The Straits Times, 19 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.419 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 228 1 D, ft J. HcCallnm's PERFECTION VHISKY. 3AIDBECK. MACBREBOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS,, LD, Phillips and Sons BENT STEEL, FIRE, FALL ft THIEF RESISTING SAFES With Solid Steel Doors nud i aside locked Drawer. Fitted with best Lever, Powler Prooi Looks. In Four Size*. SUPERIOR AUSTRIAN FIRE ft BURGLAR PROOF SAFES.
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    • 113 1 Robinson A Co. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Evening Dress Materials Opera Cloaks AND EVENING SHOES. Robinson A Co. J"TJST A SMALL SHIPMENT OF A. J. Reynvaan's Celebrated Dutch Cigars. High Ufa 54.50 per 100 Reina Victoria $5 OO OKLY OBTAINABLE AT JEANOU PATTARA AND HOON KEAT CO. SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MACGRE6OR AND COMPANY.
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  • 1112 2 THE OUVAH AND UVA CEYLON ESTATES. Action Over Similarity of Names. In the Court of Appeal, on Ootober 21, before the Master of the Roll*, L->rd Jontioe Fletoher Moulton, and Lord Justice Far well, the appeal in tbe Ojvah Ceylon Estates (Limited) v. tbe Uva Ceylon Robber Estates
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 114 2 H^V KEPLER' r SOLUTION NURSING MOTHERS r^3 derive great benefit from this j?^l|lp.'wß delicious tonic food. ft Kepler Solution sustains the Tmttc R strength and builds up the fe%^^^ 1 body. I It increases and enriches the t It is easily digested, and its ft* rich, nutiy malt flavour is
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    • 12 2 Woods Great Peppermint Care for all internal ocmplaioiH. Dyxentery, Coughs, Colda, etc.
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    • 626 2 ITCHING WAS SOMMjTpBLE Felt as if He Could Tear Leg Off. .Could Not Sleep. Would Wake *Up and Find Knee Covered with Blood from Awful Scratching. All Sorts of Ointments Failed. Cuticura Ointment Cured Completely. "I have b«*n aSetrd on my knee (or about two years with wbat ih.- doctor
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    • 266 2 Diamond Necklaces, Bracelets I AND Rings. Christmas in drawing near, and if yon are tbioking of tending presents to thof o dear to yon at home yon coold not do better than pay aa a visit. Tastta and opinions differ as to the kind of prevent to rend, bat no
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  • 555 3 DEJECTED MONARCH ARRIVES IN ENGLAND. King Manoel of Portugal arrived in Eng land from Gibraltar on October 19, in the English royal yacht Victoria and Albert, and landed at Plymouth^and proctedtd by train to the. home of the Duke of Orleans, the Bourbon Pretender to the throne of
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  • 237 3 International Aspect of Shipping Laws. According to the London correspondent of The Manchester Guardian, all indication)* now point to a speedy realisation of an international load line. Ever since the clause in the Merchant Shipping Act of 1894, with regard to freeboard regulations come into iffcot, observes
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  • 75 3 The Japanese Government has decided to float a big loan, the proceeds of whioh are to be devoted to the following purposes Yen 250,000,000 for the reconstruction of railways in Japan proper, yen 180,000,000 for hydraulic works, yen 100,000,* 00 for construction of railways, harbours, hydraulic works
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 969 3 Lung Trouble Gained 30 pounds in two months. 2 West View, Cottingham, Nr. Hull. Sirs, I bffr to tender you my detp Rratitude for the benefit I have derived from Anger's I'mulsum. Last July 1 m taktn wricusly ill with cniiKostion of the liui^s and was much run-down, my
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    • 91 3 CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY THE BEBT OBTAINABLE. This remedy has no superior as a onre for oolde, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of youDg children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not
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    • 574 3 HOSE PIPES Why buy Hose which quickly decays, when you can get MERRYWEATHERS High-class Brands, which last out six ordinary HOSE PIPES? Specif, "LONDON MADE" Hose. Writ* JM<r famgkU u-iH, ,>nees. MERRYWEATHER SONS, 63. LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C. establish id over 200 years. NOW IS THE CHANCE. For all
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    • 578 3 frdfm. LirEBUOY I 'A-j-HVk* Royal Disinfectant ~-^M\^^^ Soap is. a practical y-J^X^Uw^Jw, precaution for the jS^/|BP^^'^ health of man, /QltiQ\ 1 f womrm or child. Is f?'/~x\ m .J 1 specially suitable for rl W ll warm climates VA. I Ifl^^SL KEEPS THE BODY IN \^\^r health. T^^jJs*^*^^ Proprietor* 01
