The Straits Times, 12 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 11 1 The NO. 23.413 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 164 1 D, 1 1 McC&ilnni's PERFECTION WHISKY. ULBBEOK. MACBREGOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. Rubber. Fruit and all Trees are protected against the attack of WHITE .A.:N"TS and the roots of thc|Trees against Fungus by using Arbolineum Plantarium IN CASKS CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 275 Kg.: SBI.OO per oask. FOB TRIAL. We are
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    • 69 1 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217, Orchard Road. AWARDED MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE, AGRI-HORTICULTUUAL SHOW SINGAPORE, 1910. Arranged Floral Baskets, Bouquets, showers and Floral forms of all descriptions. Wedding orders reoeive special attention MANY LOCAL TESTIMONIALS. Price* Moderate. Cat Flowers rom our own Nurseries quite Fresh. NURSERIES AND
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    • 244 1 Robinson A Co. NEW SHIPMENT OF GRAMOPHONES Just Unpacked. The Sheraton Gramophone j/K^k (*8 ILLUSTRATION). Highly tninhed Mahogany Cabinet Triple Spring Motor, 12 inch TarnJD 'wL table, Speed Index Finger, Exhibition Sound Box. 28 inch. JBJ HV Morning Glory Horn. M£: j^L THE BEST MACHINE MADE M R^. Price: $140
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    • 6 1 Bollinger cnampope. CALDBECK. MACPREGOR AND COMPANY.
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  • 1057 2 VIEWS OF BRITISH RESIDENT OF PAHANG. Tbe Kangany System. Mr. W. D. Barnet, British Resident, Pabang, atd lately Secretary (or Chinese Affairs, wrote the following notes, which are published as an appendix to tbe report ol the oomruiwion appointed to er quire into Indentured Liboor in tbe F.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 473 2 Haieline Snow Hazeline' Snow" Hazeline 1 Snow" Hazeline' Snow" Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow HazeMne Snow Hazeline' Snow Hazelme Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline Snow Hazeline
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    • 46 2 CROUP. Noi a mioote abonld be lost wben a obi'd abowa Mmptomi if eroop. Chamber Uil'm c'cugli R mtdygnen as soon as ibe child he ue< lioaiMr, or nm afti r tbe croopj chikli appear*, will preveot the attack, tor sale bj ail Dibpenoatita aid Doakrd.
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    • 333 2 lilt m To prevent dry, thin and falling hair, remove dandruff, allay itching and irritation and promote the growth and beauty of the hair, frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted by occasional dressings with Cuticura, are usually effective when all other methods fail. In preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin,
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    • 217 2 Diamond Necklaces, Bracelets AND Rings. Christmas is drawing near, and if yon are tbinkiDß ol sendiog presents to thote d. ar to yon at home yon could Dot do b tter than pay us a visit. Tastes and opinions differ as to the kind of present to wnd, bat no
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  • 910 3 MOB'S FIERCE ATTACK ON A CONVENT. Hunted Priests. Writing from Lisbon, on October 8, tbe Standard corespondent states: The most astounrliog feature of this extraordinary 'evolution had been an entire absence of those repellent features which almnat invariably accompany political upheavals. Up to Saturday thire bad been
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  • 54 3 An official report just published estimates the number of Para lubber trees under cul tivation in Cochin China at over ooe million, of which about 15,000 are under tapping. Thetnoa are expected to increase to five millions within a few ytars. Optimists look furward to a rubber output of 10,000
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  • 60 3 An experienced planter tells tbe Deli Courant that the Javanese coolie* there give a lot of trouble from laziness. Most of them will do as little work as they can, and it takes very strict control to get enough of labour out of them. The Javanese, so it is stated,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 907 3 Bronchitis A Nurse's Experience. Nurses have better facilities than most people for discovering the best remedies for certain ailments, yet here is a case of one who suffered with Bronchitis for many years, and could not get relief until she tried Angier's Emulsion. Writing from 14 East Milton, Gravesend, this
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    • 12 3 Woods Great Peppermint Cure for all internal complaint*. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc.
