The Straits Times, 15 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.415 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 300 1 D. ft I McCallnm's PERFECTION WHISKY. lALBBEOK. MACfIRESOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD, Phillips and Sons BENT BTEEL, FIRE. FALL ft THIEF RESISTING SAFES With Solid Steel Doors and i aside locked Drawer. Fitted with best Lever, Powler Prooi Looks. /if Four S.'.res. SUPERIOR AUSTRIAN FIRE BURGLAR PROOF SAFEB. Set
      300 words
    • 106 1 I Robinson Co. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF Evening Dress Materials Opera Cloaks AND EVENING SHOES. Robinson Co. *l A SJIALL SHIPMENT OF A. J. Reynvaan's Celebrated Dutch Crgars. High Life 84.60 per 100 Reina Victoria $5.00 ONLY OBTAINABLE AT JEANOU ft PATTARA AND HOON KEAT ft CO. EONGjHNG CHEOBB AND CO.
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Chompofie. CALDBECK. MACGRE6OR AND COMPANY.
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  • 593 2 NEW PROCESS FOR CONVERTING CRUDE OILS. London Refinery. An interesting contribution to the discussinn on tiie oil war, in relation to its probable tffeot on the price and future of petrol, says the Evenibg Standard, was made in an in'erview with one of oar representatives by Mr, Arthur
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  • 352 2 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Report. Writing from London on October 20, Messrs. Simael Montagu and Co. report. Of Hie £7U),000 bar gold which arrived this week, the Bank ol England secured rather over half. The remainder was shared between India (£143,000) and the Continent. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 166 2 ■VEPLER i Solution MaKes Fat. Flesh. Bone and Muscle li'^vT Kepler Solution is a food— not 4z2fpf! \jfny a medicine. \t\ x _nJs' The food that strengthens the i/i// weak and fattens the wasted. fn The food that enriches the blood /£A I^t and fortifies the constitution. The food that
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    • 96 2 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY THE BEBT OBTAINABLE This remedy has no superior as a cure for 00l it, croup and whooping cough. It has been a favorite with the mothers of yon ok children for almost forty years. Chamberlain's Couvb Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take.
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    • 249 2 CHAPOTEAUT'B CDRATIVB jg!j&^ H0 PRINCIPLE TASTK COD jflfepE SMELL OIL •fe_I e s^' NAUSEA MORRHUOL Is superior to Emulsions or Oil, it cure* Incipient Cunstimptun, Coughs, Bronchi cis and ScMfula. Each tiny Murrhuol capsule is extracted from a tca-spounlul of cod liver oil. Recommended at the Par t Academy ol
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    • 220 2 rLIFEBUOY-| y A A pure soap, in a AujHLX-^^^^^^ highly concentrated y form, with power to rHL w purify and cleanse \\WL M J at the same time. If MM «^H HEALTH INFHCTIOI S. Proprietor, ul Sunlight «i' Diamond Necklaces, Bracelets AND Rings. Christmas is drawing near, and if you
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  • 656 3 SIX TOWNS WIPED OUT IN GREAT AMERICAN BLAZE. Feared loss of 500 Lives. Six towns have now been destroyed by tbe great forest fires in Minnesota, and, although the blaze in ssid to have subsided slightly, it is added that only a pntf of wind is rf quired
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 512 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUrt HEALTH and Fortify the^ System against Disease lilii t.LM mom 111* taatNCt OR FLUIO tXTRAcr Oi- Nt L O_ J M««^£*^^_ We tmnnot wpmk BJ>VIVJ V bJ it kißk A Si v> kifhij of it." V^W |«kf "SJm£*SJm W B
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    • 141 3 DO IT NOW. Now is tbe tiim to get rid of your rhea matism. In tally nine cases oat of ten the attack in nimply rheumatism of the muscles due to old or damps, or chronio rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treatment. The free application of Chamberlain's Pain
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    • 253 3 CHEON6 BROTHERB, Dentists, SB, South Bridge Road. Kirstolass Heohinaoal Dentistry Sold Crowns, Bridge, Filling and Yolouitt Drrahon of Wear guaranteed CHARGBS MODBRATH FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powders and Brashes (or sale. (L m uauDn>tl«». irrIMIIOM. ■><». or Urin*. of th. »<»*«'"•'■ M CHHIITI GRIMAULTS By up J HYPOPHOSPHITE
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    • 115 3 gyjjL Sozodoivt *s^vMuii*Q\? Everyone uses a loothwasfi or powder. *^^tikils»^^ Moj, are not joined and try one after another. '■^iWLQIiT^N!! i e tfel 1 are not al wh v an<^ hygienically c ean a§ t^ ey ,,jo, ou |j j^ rrftvnjprarj them tr y sozodont. 7> urr^T'J r l c
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 714 4 STEAMER SAILING'S. pTil). STEAM NAVIGATION CO. 9t China, Japan, Paaaag, •sylaa, Aawtralla, India, Aden, Bty»t, Mediterranean Parts, Plymonth and Londen Through Bills of Lading Issued for Oklaa Ooist, Persian Gulf, Oontinental, aal nmerinap Porta. Steameri will leave Bmgapore oa or about MAIL LINES. Oatuard (for OMm) 1910 I*ll Assaye Nov