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 690 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P.ffO. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. Par Oblaa, Japan, Panaag, «tyiea Australia, India, Aden, Hfypt Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London Through Blllt ot Lading Issued for Onias Coast, Persian Oulf, Continental, aai Amerloat Porte Steamen will leave Singapore oa or about V— MAIL LINES, Ontaard (for Ohina) 1910 I 1911
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    • 521 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GB.LTD. A regular fortnightly aerrioe is maintained between JAPAN and BUROPB by the Company's well-known TWIH4CIIW ITlillll, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed tor the Company's Baropeaa SerTioe, lighted throughout by Hloctrioity, pro Tided with oxoellent accommodation for First and
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    • 653 4 STEAMER BAIUMB. PACIFIC MAIL STEUWHIP CO. TOYO KIBEN lAISHA. The two great tteamshlp linei betweea JHINA, JAPAN and EUROPB, via Honolulu sad Ban Franoisoo, operating the new 11,000 tons, twin screw tttamert KORKA and SIBERIA, together with the well-known •teamen OHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHURIA, NIPPON MABU, TEN YO MARU
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    • 252 4 STEAMER BAILINBS. C. P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Tn NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB TIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THH UNITBD STATUS. Roate from Hongkong Tia Shainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver. R M.S. BuPßaas or India Twinserew steamR.M.S. Empbbss
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    • 564 4 BTEJHIEK SAILINiI. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURfI. Tbt ftaamert ot thla Oompaay maintain a regular eervloe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbt Straits, Ohina and Japan Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for BremerhaTta diraet, oalllng al Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 787 4 BTEAHER SAILINIo N.D. L Norddautschar Lloyd Bremen IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINK The fast and well-know* mall ateam cf this Company sail fortnlgbty bom Bret en Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Souili ma> tan, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (eoaae >on Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, aai Tie* vt aa, Port Bald, Sues, Adea. Colombo. Penang.
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  • 163 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, November 19. High w»w ]0 57 am. S. R. E. 1 V sti-mtiog handicap, 2.80. Scottish Universities Dinner. Sunday, November ao. Hii/h Waser. 0.24 a.m.. 11 87 a.m. N. D. L. homeward mail due. Monday, November ai. High Water, 1 '2 a.m 0.20 Dm. New
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  • 158 5 TO-D4T Malacca and P. Diokson Malacca 3 r>m Bah, Maoassar, Menado, To mate. eto. Teo Pao 8 p:n Deli and A»»han Ranee S pa. Batavia, Cht.ribon and Bamarang Oiang Ann 4 pm Bangkok Kniv-berg 4 pm Kerirnun Ho Say 4 pm Onoob Glan^gi 4 pm Rhio and
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  • 118 5 Tho Imp. Oer. mail steamer Prinzess Alice left Hongkong at noon, on the 16th instant, and may be expected to arrive bera on Sunday, the 2 th instant, at 8 am. She will probably be despatched for Europe, on the following day, at noon. Lzt, Sinoapori D
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  • 394 5 Latest Arrivals. Clio, H. M. gunboat, 1070 tons, 118 crew, 6 gnns, lliM bp. Com Veale. Nov. 19. From Triogganu, Nov 17. Senior Naval Cfflcer. For l.ab::an, Nov M— Bds. Auayt, Brit str 7005 tons. Captain Jones, Nov I>. From Bombay, Nov 9. G.c mail and p P.
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  • 95 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONO PAOAR. East Wbabf Basis Adeh. East W. Ssotioii 1-Merapi, A. Apcar, Taroba. Shbbbs Wharf- N.I. Maib W. Saoi. 1 MazagoD.lslander.Chiengmai. 8- Perak. .4- Kenkon Mara. Paroo. 6- A-tyanax-Laooob Dooi 7— (Under oonstraotioo.) Wist Whabi
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  • 75 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Lady V eld, Nov. 18.— From Malacca Messrs. Edmond and Edwards. Per sttamer Taroba, Nov. 19 From Madras via ports Mr. and Mrs. E. Lvsey, Mr. B. Snull. Miss Young, Mrs E D. Lane, Mr. Machacolin and Rev. Bro. Gabriel. Per steamer Perak, Nov.
