The Straits Times, 30 November 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.428 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 440 1 D, J, McCallnm's PERFECTION WHISKY. ULDBECK. MACBREBOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. Our Great Genuine A T Y7\ Clearance \J J\. \j JIJ FOR 10 DAYS Commences December 1, and Ends December 10. SPECIAL HEAVY REDUCTIONS DURING SALE. MANY CLEARING LINES REGARDLESS OF COST. Post orders from Ontstation Customers will
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    • 229 1 HYULE TIDE THERE 18 A WIDE CHOICE OF ALL THAT IS Six Sterling-Silver L.queur Cup.. ITEWEST BEST In Leather Covered, Velvet Lined Case, As illustration. Price ft2fi OO j^^^S^S JJL H) j Sterling Silver Photo Frames. —^^^^B^tm^*^ iSS S i lVtr CigM aD d C 'B arette B Xeßl Stertmg-Silver
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    • 6 1 Boiiinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MACGRE6OR AND COMPANY.
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  • 805 2 ALLEGED UNFAIR TREATMENT OF MR. GRAHAME-WHITE "Juggled Prize." Mr. Claude Grabame- White broke all records for speed in flying in the Gordon-Ben-nett race whioh took place at Belmont Park, New York, tbe other Saturday. The intrepid British airman covered 62 miles in 61 inins. Mm On the Sunday
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  • 107 2 The Late Mr. B. O. Stoney. Tbe following appears in the current F. M. S. Government Gazette:— The acting Re-sident-General announces with deep regret the death of Mr. Bowes Ormonde Stoney, District Officer, Kuala Langat, which occurred at home on October 16, 1910. His Excellency tbe High Commissioner, in eommuoioatiog
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 115 2 1 'VAN A' k TONIC WINE 000 000 n 3 °^o n One or two doses daily, strengthen body, brain and o U nerves, and counteract the V\ fatigue and depression [jo o 5/ produced by extreme heat. hr <=> Fortifies against Malaria S? Of all Chemists See you get
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    • 90 2 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY THE BEST OBTAINABLE. This remedy baa no aoperior as a care lor colds, croop and whooping coagh. It baa been a favorite with the mothers of yoong children for almost forty yean. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy oan always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not
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    • 397 2 BThu Cookery Book Free in exchange for signed Lemco wrapper*. Crammed with useful recipes, it tells how to us* LEMCO 4, IJoyd'i Avenue, London, EC. Persian Nerve Essence la famou treatment for nerroua debility, aleepleeaoeaa, impaired digestion, weak memory, overwork and ail mental and physical eihauution. Persian Nerre Basence clear,
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    • 174 2 II I Ssl IJIJ I W V^Lfl By Roy.l Warrant I H s4| I I I toH.M :h<- kir.,l. I Assists p=, gives a delightfully appetizing flavour to all rm-j c Meal Dishes, Curries, «|{JBh^ Original oil r l. J Jsffu'j-1 an d Poultry, bcil?.ds, Cheese lfl|Bifl| Genuine and Fish.
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  • 745 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO PEERS AND PEERESSES. Robes for the Ceremony. A supplement to the London Gazette, issued on November 1, publishes a notice from the Duke of Norfolk, as Earl Marshal, that he has received the royal command to prepare letters requiring the attendanoe of the Peers and Peeresses
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  • 266 3 Oflicial Visit of the British Cruiser Astraea. Captain O. B. Kiddle, of H. M. S. Astarea, visited the Keel<ng-Cocos Islands on September 19 and 20, 1910, and bis report has now been published. The population of Direction island was 00 of whom 2S were Europeans on the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 725 3 PLLIMANSi jZMBROCATION ■|L n^ >^jjgpg|Toß^!tT[oN ANIMALS. i FOB HUMAN USE. stl ~T U.~^^?.^H Broken" Knett Cramp Id Birds. hronchltli. ESLiaji ■|B^^^^M Elllmant Royal Embrocation Eliimans Universal Embrocation. SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. FIOM MAY 1. 1909. AHP UNTIL FURTHER NOTIOE TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. CP TRAINS 1 1 I 4
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    • 43 3 CROUP. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows eymptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 618 3 ITCHING FRIGHTFUL HAD NOJEST Night or Day for Two Months. Face and Arms One Mats of Scurfy Skin. Smarted All the Tim*. She Scratched Until It Bled. Relief, Sleep and Cure In One Box of Cutisura Ointment. "My ftee and ariu» w«r» on* rrnit of MNBfr »ktn and full of
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    • 242 3 ifSTLH Emp>v3 MILK Those who use NESTLES FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 39 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare the Food for immediate use. Nestles
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 734 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. a? o. BTEAM NAVIGATION GO. e««r China. Japan, Penaof, ejeylea, Australia, India, Aden, Bf ypt, (vledltei rsnean Ports, Plymonth and London Through Bills of Ladutglisued for Uhlns Oust, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Araerioan Ports. Rteamers will leave Blnsapors oa or about MAIL LINES. J (/or Ohina)
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    • 554 4 STEAMER BAILIN6B. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL BTEAMBHIP C6.LTD A regular fortnightly serriee is mainlainei botwocn JAPAN amd BUROPB by tb> Company's well-known TWir-lUIIW ITlillll, ander Man Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially designed foi tbe Company's Boropean Servioe, lighta throughout by Bleotrioity, provided will ezoollont aooommodation for First ant Seoond
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    • 627 4 STEAMER MIUHIB. PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP CB ABB I TOYO KISEN UISHA. Tks two Baal steamship ltnei batwsaa OHINA, JAPAN aad EUROPE, via Honolnln snd 8m Franoisoo, operating tbs new 11,000 ions, twin-screw sisamsrs KOREA aad aiBBRIA, together with the well-known itaaman CHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAS OHUBIA, HIPPOS MARU, THHTO MABU
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    • 252 4 BTEAMER BAIUNG3. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY i COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Tn NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUBOPB i CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITED STATBS. Route from Hongkong via Shainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vanoonver. R.M.S. Bmpuss or India Twinsorew steamRM.S. Empbbssof
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    • 563 4 BTEAMEI SAILIHI*. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintala a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatohed fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for Brrmerhsvea direct, oalling at Peaaag and Oolombo. Taking
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    • 773 4 STEAMER SAILIMS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL LIKE. The fast and well kiowi mall steamer of this Company sail fortnighty from Brae en Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soots i my. taa, Gibraltar. Genoa, Naples (ooaasc. on Marseilles, Naples, Alexaad.-la, and vioe vi ea| Port Said, Sues,
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    • 50 5 Notes in General. The Finlayson swimming salver will be competed for by European units of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, on Sunday next, at the Swimming Club, by kind permission ol the members. 100 yards Handicap. Entries to be sent to Cap*. F. Hilton, S.V.A. on or before Friday, December 2.
