The Straits Times, 10 February 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.486 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 458 1 WATSON'S No. IO Whisky THE BEST. t KATZ BROS., LD. lIIS TUC I rjRPFQT r\ x. I/ 1 w^Tf^nr^'^ w\ "T" i_| O n* n this Market. POPULAR FITTINGS. KH.\MK-2i »nd 24 in. bigb fi 1 IV Alfred Appleby, x t in. WIIKKLS- Kqoal. 28 io. tII.ANKS De'Huble 6J id.
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    • 70 1 DOMINI CO. CHAMPAGNE ADAMSON. GILFiLLAN AND CO., LTD., SOLI A.IKNTM. "a)™. JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE GO., 1 66- 1. Orchard Road. (Not connected witb ar.y other fnrnitare honec AUSTRIA S BEST FIRE-PROOF SAFE. First tirnn in Singapore, Font's Doable lock Safe. This is a SAFE, not Ihc k nd that is
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  • 1084 2 EARL ROBERTS AND THE HERO OF QUfcBEC A Stirrinu Speech. Field Marshal Earl Roberts "just over a month ago, at Westerhan^ Kent, unveiled a statue to the hero of the Battle of Quebec, Major-Oencral James Wolfe, who was born in that cou.itry town on January 2, 1727. He
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 109 2 'Hazeline' Snow' tnuaa- auaa* mVxxw and b HA7ELiNfiX v^Px Neither E cool as S\rfeilW» s r ky I f? mountain *4CHHLq I L^Hi nor Uf Creaily minced for Prickly Heat Its soothing and healing properties produce a delicious feeling of coolw ness and comfort. The ideal balm for painful sunburn,
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    • 58 2 ABSOLUTE!.* SA-E When yon liave a cold got a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kcmedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendoncv toward pneumonia. This remedy contains uo opium or other narcotic and may be givon as confidently to a baby as to an
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    • 707 2 AFRAID TO GO OUT AT NIGHT. Sn Bad Was Hih Asthma. Aki ki: Physician)*, M k inks, A CHANoe of Climatk Failed to Cubb this Couiviio (iKNTLKMAN Hk FOUND PbKTBCT Cl'Ur. IX Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. AHtlima is a nervous difleane, an<l in the majority of disc* in connected with
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    • 409 2 THE PUNTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Port Swettenham. SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ESTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Gouges, Gongnlating Pans, Spouts, Strainers, Glass, Alaminiom, Earthenware and Terne Plate Latex Oops. Aoetic Aoid, Coagolators, Sprayers, etc., etc. Robber liangiee and Machinery. Largest aad moat varied atook of Estate
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  • 1109 3 WERE THEY PASSENGERS OF THE WARATAH A Stowaway's Statement. Dm inn evidence an to the Waratali at the Hoard of Trade inquiry resptctiiiK her lows, held before Mr. J. Dicktntton h'"' j'rue nanticat aHHewiuni at the Caxto» IfaH Westminster. Mr. E. F. Humplm wii<l that in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 843 3 SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. FROM FEBRUARY 1. 1911. AID UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TRAIN BERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. fP TRAINS. *****A***** A.M. A.M. A M. It A.M A.M. r M. P M. P.M. I'M. Pawir PafjanK 787 440 Borneo Wharf 740 SOB 448 People's Park 764 9IS 4«7 Tank Koad 607
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    • 18 3 For ail HMMbmm ooiuj 1.. in Ijanntirj iou|rh., fo'fih. ric, teke Voo'r. 1 Oreai I tppe i-iM fur..
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    • 668 3 NFRVES." A Royal Phvs'cia«'s R.markable Statement. "I feel oenroua— all on end as if something were going to happen." How often doe* one hear these words, or something very like them, for a sensation of nervousness is one of the commonest troubles of modern times. While the body 's own
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    • 130 3 [Tke REGISTERED TRADE MAKK of jL Milkmaid! Full Cream Milk jS-^SHSSI. IS THE HALL-MARK OF N S^ PERFECT PURITY JOTS d Guarantee of Hi^heit Quality. 5 UNTOUCHED BY HAND. Sj^ftvffg^g^ The Original and Best. LARQEBT BALE IN THE WORLD. J Sold by all Druggists principal Provision Dealers. ASK FOR Ny
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILIN6S. ¥.&o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANQ, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADr?N, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTB, PLY MOOTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issned for China Coast, Persian Oulf, Continental, and Amerioan Poita. Steamers will leave Singapore on or abont MAIL LINES Outward {for China,) 1911 Aas«ve Apl
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    • 548 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained be tween Yokohama via ports to Mtrseille*. London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and oonstruoted, and are
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    • 634 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO U. 8. MAIL LNE. The great steamship line between CHINA, JAPAN and KU ROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, opeiating the new 18,000 ton*, twin screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with tbe well known •tpam*rs CHI VV ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA AND PERSIA.
