The Straits Times, 9 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.410 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 216 1 D. 4 J. McCallam's PERFECTION WHISKY. lALDBEOK. MAC6REBOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. Rubber, Fruit and all Trees are protected against the attack of WHITE .A^IsTTS and the rocts of the} Trees against Fungus by using Arbolineum Plantarium IN CASKS CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 275 Ks. *61.00 per oask. FOR TRIAL. We
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    • 181 1 HARIMA HALL Cinematograph NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Second Show, at 0.80 pan. 1. Artistic Plates. 2. The Sculptor. 8. FOOLSHEAD AS A POLICEMAN. 4. THE VESTAL. 5. FOOLSHEiD EMPLOYED IN A BANK. 6. VICTIM OF BRIDGE. 7. FOOLSHEAD— FISHERMAN. 8. The Hammer Fell Down. 9 Flood at Tokio. K HARIMA. Sole
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    • 348 1 Robinson Co. NEW SHIPMENT OF GRAMOPHONES •Just Unpacked. The Sheraton Gramophone jmmM (A 8 ILLUSTRATION). JBBPB Highly finiahed Mahogany Cabinet Triple Spring Motor, 12 inch Tornt»Me, Speed Index Finger, Exhibition Sound Box, 2H inch. 4IW Morn Dl < Glory Horn. JP '^nfllk. THE BEsT MA CHINE MADE UL lle MoDarcb
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Champagne. CALDBFCK. MCGREGOR AND COMPANY.
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  • 878 2 PROGRAMME OF SOUTH AFRICAN VISIT, Picturesque Ceremonials. Additional details of the programme to be followed on the occasion of tbe approaobir g visit of tbe Duke of Coonangtit to Soatti Africa show tbat, while tliu national mourning has rendered obligatory the omh-sion of any functions soch as
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  • 155 2 The Times of Ceylon, of October 32, say« We learn od good authority frcm London by to day's mail that a central ezol.ange is to be started in Miociog Lane shortly for the sharebrokers dealing in Eastern hliiriH. Each firm will have a o'erk there
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 111 2 'Hazeline' Snow' (trade makk) B mountain jMi nor for Prickly Heat Its soothing and healing properties produce a delicious feeling of coolI ness and comfort. The ideal balm for painful sunburn, I it instantly relieves the smarting y sensation and removes the redness m of the inflammation. B Of all
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    • 73 2 RHEUMATISM THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF fcUFFEPING. Rhenmatirim caosea more pain and unfloring than any other diaeaae, lor the resmn that it in the most common of all ills, and it is oertainly gratifying to sufferers to know tbat Chamberlain's Pain Balm will afford relief, and make rest and sleep
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    • 188 2 |||P^r A favourite Pick-me-up. B, Royal Warrant I A ////</) f)f to HM. the King. I J± ULI^H MJ ..■^■■■Haia^a^aMflaHala^a^a^a^Ha^Hala^a^afc. The original I Soda W U t C ff^S Ihe original 'Kfi}ffr'Z£>*\ genuine I TFV it WORCESTERSHIRE. L J IIL_J 1910 ELLWOOD'S NEW HELMET No IOS Shape LATEST STYLE, Ventilated
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  • 857 3 ATTRACTION FOR THE OVERSEA BKITOMS. Features ofibe Great City. I never knew an Australian yet who did not cberisb a dttire to tee London (write* R.C.S., of Australia, in tbe Standard of Empire). I don't quite know what tottered mine, but I think it *w the
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  • 172 3 At University College, London, Professor E. G. Garwood, M.A gave the first of a series of lectores on Toe Origin of Scenery. Moat people, be said, were acquainted with tbe scene ry of tbe globe, bnt not with tbe probUms of its origin. They knew the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 286 3 BUMANSHI Wm i I 3SS"i JZSSii^v^ I I' <C > <>,' ln Iliriis. cU. JJrJ in the B«(h li htiicllcUl. _C ELLiMAN, SONS A Co.. SLOUGH, ENGLAMO. T. NAGAI CO. Just Arrived: ITEJ-W C3-OO3DS COMPBISINO Curios, Artwares, Xmas Cards, Calendars, etc, FROM JAPAN. usro"w oisr Visitors are cordially invited to
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    • 7 3 'MAKES^feE SKirT BssoFTas^| i^andSHOOTrl mvE T<rfHaffnSk\ WHlTE
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    • 465 3 I Concentrated Goodness. ■tri'nicthrning bouillon Splendid LEMCO (iet Relief Quickly A twistrd an le, a sprained wrist, a strained muscle— these are things that demand relief in a harry. And that is just why j thousands who aro liable to these mishaps always keep a bottle of Little's Oriental Balm
