The Straits Times, 2 November 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1910. NO. 23.404 PRICE 10 CENTH.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 D, A J, McCalluiD's PERFECTION WHISKY. •ALBBEOK. MACBREBOR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. Gents' Outfitting Dept. BAGS TRUNKS. We are now showing a large Assortment of Gladstone Bags Suit Cases Kit Bags Fitted Dressing Cases Brief Bags Cabin Trunks Attache Cases Holdhalls. By the best English makers, in all sizes.
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    • 219 1 ART NEEOLEWOOWMB FLOWER DEPOT 217, Orchard Road. AWARDED MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE, AGRI-HORTICULTURAL BHOW SINGAPORE, 1910. Arranged Floral Baskets, Bonqoets, showers and Floral forms of all descriptions. Wedding orders receive special attention. MANY LOCAL TESTIMONIALS. Prices Moderate. Cat Flowers row oar own Nurseries quite Fresh. NURSERIES AND GARDENS,
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    • 295 1 Robinson Co. The famous j f "ROYAL RAR-LOCK" holds the Speed Championship ol Great PSJjJv,;.-***. Britain, and was awarded the only "Grand i J~!f f-. L. Prix" at the Franco-British Exhibition. t£j I ijiaumiu— cl- L. The No. 14 Model j|| j& DA If LU bit k> *J Contains ALL
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Chompope. CALDBECK. MAC6RE6OR ANO COMPANY.
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  • 596 2 ADVANCES TO CANADA BY THE UNITED STATES. Empire Interests. A Standard of Empire cable dated Ottawa, September 28, fays An important statement on tbe snhjf ct of Canadian reciprocity with the United States has been made by Senator tbe Hon. Sir George W. Rosa, LL.D formerly Premier and
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  • 392 2 'Colonel H. G. Fitton and Miss Mary Hickman. The marriage took place, on October 5. at St. Mury Abbot's, KeoniDgtoo, of Colonel Hugh Gregory Fitton, D.5.0., A D.C. to tbe Kmg, and A A O (Eastern Command) (non of the late Mr. Edward Fitton and Mrs. Fitton, of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 169 2 Ill f onsuntl P* ives Need VwJ 111 something more than ordinary foods to Al f give *hem strength to battle with the y y disease and to repair its ravages. L I KEPLER SOLUTION| supplies strength-giving, vitalising and bodybuilding materials in a highly-concentrated form. It is as delicious as
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    • 13 2 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, Cough*, Colds, etc, lake Wooda' 010.1 Ptppwrmint Core.
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    • 713 2 ALMOST MAD WITHJTCHING It was Dreadful He Could Not Resist Scratching— Sleep Simply Ruined Hands Raw and Sort and He was Unable to Do Anything. SUFFERED A YEAR, CURED BY CUTICURA "Etct since 19OA, when I was cured of distressing eczema by Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. I have kept
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    • 372 2 i ""^.v Hold thee that to drink." Shakespeare. I WINCARNIS j The World's Greatest Wine Tonic I Nature's Finest Brain Nerve Food brain, and the power of the l>rain is ik-prndenl da tlie bliH'il I Ilfnnr. (ainlness, depression, exhaustion, nerve decay, and t;«ri<'ral 111 tuslltl are m«ms <it s bss
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  • 898 3 OCCULTISM DRESSED IN CLASSII GARB. Weird Performance. Tbe Morning Leader, of September 20, hi the following Of the making of books an Bunkum there ia no end. Tbe occult is 1 often mixed op with sheer dotted consent that it is not surprising to hear of ane
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 asxiM^fsi |J EMBROCATION |1 t,^"gjJJJ^l FOR USE ON ANIMALS. FOR HUMAN USE. K^V^^^H Broke" Kneet. Cramp'ln n ßlraj.' "Trancriltli E^Saillu Elllman'i Royal Embrocation Elliman 1 Universal Embrocatior,. "J I BWIBIITm KLLIMAN. SONS Ca j _SLOU'IH._IjNOLANU ff^mfflWUl T. NAGAI CO. Just Arrived: NE"W C3-OOIDS COMPRISING Curios, Artwares, Xmas Cards, Calendars, etc
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    • 5 3 Pm7kes3E"skTn s asSOFTas^B VELVET WHITE
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    • 354 3 W Delicate Backward Children I are brought to robust health by I I LEMCO and MILK. M. |to i leaspoonhil to half-piot hot Bilk. s^Sv M LJ Td i ~ki~, cc. gSS THE WORLDS CHEAPEStTJH| lg£| JEWELLERY PROVIDERS. UA r l H bNUI)- UnM>>>4> I B#l Kfl tP.tNOIO PIIStNTS
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    • 206 3 &STLES pa*i»i»^ IS Those who use NESTLES FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 33 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare the Food for immediate use. Nestl6's
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 677 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. for China, Japan, Pannng, •eylaa. Anatmlla, India, Aden, Bgyfl, Mediterranean Parts, Plymonth and Londan Throagh Bills of Lading Issued tor Ohlna Ooast, Persian Gulf, Continental, ani American a»orle. Btsamera will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES, Oatword (/otOMim) Delta Nov 4 1911 Asaaye Nov
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    • 528 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD V-^ y'\ J A regular fortnightly aerrioe ia maintained berweMJAPAITA» D BUROPB by Ihe Company's well-known TWIMCIIW ITIIIIII, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed tor the Company's Bnropean Servioe, lighted throughout by Bloctrioity, provided with exoellent aooommodation for
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    • 652 4 STEAMER BAILINBS PACIFIC MAIL STEMUHIP Ce. am TOYO KISEN lAISHA. Ths two great steamship Unas belweea JHINA, JAPAH aad BUROPB, Tia Hoaoralu and Baa Franolaoo, operating Ihe new 11,000 lona. twin aorew steam era KORBA and SIBERIA, together with tha well known •learners CHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHURIA, NIPPON MABU,
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    • 248 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL BTEAMSHIP LINE. Tn NATIONAL HIGH vVAY TO BUROPB TIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITBD STATBS. Route from Hongkong Tin Shainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea ot Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.B. Bkpbbss or Imdu j Twin screw steamft.M.B.
