The Straits Times, 25 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.424 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 25. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 214 1 D, ft J. McCallnm's PERFECTION WHISKY. lALBBEOK. MAC6REBOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. GRAND DISPLAY OF Christmas Toys POPULAR PRICES. KATZ BROS., LD. RUBBER ESTATE VALUES. A COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY, With many Tables of Valuation, Forecast! of Production, and Estimates of Future Profits. Reprinted from the Strait* Time*. The valuable series
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    • 93 1 Robinson Co. XMAS TOY BAZAAR Now Open. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Robinson A Co. AUSTRALIAN PURE CREAMERY Jresf) ZButter. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS. Kong fling Clieong Co., No. 101, Adblphi Hoift. Builiunob. A Place in which to make a Choice from
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    • 6 1 Boilinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MACSRE6OR AND COMPANY.
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  • 692 2 CENSUS OF PRODUCTION OF THE COUNTRY. Grain Milling. The Board of Trade has issued in Bluebook form the fifth of a series of tables Bummarisinß for tbe more important trades of tbe country the preliminary returns received nnder the Census of Production Act, 1906. The present returns are
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  • 169 2 There is at present an interesting movement in tbe Cbanrrl Itlai Jh in favour of assimilating the coinage sjstem to tbat of England. A petition to the King signed by the chairman and seen tary of theUuernuy Currenoy Reform Committee, which represents 1,000 Bupporterti, sets forth the
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  • 48 2 While some workmen were excavating at Westiecott, Swindon, they ditteovtrtd, a foot or two below tbe i-uifare of the tirnutd, time HkfltiooM, which ar« declared by Mr. O. H Burkhardt, principal of the S'coi.dtr) School and Technical lDS'.itutH, to be of tb< N.olnhio or later Stjae Ago period.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 118 2 'Hazeline' Snow' (trade mam) M Pure and **HA7F"I INt ,->'■ Neither M cool as SiSfOW l^ ''*'<&' st'eky m mountain ''■I n r snow f. for Prickly Heat Its soothing and healing properties produce a delicious feeling of cooli ness and comfort. The ideal balm for painful sunburn, m i
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    • 13 2 For all internal complaints. Dysentery, Roughs, Colds, (to, take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 557 2 BROTHER AND SISTER CURED. Thk Onb ok Back pain«, tbk Otheh Of a Nkkvois Disordkb, By i Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The uoabaken public confidence enjoyed by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People for a period now extending over twenty years rests to a very large extent upon tbe
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    • 162 2 'CLOVER' BRAND WBM Sterilized Milk. THE EAST ASIATIC CO.. LTD.. The Arcade, Singapore. SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. AND CO.. LTD. HEAD OFFICES BRANCH OFFICES: Oaxton Honse, Westminster, 1, 3, 4 and 6, Winchester House, London. SINGAPORE. .y-pg. 6, Beach Street, Penang. "UKKo Balthazar',) Buildings, Rangoon Stafford. Woolwiob.
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  • 548 3 Rf CORD ISSUE OF BOOKS DURING LAST YEAR. The Book Above Every Book is the title of a popular illustrated report of the B. and F. B. Society during 1909 10, a copy of wbiob reaches us from the Society's local representative, Mr. Tißdall. From
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  • 398 3 Past Head of the Indo-European Telegraph Department. The death took place on October 22, at Blackheatb, of Mr. Benjamin Traill Flinch, C.I.E late Director-in CLiif of the IndoEuropean Telegraph Department, aged 70. The Bon of a Greenwich solicitor, Mr. Ffinch was educated at Christ's
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 354 3 T. NAGAI CO. Just Arrived: ITE3"W GOODS COMPRISING Curios, Artwares, Xmas Cards, Calendars, etc, FROM JAPAN. NOW O2T VIEW. Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our Goods whether they intend purchasing or not. NO. X, ADIS BUILDINGS. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Wang, Port Swettenham. SUPPLIES OF
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    • 90 3 CHAMBERLAIN'S COU6H REMEDY THE BEBT OBTAINABLE This remedy has no superior as a enre for colds, cronp and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not
