The Straits Times, 13 February 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.488 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. FEBRIJARY 13. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 410 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. i KATZ BROS., LD. HIS TUP l IDdtCT THE MVIMHBi JBS^^ii LARbtbl Coventry Kin? S-A.Xj£-5 UUVCIILI y r\lllg y» In this Market. POPULAR FITTINGS. KRAME--22 and 24 in. faigh CHalN— Alfred Appleby, x in. WHEELS— EqoaI, 28 in. CRANKS— Detachable 6.; id. IIIHS— Dostproof
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    • 199 1 MEN'S PYJAMA SUITS Ready to Wear. j^MKt^k Special attention is given in the selection of Materials, that ■'^Ejw on^ y non-irritant and reliable makes are stocked. We always i^BF^^H aye a L ar S e Assortment of Patterns to Choose from. rM WE MENTION 2 QUALITIES SUITABLE fjLjfc'- NX FOR
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    • 45 1 USE MORSES DISTEMPER ADAMBON. GILFILLAN AND CO., LTD. 1 3 OF YOUR LIFE IS SPENT IN BED. Get good bedding from the reliable house JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE GO. (So connection witb any other furniture firm in the City k 166-1. Orchard Road. Phono 244. 25
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  • 819 2 THE INVOLUNTARY SLICE AND INTENTIONAL PULL Club Lengths. In an interesting article in the Morning Post on the golf slice and the pull, the writer say*: It will be readily admitted by all practical golfers that stout men slice more than thin. The physical conformation of such a
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  • 279 2 Proposal to Increase Capital To Five Millions. Iv omscqut uco of important development*) in their proiHjrtieH, the directors of the Shell Tr:intiiM>rt mul Trading Company, Limited, have decided to recommend tin shareholders to incrcaso the capital of the company to £5,000,000 by the ixHuc of £500,000 preference
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  • 829 2 HOW IT MAY BE REMOVED. "With the banishment of Malaria a n«w era will dawn in history." Those words, which east a lurid {low on toe importance of the disease directly res ponniblc for more invaliding and death than any other oausfl in the Straits, were
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 572 2 A Medical Officer Debility. Nervous Exhaustion Certainly the absolute coiifidence of eminent doctors is evidence enough of the exceptional benefits imparted by Phosferine. Even doctors cannot do more to prove their confidence than by *nng Pkotferine to remedy their own disorders. Could any proof be more definite, more convincing than
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    • 13 2 For all internal oomplainta, Dysentery Coords, Colda, etc, take Woods' Great Peppermint Core.
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    • 197 2 MARTIN'S M Ladles.l gr\ Am- sLf a3> A French >iia<l for all ImMarltlaa. TWmjn.l rt ugn of Any Irrrv^Uitijf Of iW Sjm. n m li™. ly Esi >.> h| csonnuu. v«l«. Al »U Ifccfnrari Mrf Sum^s ut Mir fy* artim. .4. louraißrniL ehounb. (Jet Relief Quickly Atwisttdan le,a sprained wrist,
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    • 66 2 *r\S^ 'KEPLER' SOLUTION I I C f L' Kepltr Solutioo^J It increases and enriches the *t£^^. Remember the Trade BUrk Kepler' c*«m/*rs I BURROUGHS WELLCOME CO., London I New You ■tsmmm Imm Cape Town IXX IS9 UuM Sh"""" All RMibts tostned .^0 Yfe*~- x^\ /Jm I 3 i 1 Ask
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  • 879 3 THE CONGRESSIONAL INQUIRY IN NEW YORK. Oily Room for One. VmUv i\uinination by Urn; I'ongros.sional Naval Cuniiuittee in New York, Commander Peary frankly admitted that lie did m>t rkufe there was room at the Nortli IM. lvi two whiU' men at tlie same fasti u *l
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  • 174 3 Mr. Arimatsu, Director of the Police SnperinU'iiilcnco Bureau in Japan is reprcuonted by the .liji Shimpo as stating tliat althongh it is noticeable tliat the cr minaln hart) nowadays become very dexteruux in Uieir nictliixls, which Hometimes renders the dis<(>\ciy of offenders almost impossible, yet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 745 3 SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. FROM FEBRUARY 1. 1911. AID UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. UP TRAINS. 12 84»»78»10 AM. A.M. A.M. M A.M A.M. 1). P M. r M. I'M. Paakir PanjaDg 787 440 Borneo Whart 745 OS 448 People's Park 754 9J2 4R7 Tank Road 607
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    • 34 3 THE BEST PHYBIC. When you want a pliyxic tliat is mild and gentle, eoHy to take and curtain to act, alwa) s use Clmmberlain's BsMMWk and Liver TabletM. Fur sale by all OUpensariea aid
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    • 447 3 TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL. flfl^L^^^^^^i^k k«tl I rrc. All i lnr k 'p% Prepaid to >our W^\ Oov entry riyorm KvJuIH^bVU Tym sod ftccttMftM b*l/ uiwl price*. KSIC HIT t in Hdi dn'.t.: Vm. This Famous Mediune will cleanse the Blood of m aiiupiii imparities from whatCLARKE 8 ever cause
