The Straits Times, 29 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.427 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 372 1 D. I J. McGallam's PERFECTION WHISKY. lALBBEOK. MACBREBOR AND COMPANY, i KATZ BROS., LD. Our Great Genuine A T W7\ Clearance \3 JiJ mLJ FOR 10 DAYS Commences December 1, and Ends December 10. SPECIAL HEAVY REDUCTIONS DURING SALE. MANY CLEARING LINES REGARDLESS OF COST. Post orders from Ootstation Customers
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    • 258 1 HYULE TIDE /> T L^'aPC! Ixll: 1 o» THERE IS A WIDE CHOICE OF ALL THAT IS Si» Sterling-Silver Liqueur Cup*. 3^"E"W"IEjST <&C BEST Id Leather Covered, Velvet Lined Case, *^-w~— As illustration. Price $26. 00. i^H a*m fj' "I Sterling Silver Vases. WB^Sl^^ Hi H| Sterling Silver Photo Frames.
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    • 7 1 Bollinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MACGREGOR AND COMPANY. j
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  • 879 2 MANY PATHETIC CASES OF HARDSHIP. Proposed Relief Fond. A home paper of recent date says:— As letters from anxious depositors in the Charing CroBS Bank pour in day by day to the offices of Messrs. Moore, Partridge, and Co., bon. secretaries of tbe committee which has been
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  • 97 2 A sailor named Williams, who was engaged with »t veral other members of the crew of H.H.S. Kent on November 18, chipping paint from the sides of the vessel, which is now in dock at Hongkong undergoing repair-, had the misfortune to fall from a platform
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 489 2 "'Hsreline' Snow" Hazelins 8now Hawline Snow Hazeline Snow" Hazeline Snow Hazeline Bnow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Bnow Hazeline Snow Hazeline' Snow Hazeline' Snow" Hazeline 8now Hazeline' Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow "'Hazeline' Snow"
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    • 90 2 CHAMBERLAINS GOU6H REMEOY THE BEBT OBTAINABLE. This remedy hss do superior m a care lor cohin, croup and wboopiou coukli. It hat been a favorite witb tbe mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Cotwh Remedy osn alwayr be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not
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    • 345 2 The Dental Hall, NO. 1. RAFFLES PLACE (Opposite John Little Co.'s Building). Under tbe supervision of I>v» «J. Iwatsubo, DBNTAL SURGEO.V, (Who may also be found at 82, Bras Basah Road). Newly opend for tbe con von i once of Patients. Treatment and workmanship guaranteed to be of the Highest
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    • 240 2 (-LIFEBUOY-) A A A pure soap, in a J^L-C=jg^j^a^ highly concentrated A V I f° rrn < with power to (jg^ w y\\\ pu r 'fy and cleanse jTflk. H at lnc same time. U KM HEALTH INFECTIOI S. B^^BU^^Bh Manufactured h< the Proprietors ol Sunlight Soap I The public
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  • 733 3 HOW MR. COOTE ESTABLISHED INTERNATIONAL BUREAU. Tbe Result of a Vision. In view of the International Congress for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic, which was opened in Madrid under the patronage of the King and Queen of Spain, there was timeliness in the appearance of
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  • 226 3 . Pioneer of the Ichang Gorges Meets Disaster. K<gret will be felt in shipping ciroles at the news that the Shntnng, of the Szechwan Transportation Company, the little vessel that Captain Plant has hitherto navigated co successfully across the rapids bet ween Ichang and Chungking has met with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 278 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the" System against Disease nib lt>l»»U«h*d aliiM 182».) ESSENCE OR FLUID EXTRACT _OF_H£U_JAMAICA^^^^ •w« ouoot (pa** ■T^MWa^Laßk^Lis^MiVrsvYAVi vSl fi Em Br9 1 V t» kifhir of it." nTVll.A^llll J*l|4lHßh.B Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES •7&H& 1
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    • 65 3 DO IT NOW. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. In fully nine cases oat of ten tbe attack is simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damps, or chronic rhenmatinm, neither of which require any internal treatment. The free application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm
