The Straits Times, 5 November 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.407 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 5. 1910. PRICE 10 GENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 187 1 KATZ BROS., LD. Gents' Outfitting Dept. BAGS TRUNKS. We are now showing a large Assortment of Gladstone Bags Suit Cases Kit Bags Fitted Dressing Cases Brief Bags Cabin Trunks Attache Cases Holdhalls. By the best English makers, In all sizes. MODERATELY PRICED. KATZ BROS., LD. FRAMROZ CO. S High-Class Aerated
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    • 228 1 Robinson A Co. The famous IFF! "ROYAL BAR-LOCK" i^SSit.-i holds the Speed Championship ol Great :=^-tx=~ l a Britain, and was awarded the only "Grand a^JJ x ft t^ e Franco-Britifih Exhibition. ijiisMMiMtai? The No. 14 Model Contains ALL THAT IS G(K)l) in Jt&£ aiaai^l Typewriters. b Lv Lsl BjShpV
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    • 6 1 Boiiinger Champagne. CALDBECK. MAC6RE60R AND COMPANY.
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  • 1035 2 TEA AND SILK NOW SURPASSED IN IMPORTANCE. Bean Exports Lead A second article on the foreign trade of China in 1909, which appears in The Board of Trade Journal, is based on the recentlyissued report published by order of the Idsrwtor General of the Chinese Imperial Customs. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 138 2 rrsAAs mask- I SOIiUTIOINI t I Jtl it OF COD LIVER OILjUN^MALT EXTRACT for increasing the weight and strength of weak and wasted persons of all ages. Makes new flesh, new blood, and renews the vitality more rapidly than any other combination. Children like its delicious flavour and the most
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    • 76 2 RHEUM TISM THE MGS' COMMON CAUSE OF BUFFERING. Rhpomati»Eu oaanes more pun and naffer iog thsn say other dineaae, for the resvuiD that it is the most oommon of all ills, sod it is oertainly gratifyii.g to sufferers to know tbat Chamberlain's Ham Balm will afford relief, and make rest
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    • 564 2 CURED HER THREE GIRLSJFJCZEMA Heeds were Masses of Itching Eruption All Kinds of Remedies Tailed and Mother was in Despair— Their Immediate Relief and Economical, PERMANENT RECOVERY IS DUE TO CUTICURA "About a year ago one of our girls oaro* home from Fraserbursh wher* she had bean for r V
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    • 381 2 There bas juet been turned oat of factory, a choice collection of UP-TO-DATE JEWELLERY which we are offering at exceptional prices to soit all purses and tastes, and we particularly ask Customers from outstations to make an early choice to avoid disappoinment. There is also a large assortment of loose
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  • 525 3 PERSONNEL OF THE CABINET AT LISBON. King Manoel's Expiation, The composition of Portugal's New Cabinet t-bows that the Republicans have chose n the intellectual elite of their party. President Braga is a learned professor of sociology and positivist philosophy. He is now 68 years old, and has
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  • 257 3 The Aerial Adventures of Burton Aviator. The aerial adventures of M. Paul de Lessens on his I!!, riot monoplane proved the sensation of the day at the Barton flying meeting. It may be recalled that Lesstps lost his way in the air after his fine flight
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  • 149 3 Dr. Cummings Retires from Guildhall School of Music. The retirement of Dr. W. H. Cummings, principal of the Guildhall Scjool of Music, on a pension of £500 a yc*r, bas come before the City Corporation. It was arranged that the Music Committee should select some eminent musician to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 373 3 Builds Up Strength "I have gained over one stone in weight." Dear Sirs, You will be pleased to learn of the great benefit I have derived from a course of Angler's Emulsion. At the end of the summer I was thoroughly run down," and felt extremely weak. I tried many
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    • 66 3 FOR A WEAK DIGESTION No medicine can replace food bat Chain berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help yon to digest your food. It is not tbe quantity of food taken tbat gives strength and vigor to the system, bat the amount digested and assimilated. If troubled with a weak