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    • 274 3 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, LM. AND CO., LTD. HCAB IFfIKS BRANCH OFFICES Csxtos Boon, Westminstai. I. >• and 8, Winchester Boose i^nnVi SINGAPORE. I, Besob Street, Pesang. WORM Balthaaars Buildings, Rangooa BtsCori. Woslwlsh. Dslstoa, Aad in India, Anstralia, eto MANUFACTURERS or nmihl UtM Mi rwwsr Plsst, Casts* Ms*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 611 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Oulf, Continental, and Amerioan Psrts. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about I MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 Assays
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    • 529 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly servioe is mainUined be tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 643 4 STEAMER BAIUN6B, PACIFIC MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO. U. 8. MAIL LINE The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Franoisoo, operating the new 18,000 tons, twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MANCHURIA AND PERSIA. CHOICE OF SEVEN FIRST
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    • 278 4 STEAMER SAILINGSCanadian Pacific Railway Co 's Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. TUB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Via China, Japan, Canada and tub United States. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and Vanooaver. R.M.S. Empress of India" Twin screw R.M.B."Bmpre» of Japan" Staj™^ H.M.S. Empress
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    • 553 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNE. HAMBURG. The steamsrs of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait., China and Japan, Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, nJling *t Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 671 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. ■orddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneoting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Snsz, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 142 5 FIXTURES. Monday, February 13. High Water, 10 1 a.m., 1134 p.m. Musical KonDcdys. Tuesday, February 14. High Water, 10 48 a.m. Anti-Opium Society, 8. Musical Kennedys. Wednesday, February 15. High Water, 0 8 a.m., 11.81 a.m. Musioal Kennedys. Annual m'tiog, Presbyterian Charoh, 8.45. Malayasia Conference. Thursday, February
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  • 131 5 To-day. Malacca, Port Swe'tenbam and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm Bangkok Singapore 8 pm Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Kut Sang 8 pm Pontianak Amherst 3 pm Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Seang Bee 4 pi_Batavia, Cheribon and Samarang Giang Seng 4pm To-mobbow. Penang, Malacca, F.M.S. (By train) 7
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  • 69 5 >KFT SINGAPOM. E an. 18 P. &O. an. 16 N D. LJ an. ltf 8.1. fan. 28 M. M. an. 37 P. AO. lan. 30 N. D. L b. 2 B. I. !*eb. 6 M. M. Teb. 10 P ft O. ■Vb. 13 N. D. L. Dei
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  • 366 5 Latest Arrivals. Lucifer, Out. govt. str. 499 tons, 27 crew, 800 h.p. dm. van der Harm, Feb. 13. From P. Samboe, Ftb 12. For Rhio, Feb 21. Koads. Amherst, Brit. str. 185 tons, Capt Scott, F. b 1 1. From Sambas, Feb 9. 00. and 14 dp. Thong
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  • 104 5 Vessels at Tan j ong Pagar and Keppel Harbour. Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONCI PAOAR. East Wharf Basin— Kaantan, Sandakan. East W. Section No. I— Taroba. Shrkrs Wharf— Pob Ann. Main W. Sect. No. 2 -Florioan, Kut Sang. 8 Korat. 4— Seang Bee. 6 Charon. S—
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  • 720 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Derfflinger, February 12. From Yokohama via ports: Mr. A. Satti, Mr. A. Margett, Mr. and Mra. Leung Chi, Mr. A. Rohrmann, Mr. F. Frey, Mr. Fam, Mr. and Mra. J. Nairn, Mr. C. Peter, Mr. 1.. Kirkpatrik, Mr. O. P. Eastwich, Mr. L. Friedlander,
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  • 231 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sinuapork February 18, 1911. Om London— Bank 4 m/i 2/4| Demand 2/4fc Private 6 m/s 2/4 ft do Bn/l 2/4J5 On Girmany Bank d/d 310 Private 8 m/i 244 On FRANCi-Bank d/d 295 Private 8 m/s 299J On India— Bank T. T. 174 J Private 80d/i 176|
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    • 170 5 ißsue !H Valued 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Braang 10 10 Bnueh Hyd 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 KintaTin £1 £1 Kledang Tin 10 10 Kaantan Tin £1 £1 Labmt Mines 10 10 Malaoca Tin 61. 6/- Pabang Cooaol XI XI PengkiJen £1 £1 Paeiog Babra £1 £1
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    • 614 5 lone ?2 Valae S. Bayers Sellers. 2/- >/■ AUiku 4/6 6/2/. 2/- Anglo- Malay 1.0.9 1.2 8 3/. 2/- Batang Malaka 2/8 2/S £1 £1 Bata Caree 18.17.6 14.10.0 XI XI BataTiga 489 4.10.0 £1 £1 Bnkit Kajang 27 0 2.10.0 £1 XI BukitLintang 4.80 4.12.0 £1 6/- Contributory
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    • 129 5 Iwae S Value qJ Buyers. 10 10 Eastern Smelting 10 7 090 £1 £1 Eleotrio Tramways 8/8 10 10 Frailer k Noave 34.50 100 Howartb Erekine 100 7% Prat. 80.00 100 100 Katz Bro. Vat. 100 100 a 8% Com. Pref. 10 10 Maynard k Co. 24.60 Sellers nom.