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    • 287 4 STEAMER SAILINGSGamdlan Pacific Railway Go 's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE Vu China, Japan, Canada and tbb Ukitbo Stairs. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nugaoaki (Inland Sea ol Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and Vanoouver. R.M.S. Empress of India" Twin screw BMS.-Kmpres.ofJ.pao" R.M.S. Empress of China" J
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    • 586 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hambarc, Bremen, niwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Btr*it j, hina and Japan H»ms« ards. they srs despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremtrhaven direct, eaUiog at Peoang and Colombo
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    • 696 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Worddeutscher Lioyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Oibralttr, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marssillea, Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena] P rt Said, Sacs, Aden. Colombo, Penaog. Singapore, Hong«oog,
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  • 201 5 FIXTURES. Friday. February io. llni'i W*-.-r, fl 8 a ro.. 0.18 a.m. L uiß'atirM C»nacil. 2.R0 Tbe Foilits. V.o oria Th-atre. Saturday, February 1 1. HiiO W ,t..r, 7-4 m. 10 IS p.m. M .la> si t Coofureooe. 4.80. Sunda February I*. H<n W* vir. w 4
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  • 242 5 TO DAT. Bangkok Karntnng 8 [m Ikam. Pit Dhbßio, P-»t Swetttnuam and T. InU A u -uiii Selingor 8 pm Uil nun. Kt'avit, Sjnra b»v», Bali.ct.-. Camphny*. 4 pro B»onkok < lii. n*m i 4 pm Malacca and Muir L.ily AoH 4 put To MOEROW Ponaoft, Malaooa,
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  • 164 5 Th-> P »nl O oq'iwvl mail n'eitn-T A<«t\n, hvin-; Pi-n»og »t 6 |> ra y-ft-r rii "i ■>• bo cuprcted to ai live litre at 6 t> ni. tu-iu<>r'"«. T'ie lop. O -'nun m il «'e«ra»r DftCB n per liKtinu Ult ll'inikonu oo i lie f-t*> in>iant
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  • 404 5 Latest Arrivals. A-ep-' 1.. Op-. «f. "Ml -on". Cp'V .IV m Fh9. F n-n Vl>rii. n .i.irli. J 29. It .«n>. I'.b-iR iv S muni AC. Far II .»r«-, I'nr. R..H.1. Uen.lur*... B i\ *»r. 2'i7B ton«. Cirr-in Th „u n Fb 9 Fool, .till, .1 in I
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  • 107 5 Wharves at whxh Vessels are Berthed Tu-Day. T4NJONO PAOAR. Wh»«k Ratin— Ki.otun, SindaVan. Kait a. Section No I Haipiong. t^RSEKS ÜBAH' NI Main W. skct No 2— Vook «a-K,Chiengmii. B—R-odonn.8 R-odonn. 4— Flirioto. 6-Re ag. B— H r»no Mail. Laoook Dock 7-
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  • 619 5 Arrivals P«r gteamor Po)d'i»", F b'u\rf 9. From Rfgicok: Mdss-R O. I>. U.ider aod P P... 0il Per «te»roer R'j <U «>' a a-a«"»k, F)hrnar» 9.— From Sarawak M^stra. P Tomer and Oive. Per *tenmer Sri Mtnr. K brnary 10.— Malacca Mr. F. O W*llao<;. Exppcied
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  • 432 5 Singapore, Febraary 8, 1911. I The pricx-n qno'pd are uenorally tliose iir.ent »t Clyde T.rrace M»ket. At tbe j marltMt* then. n.« v be >mall farl« i jar. I ABTICUt. Beaox, Loog (per catty) u.uo (dv.) Kiciich (da) i .lv tivtd per Ib. tt«> tfeef Steak (do.)
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  • 242 5 Finance Commerce. SINOAPOBB FIBBUABT 10, It 11. EXCHANGE. Os London B»l1c 4 ai/i 2/4| Denaod B,4ft P.iT»le«rr/t 8/4 ii do 8 m/« tIH OnGbimant— Bank 4/ 1 a 10 Private 8 m/i 8«4 do 6m/« M«t Oh FnANCi-B»nk H/d 80S Pri»»e n d/i 2W J do 0 m/i 808| On
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    • 183 5 t*ne !2 V«lue£ iO 10 B»lat Tin Xl ](l B'UftDK 10 10 Bru-.h Hyd 10 10 K.oibm SI XI Kint» Tin £t XI KedangTin 10 Kuanim T n Cl XI Lthml Mm. 10 10 Malacca Tin >/■ r< IMudu Cooaol El £11' nakak-n Cl Jll PiioK H.l'ru t'l XI
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    • 638 5 lnpm> V.lue <£ Buyers Sellers. I/- 2/- All. rm 4 5 6/ 2/ Au,iiu Malay 1.19 1.8 0 l/. 2/- Bateau Malak* am 2 0 £1 £1 BatoCavt* 18 17 8 1410.0 CI JH B«toTi«m 48V 4 .CO fil ill Rnkit Kajang 27 0 310 0 £1 ill Bokit
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    • 142 5 t-Kie 3 V .loe qJ Bayers. 10 10 Eastern Smeltioß 10 7 80) 41 Electric Tnunwsj* «,8 10 10 K »-.r 4 Neave 8100 I 0 Uottanti K-«kioe 100 7% l-i.t. SOOO 100 100 EaU Bm. D t 100 100 p f>% Com Pnf. 10 10 M*yr»m *Co 3t
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    • 51 5 Buyer* Seilen Howarth Kmkire ««t •Str.nn par Kiley. Ham reavt-D t% IZKJ.CXX) 2J 8J pm -)iD«»p<i'f E oino Trauway>6% M'OJOOn S^oreMuuicij*! 5% 11.878(01 oom. Bayer* BelUra S l porfMaoicipal4J% of IMO7 11,000/00 e% 7%pm 8p r- M ...ioipal 4J% of WOV i'.OCMXX) 7% B%pm Bp. ro Mut.ioipal 4% |r0i.9"0
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 Wood* Or.-»t P-ppj-immt Core for all in tern. OOUiplalola. DfmeOUltJ, CoOgtl*. Cold., eto.