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    • 520 3 Were You Born Under a Lucky Star? Facts About Yonr Real Life Revealed by Famous Psychic Astrologer. Do You Want to Know About Tour Business Marriage, Love Affairs, Changes, Speculation, Friends, Enemies, Journey b or Opportuoities I TEST READINGS FREE TO ALL OUR READERS WHO WRITE AT ONCE. Surrounded by
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    • 804 3 *V//~i JSfl^ Royal Disinfectant I M^'^^MJSJ^ S°aP is a practical precaution for the Mql /JBSlSi='f^' "ealth of man, /sTif& I wo m a n or child. Is /fr*/ r *\N^~m^\ specially suitable for ixf I lirWß I warm climates kj /'T^^^af^-^^ KEEPS THE BODY IN The Dispensary, Ltd. ;>BBgggfej CHEMIBTB.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 684 4 STEAMER BAILIN6B. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. f*r China, Japan, Panaag, ••ylsa. Aaatralla, India, Aden, Bfyßt, Mediterranean Parts, Plymouth aad Londea Through Bill* ot Lading lamed tor Chins Oeut, Penian Golf, Continental, aai Amerioan Ports. Btcaman will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES, Ontvard (/or Ohina) Aswye Nov 18
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    • 513 4 STEAMER 3AILIH6B. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD A rttxalar fortnightly seniee U maintained between JAPAN abd BCROPB by the Oompaay'* well-knowa TWIMCUW ITIIHIII, under MaU Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Serrioe, lighted throaghoat by Hlectrioity, provided with exoellent aooommodatioa for First aad Seoond
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    • 885 4 BTEAMEI mUHIB. PACIFIC MML STEAMSHIP CB. ABB TOYO UtEN UUIHJL The two great steamship Unas bStWBBB JHINA, JAPAN aad BTJBOPB, via Honolulu aad Baa Franoiaoo, openrlng th* new 11,606 toaa, twia-aonw ttsam«ri KOREA and BIBBRIA, iGgiahir wttk ths nllkion iteaoen OHISA, ABIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHDBIA. NIPPON MABU, TBBIO MABU ABD
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    • 585 4 BTEMEK MIUNtt. HAMBURG AMERIKA UNE. HAMBURG. vHbbl^l^. The Hiimw of thai Company maintain a regular servloe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad th* Strait*, Ohina aad Japaa. Homewards, they an despatched fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for Bremerhavea dinot, calling at Psaaag aad Colombo.
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    • 761 4 STEAiEB mums. N. D. L. Norddeutsohor Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL eERMAH MAIL LINE The fast and weU kaowa mall steam. cl this Oompaay aaU tortaajhty from Bnr e» Hamburg, via Borterdam, Aatwero, Soutii rop toa, Olbnltar, Qenoa, Naples (ooaa*. ioo Manailla*, Naples, Aluaaarta, aad Tts* m sa, Port Said, So**, Adea,
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  • 121 5 FIXTURES. Saturday, November 5. Hiffh Water, 0.9 a.m., 11 85 p.m. S V. A. Maxim Co. annual inspection. Sunday November 6. Ute-b Water. 0.40 a m., 0.4 p.m. N. D. L. homeward mail due. Monday, November 7. High Water, 1.16 am., 0.86 p.m. Tuesday, November 8. High
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  • 194 5 To-DiT. f*ena"g and Calcutta Austria Bpm K Pahang. PeKao, Kuantan and Trengganu Pontianak 3 pm Trengeana Baoka 8 pm Bala Pabat Aing Liong 8 pm Deli and Asaban Ranee 8 pm Bataria, Chflnbon and Samarang Oi*ng Ann 8 pm Bangkok Bangkok 4 pm Bagan C. Honk Kian
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  • 33 5 The homeward N. D. h. Packet Torok left Hongkong 1 1 pm. on Wednesday, the 2nd insant, and may be eipected to ariive here on Sunday afternoon, the 6th instant.
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  • 74 5 Lot Simoapobx E ipt 18 B. I. >pt 19 M M. apt S3 P. A O. •pi 27 Nil. L. >pt 29 B. I. at 8 M. M. at 7 P.*O. at 11 N. D. L. at 13 B. I. at 17 M. M. Dub in Losdos
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  • 309 5 Latest Arrival!. San to Soon, Dnt sir 343 tons, Capt Odink, Nor S. From Peuiibas. Nov 2. 0.0. and 11 d.p. Tbong F.k. For Pontiaoak. D.-Rds. Qrotiut, Dut str 3705 tons, Captain Teensma, Nov 6. From Batavia, Nov S. O.c. mail and p. Ships Agouoy, Ltd. For Amsterdam,
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  • 102 5 Wharves at which Vessels an Berthed To -Day. TANJONQ PAOAR. Bast Wbubv Bisn— Merapi, Dredger, Shrimp. East W. Baonoa 1 Tbongwa, Cmta. Bams Wsubv— Nil. Mini W. Sara, t Van Linshoten. a a 8- Onadiana. a 4- Perak. r I- Miodcroo. a a
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 pan., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'olook noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day exoeptine J r>nd»» whm it flrmi at nw> n'alnnb.
