The Straits Times, 15 December 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.440 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 242 1 D. 1 1, McCallnm's PERFECTION WHISKY. lAUBEOK. MACBREBOR AND COMPANY KATZ BROS., LD. FERRO. The World's Standard Two Cycle Marine Motor. THE 1911 MODELS. IMPORTANT FEATURES. The 1911 Ferro design is from two to three years in advance of the general automobile and marine engine trades. It embodies important mechanical
      242 words
    • 147 1 I H— l T A^wTfully, TURF ACOOUNTABT, Now doing business on the forthcoming Penang Meeting. TREBLE EVENT 2.009 TO 30 On Races 4, 7, and 8. DOUBLES ON THREE EVENTS STRAIGHT-OUT ALL EVENTS. For particulars and prices apply to 83, Baffles Place, and 13, The Arcade, Singapore. Tel i "TULLTT,"
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MACGREGOP AND COMPANY.
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  • 1400 2 IMPERIAL DURBtR AT DELHI ON JANUARY 1, 1912. The Probable Programme. An Eye-Witness of the Durbar by Lord Curzon, in 1908, contributes the following special article to the Daily Telegraph It may be interesting to rtoall the incidents of the great Durbar held at Delhi by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 457 2 '"Hazeline' Snow" Hazeline Snow Hazeline Bnow Hazeline' 8now" Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline' Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline' Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline' Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Bnow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow
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    • 448 2 INTERESTING T9 MOTHERS HOW TO CURE COJGHS AND COLDB Tbere is one subject whicli always interests tbe mothers of young children, and that is bow to treat their oorjßb.B and coldn, or toward off a threatened attack of croup. For this purpose we can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always
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    • 308 2 jlsik: for Ny Carlsberg Beer. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SOLE IMPORTERS THE EAST ASIATIC COMPANY. LTD. 1467 HANDY TO HAVE IN THE HOUSE. A box of BEECHAM'S PILLS is a handy tiling to have in the house, and if a dose is taken at the moment of need much BlncM will be
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  • 427 3 TRE\TMENT OF A NATURALISED AMERICAN. Remarkable Action. An American subject, William /orgenfrei, of New Yoik, who has just been expelled from Prussia, has given the following statement to a German newspaper concerning his treatment I was born in Germany, my rints being thorough Germans. When was a
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  • 570 3 Duke of Connaught at a Quaint Ceremony. The Duke of Connaught, who arrived at Bloemfontein, on November 9, received about one hundred Baouto chiefs, petty chiefs, and counsellors, and accepted an addresr, to which he replied. The ceremony was extremely interesting and very pictures qae. Letsie,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 325 3 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT of interest to Officers' Messes, Clubs, and Institutions. The Times Book Club gives special terms to Officers' Messes, Clubs, etc. Secretaries and Librarians who contemplate the purchase of books for their libraries will find it to their advantage to communicate with the Manager of The Times Book C
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    • 13 3 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, CoQKho, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 312 3 RUBBER GOODS at Manufacturers' Prices. CYCLE AND MOTOR TYRES. SOLID VEHICLE TYRING GOLF BALLS FObTBALL BLA»»EI* AND SPORTS RUBBER fOOD RUBBER MATTINC and MATS. Gcncrtl Rubber Goods Wkolttclt MIDLAND RUBBER CO., Ltd. Contractors to iy land labbrr Mills. MART ELL'S Blue and Silver Label la an accepted guarantee, all over
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    • 183 3 ffs^t r«n For a Thousand sljto J Household jMI jl^ JJ^ uses— but I Oy^ Won't mjSj Wash Clothes. I monkey" <d BRAND Makes Copper like Gold, Tin like Silver fW\ McKENZIE'S Quinine OSBSBs^M o, Ifife Mhake the bottle/ jtm f~;—^ -jg I McKENZIE'S I Nine* iron I g OR
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 709 4 STEAMER BAILINB3. pTtFo. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. •er Ohlaa, Japaa, Penant. ■eylaa. aastralla, India, Aden, Biynt Mediterranean Perts, Plymonth and Londen Through Hllli ot Ladlßgieaued tor Ohinr C ist, Persian Quit, Contineatal, aal Amarieao P«ta. Steamera will leave Blngapora oa or aboat lMAIL LINES, Outward {tor Ohina) Dc-vtnha Deo 16 I
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    • 600 4 STEAMEK SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A rocular fortnightly wrrioe ia maintained DetweMJAPAjTAirD HUROPB by the Company's well-known IWIMOIIW ITI1«1B» ander Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's Baropean Servioe, lighted throughout by Bleotrioity, provided with exoellent aooommodation for First and Second Class
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    • 651 4 BTEAJEK BAILINIB. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. AKD TOYO UIEN MIIHA. The swo mat ataamshfn Haas bat a Baa OHINA, JAPAN and EDROPE, via Honolulu »a San Franoisoo, oparatiag tha aaw 11,000 iooi, twia-sorsw ataamara KOREA and 3IBKRIA, together with tha wsU-kaowa •teaman OHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHTJBIA, NIPI ON MABU,
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    • 248 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Tn NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO KUROPH VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THH UNITBD STATES Route from Hongkong via Sbainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotoria and Vanoouvir. R.M.S. Bmpbbss or Imdu Twinsorew steamR.M.S. Empbbssof Japan
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    • 567 4 STEAiEK mums. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. B^aß a^^a^ The ataamnrs ot this Oompaay maintain a regular service betweea Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad ths Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly lor Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month tor Bremerbavsß direot, oalling at Paaaag and
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    • 706 4 STEAMER SAILINtS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and wallkaowa mail atesner o this Company sail fortaighty from Bran en. Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Aatwerp, Bootki my toa, Gibraltar, Genoa, Haplaa (soaaso en Marseilles, Naples, Alexaaa-la, aad vies vs sa) Port Bald, Buss, Adea, Oolombo,
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  • 146 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, December 15. Hutti Water, 8 40 am 10.8 p.m. Municipal Assessment Appeals, 2.50. Friday, December 16. High Water. 9.U a.m. 10.67 p.m. Saturday, December 17. High Water, 10.2 a.m., 11.46 p.m. P. and O. outward mail dne. Sunday, December 18. High Water, 10 44 a.m.
