The Straits Times, 22 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.411 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 361 1 D, I J, McCallom's PERFECTION WHISKY. lALBBEOK. MAGBREBOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS,, LD. Phillips and Sons BENT STEEL, FIRE, FALL ft THIEF RESISTING SAFES With Solid Steel Doors and inside locked Drawer. Fitted with beat Lever, Powler Frool Lo:ks. in Four Sires. SUPERIOR AUSTRIAN FIRE ft BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. Set
      361 words
    • 116 1 Robinson A Co. XMAS TOY BAZAAR Now Open. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Robinson A Co. a II O"TJST ABBIYED A SMALL SHIPMENT OF A. J. Reynvaan's Celebrated Dutch Cigars. High Life 54.50 per 100 Reina Victoria $5.00 ONLY OBTAINABLE AT JEANOU PATTARA AND HOON KEAT ft
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Champagße. CALDBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY.
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  • 1060 2 SIR W. RAMSAY ON THE GREAT DISCOVERY. World's Biggest Source. The announcement we made in oar earlier editions of yesterday of a big discovery of radinm in Cornwall has been confirmed by Sir William Uamsay, the eminent scientist, states the Evening Standard, of October 20. The amount actually
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 VANA j^ TONIC WINeJ) 000 O r2S o One or two doses daily, V strengthen body, brain and o U nerves, and counteract the y\ fatigue and depression [j °a produced by extreme heat. hr o <=> Fortifies against Malaria Of all Chemists See you get 'VANA' Burroughs Wbllcomb Co.,
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    • 12 2 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc
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    • 477 2 CHAPOTEAUT 8 CDRATIVE £H£ftSy N0 PRINCIPLE €£^»jr TASTE cod JHbC smell MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cures Incipient Consumption, Coughs, Bronchitis and Scrofula. Each tiny Morrhuol capsule is extracted from a teaspoonful of cod liv.-r oil. Recommended at the Par a Academy of Medicine, for loss ol
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    • 323 2 I* doesn't pay =I^|^ k to allow your linen to be M// rubbed and banged to tatters \vW M/i upon rough stones. Insist upon \^L w\ being used in the Sunlight Way, and JIM W\ you will save money. I M ykS\ Pall cllrcctloiii arc El ten //M spun the
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  • 856 3 A PARIS ARCHITECT'S NOVEL PREDICTION. Pipes for Liquid Air. The Town Planning Conference has concluded its deliberations at the Royal Institute of British Architect?, Conduit Street. The flubjtct (or discussion at the morning session was Cities of the Future. Prof. U. H Reilly, speaking of the immediate future
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  • 84 3 The Court of Cassation baa rendered judgment in the appeal of Mr. Robert Young, editor of the Japan Chronicle, in an action for libel brought by Mr. W. T. Preston, for some time Canadian Commissioner of Trade in Japan. The plaintiff claimed 20,000 yen damages, and the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 456 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the^ System against Disease niii ■Wf rmufixt *i<r*k A^B S9^B A^B 9 PB A <.- kifkir oi i Dwi liffki laa Ikaimi^al i j^^^^L^^K^^J^^JßkAJUMH^avvanßcChß Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES ™»*™kj* Jorpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, ad -WONDERFUL
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    • 91 3 CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY THE BEST OBTAIN ABLE Thia remedy haa no soperior aa a cure for coldc, croop and whooping cough. It haa been a favorite with the mothers of young children tor almost forty years. Chamberlain's Couch Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It
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    • 123 3 GRIMAULTS BY r J HTPOPHOBPHITE OF LIME FOR BTUBBORN COUGHB [BRONCHITIS WEAK LUNGS 1 CATARRH M CONSUMPTION WIARTELLS Blue and Sliver Label ia an aooepted gnarantee, all over tbe world for the BEST quality ia BRANDY (THREE STAR A ONB STAK) Yon know it by the Bine and Silver Label.
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    • 218 3 c|l| Sozodoivt /^W^W^^fW S° me People complain of rhe expense of a good denh--s^^TT^B frK SOZODONT is both ood jnd onomi -?gf|0jIDGM| Only little is wanted. It bsts. It keeps the reeth PI t g-. I clean and frees them from the corrosion of tartar. < Qtn^ J^-~^\\!nM t if
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 685 4 STEAMER SAILINaS. P. 6?O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par Chin., Japan, Peaaag, «aylaa Aastralta, India, Aden. Bgytvl, nedlterranean Ports, Plymouth and Londaa Through Bills ot Lading issued for Ohiaa OoMt, Persian Gulf, Oonlinoatal, aad Amerioan Porta. Bteamera wul leave Singapore OB or about MAIL LINES. Oatoar* [tor OMm) 1810 I 1»"
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    • 506 4 STEAMER SAILIMGB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB.LTD. A regular fortnightly servioe is maintained betweea JAPAN and BUROPB by tbe Company's well-known TWIN-RGKIW STBABBKI. under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese OoTernment, specially designed for the Company's European Servise, lighted throughout by Bloctrioity, provided with ezoellent aooommodation tor Pint and Second
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    • 616 4 STEAMER BAHJIHB. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP C«. in TOYO KIBEN UUIHJL The swo great iteamahip lines berwaaa OHINA, JAPAN aad EUROPE, via Hoaotaln and Baa Frmadaoo. operating the new 11,000 loaa. twia-acrew aaeamera KORBA aad 9IBBRIA, together with tba well-known iteamera OH»A, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHDRIA, NIPPON MABU, TEN YO MABU
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    • 250 4 BTEAJEB BAIUN63. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL BTEAMBHIP LINE. Taa NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB TIA OHINA, JAPAN, OANADA AND THB UNITED STATES. Route trom Hongkong via Shainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vanoouvei. R.M.S. Bmpbbss or brou Twin screw steam R.M.S.