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  • 250 5 Finance Commerce. SINOAPOEB, KOVEHBEB 6, 1910. On London— Back 4 m/i 3/4 Demand 2/4^ Private 6 m/a 2/4} do 8 m/s M 'I.i On Qtrmant— Bank d/d M MO Private 8 m/s 344 do 6 m/s 246* On France- Bssk d/d 896 Private 8 m/a Sh9^ do 0 m/s ■>•
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    • 172 5 V*lue. Bayer*. 10 10 BeUt Tin 8.10 10 10 BraaDK 5.60 10 10 Brunch Hyd. 10 10 KsDBboi 2.00 41 41 KiDtt Tin 1600 41 41 Kled*D« Tin 1.76 10 10 Kaantan Tin Bno 41 41 Lahat Mine* 8.00 41 41 Malay* and Siam 7/6 10 10 Malacca Tin
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    • 609 5 I«me r= Value. Buyer*. Seller*. 3/. 3/. Allagar 4/7 6/6 2/. a/- Anglo-Malay 1.8 8 1.6.0 2/- 9/- BatMu MaUka 3/9 e/6 pm 41 flßatnCavei 16.100 15.1^.0 41 41 Bata Tig* 4.118 5.0.0 £1 £1 Bukit Kajanß 25 9 3.160 41 16/-,, Contributory 13/6 1.0 opm 41 1 Bukit
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    • 131 5 IfSUO !2 Value (2 Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Eastern nom. Smelting 1000 10 7 8.(0 £1 £1 Eleotrio Tramways 3/6 8/0 10 10 Fraser Neave 27 00 80.00 100 Howarth Erskine 67.00 68.00 K0 7% Pref. SO.CO 01 00 100 100 Kata Bro. Del 126 00 100 100 a
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    • 51 5 Bayer*. Hellers Howarth BrskineB% 1900,000 par Riley, Har greaves 6% 1284,000 1% 8% pre B trio T' ways t% *860,000 Singapore Municipal t% 11,878.000 aom Buyers. SsJhn Singapore Mn nicipal H% of 1907 11.800.000 I p»» Singapore Mv nicipal H% *****9 •1,000.000 T% 8% pis Singapore Muuioipalt% 1602.900 t
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Nov. s— At Chorltoo, No. 88, Grange Road, household furniture, at 2.80. Nov. 7 At halt-room, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Nov. B— At silerorm, freehold building land, fronting a reserve lor road off Kampong J*va ltd., at 2 80. Nov. B— At calt'rroom, freehold land
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    • 397 5 WHY? Prom a small beginning the sale and use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries Why? Because it has proved especially valuable for coughs and cold i. For sale by all.dißpensaries and dealers. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. COMPOUND HOUSE TO
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    • 751 5 MkT Banks) of tticj Nils) ism rmrtma •undo «f Usssfs. Itasm t*tm I Obtainable at ROIltf)I\ ROlltfA I I inssai n<l nUBINbON I JOHN little S Felucca I ANO CO.. LTD. v agsM^teaaMf I sn isunßhwl br »U Msde sf nw Isasi Hlacnd Turkic Tobscco aadcr ideal condilUss la Catost
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    • 48 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, NO. 187, ORCHARD ROAD. Undertakers, Monumental Masons and Sculptors. THE BEST OF GENUINE ENGLISH BUILT RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES WITH PLUMES iIN USB. Monuments ot every description always in stock. A large consignment of ArtiOoial Wreaths jtut arrived for AU.Souls' Day. TBLEPHONB NO. 717. PRICEB MODBRATB 68
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  • 1070 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5. FEDERAL PROGRESS. The third session of the Federal Council of the Malay States closed on Friday. It baa been the busiest, and in some respect", the most interesting of the three, because it has revealed to as the capacity of the new body for
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  • 11 6 Malarial fever was responsible for 100 deaths in Singapore last month.
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  • 19 6 The F.M.S. tin out puts from .January to September show tbat the amended figures agree with those already published.
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  • 23 6 Tbe liner Poona has arrived at Liverpool from China with a cargo of thousands of carcases of frozen pigs, docks, fowls, and snipe
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  • 20 6 During discussion of the Municipal estimates, yesterday, a proposal to insert 18. COO for fire alarms in Singapore was negatived.
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  • 22 6 The public retrial of Robless, the lawyer's clerk in Penang, has retailed in bis teing convicted and sentenced to six mot-tlis' imprisonment.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 6 as well as 8.
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  • 28 6 The ladies of the Presbyterian Church Sewing Party will meet at tbe Manse, Cavanaph Road, the residence of Mrs. Runciman, on Tuesday, Bth inst., at I 30 p.m.
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  • 41 6 The Argo will leave Johnston's pier for tbe club bungalow on Sunday, tbe oth inst., at 9, 10 and 11 a.m 3 80 and 8-80 p m.. returning at 9 80 and 10 80 a.m., 1215, 8 and 6 80 p.m.
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  • 26 6 Mr. Hillman, a millionaire resident of Seattle, has been arrested on a charge of having used the United States post office for the purpose of fraud.
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  • 26 6 Mr. Taylor, Mayor of Vancouver, and editor of the Vancouver World, is suing Mr. W. Nicbol, proprietor of tbe ProvirJbe, for £10,000 damages for alleged libel.
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  • 28 6 A submarine boat of a large type is to be built at the Royal Shipbuilding Company De Scbelde, Flonhing. It is destined for the Netherland East Indian Service.
