The Straits Times, 7 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 13 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.408 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTP.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 362 1 D, 1 1, McGftiiam's PERFECTION WHISKY. IALBBEOI. MA06RE60R AND COMPANY. i KATZ BROS., LD. Manila Cigars. We have just unpacked a fresh shipment oi the LA FLOR DE LA I6ABELA Brand and offer them at the following prices No. In a box Price per box No In a box Price
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    • 204 1 Robinson Co. NEW SHIPMENT OF GRAMOPHONES Just Unpacked. jjk^ The Sheraton Gramophone j^V^'-'^ij Highly finished Mahogany cabinet Triple Spring Motor, 12 inch Turn- table, Speed index finder, Exhibition Soond Box. Sttincb. mg. i3G*L Morning Glory Horn. M* afAk THE BEST MACHINE MADE /<£«> JffviEiifcS^^P^F^l^^ Ttle Mon rcll i^nior Gramophone Quartered
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    • 44 1 RDBBEK GOODS at Manufacturers' Prices. SOLID MBCU nUM i,mi >«iis iv ib*i i mmi m-. ANO SPORTS HUBSER OODS. RUIUI MATTING mm* MATS. G.0.r.1 Rubb.rGoodi WhttmtU MID! AND RUBBER CO.. Ltd. Cmm—tm* U R>l.n« lubber Hills. I' a.;;rnm. -I Tir»ii 'tn I ml.nd j
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    • 42 1 Bolfinyer Chompap?. CALDBECK. MACGREGOR AND COMPANY. WAH HENG CO. Photognaphlo Stores, DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING AMATEURS' WORE. Plates, Papers, Films, Cbemioala, Cameras, Lenses, and General Photographic Materials. Frames at ever; variety made to order. No. 95, North Bridge Rd., Opposite Adelpbi Hotel. 884
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  • 1150 2 LINER STEAMS INTO THE MIDST OF REVOLUTION. Vivid Narratives by Passengers. The Morning Leader, of October 8, has the following report from its Southampton correspondent I boarded the Hamburg American boat Cap Blanco in Southampton Water to-night, and met the first crowd of Lisbon passen gers who bad
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  • 729 2 A BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR SUFFERERS. The interest in Malaria to every dweller in the Straits is necessarily overwhelming, for its constitutional effects are so far reaching and its devitalising power i> so great that it is constantly spoken of as The Scourge of tbe Tropics." As
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 540 2 A Medical Officer Debility, Nervous Exhaustion Certainly tbe absolute confidence of eminent doctors is evidence enough of the exceptional benefits imparted by Phosferine. Even doctors cannot do more to prove their confidence than by MHtf Phosferine to remedy their own disorders. Could any proof be more defv.ut., more convincing than
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    • 13 2 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.
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    • 191 2 ■IFOR LADIES"" d -JORET* HOMOLLE'S APIOL" ix mosf tun rtmedf agtlntt the Zlcknest. tnS stftt r effects causeo fey lh» de/«jp of the regular periods. lea Rn» B'-Honor*.P«l>l». It's a Bad Sign when you have that obstinate, lingering cough which will not be xhaken off. There is no cough
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    • 123 2 Gives Radiant Beauty to the Sk.D If SNOW" U An ideal remedy for dull or II Fl .jc Jl greasy complexions. B II I wholesome tonic which stimu- I |J« lates the skin to healthy action, restores its natural transparency, VL and produces the healthy tone and jj I Vl
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  • 583 3 LORD KITCHENER'S ADVICE TO YOUNG DOCTORS. New Era for Soldiers. Lord Kitchener prophesied on October 8, the speedy banishment from the Army of enteric, a scourge more deadly than the bullets of the enemy. It was the opening day of the winter session of the medical schools, when
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  • 301 3 Paris Newspaper Creates a Sensation. French firms, Parisian firms especially, advertise much less in the newspapers than do our business firms in England, but they are strong believers in originality in advertisement, and any form of advertising likely to attract a crowd and strike the public eye has
