The Straits Times, 23 February 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.497 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 406 1 WATSONS No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. KATZ BROS., LD. pi < "'>£2jBb|s>-«»/- *Er Nut Brown Cowhide *Asi ■*>&&" \4^Ol'?M JS GLADSTONE BAGS B^wl I" Broad Straps, Superior Clips, Brass or Nickel Fittings. |si^^aa Hp^^^Ss^' BizeB l6 1H 2C 2i lk 26 a 8 CASES. f&£iSo^' Plain Hide, Lined Imitation Pigskin,
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    • 196 1 9 The New Patent Incandescent Burner FOR KEROSINE OIL LAMPS. These Burners can be fitted to any ordinary Lamp with screw or Bayonet catch. The Burners give a steady, clear and Brilliant light equal to 100 Candle power, complete with Chimney, Mantle, Gallery and raiser burner. J? 3 vpO.OU GctCll.
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  • 968 2 STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE OF AN AMERICAN GIRL. World-Wide Search. The mysterious disappearance of Miss Dorothy Arnold, the cultured, pretty, and apparently happy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Arnold, of NoV York, greatly perplexes the American detective*, who have been searching for her since December 12, and greatly interests
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 96 2 i s 'VANA' L TONIC WINE ■4 r One or two dotes daily, strengthen body, brain and o U nerves, and counteract the fatigue and depression 5/ produced by extreme heat. hr <=» Fortifies against Malaria Of all Chemists See you get 'VANA 1 Burroughs Wellcome a Co., i. mm*
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    • 36 2 THE BEST PHYSIC When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act, al way use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 296 2 WAH HENG CO. Photographic* Store*, DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING AMATBUBB' WORK. Plates, Papers, Films, ttoemicalt., Cameras, Lenses, and General Pbotoßnphie Materials. Frames at erery vmriety made to order. No. 95, North Bridge Rd., Opposite Adolphi Hotel. ■84 GRANT CO., Auctioneers, Accountants, Estate Agents i Secretaries. LOANS AND MORT6AGEB ARRANBED. Rubber Exohinga
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    • 244 2 DIAMOND RINGS Diamond Rose Rings Diamond Hoop Rings Diamond Half-hoop Rings Diamond Shamrock Rings A LARGE COLLECTION JUST UNPACKED. Also OTHER RINGS SET WITH BEST QUALITY DIAMONDS AND OEMS OF RARE OCCURENCE. Inspection cordially invited. ISMAIL AND RAHEEIYI. Bras Basah Road. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klanf,
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  • 728 3 LORD CUPZON ON BRITAIN'S GRtAr TASK. A Rectorial Address. Lord Curzon's recent rectorial a»lilrc>- on East and West at Glasgow Vwirtt liv was marked by high qualities afstjrln which can only be done justice to in tin- report which he will issue in book form, says the
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  • 268 3 An Exhibition to be Seen by Those Going Home. Tbo reproach of iy,<i>ranr o{ the Empire frequently brought against the inhabitants of the British Isles will be able to be levelled with double fo cc against all who fail to take the opportunity of visiting tho
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 432 3 What is your Hobby? You must have one; for a life without a bobby is like an egg without salt Let as know what jour interests are, and we will send yon a list of the books you oo|(ht to have bearing oa them. And you will be nnder no
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    • 12 3 Woods Qreat Pnppermint Core for all iotornal oomplatnts. Dysentery, Ccnghs. Colds, eto.