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  • 250 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SINOiPOBI, NOVIMBKR 19, 1910. On London— Bank 4 m/a 2/4 Demand 2/4<ft Private 6 m/i 2/4; do 8 m/s 2/4£} On Germany— Bank d/d 240 Private 8 m/s 244 do 6 m/« '2461 On France— Bank d/d 296 Private 8 m/s 289* do S m/i 808* On
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    • 171 5 I sane !H Value, Buyer*. Se!.ei» 10 10 BelatTin C.fO 525 10 10 Braang 5.60 600 19 10 Brunch Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kauaboi 2.00 260 £1 £1 KinUTin 16 00 16.76 £1 £1 KlodangTin 176 200 10 10 Kaantan Tin 8.00 8.25 £1 £1 Lahat Mines 8.26 8/0
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    • 623 5 Iraao !S Value Bayers. Seller* 3/- 3/- AUaKsr 4/11 6/6 2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 1.8 0 1.6.0 2/- 3/- Batang Maiaka 8/6 4/ £1 41 Batu Cavea 16.10 0 17.10.0 41 41 Batn Tiya 4.8 6 6.0.0 £1 £1 Bukit Kaj&ng '2.X.0 3.16 0 41 16/- Contributory 12/6 1.0 opm
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    • 128 5 Issue !2 Value ol Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern com Smelting 1000 10 7 8.(0 £1 £1 Eleotrio Tramway* 2/8 8/8 10 10 Fraaer Neave 27 00 80.00 100 Howarth Erskine 67.00 68.00 ICO 7% Prof. 80.C0 01 00 100 100 Kate Bro. Def. 126 00 100 100 6%
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    • 49 5 Buyers. Selleri. 1 Howarth Brskine6% 1600,000 par Riley, Hwgretve.B% •384,000 1% 8% pro HtrioT'ways 5% 4860,000 j Singapore Ma- nioipal B% 11,878,000 urn. Bayer. Helton Singapore Ma nioipal 4*% of 1907 11 «00.000 «1 Singapore Ma nioipal *i% at 1909 11.000.000 T% pn Singapore Ma nioipal 4% 1603,900
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 71 5 DO IT NOW. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. In fully nine cases out of ten the attack is simply rheomaiism of the muscles due to old or dampH. or chronic rhturuatii-m, mu hi r of vbiotl n quire any internal treatim nt The free app
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    • 503 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Nov. 21 At saleroom, wines, liquors, Bpirts, etc., at 11. Nov. 22— At saleroom, freehold land off Bnkit Timah Road, etc at 28 >. Nov. 22 At saleroom, freehold land situ ate at Kramat Road etc., at i 80. Nov. 28 At Belvedere, Anderson Rtad,
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    • 735 5 'Embassy' W. D H. 0. Wills's LATEST SMOKING MIXTURE. IN fib. PATENT AIR TIGHT TINS. Price 75 cents per tin. Obtainable tit JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. EOBINSON COMPANY. AUCTION SALE of SHARES, At Davies Co.'s Sale-room, 61, The Arcade, ON TUESDAY. NOV. 22. 1910. AT 2.15 P.M. Mergni, Ayer Molek,
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    • 49 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumental Masons. ESTABLISHED 1881. JUBT RECEIVED! New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. c Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monuments of every description. RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Best to be had in the colony. With Plumes in us«. TELEPHONE NO. 717. NO. 187, ORCHARD ROAD. 68
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  • 1204 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18. THE INCOME TAX. An income tax would be intolerable in this Colony on any other ground than that it is an imperative necessity. That it may be an imperative necessity a year henoe is, wo regret to say, qaite obvious to any one who
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  • 22 6 A rough estimate prepared by tbe Official Receiver shows the Charing Cross bank* liabilities to be -',500,0 10, and its assets .£360,000.
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  • 30 6 In connection with oar special telegram from Labaan, it is stated that the Aoglo Saxon Oil Company of London has struck oil in Borneo at a depth of 460 ft.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 as well aa 8.