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  • 51 3 Two brothers, named Dnveen, well-known art dealers, were arrested at New York on October 13, on a charge of having defrauded the I'nited States Customs Department to the extent of £200,000. They were released on bail of jEIO/ 00 The frauds are said to have extended over a number of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 726 3 T. NAGAI CO. Just Arrived: 3STETW G-0033S COMPBISINO Curios, Artwares, Xmas Cards, Calendars, etc, FROM JAPAN. :ltow onsr view. Visitors are cordially invited to inspect onr Goods whether they intend purchasing or not. NO. X, ADIS BUILDINGS. 1010 ELLWOOD'S NEW HELMET No IOS Shape LATEST STYLE, Ventilated and bound white
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    • 66 3 FOR A WEAK DIGESTION. No medicine can replace food bat Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your food. It is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, but the amount digested and assimilated. If troubled with a weak
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    • 306 3 SHIPBUILDERS. SALVORS AND REPAIRERS. BOILERMAKERS. FORGE<4/\. MASTERS. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDERS. CONSTRUCTIONAL. nZyK ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. K. ><<r *P** ta ■»'«k con.truction and repair of Ships, Engine* >J*o y£\\^ ■oiltrt, UtcometlvM, Railway Rolling Stock, Bridget, and all claiiei 0 *^^^V Wood Work H««tHe«l OrITW, Hydraulic f^£ Puta-maile Tools Installed
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 722 4 STEAMER BAILIHaB. BTEAM NAVIGATION CB. far China, Japan, Paaaag, Beylea. Aaatralla, India, Aden, Bgypt, mediterranean Porta, Plymouth and London Through Hills of Lading Issued tor Ohina Ooast, Persian Golf, OonUneatal, and Amertoan Porte. Btaamers will leave Singapore oa or about i— MAIL LINES, Onlvard (/or Okinnt) Assayo N>v 18 1911
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    • 506 4 STEAMER SAILINGS-. N.Y.K. JAPAN MIL ITEWBHIP CB.LTD A resnlar fortnightly servioe ia maintained between JAPAN akd IUBOPB by the Company's well-known TWIM-aCIIW ■TBAafIBI, under Mail Oontraot witb the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed tor the Company's Boropeaa Servioe, lighted throoßhoot by Bleotrurity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Seoond
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    • 865 4 steamer mums. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP M. AMD TOYO USEN UIIHA. Tha swo gnat steamship Unas between OhINA, JAPAN and EDROPB, via Honolulu and Sw FiaaoJsoo, operating tha new 11,000 tons, twin sonw iteamen KOREA and SIBERIA, together with tha well-known mi— lTT*"***. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHTJBIA, HIPPON MABO, TBNTO MABD
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    • 570 4 BTEAMEK BAILINM. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURB. Tha steamers ot this Oompaay maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad Ihs Straits. Ohina aad Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg aod oaoe a month for Bremerhavsn direol, oaUiag al Psaaag and Oolombo. Taking
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    • 744 4 BTEAHEI MILIHM. N. D. L. Morddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL BEKMAM MA!L LIME Tka fast and waU-kaowa mall staamar ol this Company sail tortalsjhry tram Bres e» Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soulki mn ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (ooaeattoa Marseilles, Naples, AlexaadrU, ani vtee ye sat Port Said, Boss, Adea, Oolombo, Penang
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  • 114 5 FIXTURES. Monday, November 7. High Water, 1.16 a.m., 0.86 p.m. Tuesday, November 8. High Water, 2.0 a.m. 1.12 p.m. Ponang Assizes. Wednesday, November 9. High Water, 2.66 a m., 1.61 p.m. Christian Endeavour, Su Po Sia, 8 p.m. Special Municipal Meeting, 2.80. Thursday, November 10. High water,