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    • 587 4 BTEMEK B*lLimt, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURB. V^BB^Baflßk Han^L* The steamen ot Into Company maintain a regular aervloe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, aad Rotterdam, aad tha Straits. China and Japan. Homewards, they an despatohed fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onos a month for BremerhaTM direct, oalllag al Penaag and
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    • 763 4 BTEAMEH MILINIB N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast aad wall-known mail steame ot this Company sail fortaighly bom Brer et. Hamburg, Tia Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boulhi mt. toa, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplei (ooaae loa Marsalllos, Naplss, Alexandria, aai Ties v> saw Port Bald, Buss, Aden, Oolomoo,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 548 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP LINES, LTD, AMERICAN-MANCHURIAN LINE To the Pbillipines. S.S KATUNA, will be despatched from Singapore about lOtb December. To be followed by S.S. "KIOTO" tot Hongkong, Shanghai and Japanese ports on 20th Deonmber. For further information regarding frieght, etc.. apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. 3200 SEANG
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    • 498 5 STEAMER BAIUHGB. HOME via SIBERIA. INTERNATIONAL SLEEPING CAR ANO EXPREBB TRAINS CO. Through tickets for the entire journey from any of the principal points in the Fat East to any prinoipal point in Europe or America by the TRANS-SIBERIAN ROUTE. THE ALL-RAIL ROUTE. Coupon tioket books to travel by any
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    • 620 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Taa tinmin of this Company nalntala i ngntar direct servios between OalanMa, Strait* aoafkoag, Hkaagksl aad Japaa, takiag oa--K- tkroogb Bills of Lading for Oaatoa, Bwatov Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Bswokwang, Taagtssi Ports, Formosa, th. Philippines, *0,, *c. Btoanen Ton* Oommaadar Korslat 4,881 B.
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    • 464 5 I More Beef in Ifi* LEMCOI I I than in any other Beef Fmnn told. I Invaluable in Kitchen and Sickroom. T.-vmeo, 4. Uojrtl'l Anon*. London. B.C. CHARLEB .-H& HEIQBIECKB M 1 White Seal t tdf^tf' Champagne 1 a^tiaßßßaV Sole Agents i aM bbb% BBHI, lEYEs* CO, LI M >
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    • 243 5 PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY. LATEST NOVELTIES in JADES. Bangles Links Rings Brooches Buttons Earrin^B, Charms Etc., Eto. B. P. de SILVA, High Street. Ask Always FOR THB SHeydefsyres OF THH SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Passlr Panjang, Singapore. Price very Moderate. Beat Quality. SEE 2^TJIT. No. 60-S, Victoria Street Agent for Banlord Bicyclw,
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  • 361 6 NATIVE TASTER WHO HAS THE FIRST DRINK. Quaint Ceremony. An interesting account of an expedition through the little-known Angoche and Matadanc territory in the province of Mozambique, is given by tbe American Consul at Lorenco Marques. It is believed the journey had never before been made by a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 177 6 lull X^^J a J^fiS?X^ T 111 J I 1 B B > '*oyO Warrant Assists gives a delightfully jj appetizing flavour to all tmn Meat Dishes, Curries, jjnßffr Original c l T /n I,2X^ on j Poultry, balads, Cheese pHMi Cw™* and Fish. «dmmßBM«t ?S^^ A favourite Appetizer g 1
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    • 550 6 WHY? From a email beginning the sale and nse of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has exten ded to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Why Because it has proved especially valuable for cooghs and colds. For sale by all.dippi'un&ries and dealers. PROGRAMME. GYMKHANA To be held
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    • 506 6 BOARD AND LODGING BOARD AND PESIDENCE. Board and apartments for single gentlemen at 11, Dhoby Gbaut. Terms Moderate. mi BOARD AND REBIDENCE. Furnished rooms with or without board. Terms moderate. Apply 21, Sophia Road. 2610 PRIVATE BOARD AND RESIOENCE. Two lovely large bed. flitting rooms, 2\ miles frtm town. Very
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    • 271 6 Jdamatmatt, §urbamal and (Company's GREAT CASH CLEARANCE HSALEH Now On. In order to make jrocrn for new goodß the whole of the present stock will be sold at ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES. Early Inspection Solicited. 7 8, HIGH STREET. 2577 Pohoomull Brothers, Jeweller* and Silk Merchant*, NO. 9, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE:. Just
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  • 92 7 FIXTURES. Vednriday, November a. High water, 10.26 a.m., 11.8 p.m. Thursday, November 3. High Water, 10.49 am., 11.80 pm Philharmonio Orchestra, 8.30. Friday, November 4. High Water, 11.11 a.m. M inicipal Commission, '2.30. Saturday, November 5. High Water, 0.9 a.m., 11 85 p.m. 9 V. A. Maxim
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  • 172 7 To-Dai. Bato Pahat Aing Liong 8 pm Malacca, Port Diokson, Port Bwettenham and Talok Anson Kinta 3 pm B nrabaya, Bali, Ampanan oJ Makassar Nam Yong I pm penang and Deli Calypso 3 pm "Onrabaya and Bali etc., Wilhelm 4 pm To-Moaaow. Penang, Halaooa, F.H.B. and Jobore
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  • 133 7 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer >e\ao>!« left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, •vnd ia dne to arrive here at 6 a.m. on Thursday, morning, the Trd proximo. The P. amtO. ontward mail ateamer Delta left Colombo at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday. and may be
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  • 302 7 Latest Arrivals Ban Hin Quan, Brit str Ui tons, Cant Wat > ,v, Nov 1. From Pontianak, Oot 30. O.c. snd Sj d.p. Thong Ek. For Pontianak, Not I Rda. ifom.i, Dut atr 2167 tons. Captain Denener, >:t 31 From Batavia, Oct 29. O.c. Ship* Agenoy. Ltd. For
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  • 46 7 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount raber drop daily at 1 pan., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore Htandard time, on every day ezoeptinii <3nnd*v whoa it ia drM at nm> o'olnrW
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  • 100 7 Wharvea at which Vessel* are Berthed To -Day. TANJONO PAOAR. East Wnu Basis Merapi. East W. Samoa I— Urau, Dorothea Rickmen. Banaa Weabt— Zwtuna. Hun W. Sbot. I- Ptirneu, Minima Mam. a I— Ceylon Uaru. 4— Bintang. a Look Sun. Montrose, 11. M.