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    • 204 3 TANBENG CHIOS FDRSERIES. Orchard Road. Have always in Stock Splendid specimens of Orchids from South America and Native States. Flower pianU of every description and of tbe very best Several varieties of Caladinms and a large Assortment of Green House Plant* and Palms of great variety. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED Pricea
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    • 619 3 MONKEY BRAND Makes Copper like Gold; Tin like Silver. two RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY^ Undertakers and Monumental Masons. BSTaBLISUBD IMBI. JUST RECEIVED t New Ooods ol ISnperior Quality and Finish. Marblep, Mt tallic Wrttthp, etc. MoDnments of every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES Tbe Best to be had in the colony. With Plumes
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 592 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. RITO. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Porte. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (/or China.) 1911 Asaaye Apl 7
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    • 555 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. ■Jtx EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service is maintained be tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and
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    • 573 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO U. 8. MAIL LINE The great steamship Hne between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 18,000 tom>, twin screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA. ASIA* MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF
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    • 260 4 STEAMER SAILINGS Canadian Pacific Railway Co '8 Royal Mail Steam.hip Lin*. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Via China, Japan, Canada and the United States. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nsgaoaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R M.S. Empress of India" Twin screw R M.S. "Empress of
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    • 583 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. AND OEUTBGHE DAMPFSCHIFFFAHRTBGEB. 'HANSA .BREMEN. Combined Service. The steamers of these Companies maintain a regular service between Hamborg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Hnmewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct,
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    • 672 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D L. Norddautscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well known mail steamers of tbia Company aail fortnightly from Bremen, Hambirg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena) Port Said, Suez, Aden Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Hhangha*,
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  • 140 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, February aj. High Wdter, 25 a.m., 7.50 a m. Y. M. C. A. athletic club, 8 4' p.m. Association of Engineers, 8.45 p.m. Friday, February 24. High Water, 5.3) a.m 9.4 p.m. L-gis'ative Council, 2.80 p.m. Tyeraall Country Club, 6.15 p.m. Saturday, February 35. Higb
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  • 224 5 Today. Hongkong and Japan Tango Maru Bpm Rtoickok Solva 8 pm Malacca. Port Dickaon and Port Swcttenham Ban Poh Guan 8 pm Batu Pa hat AingLiong Bpm Kjaia Pahaog, Pekan, Tr.-i-u.mnii, Kolantan and l'ttaui Will o'tbe Wisp 8 pm To-morbow. Penang, Malacca, F.M.S. (By train) 7 am
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  • 177 5 Th« P. and O. outward mail steamer Harmcrt, having left Penang at 4 p m i.v-, may be expected to ariive hire a' 5 p in. i. il iy Tl'i< Imp. Gorman mail steamer P. E Friodrich liaviog left Hongkong on the 22nd instant at norn, may
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  • 338 5 Latest Arrivals. Batavier, Brit str. 215 tons, Capt Sitmsoo, Feb li From Nttuna Inland, Fib I*. Copra and 5 1 <3.p. Too Hoe Lye. For Natnna Is., MM, Roads. It mm Driesi-n, H is. str. 2610 tons, Capt Kn niin niiiK, Feb '11. From Batoom, Deo 30. 0.0.
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  • 109 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. T^NJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Basin— Kuantan, Islander. East W. Sbction No I— Poh Ann, IbcMs, Sukkrs Wharf Nil. [D.mera. Main W. Sect. No 2— S. an B Choon, Ipoh. a Kaiiuku Mam. 4 Koraona. s—
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  • 108 5 Arrivals Per steamer Arcadia, Fubruary 23. F'om Kobe: Messrs. T. M Little eni Major; f'om Shanghai: Mpwri. I D. P'firrepoinv K. lia dji and A. I. Welch from Hoopkonv: Miis Mcßride, Messrs. Amb-osob, F. M. P .wen Pjttr, Kban. lUllam, W. Bmn<\ Ho Tf, ,rg Sang, Col.
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  • 422 5 Per P. and O -irner Itiroeo, due March 2 lospector and Mrs Wil*on and chill. Mr J Dtvifeon, Mr H R A Day, Mr D Rob. Mr S Si» y.T. Mr O S Edwards, Mr Winter Mr R E O cave, Mr O N Vernoo. Mrs L
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  • 468 5 Okdkbs by Major G. A. Derrick, Acting Commandant, S. V. C. Singapore, February 21, 1911. s. v. c. Church Parade. I There will be a Church Parade for all units at St. Andrew's Cathedral, on Sunday, 26th hist. Parade at S. V. Drill Hall, at 5
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  • 420 5 Singapore, February 22, 1911. AmncLM. P c 8 Beans, Long (per catty) 0.07 (do.) French (do.) 0.10 Beef per lb. O.ift Beef Steak (do.) 0.16 Bean Sprouts (per catty) V.V- j Bamboo Sprouts (do.) 006 Blachan (da) 0.18 Brinjals (da) 0.14 Cabbage, BatavU (do.) nil (do.) China
