The Straits Times, 8 February 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.484 SINGAPORE. WEDNESD4Y. FEBRUARY 8. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 801 2 HER BEQUEST TO ADMIR4L SIR HEUWORTH UMBTON. A Missing Portrait. Lady Man, by hat will dated January 25, 1010, gave Vici;- Admiral Sir Hodworth Lambton a legacy of i-j.OOO ami the residue of the rotate. Ho, The Times says, thus becomes poHseasoi- of the historic residence, Theobalds
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 153 2 Kepler 5 Jg Solution I MuK.e-1 Fat, Flesh. "Bone and Muscle I '.'\jr^ Kepler' Solution is a food not *&Jm,'\ I ypirC a medicine. 3sm v^k^ The food that strengthens the %/ib ■^v weak and fattens the wasted. Wft The food that enriches the blood >0| and fortifies the constitution.
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    • 106 2 A Rl LIABLE REM DY. Yon arc Dot experii.ienting on yourself when you take ('haiibeilain's Cough He mody for a cold as tliat preparation has won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remarkable cures of colds, and can always be depended u|x>n. It is equally valuable for adults
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    • 340 2 A Prcraa ttmmrir tar all Nrrvt J^k J WAH HENS CO. Photogr«aphlo Stores, DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING AMATEURS' WORK. Plates, Papers, Films, Chemicals, Cameras, Lenses, and General Photographic Materials Frames of every variety made to order. No. 95, North Bridge Rd., Opposite Adelphi Hotel. 884 m Ideal) m FouiitgiWPen Ml A
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    • 355 2 r Lemco -v and Milk. Weak, backward children, careworn men and women, become stiong, healthy and vigorous, on a daily glass of health-giving LEMCO and MILK. f 3S 1 The rich beef goorinea No presCTvathret, no of LEMCO in Milk it K^^Sl flavouring in LEMCO, wonderfully strength- IFFISSy °o'y P
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  • 697 3 COLONIAL TRADE HANDICAPPED IN LONDON. Suggested Imperial Grant TlU' Kvrniiif- Standard that Htrung NSMMMmMmbI arc to bs umdr to the Port Autliorit^ in an endearonr ti> nhtaia increased ami improved faoilitii R r li.i lulling Colonial impurtß at the I»n>l..n Doeka, Sir John T»v<-ncr, the AgontCi»-nernl for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 837 3 PAIN J\ 3^ BummUm, Chrotrir ><V_VTN M > iMWtbago. BruachitU, lvi<£lJ\ U h HurtThroal Bprai,r, Yjt -A- 1\ -z fe, l 'l^vV^* t'tt^fc.te^) •>"* treated by uaiog /X.-r^T^^-^^S^-/ ELLIMAN-S mccTdint to I hgg^VF^^EMls^* tie im/Tmation tiven in the '\fr\"\ J7\ 11 EUimaa R.E.P. booklet 96 pages, (illustrated) which is if/
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    • 87 3 osSOFTas^B HLandSHOOTH VELVETijH ffl«s* HITE GRANT CO., Auctioneers, Accountants, Estate Agents A Secretaries. LOANS AND MDRT6AGES ARRANGE D Rubber Exohanga Telephone Building*. No. 444. ***** Japanese Dentist, 74. BRASJABAH ROAD. Dr. K. Tsatada is tbe only Japanese Dentint in the town with whom you can consult direct eitber in Bni{iish
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    • 752 3 FACE AND NECK iSSOFIIPLES Was Almost Too Bad to Describe. Dreaded to Wash Because of Pain. Spent Pounds on Treatments which Failed to Cure. After 5 Long Years T.ried Cuticura Ointment andJoap^They Cured Him. •VI waa in In.' hahir of going to rikM« •'"T week until at last a -mall
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    • 329 3 k B -J i I MILK ll ..FOOD. b^m 9 W \^j]\ Those who naa HESTLE'S FOOD for Infants and Convalescents placa their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of S3 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 621 4 STEAMER SAILIN63. P.ITO. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EQYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Tbronsh Bills ot Lading iaaued for China Coast, Persian Oalf, Coatiuental, and Amerioaa Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1811 Asstye Apl 7
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    • 549 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortniithtly service is maintained be tween Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been Rpeoially designed and constraoted, and are
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    • 646 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. MM TOYO KiSEN KAISHA. The two great steamship lines between CHINA, JAPAN and KU ROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, opeiatiog th» new 14,000 tone, twin screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steam, rs CHIN a AHIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURU
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    • 290 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Canadian Pacific Railway Co B Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWaYTO EUROPE Via Cbina, Japan, Canada and the United States. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nugaoaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vancouver. B.M.S. Empress of India" Twin sorew EM 8. "Empress of Japan" n
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    • 583 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The staatners of this Company maintain a regular service between Hambara, Bremen, Diwerp, and Rotterdam, and tho Strtiti, I bina aud Japan Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly 'or Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penaag aud Colombo Taking
