The Straits Times, 21 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.410 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 364 1 D. ft J. ■Wmi's PERFECTION WHISKY. IALBBEOt MACBREBOR AND OOMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. Manila Cigars. We have just unpacked a fresh shipment of the LA FLOR DE LA IBABELA Brand and offer them at the following prices No. In a box Price per bos I No. In a box Price
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    • 100 1 Robinson Co. XMAS TOY BAZAAR Now Open. A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK TO SELECT FROM. Robinson Co. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF (Sold Storage Supplies Obtainable from SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LD. SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS. Kong Hing Clieong 4 Co., No. 104, Adilphi Hotel Bciluixos. Place In which to make
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MaCGREGOR AND COMPANY.
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  • 1115 2 DAMAGED BY BOMBARDMENT AT THE NECESSIDADES. Tbe Rooms Visited. A Standard correspondent wrote tbe follow- I np .r'iclp which appeared in that journal j on October 17 '1 he only scene connected with Portugal's revolution which still arrests one's attention is to be found at tbe Palace of
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  • 807 2 HOW TO OVERCOME THE RAVAGES OF THE MALARIA PARASITE. A Golden Statue fhould be erected to the discoverer of a means of banishing Malaria from the Tropics." I thoee striking wordp, a short time ago, a distinguished man once again drew attention to a subject
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 596 2 A Medical Officer Debility, Nervous Exhaustion— Certainly the absolute confidence of eminent doctors is evidence enough of the exceptional benefits imparted by Phosferine. Even doctors cannot do more to prove their confidence than by using Phosferine to remedy their own disorders. Could any proof be more definite, more convinciug than
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    • 12 2 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for ad interohl complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc
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    • 113 2 MARTIN APIOL& STEEL J^sVlforLadles.l f g taU2> t MBSVJ Sm all InMIuMM ■■L—m.i Fob thm Blood is thi Life." For cleansiug tbe blood of all impurities from vbatever canoe arii-inu, you cxnnot do better than take CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTIRB Tbe invaluable remedy for Eczema, Scrofula. Bad LegH, Abscexsea, Ulcers, Boils,
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    • 423 2 "'Hazeline' Snow" Hazeline Snow Hazeline' Snow" Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow HazeLine Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline' Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeiine Si ow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow "'Hazeline'
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  • 737 3 LAUNCH OF THE WHITE STAR LINER OLYMPIC. Features ol a Floating Town. From the yards of Mewe. Harland and WYItT at (Jut inn Island, Belfast, whence have come so mtny floating leviathans, wan launched on Ocober 20, the largest ship that floats the White star liner O.ympic.
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  • 154 3 Judge Holds Agreement to be Illegal. In the Westminster County court on Ooto ber 24, his honour Judge Woodtall Rave jndwment in the c*Be of L)*an v. Curzon, in which the plaintiff, a Press manager, sned Mr. Frank Cmzon to recover a hundred guineas for his inoeption
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  • 48 3 The Mayor and Mayoress of Beccles have the aged inhabitants of the boroDgh at the town ball. Among them was a veteran Mr. Manning, who was born in 1816, before the battle of Waterloo, and who, the Mayor remarked, had sung the National Antbem under six Sovereigns.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 759 3 i*J Ra^RaW Re/ le rwithout W ed PA RI S. 8. rue Vlvlenne. Sold by all Chemists. SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. FIOM MAY 1. 1909. AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTIOE TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYB ONLY. OP TRAINS. Illlllllltll 4.X. 4.SJ. in. r.n. r.a. t.u. t.n. ».a\ r.a r.R. faiatr Paniaii T
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    • 90 3 CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY THE BEBT OBTAINABLE This remedy has no superior aa a cure lor coldp, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not
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    • 426 3 RUBBER GOODS at Manufacturers' Prices. CYCLE AND MOTOR TYRfcS SOLID VEHICLE TYRING. COLF BALLS FO T6ALL BLAB. EtS. AND SPORTS RUBBER lOODS RUBBER MATTING and MATS. j of ev.ry dctcripuoa. Agtnt, Wcnl,d MIDLAND RUBBER CO.. Ltd. Contractor, to Bylart Babarr Mills. H.M Mril»<»« E«tl«»« A Facts of Absorbing Interest.