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    • 557 4 steamh mums HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The Itaamars ot thli Oompany maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tha Blralta, China aad Japaa. Homewards, they are deapatohed fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and oaes a month for Bremerbavea direct, oalling at Penaag and Oolombo. Taking
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    • 788 4 STEAMER BAILINJS N.D.L Norddautscher Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINL Tha fast and wsUkaowa mail steam ol this Oompany sail fortalghiy trom Brer en Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Aatwerp, Souls. m» toa, Gibraltar, aaaoa, NapUl (eoaas. ion Maraslllss, Naples, Alaxaadrla. aal vies vr sat Port Said, Buss, Adea, Colombo, Penang. Singapore,
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  • 174 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, November, 33. High Water, 2.9 a.m., 1 10 p.m. Tbe Magistrate, Victoria Theatre, 0. Wednesday, November 33. Hieb Watnr, B.IH a.m., 2.10 p.m. S. H. E. (V.) annual moetiog, 6 80. Thursday, November 34. High water. 4 8 > a.m., 8 23 p m. l't
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  • 196 5 To-Day Malacca and Mnar Lady Weld 8 pm Malaooa, Port Diokson •nd Port P-»«tt»nham Pnh Ann 3Dm Malacca and Bagan Flock r,p, 8 pm Pontianak Pan Fo joon 8 pm Bntn Pahat Aing Hin 8 pm Snurabava, Bali and Ampanan Wilhelra 4 pm Bangkok Bri Ige 4
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  • 103 5 The Imp. Ger. mail ateam«r Prinz Lndwig having left Colombo at fi p.m. on Snnday, tbe 3< th instant, and may be expected to arrive here on Friday, the 2Uh instant, at 6 p.m. LjEFT BISOAPORI U tot 21 N. D. L. lot 27 B. I. i.-t
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  • 452 5 Latest Arrivals. llorneo, Orit str 7943 torn. Captain Hall Nov SI. From Yokohama, Nov 1. G.o. and p. P. AO. Coy. For London, Nov S3 -Rds. Pharata, Brit Mr 1»67 tons, Capt Symmere, Nov 22. Frirn Calcnttt. Nov 11. Go. and p Bou-tead A Co. For Rangoon, Nov
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  • 104 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONO PAGAR. Bast Wsumr Buna Adeh. East W. Bbotiom 1-Merapi, Edendale, Taroba. Shbcu Wniar Nil. kUn W. Ban. t— Cspri, Bharata. m m 8-Gr»( tnganoff. .4- Dintaug. a 6— Bolva. n 6- Chiergmai, Perseus. Ciioooß
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  • 369 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Prinzess Alice, Nov. 20. From Yokohama via ports Mrs. Francis Roe, Mrs N. Norris, Mr. H. L. Bense, Mr. ami Mrs. Haupimann vrn Alderwerelt van Rownburg, Cm. Ch. de Cbampe, Mr. H. O. Kriod, Mr. Nioolans Koerrer, Mr. and Dr A Lu'zens, Messrs. W.
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  • 253 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sinoapou, Novimber 22, 1810. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4 fr Private 6 m/s 2/4 J do 8 m/i 2/4 a On Germany— Bank d/d M 340 Private 8 m/B 344 do 6 m/i 24«t On France— Bank d/d M 206 Private 8 m/s M
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    • 170 5 Valac. Bayers. Sellers 10 10 BelatTin Ml »C 0 525 10 10 Braang 6.60 600 10 10 Brunch Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 260 £1 KioUTin 18 00 16.76 £1 £1 KledangTin 176 200 10 10 Knantan Tin 8.00 8.25 £1 £1 Lihat Mines 8.25 b.'O £1 £1
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    • 621 5 Bayers. Seller* 3/- Alla«W 4/9 t/6 I/- 2/. An K lo.M»l»y 1.8 9 1.5.6 a/- Bata^ig Malaka 8/8 4/ Bl 41 Batn Caves 10.10 0 17.10.0 61 41 Batu Tina 4.86 6.0 0 Bl 41 Bakit Kajan« 2 U'.O 3.11 6 Bl 16/-,, Contributory 13/6 1.0 opm Bl 41
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    • 126 5 .'aloe Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern oom. Smeltiog 1000 10 7 6(0 £1 £1 Electric Tramways 2/6 8/6 10 10 Fraser k Neave 27.00 80.00 100 Howarth Erekiue 67.00 68.00 HO 7% Pref. fiO.CO 91 00 100 100 Eati Bro. Def. ***** 100 100 8% Cam Pref. nom. 10
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    • 46 5 Bayers. Sellers. Howarth BrßkineB% 1800,000 par Riley, Har o 1% t% >" 6% £860,000 Hoxapore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 ion. Bay*** 8elk»« Singapore Mv nieipal U% of 1007 11.600.000 1% 1% pi.. Singapore Mo uoipal4i% of 1908 11,000,000 1% 8% dm Singapore Mo nieipal 4% •603,900 T%
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 00 IT NOW. Now is tbe time to get rid of yonr rheumatism. In fully nice canes out of ten tbe s'Urk ia simply rheumatism of the muscles due to c >ld or .lamps, or chronic rheumatifim, miihiT of which n quire any internal treat ment The free app. ication
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    • 270 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Nov. 22 At saleroom, freehold land off Bakit Timah Road, etc at 2 ;i N iv. 22 At saleroom, (reebold land situate at Kramat Road etc at i 80. Nov. 20 At Belvedere, Anderson Road, Tanglin, teak household (nrnitare, etc., property of St. V B.
