The Straits Times, 25 October 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.397 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 102 1 D. ft J. McCallmn's PERFECTION WHISKY. •ALOBECK. MACBREGOR AND COMPANY. i KATZ BROS., LD. The Coventry Royal Cycle (COVENTRY MADE). Fitted -with Midland Special Tyres. With all the latest improvements, complete with Lamp, Bel), Tool Bag, etc. READY FOR THE ROAD. One of the best and Cheapest Machines in the
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    • 166 1 RAFFIES-BY-THESEA Penang WARNING. Pbueagera are cautioned against Hotel Runners and other Natives mis-repre-Renting themaelTeatobe in the Kiuploy of RaAfea Hotel, Penang. All attendants from Raffles wear a badge bearing the name of the Hotel. Raffles Hotel ia under European Management, and ia ia no way connected with an/ other Hotel
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    • 339 1 Robinson A Co. the: improved B. S. A. Air Rifle. Tue lmproved BS.A. Air Kids contains several improvements on previous models, the more important of which miy be summarized as follows The barrel and breech are in one piece, whiob prevents the escape of air usual in a drop down
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Champagne. calobeck. macgregor :and company.
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  • 804 2 BRITISH SECTION REOPENED AT BRUSSELS EXHIBITION. Speech by King Albert. In delightful weather, and before an enormous conoourse of people, King Albert reopened on September 19 the British section of the Brussels International Exhibition. The ceremony took place outside the entrance to the British section, in a
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  • 142 2 The statutory meeting of the Seychelles Robber and Coconut E tales (Limited) has been held. Mr. Maurice Olooq, who presided, said satisfactory telegrams had been received from the manager in Seychelles. It had been arranged that the vendors should in most oases had over their crops, or proceeds
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 ='VANA" Tonic Wine Nourishing and Strengthening Enriches the blood 2S?r Invigorates the nerves p=s Braces the muscles Tones the digestion J Restores the appetite T™l£§rT The Ideal Invigorator Of all Chemists *Tn BURROUGHS WELLCOME CO., LONDON New Yokk Montrlai. Sydney Cape Town Milan Shanghai XX 161 Al! ftubti Rexrvtd **r
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    • 73 2 RHEUMATISM THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF BUFFEBING. Rheumatism oaoaes more pain a&d naffering than any other disease, (or the reason that it is the most oommon of all ills, and it is oertainly gratifying to safferers to know that Chamberlain's Pain Balm will afford relief, and make rest and sleep
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    • 246 2 THE Empire lumpur. c/ luce I FM.S A New I j First-olasa Hotel. I" Fitted with Electric Light and Fans. Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padaog. Single and Double Bedrooms, with Private Bathrooms at'ached. Cuisine under European Supervision. Cold Storage Supplies weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter meets all
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    • 120 2 I* doeta't pay Jyy to allow your linen to b« MA/ rubbed and banged to Utter* \o^ Mf/ upon rough atones. Insist upon \v^ w\ being used in the Sunlight Way, and M W\ you will save money. 1 m Pull direction* are (tl» m /U "P" n th wrapper
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    • 39 2 TO RUBBER PLANTERS. For sale, rubber stumps and seedlings in small and large quantities. Nursery corner of Orchard Road and CairnhiU Road. Price* moderate. Apply to KHOO TIANG ANN CO. 142, Orchard Koad, or 8 8. Change Alley. uSfiM
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  • 825 3 MR. LORAINES STORY OF HIS RECORD FLIGHT. Future Plans. There were several exoitiog incidents in connection with tbe flight of Mr. Robert Loraine from Holy head to Dublin which only became publicly known on September 12 in the coarse of an interview with a press representative, In the
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  • 194 3 The Broken Man. Grumble Yes, you'd grumble too. Last night tbe burglars broke in, burnt the house down, destroyed everything in it, and the fire engine when it came nucce»Bf ally turned my onoe smiling mansion into a howling wilderness. But I don't mind that. Coming out of the boose
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  • 49 3 Tbe French War Office has taken a momentous step. Tbe French Zouave, who baa made tbe French army popular tbe whole world over and who haa been the hero of more songs and more pictures than tbe wearer of any other uniform in France. is to undergo a change.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 430 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the^ System against Disease niii o> uto j»m*ic» -w> eannut ipok K*saVa^B>V^K^itViVaßTsV^R^H Jß^B j^H Ltw A W too kif hi; of tt p^i'l ■'AkW*l W ■ill V Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES %£«%S Jorpid Liver, Debility,
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    • 13 3 For all internal complaints, Dysentery Coughs, Colds, etc., take Woods' Oroat Peppermint Cure.