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  • 17 6 The monthly handioap of tbe S RE. (V.) Shooting Club take place tomorrow at 2 80 p.m.
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  • 30 6 Five Chinamen hive been arrested on a charge of breaking into a hou-jo aod voluntarily causing hurt to the occupant, ft Bengali, with poles. The Bengali is now in hospital,
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  • 41 6 The Conservator of Forests in the F.M S. bas received permission from the Java Government to recruit one hundred soolies there, within the oourse of a year. The coolies will be employed on a Government estate at Kuala Tembeling. in Pahang.
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  • 55 6 The Batavia Nieuws van den Dag hears tbat coolie recruting in Java for Deli has not b en very brisk of late. This is mainly ascribed to the heavy demand for Javanese labour for rubber growing not only in Java but also in tbe Straits Settlements. Another reason is the
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  • 45 6 Mr. Hennikor Heaton, M. P., has sent to tbe Postmaster-General (Mr. Herbert Samuel) a list of 62 reforms which he considers are still needed in connection with tbe postal and telegrapbio servioes. He bopes, he declares, that universal penny postage will signalise the Coronation year.
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  • 54 6 The week-end changes of programme at the Albambra and Marlboroogh cinemato grapbs, to night, promise to be attractive. A number of now films will be put on in both shows, wbile at the former tbe ninth edition of Patbe'a Animated Gazette and tbe film depicting scenes in the Revolution in
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  • 57 6 On November 1, an accident occurred on board the Asiatic Company's steamer Nairung, in Madras Hsrbour, which resulted in the death of Mr. G. H. Mathieson, third officer. He was supervising tbe discharging of cargo into boats looking over the side of the vessel when a sling full of gunnies
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  • 61 6 A Chinese olerk who is employed in the Dispensary was charsed in tbe third police Ouurt, yesterday afternoon, with criminal breach of trust in respect of various sums amounting to $3,887, the property of Dr. Murray Robertson, for whom he kept accounts. E. P. C. Mairs, who prosecuted, asked for
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  • 72 6 German businessmen have established a company in Holland with the intention of ooilectine jelutong rubber at Palembang, in South Sumatra, and at Banjermassin, in Dutch Borneo. A concess on to tbat end has been applied for. The company will work up the jelutong in a factory at Soura baya. The
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  • 79 6 According to the Perak Pioneer, a diabolical murder is reported from Temerlob, where a Chinaman has been found dead. The body is in an advanoed stage of decomposition. It is believed that deceased's throat was cut. Tbe hands were sesurely tied behind de ceased's back, and the same rope was
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  • 71 6 Official returns recently published estimate the industrial capital invested in CochinChina at a little over 100 millioos francs, of which France accounts for about 43 millions. The 67 tuillions of fortign capital are mostly in the bands of Chinese Only four millions of the French capital is t-u>k in cultivation
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  • 97 6 A company bas been formed at Paris to grow rice in I ado China by up to date methods. The idea is to f jllow the system of cultivating the grain practised in the United States where machines are utilised to the utmo«t for the purpose. There is plenty of
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  • 101 6 Relatives and native officials have offered a reward of 95,000 for the arrest of tbe murderers of Mr. Chin Jin sea. Mr. Chin, says the N. C. Daily News, was well known to many of tbe foreign community. Indirectly he often gave valuable assistance to the municipal authorities, and it
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  • 121 6 Another Deli field assistant saved his life tbe other day by quickly whipping out a Browning revolver. Particulars given by the Deli Coorant of November 10 show that, on tbe Deli Muda estate, the assistant found fault with a Javanese coolie for bad hoeing and ordered him to do the
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  • 113 6 At a meeting held at 28/25, The Aroade, yesterday, Mr. Seymour Buckingham presiding, it was decided to form a syndicate with a capital' of 160,000 for the purpose of working the oil bearing property in Outoh Borneo, of whiob mention was made a few days ago. The syndicate contemplates starting
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  • 443 6 Mr. McKenna, tbe first Lord of the Admi rally, bas been operated upon for acute appendicitis. Mr. Elton Bell, tbe Municipal Veterinary Surgeon, at Penang, is in tbe general hospital there suffering from diabetes. Mr. E. Linley Sambourne, the w. II known Punch cartoonist, bat left estate
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  • 36 6 At Messrs. Powell and Co's saleroom yesterday morning a small quantity of No. 1 sheet Para rubber was sold at $280 per picul, No. 2 sheet 1215 per picul, scrap $16. r > per picut.
