The Straits Times, 26 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.425 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 26. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 71 1 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217, Orchard Road. AWARDED MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIBST PRIZE, AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW SINGAPOKE, 1910. Arranged Floral Baskets, Booqoeto, shoTvnrs and Floral forms of all descriptions. Wedding orders receive special attention MANY LOCAL TESTIMONIALS. IMo— Moderate. Cat Flowers rom oar own Nurseries qaite Fresh. NURSBRIBS AND
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    • 119 1 Robinson Co. XMAS TOY BAZAAR Now Open. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Robinson Co. Oily (red wrapper $1 .26 per bottle Nonoily (in box) i.BO The Don oily Javol has the same capacities as the oily and is deliriously perfumed. Obtainable from MESSRS. ROBINSON ft CO.. AND
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    • 6 1 Bollinqer cnompagne. CALDBECK. MACGREGOR AND COMPANY.
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  • 912 2 CHULALONGKORN. THE LORD OF THE WHITE ELEPHANT. A Character Sketch, Mr. Cecil Gray, ono time Editor of tbe Siam Observer, contributed tbe following to tlif Bveoiog Standard of Ootober 25 Just on reaching his fifty-ninth year CbnlalongkorD, King of Siam, Lord of the White Elephant, Brother of the Moob, and
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  • 70 2 A wire dated L indon, November 17, says that D. R. John*, tone, an aviator wlobeid the height i» cord, fell a distance of 800 feet, and was hilled. Tbe airship cup izid an Jobnstone made a sensational tu-D, and the winge cloßfd overhead. Every boDe in bis body was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 'VAN A' Tonic Wine THE IDEAL INVIGORATOR FOR BODY, NERVE AND BRAIN The vitalising effect of its blood' enriching constituents becomes evident after the first few doses. Appetite is restored, digestion is aided, strength and energy return and the colour of health is restored to the cheeks. OF ALL CHEMISTS
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    • 102 2 CHAMBERLAIN'S COU6H REMEDY THE BEST OBTAINABLE This remedy has do xnperior as a core ior ooldf, croup asd whoopiDK congh. It ban bt»'n a iav»rit>- with tbe mothers of young cbildrfn (or a'uirm' (ortv yean. CbambfrlaiD'N C v h R«m»dy i-nn always be dt pcudt'l upon ani in pleisant la
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    • 597 2 Do You Want To Read The Story of Your Own Life Famous Psycbio Offers To Send A Fall 2 Page Analysis Of One's Character To All Wbo Are Interested In This Science. People In AH Walks Of Life Consult Him And Praise His Work As Rematk ably Accurate. Many Say
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    • 263 2 The public are cordially ym invited to inspect our nIU V t L I ILb wide and varied assortment ol jewe lery. in We have just added to oar collection a ntrtnber ARTISTIC of Novtiti s ia t^ Jeweller s art, which _____a m are articles of oar own UK
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  • 572 3 ISLAND OF ISCHIA PARTIALLY DESTROYED. Devastation in Naples. Writing on October 24, the Home corres pondent of the Morning Leader states A great disaster is reported from the island of Ischia, which has been partially destroyed owing to a terrific hurricane last night. This morning the telegraph
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  • 429 3 Foundation Stone of the New Head Quarters Laid. The foundation-stone of the new building of the Institution of Civil Engineers was laid on October 25, by Mr. James C. Inglis, President of the Institution. The site is at the corner of Great George- street and Princessstreet, close to,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 887 3 The Dispensary, Ltd. ■>SJPi Vr^S CHEMISTS, PHARMACISTS. OPTICIANS. hf^^S^.]f*t!g) (Wholesale and Retail), !i|i>Sj£g3> 3 B i Raffles Place, Singapore. M'Ef^fipi..; Telephone No. 8. C ;pORE v, > Depot (or all kindß of Patent Medicines, Toilet Requisites, Per j£ SlN"^ *^B»i fumery, Medicated Wines, Surgical Instruments, Chemical and ~^*&T- Scientific Apparatus,
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    • 13 3 For all internal complaints, Dysenterj looghe, Colds, etc, take Woods' Orea 'eppermint Core.
