The Straits Times, 18 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.418 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1910. PRICE 10 CBNTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 254 1 D, I J. McCallam's PERFECTION WHISKY. •4LBBEGK. MACBREfIOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS,, LD, Phillips and Sons BENT STEEL, FIRE, FALL ft THIEF RESISTING SAFES With Solid Steel Doors and i aside locked Drawer. Fitted with best Lever, Powier Prooi Locks. In Four Size*. SUPERIOR AUSTRIAN FIRE ft BURGLAR PROOF SAFES.
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    • 91 1 Robinson Co. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Evening Dress Materials Opera Cloaks AND EVENING SHOES. Robinson Co. i AUSTRALIAN PURE CREAM Jresft ffiutter. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO. SPECIAL NOTICE W OUR PATCONS. KongHing Cheong 4 Co., No. 101, Adilphi Hotel Bcildisos. A Place In which to make a Choice from a Collection
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    • 6 1 Boiiinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MACGREGOR AND COMPANY.
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  • 1002 2 EXPERTS LECTURE BEFORE HONGKONG AUDIENCE. International Standards Described. Mr. Howard Riohard, jr., of New York, a gentleman who has made the metric system a bobby and has voluntarily given a great deal of time and thought to its universal adoption, recently passed through Singapore, bnt as he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 112 2 VANA Tonic Wine THE IDEAL INVIGORATOR FOR BODY, NERVE AND BRAIN The vitalising effect of its blood' enriching constituents becomes evident after the first few doses. Appetite is restored, digestion is aided, strength and energy return and the colour of health is restored to the cheeks. OF ALL CHEMISTS See
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    • 91 2 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY THE BEBT OBTAINABLE. This remedy has no superior as a core for colds, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of yonng children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Cotwh Remedywan always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not only
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    • 572 2 ▼Greatest of all Tonics p A Proven Remedy lor all Serve g\ j^Ajjj^S (j MARTIN'H JTmlforLadlegJ g~g LLJ v «■■■■■> f#t «1j <mtfni»rl«l«* llflMNt kMp boi af Mart ti I P>|fc> la tb*> bou*. *«t am UM Hjr tfuUrity jf IK* Sjrstsa nmry a«K CHARLES HEIDSIECK'S White Seal Champagne Sole
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    • 753 2 1 Mm \mmmmmy mmmmmMi^. His Best Defence. 0 A well-known professor of Ju-Jitsa, after suffering from Malaria and Nervous Disorders, Is CI'RED BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. One of tbe most able exponents of .lv Jitsn the Japanese art of self ilefence-is Mr. W. H. Collingridge, prinoipal of tbe celebrated
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  • 909 3 SIR H. TREE'S TRIBUTE TO SARAH BERNHARDT. Remarkable Scene. Sarah Bernhardt is a great creators Tbe exclamation came from Sir Herbf rt Tree, in tbe early bonrg one morning, recently writes A H. in 1 be Evening Standard, and it struck tbe keynote of an occasion which
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  • 119 3 The latest news of the wreck of the I'ortuKuese liner Lisbon, which was carrying 250 passengers to South Africa, reveals another sase of heroism on the part of the wireless telegraph operator and one which for spectacular though modest bravery eclipses the heroic performance of duty
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 276 3 "CLOVER' BRAND fßljll Sterilized Milk. Mfclftaßaafll|P?39 SOLE iGENTSi I THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., m9^^ The Arcade, Singapore. T. NAGAI CO. Just Arrived: nSTZETW C3-OO3DS COMPRISING Curios, Artwares.Xmas Cards, Calendars, etc, FROM JAPAN. zl>tow onsr view. Visitors are cordially invited to inspect oar Goods whether they intend purchasing or not.