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    • 158 5 (ian-ison < iolf Club. Members are requested to note that in consequence of the At Home given by the officers of the 3rd Bn. Middlesex Regt. on Saturday, December 8, the Garrison Links will be closed on that date. Singapore doll Club. Scratch Cui> Competition.— The qualifying round for
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  • 56 5 The Poyal Packet Navigation Company has now two newly. built steamers on the ran —the Bloat and Buyskes. The former took her plaoein the servioe on November 14, and the latter is doe at Batavia from Holland early in December. Both vessels will ply between Sabang, Deli, and Batavia, and
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  • Correeponfcence.
    • 203 5 Digging Out Lalang. To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, As a subscriber to your paper, and aa the owner of a small estate, I should be very grateful if you would give some account, in your next issue, of the best way to get rid of falang. Contractors
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  • 677 5 . Obders iit Liect.-Col. E. Q. Bboadbick, Commandant, S.V.C. Singapore, Nortmber X9, 1910. 8. V. 0. 8. B. A. Short Range Handicap.— At 2.30 p.m. on Siimhiv. 11th proximo. S. R. A. Loug Range Handicap.— At 2.3} p.m. on Sat .rday. 17th proximo. (Sd.) C. N. Kwart,
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  • 70 5 The death is announced of Mr. J. Wells, father of Mr. H. O. Wells, the novelist. Mr. Wells was born in 1831. For many years he lived at Bromley, and waa at one time a cricketer of great r< pute, playing for Kent in 1862 and 1868. Playing against Sussex
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 329 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. 8.1.5. N. CO., LTD. Return tickets at Single Fares will be issued by B I.S.N. Co.'s steamers to Port Swottenham, Penang, Rangoon, Calcutta, Madras and Coromandel Coast ports, available for use between tbe 15th December, 1910, and 15tb January, 1911 For particulars of passage and sailing,
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    • 330 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD 8 STEAM NAVIGATION CB The following an the iates oa whloh Ike cmpany'i ataanara may ba expected »o arrive tad aall from here Ootwibb 1110 Arrive*. i.e. Persia December 7 19.1 c.a. Nippon January 6 a.s. Vorw»erts February 3 Hoaurwia* |a.a. China December 8 1811 's.B.
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    • 852 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SE ANG LINE OF STEAMERS. FOR HONGKONG. AMOY AND SWATOW. s.B. SBANO BEE, due December 12. This ateamer has excellent accommodation for passengers, and carries qualified wgeon. She has Bleotrio Lights through■l For treight or passage apply to TAIK LEB GC AN k CO., Agents. Or SARKIES BROTHERS
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    • 66 5 DO IT NOW. Now is tbe time to get rid ot your rheumatism. In fnlly nine cases out of ten the attack is simply rheumatism of tbe muscles due to cold or damps, or chronio rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment. The free application of Chamberlain's i Pain
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    • 551 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MARLBOROOGH Cinematograph BBACH ROAD. The Popular Show. NEW AND SELECT SERIES. To-NitfHt. Second Show, 9.P0 to 11 p.m 1. A BULL FIGHT IN CHILI. Show ing the novel way in which tbe sport is conducted in Chili. 2. HYDROPHOBIA. (Cnmic). 8. THE LITTLE COUSIN. (With Little Moritz in
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  • 731 6 DANGER OF KILLING THE TRIPLE UNDERSTANDING. German Aspirations. The St. Petersburg correspondent of tbe Evening Standard writing on Octobor 28, says The Novoe Vremja has published a striking leading artiole that only considerations of space prevent me giving in full. Tbe restrained tone and brief statement of what
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  • 236 6 Sits on Ants' Nest and Loses His Trousers From a Train. How a Cabinet Minister was placed in the anweloome position of travelling on tbe railway troaserless for an hoar is related by the Sooth Wales Daily News. After a week-end in tbe country he arrived at
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 101 6 B.C.L. 1 B.C.L* I B.C.L. B.C.L. B.C.L. 51 h ■tW?k*l\ TRADEMARK //^T/M t JEFFREY'S EDINBURGH i ALE and S'OUT. 4 IN CASES OF 7 DOZEN REPUTED PINTS. Imported tor over 3O years, by 5 THE BORNEO COMPANY. LTD. i Solo Importers. m^ B.C.L. B.C.L. I B.C.L. B.C.L. B.C.L. TESTED AND
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    • 13 6 For all internal complaints, Djeentery, Coogbr, Colds, etc, take Woods' Great Peppermint Core.