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    • 210 3 nestlls mtM i lll M Those who use NESTLES FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 38 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare the Food for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 723 4 STEAMER BMLIWBB. pTitfo. BTEAM NAVIGATION GO. Par Chins. Japan, Panaag, •syleo, AMtralla, India, Ados, Htypt, Ivledlterrsnean Ports, Plymouth and Lond*n Throogh Billa ot Lading leaned tor Chin. Ocul, Persian Oull, Conllneatal. and Am.rioat Fort*. Btaamar* will Isavs Slaoapora oa or aboat MAIL LINBS. Out'oird (for GJtMal Aeaave Nov 18 1111
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    • 514 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL •TEAIIHIP CB.LTO A regular fortnightly servioe is maintained between JAPAN amd BUROPH by tht Company* wollknowa IWIMCRIW ITlillll, andor Mail Contrast with the Imperial Japanese Oovernment, speoiaily designed tor the Company's Boropean Servioe, lighted throughout by Bleotrioity, provided with exoellent aooommodatioa tot First
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    • 890 4 STEAMER BAILIM6B. C. P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 8 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE, fas NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUBOPB via CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THH UNITED STATBS. Route trom Hongkong ti Sbainghai, Nagaaaki (Inland Sea ot Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotoria and Vanoouver, B M.S. Bmpbbss or India i Twin
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    • 581 4 STEAitK BAILIIHI HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tb* steemer* ot this Ooopaay maintain a regular (ervloe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, aod Rotterdam, and the Strait. China and Japan Homeward., they are deapatebed fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and ono* a month for Bremerhavsa direct, Galling at Psnaag aid oolomoo Taking
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    • 765 4 BTEAHER BAILIM3. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Th* last aad well aaowa mall iHtmn it th Company sail tortaajaty trom Bui sti. Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Roatt i my t jb, Qlbrallar, Genoa, Maplss (co« at. ien MarssUles, Naplee, Alexandria, and vies sat Port Said,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 550 5 NOTICES. PUBING BHARU TIN MINES. LTD. A Dividend of Six ponoe per share has been declared, payable in London on the 2nd November, 1910, and will be paid to Local shareholders as soon as the register at that date comix to hand. W. M. CURRIE, 2661 General Manager. MUNICIPAL NOTICE.
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    • 130 5 PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY. LATEST NOVELTIES IN JADES. Bangles Links Rings Brooches Buttons Earrings, Charms Etc., Etc. B. P. de SILVA, High Street. RUAIITAII MO»JI HEPOJITOK! ■ORTOR M T C Mo- OR ANITE. FBESH HOBSES by every boat from Australia tor sale. The undersigned are prepared to enter VICTORIA and GHARRY
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    • 586 5 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FORBALL Apollo Pianola and 8 dozen Music Rolls. Prioe S2OO. Address B. F. I)., c/o Straits Times. u2608 FOX TERRIERS FOR SALE. A few very select, High class, Through. bred Fox Terriers, per s s. Guthrie. Nearly all prize winners. To be seen at No. 4 Koekßoad.
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    • 557 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. From December 1 next, close to town, moderate rent. Tennis and stables required. Write to G.A., c o Straits Times. 2692 POSITION A 8 DOCTOR WANTED. A doctor (M. B. C. M of nine years ex. perience in the East is anxious to obtain immediate
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    • 671 5 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. On Tobsday, N'ovkxbbs 15, at 2.30 p.m. 1. Freehold land at Tanali Merah, Singapore, area 7 acres 8 roads 20 poles. Grant No. 42. 2. Freehold land at Rangoon Road, area 7,720 square feet, part of Graut Ml 8. Freehold land off Pyah Lebar Road, area 24,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 102 6 1 £Dog's Jiead' guinness THE stoat you're need to. GOES EVERYWHERE. In Quarts, Pints and NIPS. sole agents: KIM HIN CO., Singapore. Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE HSALEh- AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 8, HIGH STREET, Now On. GREAT REDUCTIONS! GREAT REDUCTIONS GREAT REDUCTIONS Pohoomull Brothers, Jeweller* and Silk
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    • 33 6 GHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists, 25, South Bridge Ro»d First-olass Meehinaoal Dentistry Gold Crowns, Bridge, Filling and Toleaalti Deration ol Wear guaranteed OHARQBS MODHRA.TI FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Beat Tooth Powders and Brashes lor salt.