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    • 415 3 A Reason for it. Thkkk is only o.nm curb for Khkcmatish tbat has reacbkd a world-wide popularity and repctation. There are many remedies sold for the relief and care of Rheumatism, bat there is only one cure that can be considered as having a universal reputation, without a rival, and
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    • 143 3 Milkmaid fr Milkmaid BRANDJ/j| r ■■ffl I 1/ J**£, C|f IVlllK I^Wro^MMW ft MILKMAID Trade Mark is on every Tin '*ff{|o Largest Sale in the World Sold by all Druggists principal Provision Dealers. 1910 ELLWOOD'S NEW HELMET No IOS Shape LATEST STYLE, Ventilated and bound white buck, durable, sate protection
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 726 4 STEAMER SAILIhBS. pTaTo. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. Por China. Japan, Ponaag, •eylea. Australia, India, Aden, Bfyat, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills ot Lading Issued tor China O3Mt, Persian Gulf, Continental, aad Amerloau Parts. Steamers will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES. (Htvard [for Ohina) Himaliya Deo S ABsaye
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    • 519 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. it T_ regular fortnightly servioe is maintained 1 betweea JAPAN akd BUROPB by the Company'! well-know*. TWIM-SCBBW STMAMBKS, under Mail Contraot with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Bleotrioity, provided witb exoellent aooommodatioa for
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    • 893 4 STEAMER MIUHiS, PACIFIC HAIL STEAMSHIP Cf. am TOYO KIBEN UIBHA. Tbe two gnat steamship Unas berweea OHINA, JAPAN and BUROPB, via Honolulu and San Fraocieoo, operating tbe new 11,000 tons, twin aorew steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, togethar with the well-known ■teamen OHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHUBIA, NIPPON MABU, TBNYO MABU
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    • 556 4 OTEMIEI B*lLims, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamerf of this Oompany maintain a regular servioe betweea Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and Ibe Straits, Ohina and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly tor Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for Bremerhavaa direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 784 4 STEAMER BAILIHIB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tbe fast and well-kaowa mall iteam> ol this Oompany sail tortnlgbty from Brcn en Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Aatwerp, Boalki mp toa, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (eoaaet ion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, aad vise vi sat Port Said, Sues, Adea, Colombo,
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  • 189 5 FIXTURES. Friday, November 25. High Water. 5.44 a m., 4.E2 p.m. Legislative Counoil, 2.80. Municipal Commission, 2.80. Philharmonic Orchestra, 8.80. Saturday, November 36. High Water, 6.42 a m., 6.80 p.m. B. I. outward mail due. N. D. L. outward mail due. Gymkhana, Raoecoiirßc, 2.30. The Magistrate, Victoria
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    • 224 5 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. To-Day Batn Pabat Aim; Urn 3 pm Malacca and Mnar Lady Weld 8 pm Malaooa, Port Diokeon, P. Rwettenham and Telok Anßon Selansor 8 pm Hongkong and Japan G. Apcar 4 pra Japan Hyron 4 pm Bangkok Machew 4 pm Bangkok Teintan 4 pm Bangkok Prominent 4
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    • 214 5 Mall Steamer Movements. The B. I. contract packet steamer Thongwa, left Penaog at 4 pm. yesterday, may be exreoted to arrive here tomorrow, at 6 a m. The Imp. Ger. mail stetmer Prinz Ladwig. left Pensng at Hp m. yesterday, may be expected to arrive here tomorrow at 7am. She
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    • 97 5 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and Keppel Harbour. Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONQ PAGAR. Eibt Wharf Basta Adeh. East W. Swtior I— Morapi, Edendale. Sh«bs Wharf- Nil. Main W. Sict. t Rumphias. at- Nil. m B 4— Glenlogan. Nil. 8— Hyson, Gregory Apcar. Laooon Dock 7— (l'nder
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  • 175 5 LOCA L PASSENGER LISTS. Arrivals. Per steamer Wong Koi, Nov. 24.— From Bangkok Messrs. Heineken, A. Diehen, O. Broht je, H. Buno. A. In gge and E. St. ffens. Per steamer Kuchiog, Nov. 24. Fron Sarawak: Archdeacon and Mrs. Slurp and Mr. R. B. Williams. Per steamer Lady Weld, Nov.