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    • 616 3 FACEKEPTBREAKING OUT WITH ECZEMA For 4 Years. Mass of It All Over, Most Irritating and Itching. Could Hardly Keep Fingers Off. Nothing Would Stop It. Cuticura Ointment Gave Instant Relief. In 3 Weeks, Not a Spot on Face. "For some four years, off »nd on, ny face kept breaking out
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    • 159 3 In a Kitchen where MONKEY BRAND is used for the coppers, the tinware, the kitchen tables and floors, the good housewife's work is done almost before the day is begun. WON'T WASH CLOTHES. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klar.g, Port Swettenham. BUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ESTATE
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 718 4 STEAMER SAILIHGS. RlTa BTEAM NAVIGATION GO. far China, Japan, Paaang, •eylen, Australia, India, Adas, Bgyat, Mediterranean Parts, Plymonth and London Through Kills ot Lading Issued tor Ohina (Mst, Persian Quit, Continental, and American Porte. Bteamers will leave Btngapors on or aboat MAIL LINES, Ontvard (for Okina) Himalaya Deo t Assaye
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    • 498 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMBHIP CB.LTD. i ta\ regular fortnightly service is maintained betwen JAPAN a/d BCROPH by the j Company's well-known TWII-BCRBW ■Ilillll, under Mail Oontraet with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed tor the Company's Bnropean Sorvioe, lighted thronßhout by Bleotrioity, provided with excellent aooommodation for First
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    • 862 4 steamer mum. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. in TOYO KIBEN UIIHA. The iwo great steamship Haas batwaaa DBINA, JAPAN and EUROPE, via Hoooluln aad Baa Franoiaoo, operating the aew 11,000 Mas, twia-sertw steamers KOREA aad 3IBERIA, together with ths well known ■teamen CHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN 3HTJBIA, NIPPON MARC, TBHIO MABD
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    • 573 4 STEAMfcK SAILIHIt. HAMBURB AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. aB^BB^SSfiSBBBBBBB^Bt w^BBBB The steamers ot this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Btraite, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despalehed fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for Bremerbavaa direct, oalling at Psnaag aid
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    • 779 4 STEAMER SAILIMB N. D. L. Norddeutschar Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well-known mall iteam ot this Company Ball fortnight? from Bren on Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soutki mp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Haplas (ooaae lon Marseillee, Naples, Alexaadria, and vtoa v aai Port Said, Buss, Aden, Oolombo,
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  • 199 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, November 26. Hist Water. 0.42 am., 6.B'' p.m. Gymkhana, Raccmu'no, 2.81. Tbe MaKistrate, Victoria Theatre, 9. Sunday, November 37. Hmi. Water 7.30 a.m., 7.60 p.m. M. M. outward mail duo. R. H. A. monthly dhoot, 2.80. S. K. E. (V.) monthly handicap, 2.80. Monday, November
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    • 199 5 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. To-Dat Batu Pahat Sri Wongsee 8 pm Deli and Asahan Ranen 3 pm B ngkok Baa H. LioDg Bpm Penang, Olehleh, Sabang and Padang Van Swoll 8 pm Labuan, Jeßiwlton, Ku'liit, Saudakan. etc. Marudn 3 pm Honifkoug, Sbaugbai aud .1 i|. in G. Apcar 3 pm Peaang
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    • 144 5 The M. M. compan\'a steamer Ville de la Ci-int left Colombo at 11 a.m. on the 2)rd instant, may be ixpected to arrive here at about H a.m. to-morruw. Tbe M. M c mpaay's steamer Tonkin left Saigon at 8 a.m. to- 'ay, may be expected to
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    • 105 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAOAR. Bast Whabf Biflr*— Adeb. Bast W. Sktior 1 Mcrapi, Edendale, Thongwa Snnas Wbabt- Nil. Main W. Bboi. 1 Nil. m m 8 H M. 8 Clio. .4 Gr. Rory Apcar. S- Perak. 6
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  • 130 5 LOCAL PASSENGER LISTS. Arrivals. Per Rteamer Mabiriol, Nov. 25.— From Bangkok: Mr. C. Gaggino. Pur otesmsr Ban Whatt Hin, Nov. 25 Fn m Kelantan via rorts: Messrs. Welch, B 11, Fraxcr and Mrs F^aser Per steamer Sri Mmr, Nov. 25.— From Malacca: Mr. Grnnt. Per «teamer Ban Yong Song, Nov.