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  • 204 7 Expected to Arrive. Per P. and o. 3tc*mer Mongolia, connecting with the steamer Delta at Colombo, due November 4.— Mr. B. L. Williams, Capt S.. CunyDgbame, Mr. J. B. Mackinnon, Rev. W. E. Weighill, Miss Truman, Miss Bristow. Mrs. O.K. Robaon and child, Mr. A. E. Glover,
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  • 247 7 Finance Commerce, EXCHANGE. SIMOAFOU, N< \FMBIB 1810. On London— Back 4 m/s >,4 Demand 2/4^ Private 6 m/s 2/4 do 8 m/a 2/4 I On Germany— Bids d/d 240 Private 8 m/t 244 do 6 m/s 240) On France— Bank d/d 265 Private 8 m/t 2SB| do 8 m/t BCB4
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  • 10 7 Singapore), November 2, tw*lv. noon.
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  • 170 7 Issue Valued* Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 BelatTin 6.00 5->5 10 10 Braang 5.50 0.00 10 10 Bruseh Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.00 250 £1 XI KinUTm 1000 17.00 £1 £1 Kledang Tin 1.75 2.10 10 10 KuanUn Tin 8.00 3.25 £1 £1 LabatMinei BXO B.SO 41 £1 Malaya
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  • 589 7 Issue 3 Value. Buyers Sellers. 3/- 2/- Ailuu 4/8 6/0 a/- 2/- Angio-Malay 1.4.9 1.5.8 2/- 2/- BatangMalaka 2/9 3/r, pu £1 41 B»tu Cares 15.10.0 16.10.0 XI £1 Batu Tiga 4.11.6 5 0.0 XI 41 Bokit Kajang 2.5.9 2.16.6 XI 15/- Contributory 12 6 1.0.0 pm XI £1
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  • 129 7 Issue 12 Value Boyert Sellers. 10 10 Eastern nom. SiutltiDg 1000 io 7 £1 £1 Electric Tramways a/6 86 10 10 Kraser k Neave 27.00 80.00 100 Howartb Erakine 57.00 58.00 UO 7% Pref. SO.CO 91 03 100 100 Katz Bro. Det 125 0J 100 100 8% Cam.
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  • 49 7 Bayer*. Selle»e Howartb EnkioeB% 1900.000 M par Riley, Hargreaves 6% •284,000 1% 1% prt B-SrioT'wkyi 1% JRMW.CTW mi Singapore Maiueipal6% »1,878,000 Bom Barer* Bel* i BiMMOM Ma- «t% of imt tiAoajoa i\ fft pi. Singapore Mo oicif*! oflttW •IXWO.OOO T* «%pu Singapore Mo aicipal 4% M 03.800 f%
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 73 7 RHEUMATISM THE MOBT COMMON CAUBE OF SUFFERING. llbeoniatiem ceu»es more pain and suffering than any other disease, for the reason that it is the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chsmberlain's Pain Balm will afford relief, and make rest and sleep
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    • 386 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Not. 4 At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Nov. 5— At Cborlton, No. 38, Grange Road, household furniture, at 2.80. Nov. 7— At saleroom, unredeemed plodges, at 10. Nov. 8— At saleroom, freehold building land, fronting a reserve for road off Kampong Java ltd., at
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    • 451 7 The GARRICK Cigarette A LARGE HANDMADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 50fl (JtAßft!«N Frice Air-tight 6O CT3. Tine. llS^S^^SaUl^^afl P*r tin. I P 11 fUsktsl eW lk»a-l f»f ?IVI aT BaaßTaMttaaaaa^iiaaßßßaaVßaßßßlll bbp^^^? OBTAINABLE AT: JOHN LITTLE ft GO., LD.. ft ROBINSON ft CO. AUCTION SALE OF War Department Stores, AT THE ORDNANCE
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    • 49 7 RAVEN SWAY AND COMPANY, NO. 187, ORCHARD ROAD. Undertakers, Monumental Masons and Sculptors. THE BEST OF OENOiNE BNOLxSH-BUILT RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES > WITH PLUMES [IN USK. Monument 3 ot every description always in stock. A Urge consignment ol Artificial Wreatiis j'Jit arrived AU Awls' Day. TELEPHONE NO. 717. PB.IOEB MOPBRtTa>, 06
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 181 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kaadaag Kerbaa Hospital, Hn.nbtt 1 I a. m. > r. 9 r. Kaotall. Bar. M Fan 19.854 M.791 19.67* Temp 86.0 88 0 79.8 NU Wet Bulb Ther «7.8 78.0 77 0 Dirof Wind.. B.W. SW. calm Max. Temp 90.0 Mm. 75.P Max. In Bon.. 14-2.0 Tend. Thar..
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  • 1142 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. INEFFECTIVE ADVOCACY. The first two letters we published from Mr. Huttenbach on the Freights and Steamships Bill were interesting although not convincing, and yesterday we gave him two columns more of onr space in which to conclude his review of the Conference case. Mr.
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  • 42 8 take place next day instead of oar own, and, as it is a kind ot armed burglar this colony has to deal with in the Shipping Conference, it need be less concerned about the nature ot its weapons than about their efficiency.