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  • 82 5 FOR COLOMBO, PORT SAID, GENOA, SPANISH PORTS, LISBON AND LIVERPOOL. The Spanish Mail steamer ALICANTE, is expected to arrive here from Manila, on Sunday morning, the 38th February, 101 1, and will be despatched lot the above ports at 6 p.m., the tame day. She has
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  • 233 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Singapore Fkbboabt 38, 1911. Dm London— B»ok 4 m/i 2/4| Demand 2/4 fr Private 0 w/s 2/4} do 8 m/g 2/4 JJ On Obbmant— Bank d/d 2JO Private m/s 244 >n Franci -Baok d/d 295 Private 8 m/s SOT* On India -Bank T. T. 174 Private 80
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    • 186 5 Issue Value Buyers. Seller*. £1 £1 Rahman Tin 10 00 10 SO £1 £1 Rambutan 00" £1 £1 lUub Aust Gold 200 825 £1 £1 K. dhi'U Tin 4.0U 6 6 Royal Johore 1 '2i 10 10 Silak S juth 800 £1 j£l Sempan Tin 100 1 ffiO 10
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    • 626 5 Iwie Value v Bujere. Solioru £1 £1 Seromban 4.7 6 4.12 6 £1 £1 Shelford 8.10 0 8.17 8 £1 15/- Sialan* 17 6 l.'.'fipn 2/- 2/- Singapore Para 6/- 6/2/- 2/- Straits (Bertem) 7,7 J t 3 2/- 2/. Sumatra Para IMJ 12 a ill £lSungeiChota 45/ 410
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    • 126 5 Issue 3 Value Bayers. 100 100 R. Hargreives Ho.oo 100 100 7% Prof. 196.00 10 10 Singapore Cold Storage 80 60 60 60 Spore Dispensary 64.60 100 100 Straits loe Co. 100 100 Straits S. Ship 2.15 09 100 60 OS 00 £1 £1 Shell Tranoport Trading 4110 £10
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    • 54 5 Buyers Sellers Howarth Erskine 6% 1600,000 par Riley, Hargreaves 6% .284,000 2 J B J pm Singapore Electric Tramways 5% £860,000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878 000 nom. Bayers SeUen Spore Municipal 4J% ol 1907 »1,600,C00 fl% 7%pm S pore Mnuicipal 4J% of 1909 »),000,000 7% B% pa S pore
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 For all internal oomplaiuts, Dysentery Coughs, Colds, etc, take Woods' Great PepiKtrniinl Cure.
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    • 233 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Feb. 24 At saleroom, collection of antique Chinese porcilain, eto, at 11. Feb. 25— At No 5-a. Devonshire Road, housthild furniture, the property of A H<efdorn, K-ij. Mar. I— At the Straits Steam Sawmill L*d., No 44, Kallang Road, I'oon and Mor ante plank-., eto
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    • 155 5 MOST CRITICAL TASTE Java teak and Europe nude household furniturn ami ff cm, ir.c at 2. Feb. 27— At salerooms, freehold land district of Siglap, at 2 80. Feb. 2?.— At salerooms, valuable town and residential properties estate of Tan Chin Gnan, deceased, at 2.80. Mar. 1. At salerooms, unredeemed
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    • 146 5 HIGH-CLASS Telephone No. 61 9. UNDERTAKING. •^•"••P Street, Sin«apo»e. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Begs to inform the publio that the kind patronage aooordod him during tbe p*ss few years, has made it necessary for him to aoquire another new Rubber tyred Hearse, whioh surpasses all others in the Straits.
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  • 1277 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23. JUDICIAL CONDONATION. Recently wo reported the trial at Shanghai of H. J. Craig on a serious charge of misrepresentation in connection with the promotion of the Siak Rubber Company. Mr. Craig pleaded guilty to an indictment which alleged that he unlawfully, fraudulently and deceitfullydid
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  • 15 6 The Wai-wu-pu has decided to establish a Chinese consulate in Sumatra, states a Peking wire.
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  • 20 6 A coolie employed by a Chinese goldsmith in New Bridge Road has absconded with gold to the value of 189.
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  • 21 6 A band concert is being given by the Singapore Volunteer orps at the Drill Hall, Beach Road, on Saturday, March 4.
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  • 24 6 The Eastern Shipping Company, Penang, have added another vessel to their fleet, the S. Anna, which will be put on the Penang-Malacca-Port Dickson run.
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  • 28 6 The Captain of the Netherlands Indian tugboat Neptonns reports having passed the wreck of a tongkang in latitude 8 deg., 49' N. and longitude 110 deg. 11' E.
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  • 33 6 The Royal Dutch mail steamer Princess Juliana left Sabang at 5 p.m., yesterday, and is expected to arrive here at 1 p.m. to-morrow. She salon for Batavia at 10 o'clock the same night.
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  • 30 6 On the arrival of the British Bncknall liner Koranna in Singapore yesterday Captain Bearo reported that lie had picked up eight shipwrockod Chinamen, belonging to Penang, in the Indian Ocean.
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  • 36 6 An action brought by Chop Swee Ho Seng against tho Wahtung Fire and Marine Insurance Company was dismissed with costs in the Supreme Court, this morning, Counsel for plaintiff having failed to put in an appearance.
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  • 46 6 Sir John Jordan, the British Minis* r, lias been in conference with the Waiwupu with reference to the suppression of opium, states a wire in the Hongkong Telegraph. The board has expressed the wish to shorten the period in which the traffic is to be abolished.
