The Straits Times, 12 January 1911

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.462 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1911. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 98 1 WATSON'S No. 1O Whisky THE BEST. KATZ BROS., LD. Gents' "Rainthorne" Coats JUDJ Tailor Made r^filk Water Proof Smart Light Weight Cool. wL Comfortable. Price IM Price $16. s^L^ $16THIE VEBY LATEST CTJO7. 4 Shades in all Sizes. A VERY FASHIONABLE GARMENT* AT A Popular Price. STAB BRAND Fresh Butter.
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    • 117 1 GHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists, 25, South Bridge Road Pfrst filsim M~T*<i"«i«f|l Dentistry Gold Crowns Bridge, FUttng and Valaaaifc rmiMnsi nfTTns* tiwwtnwl OHABOBB MODBBATI. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Bo* Tooth Powders md BtwifaM te mle. HARIMA HALL Cinematograph NORTH BRIDGB ROAD. GRAND CHANGE OP PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT K. HARIMA, Sole Proprietor. NOTICE. SAM
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    • 254 1 Modern S^aineoats READY FOR WEAR IN ALL SIZE^. jg- I**1 Robinson's ZAMBRENE Raincoats A In appearance they are similiar to ordinary over- Lw "-Ci coats, produced in fine medium weight textures, and W-^S~}m numerous up-to-date designs. /JKL After a shower they will not "Cockle-up" and jfa^Km become shapeless, as is
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  • 873 2 COURT CONSIDERING CLAIMS FOR SERVICES. Some Curious Petitions. The court which has been constituted to I consider claims for services to be performed at the Coronation held its first sitting on December 16, at the offices of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Whitehall. It was
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  • 38 2 The latest European plague case in Bangalore, on December 22, was that of Miss Doris Kirkpatrick, a young lady whose father is an Educationist in the North of India. She was progressing satisfactorily when the Indian mail left.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 136 2 ss 'VAN A' |v TONIC WINE ..*•*"*•%> Ar "S> o One or two dotes daily, o strengthen body, brain and o U nerves, and counteract the T^ V\ fatigue and depression fj s^i produced by extreme heat. hr <=> Fortifies against Malaria f Of all Chemists See you get <VANA*
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    • 54 2 CURE FOR BILIOUBNEBB. Biliousness is due to a disordered condition of the stomach. Chamberlain's Tablets are essentially a stomach medicine, intended especially to act on that organ to cleanse it, Htrengthen it, tone and invigorate it, to regulate the liver and to banish biliousness positively and effectually. For sale by
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    • 390 2 PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT. During a long and extensive experience in the practice of dentistry in various parts of the world, I have come to understand very fully that A Sntiafled Patient la the Dentist's Beit Advertisement. For that reason I have adopted a means of promulgating the information that I am
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    • 585 2 NEW JEWELLERY Fop 1911 We have on show an enormous stock stock of Jewellery, a large quantity ot whioh is entirely new— either recently imported or manufactured. These are OF THE LATEST DESIGNS and will suit the most fastidious. We are offering onr jewels at prices to suit all purses,
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  • 901 3 THE WORLD MUST HAVE THE METAL And Pay the Price. Speculative Wall Street— that is to say, that part of Kpoculative Wall Street which is ready at all times to place a stake upon the drop of the hat or the flip of tin- coin has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 426 3 Meet Success Half Way. PUT ON YOUR SHELVES BOOKS THAT MAKE YOU THINK. But there is no reason why yon should pay more (or them than is neoessary. You will save money by keeping in touch with the Catalogues of the Largest Bookshop in the World. TJis folloiving Catalogues sent
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    • 82 3 HOW TO 6ET RID OF A COLD. If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold yon may know that you are not treating it properly. There is no reason why a cold Bhould hang on for weeks and it will not if you take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
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    • 453 3 ]^f Qreatest of all Tonics S a A Pt«t— Riiidy It ail N«rr. »^L j CRUSHED FOOD. Try It and You Will be Satisfied. I. R. BELILIOS begi to inform the public that his Factory for preparing Crashed Food, at No. 1, Helilios Road, is now opened. Price of a
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    • 226 3 ngn For a S&& Thousand I Household AwSi AmbV As "ses— but i %Wm»^^ W n Jfe^j Wash Clothes. MONKEY <\ BRAND Makes Copper like Gold, Tin like Silver ESTATE SUPPLIES OP Every Description FROM ADAMSON. GILFILLAN CO., LTD. 1 Go to K.AJ.Chotirmall&Co. Who have jort received new stock of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 628 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA. ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issned for China Coast, Persian Gnlf, Continental, and Amerioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES Outward (for Chini.) 1911 Devanha Mar 10 Delhi
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    • 549 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO,, LTD. EUROPEAN LINE A Fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles, London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Jspanese Oovernment The New Twin-aorew Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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    • 635 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. AND a TOYO KISEN KAIBHA. The two great steamship lines between CHINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Francisco, opeiatiog the new 12,000 ton*, twin-aorew steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MANCHURIA NIPPON MARO, TENYO MaRU
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    • 250 4 STEAMER SAILINGSP PR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL BTEAMBHIP LINE. Thb NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO EUROPE V* CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THE UNITED BTATBS, Route from Hongkong via Shainghsi, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver. K M.S. BaPKßss or Imu Twinßcrew steair. R.M.S. BBipaass or
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    • 552 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straiti, China and Japan Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 660 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE, The fast and well known mtil steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connecting Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa} Port Said, Suez, Aden. Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai,
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  • 129 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, January 13. High Water, 7 17 a.m., 9.10 p m. S. L. R. A., Balestier range, 4. Dance, Teatonia Club. Friday, January 13. High Water, 8.14 a.m., 10.18 p.m. P. and O. outward mail due. Saturday, January 14. High Water, S 6 a.m., 11.10 p.m.