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    • 149 6 W-- Try LOUIS BOYER CHAMPAGNE H H Retailors Sh| HI I KIM HIN CO. IKWONG VAN HIN& Bteck WHAn co J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.R.H.8.. LONDON. Htrticiltirtst and Fltrlst. Collector and Exporter ol Orchids and Bare Plants. Diploma and gold modal from the Lai King ol Denmark. By Special Appointment to
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  • 904 11 THE PATHETIC STORY OF THE DEPOSED MONARCH. Kings are like star? they rise, they set, they have The worship of the world, but no repose BMb It would be difficult to find among the crowned heads of history a more patbotic figure than Manoel 11., King of Portugal
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  • 170 11 Queen Alexandra and her sister, the Empress Marie of Russia, are living in the utmost retirement and simplicity at their country home, tbe Villa Hvidore, Denmark states the Daily Mail of October IS. They are much enjoying the beautiful autumn weather. Tbe one desire of the widowed Queen
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  • 713 11 Officer and Wife on Trial for Forgery. Further proceedings took place before the South Powder Bench at Truro on October 7, in connection with the charge of the forgery of a promissory note for £2,000 brought against Captain Hugh Willyams and his wife, members of a prominent Cornish
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  • 274 11 Professional as Against Voluntary Politicians. Political observers must have noticed a rather strange tendenoy of late in our national politics, observes the Outlook. It is illustrated by the subject we are discussing. The Labour Party demands tbe reversal of of the Osbornc judgment Ob, no, say the
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  • 927 11 COMPANY'S BORROWING POWER INCREASED. Step Towards Economy. The Financial Times, of October 18, contains a report of an extraordinary general meeting of the Malayan Rubber Loan and Agency Corporation, Ltd., for the purpose of submitting the following resolution That the directors' power to borrow oonferred by clause
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  • 250 11 Not long ago, says Tbe Times, a British emigrant to Australia, who had returned home after many years' sojourn at the Antipodes, was asked what struck him most among tbe contrasts to be observed between now and then. He replied, The silence of London. The answer
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  • 606 11 THE UNEARTHED BRIDGE AND MOAT. Historic Associations. The work of restoring tbe moat and reconstructing the old bridge at Hampton Court Palace is now complete, and on October 18, both were again thrown open to the inspection of the public The excavations were began some two years
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  • 542 11 New Venture for Hongkong Capital. The 8. C. Morning Poet, of October 27, prints tin' following artiole Captain B. T. Banjo, a well known Hongkong resident, leaven on Saturday by th-j steamer China in order to inspect the uiacl i in cry in use on tbe extensive
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  • 573 11 Recent Remarks on Revolutionary Rumours. The cabled rumours— later denied— of a revolution in Madrid, lend interest to a leading artiole in the Daily Telegraph, of October 8, allading to tbe then just accomplished Portuguese revolt against the monarchy. The Telegraph considers that a revolution in Spain
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  • 518 11 New Steamers for the Australian Passenger Service The steamers of the Blue Fumel Line have a worldwide reputation, founded on a record of service to the public which extends over fifty years. The passenger service between Great Britain and Australia is to be inaugurated by three
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  • 731 11 MERCHANT FITCH'S VIEW OF THE CHINESE. His Visits to Malacca and Ceylon. In his account of a voyage from England to Macao and back, Mr. Ralph Fitch, merchant of London, thus expresses himself concerning the Chinese. It may be noted that the voyage commenced in 1688 and ended
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  • 201 11 Cbtmical Science Applied to a New Preventive. The rose as a preventive of colds was a new idea demonstrated at the London Medical Exhibition. A Brightonn firm of manufacturing chemists has taken the essence of tbe lovely, dark-red rose, called Dake of Edinburgh, and combined it, in