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    • 43 3 CROUP. -Not a minute should be lost when a child fliowb symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as tbe child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent tbe attack. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 372 3 Persian Nerve Essence liafamou ttMtmant for norrou. .iehilit,, tl*«plmd«h, impaired digMtlon, weak memorr. or»rworS and all mental and phjuc.l axh&ution. Fer.ian Nerr. Kwinco clear, th. brain, .tr«n«th.n. the circulation and impart, a magnatlo T:((ottr to th. whola bain*. All drain, and loua. ara permanently .topped. The preparation come, in a
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    • 159 3 The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of 111.. Milkmaid! I Full Cream Milk (j^H^BW IS THE HALL-MARK OF PERFECT PURITY Jy'loMl and C uararite 9 of Highest Quality. PJL* I UNTOUCHED BY HAND. The Original and Best. I (|^_LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. JJ Sold by all Druggists principal Provision Dealers. 1910
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 699 4 STEAMER BAIUJWB. PTSfO. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. Car China, Japan, Psnang. Beyl»a. Australia. India, Aden, Bfyat. .Wedlterranean Part*, Plymouth and London. Through Bills ot Lading Issued for Ohias Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, Bad Amerloan Ports. Pteamera wUI leave Singapore oa or aboot MAIL LINES. Outward [for 0Mn») 1910 I 19" Assave
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    • 516 4 STEsJER 8/MLIHBS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GB.LTO. A regular fortnightly aerrioe is maintained belweTa JAPAN ajid BUROPB by the Company's woll known TWIW-SCKBW ITIIIIBS, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Qoverniaont, speoially designed tor the Company's Boropeaa Sorvioe, lighted throughout by Bleetrioity, providod with exoollent aooommodation for First and
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    • 629 4 BTEAHEH BAILIHIB, PACIFIC WUL STEAMSHIP CB. AMD TOYO KIBEN UISHJL The bwo great stsamabip llnea betweea OHINA, JAPAN aad BUROPB. Tia Hoooluln sad Baa Franoisoo, operating Ibe new 11,000 torn, iwin-aorew steamers KOREA sad 9IBBRIA, together with the well- known iteamera CHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHDRIA, HIPPOS MABU, TBHTO MABU
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    • 256 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMBHIP LINE. Ta NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB TLA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THH UNITED STATBS. Route from Hongkong Tia Sbaingbai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotoria and Vanoouver. R.M.S. Bmpmss or India Twin screw steamR.M.S. KiiPßßssor
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    • 563 4 BTEAM« SAILIMit HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tas ateamera ot this Oompaay maintain a regular aervtoe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Botterdam, and Ihe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are deapatobed fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for BremerhaTsa direol, oalling at Penang asd Colombo. Taking
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    • 787 4 BTEAMEH BAILIHIB. N. D. L. Norddeutschar Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and wall-kaowa mall ataaau: ol this Company sail fortnlghly from Bter en Hamburg, Tia Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boatkimn toa, Gibraltar, Genoa, Haplea (aoaaad on MaraeiUea, Naplea, Alexaadrta, Bad Tioe »a aat Port Said, Sues, Adea, Colombo, Penang.
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  • 185 5 FIXTURES. Friday, November 18. High Water, 10.21 am.. 11.39 p.m. Legislative Council, 2 80. P. and O. outward mail doe. 8. Philharmonic Orobestra, 8.30. Saturday, November 19. High Water, 10 67 a m. Gymkhana, Racecourse, 2.80. S. K. E. (V.) shootiDg handicap, 2.80. ScoMimli Uoivemities Dinner. The
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  • 244 5 To-Day Penang and Calcutta A. Apcar 8 pm K. Pahang, Pekan and Tieacgann Abbatsford 8 pm Sourahnya Bali, Ampanan and Marassat Teresa S ,>m Malacca and Mnar Lady Weld 8 pm Malaooa, Po-t Diokeon, P. Swnttenham and Telok Anson Selaneor 8 pm Deli Menggala i pm Banrijermaspin
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  • 135 5 Tb« P. and O ootward mail steamer Assaye left Peoani; at 9.80 a.m. yesterday, and may be expeoted to arrive here to-day, at 3 p m. Tbe Imp. Ger. mail steamer Prinzess Alice left Hongkong at noon, on tbe 16tn instant, and may be expeoted to arrive
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  • 441 5 Uteit Arrival!. Arcntlia. Brit str, :i"i 3 tona Opt Brarham, Niv 17. From Shanghai. Nov Q.o. Mail and p. t\ and O. Cny. Kor Bombay Nov 18. ArraUnm Apear. Brit str 2931 tons. Captain Tbomas, Nov 17. Kr m M iji, Nov 1. Go and i"'i d.p. Pat
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  • 106 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To Day. TANJONG PAOAR (Cast Wh*bf Bu-m— Adeh. East W. Sbotiod 1- M<.rapi, A. Apcar, Dilwara. BHBBas Wham— Nil. Mai» W. Sbot. I Islander, a a .I— Chiergmai. a a 4— Kenkun Mara. a fr-Nil. a n
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  • 282 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Aroadia, Nov. 17. From Kobe: Mr. H. H Millar; from Shanghai W. J Le«i«, C. Muk Hio and T. Sbing Ying; from Hongkong: Re<r. and Mri>. Archibald, Rev. and Mrs. Higeins, Mow-rs. F J Walton, A. A. Jongh M M. Lnobioger, R. Rodgtrs