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    • 693 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fact and well known mail steamer* ot this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibralttr, Uenoa, Napes (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice >era) P rt Said, Suez, Aden. Colombo, Penang, Singapjre, HoDg<ong,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 628 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINASTEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. T« fteamart o( this Company maintain! a regular direct nervice between Calcu t», StraiU Hongkong Hhiingb»i and Japan, 'akinu cargo, on throngh Bills Lading (or Canon, Rwatow, Amoy, Cli. f.Ki, TienUin, Newchw-n* YaogUze Purts, Formosa, the Philippines, eto eto. Ststmm ia Tons Commander Kdthano
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    • 373 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS. FOR HONGKONG. AMOY AND SWATOW. B.S. SKAN3 888, due February 0. FOR PENANG AND RAN6OON. ss. GLENOQLE, doe February 20. j These steameis have excellent aooom 1 modation for pas-wngers, and cany qualified .urgeocs. They bave Bleotrio Lights through int. For freight or passage,
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    • 160 5 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA S. N. CO. LTD. FOR PENANG, RANGOON AND CALCUTTA. S.S. DILW ABA, 6.441 tons, C. B. Hodgson, Commander, will be despatched (or the above ports on Thun-day, the Oth instant, at 6 p m. She haa excellent aooommodation for saloon passengers amidships, musio room, smoking room,
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    • 364 5 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO., LTD. Portland Cement. In OMkB ol 875 lbs. net Drain Pipes, »nj shape In Bag! ol 260 lbs. net Gntterway Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Paving Tiles Paving Bricks Prioee, samples aad Ml partioulars will be (orwardod on application to Agent W. A. STOP
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 297 6 THE STRAITS TIMES Oan be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little a Co.. Ltd. Mesrrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffie« Hatrl. Adelphi Hotel. Hotel de I'Barope. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford Road. Messrs. Koh Co.. DO. Bras basab Read The "Golden Fountain." Bonoooum bu> et. The Refreshment
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    • 319 6 ASAHI m BEER BeSt mnd cheapest. t^m M W I j Wbolesale only from IWM ijfllsK Plie Mitsui Bnssan Kaisha,L(l, jflA pELESTINS VICHY TABLE WATERS. VICHY MINERAL WATERS of wide world renown are known (or their good enr i'.iv> qualities, bat it is not generally known tbat oot of all
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    • 333 6 w\uvV v .iVcj- .•vi^,,^ i cr as y° u want No jjgygpP*^ more convenient more hygienic than the ordinary tin. No taking off the lid and spilling the powder— no dipping your brush in the tin and wetting and contaminating the whole contents. And it costs no more than you
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    • 294 6 IKELLY AMD WALSH, LIMLTED.I NEW NOVELS. "Self The Other" BY VICTORIA CROSS It if> iirposaible to give a d soriptioo of this book, the greatest ttnuu Victoria Croos has done. No Hyoopnix can in a f«w woids rtnrier tbe btwrtrendinu trag-dy of it. Ii is a reeoid torn Btraivbt from
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  • 180 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday. February 8. Hi*ri Water, 4.1S a.m.. 0.18 pm. Tbe F.Jliox. Victoria Theatre. Thursday, February 9. High Wa'er, t.H a m 8.7 p m. P aori O. bomnwani mtil duo. Tbe Follit s, Viotorit Theatre. Friday. February 10. Higa Water, S 8 1 a.m., 9.18 a.m.
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  • 154 7 Today. Malarcv Port Swettenbam and Taluk Aoson K<nta 8 p.ja. hi Calyp«o 8 p.m. Ht'ii I'iliat Aing Hin S p.ui B«tavia, Cheribon aod Smi.arsng Gisng Ann 4 p.m Tomorrow. Penanp. Ma'soca, F.M S. iHy train) 7 am. Siant.n aud N«tuoa Is. I'.mW llio 9 a.m. fin <>i
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  • 139 7 The P and O. homeward mail s*o*mer Delhi having left Hoogkouit at 1 p.m. on Sfu-cUv. the 4th instant, may be rxoectid to active here at 8 a.m. on Thursday, tbe Stli in tiiot. The P. and O ontwtrd mail «'c»mer A<sa<c having let Co'ombo at midnight
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  • 299 7 Latest Arrivals Amb'io, Oer. «tr 82 <8 tons. Captain Feldt mann, Feb 7. From Hamburg, Do 31 Gc. Behn M. yer Co. F. r M«nila, Feb W. Camphny, D it. str. 3776 tons, Ctntsin Moult ii. inn. K.-b 7. From Batavia, Feb 4 G.c. and p. The Slips
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  • 61 7 Yon all i ttve wen, I bavn no doobt, How ninny p« o| la go about Will puffed up tje* and Dma red, A li »vy fet lint; in trie head Tim wonrlion* nmrg.- to m that these Hirii'il U' 1 1 ndiavonr to apt cisc Tl»-f Mb, winch tl»
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  • 116 7 Vessels at Tanj ong Pagar and Keppel harbour. Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TtNJOXO PAGAR East WimtK Ravin —Ktitntan, Fl->ric»n. Kast <V. Section No I lodraomyo, Haip long, Dilw»r<. Shkkrh Wharf— riamphny-, < Vnndrr P*rrs) Main W. fcucT No 2— URl.tnirg Ambna. B—Vcirwacit8 Vcirwacit 4— Redaog. Wotan.