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    • 48 5 Bayers Sellers Howarth Erakine 6% 1000,000 par Riley, Harp-eaves 6% $'284,000 2} 8J pm Singapore Electrio Tramways 5% £880,000 Spore Municipal 6% 11,878 000 nom. Bayers Sellers Spore Municipal 4}% ol 1907 •1.500.C00 7%pm Spore Municipal 4J% of 1909 »1,000,000 7% B%pm Spore Municipal 4% 1602,900 7%dis
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 ABSOLUTELY BAFE. When you have a cold get a bottle of ('lianiUrUiu'H Cough Remedy. It will soon nx you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may bo given as confidently to a baby an to an
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    • 150 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Feb. 14 At saleroom, valuable land and sawmill property, known as The Straits Steam Sawmill, situate at Kallang River, Kampong Bn«ifi, at 2.80. Ffb. 11 At saleroom, freehold building land situate off Ttnjong Katong Rd., at 2.80 Feb. 14— At saleroom, freehold property, known as
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    • 761 5 furniture, property of W. C. Safer, Esq. Mar. 24.— At saleroom, four British steamers, vie: s s. Gli nfilloch, HoDg Moh, Hong Wan I and Hong Bte, at 2.80. April 8- At Pluscarden, No. 19, Nassim Road, furniture, property of A. Gentle, Esq., H. L. Coshlao and Co. Feb. 22—
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    • 782 5 EUROPEAN NURSE. Is willing to take charge of ohildren on voyage homo, March or April. Apply K 0/0 Straits Times. 182 h > RUBBER MANUFACTURE. Full details and instructions of above in all forms, including Fmoking process, how to avoid tackiness Personal instruction and supervision. Baildings for above designed in
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    • 49 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumental Masons. ESTABLISHED 1881. JUBT RECEIVED t Mew Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallio Wreaths, etc. Monuments ol every description RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the colony. With Plumes in use. TBLBPHONB t NO. TIT. NO. 187. ORCHARD ROAD
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  • 1069 6 The Straits Times MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18. THE ETHICS OF NOISE. We have given a good deal of freedom lately to correspondents who very bitterly protest against the cracker firing which is one of the features of the Chinese New Year celebrations. Tin r• is some cause of complaint, no doubt,
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  • 14 6 The Judges of the Supreme Court will not •it in Singapore until next week.
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  • 9 6 The Belat tin output for January was 617 picnls.
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  • 16 6 Mr. Rhodes has returned from England and has gone to his rubber estate near Kota Tampan.
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  • 18 6 The average cost of the daily ration of soldiers throughout the United Kingdom is returned as 4.82 d.
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  • 21 6 Mrs. McCalmont, accompanied by her brother, Sir Hugo de Bathe, has left England for a prolonged tour in the Far East.
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  • 24 6 In reply to inquiries, the Army Council announces that it is not contemplated to make any immediate alteration in tho headdress for Infantry officers.
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  • 27 6 The next children's concert will be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Monday, the 20th inst, at 5.15 p.m. The band of the Buffs will assist.
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  • 21 6 The Shanghai Reinforced Concrete Cenipany, Ltd., and the Orient Rubber Cultivation Company, Ltd., have been struck off the Hongkong companies register.
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  • 27 6 The Marlborough cinematograph on Satnrday night Rhowed an interesting picture. Customs of Hindu Castes, and The Stranger, an art film, while the comic subjects caused much merriment.
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  • 33 6 The Hon. W. Evans, Resident Councillor of Penang, will preside over a public meeting there, on Monday, the 20th inst., to consider the question of Penang's co-operation in the King Edward Memorial Fnnd.
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  • 36 6 Messrs Lewis and Peat, of Mincing Lane, have re printed their remarks on rubber preparation in a sort of scroll form, convenient for hanging np in estate offices or factories. The advice given is very sound.
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  • 38 6 Lieutenant Douglas, who was in command of H.M.S. Waterwitch when she wets stationed in these waters, has been promoted to the rank of Commander. He is at present at tached to the Hydrographic Survey Department of the Admiralty.
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  • 46 6 All vehicular traffic was entirely suspended for a short time yesterday on the Scrangoon Road, near Macpherson Road, owing to the fall of a large tree across the road. Some Cple who were driving in that direction I a narrow escape when the tree suddenly fell.