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  • 253 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SINOAPOM, NOVIMBBK 18, 1910 On London— Bank 4 m/a 2/4 .fr Demand 2/4 vw Private 8 m/a 2/4J do 8 m/s 2/4 1 J Oft Germany Bank d/d 240 Private 8 m/a 244 do 8 m/i 246 i On Franca— Bank d/d 296 Private 8 m/s 299}
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    • 166 5 Iwue IS Value. Buyers. Se!!eri 10 10 BelatTin e.fO 525 10 10 Bruang 6.60 600 10 10 Brunch Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 200 260 £1 £1 KintaTin 1800 16.76 £1 £1 KledangTin 176 300 10 10 Kuantan Tin 800 8.25 £1 £1 Lahat Mine* 8.26 8/0 £1 £1
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    • 617 5 [Mac 3 Paloe Bayers. Sellers. 1/. 2/- Alla«ar 4/11 6/0 8/. a/- Anglo- Malay 1.89 1.6 3 1/. 2/. Batang Malaka 8/3 4/- pm Cl JBl Batu Caves 10.10.0 17 10.0 £1 £1 Batn Ti((a 480 6 0.0 Cl £1 Bnkit Kajang 2.10 0 2.10 0 61 16/- Contributory
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    • 126 5 ■ane S r'alno (J Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern nom. Smelting 1000 10 7 6.(0 £1 41 Electric Tramways 2/8 8/0 10 10 Frauer A Neave 27 00 80.00 100 Bowartb Erskine 67.00 68.00 ICO 7% Prel. 60X0 01 00 100 100 Katz Bro. Defc 126 00 100 100
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    • 53 5 Bayers. Sellers. Howarth BrskineB% |r500,000 par Riley, Har Kreaves 6% 1'i84,000 1% 8% pre B trioTwaya t% X860.000 Sinnpore Ma. nioipal 6% 11,878,000 aom. Bnyera Sellan Singapore Mo nioipal 4,% of 1007 11,600,000 1% pte Singapore Ma nioipal «i% of 1900 11,000,000 T% 9% att Singapore Mo nioipal 4%
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 Woods Great Ptppeimint Core for all internal complaints. Dynontery, Congba, Colds, etc.
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    • 305 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Nov. 21 At saleroom, wines, liquors, spirt", etc., at 11. Nov. 22 At saleroom, freehclu land off Bokit Timah Road, etc at 23 Nov. 22 At saleroom, freehold land situ ate at Kramat Road etc at i 80. Nov. 20 At Belvedere, Andersen Rnad, Tanglin,
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    • 725 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. ARCHIBALD CURRIES AUSTRALIAN ft INDIAN LINE BINGAPORE TO JAVA PORTS. MELBOURNE AND SYDNEY. iLSO TAKING CARGO FOR OTHBB AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND PORTS (with transhipment) M induoement offers.. A regular five weekly Bervioe is maintained ay the two British steamers Baryalns," ),670 tons, (Captain Lyon Instone) and Graocbas
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    • 411 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP LINES, LTD. UtERICMI-MANCHURIMt LINE. To the Pbillipines. S.S. KATUNA, will be despatched from Singapore about 10th December. To be followed by S.S. -KIOTO" for Honpkoag, Shanghai and Japanese ports on 20th Deoembe^ For further information regarding friegbt, eto., apply to McALISTER A Co., Ltd., AGENTS. 2209
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    • 47 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, Undertakers and Monumental Masons. ESTABLISHED 1881. JUBT RECEIVED: New Goods ol Superior Quality and Finish. Marbles, Metallic Wreaths, etc. Monuments of every description. RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES The Bent to be had in the colony. With Plumes in n*». TELEPHONE NO. 717. NO. 187, ORCHARD ROAD.
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  • 1020 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. WHAT IS BEING DONE We are not impatient in regard to the action that should be taken by the Government on the report of the Municipal Commission. It takes a good deal of time to investigate the legal aspects of such cases as the
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  • 16 6 A bouse boy, employed at a residence in Tanglin, has committed suicide by takiog rat poison.
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  • 15 6 Sixteen American battleships have left Boston and Philadelphia on a visit to England and France.
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  • 22 6 There will be a matinee at the circus tomorrow, commencing at 4 p.m., children under 12 admitted half price to all parts.
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  • 26 6 A telegram from the Macao Boundary Society baa created a sensation in Peking. The general idea is in favour of China getting back Macao for herself
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  • 25 6 Petitions are being drafted for the commutation of Crippen's sentence. The execution is fixed for November 23. He was sentenced to death on October 22.
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  • 29 6 A lascar, who was charged at Honpkcng with assaulting the third offict r of the Breconshire and also with refusing duty, was convicted and sentenced to eighteen weeks' imprisonment.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on [age S as well as 8.
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  • 31 6 Tbe Farman airship purchased by tbe committee of tbe Military Airship Association bas arrived in Japan and is arousing a great deal of interest in circles not immediately concerned with aviation.
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  • 39 6 Tbe minimnm charge for the conveyance of a motor car by railway in the F. M. S. will for tbe future be 14, and all motor-cars conveyed by railway launches between Penang and Prai will be at owner's risk.