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    • 294 3 Greatest of all Tonics J A Provan Remedy lor all N»rrmt% < fy/ZJ Dl.ord.r«. L7.S>§ PONTIUS FLUID CO. Boiler Preservative Manufacturer*. Out special Fluids known m A.P. I and A.P. II are preparations made to prevent corrosion, pitting, graving, bleeding, etc., in new and old boilers alike, especially wben they
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    • 347 3 Jm Sozodoivt a l e l'< :a ''«b' fragrant mouth deodoriser and a tonic 'i^^SP^^Y f T 8 te f 1 fS regu ar use preserves the teeth and 'tf[fi}\iAlf*r* prevents tartar deposits. <*f^ r^». makes the teeth white and strengthens the gums. r oes no^ m pa' r frie
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 716 4 STEAMER SAIUHSS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO, ••r China, Japan, Ponaag, Seylea. AautralU, ladla, Aden, Brypt Medltei ia >can Parts, Plymouth aad London Through BiUa ot Ladlag iaaued tor Chine Oont, Persian Oolf, Continental, aaa American Parts. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about r— MAIL LINES. Outward (/or China) Himalaya Deo
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    • 497 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. MPM MAIL STEAMSHIP Cfl. LTD A regolM fortnightly Bervioe is maintained between JAPA? and BUROPH by tbe Company's well-known TWIH-BCKIW »Tlllll> onder Mail Oontnot with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed tor the Company's Baropean Servioe, lighted throughout by Bleotrioity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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    • 568 4 BTEMEI SAILINIS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tka staamera of thla Compaay maintain a regular aervice between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for Bremerhavan direot, oalling at Penang acd Oolombo. Taking
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    • 776 4 BTEAMEK BMLIWIB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL aERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and wall-knowa null ateanv I of thla Company sail fortnighty from Brer en Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Aatwerp, Souta: mp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (eoaaen on Maraeillea, Naplea, Alexaadria, aal vloe sai Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo,
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  • 158 5 DAILY TIME TABLE. FIXTURES. Tuesday, November 29. High Water, HAI a.m. 9.39 p.m. Wednesday, November 30. High Water, 9 5 am., 10.20 p.m. St. Andrew's Ba'l, 9. Thursday, December 1. High Water, 9.48 a.m., 10.(6 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail due. Homeward '111:1s mail closes. Friday, December 2. High
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    • 201 5 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. To-Dat. Batn Pahat Sri Wongsee 8 pm Malacca and Mnar Lady Weld 8 pm Malaooa, Port Diokson and Port Swettenham Fob. Ann 3pm Bali, Hacawar, Menado, Ternate, etc. Kwong Eng 3pm Bangkok Singapore 4 pm Bandjermassin Pnlau Laut and Cotie Ban Liong 4 pm To-Mobbow. Penang, Malaooa,
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    • 120 5 Mail Steamer Movements. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Delta left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, the 2Cth instant, may be eipacted to arrive here al 6 a.m. on Thursday, tbe 1 t prox. The P. and O. outward mail ste«mer Himalaya led Colombo, at 9 a.m. on
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    • 104 5 Wharve* at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAGAR. East Wbabt Basis— Adeh, Merapi. East W. Bbotioh I— Edendale, Bcnavon, Darius Sbeebs Wbabi Ileim. Hath W. Ssoi. I— Fub Wo, Manchester Miller. 8- lelsnda. 4— Malacca. B 5— Mv tar am. n
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  • 172 5 LOCAL PASSENGER LISTS. Arrivals. Per steamer Boribat, Nov. 28.— From Bangkok via ports: Messrs. Pennington and Msingand. P«r steamer Singapore, Nov. 28. From Bangkok Mr. Whitelan. Per steamer van Noort, Nov. 29. From Batavia Messrs Takano, Sinclair, Na«h, A' Blacker, Th J. I. van Hunt, T. Bruin, J. KoDing, M.