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    • 63 3 T. NAGAI CO. Just Arrived: :n"e:"w goods compbising Curios, Artwares, Xmas Cards, Calendars, etc, FROM JAPAN. nsro-w oust view. Visitors ar* cordially invited to inspect our Goods whether they intend purchasing or not. NO. X, ADIS BUILDINGS. Interesting to Planters BUSH'S Coagulating and Bleaching Powder for Rubber Latex. Particulars and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 680 4 steamer mum. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. far Omaa, Japan, Penaag, ■sylaa. ASMtralla, India, Aden. Bgypt, mediterranean Parts, Plymonth and Loodan. Through Bills ot Lading issued for China Ooast, Persian Gulf, Continental, anal Amariean Forts. Btaamars will leave Singapore oa or about I MAIL LINES. OafcMrd {for Ohimm) 1910 I>U
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    • 519 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP GB.LTD. between JAPAN and BUROPB by the Compaay's weU-knowa TWIMCIIW "TlAalll 1 under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed tor tha Company's Boropean Sorvioe, lighted throughout by Bleotrioity, pro Tided with ezoellent aooommodation tor First aad Seoond Class Passengers, and fitted
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    • 885 4 STEAMER BAIUMBB. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'B ROYAL MAIL BTEAMBHIP LINE Tbb NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUBOPB TU CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITBD BTATBS. Route bom Hongkong Tia Shainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea ot Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotoria and Vanoouver. R.M.S. Bmfbbss or India T win sorew steamR.M.S.
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    • 563 4 BTEAMEK M-LINIS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURB. %^Bsl BBBm Ths itnamsrs ol this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly 'or Havre and Ham burg and ones a month for BrsmarhaTsa dlreol, oalling at Penaag aad
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    • 780 4 BTEAMEI SAILIMB. N. D. L, Rorddoutsohor Lloyd, Bromon. IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL LIRE Ths last and well known mail Mum, ol this Company sail fortajghty bom Brer en Hamburg, Tia Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boats i mp ton, Gibraltar. Genoa, Naples (ooaat, ion MaraeUlea, Naples, Alexandria, ant vtee vi aat Port Bald, Boss,
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  • 159 5 FIXTURES. Monday, November SI. High Water, 1.12 a.m 0.20 p.m. New Year sports meeting, Exchange, 4.45. St. Andrew's ball practice, 6.1 J p.m. Tuesday, November, aa. High Water, 2.9 a.m., 1.10 pan. The Magistrate, Victoria Theatre, 9. Wednesday, November 33. High Water, 8.18 a.m., 2.10 p.m. S.
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  • 197 5 To-Dat. Malaooa, Port Diokeon, Port Swettenham and Telok Anson Perak 8 pm Bangkok Breid 4 pm To-Mobbow. Penang, Malaooa, F.M.B. and Johore (Ovorland) (By train) 6am Sarawak and Ooebilt R. of Sarawak 9am Onoob Glanggi 10 am Kerimnn Ho Say 10 am Port Swettenham and 1 pm
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  • 441 5 atest Arrivals. Stv-eatxlt. H. M. cru., 4ROO tons, 376 crew, IS gnns, 23,0(0 h.p. Com. Hunt, Nov 20. From Colombo, N-iv 14. Senior Naval Offioer. For Hongkong, Nov 31— W. Amhertt. Brit str 138 tons, Captain Soott, Nov 20. From Pontianak, Nov 18. 0.0. and 15 d.p. Thong
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  • 105 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONQ PAOAR. East Wbubf Bun— A deb. East W. Bbotiom I— Merapi. Bunas Wham— Hydra. Mao W. Bboi. t— Capri, Chiengmai. Kenkon Maru. 4-NU. a ft— Faroo. a S— H. M. S. Newoaitle, Perseus, Lasoom
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  • 200 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Samui, Nov. 20. From Ant werp Mr. L. Lercey. Per steamer Ban Fo Soon, Nov, 20.— From Sambas Mr. Miller. Per stenmer Pin Seng, Nov. 20.— From Penang via ports Mr. and Mrs. Khoo Tek Seng and Mr A. Kellmann. Per steamer Marudn, Nov.