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  • 35 6 After holding five meetings on the queuecutting question, tbo Grand Secretariat, Peking, cuuld come to no di finite decision, and Princes Tsai Hsun and Tsai Tbo have requested the Empress Dowager to settle tbo question.
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  • 38 6 Tbe Glensbiel Kibb*r Estates Company have completed the sale of tix tons of their No. 1 rubber, deliveries evenly dUtriLuxd throughout the year 1911 in Colombo, at R*. 4.65 (equivalent to about Bb. 6d. per lb. London terms).
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  • 35 6 A four-storeyed warehouse, belonging to a Liverpool warehouse company, and contain ing seven hundred bales of otton and oilcake, has been practically gutted by lir--The outbreak is supposed to have been due to spontaneous combutstion.
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  • 40 6 It is stated in Penang tbat the Straits Steamship Company have chartered the Hebe (Captain Willes) and will put her on the Penang-Tongkih run in place of tbo Malacca (Captain Upton) wbiob will probably take up a west coast run.
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  • 45 6 It is officially stated, says the N. C. Daily News, that tbe reported contracts with American firms for the building of Chinese men of- war have not been arrangtd, and it is now considered improbable tbat tbe work will be given to the United States.
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  • 43 6 A Chinese censor has reported that tbe Press is tbe source of helpful information to tbe revolutionists and tbat its contributions come from tbe pens of many undesirable people. The Civil Board has been ordered by Imperial Edict to see into this matter.
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  • 41 6 At Shanghai, on November 9, while tbe Health Officers were working in tbe plague infected district they were mobbed and stoned. Owing to tbe threatening attitnde of tbe natives the work of plague suppression bas in tbe meantime been partially stopped.
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  • 49 6 A Hylam chauffeur was haled before tbe second magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of driving a motor-car in a rash and ni> 1 gent manner and thereby causing hurt to a Cbicaman in Beach Road. The bearing of evidence was postponed till 24th inst bail being fixed at *500.
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  • 53 6 It is rumoured, says the Naval and Military Gazette, that the China squadron is shortly to be reorganized, and will probably be composed of two large armoured cruisers, and four or cix of tbe Town type. Early next year it is expected that the Monmoutb will be relieved by one
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  • 45 6 Albert Edward Brown, formerly Superintendent of the Government Garden at Allahabad, has been sentenced by the Sessions Judge of Allahabad to six months' rigorous imprisonment on a charge of criminal breach of trust with reference to a sum of Us. 8,000 belonging to the Government.
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  • 64 6 A constable arrested two men at Guilford beca jsc they wore military boots and changed step in military fashion. They proved to be ii. ptrters from the Manchester K igiment at Kumptee, Central India, which lift on Sep Umber 20. They travelled wichout railway tickets to Bombay and came to
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  • 73 6 Prinoe Tsai Hsun bas personally memorialised tbe Throne to the effect that, after returning from bis tour abroid, he has come to tbe conclusion tbat in the Army, Navy, Civil administration and Imperial politics China stands far behind other nations, and that if changes and reforms be not im mediately
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  • 79 6 At tbe Chester Assizes on October 25, at the trial of Mark Wilde, an ex-soldier, on a charge of having murdered George Storrs at Gorse Hall, in Cheshire, Mrs. Storre, widow of the murdered man, said that tbe prisoner was very like the man who made the fatal attack upon
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  • 79 6 A rather well-known character, designated in the charge book as A. Mitchell alias MaoDuff, appeared in the second police court, to day, accused of issuing cheques, knowing that be had no bank account. The complainants were Messrs. Maynard and Co., to whom accused bad given a cheque for 830. The
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  • 84 6 The annual church meeting of the Prinsep Street Baba church was held yesterday, and was presided over by the Rev. W. Murray. Reports of the church's work for last year were read and shewed an improvement both spiritually and financially. An enjoyable programme was then gone through, in which Mr.
