The Straits Times, 1 February 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.478 SINGAPORE. WEDNESPAT; FEBRUARY 1. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 293 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. KATZ BROS., LD. SPECIAL NEW LINES IN Gents' All-Wool Sweaters. > ila^\ fil '■'•1 "i '.•sa'"S^ H^B^^ 1 TOrtrPilirwSrt' 'A'j MM'i»l THE NEW STYLE ROLL COLLAR POLO COLLAR COAT SWEATER. SWEATER. PROUWf^\j||UnEß. All Sizes in Stock from 3O" to 45' V AT POPULAR
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    • 232 1 .^^^^l^ HOMEWARD BOUND. Btt^k CABIN TRUNKS. &S^m suit cases, ■'^i^-'"^ "^^SSfe^^^BJ KIT BAGS, ETC. No. S7OO L. S.iperior Nut Cowhide Kit Bag y^B^E^^Kjß^^Ht^ Ft^^ -Joned Warp, Brass Front SlidiPK Lock, BrsM Turn Sft^^' M Clips, Two Stoat Straps all round. Pair |J y »f s-' TBfcdleg, a strong and well
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    • 3 1 DRINK MarteH's Brandy.
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  • 869 2 STORY OF RECENT MASSACRE IN PALESTINE. 20,000 Rebels in Arms. Nearly the wkals minitry emit of the Jordan, iulmbiUil for the greater part by nomadic tribes of roving Bwlouin, lias revolted agaiuHt Tnrrii-li rule, writes Rontorn corruxpomlent, from .Jemsalem, on Do-ember l.'i. The outbreak mn<le its start on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 135 2 L Emaciated Adults NEED I KEPLER' CtitAOK MAlk) SOLUTION (OF COD LIVER OIL IM MALT IXTRACT) This delicious, digestive body builder exerts its influence upon the very source of nutrition the blood. It (ills the veins with rich, vitalising blood, and rapid improvement takes place. The cheeks till out, the
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    • 7 2 SKIITS asSOFTa&^H I^ndSMOOTH VELVET^fRgfrg^WHITE C; ,>^^^^aia^^^r I
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    • 383 2 Ef More "Beef" in Lemco B^ lhan in any other beef S| essence. A 4-oit jar con- _fc«J a tains the essence of about Ml 10 lbs. of beef; makes 3* •>*■ BH cupsof dfiicious strength- Ea ening bouillon gives j*j strength and delicacy to fjj several dozen dishes. sf?
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    • 326 2 g:<SP STRIKES at Mn alt*, ir H*»*.«y h»"r-'|!.'. l t T .!i!*l< will rttia* jfIRRA MASTFBS* hi Ilii Wlf fcmm A v\)Ht Hrlwll.llw a afi.l W.i ll I>r\ mi it will »tMHt any In Ktt\ /23l aVQiinFRFIiL 3lm«lr, it 1. a iriM- <imi-kr«««r at ka«JN or i>i n» mB?\
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  • 886 3 PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF THE GREAT EVENT. London Celebrations. Now that tlie election lias Ik^i-iim- h iiiciiior\ nii.l the: holidays air over tin- iittcn tkin of tin nation will be ilirc< t«l hi tint K«'Ht event of 1911, Uh- Chi-i-i iti )ii of KiliK < ;m aJiii Qtux-u Mm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 282 3 Pain arising taoar I umkaf. broil, mill, X^C» ill hultlca of lilliman'a llflaTaßMßT ■laV^L^B) U.l{.P.booLletataooooCaioa 'itf^a^ar^ i*« n r praclioal vulue aa to cauae \g^ \m it to be in demand for Finct VJ Iff \Jmk I quiiitea. IMimau't added t» Q^^'^M^UtJf^fl^^L^Ml Ailments may in many fail ancea he relieved
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    • 78 3 CURE FOR BILIOUSNESS. ISiliouhni as is duo to a dixorderod condition of the stomtch. (Jbamberla n's Tablets aro eseentialiy a stomach mrdicioe inteoded eppcri »lly to act on tb&t organ to cleanne it it, t no and invigorate it, to ro gnlate tbo liver and to banii-b biliousnesß pofi .ivcly
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    • 630 3 'I KNOW THAT CUTICURACUREDWir Worried and Tortured for 5 Years. Covered with Eruption Ail Over. Could Not Sleep nor Rest. Fett Like Tearing Himself to Pieces. With First Use of Cuticura Ointment, had No Itching at All. "I haT* bwn torturwl for the put five ream with a 1...1 aUs
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    • 296 3 NESTLtf I I MILK a T B l FOOD. I aTaam M. M M y^ Those who am HESTL^'S FOOD for Infants and Convalescents placa their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 33 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 610 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR'CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, ADBTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN. EGYPT. MEDITERRANEAN PORTB, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 Ass«ve Apl 7 Aasaye Feb
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    • 541 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A Fortnightly service is maintained be twoen Yokohama via ports to Marseille*, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. Tbe New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servioe have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 610 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. AND TOYO RISEN KAIBHA, The two great Bteamsbip lines between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 12,000 ton*, twin screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with tbe well known steamers CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA NIPPON MARU, TENYO
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    • 226 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. cTrr CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE Ths NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO EUROPE Ttt CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THE UNITBD STATBS. Route bom Hongkong via Bhainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vanoouver. R.M.S. Bmfbbss or India Twin sorew steam X.M.S. BBtpaass or