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  • 150 7 Arrivals Per s'camer Puc^tipok, F«brua»y 6.From lUi «k k Mr. W. Aclain- Or»m. Per utran c Nm-n Tu-g, Fe^r-ary 8 F>om Binefcok Sr K.h.n P* K et. Mis- B. M cr.. y. Mr. F. Kulka, N*i Turn, N*i Chii aDti Hu Chin 'I nog. Per ste*m* r
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  • 246 7 Finance Commerce. SmoAPOBE Khbhuary 8, 1(11. EXCHANGE. Oil London -Bank 4 ai/a 2, 4| Demand 8/4 ft P<irate6ir/8 2/4 {i do 8m/i 2/41 On Girmany— Bank d/d 340 Private 8 m/t 344 do Id/i !46t On Francs Bank a/d 29ft Private 8 n>/« 2WJ do 6 m/s 80t>i On India
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    • 186 7 luoe !2 Value Bayers. Seller*. £1 £1 KUiwsn Tin lv 60 11.00 £1 £L RxmbaUn 900 £1 £> RiabAaKt Oald 2SO 365 £1 £1 K dhiUTin 260 400 S 6 It yal Jobore 1 26 10 10 Stlak Sjnth 8 00 £1 £l SuDpaa Tin 126 160 10 10
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    • 641 7 [woe rH Value Bayers. Sel'era. £1 jCI Soromban 450 410 0 £1 £H Sbelford 810 0 817S £1 IV Sialan« 1.00 1.60 pm th 2/ SiDKaporr Pir» 4/6 (</ i\- 2/ Straite (Bertem) 7,4| 8 8 V- 2/ Sumatra Para 10 V 11 lO| £1 £1 Sungei Cboh 4
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    • 129 7 I«ane !S Vtlne Bayer*. 10 10 Eastern Smelting 10 7 615 XI 41 Eleotrio Trtmvtjn H/8 10 10 FrMer Neave 81.00 li 0 liowartU B"<kine 100 1% Pro*. 90 00 100 100 KiU Bra. D f. 100 100 Cam Pref. 10 10 Mayoard Co. 24 SO Seller* Dom 1000
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    • 52 7 Bayers Seller* How»rth Enkioe 8% 1600,000 p»r Riley, iUnireaves 6% 1281,000 2J 8j pm Singapore E t-ctno Tr.ii. ways 6% 480,000 Spore Manicip»l 6% 1,878 CO] Dom. Bayer* Bellera sp ore Municipal of 1007 »1,600,C00 7%pm S pure Mnoiciptl 4J% of W)9 t1.000,000 1% B%pm S pore HuDieipftl 4%
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 529 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Feb. It— Al thn Central Po'ire Station. Soii-Ii B!", unserviceable poiic store*, etc »t 2. h 14— At Hilero-m, Tilntbla lan'. »rH ■mwroi lir <perty.knowna»Th Str i St> am Sawmill, xitiiate at Killang R vor, Kiu>pong H ivi-, at V.BP. Frb. 21— Vt
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    • 578 7 Bouton Rouge ij^ !i cca 2r JOHN LITTLE E yP an Cltf re e8 ROB NBON ft co, lto, gsjop &BSgti2es£ezzgx£is wd go. I. 1 TON li.'l OK uMa m k nd Ff Ll I htfrpUan Cl«ar.tlM ar. of (jrrf.^l quluy but l.iiir milder. MARTIN'S ff jrfi^aJ a rr»neh F.m.dy
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    • 595 7 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. NOTICE OF MFETING OF V* BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES The Meeting of tbe LieeqFiog Justices for tbe quarter oommfneing April Ist, 1011, will be held in tbe Firat Maci^trate's Court at 2.80 pm, on Tuesday, tbe 21 4t Mirch, 1011. Applicants for transfers, renewals or new licenots, snd
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    • 48 7 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumental Masons ESTABLISHED 1881. JUST RECEIVED I New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monnments ol every description. RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the colony. With Plumes in nse. TKLBPHONB NO. 717. NO. 187. ORCHARD ROAD
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  • 1145 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. THIRTY THOUSAND MISSING. There is only one question possible in reference to the report just issued with reference to the Mergui Rubber Company. The total area possessad by that company is 450 acres in four small estates, and a careful census made by the
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  • 14 8 Mr. Huntley Wright, tho well-known actor, has been granted a divorce from his wifo.
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  • 17 8 Batn Paliat and Singgora are declared infected owing to tho existence there respectively of smallpox and cholera.
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  • 24 8 It is reported in Penang, that cholera has broken out in Kcdoh and that the authorities aro working ban] to stamp out tho disease
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  • 25 8 It is stated in tho Kuala Lum; nr papar that many small blocks of land planted up with rubber in Kuala Kanguar aro fir solo.
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  • 24 8 According to a Washington telegram, dated January 80, the millionaire Edward McLean has bought the Hope Diamond from Cartier Brothers, of Paris, for .£6,000.
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  • 29 8 It is understood that the Porte is making overtures to the Powers, notably Great Britain, France, and Italy, to co-operate in the suppression of smuggling In the tied Sea.
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  • 34 8 The Chinese Ccinsul General and Bishop Oldham will address the Chin Bu Sien Sia, Anti-Opium Society, Middle Road, on Tuck day next at 8 p.m. Tho speaking will be in both English and Chinese.
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  • 36 8 The aviator, McCnrdy, set out on an aeroplane to tly from Key West (Florida) to Havana (Cuba). The aeroplane was titled with pontoons. Ten miles from Havana Mr. McCurdy fell into the sea, but was saved.
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  • 38 8 Sir John Jackson has reccirod tin- contract for the construction of a great dam on the UiniliK (Hitia) branch of the Euphrates. The work mil cost several millions and will permit of the irrigation of an enormous area.
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  • 33 8 A meeting of anarchists at New York denounced me Japanese executions. Two thousand marched to Uroadway, intending to attack the Japanse Consulate but the police broke up the procession aud arrested the ringleaders.
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  • 38 8 In Ceiam, Moluccas, several British capitalists who have money in pearl-fisheries, have secured a big piece of laud on which they intend to plant coffee. The seeds will bj brought from Java, and the machinery has beeu ordered.
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  • 42 8 The prospectus of the company to deal with the important deposits of famous soda at Lake Magadi in East Africa, has boeu issued. The concern is capitalised at £1,812,500. Mr. Samuel Samuel is the chairman, and Messrs. Walter Samuel and Reyersbach directors.
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  • 46 8 The Dutch Government has taken up the question of military flying in Java. An officer of the Netherlands india am y has been despatched to France to learn how to My. The army in Holland lias, says the Java Bode, already been supplied with m'litary aviators.