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  • 51 6 The North China Daily News (February 2) says —We are informed by Messrs. Ilbert and Co., the local secretaries of the Gula Kaluinpong Rubber Estates, Ltd., that they have received the following telegram from the London secretaries 8,900 lbs. crepe scrap sold at auction at 4s. 9d. quotation for shares
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  • 53 6 A packed house witnessed Moshoon Thai c jan. staged by the Star Opera Company at the Theatre Royal on Saturday night. New costumes and scenery adding to the success of the entertainment, which was acknowledged to be very good. Last night the company produced I)r. Faust, which met with an
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  • 59 6 Edward Giles Cropley appeared before Mr. Acton, on Saturday, on a warrant issued by Tan Hood Guan and others for criminal breach of trust in respect of 3,000 Kempas shares amounting to 915,000. The case was postponed until the 15th inst. Bail was fixed at S 10,000. Mr. Stevens is
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  • 61 6 According to the Perak Pioneer, the Birch Testimonial Fund has been closed, the total sum subscribed amounting to 11,885.51. A draft for £151 has been forwarded to Mr. H. Conway Bclfield, who consented to see Sir Ernest Birch, on the arrival of the latter in England, and to ascertain his
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  • 62 6 That one thousand persons are dead as the result of the eruptions of Taal and the tidal waves that followed it is the estimate sent to the bureau of education by Superintendent of Schools, Hammodd H. Buck, of Batangax province. This estimate was made on February 2, after Mr. Buck
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  • 70 6 There was a crowded house at the Alhambra cinematograph on Saturday night, when films of other makers were introduced for the first time and this proved quite a good change. The Animated Gazette, as usual, was interesting and contained among other topics the return of the Duke of Connaugbt from
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  • 77 6 The Continental Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., inform us that the world's distance record in an aeroplane (">8. r > kilometers) was won on a machine fitted with Continental aeroplane material and the winner, Tabuteau, wires tf) them as follows: "Thanks for your Continental aeroplane material, I was able, in
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  • 89 6 A tragic coincidence has occurred in Liverpool cotton circles. Some weeks ago, Mr. Henry E. Forrer, of the firm of Strauss and Co., cotton merchants, died of acute pneumonia. Mr. Edward Karoe, the other partner, accordingly came over from America on the Mauretanfa's Christmas tiip, to take charge of affairs.
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  • 81 6 Mr. Keith Bancroft, B. A., F. M. S., Government mycologist, gave a lecture on Diplodia (branch disease) at Jugra, on Tuesday evening, to the members of the Kuala Langat D.P.A. Mr. Munro took the chair and there were upwards of twenty planters present. At the conclusion, the chairman, on behalf
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  • 92 6 H. M. S. Kent has been visiting Jossclton. During the stay of the vessel Capt. Farquhtir was Uie guest of Government House. A party of native police, and of chiefs and their followers were shewn over the ship and all were duly impressed at the size of the guns and
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  • 386 6 Lieut, George N. Humphreys, A. 8. C, is promoted to be captain. Mr. and Mrs. F. Harrison (Oopcng) loave for home on the 17th inst., and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. 0, Garland on April h. Vice-Governor Gilbert of the PhilippineH with Mrs. Gilbert, arrived hern, yexterday,
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  • 55 6 It is reported in Malacca that a serious catastrophe occurred on a rubber estate in the neighbourhood of Batu Auani, near (iemaH, on Saturday. During the burning of some felled jungle eighteen or twenty Chinese and Malay coolies arc said to have been hemmed in
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  • 75 6 While the Dutch mail steamer Koning Willem 111, which arrived from Europe at the same time as the P. and (>. outward mail, on Saturday morning, was leaving Tanjong Pagar wharf in the afternoon for liatavia, she ran on a shoal near the middle channel and remained
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  • 86 6 The deposed Sultan of Rliio and Lingga arrived with his family in Singapore yesterday and will remain here pending further negotiations with the QotmmmM of the Netherlands Indies. He returned to his resilience at I'enyangat on Thursday, and was then officially informed of his de|Kisitiou.
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  • 93 6 We are given to understand that Mr. Kuller, a well-known Dutch aviator, who has Mown at ICmii n, Bordeaux, Milan anil other places, will arrive here by the Dutch mail steamer due on tho 21st insi. and will bring with him two Antoinette aeroplanes. Negotiations are now
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  • 176 6 The first Hitting of tho nineteenth schhiou of tin- Malaysia Annual Cunferencc of the MetliodiHt tipixcopal Church wan held on Saturday, Bishop W. W. Olcllnim |>nKi<lin^. After a brief service, the Bishop MM one of his characteristic ailclrensoß, full of cheer and good counsel, and then adiuiuiHUred
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 154 6 Fascination of the East J£^Bu Is brought home to you in .^^v r ~^^^B^^ Bonton Rouge fand Felucca &j£js "^iPHßsS^i^ Egyptian Cigarettes «|PBr^ jgs a Luxury to the Man off Taste. JOHN LITTLE ft CO.. LTD.? ROBINSON ft CO. A Fluid which is 0 times more efficient than Carbolic Acid
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    • 13 6 Latest advertisements of tho day appear on page 5 as well as 8.