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  • 218 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. PRODUCE. Sinoapom, November 29, 1910 Bwoipobi, Novimbib 29, 1910 OnLotidon-Rank4m/B 3/4 ft Oambier buyers I 9 ;(5 Private flm/. I'll? *><««*« No. I) «ptak«a »om Private 8 m/. 244 Pe |f r Sf* bnyers „14 87* do am/! 246, c a li Wb toB buyers 2«.e0 On
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    • 164 5 Issue !2 Value. Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Belat Tin 476 500 10 10 Braang 6.60 600 10 10 Bnueh Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 3.00 260 £1 41 KinUTin 18 00 16.60 £1 £1 KledangTln 176 2.00 10 10 Kaantan Tin 8.00 8.28 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 8.60 9.2S
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    • 617 5 Issue !2 Value aj Bayers. Seller* 3/. 3/- AUagar 8/- e/7> 2/. a/. An^lo-Malay 1.8 9 1.5.0 a/- 3/- BataugMalaka 8/9 4/ 41 41 Batu Caves 16.10 0 17.10.0 41 £1 Batu Tiga 4.86 6.0.0 ill ill Bukit Kajang 2.9.0 3.10.0 £1 15/. Contributory 12/6 1.0 opm £1 £1
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    • 131 5 Issue 2 Vaine Bnyera. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern nom. Smelting 1000 10 7 a •< 6.(0 £X £1 Electrio Tramways 2/6 8/6 10 10 Fraaer k Neave 26 00 27.00 100 Howartb Erakine 67.00 68.00 110 7% Prof. 90.C0 91 00 100 100 Eats Bro. Dot ***** 100 100
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    • 53 5 . Bajen. Sellers. Howarth Hr skint 6% 1800,000 par Riley, Har Rre*Tea 6% 1384.000 1% 1% pte B'trioT'waya B% £860,000 Sin&apore Municipal 6% *****,000 Mm. Buyer. Seller. Singapore Ma wsp^ of 1907 11,800,000 I* t% P re Singapore If a of 1909 11,000,000 T% 6% pre Singapore Ma nioipal 4%
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 301 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Nov. 28— At saleroom, freehold land with plank dwelling, known as No. 453, Confedo rate Estate Road, at 2 80. Nov. 80 —At saleroom, small quantity of No. 1 Sheet Para Robber, at 11. Dec. I—At1 At saleroom, unredeemed pledges at 10. Dec. 2— At
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    • 609 5 Bouton Rouge &h> an.! I uunn v ■l, E yp an CWare e 3* ROBINSON 00., ltd.. sfiaaaßsw^rte^tf and go. l»i)l. l\)ii Kill (ih is a tna-li-f Mri-c of it* kind t>'kl I'ccX t«rpli«l> Ci*«r.lle. .re of |SES iariKf but tSEtSS. I NISSIN'S XMAS SHOW. All kinds of Japanese Goods,
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    • 56 5 HIGH-CLASS UNDERTAKING. ALBERT L. A. DALEY, The Leading* Undertaker Monumental Mason of Singapore, h«s the only ULENGLIShMAOE RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES of tbe latest design, and uses ollj PURE CARRARA MARBLE for monumental purposes. SOLE AGENT FOR MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD., OF LONDON, Tbe w> 1 -known funeral diiectots and furnisher p.
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  • 1033 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29. GERMANY AND TAXATION. Germany compels attention. In many ways she presents a far more interesting problem than Britain in spite of the squabble the latter is having about her dearly loved Lords. The debate in the Reiohstag on the Divine Right question may be
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  • 10 6 The Jugra output for October is 10,600 lbs. of rubber.
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  • 15 6 The officers and men composing the Royal Guard at Peking have out off their queues.
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  • 20 6 A special Scotch tiffin will be served at Prince's Tiffin Rooms on St. Andrew's Day, from noon to 2 p.m.
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  • 20 6 A most successful meeting was held at the District Grand Lodge, Kualc Lumpur, on Saturday night Over eighty were present.
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  • 29 6 Eleven Chinese were burned to death in a fire which occurred at Shanghai, on November 20, occasioned by the an ti foreign reports blaming foreigners for deaths from plague.
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  • 30 6 Dr. W. R. Lamb, American oculist and optician, returned from Bangkok today, and may be consulted at the Hotel de l'Burope for a few days, before he leaves for Kurope.
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  • 32 6 The I. C. Students' Association will be addressed at their rooms. No. 52, Bras Basah Road, by the Rev. C. R. Viokery, B. D., tomorrow night, at 9 o'clock. Subject:— Niagara Kails.
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  • 56 6 At Paris, on November 6, Madame Levillain was fined £640 (or having made cigars and cigarettes from coooa husks. The prosecution stated that 8,500,000 of these so called cigarettes had been annually placed on the market. The action wv brought under the law that gives the State a monopoly of
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  • 36 6 The German-Abyssinian Company proposes to establish a coaling aod provisioning depot at Jiboatil, in the French co'ony of Oback, on the Red S«a>, in order to avoid tbe payment of heavy bar boar dues at Aden.
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  • 42 6 It is reported that tbe elephant named Mek Sengat, who was at Koala Kangsar at the time of the Federal Council, has recently distinguished itself by killing one of three men who were trying to drive it out of a ten dang.
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  • 37 6 For the first time in the history of Viceregal arrivals British Cavalry and Royal Horse Artillery formed part of tbe escort when Lord Hardinge of Pensburst arrived at Calcutta on November 21, receiving an entlm Biastic reception.