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  • 41 8 Lord Claud Hamilton, presiding at a meeting of the Great Eastern Railway, said the Admiralty was considering making Harwich a strong naval base under che command of a Roar-admiral. It was expected that nine thousand blue-jackets would shortly be stationed there.
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  • 50 8 The India Office has concluded a contract with the Marconi Company for the erection of wireless stations at Calcutta, Delhi, Allahabad and Simla, primarily for military and other Government purposes. It is hoped that work will be completed in time for the Durbar. The total cost will be i.
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  • 47 8 Paris statisticians figure that about 556 millions of francs of French capital are invested in various enterprises in Indo-Chiua. The amount of foreign capital sunk there is put at about 122 millions, mostly furnished by Chinese at Singapore and Hongkong, and ehieriy invested in advances to cultivators.
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  • 56 8 The Nairobi (East Africa) correspondent of the African World states that Mr. Qwjr, e\ manager of tlu rauginyiki concessions and brother to Sir Edwanl Grey, was MMtsiy mauled by a liou while liuutiug ou the Atln river on January 2t). He was worried like a rit and was rosju.' l
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  • 60 8 The P. and U. Sunda and the ltluc funnel liucr Antenor took away froiu Port Swettculuun last week between th.'in about 4.:!<K> cases of rubber for < 'olombo anil European ports. There were also shipped about 900 oags of copra. This, tho Malay Mail is told, is a record shipment
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  • 62 8 The Sumatra Post notes that Belawan, the chief port of Deli, presents a scene of unusual activity at this time of year. Heavy shipments of tobacco, considerable importations of goods for tho China New Year seas m. md the enormous inflow of materials and for estates, keep business at high
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  • 69 8 At Sourabaya, says the Batavia Nieuws .an den Dag, the sugar market has been dull .or months aud the outlook is dark, what with a bumper beet sugar output in Europe, and a resulting fall in quotations for tho Java commodity. JJuyers at Calcutta and other ports in India are
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  • 63 8 The twenty-first edition of Pathos Animttcd Gazette to be shown at the Alhambra to-night, includes the funeral of the police killed in the Houndsditch affray, scenes in the Bolton pit diaster and other interesting items. A large number of new subjects will .tlso figure in the programme. At the .tlarlborough
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  • 69 8 In the course of the next few days, the management of the Hariina Hall will scrocn film of absorbing interest inasmuch as it will depict the course of events in connection with the recent revolution in Portugal. Meanwhile, patrons of thecinemato^raph exhibition *ro being entertained with a series of fine
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  • 87 8 Some time ago tho Japanese Department of ComuiuuicatijnH organized a committee for tho purpose of investigating and reporting upon the condition of the maritime carrying trade in Far Eastern waters. It is now Mtated tint tho committee has completed its labours and that the gist of its recoiimit'inla ..ions are
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  • 361 8 Mr. R. I'eirce, we are glad to bo able to state, is doing well. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Chappel are duo in Penang by the P. and O. mail steamer arriving there on tho 22nd inst. Mr. A. Proctor, secretary, of Messrs. K rawer and Neave,
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  • 25 8 At an auction sale conducted by Mr. S. Toiuliiisoii in the Rubber Exchange buildings, yesterday, 100 New Serendahs were sold at $1.90.
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  • 50 8 Mrs. Stcphenson has kindly promised to open tbe local Branch of the U. F. S. tomorrow, Thursday, at Mf p.m. at tho Old Maternity Hospital, Victoria Street. It is hop. I th it all I id ii v iuU'ii'stcil in tho work wid endjavour to be present.
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  • 77 8 The first discovery of a farged certificate and transfer for I.IXM Nyalas sh.uvs has been quickly followed liy kfaa revelation ot more of the same Another certificate, also for 1,0(10 shan s, which hod boeu passed off on a I him s buyer, has been found to
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  • 93 8 The following Sin<{:iporc properties wcro disposed of by auction at M ssrs. Powell and CVs saloroom ye-.ter.lay afternoon —Shop house No. 13, Hollow. iy Lane, 1,1">1 s<|. ft., i'-i.i yens' lease, quit rent SI, monthly rent »l.j. S. N. S. Ruiusaiiiy Chetty »l,. r >oo. Shop house No.
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  • 108 8 At the first annual general meeting of tho Indragiri (Sumatra) Rubber aud (iuttapercha Co., held today, Mr. van Rijnber^ presided. The chairman reported that the progress had not been all that could be desired and it hail not boon found possible to obtain tho output anticipated. He
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  • 177 8 As pantomime itself isa burlesque, one cannot see at first how it can be lmi-1, -.i|iml in tuin H Hounds rather like trying to squat o the number one. But th»' nonius of Tho Follies discovered how to <lo it. They havo burlesqued Pantomime, uot any particular member
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 337 8 RONEO If you are in need of any devices or systems to increase the efficiency of, or effect economy in your Office work, it is in your own interest to get in touch with Roneo, Limited. You can get nothing more up-to-date, or better suited for your purpose in London
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    • 180 8 THE LATEST TOPICS lAT HOME AND ABROAD) Science Nature, Art Humour ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT. 7 NEW AND NOVELTIES HIGH CLM9S j Second Show, 080 to 11p.m. NEW ISSUE— EVERY WEDNESDAY OF Pathe'B Animated Gazette, 31st Ediiion. owe of coiiiuught's trnnM." the HOUNDSOITCH kff RAY RECORD OCEAN RACE." CONTIdEMTAL WIRIER SCENES. "FAMOUS
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    • 13 8 Latest advertisement* of tbe day appear on page 7 as well as 10.