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  • 239 5 To-Dai. Penang and Calcntta C. Apoar 8 pm Hongkong and Japan Kitaoo Mara 8 pm B»ta Pahat Aing Liong 8 pm Pontianak Ban Hin Guan 8 pm Malaooa, Port Diokaon and Port Swetteuham Malacca 3 pm Mani a, Hongkrng and Japan Bellerophon 4 pm Bombay Nortubrook 4
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  • 150 5 The P. and O. ontward mail steamer Delhi having left Colombo, at 8.80 p.m. on Saturday, the "th instant, may be expected to arrive hen, at about 2 p.m. on Friday, the 13th inst. The Imp. German mail steamer Goeben having left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on
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  • 345 5 Latest Arrivals. lUUrrophon, Brit str 8799 tons, Capt Collitter, Jan 12. From Liverpool, Dec 10. O.c W. Mansfield <jt Co. For Hongkong. Jan 18 W. Chakrabhongi, Siam str 352 tons, Capt Voldby, Jan 11. From Bangkok, Jan 4. 0.0. andn d.p. East Aaiatio Coy. For Bangkok, Jan 14
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  • 99 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONQ PAOAK. East Wuu Bisnr Kuantao. EiBT W. Samoa I— Anamba, O. Apoar. Bhsbbs Wiui- Kalmoa. Mam W. Batn. 1 Dilwara, Naentnng. 8-Nil. 4- Nil. 8- Nil. 6— Northbrook, Be llerophon. Laoooi Dooi 7— (Uader
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  • 201 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Catherine Apcar, January 11. From Hongkong Miss Bain. Per steamer Malacca, January 11. From Mersing: Hon. J. Turner, Messrs. F. Blackwood. F. H. Darke, F. E. Ranger and J. R. Watson. Per steamer Selangor, January 11.— From Telak Anson via ports Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 555 5 Per P. and O. steamer Malwa, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, doe January 18.— Mr. R. E. Bradford, Mrs. T. M. Redrup and child, Mrs. Steward and child. Mr. F. BergefH, Mr. R. M. Doff. Rev. W. H. Robins, Mr. and Mrs. F. M Elliot.
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 0 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 13 o'clook noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day exorpting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 243 5 Finance Commerce, EXCHANGE. 8w«apo» Jani'art 12, 1911. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 i Demand 2/4^ Private 6 m/s 2/4 ft do 8 m/s M 2/4 J On amw%ms Bank d/d 340 Private 8 m/s 844 do 8 m/s 248J On ft-ofiM-Baak d/d 396 Private 8 m/s SMt do 6
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    • 177 5 lame 3 Valve. Buyer* Beller*. 10 10 Bel** Tin 5.00 680 10 10 Broftng 6.00 6.60 10 10 Brnaeh Hyd. 5.00 10 10 K*naboi 1.7S 2.00 41 Ml Kinta Tin 1640 17 00 41 41 KledangTin 1.76 300 10 10 KoMttaa Tin 200 800 41 41 Lahat Minea ttJSO
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    • 595 5 ImmS Value Bayer*. BeU«n. S/. 8/- Allagar 4/2 4/8 S/. 3/- Anglb-Malaj LOO 1.1.10J 3/- 2/. Batons Malaka 3/- 2/8 41 41 BtteCtTW 16.10.0 17.10.0 41 41BatuTiga 4 0.0 4 5.0 41 41 BakU Kajang 2 7.6 2.9.6 41 16/- Contributory 12 0 1.0.0 pm 41 41 Buktt Lintang
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    • 126 5 ■aue 2 7»\ae£ Bnjen. Sellecf. 10 10 iMlew nom. i^in^ng m 10.00 10 T" «J» 41 Ml Bleotri«Trwnw«yi 2/8 8 6 10 10 Pimm Ne»re 25 50 20 00 100 Howuth Brakine £6 00 100 „7% Pret 90.00 01 00 100 in K**»Bro.De*. 126.00 100 100 8% Cum. Prof.
