The Straits Times, 24 February 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.498 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 WATSON'S No. IO Whisky THE BEST. KATZ BROS., LD. H Mm' ■t" 2 Ififl j^P Nut Brown Cowhide K^ GLADSTONE BAGS Broad Straps, Sapeiior Clips, Brass or Nickel Fittioga. Sizes 18", 18 20 22" 26' S8". ATTACHE CASES. Plaiu Hide, Lined Imitation Pigskin. Nickel Doable BraPjgfcfiS '^^SbBB^WmP action Spring Locks,
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    • 151 1 a The New Patent Incandescent Burner FOR KEROSINE OIL LAMPS. These Burners can be fitted to any ordinary Tamp with screw or Payonet catch. The Burners give a steady, clear and Brilliant light equal to 100 Candle power, complete with Chimney, Mantle, Gallery and raiser burner. tpO.Ovs 6£lCll. Mr. flSßnfiy
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  • 631 2 MATRIMONIAL AFFAIRS OF THE NATIVES. Mao The Superior Animal. I At a meeting of the Koyal Colonial Institute, the Hon. J. G. Jenkins read an inI terestiug paper on Papua anu the I'apuans. I After referring to the magnitude, of I'apua, I which is more generally known
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  • 168 2 The Government of India have decided, in cases in which warrant and noncommissioned officers, whether on the unattached list or serving regimentally, are iiii li^;lil.- for furlough out of India (though otherwise qualified and recommended) on account of their not having two years' unexpired service
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  • 159 2 Mr. Cosmo Bonsor, presiding at the half yearly meeting of the South-Eastern lta.ilway, mentioned tho question of the removal of Chariag Cross Station, part of a scheme suggested for carryin" mi a MomoriaJ to King Edward. He p«A that with reference to the very ambitious scheme for
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  • 28 2 A grant of exclusive privileges in Perak has been made to Mr. .1. Berry, of Ipoh, for In* iuvention for imprevement in a knife for tuppuig rubber trees.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 137 2 Solution Fat. Flesh. Bone and Muscle jjtiU/r Kepler Solution is a food not R'J»6\ \jKMy a medicine. v^f r The food that strengthens the 4/1/ weak and fattens the wasted. *L'/ /jQ The food that enriches the blood C\ and fortifies the constitution. ;i\ w The food that sustains
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    • 75 2 A RELIABLE REM DV. You are not experimenting on yourself when you take Chamberlain s Cough Kerne iy for a cold as thai pruparatiou won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always be depended upon. It is equally valuable for adults
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    • 726 2 THE STORY OF LITTLE ELIZA SCHNEIDER AND HER WISE PHYSICIAN. Many enlightened physicians prescribe Dr. WillianiH' Pink I'ills in caties where the main tiling needed is new, rod, strength-rest* rin^ Wood. It was because he knew that her blood waX to blame Unit the physician who attended Little Kliza Johanna
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    • 721 2 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of PAWNBHOKRHS' UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. On Thursday. Mabch 2, at 10 a.m. Oh Saturday, March 4, at 10 am. On Toisday, Mam-b 7. at 10 am. Jewellery, consisting of WitoitM, Oium Diamond Kings, Brooches, Bar rings. Bracelets, Chinese and Malay Ojld Ornaments, eta On view from
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    • 571 2 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan a Ca's Salerooms. On Monday, Febbuaby 27, at 2.80 pji. Frw hold Land in the District of Siglap, Singapore, being Lot 19 and 20 of Grant No 8. Area 8H.885 square feet. H. L. OOGHLAN k CO., Auotioowti 178 262
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  • 1364 3 LECTURE BY MR REG^ALD HUtVAY. Before the Society of Art? Mora tlic Indian section of the Society of Arttt, tlie other day, Mr. Reginald Murray, wbetl iM.iiie lias long been anKoeiutol v ':li Indian fiuanco, read an inntriictivr f«| rM Baskil x in liulia. a saqcd v
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 539 3 TESTED AMD RELIABLE DISINf EGTANTS. Whallej's Concentrated Sanitary Fluid. AS SUPPLIED TO THE J|BS t fgSjfi§§i} AN THE CORPORATION ROYAL HOUSEHOLDS E2jflfflHK§^! 0F THE CITY OF LLNDON ncaitiKßco tsasc msUL of Whalley's ConreotTstOne Gallon $££zu%%x sar 200 Gallons. fectant yet disoovered CAN BB HAD FROM LEADING DISPENSARIES AND STORES. THE
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    • 301 3 Woods Crest Peppermint Cure for all internal oiujpi&tnta Dysentery, Ooauba. .V\ li, K.,.j. BOVRIL THE MIGHTY FNERGISER w.tbout diffe*. ive effort. The Power of Beer is In BOVRIL A Swollen Knee ia about as painfol and inconvenient as any- thing joo would find in a day's jonrney, 1 And it