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  • 202 5 To-Dai. Manila, Hongkong and Japan Oanfa 8 pm Malacca, Port Dickson and Port Swettenham Malacca 8 pm Pontianak Ban Hin Qnan Bpm Malaoca Hong Ho 3 pm Malacca Hong Lian 3 pm Malacca and Bagan Kian Ann 8 pm Soarabaya, Ball, Macassar, Menado, Gorontalo and Ternate Nam
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  • 215 5 The P. and O. outward mail steamer Devanha left Colombo, at 3 a.m. on Sunday, the 11th instant, may be expeoted to arrive here on Saturday morning, the 17th instant. The Imp German mail Bteamer Kleist left Hongkong at noon, on the 14th instant, may be expeoted
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  • 328 5 Latest Arrivals. Am Bin (Juan. Brit str 142 tons, Capt Watson, Dec 14. From Pontianak, Deo 12. O.c. and 27 d.p. Thong Ek. For Pontianak, Dec 16 —Rda. Ban Liong. Dnt str 279 tons, Capt Winters, Dec 14 From Bandjermassin, Deo 9. 0.0. and 2 d.p. Ban Keng.
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  • 100 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONQ PAGAR Eist Waur Burnt— Nil. East W. Bkotior 1 -EarvaluH, A Apoar. Ssnu WB4IW— Lilly Rickmers. MiiM W. Baoi. 1 Dil vara. s B— Korat. a Katnna. 0-Nil. 8 Oiufa, Cbaron, Van Rubeeck, Laoooh
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  • 394 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Ban Hin Guao, Dec. 14. Mr. Vos. Per Bteamer Nnen Tnog, Dec. 14. From Bangkok Mr and Mrs Beaton, Mrs G Lobmann and infant, Messrs J Rosenfeld, G A Gibson, A N Whyte, G J TurnibaU, D Shaku, C Mancioi, U Wallace, J Scbatlhofer,
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  • 243 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sinoapori, Dbcihbib 16, 1910. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4 Private 8 m/s 2/4} do 8 m/s 2/4)} On Germany— Bank d/d 240 Private 8 m/s 244 do 8 m/f 246J On France— Bank d/d 295 Private 8 m/s SM} do 8 m/s m BoBi
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    • 176 5 Value Bayer*. 10 10 Rahman Hrd. 10.36 £1 £1 Rihman Tin 41 41 Rambntan 10.50 41 41 Kaub Anst. Gold 200 41 41 Kedliilln Tin 260 6 6 Royal Johore 10 10 Balak South 41 41 Sempam Tin 1.25 10 10 Serendah Hyd. 4.00 10 10 Sipiaa Tin 1.60
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    • 589 5 loHue !S Value Bayers. Sellers 3/- 3/. Allagar 4/7 8/8 3/- 2/- An^lo-Malay 1.2 6 1.4.0 3/- 2/- BataugMalaka 2/10 8/1 41 41 Bata Caves 16.10.0 17.10.0 £1 £1 Bata Tiga 4.10.0 6.0.0 £1 £1 Bukit Kajang 2.9.0 3.10.0 41 16/- Contributory 12/6 1.0.0 pm £1 £1 Bukit Lintang
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    • 122 5 sane 9 Paine Bayers. Sellers 10 10 Bagtero nom. Smelting 10.00 10 T 8.00 41 41 Bleotrio Tramways 2/0 8 6 10 10 Franer Neave 28.00 27.00 100 Bowartb Brakine E6 00 100 „7% Prel. 0000 9100 100 100 Kataßro.Dei 120.00 100 100 a n 8% Cam. Pref nctn.