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  • 239 5 To-Day. Malacca Hong Ho 8 pm Beogkalis, Siak and Pakan Kian Ann 8 pm Ualaooa, Port Diokson, Port Swettenham and Telok Anson Perak 3 pm |3*Penang, Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Fcypt and via Naples (or Europe, etc. Yorck 6 pm ToMobbow. Fenang, Malaooa, F.M.S. andJohore (Overland) (By
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  • 376 5 Lateit Arrival*. Bat Her, Brit atr SIS tons, Capt Simpson, Nov 6. From Natuua Is., Nov 4. Copra and 49 d.p. Tea lioe Lys. For Natona is., Nov B— Bds. Boribat, Siam str 353 tons, Capt Bay, Nov 6. From Bangkok, Oct 19. G.c. and 29 dp. East
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  • 94 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To Day. TANJONQ PAQAR. East Wsubt Bisn— Merapi. East W. Baonoa 1— Kut Sang, Kinta. Bum Watar— Nil. Muh W.Bsor. I— Kaißaw, Alioente. 8— Ouadiana. 4 -K. F. Ferdinand. a a (—Minderoo. m ft— Austria. Laooosi Docs
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  • 243 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SmsAPORi, Novisikkk 7, 1810. On London— Bank 4 m/s S/4& Demand 2/4fr PriTate 6 m/t 2/4 J do 8 m/i .4 On Germany— Bank d/d 340 PriTate 8 m/s 344 do 6 m/s 248* On France— Bank d/d 396 PriTate 8 m/a 3994 do 6 m/s 808*
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    • 164 5 Value. Bayers. 10 10 Belat Tin S.lO 10 10 BrniDg 5.60 10 10 Brunch Hyd. 10 10 Kansboi 2.00 41 41 Hint* Tin 16.00 41 41 Kledang Tin 1.76 10 10 Kaantan Tin 8.00 41 41 Lahat Mines 8.00 41 41 Malaya and Siam 7/8 10 10 Malaooa Tin
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    • 608 5 Value. Buyers Sellers. 3/. a/ AUaear 4/7 6/0 2/. 2/- An^lo-Malay 1.8.8 l.fl 0 2/- 2/- Batang Malaka 2/9 8/6 pm 41 41 Batu Caves 16.10.0 16.10.0 41 41 Bata Ti K a 4.11.8 6 0.0 41 41 Bukit Kajang 2.6 9 2.16.6 41 16/- Contributory 12 6 1.0.0
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    • 124 5 Issue !2 Value Buyers. IJellors. 10 10 Eastern nom. Smelting 10.00 10 7 6X0 £1 £1 Electric Tramway* a/0 8/6 10 10 Fraser k Neave 37.00 80.00 100 Howartb Erakine 67.00 BS.00 1C0 7% Prof. 90X0 01.00 100 100 Katz Bro Def. 136 00 100 100 8% Com. Pret
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    • 46 5 Bayers. Selleri Howarth Hrskine6% ttMfiOO par Biley.Har-.-BBS WM )O 1% -1% «860,000 Singapore Municipal 6% •1,878,000 mm. Bayers. Selien Singapore MuatefpsJ of 1907 H. 800,300 1% I pi*. Singapore Munioipal 4,% of 1009 11,000,000 T% b% ptt Singapore Muni oi pal 4% 1603.900 1% da.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 This Is It. tThe latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER OIL. Does all that is olaimed for it and supersedes the old fashioned emulsions whioh upset the stomach. OF ALL CHEMISTS. 51.25 AND $2.00
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    • 655 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Nov. B—At8 At saleroom, freehold building land, fronting a reserve for road oil Kampong .lava Rd., at 2.80. Not. B— At saleroom, freehold laad at Dalrey Road, at 3.80. Nov. 9— At the Ordnanoe Kept., Pulau Brani, War Department Stores, at 2.80. Nov. 16 At
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    • 604 5 STEAMER SAILINGS, HOME via SIBERIA. INTERNATIONAL SLEEPING CAR AND EXPRESB TRAINB CO. Through tickets for the entire journey from any of the principal points in the Fat Bast to any principal point in Kurope or America by the TRANB-BIBERIAN ROUTE. THE ALL-RAIL ROUTE. Coupon ticket books to travel by any
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    • 428 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BUGKNALL STEAMSHIP LINES, LTD. AMERICAN-MANCHURIAN LINE. To the Philippines. S.S. KATUNA, will be despatched from Singapore about 10th December. To be followed by S.S. •KIOTO" lor Honpkoog, Shanghai and Japanese ports on 20th December. For further information regarding frieght, etc., apply to McALISTER ft Co., Ltd., AGENTS. 2208