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    • 148 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. F.b. 1A At th« Cent a* Pnie Station. Srn-h It iJ^- K ad, nni^rvioaable poltoe ato'en. etc Ht a. F r-. It -A« ntipro-m, vttmhV Und anl mi I- r ipe-ty knnwu a- Th str<i Bt> am s»*uiiil. -itditte >t Killaog R mt, Ktu.poug B
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    • 178 5 t-k a. d Kii'un in 1 1- I ••u •li• il [v v tuie etc. p-o eit IO Sj'.iml Kg. Msr il -At F.i t Usaatafj Ki I ot. hoi I fin.tnro p as* til o W 0. Sr r, Knq M r -i-.-At -«c o .uj. f »r B
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    • 656 5 STEAMER SAILIHG*. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. "as >lea^**rs of thiaC<mran* main'«i"» > egnla- dir.ct *arvi -a betwa -ol'tlut Strait* U n Itonj; Bbaug i-i aid Japan, akio. rargo on thro gh Rills f Lading for Canon. Pw»tow. An.i), TiaaUia, Newchw ni, YaigUze P-rto, Formosa, toe Philippines, tto eto.
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    • 49 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumantwl Masons F.KT*M.ISHKt> IHBI. aUBX RECEIVED I Kfw Otxdn ot bnpenor Quality and Fioi«h. IXarb'er, W.t* lie Wreatb", etr. Mobumt-nta if tvtry drscription. RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The He«t to be had io the oolooj. With Pnm»f in dm TBLBPHUNB NO. TIT. NO. IST. ORCHARD ROAD
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 205 5 WtATHER REPORT. Kindang Kerban Ho.pitsl, Fdb'aary 8 9 A.M. M P.M. tl P.M. rUinf* I Rared 82 Fab W.U6 2P.S 9.9 8 lemp B.VI 91.0 M Nil. We. RnlhTher 7.1 77.-) 4.S Oir f Wind N. N M z Temp. fl.: wiu. 7I». U.x. iortin IMS.i IV rid la.r
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  • 1032 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. WAS INDRAGIRI SOLD? It is necessary to restrain a natural feeling of indignation in dealing with the disclosures about Indragiri estate. I', does not seem possible to doubt that tbo person Burchardt, who was vendor and subse juent manager of the property, was an
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  • 22 6 A telegram to Hongkong says that New Zealand Das offered a triumphal ai eh to be erected in London for the Coronation.
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  • 22 6 The British Colonies ought to ba rogirdod as the branches of the greatest business firm in the world, says tha Ejapiro Magazine.
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  • 25 6 On a railway lino at Battoraoi on January 19, an express train dashod into a gang of platelayors, killing three men and injuring two others.
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  • 27 6 At Douai, on January 20, M. Buqtrot created a world's speed record for aeroplanes. Accompanied by a passongarha flow a biplane 62J miles in 69 1 minutes.
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  • 28 6 Bitter indignation his been manifested at Kiel over a proposal now being discussed in tho Reichstag to roduco tho duty allowance of naval stokers to 2Jd. per day.
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  • 31 6 Tho house; in which Carlylo was born, at Ejclefochin, in 1) i n'rijsthir his bjou purch.isxl for th 3 public, and furnish vl with rjlics recalling Uij disii gulslijd writers boyhood.
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  • 28 6 Tho Amitiur Drawing Association will hold its first anniversary dinner at tho Adelphi Hotel to-morrow. Bishop Oldham will preside, and there are several distinguished gncsts for tho occasion.
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  • 36 6 Tho Chinese clerk who is charged with criminal breach of trust of large suras from Messrs. Shirpe, Ross and Co., reappoarod in the third police court to-day. The caso, however, was agiin postpone*! for a week.
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  • 39 6 Rice and paddy exports from Saigon reached theftgnro of 1,108.561 French tonn in 1010. Snch a total had not been reached since 1907 when tho shipments wore 1,264,143 tons. Hongkong took 2J9.746 tons. Franco 212,573, and Java 181,234 tons.
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  • 38 6 Gum Benjamin or Benzoin, says tho Agricultural Uullotin, is tho aromatic resin of the tree (Styrax benzoin) of tho order Styraceae, a common tree of the Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra. Tho Malay nanio of tho product is Keminiyan.
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  • 39 6 Tho Calcutta Corporation proposes to invite an open competition throughout India for an Oriental caskot, costing twenty fivo thousand rupocs for an address to tha King Emperor next hrintmas, also possibly for a second casket, costing fivo thousand rupees.