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  • 46 6 A Jew named Nassim Manahem, residing in Wilkie Road, had his younger brother arrested and brought before the first magistrate to-day on a charge of stealing two sarongs, value 96. The accused, who was 15 years of age, was sent to a reformatory for three years.
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  • 42 6 The new building of tho Chinese Recreation Club (Chung Chun Hui) at Bunga Raya, Malacca, is ncaring completion. The services of Mr. Ong Boon Swi, who is one of the members appointed as honorary superintendent of tho works, have been much appreciated.
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  • 47 6 Mr. I. R. Michael, share and general broker, has been committed to take bis trial at the Shanghai Supreme Court on the charge ot perjury alleged to have been committed during tho trial of the Michael -Carmiehael rubber settlement case which was heard on October 4, 1910.
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  • 63 6 In yesterday's report of the property sale held at Powell and Co.'s sale-room on Tuesday last, tho areas of the lots situate off the new Tanjong Katoug Uoad should as follows Lot 5, b 7 acres i) roods H4 poles; lot 6, 12 acres 3 roods 22) poles lot 7,
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  • 52 6 In the district court, yesterday, Inspector Klauagan, of the weights and measures department, prosecuted a Chinese, named Ueng Jcc Soon, of 124 Victoria Street, for being in possession of a false leting used in his liounsud opium public smoking shop. The man was lined 910 and costs and the leting
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  • 67 6 Quite a large gathering of members and friends of the rhilliaruionic Society inspected the new wind instruments, given by Mr. and Mrs. Noel Trotter, iv the Victoria Memorial Hall, yesterday afternoon. Under the alternate conductorship of Mr. Hewitt aud the president of tho I'hilliarmonic Soci3ty, Mr. W. U. St. Clair,
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  • 79 6 At an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in the Horawala (Kalutara) Hub her Company, Limited, held at Colombo, the following resolution was confirmed That the existing 2,628 shares in the capital of the company be sub-divided as follows (a) By each of the existing 2,628 fully-paid shares of RlOO each
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  • 94 6 Why should we Ceylon rubber planters not combine by forming an Association amongst ourselves for our mutual benefit, somewhat similar to our brother planters in the Straits asks N., in the Times of Ceylon. 1 would suggest that we call a meeting of those interested, appoint a committee to draw
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  • 106 6 Too Boon Lee, a storekeeper in the service of the Oovernment Monopolies Department, attempted to commit suicide this morning by cutting his throat. As he did not turn up at his post this morning enquiries were made and his brother-in-law went to his room in the Monopolies building. The door
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  • 109 6 The postponed twelfth annual general meeting of tho Singapore Catholic Funeral Association was held yesterday at tho residence of Mr. A. S. I'estaua, Robinson Uoad. Mr. Robert Jacobs presided over a good attendance. Tho report and statement of accounts for the year ended December 81, 1910, were passed. Tho following
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  • 401 6 Mr. A. do Wywodieff, Consul Oenoral for Russia at Singapore, has been staying at Penang. The Federal Secretary, F.M.S., Sir Arthur Young, k.c.m.0., has been travelling in Perak on official duty. H. E. the High Commissioner han socondod Mr. J. C. Fitzgerald for service to the F.M.S.
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  • 36 6 Friday, the 24th, being St. Matthias' Day there will be a celebration of Holy Communion in St. Andrew's Cathedral at f<JQ a.m., and choral evensong aud address the same day at 6 p.m.
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  • 45 6 At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co.'s salerooms on Wednesday morning the following prices were realised No. 1. Sheet |U4. r > per picul. No. 2. Sheet Ml Yir-iu Scrap 2tto String Scrap 185 All lots offered were sold, the bidding being very brisk.
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  • 76 6 To meet difficulties that have arisen in regard to the nomination by the shareholders of Jiiuah Rubber Estate Ltd. of an imlc|>cndent commit tee to investigate the affairs of the company, the directors havo taken matters into their own hands and havo invited Messrs. D. 1). Mackie,
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  • 178 6 Many telephone subscribers wili bo grateful to Messrs. Caldbeck Macgrcgor and Co. for an exceedingly useful supplement to the official list of Telephone subscribers. In that official list the names are given alphabetically, and that of course is for most purposes the most convenient form. But it
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  • 189 6 An interesting feature in connection with the wedding of Miss Anderson and Mr. I). Y. Porkins, on Saturday, will bo a demonstration on the part of tho Malay Football Association, the members of which are erecting a floral arch in the Oovernment House- domain. Af Ut the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 233 6 MESSRS. BOLLINGER (Whose CHAMPAGNE is so well-known on the local market) have received a warrant of appointment as purveyors of Champagne to His Majesty, King George V. The firm previously held similar warrants to Her late Majesty, Queen Victoria, and His late Majesty, King Edward VII. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., SOLE
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  • 95 7 STRAITS HONGKONG. NEW TAXATION AND MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. Imperial Government Consider the Question. Rbutsr'h Tbleobam. London, February 22. In the House of Commons Mr. Holt asked whether Hongkong and the Straits would be required to pay, as a contribution to defence, twenty per cent, of revenue raised in substitution of that
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  • 63 7 SENATE COMMITTEE PASS NEW TREATY. The Immigration Question Km i-kr's Telegram. London, February 22. A WaHlniivion lelegrain says the Senate's Foreign Committee has rc-itorted favourably ou the new treaty with Japan. It replaces tho commercial treaty of 1894, b: does not provide for restrictions on Japanese
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  • 65 7 Nineteen Thousand Deaths Occur in Manchuria. Km i mi's Telegram. London, Februaiy 22. Tin' total number of deaths from plague in Manchuria hitherto is 10,000. Tin- International Plague Commission nsseinhles at Mukden early in April. Dbb Ostasiatische Lloyd Tklroram. Berlin. February 22. The German physicians Meinle, Gottht-in.