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    • 49 5 Bayers Sellers Howarth Erskine 0% •000,000 par Riley, Hargreaves 6% •284,000 1% 8% pre Singapore Electrio Tramways 6'V, 4880,000 Spore Municipal 5% •1,*****0 com. Bayers Sellen Spore Municipal 4}% of 1907 •1,400,(00 8% 7%pn Spore Mnuicipal 4J 0(1909 11,000,000 7% B%pre S pore Municipal 4% 1802,900 7% dis
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 GROUP PREVENTED. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not only a certain cure for crcup, but it will prevent the attack when freely given as soon as the first symptoms appear. In many thousands of homes it it kept constantly at hand ready for inetant use aH soon as the croupy cough
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    • 13 5 For all internal complaints, Dysentery Coughs, Colds, eto., take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 323 5 Cigarette Vflnkin.? Na^^ \^^^^bßHLPWw *j Bouton Rouge f Felucca m x fafe. and ft CO.. LTD.. S;S!pSS WDO0 K«yptiaA CigwwlM arv of perfect quality but litlir mild, r -A.SIC FOE, Ny Carlsberg Beer. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SOLS IMPORTERS: THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY. LTD. 8143 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd.
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    • 51 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumental Mason*. ESTABLISHED 1881. JV ST RECEIVED 1 New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, eto. Monuments oi every description. RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the colony. With Plumes in ase. TELEPHONE t NO. TIT. NO. 187. ORCHARD ROAD
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 193 5 WEATHER REPORT. g.^^.^g Kerbaa Hospital, January 10. 9 1. a. I r. m. 9 r. m. RinrriLL. Bar. 81 Fah 19.9 a J 19.816 M.876 Tamp 80.0 77.0 78.6 .75 In. Wet Bulb Ther 76 0 78 0 74 8 DirofWind.. N.W. N.E. oalm Max. Temp 86.5 Mm. 71.0 Max.
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  • 970 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. ARBITRATION AND RECIPROCITY. To the students of that wider world from which we are apt at times to feel ourselves somewhat separated, three items of cable news published yesterday must have been of very considerable interest We have to note, first, the meeting of
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  • 13 6 The output of tin from Kramat Pulai, Ltd., during December was 050 piculs.
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  • 21 6 The Rev. J. A. B. Cook will conduct a service in English at the Johore Church on Sunday at 8.80 a.m.
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  • 18 6 There was a robbery of over two hundred sheets of rubber on Saturday night last at Padang Rengas.
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  • 24 6 A committee meeting of the Singapore Rifle Association will be held at the S. V. C. Drill Hall on Wednesday next at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 28 6 The British troopship Northbrook left the P. and 0. East wharf at 6 a.m. to-day, and went alongside Tanjong Pagar to coal prior to her departure for India.
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  • 26 6 An Old Haileyburian dinner took place at the Empire Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday night last. Mr. K. O. Watson presided, and there were fourteen present.
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  • 42 6 Mr. Tan Tat Tek, who has been secretary for the Chinese Y. M. C. A., is going to be a teacher in the English Presbyterian Mission Anglo-Chinese College, at Swatow. A farewell is being given to him to-night at 51 Hill Street.
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  • 27 6 The Japanese southern squadron, comprising the flagship Tsushima, the cruiser Akitsushima and the gunboat Aji, were expected in Hongkong this week. Rear- Admiral Kawashima is in command.
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  • 44 6 The contract for the erection of the wireless stations at Pennant Hills and Fremantle has at last been signed by the contractors. The work is already well advanced, and it is expected that the Sydney station will be completed in four or five months.
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  • 40 6 A telegram to the Times of Ceylon, dated London, January 8, announces the following interim dividends: Bukit Rajah Rubber Co., 26 per cent, (second interim) Roeehangh Tea and Rubber Co., 10 per cent. Dolok Rubber Estates Co., 6 per cent.
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  • 50 6 Says the Manila Times The ranks of the Philippine boosters have been augmented by no less a personality than Colonel Bob Love, the genial manager of Hannston's circus, now performing in Manila. From which we conclude that the well-known show will be paying Singapore a visit in the near future.