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  • 13 8 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 7 as well as 10.
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  • 9 8 Hannston's cirous was doe in Hongkong on October 27.
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  • 14 8 The F. M. S. Government are busy erecting a large obandu warehouse for Ipoh.
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  • 26 8 The centenary of the birth of Charles Diokens fa Is on February 7, 1912, and preparations are already being made at home for its fitting celebration.
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  • 20 8 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners is summoned for Friday next, to determine the members who retire on De
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  • 11 8 eem w reaomed of the estimates for 1911, in committee.
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  • 39 8 In 1950 New Zealand will certainly be as near London as Yorkshire was to the metropolis 100 years ago, said professor J. A. Cromb, lecturing at Queen's College, Harley street, W, on The Age of Victoria and Edward VII.
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  • 44 8 Some of the wheat I examined was 6} ft. high and the whole district gives promise cf an abundant harvest, said- Admiral Sir D. H. Bosanquet, the Governor, speaking at Adelaide on bis return from a tour of the Loxton district of South Australia.
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  • 42 8 At an extraordinary general meeting of the Lapan I' tan Rubber Company, Ltd held at Colombo, the offer made by the Kampong Kuan tan Rubber Company, Ltd., for the purchase of Lapau Utan Estate was submitted to the meeting and was declined.
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  • 46 8 The carcase of an English lamb, the gift of a local butcher, was among the harvest festival decorations at Holy Trinity Church, Selhurst. A place was tound for it in the porch and it wat subsequently cut up and distributed among the poor of the parish.
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  • 50 8 At the Alhambra cinematograph, to night, besides a number of other new subj- cts, the seventh edition of Pathe's Animated Qizette *ill be put on, the series of events portrajed being of a particular international interest There will also be a change ot programme at the Marlbaroogh cinematograph show, to-night
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  • 46 8 A telegram, dated the Hague, October '23, gives particulars of an interview between a representative of the Rotterdam Courant and a prominent Dutch airman named Kuller. On being asked his opinion about flying, the latter emphatically said that it was a foolhardy, risky, and dangerous sport.
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  • 58 8 A search was mads of the steamer Olenogle on the night of October 28, at the Latter Street wharf, Rangoon, shortly after her arrival from the Straits by patrol officer Crisp and preventive officer Franklin of the customs, who found about 200 ounces of cocaine bidden amidsbipi The value of
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  • 62 8 About twenty-one years in the round the island steamer service is the record which Captain J. C. Wbitley can claim and of which be may justly be proud, says a Ceylon paper. His recent illness has made it imperative that he should go home for a ohange, and he accordingly
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  • 52 8 Endeavours are to be made in the metropolitan area of Perth, Australia, to eradicate the motqnito plague. From Barbadoes a small consignment of fish, known as millions, has been obtained, and municipalities have been promised a grant towards the cost of destroying larvae by the application of kerosene to the
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  • 55 8 Mr. J. D. Rockefeller gave £200,000 to a scientific commission with the object of discovering a cure for the hookworm microbe-, which is supposed to breed laziness, a common trait in the Southern States. Widespread amusement has been caused by the announcement of the commission that the best remedy is
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  • 73 8 The table on which King Edward signed the commission giving the Royal Assent to the South African Union Act, together with the pen and inkstand used by his Majesty on the occasion, all of which have boen pre sented to the Union Government by the King, are now in South
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  • 80 8 Mr. L. F. Tupman, the ideal grocer, who won in open competition the £600 prizo of a fully stocked and fitted up shop offered by Mr. W. A. Bowman, of Messrs. QaodalJ, backhouse and Co., chose a corner shop in High-road, Chin wick, but after fifteen months of bard work
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  • 77 8 The East Sumatra Rubber Planters' Astociation met at Medaa on October 22, to discuss the subject of the Rubber Show at London next year. It was decided that local planters should take part in it collectively, the estimated outlay being 8,000 guilders. The members were urged to do their best,
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  • 103 8 News has reached Madras of a shocking disaster which has occurred at Cochin. Late on the afternoon of October 22, a country boat wag entering Cochin harbour oonvejing as far as ban be ascertained, about forty tivu coolies. About half way down the harbour she was h truck by a
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  • 428 8 Mr. C. Matthew ha* joined tl.e staff of the Planters' Stores and Agency Co., Ltd. Mr. D. F. Topham is now a director of the New Serendah Rubber Company, Ltd. Prince Henry XXXI ot Reuss, of the Embasoy at Madrid, has been appointed German Consul-General at Calcutta.
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  • 35 8 The quantity of tin ore exported by the tributors on the land of the Royal Jobore Tin Mining Co., Ltd., during the month ot October was piouls 55 86 bags.