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  • 250 5 EXCHANGE. SINGAPORB, NoVBMBKR 31, 1910. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4& Demand 2/4 X Private S m/a 3/4} do 8 m/i 9/4}} On Germany— Bank d/d 840 Private 8 m/i 344 do Bm/t 246J On Franet— Bank d/d M 396 Private 8 m/s 199f do 8 m/i
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    • 164 5 Value, oj Bayers. Seller*. 10 10 BelatTin 6.00 525 10 10 Braang 6.50 600 10 10 Braseh Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 3.00 260 £1 XI KintaTin 1000 16.76 41 41 Kledang Tin 1.75 2.00 10 10 Kaantan Tin 8.00 8.25 41 41 Labat Mines 8.26 8.80 41 41
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    • 606 5 [me S Value S, Bayers. Selleri, 1/. 3/- AUagar 4/0 6/6 II- 2/- Analo-Malay 1.8.0 1.5;'. II- 2/. Batons Mal&ka 8/6 4/£1 £1 Batu Cavea 16.10.0 17.10.0 £1 41 Batn Ti«a 4 8.6 5.0.0 II 4tl Bukit Kajang 2.100 2.11.6 £1 16/- Contributory 12 6 1.0.0 pm £1 41
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    • 126 5 «'alne Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern norn Smelting 10.00 10 7 etc £1 £1 Electric Tramways 2/6 8/6 10 10 Frauer Neave 37.00 80.00 100 Howarth Erskine 67.00 68 OC ICO 7% Prel. 60X0 91 00 100 100 Katz Bro. Det ISfi.OC 100 100 a 8% Cum. Pref. nom.
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    • 49 5 Bayers. Seller*. Howarth Brakine6% 1600,000 pw Riley, Hargreaves 8% 1384,000 1% 8% pre BtrioTways 5% X860.000 Singapore Manicipal6% 11,878,000 nom. Buyers, BeiW. Singapore Ma nioipal i{% of i»O7 11.800.000 f pm. Singapore Mv nieipal 4*% Ol 1009 11,000,000 T% 8% prt Singapore Mv nioipal 4% »6(N.900 1% dhv
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 65 5 00 IT NOW. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. In fully nine cases oat of ten the attack jh simply rheumatism of the mnscles due to cold or damps, or chronic rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment The free application of Chamberlain'H Pain Bam
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    • 405 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Oj. Nov. 22— At saleroom, freehold land off Bukit Timah Road, etc., at 2 80. Nov. 22 At saleroom, freehold land situate at Kramat Road, etc., at 2.80. Nov. 26 At Belvedere, Anderson Road, Tanglin, teak household furniture,, etc., property of St. V. B. Down, Esq.,
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    • 939 5 MICHELIN TYRBS dupire"brothers, .A.O-EJISTI'S. AUCTION SALE of SHARES, At Davies Co.'s Sale-room, 61, The Arcade, ON TUESDAY. NOV. 22. 1910. AT 2.15 P.M. Mergai, Ayer Molek, Mijedio (Johore), Palo Daat, Anglo-Java Oil Syndicate, Eastern Petroleum Syndicate, Bukit K. B etc., etc. Fall par.ioalars posted on oar Notice Board, Oroand Floor,
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    • 52 5 ALBERT L. A. DALEY, Undertaker, Monumental Mason and Marble Merchant BEGS to inform the public that h,e has just received a very large consignment ol METALLIC WREATHS, HARPS, CROSSES, ETC., EX S.S. KAWACHI MARU FROM THE WELL-KNOWN FIRM OF MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD., OF LONDON. 43) Prlnaop Street. Telephone! No.
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  • 1074 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21. BY RAIL TO INDIA. Twenty yean ago, any proposal to construct a railway which would lead straight into India by the simplest route would have been recieved with aconished indignation. To-day, we hear ot it almost without enough enthusiasm to dictate an extra headline.
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  • 13 6 A Maltese, named B. Pease, has been arrested on a charge of vagrancy.
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  • 24 6 Dorchester is to do honour to her great native novelist, Thomas Hardy. This month he is to receive the honorary freedom of the borough
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  • 19 6 The annual fire walking festival will be celebrated at the South Bridge Road Hindu Temple, to-day it 4 p.m.
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  • 25 6 A public meeting to consider the holding of the customary New Year sports will take place in the Exchange this afternoon, commencing at five o'clock.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 as well as 8.
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  • 25 6 H. M. S. Clio (Commander H. R. Vealei arrived in the roads on Saturday from Tringannu- She will probably leave for Labuan on November 26.
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  • 29 6 Messrs. the Labnan and Borneo Opium Farms, Limited, have been declared the successful tenderers for the Opium, Spirit, Pawnbroking and Gambling Farms for the State for the year 1911.