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    • 540 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and ths Straits, I hina and Japan Hnmesanls. they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 662 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) P rt Said, Suez, Aden. Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 519 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE. OP BTEAMERB. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular servioe between Oalootta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET Tona Commander 'Japan" 0,018 A. Stiwabt Orboort Apcas 4,600 S. H. Bblsok Arratoon Apoar 4.600 C. F.Hudson Lightning
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    • 688 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Thb steamers of thisC->mpanv maintains a tegular direct service between Cal' v t-, Btraits H utkonc 6bangß»i aud Jspan. takiov cargo, on throngh Bill* f Lading for Canon, Rw»tow, Amoy, CTwfoo, TienUin, Newohwnn, Yaogtsza Ports, Formosa, tbe Philippines, eto eto. Steamers Tons Commander
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    • 196 5 CRUSHED FOOD. Try rt and You Will bs SatltfM. I. K. BELILIOS begs to inform the publio that bis Factory for preparing Crashed Food, at No. 1, BtJilios Road, is now opened Prioe of a bag of Crashed Food, 1 p. 10 cat. H CO per bag. No. 1 Bran,
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    • 298 5 ASAHI ftTH Q IT T D W DLjLjSA I I BeSt mad J|^_ cheapest. wf l^i Wholesale only from F'i^ i■ B The Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ld. Ml I 1 THE m HIPPOM BREWERY lAX^^^iV COMPANY. LIMITED. a i yjiio^^r^aisl Tamoto Company J iB^S |l PRICE PER DOZEN CONTRACTS SECURED
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  • 644 6 THE GREAT HOB LIBRARY TO BE DISPERSED. May Realise £200,000. The most important book sale that has taken place in America will be held this spring, when the library of the late Mr. Robert Hoe will be sold at the rooms of the Anderson Auction Company, 12,
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  • 172 6 Mr. Churchill Assumes Responsibility For His Action. In connection with the Houndsditch affair, at the inquest on the Sidney Street remains on January 18, the verdict was that tlie bodies were those of Joseph and Fritz. The former died from a shot in the shoulder, and the
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  • 134 6 Extraordinary riots have been occurring among the labourers in the champagne district. A mob of two thousand at Dainery, headed by a red flag, has wrecked the ertablUhmcnt of AchUlo Perrier, smashing thousands of bottles of champagne aud staving in barrels. The contents flooded the principal
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 396 6 K.A.J. Chotirmall Co. tWbo h»ve jout reoeived new utock ol Jade Jewellery AXD INDIAN, CHINBBE JAPANESE SILKS, J ALSO INDIAN. MIRZAPORB, PERSIAN K1 A K« UICU CT ANI) JAIPUR CARPSTS Dl DZ. Mbit 01. .onABLi ro« Presents. CALL EARLY. KELLY AND WALSH, LIMITED* The Courts Ordinance XXX of 1907 (aa
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    • 56 6 HOW TO GET RID OF A COLD. II yon have trouble in netting rid of yoni cold yon may know that yon are not treating it properly. There ia no reason nhy a cold ahonld bang on for weeks and it will not if yon take Chamberlain's Cootth Remedy. For
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    • 852 6 If I only had another chance Medical testimony of Its fatoe can W rca 1 in th.- -.vum.-ut of 7 Dr. C. \V. saletln, th ■rett-kaowfl medical au.hor. Ovei How often dow a man utter these despairing words when he twent five thous.nd .X* ton pre»cribf Bnutogea in tU r
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    • 109 6 MICHELIN TYRES. From the 15th January, all prices are reduced by 10% on outer covers and 15% on inner tubes. PLEASE NOTE. Send your orders at once to DUPIRE BROTHERS, Quay, Singapore. SHAPB OF OUR LABELS. We have improved our SODAWATBR and this is now AT LEAST AS GOOD
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  • 190 7 FIXTURES, Wednesday, February i. High Water, 0.11 a m 11.30 am. Cbimsi Week of Prayer, Y. M. C. A., 8 Thursday, February a. High Water, P 89 a.m., 11.68 a.m. B. I. homeward mail close*, 8 Chinese Week of Prayer, Y. M. C. A., 8. Friday, February
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  • 155 7 ToDay. Manlia St. Patrick 3 p n Tort s« ■'tonhitn and ■Jtl.ik Ai.- n Kiuta 3 pm Benukalis, Paneh. Asabao, and Deli Valentyn 3 pro Malacca Sappho 4 ym Tbuhsdii. Penang. Malacca. F M.S. and Johore (Overland) By train 7 am Aoamba aud Natuua laands Batavier 7
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  • 105 7 The Imp. German mail elevner Yorck having left Colombo at 7 p m. on the i-th mst may be expected to arrive here en Friday moiniug, toe 3rd prox. 3eo 30 P. ♦O. kn S N. D. L. in. 5 l:. I lan M M Ik. i
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  • 367 7 Latest Arrivals. Afhill'i, Prit str 3M6 tons. f» p t Yarwoo.l, Jan From II niik-tit; Jan 9:4. G.o. W. MansAeld Co. F.r Liverpool, F-b W. Until, Nor sir 641 tons, Capt Poles tad. Jan 80. From Bangkok. Jan 2>. G.c. and 4 dp. Jo S n« Chan. For
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  • 100 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Basin —Kuan tan. East W. Section No. I— Tara, Toongwa Shkkrs Wharf Nil. Main W. Skct. No. 2— Glentsk. B—Bombay8 Bombay Mara. 4— Verona. 6 Gorgon. 6 Prouethens, An tenor. Laooon
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    • 113 7 Per sta-ncr Kistna, Jsnnary 80.— From Penang via ports Mp«sr« W. S Go'dio, A Pirovnnd, Robertson, F M. Welsh. Bateman. F. C. Kendall, C. F. Rob>nson, Smith, Mts. Weight and Mis' Bnrghope. Per steamer Tara, January 81.— From Calcutta via ports Messrs J. C. Htimmel-, N Murray. Hopki"R. Lighthart,
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    • 583 7 Per P. and O. ataamer Nore, due F^brui'v 8. -Mr. W. L. S. Gwatkin. Mr*. Eber, Mr and Mrt. Beatty, Mr and Mr*. Gibbons, Mr M. Wheatlev. To Pnnang Mrs and Mist Caldioott. Mr RE Prentice. Mr J. S. Reis Mr. J. N Petrie, Mr. J Chalmont,