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    • 175 3 TM WOELD R RSMIDT m COCOBS. OOUM, A THSO4TI V/ lung tonic vntoi'CHED mt hand >L > cniMi-n a >i"Kn J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.R.H.8.. LONDON. Horticßltmisf tM Florlsl Collector and Exporter of Orchids and Bare Plants. Diploma and gold medal bom tbe La* Kingol Denmark. By Special Appointmeal to His
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    • 385 3 fg53L Sozodoivt |Qn^|===|sgrSQ Everyone usm a tootnwash or powder. fl^T^^p^^J Mo»t are not satisfied and try one after another. n( sl l i e are not w^' te an d hygienically tfi**-^^-**^ clean as they should be. (TfjVm-j-rt Let them try SOZODONT. l( Cto^*5 d«^ what is wanted and is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 680 4 STEAMER SfllllMGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. ■er China, Japan, Peaaag, flsylea, Aostr.lla, India, Aden, Bfypt, Medltcrraaaaa Ports, Plymouth aad Leodea Tbrongb Bills of Ladleg latned tor Obln* Oout, Persian Onlf Continental, and Amerloar Ports. Bl«amer« will leave Singapore oa or ebon! MAIL LINE 9. Outward {for Ohina) Delta Nov
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    • 530 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP G9. LTD A reenlar fortnightly serriee is maintained between JAPAN aWd BUROPB by the Company 1 well-known TWIHCKIW ITlillll, onder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European SerTioe, lighted throughout by Bloctrioity, provided with exoellenl accommodation for First
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    • 579 4 STEAMER SJMLIH93. C P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMBHIP UNE. Tbs NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO BUROPB TIA I CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong Tia Bhainghai, Nagasaki (luland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver. I B.M.S. Bmpbbss or India Twinserew steamR.M.S.
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    • 314 4 BTEAIEK SAIUNtB. PACIFIC MIL 9TEU9NIP G9. ABB TBYO KISEN UiSHA The two gnat sHamaHa Haas aetwsaa OHINA, JAPAN aai KOHOPB, rim Hooolclu tnd San Fraaoktoo, oiuisaiaf tbe aew 19,990 tons, twin screw Hiimnrs KOBBA aad SIBERIA, together with the well-known itismirs OHINA. ASIA, MONGOLIA MAH OHTJBIA, NIPPON MABO. lUIO MAKU
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    • 564 4 BTEMEH MlLimt. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURB. The stnaaiafi of this Oompaay maintain a regular terrioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad the Straits, Ohina and Japaa. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre aai Ham burg and oaoa a month for BremerhaTea direct, oalliag at Penaag and Oolombo. Taking
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    • 785 4 STEAMER 3AILIHW. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and weU-kaowa mall steamer ol this Company tail fortatfhry from Brer en. Hamburg, Tia Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boats mp. ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (eoaaei loa Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, anl rtoe vt Port Said, Sacs, Adea, Oolombo, Penang.
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  • 132 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, October 25. High Water, 8.18 a.m., 2.1S p.m. Singapore Assizes. Lady Madcap, Victoria Theatre, 9. Wednesday. October 26 High Water. 6.2 a m.. 8 72 p.m. The Merry Widow, Viotoria Theatre, 9, Thursday October 27. High Water, 6.40 am, 6.18 p.m. Ladies Bisley, prize distribution,
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  • 204 5 To-Day Japan Kooang 8i 8 pm Bengkalis. Biak and Pakan Kiao Ann 8 pm Batn Pabat Aing Hin 8 pm Malacca and Maar Lady Weld 8 pm Malaooa, Port Diokson and Port Swettenham Poh Ann Bpm Hongkong Lai Sang 8 pm Port Swettenham, Penang and Colombo Nora
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  • 101 5 Mall Steamer Movement. Tbs Imp. German mail steamer Luetzow having left Colombo on the 93nd lost, at midnight may be expected to arrive here on Friday morning the B£tb inst, at daylight. Lrrr SmoiroEi Dub is Lohdoh Asutkd Bept IS B. I. Oot 8 Oot 8 Bcpt 19 M. M.