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    • 172 3 The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of Milkmaid! Full Cream Milk g^^H^gjl IS THE HALL-MAEK OF g^^ PERFECT PURITY i Enßs9 an(^ uarantee °f ''L' lo^ Quality. 3r£.^ I UNTOUCHED BY HAP4D. C Original and Best. LARGEST SALE IN TH» WOULD. Sold by all Druggists principal Provision Dealers. Zdog's Jiead' guinness THE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 619 4 STEAiER SAILINSS. p. 6. STEAM NAVIGATION CO FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AOSrRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTB, PLY MOOTS AND LONDON. Through Bill, of Lading iwoed for China Oout, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Port*. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 I
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    • 558 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly Bervioe is maintained be tween Yokohama via ports to Marseille*, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed an<i constructed, and are fittt-d with
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    • 637 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO U. 8. MAIL LNc. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and KUKOPE, via Honolulu and San Fianoisoo, opxatiug th> new IB.OUO ton*, t* in screw steamers KOKEA and SIBERIA, together with tbe well known steam>r»CHl<4 4 A«!A, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERsIA. CHOICE
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    • 262 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Can dian Pacific Railway Co '8 Royal Mall Steamship Uiw. THE NATIONAL HIGHW *YTO RUROPB Via China, Japan, Canada and thb United States. Route from Hongkong, vi« Shanghai,>aki (Inland So* of Japan), Kobe, V' kobama, Victoria aad Vanoouver. R. M. S. Empress of India") T* in screw
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    • 585 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AMD DEUTSCHE D4MPFSCHIFFFAHRTBGEB. 'HANSA BREMEN. Combined Sarvloe. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regolar service between Hamburg, Bremen, biwerp, and Rotterdam, and tne Strait., i hina and Japan. H/<me>ards, they are despatohed fortnightly for Havre and n amburg and onoe a month for
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    • 675 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N D L. Norddautscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well known mail steamers of this < ompany .ail fortnightly from Biamen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Uonoa, Naples (oonneoting Mars-ille., Maples, Alexandria, and vioe vena) Prt Said, Suez, Aden Colombo, Paoaog, Singapuie.
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  • 137 5 FIXTURES. Friday, February 34. High Water, 5.82 a.m.. 9.4 p.m. Legislative Council, 2.80 p.m. Tyersall Country Club, 5.15 p.m. Saturday, February 25. High Water, 6 49 a.m., 9.48 p.m. Miss Anderson's Wedding, 4 16 p.m, Sua Manggis Rubber Co., 10 a.m, Sunday, February a 6. High Water,
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  • 247 5 To-day. Penang and Caloutta Japan 3 pm Batu Pabat Aing Hin 8 pm Bangkok Nuentung 3 pm Pontiacsk KanHinGuan 8 pm Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swrttenli -v and Telok Anson Solangor 8 pm Hongkong, Amoy and Swat aw Seang Choon 3 pm Malacca and Muar Lady Weld
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  • 149 5 The Imp. German mail steamer P. K Fricdrich having left Hongkong on the lioA instant at noon, may be expected to arrive here on Sunday morning, the 26th instant. sin' will probably be despatched for Europe on Monday, at 1 p.m. The M. M. company's steamer Guadiana
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  • 421 5 Latest Arrivals. Gneisenau, Ger. cruiser, 11,600 tons, 784 crew, :<'.) gunp, 11,800 b.p. Com. Usslar, Feb 28. From Calcutta, Feb 17. For Hong kong, Feb 27. Roads. Leipzig, Ger. cruiser, 8160 tons, 280 crew, 14 gnns, 10,000 h.p. Com. Bcbroeder, Ftb 28. From Calcutta, Feb 17. For Hongkong,
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  • 111 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PaGAR. East Whabf Basin Kuantan, Islander, Poh Aon, Quorra. East W. Section No. I—lsohia,1 Isohia, Glenmorag, Shkkbs Wharf Minderoo. [Dunera. Main W. Skct. No. 2— Seang Choon, Nuen- B—Japan.8 Japan. [lung. 4 Koranna. n
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  • 160 5 Arrivals Per steamer Seang Choon, February 28.— From Rangoon via ports Mrs. Larkins, Mr. and Mrs. Francis, Mr. H. van Schaardenbarg and Mr. Kirkpatrick Per steamer Ipob, February 28. From Penang via ports Mrs. Millar, Mrs. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Zacharias, Mrs. PQog, Messrs. H
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  • 412 5 Per P. and O. steamer Borneo, due March 2 Inspector and Mrs Wilson and child. Mr J Davidson, Mr H R A Day, Mr D Rob, Mr S Sawyer, Mr O S Edwards, Mr Winter Mr R E Oreave, Mr Q N Ternon. Mrs L A Toff.