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    • 52 5 Buyers Sellers Howarth Erskine 6% 1600,000 par Riley, Hargreaves 6% 1284,000 1% 8% pre Singapore Electric Tramways 8% £BSO,OOO Spore Municipal 6% •1,978 000 nom. Buyers Sellers Spore Municipal 4}% of 1907 »1,?00,(00 6 7 „pre Spore Municipal 4J% of 1809 11,000,000 7% B%pra Spore Municipal 4 »e02,9C0 7
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 PNEUMONIA PREVENTED. The greatest danger from influenza is of its r< suiting in pneumonia. This ein be obviated by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as it not only cures influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pnenmonia. For sale by all Dispen. sarit-s and Dealers.
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    • 241 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Deo. 17— At No. 85, Grange Road, Europeon, etc., Plants, at 2 80. Dec. 20 At saleroom, two pieces of freehold laid situate at Maokenzie Rsad, eto., at 2.80. Dec. 20— At saleroom, freehold land situate at River Valley Road, at 2 30. rl. L.
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    • 540 5 COARSE-CUT. Tins I 5^ 1 "^j^rjf p er tiDi OBTAINABLE AT John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. AUCTION SALE OF A Choice Collection of Plants, Garden Implements, etc., THE PROPERTY OF E. G. BROADRICK, ESQ., AT NASSIM HILL, On Wednesday, Dtcembor 21, mt 4 p.m. Comprising Maidenhair ferns, palms, stepbanotis,
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    • 50 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, bbJI Undertakers and Monumental Masons. ESTABLISHED 1881. JUST RECEIVED 1 New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monuments of every description. RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the colony. With Flumes in use. TELEPHONE NO. 717. NO. 187. ORCHARD ROAD. 0
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  • 1008 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15. SECOND OR FIRST? Ceylon possesses one great advantage over Malaya in the fact that it haa only one capital, or centre. It possesses another in the fact that everyone connected with it in a business sense realizes tbe importance of palling cordially together to
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  • 23 6 The Yokohama Bedford Relief Fund amounted to J6128 18.2, a cheque for which sum was received and acknowledged by tbe Mayor of Portsmouth.
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  • 33 6 It is rumoured in Peking that a report has been made to tbe police that Prinoe Cbing has been fired at by a would be assassin, but that the latter missed the Prince.
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  • 34 6 We »re informed by the Municipal Secretary that tbe meeting of the committee to hear appeals against valuations for 1911, to be held on Friday next, 16th mst will be open to tbe public.
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  • 34 6 The Chinese government has decided that tbe cutting of queues and tbe change of costume shall be effected next year. It is ordered, however, that all official uniforms must be made of Chinese materials.
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  • 54 6 The Clyde Trust has applied for a provisional order to construct at Renfrew at a cost of £1,000,000 a tidal dock to cover an area of 82 acres, and also a graving dock wbicb will be the largest in Great Britain. Latet-t advertisements of the day appear on page S
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  • 40 6 The Chinese Minister to Jspan has be* n instructed by bis home government to proceed to Chosen in order to choose the Bite for the Chinese settlement in Seoul and to observe the state of things since the annexa tion.
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  • 37 6 Tbe members of the Chinese Senate have consulted with tbe Board of Administration over tbe Budget and have agreed to Prince Hsun's proposals to devote a sum of Taels 4,1*20,000 towards naval construction in tbe coming spring.
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  • 38 6 Tbe Atsata Mara experienced very bad weather from Singapore to Hongkong. One passenger— who is familiar with the China coast— said tbe blow they had in the neigh bourhood of Saigon was the worst he had ever experienced.
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  • 43 6 I wish my soldiers to say the Lord's Prayer every day, said the Kaiter, address ing the new recruits to the Guards' Corps at Btrlin. The chaplain of the Fifth and Sixth Army Corps repeated this Imperial observation in a sermon at Breslau.
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  • 40 6 Id the Marine Court, before the acting Master Attendant, Lieut. Cator, R. N., three Chinese we re charged by the Marine Police for throwing rubbish (cabbage leaves) into tbe Singapore River. Accused pleaded guilty and were fined $.">, or seven days.
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  • 37 6 Tbe Germans are negotiating for the extension of tbe Kaifeng railway toTsingtso via Kaomi, a scheme which involves an alteration in the long-discussed extension to Kaichow. The scheme provides for the Chinese construction of the proposed line.
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  • 41 6 Half a dozen Chinese publicans were convicted of offences against the Liquor Ordinanoe, in the District court, yesterday. One was fined 176 for selling whisky for consumption off tbe premises, tbe others were fined tlO each for beer iv similar circumstances.
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  • 45 6 It is stated that the members of tbe Publicity Committee for tbe Philippines Carnival are making great preparations for the coming Carnival in' February, 1911, and tbat several big attractions are being import ted to make it the greatest show ever seen east of Suez.