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  • 251 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SINOAPORB, NoVEUBKB 26, 1010. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 T Demand 2/4^, Private 6 m/a 2/4 1 do 8 m/B i On Germany— Bank d/d 340 Private 8 m/s 244 do 6 m/« 248 1 On France— Bank d/d M 306 Private 8 m/i 300} do
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    • 169 5 MINING. Value. 5 Buyers. Seller 10 10 BelatTin 4.75 600 10 10 Bruang 6.50 000 10 10 Brunch Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 260 £1 £1 KintaTin 16 00 16.50 £1 £1 Kledang Tin 1 75 200 10 10 Knanten Tin 8.00 8.26 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 8.60 9.2S
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    • 615 5 [Bunt S 7alne Bayers. Sellers. 2/- Allagmr 4/9 6/6 1/. 2/- Anglo Malay 1.8 9 1.5 0 I/. 2/- Batang Malaka 3/3 4/Cl £1 Batu Caves 16.10.0 1710.0 El £1 Batu Tiga 488 5 0.0 El £1 Bukit Kajang 2 'oo 2.116 £1 16/- Contributory 12 6 1.0.0 pm
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    • 129 5 t'alne Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern Dom. Smelting 10 00 10 7 6.(0 £1 £1 Electric Tramways 2/8 8/6 10 10 Fraaer Neave 26 00 27.00 100 Howarth Erskine 67.00 68.00 ICO B 7% Pref. BO.CO 91 00 100 100 Katz Bro. Del. 125.00 100 100 8% Com Prof.
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    • 49 5 . Buyers. Belleia. Howarth Brskine6% 1600,000 par Riley, Har greaves 6% 1384,000 1% 8% pre B'trioT'ways 6% £860,000 Singapore Monioipal 6% 11,878,000 nom, Buyer.. Seller* Singapore Ma nioipml 4*% of 1907 11,600,000 p»6 Singapore Mo nioipal H% o(10O0 *****,000 f% 8% pte Singapore Mo nioipal 4% 1603.000 t% dia.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 Woods Groat Peppermint Cure for all internal oomplainto. Dyseot.ry, Coughs, Colds, etc.
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    • 324 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Nov. 26 At Belvedere, Anderson Road, Tanglin, teak household furniture, eta., property of St. V R Down, Bpq.. at 12 80. Nnv. v 8— At No. 89, Orchard Road, household furniture, etc., at 2. Nov. 29— At saleroom, frnnhoM land with plank dwelling, known as
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    • 437 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. CHINEBE TRACER WANTED. Wanted at once, Chinese traoer used to Constructional and Mechanical Engineering I work. Apply, with references, to Asiatio Petroleum Company, Winchester House. 2856 CLERK WANTED. Wanted for a Rabber Estate, a Clerk thoroughly acquainted with book-keeping. Apply stating terms, to H c o Straits Times.
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    • 503 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP LINES, LTD. AMERICAN-MAKCHURIAN LINE. To the Pbillipincs. S.S. KATUNA, will be despatched from Singapore about IStb December. To be followed by S.S. "KIOTO" for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japanese ports on 20th December. For further information regarding frieght, eto.. apply to McALISTER ft Co., Ltd., AGENTS. 2200
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    • 55 5 HIGH-CLASS UNDERTAKING. ALBERT L. A. DALEY, The Leading Undertaker Monumental Mason of Singapore, has the only ALL-ENGLISH. MADE RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES of the latest design, snd aaes only PURE CARRARA MARBLE for monumental purposes. SOLE AGEVT FOR MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD., OF LONDON, The well-known funeral directors and furnisher?. 43, Prlnsep
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  • 1120 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25. THE RUBBER POSITION. To criticise sach a company as Pegob, Limited, which has just paid a final dividend making the total for the first year's working 17J per cent, would be a rather rash undertaking. We do not propose to suggest for a moment
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  • 12 6 The Bertam October output is 11,800 lbs. Total ten months 102,693 lbs.
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  • 20 6 Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith is coming bom Penang by the Prinz Lad wig to attend the appeal court on Monday.
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  • 36 6 The Corporation of Glasgow propose to reinstate their city as the second in the kingdom by annexing a district which contains a population of 250,000. The area embraces some of the most historic scenes in Scotland.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 as well as 8.
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  • 21 6 Mr. O. S. Hertrich, mining engineer, residing in Rafflea Hotel, dm reported to the police the theft of a gold watch.
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  • 26 6 The last Children's Concert of the season 1910 will be given at the Victoria Memorial Hall on the afternoon of Friday, December 2, at 5 p.m.
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  • 26 6 The next Philharmonic concert is to be given on Monday, December 5, and it will be given as usual at the Teutonia Club by kind permission.
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  • 25 6 The Right Reverend, the Bishop of Singapore, will preach at the English Servioe in St. Peter's Church, Stamford Road, on Sunday next, at 7.80 p.m.
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  • 29 6 It is reported that Mr. D. A. Bishop, who has been acting as Inspector of Schools, has been offered the appointment of Secretary to the Sanitary Board, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 31 6 The Prinz Ludwig brings six officers and 88 men bound for Hongkong en route to the South Seas as reliefs for men on the German cruiser Cormorant and the gun-boat Planet.