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    • 560 3 Japanese Dentist, 7*. BRAS BASAH ROAD Dr. K. Tsntada tbe only Japanese Dentist in tbe town with whom yon can oodbqU direct either in Eng'iah or Malay. Painters Extraction bom II ea<b. Gold Cat ping 6 Silver Capping 8 Joined Crown 4 Bridge Work S Fnll ret teeth on plate
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    • 174 3 In a Kitchen where MONKEY BRAND is used for the coppers, the tinware, the kitchen tables and floors, the good housewife's work is done almost before the day is begun. WONT WASH CLOTHES. 88 and 90. Bras Basah Road. ■if We bave just ALSO NEW STOCK OF M'---* 7 receivei
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 713 4 3TEAMER BAILIIIBB. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. «or China, Japan, Henanc. aeylaa AQatrella. ladla, Aalsa, Hfypt, •ledlterraneaa Parts, Plymouth saw Londen. Throogh Bills of Lading Issued tor China Ooast, Pnrsian Quit, Continental, aai Amarloar Forts Bteamsn will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES. O*tuard {for 01***) 1910 Mil Assays Not 18
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    • 523 4 BTE*MER BMLINBB. N. Y. K JAPAN MAIL ITEHIHIPCB. LTD Company's well-known TWIMCHW ITUIIBI under Mail Oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Gorernment, specially designed for the Company'i Boropeaa Servioe, lighted throughout by Bleotrioiry, provided with eioellwat aooommodation for First and Second Glass Passengers, and fitted with all the latest modern improvements
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    • 653 4 STEAMER SAILINfIS. PACIFIC WIL STEAMSHIP CB. asm TOYO KIIEN UUIHJL Tae two great steamihhj Uaee betweea OHIHA, JAPAN aad BDBOPB, via Honolulu aad Baa Fraaotoao, operstts< the aaw 18,000 torn, twin sorew steamen EOBBA aad BIBBBIA, together with the weU-knowa iteamers CHINA, ASIA, MOHOOLIA MAH OHDRIA, HIPPOH MABU, TBNTO MABD
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    • 266 4 steamer mums. C. P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL BTEAMSHIP I INE. In NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BOROPB Vie. CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THI CNITBD BTATBB. Route from Hongkong Tla Shsinshai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotoria and Vanooaver. R.M.B. Bmpbbss or Ivdu Twin sore wstoam.
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    • 586 4 BTEAJEI MIUMM HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tas steamen of this Oompaay maintain a regular serrioe betweea Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, aad Rotterdam, aad the Straits. China and Japaa Homeward*, they an despateaed fortnightly for Havn aod Ham burg and onoe a month lor Bremsrhavaa dlreot, oailiag si Penang aad Oolombo Taking
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    • 745 4 STEAMER BAILIMB N. D. L. Norddeutsohar Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL UNI Tha fast aad wall known mail steamer ol th'j Oompaay sail fortnlghty bom Brer en Hamburg, vis ITntssrtUm, Aatwsra, Boataimsj. toa, QlbraUar, Oeaoa, HapUs (oooaatt oa ManeUles, Naples, Aleiaalrla, aad vloe v- aa. Port Said, Sues, Aden, Oolombo,
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  • 126 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, November la. Mavti •>■*•• 052 a.m 6.61 p.m. S R E (V.< la«i«ctinn. Oy.i,kh»na eonio' cl se. Sunday November 13. Huh 7 88 am., 7.'« p.m. S. V. I. and Cadrta InHCxclion. Monday. November 14. Hitfb Wat«r, 81 1 a.m., e25 p.m. Malacca Af>»i*nii St.
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  • 167 5 ToD»v Dell and Aaaban Ranee 8 pta K. Pebaiin. Kuantan nad Treognaua Bauka 8 pm Beutikmiß, SiaK. Fakao, Paueh. Ai-ahan, otc. Van Hogendorp 3pm PenaoK, Sabang, Olehleh aod Padang Coen 8 pm B uigkok Heim 4 pm L thtia'i Seirstad 4 pin Aoambaaod Natuna Ia and* Val-ntvn
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  • 91 5 Tbe M. M. company's ateanwr Ilaiphong left liatnvia at 11 a.m. yesterday ad nny bn ezp«-U<d to arrive hare oa Sunday. the 13' li int., at about 7 a.m. Tbe M. M o mpany'a ateamer Dnmbea let S»ißoa at, 8 am., to-dey aod may te expeubd to
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  • 34 5 Lett Simoapori Dob m Londo? Auutbd c» SI P. <*U. No* 13 ot 21 N. D. L. Nov 16 Bt 27 R I. No* 30 at »1 M. M. Not 84
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  • 260 5 Latest Arrivals. Amhrrti, Brit Btr IM tons. Captain Boott, Nov 12 From Pontianak. Nov 10 0.0 and d.p. Thoog Ek dt Co. For Sambas, hoy 15 Rde. Aw,v,1,,, Brit atr 1«« tone, f"«pt Sengst^r Nbv U. From Bonta>aya, Nov Nil A. Petroleira Co, For Langkat, U— Rds. Hong
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  • 52 5 Arnvals. r. r F. M 8. Govr. Yacht S*».B«llr Nov.; H H. The K> K-nt ol Paliai ii Mr. W B Pi.c«. and A. O*. y. I'or H'.-niPf H.-i h Mjh: Nov. 12.— Fiom Amny Mis< E. Skadiott. Per s'eemer Hye Lioog Nov. 12.— From Kaautan
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  • 98 5 Whwu at which Vessels' are Berthed To -Day. TANJONO PAOAR. Gut Wbasv B«ani— A leh East W. Baonoa 1-Teesta, Edeodale. •*B««aa Wnu- Urn iago. M»ii< W. Bam. I Buruga, Pob Ann. I P>Uoi. .4 Maria Rickmers, EUxabeth I Nil. biokmera. m .8 Lightning.