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  • 61 8 The Secretary of the United Kingdom branch of the Association of Medical Women in India writes to The Times urging Lady Hardinge to change the name and scope of the Dufferin Fund and to found a women's medical service for India, thereby opening a definite career
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  • 88 8 The trial of Wee Theam Tew on obarges of perjury and criminal breach of trust was continued before Mr. Justice Fisher at the Assizes this looming. Yesterday the evidence ot Messrs. Sm Chay Van and J. T. Lloyd was taken, and thb Crown has several further witnesses to
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  • 122 8 The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Journal Btates that a woman of threat beauty, the Counters Kluzinska, has just been arrested afver parsing 18 years as a man in the monastery of Sjlowtstsk, where she was known as Brother Ar«6oe. 'Ibe countess, who is now about
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  • 168 8 The L Y. Swee Coy., of Kuala Lumpur, has issued a handbook tor which there Las been urgent need. It does for the dollar rubber companies what tho Financier guide and other publications have done already for the sterling ccmpaniuH, and it does it very woll. There
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 347 8 The R?NE° COPIER Overoomes once and for all the slovenly manner in which oorreepondenoe is often copied and despatched. How often is a letter received which has been smudged out of recognition by oopying? It the difficulty of deciphering such a communication is an annoyance, bow much more serious is
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    • 170 8 ALHAMBRA BBACH BOAD. Two Grand Shows Every Night. Look oat tot THB MARVEL OP THB AGE Pathe's Animated Bazettß Sivinth Edition. 11 ENGLAND INVADED." Incidents in the Great Autumn ManceuTrea on Salisbury Plain. RUSSIAN ROYAL FAMILY IN GERMANY." "BELGIAN ROYAL FAMILY IN HOL LAND." "REVIEW OF THE QUEEN'S CANADIANS" by
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  • 101 9 REGENT-ELECT STARTS FROM LONDON. The Ex-Shahs Allowance Paid. [Rbctbb's Tblsobam.| London, November 1. The Teheran Government has paid in advance a quarterly instalment of the allowance to the ex Shah. This is the result of a joint Anglo- Russian note insisting on payment. London, November 2. Renter
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  • 221 9 THE PRICES SHOW ANOTHER DECLINE. Record Quantity of Plantation Offered. (Fbom Ouh Own Cobbbspondbnt.) London, Nov. 1. The prices showed a declining tendency again to-day though they did not drop quite so low as at tbe sale a month ago. There were 808 tons of plantation rubber
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  • 119 9 [Rbutbb's Tblboram London, November 1. M. Sasonow, Russian Foreign Minister, with two high officials, has left for Darmstadt and then for Potsdam, to be present on the oooaF' -o of the forthcoming meeting between tbe Czar and the Kaiser. [Dbb Ostasutischb Lloyd Tblbobam.] Berlin, November 1. Mr.
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  • 39 9 [Rbdtbb's Tblbobam.] London, November 2. A Cape Town telegram says that Mr. Reitz, an ex- President of tbe Orange Free State, bas been elected President of the Union Senate, and Mr. Molteno bas been elected Speaker.
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  • 25 9 [Rbctbb's Tblbobam.] London, November 1. New York telegrams say tbat tbe American aviator Johnston has aeropiantd at a height of 9.71 1 feet.
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  • 21 9 [Rictib's Telegram] London, November 2. Tbe London Gazette notifies that Lieutenant Sutor has been removed from tbe army.
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  • 50 9 Rubber Grower*.— October 8,997 lbs. Total tbis year 31,131 lbs., to same date last year 14,768 lbs. Singapore Venture Syndicate. The output of tbe Mandai-Tekong Rubber Estates for October is 72CJ lbs. as against 470J lbs. for the month of September. 1910. and 234 lbs. for August.
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  • 561 9 Extending Area of the Company's Property. The secretary of tbe United Malacca Rubber Estates, Lid forwards us tbe following report Tbe statutory general meeting of tbe company was held at tbe company's offlo», No. 100, First Cross Street, Malacca, on Friday, October 28, 1910, at noon. Mr.
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  • 330 9 Coronation Festivities Postponed Till 1911 Tbe Bangkok Times of October 27, contains tbe following particulars of the new reign in Siam The style and title of His Majesty will be Somdetch Phra Paramendr Maba Vajiravndh, Pbra Mongkut Klao, King of Siam. Tbe style and title of His
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  • 235 9 The protpectus is issued for publio in formation only of the Teekoy Rubber Estate, Limited, which has been formed with a capital of £'.0,000, in £1 shares, of which 16,500 are now offered for subscription at par, states The Financier. The Dimbnla Travaocore Rubber Company, L'.uited, of
    235 words
  • 423 9 ARRIVAL OF THE YARRA AND PARRAMATTA. Thirty Knot Destroyers. Last evening, H. M. 8. Gibraltar arrived in escorting tbe two new Australian Commonwealth destroyers Yarra and Parramatta which left Plymouth on September 10, and have oome out by easy stages. It is understood that the vessels stay until
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  • 548 9 Terrifying Fall Alter Voyage over London. A party of balloonists who had successfully accomplished a flight across London bad an extraordinary escape tbe other afternoon, dropping sheer at a great speed from a height of 7,030 ft. into a meadow near Hoy don, a village about five miles
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  • 106 9 Manchester, on September 81, Mr. A. Gardiner, a member cf the Manchester City Council, was fined tho maximum amount of £20 and costs, also 50 guineas extra costs, for permitting the Palatine Hotel to be used improperly. Tbe chairman of the Bench stated that Gardiner would also lose his licence
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  • 2019 9 TEXT OF HIGH COMMISSIONER'S OPENING SPEECH. Progress In tbe F. M. S. Tbe following is the full text of the speech delivered by His Exoellenoy tbe High Commissioner at tbe opening of tbe third session of tbe Federal Council at Koala Kaogsar on October 81 At this
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  • 98 9 (Fbom Ocb Spscial Cobbbspondbnt Kuala Kingaar, November 1. At the Federal Council, tbe first readings of all enactments were completed this forenoon, explanations being given by Mr. Barnes. Tbe Freight Bill was taken in committee, several small amendments being made. A new clause reads as follows.— fi very
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  • 66 9 RUMOURED WISH TO LEAVE INDIA OFFICE. Lord Crewe Suggested as Successor. [Bbctm'i Tblbobam.] London, November 3. The Irish Times state* tbat Lord Morley has intimated to Mr. Asqoith a wish to retire. It is expected tbat Lord Crewe will sue oeed him as Secretary of State for India.