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  • 47 6 Disease has attacked tbe Manibot variety of rubber which grows luxuriantly in the province of Pekaiongan (Java). It was noticed tbat tbe leaves changed colour and began to fade while the tops of the trees withered and died. Canker at the roots is assigned as the cause.
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  • 49 6 Before a special tribunal of the Calcutta High Court the trial commenced on December 1 of forty four accused on a obarge of waging war against the King. The case is known as the Howrah Gang Case, the accused being defended by a large number of well-known native barristers.
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  • 58 6 The other day, we quoted from the Matin, a well known Paris newspaper, a paragraph stating that unrest and a rebellious spirit weie rife among the natives in Indo China. The Courrier Saigonnais says that the Paris journal has been boaxed by a mischievous alarmist, and that the political situation
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  • 59 6 The drainage of Soarabaya falls short in so many points that the municipality of that city lately commissioned one of its members, who happened to go to Europe on leave, to inquire into the Shone-Travis system of draining at Hampetead in England. He was quite delighted with what be saw,
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  • 64 6 Welshmen from all parts of the world will be present at tbe investiture of tbe Prince of Wales at Carnarvon. Already men in Australia, in tbe Far East, in South Africa and in Egypt, and in North and Sooth America have announced tbeir intention of returning to the Land of
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  • 62 6 Our Penang correspondent wires that Messrs. Kennedy and Company in a circular to tbeir) shareholders state that work is proceeding most satisfactorily and the directors have every confidence that they will declare a final dividend of at least fifteen per cent, on December 31. In the meantime they advise an
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  • 79 6 At Soarabaya and Samarang there is an outcry among the mercantile community at the rigorous treatment on tbe part of custom house officials. A movement is on foot to petition the government for a more liberal policy. In one glaring instance, a firm was fined 4,000 guilders because its clerk,
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  • 107 6 Chief Detective Inspector Sheedy and a small force of his men surprised a big gam bling organisation on Tuesday night in a lane off River Valley Road. There were eight tables set out in tbe roadway and round them was a large number of Teochows, deep in tbeir games. When
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  • 121 6 Many readers will be interested in the following paragraph from tbe S. C. Morning Post, of the Bth in«t., as Mr. Ridgeway was well known in Singapoie Yesterday at noon there was an unseemly disturbance at the corner of Wyndham Ftreef in oonseq lence of the arrest of Mr. Ridgeway,
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  • 347 6 The Hon. C. J. Sannders, Secretary for Chinese Affaire, has gone to Penang on inspection doty. The Hon. W. D. Barnes, acting Resident of Pabang, arrived in Singapore, this morning, from Kuantan. The R3v. J. P. Parry, M. A., chaplain at Kinta, who is now at home
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  • 99 6 The election by ballot of two representa tives on the Municipal Board for Tanjong Pagar and Rocbore wards took place yesterday at the Municipal Offices, Dr. Murray Robertson receiving 45 votes and Mr. Cuia Keng Chin 89 votes. These gentlemen are therefore duly elected. The election
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  • 98 6 Tbe four Chinamen arrested by the manage rof Kathi Rubber Estate, on suspicion of being highway robbers, were tried before Mr. Lingston at Knala Kangsar. Inspector Flood conducted tbe prosecution. The heavy sticks and clubs were brought into court. The men were sentenced to three months' rigorous
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  • 114 6 Tbe visit to Singapore of Madame Calve, the famous French diva, and other distinguished musical artists is an event of such unusual importance and interest that it will be surprising if the capacity of the Viotoria Theatre is not tested to the fullest when the great soprano
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  • 203 6 The Amoy correspondent of the China Mail, writing nnder date, December 8, states Dr. Lim 15<un Keng returned to liis home in Amoy after a lengthy stay in Peking, arriving here from Shanghai in the Japanese steamer Bnjun Mara on December 2. He will not make
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 133 6 Champagnes. Sherries and Forts. Marsalas and Madeiras. Li( l ueurB Clarets and Burgundies. Vermouths. Hockfl and Mosellet. Rums. Brandies and Whiskies. Bitters. Beers and Stout. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT ■MERCHANTS. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. tThe 'Thermos' Flask A USEFUL GIFT. Keeps any kind oi liquid, hot or icy cold,
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    • 230 6 ALHAMBRA Leading Cinematograph (OPPOSITE RAFFLES HOTEL). Entire Change of Programme, TO-NIGHT. NEW ISSUE OF Patlie's Animated Gazette Tbibtbikth Edition, Rbplkti with Imtbbbst. M EXCURSION IN DIRIGIBLE. Remarkable Pictures of a Trip toll cf sensations and enjoyment. A NARROW ESCAPE." i. An Incident of the Fiench Revolution, August, 1792. Lone«h of
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  • 224 7 DISCONTENT WITH REFERENDUM SCHEME. Progress of County Polling. [RauTiß't Telegram.] London, December 14. Tbe Liberals returned number 199 and the otiier numbers are unchanged. The Morning Post says it is impossible to ignore the grave situation of Unionism as the result of tbe unfortunate and impracticable proposal to
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  • 132 7 As tbe result of unopposed returns and pollings recorded above the position stands thus Government Parties Liberals 220 Labourites 88 Nationalists 71 829 Unionist Party 2SI Government Majority 78 Total number of members 670 Total Number Returned 580 Number to be elected 00 Before the Dissolution.