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  • 2 5 Finance Commerce.
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    • 170 5 Issue S V«loe£ 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Brnang 10 10 Braaeb U yd. 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 KintaTin £1 £1 Kledang Tin 10 10 Kuantan Tin £1 £1 Lahai Mines 10 10 Malacca Tin 5/- 6/- Pataang Consol £1 £1 Pengkftlen £1 £1 Posing Bahra £1
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    • 600 5 Issue !9 Value Bayers. Sellers. 2/. 3/- Allsgar 4/10 5/6 3/- 3/- Anglo- Malay 1.8.9 1.5 0 3/- 2/. Batons Malaka 8/1 8.6 £1 £1 Batu Ca»es 14.16.0 15.10.0 £1 £1 BatuTiga 4.10.7 6.2.6 £1 £1 Bukit Kajana 2.5.6 3.10.0 £1 £1 Bukit Lintang 3.15.0 4.0.0 £1 16/- Contributory
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    • 121 5 Inane !S Valoo Bayers. 10 10 Eastern Smelting 10 7 075 41 £1 Eleotrio Tramways 8/8 10 10 Fraaer Neave 84.60 100 Howartb Erakine 100 7% Prat. 80.00 100 100 Kati Bro. Det 100 100 a B 8% Cam. Pref. 10 10 Maynard Co. 24.50 Sellers nom. 1000 7.00
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    • 48 5 Buyers Sellers Howarth Erskine 8% 1600,000 par Riley, Hargreaves t% 1284,000 2} 8* pm Singapore Eleotrio Tramways 6% £860,000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878.000 nom. Buyers Seller* Spore Municipal 4)% of 1907 •1.000.C00 6% 7%pm Spore Mnnicipal 4J% of 1909 •1,000,000 7% B%pm Spore Munioipal 4% 1002,900 7%di*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 For all internal complaints, Dysentery Coughs, Colds, eta, take Woods' Great Pupporuiiut Cure.
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    • 34 5 THE BEST PHYSIC. When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act, always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 761 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Feb. 25— At No. 6- a, Devonshire Road, housthold furniture, the property of A. Haecdorn, Esq. Feb. 27 -At No. 2 a, Wilkie Road, Java teak household furniture, at 4 80. Mar. I— At the Straits Steam Sawmill, Ltd., No 44, Kallang Road, Pcona and
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    • 584 5 BTEAMER SAILINGS. INDO CHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. Tax tteamars of this Company maintains a regular direct service between Calontt., Straits, Hongkong. Shanghai aod Japan, taking cargo, on through Bills nf Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin,, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc etc. Steamart Tons Commander Kdtsano
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    • 48 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumental Masons ESTABLISHED 1881. JUST RECEIVED) New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallio Wreaths, etc. Monuments of every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the oolony. With Plumes in use. TBLBPHONB NO. 717. NO. 187. ORCHARD ROAI' 6
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  • 1182 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24. MILITARY CONTRIBUTIONS. That the Imperial Government is considering whether or not taxes raised to make up for losses of revenue due to the restriction of opium sales is satisfactory as far as it goes. Mr. Holt's question had reference to Hongkong as well as
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  • 13 6 The Philharmonic orchestra will resume practice on Thursday next at H. 30 p.m.
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  • 28 6 The court mourning for the late Emperor Kwang Hsu expires at the end of this month, and a huge lamp festival in the palace will mark the occasion.
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  • 28 6 The authorities in France have arranged that some important naval manoeuvres are to be carried out by large forces at Flushing in September next, states the Hongkong Telegraph.
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  • 32 6 Attention is called to the fact that the first children's bazaar of the Ministering Children's League will be opened at the Victoria Memorial Hall, on Tuesday, the 28th inst., at 4 o'clock.
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  • 36 6 It is rumoured that trouble is brewing away up at Klian Intan, the newly acquired territory in Upper Perak, amongst the shopkeepers, and that a party of police lias been sent to that place from Grit.
