The Straits Times, 16 November 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.416 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1910. PRICE 10 GENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 D, t J. McCallao's PERFECTION WHISKY. jILBBECK. MACBREGOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS,, LD, Phillips and Sons BENT STEEL, FIRE, FALL ft THIEF RESISTING SAFES With Solid Steel Doors and i aside locked Drawer. Fitted with best Leve. Powler Prooi Looks. In Four Sixes. SUPERIOR AUSTRIAN FIRE ft BURGLAR PROOF SAFEB.
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    • 202 1 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217, Orchard Road. AWARDED MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE, AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW SINGAPORE, 1910, Arranged Floral Baaketa, Bouquets, showers and Floral forms of all descriptions. Wedding orders receive special attention MANY LOCAL TESTIMONIALS. Prices Moderate. Cat Flowers rom oar own Nurseries qmte Freeh. NURSERIES AND
      202 words
    • 115 1 Robinson A Co. I SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Evening Dress Materials Opera Cloaks AND EVENING SHOES. Robinson A Co. KONGHING CHEOBG AND CO. J MOTION CO Oommi-ion Agent. VUI AKD Photographic Dealers. ■mlepiM «nd Printlnt WltOhmikePl Jost reoeived from Barope, a J II large variety of new Cameras, ••Woll©l i yi
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY.
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  • 684 2 INTERVIEW WITH THE DUKE OF ORLtANS. English Hospitality. The Dake of Orleans was pood enough to accord me an interview on tbe onhj'ct of tbe apprnarhing arrival of Kioe Manoel, Queen Amelie, and tbe Duke of Oporto at Wood Norton (write* a special coirexpondent of Tbe Standard
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  • 184 2 Ceylon Government Makes a Final Offer. The Timea of Ceylon, of November 7, has the following: Renter's General Managtr in the K 'Si writes ns to state that the Oylnn Government bavo finally decline d the Company's offer to send this additional service to Ceylon, on payment
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  • 110 2 It i» believe d. rays tbe shanghai M»rcary, that Mr. Kin Gen sane, who was teovntly murdered, was rather heavily in debt at tbe time of bis death. This will come in the rature of a surprise to many, for h« was always regarded as a wealthy mud, but it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 138 2 k Emaciated Adalts KEPLER SOLUTION (OF COO LIVER OIL IN MALT. EXTRACT This delicious, digestive body builder exerts its influence upon the very source of nutrition the blood. It fills the veins with rich, vitalising blood, and rapid improvement takes place. The cheeks fill out, the limbs i become covered
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    • 3 2 l asSOFTasJM ijLarxiSHOOTH
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    • 720 2 BABY'S FACE LIKE PIECE OFJAW BEEF Smothered with Bad Pimples. Awful to Look At. Scratched and Cried Terribly. Feared He Would Always be Disfigured. Cuticura Remedies Quite Cured Him. "My baby boy, twelve months a«o, bad a Utf pimple come on his forehead. It burst fand spread all over hi*
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    • 315 2 III•■ 1 J !1 I By Koyal Warrant I —U W m I to HM thriving. B Assists Vj y digestion, p^ 9 gives a delightfully appetizing flavour to all Uj he Meat Dishes, Curries, md Poultry, Salads, Cheese iflHfti Genuine and Fish. SS£ WORCESTERSHIRE. A favourite Appetizer g I
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  • 988 3 PARIS PLACED IN PARTIAL DARKNESS. Electricians' Strike. Telephoning from Parifi on October 18, the correspondent ot The Dsily Telegraph laid At six o'clock this eveniDg the electric lights went out in a large portion of the city, As*tbere was a sadden comparative darkness people exclaimed, Sure enough,
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  • 61 3 At a meeting of Councillors held before the Chinese Throne, Prinoe Cning was appointed President of the Cabinet, bathe declined the honour. Duko Cbah wu next appointed with Prinoe \a Long aa VioePresident. Cha Sbichang will be superintendent of the Wai-wa-pn. An ediot to this effect
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 374 3 )l" ■■< rTniiiii"""iiiiiiiiiiiiiii HilllllllH'lii 111 11 ■■'ii*» --v m |___AN§fe g) EMBROCATION |J ■l|*ll* i Dila£fl| FOR U E ON NIW LI FOR HUMAN USE. j|^T |rjr_":"if| Sprains. Sore Snoodtrs. I Rheonitlw. Sp alas. II kS""?E^ J »Seom«lls". SaMUMtrio! LnrabMo. Hickaihc. I 4 Ip.l'^J, ■Vfcfl turlu, luwMiolinM;lk. Sort Throat Brul«c>.
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    • 12 3 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc.