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  • 106 9 STATEMENT ABOUT JAPANESE TARIFFS. Mr. Asqnith Content With His Majority. Rbutkk's Tklkgram. London, February 7. In the Hooso of Lords, Lord Crewe stated that ho wan unable to discuwt the Japanese negotiations, which were still proceeding. He wan certain, however, Unit though the matter must be difficult, our
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  • 60 9 DEATH OF WOUNDED FINANCE MINISTER. Dangerous Anti-Foreign Feeling Aroused. Kfitkk's Telegram. London, February 8. A Teheran message says that the Finance Minister, Sanicd bowlch, has died of his wounds. The palace police have captured both the asx-is-iiiis, who arc Russian subjects, aud tho Russian Legation lias demanded their
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  • 20 9 Redtf.r's Telboram. Londou. February 8. Tin- increases of January imports in £6,7H5,087 sterling and of exports X~2.927.716.
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  • 37 9 Berlin, February 7. Baron Von Aehrcntlial. speaking in the Hungarian Delegation, said that AustriaHungary would follow out a pro^i-amms of peaceful development. He hoped for very friendly relations with Turkey, the Balkan States and Servia.
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  • 26 9 Orb Ostasiatischk Lloyd Tklkorax. Berlin. February 7. It is stisjv.^tol that the fire at the Torxwas the- work of an incendiary.
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  • 34 9 Df.k Omtahiatisciib Lloyd Telegram. Berlin. February 7. T'i I i ii i. in. |ns, I a bill for the intrcxlii :Uoii of rlcniriilary education in Russia on a yrivitly cxti'iidcl Hcale.
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  • 43 9 (Kkiih a Malmia C'obrksposdknt.) Malacca, February H. I n f urn uit n m has been received by Malacca Rubber I'lantatious, UmUtA, that tho price of fine Para in London yi-sU-ntay was 6,2 pur lb., values 'I'lii- market clowxl Htcady.
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  • 172 9 ■mm, Charles Benjamin and Co. kindly favour M with the London prices they have reoived this morning Quotations. Mimiik Minm.c Allaf-art 4/9 Lanadrousp.p. ASJOJp. An»lo Malays 21 9 LaAorjl p.p. 85/AiilJo .la van 13/6 Linyyis 4.VAnjjlo .lnhorcK KH1 London Asiatics 18/6 Aljpo
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  • 71 9 There h»K just been pi e.inl in the National Portrait Gallery a picture by an unknown Dutch artist of '.led'rev Hudson i MIV-8S), the famous dwarf of H 'in lelta Maria Tfcepfotnrc slums him to h ali >ut 2ft. 4m. Udh a' the age of eight, thin disixisiii!' of the
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  • 635 9 Allegation of Attempting to Cheat' Dutch Bank. Three Chinamen appeared before Mr. Firmstone, first magistrate, yesterday afternoon, in connection with an alleged attempt to pans a forged cbeqne on the Netherlands India Commercial Hank. The first accused, Ong Han Seng, was charged, firstly, with attempting to cheat
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  • 201 9 Secretary of State Addresses the Governor of Hongkong. The followiug despatch from the Secretary of State to the Officer Administering the Government of Hongkong is published in that colony's official Gazette Sir. I have the honour to inform you that my attention has been called to
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  • 223 9 Kclatitau has boon, or shortly will b-.\ provid'jd with special stamp, says a philatelic writer iv the Telegraph. L'p to now it has baja persistently stated that only Trengganu was to have distinctive stamps, Kclantan aud focWl using the stamps of the postal administration of the
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  • 1042 9 GOVERNMENTS PROGRAMME OF LEGISLATION. Important Session Expected. In connection with the opening of Parliament on Monday and the indications of forthcoming legislation given in the King's speech, the following forecast of the Government's programme is of timely interest. It is published in the Daily Telegraph, which paper
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  • 1352 9 DEVASTATION 1 COMPLETE AND AWE-INSPIRING. Death Roll May Exceed Five Hundred. Papers to hand from Manila contain foil details of the disaster wrought in the Philip- pine archipelago Hy the eruption of Taal vol- cano, which, it is recorded in the local Times, went np in a
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  • 507 9 Sir Victor Horsley Criticises Results of Galtun Researches. A discussion on the influence of parental alcoholism ou the physique and ability of o'l spring was opened by Dr. Thoe. B. Hyslop at a recent meeting of the Society for tin Study of I nebriety. Dr. Hyslop said
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  • 279 9 Messrs. Howarth Erskine, Limited, an issuing a iif\v catalogue which deals for tin most part with specialities in rubber estate machinery. It is a handsome list, profusely ami ■MMthf illustrated in a inaunrr tlia' is most helpful in forming an opinion as tc th character of
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  • 72 9 Tambalak Estate.— l,l7o lbs. A lor Oajah Estate— 74'z lbs. Taiping Itubbcr Plantation, Ltd. (London) —3,930 Ida. Bukit Mcrtaiam Hubbcr Co., Ltd 851 lbs. Bukit Kajang Rubbor Estates, Ltd.— 7,4o*. lbs. The total quwtity collected for the firs seven months of tho company's financii year is 46,6)2
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  • 128 9 SEVEN THOUSAND FATAL CASES RECORDED. Proposal to Burn Fudriadian. Rbdteb's Telegram. London, February 7. A Tokio telegram lays that Japanese officials are leaving to investigate the plague, and the Government is granting a million yen to fight the epidemic. In response to a circular of the Chinese
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  • 51 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, February 7. Commander Kraft, of tho German flagship Scharuhorst, has attended at Government House and tendered to the Governor, Sir Frederick Lugard, the thanks of tho Kaiser for the Colony's expression of sympathy on the occasion of the death of Admiral
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  • 275 9 Representatives of Large New York Company in Ceylon. Mi. J. W. Hickncll. of tin- General Rubber Company of New York, which is a subsidiary coin|iany looking afU'r the crude interests of the United States Itunbti Company, is among the visitors to Ceylon, says the Times of that city.