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  • 405 5 St Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, November 37.) Advent Sunday. 7 a.m.— Matins and Litany. First Lesson Isaiah I. Second Lesson 1 S. Peter 1, 1—22. Hymn 50. 7.45 a m Holt Communion (Cbokal). Introit Li ad me Lord. s rvicu Stainer. Hymns 203, 822 and 291. 4 p x.
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 0 a.m. Greenwioh mean time. The time-gun is fired at 13 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore jtandarrl lime on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at ene o'clock.
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  • 243 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Singapore, November 26, 1810 On London— Bank 4 m/a 2/4^ Demand 2/4^, Private 6 m/i 2/4 J do 8 m/« 3/4f On Germany— Bank d/d 240 Private 8 m/s 244 do 6 m/« 246t On Franco— Bank d/d 386 Private 8 m/s 2Wi do 6 m/a 808*
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    • 174 5 Value. Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Belat Tin 475 500 10 10 Bruang 660 600 10 10 Braaeh Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 3.00 260 £1 £1 KioUTin 16 00 le.fO £1 £1 Kledang Tin 1 75 2CO 10 10 Kuantan Tin 8.00 8.26 £1 £1 Lahat Mines B.CO 9.25
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    • 627 5 [cane !2 k'aluo qJ Bayers. Sellers I/. 3/- Alla«ar 4/0 8/6 2/- ADRIo-Malay 1.8 9 1.5 0 1/- 3/- Batang Mafaka 8/8 4/ £1 £1 Batu Caves 16.10 0 17.1' .0 Cl £1 Bata Tiga 4.8 6 6.0 0 Cl £1 Bukit Kajang 2.1K0 2.116 Cl IS/- Contributory 12/6
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    • 134 5 Issue 2 7alne Boyera. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern Smelting 10 00 10 7 8(0 £1 £1 Electric Tramways 3/8 8/8 10 10 Franer 4 Neave 2600 27.00 100 Howartb Erskine 57.00 68.00 110 B Pref. 80.C0 91 00 100 100 Katz Bra IK-f. 126.00 100 100 8% Cam Pref.
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    • 52 5 . Bayer*. Seller*. Howarth Brskine6% 1600,000 pat Riley, Hargreaves6% •'284,000 1% 8% pre B trio T' way* 6% JE860,000 m. Slogapore Mo. uoipal6<% »1,878,000 lorn. Barer* Belief* Singapore Ma nicipal T of 1807 11.800,000 '1 ft Singapore Mn nicipaJ U% of 1908 11,000,000 8% pit Singapore Ma nioipal 4% 1603,800
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 Woods Great Peppermint Care for all irtirn-l oomplaints. Dysentery, Congbe, Colds, etc.
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    • 45 5 CROUP. Not a minute ehould be lost when a ohild Lows k^mptoms if croup. Chamberlaiu'H ..ougli K iiudy given as soon as tbe chid Ixc ilc< itoarwj, or even afUr tbe croopy iniukli appears, will prevent the attack. For sale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 374 5 Banks of the NO« I Obtainable at: BOlltOll ROUtfC I I JOHN LITTLE g Felucca I fi rciul 1 a 64 AND CO I AND CO LTD. **yp««» awtte, w d in rtcotwiitd br ill. Had* of the taw 3 elected Turki.h Tobacco under idea! cooditioa. y la Cairn the*
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    • 250 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HARIMA HALL Cinematograph NORTH BRIDOB ROAD, To-Night! To-Night,!! GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. K. HARIMA, Sole Proprietor NOVEMBER RUBBER AUCTION At Messrs. H. L. Cogblan Co '8 Salerooms, On Monday, Novrmbib 28, at Noon. Stocks now on view. H. L. COOHLAN k Co., Auctioneers. 2889 NOTICE. PROPOSED MEMORIAL TO
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    • 54 5 HIGH-CLASS UNDERTAKING. ALBERT L. A. DALEY, The Leading Undertaker Monumental Mason of Singapore, has tbe only ALL-ENGUS-t-MADE RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES of the latest design, and uses only FUKE CARRARA MARBLE for monumental purposes. BOLE AGEVT FOR MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD., OF LONDON, The wt-1. -known fuiurai diiectois and furnisher?. 43, Prlnsep
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  • 1217 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 26. INCOME TAX PUZZLES. It was a very prudent thing on the part of the Government to grant a two months adjournment in order to allow fuller consideration of the income tax scheme. The need of that fuller consideration is illustrated to a quite remarkable
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 as well as 8.