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  • 31 6 Tbe annual meeting of the Chinese Christian Endeavour will be held in tbe Su Po Sia Hall, Tanjong Pagar Road, on Wednesday, November 9, at 8 p.m. All interested are invittd.
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  • 36 6 The lecture on Hygiene by Dr. Brooke will be given at the Chinese Girls' School, Government Hill to day at 480 p.m. Other ladies who are friends of the Y. W. C. A. members may attend.
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  • 28 6 The Times of Malaya bears that a PatluFreres' cinematograph representative was busy turning a handle when the menggeluncbor at Koala Kangear the other day was at its height.
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  • 32 6 The managing director and a contributor of the Sheffield Weekly Telegraph have been jointly fined £100 far contempt of court, by tbe publication of a paragraph in connection with the Crippen case'
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  • 39 6 Little paper flying machines have been designed as stands for menu cards, says a home paper. N*me cards are generally In Id by tiny airships, wbioh are attached to wine glasses, and may be taken away by tbe guests.
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  • 39 6 Rice cultivation bas been undertaken in France with some success on alluvial land at the mouth of the river Rhone. The soil there contains a good deal of salt which hampers all kinds of cultivation except that of rice.
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  • 42 6 There will be changes of programme at tbe Albambra and Marlboroogb cinematographs, to night and a nunjber of new eubjtcts will be pot on in each show. At the former the seventh edition of Pathe's Animated Gazette will continue to be shown.
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  • 47 6 H. M. S. Gibraltar, with tbe two Australian destroyers Yarra and Parramatta, sailed for Australia this morning. While here, tbe Yarra went into dock and bad one of her propellers attended to. She struck some submerged wreckage on the way out and had a propeller blade bent.
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  • 57 6 Alter a warm game, last evening, the S. U. C. beat a combined Rugby team of the warships in port by nine points to nothing At the other end of the ground, an Association match between the S. C. C. and the 8. R. C. resulted in a victory for
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  • 49 6 Tho Federal Oil Mills, have a steamer of tbeir own, the Stepan, running round tbe coasts between Selangor and Perak collecting coconuts, and they turn cut a fairly large quantity of oil monthly. Towkay Loke Yew and Mr. Htmpebire have large interests in this enterprise, says the Perak Pioneer.
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  • 53 6 The Malay Mail bears that a proposal to bring the Saigon type of ricksha to Koala Lumpur is being mooted. Tbe Saigon ricksha is lower than tbe variety known in the Straits and the shafts slope up from the rioksba to the puller's level. In Saigon most of these conveyances
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  • 58 6 A Presidential decree bas been issued in Brazil directing that the clothing equipment of tbe military and naval forces and tbe police and firemen shall in future be made trum material of the country's own manu facture. Blanket*, boots, saddles, harness, and every kind of leather furniture destined tor the
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  • 76 6 A young man who had designated himself tbe Rev. Thomas Henry Clifford. B.A 8.D., was sentenced to eighteen months' impricoument with bard labour at Ayr on a number of charges. He posed as a minister of the WeMeyan Mithcdist Church, and celebrated marriages, signing the certificate as a clergyman. He
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  • 89 6 Planters in Java who had pinned their faith to Robnsta coffee and bad extended its cultivation find themselves in a fix, owing to tbe article not uniting consumers in Europe, who object to its peculiar flavour. Prices for Ro*>usta coffee in Holland have began to fall and tbe quotations are
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  • 107 6 The Chatham stipend iary magistrate has fined a contractor, named Jottep John Baptiste, of Croydon, £25 for ottering a bribe to an officer of the Ro\ il Engineers. The defendant entered into an agreement to carry ont some demolitions at Catnam Infantry Barracks, and upon the lieutenant obtaining for him
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  • 415 6 Mr. E. L. Walker, of Ipob, has b«en appointed Secretary of tbe Overseas Club lor I'urttk Capt.A.A.J Broun, 3rd Middlesex regiment, will be the field officer for tho ensninu week. Mourning for his late Majesty King Edward VII, will cease to be worn from Monday, inclusive. Mr.
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  • 35 6 To-morrow being in the Octavo of AH Saints Day, there will be special service throughout tbe day at St. Andrews Cathedral. Tbe anthem at festal evensong will be Stainer's What are TbeseV"
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  • 115 6 The mortality returns for Singapore, issued by the R* gintrar of Births and Death*, show tbat during tbe week ending October 29, there were 240 deaths, giving a ratio per mille of population of 43 89. Malarial fever accounted for 42 deaths, phthisis 20, convulsions 26, beriberi
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  • 153 6 A special meeting of tbe Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon present Messrs. E. G Broadrick (in the chain, K. E. Jago, W. Macbean, Peacock, J. Carapiet, Cuing Keng Lre, lincklacd and J. PolglafC (secretary.) The President paid the Commissioners to retire on December 31 next were Messrs.
