The Straits Times, 28 January 1911

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.476 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 28. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 317 1 iVATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. KATZ BROS., LD. FIRST Ladies' Outfitting riRST FLOOR AND FLOOR Drapery Depts, SPECIAL BARGAIN LINES. Fringed Turkish Towels. White Nottingham Lace Cream Union Flannel. Excellent Towel (or Club nee. Curtains. Splendid wasbiDf! .inality. Size 15 x 80 inches. Strong wat^iDg quality. Price :$2 00
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    • 303 1 ITgoggPts) MEN'S UNDERWEAR FOR a 7l^^^ qL Ah. I All-The-Year-Round JpM z -^^Lwjr3^L^m^E^* 1 Sl« b^. ~*r k \f yii^nmArir\M^^ j WE STOCK PURE WOOL UNDERWEAR IfcAlJUiJE^lS;^ all sizes NEVER SHRINKS m I FRO m 34 TO 46' We mention one Outstanding Number in each of the above well-known brands
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    • 3 1 DRINK Martell's Brandy.
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  • 873 2 MODERN STEAMSHIPS AND THE SCIENCE OF STABILITY. Difficulties of the Designer. The int|iiiry into the mystery surrounding the fate of the Waratah will doubtless have the effect of causing some amount of nervousness on the part of those who have to undertake long journeys by sea, says the
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  • 163 2 Result of Major Davidson's Recent Investigations. Tlie report on the condition of the Sikh police at Shanghai drawn tip by Major S. It. Davidson, the oflicer lent by the Indian Government for the purjxwo of the investi gatiun into the caused that led up to the overt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 103 2 =s 'VANA' |v TONIC WINE At o One or two doses daily, q strengthen body, brain and o U nerves, and counteract the o fc Vl fatigue and depression (j f/ produced by extreme heat. hr <=> Fortifies against Malaria Of all Chemist 8 See you get 'VANA' Burroughs Wellcome
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    • 13 2 For all internal complaints. Dysentery Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Oreat Peppermint Core.
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    • 412 2 TRAVELLING IN THE TROPICS. An IMMM Aq«nt's Trocri.ks. KtvER, Aouk, Chronic Constipation Cubku Hy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Whilst making a (our of tho Celebes in the interest*) of a Life Insurance Co. a few years a^o Mr. Altai I>. Oehlers had to visit many iiiilii-altliy places, with the rcxult
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    • 281 2 NEW JEWELLERY Fop 1911 We have on show ao enormous stock stock of Jewellery, a large quantity ol wfaiob is entirely lew- cither recently imported or manufactured. These are OF THE LATEST DESIGNS and will suit the moat fastidious. We are offering our jewels at prioee to suit all purses,
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  • 1085 3 THE SEASONS SUCCESSES IN OWNERS AND HORSES. "Mr. Fairle" First. Fl It is U. men rather than U> tin- MdMa that tlie ureaUwt dintinction in tlir MMg tmmm of l»10 belongK-t<> tlie {!<"" Who i liihims t<i M under the ni>'" 'I' 1 ttittWß of Mi. Kairie,"
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 648 3 In Consiimption "Suitable to the most delicate stomach." Dear Sirs,— Some tim* sine* I Itfrane a victim of phthisis, and rapidly lo^t •Might. Whin, bom n'r.iin tUc ml vice ol my doctor, I availed myself of .\m4ier I iiMilsion my health began to mend, and I quickly put on flesh.
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    • 60 3 CURE FOR BILIOUSNESS. Kiliounn as is duo to a dinotdurcd condition nf the stomach. Chamberlain's Tablets arc eh ititially a btomach medicine intended enperially to act on that orpan to cleanse it strengthen it, t ne and invigorate it, to re f>nlate tbe liver and to banish biliousness poai tivoly
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    • 539 3 RAW PLACES ON HERMBY BOY Lower Lip Broke Out in Sores. Spread All Over Chin, then on Legs and Jhighs. Did Not Improve. Sent for Cuticura Remedies. Soothed Him Wonderfully. In Six Weeks He was Cured. "When my Iwliy hoy wan elghtwii montha Old, his lo«er lip l,rokr nut ill
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    • 291 3 -^7-J. JJJPk Royal Disinfectant a^-L/fKotf^ Soap is a practical jT MJ J ]B|j]ffl] precaution for the iS^/3HPf§i^ j^ health of man, /uMisK I woman or child. Is E \tX /^//I^^^Sk 1> keeps c B Y in mU McKENZIES PW Jieat i Botioiß I The finest p re P arati n
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. FeTa STEAM NAVIGATION CB. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANO, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading iaaned for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, aud American Porta. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for China.) 1911 Assaye Apl 7
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    • 547 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service is maintained be tween Yokohima via ports to Marseille", London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with
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    • 639 4 STEAMER BAILIH6B. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. AMD TOYO KISEN KAISHA. The two great steamship lines between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, operating the new 12,000 tone, twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN CHURIA NIPPON MARU, TENYO MaRU
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    • 234 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. c pTr CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 8 ROYAL MAIL BTEAMSHIP LINE. The NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO EUROPE VIA CHINA, JAPAN, OANADA AND THE ONITBD STATBS. Route from Hongkong via Shainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Kmpuss or India Twin screw steam. K