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  • 66 7 British Protest Against Russian Claims. Reutek's Telegram. London, February 22. The Times S;. Ratantarg correspondent Bays the Russian reply to a British protest with reference to the White Sea Fisheries Bill, by which exclusive rights arc extended to 16 mile-, from the coast, while as sertinu Die
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 51 7 Self- Reform Bill Decided Upon. llkutkr's Tklkoram. I.i null iii. February 23. In tho House of Lords Lord Lansdowno has given notice of his intention to introduce a bill amending tho constitution of the House of Lords. This is regarded as the Opposition's answer to the Veto
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  • 38 7 Rbdtbr'h Tfleoram. London, February 23. The Census has shown the population of Germany on December 1, 1910, to bo 64,896,000 compared with 60,641,000 in 1905, an increase of 7-02 compared with 7-58 in the previous quinquennium.
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  • 39 7 Kki-tkh 1 Telegram. London, February 22. Tho Nogro I^augford beat Lang in the contest for a purse of i':t,:i(K) in I .(union. Lang was disqualified in the sixth round for bitting his opixmeiit when he was down.
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  • 20 7 Rkutkr'h Tklk, iham. l.'.nilnn, February 22. Tho PoiK! has completely recovered from his receut attack of influenza.
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  • 17 7 Dbr OsTAsiATise.UK Lloyd Tblruham. Merlin, February M Tho Portuguese Government bast repeatedly mi'presscd monarchist agitations.
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  • 744 7 Mr. W. 0. Mildred and Miss Margaret Mackay. The marriage of Mr. Walter Oldrid Hildred, of Messrs. Chas. Benjamin and Co., and Miss Margaret Maude Mackay, who was for several years on the nursing staff of the General Hospital, was solemnised at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday
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  • 159 7 Formation of Wireless Signalling Gompanies. With the appraval of the Secretary of State for India, the Governor- General of India in Council has sanctioned the forma tion of four Divisional Signal Companies which which will be designated respectively Nos. 31, 83, 82, and 84 (Divisional Signal.) Companies,
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  • 116 7 The February issno of tho Agricultutal Bulletin gives, through the courtesy of the I .;>inl i (Mice officials, tho approximate area of land under rubber cultivation in the vari oub parts of tho colony. Tho figures an taken from tho registration records under the Ituhhcr Dealers'
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  • 463 7 LONDON OFFERS UNANIMOUSLY REJECTED. Present Position of the Company As was stated in our columns yesterday, the shareholders of Ayer Panas Rubber Estate, Limited, have decided not to accept the two offers from London for their properties. The purchase consideration in these offers was £120,000 and £110,000
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  • 310 7 Glasgow in the Programme of Royal Visits. The Globe states that extraordinary enthusiasm has been aroused in Ireland and .Scotland at the announcement of the visit ol the King aud Queen after the Coronation, and in both countries preparations will be entered upon with a view to giving
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  • 225 7 Sir Oeorge Reid, High Commissioner for the Commonwealth of Australia, was the chief guest at the forty-third annual festival of the London Robert Burns Club, to commemorate the 152 nd anniversary of the birthday of the poet. In responding to a toast Sir Oeorge Reid
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  • 1590 7 FAREWELL TO DISTINGUISHED CITIZENS. Addresses Presented by the Chinese Community. There was a very large gathering at the P. and O. wharf this morning, to say good bye to Mr. Hugh Fort, and Mr. T. S. Baker, who are fellow passengers homeward bound by the
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  • 294 7 Reciprocating the Kindness of the Home Society. i Of tho many hundreds of members a bare qnorum of eleven turned up at the annual general meeting of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society in the Raffles Museum building yesterday evening. The Hon. Dr. Galloway, who
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  • 134 7 At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co. 'a salerooms yesterday, the following properties belonging to the estate of Tan Tye, deceased, were sold lB and 19, (old Nos. 7 and 8) Havelock Road, 7,424 sq. ft. 999 years' lease hold. Monthly rent $10. Sold to Ong Teck Lim
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  • 48 7 The Mingchingpu (Board of tho Interior. China), in preparation for the granting ol tbo franchise in China, has issued instruc tions to tho provincial authorities that pro focts and magistrates mast take a census ol each district, and draw up a register of voters.