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  • 40 6 When Mr. Willows landed at Douay on November 6, after having flown an airship from London across the English Channel, the Customs officers seised his airsh'p in order to enforce payment of j£3o duty on the petrol carried on board.
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  • 42 6 Professor David Starr Jordan, president of the Leland Stanford University, in Caliior nia, states that the high cost of living is an outcome of warfare. All the governments of the world are now ruled by the capitalists who constitute an unseen Empire.
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  • 52 6 The salvage of the cargo on the steamer In Peng, which was stranded near Polau Tikus, is progressing favourably. No steps will be taken to tow the vessel off until after low water spring tide this week, when it will be possible to ascertain the exact amount of damage to
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  • 46 6 Admiral Fournier, writing in the Paris Matin, urges that Franoe should have a powerful Navy and Great Britain a powerful Army. He says that all the Dreadnoughts in the world would be powerless to defend India in case of an offensive alliance between Pan-Germanism and Pan-Islamisui.
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  • 47 6 The St. Joseph's Dramatic and Mutual Improvement Association will stage Jacob and his Twelve Sons, or Joseph sold into Etfypt in local Portuguese, at tho Theatre Royal, North Bridge Road, on the Ist proximo, at 9 p.m., in aid of the New St. Joseph's Church Building Fund.
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  • 52 6 On October 29, forgers victimised Drummond'B Bank, of Charing Cross, to the extent of JCSOJ, and Barclay's Bank of Victoria street, to tho extent ot £640, different indivi duals operating in each case. The cheque by which Barclay's Bank was defrauded was stolen from the letter-box of a wellknown firm
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  • 58 6 In recognition of the good conduct in prison of Lewis and Hill, who were sentenced to imprisonment for life in connection with the loss of the Agenor, his Majesty tho Emperor of Japan has been graciously pleased to issue an order for their release. It is expected that both Lewis
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  • 51 6 The N. C. Daily News is asked to announce that the oommittee appointed by tbe rubber shareholders' meeting has organised and begun its woik. It is fortunate in having tbe services of a trained man, Mr. S. A. Setb as secretary. Mr. Setb is for tbe present, at In tii.
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  • 26 6 s connection our con. porary is asked by Mr. H. I>. Hatobison 1 1 state that he has not accepted his Domination to this commit tee.
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  • 85 6 The first barless Broadwood piano to be sent to this part of the world is now on view at Messrs. Garcia's depot in Orchard Road. It appears that all the bars which are usually fitted in a grand piano to enable the frame to stand the great strain of the
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  • 82 6 The Financial News, of October '28, states We reoently expressed astonishment that nobody had yet produced a story of the rubber boom. A correspondent writes to assure us that he had a story in embryo, but when the collapse came in the price of rubber and rubber shares there was
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  • 102 6 Liverpool has lately gone in for big things in the way of huge buildings and leviathan ships, and the ferro concrete offices of the Royal Liver Friendly Society, adjoining the stately offices of the Mersey Dock Board, are said to be the largest built of this comparatively new material in
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  • 96 6 The Ceylon Government having been apprised of some Government servants having interests in shares in Companies owning property in Ceylon, they have been called upon to explain their conduct in violating the regulations which prohibit their having any interest in local joint stock companies. The Times of Ceylon could obtain
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  • 133 6 A Servian gentleman styling himself Count Milorad Raitobevitch did us the honour of a call at this office to day. He belongs to that rather exclusive set, the globe trotter a pied. At the conclusion of his oarth. circling stroll, be is, we understand, to receive a prizo of 100,000
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  • 419 6 Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaoght paid a vibit to the Victoria Falls. Mr. Alderson-Smith is coming out from England to visit and report on tbe estates of tbe Bernam-Perak Rubber Company. Mr. Ernest Gray Coutts, P.W D., Bombay, committed suicide by shooting himself
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  • 21 6 Mr. Robinson, third magistrate, gave his decision to-day in the prosecution against Michael S. Cowan, bookmaker. Accused was discharged.
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  • 69 6 . At Messrs. H. L. Cogblan and Co's auction rooms on Monday, the following properties were sold:— Leasehold property. Area 4,192 sq. ft., together with three bouses Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Upper Cross Street. Monthly rent »98. Sold to Khoo Tung Tin for 17,200. Freehold Land. Area 1,253
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  • 86 6 . Heads of schools and parents may be re minded that a concert for children, under the direction of the Children's Concert Fund, will be given in the Victoria Memorial Hall next Friday afternoon, under the usual conditions. The programme will include several songs, violin solos by Mr.