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    • 405 3 in Sickners W Tb« pra-eninmt pum r of Lnaco »o^w^ m coonu for doctors prr.cnbm, ii frrvlj. m Conuioing no fat, it Mm aaoaeatr* M likes bomMida Beef Tea, «nd is oftea W, m tbe only food a patient eai ntaia. Leasco and Milk ia alto a woaderfullj Mrcnttaeninf food
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    • 208 3 »esTIS I riil 1■ tood, Thow who use NESTLES FOOD for Infants and Convalascents placa their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 33 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare the Food for immediate
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 720 4 STEAMER 3AIUHQ3. ¥7WO. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Pa* China, Japaa, Penang Osylea Atwtralla, India, Aden, Hiy»t, Mediterranean Parts, PlTmoatta and Londaa. Through liilli ot Ladlaglisatd tor Ohiaa Ooiat. Persian Gulf, Contlneatal, tad Amtrieas Porta. Buamera will ltavi Biagapon oa or aboat I— MAIL LINES, (Hi'tard {for OMfM) 1810 »U Atsaye Nov
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    • 544 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB.LTD. A Msolar fortnightly ■errioe 1b maintained between JAPAN tao BUBOPB by Ihe Oompany't well-knowa TWIN-SCBBW ITIIIIII. ander Mail Oontraoi with the Imperial Japanese GoTernment, speoially designed tor the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Blootrioity, provided with excellent aooommodation for First and Seoond
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    • 898 4 BTEAHEI BAIUNIB. PACIFIC KAIL STEAMSHIP CD. aKD TOTO RISEN UIIHJL Tks two great steamship tinea bstwasa OHINA, JAPAN aad BUBOPB, Tia Honolulu aad San Franoiaoo, operating tha new 13,000 Mat, twia-aenw steamers KOBBA aad SIBERIA, together with tha well-known iteamert CHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAH OHDRIA, NIPPON MABD, TBHYO MABO AND
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    • 578 4 STEJUIEK MIUNM HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. it Ths tttamtrt of thai Oompaay maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bnmea, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tkt Btratta. China and Japaa. Homewards, they an despatched fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for BremerbaTaa direct, oalling at Fanaag aid Colombo.
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    • 760 4 STEAiEI BAILINM. N. D. L. Norddautscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL BERMAN KAIL UNI Tks fast and well-known mall steam" ot this Oompaay sail fortatghty troa Bier e» Hamburg, Tia Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boots i ma toa, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (ooaac. ioa Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, aat vlos t. aai Port Said, Sues, Adea,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 545 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. HOME via SIBERIA. INTERNATIONAL BLEEPING CAR AND EXPRESS TRAINS CO. Through tickets tor the entire journey from any of tbe principal points in the Far Bast to any principal point in Europe oi America by tbe TRANS-SIBERIAN ROUTE. THE ALL-RAIL ROUTE. Coupon ticket books to travel by any
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    • 436 5 STEAMER SAIUN6B. APCAR UNE. OF BTEAMERB. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular servioe be tween Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route FLEET Tons Commander Japah 0,018 A. Stb waet 11 GBBOOBr Apcab 4,(100 S. H. Bblson Aeratoon Apcab 4,600
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    • 303 5 ARTICLES FOI SALE. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET OB FOR B*lt No. PS, Barker Road, with immediate entiy. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. FORBALE Motor bus to carry 80 passengers. Price %'i 750. Apply Cyole k Carriage Co., Kuala Lumpur. ***** ARTISTS SUPPLIES. Just received, a consignment of
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    • 395 5 SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. Notes in General. It was stated that Mrs. E. I M. Barrett would probably take part in the Interport rifle shooting cantfwt, as a mnmher of the Shanghai team. The N. C. Daily News says her shooting form this year justifies her selection. Lawn Bowls. 5. C. C.
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    • 441 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE AMATEUR DRAMATIC COMMITTEE. An Amateur Performance of "The Magistrate," A farcical comedy by A. W. PINERO, will be given in the Victoria Theatre. ON NOVEMBER 19. 24 AND 26. Plans and Seats at ROBINSON PIANO ,Co. COMMENCES AT 9 PH.. PROMPT. THE CLEAN SHOW. The Star Opera
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    • 488 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. PANTAI. LIMITED NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARIES. Messrs Derrick Co have now been appointed Secretaries of the above Company. All communications should be addressed to DERRICK CO., Greeham House, 2781 Singapore. PAJAM. LIMITED. NOTICE OF CHANGE OF SECRETARY. Messrs Derrick and Co. have now been appointed Secretaries of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1020 6 3sBjis£§& -ok OTOMUNE'S Xmas and New Year H. B. H. THE DUKE OF CONN AUGHT. AlHTUcll vJOCII Obi BT> i^l |a RTT.VA I O A I GONBIBTING OF CHINESE AND JAPANESE BILKB. A tIC QIU VA, j I H SILVERWARE AND JEWELLERY. High-Class Jeweller. I I p res h Stock
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  • 158 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, November 16. High Water, 9.17 a.m. 10.8 p.m. Thursday, November 17. High Water, 9.48 a.m., 10.64 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail due. X'mas paroel mail closes, 2 p.m. S. L. B. A. Young cup, 4 p.m. Friday, November IA. High Water, 10.-1 a.m., 11..0
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  • 152 7 To- Dat. Pnnang and Colombo Tango Maru 3 pm Mnntok and Palembang O. O. Mijer 3 pm K. Pahang, Pekan, Trengganu and Kelantan WiU 0' the Wisp 8 pm Batu Pabat Aing Hin 8 pm Deli Calypso 8 pm Halaoaa, Port Diokson, Port Swetteaham and Telok Ansoo
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  • 138 7 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Arcadia left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, the 12tb instant, and is dne to arrive here at 6 vm. on Thursday, the 17th instant. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Assays left Colombo, at 11 p.m. on Saturday,
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  • 258 7 Latest Arrivals lleminy, Brit str 2)10 tons. Captain danhet, Nov 16. From London, Oct 10. O.o.and 3 d.p. Paterson Simons Co. For Hongkong, Nov 17— W. Ban Ytmt Bmg, Brit str 280 tons, Captain Angus, Nov 16. From Palembang, Nov 14. 0.0. and 8 d.p. Hook Seng. For
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  • 45 7 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwioh mean time. The time-gun is fired at 13 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day exoeptins Snmlav wh*»a H ia firpH noe o'elootr.