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    • 978 5 Fascination of the East J~3t^. Eiyptlan Clgireues hi/c JOIn ihe:r t»o brands JET" "Ts§V«BBB.r^_^M^^llr Bouton Rouge and m. %Zm. U\*V> Cm Jjjg 3g-aMBMPJEJswe»» Egyptian Cigarettes ~%^H^ i Jt^— The ctre with wh:ch they are m»d«. vnier Ideal ■^KXeJ£.£)[, g\ climatic conditions, starting from In? selection ol m— t"^tf T' jK»
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    • 55 5 HIGH-CLASS UNDERTAKING. ALBERT L A. DALEY, The Leading Undertaker Monumental Mason of Singapore. h»s the only ALL-ENGLISi -MADE RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES of the latest design, and uses only PURE CARRARA MARBLE for monumental purposes. SOLE AOEMT FOR MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD., OF LONDON, The well-known funeral directors and farnisher*. 43, Prlnsop
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  • 26 6 Jacobs. On tbe morning of November 21. at tbe General Hospital, Penang. Captain W H. Jacobs, Commander of tbe 8.1.5. N. Co., Ltd.'s B.S. Taroba.
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  • 456 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. THE INCOME TAX BILL. Some of oar correspondents have proposed that a tax of one hundred per cent, should be placed on matches, and othera think that tobacco might be charged with a duty that would relieve all the financial anxieties of the Colony.
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  • 542 6 We have no recognition of this principle in the local bill. It is crude in the extreme, and probably the explanation would be that the first step is to set up a collecting agency and until that agency is well organised, the character of the dnties it bas to perform
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  • 13 6 Two clocks, tbe property of Captain Hobma, of Oxley House, have been stolen.
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  • 20 6 Tbe Military Board at Peking has decided that commencing next year all China's military students shall be sent to Germany.
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  • 33 6 Tbe charge of culpable homicide preferred against a Malay chauffeur employed by tbe Straits Motor Garage Syndicate, wbo knock ed down and killed a Ctiinaman in Orchard Kjad last week, has been withdrawn.
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  • 35 6 Our Hongkong correspondent wires that ten Jesuit Fathers have been expelled from Macao by order of tbe Lisbon government. They have arrived at Hongkong where tbe party will break up and proceed to various places.
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  • 39 6 At a meeting held in the Exchange, yes terday afternoon, it was decided to again bold tbe usual sea and land sports at the New Year, and Mr. G. P. Owen was appointed general secretary. Committees were also eleoted.
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  • 39 6 Tbe Empress Dowager of China has advised tbe Prince Regent that at the expiration of the period of national mourning next year tbe usual honours and amnesties should be granti d, bat that her birthday need not be celebrated.
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  • 40 6 Mr. G. Balloch, honorary treasurer of the Bedford Relief Fund in Hongkong, has submitted the balanoe sheet which shows that £172.8 9 has been forwarded to the Secretary of ihe Admiralty as the proceeds of a concert given at Hongkong.
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  • 50 6 Sir Pelham L. Warren K.C.M.G., H. 14. M.'s Consul General at Shanghai, has resigoed and may be expected to leave Shanghai early in the new year. It is said that tbe poMt of Consul-General at Shanghai has been offered to Mr E. D H. Fraser, C.M.G., Consul Oenerel at Hankow.
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  • 13 6 Latent advertisements of the day appear on page 6 as well as 8.