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    • 370 6 I Concentrated Goodness. RHM^B^B r en«thenini bouillor Splendid IPj^LEMCO Try ii louis royer jPH^ champagne M Retailers A K M HIN &C 1 KWONG VAN HIN R TECK WH ATT GO. WAH HENG CO. Photographlo Storea, DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARO ING AMATEURS' WORK. Plates, Papers, Films, Chemioals, Cameras, Lenses, and General
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    • 211 6 YAMATO'S Xmas Show. CARDS CALENDARS FOR 1911, ALSO AN EXTENBIVE SELECTION OF JAPANESE GOODS BUITABLE FOR Xmas Presents. 3STO. 41. HIGH STREET. '&)og's Jiead 9 guinness THE stoat you're used to. GOES EVERYWHERE. In Quarts, Pints and NIPS. sole agents: KIM HIN 4 CO., Singapore. X9IO ELLWOOD'S NEW HELMET No
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  • 172 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, November 30. High Water, 9.16 a.m., 10.20 p.m. St. Andrew's Ball, 9, Thursday, December 1. High Water, 9.43 a.m., 10.65 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail due. Homeward X'mas mail closes. Friday, December a. High Water, 10.9 11.28 p.m. P. and O. outward mail
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    • 153 7 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. To-Dat. Penan? and Colombo Ka-no Mam 8 pm Bengkalis, Siak and Pakan Kian Ann 8 pm I >. 1 1 Calypso 8 pm Malacca, Port Diokson, Port Swettenham and Telok Anaoo Kinta 3 pm Mnntok and Palembang G. G. Mijer 3 pm Bata Pahat Aing Liong 8
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    • 130 7 Mall Steamer Movement. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Delta left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, the 26th instant, may be expected to arrive here at 6 a.m. on Thursday, the Ist prox. The P. and O. oat ward mail steamer Himalaya left Colombo, at 9 a.m. on
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    • 100 7 . Wharves at which Vessel i are Berthed To -Day. TANJONO PAOAB. East Wiabf Bams— Aden, Merapi. EastW. Saonoa I— Edendale.FookSaog.Dariua. Barns Wham— Nil. Mint W. Bbot. 1- Atsuta Maru. Nil. 4— Wongkoi. a a S— Hr ant ford. m 6— Macbaon. tiAOOoa Don
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  • 505 7 Arrivals. Per steamer Sri Muar, Nov. 29. From Malacca: Dr. A Grant. Per steamer Malacca, Nov. 29. From Port Swettenbam: Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Brutens and Lee Kirn Hee. Per steamer Darius, Nov. 28.— From Sydney via ports Capt W. Snewin, Messrs. H. Bidmeade, H. Caston,
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  • 200 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. PRODUCE. SINOAPOBI, NOVBMBER 39, 1810 SINQAFOU, NoVIMbIE 29, 1610 On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4fc Gambicr buyers I 9 36 Pri^£ d m I'uP (Cnbe No 1] **Vlokea nom. " 5Ki.°rKSOn G^wnr-B^kd/d 340 P BUck buyers 'l 14 87» O-tfraM—Rankd/d MS B«*° Flour Sarawak 8.90 On Fr«iw-BMkd/d
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    • 168 7 Value. Buyers. Sellers 10 10 Bolat Tin 4.75 600 10 10 Bruang 6.60 000 10 10 Brunch Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 260 £1 £1 Kioto Tin 1000 16.60 £1 £1 EledaogTin 1.76 2.00 10 10 Kuantan Tin 8.00 8.26 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 8.80 9.25 £1 £1
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    • 602 7 IflflOO !H Value Bayers. Sellers 2/. 3/- AUagar 6/- 6/7' 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 1.8 9 1.5.0 2/- 2/- BateogMaUk* 8/8 4/--41 41 Batu Caves 16.10.0 17.10.0 £1 £1 Bsta Ti«a 4.8.6 6.0.0 £1 41 Bukit Kajang 2 9.0 2.10.0 41 15/- Contributory 12/6 1.0.0 pm 41 41 Bukit LintanK
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    • 125 7 Issue !2 Value Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern nom. Smelting 1000 10 7 610 £1 £1 Electric Tramways 2/6 8/6 10 10 Fraaer Neave 26 00 27.00 100 Howarth Erskine 67.00 68.00 ICO 7% Prof. 60.C0 01 00 100 100 Katz Bro. Def. 126.00 100 100 8% Cam Pref.
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    • 48 7 . Buyer.. Sellers. Howarth BrakineB% 1900,000 pw Biley, Hwgreaves 6% 1294,000 1% l%pre H trio T' ways Singapore Ma* nicipais% 11,878,000 »om. Bayer* BeUwt Singapore Ma of 1807 11,800.000 f prt Singapore Ma nieipal *t% of 1909 11,000,000 T% 8% prt Singapore Ma nieipal i% 1603,900 t dl»
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complain tB. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc
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    • 295 7 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Deo. I— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Deo. 2 -At the Woodleigh Filter Works, 4th milts Bf>ran(|ooa Road, Surplus Plant and Valuable Machinery, etc, at 9.80 Deo. B— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Deo. 8 -At No. 27, Am Siang HiU, teak honnehold
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    • 245 7 'Embassy' W. D H. 0. Wills's LATEST SMOKING MIXTURE. IN fib. PATENT AIRTIGHT TINS. Price 75 cents per tin. Obtainable at: JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. ROBINSON COMPANY. NISSIN'S XMAS SHOW. All kinds of Japanese Goods, suitable for XMAS PRESENTS. NO. 21, HIGH STREET. asz: fob Ny Carlsberg Beer. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE.