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  • 182 6 Launched at Amsterdam in Jane lant and christened by Qaeen Wilhelmina, the Nodorland S eamsbip Company's mail vessel Prinses Juliana steamed into port ymterday morning on her maiden voyage to Batavia. The Ships Agency Ltd. had issued invitations to inspect the vessel and in response qnite a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 SCOTCH WHISKIES. Very Old Highland Blend. Club Whisky. Perfection (D. J. McCallnm'e). Polo Brand (T. P. Griffin Co.) Extra Specal (Chop Bajah). V. 0. S. (Choice Old Matured). N. B. All the above Whiskies may be obtained in 10-gallon Casks at reduced prices. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. 'The POPUUB BEVERAGE Brand
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    • 172 6 ALHAMBRA BBACH ROAD. Two IGrand Show* Every Night. Look oat tor THE MARVEL OF THE AGE Pathe'B Animated Gazette Sivbntb Edition. ENGLAND INVADED." Incidf nts in tbe Great Antamn Manoeuvres on Salinb-iry Plain. RUSSIAN- ROYAL FAMILY IN GERMANY." •BELGIAN ROYAL FAMILY IN HOLLAND" REVIEW OF THE QUEENS CANADIANS by Mr
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  • 151 7 MEETING OF THE MONARCHS AT POTSDAM. German Claims to Long-Standing Friendship. (Rbutbb'i Tblboram. London, November 5. The Tsar has arrived at Potsdam, where he was met by the Kaiser, the Princes and the Imperial Chancellor. Dbb Ostasiatiscbb Llotd Teleoram. Berlin, November 4. The NorddeuVwhe Zeitnng empbasies the
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  • 50 7 Warships Obsolete Before They Are Launched. (Rioter's Tbleoram.] London, November 4. The Vienna Nine Freie Presse says the djw British thirteen point five guns involve Austria in a serious plight. Her Dreadnoughts will either be outclassed before they are launched or new and vast expenditure mnst be incurred.
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  • 63 7 Modified Rules for Military Service. [Dbb Ostasiatiscbb Llotd Telegram.] Berlin, November 4. Before the meeting of the Reichstag there will be a session of the Council Committee on foreign A (fairs. The Press publishes particulars of the law concerning the rights and obligations of German subjects. More lenient
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  • 43 7 I Deb Ostasutischk Lloyd Tblboram. Berlin, November 4. I >ur .g the Mediterranean voyage of the Crown Prince, wireless communication is being kept up with the S. S. Prinz Ludwig Herr Wegener, who is on board, is describing the voyage.
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  • 27 7 (Rbutbr's Telegram.] London, November 5. The King's manter of ceremonies has called on the Japanese Embassy to tender the King's congratulations on the Mikado's birthd»y.
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  • 18 7 (DBB OSTASUTISCHB LLOTD TbLBOBAM] Berlin, November 4. Resident Minister Kckert of Havana is transferred to Cetinje.
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  • 40 7 [Rictib's Tblboram.] London, November 4. The Melbourne House of Keprescntatives has passed the thi.a rnading of a bill empowering Government to arrange for the nationalisation of monopolies, by 88 votes to 20, which is a bare statutory majority.
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  • 28 7 [Rbutbr's Telegram.] London, November 4. The Irish Unionists havo issued a manifesto in which they say they will never submit to Home Rule iv any form.
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  • 17 7 [RrCTRR's TxLEORASi.] London, November 4. Another six thousand miners have struck in Sonth Wales.
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  • 43 7 IUI-TKR's TELEGRAM London, November 4. M. Briand has succeeded in forming a new Cabinet. London, November 6. The now French Cabinet represents a majority of the Moderates in the Chamber who supported M. Briand against the Socialists and extreme Radicals.
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  • 536 7 Encouraging Promises of Support. We are re ijnested to state tbat a meeting of the committee of the New Hall Scheme was held in tbe Cricket Club, yesterday evening, the Hon. Dr. Galloway presiding. Amongst those present were the Rev. W. Ronciman, and Messrs. D. T.