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  • 281 7 SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITIONS BEING SENT. Protection for French Nationals. Rioter's Tklsoram London, February 11. A St. Petersburg telegram says that at the request of China, who is defraying the cost, Russia is sending a scientific plague expedition to China, headed by Professor Sabolotny. London, February 12. Correction In
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  • 37 7 l;> iki. Telegram. London, February 12. A Brussels message says the great machinery hall of the German section of the exhibition has collapsed. Hitherto three dead and seven wouuded have br"n recovered.
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  • 36 7 British Royalties Pay Friendly Visit. Rel'TKb's Tklkukam. London, February 13. King George and Quoen Mary visited and took I. a with ex King Manuel and his mother at their new residence at Richmond yesterday.
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  • 32 7 Rki-tkr'k Tklkuram. London, February 11. Messrs. Montagu's billion circular ascribes the fall in silver to the plague, particularly at a tim wlun the sny.i bean crop requires! handling
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  • 24 7 Hkltkk's Tki.k.,icam. London, February 11. A telegram from Wellington states tin- Kama Main h. is sailed for the Antarctic
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  • 28 7 Kki'tkh's Tklkmiam. London. February l-'l. The French Senate has passed the M MBi r. ading uf a lull making Greenwich time the official time in France.
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  • 32 7 liKlTKlt's TkLKIIKAM. London, February 13. The Counters of Crewe aud her infant were removed to 1 .or. l Koscl>cry's town house yesterday morning. They arc progressing satisf:u torilv.
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  • 36 7 Dkk Ostahiatischk Lloyd Tklkobam. Ite'lin. February 12. Mr. Morgan Sinister, formerly customs reorganiser in the Philippines, has been nominate! by the l"nitc<l States of America to reform the nuances of Persia.
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  • 28 7 DitH OgTA.siATisciiK Lloyd Tkleobam. Merlin, February 12. The Hague officially announces the dcgiosi tion of the Sultan of Lingua (Khiot in the Dutch K.i-t ludiee.
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  • 1157 7 Ample Resources to Meet New Civilisation. Tho members of the Amateur Drawing Association held a dinner in the Adelphi Hotel in honour of the society's first anniversary, on Saturday night. The company was a somewhat cosmopolitan one, presided over by Bishop Oldham, and it included the American Consul
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  • 694 7 HIS MAJESTY'S HONOUR CLEARLY VINDICATED. The Case Against Mylius. Colombo papers to hand by the mail, on Saturday morning, bring further details of the case against Jidward F. Mylius who has been sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment for libelling King George. The accused is 25
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  • 266 7 Brigade Called Three Times in One Day. Chinese New Year celebrations are generally attended with fires of a more or lesssjrious character aud, at one time, incendiarism was pretty rife in the Colony. Energetio uffprts on the part of the brigade and the police soon put a
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  • 39 7 Tho old sloop Clyde, which once served on the China Station under the name of the Wild Swan, is to be sold out of the service. She was employed for a long time as R.N.R. drill ship at Aberdeen.
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  • 1655 7 PROSPECTS CONSIDERED TO BE SATISFACTORY. Future Profits and Extensions. The ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Bukit Cloh Rubber Company, Limited, was held on January 20, at the registered office of the company, 189, Cannon Street, E.C., Mr. R. Hoffmann (chairman of the company) presiding. The
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  • 354 7 Mr. Ridley Champions the Brains of the Straits. We recently quoted from the Malay Mail an interesting letter by Mr. C. Baxendale, of Jugra Estate, on the subject of the pioneers of the coconut and rubber industries in the F.M.S. Mr. Baxendale now writes to the same paper
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  • 341 7 Directors' Half-Yearly Report to Shareholders. The ninety-first report of the court of directors of the Hongkong ami Shanghai Banking Corporation is signed by Mr. i. Ballock. the chairman, and nays:— The (lint tors have now to submit to you a general statement of the affairs of
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  • 66 7 THE EMPEROR ON ECONOMIC PROGRESS. Help for.the Suffering Poor. Raima's Tblbobam. Berlin, February 18. A message from Tokio says the Emperor of Japan has issued a rescript in which he dwells on the importance of adapting the Government's policy to the .hanged economic conditions. He lias donated If
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  • 22 7 Dkk Ostasiatischk Lloyd Tblroram. Berlin. February 12. Albert Rothschild, of the great banking family, has died at Vienna.