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    • 54 7 HIGH-CLASS UNDERTAKING. ALBERT L A. DALEY, The Leading Undertaker Monumental Mason of Singapore, his (he only ALL-ENGLISH-MADE RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES oi the latest design, and uses only PURE CARRARA MARBLE for monumental purposes. SOLE AOENT FOR MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD.. OF LONDON, The well-known funeral directors and furnishers. 43, PHmep Street.
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  • 1097 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. DISSOLUTION. Tbe Empire is temporarily without a Parliament, but we do not anticipate that any special inconvenience will result from the bereavement. What may result from the General Election is quite another matter, and we are not inclined to take a very hopeful view
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  • 14 8 Coconut shells are still need for collecting latex on some rubber estates in Selangor.
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  • 20 8 Crippen's petition was refused, and he wa« to have been executed on November 28, states a wire of November 22.
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  • 33 8 At Cholon, a suburb of Siirfon, the explo sion of a petroleum lamp on November 22, started a fire which, b foro tbe engines checked it did damage to ths amount of •50.C00.
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  • 13 8 Litest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 as well as 10.
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  • 17 8 Tbe Shelf ord Rubber Estate Co., Ltd have declared a second interim dividend oi 10 per cent.
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  • 21 8 Count Tolstoi's last words were: There are millions suffering in the worM. Why are there S3 many of you round me
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  • 24 8 Mr. K. A. Stevens reports to the po'ice tbe theft of a Chinese pipe, valued at 160, from his house, Corbally Cottage, Cavanagh Road.
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  • 23 8 There will be the usual change of programme at the Marlborough cinematograph to-night, a number of new and entertaining pictures being put on.
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  • 29 8 At Messrs. Powell and Co.'s sale-room to day a small quantity of No. 1 sheet Para rubber was sold at 1311 per picul, and scrap realised $185 per picul.
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  • 29 8 Two diamond rings, said to te worth 132R, have been stolen from the house of Mahomed Ismael, 60 North Bridge Road. He accuses two servants of tbe tin ft.
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  • 45 8 Assuan Lock is to be opened to both sailing and steam dahabeahs on December 1. No vessels have been able to go through Assuan Lock for the past two years owing to operations which have been in progress for the elevation of the Nile dam.
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  • 50 8 The Coronation Committee at a meeting at St. James's Palace, on October .11, agreed to hold two professions in connection with tLc Coronation. Tbe first will take place on tbe principal day. and the second, the route of which will lie through London, will be held on the following day.
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  • 52 8 A Chinese boy, formerly employed in the Singapore Ciub, has been arrested at the instance of the manager of the International Bank, on a charge of stealing three I 0 (gold) American notes. The notes are tbe property of a Mr. Walker, a member of the touring patty at present
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  • 57 8 The Singapore Pilgrim Brokers held their annual picnic party at a garden off Balistier Road, on Sunday last. There were about 300 people invited. Breakfast, tiffin and tea were supplied and a most enjoyable day was spent Mr. H. M. Hakim, the manager of the Singa pore and Jodah Pilgrim
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  • 60 8 A libel action arising out of the June rubber settlements at Shanghai has been decided in the Supreme Court there. The action was brought by John McDowell against H. J. Roope, who, it was alleged, bad caused the libel to be published in the Godown. According to the Hongkong Daily
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  • 67 8 Advices from Saigon to November 22, bring 1 word of terrible loss of life and destruction of property in Annam through a typhoon followed by a tidal wave, which at a certain village reached a height of over 24 feet. The loss of life is reckoned in thousands. At one
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  • 58 8 The eleventh edition of Pathe's Animated Gazette will ba among the new pictures introduced with the change of programme at the Albambra cinematograph to-night, and as will be Been from the advertisement, -some very interesting items are to be shown. The picture entitled The Flag of Company H, which has
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  • 81 8 When the Japanese mail steamer Atsiit i Maru from London arrived alongside the Tan j ong Pagar wharf thie morni ig, there was a large crowd awaiting her arrival, among them being those who were there to welcome back friends after a holiday in tho homeland and a bridegroom, a
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  • 98 8 Another assistant, this time on the Hes,-a estate, in Deli, has had a narrow escape from murder. On November 18, a Javanese coolie crept upon the assistant from behind and knocked him into a ditch with a blow from a hoe. The coolie followed this up by trying to smother
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  • 110 8 Tbe annual general meeting of the Corn wall Minstrels was held last night at their Olub House, and the following gentlemen were elected as office-bearers for the ensuing year Mr. Kuek Beng Chiew, president (re elected); Mr. Lee Kirn San, vice president, Mr. Koh Hoon Tock, hon. secretary (re-elect id)
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  • 191 8 At the Soengei Kauipah Rubber Company meeting at Hongkong, Mr. G. Balloob, the chairman, in tbe course of his addresa to the chart holder said that when so much ibeing written and said about the over capital ised robber companies that have been floated in China, it is satisfactory to
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  • 459 8 Dr. F W. and Mrs More and ohild returned from homo by the Atsuta Maru, this morning. Mr. G. W. F. Shannon, who was formerly stationed in the l'enang office of the E. E. A. and C. Telegraph Co., and afterwards transferred to Singapore, has gone to
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  • 42 8 To-morrow, Thursday, being the anniversary of the birthday of He-r Majesty, Queen Alexandra, an artillery saluto of twenty-one guns will be fired from Fort Canning, com mencing at 12 noon. Her Majesty is sixtysix years of age.