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  • 368 7 Arrivals. Per steamer Nuen Tung, Nov. 16 —From Bangkok Menars. F. P. Crochrane. Billiand, Thomas and S. C. Robinson. Per steamer Kaga Maru, Nov. 16.— From London via ports: Messrs. T. D. Frughes, K H. Mackenzie, C. A. Wenborn, A. Thornborrow, H. B. Symons, G. S. Whitby.
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  • 245 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SIMOAPOU, NOVKUBER 16, 1010 On London— Bank 4 m/s 8/4& Demand a/44 Private 0 m/a 2/4 J do 8 m/i 3/4 j) On Oarmany— Bank d/d 840 Private 8 m/a 844 do 8 m/i 348t On Franca— Bank d/d 296 Private 8 m/s SOS* do 8 m/a
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    • 162 7 Value Bayers. Sullen 10 10 BeUtTin 8.00 526 10 10 Braing 6.60 000 10 10 Bnueh Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 260 41 41 KinUTin 1000 10.76 41 41 KledangTin 1.76 2.00 10 10 Knantan Tin 8.00 8.26 41 41 Lahat Mines 8.00 8.50 41 41 Malay* and
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    • 585 7 Value (5 Bayers. Seller* 3/. a/- Allagar 4/9 6/2/- 2/- Anglo-Malay 1.8.0 1.5.8 2/- 3/- Bataog Malaka 2/0 a/6 pm 41 41 Batu Cares 16.10.0 17.10.0 £1 41 Batu Tiga 4.8.8 6.0.0 41 41 Bnkit Kajang 2.10.0 3.16.0 41 15/- Contributory 12/6 1.0.0 pm 41 41 Bukit Lintang 4.0.0
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    • 119 7 Value Bayers. 10 10 Eartern Smelting 10 7 £1 £1 Eleotrio Tramways 2/6 10 10 FrMer Neave 27.00 100 Howarth Krskine 67.00 100 7% Prel. 80.C0 100 100 Kati Bra. Del. 100 100 8% Cam. Prof. 10 10 Maynard Co. 20.00 nom. 10.00 6.C0 8/0 80.00 68.00 9100 1-26
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    • 40 7 DRBENTURE S Bayers. Sellers. Howarth BrakineB% 1000,000 pat Riley, Har6% 1860,000 Singapore MoB«apal6% 11,878,000 m aom. Boyera BaUen Singapore Mn of 1907 11,800.000 1% f a*o. Singapore MuaUpal *i% of 1808 11,000,000 1% ft Singapore Mv dolpal4% 1603,900 T% dto.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 90 7 CHAMBERLAIN'S COU6H REMEDY THE BEBT OBTAINABLE. This remedy has no superior as a core for colds, croup and whooping ooogh. It has been a favorite with the mothers of young children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy oan always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It not
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    • 399 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Not. 16— At the Central Polioe Station, South Bridgt Road, Unserviceable Police Stores, eto., at 2. Nor. 21 At saleroom, wines, iiqaors, spirts, etc., at 11. Deo. 2— At the Woodleigh Filter Works, 4th mile Serangoon Road, Surplus Plant and valuable Machinery, eto., at 980
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    • 812 7 ■pw^e^^^cW*^ \m\ n*. a MV^ Banka of the Nfl# Obtainable at: BOUtOll ROUge I muL „TT,r v ">* s* ROBINSON I JOHN LITTLE 5 Felucca I rcmttaz/ and CO I AND CO.. LTD. »*w M n a*™«~** u°° I ere reeocaiMd by all. Made of Ik* teeei B etleettd Terfaah
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    • 50 7 ALBERT L A. DALEY, Undertaker, Monumental Mason and Marble Merchant BEOS to inform the public thai he has just received a very large consignment ol METALLIC-WREATHS, HARPS, CROSSES, ETC., EX S.S. KAWACHI MARU FROM THE WELL-KNOWN FIRM OF MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD., OF LONDON. 43, Prlnaep Street. Telephone! No. 6*9.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 186 7 WEATHER REPORT Kanilang Kerbao Hospital, November 14. > a. a.jl f. a.|9 t. a. Baovall. Bar. St Fab 59.952 19.821 19.842 Temp 83.0 88.0 78.0 .79 in Wet Bulb Ther 78 0 76 5 74.8 DirofWind.. N.W. N.W. N.W. Max. Temp 9).S Mm. 74.8 Max. in Son ISS.O Tarad. Thar..
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  • 1076 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16. THE COMING CONTEST. From telegrams received during the past two or three days, it seems impossible to doubt that tbe Veto Conferenoe was broken op on an understanding that there should be an immediate appeal to the country. The Liberal leaders may have said
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  • 12 8 The King has signed a Proclamation declaring Deoember 27 a Bank Holiday.
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  • 20 8 The Menglembu Lode tin outpot, 35 stamps working 26 days 2)2 piculs estimated value 112,400. Total ten months 2,766 piculs.
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  • 28 8 At Divies and Co's auction, yesterday, 260 Pantai shares were sold at 11 16 and 300 Buttit K. B. at 80 oenta. Tbe other lota were bjught in.
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  • 25 8 Burglars broke into the room of Mies Watery, a nurse in the General H pita 1 on Monday ni^ht, and stole jewellery \auod at $600.
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  • 13 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 7 aa well aa 10.
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  • 20 8 At the Maryborough cinematograph, tonight, an unusually lengthy and strong programme, containing many fine coloured pictures, will be put on.
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  • 32 8 It is reported in tbe Sheng Hui Pao, a Hopgkong native paper, that tbn annual xport of human hair to America from China and the Far East •mounts to £416,786 in value.