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  • 75 6 The Singapore Towing and Lighterage Company bankruptcy matter advanoed another stage to day, when it was again mentioned to Mr. Justice Fisher, in the Supreme Court. The affidavits which had been ordered to bo filed were now ready, and Messrs. Lpcott and Braddell, who are the counsel concerned, suggested tbat
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  • 388 6 Mr. and Mrs. Brockma'n are expected from home about December 2. Mr. R. K. Shibbs is at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hrewster ai lUtu C.ijah. It is reported that Mr. F. J. Weld will succeed Mr. R. C. Grey a* Secrttary to Resident, S
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  • 114 6 A telegram received from Bangkok on Wednesday announced the death there of Mr. A. L. Chittenden, frcm cholera. Mr. Chittenden was formerly well known here, he having been with Metxrs. Stiven and Co. for a number of years. When that firm was merged into
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  • 106 6 Tbo mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the Registrar of Births and Doatbs, show that during tbe week ending November 12, tbere were Hi deaths, giviDg a ratio per mille of population of 44.26. Malarial fever accounted for 51 death?, phthisis 33, convulsions 15, beriberi 29, bronchitis
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  • 140 6 The publication of Mr. W. G. Stirling's Shadows in the Malay Peninsula bappunß very opportunely, coming ai it does at a time when the public mind is tortured with the problem of the Christmas present. Its contents represent a variety of the many types of humanity in
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  • 146 6 It is rumoured tbat a commission will (shortly be appointed to enquire into the condition of the F. M. S. police force and the grounds for recent complaints. According to the Ferak Pioneer, the grievances, nnder which the officers and men suffer, aro, in tha
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 73 6 Bouton Rouge Obtainable at C *•■**■'*'<* fe^. and JOHN LITTLE E yptlan c are M ROBINSON CO., LTD.. "AND CO. kind FKUVi-A mm an o( perfect ,|w.lit)r bui lull- iml.irr f Visit LITTLE'S Grand Xmas Bazaar FOR AN UNRIVALLED DISPLAY OF TOYS AND NOVELTIES. DAIMLER "SILENT KNIGHT" CARS 1911 Models.
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    • 167 6 ALHAMBRA Grand Changs of Programme TG-NI6HT Revolution IN Portugal LAST ECHOES OF THE PORTUGUESE EVENT* SCENES AFTEK THE BOMBARDMENT IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL PROCESSION OF 2 HEROES, ETC Circuit of the East of France, 1910. In 8 Pts And many other Fine Films to Educate and Amuse. DON'T FORGET Patlie's Animated Gazette
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  • 88 7 THE OUTRAGE AT A CONSULATE EXPLAINED. Consul a Persian Subject. [Rboter's Telegbam.] London, November 17. Teheran messages report tbat Russia has demandod an apology and other reparation for the alleged insult to a Russian Consular agent and to tho fl»g at Kashan, doe to Bakhtiriz entering a
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  • 43 7 Germany, France, and England Associated [DebOstasiatiscue Lloyd Telegram.] Berlin. November 17. Tbe Novoe Vremya says tbat a committee for building a railway from Earope via Persia to India is being formed. Financiers and engineers from Germany. France, and England are participating.
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  • 44 7 May be Finished in Five Years. [Rioter's Telegram.] London, November 18. A New York message says tbat 125 members of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, who have inspected the Panama works, say that the canal can be finished in five years.
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  • 95 7 [RIUTIB'S TILIGKiM. London, November 17. A St. Petersburg telegram announces the death of Count Tolstoi. London, November 18. The news of Tolstoi's death was based upon a telegram to Prince Obolensky, and it proves to be a mistake. His condition is somewhat more favourable. Deb Ostasiatischi
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  • 44 7 I Rioter's Tklegram.| London, November 18. While a train with tixty men was being hauled up from a Bristol colliery, the rope Hnappt d a_d tbe train dashed to the bottom. All tbe men were injured and three are already dead.
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  • 27 7 Di ■Om \«iatim h k Lloyd Tblei.kam.j Berlin, November 17. News from Venice and Trieste cays tbat tbe spring tides are causing considerable damage.
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  • 18 7 (Die Ostasutischi Lloyd Tbleobam.] Borlin, November 17. The Czar and Czarina have arrived at St. Petersburg.
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  • 24 7 Deb Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telegbam.| Berlin, November 17. A meeting of the Council of the Austrian Empire has been called for November M,
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  • 100 7 Large Quantity of Tins in Bonded Warehouse. (From Odh Own Cobbsspondint.) Penang, November 18. The oil war continues. Some brands have ilropped as much as a dollar in price during the last six weeks, but the public have not received all tho benefit of the
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  • 69 7 His Excellency Sir George Clarke, Governor of Bombay, wax married on November 6, to Mrs. Reynolds, in St. Thomas' Cathedral, Calcutta, before a large and distinguished gathering. The ceremony was performed by Lard Bishop of Bombay, assisted by tbe Acting Archdeacon Uarham. The service was
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  • 98 7 Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Cos. Quotations To-day. Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co. kindly favour us with the London prices they have received this morning Quotations. M: -lIII.K Minm.K Pricks. Prices. Allagars 6/- Linggis 46/-Anglo-Malays 24/. Lumuts 20/- p. Bukit Kajangs 50/. Merlimaus 6/8 BukitMortajams3/9 PaUlings 58/9 Chersonese
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  • 292 7 Impressive Funeral Ceremony at Shanghai. Amid every mark of respect and regret, the burial of the late Russian Consul General, Mr. C. W. Kleimenow, for so many years in charge of Russian interests at Shanghai, and formerly at Singapore, took place. Tbe first portion of the
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  • 200 7 Clever Capture of Alleged Thief in Yokohama. The wireless, which is beginning to play such a great part in tbe world at the present time and has of late, as in the Crippen casi>, been found an invaluable ail in apprehend ing criminals, has been used
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  • 159 7 Mill to be Working by Middle of Next Year. The South China Morning Post states tbat the plant for the new Tonkin Palp and Paper Co. has been purchased and will be one of the most economic and efficient of its kind yet constructed.