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  • 32 7 Deb Ostahiatiscbb Lloyd Tilkoram. Berlin, February 12. It is expected that the brother of Herr Heeringen, Prussian Minister of War, will be appointed Chief of the German Admiralty.
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  • 393 7 Labour Question Discussed with the High Commissioner. iFkom Oik Own Cokkksi-ondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, February 12. The Planters' Association of Malaya met this morning, forty-six members iKing present. Mr. Malcolm dimming presided aixl there were also present H. E. the High Commissioner (Sir John Anderson. G.C.M.G.i, Sir Arthur
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  • 37 7 (From a Malacca Cokkksiondknt.) Malacca, February 12. Information lias been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that tho price of fine Para in London yesterday was 5/11 per lb., value. The market closed firm.
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  • 39 7 Sandycroft Rubber Company, Ltd.— 18,964 lbs. Corresponding month last year 9,848 lbs. Total for twelve months of financial year 102,553 lbs. Total for corresponding period last year 78,864 lbs. Malaka Pinda Rubbor Estates, Ltd.— 1,529 lbs.
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  • 50 7 Mr. R. J. Webber, ot Urn International Banking Corporation's staff at Hon^ In iDg, has been married to Miss Delight Rice, one of Vfanila's popular young ladios. It is said ,hat Mr. Webber will shortly HM Ml lonnection with the Bank at Hongkong, aud proceed with hU bride to Manila.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 223 8 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Referring to several lutters that have appeared lately in your paper, with regard to the firing of crackvra by the Chinese, it is a well known fact that the policy of the British Government is not to interfere with the
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  • 378 8 The First Annual General Meeting Held in Malacca. Mi. N t i oiiie.s, secretary of the Ayer Molek Kubber Company, forwards the following account of proceedings at the company's first annual ordinary general meeting held at Malacca on January 21. The chairman, Mr. Chi Kang Cheng,
    378 words
  • 361 8 Planter's Plea for Permanent Basis of Employment. A |il:mt«T a'i'livssi s thr Kiml.i Lumpur ■MSC m kiM Sstaai ayoy system. I belli vr I urn right, lir irumiks. iii sayiny this system, us sow kam, originated in tVyluu, lint I 1111 nut bclii'Vc SuhsCCO DC sugar, both
    361 words
    • 180 8 Thero is not likely to be a return match between Stauton and Lewis for the welterweight championship, says a Hongkong paper. The Canadian is willing to make another attempt to wrest the belt from the champion, but there is no money available, even among his most ardent
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    • 92 8 Wales Beats Scotland. A London wire, dated February 4, and printed in the S. C. Morning Post, says ln the international Rugby match which took place to-day gallon little Wales scored a decisive victory over the fifteen who represented Scotland. The scores were Wa es. 82 points Scotland,
      92 words
    • 150 8 5. C. C. Tournament. The Telegraph representatives and those of the merchants finished their match in the S. C. C. tournament on the Esplanade, on Saturday, the former securing an easy win over the latter. The scores were Mercha».ts.— H. W. Noon b. McKay 5, B. L. William* b.
      150 words
    • 282 8 Singapore Qolf Club. Competition for Gold Medal, 1910. —This competition was played off on Saturday, and won by Mr. H. T. White with a nett score of 78. The other scores returned were as follows: Fkbrcaky Monthly Medal.—This competition was played on Saturday and Sunday, and was won by
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  • 137 8 The question of delay in handling shipping business at Port Swettenham is dealt with in a leading article by the Malay Mail which, in conclusion, remarks: We have always maintained, and our opinion is shared by many who should be in a position to judge that
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  • 891 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 18, 1911. Messrs. L;-all and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning :-r Nona. Value. Bayers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 4/6 6/1 2/- Options 1/10 2/6 £1 Anglo-Java 7/0 8/9 1 Anglo-Johore 11/-
    891 words
  • 153 8 In their report on the Sungei Rubber Estate, Ltd., for the first financial period to September 80 last, the directors state: The area of the estate is now 1,324 acres, against on original area of 1,016 acres, the directors having acquired on favourable terms another 308
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  • 148 8 We have received, says the North China Daily News of February 4, a copy of a report upon the Kota Baliroe Rubber Estates, Ltd., compiled by order of the Board, from written reports furnished by the General Manager and Agents, supplemented by verbal information given to
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  • 82 8 A correspondent who wrote recently to Lord Knollys, drawing attention to the perfection reached in the reproduction of the human voice on the gramophone, and suggesting that tlir King should use this instrument sb the medium for delivering his Coronation address to his people, has received the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 50 8 The man who drives tbe Royal Mail The maid who oarrits the milking pail, TLe stockman on tbe cattle run, The Rpoitmau with his doK and gun, Tie watchman going bis nightly round, The miner working underground, All make tbeniselve* from cold 1 secure, By u-ing Wocda' Great Peppermint Cure.