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    • 533 4 BTEMIER B>ILINB3. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CS.LTD. A regular fortnightly serrioe ia maintained between JAPAN aitd BUROPB by the Company's weU-known TWIH-BCKBW tTllllll under Mail Contnot with the Imperial Japanese Gorerament, specially designed for the Company's Buropean Sorvioe, lighted throughout by Blectrioity, provided with exoellent aooommodation for First and Seoond
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    • 896 4 STEAMER SAiLINSS. MCIFK MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. SJOi TOYOUBEN lAISHA. Ths two great staamahtn Unea bafasa OHINA, JAPAN and BUROPB, via Honolulu and Baa Fraaokwo, oparasißg the new 11,000 tons, twin sarew stasmars KOBBA aad BIBBRIA, togathar witk ths weU known ■teamen CHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAH OHUBIA, NIPPON MABU, TBHXO MABO
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    • 575 4 tiuma milinm. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tka Itsaman of this Company maintain a regular sarrioa between Hamburg, Bnmen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and ths Straits. China and Japan. Homewards, they an despatched fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for BremerhaTsa direct, ceiling al Penang and Ootombo. Taking
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    • 755 4 STEAMER MILINM. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL L!R( Tka fast aad waUkaowa mall ileam, ol this Company sail tortalghty trom Brer sa Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bootki n- toa, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplaa (eoaaaooD MarseUlea, Naples, Alaxaadrla. aal Ties m sat Port Said, Bass, Adsa, Colombo, Ptnang
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  • 112 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday. November 15. High Water, B 44 am., 9.20 p.m. Wednesday, November \6. Higb Water 9.17 a.m. ln.B p.m. Thursday, November 17. Hint Water. «,48 a m.. 10.64 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail doe. Friday, November 18. High Water, 10.21 a.n>.. 11.39 p.m. Legislative Council,
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  • 179 5 To-D»v Penang and Calcutta Lai Sang S pm Malacca and Muar Lady Weld 8 pm Malacca, Port Dickaon and Port B««ttflnh*m Poh Ana 3pm Bonckalix. Riak and Pakan Kian Ann 8 pm Pamangkat and Ssmbas Ban Fo Sxm 3pm Hongkong, tihanghai aiid Japan Denbighshire 4pm Peoaog and
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  • 128 5 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Arcaiia left Hongkone at I p.m. on Saturday. the 1 2th instant, and v doe to arrive here at 6 a.m. on Thursday, the 17th iustant. The P. and O. ontward mail steamer Assaye left Colombo at 11 p.m. on
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  • 402 5 Latest Arrivals. AnMochui, Brit atr 5792 tons, Capt Stewart, Nor IS. From Manila, Nov 9. 0.0. W. W. Mansfield A Co. For London. Nov 18— W Culypto. Brit atr SSB torn, Oapt Bannatyne, Nciv 1 4 From Deli, Nov 13. 0.0. and dp. W Mansfield A Co. For
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  • 46 5 Time balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Green wich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'olook noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day exoeptint, gnnriav. whm <• <• flrmt a! n»* n>Wb.
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  • 96 5 Wharvea at which Vessel* are Berthed To -Day. TANJONO PAQAR. Eisi Wsumr Bun Adeh. Eibi W. Baonoa I— Nil. Sams Wuu- Nil. Mini W. Bwi. t- Denbighshire, Penang. I Nil. Lai Sa"g. a a Anamba. m 6— Kemoc, Antilochus. Lieooa Dooi 7— (Under
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  • 122 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Prachstipok, Nov. 18. From Bangkok Mt* srs. Lee and Macbang. Per steamtr Ca!ypn i, Nov. 14. From Dcii: Messrs. Mooree* and Hi aging. Per steamer Kiata, Nov. 14.— From Telok Anson via poits: Messrs. M. Maude, G. E. Greig, W. Bell, W. Cowan, Lapere,
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  • 260 5 Finance Commerce, EXCHANGE. SmOAPORI, NoVKMBtB 16, 1010 On London— Bank 4 m/s M 2/4^ Demand 2/4 JW Private 8 m/s 2/4JT do 8 m/a M 2 4.i On Otrmont— Bank d/d 240 Private 8 m/s 344 do 6 m/« 246* On France— Bank d/d 266 Private 8 m/s M 388*
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    • 169 5 Value Bayers. Selli 10 10 Belat Tin C.fO 62) 10 10 Brnang 6.50 000 10 10 Bruaeh Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kunaboi 200 260 XI XI Kinta Tin 10 00 16.76 £1 £1 KledaogTin 176 200 10 10 Kuantan Tin 8.00 8.26 41 Lihat Mines 8.00 B.'o XI £1
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    • 618 5 [•sue Value S, Bayers. Seller* 2/- 3/- Allagar 4/0 6/3/- 2/- Anglo- Malay 1.8 0 1.5.8 3/- 3/- Bataug Maiaka 2/0 3/6 pm 41 £1 Batu Caves 16.10 0 17.1".O £1 £1 Hata Tig* 4.8 6 6.0 0 41 411 Bnkit Kajang 2 1«.O 3.18 0 £1 18/-,, Contributory
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    • 128 5 Value Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern nom. Smeltiog 10 00 10 7 0.(0 £1 £1 Electric Tramways 2/8 8/0 10 10 Frtser k Neave 27 00 80.00 100 HowarUi Erskine 57.00 66.00 ICO 7% Pret. SO.CO 01 00 100 100 Eats Bra. Dai. ***** 100 100 6% Cam. Pref.