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  • 148 7 On the night of November 8, the proprietor of a hair cutting saloon in Hornby Hoad. Bombay, gave information to the police that a European came into his saloon for a shave and asked for an empty glass and some water. Into the glass he poured about
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  • 370 7 THE TAI WAN ENCOUNTERS HEAVY WEATHER AT SEA. An Awkward Situation. The British tteamer Tai Wan (Capt A. Jenkyns) arrived in port at 9 last night, slates tbe China Mail, of November 9, after an adventurous voyage from Mauritius, during which she became di*abUd and later, after repairs
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  • 252 7 Amateur Singer Piuckily Attacks Intruder. Two ladies had an exciting experience while travelling in the mail from Darjeehng to Calcutta on the night of November 5, Mrs. Marsden Wtkefield, a well known amateur singer and actress of Calcutta, and Miss Page, were the sole occupants
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  • 297 7 Romance of Warsaw Youth's Ocean Race for a Bride. A lover's race from New York to bis native Warsaw to prevent the marriage of his betrothed to another man has bad a thrilling commencement. Seven years ago Christop her Kradzier crossed to New York to seek his fortune.
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  • 100 7 Mr. F. E. Smith, m. p., addressing the Bir mingham Chamber of Commerce on the capture of private property at sea, said that be did not think it would be true to say that public opinion was in favour of a modification of the existing practice. We
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  • 859 7 IMPERIAL CONFERENCE AND THE HIGH DUES. Government Departments Disagree According to the Morning Post, of October 18, it is understood that one of tbe questions to be placed before tbe Imperial Conference next year is that of the Saez Canal dues, against which bitter complaint is made
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  • 215 7 Messrs. Fraser and Company's circular for the P. and O. mail of November 18, stateß The local share market remains inactive, and prices much about tbe same as at the close of oar last week's circular. Rubbers keep steady, and there has been an increased enquiry from
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  • 613 7 Tbe Visit of a Distinguished French Aviator. We mentioned the other day that Monc. C Van Den Born arrived here at tbe end of list we«k bringing with him one of tbe most perfect op-to date aeroplanes. He proposes to visit Saigon, and other places in Frtncb
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  • 327 7 Enjojable Fancy Dress Party at Tanglin. A day long to be remembered by the little ones was that which many < t them epent yesterday at Tanglin, wbere Master Mirtin Snhl gave a children's fancy dnis party. The weather being all tbat could be wished, the proceedings attracted
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  • 90 7 Giving evidence before the Divorce Commission on October 26, Dr. T. D. Clnuston, Lecturer on MenUl Diseases at the University of Edinburgh, stated that criminal lunatics should be divorced. Id cases where the insanity was incurable the patients shoo Id be regarded as legally dead. Dr. Jones,
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  • 283 7 English Bloodhounds for Work in India. A new development in connection with the training and use of bloodhounds for poliro work is seen in the fact that Mr F. S. Mc.Vamara (District Superintendent of the Bengal Police), acting on behalf of the Governor of Bengal, has purchased
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  • 149 7 Duke of Marlborough Addresses Royal Colonial Institute. Sir '.'John, Lambert on November 8. presided at the Colonial Institute over a large gathering. The Duke of Marlborongh in a most important and comprehensive address on the Imperial problem, emphasized the fact that it did not conduce
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  • 177 7 Tiu I,AY ok LmtMUbV Coconuts may be termed the Consols of the Far East." Pearls ha vo recently been found to exist in coconuts' Daily Paper.) Coy nut, till lately I bad thought your mission Your "raifond'i-trfi" your spherewas Mimpstead Heath. Poised in a conspicuous position, To