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  • 64 7 THE DISPUTE PRACTICALLY SETTLED. Shanghai Rumours Repudiated. Dbr Ostasutiscbb Llotd Tblboram. Berlin, February 22. Messages from St. Petersburg indicate that tho Russo-Chinesc dispute has been settled by the Chinese reply. The further negotiations have reference only to the monopoly questions raised in the Russian note. The Shanghai
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  • 108 7 (From a Malacca Correspondent.) Malacca, February 23. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 6/11 per lv.. sellers. Tho market closed quieter. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 22. A telegram to the Planters'
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  • 88 7 iFbom Ocb Own Corrbkponprnt.) Penang, February 22. M "is. J. and A. Christaens, and Mr. (1. Siersaeck, who are connected with the British and Colonial Aeroplane Company, are p issing through on the P. and O. mail steamer Marmora. Two of the famous Bristol biplanes fitted with
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  • 31 7 (From Our Own Cobrbsposdfnt.) Penang, February 22. The Serendah Hydraulic Tin Company has paid a final dividend of six per cent., making eleven per cent, for the year.
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  • 231 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In their weekly share circular, dated 22nd inst., Messrs. FraserandCo. state:- -BahM has been more active during the week with rubber shares advancing slightly all ronnd, in sympathy with the rise iv the [nice of tho raw material. Local rubbers have
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  • 18 7 Sungei Keyla (F. M. S.) Rubber Estate, Ltd., 927 lbs.* For December, 1910, 751 lbs.
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  • 128 7 In the Supreme Court, this morning, heforo tlie Chief Justice, Sir W. 11. Hyndinan Jones, the Admiralty caso in whu li tho Kastern Shipping Compauy, Ltd., aro suing tho Strait Steamship Company, Ltd.. for damages, was called on. Mr. Mundcll, in asking that the hoariug be
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    • 40 8 Mr. llnhert Hcresford, ox-amateur chamrion of Kii!>land, has dofoated Mr. Anthony >roxol Junior, tho son of tho millionaire banker, in a boxinu match at New York for a silvor cup offered by certain leaders of American Hociety.
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    • 98 8 Match at Tanglin Club. A cup, presented anonymously, to bo oompotod for by thoso who hud never won a bowliu<; pii/.i 1 w:is bowled for at theTanglin Club on ThurHday last. Tho cup, unanimously chrislcnud by tho competitor* the Mugs' Cup," sraa won by Mr. Q. T. A. Robertson.
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    • 491 8 Results of Recent First-Class Matches. The following are luniiu football results on Kebiiuiry 11: League, Pint Division Boxy 0, Everton 0; Notts Comity Newcastle 2 Woolwich Anna] 0, Bradford CttyO; Aatoa Villa Nott-, Cored 1; Sheffield United B, Manchester City Middl. -horoii»h l.Oldhaiu Athle tii 1; Suiiilerland >.