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  • 241 7 Finance Commerce. Singapore, February 1, 1911. EXCHANGE. On LoNDox-Bank 4 m/s 8/4} Demand 9/4 ft Private 8 n>/s 8/4 ft do In/i 2/4J On Obbmant— Bank d/d 340 Private 8 m/g 344 do 6 id/i 346* On Franc* -Bank d/d 296 Private 8 m/s 399* do 6 m/B 808J On
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    • 190 7 I«pue 3 Value (2 10 10 Bslat Tin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Braneb Hyd 10 10 Kanaboi £1 £1 KintaTin £1 £1 K'edangTin 10 10 Knantan Tin £1 £1 Lihat Minis 10 10 Malacca Tin 6/- 6 PdhaDK Consol £1 £1 V u K kal«n £1 £1 PuMog
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    • 642 7 issue kaluf Buyer*. Sellers. 3/- AlUgar 4/0 6/3 i/- 2/- Adklo Malay 1.1.0 1.3 0 I/- 2/- Batans Malaka 3/- 3/8 £1 £1 Batu Cavea 18.17.6 14.10.0 El £1 B»tn Tifja 4 1.8 4.10.0 ci JEI Bukit Kajang 260 2.10.0 £1 15/- Contributo-y 12 8 1.0.0 pm Cl j£l
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    • 130 7 [•sue S Value a! Bayers. 10 10 Eastern Smelting 10 7 615 £1 £1 Eleetrio Tramway* 8/8 10 10 Fraser Noave 21.00 K0 Howarth Emkine LOO 7% Pref. 8000 100 100 Katz Bro. 1) f. 100 100 Cam Pref. 10 10 Maynard ft Co. 22.50 Sellers nom. 1000 6
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    • 48 7 Buyers Sellers Howarth Erskine 6% 1600,000 par Riley. Hargreaves 6% $284,000 1% 8% pre Singapore Eif-ctrio Tramway* 6% £8«0.000 Spore Municipal 6% $1,-*7BCOO nom. Buyers Sellers Spore Municipal 4}% of 1907 $1,600,(00 6% 7%pw Spore Mnmcipal4J of 1909 7% B%nr« S pore Mumoipal 4% »602,9C0 7%dis
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 65 7 To those who eoogh, ard thone who need Ton fn q'ieutly to blow tb< ir noses At rlmtcli or pub ie mt-etirg* herd The h. cet that my pen discloses. N.i m od to b a rnisance now. To man < r c'tild «r m>id demure. II iw on you
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    • 166 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Feb. B.— At saleroom, unredeemed pledgss. st If). Feb. 6. At saleroom, unredeomed pledges, at 10. Feb. 7 At salerxim, freehold resident Ul property, known as No. SO, Cuppage Road, etc at 2 80. Fh. B.— At saleroom, unredeemed plodgea, at 10. Feb. 10— At
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    • 398 7 LAMBERT BUTLER'S Smoking t Mixtures. V PACKED IN i Ib. AIR-TIGHT TNS PRICE 70 CTB. PER TIN OBTAINABLE ATi |[J^SSHBBaS^II John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Go. PRICE 90 CTB. PER TIN LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED. Wanted, two or thr<>e Etiropean gentlemen o j >in a MtiiH, near Towa. Apply t j
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    • 578 7 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders are invited for the (-apply and erection of electric m itors and accessories to replace the steim power plant at the Municipal Workshop in River Valley Road. A copy ot the Sp^cifka'ion and Form of Tender and a plan of the Workshop may be obtained on ani
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    • 148 7 HIGH-CLASS Telephone No. 619. UNDERTAKING. 3 Prln.op Street, Singapore. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Begi to inform the poblio that the kind patronage accorded bim during thn past It w yparx, has made it necessary for him to acquire another new Rubbertyred Hearse, which rorpaws all othi-ra in the Strait*.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 201 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kandaog Kerbau Hospital, January 80. 9am Bpm. 9pm Rainfall Bared. 82 Fah. 29.fe88 29 78b -9 816 I'emp 84.0 S9 0 80.0 Nil. Wei Bnlb Tber 77 8 78.0 780 Oir. i f Wind calm SW. oalm \Ux Teujp. 90 0 4io. 74.0 \f*x. in San 117.0 Terad.
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  • 1108 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. A WAIL FROM THE WEST. Sir Frank Swett«nUam has sent an exceedingly interesting letter to our contemporary the Malay Mail on what he calls the abolition "of the Resident Generalship. All journalists, like poets, are allowed a certain licence in the use of words,
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  • 16 8 The Council of the Boy Scouts Association has petitioned the King for a charter of incorporation.
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  • 17 8 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Catholic Funeral Association has been postponed to the 15th inst.
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  • 18 8 The Birmingham City Corporation is seeking authorisation for a town-planning scheme to cover an area of 2,320 acres.
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  • 22 8 The Legislature of Malta has adopted the metric Bystem. Malta is thus the first portion of the Empire to adopt the system.
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  • 21 8 A suggestion of Lord Bosebery to restore Linlithgow Palace as a memorial to King Edward has been tentatively adopted in Scotland.
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  • 18 8 To-night's change of programme at the Marlborough cinematograph introduces some new subjects of an interesting and entertaining character.
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  • 25 8 Mr. Farleigh Clarke and his brothers and sisters desire to thank their friends for their sympathy and attendance at the funeral of their mother yesterday.
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  • 31 8 A bill has been introduced in the Senate at Washington making shipping companies responsible for the introduction of aliens. It imposes heavy penalties for unlawful landing including seizure of tho vessel.