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    • 48 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, NO. 187, ORCHARD ROAD. Undertakers, Monumental Masons and Sculptors. THB BEST OF GENUINE ENGLISH-BUILT RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES WITH PLUMES |IN USB. Monuments of every description always in stock. A large oonsignment of Artificial Wreatas just arrived for All Souls' Day TELEPHONE NO. Tl7. PRICKS MODHRAT* 88
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  • 1555 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7. THE JIMAH BLUNDER. We do not propose to express any definite opinions on the circular issued on Friday by the directors of the Jin ah Rubber Estate Company. At the present stage, all that it is necessary to do is to point out certain
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  • 51 6 The crowded boose at the Marlborough cinematograph on Saturday night manifested the appreciation of a large number of shoTgoers of the kind of entertainment provided at that show, as tbat night's programme was as good as ever. The subjects were interesting, dramatio and humorous, and were much enjoyed by the
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  • 57 6 The S. V. A. Maxim Gan Co. went through tbeir annual inspection at Tanjong Katong on Saturday afternoon, when there was a good muster, and ever jthirg went off very satisfactorily. Part of the proceedings conmated of firing at targets out at sea. Cspt. F. J. Benjtfield (in command), Lieuts.
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  • 58 6 A serious fire has occurred on board the Norwegian steamer Nurd whilst she was lying at the wharf in Canton discharging a cargo of Burmah oil into the HamburgAmerika's godowns. It appears that the outbreak was caused by the overturning of a lamp in the forecastle. The cargo is reported
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  • 55 6 In the Dutch Parliament, the question of voting money for the construction of an up-to date Government dock at Sourabaya has aroused keen discussion. Several members urged tbat there should be no longer any delay in building the dock, on the ground that t would render the Government independent of
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  • 64 6 Mr. W. A. Coscaden, Inppector General of Polioe, arrived at Labuan from Singapore by tbe Marudu on the Ist inst. and left for Brunei by the MoArthur, accompanied by Inspector Crummey, early the next morning. He returned the same night, after inspecting the polioe at drill, etc., and left tor
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  • 72 6 The Java Bode explains the recent change concerning tbe Dutch Consulate at Penaog by saying that the Consul there, in by gone days, was an important personage when that town was a place of refuge for rebels from Acheen who plotted for the overthrew of Dutch authority in that possession.
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  • 79 6 In a little time, says a Haiphong content porary, it will be possible to communicate by means of wireless telegraphy between Hanoi and Hongkong via tbe intermediary posts of Kien-An and Hoihow. The wiralesa service projected in Indo China is as follows Between Hanoi and Saigon, 1/00 kilometres, estimated to
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  • 169 6 A party of fifty American tourists travelling around the world, nnder the auspices of the German Savings Bank. Los Angeles, Cal., will arrive at Singapore by the German mail steamer Prioress Alice on November 21. After tour days' sightseeing, they will proceed to Java, where three w<- ks will be
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  • 516 6 Tin Bishop of Singapore is due back here on November 21, and on his return hopes to visit tho main districts in the Peninsula. Mr. J. A. Holmwood, of Messrs. Whiteaway Lsidlaw and Co., leaves to-day by the steamer Perak on transfer to the branch firm at
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  • 36 6 We understand that Mr. St. V. B. Down's connection of many years standi ng with the Borneo Company has oome to an end. but that he is not leaving tbe Colony.