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  • 326 9 i K ii m Our Own UoMMTWnan.) Malacca, February 7. A large and repn sensitive misting of the I'lantors" Association m In-lit in the Club on Sunday. The Hon. \V. Ullins was in the chair, and after paariag tin- accoiiutti for Iks yenr the following offloe baWOT anil
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  • 133 9 On February '2. in the International Court, iangkok, the counter actions brought by th> iornoo Co., Ltd., the owners of tho steam iyht'-r Cormorant, and Messrs. Joo Seng 'han. the ownore of the steamer Singapore, tach claiming damages ax the result of a ■ollision in the Monam, which occurred in
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  • 461 10 Instructive Figures of the Position Of the Craft. Tho Daily Telegraph, in some notes upon Freemasonry, xtatca that the number of lodgM working under the varioun District Grand Lodges are: Queensland 81, Bengal 75. TranBvaal M, South Africa (East) 48, Koinbay 84, Natal HI, Madras 26, Punjab 26, South
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  • 293 10 Notes in General Play in the American tournament at the iulies' Lawn Tennis Club commences on lonriay. 'hi' 2Hth inst., the entries closing on the purism Friday, the 17th inst. Much Ui the regret of sportsmen in Shanghai the iaterport Itiigby football nmteh ■MMgsJ with TieoMa to
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  • 109 10 Th.' Hum si|>|KNl his soup, made v grimaco, and U'lkoiicd totlio waiter. "Look here!" he grumbled, otdsasd turtle soup." Well, sir. .nijnirol the waiter. "WYII," MtMMd the dmrr, there isn't iM it morsel of tint 1>- flavour in this The waiter drew himself up. "Of course
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  • Correspondence.
    • 85 10 To the Editor of the Straits Tirnos. Sir, -I am surprise*! to see the police allow cracker* to be thrown at passersby at the corner of Amoy Street and Telok Ayer Street, by a company of bad-characters every night. These crackers may lead to serious consequences for
      85 words
  • 216 10 To the Editor of the Straits Timos. Sir, The shareholders of the Honourable Company of Adventurers will learn with the profoundeat satisfaction from the circular just issued by their directors that only 81,500 of tluir 66,(100 trees died or were misappropriated during the first nix
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  • 476 10 Osdkbi by Mu»k E. C. Ellis. Acting Commandant, S. V. C. Singapore. February 7, 1911. 8. v. c. Chun fa V»r lift 1 Thrc will be a Church Parade for all units at St. Andrew's Cathedral, on Sunday. '20th iust. S. K. A. Shoots II Short
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  • 757 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 8, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations tliis morning: Norn. Value. Bayers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 4/6 6/8 2/- Options 1/10} 2/6 £1 Anglo-Java 8/6 9/0 1 Anglo- Johore 11/6
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 58 10 JBSOLUTelY S.FE Whin you have a cold got a bottlo of tlmiiilKilainH OMMJh ltrinody. It will MM tix you up all n^'lit ami will ward off any tendency toward pniumouia. This n-imidy contain* m<> opmni or other narcotic aud may be gilM as conlidt-uily to a baby aH to au
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      12 words
    • 13 10 For all internal complaint*. Dysentery Coughs, Colds, eta, take WoooV Great Peiperiuini Core
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    • 399 10 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps Jfc WILL REDUCE YOUR /|p^ ELECTRIC LIGHT BILL. /fflPv rt ||j Mmw Stocks. /ED 3 EI isHwC&ftlrrn T3T7"r&TTr"T7'n WH i 3 flPnf ri XL \J \J \j Cv D I •ajifc Ml*? V nofH -J? PRICES \f 50LE AOENTSi ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. """ST""* Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. LATEST
      399 words
    • 228 10 Raffles .Hi, Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, February 11. By kind permission of Col. Bayard, D.5.0., and Officers, the band of The Buffs will play during dinner and afterwards on The Lawn. SELECT SUBJECTS MARLBOROOGH CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD, TONIGHT. Snd Show, 930 to II p.m. 1. Views of Singapore. 2.