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  • 43 6 A detective stated at the Middlesex Sessions that a man who was charged with stealing lead piping was released on ticket-of leave in October 1898, and started in business announcing on bis billheads that he had do ie fourteen years of Government work.
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  • 46 6 Trumpat Major C. Elliott, of the Royal Garrison Artillery, informs the S. C. Morning Post that he is prepared to compete with any cornet player in the Philippines army or navy— at the next carnival for a prize, the performance to be judged by competent musicians.
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  • 52 6 Inspector Cockney prosecuted four Bengali milksellers in thn first police court to-day for selling adulterated milk. In one case the percentage of added water was 34, and in the others 18, 12, and 10 respectively. The first man, who had been previously convicted, was fined $100 and the other three
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  • 51 6 The Dutch squadron which lately visited Australian ports has returned to Java. It is now ascertained that the number of desertions from on board in Australia was much larger than had been announced and amounted to 145. A lot of the deserters were married men, and some had even passed
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  • 57 6 It has been noted that a scheme i« on foot by a well-known English firm of soap-makers to establish a factory for the manufacture of their products in Japan. The Asabi remarks that the scheme is to supply Japan, China, India, Siam, and the South Seas Islands with pure English
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  • 49 6 It is definitely decided, says the Morning Post Constantinople correspondent, that the Anglo Turkish Exhibition of 1918 will be opened at Seraglio Point, where various pavilions will be built under the direction of two English engineers, who are expected there shortly to undertake the work of drawing np plans.
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  • 59 6 It appears that H. M. S. Powerful, the flagship in Australia, will not be one of the ships visiting this port for the conference of the three Admirals, for we notioe that she will be cruising off New Zealand ap to the end of the year, and then goes to
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  • 62 6 The action brought by a contractor named Eusope bin Semon against T. C. Loveridge for $7,000 odd in respect of an alleged breach of contract for the supply of granite from Bukit Timah was brought to a conclusion in the Supreme Court when judgment was given for the defendant with
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  • 68 6 On Wednesday next, the 30th inst will be held one of the largest property auctions that has been before the Singapore public for many years, when thirty valuable town properties are to be sold under the will of the late Syed Mohamed bin Ahmed Alsagoff. This sale will do much
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  • 76 6 Chua Swee Hong, The Dispensary clerk who was charged with embezzling» belonging to Drs. Murray Robertson and MaoDougall, for whom he kept books, pleaded guilty before Mr. Hobinson, third magis trate, this morning. Mr.Braddell, who defended, said that his client had made full restoration of the money, and the
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  • 95 6 When the Chinese cook of the R. A. mess at Blakan Mati came to the police on Monday with a t>tory of having been robbed of $25 of the mess money by a gang of Chinamen, the police suspected the verity of the story. They however arrested two men whose
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  • 152 6 A recent writer notes that in Xova Scotia there is hardly a town or village where Won Lung or Sim Kee or John Sing has not penetrated aod set np bis prculiar and odoriferous little establishment for the destruction of linen, states the L. and C. Express. It is one
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  • 440 6 The death of Dr. H. J. H. Scott, the famous Australian cricketer, is announced. The Bishop of Singapore and Mrs. Ferguson Davie returned from Bangkok yesterday. Archdeacon Sharp and Mrs. Sharp were passengers from Sarawak by the Kuchinc, yesterday. They are homeward bound. Captain Hope Johnstone. who
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  • 48 6 The Director of St. Joseph's Institution wishes to acknowledge, with thanks, the following donations which he has received for the new verandah Messrs. Ong Tjien Hong $200, Yong Hoa Sing $150, Tan Khiam Hock Eng »100, Tay Chun Whye Eng $100 and Singapore Foundry $ICO.