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  • 30 6 Several Perak rubber companies, especially in tbe districts of Batang Padang and Slim River, are Bending their own European assistants to recruit Tamil labourers for their estates from Southern India.
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  • 34 6 The annual dinner of past members of Scottish Universities was held at the Singapore club on Saturday night and was a most enjoyable function. His Excellency the Governor (Aberdeen) was present, in tbe chair.
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  • 38 6 A farewell dinner party was held on Saturday niebt in Raffles Hotel to wish goodbye to Mr. Fookens, one ot the employees of the Netherlands Trading Socioty's staff, who is proceeding to Java. The evening was most enjoyable.
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  • 41 6 Daring a quarrel between two patients in Tan Took Seng Hospital yesterday, one of the men was killed by a blow on tbe spleen. The other combatant has been arrested and will be charged with culpable homicide, not amounting to murder.
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  • 40 6 Tbe Chartered Bank, Taiping branch, is about to build a bank house as residence for the local manager. I'ntil now the manager has usually shared a Government bouse with a Government officer. This, the Malay Mail understands, has been prohibited.
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  • 46 6 Return tickets at single fares will be issued by tbe British India steam Navigation Co. to passengers by their steamers to Port S wettenham, Penang, Rangoon, Calcutta. Madras and Coromandel ports. These tickets will be available for use between December 15, 1910, and January 15, 1911.
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  • 54 6 The Portland Cement Factory at Padang in West Sumatra to the starting ot which we drew attention, the otber day. is making progress. The Governor of tbe province lately paid a visit to the works, and was astonished to find how advanced they were. Already a small town has sprung
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  • 55 6 The Netherlands India Government intends to give 5,000 guilders towards sending exhibits from there to the Rubber Show in London, next year. The planters themselves have so far made no move towards meeting the outlay on exhibits. The Java Bode, urges them to be up and doing in cutting a
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  • 51 6 Messrs. Pisuisse and Blokzijl, journalist chansonniers, give their vocal entertainment at the Dotoh Club to-night, with a selection of folk songs which promise a very pleasant evening. The concert is also open to mem bers ot the Teutonia and Tanglin Clubs and their friends. Details are contained in our advertisement
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  • 83 6 A rare thing is reported from Deli in tbat a planter has published a book The work deals with the future of Bast Sumatra. Tbat part ot the island abounds with productive wealth, but the Government does little tor its development. The planter in question urges the quick construction of
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  • 80 6 There was a large crowd at the Marlbo rough cinematograph on Saturday night when, following tbe usual change of pro gramme, a series of pictured was projected on to the screen and produced much evident enjoyment. Strong in comics, which form an important factor in a moving-picture programme, the selection
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  • 86 6 The Theatre Royal was crowded on Saturday night when tbe Star Opera Company produced a fine play entitled Prince Ballroom and Takrep. The actors and actresses who took the principal parts acquitted themselves creditably. The stage arrangement* were very good and made for the success of the play. The company
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  • 108 6 At the Wayang Kvisini on Saturday night the play entitled Le Grand Mogol was Btaged before a very large audience who seemed to thoroughly appreciate the performance, if the many sounds of applause were any criterion. The acting and singing were of a quality which has made a name for
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  • 127 6 About four months ago the police arrested a Malay, named Abmat EffemV, a onetime municipal employee, on two charges one, of personating a public servant, the Municipal Building Inspector, and the other, of cheating in respect of 18. When brought before the police court, he was remanded on bail of
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  • 380 6 Mr. C. W. H. Cochrane, on his return fro leave, will be stationed in Krian. Mr. and Mrs. T. Sarkies and family left by tbe English mail on Friday for Europe, on holiday. (.'apt. G. H. W. Dobbyn, R.G.A.. has been appointed to the Hongkong- Singaporo Battalion.
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  • 34 6 A meeting ot the general committee of the St. Andrew's Ball will be held in the Cricket Club pavilion to morrow at 516 p.m. It is important that all members attend.
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  • 48 6 There will be an entire change of pro gramme at the circus to night. On Tuesday night, the season will close. Those who have not paid the circus a visit should certainly do so as their reward will be a night ot real fun and amusement.