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  • 78 6 In Iceland recently a Danish magistrate boarded the British trawler Chieftain and endeavoured to seize the vessel on the ground that she was fishing within the threemiles limit. Tbe captain of the Chieftain maintained tbat he was 5 J miles off shore, and he offered to Bummon
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  • 151 6 A correspondent informs us that Mr. Tan Hood Guan bos secured a valuable option from tbe Pangerans of Matan, Southwest Borneo, giving the exclusive right for the exploitation of minerals and jangle produce within the territory of Matan for a period of seventy five years, and from the
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  • 173 6 A very good house witnessed the exhibition of moving pictures at th.i Alhambra Cinematograph on Saturday night, when, as usual, high-class subjects were presented which, with the seventh edition of Pathe's Animated Gazette, provided quite a treat to those present. This number of the Gssette jh particularly interesting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 136 6 W. D. H. O. WILL'S THREE CASTLES "MAGNUMS" A Large Hand-Made Cigarette. Packed in c magnums' +M ill M I. Three Castles'^||l dgarcl^j 55CT8. Air-tight !i IT. i i -^iy?} jM I WDfrHOWith ly Bristol Londor^^g^ OBTAINABLE AT: John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. John Little Co., Ld. For a
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    • 166 6 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. Two Grand Shows Every Night. Look out for THE MARVEL OF THE AGE Patlie's Animated Gazette Sstsnth Edition. 11 ENGLAND INVADED." Incidents in the Great Autumn Manoeuvres on Salisbnry Plain. RUSSIAN ROYAL FAMILY IN GER. MANY" "BELGIAN ROYAL FAMILY IN HOLLAND." "REVIEW OF THE QUEEN'S CANADIANS by
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  • 227 7 NO SPEECHMAKING AT POTSDAM MEETING. Full Details of the Gastronomic Entente. [Rbctbr's Tblburam.) London, November 6. The Caar's arrival at Potsdam to visit tbe Kaiser was marked by an imposing military display. There were crowds of police everywhere but no decorations in the streets. The Socialists issued
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  • 87 7 THE GERMAN GROUP ARRANGES TERMS. Temporal y Accommodation Granted. [Rbtjtbr's Tblburam.] London, November 7. A Berlin message says tbat telegrams from Constantinople intimate that an agreement has been reached and will be signed next week providing for a loan of six million pounds Turkish in 1910 and
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  • 54 7 MODERATES SATISFIED WITH PROMISES. Cabinet Desired at Once. (RaDTBB'S TbLEOKAM.) London, November 7. A Peking message says tbe moderates are satisfied with the edict promising a parliament, bat the extremists contend tbat delay is unnecessary. The Chinese Press reservedly advocates tbe formation of a Cabinet prior to tbe
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  • 47 7 IRbctbb's Tblbobam.] London, November 6. Router's Singapore correspondent says it is stated that tbe Government severely censured tbe Chinese reformer, Sun Vat Sen, for a speech at Penang, advocating rebellion in China. He has received a warning tbat a repetition will bave serious consequences.
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  • 21 7 DBR O9TASIATISCHB LLOYD TbLBGBAM]. Berlin, November 6. Tbe official journal at Lisbon publishes the text of a Divorce law.
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  • 23 7 |Dbb Obtajhatibcbe Lloyd Tklbqkam., Berlin, November 6. Privy Councillor I'auli of the Foreign office is appointed Minister resident at Cuba.
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  • 26 7 I>«i Osiasiatischi Lloyd Tblbokam.] Berlin, November 6. After tbe departure of tbe Prim Ludwig, from Genoa, tbe Crown Prince inspected the wireles syttem.
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  • 55 7 Germany Prepared for Big British Guns. [Rbtteb's I London, November 6. Tbe Journal of engineering states that tbe Germans were aware ot the British l:ty inch gun in 1909. Tboy have long been making a gnn to beat it, and, moreover, they are introducing a new shell
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  • 22 7 [Racna's Tblbobam.] London, November 7. London papers are now more pesaimistio as to tbe outcome of the Veto Conference.