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  • 252 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sdtoapou, November 12. 1910 On London— Back 4 m/g 2/4 -ft Demand 2/4£ Private 6 m/i 2/4) do 8 m/i 2/411 On Qtrmany Bank d/d M 240 Private 8 m/t 244 do 0 m/i 248, On France— Bank d/d M 296 Private 8 m/t 2M{ do 0
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    • 173 5 :<noe 2 /aloe (55 Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Belt* Tin MO 825 )0 10 Brusoß 650 800 10 10 Braseb Hyd. 5.01 10 10 lUoaboi 800 260 ft 41 KinUTio IB CO 16.76 El £1 Kledang Tin 1 75 2ro 10 10 Kuanun Tin 800 8.26 11 L%ha» Mines
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    • 632 5 Vain. Bayers. Sellen. >/• >/■ Allagar 4/9 r/6 a/. 2/- Anglo- Malay 18 0 1.6.0 3/. BaiangMalaka 2/9 3,6 pm £1 £1 Batn Caves 16.100 16.1' JO 41 41 Baiu Tun 480 6.00 41 £1 Bnkit Kajang 269 3.16 0 £1 16/ Contributory 12/6 1.0 opm 41 £1 Bokit
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    • 129 5 I'sne Value (2 Bayera. Sellers 10 10 Eastern torn SmeltiDg 1000 10 7 6'o XI 41 Electric Tramways 2/6 8/6 10 10 FiMer k Ne»ve S7 00 BT.OO 100 Howarth Krskine 67.00 68.00 110 7% Pref. 80.CO 91 00 100 100 Katz Bro. UJ. 125 00 100 100 8%
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    • 47 5 Buyers. Seller*. Howarth Brakine6% 1000,000 pat Riley. Hatgreaves 8% 1384,000 1% 1% pre B-MeTway* £860X100 Singapore Manbripal 6% 11,878.000 iom. Buyer* Setter* Singapore Mn wmpal H% at IBOT •1.800.000 P»% Singapore Mn nicip»J 4,% ol 1909 11,000,000 f 6% art Singapore Ma aioipaJ4% 1603,900 T% dto.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 108 5 CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY THE BEST OBTAINABLE. This remedy his no roperior as a cure for col coup atd wboopinu couiili. It ba« bmn a (avorita with the mothers of youoK childnn fo» almon". lortv years. Chi>mb>rlaiiiV C v h Rt>m«dy ran alwayr be d' ile i upon atd ia pieaaaot
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    • 639 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Nov. 16 At Cbop Kwoog Joo Cbiaog, No. 26, K ii k Street, Stock in-trade, c c. at 11. Nov. IS At naleri'om, Sbarpß, at 13 noon. Njv. 15— At stleroom, frethnl I propenies, situate at Kraiuat lid., eto., at 2 80. Nov. It At
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    • 862 5 The GARRICK Cigarette %gff* A LARGE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. •^^BI^^^^BBBBBBaB Packed in 50s %tiL CTAWJPIg^ P r Air-tight j,^ CTS. OBTAINABLE AT: JOHN LITTLE ft CO., LD., ft ROBINSON ft CO. STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COL. LTD. In ataaman of tbls Oompaay maiatala a rsoalar dlraot aervlee between Oalonlta, Btratu,
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    • 51 5 ALBERT L. A. DALEY, Undertaker, Monumental Mason and Marble Merchant BEGS to inform the public that he has jact received a very Urge consignment of METALLIC WREATHS. HARPS, CROSSES, ETC., EX S.S. KAWACHI HARU FROM THE WELL-KNOWN FItUI OF MESSRS. DOTTRIDGE BROS., LTD., OF LONDON. 43, PHnsep Street. Telephonai No.
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  • 1185 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13. POLITICAL FAILURE. The announonnu nt jost made tint a confer*- noe of political leaden on the qoestion of the House of Lords' veto has failed to oome to an agreement will be received with more regret in the colonies, wa believe, than at home.
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  • 27 6 A London wire siys Forward sa'esof forty toon f 19 11 rnbber have been made at from M 4.16 to 114 85 per lb., dtlivored in Colombo.
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  • 24 6 Tbe Earl Marshal his issued three no'icei to Peers and Peeresses com erniog the euronation and detailing tjo robea ajd coronets to be morn.
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  • 48 6 The fo'lowiog Ul. yam baa bnen rereivid by Ui Etnloooy ill' Ojvrmor from the Hv. Hon. ihn S. cet.ry uf Sia c f>t ti.e (Juloki- s: U s M« j -»iy bas own plea-* d to roofer mm me Seal ot Ux> Cjluuial Uflioe. Ltwia liar com t.
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  • 22 6 Tbe view« of Mr. W. D. Birne«, Briti»l> Rmiden', Pal aog. m Cbioeae labour art p.iuud on page a, ot ilu* stTwfL
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  • 28 6 Tbe Sunday Sarvioes at tbe St P.<terV Tamil Ci urch bai now been fixed to be held at 7 80 am. instead ot the at 10 to a.m.
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  • 28 6 On the Ist io«t 4 045 people visited the Maba Prasatb Hall, at Bangkok, to do reverence to the remains of His Majesty tbe late King of Siam.
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  • 31 6 Charges of programme introducing a nnmb>r ot new suhj^u are advertised for the Albambra and Marlbaroneh ioemaVgrapi' shows. At tbe former Patho'ii Animated G.zette eighth edition wilt still be put on.