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  • 31 8 At Tacoma, in Washington State, recently a kidnapper attempted to carry off Mrs. V. C. Herold. The latter shot tho man dead, and she was acquitted on a charge of manslaughter.
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  • 34 8 An extraordinary scene was witnessed in the Bank of England when a lunatic obtained entrance to the building and was the cause of considerable commotion. Fortunately he was secured before any damage was done.
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  • 40 8 In the absence of the Rev. W. Runciman, in Kuala Lumpur, next Sunday the services at the Presbyterian Church will be taken in the morning by the Rev. J. A. B. Cook, in the evening by the Key. W, Murray.
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  • 38 8 It was erroneously stated that the baud which played at the dinner to Sir Arthur Young in tho Singapore Club last Friday evening was from the Continental Hotel. The band— an excellent one— was from the Victoria Hotel.
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  • 48 8 On tho return to Kobe of the Achilles, from Yokohama, two of the crew, one a European purser and the other a Chinese stoker, were found suffering from small-pox, and were removed to the Wada-no-Misaki Isolation Hospital. The European, Mr. James Isaac James died on the 14th ult.
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  • 51 8 The bluebook on tho health of the Army in IUO9 shows marked improvement. There were 4° 10 deaths per thousand, compared with 478 in 1908, and 9-05 in 1900. The number of soldiers constantly on the sick list averaged 26-2U in 1909, compared with :52"28 in 1908, and 4608 in
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  • 55 8 A Chinawoman who keeps a coffee shop at 2 .58 Serangoon Road reports to the police that last night, at 9 o'clock, she left her shop, and at the t inie there were four Hylam boys in it When she returned at 12.30 the boys had gone, and a box
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  • 49 8 Inoculation against cholera has been wonderfully successful among the European population of Batavia who number about 8,000. During the last outbreak of the disease out of about 4,000 Europeans inoculated, only one had cholera and he recovered. Among the non- inoculated residents, there were 62 seizures and 33 deaths.
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  • 58 8 There was admitted to the hospital this morning a Chinawoman who was suffering from a serious wound in her side. A woman who accompanied her told the police that the woman went out last night to buy coffee, and when in Kreia Ayer Road, she was sent upon and stabbed
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  • 49 8 Mile. Lygie, whose presence at the Alhambra cinematograph has drawn crowded houses to that show nightly, will appear to-night in something quite novel to Singapore—a fire dance. In addition to this attraction a number of new pictures will be put on including the twentieth edition of Pathos animated gazette.
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  • 51 8 Raffles Museum is a special centre of attraction at the Chinese New Year. Hundreds of gaily-dressed visitors thronged the galleries, and the usually quiet rooms were crowded with sightoeers. This year a record was established, inasmuch as more than 13,170 persons entered the Museum on the last two days of
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  • 85 8 The Theatre Royal was {lacked last night, when the popular Star Upora Company staged a special play entitled Princess Silarais Ashek, in which Miss Gaffoor, tho prima donna, and several new actresses took part. The special costumes and scenery, were very pretty. During tho performance, Miss Gaffoor gave a Hindustani
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  • 121 8 A Malay woman met with her death at Bagan Datoh on January 17, under strango circumstances. She went to wash her face at tho canal and there was seized by a crocodile. Sho screamed for help and several people ran to the spot and rescued her. Sho fainted from shock
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  • 353 8 Mr. R. R. Bannon, of the F. M. S.. accompanies Mr. and Mrs. B. C N Knight on a trip to Ceylon, and subsequently goes home for a year s holiday. Sir Arthur Young, K. C. M. G., and Lady Evelyn Young left Singapore last evening on
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  • 39 8 Sir Arthur and Lady Evelyn Young refect owing to their short stay in Siueapmo they have found it impossible before leaving to return the calls of their many friends.
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  • 75 8 Messrs. Cunibcrhateh and Co.. Kuala Lumpur, have neeivnl advico by cable from their head office that notices of new issue of 41.2'»0 shares, in the Klauaug l'roduc c Co., Ltd.. at a premium of 10s. |ht share, have been |*>sted by the mail of January '27, and
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  • 80 8 The annual settlement which takes place among the Chinese community at the end of the Chinese year passed oIT last week end very satisfactorily. Tho settlement atTeets only dealings between Chinese houses, not dealings with European firms, but it is usually an extensive aiTair. Money, how
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  • 90 8 Information has reached Hongkong that arrangciuentsliavelxin MBfMed tiirunollu r visit to be paid by the mammoth liner, Cleveland, to the Far Kast. The ship leaves Now York on November 1, of this year, ami arrives at Singapore on Deceintx'r "2">. The party on this trip is
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  • 94 8 A correspondent informs us that after an unfavourable report by Messrs. Unborn and Chapel, the Klian Bharu Tin and QoH Prospecting Syndicate did not exercise its option. The property is situate at Tapa, and it is said that it is again being offered for sale, and
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  • 151 8 There are twenty-throe caves Htst for hearing during the February sitting of the Siipiinie Court including two in admiralty jurisdiction, the Eastern Shipping Company Ltd., versus tho Strait* SUhmi Ship Company Ltd. and the Kukub Kubher KhUU< L.t.i, against the steam lauucli, the Busso. Other suits include
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 384 8 The Dumb Salesman As represented by the personal letter is often more effective in bringing in good orders than talkative salesmen. They do not say too much and they do not say too little. The 'personal letter strikes an individual note, too. Ordinary advertising, whether in journals, in the streets,
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    • 13 8 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 7 as well as 10.