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    • 559 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Btraita, I hina and Japan Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 665 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well- known mail Bteamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Uenoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena) Port Said, Suez, Aden Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai,
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  • 1043 5 The would-be assasin of Mayor Oaynor has been sentenced to twelve years' penal servitude. The Rev. C. H. Chard, rector of Spitalfields, has converted the crypt of his church into a store where poor people whose homes are broken up may deposit their furniture, free of charge,
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  • 247 5 WHAT BEING RUN DOWN MEANS. A Royal Physician's Statement. In spite of all the ordinary precautions people take to safeguard their health and the care they habitually use in selecting their proper food, the time comes, sooner or later, when they feel more or less "slack," run-down, and below par.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 609 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. GO., LTD. Tnr. Mourners of thin Company maintains a regular direct service between CalcuiU, Straits H in kunn Bhanßb«i and Japan, lakine cargo, on tbrooßh Bills f Lading for Canton, Rwstow, Amoy, Chffoo, Tientsin, Newchw»n*, Yaogtaze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, etc etc. Steunors Tons Commander
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    • 583 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS FOR HONGKONG. AMOY AND SWATOW. s.s. QLENOOLE, due January 81. These steameiß bave exoellent aooommod ition for pa Mongers, and carry qualified rargeons. They have Eleotric Lightf throughout. Pot freight or passage, apply to TAIK LBB OUAN a CO., Ageata Ot BARKIBS BROTHERS (for
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    • 636 5 Do you Suffer with WheumatUm Has this terrible, nerve racking, painful ailment fastened itself upon you Don't lose hope. Here is succour for yoc Little's Oriental Balm has cured thousands of inveterate chronic esses of Rheumatism, among them hundreds of cases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through this wonderful
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    • 600 5 "An Army Travels on Its Stomach is one of Ihe •xioim of the military art Thai lhcirklividu:.llites upon bis stomach is also literally true. hrn ihe stomach k out I of order through ovcr«ork, improper did, or 111 excesses, and the digestive plaids Lecomeslug-t'-K Jy«pepsU. con^lipation and other iIU I
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    • 409 5 WTICLE3 FOR SALE. BIROS OF PARADISE FCR SAIE. At Messrs. Moranx A Co 19/20, Boat Quay. 101 FOR SUE One small victoria and mare. Apply to E. O. H. F. Hartnell, c/o Borneo Co., Ltd. 171 a FOR SALE. A new motor boat, 40 H.P., length 82' x 8* x
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  • 2149 6 A STUDY OF THE PRESENT DAY ANARCHIST. Opinions From St. Petersburg. In the course of an extremely iut< resting stmly of anarchy and anarchists, the St. Petciburg correspondent of the Daily Toll-graph writes What is an Anarchist? History answers One who is eager to destroy what the
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  • 94 6 After considerable correspondence between Ceylon and England the rules of the proposed Proprietors' Labour Federation of Ceylon have at last been approved. The federation will, it is hoped, help greatly in the development of tho planting industry in tho way of cheapening the cost of production and putting labour difficulties
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 664 6 A Medical Officer Debility. Nervous Exhaustion Certainly the absolute confidence of eminent doctors is evidence enough of the exceptional benefits imparted by Phosferine. Even doctors cannot do more to prove their confidence than by using Phosferine to remedy their otcn disorders. Could any proof be more definite, more convincing than
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    • 169 6 ASAHI SBEER BeSt and i cheapest. WholeMle only from fv% Piie Mitsui Bussan Kaislia, Ld, |jJR THE DAI NIPPON BREWERY Tamoto Company PRICE PER DOZEN Quarts $2.70 \j|lßßy ESTATE SUPPLIES OP Every Description FROM ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO.. LTD. END'S 'FRUIT SALT' A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR All Functional Derangements of the
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  • 174 7 FIXTURES. Saturday, January aB. High Water, 8 89 a.m., 10.89 p.m. Selangor R*c«-s. Voluntoer Camp. Sunday, January 29. High Water, 9 2*2 a.m., 11.13 p.m. N. D. L. homeward mail due. Monday, January 30. High Water, 10.8 a.m., 11.42 p.m. Chinese Now Year. Chinese Week of Prayer,
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  • 181 7 TrwUv. Sabana. (Colombo, Suez and Goion V u M S p-n M »iacoa an IP. Dickaon Snppbo 3pm ]> li Riinca 8 pra Batnvia QwliH 8 pin U.mcknng, Shanghai and Japan Arotriia SimS |im Bundok BiaflßpOM 4 pm Bangkok Niemun? 4 pm Colombo C. L. y L
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  • 121 7 Tbe Imp. Ocman mail steamer Bnelov ha- i' R left Hongkong at no->n on the 2'ith ioßt m»\ be I'xpocU-d tn arrive bere ou SunUy. tbe 2?th instant, at 7a m Sh will probably be despatched for Europe the following day. Lett Rin pork Dei n« Losdoji
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  • 337 7 Latest Arrivals. Surrib, H 1.8 M. gunboat. .'ml tons, 100 crew, 4«no«, .MX) li p. Com. Hai-owit/, Jan 27. Frnm l'euaug. Jan 25. For Bangkok, Jan 89 Rds. Arcadia. Brit »tr *M 3 tons, Capt Barcharo. Jan 2«. From Bombay, Jan 18. O.c, mail p. P. AO. Cnv.