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  • 45 6 A Malay employ.*! by Messrs. Siemens Bros, was charged in the third police court, to-day, with dishonestly retaining a quantity of flexible wiro and some electric globes belonging to his employers. Ho was convicted anil finod f 50, with the alternative of two months' imprisonment.
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  • 47 6 Tbo Deli Courant states that tho supply of Javanese coolie immigrants continues to fall short of tho demand, owing to koen competition in noigbouring centres, especially Singapore. One labour office alono in Java which recruits for tho Straits and F.M.S. has booked orders for about 80,003 coolies.
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  • 47 6 Laos, a rubber exporting province of IndoChina has hitherto depended upon the wild I product, which yields little profit becauso of the heavy transport expenses. The Government is distributing I'ara Sis Is among planters. Tho soil of Laos is said to ba admirably fitted for this cultivation.
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  • 46 6 Measures have been taken by tha Navy Department in Netherlands India to socure exact longitudo determinations thoro by in', ms of Wiroljss tcbj{ra;)hy. Two man -of wir w.l!); fitted with w.rjless ao.nnUM fir the .irpoH I'll rlo.i^ilu.lii in isiirj.u. :u.s will begin froai the Su-uatra coos!..
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  • 51 6 Tho riots at Billiton which occurred the other day, arose from a quarrel between two Chinese clans of tin miners on some religious matter. Fighting began on January HI and armed police hod to fire on tho rioters to restore order. Three of the rioters wcro killed, and several were
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  • 47 6 Tho Standard declares that tho wholo of tho Colonial Otfiec staff is discontented over tho proposed reorganisation of tha department. The offieerd claim that the area of promotion Will be narrowed, and that those consigned to the Crown Colonies will ba forjed to accept an inferior atatus.
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  • 53 6 A report from Fusan states that the Miyamae Mara of 101 tons, a coasting steamer belonging to the Fusan Steamship Company, sunk on January 2 j at 10 a.m. in less than two minutes, while cargo was being loaded at the piar, owing to the faulty loading. Tho crew and
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  • 53 6 A sensational banking incident at Samarang is reported by the liatavia Nieuwsblad. An employee of the Netherlands India Commercial iiank failed to return, after going on short leave, a few clays ago. An examination of the books in his charge is allejged to have shown that 75,000 guilders' worth of
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  • 59 6 There is a report, Rays the Perak Pioneer, that I'ahang is elissatistied with its present capita], and is on the look-out for some more central spot for a new one. Sir John Hodgcr was stationed at l'ekan. Sir Hugh Clifford moved to Koala Lipis, and Mr. Barnes is reported to
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  • 82 6 W. O. Kay, a member of tho staff of tin New Engineering and Shipbuilding Works Shanghai, has died as the result of ai accident. Mr. Kiy, with others, was biddinj farewell to a friend who was leaving Shang hai, and Bcveral Chinese; crackers were lot o. at the pontoon. As
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  • 74 6 Mr. W. E. Humphrey, Congressman, speak ing at Detroit, on January 19, said that Japan coulil seize Seattle, T.icoma, Portland, the five Pacific terminals of the transcontinental railways, and the Pugct Sound Navy yard, and could fortify the mountain posses behind them before the United States could despatch 75,000 troops
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  • 84 6 At a meeting of tho creditors of the Charing Cross lUnk, Hi S Oifi-jial Hjcjivor (Mr. K. L. Hough) said tho present deticit of tho concern was X 1 ,099 ,000. Carpenter, tho debtor, lost £100,000 on a petroleum venture in Quebec, and JtIJO.OOO on an unsuccessful bicycle tyre.
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  • 120 6 Boforo Mr. Jnstico Oronier, at Colombo, on the Ist inst., Mr. A. Mahadeva moved for solo testamentary jurisdiction to bo conforrcd on the district court in respect of tho estate of the late Agnes Louis i Money, of Prince of vValcs Mansions, Battcrjoa I'ark, London, who died on August 17
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  • 416 6 Mr. John Anderson has boon visiting Ponang and the F. M. 8. The Hon C. W. Darbishiro and Mm. Darbishiro have boon on a visit to l'onang. Mr. W. M. Sime, of Malacca, proposes to leavo for Ceylon on tho 2tfrd inst., lor a fow weeks' holiday.
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  • 23 6 Tho output of tin ore from tho minrs of tho Helat Tin Mining Co., Ltd., for January, is C47.U4 picuU.
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  • 37 6 \\V dear that the proposed Country Club at Tyersall is likely to bo proceeded with on the revise*! estimate of $0.3,000. The in.ittcr will be decided at a mooting to bo held next week.
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  • 66 6 Tha Follies had another very successful performance last night the houso was welt filled and the auelience thoroughly enjoyed the clever anel delightful mimicry of great stage characters. To Miss Marie Mansfield special praise is tlue. Her versatility is almost uncanny, and her brightness is an endless delight.