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  • 30 6 Garrison orders announce that officers attending the wedding of Miss Anderson, and also the reception afterwards at Government House, on Saturday next, will wear uniform, review order, white with helmets.
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  • 36 6 Messrs. Hulett and Sons, tea planters, Durban, have despatched a representative to India to endeavour to recruit coolies prior to the stoppage of recruiting. It is understood that other firms are acting in a similar way.
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  • 37 6 The Straits Chinese Recreation Club will entertain the Chinese school children and the children of members at the Victoria Theatre to-morrow, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.. when there will be a further performance of The Royal Jester.
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  • 51 6 H. M. S. Monmouth will, on or about March 2, proceed to Colombo via Saigon and Singapore. At Colombo she will take in tow the submarines for the China station and tow them to Hongkong. This will be a long job, as the towing can only be done at eight
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  • 42 6 At West Hartlepool on February 1, Lloyd's medals and certificates were presented to Captain Matthews, of North Shields, and other officers of the steamer Lowthcr Range in recognition of their services in salving the disabled Austrian Lloyd steamer Trieste in June last.
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  • 47 6 The call of the Rubber Planters' Association at Saigon to planters in the French colony to co-operate in a thoroughly representative display at the coming rubber show in London, has not met with an enthusiastic response. The association has made a fresh appeal for the planters' co-operation.
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  • 57 6 In connection with a recent cricket match at Kuala Lumpur, it is interesting, the Malay Mail observes, to note two successful first appearances there. Mr. E. Broadrick put six balls to the boundary in his score of 38, while Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith bowled unclianged for an honr ami a
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  • 63 6 The German cruisers Gneisenau and Leipzig arrived in the roads yesterday evening from Calcutta. The Gneisenau is a large vessel of 11,600 tons displacement, carrying 7H4 men, 36 guns, and of II,HOO horse-power. The Leipzig is a smaller type of 8,160 tons, 281) men, 14 guns and 10,000 horse-power. Both
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  • 63 6 The Magwa Burma police have arrested two deserters from the Koyal Welsh Knsiliirs. Privates Cue and Williams, who have been missing since the early part of 1909. The former at the time of arrest was employed as a general foreman of coolies at Nyaunghla. Williams had built up a nourishing
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  • 74 6 In the House of Commons, Mr. C. A. Montague Barlow (Unionist Member for South Salford) questioned Colonel Seely on behalf of the English police sergeants who were engaged last year for Ceylon, and asked what compensation those who returned home were to receive. Colonel Seely gave details of the circumstances
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  • 84 6 A list is published enumerating the appointments of which the Ceylon Civil Service will in future consist, including staff appointments, viz., Colonial Secretary, with a salary of .£2,000 Treasurer, £1,450; and Colonial Auditor, £800 to £1,000 fifteen officers of the Ist class (Grades 1 and 111 twenty officers of the
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  • 112 6 Mr. Fitzwilliams, whose criticism of Java rubber planting methods we lately noted, admits that improvements are in progress which will soon place the island on a level with tin F.M.S., over which it has now an advantage in the matter of coolie supply. Within a couple of years, he declares,
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  • 115 6 It lias been decided that on the occasion of His Majesty's Coronation in London no presents from individuals in British India will be received for transmission to England. Addresses for presentation to His Majesty will be only be received from, individuals of high position and from public bodies, upon the
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  • 348 6 Capt. Robert Hawkes, Mid Brahtnans, has boen promoted to be Major. Captain C. A. Worthington, The Buffs, has been granted leave of itlm-ncc from March il to March 20, with permission to proceed to Batavia. Sir Clifton- Robinson, thu tramway king, who died very suddenly whilst travelling
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  • 63 6 On Sunday evening, there will l>e a church parade of the S.V.I. By kind iHTinission the Band of the Buffs will take part in the service. As the opening voluntary tin v will play Stars of Night, by Wekerliu. and tin closing voluntary will be MendlcHsohu's Grand
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  • 97 6 The mortality returns for Singa|nirt issiuil by the licgistrar of Births and D.atlis. slu>w that during the week ending February IN, there were 17t> deaths, giving a ratio per inilli of population of BLML Malarial fever accounted for deaths, phthisis M, convulsions If, ben I* i i
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  • 170 6 The eight derelict Chinese who were brought into Singa|xirc by the steamer Koranna yesterday liave travelled a considerable distance in the la-st two or three months. It appears that they left Penang in a junk some time in November and were blown far to the
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  • 226 6 The February Agricultural Bulletin contains a quantity of rubber information thr a]>]uo\imatr plantiil acreage in the Colony, Messrs. (low, Wilson ami StuHton's review Cm 1910, notes on variability of plantation l'ara mid the yeimi nation of rubber seed in Itntwh Guiana. There is also a ii-fcn nee
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 331 6 1 1 Paacinatlon of the East V~Ji^ Is brought home 10 you In Ihe perfection to which I^^^^^^^^^ Egyptian Cl|areltes hay* JS- 1 ~^3^^^ been broujht by Messrs. J*>*:_- Jr^^L w w Maspero Frlres jgsgi~ '-'"^^Bl v Jky in their two brands JE^- V JtV \f J^ Bouton Rouge fund
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    • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 as well a* B.