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  • 11 6 The late Mica Florence Nightingale be quoathed her body for dissection.
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  • 17 6 The oars on view at tbe Motor Show at Olympia, in Kensington, are valntd at nearly £1,000,000.
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  • 22 6 The ninety two gates to be used in connection with tbe Panama Canal will weigh 60,000 tons, and will cost over £1,000,000.
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  • 22 6 Ethel le Neve visited Hawley Harvey Crippen, when he was in prison under sentence of death for the murder of his wife.
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  • 27 6 Tbe new St. Paul's Cross, sculptured by Mr. E. Bertram Mackennal, was unveiled on October 81, on tbe site of tho old cross in St. Paul's Churchyard.
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  • 32 6 The closing meeting for the session of the Singapore Literary and Social Guild takt s place on Monday at 845 p.m. It will take the form of a musical and social evening.
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  • 34 6 Tbe Bukit Babru Football Club will meet The White Star Club at a friendly game of football on Sunday, the 27th inst., at the Outram Road School's football ground from 5 to 6 p.m.
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  • 26 6 To-night's programme at the Alhambra cinematograph contains some excellent sub jects, besides tbe tenth edition of Patbe's Animated Gazette which proved to be particularly interesting nnmber.
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  • 30 6 The Maryborough cinematograph is presenting to-night a programme that should be enjoyed, as, besides some new subjects, an aviation picture and other interesting items, the comic element is unusually strong.
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  • 37 6 It is notified in garrison orders that the 3rd Brahmans arrive here from Bombay per K I M.S. Nurtbbrook on January 10 next, and that tbe 99th Deccan Infantry embark for Bombay, per Northbrook, on January IS.
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  • 31 6 The proprietors of the Aberdeen Line are placing win-lees telegraphic apparatus and also submarine signalling apparatus on the steamers Miltiades, Marathon, Moravian, Themi6toclef, and Demontbtnes, engaged in the Anglo Australian trade.
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  • 47 6 At a sale of postage stamps at tho Argyll Galleries, Argyll street, \V., by Messrs. Gun dining and Co., a Straits Settlements, 1883 c, 4in black on c 6 blue, brilliant mint fetched £i and a Federated Malay States 1900, $23 green and orange, mint, £1 ss.
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  • 44 6 The stamps of Trengganu have been despatched to that State, lucre are nine values, and they are printed in colours conforming to the new oolour scheme adopted for tbe London-printed Colonial stamps. The values are c.l, c.B. c.4, c.5, c.B, c.10,c.20, c.50, and SI.
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  • 41 6 A sealed handicap competition for mcuiberg with handicaps of 160 and over will take place at tho Tanglin Club on Saturday, December 3, or Monday, December 6, whichever day is the more convenient for those competing. Entries close on November 80.
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  • 49 6 The Army Council have decided to discard tbe helmet as the headdress of tbe regiments of the line and to substitute an entirely new kind of oovering, like to the shako of the last century, and which is still worn by the Wiltshire Regiment and tbe Highland Light Infantry.
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  • 45 6 The offertory at tbe Cathedral throughout the day to morrow (Advent Sunday) will be given to the *>t. Andrew's Chnrcb Mission. The anthem at evensong will be Dr. Wood ward's Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zi >v. The Venerable Archdeacon Sharp will preach at evensong.
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  • 48 6 Tbe troopship Hardinge was berthed at Tanjong Psgar this morning. She comes from tbe Cape via Mauritius and will proceed to Hongkong. On her return journey she will briog the Buffa from Hongkong to relieve the Middlesex at Singapore, and will then convey the latter regiment to India.