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  • 33 8 Loo Lan, of Taojong Kttong, ha* made a complaint to tbe police to tbe effect that some one committed mischief by fire on bis premises and caused damage to the amount of »935.
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  • 37 8 A warrant has been issued, at the instance of the Netherlands India Commercial Bank, for the arrest of A. V. de Rozario on obarges of using as genuine a forged document and with falsifying an account book.
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  • 35 8 Messrs. Derrick and Co., report tbe following tin ore output* for the month of October :-The Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 864 pels. Toe Koantan Tin Mining Co., Ltd, 45.61 pels. Biuang, Ltd. 122.26 pels.
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  • 36 8 Mr. P M. Hodgson appeared in the Hongkong police court to prosecute a Chinese for breaking and entering tbe Yuen Fat Hong store in Li Kai Street, and stealing 691.12 catties of ginseng valued at 114,865.67.
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  • 39 8 Thinves have stolen 1,198 lbs. of dynami'e and 8,460 detonators from the magazines of Topbam, .Fonts and Rail ton on Pulau Übin. One wonders bow they will dispose of this booty or whether the booty will dispose of them!
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  • 37 8 Tbe robber share case, Kong Chin Hoe v. J. A. Meyer, to which we referred yesterday, was continued in tbe afternoon, before Mr. Justice Fisher in the Supreme Court. After bearing tbe evidence, his Lordship reserved judgment
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  • 39 8 There is a record number of Scottish fish ing boats at Yarmouth this year, s%ys tbe Express. The number of girls who have arrived at Yarmouth, Lowestoft, and Soothwold from Aberdeen and the North British coabt is about 10,000.
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  • 42 8 Mr. Grabame White in his aeroplane astonished the officials at the White House, Washington, by alighting on the roadway in a narrow t-treet from a height of 800 ft and afterwards reascending, an even more difficult feat, without touching lampposts or railings.
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  • 48 8 In the change of programme for tbe Alhambra ciotmatogapb, to night, the nintii edition of Patbb's Animated Gazette will be included, while a picture entitled Last Echoes of the Portuguese Events-, ppeeially sent by post, will present certain phases of the Portuguese Revolution which should attract unusual attention.
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  • 57 8 Tbe Bisbop of London, speaking at a meeting held by the China Emergency Appeal Committee at the. Guildhall, said tbat when China's 400,000 00) people woke up they were going to damn the world or thny were going to make the world. It they were CbrUtiar), educated, pure, self-contained men
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  • 87 8 The employees in the firm of Fraser Eaton and Company at Sourabaya had a pleasant surprise on November l,on all of them receiving an extra month* salary. A telegram had been received from Europe bringing word that, on the very same day, one of the heads of the firm had
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  • 87 8 A Kling revenue officer was fined $50, with tbe alternative of one month's imprison ment yesterday. The accused, it appeared, accosted Mr. Harima, of the Harima cinematograph, when he arrived at Tank Hoid station from Kuala Lumpur the other day, and demanded to examine bis baggage. He said he was
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  • 104 8 A Malay chauffeur, employed by the Straits Motor Garage Syndicate, appeared before Mr. Dyson, second magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of culpable homicide not amounting io murder. He was remandtd till 22nd inst. on bail of 1600. The allegation is that accused, while driving a car containing three Frenchmen and
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  • 97 8 Sentence of five years' penal servitude was p%ssed on, October 22, on Francis Edward dwann (46), a solicitor, of Gravesend, and formerly of Kut India- avenue, wbere be and a partner carried on business as Swarm, Bradley and Co. He was charged with misappropriating X' 20,000 trust money of tbe
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  • 159 8 A meeting was held yesterday in the offices of tbe Eastern Petroleum Syndicate, 28 25, The Arcade, to deal with a piece of property situated in South Borneo and which was said to be five tqaare mile* in extent and oil bearing. Mr. Seymour Buckingham presided and there were also
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  • 474 8 Mr. J. Murray, of Kempsey estate, is going borne oarly next ytar for a change. The Rev. J A. B. Cook, accompanied by Mrs. and Mies C jok, has goro to Muar. Will Anonymous, who sent a letter, yeatcr day, enclosing $8, kindly call at our offices.
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  • 38 8 We are requested to make it known tbat in tbe event of tbe weather proving wet to-morrow afternoon, the Children's Fancy Drees Party given by Mrs. Suhl will take place in tbe Teutonia Club.