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    • 41 5 Buyers. Sellett. Howartb BrskineS% 1800,000 par Riley, Har1% 4860,000 Singapore Municipal 6% *****4100 aom. Buyer* Sellm Singapore Ha uoipal H% of 1907 11,600,000 1% f% m. Singapore Municipal ii% of 1809 11,003.000 f 8% am Singapore Manioipal4% »603,900 T% «s,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 For all interna' camplainta. Dysentery, Con»j'i-, Colclb, eto., take Wood*' Great Peppermint Core.
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    • 445 5 ALCTION SALES Powell and Co. Not. 15 At saleroom, freehold properties, situate at Kramat Rd., etc, at 2 80. Not. 15 At fall room, freehold land at Tanah Merah Kitchill, at 2 30. Not. 15 At saleroom, land and house, known as No. 89, Kerbau Ro»d, at 2 80. Not.
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    • 460 5 GABRICK COARSE-CUT. OBTAINABLE AT John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. NISSIN'S XMAS SHOW. All kinds of Japanese Goods, suitable for XMAS PRESENTS. NO. 21, HIGH STREET. STEAMER SAILINGS. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP LINEB, LTD. AMERICAN-MANCHURUN LINE. To the Pbillipines. S.S. KATUNA, will be despatrhed irom Singapore abont 10th December. To be followed
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    • 51 5 ALBERT L. A. DALEY, Undertaker, Monumental Mason and Marble Merchant BEOS to inform (he public thai he has jost received a very large consignment oi METALLIC WREATHS, HARPS, CROSSES, ETC., EX S.S. KAWACHI HARU FROM THE WELL-KNOWN HUM OF MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD., OF LONDON. 43, PHnaep Street. Telephone) No.
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  • 1105 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16. WRECKING OUR CREDIT. Day by day new stories reach as of the extent to whioh f Jrged transfers, or forged certificates, or evr,n forged scrip have been pat into circulation by the sharks who hover around every one who ha* dealings in rubber shares.
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  • 21 6 The Chinese steamer Bat ka is ashore on the Kuantan bar, and it is feared she may become a total loss.
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  • 20 6 An Imperial Eiict was issued at Tokio, on November 7, convening the reassembly of the Imperial Diet on December 20.
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  • 46 6 News has reached Shanghai that the Jardine's steamer Kiogeing broke her foilthaft between Taku and Hooki, and was being towed back to the former place I y the C. N. Co. steamer. Sbengking. From that port the Kingsing will be towed to Shanghai by the Koongaoing.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear oa [age 6 as well as 8.
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  • 21 6 The steamer Shutting, a steamer wbich navigates the Yangtze rapids between Icbang, and Couogking, is reported to be wrecked near Chungking.
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  • 32 6 The Los Angales, California, tourist party of about 60 Americans will arrive by tbe Princes* Aiioe, Sunday next, and will be staying at the Grand Hotel de I'Europe for a few days.
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  • 28 6 Tbe Java Bode states, triumphantly, tbat tbe proceeds of Government opium duiing tho last three months were f 88,000 more than during the foregoing quarter of the jear.
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  • 29 6 As a state of peace prevails in Portugal, tbe Portuguese Minister bat notified tbe Wai-wn-pu at Peking, tbat the Macao delimitation question should be again taken up for discussion.
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  • 37 6 Tlia Fn nob Minister in Peking has not<6ed the Wai wo-pu that in case any loan is need «d for the development of the Province of KwaDgni he shall expect to be first consulted in the matter.
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  • 29 6 The practice danoe for St. Andrew's ball in tbe Memorial Hall, yesterday afternoon, was well attended. Tbe second and last practice takes place next Monday, commencing at 5.15 p.m.
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  • 30 6 The opening ceremony of the Simon* Town Iliihour Woiki, South Africa, which r>ave recently been completed by Sir John Ja keon (Limited), will be undertaken by the Duke of Connaugbt.