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  • 57 6 Sabtu bin Tarnhun, the noted shark catcher of Pulau Brani, hooked a mounter off St. John's Island last night. It was ten feet long and five feet eight inches in girth. Sibtu found it too large a contract to pull him into bis small koleh alone and bad to get
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  • 60 6 The Malay Mail states tbat Mr. Frederick W Knocker, late Curator. I. rak State MuBecm, is bringing outa book, How to Jadge Rubber Investments, which is to equip the investing public, by a process of self education, in everything tbat matters in the planting industry and will tell them how
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  • 52 6 A notorious Chinese criminal, wbo has twice been bnnithed from the colony and has twice returned, appeared before Mr. Rjbinson, third magistrate, to day. Chief Detective Inspector Sbeedv prosecuted and Assistant Superintendent Perrett, from Penang, gave evidence reearding the banishments of the prisoner. The magistrate sent tbe man t j
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  • 71 6 Mr. J. Smith Mitchell, a passenger by the German steamer I'rinzust Alice, reported to tbe police yesterday tbat a gjld watch and chain, valued at i;lf bad been stolen from bis cabin after the arrival of the steamer in Singapore. A rapid search of the pawnshops in tli i town
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  • 81 6 Saisnn papers allege that high rents and tbe difficulty of getting houses in town suitable for U nattn of moderate means are now increasing evils in tbat place. The new honses built are designed solely for tbe benefit of the landlords, wbo aim at exacting tbe utmost possible rent for
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  • 90 6 than Goo Gnan, a contractor -cook to tbe R. G. A. mess, came to the pol'ce station and stated that on Sunday night at 10 o'clock he and another cook were attacked by fifteen men in South Bridge II >ad and robbed of t'2s which belonged to the mess. Tbe
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  • 83 6 A remote French colony in the South Pacifio, known by tbe name of Tahiti or the Society Islaads, is now ovjrrua by Chinese and tbe Chamber of Commerce there wishes the Government to stop their further inflow. It is maintained tbat tbe Cainesa now mono polise a'most all the trade,
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  • 95 6 Sumatra papers publish a telegram from tho Afiistam Resident of Assahan to the K *i dent at Me hn describing the estate tragedy which cost Mr C. H. Dirke bis lif.i. On November 11, Mr. Darke. had gono to work, unarmed, when he was attacked by ooulies. He ftVd, but
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  • 108 6 Before Mr. Justioe Fisher, in the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr, Roland Bnddeli argued tbe appeal of T*ra Die, wbo bad been sentenced to three months' imprisonment under section IH2 of tbe Penal Code on a conviction (or making a false charge. Counsel submitted that the charge was brought against appellant
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  • 111 6 Tbe Hippodrome which has met with so much success during its short stay here in spite of counter attractions, gives its farewell performance to-night, at tbe close of which the tents will be struck and tbe menagerie «nd all tbe circus paraphernalia shipped on board the Seang Bee which is
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  • 120 6 Mr. Edgar Ulricb, who is here on behalf of tbe Continental and Rubber Co. looking after tbe company's interest in Singapore and tbe Federated States, has just returned from a tour through the Federated Malay States and informs as, that arrangements have now been completed whereby Continental tyres may be
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  • 157 6 What, it is presumed, mast have been a meteor, is reported to have passed over tbe station on the night of October 29, reports the Borneo Herald. Apparently a few mioutes after 7 p.m. there was a bright flash of lightening, followed by a lond cl»p c f thunder, a
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  • 410 6 Mr 0. F. Greenwood, a popular member of th« American community, has died at Shanghai. According to the official programme tbe Dake of C'onnaaght should now be at Bulo waya and, on Saturday, at Pretoria. Mr. W. J. Lewis, a well known amateur singer of Shanghai, has
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  • 42 6 The Income Tax bill is set down for cecoud reading at tbe me ting of the Legislative Council on Kridty nixt. Three other measures will be taken in committ-e. viz., tbe Merchant Shipping, Holiday's and Public Officers' Guarantee Fund bills.
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  • 65 6 At Messrs. H L. Coghlan and c'o.'s salerooms, on the 21st inst., tbe following properties were cold Ten houies, 21 Puck Seah Street and 25 to 83. Yang Peng Street. Area 15 761 square feet, freehold, rent 9245, purchased by Cuellappa Cliitty, price 127,000. Forty two acres freehold
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  • 140 6 Tbe Labaan Steamship Co., Ltd., was registered on tbe 19th inst. with a nominal capital of t*>o,ooo. The shares have been taken np by private subscriptions. The directors are: Messrß. Mr. C. Held (chairman), A. Kitchiog and U. K. Giovannoni, Mr. C Held will take over
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  • 214 6 The action of Nacnrdas, PurshotumiUand Co. against the .Mitsui Bassan Kaisba was mentioned to Mr. Justice Fisbor in the Supreme Court today by Mr. Crabb Watt (for tbe defence) wbo explained that the matter bad already been postponed to allow of evidence on commission being taken in Sydney,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 108 6 BOLLINGER CHAMPAGNE (1904 Vintage) EXTRA QUALITY. VERY DRY. Caidbeck, Macgregor Co., SOLE AGENTS. TUC A Safety Razor X^LW MAKES KIiAVING AS DELIGHT■B A FIX AS IT IS fIASY. lßy^^M|^'-T^Lr-F^^| No troublesome preparations. </ £r>^*-s3rp<H^i wa\ No rough and cbafened skins. LITTLE KELVIN Motor Launch Sets, Petrol or Kerosene. THESE ENGINES