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  • 97 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAGAR. East Wiurf Basin— Kuantau. East W. Section No. 1 Asiatic Wharf -Nil. Main W. Skct. No. 2 -K Apcar, Benlawers. B— Nil. 4 Nuentnng 6 Matarxm, Perak, o—Dnuoalion.0 Dnuoalion. Laooon Dock 7—
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  • 323 7 Arrivals. Vo.t ptramer IV-ok. J»nn-rv 28 Frnm Tfl"k An»nn via pots: Mrs. Matl>ew», Mr and Mri>. Corti», Maote* .Tone", Mrssrs. M E Shprwo'xi, Briwnton, Jot'"s*nn, inicadeD. P. A B in«, A. A B'own, D. J. M. Wvngaarden, T Rvans ard V ung Per B'f«ncr Darvel, January 21
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  • 425 7 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, January 29, IQH.) Fourth Sunday Afteb Epipbany. 7 a.m.- Matins. First Lesson ...Job XXVII. Second Lesson S. Matthew XVI, 1-24. Hymn 261. 7.45 a.m.— Holy Communion (Choral). Introit Psalm XXIII— 42. Service Hugh Blair. Hymns IH4, H2oand 20H. 5.30 P.M. EvKNSONCS AND ShllMoN. Responses
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  • 250 7 Finance Commerce. Sinoapobb, January 38, 1811. EXCHANGE. On London— Bank 4 m/g 3/4| Demand 3/4fc Private S m/s 2/4 ft do 3 m/s 2/4| On Oiemant— Bank d/d 310 Private 8 m/s 344 do 10/ i 3464 On Franci -Bank d/d 295 Private 8 n>/« 3094 do 8 m/s 8084
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    • 197 7 I«pue 5 Value -1 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Hm-t h Hyd 10 10 Kaoaboi £1 £1 KinUTin £1 £1 K'edangTin 10 10 Knantao T.n £1 £1 L idat Mines 10 10 Malacca Tin 6/- 6/- Pibang Consol £1 £1 V DRkalcn £1 £1 Pjfiog
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    • 663 7 Issue ?■> Value Bayers Sellers. 2/- 3/- All»«ar 4/7 6/6 2/. 2/- Anglo- Malay 1.1.6 1.8 1} 2/. 2/. Batang Malaka 2/- 2/8 £1 £1 Batn Caves 18.17 6 14 10.0 £1 £lßatnTiga 4 1.8 4.10.0 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang 26 0 2.10.0 £1 16/- Contributory 12 6 1.0.0
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    • 136 7 l«sue !2 Value <Sj Bnyera. 10 10 Eastern Smelting 10 7 615 £1 £1 Electric Tramways 8/8 10 10 Fraser Noave 27.00 If 0 Howarth Erskine 100 7% Pref. 90 00 100 100 KaU Bro. IM. 100 100 8% Cam Pref. 10 10 May card i, Co. 22 SO
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    • 48 7 Bayers Sellers Howarth Erskine t% 1600,000 par Kiley, Hargreaves 1281,000 1% 8% pre Singapore Eteotrio Trau.ways6% £BXO,OOO S'pore Municipal 6% 11,i78 000 nom. Buyers Selkra S'poreMDnicipal4i% of ivo7 n.eoo.roo e% 7%pr« S pore Municipal 4}% of 1909 $1.00n,0C0 7% 6%pre S pore Municipal 4% 1e02,000 1% dis
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 72 7 I have lost (oar toes in the Mt. Coik snows An eyn m thfl T mman S is, A h <nd ard a jaw in a ci-cular saw, And a foot by a f Jlintf tn I But I ncvi>r t'nik ill from a cn\ I or a chill, Kir
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    • 178 7 AUCTION SALES, Powell and Co. Jan. 28 A' Greenbtnk, Chancery Lanr. teak hoowho'd farnitare, etc property of Mi>« Norrip, at 2. Feb. 8. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Fnb. 6. At saleroom, unredeemed pledge s. at 10. F««b 7 At saleriom. fr;>ebold residential property, known as No. 50, Cappage
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    • 781 7 fascination of the East Is brought home to you in .^^^BM Egyptian Curettes hiv* ZsSj^t Bouton Rouge f «nd Felucca Egyptian Cigarettes The car? with which they ire made, under Ideal < J»\^KSH)Jlß[>jtffi| JS^^^^ cli ma Lie conditions, starting from trie selection of £L± the leaf to the finished product,
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    • 146 7 HIGH-CLASS Telephone No. 619. UNDERTAKING. *3, Prlnsep Street, Singapore. MR. ALBERT L. A. DALEY Begs to inform tbe public that the kind patronage acoorded him dnrinu thn past t. w yna™, has made it necessary (or bim to acquire another new Rubbertyred Hearse, whirh (mrpa'sta all nthnm in th« S'rait>.