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  • 72 6 The Batavia Nieuws blad beam that tinDutch armoured cruiser De Ruyter will Uave Sourabaya for Singapore early next month to be docked. A man-of-war the Koetei will be despatched from Java to Bangkok next month for an official visit to Siam. The armoured cruiser Koningin
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  • 165 6 Arrival of Mr. Heineken. Yesterday morning, Mr. Heineken, manag ing director of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, arrived by s.s. Wongkoi from Bangkok, via Saigon. Mr. Heineken is on a tour of inspection through the East. He left home in July and went first to Australia, via New Guinea and China, to
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  • 189 6 The Magistrate. Whatever degree of nervousness onr amateur actors exhibited in the flret production of their play, The Magistrate," ou Tuesday evening, was not noticeable in thoir second appearance last night. It was an effort such as any of oar transitory comedy companies of professional status might have been well
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 118 6 COARSE-CUT. Patent <*^sß«»Evj BBfeai f\t\ wSSSSSSk t&ffcCnk 111 CIS m- i per tin. OBTAINABLE AT John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. LITTLE'S Grand Xmas Bazaar •A.2TX) TOY FAIR. The Largest and most Varied Assortment of Toys and Novelties in the East. A VISIT OF INSPECTION WILL BE GREATLY ESTEEMED mmmmmmmmmmm
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  • 237 7 DEPUTATION TO THE FOREIGN SECRETARY. Destruction of the Textile Trade Threatened. [Rbdtbk's Tblboram.) London, November 25. A deputation of the Chambers of Commerce of the United Kingdom waited upon Sir Edward Grey in reference to tbe effects of the Japanese Tariff, especially on textiles. Sir Edward Grey said
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  • 170 7 WARSHIPS MUTINY AND SHELL RIO-DE-JANEIRO Captain of a Dreadnought Killed. I Rbutek's Telegram] London, November 24. Private telegrams reoeived at Barrow, London, and on the Continent report that the Brazilian warships have mutinied and bombarded Rio de-Janeiro. The engineers from Barrow who accom panied the new warships
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  • 34 7 Unionists with a United Front |Rictik's Tbugram.] London, November 24. The Constitutional Free Traders have is sued a manifesto which urges all Moderates, whatever their tariff views, to support the Unionists.
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  • 27 7 Pkb Malacca Plantations]. Colombo, Nov. 25. Tbe price of fine Para in London yesterday was 6 2 J per lb. The market closed steady,
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  • 25 7 I)KH OsTASIATISI'HE LLOYD TELEGRAM Berlin, November '24. The representatives of the Japanese Navy have inspected the marine buildings and docks at Wilbelmsbaven.
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  • 39 7 I I 'IK OsTASIATISCHB LLOYD TELEGRAM.] Berlin, November 24. The wireless telegraph stations at Petropaulowski and Nikolajewska have been opened for the international Russian service. The charges are the same as in the Amur territory.
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  • 26 7 |Dit Ostasiatiscbi Lloyd Tblboraji.] Berlin, November 24. A St. Petersburg agency reports a conflict between Chinese police and Japanese in the Vantsifu territory.
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  • 59 7 Government Gets the Upper Hand. [Riotbk's Trlbobam.] London, November 25. Official despatches say that the Mexican Government has the upper band everywhere except in the district of Chihuahua, where there are 200 insurgents. [Dbb OsTAsiATiscaF Lloyd Telegram] Berlin, November 24 Rumours that the President of Mexico has been
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  • 23 7 [KlOTlBS TBLIOBAM.J London, November 24. Drexel, at Philadelphia, has monoplaned at a height of 9970 feet, which is a record.
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  • 25 7 |RlUTH's TiL10BAX.| London, November 25. The Hoase of Lords bag passed the second reading of the Budget without a division.
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  • 55 7 . (Fbom Odb Own Coruspondknt). Penang, November 34. At the share auctions here to-day the following prices were realised. 600 Nellmays at »0 70 500 Perak River Valleys at 0.25 800 Rubber Estates of Krian at 1.84 1,000 Nellays at 0 62 200 Perak River Valleys at
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  • 68 7 (Fbom <Hii Own Cobbkspondent.) Penang, November 24. The passengers on board the Prinz Ladwig report that tho Crown Prince and Princess of Germany made tbemaolves most popular on board the ship with the passengers of every nationality. Ueer Bouwmeester's Netherland India's speciality tronpe gave an
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  • 287 7 Scratching in the Polo Pony and Ex-Griffin Scnrries. In connection with the Gymkhana at the Racooourse tomorrow afternoon, wo have been officially informed that Trilby is scratched for the Polo Pony Scurry, and New Chum is scratched for the Ex-Griffin Scurry. Those interested are reminded that no admission
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  • 363 7 A Kling who applied to Mr. Justice Fisher to day for bis discbarge from bank ruptcy failed in bis quest. It appeared that be bad been a contractor and he admitted, in reply to his Lordship, that be had ondortaken considerable contracts while impecunious. He did it
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  • 823 7 DIVIDEND OF I7J PER CENT. ON FIRST YEARS WORKING. Further Issue of Shares. The second ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Pegob, Limited, was held at the registered office, Gresham House, at noon yesterday, when tbe directors' report and accounts for tbe year ending, August 81, whioh
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  • 209 7 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s circular for the B. I. mail of November 24, skates We have to record another quiet week though business, on the whole, shows a slight improvement. While there seems to be very little doing in rubbers in London, forced sales locally are apparently
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  • 844 7 ADVANTAGES OF THE CROWN PRINCE'S TOUR. Commercial Aspects. The Berlin correspondent of the Evening Standard wrote, on October 24, as follows The German Crown Prince's forthcoming visit to the Far East is ostensibly being undertaken for purposes of education, with the idea of broadening the future Emperor's
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  • 216 7 An unusually serious smallpox prosecution was conducted in the first police court by Chief Inspector Mayhew this morning. From the evidence it appeared that on the 6th inst. a sanitary inspector notioed a man obviously suffering from smallpox, in a rioksha in Orchard Road. He telephoned for Dr.