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    • 141 6 ALHAMBRA Electric Theatre (OPPOSITE RAFFLES HOTEL). Have yon seen the Latest Topical If not here is yonr opportunity. REVOLUTION IN PORTUGAL. SCENES AFTER THE BOMBARDMENT. FUNERAL OF TWO HEROES. POPULACE UNDERARMS, ETC., AMD Pathe's Animated Gazette Ninth Edition. also AN ORIGINAL CROSS COONTRY RUNNINO. Orßanised by Max Linder. BULL FIGHT
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  • 96 7 THE UNIVERSAL MOURNING IN RUSSIA Death Place Becoming a Pilgrim Resort. [Rbutbr's Tklioram.] London, November '22. The Duma has adjourned as a mark of respect to Count Tolstoi, and the whole of Russia is in mourning. Tbe little wayside station where Tolstoi died is already a place of
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  • 60 7 PROGRESS OF THE RUSSIAN SCHEME. Benevolent Official Attitude. fRIOTMR'B TILKORAM.] London, November 11 M ZwogintselT considers that a capital of twenty-one millions should suffice for the Kassian share of the Caucasus to India Kailway scheme. Tbe scheme is benevolently regarded in official quarters, and it now
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  • 77 7 Reception of the Royal Party at Colombo. [Rbctih's Tklbqram.] London, November 21. The German Crown Prince and Princess have arrived at Colon. bo. The Governor boarded tbe liner and welcomed the royal visitors, who propose to spend three weeks touring in the island. !>■■ OsimiiiwiiM Lawn Tttwiii
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  • 57 7 Mr. Keir Hardie Threatens Liberal Government. [Ridtib's Tblboram.] London, November 21. Mr. Keii Hardie, speaking at Bradford, said the Labourites hold the balance in nearly eighty ;'u j -•ituoncios, and unless thore is a complete reversal of the O-iborne Judgment, be promised that he would urge them to
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  • 28 7 DM ORMUtWM LmU Tklki.raml Berlin, November 21. The condition of the Queen of Belgium, who is Buttering from inflaenza, is serious, but not hopeless.
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  • 114 7 (From Odb Own Cobrbspondim r). Peoang, November 22. The marriage took place yesterday, at St. Ucorge's Church, of Mr. J. A.S.Jennings, editor of the Times of Malaya, and second •on of Mr. K. K. Jennings, Singapore, and his cousin, Miss Hose Winifred, youngest daughter of Mr. W.
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  • 147 7 Mr. I! I). Tollemache is now on Masjid Lama Estate. Kuala Seiangor. After his bad lurk in getting sli t last year while oat pig hunting, luck is still that way. observes tbe Malay Mail. On tbe nth inst. at 8 a.m he was in a Javanese
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  • 96 7 Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Cos. Quotations To-day. Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co. kindly favour us with the London prices they have received this morning Quotations. MIDDLE MIDDLK PRICKS. PRICES. Allagara 5/- Linggis 4« Anglo Malays 24/. Lumuts 16/- p. Bnkit Kajangs 50/. Merlimaas 6/BukitMertajamsB/9 Patalings 58/9 Chersonese
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  • 228 7 FEWER SHIPS OFFICERS. Why Apprentices Do Not Proceed to Mates. Striking evidence of the drop in numbers of candidates for posts as mercantile marine ctlicirs was furnished recently by Captain K. W. Owens, secretary of tbe Local Marine Board, who stated that 60 per cent, of ap prentices abandoned the
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  • 219 7 Hats Have Now to be Raised to the Headmaster. The Rev. Lionel Ford, tbe new headmaster of Harrow, is a man of courage. Recently, he attempted one of the most difficult tacks a man may undertake the abolition of a timehonoured custom at an English publio school
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  • 168 7 Lost in Wilderness in Battersea Park. Tbe King and Princess Mary spent about an hoar and a half in Battersea Park the other day. Accompanied by one gentleman they motored to Chelsea Bridge and walked all over tbe park. One of the park-keepers recognised bis Majesty.
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  • 184 7 Tbe police are erquiring into a oa*-e in which a private attacntd to the Royal West Kent Regiment, at present encamped on tbe maidan, was found dead the other night Two privates, Kpps and Skdroan, both at ached to tbe West Rents, went to the canteen of the
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  • 760 7 I EXTENSIVE SURVEY OPERATIONS PROCEEDING. Suggested Railroad Development. (Fboji Oub Own Corkbspondbnt.) Muar, November 20. ihe Chinese community all acknowledge the improved condition of trade daring the past year, but they are not satisfied with the Bet of officials they have to deal with, and will not
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  • 365 7 Dirigibles and the Dropping of Bombs. Ai the Royal Society of Arts ou October 25, Mr. W. F Reid, L.E., F.I C (president of tbe Chemical Society), lectured to the Aero nautical Society of Great Britain on The use of explosives in aerial warfare,' with tome remarks on
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  • 887 7 ANNUAL CEREMONY OF FIREWALKING IN HINDU TEMPLE. A Fanatical Function. The origin of the Hindu Theemiri— the ceremony of fire-walking that was performed in the principal temple of the colt yesterday may be found in one of those epic poems that are at once tbe inspiration and
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  • 169 7 Singapore is seemingly suffering from a chronic surfeit of cinematograph shows, says a correspondent, for besides tbe Alhambra and Marlborongh on Beach Road and tbe Harima Hall on North Bridge Road, a new show has been open for the last month or so on New Bridge Koad,
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  • 15 7 Ao experimental submarine bell buoy bu been moored off Shawei-shan lighthouse, on the China coast.