      491 words
  • 152 8 la the KiciiiHutle Police Court, on January 2ft. QoOßf Ali. (|iiarU-riuahtei' of the SingaEire Nti-iiini-r Minderoo, uas fined £7.> for ing in ii ill- i» lul possession of three sausagehkniH full of opium. During the hearing of. the case. Mi. I'uiuack. who appeared on Ik-li.iI I of the
    152 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 291 8 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l observo in your issue of yesterday a statement to the effect that the P. and O. s.s. Arcadia has performed a record passage from Hongkong to Singapore, the time occupied by the voyage being only 3 days and 17
      291 words
  • 412 8 Romantic Marriage with a New York Policeman. •liss (India Mer »mi, daughter of a million- aire, has been married to Arthur Werner, a j New York policcmau. This event attracts j much attention iv New York, because the wedding was the climax toa romance which began when Werner,
    412 words
  • 280 8 The directors of the Sungei Reyla (F.M.S.) Rubber Estate announce the* issue of .£BO,OOO six per cent, convertible mort- j gage debenture stock, £16,000 of which lis now offered for subscription at par. I The interest on the convertible mort- gage dcliciiture stock will be
    280 words
  • 1030 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 23, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of I quotations this morning Norn. Value. Bayers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 4/8 6/8 2/- Options 1/10 2/8 £1 Anglo-Java H 1 J 8/10* 1
    1,030 words
  • 405 8 Schemes to Popularise The Premier Security. Various schemes for simplifying existing procedure with regard to the purchase and sale of Consols are being discussed, and the Government are credited with giving these projects some consideration. The contemplated reforms include provision for the issue of £o or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not upset tbe etomach and is unrivalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all puimonary troubles, and is a general tonic for building up tbe system. OF ALL CHEMHTS. $1.25 ANO $2.00
      40 words
    • 55 8 Ooe day a micro* f.iuad a nest In a broad, expan ive, fu'l grown chest He chuckled and lau<bud aloui with glee, A happy home lv, (jnnd said he, ••Ho! Hut Mr Microb', not so fast, V ,ur cosy lodging wi 1 not lait, Your swif evic .100 I'll ensure
      55 words
    • 173 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. Two Gentlemen are willing to join Mr ss, rent bangalow, or boird and reside with private family. Must be near Keppel Harbour. Apply Western, c/o Straits Timei. 28-2 2J2 EURASIA* MAIDS- RVAKT WANTED. Wanted, a Eurasian maidservant, with thorough knowledge of Boglish and Malay, to accompany a
      173 words
    • 258 8 Raffles HHH Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, February 25. By kind permission of Major G. D. Geddes, and Officers, the band of The Buffs will play during dinner and afterwards on The Lawn. E.&O. HOTEL, PEKING The best and tbe most frequented Uofe 1 iv the Island, and CRAG HOTEL
      258 words
    • 420 8 HARIMA HALL Cinematogr apb TONIGHT TO-NIGHT GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Which gives tbe most bomorons and interesting subjects, and Topical Events of the Woild. STRING ORCHESTRA ELECTRIC FANS. REFRESHING GARDEN. The most ezoolleot entertainment in the Town. COME! COME!! K HARIMA. Sole Proprietor. THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT An ffficacior.B Ointment,
      420 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 156 9 CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND MILK TO ALL THB Government Medical Institutions IN THE Federated Malay States. SOLE IMPORTERS: J. Travers and Sons, Limited. FURTHER REDUCTIONS the Price of MICHELIN TYRES From the 15th February, inclusive. Ask for new PRICE LIST from DUPIRE BROTHERS, Agents. THB Empire
      156 words
    • 108 9 RAFFLESBY-THE-SEA Pena.n|£. THE LEADING EUROPEAN HOTEL (No connection with any other Establishment of a similar name). RECOMMKVDED 5V THE MEDICAL PROFESSION on account of its healtby positiuu. lofty airy rooms, and wholesome food. Cuisine under the constant supervision of the Proprietor. Electric light and fans. Private bathrooms and verandahs. Spacious
      108 words
    • 361 9 ABTIOLES FOR SALE, BIRDS OF PARADISE FOR SALE. At Messrs. Moraux Co IV/20, Boat Quay. 101 MOTOR CAR FOR SALE. Four cylinder Darrscq oar, 18 H. P., seat five, very comfortable, in excellent condition; Bargain. Apply K. T. Z., c/o Straits Times. XI 2 o FOR SALE. Second-hand cottage piano
      361 words
    • 580 9 STEAMER SOILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. The steamers of this Company maintains a regular direct servioe between CalcutU, Straits, H nskong, Shanghai and Japan, lakina cargo, on throngh Bills f Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Tangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, eto., etc. Steamcn Tons Commander Kctsano
      580 words
      669 words
    • 476 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. PORT BWETTENHAM AND PENAN6. Return Tiokets to above Port* will be issued at Single Faies to School Teachers only, available for use between the '25th January and 26th February, 1911. For particulars of passage and sailings, apply to BOUSTEAD k CO., Agenta.