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  • 48 7 A Hearty Welcome on Arrival at Bombay. Kictih's Tbleqram.] Bombay, December 14. Tbe German Crown Prinoe arrived at Bombay this morning. He appeared to be in the best of health and spirits, and had a very cordial reception. He is the guest of the Governor.
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  • 44 7 Crews of Battleships Removed and Confined. [Riuter's Telegram.] London, December 14. Messages from Rio-de-Janeiro say that the crews have been removed from the battleships Minas Geyaes, Sao Paolo, and Deadoro, and tbe scout Bahia. They are coo ti nod to tbe fortress.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 22 7 London, December 15. Tbe Coronation Durbar at Delhi, falling daring the Mbharram fast, the date is to be altered.
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  • 17 7 I Renter's Tklhoram.] London, December 16. The boilermakers have voted overwhelmicgly for confirming the settlement
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  • 82 7 (Fbom Ode Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, December 14 The Planters' Stores and Agency have received a London oable stating the following robber auction prices Plantation sheet and biscuit 6/11 Crepe 0/Best scrap 6/8 Bark scrap 6/0 Scrap untreated 6/Rambong 4/0 Fine hard Para 6/11 (Kkom a Malacca
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  • 792 7 CANTON- KOWLOON LINE. The Completed Portion Opened Successfully. Writing on December 6, the special correspondent of the China Mail says A decisive step towards the completion of the railway between Canton and Hongkong was accomplished on Monday when tbe first thirty miles of the Chinese section from the Canton terminus
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  • 127 7 Taken all over, the municipality has gained most point, in its litigation against Alsagoff and Co., to compel them to fulfil certain notioes to make improvement* and alterations in a number of properties under their trusteeship. The notices applied to twelve houses, and in tbe case of
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  • 342 7 FULL FINDING OF THE COURT OF INQUIRY. Insufficient Precautions. The finding of the Court of Inquiry that sat to consider tbe circumstances of the stranding and ultimate loss of the steamship Banka, of Singapore, has been completed. Tbe following ia the text of it (1) Tbe
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  • 280 7 Establishment of An Agency in Singapore. Mr. K. Mat* iid a, who has resumed the position of Hongkong manager of the T. K. K. after an absence of eleven months from the colony, is now busily engaged in preparing for the changes consequent upon the severing of
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  • 334 7 Charge of Insubordination Against European Sergeant. Sergeant Thomas Mac Lean, a member of the new European police force in the Fort, Colombo, appeared on November 80, in obedience to a gammons on him on a obarge of insubordination and disobeying the orders of Mr. H. L. Dowbiggin,
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  • 644 7 PENANG CRITICISM ON THE PRESIDENT QUESTION. A Gross Breach of Manners The action of the Singapore Municipal Commifsioners in regard to tbe Government's proposal to appoint Mr. Hallifax President of the Municipality here, comes in for some trenchant criticism at the hands of Mr. H. Welbam, now of
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  • 211 7 Heavy Storm Destroys Life and Much Valuable Property. A telegram to tbe Manila Times, dated December 8, says that the worst storm in tbe history of Zamboanga swept over the coast tbe previous evening spreading devas'atiou in its path. About twenty persons are believed to have lost their
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  • 160 7 Foor and a half year* ago two Hokiens attacked a Macao in Macao Street, Singapore, and, wbile one held tbe victim tbe other stabbed him to death. The former was arrested on the spot, was tried, and went to prison for two years. He ended his
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  • 87 7 Friendly Negotiations Failed Writ To Be Served. The friendly negotiations that have, up to now, been conducted between the directors of the Jimah Rubber Estates, Ltd., and the vendor of the laud, regarding the shortage of acreage, have, we understand, come to nothing. The directors therefore are
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  • 364 7 More Litigation on Rubber Share Transactions. Before the Chi« f Justice, Sir W. Hyndman Jones, this morning, in the Supreme Court, Mr. Gaunt, representing Tan Seng Kee in an action ag-tinst tbe Central Engine Works, Hiked that the case might stand over pend ing a settlement. The application
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  • 187 7 How the Ceremony of Investiture Will be Carried Out. The work of selaoting the committee which is to undertake tbe arrangements for the investiture of tbe l'rince of Wales at Carnar-. von Castle next July, has practically been concluded by the Duke of Norfolk and his
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  • 173 7 America Must Strive For Maritime Supremacy Against Japan A San Francisco dispatch to the Asahi reports that the second session of the Pacific Coast Congress has been held Mr. Gillett, Governor of California, referring to tbe increase of mercantile vessels, said that un less the American nation
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  • 133 7 A meeting of merchants was held at the quarters of the Manila Merchants' Association tbe other week to decide on the business boors to be maintained daring the last two weeks of the year. Of the twenty-six merchants present a majority decided that it would be
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  • 169 7 FURIOUS CRITICISM AT P. AND 0. MEETING. Sir Thomas Sutherland on the Rampage. |RIOTIE'S TILIUEAM.] London, December 15. At the P. and O. Company's meeting Sir Thomas Sutherland stated that the company was becoming gradually more independent of subventions for mail service. He criticised severely tbe Singapore
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  • 52 7 Socialists Scene in the Reichstag. [Dbr Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telegram.] Berlin, December 14. la the Reichstag the Socialist, Herr I Uvid, attacked tbe Imperial Chancellor, Herr Bethmann, who had said that the S icialists were morally guilty of the Moabit riots. There was great tumult and several calls
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  • 19 7 [Dbr Ostasiatischk Lloyd Teleoram] Berlin, December 13. The Duma has passed the lavwwhicb incorporates Finland with Russia.