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  • 260 7 Sudden Death of Former Singapore Resident. Tbe Bangkok Times of tbe 18th inst., says We regret to record the death of Mr. Arthur Leonard Chittenden which occurred at the St. Louis Hospital this afternoon about two o'clock from cholera. Mr. Cbitten den was in
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  • 427 7 Tbe Need for a British Ocean Telegraph. The announcement which was made on October 26. that the Atlantic cables may very shortly pass under the control of great I nitid S'.ates tnut has aroused renewed interest in tbe question of an All Red cable route— that i» to
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  • 189 7 Attempt of Police to Get Journalist To Act as Spy. An amazing instance of an attempt on the part of the police to bribe a revolutionary journalist has just been revealed. M. de Marmande, a well-known Anarchist on the Btaff of the Libertaire, received a commnoica tion recently
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  • 143 7 Several prominent officials of the Nord deutsoher Lloyd and other companies arrived in Bangkok by the Wongkoi on November 12. Among the party were Mr. Heineken, general director at Bremen, Mr. Legge. director at Singapore, Mr. Bratbja, director at Hongkong, Mr. Diebn,
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  • 44 7 CARAVAN ATTACKED NEAR SHIRAZ. Seizure of British Firm's Property. IRaum'i Tiuobam.) London, November 21. From Teheran it is reported that a large caravan from Bushire has been robbed by tribesmen near Shiraz. A hundred bales, belonging to a British firm, were captured.
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  • 295 7 Suggestion (or a Commiite: of Experts. In an interesting article dealing with the employment of medical evidence in criminal trials, thn British Medical Journal deplores the conditions which allow unfortunate conflicts between medical witnesses to occur, and does so not only because they tend to interfere
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  • 251 7 Triumph and Swiltsure Remaining In the West. In connection with the future constitution of the British fleet in Chinese waters, we see that the battleships Triumph and Swiftsure are both payiDg off preparatory to entering upon another ttrm of servicn on the Mediterranean station. This sta'ement in
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  • 210 7 Lord Rosebery and Holyrood Palace Scheme. Lord Rosebery addressed i meeting in Edinburgh to discuss a Scottish national memorial to King Edward. Lord Rosebory made two suggestions of bis own the restoration of Linlitbgow Palace as a great national museum, and the provision of a Scottish national
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  • 83 7 Sir James Buckingham, Secretary of the Indian Tea Association, baa written to the Port of London Authority protesting strongly against the impjrt rato of twe nty seven pence per ton being imposed on t< a. He also protests against tbe heavy bunl o upon the entrepot trade
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  • 55 8 Gray, the Australian billiard player, has made another huge score off the red, vis 1050. On the Clnb ground, yesterday, the S.C.C. met tbe Buffs in a friendly g»me of soccer. The ground wa* wet and slippery and various falls resulted. The Club was well represented and
    55 words
  • 68 8 The Colman Shield. Yexterday evening, on the Beach Road Reclamation ground, the Kilzum Babar met the Strait* Indian for the above competition The Indian Rtartod with tbno men short, and although tbe rUlzoin prowed bard they failed to score. The full force of the Indian team was not represented
    68 words
  • 135 8 Keppel Oolf Club. Nineteen members competed for the November Medal which was won by M-. A. Gray with a nett pcore of 74, ;19»42 81—7 74. Otbtr cards returned were D. Maw 49 49^=98-20=78 C. A. Leegatt 43 45 88 9 79 W. S. Barntt 48 45 63 18
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  • 190 8 Rapid Promotion for a Young Official. Although not yet officially announced, it ban become, known in the colony, says the China Mail, that Mr J. H Kemp, who is at present in England completing his qualifies tions as a barrister, his been rffered tbe appointment of Crown
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  • 216 8 Feature of the Super- Post Office In London. The more one hears about tbe new General M Offior, sajß the D*ily News, the plainer I becoiiicH that London is to pisses tbe super-pot!, office oi the world a post office tint will be sought by pilgrim postmastersgeneral from
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  • 133 8 The King on October 26, received at Marlborough Honse Dr. Pearce Gould, senior surgeon of thu Middlesex Hospital, and Dr. A. Kingston Kowltr, physician at Middlesex Hospital, and conferred upon each tbe honour of Koigbt Comtnandersbip of tbe Royal Victorian Order. Sir Pearce Gould performed tbe
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  • 74 8 Moneignor Paul K. rrant. Bi-liop of Barr»b ihn-a, of the Lazarint Misxion ol North Kiangsi, has >iiid at ihe hoopiul of St Mine, Shanghai. Mgr. Ferrant came to China in 1834 aud was stationed in CbekUng, wnere be remained t'll 1898 H» was con* cated Bishop of Barrabaliwta at NiDgpo
    74 words
  • 13 8 The Straits Times in not responsible for the opinions of Hi oorrctpoodanU.)