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  • 69 6 At a meeting of the Lower l'erak Planterb Association, held to elect a president in succession to Mr. C. P. ters, resigned, and a secretary vice Mr. A. J. Boase, who has gone to Europe, Mr. Maude was unanimously elected president, with Mr. Dell as vice
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  • 74 6 All those interested in tbe forthcoming St. Andrew's Ball, are reminded tbat the second and last practice dance takes place in the Memorial Hall on Monday afternoon, at 6.15. This afford* tbe last opportunity of polishing up the reels aod Caledonians to the strains of the regimental
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  • 74 6 Two Dutch gentlemen, Messrs. Pisuisse and Blokzyl, have arrived from Netherlands India, preparatory to taking a tour round tbe world. Wbile here thi y propose to demonstrate their vocal abilities in a series of national folk *ong«, particularly German and English, at the Dutch Club n«xt Monday
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  • 78 6 The Right Reverend C. H. Brent, Bishop of the Philippines for the Episcopal Church, who has been in Washington visiting before bis departure for Manila, was the guest of President and Mrs. Taft at dinner on the 2nd inst. Bishop Brent and the President disonesed
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  • 91 6 An Imperial Edict has been published granting the opening of Parliament in the filth year of the reign of His Majesty Hsuan Tung. The Edict states that tuo people are still unprepartd for such an important epoch and further that theie are financial difficulties in tbe way. It
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 113 6 ALHAMBRA Electric Theatre (OPPOSITE RAFFLES HOTEL). Have you Been the Latest Topical 1 II not here is your opportunity. REVOLUTION IN PORTUGAL. SCENES AFTER THE BOMBARDMENT. FUNERAL OF TWO HEROES. POPULACE UNDER ARMS, ETC AMD Pathe'B Animated Gazette Ninth Edition. also AN ORIGINAL CROSSCOUNTRY RUN NINO. Organised by Max Linder.
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  • 59 7 GREAT DELIGHT OF AMERICAN BLUEJACKETSThey Cheer the Combatants. [Rbdtbr's Teleoram.) London, November 19. The Suffragettes have raided the police barriers at Westminster. A large contingent of American blue jackets watched tbe scene and were intensely amused. They cheered the combatants. Eventually Parliament Square was cleared by tbe
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  • 75 7 i STATEMENT BY MR ASQUITH IN PARLIAMENT. Date of the Dissolution Fixed. [Rbutbr's Telboram I London, November 19. Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith said he had hopnd to tbe last that tbe Conforenoe would roach a settlement. It was useless now to attempt a settlement
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  • 79 7 A DREADNOUGHT ORDERED IN ENGLAND. To Mark Sincerity of Alliance, j llUutek's Telegram.] London, November 19. .lapan has given a contract to Vickers. Maxim for a Dreadnought cruiser whioh will be over 27,000 tons, and will cost 2} millions sterling. i It is stipulated that overy pait,
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  • 88 7 TROOPS CROSS FRONTIER AT JULFA. Persian Protest Curtly Answered. iBIDTII'I TSL«U*AM.| London, November 18. Teheran message says that in view of the rrrort that a hundred Russian troops had cross* ,j tin. frontier at Julfa, tbe Persian Minister protested against tho despatch of this fresh force, and
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  • 27 7 IRbcter's Telboram.] London, November 18. A Denver message says that Ralph Johnstone, tbe altitu io record holder, fell eight hundred foot and was killed.
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  • 25 7 Dkr Ost. siatiscub Lloyd Tbleoram.] BerliD, November 18. Count Tolstoi in suffering from heart failure, but tho case is not considered hope* less.
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  • 33 7 Dkr Ostasiatischk Lloyd Tki.koram Berlin, November 18. At the departure of General Von DerGoltz from Constantinople he reoeivod an ovation and there were cries of return from tbe crowd-
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  • 16 7 Dkk Ohtaoiatiscuk Lluyd Telboram Berlin, November 18. Thru Anglo-German friendship associations have been amalgamated.