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  • 51 8 A meetiDg of a thousand depositors of the Charing Cross Bank was held on November 21. The Official Rooeiver made a lengthy statement. The liabilities are expected to reach three millions and tbe ae-et.i are estimated at £380,000 The public examination will he held on January
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  • 100 8 Mr. Firm stone gave his decision in tbe District Court yesterday, in the prosecution imitated by the Government Monopolies Department against Guan Hin, 74 Cecil Street, tho one time lessee of the liquour farm, The charges against him were, first, selling spirit as brandy which was not
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  • 107 8 Local Mortality Returns. The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, show that during the week ending November 19, there were 21~ deaths, giving a ratio per mille of population of 39.69. Malarial fever accounted for 33 deaths, phthisis 18, convulsions 27, beri-beri 20, bronchitis
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  • 172 8 The business of the Appeal Court wan continued yesterday, before Mr. Justice Fisher, Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith and Mr. JmMm Braddell. The appeal of Nathan and Son against a decision of the Diatrict Judge was allowed. The action was one in which Messrs. Nathan and Son sued
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 263 8 Klnjanlly fMsJhei in j H(( Olive Ortm Ewnncl. rtt 6 "o Roneo Copier the only perfeot method of press- copying. No water used, and yet Z the copies are exact facsimiles of JJ a --c the originals as despatched. i ffl S "S 0 1 1 1 Roneo .2 Duplicator
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    • 203 8 ALHAMBRA Cinematograph (OPPOSITE KAFFLES HOTEL). TO-NIGHT. Elivkntu Edition of Patlie's Animated Gazette N.B. NBW ISSUE EVERY WEDNESDAY. Londoit-Parii Airship."— The Clement Bayard's" wonderful flight to London. Football Flashes."— Rugby and Association. London Hospital v. Old Merchant Taylors. Manchester United v. Newcastle United. Royalty at Play."— Remarkable Pictures of the Eing
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  • 71 9 LORDS CURZON AND MILNER AS LEADERS Riotous Meeting at Bow. [RbDTIR'S TILIORAM.] London, November 29. Lord Curzon, speaking at Hull, challenged a comparison of his own and Mr. Lloyd George's lifework. He would sooner cut off a hand than poison tho minds oi his countrymen. Lord Milner spoke
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  • 188 9 IMPROVEMENT RECORDED IN PRICES. The Outlook More Hopeful. (From Our Own Corrsspondint.) London, November 29. Prices advanced at the auctions to day and there was a more hopeful tone among those interested in the trade. Two hundred and fifty eight tons of plantation rubber were offered, of
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  • 44 9 . (IIKL-TUK's TKLKORAM.] London, November 29. Mr. John Ferguson has read at the Royal Colonial Institute a paper on Ceylon, the Malay States, and Java, compared as planta tion and residential Colonies. He dealt exhaustively with tbe products, communications, past struggles, and present position.
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  • 21 9 [Dib Ostasiatischi Llotd Tilkoram.] Berlin, Nov. 29. The new elections to tb'< Roiohstag will taki placu in November, 1911.
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  • 25 9 I Das Ostasiatiscbb Llotd Tbleoram. Berlin, November 29. A Franco Turkish agreomont has been arrived at with referenoe to protection rights in Algeria.
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  • 37 9 I )(K OBTASIATIBCH* LLOYD TeLIORAM.] Berlin, November 29. The Turkish Embassy denies reports which were circulated about fighting on the Persian boundary, which was said to be duo to the advance of Turkish troops.
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  • 27 9 lltu O*r.isiAiisriiK Lloyd Tklf.okam.] Berlin, November 29. The Mexican Congress h»s expressed to the President its confidence in his efforts to "oppress the insurrection.