      50 words
    • 40 8 WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not npset the fctomach and is unrivalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis md all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tonic for building ap tbe system. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 AND $2.00
      40 words
    • 137 8 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps IB WILL REDUCE YOUR J?m± ELECTRIC LIGHT BILL. /ffllk infts mm siookm H JfSpil REDUCED /wJm \/T SOLE AOENTSi ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. """V""" Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Victoria Theatre. FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY TO-NIOHT, And Tuesday and Wednesday, February 14 and 18. THE FAMOUS MUSICAL KENNEDY
      137 words
    • 417 8 Raffles iHt Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, February 18. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. r The only first class Hotel in Saigon. Every comfort. Splendid verandah. Restaurant. With management, French kitchen and attendance as in tbe finest European Restaurants. Manager O. Feraudy, late from the Orand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Theatrical season
      417 words
    • 161 8 NEW MUSIC. WALTZES, SONO9, SELBCTIONS. HARRY LAUDER S SONGS AND ALBUM. "W- J". GARCIA, 810, Orchard Road. IM Oriental Specific. It is the Specifio for acute and chronio discharges, and of whatever standing, Price t I.M THE CITY DISPENSARY. SELEGIB ROAD, SINGAPORE. 9.1-a H. 1.12. 12 TO LET. FURNISHED. No.
      161 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 291 9 ARTICLES FOB SALE. BIRDB OF PARADIBE FOR BALE. At Messrs. Moraux 4 00 19/20, Boat Quay. 10-1 a FOR SALE PRIVATELY. Fourteen valuable brink. built shophouseß situated at South Bridge Road, Ciroalar Road, Cbinchew Street and Church Street Leasehold for 999 years. For particulars, apply to 8021 POWELL k CO.,
      291 words
    • 265 9 HOTICEB. THE NYALAB RUBBER I STATES. LIMITED. NOTICE. The Publio is hereby warned that it has been brought to the notioe of the Directors that certain forged Share Certificates and Transfers of shares in this Company have been found in circulation. Holders of unregistered Transfers are advised to send them
      265 words
    • 279 9 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217. Orchard Road. AWARDED MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE, AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW SINGAPORE, 1910, Arranged Floral Baskets, Bouquets, showers and Floral forms of all descriptions. Wedding ordem reoeive speoial attention. MANY LOCAL TESTIMONIALS. Prto— Moderate. Cut Flowers rom our own Nurseries quite Fresh. NURSERIES AND
      279 words
      671 words
    • 632 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. PORT BWETTENHAM AND PENANG. Return Tickets to above Porto will be issued at Single Fares to School Teachers only, available for use between tbe 26th January and 20th February, 1911. For particulars of passage and sailings, apply to BOUSTEAD k CO., Agents.
      632 words
    • 326 9 BOARD AND LODGING. BOARD MID SESIOENCE Board and apartments for single gentlemen at 11, Dhoby (ihaut. Terms Moderate. 2106 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Splendid single and double rooms with verandahs, baths and showers attached, close to town. Every Comfort Tennis Court. Terms moderate, Apply Killiney House, 7, St. Thomas' Walk. 2-2
      326 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 460 10 WBURMIOE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board Of MPSOtOMI G. A. Dsbbick, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq Managing Director. Pans Fowlib, m.b., cm Chief Med. Officer. w. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Cocvbbub. Tow Noas Pan, Esq. On« Soon Tbb, Esq. Kaoo
      460 words
    • 255 10 WBUMNCE. FEDERAL LIU HBBURANCE COMMIT Of C«N«O». Establish* D 1882. Inaurmnost in Koron, over |I7,t#t,a#s New Busiln— lt0», over 9MM.M* Net Surplus above liabilities for teservo and all outstanding claims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over US.M* was set aside as a special addition to Policy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Manager,
      255 words
    • 520 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 80,000 Shares of X'2o each £1,300,000 Reserve Fund £1,000,000 Reserve.liabilitf of Proprietors... 41,300,000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City k Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed
      520 words
    • 302 10 BANKING. THE m HW TONS UNKING AND INSURANCE CO. LTD. NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREET Established 1907. Capital paid ap 1 ,000,000.00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF LURBCTORS. Ta* Taox Joon 8. Sim Ku Jam Nam Kirn Ba*e 7. Tno Hoo Lai 8, Li»n Om Hbnh 8.
      302 words
    • 648 10 BALEB BY AUCTION, PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF Java Teak and Europe-Made Household Furniture, Etc., THE PROPERTY OF G. SCHUDEL, ESQ. To be held at Stanmore, Grange Road, Tanglln, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 11. Handsome drawing-room, dining room and bedroom furniture of tbe best description. Excellent Cottage Piano by Rachals Co.,
      648 words
    • 513 10 MORTGAGEE'S BALE. On Tubsday, Fbbbdaby 14, at 2.30 r m. Freehold building land situate off TanjongKatong Road, adjacent to East Cosst Road, Singapore, area 1 acre, 3 roods, '24 poles, marked Lot No. 41, of Grant No. 21. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. 9-3 13-2 FORTHCOMING FURNITURE BALEB. February 36. At No.