    66 words
  • 58 9 WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER OF RATS PROCEEDING. Domestic Cats Contaminated. [RaOTIE'g TbLBORA*.] London, November 1. Tbe rat crusade in Suffolk is extending, as plagne infected animals have been found in a wider area. It is estimated tbat ten thousand are being killed daily, and ailing domestic oats are also
    58 words
  • 792 9 Paley Committed to Prison (or Contempt of Court. Farther evidence was giv.n before the Chief Justice in the Supreme Court yesterday, in tbeTanjong Katong gramophone case, to which we made son c reference yesterday. W. S. Paley, Hoh Chuan Seng and Hoh Swee Kiat were summoned to
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    • 96 10 Members of the Singapore Ladios Rifle Association are informed that opies of tbe r roup photographs taken at the recent Bisley meeting by Messrs Wilson and Co. can now be s< :n at tlii^r nt-idij in Orcli ird Raid. Mr. .1. T. Andmwß, in a friendly billiard
      96 words
    • 74 10 v Jarrison Club. Entries t'jr tbe Navy Cup will doe with the lion, fee on Friday, P.h instant. A handizap compotition against Bogey will take plact* on 4tli. •"■tli and )>tb instant. One round of is holes allowed. Entry 50 cents. Kirst pri/'! n jt less th vi 115,
      74 words
    • 235 10 Hongkong's Intcrport Team. The standud of shjoting during this season's interport practice has been much higher than for several years past, and com petition for the honour of a place in the Colony's toain h is been close and keen, says a Hongkong paper. The selection of tbe
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  • 585 10 Orders bt Liujt.-Col. E. O. Bboidbicx, Commandant, S.V.O. Singapori, Wmmtm I, 1910. s. v. a. Duties. I Orderly officer for the ensuing week: 2nd Lieut. J. C. Camph.ll Orderly wrgeant, Sergt. F. Y. Blair Orderly corporal, Borabr. J. F. Clarke. Signalling. ll:— Members who wish to
    585 words
  • Corrcspondence.
    • 112 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I beg the indulgenoe of your columns to ascertain whether any of your subscribers can give me information relative to a rubber company called "British Rabber Estates of East Java." I desire to know specially what
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    • 628 10 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'s Weekly Rcpurt. Writing from London, on October <•. Messrs S. Montagu aod Co. rrpjrt: Tbe outstanding feature of tbe gold market was the entry of tbe Bank of England as a competitor for the £750.000 bar gold sold on Monday of which
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    • 88 10 I The Governor of Cochin. China, speaking the other day in tbe Colonial Council, dwelt upon tbe rapid growth of European planting enterprise in tbe Colony in oonseqaenoe of 1 tbe rubber boom. Powerful companion heavily capitalised have taken up land in several provinces for rubber growing eape- cially in
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    • 93 10 A man who spoke only six words in eleven, years has died in Winchester Workhouse. 1 lie wai li-Hiriii- Montagoe Hawkins, aged tifty eight, who bad no impediment in bis speed), and whose intellect was normal. His <■ time was spent in walking round tbe workbouse grounds, maintaining complete silenoe
      93 words
  • 815 10 Prices Quoted !o the Market Tftis Nenilag. Sinfnpon, November 2nd, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Bxohanae and Share Brokers, issue tbe following fist ol quotations this morning I— Noa. Value. Bayer* Seller*. 2/- Ailagar 4/101 5,6 2/- Option* a, 9 6/--41 An»<lo Java 11/8 16/--1 An«loJohoro 18/6
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 40 10 WATERBURY'S METABOLIZED COD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not opset tbe btomacb and is unrivalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles, and is a general tonic for building up the system. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $115 AND $2.00
      40 words
    • 1247 10 Westinghouse Tungsten Lamps ARE THE MOST ECONOMICAL. THESE SQUARES SBOW THE AMOUNT OF LIGHT OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT ELECTBIO LAMPS HIVING THE SAME CURRENT CONSUMPTION. Westinghouse I' I Other Metal I **Z™r FH.m.nt Tungsten Lampa. Lamps. Lamp*. Lamps. •OLE AGENTS: ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. 100 Howarth ErakioeLd. S&— 100
      1,247 words

  • 1002 11 EXHIBITION TO COMMEMORATE THE CORONATION. Mr. kiralfy's Plans. Preparations are in progiOßs for an oxhibi-. •Job at tho White City next year to specially commemorate the Coronation of King Georgo and tho arrangements already made indicate that tho enUipri'i' is to be one of the; most ambitious
    1,002 words
  • 39 11 The marriage took place at the Union Church, Shanghai, on October IT, ot Mr. Archibald McDetmid, of tbe Pacific Cable Company, to Mrs- Adele Lanpbier. Tbe ceremony was witnessed by Mr. T. C. White, I. S. Deputy Consul General.
    39 words
  • 711 11 America an Easy First. According to an American journal, tho United States lead* the world in ita intelligent use of tbe telephone, having eight instruments to every 100 inhabitants, while no other country lias half as many. Canada stands second and Sweden third. Mr. H. N.
    711 words
  • 447 11 Their Possibilities in tbe Future. Probably the best illustration of the general improve rat nt in tho certainty of handling tbe aeroplane was that afforded by Grahame White's passenger trips on the first day 3t the Bournemouth meeting. At Blackpool, last September, it is true that a passenger
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  • 883 11 SIR PURDON CLARKE COMPARES NEW YORK AND LONDON. Where America Leads. Sit Caspar Pordon Clarke, vt bo has re sentry retired from the directorship of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art after nearly five years of service at one of the nio»t distinctive periods of its history,
    883 words
  • 128 11 His Honour Sir Havillaiul dc Sausmare/ has given judgment in the share case be- tween JL R. Michael and W. V. Carmichael in favour of the former to the extent of Taelii 18,975 and costs. In the case referred to, sa\s the Cbina Mail, the Gaming Act
    128 words
  • 25 11 Then baa arrived in Hongkong from S»mvß, M. Rafalewi-ki and Hits Lili Suarp who have tested India, Bui ma, the Straits, aad Siva cniag concert*.