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  • 201 9 VISIT TO CHINA AND JAPAN ABANDONED. Prevalence of Plague the Reason. Burma's Tkleoram. London, January 81. A Berlin telegram says that owing to plague in China the Imperial Chancellor had boon compelled to advise the Kaiser that tho Crown Prince should abandon his tour in the Far
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  • 220 9 ACTIVE MARKET, BUT SMALLER OFFERS. Improvement of the Prices. (Fkou Och Own Cobbksposdemt.) London, January 31. Tho auction today showed a very active market at better prices. There was 254 tons of plantation rubber on offer, of which 192 tons was Malayan. This was a great reduction
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  • 45 9 Imperial Preference Practically Dead. Rkctkb'h Tkleokam. London. January ill. Comment is rife concerning the AmericaCanadian reciprocity agreement. The 1 )aily Mail says the sooner we realise that a scheme of imixrial preference, of which C.inacla was the cornerstone, is ilcad the Wliei
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  • 35 9 The Loss of Life Estimated at Four Hundred. Khutkii's IhlWUl I. one I. m, February 1. Later Manila messages say the eruption at Taal continues to moderate. It is estimated that I<K> |>crished.
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  • 53 9 11l I- I Kli's TM.hlilt.VM. London. February 1. A St. Petersburg telegram says there is an outcry in the newspaper Novoye Vreiuya against newspapers and lettcis arriving from Harbin with no sign of disinfection. A Peking message says mure favourable reports as to the plague are Wing
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  • 83 9 Deb Ostasiatiscbb Lloyd Tkleobam. Berlin. January 29. In Kaiser's birthday speeches M. Pourtalcs, at St. Petersburg, expressed confidence in the continuance of the good relations initiated by the Czar and the Emperor William. At London, Count Metternich emphasised the friendship between the Kaiser and King George. At
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  • 116 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 81. The F. M. S. beat the Colony by nine wickets. In tho first innings, on Monday, the Colony made 114, to which tho States men replied with 213. The scores in the second innings of the Colony and F.M.S.
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  • 177 9 Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co. kindlyfavour us with the London prices they have received this morning Quotations. Middle Middle Prubs. Prices. Allagars 4 9 L-.uadronsp.p. £3.5.3 p. Anglo Malays Ledburysp.p. 85/Anglo Javas 11,- Linggis 44 6 Anglo Johores 11/- London Asiatics 13,
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  • 405 9 Ratification Question Leads to Wide Discussion. Tin- Westminster Gazette, says a Loudou telegram to Rangoon, dated January tt, draws special attention t<> the fact that the iou of London gives us a code of international law. where hitherto law has il |K'iide<l ii|k>ii tlie wish of
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  • 512 9 TERRIBLE MORTALITY IN THE NORTH. Rapid Spread of the Disease. Telegrams to Hongkong indicate the great alarm which has been caused in North China by reason of the serious nature of the plague outbreak. It has spread with alarming rapidity and the mortality is terrible. The disease. is
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  • 279 9 Famous Statesman's View of the Chief Events The Lokalanzciger Berlin) addresssd to Count Witte a request that he should favour them with a statement as to what he considers to have been the chief events in tho world during the first ten years of the present
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  • 165 9 A Sikh Warder Shoots Another in kinta Gaol. The little town of Batu Gajah was rudoly shocked on Thursday night by the news of a terrible tragedy v.hich was enacted in the '•nitii Gaol, situated in town. (Tho story, as retailed to the Times of Malaya, is
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  • 735 9 CONCLUSIONS OF A CANADIAN CORRESPONDENT. The Preference Question. The question of* British preference in Canada has formed the subject of recent telegrams and has been freely discussed of late in the home papers. A Canadian correspondent of The Time* observes that the large amounts of British capital
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  • 241 9 Express and Coal Train Collide Near Pontypridd. A telegram to Rangoon gives more details of the railway disaster at Hafford, Hhondda Valley. In the forenoon of January 23, an express collided with a coal train. The front passenger coaches of the express were telescoped and others smashed
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  • 492 9 (From Oor Own Correspondent.) Kota Baliru, January 26. A mooring buoy is being fixed in the Kelantan harbour, which will be of great service to steamers loading or discharging cargo during the N. E. monsoon. Up to the present, steamers lying off the port have been greatly
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  • 344 9 British Employees Improving Their Linguistic Equipment. The British Trade Review, of January 2, remarks: A bluff English captain of a trading vessel, asked if he could speak French, scoffed at the idea, and replied If any foreign d. vils wish to speak to me, let 'em do
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  • 127 9 The Liberal papers, including the West minster Gazette, indicate that there will be a party in the new Parliament opposed to increases in the Navy estimates, says a London telegram of January '25. It is probable that there will be an important debate thereon. The Morning Leader
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  • 101 9 Capt. R. W. S. Rogers, R. N. (retired), whoso death has taken place suddenly at Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, was one of the first naval officers to specialize in torpedo' work and is stated to have been tho first torpedo-lieute-mint ever appointed. He was lent by the British Admiralty to
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  • 117 9 AUSTRIA, GERMANY,:AND RUSSIA FRIENDLY. Future Good Relations Assured, J Recter's Teleoram. London, January 81. At Budapest, Baron von, in a speech to the Austrian delegation, dwelt with atisfnetic n en tho ritrricdxnunt between Germany and Russia. He believed that the understanding between the two Powers in
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  • 77 9 HOLLAND AND BELGIUM SOLELY CONCERNED. No International Intervention KKI'TEK's TuLKiiHAM. London. February 1. At Rotterdam it is intimated semiofficially that Holland declines any pro|>osal for an international conference or negotiations with reference to the fortification of the Sheldt. The question is too thorny and dangerous to international
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  • 23 9 Recter's Telegram. London, February 1. An Athens message says eleven French officers have arrived there to reorganise the Greek army.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 36 9 Der < i-i \si w i-c iik Lloyd huHtl Berlin, January 29. The Alsaee-Lorriane Bill has been referred to a special committee. During discussion the I mpi i Chancellor energetically repudiated all intentions o( annexation.