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  • 113 11 The Search for Los Angeles Dynamiters. Stimulated by rewards aggregating £20,01)0. tbe largest in tbe country h criminal history, hundreds of police and private detectives are searching for the dynamiters of the offices of The Times. Seventeen snspects have been placed in gaol. The latest clue is the
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  • 679 12 AN INQUIRY FROM HONGKONG ANSWERED. "Safe 25 Per Cent Investments." A few days ago we reoeived letter from a prominent officer on the China station to the following effect Id an article reproduced from the Straits Times o( Oct. 12 on page U of the Straits Budget
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  • 1472 12 Arranged (or Testing Investment Values Age of Tree Profits when Per acre in Term Begins Seven Years. Newly PlanUd SO 0 8 Months Old :i6 0 6 40 0 S 45 0 1 Year 50 0 V, 65 0 I 80 0 2} 102 10 8 125 0
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  • 629 12 Expediting Survey Operations on Estate. A statutory meeting of the Ketapang Syndicate. LI, was held at Shanghai, on October 27. Tbere were present Messrs. A. W. Burkill (chairman), O. Thoresen, Chun Bing Him (directors) G J. Lind, C. W. Diercks, Dr. S. A. Ransom, W. A.
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  • 1216 12 CHEMISTS CANNOT COMPETE UCCESSFULLY. Substitutes Fail Re-made Rubber Succeeds. A German trade journal, the Cbemiker Zeitang, contains in recent issues a series of articles on renovated or re-made rubber as an industrial staple, considered from a technical point of view. The writer, Dr. Paul Alexander, has a Rood
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  • 889 12 Forthcoming Issue of 6 Per Cent. Debentures. At the extraordinary meeting of the Duff Development Company, on October 12. reports The Finanoier, it was unanimously agreed that the authorised share capital of the company be increased from £60 '.OCO (of which £492,470 is issued) to £700,000. That was
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  • 929 12 SHANGHAI BROKERS ACTION DECIDED. Heavy Damages Awarded. Sir Havilland de Sausmartz, .fudge of H. M. Supremo Court, Shanghai, delivered a lengthy judgment on October 25 in the case of I. R. Michael v. W. V. Carmichatl. This was a claim for the sum of T1h.88,27.~>,65 indemnity for
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  • 105 12 Kuala Sawah Estate, Negri Scmbilan: Six weeks tapping ended October 31, 400 lbs. Sembawang Rubber Plantations Ltd: October, 83HJI bs. Indragiri (Sumatra) Rubber and Gutta Percba Co., Ltd.: October, 786 lbs., making a total to October 31, of 4,648 lbs., dry rubber. Ayer Kuning October, 400 lbs.
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  • 2009 13 STOCK EXCHANGE, MINCING L4NE, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON OCTOBER 5 A number of shares in which local investors are interested are not quoted in local share lists, and there are occasionally widt marginfi between quotations here and in London. Transactions take place in Mincing-Lane as
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 502 13 CONTINENTAL Motor Tyres Through all dealers and Garages. Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd. KUMPERS CO., FED. ENGINEERING CO., Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. Herrn. Jebseu Go,, Fenang. Eowaith Erskine Ltd., Bangkok, WRITE TO US FOR OUR LATEST PRICE LIST. HARVEY'S WHISKY "R. V." A Genuine Scotch at a reasonable price. Where'er you
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 807 14 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office Shanghai; Registered under the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under the Hoatfkong Ordinanoes. POSITION OF COMPANY Twelfth Year). Total Insurance in tore* $87,866,885. Total Assets 8,416,2*9. Total Funds 8,316,812. Total Income lor Year 8,686,667. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. All formß
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    • 528 14 BANKING. IHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (BCOBPOBATKD BT BOTAft OHABTBB. fU ap Capital la M 000 Bksrei of «°seefc 41.N0.000 ■Ussrvt Foal 41.800,000 ititrve Liability ol ProprUton 41,100,000 BABUEBB Baak ot Eaflaaa. ■atioaal Baak ot Seoilaal. Ca» ftoaloa Oily atUlaal Bank. ftM BIHOAPORE BBABOH. Ourrtat AoocoaH art opeacl
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    • 426 14 BANKING. THF SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLINO STREE Established 1907. Capital paid up |I,OCP,roOOO Reserve liability of proprietors 1.0C0.C 00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Tick Joom 6. Sim Kia Jam i. Nam Kirn mko 7. Tko Hoo Lai 8. LuuOhia Hino