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  • 33 6 Tbat tbe Chinese are adopting European customs has been again emphasised at Hongkong by tbe appearanoe of a Chinese lady on horseback at the Happy Valley. She was riding straddle with an escort.
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  • 35 6 A medical journal in Holland calls attention to tbe prevalence of opium smoking in certain French ports- It is officially stated t at forty pur oent. of tbe naval officers at Brest habitually smoke opium.
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  • 35 6 Tbe Royal Mint has issued a South African Union medal designed by Mr. E. Bertram Maokennal. The medal bears an impriDt of King George's head. A similar imprint will be used on tbe new coinage.
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  • 35 6 A meeting is being held this afternoon at tbe offices of tbe Eastern Petroleum Syndi cate. 23 25, The Arcade, to consider tbe scheme of taking over the property of tbe Dutch East Borneo Syndicate.
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  • 30 6 The Board of Revenue has sent to Shanghai in three shipments, per Chioa Merchants Steam Navigation Company's Kteamers, one million taels to relieve the financial situation, states a Peking wire.
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  • 39 6 All records for the Hongkong-Manila voysge have been broken by the Siberia which steamed into the Philippine port in thirty-nine and a half hours out of Hongkong. Exception ally good weather for this time of the year was experienced.
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  • 42 6 Crippen lodged an application in the Court of Criminal Appeal against his conviction, on technical grounds, in reference to the illness of a juryman, and the calling of a witness for tbe prosecution after Crippen had given evidence. The appeal was dismisited.
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  • 42 6 Tbe China Critic learns tbat the BervictH of all the European gunners on the Imperial Chinese Customs cruiters are being dispensed with, according to a reotnt order from IVking, and it is rumoured that other reductions of staff are in immediate contemplation.
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  • 51 6 The Japanese autumn military maniuuvres are being conducted on a large scale this year in the vicinity of Nagoya, central Japan H. I. H. the Crown Prince is in command of tbe troops, all branches of the forces being represented in large numbers. The manojuvres commenced on the 7 th
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  • 47 6 It is understood tbat tbe European police of Colombo have forwarded a petition to Government through the I.G.P. for a betterment of their prospects. Their chief grievance is that their salary is insufficient under the conditions which prevail in Colombo—conditions which they were not led to anticipate.
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  • 62 6 A variety entertainment under the patronage of Lieut. B. A. Catar, R. N acting master attendant, will be given by tbe Singa pore Catholio Funeral Association at the Alexandra Hall, North Bridge Road, on the 17th inst., in aid of the Hearsefund. As the bearte will be placed at the
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  • 71 6 An extraordinary instance of a dream com icg true has occurred at Moffat. Mr. Bruce Sinclair, a Calcutta broker, was drowned on October 16 (at Pan) and on the same day his wife, who is staying at Moffat, gave birth to a daughter. When her friends tried to break tbe
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  • 66 6 In spite of the rain, active preparations are being made for the opening night of the Hippodrome Circus, on Wednesday next. Lee Oriello, bom the Cirque Blamenfeldt, aerial artists, will appear for the first time in Singapore. Mons Georges and Rococo will be the merry makers, and, with a host
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  • 92 6 The Hindu kranies of Singapore celebrated the preliminaries to the fire- walking festival at the Hindu temple, South Bridge Road, last evening, with much eclat. Mr. K. L. Talma, the secretary of toe Hindu and Mabomedan Endowments Board, was prenent. Mr. C. J. Kijakishnan Pillai, senior Tamil interpreter of the
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  • 388 6 Sir l'aul Cbater, of Hongkong, was marrird last month at St. Gtoigo'a, Hanover Square, London. Mr. Frank Browne, Government analyst. Hongkong, is aboard of tbe Tango maru bound for England on leave fjr twelve months. Dr. Campbell Morgan is not coming to India this year, but next,
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  • 104 6 At Messrs H. L. Cogblan and Co's sale roou.B yesterday the following properties were sold Nos. 10, 11,12 and 13, Rice Course Road, Area 6,083 sq ft, freehold. Rent lea Buyer, J. A E<iaf>. 17,6f0 Free hold land Bukit Timah Road. Ana a:! acre*, 2 roods, 16 poles,
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  • 156 6 Death of Mr B.O Stoney. Members of the Colonial Civil Service and many others out here will learn with regret tbat Mr. B. O. Stoney, lately Asiistant R -sident of Brunei, died at Ardbeck, Miltimber, Aberdeunshirp, on October 16, after only a short illness. Mr. Stoney, who was in bis
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  • 118 6 The Straits Chinese Recreation Club held their annual general meeting on Friday laet. The accounts were passed, showing a credit balance of 1862 87. The following were elected officers for the year 1911 Song Oog Siang, president Kiong Chin Bng, hon. secretary Chna Sim Obi. aast.