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  • 60 6 On account of the conflicting reports regarding tho disorganisation of transj Siberian traffic, Messrs. Thos. Cook and Son, Hongkong, wired to the South Manchurian railway lor information as to the probabilities regarding through traffic, and received tho followiug reply "No probability disorganisation through traffic. DiUny steamers
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  • 105 6 I An elephant belonging to a Malay of Tan jong UaiubuUin weut roaming about of his own swoot will, which said sweet will lud him to the Kinding liubber Syndicate's estate, to the latter' h lost* to the extent of twentyfive young rubber trees which
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  • 150 6 On a previous occasion we noticed tho very fine work dono in special numbers of Tho Australian Traveller called Australia To-day." A copy of the issue dated November 1 awn: to hanu recently and, if poKßible, it is better than anything we have noon before. Thcro could ba
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 217 6 I Players J Ravy (DiKture In I 1b P«t«nl Air-Tigbt Tina. "C--PRICE: 55CTS. obtain..!., at, ROBINSON CO. JOHN LITTLE CO, LTD. Spa Celebrated Green Diamond j|l LIGHT BITTtR ALE Bottled by 1 E. J. EURKE. In c«»rs ©f 4 dozen Ou»rt.«, $6 per ca«e. In cast s of 8 dozen
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    • 186 6 IMB LATEST TOPICS •AT ho«k aNO «RR"AIM Science A Nature, Art A Humour ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT. NOVELTIES HIOH-CUSS Socood Siow, 080 to 11p.m. NEW I-SUE -EVERY V'E DNEBDAY OF htliu's Animated Gasettp, 91 IT Eft' lON. duke of comuuwNrt return. the HOUMKMTCH kfftk Y." RECORD OCEAH RACE." COHTIREMTU. WIM'ER SCEKES." "FAMOUS
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  • 115 7 STATEMENT IN THE HOUSE 01 COMMONS. Information Still Wanted From China. lUutkk's Tklko&am. London, February 9. In tho Houho of Commons Mr. Lead ankod what steps wore being taken to release China from its treaty obligations to admil opinra. Mr. MoXinnon Wood, Parliamantary Secretary to tho Foreign
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  • 56 7 MR. CHAMBERLAIN REGRETS CANADA'S ACTION. The Policy Must Not be Abandoned. Heutkr's Tklkokam. London, February 9. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, in a letter to the Tariff Commission concarning tha AmaricoCi'iadiin r :ipro.:iLy treaty, expresses the wish tint Canadi had waited till tha Imperial Conference. lie says the policy of
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  • 37 7 Three for the Far East and Two for Australia. ItlUTEB's TkLKORAM. London, February 9. A Portsmouth message Rays that three submarines have loft for Hongkong. London, February 10. Australia has ordered two submarines from Vickers Maxim.
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  • 54 7 Heavy Sentence on Absconding Cashier. Kf.utek's Tklkgkam. London, Fjbrniry 10. Wid^r, tli s u.'>i riling c n'li >r of th] Njw York Kr.inch of tho Kusso-Chinasa bank, has boon smteucxi to niuj yvus' imnrisontnant. and is orjjral to hi rairrj%tj;l on tha oxpiry of tho scntenco aud
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  • 18 7 Rbdtek's Tklkoram. London, February 10. A Teheran mmsago says tho Kegent, Nasr al-Mulk, lias returned.
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  • 55 7 Rbuteb's Tkleubam. London, February 10. Tho Kaiser has bocn confined for several days with a cold, but it is unaccompanied by fever. Deb OtTAsiATiscnE Lloyd Tkleorax. Berlin, February 9. The Kaiser is suffering from a slight cold. Tho Crown Prince leaves Bombay by the Engh li
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  • 21 7 Rioter's Tkliobam. Loudon, February 10. Mr. llildme, replying to a deputation, foreshadowed an incrcaßO in tho army estimates.
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  • 48 7 Promise to Deal With Subject this Year. lUutkb's Teleoram. London, February 10. Mr. As]iiith, replying to a deputation from th Tr.ub Union Congress, said ho ho;i <d to give c.Tjjt to tha proposals for piym nt of in :nl) is during th pi."- nt session.
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  • 88 7 At liangkok, nu the M inst., Mr. van den (torn, thu aviator whom it is hoped wo may him; uniform her.', did sew long flights with jPMMMgn. With Mrs. Hamilton I'rice. he went over f.,r a flight towards tha old rifle hulls. il. It. 11.
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  • 207 7 statement of Accounts Shows Large Profit. That tho Agri-Horticultural Show, held in iingapore last August, was a success from ivory point of view is evident from tho statenent of receipts and payments which will be aid before the General Committee on February 20 when tho question of the
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  • 439 7 Fight Fire on the Sttamer for Three Whole Days. As wo havo alraady a-inoun-.ed, says tho Hongkong Telegraph of January 31, a serious lire broke out on board the steamer Kumsang, while on her last voyage from Singapore to Hongkong, and between the former port and Saigon.