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  • 1210 8 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28. FURTHER POSTPONED. In the face of the strong expressions of pnblic opinion, and in the face, also, of the reasons specifically laid before the Legislative Council itself, it was impossible to go on with the Income Tax Bill. It is hung up, therefore, until
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  • 11 8 There will be no issue of the Straits Times on Monday.
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  • 15 8 The Governor-in-Council has authorised the opening for public traffic of the Keppel Road tramway diversion.
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  • 16 8 The programme at the Marlborough cinematograph to-night is one particularly strong in art and humorous subjects.
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  • 24 8 An Old Malvernian Dinner will be held at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, February 4, prereded by a cricket match, Old Malvernians v. The Rest.
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  • 22 8 Owing to the large expenditure for the purposes of defence, the Commonwealth Government have decided not to send troops to the Coronation.
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  • 26 8 Mr. A. Morrison has been granted leave to file locally a specification of an invention for improvements in and relating to machines for bottling aerated liquids.
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  • 27 8 Two clerks in the Battery Road store of Messrs. Riley Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., havo been charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of electrical fittings.
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  • 31 8 Tho bodies of two dead Chinamen were found this morning floating in the river at the back of the Chartered Bank. One has been identified as that of a sampan coolie.
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  • 27 8 The monthly meeting of tho Church Workers' Association will be held at the Parsonage, on Wednesday next, at 4.30 p.m. Members are reminded that subscriptions are due.
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  • 35 8 A Rpecial dinner and dance will be given at Rattles Hotel this evening, the music for which, by permission of Colonel Bayard. D. S. and officers, will be furnished by the band of The Buffs.
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  • 33 8 The Xi Battalion, Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, which moved from Singapore to Lebong a couple of years ago. is about to move from the latter station to l'eshawar iv the Punjab.
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  • 39 8 The Siamese gunboat Sucrib. under Commander F. Haurawitz, entered the roads yesterday afternoon from Penang. She is a essel of 550 tons, carrying seven guns and a crew of 100 men. She is expected to leave for Bangkok to-morrow.
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  • 54 8 Mile. Lygie made her first appearance at the Alhauibra cinematograph last night. when she captivated a large audience with her pretty serpentine and silver dances. She will perform again tonight, in conjunction with a change of programme of pictures, and judging from her achievement the previous evening, she should attract
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  • 74 8 Several thefts are being investigated by the police. In one, a jeweller, of t>2'J North Bridge Road, has lost watches, which he had taken in for repair to the value of JIJ4. The ltoyal Amy Mcdi eal Corps officer at Fort Canning rcputs that four blankets and two counterpanes have
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  • 76 8 A big haul of contraband was made by officers of the Government Monopoly Depart ment, on board the steamer Hong Wan I yesterday. Six kerosene tins marked Chinese spoons" were found to contain 975 tahils of opium and 500 tahil of chaudu, the total value of which is 54.000 or
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  • 90 8 In a despatch on the Colony's estimates for 1911, adddrcsscd to His Excellency the Governor, the Secretary of State lor the Colonies says: 1 have noticed with great pleasure the signs of returning prosperity to which you allude, and I hope that the financial position of the Colony will become
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  • 102 8 Papa Isio, most famous of all bandits who haunted the wildernesses of the Philippine*, "the man who could not die," died in tiilibid prison early this month after a long illness. Tuberculosis was the cause of death. With the passing of Papa Isio, thero disappears from the Philippine world a
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  • 101 8 Mr. R. J. Farrer presided last night over a well attended meeting of the Malaya Football Association in the Victoria Memorial Hall. The reports and accounts reflected a very satisfactory year's work and they wore passed. Mr. Farrer, having completed the usual term of office as president, was succeeded by
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  • 101 8 Four missionaries, who hnd laboured among the savages of Portuguese Timor arrived, tho other day, at Batavia, after being banishod by tho Republican authorities. Their offence was that they bclougod to a prohibited religious order. The communities under their chargo mustered H,2(K) souls. Ono of them. Father Manuel Ferreira, had
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  • 306 8 Mr. W. Ky re- Kenny !ms been confirmed in his appointment as Warden of Minen, K. M. S. Amongst recently elected Fellows of the Royal Colonial Institute is Mr. R. N. G. Bingley, of Java. The Rajah of Sarawak was present at the meeting of Lord Bathurst's
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  • 49 8 The firing off of crackers, except in certain prohibited thoroughfares is officially authorised for the following days and hours from midnight, January 29, to ti a.m. January '10 from midnight. February 6, to 6 a.m. February 7; from 8 p.m., February 18, to midnight same date.