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  • 317 7 Opening of Second International Conference in Paris. The second international conference for the study of canoer was opened in Paris by the Minister of Public Education. Practically all the civilised countries have sent re presentatives to the conference, which is under the presidency of the famous German specialist,
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  • 68 7 Following is tbe comparative statement of cultivated rubber exported during tbe years 1910 and 1909 Exported Total exduring port during September, 1910. the year. Perak 236,969 1,649,269 Selangor 769,727 5,*****8 Negri Sembilan 118,152 956.804 Pabang 823 3,859 Total 1.110,476 8,339,760 Export during similar period of
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  • 51 7 An act has been passed by the Philippine Commission defining habitual criminals, and provides tbat persons twice convicted and sentenced to two or more years on each lonviction upon being charged again with violation of tbe laws of the land shall be deemed habitual criminals, and sentenced to 20 years'
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  • 539 7 BUSINESS OF THE LAST SITTING YESTERDAY. Mr. Birch's Retirement. (From Ode Own Correspondent.) Kuala Kangsar. November S. There was no sitting of tbe Federal Connoil yesterday morning, bat business was resumed in the afternoon, the work of tbe session then being completed. Tbe following enactments were finally passed
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  • 115 7 At Hongkong, on October 22, action was brought by Rabim Bui against Nnzer Ali to recover 147.26, being tbe equivalent of I 8."> in Singapore currency, the price of a bicycle sold and delivered by plaintiff to defendant. Mr. J. II Gardiner, who appeared for the
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  • 124 7 From the returns compiled by Lloyd's Register of Shipping it appears tbat, excluding warships, there were 868 vessels of 1,154,107 tons gross under construction in the United Kingdom at tbe close of the quarter ended September 80. Tbe tonnage now under construction is about 80,000 tons
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  • 706 7 TONE OF LONDON MARKET APPEARS SOUNDER. Warning to Speculators. The L. and C Express, of October 14, prin te the following:— The market for Pan has been quiet, and little business has been done. Fine -Hard on tbe spot and forward closes at 6s Hi. value, (Bs.
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  • 199 7 The Jury Warned Not to Convict on Suspicion. The trial of Miss Le Neve before the Chief Justice at Old Bailey was opened by Mr. Muir for the prosecution on October 25. The court was crammed and crowds gathered outside. Sbe was charged with being an
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  • 91 7 A terrific encounter between masked smugglers and Italian Customs officers has taken place near Monte Scallini, in the Valiellina mountains. Tbe offioers surprised a band of 20 smugglers engaged in their nefarioos work, and opened fire on them. Tbe smugglers replied, and a hot contest raged for
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  • 1120 7 Report of Inquest Recently Held in Colombo, We take the following reference to the death of Mrs. Hawtry from the Times ol Ceylon of October 28 A distressing traeedy occurred yesterday afternoon at the dalle Face Hotel. Mrs. Hawtry, a visitor, who arrived two weeks ago
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  • 33 7 Desariptions of the men inspected of having perpetrated (he reoent dynamite outrage at the offloe of the Time* in Los Angeles, California, have been forwarded by cable to Australasia, Indij. China, and Europe.
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  • 112 7 GENERAL BOTHA'S MESSAGE OF HOPE. Tbe New Parliament Opened by Tbe Duke of Connaught. [Rbutbr's Teleoram.] London, November 4. General Botha, in a message to the Daily Mail, earnestly hopes and believes that the hearts of the two races in South Africa will be united as well
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  • 20 7 [RacTßß's Tblboram.] London, November 4. Reutor wires from Salonika tbat Abdul Hamid is reported to bo seriously ill.
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  • 143 7 Gratifying Improvement in tbe Finances. (From Our Own Correspondent Penang, November 4. The Rahman Tin Company's report for the year ending March 31, notes a capital expenditure on property during the year of £1,808. Tbe total sum now againtt development is £84,500. The accounts show a gratifying
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  • 53 7 (From Our Own Corrbspondbnt). Kuala Lumpur, November 4. Tbe rubber export duty on prices from November 4 to November 17 is I for sheet and biscuit, t285 for crepe, 129S for best scrap, crepe form, 1270 for bark scrap, crepe form $25(i for rough scrap $280 and
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  • 55 7 (From Oub Own Correspondent.) Penang. November 4. Dr. Sun Vat Sen has been severely oensurod by tbe Government authorities for bis revolutionary speech at tin Chinese Club in Me A lister Road. It is said he was gravely warned that serious consequences would follow repetition
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  • 24 7 (From Oub Own Correspondent.) Labuan, November 4. The steamer Hyndford which went ashore while entering Victoria harbour has been refloated undamaged.
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  • 159 7 Our Penang correspondent wires tbe following orops:— Caledonia, 28,441 lbs, Tali Ajer, 18,188 lbs (iodong, 25,150 lbs Nova Scotia. 19,000 lbs., Rubana, 21,250 lbs Hai Kee fi'27 lbs and Batak Rabit, 1.7/28 lbs. Rubber outputs announced at Kuala Lumpur are as follows Harpenden, 12 512 lbs., Klanong.