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  • 27 7 I'ki. ONMMSbWM Lloyd Tklegkam] BerliD, November 18. The Kaitier is now in Berlin. He goes to Kiel very soon, and thereafter to Siiesia for bunting.
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  • 41 7 Navigating Lieutenant Severely Censured. [Kictib'b Tilboram.] London, November 18. Mr. Dixie, the navigating lieutenant of the cruiser Bedford, has been dismissed bis ship aud severely reprimanded for suffering her to become stranded by default. He was acquitted of negligence.
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  • 21 7 I Dkr Ostasiaeiscoe Lloyd Tklk<,kam. Berlin, November 18. A German military mission is going to Bolivia in December.
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  • 323 7 Instruction in Japanese Language Provided in London A number of clever young men are going out to the Far East from Hackney to deve lop British trade and commerce in the countries around the Pacific, says a home paper. This fact is mentioned in tbe account
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  • 212 7 A Diplomatic Question Between China and Japan. A remarkable story is communicated to tbe Asahi by a Mukden dispatch. The other day, according to this report, two Cbinese policemen attached to the Japanese police force in Mukden called at the German Consulate at Mukden to inquire how
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  • 195 7 A Knock Over the Knuckles for Local Employers. Commenting on the Madras Season and Crop Report last year, the Board of Revenue state There is little doubt that, if employers. of agricultural labour would only allow their landless employee to participate much more largely in their
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  • 81 7 The Agent-General for Tasmania (Hon. Dr. McCall) has denied a report that the Australian destroyers Yarra and Parramatta, recently in Singapore, have been stokered by British bluejackets owing to the men from the Comnrnn wealth being unacquainted with oil iuel. He shows that the Australians are quite capable
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  • 539 7 SAD ENDING TO A SHORT ILLNESS. Social Functions Postponed. Shortly after six o'clock yesterday evening, the sad intelligence reached Singapore that Major A. M. .Caylev. of tbe Royal Garrison Artillery, Blakan Mati, had succumbed to the illness with which be bad been confined to hospital for the
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  • 342 7 Break up Landau in Waiting for Mr Asquith. There were uproarious scenes at Aberdeen University on October 26, owing to the skylarking of students on Mr. A?quith's visit to deliver his rectorial address. The noise and interruption were confined to a small number of students at the back
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  • 130 7 The Mala; Mail, of the 16th inst., state*. Last Thursday evening, when the B. I. steamer Kistna was in mid-stream at Port Swettenham, after leaving her moorings, a Chinese agreement coolie, a passenger, jumped overboard. He was able to swim and struck out for tbe shore. A iumpß"
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  • 1433 7 THE INCOME TAX ORDINANCE INTRODUCED. Applicable to Incomes of $100 Per Month and Over. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held, yesterday afternoon, at wbioh the Oovernor, Sir John Anderson, G. 0. M. G presided. There were also present the Offioer Commanding the Troops, Major General T.
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  • 797 7 Reports, Dividends and Company Notices. The London and China Express of October 28, says I —The market for Para is very quiet and little business is reported, but prices have been fairly steady. Hard Fine on the spot and forward in all positions closes 6s. lOd. value,
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  • 1492 7 PRINCIPAL POINTS OF THE MEASURE. To Take Effect in 1912 Elsewhere in this issue is a rrport of tbe remarks made at yesterday's meeting of the Legislative Council by the acting Colonial Secretary in introducing the foreshadowed income-tax bill. It is proposed tbat the measure shall take
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  • 390 8 Presumption of His Drowning off Sumatra. Mr. II \rvi-v Murphy applied in the Probate Division, on October 24, to presume the death of Sir Claude Robert Campbell, Bart., on or since July 25. 1900. From counsel's statrtnent it appeared that Sir Claude wax born in May.