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  • 32 6 At B9mbay, Supeiintcndent So'livan, ba* charged Arthur A'ex lon way Wia'.berall, wi-.h cheating <V>lon> 1 H-g<ard in r-sptct ol a obeqne for R 1,000 on account of the putchase uf a motor-car.
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  • 31 6 Nelson's eAamo w«s c>vered with wrea*hs in homor of Tr»f*l»»ar Dty. Tbe wreaths included many f>om th« dooendantaof 1 ffi o*m who fonetit at Trafalgar and from U,e ooloaial Navy Leagues.
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  • 37 6 At a metioKof tbe Rus 1 Colonial In*fi tnte to he held at the end of November. Mr J >hn F<irg'is>n will read a paper ftn (Jevlon. tho Malay States, and Java, compared aplantatijn and retidential colonies.
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  • 35 6 Messr«. Divies «nd Co., of 59 and 01, tbe Aroade, iofoim ns that they htve opened »n anotion share mart and intend to conduct regular weekly public auctions every Tuesday, commencing on tbe 15th inst.
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  • 42 6 At a sale of shorthorns belonging to Mr Duthid, of Cilonie, Ab^Heenahirp, a hnll call eigbt nnn ths ol I was nold for 1/50 guineas to tbe E lReoot« Shorthorn Com pany. Others sold at 820, 600, 58J, and 680 guineas, respectively.
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  • 52 6 Mijir Kalian, at the head of a French detaebment in Central Africa, bat avtnged the dea'.b of the Eoglish explorer, Lieut iioyd- Alexander, wbo was murdered by t.ative« soibe months ago In a three da) h' »nf(agem°nt against tbe Wsdai natives the F each troops killed two chiefs and cap;ured
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  • 65 6 A rain who dewcribnd himself as a Bengali w»s yesterd-ty awtrrled »ix moaths' iigorouN imprisonment for reteiaing dotb ttiit be longed to bo in holy elie. Anong tbe wit nes-es were two la ties wbo bat given m* c it's to the »ocu"td to make up bat afterward* found ih
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  • 71 6 Burglars b'oke iats tbe to it offire at Foln.iu m tha night of Get .bur 18 aorl ntolH £\,f 0 Th j p uioe, who were oo watch at the buil'liug, wire bord«iok<d by the borglar*. Tbe latter placed a dimmy safe in a position where the police oou'd toe
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  • 64 6 The Java Bode hears that an influential Dutch svndioate has been formed for cultiva t od and industrial enterprise in the i-ltnds near Java, wiihraoiUl anionitirg (o n iljioax of ituildttrs. Tli.) Governnr-Uentral b-ts promised to belp the nudeit«kir>K in every way. •ud na< directed tbe c ffi -ials to
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  • 61 6 Tbe Fibre and Fibrons Plants S'iow at Sourabaya in July next has aroused ki en interest abroad. Mtny mauufactmers of tiore rleaning mMbinery will send oomplettt m-t* Utions lor comp>titive trials. Several Governments have promu-ud to xend repre >enU' ivei. The outlook is so promising that tbe Snow is likely
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  • 67 6 Brother J ihn Jolliffe has the record of having beld tbe offioe of secretary of tbe Cowes Court Foresters' lile of tbe Ancient Order ot Fore»ters wbicb hoists of tbe largest membership, over 2,i 00, of any oouit in tbe world for fifty yearn, and be bas marked tbe event
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  • 87 6 A few d»yi ago, pay« tbe S matra Post of N ivember 2, on tbe Wampu E.ia ia Deli *In -h bas lately pss'fd in'o toe h mris of s B itisb Company, dissat stactioa arose aruo" y the ooolies frum tbe n <w managem- nt ob»og ing the methods
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  • 79 6 The M>unt W»lli;h Rwd^ne Rnnm ba* b-x n ie*lt)t<ri rl unil ir ill. S Jciet.e- Onnuauei 1909. The obj ct of ih i olub is, an ibe name imnii. s, for reading and ai uu il imp ovc m«*nt .if ill) membttrtt. Tne offijiai uauuiles arta« tollowi<:-Pre«Heut, O<ow Teak Seng;
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  • 93 6 Wa are asked to corroct a «lip io (In report of the leoeut trial ot Woe Tnuaiii Tuw at Singapore A-s s s, wh-ieio it wa« htaw-rt ibai tbe accuse was louid gailty of peijmy and criminal bi each of truol. ltU|omkd out to ut tb»t Wee Tew was
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  • 109 6 A pageant of tbe king*, priooer, nobles, and other characters in sb»k« rj.ear<-» plajß was toloimtb* obiei feature of tbe Lird ilajor'n Show io London, last Wednw-riay, wbeu Sir V. ley S roog. tli-i new L <nl M i>o-, wu to iiib>>«> til* luruiil proceisinn tbrongi the City. It was
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  • 527 6 It is re pitted tint I'apt. M<C tllum, of tbe M.lay atnWß «»uid s, will be the nuw Adjutant of the Selaogor Volunteers. Tbe deaths are announoed of M-. Milton Prior, the war-oorruopondent, 1 f Sir <; <.r K e -Mithtrltind Mackeusie and of Mr Ujbert W»lker
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  • 52 6 There n a rumour in to*n today tbat fo gel .">t «it- ben am tronleiH aio >n circuUi .ii in S,i (i po Wd ciiu t >eiitv belore guiit; tv prenit, aud w» dv net «i h to causj any alarm, but we counatl caution umil tiie truth
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  • 50 6 Aocording to our Penang correspondent, Roberta, the billiard champion, played Mr. Oienbam, at tbe Penang Club, conceding vim 750 in a itame ol 10uU. Mr. Oxonham bad reached 811 when rioberia, wbo was in one form, ran out. Tbe champion's best breaks were 141, 158 and 181.