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  • 443 7 Surroundings and Scene of the Tragedy. The Batavia Nieuws van den Dag gives interesting particulars of the surroundings in whioh Mr. C. H. Darke met his death. He was in tbe employ of tbe United Hevea Plantations Company, whioh holds estates in the Bila district (East Sumatra),
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  • 409 7 THE CHIMES OF SINGAPORE. At the Thanksgiving services held in the Methodist Episcopal Church last night, in observance of the American National Thanksgiving Day, Mr. J. T. Dv Bois, U.S. ConsulGeneral, who was the speaker of the evening, said that among many things for which we should be thankful were
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  • 151 7 . The report on the work of the Imperial Institute in 1909 states that the exhibition galleries received many important additions during the year, especially from the Crown Colonies and Protectorates. The number of visitors again shows an increase on the preceding year, and a number of schools
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  • 705 7 RELATIONS OF THE COLONY AND THE F. M. S. Comments of the L. and C. Express. (Fbom Ocr Own Correspondent.) Penang, November 24. The London and China Exprete, of November 4, to hand by the B. I. mail, contains* long account of the proceedings at the Straits Association
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  • 54 7 (Fbom Oub Own C'ohrisi-os'unt.) Penang, November 24. At half past eleven o'clock last night, the Eastern Shipping Company's steamer Un Peng, whilst returning from Setul, Perlis and Langkawi, stranded on the rooks at Pulo Tikus in the pitch dark. The boats were promptly lowered and the pasnengtra
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  • Corrcspont>cnce.
    • 295 8 To tbe Kditor of the Straits Times. Si,—T here has been a great deal of correspondence as a result of the Municipal enquiry, and yonr correspondents, without exception, are unanimous in loudly clamour ing tor the prosecution of that nnlncky wight who has boon
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    • 502 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Your articles I bavo read with derp interest, and wonder whether there is sufficient public spirit in Singapore to arouse anything liko a real appreciation of the situa tion— even though it will affect their pockets -to gtt the
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  • 292 8 The case in the first police court yesterday, in which James Harvey Murray, commission agent, Flint Street, appeared to answer a charge of using criminal force to Gto/ge Mcßreen in the The Arcade, and to show cause why he should not be bound over to keep tbe
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  • 960 8 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LTD. Manager's Report for the Four Weeks Ending November 5, 1910. The Chairman and Directors, Raub Austra lian Gold Mining Co., Ltd Singapore. Gentlemen,— l beg herewith to hand yon my report on your Mining and Milling operations. The accompanying sheet of Mine Measurements
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  • 818 8 Prices Quoted la the Market This Morning. Singapore, November 25th, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Bxohange and Share Brokers, issue tbe following lint of quotations this morning i— Norn. Value. Buyer*. Sellers. 3/. Allagar 5/1} 6,6 3/- Option* 2 6 5/. 41 Anglo-Java 11,3 16/8 1 An«lo-
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    • 123 8 Tbo monthly handicap of the S. R- E. (V Shooting Club will take place on Sunday at 2.30 p.m., sharp. The Argo will leave Johnston's Pier for tbe Club bungalow on Sunday, the 27th inst., it 7, 9 and 10 a.m., 230 and 830 p.m., returning at
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    • 36 8 5. C. C. Tournament. The following ties will be played to day, if fine: Friknoly Paus.— Brown and Elpbick v. Secular and Noon. Talma and Blackwell vf McKean and Butler. Championship. Norrie v. White.