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  • 172 8 There was a very large gathering of mem tiers of the Singai>ore Cricket ami GoU Clubs at the farewell dinner U> Sir Arthur Yuiiny in the Siiiga)>ore Club last night Mr. (1. P. Owaatook the chair, an.l tin- lie ilth of the RMBt was projk.srd
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  • 216 8 Among the numerous pickpockets who have DMO busy of late collecting the wherewithal for the suitable cell luation of the New Vinr tin re is one who will not enjoy the fruits of his labour. He was- captured, it is pleasant to learn, !>v a
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  • 220 8 The Scotsmen iv Mala< c MM nothing if not enthusiastic, and after celebrating the day of their Patron Saint last NUncuilmi by giving their first St. Ajidrew's dinner, they t<x)k the opportunity on WVdmsil.iv of 00 Vl brating the anniversary uf the liiith of their national
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 177 8 We receive monthly shipments of the following CIGARETTES and CIGARS:— Fribourg Treyes— Finest Egyptian. De Reszke's—" Tenors." DUNCAN'S (of Glasgow) Nob. 17 and 20— specially selected— TURKISH QUALITY. ALLENO CIGARS. (The favourite smoke at the Sports Clnb, London.) Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. During this Rainy Weather To be well shod and
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    • 239 8 genuine Jittraetion ALHAMBRA To-Nlght. (FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY) 3nd Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. 1. OVERTURE. 2. THE HOBBLE SKIRT. 8. MARGURRITE'6 BIRTHDAY. 4. AMONGST THE ROSES. 10 to 10 20 pm. 6- MLLE. LYGIE 6. IVILL.E:. LYGIE 7. J MLLE. LYGIE IN HER Genuine Serpentine and Silver Danoe.
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    • 13 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 7 as well an 11.
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  • 65 9 AN /EROPLANE CONVEYS SIX PASSENGERS. Remarkable Bird -Like Flight. lUiitkk's Tklbobam. London, January 27. The aviator Roger lias made a cross country flight with six passengers at Donzy, Ardennes. London, January 28. At San Diego, the aviator Curtiss, flying on an leroplane equipped with hydroplanes, ascended from
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  • 46 9 TERMS OF THE RECIPROCITY AGREEMENT. Important Mutual Concessions Rkutpr's Trlkgram. London, January 27. Details of tho reciprocity agreement between the United States and Canada are published. Tlal total amount of duties remitted bj thr United States is »,H.">o.o<tO and by Canada MWyOW dollars.
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  • 41 9 ItfllKl:S TkI.KiUUM. London. January '21. Lord Oimua, addressing the Htudeats at (lluwow, s:\iil that (lisnioinberment of China l>|vars to be arrested. The <iut>stion is will bIio unito with .).ii>:i:» and share tho leaderehip of the Far East.
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  • 18 9 Kkutek's Tklkukam. London. January 27. The death of Sir Charles Dilke is announc
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  • 23 9 Rrcter's Telegram. London. January 27. It is stated that the British Government is considering pro]>osals to popularise Consols among small investors.
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  • 42 9 Hi i K'l Ti litßllW London. January J7. A St. Peterabnrg telegram says that Prince Chin 'oiiimys. Korean Kx-Ministcr here, has bean bond hanged in his residence. He left a letter to the Emperor of Korea and -iolH) roubles.
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  • 29 9 Bajura'i TniMH London, January N, Pluaiiin telegram* says that the Government being imabi, to obtain serum, has ordered ten thousand doses of plague antitoxin from Vienna.
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  • 31 9 I!mth.- > Ijondoii. January 28. The New York Times learns from a trustworthy source that America promises to negotiate a new treaty with Japan eliminating the exclnaion danaa,
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  • 31 9 Dk.K Ostasiatisi hk Luivi) Tn.K..i;\ .i. Berlin, January 27. The Hamburg America line pays au 8 per cent, dividend for litlil. and nineteen millions of raarift are written off.
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  • 29 9 Dm OsTAsIATISCHB I. l.'iv n TKLEOKAM. Berlin, January 'J7. Admiral Tirpitz is promoted to be Lord High Admiral, and vice Admiral Truppel is promote! to Admiral.
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  • 25 9 Dm: Ostasi \i!m iik I,lovi> Tklkhham. Berlin, January 27. France has stopix-d all diplomatic action with reference to the fortification of Flushing.
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  • 31 9 DKlt OsTASIATISCUK I.LOYD TkLKUIUM. Berlin, January 21. Tho Russian Council of Ministers has decided to stud a commission of experts to report ii|k>n the trans T. isian railway scheme.
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  • 24 9 Dm OsrvsiATisciiK l.i.ovn Tklkora*. Berlin, January 27. The Tri|x.lis incident, which threatened friction between Italy aud Turkey, has been amicably settled.