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  • 93 7 FIRST READING CARRIED BY LARGE MAJORITY. Enthusiasm Among The Radicals. Rbutbb's Tblkoram. London, February 28. The Parliament Bill has been read a first time by 851 votes to 227. There was wild enthusiasm among the coalition when the figures were read out. Later. In winding up the
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  • 54 7 RATIFICATION OF NEW TREATY DEFERRED. Californian Senate's Protest. Rkutbr's Telegram. London. February 24. A Washington telegram says tin Senate has .leti mil ratification of the treaty with Japan. The subject will probably again come up to-day. The alifornian Senate, lias unanimously passed a resolution urging Congress to
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  • 44 7 General Satisfaction Over the Settlement. Dkr Ostasiatischb Lloyd Telkukam. Berlin. February M> The prompt settlement of the RussoChiiies, ihspiit< giw~ satisfaction everywhere. Hussia is willing to negotiate with China alxiut a new commercial tariff, according to u.'iele M of tin Kulilseha treaty.
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  • 60 7 Counselled to Keep Friendly With Japan. Deb Ostasm nsciiK Lloyd Tklegrax. Berlin, February 23. The Cni has given an audience to the new Governor of the Amur territory, M. Gondatti. an. l has given him amplified instructions about the immigration of Koreans ami their admission Itussian
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  • 24 7 Dkb I, low. Tklkgram. Berlin, February 23. Consul (ieneial Inner of Sydney is resigning owing to the state of his health.
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  • 54 7 I n k Ostasiatischk. Llotd Tblbgbam. Berlin, February 23. Tin 1 Cn.wn Prim anil I'rineess. after visit ing Egypt, go to Corfu, and later they will pay a visit to Rome officially, in April, to convi y the congratulations of the Kaiser and Kaiscrin on the occasion
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  • 35 7 (Know Din Own OIMMMHR.) Kuala Lumpur, February 'Si. The Planters' Stores and Agency have a I^inilon i -able stating that both sheet biscuit ami tine hard l'majire at 6s. 1 1 d.
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  • 135 7 Lou. lon telegram to evlon. .lated the (Hi. inst.. -sivs: The Mooply Valley Rubber (iiiii|»iiiy. Ltd.. which has been on the tapis foi Home time, is now announced. It is acquiring two estates in I'.h hiu. with I.7(lo acres planted. The authorised capital is a ijiiaitcr
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  • 68 7 A tmmmmj is bcinn lonsWl at Rangoon to manufacture plantain fibre in Ixiwcr Burma. where the raw material is to he hail in ahiuiilanc< A capital of five lakhs with power to increase, divided into fifty thousand shares of ten rup< es each, is U'liig raised.
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  • 742 7 A Revival of Activity in Share Dealings. From the London and China Express of February 3, we take the following information respecting the rubber industry The market for Para, after receding somewhat, has become firmer, but little business has been done. Hard Fine on the spot is
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  • 286 7 Mr. Redmond Accepts Absolutely the Government Definition. In the House of Commons, on February U, Mr. Lan Malcolm moved an amendment to the Address against Home Hulc. Mr. Ascjuith said that everyone who voted in the election of January, 1911, knew that if and when the LiberaU succeeded
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  • 382 7 SINGAPORE SYNDICATES JOIN INTERESTS. Prospects of Sale to London. A movement of considerable interest to Singapore investors has taken place in the affairs of three well-Known local oil ventures. This is the amalgamation of the Eastern Petroleum Syndicate, Ltd., the Anglo-Java Oil Syndicate, Ltd., and the Singapore Oil
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  • 418 7 Jamsetji of Bombay Sails for England. Jamsetji. of Bombay, the world's racipictn champion, has sailed for England where he was due on the 19th instant. His first match against Williams, the English professional wlio has just challenged him for the chum I ii. m ship, will be
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  • 135 7 Judgment Given in Favour of the Singapore. In the International Court, Bangkok, judgment has been delivered in the case in which the Borneo Co., Ltd., owners of the Cormorant, sued Messrs Joo Seng, owners of the Singapore, for Tcs. 2,000 alleged to be damage sustained in a
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  • 13 7 Seafield.— 22,749 lbs. Browncomet (Malay) Rubber Estates, Ltd.,— 1,1064 lb.