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  • 60 8 Mr. CiiarltM van Den Born, a distinguished aviator, who has taught French and German officers how to manipulate an aeroplane, arrived in Singapore from Kurope a few days ago bringing a tine aeroplane along witti him. We understand that ho is nt gotiatiog locally for some exhibition
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  • 67 8 Readers are reminded that tbe circus opens to night. We bear that intending patrons need not fear the rain as the boxes and second seats have been raised a foot from the ground. A platform has been built around the ring, so tbat no matter what tbe state
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  • 95 8 Tbe public are reminded that on Saturday night commencing promptly at nioe o'clock, ihe curtain of the Victoria Theatre will rise upon The Magistrate, which has been in preparation for some time by members of the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee. Tbe peats are rapidly filling up and those
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  • 147 8 A fancy fair in aid of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jems will be held in the grounds of Cairn Hill, by kind permission of Mr. K. M. Janion and undtr the patronage of H. E. Sir John Anderson, 0.C.M.U., and the Right Rev.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 87 8 Are copies taken on the Roneo Copier accepted as satisfactory evidence in a Court of Law P A copy of a valuable legal opinion on this point Is being posted to business and professional men in Singapore. RONEO LTD., 6a, Battery Road. f VlBlt LITTLE'S Grand Xmas Bazaar FOR AN
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    • 365 8 ALHAMBRA BEACH BOAD. The Mott Up-to-date Show Horns In Malaya. Always Someih-ng New and Refreshing. ABB YOU KRBM ON I Topical Events t Sport and Fashion t IN LIVING PICTUBES I Ik to, sbb tbb Ninth Edition of Pathe'B Animated Gazette Lori Kitchener la Town." Inspecting tbe Guard of Honour
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  • 203 9 HINTS GIVEN IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Rumours About the Attitude of the King. I Raima's Tiuobam.] London, November 16. Tbe Unionist leaders met yesterday and decided on their plan of campaign. They will pot forward a constructive programme, inoluding tariff reform, imperial preference, state assistance for small
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  • 219 9 A DISTINCT IMPROVEMENT RECORDED Small Advance of Prices. (Fbom Odb Own Cobbbspomdbmt.) London, November 15. There was a distinct improvement in the tone of the robber market to day, and there was less plantation rubber on offer 266 tons, of which 226 toas was Malayan, compared with
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  • 45 9 'RauTSß's Tblbobam.| London, November 16. A message from Darmstadt says the Czar and his family have left for Russia. (Dbb Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tblboi-am.) Berlin, November 16. Wben the Czar and Kaiser parted at Wolf sgarten, they spoke of meeting again next year.
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  • 23 9 IRsctbb's Tblbobam.] London, November 16. Tbe Nobel prize for literature has b«en awarded to the German author Paul Heyse.
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  • 38 9 [Dkb Ohtasiakisihk Lloyd Tklkokam. Berlin, November 16. Reports from St. Petersburg say that a shipyard at Nikola jen has been let to a British firm for tbe building of Russian men of- war
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  • 30 9 i DSB OsTASUTISCHB LIOTD TbLBOBAM.] Berlin, November 16. Mr. Da Gieic tbe new Kastian Ambassador a> Vienna, has bad his first audience with the Emperor Francis Joseph.
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  • 99 9 Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co's Quotations To-day. Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co. kindly favour ns with the London prioes they have received this morning Quotation*. Minm.l MIDDLE PBICES. PRICES. Allagars 6/8 Linggis 46/9 Anglo-Malays 24/- Lumots 21/8 p Bukit Kajangs 4.1/- Merlimaas 6/8 Bukit Mertajams 8/9 Patalings
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  • 273 9 Colombo and Singapore Harbour Works. The Ceylon Observer recently printed the following item which may be of interest to quite a numbir of readers in Singapore Sir Win. Matthews is very well and very busy his many friends in Caylon will be glad to
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  • 631 9 Vivid Story of Heroic Rescue from Airship There ar- some '..ilures which are almost as glorious as successes, and among tbem, says The Telegraph of October 19, must be clashed the iniHC irriaye of the attempt made with an much daring by Mr. Walter Wellman and his
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  • 508 9 PERILOUS POSITION ON KUANTAN BAR. Exposed to North-East Monsoon. At 6 a.m. on tbe 14th instant, as the ■teamer Will. o' the Wisp was pausing Kuantan on her way to Singapore, (from the north), Capt. R. W. Morris noticed a steamer on the bar which attracted
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  • 255 9 Proposed Presentation of Plate And Cheque. The Ipoh correspondent of tbe Malay Mail writing on November 18, states In view of tbe approaching departure for good of our popular R°sident, who sails for the old ooantry on December 6, a public meeting was
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  • 253 9 Dr. Sse Pong Chan appeared in tbe senior magistrate's court to-day in answer to a summons for alleged furious driving of a motor car. The prosecution had been instituted in consequence of reports made to tbe police by Mr. G. S. Carver and Mr. Upcott. Superintendent Savi
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  • 47 9 The jury in Mr, Justice Darling's court, save a verdict against the manager of the Emperor's rubber monopoly iniAbyssinia. A* wo have mentioned already, the manager, a Syrian named Hassib Ydlibi, had brought an action against the Imperial Ethiopian Hub ber Company for damages for wrongful dismissal
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  • 829 9 HOW BRITAIN WOULD BENEFIT FROM PANAMA CANAL. Californian Surplus. An oil subject of more than ordinary interest in London at tbe present time is the attitude of oilmen ti wards tnc Californian industry, states the Evening Standard, of October 18. Toe existence of a colossal surplus in
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  • 239 9 Antwerp Isolated la the Event of War. Public opinion in Belgium, states an exchange, is somewhat preoccupied with the projeot recently made public in Holland of fortifying the mouth of the Scheldt The expenditure foreseen by the Dutch government for this object amounts to 40 million florins,
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  • 439 9 Its Prospects as a Future Dividend Earner. A correspondent sends as a prospectus of the Jitra Robber Company with a request for an opinion of its value. Tbe property consists of 880 seres of land of whioh 102 acres is cultivated, and it is situated on tbe
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  • 218 9 Three Barman Concerns Absorbed In Big Company. The British Burmah Petroleum Co., Ltd., has just completed tbe issue cf £626,000 of 6 per oent. mortgage debenture stock in London. The amount, we understand, was subscribed three times over. The trustees for tbe debentures are Sir Henry Soymnur
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  • 209 9 Tbe following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co's saleroom yesterday afternoon: —Tbe freehold property known as Stanmore No. 47 Grange Road, Tanglin, are* 8 am s, 8 rood', 85 pole*, part of grants 18 and 21 Monthly rent 1120. Koh San Hin
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  • 58 9 A Tobermory message states tbat tbe salvors of the vessel supposed to be tbe Spanish galleon Florencia are hourly reoeiviog proofs that they are nearing tbe main portion of tbe ship. They have found a blunderbuss, masses of entrusted iron and bones, and a Piece of Eight in perfect preservation,
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  • 125 9 NEW MINISTER OF MARINE WITH TEUTONIC LEANINGS. General Von Der Goltz Honoured, [Rbutbb's Tmlboram.; London, November 15. A Constantinople telegram says tbe Turkish budget for 191M2 estimates a deficit of six million pounds, and the Finanoe Minister asks for authority to raito a loan to cover this.