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  • 149 7 An Allahabad despatch, dated November 8, «ays that arrangements for the Crown Prince's Indian tour, as far as these provinces are ennoerned, are now provisionally settled. His* Highness will start with a short visit to Agra, during which he will have an opportunity of a
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  • 79 7 LIBERALS CHEERFUL AND LORDS PANIC-STRICKEN. Insurances Favour Government. [Reotee's Telegram London, Novi niber 17. It is stated tbat the Government has arranged to advise a dissolution on Nov. 25. Insurances at Lloyds in prospect of dissolution are equivalent to betting at 4 to 1 in favour of
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    • 221 8 In the American Inter-University Football competition, Brown's University defeated Yale by twenty one points to nil and Htivard defeated Cornell by twenty-seven points to five. Tbe A go will leave Johnston's Pier for tbe Swimming C ub bungilow oa Sunday, the 20th instant, at 9, 10 and
      221 words
    • 231 8 The Ladies' Association. Attho H ili'Rticr range, yesterday a'ternoon, tbe S L X..A. competition for tbe Young cup was brought to a conclusion. Tbe competition has been spread over tbe last ten months, tbe best eight monthly score* of members to count, con litioos scvpn tliots at 1(10
      231 words
    • 264 8 Traffic Regulations. Wo *re A°k»d to state by tbo bon. secretary. Mr 1 1 R. K. Muglixton, that no admission tickets are required for tho gymkhana, ax it i« open >o all uiembf rs of the Singapore Sporting Club. There wil', however, be a snecinl tent and enclosure
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  • 82 8 Mr. Wilfred Willis, motor engineer, of Mptuirs. Aidison and Company, bss introduced a fifing machine to Madras. He made a flight in a locally made monoplane on November 2on the island. He met with a fair amount nf sooces« against a strong wind, and travelled at
    82 words
  • 101 8 President Taft ha* approved the plans for raiding tbe battleship Maine, which wai vunk in Hat ana I aibnur prior to the outbreak of tbe war with Spain. Tutse require the emu ple'.inn of the work before February IS, 1011, the thirteenth anniversary of the disaster. The work will be
    101 words
  • 564 8 First Report of (he Directors to the Shareholders. The Chairman of Pegob, Limited, Mr. W. M. Sime, signs tbe following report dated Singa 10"', November 11: Your directors beg to submit tbe balance shett and profit anl 1 sh account for the year ended August 81, 1910, last.
    564 words
  • 380 8 Mr. Greensbield's Experiences in (he Arctic. Interviewed on his experience in the Arc'ic, tbe Rev. Edgar Grdtntbield, of tbe Church Mimtionary Society, who ba« now returned home to Newport (Isle of Wight), said I travelled with a slerlqe and sixteen dog->, accompanied by a native Chrietiau. and
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  • 1124 8 Prlcci Quoted In the Market Ibis Morning. Singapore, November 18 th, 1810. Henri. Ljall and Bvatt, Exchange mad Share Brokers, issue the following lilt of quotations tbil morning I— Notn. Value. Buyers. Sellon. 2/. Allagar 4 9 6/1* 3/- Optiont 2 8 5 41 An^lo Java 11/6
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 The miatr aat amongst lii-goid I we uIH not part," he said, 'v ili half a guinea tl.o' my life Wei* to be forf. ited." But ii il it i 4 not him down, Hi- b'i athf) grew «-h> rt and fewer, 'I aid all I've got," lie otied, but
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 58 9 Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE HSALEH AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 8, HIGH STREET, Now On. GREAT REDUCTIONS! GREAT REDUCTIONS!! GREAT REDUCTIONS!!! Iql red cross ■f n l Ia W *y M OTOMUNE'S Annual H SALE f— Now Proceeding. NEW SURPLUS STOCKS Which are offered at Prices HOST ADVANTAGEOUS
      58 words
    • 441 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET OR FOR SALE. No. 85, Barker Road, with immediate entry. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. FOX TERRIERS FOR SALE. A few very select, High class, Throughbred Fox Terriers, per s.s. Guthrie. Nearly all prize winners. To be seen at No.