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    • 68 8 The Colman Shield. A large gathering assembled on the Beach Road Reclamation ground, last evening, to watch the match between the Laboratory, Football Club and the Fatbol R&zak. Soon after tbe start, tbe Fatbol Razak was pressing very hard and succeeded in scoring a goal. In the tooond half,
      68 words
    • 144 8 Singapore Qolf Club. Match Scotland v Rest.— Tbe match betwi- n Scotland v Tbe Rest fixed for play on Saturday, tbe 26th inst at tbe Race Coarse will be postponed owing to the Uymkbana meeting which is to be held there. Scratch Cop. In tbe preliminary round for this
      144 words
  • 152 8 A very quiet wedding wis solemnised at St. Stephen's Church, Ootacamund, on November 2, between Miss Leila Mary Sohnarre, tbe only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S.-lmarre, of Yellanbally, and Mr. Evi rard Cbarle* Lact y, of Bukit, Atahan, Malacca. The service was pcrforni< dby tbe
    152 words
  • 86 8 One of tbe members of the editorial staff of the Nedt rlandecho Fiuancier, a financial paper at Amrttrdam. h»s had an interview with Mr. Deterdmg, D. rector of the Royal Petroleum Company, and oonsuttd him about tbe prevailing oouflict in the petroleum market between bis company and tl.e Standard O
    86 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 45 8 CROUP. Not a minute should ba lost when a obild klid •■ymptom* d cronp. Cbamberlaiii'a vJoug'i R ni.-dy given as soon as ibe child bee -uii'-. hoarse, or even afitr tbe croopy ooui<b appears, will prevent tbe attack. For ■ale bj ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
      45 words
      117 words
    • 414 8 Raffles ill Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER November 26. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. The only first-class Hotel in Saigon. Every comfort. Splendid verandah. Restaurant. With management, French kitchen and attendance as in tbe tine-it Enropean Restaurants. Manager G. Feraudy, late from the Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Theatrical season (from October to May.)
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE HSALEH AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 8, HIGH STREET, Now On. GREAT REDUCTIONS! GREAT REDUCTIONS!! GREAT REDUCTIONS!!! I WITHIN A Pfl TYFHIIiIN SEm IN CHINA Vi Inll I IUII 91 UU« BAROCYCLONOMETERS By Father Algu4, Director of Manila Observatory. WttChmakePl, The bent up-to-date instrument.
      106 words
    • 361 9 BOARD AND LODGING BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Board and apartments for single gentli men at 11, Dhoby Ghaut. Terms Moderat 21W BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Furnished rooms with or without boar* Terms moderate. Apply 21, Sophia Road. 2610 BOARD AND REBIDENGE. One nice room with verandah attache suitable for a bachelor, alfo
      361 words
    • 453 9 J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.R.H.8.. LONDON. 6 Horlitulturist and Florist Collector and Exporter ol Orchids and Rare Plants. Diploma and gold medal from Ibe L»te Sing of Denmark. By Special Appointmea, ;e to Hia Majesty the King of Siam, H.H thi ",l Sultan of Jobore and H. H. the Saitaa s.
      453 words
    • 710 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION CB. The following are the datea oa which lat Qompany'i steamers may be expected to artlvi •ad tail from hen Orewias 1110 Arrive*. «.s. Persia December 7 1»U s.a. Nippon January S t.s. Vorwterts February 3 Houwabii I'M- China December 8 1911 I a.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 752 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office 1 Shanghai: Begißtered under the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under the Ho»gkong Ordinances. pommOH OF COM PANY Twelfth fear). Total Insurance in force $37,1158,888. Total Assets 8,«15,a«9. Total Funds B,aiB,Bia. Total Income for Year 3,688,887. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST.
      752 words
    • 535 10 BANKING. •BARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA ■OUBPOBATKD BY BOIAa UHAKTBB Pall ap Capital is 10,000 Saant ol ffOsaaa 1,100,000 ianrvf Fu.i 1.600,000 iiiirtt UabUttT ot Fropriston a 1.100, 000 UAHKKKB. Bask of Baglaai ■alioaal Baak of Booilul. fat ftoasoa OU7 a Mldlaai Baaa. kit SIBOAPOKB BRANCH. Onmat Aoconali
      535 words
    • 604 10 SALES BY AUCTION^ AUCTION SALE Of THB LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN HOUSES NOS. 11 TO 17, MALABAR ST., it Messrs. H. L. Coghlan k Co.'s Sale-rooms On Wkdnksdat, Novembbb 80, at 8.80 p.m. Lease 5} years to ruu, subject to monthly ■tntal of $161 and sublet at monthly rental >f 1840.