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  • 52 6 To mark his appreciation of tbe performance given nndcr his patronage on Saturday weeklabtattbe WayangKafsim, HisHighnesb the Sultan of Lingua and Rioow will present a iilver souvenir to Mr. Kastim, the proprie tor of that popular Malay theatre, tonight. A special play entitled Labanoff, the Fugitive, will be staged for
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  • 51 6 In the Commercial Union Fire Assurance Company's case against C. J. Spalding, late manager of tbe company's Madras branch, the jury unanimously found Spalding guilty of breach of trust by a servant. Judge Branson said that tbe case deserved exem plary punishment, and sentenced the accused lo four years' rigorous
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  • 69 6 Tbe Royal Humane Society has awarded a mtdal to Douglas F. T. Gibs m, who, although only eight years of age, plunged into dtep water in Causeway Bay, Hongkong, on June 7, and saved a younger sister who fell from a boat. Before tbe little fellow went in a Chinese
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  • 58 6 As a result of the Anglo Japanese Exhibition £60,000 worth of Japanese goods has been sold in England. The Japanese Commissioner states that Japan recently purchased a Urge quantity of machinery from a great western nation, bnt tbe exhibition bad proved to his satisfacti in that English goods were superior
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  • 76 6 What is described as the world's greatest apple show was opened at Vancouver on October 81. Mr. Elwooj, a leading Austra iian irrigationint, declared to an interviewer that the display was the best he had ever seen. At the opening oeremony the Austra lian and Tasmanian exhibits were specially mentioned
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  • 309 6 Mr. A. H. Cox is on a visit to Singapore from Penang. Mr. Justice Braddoll arrived in Singapore by the Perak to-day. Mr. J. B. Elcum has bien appointed an official member of the Leginlative Council of the Straits Settlements, with effect from October 28. Messrs. St.
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  • 181 6 . The Taiping correspondent of tho Malay Mail, says The Perak Pioneer reports that the feeling is prevalent that Sir Arthur Young, k. o m <>„ who is expected back in January, will be made Chief Secretary, in wbiob case the Hon. W. Evans and the Hon. J.
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  • 198 6 How the ravage? of smallpox arc spread among the community was clearly demonstrated in a case that camo before Mr. Firmstone in the first police court, yesterday, in which a Chinaman and two Chinese women were charged with failing to report a case of small pox.
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  • 244 6 . Notwithstanding the necessarily brief notice, states the Pinang Gazette of November 11, a large number of gentlemen connected with the seafaring and other communities attended the funeral of Captain W. H. Jacobs, master of the B. I. stektner Taroba, yesterday afternoon. These included Dr. J. C.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 BOLLINGER CHAMPAGNE (1904 Vintage) EXTRA QUALITY. VERY DRY. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., SOLE AGENTS. XYour Inspection is respectfully invited to A SPECIAL SHOW OF 'The Latest* Gem Pendants NOW ON VIEW AT John Little's £l JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT. KELVIN Mo for Launch Sets, Petrol or Kerosene. THESE ENGINES AKB THE SIMPLEST ON
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    • 190 6 ALHAMBRA (OPPOSITE ■RA FFLES HOTBIA Singapore Premier Electric Picture Palace. Something New and Refreshing Again TO-NIGHT. THE FLAG OF COMPANY H." Specially acted in America for Pat he Freres. This i ilm has Pathos, Life and Orip in it— it will *tir tbe most indifferent. Length about 800 feet A
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  • 193 7 BLUEJACKET COMMANDS FOUR WARSHIPS. Forces the Government to Grant an Amnesty. IRbotbb'b Tel»gram.| London, November 25. The Brazilian Legation in London has received a telegram from Rio-do Janeiro saying that the crew of the Dreadnought Minas < ieraes mutinied and murdered the captain and tbrer, officers. They demanded
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  • 67 7 CHARGES OF INTRIGUE NOT YET PROVED. Statement by Sir Edward Grey [Rbutbr's Telioram.] London, November 26. Sir K Iward Grey, replying to a question in the House of Commons, said tbo allegation of the I'drsian Government that the ox-Slnlj bad intrigued with a Turcoman tribe was, so far
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  • 77 7 Revival of Friction Over the Cretan Question. I Die Ostasiatiscbi Llotd Tblbobah.] Berlin, November 23. Strained relations are being created botweon Turkey and Greece again, owing to the repeated declarations in the Cretan Ass' ntVj n favour of union with Greece. Tnu I' aikisti Ministerial Cjuncil has
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  • 30 7 . [RIDTIB'S TILIORAM.I London, November 28. The Peking Assembly has unanimously passed a resolution to appty the fullest antiopium moasurss and doprecating renewal of the aKrooment with Britain.
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  • 21 7 . Merlin, November 25. Dbr CKtasiatischk Lloyh Tblkgram The tj leon of Belgium is uot yet oat of danger.