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  • 65 6 Several references have reoently been made in tbete columns to tbe biggest cue qne. We believe tbe correspondent wbo wrote to us tbe other day was ooriect in saying that il.m iotere«-tiog djoumeot repreHented tue war indemnity paid by Cbina to Japan. It was a riungkinii »od
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  • 80 6 Oar Penang correspondent wires that a taiuby employ eJ by Messrs. Pritotiaid and Cj. bas bei n tebtuncnd to one year's riuuiuus iujpriaonment for t c tbott iif pair of iszors valu d at £100. Tue raaorg, which were received frum Capt. C«rgnl io be inonoted
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  • 87 6 Oxford and the I. C. S. When the oystem of working for the Civil Service exauiinatioo ai levied in ltfOri, it was uodurhtood that cbiugea were ujkilc to fc''° Cm.nridne mtn a betier chance. TLe flrst rt»ult if ike n- w ariang-a-went was Miat wore than ball the niciimlui candidates
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  • 89 6 Du-ing tbe bearing of a caw at Lamrx t'i, a uiunuineuial mam n, ai-hed bow many workmen be i mploji-rt, »ai>l that cwiug to foreign nnrnneimon de did Dot now tin ploy ■toy. llm II .nour Juilgu ttiuden Kfcaal Uoweget luieiKU tnuib-tom» Yr*, added ill- wu vi
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 220 6 ALHAMBRA (Op-o«ite Rfffl Hntell. Slntaßors's Premier Meter* Palace. 2r>n|»e. b Snotaenlar > EVERY NIGHT. Shows I Tbb Ei'.utiih Edition or Faille's ALimated Gazette To- Night, Contains the following: "AT THE GUILD HALL." Tbe Election ot bir V) sey Btrong as Lord Mayor of London for the Coronation Year. RANELAGH YACHT
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  • 80 7 RUN ON BIRKBFCK'S PROMPTLY MET. Help From the Bank of England [Rbctbr's Tbliorax] London, November 12. An anonymous and baseless circular to depositors, au^geating some connection between the Charing Cross Bank, wbicb recently suspended ptyment, bas caused a run on the Birkbeck Bank. A qieue, numbering over
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  • 44 7 RUSSIAN BARON SENT TO HARD LABOUR. Revealed Military Secrets to Austria. [Raunß't Tbuoram.] London, Njvember 11. Baron Steraburg, who was arrested in Russia on a char*. --> of espionage, and communicating military secrets to Austria has been sentenced to four years hard labour.
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  • 59 7 No Differences on Fundamental Questions. [RBCTBR's TSLBORAM J London, November 11. A St Petersburg telegram siys the S3mi official Rmiya states that the meeting of tbe two Emperors at Potsdam bad tbe best result*, estiblis'hing tbe f*ct that no differ, eooa ot opiaioo. exists be'.woen their neigh
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  • 24 7 [Rbotbb's Tilboram.] London, November 11. The Imperil! Conference meets in London •n the middle ol May and will last about a month.
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  • 46 7 IHaoTia's Tbliuiiaii.| London, November 12. A Teheran telegram says There is pro found uneasiness bore ia consequence of news ot tbe arrival of the ex -Shah at Vienna, as it is suspected that ho his gone there witb a determination to intrigue.
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  • 46 7 (From Our Own Coreispondikt.) London, November 11. The rubber market is even quieter than it was a wet k ago, and there is very little movement in prices. Fine hard para, however, is quoted at 6/ to 8/1 which is a blight improvement.