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  • 162 9 Test Case on Question of Evading Contract. A case of considerable interest to emigration agi nts canie up at Hongkong before Mr. Hall fax en N jvember 21. A Chinese coolie was charged with obtainicg $10 cash, clothing, and other necessaries to the value of $20 from
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  • 128 9 . (From a Malacca Corbkspundknt Malacca, Nov. 80. Information baß been received by Malacca Plantations, Limited, tbat the price of fine Para in London yesterday was 6 8} per lb sellers. The market closed easier. Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co.'s Quotations To-day. Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co., kindly
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  • 486 9 The Football Match and the Ball. The customary St. Andrew's day football match between teams representing Scotland and tho Rest of the World, will bo played on the E planado this afternoon, kick off at five o'clock. Last year, it will be remembered, tbe match was played
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  • 233 9 Brave Foreigners to be Rewarded for Saving Life. During a terrific storm at Yokohama re oently a Japanese junk with six occupants aboard was sighted in distress oil tho Bund near tbe Grand Hotel, tbe men aboard shouting lustily for help. A large crowd gathered, says
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  • 96 9 The Oil War. We learn from a Nagaoka dispatch to the Asabi, that the Hiden Petroleum Company has lost over Yen 130,000 from the sale of oil during the four months ending September las'. This loss is attributed to the keen com petition now going on between the Standard Oil
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  • 666 9 INSULTS HEAPED ON PEERS AND THEIR ANCESTORS. Lloyd George's Fighting Speech. A supplementary telegram from London, dated November 22, gives a summary of one ot Mr Lloyd George's characteristic speeches. It fays Mr. Lloyd George, Chancellor of the Ex oheqaer, delivered a speech at Mile End last
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  • 324 9 Statutory Meeting of a Shanghai Flotation. A general meeting of shareholders of toe Repab Rubber and Tapioca Estates, Ltd., was held at Shanghai, on November 17, Mr B A. Clarke presiding. In tbe course of his a idrt.'sH, the chairman said With regard to tho
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  • 74 9 The Japanese Government order of a Dreadnought in England has occasioned much commont in the Tokio newspapers, which regard it as a contravention of the announced policy to build in Japan only. The Navy Department announces that the advance in naval construction necessitated tlio placing of the order in England
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  • 1624 9 . FIGURES FOR THE FIRST HALF OF THIS YEAR. Increased Operations and A Larger Balance. The voluminous half yearly adminstration report upon operations under the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board is to hand from 'he office of the Secretary. The report deals with the half year ending June 80
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  • 319 9 Proposal ol the Recent Conference In London. At the Cannon Street Hotel, London, recently, Lird Avebury presided orer a con. ferenoe of representatives of the Colonies, of Chambers of Commerce, and other bodies, which had been organised by tho British Empire Lragun f>r the purpose of
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  • 29 9 The early death of Mr. Oscar C. Terkelsen, of the Great Northern Telegraph Company, is greatly regretted in Shanghai. Mr. Terkelsod at one time was stationr .1 in Hongkong.
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  • 50 9 THREE HUNDRED PERSIANS DROWNED. Ten Ships Sank and Seven Towns Flooded. [Rbotib's Tilioram London, November 29. There has been a great storm on the Caspian. A landing stage was sunk, and three hundred Persians were drowned. Ten vessels sank and seven of the coast towns are flooded.
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  • 92 9 WILD SPEECHMAKING BY IRISH UNIONISTS. Fund to Enrol Regiments and Bay Arms. [Rbutib's Tblioram.] London, November 29. There has been a great anti-Home Rule Demonstration at Belfast. Twenty thousand were unable to get feats in Ulster Hal), where tbe speakers threatened stern measures in the event of Home
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  • 421 9 . Recipient of Many Presentations At Kuching. O wing to his approaching departure from this country, says the Sarawak Gazette of November 16, the Venerable Archdeacon Sharp has been tbe recipient of many presents daring tbe pact few days from various members of the congregation and others who wished
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  • 160 9 Construction to be Commenced at Colombo Shortly. The Admiralty have sent out Mr. A. L. Perfect, a Civil Kuginecr attached to Devonport Dockyard, to supervise the construction of the new Naval coaling grounds at Colombo, a work which, it is understood, is to be commenced without
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  • 37 9 At Davies and Co.'s auction yesterday the following shares were sold 260 Bukit K. B. 10.80 100 do. o*s 100 do. 070 ICO Pantais 116 200 do. 1.17} 100 Ayer Kuning of>s 100 Nyalas 0.46
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    • 621 10 The Colman .Shield. On the Beach Road Reclamation ground, tlit: Central Police (native) team have met the Singapore Peranakan Club in the above competition. Both teams continued pressing till half time, but no goal was scored. In the Beoond halt, play became more level, although the Peranakan kept on
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    • 265 10 Shanghai's Interport Score. After several postponements on account of unfavourable weather and the recent disturbances in Hoogkew, say» the N. C. D. News of October 14, tbe Shanghai Interport team sliot off its match against Hongkong, Singapore and Penang at tbe Rifle Range yesterday morning. Tbe weatber was
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  • 42 10 The Society (or the Promotion of Christian Knowledge hai> exhausted its reserves owing to its expenditure exceeding its income to the extent of £80,000 dariog the past four yiars. The Archbishop of Canterbury oom meods the Society's urgent appeal (or additional help.