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  • 26 7 |DBB OSTASIATISCBS LLOTD TILIORAM.] Berlin, November 6, Storms are reported from Constantinople, and tbe station ship Loreley ran aground at Lepanto.
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  • 30 7 !UIH OsTASIATISCHB LLOYD TsLSORAM.] Berlin, November 6. It is reported that England and France are negotiating about an exchange of territory in India, affecting Chandernagor aad Pondiclierry.
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  • 20 7 |DSR OSTASUTISCBI LLOTD TbLBORAM.] Berlin. November 6. The Servian Crave i' I'rince is reported to be worse.
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  • 129 7 Picturesque Wedding Celebrations (From Ocr Special Corrbspondikt.) Taiping, November 7. Tbe Kuala Kangsar celebration in connection with tbe marriage of Raja Omar of Pahang, and Raja Radariah, of Perak. concluded on Saturday, with the Mandi Sempat, or ceremonial bathing of bride and bridegroom. The previous evening, after
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  • 63 7 (From Oih Own Corrbspondknt.) Kuala Lumpur, November 5. Combined manoeuvres between the Malay States Guides and the Malay States Volunteer Rifles continued yesterday. A rearguard action was fought on the Pahang Road in the morning, and there was an affair of outposts at night. General Stephonsoa was
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  • 223 7 Bukit Kajang Rubber Estates, October, 5,664 lbs total for tbe first ten months of this jt." 40,458 lbs. The harvest for October last year was 511 lbs. I'nitcd Singapore Rubber Estates, Ltd.— October. 2,228 lbs. dry. Corresponding month last year. 229 lbs. Allsgar Estate, October 8,586 lbs.
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  • 87 7 The London newspapers on October 12 published a letter from Mr. Chappel alleging that barge loads of Australian meat landed in England bad been contaminated by bilgewater and cockroaches. Sir John Taverner (Agent General ot Victoria), interviewed by the Westminster Gasette with regard to the matter, denied that
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  • 994 7 COMPANY'S OUTPUT OF RUBBER FOR FIRST YEAR Statutory Meeting. From The Times of October 18, we take the following report The statutory meeting of tbe Taiping Robber Plantations (Limited) was held yesterday at Winchester House, Old Broad-street, 8.C., Colonel Ivor Philipps, D.5.0., M.P., presiding. A representative of the
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  • 113 7 Some wealthy Australians went down in the Waratah, tbe steamer that vanished sixteen months ago without leaving a trace behind. Tbe courts are now granting probate to tbe wills of her ill-fated passengers. One of them was Mr. Kiel Black, who left 180,162 realty and 41, 805
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  • 613 7 GERMAN MAIL STEAMER IN SEVERE TYPHOON. Passengers' Appreciation of Captain, The German mail steamer Yorck arrived this morning some hours late as tbe result of onoountering a severe typhoon on the trip down from Hongkong. Some interesting details of the weather follow, together with an address which
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  • 304 7 Yesterday's Sport in Honour of the Sultan's Birthday. There was a large crowd at .lohore, yesterday, including a number of people from Singapore, witnessing the motor cycle races given in honour of the Saltan's birthday. I'nfortunately, rain fell whilst the sports were in progress, and this
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  • 25 7 Tbe German mail steamer Yorck having arrived from Hongkong today, at 6 a.m may be expected to sail for Europe tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock.
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  • 3002 7 ABOLITION OF RESIDENTGENERALSHIP. Dissatisfaction of N on -Official Members. (From Ocb Special Corbbspondbnt.) Koala Kangsar, November 2. An atmosphere of eloquence pervaded the ohamber of tbe Federal Council to-day. Tbe introduction of tbe Supply Bill gave occasion for the dismission of subjects of general and as it proved
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  • 32 8 At the Swimming Club, yesterday, a polo match was pUyod between a club team and a side from the Middlesex Regiment, the former winning by six goals to two.