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  • 122 6 In the Presbyterian Church on Saturday, Mr. F. W. Lyall, of Messrs. Brinkmann and Co., was married to Miss Jane Allison Fleming, of Manchester. The bride arrived from home by the Somali on Thursday, accompanied by her mother. Mr. Percy Canliffe gave the bride away,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 259 6 ALHAMBRA (Oprocite Raffles Hotel). Singapore's Premier Picture Palaca. 2Supeib j Spectacular > EVERY NIGHT. Shows I The Eiobthh Edition of Patlie'a Animated Gazette To- Night, Contains tbe following «AT THE GUILD HALL." Tbe Election of Sir Vf zoy Strong as Lord Mayor of London for the Coronation Year. "RANELAGH YACHT
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  • 62 7 GREAT ACTIVITY AT POLITICAL HEADQUARTERS. Election Early In December. [Bnni'i Tblbobam.l London, November 15. Leaders and members of tbe House of Commons are pouring into London, and {bore is the greatest activity at headquarters. Lord Koollya called on Mr. Asquith yester day afternoon. There is a firm conviction
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  • 42 7 The Run Subsiding and Depositors Returning. [Rbdtbr's Telioram.] London, November 15. Tbe run on tbe Birkbeck Bank is slowly subsiding. Some people waited all night, but the crowds are smaller, and all were paid promptly. Many are now paying in.
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  • 47 7 Prince Henry of Prussia Takes a Flight Alone. [Rbutrr's Tblboram.] London, November 14. At Darmstadt, Prinoe Henry of Prussia, who has recently been learning aeroplaning. made several flights alone yesterday in tbe new military aeroplane. Tbe instructor took the Princess for a twelve mile* flight.
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  • 37 7 German Lieutenant Pleads Guilty iKiUTSu'i Tblio«am.| London, November 15. Lieutenant Helm pleaded guilty to the charge of espionage at Portsmouth and was bound over in £250 storting. He swore not to repeat tbe offence.
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  • 23 7 [RaiTTiK's Tbuoram.] London, November 15. Tbe Welsh coal owners hive agreed to a small advance in the general wage rate.
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  • 56 7 [RbUTIR'B TILKQRAM.] London, November 14. A Teheran message nays it has been decided to appoint the Nizam-a Sultaneh, ex Governor of Kermanshab, as Governor of Fan. It is intended to employ his tribal followers in tho locality as road guards. A special committee recommended the despr teh
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  • 32 7 ,KSDTIK'B TSLBORAM.] London, November 14. Mr. Redmond has returned to Ireland. His journey from Queenstown to Dublin was a triumphal progress, and there was no sigo of tbe O'Brienite opposition.
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  • 15 7 [RaUTBR's TILIORAM London, Nov. 14. The rise of the Seine has apparently ceased.
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  • 229 7 Tracing Origin of False Certificates. The police are still investigating, with more or less success, the forgeries in reapeot of the Straits Bertam transfer receipts. It has been ascertained that although tlie paper on wbioh the reoeipt and certificate were printed bore the water- mark of the
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  • 49 7 Tbe Mitsu Bishi dockyard and engine works, at Akunoura, Nagaiaki, have inut tiled a 160-ton giant hammer-head crane. It is 177 feet high, is the largest in the Orient, and one of the largest in tbe world. Nearly 1J miles of electric cable are used in distributing tbe current
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  • 666 7 Rejoicing Over Results of tbe Recent Inspection. There was rejoicing at tbe Anglo-Chinese School, Coleman Street, yesterday afternoon, owing to tbe fact that the seventh standard, at tbe annual inspection just costd, had achieved tbe highest standing ever gained by the school, and one considerably higher tban that
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  • 348 7 Great Complaints as to Married QuartersThe following relating to the Hongkong Garrison is extracted from Truth of Ootober 1? There are great complaints from married soldiers of tbe way thsy are housed at Hongkong. At the Victoria Barracks, where the Artillery are stationed, there ate sixt« ea married
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  • 63 7 Sir Clifton liobinson, known throughout the world as tbe tramway king, who recently paid a second visit to Hongkong and Singapore with Lady Kobinson and their son, has met with a tragically sudden end in New York. R'diog in one of the city tramcars, Sir Clifton complained of feeling unwell,
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  • 521 7 UNPLEASANT TRIP TO HONGKONG FROM SINGAPORE. Brecoasbire's Experience. The Shire line steamship Breoonshire which arrived in Hongkong on November 7, from Singapore, encountered some rather undesirable experiences on the ran up, reports the China Mail. In command of Captain Tomlinson, the Breconahire left Singapore on Ootober 29,
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  • 235 7 Magistrate Finds it to be a Common Gaming House. By a decision given in the third police court this morning, by Mr. Robinson, the Singapore Club has been legally and indisputably designated a common gaminghouse The oase out of wbich this arose was one in wbioh 17
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  • 257 7 Rubber was again a topic of discussion in the Supreme Court to-day, when Mr. Justice Fisher began the bearing of an action by Kong Chin Hoe against J. A. Meyerto recover 1 1000 and interest upon a transaction in Luuas qham Mr. Page for tbe plaintiff,
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  • 44 7 The following London wire appears in tbe Ceylon Observer There is a better prospeot for tbe rubber industry than that given in tbe local estimate for 1010. Mr. H. K. Rutherford, who has not touched the Ceylon Directory figures, gives 10,000 tons for 1014.