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  • 349 10 Possibility of Further Decline in Prices. For some two and a hall months the companies supplying kerosine to the Bangkok market have been engaged in seeing who can get the better of the other, and secure the trade, observes the Bangkok Times of November 18. There are
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  • 239 10 Ashore at Night on the Reef Off Celebes. Mr. H. P. Adams who has just returned from the Moluccas gives t» (the Sarawak Gazette) the following account of an unpleaBant experience which befel him during his voyage in the neighbourhood of the Celebes Islands. Mr. Adams
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  • 200 10 In the report of the director? of the Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Tt legraph Company for the half-year ended Jane 80 last, it is xtated that the gross receipts amounted to £344,960, against £290,93 1 for the corresponding half-year of 1909 The working expenses, including
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  • 131 10 By special arrangement with Mr. Prissier, Mr. Henry Dallas, whose tbeatrioal enterprises are well known in the Far East, says the Referee of October 80, will sail for Calcutta on November 18, with a Company of Follies. In the course of a two years' toar they will visit
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  • 1080 10 Prices Quoted Id the Market Ibis Morning. Singapore, Novomber HOUi, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Hv»U Bxobange »nd Share Broken, issue Urn lollowiok Hit o< „n oU tiouß this morning i— Norn. Value. Boyora. Belltt*. 2/. Albtffkr >/■ 6/6 V- OpUow »/6 5/. 41 Anglo- Jar* 11/1 1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 57 10 A fl'gbt of colds set oat one day, Great ugly things, and fl w away, Across the bills and o'er the sea, 1) termioed vecgetol thus to be, But ali at ouco thtwe cold- grew fewer, VaiquUbed by Woods' Great Peppermint Care. And bo they died all one by one,
      57 words
    • 40 10 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not upset the btomach and is unrivalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pnlmonary troubles, and is a general tonic for building up the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 AND $2.00
      40 words
    • 632 10 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL. THESE SQUARES SHOW THE AMOUNT OF LIGHT OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT ELECTRIO LAMPS HAVING THE SAME CURRENT CONSUMPTION. Westinghouse 1 Other Metal 1 lowphc F |ament Tungsten Carbon Metal Filament Lamps. Lamps Lamp*. Lamps. BOLE AGENTS: ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. Raffles m
      632 words

  • 2303 11 THE MERITS OF DIRECT AND INDIRECT. Why Not a Tax on Rice? To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l am adding these few lines to the discussion on the colony's finances, the care of which though confided to heads more fit to deal with it than
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  • 1042 11 DEFEATS THE EVIL DESIGNS OF A WICKED WIFE. Love Philtre and Robbery. The following account of the success of an old Malay doc.or in curing a caee of poison at Malacca may be thought interesting as casting a sidelight on the life of the early European settlers in
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  • 73 11 The Budden death ia announced of Sir George S. Mackenzie, K. 0. M. G C. 8., who, as a director of the British India Steam Navigation Company and of the Imperial Bank of Persia, helped to control important undertakings in the Bast. It may be re called that his first
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  • 1690 11 HOW UNKNOWN JEW BECAME PREMIER. Official Life of the Meteor of Imperialism. What can Ido tor you I said Lord Mcl boarne to Disraeli. I want to be Prime Minister, was the reply— this from one wbo might have been expected to feel honoured with the offer
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  • 561 11 London's Accent Meets a Warm Defender. Condemnation of the cockney dialect is usual, and calls for no special courage, but Mr. Mackenzie Macßride has the audacity to defend it, says The Leader. In London's Dialect he claims that the familiar cockney is an ancient form of
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  • 1026 11 A MODERN FAIYUND IN THE INDIAN OCEAN. Impressions of a Naturalist. Far away in the Indian Ocean, and some 220 miles to tbe southward of Java Head, lies one of tbe numerous Christmas Islands with which our globe is studded, writes T. D. in the Evening Standard. It
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  • 66 11 Her many friends have learned with deep regret that Mrs. Lowther, wife of the Speaker, has not recovered from her long and trying illness as thoroughly as could be wished, and it is deemed inadvisable for her to spend the winter in London. She will accordingly leave for Ceylon early
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  • 1111 12 NECESSITY FOR WIDER STUDY AND INVESTIGATION. Latex Problems. The fourth of the series of lectures on india rubber was delivered by Dr. Philip SchidrowiU, the subject beinfc the chemical and physical properties of latex and erode rubber, but the lecturer said that, although be would be dealing mainly
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  • 322 12 Analyses of Samples Received by Imperial Institute. A report is issued on the work of the Imperial Institute in 1909. The activities of tbe Scientific and Technical Department are particularly interesting, tor the research laboratories of the dopartment were establish ed in order to provide for tbe investigation
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  • 325 12 Report on the Development of the Estate. At the first annnal ordinary meeting of the Mamban (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, Mr. J. L. Shand presided. In the course of bis speech, he stated Tbe programme, as set forth in the prospectus, has been all but completed. We
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  • 275 12 Ad extraordinary general meeting of the British and Foreign Oil and Rubber Trust was held at Winchester House, London, Mr. C. Green way presiding to consider a resolution changing the name of the company to that of British and Foreign General Securi ties and Investment Trust
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  • 544 12 ESTIMATED YIELD DURING THE COMING YEAR. Sufficient Labour for all Estates The report of the Kuala Lumpur Rubber Company, Limited, states that the profit for the year to June 80 amounts to £154,908 (as against £43,033 for the previous year), to which has to be added £3,258,
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  • 539 12 Clerk's Dealings in Rubber and Oil Shares. In the King's Bench Division, on October 22, Mr. Justice Kidley heard an action, Cotton v. Dennis, for the recovery of moneys alleged to be due in rospect of deals in Rubber and Oil shares. The defendant was called, and
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  • 1422 12 CONDENSED REPORTS OF COMPANY AFFAIRS. The Year's Progress. The directors of the United Lankat narrations Company state that the sale of the 1909 tobacco crop of 13,713 bales from 1,718 fields resulted in a profit of £17,000, to which has to be added interest, .£7,000, and the amount
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  • 731 12 Marked Differences in Methods of Business. It is not possible to talk business for i long to an Antwerp merchant before be is discussing the rubber market and the outlook for the popular shares, writes a correspondent in Antwerp to The Economist. Amongst tbem Kuala Lumpurs stand
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  • 911 12 RESOLUTIONS OF THE ADVISING COMMITTEE. President's Anticipations. A meeting of tbe Advisory Committee of tbe International Rubber and Allied Trades Exhibition, with Mr. H. Keer Rutherford in the chair, was held at the London Chamber of Commerce on October 17. The Chairman proposed That a vote of thanks
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  • 61 12 At Messrs. H. L Coghlan and Co.'s salerooms all tbe lots of robber offered were sold at improved prices on last month's sale as will be seen from the following table OCTOBIR NoVIMBKK per picul per picul No. 1. Sheet 1280 1315 No. 2 do 1205 $-225
    61 words

  • 2015 13 STOCK EXCHANGE, MINCING LANE, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON NOVEMBER 2 A number of shares in which local investor* are interested are not quoted in local share lists, and there are occasionally wide marring between quotation!) here and in London. Transactions take place in Mincing-Lane as
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  • 469 13 At no time is it of such vital importance to safeguard the kidneys as during pregnancy, Mrs. Mary A. Willis, of 169, Kirkdale Terrace South Wigston, nr., Leicester, England, telU us of her terrible suffering, which was all brought about by a fright during that critical period.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 287 13 Do it Now! IF YOU WANT TO REDUCE YOUR Tyre Bill Pit CONTINENTAL 111 -Ribbed Types to your car; they are specially made for the tropics and THE BEST THING OH WHEELS. Through all Dealers and Garages. CONTINENTAL TYRE AND RUBBER CO.. LD.. 17, Collyer Quay. Singapore. Telephone 290. AND
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 717 14 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office t Shanghai: RoKiatered under the Lite Assnrance Companies Acts, England, and under the Ho^kong Ordinanoes. QF COMpA||Y Twelfth fear). Total Inßaranoe in foroe ♦87,88« f BBB. Total Assets «^415,249. Total Funds 8,216,812. Total Income tor Year 8,666,887. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST.