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  • 23 9 [Dbb Ostasiatiscbe Lloyd Telkubam] Berlin, November 16. It is proposed to grant a gt neral amnesty in Turkey for political offences.
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  • 41 9 Dbb Obtasiatischb Lloyd Tblbobah.J Berlin, Novomber 15. Tbe Kaiser has paid a visit to a monastery at Bcuron. He said that ho recognised the beneficent influence of tbe Benedictine order in the advancement of culture and religion.
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  • 40 9 [Das Ostasiatiscbb Lloyd Tblboram.] Berlin, November 15. The Chilian warship which was sent to Europe to convey the body of the ex- President to Chile has been damaged in a storm, and is at Bremerhaven undergoing repairs.
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  • 19 9 [DlB OSTASIATISCHB LIoVD TbLBOKAM.] Berlin, November 16. Cardinal Fischer is satisfied with his audience with the Pope.
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  • 295 9 [Hidtib's Tslkoram.| London, November 16. The Bedford court martial has been opened at Shetrness. Public interest in tbe lots of tbe cruiser Bedford in the Straits of Corea daring a speed ttial will be revived, says the Globe, with the arrival in England of the < Hi'im
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  • 31 9 (From Odb Own Cobrbppondbht.) Penang, November 16. Mr. Justice Thornton proceeds on six weeks' leave of absence on the arrival of Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith on November la
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  • 73 9 Bow Seng October 1,104 lbs. Total ten months 7,049 lbs. Bukit Jelotong Rubber Estates. Ltd.— October, 647 lbs. Alor Gajab Estate. -October, 2121b5. Bukit K. B. Estate— October, 691 Ids. Messrs. Gutbrie and Co., advise us tbat the output of dry rubber from tbe United Temiang (F.
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  • 55 9 A new Mining Ordinance will rho'tly come into force in Netherlands India. Under it, tbe State gets four per (lent, of the grots outpot from mines granted on concessions. Tbe Mioieter for the Cilonies at the Hague explained tbat this figure holds good for a time only, tbe government being
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  • 669 10 Fine Showing and Good Augury For the Future." The first annual general meeting of the members of the Kamuning (Perak) Rubber and Tin Company, Limited, has beon held in London, Sir William Hood Trflaoher, K. C. M. O presiding In the course of bis remarks, the chairman said
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  • 315 10 Foundation and Development of Eastern Plantations. Tbe second of the series of six lectures on indiarubber wbioh Dr. Philip Schidrowitz is delivering at the City and Guilds Teohni cal College was given on Ootober 19, the lecturer describing tbe foondation and development of the Eastern and
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  • 385 10 Successfully Sued for Breach of Agreement Recently in the King's Bench Division, Mr. Justioe Ridely and a speoial jury resumed the hearing of the ease of Clark v. the Rubber Tanning Syndicate, Limited, in whioh Mr. Jas. A. R. Clark, of Moorgate Station Chambers, E.C., claimed to
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  • 556 10 Oboebs bt Lmn.CoL. E. O. Bioaobick, Oommandant, 8.V.0. Singapori, Novtmbtr IS, 1910. s. t. o. S. R. A. Short Kauue Handicap.— At 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, the 37th inal. Fiolayson Trophicn. The Finlayson Swimming and Shooting Tropics have been banded over to tbe European Unite of
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  • 1121 10 Prlcei Quoted In the Market Ibis Morning. Singapore, November 16th, 1910. Means. Lyall and Hvatt, Enhance and Share Broken, issue the following lit* of quotations this morning I— Norn. Value. Buyerg. Bellerg. a/- Aiiagac W- 6/8 1/. Option! 2,3 5/41 An«loJava 11/6 16/8 1 An«loJohore 12/6 16/8
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 WATERBURYS METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not upset the stomach and is unrivalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tonic for building up the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 AND $2.00
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    • 59 10 In the Court said Constable A. B. 0., I very nearly croaks 1 Though the draughts are nearly killing me. I most laugh at the Jndge's jokes I For the oolds, well Woods' Great Peppermint Core Will do 1 Bat the judge's wit Is a thing that we all of
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    • 683 10 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL. THESE SQUARES SHOW THE AMOUNT OF LIGHT OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT ELECTRIC LAMPS HAVING THE SAICE CURRENT CONSUMPTION. Westinghouse 1 Other Metal 1 low Prioe Tungsten Filament Carbon Filament Lampfc Lamp*. Lampa. Lamps. SOLE AGENTS: ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. Raffles £tt Hotel.