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  • 60 6 A fire which broke out at Queen's Road East, Hongkong, resulted in the gutting of two houses, and was accompanied with loss of life, nine persons (four women and five children) being burnt to death. One of the women was over sixty years of age and another thirty, while the
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  • 49 6 Coffee-planters in Tonkin complain bitterly of thefts on their estates, and urge strengthening the law against these offences. One planter recommends adopting the Ceylon law against thefts of rubber. The.Government is ready to take action provided the planters agree to certain irksome restrictions on the trade in coffee berries.
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  • 54 6 A new danger threatens rubber-growers in Cochin -China who so far have only feared fungus and blight. It first showed itself in the province of Bien-hoa, where a planter dismissed a coolie, who revenged himself by destroying many rubber plants. The coolie got ten months' imprisonment for it. Two accomplices
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  • 58 6 Mention was made before Mr. Setli in the fourth court yesterday of the case in whicb Cheng 800 has been charged with abetment of an attempt to bribe Mr. J. M. Jackson, an architectural assistant to the Municipal Engineer. Court Inspector Ambrose prosecuted. Sir. Johannes, defendant's agent, was unable to
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  • 64 6 At Hongkong, a few days ago, a fire broke out on the steamship Nord. Extensive superstructure! damage was sustained by the vessel. The flames originated in the afterhold of the vessel and thence spread with alarming rapidity to other part* of the ship. This is the second occasion within a
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  • 63 6 We are asked to state that, during Mr. Tisdall's absence on furlough, Mr. Benjamin Purdy of Kuala Lumpur will act temporarily as Agent for the British and Foreign Bible Society. Mr. F. J. Chapman of Manila will take Mr. Purdy 's place as Sub- Agent for the F. M. S.
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  • 69 6 Java tea is now seriously competing with Ceylon and Java leaf. Planters in Java have the pull over their rivals by paying greater attention to preparation for the market. A leading London produce firm showed the difference at once by pointing out that buyers of Java tea are always sure
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  • 67 6 Certain Foreign Affairs officials at Peking art busying themselves with the Chinese question in Siam. The Courrier d' Haiphong hears that the Chinese population there is steadily on the increase, but the Government of China has no representative in Siam to watch over their interests. The idea most in favour
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  • 65 6 As instancing the inadequacy of the present arrangements at Port Swettenham for the accommodation even of coasting vessels, the Malay Mail mentions that on Friday last the Malacca, by no means the largest of the Straits Steamship Company's fleet, was unable to get alongside the wharf and was obliged to
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  • 72 6 Those who have worked so hard to make A Royal Jester successful must have been gratified when the curtain rose at the Victoria Theatre last evening to see such a full house for the matinee performance. The juveniles, for whose enjoyment the pantomime was principally reproduced, appeared delighted with the
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  • 74 6 The annual general meeting of the Ann Sim Kok (Amity) Football Association was held on Tuesday, when the following were elected officials for the ensuing year: president. Pang Cheng Kiat vice-president, Chua Chen Eng hon. secretary, Ang Kay Cheong; hon treasurer, Ang Kay Chuan asst hon. treasurer, Tan Eng Koon
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  • 92 6 Mr. Alf Ryan, formerly animal trainer with Hannston's Circus, is on his way to America, having had an unfortunate experience in Indo China which precludes him from again joining the circus. An attack was made upon him by a Javanese coolie and in selfdefence he kicked his assailant and the
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  • 93 6 A high official, just returned from a trip to China, has been interviewed by a representative of the Courrier d'Haiphong on the subject of the anti-opium edicts there. He frank) v Hays that these decrees are simply bluff \>ut have an object in view. The finances of China cannot stand
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  • 478 6 We are informed that Mr. Ong Teck Lim has been elected a director of the United Singapore Rubber Estates. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White returned to Singapore yesterday, by the Dilwara, after a month's absence in Rangoon. M. Colijn, an ex-Major of the Dutch Indian Army,
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  • 56 6 A terrible accident happened at Emmahaven, on the West Coast of Sumatra, on December 29. The Ocean Company's liner Ixion was taking in cargo, when the hauling tackle gave way and a beam struck a mate and a sailor and killed them. Another sailor was
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  • 96 6 Invitations have been issued by members of the Chetty community to be present at the festival of Taipusam, which will .be celebrated at their temple in Tank Road, on Sunday, the 15th inst. On Saturday, there will be the procession of the silver car from Tank Road