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    • 182 10 GODOWNS TO LET No. 5, Palmer Godowns. Area 9,9(0 tqnara leer Immediate entry No. 7. Merbau Road. Near PnUn 8*i(?oo Brides, t Boors Oronod •rsa 4,191 iqnara feat. Immedmie entry. Apply to FRASER A CDMMINO, M. Wioflbsrtar Honss. THE SANDAKAN HOTEL, Thorongbly renovated and repaired, situattd in a prominent position
      182 words

  • 2433 11 RECEIPTS FROM THE SALE OF RUBBER SHIPMENTS. Mr. Noel Trotter's Speech Tho first annuai general meeting of the Chersonese (K.M.S.) testates, Limited, was lit-l<l on January 10, at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, K. C, Mr. Noel Trotter (chairman of the company) presiding. The Cltniriuan said
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  • 930 11 THE RUBBER INDUSTRY DURING LAST YEAR. Questions of Management. In the course of a review of Malayan trade daring 1910, the Singapore correspondent of the London Times otfers several observations upon the local rubber industry. He says Doubt exist* whether it should be said that the year
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  • 139 11 Chatting to a representative of the DailyMail, and referring to his lecture at the Institution, Professor Silvanus Thompson said Children arc always children, and they haven't changed in the twelveyears since I last gave these lectures. 1 don't try merely to teach but to amuse and interest thorn. But
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  • 2326 11 IS THE AMERICAN MOTOR BOOM REALLY DEAD? A Urge and Increasing Demand. Since the publication in The Financier of my recent article anent the manifold uses to wbich rubber is now put (writes It. W. Cater in that journal), I have been jocularly reminded by City friends of
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  • 944 11 NOTES ON NUTTERS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Exhibition Arrangements. Para and Coara rubber, as well as rubber vines, are reported to exist in large quantities in the Bah-el Jebel district in the Soudan, and if a through means of communication could be opened up, it is contended that Soudan
    944 words
  • 63 11 The King liax given his patronagi to this year's MM Exhibition in London and the president is Sir linn A. Blake. All tlio countries producing rubber wi!! be NBM sent ed, and tho various Governments interested have ills,, nominated aMagBBBi to attend a scries of conferences between planter*, Hc:ii'iitists, chemists
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  • 1120 12 HOW PRFD'CHONS FOR LAST YEARWER6 FALSIFIED. Question of Future Supplies. The wide fluctuations of the rubber market form tin- subject of an article in the Times financial and commercial supplement to hand by last mail. The article is reproduced bolow Wlii'ii the price of rubber in 1909
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  • 605 12 The Estates Undoubtedly A Magnificent Properly. The following are extracts from a letter addressed to the secretaries of the Highlands and Lowlands Para Rubber Company, Limited, by Mr. K. A. Baxter, a former xhareholder in the company, who has made a tour through Malaya: On October 10,
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  • 245 12 Mr. J. Howard Ford, a director of the United States Rubber Company, one of the largest cor|«irations in the world had some interesting things to say in an interview with a representative of the Evening Standard concerning the future of rubber. Mr. Ford won l<l not
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  • 136 12 This company was registered on January 3. by Radcliffe, Cator and Hood, 20, Craven Street. Charing Cross, W. C. Capital £40,000, iv L'l shares. Objects To carry on the business of tea aud rubber planters, cultivators ut tea, coffee, cinchona, rubber and other produce, etc.; to
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  • 107 12 A Berlin paper refers to a German patented invention for an artificial rubber. It relates to the employment of the oil of the Soya bean for the production of a substitute for rubber. The inventors claim that the oil by the use of nitric acid is transformed
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  • 991 12 INTERESTING^ COVIP.RISON OF ACTUAL FIGURES The Serangoon Issue The following rubber notes, by G. V. W., are taken from The Financial News of January 18:— With most of the crop figures for December available, some interesting comparisons are now possible. As predicted in this column some time
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  • 1426 12 HIS RECENT RETIREMENT FROM BUSINESS. A Brilliant Financial Career. i The brief announcement to the effect that at the end of 1910 Sir Ernest Cassel would retire from active business aroused universal 1 interest, for his career is a financial romance such as never fails to appeal
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  • 536 12 New Volumes Ready for Issue to Subscribers The following new books are now being issued at the Raffles Library. Allen, J. li., The Doctor's Christmas Eve 8 ***** Andrew, Stephen. Doctor Grey... S ***** Applin, Arthur, Fedora of the Halls S ***** The Pantomime Girl S ***** Askew.
    536 words
  • 632 12 ONE OF THE HEALTHIEST CITIES IN THE WORLD. Fewer Consumptives. Some striking statistics regarding the health of the metropolis are contained in the report for 1909 of the Public Health Committee of the London County Council, which wan issued last month. The general tendency of the figures
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  • 404 12 Death of a Hero of tbe Ind an Mutiny Two weeks ago, there passed away one who was pioinmeiitly and very honourably connected with one of the most striking episodes of the Mutiny, the saving of the four men who represented the last remains of the garrison
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  • 1284 13 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES. ANO SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON JiNUAkY 1 1. A number of shares in which local investors are interested are n I quoted in locs share lists, and there are occasionally »ii. margins between quotations here and i> London. W< joote below the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 510 13 miCLES FOR SALE BIRDB OF PARADISE FOR SALE. At Messrs. Moraux A Co IU/20, Boat Quay. 10 1 D FOR SALE A new motor boat, 40 H.P., length 82' x 8' f s'. Will carry 20 bags rioe. Apply Oaggino iud Co. ***** FOR SALE. Para Rubber S«od<, about 160,000.
      510 words
    • 142 13 CONTINENTAL Cycle Tyres. "Continental "Horse Brand Special" Coventry" LISTS FREE Oil APPLICATION. THROUGH ALL LEADING DEALERS. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd. TELEGRAMS SINGAPORE TELEPHONE: Continental. 17, Col I yep Quay. 290. Oriental Jiair XUasfi. This very elegant preparation containing invalaable stimulants and astringents and combining in its composition the joint
      142 words
    • 246 13 GERIL BREAD is a bread highly rpconjmccdeii by a'l ifce leading physicians in ttie world. It lisa no rqoal as food for a dy«prptio pft> ut and is most nourishing. PJ <>i K. SKItVK LAT and other eanrage* *Iho RUB* I N CIGARETTES from Cbap Ohal. feat Beer, Wines Liquors
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 472 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House SINGAPORE. Board of Director* 1 O. A. Dehkii'k, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esy Managing Director. Pans Fowlib, m.b., cm Chief Med. Officerf. M. Elliot, Em. Rot. N. J. Coutrri-k. Tow Noan Pan, Esq. Ono Soon Tbb, Esq. Kaoo
      472 words
    • 235 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1882. Insurance in Force, orer $!7,MO,tM New Butmou, 1909, over tM— iMI Net Surplus above liabilities for reserve and all outstanding claims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over $3M*> was set aside as a special addition to Policy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Manager,
      235 words
    • 510 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRAL|A_AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 80,000 Shares of j£2oeaoh £1,200,000 Reserve Fund 41,600,000 Koserve.Liabilitr of Proprietors... £1,200,000 BANKERS. National Bank of Sootland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounta are opened and interest allowed at 1
      510 words
    • 492 14 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TONS BANKING AND INSURANCE GI, LTD. NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREET. Established 1907. Capital paid up *1, 000,000.00 Reserve liability ot proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Tan Tbck Joon 6. Sm Kia Jam Nam Kirn Sbno 7. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. Liao Chia Hbno 8.