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  • 52 8 Practising at' the Balestier range this morning, Mr. Long, who was a member of the late Bisley team, and who will fire this year in the interport match, made 105 at 200, 6(0 and 600 yards. This is the first timn the highest possible has ever been made on the
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  • 238 8 Sepoy Lines Club. Mr. Mundell has won the October monthly medal, (or which the following scores were returned:— Jim >r H. Mondell 4" 1111 77 V. O. Savi 48 45 10 83 U. W. Firmstone 46 53 10 88 Singapore Qolf Club. The qualifying round ofJ the Stiven Cap
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  • 805 8 Prices Quoted la the Market This Morning. Singapore, November 7th, 1910. Mean. Lyall and Bvatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following lUI of quotations this morning I— Norn. Value. Bayers. Seller* 21. Ailagar 4/7) 5/14 3/. I Option. 3/4 4/9 41 AngloJaTa U/- IS/--1 Anglo-Johore 12/6
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 636 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SUPERINTENDENT WANTED. Wanted, for Rubber Estate in Negri Sem bilan, an experienced Superintendent. For particulars, apply "P.," c/o Straits Times. 2978 LAND SURVEYORB WANTED. A number of qualified land surveyors are required at once. Apply, with copies of reoent testimonials, stating qualifications and salary required, to Swan and
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    • 720 8 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps ILONGEST LIFE LOWEST CONSUMPTION Life in hour*. Current peg Cgmdle p ower mm^^ mu^ m^msu carbon lamps ssmmWtkmlssmWsmWll^KssmWssWmWKsmmW mmmmsmssm cheap metal filament lamps smssmssssssssslsssssWsmWKKi msmmsmsssmsmsssmmssssmm other metal filament lamps fIBHMi WESTINOHOUSE TUNOSTEN LAMPS sWssMwmWM SOLE AGENT'S: ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. THE FAVOURITES RETURN. THE WAYANG
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 FUSSELL'S Milk Cream. Butterfly Brands, Sole Agents Paterson, Simons Company, Ltd. Sale! Sale!! Sale!!! GREAT CLEARANCE HSALEH AT Jhamatmall, Gurbamall Co., NO. 7 8, HIGH STREET, Now On. GREAT REDUCTIONS! GREAT REDUCTIONS!! GREAT REDUCTIONS "CLOVER" BRAND jjjjgft Sterilized Milk. <^^^k^ypa)aw*^^H| If (attl Tbe oD y Danish Milk jy- Wljff# B
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    • 526 9 Oriental Jiair XVasd. This very elegant preparation containing invaluable stimulants and astringents and oombining in its composition the joint ingredients of a lotion and a pomade with the delicious odour of Oriental flowers, possesses in its great utility as a cosmetiqne highly curative properties, increasing the giowth of the bair,
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    • 117 9 PATRONIZED B y ROYALTY. LATEST NOVELTIES is JADES. Bangles Links Rings Brooches Buttons Earrings. Charms Etc., Etc. B. P. de SILVA, High Street. MICHELIN TYRES DUPIRE~BROTHERS, THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Port Swettenham, SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ESTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Gouges, Coagulating Pans, Spoats,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 826 10 INSURANCE. GHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Hend Office I Shanghai: Registered under the Life Assuranoe Companies Acts, England, and under the Ho^kong Ordinances mmoH OF COM PAMY Twelfth Year). Total Inguranoe in foroe $57,ae8,888. Total Assets 5,«1 5,249. Total Funds S,ai6,Bia. Total Inoome for Year 8,»56,687. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT XHE
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    • 526 10 BANKING. IHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA tsKOBPOBATtfD BT BOTAB OHABTBB. caM np OapMal la 10,009 Sham si ■n »ck ii, wo, ooo lilirvi Fob! sU.tOO.OOO iastrvs fclabUin of Proprtatart f11.m.000 BABKBBH. Baa* ol BaglaM. ■astaal Baak of BsoslaM. r»l Bosrtea Oity MlAlaal Baak ati. BIROAPOHB BBAHOH. Ourrsal AsoooaM
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    • 558 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKIN6 AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLINQ STREE EstabUshed 1007. Capital paid up »1,000,C0000 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000X00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tax Tbck Joon 6. Snt Kia Jan 2. Nam Kirn Sbmo 7. Tao Hoo Lai 8. Liad Chia