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  • 51 7 (From Odb Own Corrbspondint). Kuala Lumpur, November 25. The report of the Selangor Turf Club for the year ended September 30 shows a net profit of nearly 52.000, the depreciation written off daring the year being 98,559. Sixty eight members have joined since the last report was
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  • 48 7 . (Khom Oob Own Corbispondint.) Kuala Lumpjr, November 2s. At the Lake Club, last night, Mr. John Roberts beat Mr. B. M. Baker by 1,000 to 907 points, Mr. Baker receiving a start of TOO. Roberts' beat breaks were 224, 144, 88 and 78.
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  • 67 7 The Kast Asiatic Company of Copenbagon, has ordered the wharf of Burmcister and Wain at Copenhage n to construct another and larger vessel with internal combustion engines of the Diesel system, in addition to that now under construction. The new vessel is, it i* said, to be of a capacity
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  • 144 7 . (From Odb Own Corrkspondbnt.) London, November 26. The rubber market is firmer, Para being quoted at 6 3 to 6 5, and auction prospects are favourable. Pkk Malacca Plantations Colombo, Nov. 26. Tbe price of fine Para in London jester, day was 6 1) per lb. The
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  • 348 7 Excellent Prospect of Completing London Sale. We are courteously informed by Mtssrs. Sandilands Battery and Co. tdat they have received a telegram from London to day which seems to leave very little reason to doubt that the Sembawang and Tempe.nis Companies will be successfully floated in London.
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  • 400 7 John Little and Cos. Valuation Reduced. A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, the members present being Messrs. E. G. Broadrick (President), H. W. Bnokland, J. Carapiet, A. J. Watkinß, Tan Kheam Hock, with Messrs. J. Polgtase (secretary), and 1!. Poire* (engineer). The financial statement
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  • 818 7 BIG SCHEME TO LEASE TYERSALL PALACE. Sporting, Social and Residential. A well attended meeting was held in tbe Cricket Club pavilion, yesterday evening, to discuss certain proposals regarding tbe formation of a country olub at Tyersall, the the Singapore palace of His Highness the Sultan of Johore.
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  • 1017 7 The chairman explained that the com mi ttee had asked tbe different clubs to send representatives to discuss the proposal. Tbe scheme, he mentioned, had the entire ap proval of His Excellency the Governor and the principal residents of Singapore. There was no m ire suitable position
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  • 95 7 One of the few survivors of Navarino, the battle in which eighty-three years ago the combined fleets of Britain, France, and Russia defeated the forces of Turkey and Kgypt, is a naval pensioner named Cox, who lives at Brixham, and still personally draws his pension at the post office. Cox's
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  • 92 7 The Imperial Institute report for 1909 refers to mineral surveys, also to mineral samples received from various parts of the Empire, and investigated by the scientific and technical department. Analyses were made of four mixed tinstone concentrates from Kelantan. These contained 18 4, 16 6, Hj-8 and 72-5 per oent.
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  • 2155 7 FUSION OF THE COLONY AND THE F. M. S. Vigorous Speech by Mr. E. C. Ellis. The annual Straits Settlements Dinner was held in the Whitehall Rooms, Hotel Mi tropolp, London, on November 1, nnder the presidency of Mr. J. M. Allinson. A number of distinguished guests were
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  • 201 7 THE LATE KING EDWARD VII. Meeting to Consider a Singapore Memorial. A meeting was held on Tuesday, the 22nd instant, at which were present the Hon. T. S Baker, and the Hon. Hugh Fort, the Hon. Tan Jiak Kirn, Messrs. John Anderson, Boyd, Cook. Meyer, Millard, St. CUir, Still, Scan
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  • 3394 8 SECOND RE4OING OF THE INCOME TAX BILL. Further Figures. UNOFFICIALS REQUEST MORE TIME. Bill Postponed For Two Months. The Legislative Council met yesterday afternoon. I'm greater part of tbe tilting was devoted la tbe Income Tax bill a measure which was described by an unofficial speaker as probably
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  • 840 8 Pricei Quoted la the Market Ibis Morning. Singapore, November 26th, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Hxobange and Share Brokers, issue tbe following lilt of quotations this morning I Norn. V»lne. Bayers Sailers. 2/- Alla«ar 6 6 3/. Optiona 2 6 5/--41 An«lo-.Ta»a 11/1} 16 3 1 Anglo-Johore
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  • Coircspon&encc.