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  • 80 6 A general meeting of the Indian Christian Association was held on Saturday evening, at the St. Andrew's Mission School, when Mr. B. D. Henry, Pastor of tbe M. E. Tamil Church, was unanimously elected a VicePresident. A committee, consisting of Messrs. S Dyriam, James Ourupatham (hon. secretary
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  • 118 6 Tbe tide yesterday morning was exceptionally high higher indeed than has been experienced for a long time, and in con sequenoe some of tbe lower- lying streets were flooded. Stamford Road canal overflowed. The waters invaded the ground floor of the Swimming Club and there was some
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  • 172 6 The Albambra cinematograph had a welltilled bouse oo Saturday ui«lit notwithstanding otber attractions, as the programme presented at tbat show, usually comprising pictares of a high-class character, bad its own attraction in the topical picture describing certain scenes in the revolution in Portugal and in the ninth edition
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 74 6 Players J navy (DiKture In J lb Patent Air-Tight Tins. *5jT PRICE 55 CTB. obtainable at P T ROBINSON CO. CHOICE DESS2RT TURKEY FIGS (Finest Smyrna). A DELICIOUS TABLE DELICACY, In 84b. wood boxes $3. In Mb. $1. JUST ARRIVED. JOHN LITTLE AND COMPANY, LIMITED. DAIMLER "SILENT KNIGHT" CARS 1911
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    • 137 6 ALHAMBRA Electric Theatre (OPPOSITE RAFFLES HOTEL). Have yon seen the Latest Topical If not here is your opportunity. REVOLUTION IN PORTUGAL. SCENES AFTER THE BOMBARDMENT. FUNERAL OF TWO HEROES. POPULACE UNDER ARMS, BTC, AMD Pathe'B Animated Gazette Ninth Edition. ALSO AN ORIGINAL CROSS COUNTRY RUNNINO. Organised by Max Linder. BULL
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  • 99 7 MINISTER WILL NOT DISCUSS OCCUPATION. Measures to end Condition of Anarchy [Rbctbr's Telegram.] London, November 20. A Teheran message says that tbe British Minister, replying to Porsia, declines to discuss the presence of foreign troops in Persia. He denies that tbe measures proposed to end a condition
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  • 90 7 QUESTIONS IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Special Commission Report Being Considered. [Rioter's Tbleoram.] London, November 19. In the House of Commons Mr. Ginnell asked for the Report of the Singapore Municipal Enquiry recommending the abolition of the representative system. He wished to know tbe number of prominent officials
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  • 47 7 THE GRAVE POSITION IN SOUTH WALES. Rifles of Territorials Rendered Useless. [RbOTBR'S TbLEORAM.] London, November 19. The situation is still serious in South Wales, and intimidation is rampant in Mid Rhondda. The military at Aberdare have withdrawn the bolts from the rifles of the Territorials.
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  • 72 7 Mr. Abquith Speak at a Liberal Luncheon. I Kbctbr's Telegram.] London, November 21. Mr. Asquith, speaking at a luncheon at the National Liberal Club, referring to that ancient structure, the House of Lords, said tbe parricidal pickaxes were already at work. The constitutional Jerry-builders were hurrying from
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  • 33 7 (Rbutbb's Tslsoram.] London, November 21. Tbe trial of Captain French and Lieutenant Brandon for espionage at Borkum, has been fixed to take place at Leipzig in the middle of December.
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  • 25 7 Dkk Ostasiakiscuk Lloyd Tp.lkoeum. i Berlin, November 20. Tbe Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria will be (he Kaiser's bunting guest in December.
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  • 36 7 Dkr OhhUIWH Lloyd Tklkokam Borlin, November 20. It is officially announced in St. Petersburg that there is danger of cholera in Manchuria, and therefore Chinese labourers are not admitted in the coast district.
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  • 22 7 Dkk Ostvsutisihk Llovh Telegram I Berlin, November 'Jo. Tbe Hamburg America Line is extending its fleet to 1,02-2,4;!'.! frutto tons.
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  • 19 7 I>BK OSTASIATIM UK LUIVH TltLßliiUM] Berlin, November 20. Tue Queen of Belgium is suffering from nflueoM.