      441 words
    • 297 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. HOME via SIBERIA. INTERNATIONAL SLEEPING CAR AND EXPRESB TRAINS CO. Through tickets for the entire jonrney from any of the principal points in the Fat Bast to any principal point ia Europe or America by the TRANS-SIBERIAN ROUTE. THE ALL-RAIL ROUTE. Coupon ticket books to travel by any
      297 words
    • 273 9 Straits Parcels Shipping Agency. ARMY AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT. Passages Booked free of Charge. Passengers' Laggage Shipped and Cleared. Insurance fft ct--d on Personal Luggage, Jewellery, etc. Parcels and Packages Expressed to all partß of the Globe weekly. CHRISTMAS GOODS SHOULD OO NOW Correspondents in all Cities and Towns. C. O.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 812 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office t Shanghai: Registered under the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under the Ho^ong Ordinances. pQmnmt QF COMPANY Twelfth fear). Total Insurance in force $87,868,888. Total Assets 8,415,249. Total Funds 8,216,812. Total Income for Year 5,886,8«7. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. AH
      812 words
    • 526 10 BANKING. tHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. HUBTKAUA AND CHINA. ■CfJBFOBATrJD BT BOYAI OHABTBB. PaM up Capital la 10,000 Bkarai ot fIIQ eaoß «1 ,100,000 tetsrvi Fual •1,600,000 Imrvi Liability of Propristori fi ,100,000 BABKEBS. B«ak ot BagUal JUtloaal Baak ot Bootlaaa. fkt ftoaioa City Mtdlaal Baak. IM. BIHQAPOBB BBAHOH Onrrsat Aeeouats
      526 words
    • 414 10 JANKIMB. ME SZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREE Established 1907. Capital paid op 91,000,000.00 Reservo liability of proprietors 1,000,000.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Teck Joon 6. Sim Kia Jan 2. Nam Kirn Sens 7. Tbo Hoo Lai 3. Liad Chia
      414 words
    • 472 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Koad and Ch*ngi Koad, Singapore with extensive sea frontage and containing an area of 443 ACRES planted with about 35,000 cocoanut trees, folly grown, and about 60,000 rubber trees
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    • 525 10 SHERIFFS SALE. In thb Cause ok Ngoßee Chan Cboa Choo Neo... Plaintiffs. vt. Chan Guat Pin A- Tay Biow Leong Defendants. Auction sale of Chinese) Household Furniture, etc., at No. 800, Kampong Bahru Road, comprising Hlackwcod furniture, marbletop tables, Chinese bedsteads. Iron safe, pictures, porcelain, and miscellaneous goods. To bk
      525 words

  • 976 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. I H. C. Lafone contributes the following notes to The Globe, of October 19 1 went down to Coventry last week with a .view to obtaining first hand information concerning the future plans and models of 1 some of those motor manufacturers
    976 words
  • 107 11 In his sermon in the Lahore Cathedral the Lord Bishop of Lahore made reference to the opium trade with China. While cm vinced tbat Oreat Britain's connection with the trade is not altogether creditable and tbat the evils flowing from the habit of opium smoking are
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 435 11 We understand that some firm is Riving oat statements, which, if not carefully UIAIAPIfU tbooßhtout, may be ini'leadin^, and we SoloAgentm: W II I Sf IP W would take this opportunity of informing W the buying public that the designer of D Cinntl CV iat were formerly known an Siddeley
      435 words
    • 13 11 For all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughx, Colds, ttc, tako Woods' Oreat Peppermint Care.
      13 words
    • 602 11 SHIPBUILDERS. SALVORS AND REPAIRERS. BOILERMAKERS. FORGEW/}\ MASTERS. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDERS. CONSTRUCTIONAL. vfc^V ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. "od*™ l *PP»«ncM for quick conttructlon and repair of Ship*, Engines "oiler*, Loco-notivet, Railway Rolling Stock, Bridget, and all classes C^^^V E trlßtl lr0 and Wood Work Electrical Drives, Hydraulic d '"•""•■Me Toolsi
      602 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 474 12 WANTS-ANGLO-CHINESE FREE SCHOOL Lady tcachtrs required fir the Primary clan°fH. Apply to the Principal. 2752 ROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two roome with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. ■MM DISPENSER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispen sary in the Straits. Send
      474 words
    • 418 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Suite of oommodiouß and well-appointed offices on the ground floor of No. S, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Blectrio light and fang. ADply to Messrs. Powell A Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan k Co., Raffles Place. u162 OFFICEB TO LET. Whole
      418 words
    • 496 12 HOTICEB. PANTAI. LIMITEDNOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES. Me -srs Derrick Co have now been appointed Secretaries of tbe above Company. All communications should be addressed to DERRICK k CO., Gresham House, 2701 Singapore. PAJAM. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHAN6E OF SECRETAR ES Messrs Derrick and Co. have now been appointed Secretaries
      496 words
    • 574 12 NOTICES. EASTERN PETROLEUM SYNDICATE. LTD. The Share Certificates in the above Com pany are now ready and may be exchanged for receipt at the registered offices of tbe Company, Nos. 28 and 25, The Arcade, Singapore. 5757 TRAFALGAR LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES. Mossrs. Patenon, Simons Co., Ltd., have
      574 words
    • 600 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 A 109, Market Street. NOTICE. Our next rubber auction will take plaoe in about 10 days time. Consignments intended for sale should reach us during this week. H. L. COGHLAN k CO., u2748 Auctioneers. TENDERS INVITED.
      600 words
    • 294 12 REPAIRS Speciality. The ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED We Invite Inspection OF OUR UP-TO-DATE WORKSHOPS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ESTIMA ES FREE. Phokb: 191. see is/ltji<t No. 60-2. Viotoria Street. Agent tor Ranfcrd Bioyeles, price 146. Cyole aooessories, etc. Kit son Lamp oa hire, 2,600 C. P. Obnbsal Rbpaibbb: -Cyoles, Sewing Machines,
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 240 12 Straits Jsimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are inserted at tbe prepaid rate of II per fouv lines for one or two insertions. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, it not exceeding four lines, tl each insertion For p.p.o. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Sualb Ratbs are
      240 words