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  • 143 6 The China Mail Hays Grave anxiety is being felt in Hongkong regarding the fate of Capt. Gillan, wlio took charge of a 62 foot steam launch which was recently despatched to Manila. The launch left Hongkong on December 19 and has not been heard of since. Incoming
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  • 169 6 C«cil Clarke, the Eurasian who was charged with the theftfl of two raincoaU from the Supreme Court on Monday, reappearod before Mr. KobinHon, third magistrate, to-day, and pleaded guilty to both charges. He described himself as a planter but he had been out of work
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 187 6 Champagnes. Sherries and Ports. Gins. Marsalas and Madeiras. Clarets and Burgundies. Vermouths. Hocks and Moselles. >j Bums. Brandies and Whiskies. Bitters. Beers and Stoat WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., Sole Amenta for BURROUGHES AND WATTS' BILLIARD TABLES. Thm "MtrmMm" Table, Complete
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    • 156 6 NEW PICTURES ALHAMBRA ROLL UP AND SEE, A Refined and Clean Exhibition OF CHOICE SUBJECTS Reoeired ex b.s. Oeetaien To-Nlghf. 2nd Show, 9.80 to 11 p.m. QYSItR INOUSTRY." Pathe's- Animated Gazette, Sbvbnthmth Edition, Replete with Interest everj time. See Particulars on Handbills. THE »LU«B. The World's Beet Acrobat Cyclißtg. Sensational
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  • 94 7 ALL THE STATE RAILWAYS BEING STOPPED. Grievances of the Warehouse Employees. Kjutkb'h Tblkokam. London, January 12. A Lisbon telegram says a general strike has broken out on the Portuguese railways. Later telegrams from Lisbon say the employees in the business houses contemplate a strike to-morrow owing to
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  • 68 7 BOUNDARY QUESTION AMICABLY SETTLED. American Financial Control Not Opposed. RIUTBB's London, January 12. The Franco- Liberian boundary treaty will be signed at Paris in a few days. Under it France acquires considerable territory while Liberia is bene fitted by the substitution of a definite geographical for
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  • 46 7 Sad Tale of Horrors from Russian. Capital. Rbutbb's Tblboham. London, January 11. During the Russian Christmas in St. Petersburg there were twenty-seven suicides. Or attempts thereat, three thousand arrests for drunkenness, of which fifteen per cent were women, and thirty deaths from alcoholic poisoning.
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  • 18 7 Rbcteb's Telegram. London, January 11. M. Brisson has been re-elected President of the French Chamber.
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  • 30 7 R USO-GERMAN RELATIONS. Rmctkr'h Tblbubam. London, January 11. The Morning Post says the negotiations now proceeding at Berlin and St. Petersburg may result in a modification of the RussoGerman arrangement.
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  • 23 7 Dkr i iTisiATiscHi Lloyd Tiuolui. Berlin, January 11. News from Harbin is to the effect that plague is spreading there.
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  • 28 7 I >EU OgTAUATISCHI LLOYD TILBORAM. Berlin, January 11. The 250 million marks Hungarian loan has been twenty times oversubscribed in Germany. Austria, and Hungary alone.
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  • 273 7 Powers for Dealing with Surplus Moneys. An Jinai y general meeting of the Straits Trading Company, Ltd., was held at the com pany'x registered office, 11, C'ollyer Quay, at noon to-day, when the statement of accounts and balance sheet for the half-year ended September 80, 1910, and
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  • 775 7 First Ordinary General Meeting in Singapore. fhe following report of proceedings at the first ordinary general meeting of the Sungei Bagan Rubber Co., Ltd., held at the offices of the company, Winchester House, on Tuesday last, is supplied by Messrs. F. W. Barker and Co., the
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  • 144 7 Advance Statement of Figures for List Year. The advance statement of the export of tin from the Federated Malay States during the months of January to December, 1910, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, reaches us from the office of the Federal Secretary.
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  • 604 7 IMPORTANT DECISION BY THE HOUSE OF LORDS. Extent of Cargo-Owners' Claims. The Honse of Lords have delivered judgment in the appeal case— owners of cargo of the steamship Tonganro v. Astral Shipping Co. (Ltd.) -which raised the important point to cargo owners, whether in case of a
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  • 363 7 An Interesting Billiards Match at Rangoon. Those who had the pleasure of seeing John Roberts and Alec Taylor play billiards during their recent visits to Singapore, will be interested to learn that these cue expert* met in a match at Rangoon on the 4th inst, before a
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  • 104 7 Mr. Dickinson, American Secretary for War, who recently paid a visit to the Philippines, in his report to President Taft, says that in his opinion the people of the islands are not yet prepared for the responsibility of self-government. He recommends that a system of civil
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  • 1647 7 COMPANY CONTEMPLATES MORE EXTENSIONS. Results of Rubber Sales. At the fifth annual ordinary general mooting of the Sembilan Estates Company, Limited, held at 7, Crosby Square, E.C., Mr. C. R. Gilliat (chairman of the company), who presided, said There is, I think, little in the balance-sheet requiring explanation.