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  • 1914 7 MOTION BEFORE HIGH COURT IN LONDON. Alleged Misrepresentations. The motion John Aird and Co. v. the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board and Sir William Matthews was heard in the Chancery Division before Mr. Justice Warrington on January 81. It was a motion to restrain the defendants from proceeding with
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  • 268 7 The Neleus Launched at Belfast Shortly before high Witter on January 81, Messrs. Workman, Claik and Co., Limited. Belfast, launched from their North Yard the steamer Neleus. built to the order of Messrs. Alfred Holt and Co., Liverpool, this being the 28th vessel constructed by them
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  • 62 7 Bubonic plague lias made i|s appearance in virulent form in Canton, and up till the beginning of this week ten deaths had been officially reported, says the Hongkong Telegraph, of February IS. At Wuchow, also, several cases of plague had occurred. The local medical men fear that
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  • 192 7 DEADLY FIRE AT A DISTANCE OF FIVE MILES. Would Cripple Any Battleship Afloat. Rbdtbr'b Telegram. London, February 24. The Neptune's gunnery trials in the Mediterranean have given remarkable results. A broadside of five twelve inch guns fell within a space of 150 yards around a target five
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  • 267 7 Further Details of the Delhi Durbar. Colonel Strachey. who was at one time Controller of the Viceroy s Household and is now Secretary to the Army and Navy Cooperative Society in London, comes out to India shortly in connection with the MH Dnrbar arrangement*. It is understood that
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  • 222 7 Action Taken by the Glasgow Shipowners' Association. Colonial legislation as affecting British merchant shipping is to be brought to notice by the Glasgow Shipowners' Association, and a resolution moved to the effect that a strong representation be made to His Majesty's Government as to the serious consequences to
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  • 119 7 On the night of February 14. a gruesome discovery was made aboard the river steamer Kwong Tung, at Hongkong. On the boat there is a small strong-room of restricted dimensions used for the storage of silk. When it was last opened, prior to the discov> nt,
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  • 96 7 In the House, of Commons, on the 16th inst., Mr. Asquith moved a resolution appropriating private members' time for Government He pointed out that the special circumstances of the coronation must lead to a suspension of parliamentary activity, and drew attention to the necessity for passing the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 80 8 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Si r< H has been brought to my notice that at a meeting of the Mergui Rubber Company, a report of which is (,'iven in your issue of iota inst., mention is made of a Mr. Tutnei. I shall
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  • 500 8 Progress of the Property to the End Of December M. "i-s. J. \V. (iaiide ami to., of Shanghai. ■agnteriai aad aaaanU nwaaawi of the Ainhcist Rubber nittafrn. haw mHpUed the N. C. 1 >;n 1 v N> «s «ith a small pamphlet containing ri'ivnts hy the manayir
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  • 333 8 Prrpisal to Bring 1000 Acres tnder Rubber. The r. r .it ol the Val .1 Or gabber Kstit.s. Limited. etatai that the estat h:is h*M duly transt. in to the mr—pany The toUowiag (lops were barrasted iliiring the year: Cooonnts, 'XAfiNfl; Mi^.ir. :;.-!;;<; pioola, e<]ual to \\>-i
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  • 72 8 A school of iiistruition in tfcg art of growing ami molting tea Ims been opened at Nanking by lli. Vi.vmy of the LJaaf Kwang. It his ii. 'oiiiiniHliitioii for ISO studinLs, but tho Hoard <if Agriculture, lii'lnstry unil Commerce (the WllllglliiMilmg] has aM the Viceroy in. I.
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    • 41 8 The Swimming Club Argo will leave Johnston's Pier for the Club Bungalow on Sunday, the 26th instant, at 7, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.80 and 3.80 p.m. returning at 8.80 and 9.80 a.m., 12.15, 8 and 5.30 p.m.