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  • 47 9 Important Changes Suggested. Rbutkr's Tblf.cram. London, January 27. A Berlin telegram says that a conference of officials and commercial men held at the Foreign Office has decided that in future candidates for the Consular Service must have practical knowledge of commerce, industry and shipping.
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  • 36 9 Deb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Telkoram. Berlin, January 27. On the occasion of tho Emperor's birthday there were unusually numerous references in the li -ss. and the references in the Liberal Journals were especially sympathetic.
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  • 32 9 (From Ocr Own Corrkspondbnt.) London, January 28. The tone of the London Rubber market shows a marked improvement, and best Para is now quoted at 5/6 to 5 is.
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  • 184 9 Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co. kindly favour us with thr Lattdon prices they have received this morning Quotations. Middle Middle Pricks. Pricks. Allagars 4/9 Lanadrons p.p. .£3.7.9 p. Anglo Malays 21 9 Ledburys p.p. :(7 6 \nglo Javas 11 i Liuggis 44Anglo
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  • 604 9 Position of Share Market at the Opening o! New Year. From the London and China Express of January 6, we take the following The inarkethas shown increasing weakness, aud i lower. A Me boaiMaa baa ben line in line Hard P.ira. including Jan. Fib. delivery at Ba-Sfd.
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  • 687 9 HITCH OVER THE TELOK AVER QUAY WALL. Committee of Experts Appointed. The secret of the cessation of work upon the harbour sea wall a matter upon which there lias been much local speculation is disclosed in an official paper laid on the table of the Legislative Council,
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  • 376 9 New Health Appointment For Local Doctor. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. F. J. Hallifax presided and there were also present Dr. Murray Robertson, Dr. Croucher, Messrs. J. Carapiet. Tan Klieam Hock, W. Peacock, A. M. S. Angullia, and Chia Keng Chin. The
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  • 769 9 LENGTHY DEBATE ON INCOME TAX BILL Emphatic Opinions. TEMPORARY POSTPONEMENT OF THE MEASURE. Balance Sheet to be Prepared. The Legislative Council met yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of considering the income tax bill. The Governor, Sir John Anderson, O. C. M. 0., presided, and there were also present
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  • 779 9 A Surprising Allegation Left Unchallenged. The Colonial Secretary, in mentioning that the debate on the second reading of the income tax would be resumed, said that petitions against it had been received from the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Singapore and another from the Chinese community of
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  • 647 9 Transferring the Burden of Taxation. The Colony has 911,571.550, as part reserve against our note issue, invested in fixed investments at home and which mist be yielding $400,000 a year, and has also £868.917 at home representing proceeds of the currency notes sold here and which should
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  • 1627 9 Dislike of Investigation by Minor Officials. Mr. Tan Jiak Kirn said ho rose to address the Council with the greatest pleasure because he had tho satisfaction of remembering that he was tho first member of Council to nut in n plea for further timn for consideration
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  • 1966 10 Mr. Adams Propounds an Equitable Scheme. Mi. Adams nyrettcd to find himself to a very small extent in accord with Mr. llaki r ■M, In 1 band, to aa equally small extent, to other mcubers. He could not eaoape expressing M equal fecliiij,' of regret tl 't
    1,966 words
  • 2320 10 Mr. Ellis Advocates Suspension of Mole Contract. Mr. Ellin, having explained that his sole reason in addressing the Council was that in case his silence might be construed as meaning that he was not in sympathy with the resolution, said he endorsed the views of those hon.
    2,320 words
  • 751 10 Colonial Se:retary and Public Works. Tho Colonial Socrctary reminded tho Council that iv 19 is thu honourable member who moved that motion stated that tho olony was diitt.n^ into a state of poverty in 1009 he reiterated that statement and added that they should have to retrench.
    751 words
  • 1155 10 rthe Imperial Government Has Done. Excellency tbe Governor said that while the honourable member was making up his niiiiil he would like to make Home remarks. There appeared to be an idea among certain members that that bill was due to the wickedness of His Majesty's Government
    1,155 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 19 10 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Why "IlaalamV I Yours, etc..
      19 words
    • 112 10 T.i the Kditor of the Straits Tim.-. Sir, I should lx> glad if you will kindly make it known through the medium of your paper that I have already started a sub scription list towards the itelief Fund" and have received a number of contribution**. I am
      112 words
    • 134 10 Singapore Uolf Club. Tin' following is a list of Singapore Golf Club fixtures: Monthly Medal. I'n sident's January 2H I'lize. Qualifying liound. 29 Modal play, Handicap. I First Rixtccn to qualify I for fiirllur Mutch play- 30 1 c liim-M' New Y< ar. Bogey 81 I Sweep, 1H holes.