      717 words
    • 524 14 BANKING. .BARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. aCOBPOBATKD BY BOIAI OHABTHB Pata up Oapltal la 10,000 Baam of JMsaoa ■1.M0.000 isttrv* Fa.S fl] 800,000 ttewvi liability of Proprietor! ,100,000 SAJUKSBS. Baak ol Baglaal. HaHfwal Baak of Sootlaai. rai toaloa OHy MMUaI Baak, Ml. SIBQaPOBB BBAHOH. Onmat Aoaonais are
      524 words
    • 455 14 BANKING, THE BZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INBURANCE CO.. LTD. NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREE Established 1907. Capital paid up JI,OCO,COOOO Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000,C00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tkck Joon 0. Sni Km Jam a. Nam Kirn Sbno 7. Teo Hoo Lai 8. Liac Chia Hbng
      455 words
    • 937 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. Mortgagees Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Sitnate at East Coast Road and Changi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontaeo and containing an area of 448 ACRES pFantod with about 80,000 cocoanut trees, fully grown, and about 50,000 rubber trees from 6
      937 words

  • 1016 15 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Writing to the Globe of November 2, H. C. Lafone says Although the airship, or dirigible balloon, does not depend for its safety entirely upon the steady working of its engines, a failure of the motive power may prove a very awkward
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 399 15 Sole Agents* WOLSBLIY CENTRAL ENGINE AOTOCAJW works. ARRIVED BY THE B.S. MISHAMA MARU NOVEMBER 3. One 14 20 H P, 4 Cylinder J.D. 8. Type DEASV Car (Siddeley's latest) fitted with 5 seated Body, Worm drive, Cape Cart Hood, Atißter Adjustable Wind Screen, Bosch Dnal Ignition, Radge Wbitworth Detachable Wire
      399 words
    • 8 15 'makesS£eTTkTn n asSOFTas^l |^ndSMOOTH mvET 4!S Ht^* HIIE
      8 words
    • 289 15 5^ THE WORLD'S CHEAPEST MHI Ra jewellery provioers HFI a>S^> LADIES SAFE REMEDY 1 1 111 \^J^^\ for functional troubles, SP [NOIO PRESENTS. I WvM P^ Ijß^a^ NOTE THE TERMS. K^i^l In w oTAioctu jus, cut I /^jfIFTOIHECHtfOTEAUT APj^i PA RIS 7^"^*. SHIPBUILDERS, REPAIRERS, BOILER #7i^^^««^ MAKERS, ENGINEERS. ■^'O/*/./^^"^ LOCOKIOTIVE3,
      289 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 577 16 WANTSROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. U2002 CLERK WANTED. Wanted for a Ribber Estate, a Clerk thoroughly acquainted with bookkeeping Apply BUting terms, to H c o Straits Times. 2«4 DISPENSER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser
      577 words
    • 511 16 WANTS. DISPENSER WANTED. From January next. Apply with recent testimonials to U2886 MEDICAL HALL. BALEBMAN WANTED. Wanted for Kuala Lumpur, a competent Chinese Salesman. Previous experience in Bazaar essential. Good salary to eati&faotory man. Apply G.C c/o Straits Times. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED Wanted by an Englishman, furnished boase for 6
      511 words
    • 521 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. PROPOSED MEMORIAL TO HIB LATE MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. A public meeting will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore, on Tuesday, tbe 6th December, 1910, at 5.15 p.m., for the purpose of considering tbe question of a memorial to His late Majesty, King Edward 11. THOS.
      521 words
    • 525 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Neither the Master, Owners, nor Agents of tbe ba. Brantford will be responsible for any debts incurred by the crew during the vessel's stay in this port. J. OARRETT, 2876 Master. PANTAI. LIMITEDNOTICE OF CHANGEOF BECRETARIEB. Messrs Derrick Co have now been appointed Secretaries of the above Company.
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    • 625 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 109, Market Street. NOTICE I, the undersigned, beg to notify that I have tbisday appointed Mr. J. van den Brink as manager of my American Bioscope Show, situated in Wayang Street, and tbe public are referred to
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 241 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane oub wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of II per font lines for one or two insertions. Notioe* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.o. cards, on page S, 12. Inch Scau
      241 words