      476 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 931 10 MBURANGE. FEDERAL UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF MWUM. Established 1888. Inturanca in Foroe, over $i7,1M,0M New Buaineta, 1900, over *MOO,OOO Net Surplus above liabilities lor reserve and all outstanding claims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over WS.OM was set aside as a special addition to Policy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      931 words
    • 524 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 60,000 Shares ol £30 each 41,200.000 Reserve Fund £1,600,000 Reserve Liability ot Proprietors... £1,200,000 BANKBBS. National Bank of Sootland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooants are opened and interest allowed
      524 words
    • 692 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TON 9 BANKING AND INSURANCE CI. LTD. NO. 67 AND 58,' KLING STREET. EsUblished 1907. Capital paid up $1,000,000.00 Reserve Uability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COUBT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tarn Tick Joon 6. Sm Ku Jam 2. Sam Kirn Sbmo 7. T»o Hoo Lai 8. Liac Chia
      692 words
    • 1092 10 BALE 3 BY AUCTION. PRELIIVUNAR^NOTICE. auction sale: of Java Teak and Europe-Made Household Furniture, Etc THE PROPERTY OF G. BCHUDEL, ESQ., To bo held at Itamnore, Grange Road, Tanglin, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 11. Handsome drawing rocm, dining room aid bedroom furniture of the best description. Excellent Cottage Piano by Rachals
      1,092 words

  • 1039 II NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Tbe Life of a Car. A subject attracting very considerable interest is the question of the effective age of a modern automobile, or, to put it briefly, how long a period of time will elapse before it will be absolutely unfit
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  • Page II Advertisements
    • 281 II WOLSELEY CARS FORMERLY KNOWN AS BIDDELEY AUTOCARS Sole Agents Penang, F.M.S. and Sumatra. central ssasa SILENT KNIQHT ROVERS 3 Arriving Shortly 8 H.l'., Single cylinder, four-seated Can. 12 H.P., Two-cylinder tivu ecatod Cars. In Stock j 20 H.P., 6 cylinder, sevon-Boatod, BTANDARD," ptinted Black. 15 H.P., 4-cylindor, five seated, NAPIER"
      281 words
    • 75 II A PELIABLE REM DV Yoa are not cxp >rimonting on yourself hen yoa take Cliambjrlain's Cough Reuxly (or a cold ;is tint preparation has won gr<-at reputation and oxtenxive Hale by its •ui.irk.ililf run s of olds, and can always k! depondod u|xm. It is ecjually valuable >r adulta and
      75 words
    • 384 II MOTORS Singer's Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry Vans, Lorries, Char-a-bancs, etc. Commercial Car Co., Ltd., Luton Sole Agents Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Important Auction Sale of VALUABLE TEAK AND KCROPE MADE MAHOGANY AND OAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; AN EXCELLENT TONED SKMI GRAND PMNO IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION; VALUABLE CARPETS; SUPERIOR
      384 words
    • 519 II BALEB BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES SALE. At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan k Co.'s Saleroom i. On Monday, Fkrbiahy 27, at 2.80 r.w. Freeh old Land in tbe District of Sigla t j, Singapore, being Lot 19 and 20 of Grant No. 8. Are* 88,685 rqaare feet. H. L. COGHTiAN CO., AootioMer.i
      519 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 519 12 Johnson's "ELEPHANT" Brand CEMENT. The name of JOHNSON'S" is recognised ac a guarantee of GOOD QUALITY in the CEMENT TRADE. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore, WANTS. CHINiSE CIERK WANTED. Wanted for Kuala. Lumpur, xoung Chinese Clerk with a know ledge of book-keeping and ac on-itK. Apply to I'aterbon, Simons A
      519 words
    • 468 12 WANTS. APPOINTMENT WANTED. Wanted, an appointment with large Rubber Concern or Combine. Nearly 20 years' practical planting experience of independent charge. Civil and mechanical engineering, accounts, rubber manufacture. Organizer and ecotomifit Please apply to Smoked Sheet, co Straits Times. 182 382 EBTATE BURVEYB WANTED. A Licensed Surveyor, of considerable experience,
      468 words
    • 622 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. TO BE LET. Gociown, No. 6 Mirbau Road, and shop Houses No 22 and 28, South Canal Road Immediate entry. Apply to Go Boon Qoan, 88, Chiu Swee Road. u2686 HOUSES TO LET. No. 80, Robinson Road, and Nob. 41 and 44, Anson Road. Apply
      622 words
    • 577 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. The undersigned beg to inform the public that from the Ist day of March, 191], they will start an establishment under the Firm name of Ching Keng Lee Co., at No. 3, Raffles Place, Singapore, as Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate and Commission Agents and Contractors. Dated this 16th day
      577 words
    • 751 12 NOTICES. KIAM KMT A CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. t-nvim— t and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 k 100. Market Street. THE SEMBAWANG RUBBER PLANTATIONS. LTD. Notice is boreby eiven that the transfer books of this Company will be dosed from February 25, to March 6, 1911 (both days inclusive), in
      751 words
    • 321 12 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Board and apartment* for single gentlemen at 11, Dhoby Ghaut. Terms Modorate. 216 A BOARD AND REBIOENCE. Splendid single and double rooms with verandahs, baths and showers attached, close to town. Every Comfort Tennis Court. Terms moderate, Apply Proprietress, Killiney House, 7, St. Thomas'
      321 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 238 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Misoellane oub wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.o. cards, on page 6,12. Ikch Scalb Ratbs are as
      238 words