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  • 561 7 India's Readiness to Co-operate in Reduction. An important communique has been issued by the Government of India to the press, as follows The complicated negotiations over the future of the opium trade which have been proceeding at Peking daring the last year seem still to be some
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  • 51 7 The wedding of Captain Prowse, K. V, H. M. S. Powerful, and Miss Bertha Brady, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Brady, is to take place in Australia towards the end of February. They intend travelling to England by way of Japan and America, spemhng a few week* in
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  • 103 7 HIGH PRICES RESULT IN BIG PROFITS. Conditions of Export to China. Rsutir's Telegram. London, January 11. At Calcutta 2,620 chests of opium were sold yesterday at an average of Rs. 8,365 (-*****) per chest. The government has already made 858 lakhs of mpees(-je i 2,886,666> over the
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  • 37 7 (From a Malacca Corrbhpondbnt.) Malacca, January 12. Information has been received by Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, that the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 5/2 per lb., value. The market closed quiet.
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  • 479 7 Thief Sentenced for Gross Contempt of Court. At the Assizes, yesterday afternoon, A. V. de Rozario, a ledger clerk, recently in the employ of the Netherlands Bank, was found guilty of using as genuine a forged document and falsifying account books. The Chief Justice. Sir W. H. Hyndman
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  • 186 7 Haytor.— December, 866 lbs. Cheng.— December, 1,400 lbs. Klebang.— December, 511 lbs. Kota Bahru.— December, 1,845 lbs. Alma. December, 1,800 ll>Pengkalan Durian.— Deceinoer, 1,030 lbs. Merton.— December, 8,041 lbs. Ulu Pandan.— December, 676 lbs. I'nited Malacca. December, 2,165 lbs. Bukit Katil.- December, 1,000 lbs. Brieh Rubber Estate,
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  • 78 7 Another assault on a European lady in Kowloon is recorded, and again by an Indian, a sepoy belonging to the H.K.5.8., R.G.A. The lady was in Hai Fong Road when tinIndian struck her with a cane vhich he was carrying and then ran away. I on. mate ly, the was
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  • 402 8 An Officer Passes in French, German and Russian. The distinction Ulongs to Engineer SnbLieutenant I). B. Smith, of having passed the examinations for British naval interpreters in three languages at one sitting, viz.. French. Herman, and Russian, a performance which is claimed to be unique in
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  • 357 8 New Measure Well Received by the Merchants. At a meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Council, on December 29, the Hon. Mr. ReesDavies. in moving the second reading of the bill to consolidate and amend the Ordinances relating to Companies, stated that the bill ■teal at a consolidation
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  • 133 8 Novembe r Rubber Crops. The following additional crop returns for the month of November are taken from home MM: (ialan^ Hcsar Plantations. Crop of dry rubber for Novcmlx-r. 2Ai'> ll>s total for live mmiths. H.<l.-,1 lbs. Kaiuna Kxtate. The amount of dry rubber hai'vexlcd for Novoihlmt was :>.<*"• lbi. Luimit
    133 words
    • 153 8 In a Rugby match at Paris, on the 3rd inst., between France and Scotland, France won by 16 points to 15. The ground was wet, but the game was exciting. At half-time the score was France 11, Scotland 8. It is noteworthy that this is France's first
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    • 75 8 5. C. C. > H. M. 5. Newcastle. The beautiful weather last evening attracted quite a large crowd to the Esplanade where the S. C. C. soccer team was engaged in a match with representatives of the cruiser Newcastle. II ground was extremely sloppy, the sailors o.iarently being unused
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    • 127 8 Sepoy Lines Oolf Club. The following are the draws for the first nil second rounds in the men's competition at Sepoy Lines, for the Young de Kougemont Cup: First round Everitt v. Finlayxon and the rest byes. Second round David v. Hellier, Draper v. Ellis, Baddeley v. Cowap. Melville
      127 words
  • 278 8 Better Prospects for this Year's Business. According to a table of cotton-spinning company results prepared by Mr. William Tatteraall. of Manchester, for the 12 months ndiii". November 30, the experience of spiDners has been worse than last year. The table gives particulars of 73 concerns in
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  • 244 8 Four Cases During Naval Steam Trials. Staff Surg. C. H. Robinson, of H. M. S. Moniuouth. in au appendix to the report on the health of the nary, draws attention to the large number of canon of heat cramp which occurred on tliat vefwel during a steam trial
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  • 1050 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, January 12, 1911. MessrH. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and 8hare Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning RUBBER SHARES. Nom. Value. Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 4/8 4/9 2/- Options 2/- 4/8 £1 Anglo-Java 11/8 16/1 Anglo-.Iohore 11/6