      513 words

  • 619 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Can in (be F. M. S. There are so many excellent cars now on the roads out here, says It. in the Malay Mail, that the number of suitable cars which have still to make an appearance can be almost counted
    619 words
  • 215 11 Clerk Sentenced To Six Months' Imprisonment. William StanilNli KnOt-ris was indicted at tlic Central Criminal Court, on January 17, for converting to his own us.- X*6o 15s. and other Hums received by him for Merlimau Rubber Estates, for which Messrs. R. O. Shaw and Co. were agents
    215 words
  • 127 11 At the first general meeting of the Uu •Lilian Mining Syndicate, Ltd., held in I poll on Monday last, the manager, Mr. Descraqoos, stated that the preliminary operations of opening up the mine commenced soon after the incorporation of the syndicate. Arrangc-ini-iits have been made to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 286 11 WOLSELEY CARS FORMERLY KNOWN A 8 BIDDELEY AUTOCARS Sole Agents Penang, F.M.S. and Sumatra. CENTRAL SSSS SILENT KNIGHT Arriving Shortly 8 H.P., Single oylinder, four-seated Cars. 12 H.P., Two-cylinder nve seated Cars. In Steek 20 H.P., 6 cylinder, seven-seated, STANDARD," painted Black. 16 H.P., 4-cylinder, five-seated, NAPIER" painted Khaki. 15
      286 words
    • 74 11 A RELIABLE REMEDY. You are not cx]>erimonting on yourself when you take I'lianilxu lain g Cough Remedy for a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation aori < mi-hnivo sale by its roiuarkable cures of colrin, and can always be depended upon. It is equally valuable for adults
      74 words
    • 440 11 IpStM When Ordering New Tyres \Q£X ask for CONTINENTALS And see that they bear THAT TRADE MARK All current sizes, including 30 x3, 30 x 3 FOR FORD CARS Kept in Stock. /5R\ Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ld. \§g/ TELEPHONE: SINGAPORE TELEGRAMS: a9O> IT, CotlyepQuay. Continent*. THROUGH ALL DEALERS AND
      440 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 453 12 INDIAN PATENT STONE Floor is More Durable than Granite Blocks. i IT CAN WITHSTAND THE STRAIN OF HEAVY IMPACT AND REPEL THE DESTRUCTIVE ACTION OF WATER. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD WANTS. TYPIST AND STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Wanted, experienced Typist and Stenographer one capable of taking Chief Clerknbip, Merchant firm, Singapore. Apply
      453 words
    • 494 12 WANTS, BHORTHANO TYPIBT WANTED. Capable shorthandwriter and typist. Apply to MoAli-ter Co., Ltd. 42 v CLERK WANTED. Wanted, Clerk, Chinese or Eurasian, for a Robber Estate in British North Borneo. Must be an efficient typist and have a knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply, with testimonials, Guth. Ie Co., Ltd 281 v
      494 words
    • 546 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. BUBURBAN RESIDENCE FOR SALE., Offers are invited lor freehold residential property, 27, Syed Ali Road. Area 49,080 square feet. Two-storey substantial honse stabling fruit two tennis oourta, etc. Can be inspected at any time. Owner leaving Colony. OFFICE ft GODOWN TO BE LET. With immediats
      546 words
    • 608 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given, tbat the Stock-in-Trade fixtures and other utensils of tbe business of a pineapple preserver carried on at No. 78, Albert Street, Singapore, by Mr. E. Opter was purchased by us from him. Dated the 11th February, 1911. JIT SIN CO., 21, North Boat Quay.
      608 words
    • 533 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP- CHANDLERS, ■VvWMMMn MM HUfiiCipatl vOnireCIOTV. Telephone No. 421. 108 109. Market Street. notjceT From this date Mr. John Middleton Sime, Malacoa, holds my full Power of Attorney. W. M. SIMB, Malacoa, February 9, 1911. 10-2 182 KEMPAS. LIMITED. NOTICE IS BBRBBY GIVEN, that all
      533 words
    • 318 12 NOW CHOOSE Bechatein Pianos Brinsmead Piano* Steinway Piano* Raohala Piano* Collard Piano* Broad wood, Whit* Piano* Kriebel P ano. Ruasell Piano* Winkelmann Piano* Knaus* Piano* Haake Piano* Btr>ohm*ng*p Piano* Lehmann Piano* THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. UNITED. Raohala' Auto-Playor Piano* Allison Auto-Player Piano* Manual Auto-Player Piano* Brinsmead Angelus. We WANT to
      318 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 243 12 Straits IBimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATB8.— Misoullane ous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per four line* for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exoeediag four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.o. oardB, on page 6, 13. Inch Scal» Ratis
      243 words