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  • 44 7 1D»B OSTASIATISCBB LloVI) TILIORAM.) Berlin, December 14. Sympathetic references are made in tbe English and Russian papers on Herr Bethmann's references to the relations between the Powers. The French Press expresses satisfaction with Herr Kiderlin's statement about the Morocco situation.
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  • 35 7 [Deb Ostasiatisi'Bb Lloyd Teleukam Berlin, December 14. A note has been presented to tbe Dutoh Chamber by the Hatch Government stating that the fortification of Flushing was necessary to replace obsolete works.
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  • 36 7 [Das Ostasutiscb* Lloyd Tsleoram. j Berlin, December 14. M. Kokozew has made a communication to the Duma that the financial outlook is propitious, and that 45 millions of Imperial debts may be cleared off.
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  • 64 7 (From Oub Own Correspondent). Penang, December 18. His Excellency the Governor recommends tbe appointment of Mr. W. Peel as president of the Commissioners in succession to Mr. P. J. Hallifax wbo has been selected to take the place of Mr. E. O. Broadrick, president of the Singapore Municipal
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  • 150 7 Murder Charge Preferred Against French Sailor. Paul Pottier, a deck sailor from the French gunboat Vigilante, which is no.v being overhauled in the Quarry Bay Docks, Hongkong, appeared before Mr J. It. Wood at tbe Hongkong Magistracy on a charge of wilfully murdering a ricksha coolie. It
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  • 38 7 The returns from tbe Serendah Hydraolio Tin Mining Company's mine for the month of November are as follow Output picnls 805 92, value 116,121.57, tribute paid 128.88, landak purchases 1505 92, working expenses $2,***** and profit sll/788 85.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 613 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Will nothing rouse the shareholder* of this company from their present apathy I think that in any other place in the world, your own very able articles would have aroused the shareholders and made it very plain to them,
      613 words
    • 184 8 Digger Stanley, the Norwich boxer, has beaten Condon for the ISakam Championship. Tun flgbt was an exceptionally keen one, and Stanley won on points. Golfers who have played on the Maidan Course, Calcutta, lately, are unanimously agreed that Lord M'nto'n farewell review of the troops has made
      184 words
    • 87 8 The Colman Shield. The Fathol Karib met the Majlis PerSukaan Sri, in the above competition, before a huge crowd on the Beach Road Reclamation ground, a very fat>t game resulted and the march ended in favour of Fathol Karib. Just bt fore the interval they scored their first goal,
      87 words
  • 145 8 Two Alleged Convicts Starving on a Raft. The German steamer Knivuberg on her trip up from Singapore to Bangkok, picked up two castaways (hating on a raft in the neighbourhood of Palo I'raliu. The men, who were in a terribly emaciated and exhausted condition, said that
    145 words
  • 459 8 Members Elected and Comparison With Former Contest. We give below another instilment of the general election results, and a comparison in each case with the votes polled at the previous contest in January of this year EXETIE. Mr. H. St. Haar (L 4.786 Mr. H. Dake K.G.,
    459 words
  • 159 8 British Railway Steamer Sinks OH Norfolk Coast. The S. C. Morning Post, of December 8, says: A deplorable disaster, resulting in serious loss of life, has occurred on the East coast of England. Daring thick weather the steamer Blackburn, a new steamer placed on the East coast ran
    159 words
  • 797 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, December 13th, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatl, Hxobange and Share Brokers, issue the following lint ol quotations Ibis morning I— Norn. Value. Bnyeri. Seller 2/. Ajlagar 4 6 6/U 3/- Option. 3, 8 5/. 41 An^lo-Java 10,9 16/--1 An«lo