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  • 106 8 The Home Secretary, in accordance with the promise made to the deputation which waited on him recently, has submitted to the Cabinet the question of the observance of Empire Day this year. The Cabinet decided not to observe June 8 King's Birthday) as a public holiday, but to
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  • 96 8 The Far East has yet to see a master of flight in the air and the Philippines Carnival at Manila will give those interested their first opportunity, nays the Hongkong Daily Press. Olen Curtiss, the famous American bird-man, winner of speed competitions all over the world, has made an agreement
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 41 8 This Is It. The latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER pM OIL. Does aU that is olaimI <"'L)*3ni °d 'or it and supersedes J 1 ""-~*T~_ the old fashioned emulsions '"-".^rjr wuioli apset the stomach. [l^pfe ALL CHEMISTB. 51.25 AND $2.00
      41 words
    • 55 8 A cockney," oat west named McLure Had suffered from oooghing and chills, He saved np his money like bees getting boney, And never would spend on bis ills. At last in despair and much pain He opened his purse, did McLure, Some "bawbees" went bang, bat tbe praises he sang
      55 words
    • 175 8 E. ftO. HOTEL PEN*N6 The best and the most frequented Hott 1 in tbe Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in tbe Straits, ABB TBB BRANCHES OF RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. SABKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. u2780 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RJRNIBHEO APARTMENTB WANTEO. Wanted, Famished Apartment* for Married Couple from the Ist of
      175 words
    • 420 8 Raffles Hi| Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, January 14. By kind permission of Col. Bayard and Officers, the band of The Buffs will play during and after dinner. MUSIC DANCING 9 to 11 3O Vlotoria Theatre. JANUARY 14. AT 9 PM. Prices $2 and $1. Soldiers and Sailors in uniform
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    • 221 8 NO HOME COMPLETE WITHOUT A Gramophone THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MEANS OF PURE ENJOYMENT. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. S. Moutrie Co. (LIMITED). THB ARCADE. BILLET WANTED. Planter, with considerable experience of Rubber cultivation and manufacture; good knowledge of Malay, well up in Estate books, is open for engagement from March
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 194 9 HARVEY'S WHISKY "R. V." A Genuine Scotch at a reasonable price. Where'er you go ask for 11 R.V." Sole Agents PATERSON. SIMONS CO.. LTD. CONTRACTS SECURED For the supply ol SLEDGE BRAND MILK TO ALL THE Government Medical Institutions IN THE Federated Malay States. SOLE IMPORTERS: J. Travers and Sons,
      194 words
    • 412 9 ARTICLES FOB SALE. BIRDS OF PARADIBE FOR SALE. At Messrs. Moraax Co 19/20, Boat Quay. 10-1 a FOR BAIE PRIVATELY. Fourteen valuable brick built shophouses situated at South Bridge Road, Ciroalar Road, Chinohew Street and Church Street. Leasehold for 999 years. For particulars, apply to 8021 POWELL tt CO., Auctioneers.
      412 words
    • 345 9 NOTICES. NOTCE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership hereto between Tan Moang Tbo, Sect Tiang Lim, Ho Sok Choo Neo, Oen Kheng Liang, Khoow Kirn 'I Jiang and Tau On Wijt, oarrying on batinesa at Malacca under the style or firm of THE MELEKEK RUB. BER COMPANY has this
      345 words
      668 words
    • 536 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE. OF BTEAMERB The undermentioned mail steamen of tits above Line maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET Tons Commander 1 Japam" 8,018 A. Stbwabt 1 GaasoßY Apcab 4,800 S. H. Bilsok Abkatoon Apcab 4,500 C.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 456 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ABBURANGE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board Of Director*: O. A. Derrick, Esq Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq Managing Director. Pbtbr Fowlie, m b, c m Chief Med. OfficerF. M. Elliot, E»q. Rev. N. J. Couvrecr. Vow Noam Pan, Eoq. Ono Soon Tee, Esq.
      456 words
    • 269 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1882. Insurance in Foroe, over 137,500,000 New Business, 1909, over $6,500,000 Net Surplus above liabilities for reserve and all outstanding claims, over $2,076,000 (Straits Currency). Over 135,000 was set aside as a special addition to Policy reserves. J. H. EVANS, Manager, South
      269 words
    • 519 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA, INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER Paid ap Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 eMb £1,200.000 Reserve Kand £1,000.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors... £1,200,000 BANKERS. National Bank of Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts are opened and interest
      519 words
    • 374 10 BANKING, DIE BZE HAI TONS BANKING AND INSURANCE Cl. LTD. NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREET. Established 1907. Capital paid np 1 1 ,000,0C0.00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COUBT OF DIRECTORS. Tan Tick Joom 6. Six Eu Jam Nam Kirn Sino 7. Tbo Hoo Lai Luu Ohia Hsno 8.