    • 138 8 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times Sir,-The 3rd Middlesex Regiment is shortly leaving us. During their stay here, they have most ganerously provided amusement to our children on Wednesday afternoons, by per formance in the Gardens with tbe Fifes and Drums of the Regimental Band. Several
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 44 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not npeet tbe etoma b »nd is nnr vailed for coagbs, < olds, bronchitis and all pumonary troub es. and is a general touio for bui ding up the s\>tera. OP ALL CHEMISTS. 51.25 AND $2.00
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    • 30 8 Professor Stars. \Vb<m all admire, lie i iv»'ci trom Mars Tin* fl«Kbl>Kbi wire." Oar curr- c uah goods Wo oan't endure, Si Dd us m me Woods' Oieat Putpatminl Care,"
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    • 181 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ERA IN PIANOFORTES. Broadwood Barless Grands. This magnificent instrument can be seen for a lew days only at W J. GARCIA, 210, Orohard Road. E.&O. HOTEL. PENfING The best and the most; frequented H Jt.l in tbe Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits,
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    • 211 8 CATARRH OF STOMACH RELIEVED BY PE-BIHUL s^jWMMMWSasjBM^MHHttJi&ISS MDC JOSEPM BEAUDOIN. MJe. Joseph Beaudoln, 69 Rue St. Olivier, Quebec, P. Q., Can., writes: "Peruna is wonderful for Indigestion. 1 eat whatever I want and no longer feel any oppression. "Having had dyspepsia tor a long time and having tried various other
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 86 9 Hall-Marked Sterling Silver oSSBFf PHOTO FRAMES pll li £jffi AND vL I *J* 6T7ITC kSHM m' fit al/itiOi B. P. de SILVA, High Street. Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE H SALE h- AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 8, HIGH STREET, Now On. GREAT REDUCTIONS! GREAT REDUCTIONS!! GREAT REDUCTIONS!!! Smith
      86 words
    • 424 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET 01 FOR SALE No. 85, Barker Road, with immediate entry. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. FOR SALE. Fox Terriers, at No. 4, Koek Road. ■Ml TURNOUT FOR SALE. A quiet Australian Cob with harness, and robber tyred Gig with hood
      424 words
    • 537 9 STEAMER SAILINGS CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. KONINK IJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPFIJ (ROYAL PACKET CO). Return tickets at S'ngle Fares will be iaeued by the above Company's steamer* to Batavia, Java coast, Snuararg, Sourabaia, Peuang and Deli, available for use between the 15th December, 1910, and 15th January, 1911. For partiealars of paaaage and
      537 words
    • 836 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP LINES, LTD. 4MERICAN-MANCHURIAH LINE, To the Pbillipineu. S.S. KATUN A, will be despatched from Singapore about 18th December. To be followed by S.S. "KIOTO" tor Hongkong, Shanghai and Japanese ports on 20th December. For farther information regarding frieght, etc.. apply to McALISTER ft Co., Ltd., AGENTS,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 855 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office Shanghai: Registered under the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under the Hoagkong Ordinance* QF COMPANY Twelfth Year). Total Insuranoe in force •87,858,888. Total Assets 8,415,249. ToUl Funds 8.818,81 a. Total Income for Year 8,588,567. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. All forms
      855 words
    • 521 10 BANKING. IHARTEREO BANK 8F INDIA. •USTRAUA AND CHINA aCOBPORATUD BT BOtAt. OHABTBB -.11 up Oapital U M.OOO Baara* ol •«0 eaoa i1.M0.000 i*iarv* Fnal <i soo.CXX IMWV* Liability of Froprleton ,1,100,000 BAHKBKB. Bank ol Baglanl RaMoMl Bask of BeoMaat, ft* ftoaaoa Otty Midia.i Bank, at* HIHOAPOBK BRANCH Oarrtat Aaeonßita art
      521 words
    • 456 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE G3., LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREE Established 1907. Capital paid op 11,000,000 00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000X00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tbck Joon 6. Sim Kia Jan 2. Nam Kirn Sbno 7. Tbo 800 Lai 8. Liau
      456 words
    • 1127 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Chwgi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an arra of 448 ACRES planted with about 30,000 cocoanut trees, fully grown, and about 50,000 rubber trees from 6
      1,127 words

  • 839 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A very bftndnome 60 bp. limousine has ju-t been built aid delivered to Qoeen Alexandra by tbe WoUeley Company, making the Bixth rar the company has sup plied to her M» j -ty, reports tbe Daily Telegraph. The Hooptr body, which seats
    839 words
  • 152 11 Funeral of Mr. Chittenden. The funeral of the late Mr. Arthur Leonard ('lutti i (1< n took place nn November 16, at the l'iote*tautCeuiettrv,l!au*kok. The Rev. Dr. Hillyard conducted tbe service and amongst those present were Met>pr« J. A. C. Anderson, E A'ptlof h. P. Band, R. H. Brown, R.