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  • 341 7 King George's Plans for the Racing Season. King George's plans as an owner of racehorse* have already been made, and when the period of Court mourning has expired wo shall again nee sported on our racecourses the oolourH purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeved, black vulvet cap with
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  • 64 7 Old Qnintinians in tho East will bo interested to learn that tha XJO.OOO roquirod tor the rebuilding of tho Hcgont Street I'uly U'flmic has now been subscribed, and tho project is to ba carried ont of a memorial to tho late King Edward, who throughout bis roign showod a dacp
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  • 547 7 BRITISH CONCESSION ATTACKED BY CHINESE MOB. Bluejackets Open Fire. Details of tho recent rioting at Hankow are now to hand, and from what a correspondent of the N. C. Daily News says in a letter written on January 22, it appears that on the previous Saturday afternoon,
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  • 549 7 TfIIRrEKV JAPANESE PAY Till EXTREME PENALTY. Remarkable Fortitude Displayed. Denjiro Kotoku and twelve Japanese Anarchists expiated their crime of plotting to kill the Emperor of Japan, upon the scaffold of the Tokio Prison on January 24. The cere mony opened at ab~mt 9 a.r>. and was concluded at
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  • 133 7 Erection of a Hostel for Medical Students I The London Missionary Society, through its work in the Alice Memorial and Affiliated Hospitals, has been counseled with tha Hongkong College of Medicine since its inception, and scores of me lieal students have passed through tho college?, many of them
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  • 552 7 Apostles Mostly Officers front the Colonies. The caso of the naval lieutenant who was condemned last year for high treason," and who was a victim to the opium habit, raised a good deal of interest at tho time in tho prevalence of the vice, says the
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  • 378 7 Financial Journal Forecasts More Speculative Attention. I Since tho close of the motal market on Frid ly last, says the Investor's Chronicle of January 14, tho cash price of tin has risen over £o per ton, from £179} to £185}. This is the top notch touched
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  • 341 7 Verdict of Suicide on Deceased Cashier. Mr. Gentle, the coroner, held an inquest at tho General Hospital this forenoon on thr body of Jacob Abed, who took poison yesterday in the office of Messrs. E. Meyer and Co., Ltd., 1 Malacca Street. The prinicipal witness was
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  • 451 7 New Club Opened for the Benefit of Young Women. A girls' club in e:m:i ion with tho Girls' Frieudly Sojiaty was openod, yesterday evening, in a building at the corner of Victoria Street and Stamford lioad, which is in futuro to bo known as the Church Home.
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  • 143 7 Comparative Statement of Figures For Past Two Years. Tho following is tha comparative statemen of cultivated rubbar exported from the Feder ated Malay States, during tha years 101( and 190J Exported Total during export dnr Dec., 1910. ing year. lbs. lbs. Porak 832,222 '2,541,7.-. Selangor 745.J90 8,241,.H
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  • 64 7 IMPORTANT STATEMENT BY THE PRIME MINISTER. Final Decision Rests With House of Commons. Rkutir's Tblforam. London, February 10. Mr. Asquith has intimated that the Dcclarition of London and the Naval Prise Bill will not be debated till they have bocn considered by tho Imperial Conference. Tho Crown wou'd
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  • 70 7 i Fiiom a Malacca Correspondent.) Malacca, February 10. Information has been received by Malacca iubbcr Plantations, Limited, that tho price >f fine Para in London yesterday was 6,11 «r Ih.. value. Tho market closed quieter. Kuala Lumpur, February 10. The Planters' Stores and Agency havo re t'ived
    70 words
  • 37 7 (Fboh Oii; Own Coiirespondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, February 10. Tho High Commissioner (Sir John Anderson, G. C. M. G.,) arrives hero on Sunday morning aud will meet tho planters' delegates to discuss the labour question.
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  • 266 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Circular. In Heir weekly share circular, Messrs. Krascr and Co. state At tho close of a very steady week we have but slight alterations to make in the prices of shares, with tho exception of local Industrials, some of which have advanced
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  • 184 7 Lord Roberts Gives Evidence in Yeoman's Action. A London tologram dated January HI, reports A libel case, brought by Mr. Ednoudson, a former Hussar, who scrvod as sergeant major in' the Imperial Yeomanry luring the South African war, against Mr. 'j. S. Amcry, the editor of Tho
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  • 56 7 Glonshiol Rubber Estates Ltd. 7,423 lbs. Total for same period last year, I.SII lbs. Kijang Uubbar Estates Ltd.— SSO lbs. Total for same period last year, nil. Inch Kenneth Hubbar Estates Ltd. l'.l/ bs. Total for eight nun. ths 1.'0,42H lbs. .'otal for same period last year,
    56 words
  • 70 7 At tho Union Chnrch, Hongkong, nn February '2, Mr. John Livingsto-io Mcl'lier>n, M. A., (until rocantly secretary of tho [ongkong European Y. M. 0. A.) waa larriod to Miss Ocrtrudo Hriggs. Tim ircnony was performed by the Rev. C. 11. tickling, assisted Rev. H. K. Wells. Mix* M. Watkin was
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    • 398 8 Tho A. Division 100 yards, and B. Division 40 yards, monthly handicap races for February will bo swum off at tho Chinese Swimming Club on Sunday next, at 10 a.m. Sunday being the first day of the term, the Cambridge president, following precedent, has commenced operations in
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    • 174 8 Lewis Beats Stanton. The Theatre Royal at Hongkong was packed on February 4, when an interesting encounter took place for the welterweight championship of the Uricnt, between Bill Lewis and Kod Stanton. Tho latter took his punishment gallantly yet ho was by no moans the only one who suffered
      174 words
    • 197 8 Singapore Golf Club. On Saturday, tho 11th inst.. play in tho poatpoMd goia c twOtioa, 1910, will take pluee, and on the same day and tho Siimlny following the February monthly medal will l«! played for. Tho following are tlie draws for the Clnb championship ami handicap sweepstake,
      197 words
  • 102 8 Mr. Fellowes l'rynne, R.8.A., Mr. Gilbert Scott, Mr. Temple Moore, and Mr. Frank l'vaison, who were the four candidates selected by Mr. Leouaril Stokes, President of tho Institute of British Architects, sub milted specimens of their work to the selection committoe in connection with tho new cathedral at Colombo.