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  • 416 7 Arrival in Singapore of Bedford's Successor. Fresh from the Tyneside works of Sir W. G. Armstrong Wbitworth and Co., the new cruiser Newcastle came into port yesterday, en route for China, where she fills the vacancy in the squadron up north caused by the loss of
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  • 449 7 Police Reinforced by Strong Muster of Volunteers. The anti-plague measures adopted in Shanghai resulted in serious attacks and mobbing and tbe marching of the entire Volunteer Corps through tbe disaffected and infected area. The most ridiculous rumours had been circulated throughout the length and breadth of
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  • 160 7 £20,000 of Public Money Saved Under the Republic. Tbe Portuguese Consul in London, Senbor Batalha It-jis, has bren urgently summoned to Lisbon, as tbe Government desires to know the views of the British Government regarding tbe Republic and tbe Portuguese diplomatic representative to Britain. It is
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  • 866 7 A WARNING AGAINST THE POOL SYSTEM. Claim Disallowed Under the Gaming Act. A few months ago a good many residents in Singapore were receiving circulars inviting them to join in what is called the pooled capital system of share dealing, and in each case a positive assuranoe was
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  • 217 7 At the Presbyterian Church, which was very tastefully decorated, on Saturday afternoon, and in tbe presence of a large number of friends, Mr. Goo. B H&rley of the Central Engine Works. Singapore, was married to Miss Nellie Wills Brash Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson,
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  • 37 7 The King has approved of the extension of the term of office of the Hon. A. R. Adams as an unofficial member of the Legislative Council for a further period of three years from September 18, 1910.
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  • 1655 7 CLAIM AGAINST MESSRS. SINE AND KINDERSLEY. Kliog Broker and His Options. At Malacca, last week, before the Chief Jostioe Sir \V. Hyndman-Jones, the case of Mohamed Kansini Marican, a broker, against Mr. W. M. Sime and Messrs. R. CM. and D. C. P. Kindersley came onfor hearing.
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  • 559 7 Interment of Major A. M. Cayley. The remain* of the late Major A M. Cayley, of tbe K (i. A whose short sojourn on this station came to such a tragic conclusion on Friday evening, were interred at Bidadari cemetery on Saturday afternoon. The last rites were
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  • 64 7 The Oriental Telephone and Electric Company lost a very old servant in the person of lnobe Ali bin Noor Boat who died on Thursday afternoon of malarial fever. The deceas ed, who was a well-known member of the Malay community had served the company for thirty-two years, and his funeral
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  • 77 7 RUSSIAN AGENT DISCISSES,THE SCHEME. An International Board of Divers Interests. [RSDTSRS TILIORAM.] London, November 21. M. Aomaist Zueginsteff is in London, in connection with tbe scheme for promoting an international company for a railway from the Caucasus to Baluchistan. He says the necessary financial backing in
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  • 270 7 ißlOTil'l TsLSORiH London, November 21. k telegram has been received saying that Count Tolstoi died at six o'clock yesterday morning. |D«R O9TASIATISCHI LLOTD TeLXQRAM.J Berlin, November 20. The Countess Tolstoi was admitted to Count Tolstoi's chamber, but be did not recognise her. Who's Who has the
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  • 182 7 Official Reception on his Arrival At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, November 20. The Chinese Minister to London, H. E. Liv Vu Lin, on arrival by tbe English mail was received by tbe Chinese Vice- Consul, Mr. Tye Koo Vood. and Mr. l.cong l.ok lling,
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  • 118 7 Paralytic Stroke While Navigating Into Penang. Messrs. Boostead and Co., this morning, received a wire intimating that Captain Jacobs, commander of the British India steamer Taroba, bad died in hospital at Penang. When the Taroba, from Madras, was approaching Penang on Friday Captain Jacobs, we
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  • 87 7 An untoward mishap, fortunately not serious, occurred to the British India steamer Mazagon at Tanjong Pagar on Saturday. She was leaving Section 2, and had already got into the obannel when by some reason or other she was driven on to the shallows and stranded.