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  • 1688 7 ECONOMISTS REVIEW OF THE YEAR'S FLUCTUATIONS. Fairly High Level May be Maintained. The Economist, of October IS, discusses the price of tin and we quote the following self otions from tbe article During this year there have been some rapid fluctuations in the price of tin,
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  • 398 7 As Seen Through the Colonial Office's Eyes. The formation of a great number of rubber rowing companies, states the Colonial Office onrna', has brought oom-iderable new capital into the Milay Stater, but the majority of them took over old estates and the vendors of tbe planter
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  • 118 7 His Excellency the Governor has bteo pleased, under the provision* of section 1 of The Oensui Ordinance 1880 to appoint the following gentlemen to be opnsus offloers For Singapore, the 001-eotor of Land Revenue, Dr. W. R. C. Middleton, and Mr. T. Maybew. For Penang, the Collector of
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  • 62 7 BANK SYNDICATE PROPOSE NEW RAILWAY. Line Across Persia to India. [RbUTER'S TELEGRAM. I London, November 15. The Times' St. Petersburg correspondent says that a syndicate of Russian Banks, disposing of thirty five millions sterling, has made a proposal for the construction of a railway from the Caucasus
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 109 7 Mr. D. A. M. Brown Beats a Lady Professional. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang. November 14. A billiard match was played at tbe Penang Club between Miss Ruby Roberts, an Australian lady professional champion, and Mr. D. A. M. Brown. Th« latter won by 400 to 350.
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  • 105 7 The Volunteer Movement in Perak. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, November 16. A wire has been received from Taiping stating that a most enthusiastic meeting was held on Saturday in connection with the volunteer movement. Mr. E. W. Birch, tbe British Resident, presided, and in the
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  • 84 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, November 14. The Pinang Gazette, in commenting on tbe Rate-payers' Association meeting, says that on looking through the list of names ot those present, it must strike one that the meeting was essentially an assembly of landlords. If the Association be merely a
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  • 79 7 (From Odb Own Correspondent.) Penang, November 14. Mr. J. P. Deboaech of Singapore, baa brought up the racer* Stageligbt, Harry Allen, Dawn, Cbesterbrooko and Charlotte for tbe January races. It is rumoured that certain members of tbe Turf Club propose convening a special meeting to reconsider tbe
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  • 234 7 The Presbyterian Church was prettily decorated yesterday afternoon for the marriage of Mr. Theodore J. B. Wearne, of Messrs. C. F. F. Wearne and Co and Mies Isabella Templeton Hodge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hodge, Bonnie Doon, Byed Ali Road. Miss Hodge, who has
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  • 29 7 Parcels from Singapore intended to be delivered in tbe United Kingdom by Christmas have to be posted not later tban 2 p. m on Thursday next.
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    • 185 8 Oi the clnb gronn4, tbe gtrrison met the S. C. O. ia friendly g»me of soccer, the olub winning by one goal to nil. Tim tenth an* last S. L R. A. shoot for the Yonng cap will take place at the Bales tier range, next Tnnrrday,
      185 words
    • 514 8 Position of the Leagues. LUeat p <perß to band give tbe following football remits: Kn.ilism League.— Division I. Liverpool 4 BriHtnl City 0 Bury 1 Sheffield Wednesday 1 Notts County I Tottenham Hotspur 0 Woolwich Arsenal 4 Blackurn Rovers 1 Aston Villa 2 Manchester City 1 Sbtffi«ld United 0
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    • 212 8 Match at Teluk Kurau. ()a Sunday, several residents of Teluk Kuraa, and visitors, played a golf match over a course of nine holes for a medil presented by Mr A. Agnew. The scores were as under: Singapore Qolf Club.— Stiven Cup Competition. Tbe first rnand of this cimpetition was
      212 words
  • 467 8 List ol Entries (or Next Saturday's Meeting. We have received for publication the following list of entiies in the Gtmkhana to be held on the racecourse next S Uurday afternoon. The entries for the ex-grifflu event will appear later Polo Pony Scurry. Owner Horte Major R B. Hayes
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  • Correspondence.
    • 180 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I shall be much obliged if you will allow me a little space in your valuable paper to call the attention of the Tramway authorities to the conduct of their inspectors. I was driving down torn Seraogoon yesterday, with
      180 words
  • 89 8 Lord and Lady Hardioge of Henshurst, started tot Bombay on No -timber 8. Among tbrse present were Lord and Ltd? Laosdowne, Lord Sandprron, General Sir Dikh'on Probyn, and Sir Francis and Lady Young husband. Lord Hardicgn narrowly escaped misMog the train as be was still bidding nis
    89 words
  • 30 8 It is with profound regret, says tbe Seoul Press of October 80, tbat we record tbe death ot the Rt Rev. Bitbop Turner, D. D., of the Eu^lUh Cburob here.