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  • 183 7 Stars and Stripes Missing from Merchant Marine. Contul-Ge neral Dv Bois has submitted to ihr Department of Commeice and Labour, a» Washington, the following in ngtrd to tbe rarity of Amerioan merchant vi s-ml* at the pottot Singapore, whence over 118,000.000, V S curiency. worth of
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  • 163 7 Paris is shortly to mske an eff >rt toward* greater cleanliDcsi- not jerfoi al cleanliness for batl.rooms are still regaidcd as luxurieo, but in tbe direction of cmc chanln>e>B. observes a Paris correspondent. 'Ihi subscription lint has just opened for a luan of roirly 11) millions sterling,
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  • 95 7 Messrs. Charles Benjamin and Co's Quotations To-day. Messrs. Charles Berjimio and Co. kindly favour us with the London prices tbey have received this morning Quotation*. MIDDLB MIDDLB Paicxs. Pricks. Allagarß 4/9 Linggis 45/8 Anglo Malays 34/ Lumuta »</ p Bukit Kajaogs 4/9 Merlimana BnkitMertojamsB/9 PaU'invi 67/6 Chersonese
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  • 440 7 Interesting Evidence in a Big Chinese Failure. Some of the evidence taknn before Mr. Justice Fisber y°sterd*y in tbn baokroptoy •f Chop Cboo F»o Lan was distinctly in terestiog, especially to the oreditors ron oeroed The firm failed in Hongkong and Singapore for a large amount. Tbe
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  • 372 7 Better Conditions Prevailing in Share Market. Tbe L. and C. Bxpresn, of Ootober 21, c*n tains tbe following The market for Para ba« ton very irrrgnlar, and prices have undergone violent fiaotuations, Hard Fine closing at 69. 8d seller*. Tbe price last year was "s. 91. A
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  • 42 7 A cable received this morning f-om Shungbai afk> ihat llm intrrport t< am theie uiny bu kudu d a *<• It's extension of time nwiug to ►e.riiin ii.,li havuw broVon ou; I- i- douhtful whether tbe ru'ei aiWw an txtenaion to be gtantid.
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  • 909 7 DISCOURTEOUS TREiTMENT OF SHAREHOLDERS. Important Commanicailon from Mr. McClymont. To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. S'r, Let me congratulate you on tbe remtrkably clear and impartial manner in wbijh you have, in your leader of yetterday, set out tbe position of tbe J mih directorate in
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  • 122 7 Stoke Flaming, a little village three miles from Dartmouth, bus tbe Innour of provid ing tbe Prinoe of Wales witb a nint penny tea almost every Sunday afternoon. A favourite walk of the n iv.l cadets attending tbe Dartmouth Naval C i lege among whom in, of couisi, tbe Prinoe
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  • 1381 7 AN INTERESTING QUESTION OF ASSESSMENT. Various Tenders Accepted. An ordinary mooting of the Municipal Cjmmusiooers took pi toe yett- rday afternoon, present Messrs. E O. (President) in the chair Tan Kheam Hock, F. E. Jago, J Carapiet, W. Peacock, H. W. Bookland, Cbing Keng Lee, Wm. Macbean,
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  • 449 7 The Amateur Dramatic Committees Performances. On Saturday evening next tbe Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee will present Pinero's most popular comic jhy "Tbe Mtgistrate." The caste includes one or two ladies and gentlemen who have not 'pro vioosly appeared in local tbeatrioals, and aUo some old favourites whose re
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  • 420 7 Twentieth Anniversary of the First Flight. Before the Civil Tribunal of tbe Seine io I'arin an Motion has been commanoed by a gronp of Fn noh a*>rop'aoe builders for Hie cancelling of tbe Wright Brothers' patent. The claim is bwed on a patent taken oat io 1900 by
    420 words
  • 72 7 CABINET MINISTERS ADVOCATE DISSOLUTION. Mr. Aiquiih Goes to Sandringbam. IBinu'i Tblmram.] London, November 11. Tbe Press Association s'aten that several important cabinet ministers are in favour of an immediate dissolution, believing tbat an in stant dnmatio arpeal to the country would evoke enthusiasm. London. November IX Instant
    72 words
  • 98 7 (From Oor Own Corirspomdrmt Penaog, November 11. At the annual general men'ing of tbo Pcning Turf Club, tbe accounts fc r tbe year eid»d September 80, were pasted. The following office bearers were appointed President, the Hon. A. R Adams committee, Messrs. H. Pickenpack, Cleaver, Mclntjre, Jules
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  • 59 7 (From Our Own Corkkm-ondrnt Penang, November 11. A Colombo rubber service message states tbat secocd interim dividends bave been declared aa fo lows Harpendtn and Da mansara, twenty five per cent, and Edinburgh, fifteen. Tbe fiist inkiim ditidenr's announced are:— Kellas 10, Lanadron 12 C and Ledbury 10.