    25 words
  • 823 11 BIG BATCH OF CLAIMANTS TO MILLIONS. Beer King's Money. The following advertisement appeared in the Londou Press in the spring of last year: Wauted, to identity the accompanying portrait, tbe original ot which went undt r the name of Alfml Lorn-dale Relatives and next ot kin
    823 words
  • 101 11 Suggested Restriction of English Exports. The Hou. Mr. Murray Stewart was to move at the last meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Ctuncil:- That this Council desires respectfully to draw the attention of the Secretary of state for the Colonies to the port of origin of all tho
    101 words
  • 127 11 On receipt of the sad news of the death of Sir' John Rodger, the British Resident cabled to Lady Rodger the sympathy tf the Sultan, lof himself and of tbe people of Perak. He bas received frcm Lady Rodger a letter in I which she
    127 words
  • 955 11 Channel Islands of California Mr. Charles Frederick Holder, who wrote l!ig dame at Sen, has produced another book for tlit) angler, upoiLso un aud toun»t having for its subject and title, The Channel Islands of California, the home of the leaping tuna the great sea base and count.
    955 words
  • 161 11 Bridge Improvement Which Has Had to be Altered. The Kaiser is always unlucky when he meddlee in architectural matters writes a Berlin correspondent. The last instance, according to the Berlin Press, is his intervention during the construoMon of the new bridge which was recently opened over the
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  • 808 11 SOME EARLY PRECEDENTS IN ENGLISH HISIOKV. Recent Bills. Tbe subject of the payment oi M.Fj largely as a result of the dipnppnii i. Nt f Socialist and ltadical tra'u unionists in respect to the (>->bornn judsuiif nt. in a'tracting RMal u'.tt ntion in Hd« country, saya a
    808 words
  • 302 11 Scene in the Place de I'Opera at Paris. A Paris correspondent of the Evening Standard, says: It was Sunday afternoon. and the scene wan the Place df> I l >pera. The large crowd which always wanders up and down the Paris boulevardu on Sunday was moving slowly
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  • 1768 12 BELIEVE GREAT RISE IN PRICES A SERIOUS MATTER. Development of Trade Restricted. From the Financial News of September 22 we take the following interesting excerpts from a contribution of a correspondent Tbe great rise which has taken place during tbe last eighteen months in the price of raw
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  • 571 12 Daogan Rubber and Bakap Rubber Plantations Reports. The report of the Dangan Rubber Ccm pany, Limited, states that tbe profit for the year to June 80, is £4,656. and, after making provision for interest on Debenture stock, trustees' fees and income tax, and writing off the stamp duty
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  • 715 12 GREATER OUTPUT ANTICIPATED FROM NOW ONWARDS. Dividend Prospects. The third annual general meeting of the Banteng (Selangor) Rubber Estates, Limited, was held on Ojtober 2, in London, Mr. V. B. Wiokwar (nhai"nwt of the company) presiding. fhe chairman, n the course of his speech, said The actual amount
    715 words
  • 267 12 Results of Experimental Tapping. The attitude adopted by tbe West India Committee Circular in urging the oontinuanoe of experiments with robber cultivation in Jamaica, in opite of tbe deprecatory ontioism from a certain quarter, has been amply justified We learn (says a Onanoial oontemporary), that in the
    267 words
  • 52 12 Tbe Rev. T. C. Gib-ion D D is proceeding direct to China by tbe Siberian route lie bas been detained two year* at home, first as Moderator of tbe Presbyterian Church of Kngiaod a id then a* the Kdmriurgb Conferenoe Chairman on tbe Commi<«i'>a of tbe Caristiaa church on the
    52 words
  • 760 12 STILL THE BEST INVESTMENT IN THE COLONY. Cingalese as Tappers. There is not a product in Ceylon, even witb robber at 3s a lb tbat will touch the profit rob her will give, is the opinion ot Messrs. William Lyall and E. M. Windus, the former the obairman
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  • 205 12 New Patent Smoking Process. The Time* of Ceylon say* We have reoeived samples of rubber turned out by tbe special smoking proaeas which Mr. G. 8. Brown and Mr. J. R. Farbiidge have invented. We submitted tbe camples to a Colombo broker who described the rubber as strong
    205 words
  • 80 12 Telegrams from New York state that tbo latest developm ot of the drastic prootdura at tbe Customs is tbe arrest of Meters. Hanrf and Benjamin Duveen, partners in the well known firm of art deak-r*. They have been released on bail of £15.000 and £10 000, respectively
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  • 767 12 Views of a Solicitor on His Visit to! The Estate. At the first general (statutory) meeting of the Seychelles Rubber and Coconut Estates Limited, Mr. Mturioe Ulooq (chairman of the oompany) presided. The chairman said, in tbe oourse 'of his address As speedily as possible after the registration
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  • 406 12 Reported Purchases By English Companies The question of the purohaae or intended acquisition ol two Oerman robber undertakings by English oompanies was referred to at tbe meetings of the former, held in Berlin a few days ago, says The Finanoier. At the meeting of the Cam roons
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  • 929 12 MORE CAPITAL FOR INCREASING PLANTED AREA. No Labour Troubles. The annual general meeting of SnngkaiChnmor Estates (Ltd was held on September 80, at tbe London Chamber of Commerce, Cannon-street. Mr. Thomas Ritchie, J. P., (chairman of tbe company), presided. Mr. J. Mclnnes. representing the agents and secretaries (Harrisons and
    929 words
  • 110 12 Tbe following are tbe London share market quotations of Oc ober 14 (compared with tbe middle prioes prevailing in September 80,) say* Tbe Times of Ceylon. SEPT. OU. m 4. lqblo Malays 1 8 8 iukit Rajahs 15 6 0 !oDsolid«ted Malays 18 0 )tmuMuu 7
    The Times  -  110 words

  • 1960 13 STOCK EXCHANGE, MINCING L4NE, AND^INGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON OCTOBER 5 A number of shares in which local investors are interested are not quoted in local share lists, and there are occasionally wiat Margins between qnotations here and in London. Transactions take place in Mincing-Lane as well
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 315 13 HOW Can I Reduce my Tyre Bill? ASK YOUR DEALER OR AGENT To supply you with at, set or Continental 111-Ribbed Tyres (SPECIALLY MADE FOR THE TROPICS). Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd. KUMPERS CO., FED. ENGINEERING CO., Singapore. Kuala Lumpur. THROUGH ALL DEALERS AND OARAGES. MAHIINS XTPfor Ladle s.l P#
      315 words
    • 45 13 FIRE Extinguisher "Minimax Shall we demonstrate and prove to you the worth of a Minimax Sotß Agents Pater son, Simons Co., Ltd. jj^TflgL LADIES SAFE REMEDY Tor functional troubles, delay, pain and those Pi f/^^v Irregularities iNr f\/y?^%^ peculiar to the |dyi APiuuit CHAPOTEAUT£ 7\
      45 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 725 14 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Offices I Shanghai: Registered under the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under the »gkong Ordinances. COM PANY ((Twelfth Year). Tota« Iniraranoe in force »87 ,888,886. Total Assets 8,«1 8,249. Total Fonda 8,918,818. Total Income for Tear 8,888,887. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST.