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  • 144 6 Fusion or Confusion." An esteemed correspondent writes ln reading your very able and important leader of yesterday on Fusion or Confusion especially that part of it which referred to the military training of the Malays I was reminded of the remarks made by Mr. Roosevelt, in his speech before the
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  • 160 6 We learn that the handsome building at the corner of Telegraph Street, formerly occupied by Messrs. Fraser and Neave, will be opened on January 1, as a Robber Exchange. The building, we are told, is admirably adopted for the purpose. The gronnd floor would make an excellent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 We have just received a fresh shipment of FINEST EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. Imported and Sold by Fribourg and Treyer, 34, Haymarket 3, Leadenhall Street and I*9, High Street, Oxford. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., SOLE AGENTS. THE ji "GILLETTE" llß&P^^'^fe W MAKES SHAVING AS DELIGHT. SFIT ~^^m\ No fronblesome preparations. ,iv. "~~k**oKa\ Bli
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    • 192 6 ALHAMBRA (OPPOSITE RAFFLES HOTEL). llnjaporsi Prswkr Electric Picture Palace. Something New snd Refreshing Again TO-NIGHT. •THE FLAG OF COMPANY H." Specially acted in America for Pathe Freres. This Film has Pathos, Life and Grip in it it will stir the most indifferent. Length about 800 feet. A Sdpikb Italian Art
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  • 227 7 THE DISSOLUTION FORMALLY ANNOUNCED. Scarcity of Candidates. MR. LLOYD GEORGE MAKING GREAT EFFORTS. Local Option Promised to Scottish Liberals. [Rbutbr's Telegram.] London, November 28. A feature of the elections will be the number of uncontested returns. Apart from Ireland there are at present sixty-four seats without Liberal candidates
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  • 208 7 ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS FROM PENANG. Levy on Tobacco and Alcohol. (From Oi k Own Correspondent.) Penang. November 29. In connection with the public meeting of Chinese at the Town Hall, Penang, on Saturday, to consider the question of the proposed income tax, a letter has now been drafted
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  • 28 7 Bluejackets Surrender and Officers Resume. [Bimi'l TELEGRAM.] London, November 28. A Kio-de Janeiro message says the naval mutineers have surrendered, and the offioers have resumed command.
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  • 44 7 Eighty Cases Treated in Hospital Kacriß's Telegram.) London, November 28. Eighty wounded persons were treated at the hospital at Cork as the result of a conflict between Redmondites and O'Brienites, whioh led to baton charges by the police in restoring order.
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  • 38 7 (From a Malacca Cokrispondknt.) Malacca, Nov. 29. Information baa been received by Malacca Plantations Limited that the price of fine I'ara in London yesterday was 6 4) per Ib The market closed quiet but steady.
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  • 1084 7 Unfortunate Failure of Tobacco Crop. The first ordinary general meeting of the Java United Plantations was held on November 8, at Cannon-street Hotel, London The Hon. C H. Strutt, who presided, moved the adoption of tbe report. He said that the tobacco crop on the company's estates
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  • 63 7 A very handsome rose bowl has been pre sented by the ladies of Perak Rifle Club to Mi Birch upon the occasion of her departure for Europe in recognition of her valuable services as Hon. Sec. and Treasurer during 1009-10, says the Perak Pioneer. A beautiful colour printed scroll accompanied
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  • 378 7 MARKET SERIOUSLY AFFECTED BY STRAITS SALES. Bulls and Bears in a Difficulty. The Globe, of Ootober 29. states Last week closed at £109 ss. cash, £165 10s. three months. This week dosed at £165 15s. cash, £168 6s. three months, showing on the week a fall of
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  • 249 7 No Settlement Between N D. L. and Cbino-Siam S. N. Co. The Bangkok Times of November 21, states We are indebted to Messrs. Windsor and Co. for the following Tbe negotiations which have been pending between tbe N'orddeutscber Llojd and the CbinoSiam Navigation Co., Ltd., during the last
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  • 190 7 Heavy Penalties Inflicted in tbe Philippines. Every effort of this office shall be bent towards stamping out the pernicious traffic in opium, said Prosecuting Attorney Bishop in asking Judge Lobingier to impose a prison sentence upon Mareelino Villano, who pleaded guilty to illegal importation of opium into
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  • 136 7 Brother of Queen Araelie to Survey Cochin-China. Prince Ferdinand Francois, Due de Mont pensier, left New York on October 14 (or San Francisco, on his way to Cochin China, to resume hia work of exploration of the Hinterland of that country and of surveying. at hia own
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  • 983 7 AWFUL DEATH OF MR. F. V. GUY IN KELANTAN. Attacked by Escaped Panther. A sad occurrence was reported yesterday on the arrival of the steamer Boribat from Bangkok. She had stopped at Kota Bharu en route and had taken on board there Mr. F. V. Guy, Manager
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  • 127 7 Wiring on November 31, the London correspondent of the S. C. Morning Post stated: The trial of Captain Trench and Lieut. Brandon, who were brought up on a charge of espionage on August 27 and September 7, has now been fixed to take place at Leipzig
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  • 1107 7 . Statutory Meeting of the Company, Mr. F. E. Jago presided at noon, to-day, at the first ordinary general meeting of the Malakoff Rubber Co., Ltd., held in the Exchange. There were also present Messrs. D. T. Boyd, A. D. Allan, Montgomerie, Mayson, Gentle, and Chew Woon Poh.