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    • 48 8 S. R. E. (v.) Rille Club. Tbe members of thr- S.R.E (v.) Rifle Clpb held their monthly handicap at Balestier range on Saturday afternoon, when the following three best scores were recorded Q. M. S. Coveney 88 plus 2=90 Bpr.Pasb 84 6=89 Bpr. L»brum 78 15=88
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    • 91 8 Sepoy Lines Club. The Andrew Currie Cup competition (Ladies' Championship) will be played this year at Sepoy Lines early in December. This competition in open to all ladies resident in Singapore. Ladies wishing to enter are requested to tend in their names together with the name of the Golf
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    • 529 8 Position of the Leagues. By yesterday's mail the following tables oame to hand Scottish fasfflll FnsTT Division. Dundee 2 Third Lanark 1 Aberdeen 1 Airdrie 0 St. Mirren 2 Raith Rovers 1 Clyde 2 Falkirk 1 Hamilton A 0 Celtic 1 Hearts 2 Hibernians 0 Kilmarnock 1 Moiherwell 0
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    • 136 8 Balloon Drops into a Lake in Ontario. The balloon Harburg, one of tbe German competitors for tbe Gordon- Bennett Cup, piloted by Lieutenant Von Vogt, fell with terrifio speed from a height of 18,000 ft. into Lake Nipissing, Ontario. Herr Assmara, the other aeronaut, bad an arm
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  • 83 8 The Financial Times reviewing apart from politics tbe gradual fall in tbe quotations for Conxols, emphasizes tbe extension of the Bcopeof trustee investments, and more especially the improvement in the credit of foreign countries, notably, the United States, tbe larger Sooth American Republics, and Japan. Consols,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 249 8 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The report in your paper a few days ago re: the rejoicings of the Anglo-Chinese School over their 7th Standard scoring the highest marks, via., 77%, in the recent annual examination, is both interesting and food for thought—
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    • 451 8 To the Editor ot th Straits Times. Sir, At tbe Legislative Council meeting on Friday last, when the proposed Income Tax Ordinance was on tbe boards, the acting Colonial Secretary, in tbe course of bis speech, made a remark to the effect that the suggestion to tax
      451 words
  • 200 8 Jury Award Dutch Bookmakers £755 Libel Damages. Before Mr. Justice Darling an Amsterdam firm of bookmakers, Smith and Young has sued Trnth for damages for libel. The jury found in favour of tbe plaintiff", assessing the damages at £755; but tbe judge having lelt the court judgment
    200 words
  • 792 8 Prices Quoted la (he Market Ills Morning. Singapore, November 21st, 1910. Hewn. Lyall and Hvatt, Bxohange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations this morning I— Nam. Value. Bayer*. Seller*. 2/. Allagar 4/9 5/1* 3/. Option 3/8 6/. 41 Anglo-Jara 11/3 18/8 1 Anglo-Johore 13/.
    792 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 48 8 My theme is not of ancient kings, Nor yet cf nights of old, Who sate in state or rode bedecked In robes of cloth of go d An hnmbler theme, tbongh mightier far. My laocy tends to lure The enemy of coughs »cd colds, Woods Great Peppermint Cure.
      48 words
    • 33 8 This Is It. tThe latest soientiflo preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is claimed for it and supersedes •he Old- fashioned whioh upset the stomach. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 ANO $2.00
      33 words
    • 44 8 CROUP. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as tbe obild 'becomes hoarse, or even after tbe eroopy 1 cough appears, will prevent tbe attack. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      44 words
    • 730 8 Raffles -M. Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER November 26. GRAND HOTEL CONTINENTAL Saigon. The only first-class Hotel in Saigon. Every comfort. Splendid verandah. Restaurant. With management, French kitchen and attendance as in tbe finest European Restaurants. Manager G. Feraudy, late from the Grand Hotel, Paris. Saigon. Theatrical season (from October to May.)
      730 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 113 9 Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE HSALEH AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 8, HIGH STREET, Now On. GREAT REDUCTIONS! 6REAT REDUCTIONS!! GREAT REDUCTIONS K.A.J. Chotirmall Co. tWho have jost reoeived new stock of Jade Jewellery AMD INDIAN, CHINESE JAPANESE SILKS, ALSO INDIAN. MIRZAPORE, PERSIAN £1 A RQ UICU CT AND
      113 words
    • 524 9 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. AND CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICEB BRANCH OFFICES: Caxton House, Westminster, l < It and 6, Winchester House, London. SINGAPORE. am rtt 8, Beach Street, Penaag. WORKS Balthaaar's Buildings, Rangoon. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalston. And in India, Anstralia, etc. MANUFACTURERS OP Electric Light and Power
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      99 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 773 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office t Shanghai] Registered under the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under ibe Hosgkong Ordinanoes. pOB T OH OF OOMpANY Twelfth Year). Total Insnranoe in loroe »a7,8BB,88«. Total Assets 8,«15.240. Total Funds f l Total Income for Year 8,8«3O I B»T.
