas for one or two insertions. Notices of Birtha, Marriages, or Doatha, if not *»needing lour lines, 61 each iaaaitiiia Fat cards, oa page 6, 63. I»ca Bcalb fUraa
      244 words