    159 words
  • 92 7 The death has occurred at Scroope Hoohc Cambridge, of Mr. John Willis Clark, who was Registrary of the university for nineteen years and only resigoed on October 1 owing to ill health. An old Etonian, be entered Trinity College io 1852 and gained a firstclass in olassics. Ho had been
    92 words

  • 870 8 CAPr. SCOTT'S PLANS FOR THE PRESENT VENTURE. Tbe Terra Nova's Departure. Capt. R F. Scott's expedition was to leave Port Lyttleton, New Zealand, on November 1, in tbe Terra Nova, for the Month Polar regions. Tbe fact ferves to call to mind the expectations of tbe Commander and
    870 words
  • 147 8 Minister's Successful Appeal to his Coogregaiion. The Rev. L. B. Fletcher, of tbe Port Adelaide Congregational Cliurcu, made tbe anuounct uieni in church that for a long time he had been receiving letters complainiog of tbe inconvenience suffered by worshippers having their vision obscured by ladies' bats Some,
    147 words
  • 331 8 Former Student Aw-arded,Gold,Medal Io America. Writing on Sept. mber 12, the Evanston, 111 oorrtspondtnt of the Athens Daily Messenger, states: It will undoubtedly be ol in tccest to tbe friends of Ohio university to kuo* that tbe institution has achieved a signal triumph even in the days when
    331 words
  • 419 8 St. Andrew's Cathedral. (Sunday, November 6.) TwKNTT-roCBTH SCXDAY ATTCB TbUOTT. 7 a.m. Matins. Fir3t Lesson Amos 111. Seoond Lesson Titus 111. Hymn 221. 7.4S a m Holt C'^munion (Choral). Introit 429. S.rvioe Simper. Hymns 488, 178 and 221. 9.15 a.m Holy Communion i Plain). Hymns 427 and 821.
    419 words
  • 38 8 The High Court of Justioe has granted Mrs. Clara Warren a divorce from a notorious Australian adventurer, who married her in Naples io 1908 when he was poking as tbe owner of a Sjuth Af licin diamond mine.
    38 words
  • 872 8 Prices Quoted la tbe Market This Mornln*. Singapore, November sth, 1910. Messrs. LymU and Hvatt. Exchange and Shan Brokers, issue the following List ol quotations this morning i— Norn. Value. Boyem Heller*. 2/. *"»g" 4-7) 61J 3/. Optioni 3, 4 4,0 41 An K loJ»v» 11/- 16/--1
    872 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 51 8 The bound ry rider from bis horse Got tlong off in tbe orrek. He u«ed some words of which, of course! Twer» bettor not to »peak t 'lhis drink's a fearful curno said be, Henceforth 1 will abjure; And it U a lucky thing for me I've Woods' Ureat Ptppuinint
      51 words
    • 40 8 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not upset tbe btomach and is nonyalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tome for building up the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $115 AND $2.00
      40 words
    • 501 8 Ij^Sa" 4* S^b^WL^. A '^^a^aßaaaV RESTORED TO HEALTH. THANKS TO PE RU NA Friends Were AlarmedAdvised Change of Climate. Hiss Mildred Keller, 718 13th street, M. W Washington, D. C, writes "I can safely recommend Peruna for catarrh. I had it for years and it would respond to no kind
      501 words
    • 583 8 Raffles jllfl Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER To-Night. MARLBOROUGH Cinematograph, BaUGH ROAD. Tbe Popular Show. NEW AND BBLBCT SERIES To-Night. Seoond Show, 8.80 to 11 p.m. 1. Madagascar, Manners and Customs of tbe Saka avas 2. Tbe Wine Bottlers 8. THE TBST (Comedy) 4. THE ANGER OF DIANA g} MEMORY'S POWER 7.
      583 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 226 9 Jljamatmall, §urbamal and Company's GREAT CASH CLEARANCE HSALEN Now On. In order to make room for new goods (he whole of the present stock will be sold at ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES. Early Inspection Solicited. V 8, HIG-H STREET. 2677 Japanese Dentist, The Dental Hall, 74. BRAS BASAH ROAD o «J T
      226 words
    • 675 9 EJ=Sg~gfl| *OTA BEHE. JIM MAWlhLm?^^ CT^ STALDEW^MWMtIiB^HBITIIIIL Vllf f Q O W IOQ "SLEDGE" BRAND HYGIENIC SWISS ML Milk Us Jg*** in its nalural pfjj jjjj'oi anyS a nd without jddiliun o» SUJJ TV: ln S eke rt-rsrf' Tftie i-k valu ablp Tor maintaining m TRAYERB ft SONS LO. I
      675 words
    • 224 9 PATRONIZED *2£sj@JU2km&??s\ BY ROTALTT. LATEST NOVELTIES in JADES. Bangles Links Rings Brooches Buttons Earrings, Charmi Etc., Etc. B. P. de SILVA, High Street. MIGHELIN TYRES DUPIRE~BROTHERS, AGBITTS. THE PLANTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Port Swattenham. SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ESTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Gouges, Coagulating Pane,
      224 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 799 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Head Office I Shanghaii Registered under the Life Assuranoe Companies Acta, England, and under the Ho .gkong Ordinance.. pOB T OM OF comply Twelfth Year). Total Insuranoe in foroe »S7 l aee,BBa. ToUl Asset- Total Funda 8,218.812. Total Income for Year 8,866,887. AGENCIES
      799 words
    • 528 10 BANKING. •BARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTNALIAJIND CHINA. HCOBPORATKD BT BOTAa OHABTBB. i»all op Capital ia 10,000 Baars, of «M aaea fII.NO.OM Jeesrvt Kual f11.t00.000 Illirvi Liability of rropHaton f11.m.000 BABKBBB. Baak of »-g— 1 ■aUoaal Baak of BooMaat. ai loaloa CHy A Mlalaaf Baaa. Hi BIBOAPOBB BBABOH, Onmat Aoeonali are
      528 words
    • 510 10 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 58, KLING STREE Established 1007. Capital paid up t1,000,r0000 Reserve liability of proprietors 1.0C0.C00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tax Teck Joon 6. Snt Kia Jan 2. Nam Kirn Sbno 7. Tao Hoo Lai 8. Liao Chi
      510 words
    • 640 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at Bast Coast Road and Cbangi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing an arra of 443 ACRES planted with about 85,000 cocoanut trees, tally grown, and about 60,000 rubber trees
      640 words
    • 393 10 BY ORDBR OF THE SUPREME COURT. AUCTION SALE Of FREEHOLD LAND AT UPPER MANDAI, At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'h Salerooms, On Monday, Novkmbbb 14, at 2.80 r m. Freehold Land in the District of Upper Mandai, marked Lot No. 11, comprised in Grant No. 9, Area 33 acres.