      725 words
    • 535 14 BANKING. IHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA IaTOKPORATICD BT BOYAI OHABTKH. Pals ap Capital la M.OOO Baarw tf »0 seek sU.MO.OOO Jmerri Fuai i 1.800.000. 800.000 iwrfi LUbUitv of rroarfcttois BAJIKBBB. Baak of Baglaat. ■aHoaal Bank of Seoaaaa. kt ftoaaoa City a Mldlaaa Baak. Mi. BIHOAPORB BHAHOH. Oarrsat
      535 words
    • 458 14 BANKING. THE BZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CO.. LTD NO. 67 AND 68, KLING STREE Established 1007. Capital paid up JI.CrO.fOOOO Reaervo liability of proprietors 1.0t0.C00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS. 1. Tan Teck Joon 6. Sim Kia Jan 2, Nam Kirn Sbno 7. Tbo Hoo Lai 8. Liau Cbia Henq
      458 words
    • 1124 14 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS THE BIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Ch&ngi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontage and containing ao arr a of 448 ACRES planted with about 85,000 oocoanut trees, fully grown, and about 60,000 rubber
      1,124 words

  • 769 15 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Prince Henry of Prussia has just concluded a tour of England and Scotland in connexion with the motor contest next year between the Imperial Automobile Cl >b of Germany and the Royal Automobile Club, when each olub will put forward a team
    769 words
  • 247 15 When I was at school in Somersetshire, said Smith, I used to smoke brown paper, then I smoked nearly tbe whole of a cane chair we had at h >me, then by degrees an I itrew to manhood's estate, I took on a pipe with results which
    247 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 464 15 DUE SHORTLY 111 o»e le-ao h.i». WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. The Car fop Comfort and Reliability. Full particulars from the Sole Agents. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. ARRIVING BY THE B.S. MIBHAMA MARU OCTOBER 3. Our 14, 20 H P., 4 Cylinder J.D. 8. Typo DEASY Car (Siddeley's latest) fitted with 6 seated Body, Worm
      464 words
    • 66 15 FOR A WEAK DIGESTION. No ruedicire can replace ford bat Cbtm berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet* will help you to digest your food. It is not tbe quantity of food taken that gives strength md vigor to the system, but tbe amount digested and assimilated. It troubled with a weak
      66 words
    • 393 15 SHIPBUILDERS. SALVORS AND REPAIRERS. BOILERMAKERS. FORGEW/S. MASTERS. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDERS. CONSTRUCTIONAL HffK ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. M»*»««« ««le« construction and repair of Ship*. Engines, \^i^ **j£*i\. Mlart, Locomotives, Railway Rolling Stock, Bridges, and all classes *y^^^k Engineering, Iron and Wood Work, Electrical Drives, Hydramlc Tool l«»tal»»d throughout the Works.
      393 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 438 16 WANTS. ROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two room* with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. ■MM DIBPENBER WANTED. Wanted, qualified Dispenser for a Dispensary in tbe Straits. Send testimonials and state i-alary wanted to "Chemist," c/o Straits Times. ■MM ASSISTANT BUR6EON WANTED. For
      438 words
    • 517 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Suite of commodious and well-appointed offices on tbe ground floor of No. 6, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light and fans. Apply to Messrs. Powell k Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co., Raffles Place. u162 OFFIEB TO LET. Whole of
      517 words
    • 676 16 NOTICES. SCOTTISH UNIVEBSI lES DINNED. The tenth Scottish Universities' Dinner will be held in tbe Singapore Club, on November 19, at 8 p.m. R. D. KEITH) r Hon. Secretaries. J. C. WATT J 2614 NOTICE. The Japanese Acting Consul will be At Home at Kinloss, Lady Hill, on November 8,
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    • 711 16 NOTICES. TENDERS INVITED. Tenders am invited for tbe supply of En gineeriDg materials required by Sarawak Government for tbe year 1911. Full parti culars can be obtained on application to Messrs. Paterson Simons Co., Ltd., Sarawak Government Agents, Singapore, or at Reiidect's Office, Kucbiog, up to November 80, 1910. U2640
      711 words
    • 643 16 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractor*. Telephone No. 421. 108 109, Market Street. NOTICE. All creditors and other persons having any claims whatsoever against the estate of the deceased Mark Gordon Bradford, late of the Sarawak Civil Service, are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to
      643 words
    • 318 16 NEW MUSIC NEW RECORDS NEW GRAMOPHONES NEW MODELS OF PIANOS. Just Landed EX 8.8. NAMUR. The ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. J. d'A. PEREIRA, FR.H.B. LONDON. Horticmtorisl and Florisi Collector and Exporter o) Orchids and Bare Plsnte Diploma and gold medal from the Lit. King of Denmark. By Special Appointment to
      318 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 244 16 Straits Isimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miseellant oub wants of every description are insert od at the prepaid rate of II per (oar lines for one or two insertions. Notion of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, il nol exceeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.o. cards, on page 0, 12. Inch Scali
      244 words