    30 words
  • 882 8 PrICM Quoted la the Market 11U Morning. Singapore, November 16th, 1810. Means. Ljall and Bvatl, Bxofcange and Share Broken, iame tbe following lie* of quotations thia morning I— 2/. Allagar 4 9 6/. 8/- OpUoM 2 8 5/41 Anglo-JaTa 11 8 10 8 1 Anglo-Jotaore 12 10/8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 Those travellers bod, wbo faced the oold Tbe Soatb Pole to explore, Would Lave foroworn itieir qnett forlorn, And kU y. il i>t be me, I'm sure, Did il,< y i.ut know, that 'mid ice and snow, They ci.uld rxif^vt bea.tu iLsure, !!j lianuK clone by a good nopply Oi
      54 words
      12 words
    • 278 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 SINGAPORE AMATEUR DRAMATIC COMMITTEE. An Amateur Performance of THE HAOIBTKATE," AUrcioal comedy by A. W. PINBRO, will ha given in the Victoria Theatre, ON NOVEMBER 19. 24 AND 26. PUns and Seats at ROBINSON PIANO Co., On Wednesday, November 9. FOR SALE. Motor bos to carry 80
      278 words
    • 469 8 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER November 19. The Standard Life Assurance Co. WB CAN OBTAIN FOR YOU A LIFB POLICY 1. At Home Rates (Under Double Endowment Plan), or 3. With Monthly Premiums, witbont any addition to the Yearly Premium, ot 8. Without Medioal Examination, or 4. Lnder ail the usual
      469 words
    • 121 8 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET OR FOR SALE. No. F5, Barker Road, with immediate enny. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacoa Street. HARBOUR. DOCK ANO PIER WORKS. Contractor*), Engineers, etc, requiring trained DIVERS tor Submarine Work in Wood, Stone or Iron, apply in first instance to Submarine, c/o Straita limes.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 57 9 FUSSELL'S Milk Cream. Butterfly Brands. Sole Agents Paterson, Simons Company, Ltd. Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE HSALEN AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 A S, HIGH STREET, Now On. GREAT REDUCTIONS! GREAT REDUCTIONB!! GREAT REDUCTIONS!!! Ask Always FOR THB ffiieyele-Wi/res OF THE SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Passlr Panjang, Singapore. Price very
      57 words
    • 424 9 DEVOt'S IMPERIAL BRILLIANT $2.50 per case, including duty. SYLVAN ARROW $2.20 per case, including duty. Apply wholeule Agents: Messrs. CHIN HUAT HIN OIL TRADING CO., NO. 246, SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD. tut (Bml Engineering Work. THE FOLLOWING SURPLUS MATERIAL FROM CONSTRUCTIONAL WORK AT TAIKOO DOCK, HONGKONG, IS NOW FOR SALE. Portable
      424 words
    • 185 9 OTOMUNE'S Annual H SALE f— Now Proceeding. NEW SUEPLUS STOCKS Which are offered at Prices MOST ADVANTAGEOUS To purchasers as PRESENTS FOR 1910 and 1911. MOTA BEHE. fSS^^^^^^^^^^^^Sßi W X\r IQQ STALDEN^|jtjS]^i^MMOamL <J VV 100 l *^?gg^ "SLEDGE" BRAND j •jUTi"!-!.. HYGIENIC SWISS MIL* Sote toporten I Df 'hei n
      185 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 666 10 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tat iMamari of Iblt Oompaay malßtaia a ngnlar dlrsot tervlot between Oalontta, Strait., Hoagkoßg, Bbasgbal aad Japaa, taking oargo, 00 tbroagb BUI. of Ladlof) for Cantoa, Bwatow, Amoy, Cbetoo, Tlenuio, Hewchwaag, Yaagtsst Ports. Formots, tbt PhUlpplDSS, ao,, 40. Bteaaam Tobi Oomraaadsr Imut 4.8
      666 words
    • 457 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office t Shanghai: Begistered under the Life Assnranoe Companies Acts, England, and nnder the Belong Ordinance* pQmmoH QP cOMPAHY Twelfth fear). Total Insurance in foroe »87^85,885. Total Assets «^18,249. Total Fonda 8,215, 81 2. Total Inoome for Year 3,B8«,BB7. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE
      457 words
    • 441 10 lANUFACTURERS LIFE INBURANCE CO. OF CANADA Bstabllahed 1887. Policies are WORLD WIDE," UNRESTRICTED," INDISPUTABLE" and NON. p 'ORFBITABLB." C'vma, loans, cash. surrenders, etc., are promptly settled by the General Agents at Hngapore, without the delay of reference to I ioadOfflce. The Reserves lot proteotion of Policyloldors are over 120,000,000 (5.5.0.)