      492 words
    • 843 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF Java Teak and Europe-Made Household Furniture, Etc THE PROPBRTY OF G. SCHUDEL, E90. To be held at Stanmore, Grange Road, Tanglin, ON SA.TURDA. V, MARCH 11. Handsome drawing room, dining room and bedroom furniture of the bent description. Exoellent Cottage Piano by
      843 words
    • 483 14 A VALUABLE ANOBEAUTiFU.LY SITUATED FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR SUE PRIVATELY. The valuable and beautifully situated freebold residential property, known as Cluny Lodge, Tyersall Road, Taoglin. Area 3 acres 8 roods 11 polep. High ground and com manding an excellent view. Within a few minutes walk of Tycraall. The property of
      483 words

  • 1086 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Steering Gear Dangers. lloccut motor omnibus accidents, due to temporary loss of control of the steering wheel by drivers, liave engaged the attention of motor car builders and drivers, who have suggested certain improvements in the stocr. ing mechanism of these
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 376 15 WOLSELEY CARS FORMERLY KNOWN AS BID3ELEY AUTOCARB Sole Agents Penang, F.M.S. and Sumatra. CENTRAL SSSS SILENT KNIGHT Arriving Shortly i 8 H I., Singlo cylinder, four-seated Cars. 12 U.P., Two cylindrr fivo seatod Cars. In Stock »0 H.l'., 6 cylinder, seyen seated, STANDARD," painted Black. 15 H.P., -.-cylinder, fWo seated,
      376 words
    • 14 15 Woods Ore t Peppermint Core tor a.ll ir' m«) oomplaiota. Dysentery. Cong) a. OtfMte
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    • 327 15 THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Port Swettenham. BUPPUES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF EBTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Gouges, Coagulating Pans, Sponts, Strainers, Glass, Aluminiam, Earthenware and Terne Plate Latex Caps. Acetio Aoid, Coagnlators, Sprayers, etc., etc. Bobber Mangles and Machinery. Largest ard mobt varied stook of Estate
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    • 164 15 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (NRaR ENTRANCE to BORNEO WHARF) Telephone 1028. »Sea itooka of all kinds of FROZEN If EATS, eta, can be delivered to Shipping at the Wharves, or in the Singapore Roads, on abort notioe. Of FICE HOURS: Week day* 7 a.m, to 6 p.m Sundays 7
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 469 16 INDIAN PATENT STONE 10 Times More Durable than Neat Cement. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS i SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS. TYPIST ANOS'EKOEBPHERWiNIIO. Wanted, rxperiennd Typint and Stenographer; one capab'c of taking Chi. f C •ik-hip, Merchant fiiu. Singapore Apply R. E. C, r■> '.raits Timrs. CHINESE CLERKS WANTED. Wanted
      469 words
    • 487 16 WANTS. BOARD MID LO:GING WANTED. Wanted, bosrd acd lodging by the seaside api ly Teacher R.1., c o Straits Tinas 4-'2b 9 2 CHINEBE CV..ASSER AND SALESMAN WANTED Wanted, Chinese Canva«ser and Sa'esman for Eltctrioal Work. Apply B. D. W., c/o Straits Times. 7-9 9 2 CLERK FOR RUBBER ESTATE
      487 words
    • 572 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICE BODOWN TO BE LET. Witb immediate entry No 7, Malaso* Btreet tpply to GOTHKIK A CO., LTD. U1386 TO BE LET. Godown, No. 6 Mirbaa Road, and shor Honsr o No. 22 and 28, South Canal Road Immediate entry. Apply to Go Boos Qoan.
      572 words
    • 591 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HRREBY GIVEN, that tbe firm of A. J Gnnn k Co., Aoronntantn and Auditors. Singapore (Sncoesoors (o the latr fi-m of Gunn Co), will be carried on, a' I fmm January 1, 1911, under the style of Wel»b ft Co Messrr. Alexander J. Ounn, Senior, and
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    • 643 16 NOTICES. KIAIW KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS. Bo»smiotnt and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 10H& 100. Market Street. NOTICE. Bung about to proceed to India for a short time, I do hereby notify that Sneoa Tma Ahna Rx>na Seena Tana Sithambaranj Cbitty, of No. 84, Market Street, is aothori.ed to oolltct
      643 words
    • 322 16 NOW CHOOSE Beoh stein Piano* Brinamead Piano* Steinway Pianoa Rnohala Pianoa Collard Pianoa Broadwood, Whit* Pianoa Kriebel Pianoa Russell Piano* Winkelmann Pianoa Krauaa Pianoa Haako Piano* Strohmenger Pianoa Lohmann Pianoa THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. Rachals' Auto-Player Pianoa Allison Auto-Player Piano* Manual Auto- "layer Piano* Brinamead Angoius. We WANT to
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 243 16 Straits Isimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane ou8 wants of every description are inn rt ed at the prepaid rate of II p«r four lines for one or two insertions. Notioes of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion. Fir p.p.o. cards, on page 6, 12. Inch
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