    102 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 246 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l, with Normal," and, I dare say, a good many others belonged to those who had to sacrifice their well earned night rest on Monday and Tuesday night to the fanaticism of so many Chinese, who, although anxious to
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    • 285 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— ln your issue of the Ist inst. thero apoearcd an article to the effect that tho general meeting of the Singapore Catholic Funeral Association had been postponed to the 15th inst. and this, I beg to state, was occasioned
      285 words
  • 257 8 Discovery of a Mysterious Process. Boer with all itH natural flavour, quality nd distinctive taste can yet be deprivjd of its alcohol, so that the lover of the beverage who doe* not require the stimulation or iiitoxiuuit offt-ct of ordinary beer can consumo a liberal amount without
    257 words
  • 74 8 In a debate in the Hungarian Delegation, Admiral Muntecuckoli, the Austro- Hungarian Minister of Marine, referring to a statement in Italian papcrn attributed to the Austrian Admiral Chiari, that the Austrian naval expansion was duo to belief in inevitable collision with Italy, said that Admiral Chiari was retired, and therefore
    74 words
  • 1041 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 10, 1011. Mount. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, laaue the following list of quotations this morning DEBENTURES. •100 Howarth Erskine Ld. 6% par. 100 Riley Hargreavee Co. Ld. 6% 8% pm. 100 Singapore Municipal 6% 20%
    1,041 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 68 8 W' id an old ro^m- n'livirn and nln-k'-B. An he h- >r- t ii»ili wu tor wind, intr, Tlie »inieut nil t«k« tie n uum 1 1 tuakr, A d i-w.ii<j"»i- n< t rniu in v !<•■•; Till h in. I iuuri like an aniel of likLl, Ibliuluut i. a
      68 words
    • 40 8 This Is It. '■tj The lat<p«t «oieDtiflo pre.^nW!W. P* nti a of <O(> I.IVKK JsMsM Oil, D«* All that in olaim||cJ~i.S« xrl (or it and Miperaede* Fir- tht- old (*»hioDod.mulßiODi wiiioti opnet the nomnb. Jf' OK aLLCHK.MISIS. SmS: JI2SANOS2 00
      40 words
    • 784 8 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps </a I? T*^ TT T^ T^ Tj^ rf 4 1 ■j r' ljH wm XV. Cj X n XL Xj CiO 1 II J^ Large New Stocks. ,p/ni\ /^itfTfßV A!l Candie power 1 V IhP^l Reduced Mfll \A SOLE AQENTSi ELECTR'CAL DEPARTMENT. '^T^ Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd.
      784 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 251 9 BRIDGE'S RUBBER MACHINERY. Washing, Creping and Macerating Machines. BLOCK PRESSES VACUUM DRIERS DA COSTA COAGULATOR. Stocks held in Kuala Lumpur. Paterson, Simons Co., Ld. Sol* Agents, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS F.H.S. CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply of SLEDGE BRAND MILK TO ALL THB Government Medical Institutions IN THE Federated Malay States. BOLE
      251 words
    • 439 9 ARTICLES FOB SALE, BIRDS OF PARADISE FOR SALE. At Messrs. Moraox k Co IU/20, Boat Qoay. 101 0 FOR SALE. Rubber tyred Oig with hood dark brown, quiet and steady Australian Cob two sets of harness; also one gentleman's saddle. Everything in good oondition. Apply to K. E.. c/o Straits
      439 words
      707 words
    • 480 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. PORT SWETTEMAM AND P£NANG. Kotarn Tickets to above Ports will be iwntd at Single Faies to School Teachers only, avai abln for use between the 25th January and 30th February, 1011. For partioulara of passage and sailinßH, apply to BOUSTEAD CO., Agent*.