      41 words
    • 348 8 S. C. C. Tournament. I'kokkssion Pairs. The following are the results of play on the Esplanade last evening ■an IV. Kerr and Noon beat Mer. 18 Klmenhorst and Antholz, 6—2, 6 l. Press Davies and Jennings beat Mer. 17 Holmes and Wellington, 6—3, 7—9 6—B. Mer. 2 Doig
      348 words
  • 182 8 I'ourth List of Subscribers. The committee of the Children's Aid Society gratefully acknowledge the following further subscriptions Previously acknowledged ♦4,116.">0 C'ollki TKD iiv Mrs. iBnl list.) Messrs. Whitcaway Laidlaw's Staff 36.00 M.-ssrs. Campbell and Co. 10.00 Oounona m Mi:>. B (M list.i Mr. J. Hallaway 10.00
    182 words
  • 135 8 The Ceylon Patriot takes the following from an Indian paper Two girls belonging to Jabbalpore, one a Brahman and the other Kxhattri by caste, were given away in marriage at almost the same time. The bridegrooms' marriage parties came from two different places, Cawnpore and
    135 words
  • 989 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 24, 1011. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations tliia morning Norn. Value. Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 4/10 5/9 2/- Options 2/- 2/6 Anglo-Java 8/6 10/- 1 Anglo-Johore 10/8 12/6 2/-
    989 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 59 8 ABSOLUTELY BAFE. When you havo a cold get a bottle of CliaiulMi-laiiiH Cough lU'iuedy. It wUI s<H.n lis yon up all right and will ward off any t< "cl.ivy toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or othtr narcotic and may be given an confidently to a baby aH to
      59 words
    • 48 8 Said the stranger to the Pastor: I have noticed, Sir, tbat you Rarely cough when you are preaching, Though the congregation do t Ah 1 rt pliid the worthy Pastor, But I'm careful to make sure That on Sunday in the vestry Ihcre is Wood*' Oreat Peppermint Cure.
      48 words
    • 203 8 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps A Lj XV r i XJ X~ tJ X" C? T^ im\ llr m\\ -*•*-< inn, D£jo i "f| Large New Stocks. /V~ jffr%\ All C- n -le Powers. /!''T j IW$ J REDUCED i^J Vffl-v/ PRICES. HI./ SOLE AQENTS i ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. ~~V^ Riley, Hargreaves Co.,
      203 words
    • 418 8 Raffles IHH Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, February 25. By kind permission of Major G. D. Geddes, and Officers, the band of The Buffs will play during dinner and afterwards on The Lawn. SOMETHING TO KEEP YOU LIVELY To Interest and to Please You, AFTER A HARD DAIS WORK, MARLBOROUGH
      418 words
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 212 9 BRIDGE'S BUBBER MACHINERY. Washing, Creping and Macerating Machines. BLOCK PRESSES VACUUM DRIERS DA COSTA COAGULATOR. Stocks held in Kuala Lumpur. Paterson, Simons Co., Ld. Sola Agents, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS F.M.S. FURTHER REDUCTIONS in the Priom of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th February, inclusive. Ask for new PRICE LIST from DUPIRE BROTHERS,
      212 words
    • 425 9 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. PORT SWETTENHAM AND PENAN6. Return Tickets to above Ports will br issued at Single Fares to School Teacher* only, available for use between the 26th January and 26th February, 1911. For particulars ot passage and sailings. apply to BOUSTEAD CO., Agents. 28
      425 words
      675 words
    • 539 9 ARTICLES FOB SALE BIROS OF PARAOIBE F R SALE. At Messrs. Moraux A Oo IU, 20, Boat Quay. 10-1 v M3TOR CAR FOR SALE Four cylinder Darrsoq oar, 18 H. P., seat five, very oomfortablc, in excellent condition; Bargain. Apply K. T. Z., o/o Straits Times. US n FOR S»LE.