      134 words

  • 599 11 Strong Comments by the Chief Justice of Hongkong. The Cliirf .lustier of Htnsf^lßg in.uli' hoiih s vi ii' coiniiK'iitH at the nrint niniinii si nsionn with regard to insurance companies and fii< |Kili<itH, at the < omlusion of a cas«' in wliirli a SMBed I-i ffing
    599 words
  • 254 11 British and Germans in 5,800 Miles' Motor Contest. l'.iit> ot Knylisliiiu-ii was tolcnvc London. ..11 Wedneadtj last, lor Onjwsuwii, wstsnea they will try to drive an all liiiiish motor-car to Cairo. A tortnigtit alter their sUrt from Capetown a Gernwa party will follow by n slinl::'-
    254 words
  • 185 11 Tin- reported arrest <>( an allaaed Genusi spj ;ii Dover with m>u* in cipher in liis pooaoraion orostod some excitement in kbe garriHon on December 80, but taraatigatioa *lmus tlir affair to hsve been v osaoedy of errata. A foeignar ol military appearamc nt obaerred in
    185 words
  • 1070 11 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, January 28, 1911. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt. Exchange and Shan' lirokcra, issue the following list of ([notations t his morning OENERAL. 810 Eastern Smelting Co. 871x1.6.15 7.00 10 Frascr and Neave Ld. 8 28.00 829.00 10 Hov "1 van
    1,070 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 14 11 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for alt internal ci'upUinU. l>y< Dti ry. Conghi. Colds, etc
      14 words
    • 381 11 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Docs not npset the btomacb and is unrivalled (or coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tome for building up the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 AND $2.00 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE STRAITB TRADING CO., LTD. Notice is hereby
      381 words
      377 words
    • 283 11 Raffles H^ Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER To-Night. By kind permission of Col. Bayard, D.5.0., and Officers, the band of The Buffs will play during dinner and afterwards on The Lawn. MUSIC. DANCING 9.30 to 11 30. VICTORIA THEATRE, SINGAPORE. Fop One Week Only-Friday. February 3, to Friday, February 10, inclusive THE
      283 words

  • 2196 12 A BOOK OF COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS. A New Coagulation Fluid. Through Mesms. Behn, Meyer and Co., Ltd., we liave received a copy of a brochure entitled Dangers, MistakeH and Improvein. Nts connected with the Production of Rubber in Asia," the author of which is D. Sandmann. and it-,
    2,196 words
  • 1455 12 THE PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION OF A LATEX. Is It An Emulsion There is probably no more interesting study to those who are concerned with the technical aspect of rubber* than an examination, whether practical or theoretical, of the actual cause, or causes, producing separation of the minute caoutchouc globules
    1,455 words
  • 680 12 The Suggested Formation of an Imperial Bureau Our well-informed coutemporai y, Tropical Life, in its la-st issue, again refers, says the Financial Times, to the plantation labour question in the East, and suggests that the whole question of cheap labour for the Tropics and tin- colonies, to
    680 words
  • 1818 12 PROGRESS OF RUBBER GROWING IN BORNEO. The Late Mr. Cowie. At the ordinary general meeting of Membakut Rubber, Limited, held at the registered office of the company, 87, Threadneedle Street, E. C, Sir William Baillie-Hatnilton, K. C. M. 0., C. 8., (chairman of the cornBefore proceeding to
    1,818 words
  • 281 12 Supplementary to what has appealed hi re r.' e\[>eriinents in ruhiM-r growing in Uritisli (•uiana, the (iovernmeiit of lolony is fully aware of the ■afOCtajMM of rubuer commeieially. and has. through the IVpartment of Agrii ■ulture. iarri((l out exU'nsivo ex]Krimeiits in the planting aud growth of
    281 words
  • 145 12 During the Hombay riots, just Ix'fore tlio order was given to the Warwick* to lire, stones fell heavily around the troops and police, many of them Kuding their mark. The men i ndured their rough handling with admirable temper, mid awaiting orders. Blood fast. At the word of ronmiand. Urn
    145 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 214 13 MOTORS Singers Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry Vans, Lorries, Char-a-bancs, etc. Commercial Car Co., Ltd., Luton Sole Agents: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. MICHELIN TYRES. From the 15th January, all prices arc reduced by 10 on outer covers and 15 on inner tubes. PLEASE NOTE. Send your orders at once to DUPIRE
      214 words
    • 516 13 NOTICES. THE CHIMPUL (NEGRI BEMBILAN) RUBIER ESTATES. LIMITED. Will those shareholders who have not yet taken delivery of their warrants kindly do so at oner, as after tbe first day of February the warrants will b.i returned to London and the undersigned will no longer bold themselves responsible for their
      516 words
    • 368 13 BOARD AND LODGING BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Board and apartments for single gentlemen at 11, Dhoby Obaut. Terms Moderate 216 ft BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Single rooms with verandahs and bathrooms attached, close to town. Terms moderate. Apply 0.X., o/o Straits Time*. BT. ANDREW'S HOUSE. A Church of England Boarding House for
      368 words
    • 793 13 I SHAPE OF OUR LABELB. We have improved our SODA WATER and this is now AT LEAST AS GOOD as the best in town, our LEMONADE, TONIC, G'XOER ALE, GINGER BEER, LEMON BQUASH, ICE CREAM SODA, etc., etc., ars BETTER. Send your trial order to The Straits Aerated Water Factory,
      793 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 709 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COLIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors: O. A. Dbkkick, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Fa ib, Esq Managing Director. Paras Funxis, m.h., cm Chief Med. Officer K. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvrkur. Vow Nuan Pan, Esq. Ono Soon Tbb, Esq Kaoo
      709 words
    • 520 14 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIAJND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,600,000 Keserve.Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 BANffiRS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened aud interest allowed at 1
      520 words
    • 423 14 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INSURAKCE Cl, LTD NO. 87 AND 68, KLING STREET. Established 1907. Capital paid op $1,000,000.00 Reservo liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Tan Tick Joon 6. Sim Kia Jan Nam Kirn Sbno 7. Tio Hoo Lai 8. Liad Chia Hiko H.