      441 words
    • 529 10 BANKING. IHARTEREO BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA ■OOBPOBATUD BT BOTAI OHABTEB. PaM up Capital la 10,000 Bi.r.i of «*> m ■1.M0.000 tosarr* Foal 11.800.00 C Uaarvi friability ot Proprislort 1,100, 000 fIAHKBHB Baak oi KaftUaa. Rational Baak ot Bootfaaa. r»i aoaioa OMy Midlaai Baaa. all BIHOAPORK BRAHCH Onmat Aeoonats
      529 words
    • 878 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE^ Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Chmgi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an ana of 448 ACRES planted with about 86,000 cocoanut trees, fully grown, and about 60,000 rubber trees
      878 words

  • 821 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS Writing in tbe Westminster, a correspondent say*:— There are a goodly number of people who are undoubtedly poor in tbe motoring sense, but whose methods of economy deserved to be more widely known. These thrifty folk make it a practice never to
    821 words
  • 162 11 Wealthy Chinese Captured by Pirates. The fate of Wn Haog Kesu, a member of the old How ka family o' Macao, is in the balance, states the S. C. Morning Post, of Nu vi mber 8. About ten days *go, he was enticed on board a boat
    162 words
  • 63 11 Several oases of cholera hive been reported from the suburb c f Tukio. Owing to the b»d, iosanitary condition of those parts of the city which were covered by the recent floods, fear is entertained as to the increased prevalence of the epidemic in the capital. The authorities, however, are
    63 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 630 11 We nnderstand that pome firm is rU ing oat statements, mhicb, if not carefnlly UIAIAPirV thought out, may be misleading, and we Bo|# Agent* i Wl LUL Lk 1 would tabo tt in opportunity of informing the buying public that the designer of --i,--.. _>|ft fll?| Plf what were formerly
      630 words
    • 44 11 CROUP. Not a minute should be lost when a child fhown "ymptonu of croup. Cbamberlain'« vJough R-medy given as soon as the child bee n-e-i hoarse, or even after tbe croupy onauh appear*, will prevent thn attack. For Rale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      44 words
    • 399 11 MARTELL'S Blue and Silver Label is an accepted guarantee, all over the world for the BEST quality i" BRANDY (THRBH BTAR ONE STAD. Ton know it by the Bine and Silver Label. To be had of all dealers. For partionlars of trade prices, please apply to t DAMSON, BILFILLAN i
      399 words
    • 153 11 4 'Peacemaker' SCOTCH WHISKY. Ot Undoubted Quality. "*.> (J^/ GUARANTEED Ten Years Old. ROBERTSON, WILSON CO., Bole Agents. DT J.Collis Browne s f^g/fff? The ORIGINAL and ONLY GENUINE. gf FEVER, CROUP, AQUE. m^g DIARRHOEA «m>i I* \\xk OU i y, r r kr>"» t. -f k M in CHOLERA tOUGHS.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 573 12 WANTSROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as pay<ng guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straita Times. ***** DIBPENBER WANTEO. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispenaary in the Straits. Send testimonials and state ralary wanted to Chemist," c/o Straits Times. ■9287 FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Wanted, on
      573 words
    • 612 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD OFFICES TO IH. Suite of commodious and well-appointed offices on the ground floor of No. 6, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light and fans. Apply to Messrs. Powell Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan k Co., Raffles Plaoe. u162 OFFICES TO LET. Whole of
      612 words
    • 602 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOX TEMIERB FOR MIL A few very select, High class, Through bred Fox Terriers, per so. Guthrie. Nearly ■II prize winners. To be seen at No. 4 Koek Road. ***** ARTISTS SUPPLIES. Just reoeived, a consignment of moist water colours (in bottles) and plaster casts of the
      602 words
    • 728 12 NOTICEB. 3UFF DEVELOPMENT CO.. LTD. A number of forged split transfer receipts which accompany forged transfers received from Straits Settlements and elsewhere have been presented at the offices of the Company. Dealers in these shares are cautioned against accepting any split transfer reoeipts without verification by the London Offioe. All
      728 words
    • 572 12 NOTICES. KIAWI KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Govtrnmtnt and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 ft 100, Market Street. NOTICE. Mr. Oh Kee Chuan has been appointed Compradore for the The Great Eastern Life Assuranoe Company, Limited, as from November 1, 1910, and will have his offioe in the Haad Offices of
      572 words
    • 410 12 BOARD AND LOOGINQ. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Board and apartments tor single gentlem Vi£ U| Dboby QUu% Terms Moderate. BOARD AND REBIDENCE. Furnished rooms with or without board. Terms moderate. Apply 21, Sophia Road. 2610 BOARD AND RESIDENCE Rooms with a private family. House nicely situated and close to town. Terms
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 241 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of 91 per font lines for one or two insertions. Notioei of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not expending four lines, tl each insertion For p.p.c. cards, on page 6, 12. Inch Sualb Ratbs
      241 words