      683 words

  • 911 11 BRITISH MERCHANT'S CRUISE IN 1592. Valuable Capture Off Penang. In the year 1591, Captain James Lancaster set sail for the East, by way of Cape of Buona Speran/.a and Zanzibar on tbe backeside of Africa." The squadron consist ed of three tall ships, Penelope, Merchant lloyall, and Edward
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  • 183 11 The Straits Settlements medical report for the year 1909 has been published as a supp!e ment to the (tovernment Gazette. It shows that the mean intimated population which for 1901 calculated from tbe census returns waa 672,219, is estimated at fB6 691 for 1909. Tbe birth rate
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  • 1171 11 Lord Charles Beresford on the Navy Among the guests at the annual Cutlers' Feast in Shtffield on October 11, were Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, M.P., Mr. Haldane (Secretary for War), the Duke of Norfolk, Mr. Stuart- Wortley, M.P., Barl Fitzwilliam, and the Barl of Scarbrongb. Responding to the
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  • 391 11 SIR THOMAS DEWAR AS A GREAT ADVERTISER. Valne of the Newspaper. At a conference of advertisers at the Business Exhibition at Olympia Sir Thomas Dewar said that in modern commerce advertising was the thing, and he thought it had been the thing for all time. In Egypt
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  • 583 11 A Remarkable Cinematograph Invention. A correspondent contributes tbe following to a borne paper A French scientist has developed a most ingenious method which has greatly increas ed the scope of tbe cinematograph by considerably augmenting the specd that is, the number of pictures taken within a
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  • 31 11 A famous case involving pesos 700.0C0 and hinging on the business relations of Aldeooa and Co. and Warner, Barnes and Co.. has been reopened in the Supreme Court of the Philippines.
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  • 1459 11 EFFECTS IN BENGAL AND OTHER PARTS OF INDIA. Considerable Fall in Prices. The rate war between the two mammoth oil companies, the Standard Oil Company of New York and the Shell Syndicate, has now reached an acute stage and the effects are being felt in India and
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  • 540 11 The Bachelor's Obligations in the East. On several occasion*, observes tbe Madras Mail, we have pondored editorially on tbe trails of calling, but tbe subject is rf so much interest to many of our readers that we do not feel much excuse is needed for recurring to it.
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  • 286 11 Advantages of Adding Chloride of Iron. The purification of muddy water, making it suitable for drinking purposes if not other wise polluted, is a matter whioh affects nearly every mine or estate in the F. M. S says a writer in the Colonial
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  • 892 11 CURIOUS STORY TOLD IN TUB COUNTY COURT. Mr, Frank Curzon Sued. The matinee bat sceno at Prince of Wales s Theatre, which created a sensation in April last, had an extraordinary sequel on October 17, in the Westminster County Court. After the altercation in the stalls of
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  • 119 11 The death has taken place at Frindsbury Rochester, of Colonel George Baker, C. 8., at the age of 70. Deoeased was with tbe 67th throughout tbe campaign of 1860 in China, and carried the regimental colour at the action of Sinbo, at the taking of Tangku, and with the storming
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  • 86 11 A party of French visitors, members of the Dunkirk and Malo-les-Bains section of the Alliance Fraternelle Internationale, has visited Windsor Castle with the principal object of placing a silver wreath over the coffin containing the remains of King Edward. The wreath, of solid silver, is ot elegant design, in the
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  • 1962 12 CURIOUS COMPARISON OF TWO MAL4Y ESTATES. How the Investing Public Wisely Discriminates. In a recent issue of the Financier we found a letter signed Enquirer" and headed Seeming Share Anomaly." The names ot the two companies are so familiar to us that it seemed probable a little
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  • 1000 12 Declaration of Twenty. Five Per Cent. Dividend. The tnird annual meeting of the North Hummock (Selangor) Robber Company was held on October 21, at 20, Eastobeap. Mr. O. A. Talbot presided and, in moving the adoption of the report, said in the course of his speech, that
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  • 891 12 THE INVESTMENT MARKET IN SHARES. Profits and Dividends. The Economist, of October 22, says Wild fluctuations in prices are of little use to any market which would claim for its shares the reputation of investments. The rubber market is still too young, and its shares are not
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  • 150 12 A oew substance for t Dieting the coagulation of the latt x of tbe Ficus elastioa has, according to tbe Indische Merouur, been intrcdjod by Dr. O. von Faber, Director of tbe Sugar Industries Laboratory at Soerabaj Its precise oompwtion has not been annouucod by tbe inventor
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  • 638 12 Which Aims at Amusement Without Instruction. A correspondent sends tbe following to The Financier:— The Robber Planters' Wallet (Late extra Edition. London, Rambong and Co Limited) may be oommendei to those interested in tbe management of plantations. The ediior is Poor Ficus, not unknown to tbe rubber
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  • 331 12 Nagolle (Ceyloo) Rubber and Tea Plantations. The Nagolle (Ceylon) Robber and Tea Plantations, Limited, has been formed for tbe obj cts specified in its memorandum of association, and in particular to purchase tree from incumbraooes and carry on as tiom July 1, IWIO, the estates in (Jeylon of
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  • 1108 12 THE MAMBAU (F M.S), K4MNA AND OTHER ESTATES. Progress of the Properties. The report of the Mauibau (X.M.S.) Rubber Company, Limited, sUtes thai f.lling operations on tbe company's property were commenced in August, 1909, and up to June 80, two blocks of 115 acres and 8^ acres had
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  • 2011 13 STOCK EXCHANGE, MINCING UNE, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON OCTOBER 19 A number o( shares in which local investors are interested are not quoted in local share lists, and there are occasionally wute margins between quotations here and in London. Transactions take place in Mmcin K