      773 words
    • 525 10 BANKING. IHARTEREO BANK BF INDIA. AUBTRALIAJND CHINA. ■COBFOBATMD BT BOXAI OHABTBB Pall op Capital ia M.OOO Bkajtst of ■Mats* 11, t00. 000 Isssrvi Fvai «1. 800,000 isssrv* liability of Propristori i1.m.000 BAHKERB Bank ol Bagiaa«. ■ettaaal Baak of Sootlaat. Cat ftoeaoa OMy MMlaaa Baak, Mi 81HGAPOHE BHAHCH. Onmat Assonats are
      525 words
    • 345 10 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CO., LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREE Established 1807. Capital paid op •1.000.C00.00 Reserve liability of proprietors I.OUH 00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tuck Joon 6. Sim Kia Jan 2. Nam Kirn seno 7. Teo tioo 1-ai 8. Liad Chia
      345 words
    • 709 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Cbugi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an ar. a of 448 ACRES planted with about 85,000 oocoanut trees, fully grown, and about 60,000 robber
      709 words
    • 303 10 PLUSCARDEN For Sale Privately. The beautifully situated freehold residential property known as I'LI'M'AKDh.N No. 10, Nassim Road, Tanglin, area 7(1,860 square feet. For f all particulars, apply to POWELL k CO., Auctioneers. ■MM MORTGAGEE'S SALE Of FREEUOL.U PHOPERHES Situate at Kramat Road and Spottiswoode Park lioad, Singapore, TI'BSDAY 22Nt> NoVEMKK.It
      303 words

  • 865 11 MOTORS MOTORING NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The forthcoming annual motor exhibition at Oij mi ia opens its doors to the public on Friday, N jvunber 4, slates a home paper to lmnd by the last mail. Tbe ninth of the series, it is under the patroDage of tbe
    865 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 424 11 We understand tbat some firm is Riving oat statements, which, if not carefully iiiAinrirU tbou»ibtoDt, maybe mi-leadin(?. aDd we BoleA*ent«i W [11 St Lb I" woal(l takL tl.ix opportunity of informing IWl>wt>a. the bo yj n g pnbijc the de«i|<ner oJ gmt^ma^gmmm 0 1 1\ nC IC V w^ a
      424 words
    • 38 11 For all internal complaints. Dysentery, 2oogbp, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Care. V Try IK LOUIS BOYER A A CHAMPAGNE B Retailers I KIM HIN CO. I KWONB VAN HIN ft CO. I TECK WHAn ft CO
      38 words
      350 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 624 12 WANTS. ANGLO-CHINESE FREE SCHOOL. Lady teaohers required for the Primary classes. Apply to the Principal. 2762 ROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. U2002 OIBPENSER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispensary in the Straits. Send
      624 words
    • 546 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Suite of commodious and well-appointed offioes on the ground floor of No. 6, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light and tans. Apply to Messrs. Powell Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co., Raffles Plaoe. u162 OFFICEB TO LET. Whole of second
      546 words
    • 470 12 HOTICEB, PANTAI. LIMITEDNOTICE OF CHANGE OF BECRETARIEB. Messrs Derrick Co have now been appointed Secretaries of the above Company. All communications should be addressed to DERRICK CO., Gresham House, 2761 Singapore. PAJAM. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHAN6E OF SECRETARY. Messrs Derrick and Co. have now been appointed Secretaries of the above
      470 words
    • 659 12 NOTICES. TRAFALGAR LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF BECRETARIEB. Messrs. Patenon, Simons Co., Ltd., have 1 been appointed Secretaries of the above Com- pany, as from 17th November, 1910. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. Singapore, November 16, 1910. o 2772 C NEW YEAR SPORTS, 1911. NOTICE. I A Public Meeting will
      659 words
    • 707 12 NOTICES. j KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Governmsnt and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 1084 109, Market Street. TENDERB INVITED. Tenders are invited for the supply of Engineering materials required by Sarawak Government for the year 1911. Full particulars can bo obtained on application to Messrs. Paterson Simons Co., Ltd., Sarawak
      707 words
    • 272 12 THE FAMOUS Bechstein PIANOS Sole Agents: The ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. GRANDS UPRIGHTS Always in Stock. E.&O. HOTEL. PENANG The best and the most frequented Hotel iv the Island, and CRAG HOTEL The only Sanatorium in the Straits, ARK TUB BRANCHES OF RAFFLES HOTEL, Singapore. SABKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. ■MM RUSSIAN
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 242 12 Straits Tsimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane ous wants of every description are injected at the prepaid rate of II per foui lines for one or two insertions. Notioea of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, it not exceeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.o. cards, on page 6, 12. Inch Sualb Ratbs
      242 words