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  • 64 7 The committees of the Shanghai Municipal Council and Chinese residents, after deliberating for six hoars, have agreed to oo operate in a plan of plague prevention measures. House inspection is to be carried out by foreign lady doctor*, accompanied by foreigntrained Chinese doctors, and patients are to be removed to
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  • 61 7 GRAND VIZIER SAYS ALLIANCES ARE NOT DESIRED. No Military Convention With the Rumanians. [Der Ostasutische Lloyd Telegram.] Berlin, November 28. The Turkish Grand Vizier has made a declaration of Foreign Policy. He states that Turkey has no desire for special relations either with tbe Triple Alliance or the
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  • 275 7 Ao Improvement in the Government Wharves Department. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, November 28. At the half-yearly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. J. Mitchell, tbe chairman, referred to numerous subjects of public interest which bad engaged tbe attention of tbe Chamber. The majority, however, were purely
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  • 39 7 (From Oi'R Own Corrksi'OKDßNT.) Penaog, November 28. A wire has been received from Colombo stating that Vallambrosa Estate luih declared an interim dividend of Is. 6d., and Singapore Para one of I'2J per cent, for the year.
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  • 222 7 (aftkk Tbe following appears in tbe L. and C. Express of November 4 In tbe evening in the ever welcome dark time, Will you come along with me? To the portals of tbe M^tropole where cheery Men from far Malaya gather in their numbers As you
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  • 33 7 The Queen recently spent two days at the Imperial Institute unpacking and sorting the 15,200 garments which have been contributed to her group of the London Needlework Guild. Princess Mary supplied 700 garments.
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    • 132 8 Bombardier Wells, the heavyweight boxer, has beaten Seaman Parsons in the first round. The Bnkit ISahru Football Club met the White St »r Club at a friendly game of football on Sunday, at the Outram Road School football ground. The matnb resulted in a win of three
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    • 80 8 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. Mr. C. Emerson has won the monthly medal for November. The following scores were returned Will those ladies and gentlemen who have woo medals during this year kindly inform tbe Honorary Secretary either verbally or by letter at their earliest convenience. X Kiuorson B. Draper
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  • 730 8 Kleist Experiences Bad Weather After Leaving Singapore. The China Mail of November 18, states A day and a half overdue, the German mail steamer Kleist arrived in port from Singapore at daylight this morning and went alongside at the Kowloon wharf. As was expected, she
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  • Correeponoence.
    • 214 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Your correspondent Discontented has indeed made a very good suggestion about tbe management of the Hock concern more directly and more tconomically. A vast department like the Dock, if judiciously managed, would doubtless leave a wide margin from the
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  • 633 8 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report. Writing oa November 3, Messrs. 8. Montagu and Co. report Of the million sterling bar gold available, India took £145,000, and the remainder was bought by the Bank of Eogland. This substantial purchase by the Bank, coupled with the large
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  • 830 8 Pricei Quoted in (be Market This Morning, Singapore, November 29th, 1910, Messrs. Lyall and Bv»tt, Hxchanoe and Share Brokers, issue the following Tilt of quotations this morning I Horn. Value. Buyer*. Holier*. 2/- AUa«»r 4 lflj 5 1 J 3/- Option! 2 6 5/--41 Anglo-Java 11 15
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 Tib sweet to hear the watchdog's honest bark, Ray dtep mouthed welcome as we draw sear home I 'Ti' swe t toeee tbe eidrly little fliark Deporting iiraceiully amid tbef< am I 'Tis twM-t to know our wives with acgry down, W»it our r.turn with resolution sore; But bet-t of
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    • 45 8 CROUP. Not a minute should be lost wbeo a obild shows >-)mptoms if croup. Cliklf>bt»laiij'i> R m. dy given as soon as tLe child b< iioaioe, or t-vtn afur tbu croupy coogli appears, will prevent the attack, tor sale by all Dispeiuaties and Dealtra.