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  • 202 8 Shop Assistant Gets £40 to Act as Temporary Husband. Miss Eugenic Adams, of Washington, does not want a hatband but, so a home paper declared, does want a large legacy to which ehe would be entitled when married, under the will of an uncl« who died
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  • 73 8 A fire took place on tbe P and O. steamer Bimaiay i caused by the fusion, on installation, of a refrigerator, state" a Bombay wire of Novtmber 9. Tbe outbreak took two hours to extinguish. A Lumber of officer* and men of the vessel, who went
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  • 321 8 Increase in Importation of Modern Vehicles A correspondent writes:— The Suroga, which am vert last week from New York, and tbe Ksga Miru and Benerty from London this week, carried laree coot-ignments of motor oars int-nded fir Singapore and oatlying ports, among them being touring cars,
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  • 402 8 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, November ao.) Sunday Next Betosk Advent. 7 a.m. Matins and Litany. First Lesson Eoolesi*«tes XI and XII. Second Lesson Hebrews XII. Hymn 7.46 a m —Holy Communion (Choral). lotrnit Adlam. Sfrvioe Smart. Hymns 821, 819 Adlam and 824 Adlam. 9.15 am— Holy Co-imunion iPlain).
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  • 84 8 It is rumoured in Tokii that the Japanese Government is inve-it>ga'.iog the new tariff and its ffoct upon foreiga trade relations with the view of introducing a revised draft for tbe con-iid. -la'.ion of tbe Imperial Diet. The step is *aid to be i he outcome of strong
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  • 827 8 Prices Quoted la the Market Ibis Morning. Singapore, November 19th, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, Issue the following list ol quotations this morning i Norn. Value. Bayer* Bellrrs. 3/. Allagar 410 6/1J 3/- Option! 3 8 5 41 Anglo- Java 11.3 10,8 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 55 8 'Tig obvious to common cense U h no fooli-h n< tion Wi i.i i I ft Kj- iv of del- orn Uu land kH wt V v on au t DeK me sitaiLßS the optn f c, And all ios>dio s Hir«i>K ra Tl.c Pipptroiiot Cure of Woods and Co.
      55 words
    • 40 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COO LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not npset the btomach and is unrivalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tonic for bunding up the sjbtem. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 AND $2.00
      40 words
    • 45 8 GROUP. Not a minute should be lost when a obild shows 'jmptomi of cronp. ChamberlaiuV Cough H- medy given as soon as the child btc we* hoarse, or even afttr tbe croup) ooutih appears, will prevent tbe attack, for sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      45 words
    • 277 8 THE BARBER'S UNION Of Montreal, Canada. I fif/JAI MP. EDWARD BOUSQUET. PE-RU-NA SCORES Another Triumph In Canada. President Edward Bousquet Lauds In Glowing Words. Mr. Edward Boiuqnet, 948 a Panet •treet, Montreal, Can., president of Barber's International Union, Local ■55, writes: ■'For several years I have Buffered from catarrh. I
      277 words
    • 535 8 Raffles H§f| Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER To-Night. POSTPONEMENT. There will be NO Performance of "The Magistrate," at the Victoria Theatre, TO-NIGHT. First Performance WILL TAKE PLACE ON Tuesday, November 22 Tickets issued for To-night will hold good for that date. J. HENRY, Hon. Secretary, S.A.D C. MARLBOROUGH Cinematograph, BBAOH ROAD. The
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 526 9 BOARD AND LOOSIN6 BOARD MID RESIDENCE. Board and apartments for single gentlemen at 11, Dhoby Ghaut. Terms Moderate 216 A BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Famished rooms witb or witbont board. Terms moderate. Apply 21, Sophia Road. 2610 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Rooms with a private family. House nioely situated and close to
      526 words
    • 511 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET OR FOR SALE. No. 8.1, Barker Road, with immediate entry. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. MOTOR CAR FOR BALE. Two-seated Runabout. Four cylinder. Apply, Pick, c o Straits Times. d.2787 FOX TERRIERS FOR SALE. A few very select, Hij?h clans,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 732 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Head Office t Shanghai: Registered nnder tbe Lite Auuranoe Companies Acts, England, and nnder tbe Hoigkong Ordinanoea. pfmmom Q|s OOMPANY Twelfth Voar). Total Insurance in force $87,868,88 a. Total Asuetß 8,415,249. Total Fonda 8.216,812. Total Inoome tor Year 3,66e,8»7. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST.