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  • 180 8 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— l am sorry that I cannot agree with you tbat it is a wise decision His Mijesty has taken to go to tbe great dependency (India) in person." Kooning th» sentiment against British rule among tbe better
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  • 253 8 A Japanese Explanation of the Powers' Position. Before a committee of the Koknmiat", Captain o,<iiry, of the Navy Department, ex plained why the powers ke>p inßignificaot standing fleets in the East. According to the Japan Advertiser, he gave tbe following reasons: A powerful sending ll it
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  • 188 8 Mr. E B a tenon, of Bradford, aays tbe Yorkshire Daily Observer, has been appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies as mycologist to the Government of the Federated Malay State*, his duties being to advise planters as to tbe method- of dealing
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  • 106 8 Mr. H. O. Barnard has informed the Colombo papers that an earthquake was registered at the Colombo Oboervatnry on November 9. It began at 11.55 8 minnteß a.m. standard mean time, tbe vibration* reaching a maximum at 12 '7 8 p.m. and lashd till 8 p.m.,
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  • 108 8 The Bishop of Singapore, Dr. FergusonDavie, was the preacher at Christ Conrcb, Bangkok, on November 18. Prior to bis sermon, reports tbe Bangkok Times, be stated that he would be at tbe church every morning for Miitins and if any persons wished to speak with
    108 words
  • 834 8 Prices Quoted la (be Market This Morning. Singapore, November 22nd, 1010. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Hxobange and Share Broken, issue the following bit ol 'notations this morning I Norn. Value. Bayer*. Seller*. 2/. AJlagar 4/9 5/li 2/- Options 3,8 5/--41 Ad X 1oJ»v» 11/. 10,8 1 AngioJohore
    834 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 To tbe Wi ois eang tb« bard. To tbe Woods let me flee, For this cold hi'idi as hard A nd as toui<b as can be To tbo Moods I'll away, For the call doih alluio, And will purchase this day 1 heir Great Peppermint Curu.
      46 words
      12 words
    • 44 8 CROUP. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of oronp. Chamberlain's Cough H medy given as soon as tbe child Imc.ujim hoarse, or even after tbe croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack. For sale by ail Dispensaries and Dealers.
      44 words
    • 316 8 LATEST AI)VRkII>EWEMS SINGAPORE AMATEUR DRAMATIC COMMITTEE. An Amateur Performance of "The Magistrate," A farcical comedy by A. W. PINERO, will be given in tbe Victoria Theatre, To -Night, AND ON NOVEMBER 24 AN 3 '26. Plans and Seats at ROBINSON PIANO Co. COMMENCES AT 3 PM, PROMPT. E.&O. HOTEL.' PENfING
      316 words
    • 610 8 Raffles H£ Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER Saturday, November 26. The Standard Life Assurance Co. WH CAN OBTAIN FOR YOU A LIFE POLICY: 1. At Home Rates (Under Double Endowment Plan), or 2. With Monthly Premiums, withont any addition to tbe Yearly Premium, or 8. Without Medical Examination, or 4. Lnder all
      610 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 175 9 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps LONGEST LIFE LOWEST CONSUMPTION Life in houri. Current per Candle Power. mhi^^hb carbon lamps IHHfIHH^HHHI^H^HIHIHHI a^^M> CHEAP METAL Fll AMENT LAMPS ■^^■HHHIHB^IH H^I^B^HHHB OTHER METAL FILAMENT LAMPS ■■■■IHH WESTINQHOUSE TUNGSTEN LAMPS SOLE AGENTS: ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. Japanese Dentist, 74. BRAS BASAH ROAD. Dr. E.
      175 words
    • 359 9 THE Empire KUALA t-t^t*!) LUMPUR. JlOiel FM.S. A New First- claas Hotel. Fitted with Electric Light and Fans. Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padaog. Single and Doable Budrooms, with Private Bathrooms attached. Cuisine nnder European Supervision. Cold Storage Suppling weekly from Singapore Hotel Porter meets all Mail Trains.