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    • 1056 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FBEEHOLO PROPERTY, KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATB, Situate at East Coast Road and Cbingi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an ar> a ot 443 ACRES planted with about 85,000 cocoanut treeo, folly grown, and about 60,000 rubber
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  • 1231 15 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The following jottings are taken from tbe Times A corif spondeot in Scotland vends a copy of an entertaining correspondence be ha« had, first with bis local tax collector and then with tbe Commistinners of CuotonjH aod Excite in London H<> post-esses
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 459 15 DUE SHORTLY one le-ao h.i». WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. The Car for Comfort and Reliability. Fall particulars from the Sole Agents. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. ARRIVED BY THE S.S. MISHAMA MARU NOVEMBER 3. One It 20 H P 4 Cylinder J. I>. K Typ* DEASY Car (Sidd^ley's latest) fitted with 6 seated Bcdy, Worm
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    • 13 15 Woods Great Peppermint Core for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughp, Col Is, etc.
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    • 573 15 NO REST FROM INTEMSMTCHING Night or Day for Two Months Inflamed Skin Covered Face and Arms Smarted All the Time and Had to Scratch Till It Bled. RELIEF, SLEEP AND CURE IN CUTICURA "My face and arms were ono man of scurfy skin and full of inflammation. fTli.-v itched m>
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    • 210 15 Harvey Frost Vulcanizers. RUBBER COMPOUND for repairing and retreading. SINGLE AND DOUBLE PROOF CANVAS, etc. Baby CAR VULCANIZERS. Repairs made, it necessary, on road side. ipOva/ EACH GARAGE EQUIPMENT FROM vPXvDU. SOLE AOENTS, STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, F. M. 8 DUTCH EAST INDIES ft SIAM. H.&W. GREEK, LD., 4-3, Robinson Road, Singapore.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 549 16 WANTS. ROOM WANTED. Wanted by lauy and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. ***** DISPENSER WANTEO. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispensary in tbe Straits. Send testimonials and state ulary wanted to Chemist," c/o Straits Times. ***** RUBBER BEED WANTED. Wanted
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    • 558 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICEB TO LET. Suite of oommodious and well-appointed offices on the groond Boor of No. 6, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light and fans. Aoply to Messrs. Powell k Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co., Raffles Place. U162 OFFIEB TO LET. Whole of
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    • 587 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Subscribers to the Gymkhana please note that Entries close on Saturday, November 12, 1910, and must reach the Hon. Secretary on or before that date. 6. R. K. MUGUSTON, Hod. 8f cretaiy. (r/o Messrs. Sandilands Buttery k Co.) NOTICE AS TO COSING OF TRANSFER BOOKS. PEGOH LIMITED NOTICE
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    • 686 16 NOTICES. NOTICEMr. F. C Peck hereby announces that he has opem d a business as share broker at No 87, Tbe Aroade, under the name of THE MALAYAN SHARE CO. Singapore, November 6, 1910. 2669 TENDERB INVITED. Tenders in> invited for tbe supply of En. gineeriog materials required by Sarawak
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    • 623 16 NOTICES. KIAIH KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 A 109, Market Street. NOTICE. The business hitherto carried on by Messrs. Ho Uny S-n and Ho Jit Cuoon under the name Chop Meaw Sen Tung has been sold to uk, the undersigned, on tae 8
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    • 334 16 The ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. PIANOS By ALL THE BEST MAKERS. BEND FOR 1911 ART CATALOGUE. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, tint the Assessment Liht containing tbe annual valuation of and amount of assessment to be lei iod on, all bousep, builiiiogs and lands situated within tbe Municipality of
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 241 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of $1 per four lines for one or two insertions. Notion ot Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, tl each insertion For p.p.c. cards, on page 6, 12. Inch Scali Ratbs
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