    797 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 41 8 This Is It. The latest scientific pre- '■'>'%*\ P*™ 4 011 COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claim ';\j, 'JV °d for it and supersedes Tv^i the old fashioned emulsions E^j which upset the stomach. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 AND $2.00
      41 words
    • 57 8 Should municipal baths be dear Make such a charge as cost will clear Sound mind sound body" e'er was found To be a maxim doubly sound I Bathing is good for young and old, But none should e'er neglect a cold, The bath will keep the limbs ail pare For
      57 words
    • 343 8 NO HOME is COMPLETE WITHOUT A Gramophone THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MEANS OF PURE ENJOYMENT. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. S. Moutrie Co. (LIMITED). THE ARCADE. E. k 0. HOTEL. PENING The best and 4he most frequented Hottl iv the I bland, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits,
      343 words
    • 361 8 Raffles $s||> Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER Saturday, December 17. VICTORIA THEATRE. THE EVENT OF THE MUSICAL SEASON IN SINGAPORE. For One Night Only, Dec. 21, at 9 p.m. GRAND OPERATIC CONCERT, Madame Calve, THE GREAT FRENCH SOPRANO, Signor Gasparri, THE GREAT ITALIAN LYRIC TENOR, AND PARTY. PRICKS i Dress Circle, $8
      361 words
    • 189 8 Victoria Theatre. JANUARY 4, AT 9 P.M. JANUARY 6. AT 5 PM. JANUARY 7. AT 9 P.M. THE ROYAL JESTER, A Christmas Pantomime BY Smyth Cooper. Seats can be booked for the performances at Robinson ft Co., on Thursday morning. 2977 GRAND ALFRESCO DINNER will be seivod at the Sea
      189 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 99 9 HARVEY'S WHISKY "R. V." A Genuine Scotch at a reasonable price. Where'er you go ask for R.V." Sole Agents PATERSON. SIMONS CO.. LTD. MIGHELIN TYRES DUPIRE~BROTHERS, AGENTS. =g=gg^ MOTA BEME. "SLEDGE" BRAND HYGIENIC SWISS M' LK TUT'TbUs J^rved in its natural *Ws£* MllK. anygm and without addition ol suj f
      99 words
    • 569 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP LINES, LTD. rMERICAN-MANCHURMh LINE. To the Phillipines and Kobe, Japan S.S. KATUN A, will be despatched from Singapore about 13th December. To be followed by S.S. "KIOTO" for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japanese ports on 20th December. For farther information regarding frieght, pic., apply to McAUSTER ft
      569 words
    • 588 9 STEAMER SAIUM6S. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. faa ataamara nf this Company maintai: s a r jgalar direct aervioa between Oaloatta, Strain, doagkoag. Shaagaai aad Japan, taking oargo >n Ihroagh Bills of Lading for Oanton, Hwalow itnoy, Ohefoo, TlanMn, Hewobwaag, Taagtaae Port*, Formosa, th* PhUippinat. *c,, *o Steamers Tom Oommandar
      588 words
    • 525 9 UNDBR Till. '*?%HMttifire'wft PATRONAGES OF H. R. H. The Duke of Connaught. 11l B. P. de SUVA, H. M. The King HIGHCL ABB JEWELLER N. H. The Sultan of Siam. of Johorc. DIAMOND CUTS DIAMOND The true tc ken of love JEWELLERY A ROYAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR QUEEN OF HOME
      525 words
    • 253 9 BOARD AND LQDGIHC. BOARD AND RESIDENCE Board and apartments for single gentlemen at 11, Dboby Ghaut. Terms Moderate. wm BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Famished rooms with or without board. Terms moderate. Apply 21, Sophia Road. BOARD AND LODGINGS. Two splendid large room* now vacant at Oxley House, Oxley Road. Every home
      253 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 451 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COLIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors: O. A. Drkkick, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esg Managing Director. Piitkr Fowlik, m i> c m Cbiel Med. OfficerF. M Elliot. E-q. Roy. N. J. Couvrelr. Vow N<.\n Pan, Emj. Om Soon Tkk, Esq. Khoo
      451 words
    • 286 10 INSURANCE. FEDERAL LIFE IMUME OOMMNV OF MUM. ■if ABUSUD 188 S. mriioi la Foroe. Over 137 ,500,000 •w iHlmi, 1908, Over 18 500,000 t *«r»lus above liabilities lot reeerve and all outstanding claims, •ver 12,076,000 (Straita Currency). Jvei SBiOOO was set aside aa a special fdlMoi toPclioy reserves. 4. H.