      558 words
    • 933 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATB, Situate at East Coast Road and Changi Roadf Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an arr a of 448 ACRES planted with about 85,000 cocoanut trees, fully grown, and about 60,000 rubber
      933 words

  • 780 12 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A meeting of the shareholders of tbe Daimler Motor Company (1904) (Limited) was held on October 8, at Coventry, to consider tbe proposed amalgamation with tbe BirmiDsham Small Arms Company (Limited). Mr. E. Manville (ohairman) presided, and in moving the resolution approving
    780 words
  • 249 12 General Baden- Powell on Spread of The Movement. General Sir Bobext Baden Powell addressed a large meeting at St. Etbelfrida's Hall, Fulham, on Scouts and Scouting. Tbe Scout movement, he said, was dpreadiog very rapidly all over tbe world. Wherever be went be found many more Scoots than
    249 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 478 12 DUE SHORTLY 111 on* 1 e-ao h.i». WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. The Car for Comfort and Reliability. Fall particulars from the Sole Agents. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. ARRIVED BY THE 8.8. MISHAMA MARU NOVEMBER 3. Ono 14 20 H P., 4 Cylinder J.D. 8. Type DEABY Car (Siddeley's latest) fitted with 6 seated Body,
      478 words
    • 12 12 Woods Grent Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, eto.
      12 words
    • 400 12 CONTINENTAL Cycle Tyres. "CYCLE TYRES FOR THE NEW SEASON. The Continental people are the first in the field with a new style of bicycle tyres for the next year, and it looks a very serviceable article. The tread is made by a series of robber studs, moulded and vulcanized in
      400 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 463 13 WANTS. DOOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits 'limes. U2002 DISPENSER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispensary in the Straits. Send testimonials and •tate salary wanted to Chemist," c/o is traits Times. n2287 ASSISTANT SURGEON WANTED.
      463 words
    • 570 13 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Suite of oommodious and well-appointed offices on the ground floor of No. 0, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light and fans. Apply to Messrs. Powell Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan 4 Co., Raffles Place. warn OFFIEB TO LET. Whole of
      570 words
    • 595 13 NOTICES. PUSING BHURU TIN MINES. LTD. A Dividend of Six ponce per share has been declared, payable in London on the 2nd November, 1910, and will be paid to Local shareholders as soon as the register at thai date comes to band. W.M. CURRIE, 2661 General Manager. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Notice
      595 words
    • 692 13 NOTICESNOTICE. Mr. Oh Kee i.'huan has been appointed Compradore for the The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited, as from November 1, 1910, and will have his office in the Head Offices of the Company, Room No. 22, Collyer Quay. A. H. FAIR, Esqr., Managing Director, The Great Eastern Life
      692 words
    • 573 13 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 A 109, Market Street. THE AVER MOLEK RUBBER COMPANY. LIMITED. NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Financial year of the Company closes on October 81, 1910, and that the remaining dividend for the year
      573 words
    • 319 13 NEW MUSIC NEW RECORDS NEW GRAMOPHONES NEW MODELB OF PIANOS. Just Landed EX s.a. NAMUR. The ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITEO. J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.R.H.8.. LONDON. HorticßH ßrisi on Florist Collector and Exporter ol Orchids and Bare Plants. Diploma and gold medal from the Let* King of Denmark. By Spoeial Appointment
      319 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 242 13 Straits '(Dimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane ous wants of every description are injert ed at the prepaid rate of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Births, Marriages, oi Doaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.c. cards, on page 6, 12. Inch Scalb
      242 words