      45 words
    • 295 8 CALL AT Moutrie's FOR PIANO Proven by 38 years' Experience. OVER 1,200 DISTRIBUTED IN ALL PARTS OF CHINA AND THE STRAITS. m S.MOUTRIE&CO..LD. THB ARCADE. E.&O. HOTEL. PEHING The best and tbe most frequented Hottl iv tbe Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits, ABB THB URANCHBB
      295 words
    • 360 8 Raffles |§if; Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER Saturday, December 3. The Standard Life Assurance Co. WB CAN OBTAIN FOR YOU A LIFB POLICY: 1. At Home Rates (Under Double Endowment Plan), or 3. With Monthly Premiums, withont any addition to the Yearly Preminm, or 8. Without Medioal Examination, or 4. linder all
      360 words
    • 247 8 THE ORIENTAL PILE OINTMENT. An efficacious Ointment, checks bleeding, soothes the pain and gives relief tor a oon. siderable period. Price $1.26 and 75 ots. THE CITY DISPENSARY, Selegie Road, Singapore. 1522 HARBOUR. DOCK AND PIER WORKS. Contractors, Engineers, etc, requiring trained DIVERS for Submarine Work in Wood, Stone or
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 288 9 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps LONGEST LIFE LOWEST CONSUMPTION Life In hourg. Current per Candle Power. •SißWJßVawaawjawjßWJßw CARBON LAMPS awßaULwjalawjßwjßwjßwjßwjßwHalawjßwawjßwjßwjaiawjßwlH ■awjaVawßawjl CHEAP METAL Fll AMENT LAMPS H^LawjaHHiBwjHLwHLHBWLBwjBWji ■■■Hill iiMawjawjßwjawjßwaawß OTHER METAI FILAMENI LAMPS UI!>TI\(iM()l SIS TI'NdSTKN' LAMPS WKKHs^M SOLE AGENTS: ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. FRIED. KRUPP. A large assortment of
      288 words
    • 248 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION CO. The following ate the fatal oa wfcloa Iki d l ilaMMri m I P»«*»* *> •"•»< Optwiu 1110 ArriTM ».s. Persia December 7 19.1 Nippon January f.s. Vorwterta Feb/uary 3 UuiiiWi»r Ue. China Deoember 8 1911 i b.b. E.F. Ferdinand January 7 fa
      248 words
    • 59 9 YAMATO'S Xmas Show. CARDS CALENDARS FOR 1911 ALBO AN EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF JAPANESE GOODS SUITABLE FOR Xmas Presents. mc). Hiia-xa: street. MICHELIN TYRES DUPIRE~BROTHERS, -A-O-EILTTS. FUSSELL'S Milk Cream. Butterfly Brands. Sole Agents Paterson, Simons Company, Ltd. Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE HSALEH AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 8, HIGH
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 611 10 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAV. CO.. LTD. Til (teamen of Ihil Company maintain a regular direct terrloe between Ualontta, BlralU, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, takltg oargo, on mrou^n Bills ol Lading (or Canton, bwntow, Arooy, (Jbetoo. Tlenlaln, Hewchwang, YaagUae Porto, Kornioia, the Fhlllpplnei, ao,, Ac Bttmmmt Tom Commander KcTCABa 4,89*
      611 words
    • 765 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INBURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office Slio.rtgha.l: Registered under tbe Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and ander the Hoigkong Ordinances. pommm OF COMPANY Twelfth fear), Total Insurance in force $87,888,888. Total Asseta 8,418,a4». Total Funda 8,918,813. Total Income for Year 8,868,887. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. All forms
      765 words
    • 525 10 BANKING. {BARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRAUAJND CHINA aOOBPORATKC BT HOTA1 CHAKTBB ■tit op Capital la M,0M BkaMI of ■N aaoa fl.MO.OOO i* M rri Foal 11,600,00(1 iMtm Liability at Provision 41, 100,000 BAHBBB8. Baak at BafUad. ■aMoaal Buk of Beollaai fa. ftoaaoa Oily Midland Baas. »M 8IHQAPOKB BBAHOH Ounal Aoeooatt
      525 words
    • 764 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Changi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an area of 448 ACRES planted with about 80,000 oocoanut trees, fully grown, and about 50,000 rubber trees from 6
      764 words
    • 377 10 MORTGAGEE S BALE At Messrs. H. L. Cogblan k Co.'s Salerooms, On Monday, Dbcbmbbr 5, at 2.80 p.m. Lot I.', Freehold land. Area 1,719 square feet, together with houses Nob. 81 and 82, Orchard Koad. Monthly rent 129. Lot 2. Nine plots Freehold land. Area 16,961 square feet, situate at