      286 words
    • 532 10 BANKING. IHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUBTRAUA_AND CHINA. ■GOBFOBATBD BT BOIAK OHABTBB PaM np Oapital la M.OOO Biarei el 4Meaea 41,100,000 ienrva Foal 41.500.000 Seiarvc Liability ot Proprietor. 41,100,000 BAHKEBS. B*ak ot Bagtaaa. Hatioaal Baak ol SeoUaal. Ck» Oily Beak, All BIHQAPOBB BBAHOH. Onrreat Aeoooaie are opeaea aaa latareat
      532 words
    • 379 10 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE CO., LTD NO. 67 AND 58, KLING STREE Established 1907. Capital paid up 91,000,000.00 Reserve liability ol proprietors 1 000X00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tbck Joon 6. Sim Kia Jan 2. Nam Kirn Sbno 7. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. Liau
      379 words
    • 997 10 BALES BY AUCTION. Auction Sale of BEAUTIFUL EUROPEAN. CHINESE AND JAPANESE FOLIAGE PLANTS. AT NO. 85, GRANGE ROAD (OFF ORCHARD ROAD, Saturday, December 17, at 2-3O p.m. A very tine collection of well grown yellow Maresclial Niel and pink roso trees fancy crotons and caladiums rare specimen orchids, dahlias, ixorap,
      997 words

  • 1173 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A continuation of tests of efficiency in a motor-ear, as compared with a horse and bngsy has taken place. The figures continue to show results decidedly in favour of the car. Motor Age reports that the proportion of cost for a passenger
    1,173 words
  • 298 11 Flight Regulations Issued in Prussia The Prussian Ministry of the Interior has issued a set of rules and regulations dealing with aerial navigation. Aerial flights undertaken by persons who have not obtained an official certificate of efficiency as aerial pilots can only be permitted above such land as
    298 words
  • 235 11 The People of India Prejudiced Against Inoculation. The mysterious nature of plague and howlittle protection the ordinary panitation measures offer is evident from a long resolution issued by tbe Punjab Government. The one efficient check on its progress namely, inoculation is, according to the resolution, greatly weakened by
    235 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 444 11 IV O LS B LErV Sole AgentK WOLSBLBY CENTRAL SIDDEL.BY ENGINE 4&%vISC%9GAMm> works Vt ii i\ vi NOISELESS NAPIERS. 1911 Models. HOLDERS OF 39 WORLD'S RECORDS. Jaßt lsnded, two 15 H.I 1 4-evlinder Touring Car», fitted with Hood-Soreen, Rudge, Whitworth Detachable Wire Wheel*, Head Limps and all Accessories, one Painted
      444 words
    • 102 11 SPRAINED ANKLE. A sprained ankle will usually disable the injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lack of proper treatment. When Chamberlain's Pain Balm is applied a cure may be effected in three or four days. Tbir liniment is one of the best and most remarkable
      102 words
    • 468 11 ESTATE SUPPLIES OP Every Description FROM ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little k Co.. Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotol, Beaoh Road. Adelphi Hotol. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Braß Basah Road Botel de l'Enrope. Hotel
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 654 12 Indian Patent Stone Awarded GOLD MEDAL FOB EXCELLENCE AND STRENGTH. From Messrs. Marshall, Sons) Co., Ltd., Calcutta. E When we built our new godowns at 26, Strand, we gave FLOORS v rv care u consideration to tbe type of flooring we should S adopt, as the heavy machinery we continually
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    • 419 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICE GODOWN TO BE LET. With immediate entry No. 7, Malacca Street. Apply to GOTHRIE 4 CO., LTD. ■MM OFFICES TO LET. Whole of second floor of Commercial Union Assurance Company's building, c/o Robinson Road and Telegraph Street. Apply to Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited
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    • 616 12 ARTICLES FOR BALE. TURNOUT FOR SALE. A quiet Australian Cob with harness, and rubber tyred Gig with hood in good condition. Apply to 77, Scotts Road. VB2B FOR SALE. The residential property known as 8, Nassim Road, now occupied by W. E. van Rynberk. For particulars, apply to HOOGLANDT A
      616 words
    • 654 12 NOTICES. I 0.0. F MANCHESTER UNTY. Members of above pleaso write to S c/o Straits Times. 8020 VOLUNTEER CLUB. A Subscription Dance, nnder tbe auspices of the above Clnb, will be held in the S. V. C. Drill Hall, on Friday, December 28. Applications for tickets must be made through
      654 words
    • 625 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT GO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Govsrnment and Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 108 A 109. Market Street. NOTICE. Mr. C. B. G. TisdaU of the British and Foreign Bible Society, will give a lantern lecture on Persia, on Thursday, Deoember 15, at 880 p.m., at the Middle Road Methodist
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    • 466 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. We have now opened business at No. 62-2, Victoria Street, as Bicycle Repairers, otc., under the firm style of KONG HUP HIN I CO. 8089 RADELLA RUBBER EBTATEB. LD NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES Mossrs. Sime Darby Co., Ltd., have now been appointed Secretaries of the above Company.
      466 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 241 12 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane ous wants of every description are mjoried at the prepaid rate of II per font lines for one or two insertions. Notioe* of Birthb, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.c. oardß, on page 0, 12. Inch Scali Ratis
      241 words