      423 words
    • 1113 14 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Pianoforte, Etc., (THE PROPERTY OF A. ROBKRTSON, ESQ..) AT "HAFTON." TANGLIN ROAD. On Saturday, January 28, at 2 p.m. Comprising Upright iron-framed pianoforte, teak marble top waslutands, dressing tablet, almeinbt, iron bedttcads, teak and rattan chain, dinner wagons, eideboard, dining
      1,113 words

  • 972 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Vanishing Horse. The census of liorses in Paris recently taken by the Minister of War shows that that noble but luisusitl animal is beeoiniug scarcer in threity which is not inaptly called "the hell of horses." WfcaMM iv 1H99 there
    972 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 314 15 WOLSELEY CARS FORMERLY KNOWN AS SIDDELEY AUTOCARB Solo Agents Fenangi F.M.S. and Sumatra. CENTRALSSS SILENT KNIGHT :ro^7"ej:r,s Arriving Shortly s 8 H.l'., Single cylinder, four- seated Cars. U H.P., Two-cylinder tire scatei Cars. In Stock •20 H.P., 6 cylinder, seven-seated, STANDARD," painted Black. 15 11. P., l-cylin.ler, five seated, NHPIER"
      314 words
    • 80 15 CROUP PREVENTED. Chamberlain's Couth Remedy is not only ft oertain euro for croup, bat it will prevent the attack when tieely given as soon as the first symptoms appear. Id many thousands of homes it is kept constantly at hand ready j for instant use as soon as the oroopy
      80 words
    • 427 15 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (NEAR ENTRANCE to BORNEO WHARF) Telephone 1 028. I Sea Btocks of all kinds ol FROZEN MEATS, etc, can be delivered to Shipping at the Wharvea, or in I the Singapore Roads, on short II notioc. OFFICE HOURS: Week days 7 a.m. to 6 p
      427 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 513 16 Johnson's "ELEPHANT" Brand CEMENT. The name of JOHNSON'S" is recognised as a guarantee of GOOD QUALITY in the CEMENT TRADE. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTSCHINESE CLERKB WANTEO. Waatai for a tin mino in Pahang, an efficient tvpiat with a knowledge of book keeping al-o for eneinet ring department, a
      513 words
    • 493 16 WANTS. CLERK WANTEO. Wanted, Clerk, Chinese or Eurasian, for a Rnbber Estate in British North Birneo. Must be an efficient typist and have a knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply, with testimonials, >>uthiio Co., Ltd. 381 o ARCHITECT DISENGAGED. Young Architect, Scotch, capable all round man with London, Colonial and Chinese experience,
      493 words
    • 567 16 fO BE LET n SOLD TO LET. From Ist February, 84, The Arcade, Ist floor, suitable for an cffice. Apply to a Ike ff Co. 70, The Arcade. 7 1 62 TO LET. 86, Grange Road, furnished, from middle of April next. Apply to Mr. J. C. Koopman. 101 n
      567 words
    • 491 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed on MONDAY. JAN 30. H Chi T TUEBDAUAN3I.j N H c J M l;r 381 28-1 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. CHINEBE NEW YEAR. Notice is hereby given, that work at tbe Decks, Wharves *nd Godowns will
      491 words
    • 624 16 HOTICEB. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 108 k 100, Market Street. NOTICE. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the several creeks between Robertson Quay and Mount Zion and leading from the Singapore River towards River Valley Road, will be dosed on the 80th and
      624 words
    • 297 16 THE SINGAPORE CO nm /ii 3 170, ORCHARD ROAD. loots and Shots made to order by EXPERIENCED JAPANESE WOKKMEN, IN ANY SHAH AMD ST>LE. (ONLY ENGLISH LEATHER USED). Repairs neatly executed. Open from 7.30 an., to 9 p.m.. Daily. 24 1b Mi E. &0. HOTEL. PENfING The best and the
      297 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 241 16 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miucollaneous wants of every description aro inserted at the prepaid rate of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notioea of Births, Marriagos, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion. For p.p.c. oards, on page 6, 12. Inch Scali Ratis are
      241 words