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  • 969 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. < it raid Biss writes in the Evening Standard as follows: This is the period of the year when the motor industry looms large in the public eye with its annual exhibition at Olympia. By its exhibition it advertises itself, and by
    969 words
  • 152 11 . The Intentions of the Imperial Government. The Daily News states The grievanoe of the self governing dominions against the Colonial Office will not be met by giving them a new Secretay of State to themselves. As the bulk of the Colonial Office's work concerns the Crown Colonies, a
    152 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 419 11 WOLSELBY CENTRAL SIDDELHY ENGINE A U» TJMJCAJtS WORTHS ARRIVED BY THE B.S. MISHAMA MARK NOVEMBER 3. One 14.20 H P 4 Cylinder J.D. 8. Type DEABY Car (Siddeley's latest) fitted with 5 seated Body, Worm drive, Cape Cart Hood, Auster Adjustable Wind Soreen, Bosch Dual Ignition, Radge Wbitworth Detachable Wire
      419 words
    • 14 11 For all int rn»l complaints. Dysentery, Congbs, Colds etc, take Woods' Great Pepieritint Core.
      14 words
    • 437 11 CHAPOTEAUT'B CDRATIVE *^i§ff H0 PRINCIPLE 4Sfe?"P TASTE 4lHp£ SMELL OIL *fe 5 3»2/ NAUSBA MORRHUOL IJ superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cure* Incipient Consumption, Coughs, Bronchi us and Scrofula. Each tiny Morrhuol capsule is exUacted from a teaspoonful of cod lircr oil. Recommended at the Para Academy of Medicine,
      437 words
    • 163 11 THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (ESTABLISHED ***** M ANDFACTURBRS OF PURE ROPr: 38TRAM0 I CABLE LAID I 1 4 BTRAND I 1/2- to 12- 8" to 10" 8* to IP Prioon, Samples and fall partioalars will be forwarded on application to .m. Agenl: W.A. STOPANI, RsUMU"*" GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO..
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 574 12 WANTSROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. ***** CLERK WANTED. Wanted for a Robber Estate, a Clerk thoroughly acquainted with book-keeping Apply stating terms, to II c o Straits Times. 2354 DISPENSER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser
      574 words
    • 576 12 WANTS. SALESMAN WANTED. Wanted for Kuala Lumpur, a competent Chinese Salesman. Previous experience in Bazaar essential. Good salary to satisfactory man. Apply Q.C c/o Straits Times. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED Wanted by an Englishman, furnished bouse for 6 months or longer. Apply stating terms to W.J., o/o Straits Times. 2846 APOTHECARY
      576 words
    • 540 12 ARTICLES FOR BALE. COMPOUND HOUBE TO LET OR FOR SALE No. P5, Barker Road, with immediate entry. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. FOR SALE. Fox Terriers, at No. 4, Koek Road. u2682 TURNOUT FOR SALE A quiet Australian Cob with harness, and rubber tyred Gig with hood
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    • 523 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. Neither the Master, Owners, nor Agents of the as. Brantford will be responsible for any debts incurred by the crew daring the vessel's stay in this port J. GARRETT, 2876 Master. PANTAI, LIMITEDNOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES. Messrs Derrick Co have now been appointed Secretaries of the above
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    • 485 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, 6overnment and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 4 109, Market Street. THE AVER MOLEK RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Financial year of the Company closes on October 81, 1910, and that the remaining dividend for the
      485 words
    • 482 12 JNDTICEB. noticeT PROPOSED MEMORIAL" TO HIS LATE MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. A public meeting will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore, on Tuesday, the 6th December, 1910, at 6.15 p.m., for the purpose of considering tbe question of a memorial to His late Majesty, King Edward Ml. THOS.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 250 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellanc ous wants of every description are injert ed at the prepaid rate of tl per four lines for one or two insertions. Notioe i of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exoeeding four lines, II each inner t ion For p.p.o. oards, on page 6,
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