      393 words

  • 828 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. It is a good thing for motorists to have so many places to so to for repairs, says the Siam Observer. When there are but one or two garages you have to pay through your nose for any little work required and
    828 words
  • 219 11 Curious Story of a Stolen Goat. An application was made recently to Dr. Thornliill. Cliit f Presidency Magistrate, for process against a man wbo was alleged to have stolen a goat from the faonse of his neighbour. The pleader for the applicant, wbo IB a fruit seller
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 451 11 DUE SHORTLY !!1 o«e le-ao h.i». WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. The Car for Comfort and Reliability. Fall particulars from the Sole Agents. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. ARRIVING BY THE B.S. HIBHAMA MARU OCTOBER 3. One 14 20 H P, 4 Cylinder J.D. 8. Type DEASY Car (Siddeley's latest) fitted with 5 seated f-iy, Worm
      451 words
    • 12 11 Woods Oreat Peppermint Core for all iDterne.l oomplaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc.
      12 words
    • 430 11 MERRYWEATHERS' LIGHT PORTABLE "VALIANT" STEAM PUMP For "Up-country" use where Roads or Rails do not exist. Specially tdipted for Water Supply. Irrigation, Driving We'l Pumps, Hydraul. eking, Fir* Protection. and General Pumping Purpotee. The llshtest and most powerful Pun.p on the market, weight only 6) ewt. WrUt/or nimtrattd Pamp\l,l. So.
      430 words
    • 116 11 'Peacemaker' SCOTCH WHISKY. Of Undoubted Quality. GUARANTEED Ten Years Old. ROBERTSON, WILSON CO., Bole Agents. THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. (ESTABLISHED ***** MANUFACTURERS OF PURE ROPE S BTRAND I CABLE LAID I 1 4 STRAND 1/3* to 13* 6* to 10* B* to 10* Priosa, Samples and toll particulars will
      116 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 519 12 WANTSROOM WAHTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply A., c/o Straits Times. U2002 DIBPENBER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispensary in the Straits. Send testimonials and state salary wanted to "Chemist," c/o Straits Times. U2287 ASSISTANT SURGEON WANTED. For Rubber Estate
      519 words
    • 600 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Suite of commodious and well-appointed offices on the ground floor of No. 6, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light and fans. Aoply to Messrs. Powell Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co., Raffles Place. u162 OFFIES TO LET. Whole of
      600 words
    • 720 12 NOTICES. NOTICE THE GREAT EABTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. The above Company is desirous of obtain ing the services of Chinese gentlemen of integrity to act as agents or brokers in Singapore. First class contracts will be given to highclass men. Good commissions paid on bu&i ness introduced. The Company
      720 words
    • 697 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. Mr. Oh Kee Cbuan has been appointed Compradore for the The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limit* d, as from November 1, 1810, and will have his office in the Head Offioes of the Company, Room No. 22, Collyer Quay. A. H. FAIR, Esqk., Managing Director, The Great
      697 words
    • 588 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS,. Bovsmmsnt and Municipal Contractor! Telephone No. 421. 108 A lOB, Market Street. NOTICE. AU creditors and other persons having any claims whatsoever against the estate of the deceased Mark Gordon Bradford, late of the Sarawak Civil Service, are hereby requested to send particulars thereof
      588 words
    • 489 12 PANTAI. LIMITED. LOBT SCR P. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following shares in the above Company are alleged to have been lost, Nos. *****1 to 117C70, registered in the name of Thomas Murray Robertson, of Singapore, the Certificate being numbered 288. Application has been made to the Com pany
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 242 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane ous wants of every description are injert ed at the prepaid rate of fl per foot lines for one or two insertions. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, t2. Inch Scalb
      242 words