      374 words
    • 1236 10 BALE 3 BY AUCTION. AUCTION SAI^E OF Valuable Teak Household Furniture, etc, The property of V. Knight, Esq., AT "VALHALLA," NO. 28, CAVANAGH ROAD, Saturday, January 14, mt 2 p.m. A very handsome carved cherry wood cabinet Europe made upholstered drawing room suite; oarved brie a- brae wbatnot; Japanese fancy
      1,236 words

  • 830 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Taxes Everywhere. Nothing could be more disheartening than to preach to empty benches, and it is to be feared that thi.. is what the Autocar has been doing for a long time on the subject of motor taxation, says J. O.
    830 words
  • 156 11 Formation of Japanese Joint Stock Company. The promising condition of cotton cultivation in Siam has riven rise in Japan to the formation of a joint stock company styled the Siam Cotton Company with a capital of about Yen 5,000,000, reports the Japan Times. The promoters are
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 441 11 WOLSELEY CABS. AN APPRECIATION lt is evident that Wolseley Cars -re not only popular with tbe buying publio, as certain local motor car agents have approached one of our clients with a view to purchasing his 16-20 H.P. WOLSELEY CAR. Our client has been offered his choice of any of
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    • 12 11 Woods Great Peppermint Core for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs. Colds, etc.
      12 words
    • 361 11 TAN PENG CHUNG NURSERIES, Orchard Road. Have always in Stock Splendid specimens of Orchids from South America and Native States. Flower plants of every description and of the very best. Several varieties of Caladiams and a large Assortment of Green House Plants and Palms of great variety. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED.
      361 words
    • 256 11 1910 ELLWOOD'S NEW HELMET No 105 Shape LATEST STYLE, Ventilated and bound white bnok, durable, sale protection and in tbe end cheapest. Aa a number of common imitations of this Helmet have been on tbe Market lately, the Publio are asked to see that "ELLWOOD'S" is in the Helmet they
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 503 12 Job r» son's "ELEPHANT" Brand CEMENT. The name ol JOHNSON'S" is recognised as a guarantee oi GOOD QUALITY in the CEMENT TRADE. SHARPE, ROSS CO., LTD., Singapore. WANTSCHINESE CLERKS WANTED. Wanted for a tin mine in Pahang, an efficient typist with a knowledge of bookkeeping abo for engineering department, a
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    • 447 12 WAMTB. DUTCH. WaDted Larsons in Dutch. Apply Spraak, co Straits Times. 10-1 12-1 DISPENSER WANTEO, Wanted, qnalia^d Dispenser for a Dispenlary in tbe S.raits. Send testimonials and ttate salary wanted to "Chemist," c/o Straits Times. ***** CLERK WANTED. Wanted for a Rjbber Ehtate in Sumatra, a clerk (Chinese or Eurasian),
      447 words
    • 544 12 TO BE LET 03 SOLD. TO LET. 86, Orange Road, furnished, from middle of April next. Apply to Mr. J. C. Koopman. 10 1 v OFFICE TO LIT. Small Offioe, No. 1, Change Alley, first floor vacant from February- 1. Bent 150 per month. Apply Nos. 1, 2, 8, Change
      544 words
    • 635 12 TO BE LET OR BBLD. TO BE LET. The large and pleasantly situated Euro. pean residence known as No. 27, Ann Siarg Hill. Excellent view of the harbour. Apply to POWELL Co., Agents. 11l 171 HOUSES TO BE LET. With immediate entry, 44, Anson Road, 78 8, Anson Road. Apply
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    • 550 12 NOTICES. KIAHI KIAT GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, UswaWßt and Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 108 100. Market Street. NOTICE. We have now opened business at No. 62-2, Victoria Street, as Bicycle Repairers, etc., under the firm style of KONG HUP HIN CO. 8080 NOTICE. We have removed from No. 91, Robinson Road,
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    • 661 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. During my absence in Europe, Mr. Charles. Victor Beilby holds my Power of Attorney. HERBERT M. DARBY. Malacca, December 27, 191 C 8182 MALACCA PLANTERS ABBOCIATIQN A Goneral MeetiDg will bo held on Sunday. 10th instant, at 10 o'clock in thb forenoon, in tlie Malacca Club. All planters
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