    59 words
  • 360 7 One Thousand Four Hundred Miles in Less 1 ban Five Uajs. The French submarine Arohimcde bts just sccomplisbtd a vo^agti ot 1,400 miles iv less ih.u five day*, ami Lai tbut earm d for hi rsalf the title of submarine of iquadron, ii di oatiog her capacity
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  • 271 7 TbeOlobeof Oj'ob.r 15, has tbe following rtv e« of the tin in., i -tr> Last w«.i k uu hi<l at £161 Uk cash. .CloB 15 tLree Uiuuih'. This Mick tbe mmk^t up>.ued tiiuj, aid advanced on tbe day £i 6s. ca-b aud 'iin. tbieu months, on btrong
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  • 361 8 Sir William Treacher oa Company's Pro>pec(s. Thn fir°t annual m-»tiog ot Kimuning (P-rak) Rubber and Tm Company wat h 1 1 on U itober 17. »t th« Lmd 10 C iambcr of Comm rcti. Sir W H. Trencher pra>ididg Tbe chairmxn ststtd tuat tbe aooouota covered
    361 words
  • 908 8 Pricei Quoted In tbe Market This Morning. Sinjnpore, Njvember 12ih, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Bsooaoge and Share Brokers, issue the following list ol ]aotatioos this morning i— Norn. Value. Bayer*. Heller*. 3/- Allagar 4 S 5/. 3/- Optioni 3 8 s'. 41 Anglo-Java H 18 8
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  • 402 8 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, November 13) Tw«NTT-rirTH SONDiT ArTEB TWNITT. 7 am —Matins and Litant. First L siou Mioali 4 and S. I—B.1 8. Seoond Lesaon Hebrews 7. 7.4S a m Holy Communion (Choral). lotroit Sl7. S rvioe Maunder. Hymns 193, 818 and 515. 6.80 P.M.— EVKNSONO AND
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  • 154 8 Singapore Amateurs' Handicap. Micl) a (il rinuß moroini; it was not srrpiiiug to fiod such a good g«ih->iiogon til.' Kaot Cour-e to witness the hut her rao> rorian li -app d, by the ci mtetitots in the n cent sm 'tear race. Six horces w»-re rent away by
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 44 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not npset tbe r toma» h and is nun valled for coaghs, colds, bronchitis and all pa inouary troubles, and is a general tonic for bui*diog up the sybtem. OF ALL CHEMt«TB. $1.25 AND 52.00
      44 words
    • 496 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SINGAPORE AMATEUR DAA VAIIC COMMinEE. An Amiteur Pjrformaaoe ol 'THE MAOISTRftTE," Afaroioal oomsdy by A. W. PINBRJ, will bn given io the Victoria Theatre, ON N3VEM3ER 19. 24 AN) 25 Plans and Saatt at ROBINSON PIANO Co., On Wjdnasday, Novambai> 9. IHE GYMKHANA. O»ing to in«n(B -ieot entries
      496 words
    • 803 8 BUSINESS WOMEN OF MELBOURNE Had a Dry Hacking Cough. Doctort Failed to Cure. Took Peru na and Got Well. jr^MßHf >")^» Mrs. L. E. Trenaky, proprietor of the Great Unknown Private Detective Agency, 175 William street, Melbourne, Victoria (Australia!, writes: ••For over three years I suffered with a dry, hacking
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 305 9 .^m^ The Dispensary, Ltd. CHEfVIISTB. PHARMACIBTB, OPTICIANS. > .^'•'^H|s? i (^-hole^e and RetaU). 43 B> Raffles Place Singapore. 'V^fvKf' Telephone No. 8, ivp^^'^OßE-i Depot all kinds ol Patent Medicines, Toilet Requisites, Per slN^*^» fomery, Medicated Wines, Surgical Instruments, Chemical and ScienUfio Apparatus, Medical, Snrgioal and Sanitery Applianoet Medicine Chests. Suppliers
      305 words
    • 451 9 Smith Premier New Model VISIBLE MO. tO. j PRICE: $215. PRICE: $215. Absolutely Visible Writing. K«B>y foi* EacH Chnracter. I nterchanfieablc Carriages. Uniform Touch. BOLB AOBNT8 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., LTD., IS. BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE. 3^?S== EJ=S==SsBfo *****1 BEHE. '^^lIJP^ I JWIJ3 "SLEDGE" BRAND NYOIENIC SWISS ML I TUTillr Us
      451 words
    • 95 9 THE Empire w*LA *Hntal LUMPUR. c/ Wtzl FM.B. r AH«w I Fl— t-ol— Hotal. Fitted with Eleetrio Li«ht and Fans. Five mioates from Railway Station. Overlooking tbe Padang Sim.le and Doable Bodrooms, with Private Bathrooms attached. Cuisine ander Baropean Supervision. Cold Storage Supplies weekly from Singapore Hotel Porter meets all
      95 words
    • 58 9 PATRONIZED -^jB^BigBBBgR^; BY ROYALTY LATEST NOVELTIES in JADES. Bangles Links Rings Brooches Buttons Earrings, Charms Etc, Etc. B. P. de SILVA, High Street. MIGHELIN TYRES DUPIRE~BROTHERS, AGENTS. 'Peacemaker' SCOTCH WHISKY. Or Undoubted Quality. GUARANTEED Ten Years Old. ROBERTSON, WILSON CO., Solo Agents. ASS -FOTi, Ny Carlsberg Beer. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. SOLE
      58 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 459 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office 1 Shanghai: Registered under the Life Assuranoe Companies Acts, England, and under the HoJKkonu Ordinances. POSITION OF COMPANY Twelfth fear). Total Insuranoe in force »57,888,888. Total Assets 8,«18,a*9. Total Funds S,aie,Bia. Total Inoome tor Year B,»e«,SS7. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE: EAST. AU
      459 words
    • 299 10 fIBD'JH AMD LAJaOASfIIBB FIBK IBBUBAKOK OOHPAJIT. Jspltal aiMIOOC e op Uamtal «SM,IOO Sinni Faal aU,OOO,«M a 1 Ba«Bnsßis«, A<eiii tor tns Ooapaay, 11 prepare* to aosapt Ore risks al samel IMI Of prtmlum. BODBTBAD 00.,- AsmU tUtOABHIRB UISnBAaOB OOMPAMI HMITKE. sr» aaaua 188 SOYAL IHSDKAJJOB 00., riBB UXE. IBVBBTBD FUHDS
      299 words
    • 536 10 BANKING. •BARTERED RANK 8F INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA ■CDRPORATKD BT BOTAt OH&BTBB. J ai« ap Capital la M 000 Stuns of «M saok 11. 100.000 Isserve Fna4 41.000.000 issatvs Liability of Proprietors i 1,100,000, 100,000 BABKBRS. Bank of Baflaal. ■■Nonal Baak of BnoHtnl. tU ftoata OMy Midlaal Baak. ai« gmoAPORB
      536 words
    • 563 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, ELINO STREE Established 1007. Capital paid op JI.OfP.rOOOO Reservo liability of proprietors 1,000X00.00 COURT OP DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tbck Joon 6. Sim Kia Jam 2. Nam Kirn m>o 7. Tko 800 Lai 8. Lud<hiaHbno 8.