      732 words
    • 530 10 BANKING, CHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. a "KPORATKD BT BOYAk UQAKTBR fit* ap Capital la MOM Share* at •Meaoa C1.100.0W tasarvi Foai .|l 800.00 C tenm (liability ot Proprietor! aiifOO.OOC BABXEBB Bank ol Kag'.aaa. ■aMoaal Baak ot 600.L.4 Ck« ftoatoa Oily MldUal Baak kit BIMOAPOKE BKASOH. Otuisat Aeoouatt
      530 words
    • 576 10 BANKING, THE BZE HAI TONO UNKING ANO INSURANCE CO., LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREE Established 1907. i I Capital paid op 11,000,C00 0O 1 Reaerve liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tax Tbck Joon 6. Sim Ku Jan 2. Nam Kirn Sbxo 7. Tbo 800 Lai
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    • 1037 10 BALE 3 BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Chuigi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage md containing an arr a of 443 ACRES planted with about 85,000 cocoanut trees, fully ;rown, and about 60,000
      1,037 words

  • 806 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Writing in tbe Standard, recently Mr. Oerald Biss says The great eveut of the we*k has been the arrival vi the long overdue Clement- Bayard dirigible airship from France and there is no questioning tbe importance of tbe feat Moreover, it has
    806 words
  • 317 11 Native Dealers Accused of Not Playing the Game. The last quarter of this disastrous year has opened more auspiciously than might have bt on expected, says Messrs. Noel Marray, of Shanithai, seeing the litUo that baa actually been dooe to straighten oat the unfortunate ■saddle into 'which the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 361 11 Wo understand tbat some firm is giving out statement)), which, if not carefnlly Uf A I Arir If tbonßht oot ma y m"-' 6 11 nd w0 Sole Agents i W 11 1 Sr Lc I wonld take tl UnpportuDity of informing W the buying public that the do»igner of
      361 words
    • 16 11 Frr all internal complaints. Dy*eM«ry, Cong*!*, Coldß, itc, take Woods' Oieat It ii itu im Care.
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    • 547 11 Do You Want To Read The Story of Your Own Life Famous Psychic Off .rs To Send A Full 2 Page Analysis Of One's Character To All Who Are Interested In This Science. People In All Walks Of L fe Consult Him And Praise His Work As Remarkably Accurate. Many
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    • 45 11 MOTORS Singer's Motor Co. f Ltd., Coventry Vans, Lorries, Char-a-bancs, etc. Commercial Car Co., Ltd., Luton Sole Agents: Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. YAMATO'S Xmas Show. CARDS Sc CALENDARS FOR 1911, ALSO AN EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF JAPANESE GOODS SUITABLE FOR Xmas Presents. 3STO. 41. HIQ-H STREET.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 442 12 WANTS. ANGLO-CHINESE FREE SCHOOL. Lady teachers nquind be the Primary clastrs. Apply to the Principal. ■21u> ROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. mm DISPENSER WANTED. Wanted, qualifiod Dispenser for a Dispensary iv the Straits. Send
      442 words
    • 440 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Suite of oommodious and well-appointed offices on the ground floor of No. 8, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light and fans. ADply to Messrs. Powell Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan k Co., Raffles Place. u162 OFFICEB TO LET. Whole of
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    • 473 12 NOTICES. PANTAI. LIMITEDNOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES. Messrs Derrick A Co, have now been appointed Secretaries of the above Company. Ml communications should be addressed to DERRICK CO., Greeham House, 2781 Singapore. PAJ AM. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHAN6E OF SECRETARIES. Mcssrß Derrick and Co. have now been appointed Secretaries of
      473 words
    • 619 12 NOTICES. TRAFALGAR LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHAN6E OF SECRETARIES. Messrs. Paterson, Simons >v Co., Ltd., have been appointed Secretaries of the above Company, as from 17th November, 1910. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. Singapore, November 16, 1910. 2772 JIMAH RUBBER [STATES. LTD. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF BECRETARIEB. Notice is hereby given
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    • 544 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 108 .t 109, Market Stroet. NOTICEOur next rubber auction will take place in about 10 days time. Consignments intended for sale should reach us during this week. H. L. COGHLAN k CO., u2748 Auctioneers. TENDERB INVITED. Tenders
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    • 528 12 NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the Assessment List containing the annual valuation of and amount of assessment to be leviod on, all houses, buildings and lands situated within the Municipality of Singapore for the year 1911, is op<-n to the inspection of Ratepayers at the Municipal Offices,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 241 12 Straits Tsimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane ouh wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of |1 nor font lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not ezoeeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.o. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Scalb Ratbs
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