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  • 63 9 Dkk Ostasiatiscbk Lloyd Teleoran. I'.erlin. January '29. The Norddeutsche gives (apart of liarou Komura's speech, which expresses a very favourable opinion on the general pottMoa] situation, especially in F.ast Asia. I'.erlin. January 80. There is a sensational article in the Novoyo Vremya alxiut a Husso Chim
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  • 28 9 Dkk Ostvsi.vtis( uk Lloyd Tklkuham. Berlin, January 29. The Po|h's letter to Cardinal Fjhclht concerning anti-modernist doctrines, is being vigorously criticised. Conservatives express apprehension of Vatican conflicts.
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  • 24 9 DKR OsTASIATISCHE LLOYD TeLBORAM. Berlin, January 81. Herr Dernburg has handed to the Government a memorandum on his tour in East Asia.
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  • 25 9 Berlin, January 31. The I'ress expresses regret at the retirement of Admiral Truppcl, and ockuow ledges the value of his services at Kiautsehau.
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  • 53 9 ItKL'TKH'S TKLKciIUM. London, January 31. Jim Driscoll defeated Spike Robson in tho seventh round, thus retaining the Lonsdalo belt and the featherweight championship. Driscoll was disqualified for roughing in a contest with Welsh at Cardiff in December. Before the contest began Spike Robson was introduced, and challenged the
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  • 24 9 The lit. Rev. Edward Stuart Talbot, D.D., Bishop of Southwark since 1905, succeeds the Ht. Rev. Herbert Edward Kyle, D.D., aa Bishop of Winchester.
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  • 490 10 Entertainment (o be Stag d Here Shortly. From the Rangoon Times an indication may bo gathered of the nature of the performance which Mr. Henry Dallas is bringing to Siuga]H>re and which opens at the Victoria Theatre, ou Friday. Our contemporary says the entertainment is modelled on that
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  • 463 10 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report. Writing ou January •">, Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co., state liar gold to the extent of j£700,000 came into the market. Of this India absorbed XI4H.IHKI, the remainder whs shared between the Bank of England and the Continent. The quotations
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  • 71 10 A ISrrlin inessago says that Seamens Sehueckert's flexible unship, the largest in tho world, has made a successful trial trip with twelve p.'sscn^ers. The airship is able to carry fifty. There will be a football match. Government Service v. The Buffs, on the Esplanade to-morrow, kick-off at o p.m. On
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  • Correspondence.
    • 151 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— With reference to Mr. J. Wilson's query through the Daily Mail Overseas Edition l "Why is Singapore (Free Trade) more expensive to live in than Java (Protectionist) The caption on title page of John Bull is a singularly
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  • 545 10 Great Undertaking Spoiled by Lack Of Advertising. A good many .'>)le, says a Colombo paper, arc possibly aware ihat there is at present some sort of an exhibition in Allahabad wry few, at any rate in this part of the world, that it is one which,
    545 words
  • 131 10 Messrs T. F. Ho and Bros., Shanghai, secretaries and general managers of the Provident ltubber Estates, Limited, have based the following extracts from the annnal report for 1910 from Mr. H. D. Jensen, estate manager of the company, for the information of tin' shareholders: Coolie lines for
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  • 1027 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, February 1, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning DEBENTURES. •100 Howarth F.rskine Ld. 6% par. 100 Riley Hargreaves A Co. Ld. 6% 8% pm. 100 Singapore Municipal 6%
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 14 10 I Fnr all internal onrnpliinU, Kymntery Conglm, Ci.Mi, utc, tako Woocu' Great Pit.puiUiiui Curu.
      14 words
      11 words
    • 636 10 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL. THESE BQUARBB SHOW THE AMOUNT OP LIGHT OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT ELECTRIU LAMPS HAVING THE SAME CURRENT CONSUMPTION. Westinghouse i Other Metal lowpho. Fllmm nt Tung.ten C*-bo" Filament Lamps. Lamps. Lamps. Lamps. SOLE AGENTS: ELECTRICAL DEPARTMLNT, Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER
      636 words

  • 1494 11 It is a pity that wo havo been so precipitate in fixing the date of tho Coronation, says tho Westminster Gazette of December 80. Early in next June there will be fine, warm weather, and country cousins will definitely make up their minds to como to town for the
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  • 316 11 Memories of the Mutiny's Most Tragic Story. It is, perhaps, a little daring on tho part of I the writer in the January Travel and Exploation to repeat the oft-told story of the Mutiny massacre at Cawnporo perhaps the most moving tragedy of the great mutinybut
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  • 245 11 Ridiculed by the President of Harvard. President Lowell, of Harvard, has just hurled a bombshell among the American universities by ridiculing the progressive degeneration in taste as exhibited in col- lags yells, which, he said, resembled a chorus of foghorns. Mr. Bill Edwards, New York's streetcleaning
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  • 250 11 There are virtue**, after all, in tobacco. Dr. George I. Meylan, director of physical culture at Columbia University, publishes the results of studies he has made to determine the effect of tobacco smoking on university I students. His Ktiuiniary, acquired after two years' observation of 11.1 smokers
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  • 968 11 THE DOG THAT BELONGED TO A KING. A Much-Travelled Canine. W. E. Grey writes in the Daily Mail Enthroned in thousands of British nurseries here and in tho Dominions is a new idol Dog Caesar. His image is made of wool and plush, plaster of Paris, or mere paper.
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  • 38 11 The census returns of America show that tin- continental population of the United States is 91,972,266. as compared with 75,500,000 in 1900. The total population of all territories under the American flag is estimated to be about 101,100,000.
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  • 33 11 The chief football event of the year in Bangkok, the International between England and Scotland, was played at the Sports Club, on January 21. The English team won by three goals to nothing.
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  • 36 11 Speaking before the National Service I League, Sir Thomas Gallway said he had just completed his report on the health of the 1 Army. The British soldier, nowadays, wa+ more healthy than he had ever been.