      563 words
    • 620 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale ol* THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Chtngi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage* and containing an ar. a of 448 ACHES planted with about 85,000 oocoanut trees, tally grown, and about 60,000 rubber
      620 words
    • 392 10 BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT. AUCTION SALE Of FREEHOLD LAND AT UPPER MANDAI, At Messrs. H. L. Cogblan k Co.'s Salerooms, On Monday, November 14, at 2.80 p m. Freehold Land in the District of Upper Mandai, marked Lot No. 11, comprised in Grant No. 0, Area 88 acres.
      392 words

  • 793 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS The Westminster Gazette has the following iiow-h: Nearly teu tuiUs an hour was added to the pace of the Voiturxttrs in the Coupe dee Voiturettes th s year a« compart d with last. Tbat is a marvellous iocrease io twelve months. The
    793 words
  • 236 11 Trains Run Over Burning Bridges and Through Dense Smoke. From the dispatches received it i* not yet clear what li s-ies have bten oauw d on thCanadian sidf by the fore*t firts which have been now raging along ttie Miimo<ota border. Ii oeems oerta'n, however, that the part
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 511 11 We understand that pome firm is git ing out statement*, which, if Dot carefnlly lIIAI Anru tlionebtont, maybe mi-leading, aed we Bol«A*ent«i W L Lot LtY" would take tt i<nppo'tunity ot mfoimiog the buying public tbat the de-igoer of C I finC ICY hat were formerly known a« Siddeley CENTRAL
      511 words
    • 75 11 00 IT NOW. Now i« the time to get rid of your rheu matism. Io folly nice cams out of ten tbe attack in simply rheomaiixm of the ruu»cl<B due to c <ld or damp*, or tbronio r ln umatirm, ntiiher of wliicb nqoire sny internal in at ruent Tbe
      75 words
    • 946 11 MOTORS Singer's Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry Vans, Lorries, Char-a-bancs, etc. Commercial Car Co., Ltd., Luton Sole Agents Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. (2ml Engineering XJOork. THE FOLLOWING SURPLUS MATERIAL FROM CONSTRUCTIONAL WORK AT TAIKOO DOCK, HONGKONG, IS NOW FOR SALE. Portable Locomotive Boilers and Engines. VI- Expansion Joints for Centrifugal Pump.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 596 12 WANTSROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply i K. A., c/o Straits Times. < ***** I DISPENSER WANTEO. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispensary in the Straits. Send testimonials and state salary wanted to Chemist," c/o Straits Times. u2287 j RUBBER
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    • 552 12 TO OE LET OR 8010. OFFICES TO LET. Suite ot commodious and well-appointed offioes on the ground floor of No. 6, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light wd fans. Aoply to Messrs. Powell •> Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co., Raffles Plaoo. 0162 OFFICES TO LET. Whole of
      552 words
    • 567 12 NOTICES. TENDERB INVITED. Tenders are invited for the supply of Engineering materials required by Sarawak Government for the year 1911. Full parti culars can be obtained on application to Messrs. Paterson Simons k Co., Ltd., Sara. wak Government Agents, Singapore, or at Resident's Office, Kuching, up to November 80, 1910.
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    • 712 12 NOTICES. DUFF DEVELOPMENT CO.. LTD. A number of forged split transfer receipts which accompany forged transfers reoeived from Straits Settlements and elsewhere have been presented at the offices of the Company. Dealers in these shares are cautioned against accepting any split transfer receipts without verification by the London Office. All
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    • 577 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT GO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Bovenmsnt and Municipal Contractor* Telephone No. 421. 108 A 109, Market Street. THE AVER MOLEK RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Financial year of the Company doses on October 81, 1910, and that the remaining dividend for the year
      577 words
    • 459 12 NOTICES. Mr. Oh Kee Chuan has been appointed Compradore for the The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited, as from November 1, 1910, and will have his offioeio the Head Offices of the Company, Room No. 22, Collyer Quay. A. H. FAIR, Ebq,h., Managing Director, The Great Eattern Life Assuranoe
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 241 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane ous wants of every description are imert ed at the prepaid rate of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exoeeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.o. oards, on page 6, IS. Inch Seals
      241 words