      539 words
    • 389 9 RUBBER ESTATE VALUES. A COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY, With many Tablew of Valuation, Forecasts of Production, and Estimates of Future Profits. Reprtnted from the StraiU Time* The valuable aeries of articles publUbed recently have been reprinted in a convenient pocket form. Prioe i $1 or Post Free to any part of the
      389 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 431 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Wiocbester House, SINGAPORE. Board off Director* i S. A. Dbhiuck, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq Managing Director. Pbtbr Fowlib, m b., cm Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, E«q. Rot. N. J. Codvrbir. Tow Nuan Pan, Esq. Ono Soon Tbb,
      431 words
    • 328 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPkNV OF CANADA. Established 1882. Insurance in Force, over $<7,Mt,tM New Business), 1909, over M.lO*.*— Net Surplus above liabilities for reserve and all outstanding claims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over $35,000 was set aside as a special addition to Policy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      328 words
    • 533 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares ol £30 each £1,300,000 Reserve Fund £1,*****0 Reservo Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 BANKERS. National Bank*of Scoiland. The London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed
      533 words
    • 659 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI T0»8 BANKINB AND INSURANCE G).. LTO. NO. 67 AND 58, KLINO STREET. Established 1907. Capital paid up 11,000,000.00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tick Joon 6. Sn Kia Jam '2. Nam Km 3bno 7. Tbo 800 m. LiaU Chu Hino
      659 words
    • 988 10 B*llB BY AUCTION. PRELIM NARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF Java |Teak and Europe-Made Househcld Furniture, Etc., THE PROPBRTY OF G. SCHUDEL, ESQ., To be held at Star-more, Grange Road, Tanglln, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 11. Handsome dr wirp.rcrir, dirnnp rrcm ar d btdroom fnrniture of the best dercription. Fxr<l!«rt Co'tsp< Piaro
      988 words

  • 1143 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CUkRtNT TOPICS. Marine Motor- Engines. The l'unsous Motor Company, Limited, Southampton, have recently built and supplied to the Far East, through Messrs. Wilson and Sons, the Mipcrintending engineers for the owners, two marine motor, 120 lip., fourcycle sets, which are intended for the
    1,143 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 444 11 WOLSELEY CARS FORMERLY KNOWN AS 81DJELEY AUTOCARS Sole Agents Penang, F.M.S. and Sumatra. CENTRAL SSSS SILENT KNIQHT ROVERS Arriving Shortly i S HP., Single cylindor, four-seated Cars. 12 H.P., Two cylinder fivo seated Can. In Stook ■20 U.l'., 6 oylindor, seven-seated, STANDARD," painted Black. 16 H.P., 4-oylinilor, five seated, NAPIER"
      444 words
    • 450 11 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (NEAR ENTRANCE to BORNEO WHJJIF) Telephone 1028. Sea Btooks of ail kinds o! FROZEN MEATS, etc., can bo delivered to Shipping at the Wharves, or i» the Singapore Roads, on short notioe. OFFICE HOURS Week day* 7 a.m. to S p m Sundays 7 a,m.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 554 12 AN INDIAN PATENT STONE Fl or is More Durable than Granite Blocks. IT CAN WITHSTAND THE BTRAIN OF HEAVY IMPACT AND REPEL THE DESTRUCTIVE ACTION OF WATER. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD WANTS. CHINESE CLERK WANTEO. Wanted for Kuala Lnmpur, > onng Chines* Clerk witb a kno« leHge of book -keeping
      554 words
    • 466 12 WANTS CLERK WINTEQ. Wanted, Cleik, Cl iorse or Eorarian, for a r Estate in British North B rneo. Mu«t be an i fficient typist and have a knowledge of bockk- epirjg Apply, witb te«timonitJs, (iutbrie k Co., Ltd 28 1 v APPOINTMENT WANTED. Wanted, an appointmen* with large Robber Conoern
      466 words
    • 797 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. TO BE UT. Gndown, No. 6 Mirbao Road, and shot Hous. h No t'l and Sooth Canal Road Imm'diaie entry. *pply to Go Boon Q.ian, 88, Chiu Swee Road. mm HOUSEB TO LET. No. 80, Robinson Road, and Nng 41 and 44 \n*nn Ruad. Apply
      797 words
    • 595 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. The undersigned beg to inform the public that from the st day of March, i9il, they will start an establishment under the Firm name of Ching Keng Lee Co., at No. 3, Kaffles Place, Singapore, as Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate and Commission Agents and Contractors: Dated this 16th day
      595 words
    • 753 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. ■■■I ■IHMI Bn« Mil ■lol P«ll MfttPMCftPt. Telephone No. 421. 100* 10U, Market Street. noticeT Capt. Evsnsof (be S S Bresc n*hire will not be responsible for any debts contrauw d by his crew while in this port wiihoot his written authority. 28-2
      753 words
    • 341 12 NOW CHOOSE Beohatein Pianos B pin a mead Piano* Steioway Piano* Raohal* Piano* Collard Piano* Broadwood, Whit* Piano* Kriebel Piano* Ruaaell Piano* Winkelmann Piano* Krauaa Piano* Haak* *iano* Strohmerrger Piano* Lehmann Piano* THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. Raohal*' Auto-Player Piano* Aliimon Auto-Player Piano* Manual Auto-►'layer Piano* Brinsmead Angeiua. We WANT
      341 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 241 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Misoellane oue wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of 11 per four lines for one or two insertions. Notioes of Birtbß, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding foor linos, %l eaoh insertion Fjt p.pc. oarda, on page 0, 13. Inch Seals Katbs
      241 words