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  • 816 11 FHE BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD OF A DISCOVERY. Work in Glasgow and Edinburgh. In Some Recollections, contributed to the Cornhill Magazine, Ma?. W. Y. Sellar draws on her unpublished store of Edinburgh reminiscences. She gives some interesting details concerning Lord Lister's career after taking his degree in London,
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  • 144 11 Estimate by the Statistician of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth Bureau of Census lias issued the following figures showing the estimated population of Australia on September 80, 1910, and the estimated increase for the quarter ended on thatdate New South Wales.— Males 874,793, females 778,758; total, 1,648,551; increase— males
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  • 245 11 Wrestlers, Footballers, and Bowlers Of Note Die in Mine Disaster. Many sportsmen of note have been killed in the Lancashire mine disaster. Joseph Topping, the clever Westhoughton wrestler in the last London tournament, has finished his last fall. Bob Marsh, a brother of Sam Marsh, of the
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  • 384 11 Another Decade Will See Its Practical Extinction. From a return of the business of the world's ports, it is ascertained that not one of the world's shipping centres show figures now that were the case ten years ago. Liverpool, Glasgow, London, New York, Hamburg, and Marseilles
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  • 197 11 Tobacco Preferable to the UterDinner Liqueur. The Lanc.t gives an interesting communication on the influence of tobacco on digestion by a medical correspondent, who is also a discreet smoker." The act of smoking, states the correspondent, comprising as it does the introduction into the mouth of pungent
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  • 215 11 Have Women a Sense of Humour "Have women a sense of humour?" is the question which the Lokal Anzeiger addressed to a numbor of prominent persons apropos of a statement by Mine. Yvette Gtiilbert that her sex is deficient in humour. Mr. Jerome K. Jerome, whose works enjoy a wide
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  • 1039 11 It is proper to sneer at titles. If one considers them gravely no doubt they are absurd from every point of view at the prcsont day, when the very meaning of the words is lost. But in such a survey forms of address must bo included among titles, and
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  • 50 11 Concluding a review of Stock Exchange values in 1910, the Financier remarks ln the market for rubber shares there have, of course, been enormous gains during tl v. and, even allowing for the set-back which has since taken place, the movements havo been for the most part favonrablo on balance.
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  • 1239 12 OBSERVATIONS BY GOW, WILSON AND STANTON. Statistics of Prices and Supplies. An interesting rubber market report for 1910 is issued by Messrs. Gow, Wilson and Stanioii. which we reproduce below. Dealing first with market conditions, they state: It can be no exaggeration to say that the
    1,239 words
  • 528 12 Suggestions on Preparation (or the London Market. In a review of rubber in 1910, Messrs. S. l-'iggi* and to. estimate that the enormous MR agi- of 7 JO.OOO acres are now under rubber cultivation in the East, and though some quantity of this is only in course
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  • 200 12 DmHm with rubber prospects, Mr. Row--1 ui'l W. Cater states in The Financier that the Kritish Admiralty has been for some time considering the use of eomjiouud rubber tl.i.r.ii^ a* a Isuk UWIM The advant;ig a of rubber decks additional cleanliness, sound and vibration-reducing pro])crlies.
    200 words
  • 1172 12 EFFECT ON PRICES OF THE INCREASED DEMAND. Future of the Industry Assured While it had not attracted the daily attention of descriptive writers in lay journals, (says the Financial News of January 8) the boom in rubber shar§s which was destined to become the event of 1910
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  • 418 12 Further Crop Figures From London Financial Papers. Tho following crop statistics, gathered from London journals, have not hitherto appeared in our columns United Serdang. December crop, 13,257 pounds corresponding period of 1903, 2,083 pounds; increase, 16,194 lb. Total for four months from September 1, 57,730 lb., against]
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  • 467 12 Alleged Big bmbezzlemeat of Transfer Fees. Before Alderman Sir Walter YsMjbM Morgan, at the Guildhall, on January o, William Staudish Robert*, of Walm-laue. Crickkwood, appeared in answer to an adjourned summons charging him with embezzlement, the prosecutors being Messrs. R. G. Shaw and Co.. merchants and commercial
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  • 1253 12 Expectations Likely to be Exceeded Speaking at the first annual general meeting of the Tainiaug Rubber Estates, Limited, held on December 80, at the otlices of the company, 59, Kastcheap, E.C., Mr. C. Engeringh (chairmau of tho company) said Gentlemen, this is your first annual ordinary I general
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  • 1124 12 COMMODITY PRICES AND MARKET COISTROL. The Revival io the Spring. Ajax, in The Financier, makes some instrnc tive points in a scries of articles upon rubber shares as investments. Ho takes a 'very optimistic view of the position as disloscd at tho opening of this year. To-day, he
    1,124 words
  • 51 12 Tho marriage arrangod boteen Mr. Franc id Nelson, of tho Hongkong and Sh.iughuj Banking Corporation, secoud son of tho la ti Mr. H. E. 11. 1 -on, and Jean, daughter <J tho late Lieut. Coionol I'atriek Moul <omen™ R. E., and of Mrs. Mjutgomorio, WruLliauil Keut, will take place iv
    51 words

  • 1298 13 STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSING PRICES, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON JANUARY 4. A number of shares in which local investors are interested are not quoted in local share lists, and there are occasionally »id« margins between quotations here and in London. W< quote below the best available
    1,298 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 430 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE. BIRDB OF PARADIBE FOR SALE. At Messrs. Moraux Co 19/20, Boat Quay. 101 v FOR BALE. A new motor boat, 40 H.P., length 82' z 8' x s'. Will carry 20 bans rioe. Apply Qaggino and Co. U8079 FOR SALE. One four- cylinder H amber car in
      430 words
    • 328 13 Hh^h/B Motor Tyres! 9 J»|i/)S« Tbc in-Ribbed flrafil Continental Tyre. sit B^va^SSSsSß All **E IhJ W Si SPECIALLY M4DE FOR THE TROPICS. Sg: I\\ siiiiiiß^slllliiiiiHsHsiiiiiH(^Cß^si\llV*^s\i%ilHl^siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii%iiiiiiiiiiiiii»^siiiiiitiiSlfei^st>a»^siii« JtiFwßftk Through our Wholesale Agents. THROUGH ALL LEADING DEALERS AND GARAGES. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd. TELEGRAMS SINGAPORE TELEPHONE: Continent*. 17, Collyer Quay. a9O. >
      328 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 471 14 INBUMHCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board Of Director*! O. A. Dbrkick, Esq., Chairman. K. H. Fair, Esq Managing Director. Pbtbr Fowlib, m.b., cm Chief Med. Officer P. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Ooovrbur Vow Noan Pan, Esq. Ono Soon Tbb, Esq Kaoo
      471 words
    • 235 14 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANy OF CANADA. K-1 MiLIsHM. 1882. Inauranos in Foror. over MM'MM New Business, 1909, over >t,IOM» Net Surplus above liabilities for reserve and all outstanding claims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over JJS.»»« was t at-ide as a special addition to Policy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Mao
      235 words
    • 521 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of JWO each £1,200,000 Reserve Fond £1,600,000 Ueserve.Liabilitr of Proprietors... A1.a00.000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City k Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest allowed
      521 words
    • 576 14 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE C).. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, BUNG STREET. Established 1807. Capital paid up J1.000.C00.00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Tarn Tbck Joon 6. Km Kia Jan Mam Kirn Sbmo 7. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. Liao Chia Hbnq 8.