      604 words
    • 1028 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Changi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an arf a of 443 ACRES planted with about 30,000 cocoanut trees, fully grown, and about 50,000 rubber trees from
      1,028 words

  • 684 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS A writer in the World says lt is begin ning to dawn on usera of automobiles that a good many of the ills they suffer arise from the ineradicable tendency of manufacturers to construct cars that are far heavier than they need
    684 words
  • 210 11 No sooner bad be oome to bis inheritance th»n John Gay Clarke, formerly trading as an East India merchant at Bisboppgate street Without, London, commenced to hji ,I'i.lit it, and finally found himself in the Bankruptcy court. Wben be applied for his discharge it was stated that
    210 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 336 11 Sole Agents* WOISBLEY CENTRAL SIDDEL.BY ENGINE A.UT®CARS works ARRIVED BY THE S.S MISHAMA MARU NOVEMBER 3. One 14,20 H P, 4 Cylinder J.D. 8. Type DEASV Car (Siddeley's latest) fitted with 5 seated Body, Worm drive, Cape Cart Hood, Auster Adjustable Wind Screen, Bosch Dual Ignition, Rudge Whitworth Detachable Wire
      336 words
    • 67 11 DO IT NOW. Now is the time to get rid of yonr rhenmatinm. In folly nine oases oat of teu the attack in simply rheumatism of the muscles due to old or dampo, or chronio rheumatism, neither of which n quire any internal treatment. The free application of Cbamberlain's Pain
      67 words
    • 424 11 Bj /Wolaiaaat fejfcgt- Hu BOVRIL makes deliclout bouillon, rich, Uity gravits addl flavour and strength to «tews, hashes, cntreo, etc. ■evril Is the true economist In the Kitchen. STONE IN THE KIDNRY. Aiionimm. Bladder Disokdbrm. Mr. Jame» Mobs resides at 65, Brace Street, Walsnli, England, and is highly respected
      424 words
    • 130 11 Interesting to Planters BUSH'S Coagulating and Bleaching Powder for Rubber Latex. Particulars and Samples, from THE UNION TRADING COMPANY, 36, Robinson Road, Singapore, Sole Agents. 7284 K.A.J. Chotirmall Co. tWho have just reoeived new stock of Jade Jewellery AND INDIAN, CHINESE JAPANESE SILKS, ALSO INDIAN, MIRZAPORE, PERSIAN 51 ft 52.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 589 12 WANTS. ROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. U2002 OIBPENSER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispensary in the Straits. Send testimonials and state salary wanted to Chemist," c/c Straits Times. U2287 UNFURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. Wanted
      589 words
    • 544 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. 1 Whole of second floor of Commercial Cnion Assurance Company's building, c/o Robinson Road and Telegraph Street. Apply to Commercial Union Assurance Company, Limited aUN HOUBEB TO BE LET. 1 With immediate entry, 44, Anson Road, i 78-8, Anson Road, and 80
      544 words
    • 368 12 NOTICES. TENDERS INVITED. Tenders are invited for the supply of Engineering materials required by Sarawak Government for the year 1911. Full parti culars can be obtained on application to Messrs. Paterson Simons Co., Ltd., Sarawak Government Agents, Singapore, or at Resident's Office, Kuching, op to November 80, 1910. U2540 PANTAI.
      368 words
    • 683 12 NOTICES. FRASER NEAVE. LTD. I HOLDERS OF BEARER WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given, that an interim dividend of 10",,, on account of the current year, will be paid on and after the 15th day J of November, 1910, to holders of Bearer Warrants on presentation of same at the Registered
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    • 572 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractors. relephone No. 421. 108 k 109, Market Street. SINGAPORE OIL SYNOICATE. LTD. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Directors have appointed the undersigned Secretary of the Company, and all communisations should be addressed to T.
      572 words
    • 279 12 REPAIRS A Speciality. The ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. UMITEB. We Invite Inspection OF OUR I UP-TO-DATE WORKSHOPS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, ESTIMA ES FREE. Piionr 191. E.&O. HOTEL, PENANG The best and the most frequentcil Hot* 1 iv tbe Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits, ARK 111K BRANCHES
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 240 12 Straits "(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane ous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notieel of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exoeeding four lines, II each insertioa, For p.p.o. cards, on page 6, 12. Inch Soau Ratis
      240 words