      359 words
    • 116 9 Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE HSALEH AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 8, HIGH STREET, Now On. GREAT REDUCTIONS GREAT REDUCTIONS!! GREAT REDUCTIONS Smith Premier New Model VISIBLE HO. tO. PRICE: SMS. PRICE: $215. Absolutely Visible Writing. Key for Each CWa.ra.oter. Interchangeable Carriages. Uniform Touch. SOLE AGENTS STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR
      116 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 584 10 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE. OF STEAMERS. The nadermentioned mail steamers ot the above Line maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang' Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET Tons Commander Japan 0,018 A. Stbwabt Obbuoht Apcab 4,600 S. H. Bblson Arratoon Apcab 4,600 W. T. Thomas
      584 words
    • 887 10 INSURANCE. QrilNA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office Shanghai: Roistered onder tbe Life Assnranoe Companies Acts, England, and under the HoiKkonß Ordinances. POSITION OF COMPANY Twelfth fear). Total Insnranoe in force $37,858,885. Total Assets 8,410,249. Total Funds 8,216,812. Total Income for Year 3,666,657. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. All forms
      887 words
    • 531 10 BANKING. lUMTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUBTRALIAJND CHINA ■OOHPORATtfD BT BOTA& OHABTBB fall np Oapttal la K 000 Bkarai of flNaaea ii.ioo.ooc iaasrva Foal aK.aOO.OOO feisrvt friability of Propristors 11.W0.000 SAHBBB Baak ol Baglaal. mUoaai Baak of Booilaal. ao.ioa Olty MldlaaJ Baak ftM SIHOAPOBB BRABTOH. Carnal Aooonasi an opeaoi aal latsraas
      531 words
    • 970 10 BALES BY AUCTION. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY KNOWN AS THB SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Changi Road, Singapore, with extensivo soa frontace and containing an arf aof Hi ACRES planted with about 30,000 cocoanut trees fuU» grown, and about 50,000 rubber trees from 6
      970 words

  • 680 11 MOTORS MOTORING. THE L4TE PRINCE FRANCIS OF TECK. The following is taken from The Car, of October 26 No greater loss to the automo bile community could have been imagined than tbat which it has sustained by the death of H. S. H. Prince Francis of Teck, which occurred on
    680 words
  • 336 11 Liberty of Press and Sensational Journalism. Tbe right to publish divor-c proceedings in detail is being seriously challenged, and when tbe Royal Commission on the Marriage Laws reassembles tbat rigbt mast be one of the important points on whioh farther ovidi Doe is taken. The publication of divorce
    336 words
  • 53 11 It is announced in the Pinang Gazette that Mr. Junes Stark bad to shoot his mare Ptiyllida, which was running as a roacUter at tbe forthcoming meeting. It seems that some hornets attacked the animal and rbe got out of hand with the sjco, sustaining id juries whioh nect agitated
    53 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 614 11 We understand that some firm is giving out statements, which, if not carefully lllAinnrU thought out, may be misleading, and we SoleAgentsw W 111 Sri FY" would take tli', opportunity of informing wfcwfcß the buying public that the designer of mg TO M t CinnCIEV what were formerly known as
      614 words
    • 13 11 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, Cough*, Colds, eto, Uke Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
      13 words
    • 474 11 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little Co.. Ltd. ttesm. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Adelpbi Hotel. tfemn. Kob Co., 80, Bras Basah Road. Hotel de l'Enrope. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford Ro.H. The Golden Fountain," Bencoolen Street. The Refreshment
      474 words
    • 124 11 'Peacemaker' SCOTCH WHISKY. Of Undoubted Quality. GUARANTEED Ten Years Old. ROBERTSON, WILSON 6c CO., Bole Agents. PT J.Collis Browne's jf^g/ff/J Th« ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINEJ Th* B«st Remedy kno*n for T(M Varual>l« Rmrdy tvsr dno.Tidß m coughs, colds, lr £sy m ASTHMA. BBONCHITIS. Act :,i* i, NEURALOIA, gout, I DIARRHEA.
      124 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 576 12 WANTSROOM WANTED Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. u2002^ DISPENSER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispen sary in the Straits. Send testimonials and state salary wanted to Chemist," c/o Straits Times. u2287 BILLET WANTED. By an
      576 words
    • 487 12 TO BE LET OR 80L0 OFFICES TO LET. Suite ot commodious and well-appointed offioes on the ground floor of No. 6, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Bleotrio light and tans. Apply to Messrs. Powell k Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co., Raffles Place. u162 OFFICEB TO LET. Wholo of
      487 words
    • 454 12 NOTICES, PANTAI. LIMITED NOTICE OF CHAN6E OF SECRETARIES. Messrs Derrick Co have now been appointed Secretaries of tbe above Company. All communications should be addressed to DERRICK CO Gresham House, 2701 Singapore. PAJAM. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHAN6E OF SECRETARIES. Messrs Derrick and Co. have now been I appointed Secretaries of
      454 words
    • 648 12 NOTICES. TRAFALGAR LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHAN6E OF SECRETARIES. Messrs. Patenon, Simons Co., Ltd., have been appointed Secretaries cf the above Company, as from 17th November, 1910. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. Singapore, November 16, 1910. 2772 THE MERGUI RUBBER ESTATES. LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of Directors
      648 words
    • 529 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 109, Market Street. KELEMAK RUBBER EBTATE. LTD. NOTICE. Messrs. Evatt Co. have been appointed Secretaries to tbe above Company and the Registered Offioes of the Company have this day been removed to The Arcade, Singapore, Singapore. November
      529 words
    • 402 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET OR FOR SALE. No. 80, Barker Road, with immediate >S ppy B Davi Malaoot FOR SALE. U2682 TMrier8 No> Koek Ro** MOTOR CAR FOR BALE. Two-seated Runabont. Fonr cylinder Applr, Pick, c/o Straits Times. u2787 FOR SALE Piano by Sohied Mayer A Co.,
      402 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 245 12 Straits "(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane ous wants of every description are injert ed at the prepaid rate of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notioe» ot Births, Marriages, or Deaths, it no) exceeding four lines, tl each insertioa For p.p.c. cards, on page 6, t2. Inch Scalb
      245 words