      576 words
    • 984 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUBEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS. AT NO. C, OFF RIVBR VALLEY ROAD, Tbe property of F. Apps, Ksq On Saturday, February 4, 191 1, at 2 p.m. Comprising Teak occasional marblr top tables, HANDSOME POLISHED CAUVI.D TEAK SIDEBOARD WITH MIRRORED PANELS, polished teak
      984 words

  • 991 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. New Type of Two-cycle Engine. There ix no inoiv consistent believer in the Iw.Hjilc prim-ipl.' tli i( n Mr. (1. K. Mort, oue of tho niananin^ ilinvt.n s of _M MR Knyine O.iiipniiy, wlui km woikcil for years to evolve a
    991 words
  • 43 15 It is estimated tlmt Umn m 1.0 IX) rooMtwr victims for every ilay of n Kli^lilin^ for tlio four iiK'k)iits Mmanadiag Manila. In 4.1 awihwi there aax' IK.OOO killings on ono .«kpit day tlirou^liuiit tlic PliilippineH, on<l WtOfißO iv the df a year.
    43 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 325 15 WOLSELEY CARS FORMERLY KNOWN AS SIDQELEY AUTOCARS Sole Agents Penang, F.M.S. and Sumatra. CENTRAL SSSS SILENT KNIGHT CC T-P f%"T7" v I— > CS 'DO Arriving Shortly 8 II I., Single cylinder, four seated Cars. U 8.P., Two cylindei five seated Cars. In Stock i 20 H.l'., 6 cylinder, seven-seated,
      325 words
    • 78 15 CROUP PREVENTED. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not only a cer'aio onre for crcup, bat it will prevent tbe attack when (reely given aa soon aa the first symptoms appear. In many tboas&nda of bomts it ii kept constantly at hand ready for in'taut use aa soon as the cronpy eoogb
      78 words
    • 466 15 pELESTINS VICHY WmSm TABLE WATERS. fSS VICHY MINERAL WATERS of wide- world renown are known (or their K ood curative qoaJities, but it is not generally known that out of all the Vichy waters the only Jf ono that can be need as .able water in CELESTINS VICHY TABLE WATEH
      466 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 920 16 INDIAN PATENT STONE 10 Times More Durable than Neat Cement. WRITE FOR FULL PARTICULARS i SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTS. CHINESE CLERKS WANTED. Wanted for a tin mine in Pahang, an efficient typist with a knowledge of book keeping aUo for engineering department, a smart timekeeper with a knowledge
      920 words
    • 491 16 TO BE LET 00 MLO TO LET. Prom Ist February, 84, The Arcade, Ist floor, suitable for an rffioe. Apply to Alkoff k Co. 70, The Arcade. 71 6 2 TO LET. 86, Grange Road, furbished, from middle of April no it. Apply to Mr. J. O. Koopman. 101 a
      491 words
    • 600 16 HOTICEB. NOTCE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto subsisting between Tan Moung Tho, Sect Tiang Lim, Ho Sok Cboo Neo, Oen Kbeng Liang, Khouw Kirn Tjiang and Tan On Wijt, carrying on bonnets at Malacca ender the style or firm of "THE MELEKBE RUBBER COMPANY bas this day
      600 words
    • 638 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A GO. SHIP CHANDLERS. «wan— and Muaiclpal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 106* 109. Market Street. MALACCA PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION. The postponed Annual General Meeting will be held in the Malacca Club, on Sunday, February 6, at 11 o'clock forenoon. Business General. 81-1 4-S RUBBER EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. The public
      638 words
    • 337 16 NOW CHOOSE Bechstein Pianos) Brintmead Pianos Stein way Piano* Raehals Pianos Collard Pianos Braadwood, Whit* Pianos Kriebel Pianos Russell Pianos Winkelmann Pianos Knauss Pianos Haake Pianos Strohmenger Pianos Lehmann Pianos THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. Raehals' Auto-Player Pianos Allison Auto-Player Pianos Manual Auto-Player Pianos Brinsmead Angelus. We WANT to SEND
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 237 16 Straits Isimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not ttxc&c^ing four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.o. cards, on page 6, I'J. Inch Scau Ratbs are »s
      237 words