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 425 13 CONTINENTAL Cycle Tyres. "CYCLE TYRES FOR THE NEW BEABPN." The Continental people are the first in the field with a new style of bicycle tyres (or the next year, and it looks a very serviceable article. The tread is made by a series of rubber stnds, moulded and vulcaniaed in
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 781 14 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office t Shanghai: Begistsred nnder the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under the Hoßitkong Ordinances. POSITION OF COMPANY Twelfth Tear). Total Insurance in force $37,8B»,888. Total Assets •t41«i3«9.• t 41«i3«9. Total Funds B,2ie,Bia. Total Income for Year 8,8ee,a»7. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE
      781 words
    • 532 14 BANKING. •BARTERED BANK 8F INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA KOORPORATtfD BT BOTAa OHABTBB. faM op Oapttal la 10 000 Bkarai of iMeaek tl, 100.000 tsatrvs VamM ji 800, oor tossrrs tlablHty of Pronrlstow i 1.100,000. 100,000 OAVKKBB. Baak ol Baglaat, ■attoaal Baak of Bootlaas. f»» feoaioa Oily Mialaal Baak. AM. BIHOAPOHB
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    • 349 14 BANKING. THE SZE HAI TO«G BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, ELING STREE Established 1907. Capital paid up $1,0C0,f0000 Reservo liability of proprietors 1,000X00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tbck Joon 6. Sim Kia Jan 2. Nam Kirn mm 7. Teo 800 Lai 8. Luc Cbia Hbno
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    • 1065 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS THE SIGLaP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Chingi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an an a of 448 ACRES planted with about 85,1)00 cocoanut trees, folly grown, and about 60,000 rubber
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  • 733 15 MOTORS MOTORING. FORTHCOMING EXHIBITION AT OLYMPIA. Preparations for the great forthcoming Motor Exhibition at Olympia are now in fnll swing, states a London paper of October 19. and in a few days an army of men will be hu- y r< arranging tbe interior of tbe building. Much has to
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  • 112 15 A cable has been received at Colombo from Berlin to the fleet that the Crown Piinoe »nd Princecs of Germany will dine at Queen* Bmse nn SondiT, the 20-h instant, arjd attend H. E. the G jvoi v >r'a G irden party on ■he alUrnoon of
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  • 208 15 Some time ago, wii es a correspondent, tbe Government appointed a Stamp Commission o rui-w the Stamp Ordinance tbut is io' opera' ion throughout tbe Strait* Set' ement* and the F« derated Ma ay States with tbe view of invitiDK suggestions from the vanoos commit'een in older
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 390 15 We understand that pomefiim is giving out statements, which, if Dot carrfnlly wniflrirV tbo3 B htont, may be misleading, and we B oloAgent«i ff 111 Nf I t I" wooldtakeU.i*<ipportunity of informing the buying public tbat tbe designer of CinnriCV what were formerly known a« Siddtley CENTRAL OIUUtLLI Autocars, is
      390 words
    • 45 15 CROUP. Not a ruinate shonld be lost wben a chiM •bows •■Traptomf of cronp. Cntmberlairj'x 'ough R medy kucd as soon as tbe child b.c u.e< hoars*', or even after tbe cronpy c-iiifh Nppmtm, will prevent th« attack. For btib by ail Dispenaaiiea and Dealtra.
      45 words
    • 425 15 Persian Nerve Essence UafUBOU treatment for nerrou debility, ilemleuoeee, impaired digestion, weak memory, OTerwork and ill mental anil pnyticil eiuaostion. Pcraian Nerre Kee«nc« clear, the brain, ■trengtbetu tbe circulation and impart, a magnetic ngour to the ■hole heinje. All drain, and loawe art permaneijUj ttopewd. The preparation comae in a
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    • 202 15 1910 ELLWOOD'S NEW HELMET No 105 Shape LATEST STYLE, Ventilated and bound white buck, durable, safe protection and in tbe end cheapest. As a number of common imitations of this Helmet have been on the Market lately, the Public are aeked to see that "ELLWOOD'S" is in the Helmot they
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 570 16 WANTS. ANGLO-CHINESE FREE SCHOOL Laly teacbtrs rtquired for the Primary elas*oH. Apply to the Principal. MM DfMARCATOR WAITED. Wanted, Demareator for Rabbet Estate in British North Borneo. Apply, with oopies of test'monials, to Outhrie A Co., Ltd. ma» ROOM WANTED. Wantod by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family
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    • 395 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Suited commodious and well-appointed offices on the ground floor of No. 0, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Elootrio light and tans. Aoply to Messrs. Powell Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan k Co., Raffles Place. 0162 OFFICEB TO LET. Whole of second
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    • 620 16 HOTICEB. NOTICE. Our next rubber auction will take place in about 10 days time. Consignments intended for gale should reach us dnring this week. H. L. COGHLAN CO., u2748 Auctioneers. NOTICE A 8 TO CLOBING OF TRANSFER BOOKS. PEGOH LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Transfer Books of this
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    • 668 16 NOTICES. NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES. The Meeting of tbe Licensing Justuses for tbe quarter commencing January 1, 1911, will be held in the First Magistrate* Court at 2 80 p.m., on Tuesday, December 20, 1910. Applicants for renewals, transfers, removals or new licences, and persons
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    • 603 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT ft CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108* 109, Market Street. TENOERB INVITED. Tenders are invited for the supply of En. gineering materials required by Sarawak Government for the year 1011. Fall parti culars can be obtained on application to Messrs. Paterson Simons
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    • 296 16 The ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITEO. PIANOS By ALL THE BEST MAKERS. BEND FOR 1911 ART CATALOGUE. The Parisian Confectionery, MO. 20, STAMFORD ROAD Ladies driving to town in the beat of the day are assured of an excellent cool drink, and gentlemen need not hurry home after office for a
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 240 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane ons wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per foot lines for one or two insertions. Notioet of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four Unas, II each insertion). For p.p.o. cards, on page 8, 12. Inch Soalb Ratbs
      240 words