    152 words
  • 55 11 Some intereftting old documents have been discovered whilst clearing out an office occupied by the late clerk of tbe peace at Folkestone. Two of them, which bear tbe daff 1775, are authorities to Andrew Smith to fit out bis ship as a privateer to attack ships belonging to the colonies,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 244 11 Sole Agents* SIDDEL.BY ENGINE A U T CICAIS WORKS. ARRIVED BY THE B.S. MISHAMA MARU HOVtMBER 3. One 14 20 II P., 4 Cylinder J. D. 8. Typ* DEASY Car (SiarMey's latent) fitted with 5 Mated Body, Worm drive, Capo Cart Hood, ArjHter Adjmitable Wind Screen, Bosch Dpal Ignition, Rudge
      244 words
    • 68 11 DO IT NOW. Now is the t'me to get rid of yonr rheumatism. In tolly nine cases ont of ten tbe atttck in simply rheumatism of the masclts due to old or damps, or chronio rheumatiHm, neither of which require any internal treatment. The free application of Cbamberlain's Piin Bam
      68 words
    • 463 11 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD. (NEAR ENTRANCE to BORNEO WHARFJ Telephone 1028. nSea'stocks of all kinds of FROZEN MEATS, etc., can be delivered to Shipping at the Wharves, or in the Singapore Roads, on short notice. OFFICE HOURB: Week days 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday! 7 a.m. to b
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 584 12 WANTSROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. ***** DIBPENBER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispensary in the Straits. Send testimonials and state salary wanted to Chemist," c/o Straits Time*. ***** UNFURNIBHED ROOMS WANTED. Wanted by
      584 words
    • 570 12 WANTS SITUATION WANTED. As Shipping Clerk, Cashier or Storekeeper, by advertiser with fourteen years' experience, mostly of shipping work. Highest references. Replies to Work, c o Straits Times. 2793 CLERK AND COLLECTOR WANTED Wanted, a Clerk and Collector for the Straits Chinese Recreation Club. Apply to the Hon. Secretary. 2855
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    • 528 12 NOTICES. PANTAI, LIMi'EO NOTICE OF CHANGEOF BECRETARIEB. Messrs Derrick k Co, have now been appointed Secretaries of the above Company. All communications should be addressed to DERRICK k CO., Gresham House, 2781 Singapore. PAJA*. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHANEE OF SECRETARIES. Messrs Derriok and Co. have now been appoint* d Secretaries
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    • 643 12 NOTICES. FRABER ft NEAVE. LTD. HOLDERB OF BEARER WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given, that an interim dividend of 10%, on account of the current year, will be paid on and after the 15th day of November, 1910, to holders of Bearer Warrant* on presentation of same at the Registered Office
      643 words
    • 455 12 NOTICES. SINGAPORE OIL SYNDICATE. LTD. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, that the Directors have appointed the undersigned Secretary of the Company, and all communications should be addressed to T. M. WBL3H, Exchange Buildings, 2337 Singapore. SEMBRONG RUBBER ESTATES. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES. NOTICE IS
      455 words
    • 474 12 __JIOTICES I__1 KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Oovernnwit and Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 108* 109, Market Street. TENDERS INVITED. Tenders are invited for the supply of Engineering materials required by Sarawak Government for the year 1911. Fail particulars can be obtained on application tc Messrs. Paterson Simons A Co
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 239 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— MiscolUne ous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of tl per font lines for one or two insertions. Notiosi of Births, Marriage*, or Deaths, if no! exceeding tour lines, II each insertion. For p.p.o. oards, on page 8, 12. Inch Seal* Rates
      239 words