      480 words
    • 799 9 NOTICES. IN THE GOOUtf OF JAMES WADDELL BOYD MACLAREN. DECEASED. PURSUANT to the provisions of the Con veyaooiog and Law of Property Ordinanca 1-86, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai all creditors and portions having any debt?, olaims and demands upon or against the Estate of James WaddeU Boyd Maelaren, formerly
      799 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 494 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Director*. Q. A. Dbbrick, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq Managing Director. Pbtbk Fowlib, m b., c m Chief Med. Offlcrr. P. M. Elliot. E-q. Rev. N. J. Coutbbi v. Tow Noan Pan, Esq. Ono Soon
      494 words
    • 335 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ESTABLISHBD 1882. Insurants* in Koroe, over $I7,MMM New BwlnsM 1909, over $MM,»M Net Surplus above liabilities for reserve and all outstanding claims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over $*MM waa s«t aside as a special addition to Policy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      335 words
    • 514 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIAJND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shane of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,600.000 Kesorve.Liability of Proprietors... £1,300,000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooonts are opened and interest allowed at 1
      514 words
    • 564 10 BJWKIWO. THE BZE HM TONS BANKING AND INSURANCE 01. LTD. NO. 67 AND 68, KLINO STREET. Established 1007. Capital paid op •1,000,000.00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1 000.C00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Ta* Tbox Joon 6. Sm Kia Jan Nam Km Sbno 7. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. Luc Chu Hbno a
      564 words
    • 1110 10 SALES BY AUCTIOHs PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF Java Teak and Europe-Made Household Furniture, Etc., THB PROPBRTY OF O. BCHUDBL, BSQ., To be held at Itanmor*, Grange Road, Tanglin, OM HA.TUKDAV, MARCH 11. Handsome drawing rocm, dining room ai.d bedroom furniture of tbo best description. Excellent Cottage Piaso by Barhals
      1,110 words

  • 1065 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Mad Nuisance. On tbe day that mechanical traction in' alone the hauling agent in London, then shall we have no mnd in the stroete and thoroughfares, says a writer in a London paper For, if it were not for the
    1,065 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 511 11 WOLSELEY CARS FORMERLY KNOWN AS BIDOELEY AUTOCARS Sole Agents Penang, F.M.S. and Sumatra. CENTRAL SSSa SILENT KNIGHT ROVERS Arriving Shortly 8 II I., Single cylinder, four seated Cars. V 2 H.P., Two-cylinder five Beatod Cars. In Stock i 20 H.P., 6-cylindor, seven-Bested, STANDARD," painted Black. 15 H.P., 4-eylin.l.jr, five seated,
      511 words
    • 73 11 A PELtABLE REM DV. Yod are not experimenting on yourself when you tako Chamberlains Cough Remedy fur a cold as that preparation has won its great reputation and extensive nalo by ita remarkable cures of colds, and can always bo depended upon. It is equally valuable for adultH and cliililrvu
      73 words
    • 584 11 PHILLIPS' aa> B. D. V. AND Pinnanco TOBACCO. IN CARTRIDGES Packed in Jib. air-tight tins. Price 35 cents per tin. OBTAINABLE OF K'OBiisrsonsr-A.^TX) co. »i ia-a TESTED AND RELIABLE DISINFECTANTS. Whalley's Concentrated Sanitary I Fluid. A 8 BUPPUED TO THE l|ssc*TwSS MO THE CORPORATION ROYAL HOUSEHOLDS g jj OF THE
      584 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 944 12 AN INDIAN PATENT STONE Floor is More Durable than Granite Blocks. IT CAN WITHSTAND THE STRAIN OF HEAVY IMPACT AND REPEL THE DESTRUCTIVE ACTION OF WATER. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., WANTS. CLERK WINTEO. Wanted, Clerk, Chinese or Eurasian, for a Robber Eitate.' >n Britit-h North B. roro Must be an
      944 words
    • 591 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD, SUBURBAN RESICENCE FOR BALE. Offers aw> invited for freehold residential prvpt-ity. 27, Sjed Ali ftoad. Area 49,ooo ■Hjuare- fee. Two-storey substantial bonse 'tabling trait two tet nvs courts, t to. Can b< iospeoted at any time. Owner leaving Ojlony OFFICE ft 60DOWN TO BE LET.
      591 words
    • 597 12 NOTICES, FRABER AND NEAVE. LIMITED. NOTICE. Until farther notice, Mr. William C. Pbipps will sign Aoting Secretary for the firm. By Order of the Board, ALBXR. PROCTOR, Secretary. Singapore, February 7, 1911. 7-3 n.j GUNEALY PLANTATIONS. LTD NOTICE OF CLOBIN6 OF TRANSFER B3OKS. Notice is here by given that tbe
      597 words
    • 531 12 NOTICES. KIAWI KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, ■mraiSßt and Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 431. 108 109, Market Street. KEHPAB. LIKITEO NOTICE IS BBRBBY GIVEN, tbat all Shares standing in Mr. E. G. Cropley's name in tbe Books of the above Company are net at present transferable. By Order of tbe Board, BIME,
      531 words
    • 324 12 NOW CHOOSE Bechstoin Pianos Brin.mead Pianos) Stein way Pianos Baohals Pianos Collard Pianos Broadwood, Whit* Pianos Kriebel Pianos Russell Pianos Winkelinann Pianos Krauit Pianos Haake Pianos Strohmonjer Pianos Lohmann Pianos THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. Rachals' Auto-Player Pianos Allison Auto-Player Pianos Manual Auto-Player Pianos Brinamead Angelus. We WANT to SEND
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 242 12 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description are inn rt ed at the prepaid rate of II por four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not fiTcsoding four lines, II eaoh insertion For p.p.o. cards, on page 6, IS. Ikcb Scalb Katbs
      242 words