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  • 333 5 Latest Arrival*. Bam lon* Smf, Brit itr 180 tons, Captain Angus, Oot 31. From Palembang, Oot W. 0.0. and 89 d.p. Hook Seng. For BUliton, Oot 26— Rds. Han Litmg, Dot str 875 tons. Captain Winters, Oot 24. From Bandjermaun, Oot 19. 0.0. and d.p. Ban Keng A
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  • 104 5 Wharvc* at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONQ PAOAK. East Wmiar Buna— Mermpi. East W. Sbctioji 1 Lai Sang, Teetta, Fife, cut Sams Wiabv— Sppho. ■><■«• Mam W. Sboi. I Glengroy. I— < biengmai a a— Lo Mairo. a a Tringgann. a
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  • 34 5 Arrivals. Per steamer Glenroy. Oot 24 —From London, Mr. Grant. Per Btoamer Calypso, Oct 24.— From DeK, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon, Capt. Beaw Kee Yoe, Messrs. Shoji, Sinclair, Everard, and Westendop.
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  • 248 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Staaapou, Ootobbb 25, 1910. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4 Private S m/s 2/4} do Bm/i a/41) On Qtrmany— Bank d/d 340 Private S m/s 344 do a m/s 2481 On Fronoo-Bank d/d 296 Private 8 m/s M 399) do 8 m/s 808, On India—
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    • 172 5 Inane 2 Value Bayers. Sellers. 10 10 Belat Tin 8.76 400 10 10 Bruang 8.75 6.60 10 10 Bnueh Hyd. 6.00 10 10 Kanaboi 2.40 2 60 £1 £1 Kioto TiD 16 00 17.00 £1 £1 Kledaog Tin 1.75 1.90 10' 10 KoantenTin 8.00 8.25 £1 £1 Lahat Mines
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    • 589 5 Issue Value S Buyer*. Sellers. £1 16/. Sendayan 1.15.0 2.0.0 pm £1 £1 Seremban 4.7.8 6.10.0 £1 £1 Sbelford 8.13.6 818 8 41 15/- Sialang 20/- 1.5.6 pm £1 £1 Singapore Para 2 16.0 2.17.6 2/- 2/- Straits (BerUm) 6/104 7/8 2/- 21. Sumatra Para 10/. 11/9 £1 £1
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    • 132 5 Issue !S Value S, Buyers. Sellers. 10 10 EMtorn nom. Smelting 1000 10 7 OXO 41 £1 Electric Tramway! 3/8 8/8 10 10 FrMer Neave 27.00 80.00 100 Howarth Erekine 67.00 68.00 ICO 7% Pref. 60X0 91 00 100 100 Katz Bro. Del. 125 03 100 100 a 8%
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    • 43 5 Bayers. Sellers. Howarth Brskine6% 1600,000 pat Riley, Har»STt^ 6 la ooo I% l f% 4860,000 m. Singapore Municipal 6% 11,878,000 aom. Bofan. StOM ass of 1907 11,*****0 T% pr. Singapore Ma 0< 1009 *****,000 T% 8% pn Singapore MuiWpal4% 1603.900 T% dk.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 FOR A WEAK DIGf SI lON. No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help yon to digest your food. It is not the qnautity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to the system, bat the amount digested and avsimtlated. If troubled with a
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    • 491 5 AUCTION SALES, Powell and Co. Ojt 26— At saleroom, four building allotments, situate at Bukit Timah Road, at 2.80. Oot. 26 At saleroom, valuable freehold and 999 years' leasehold properties, situate at Kampong Java Road, etc., at 2.80. Oct 25— At naleroom, freehold land off Oayland Road, etc, at 2.80.
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    • 294 5 1 ■HSfa^B^mJa^BSull^ I^^^ H \p. n. h o. veil i.S'S H APPLALS TO THE I MOST CRITICAL TASTE E8 T. NAGAI CO. Newly Established. department. A COLLECTION OF All kinds of Earthenware MADB IN JAPAN. VERY SUITABLE PRESENTS FOR l CHRISTMAS AND New Year. ISTO. Si. HIG-H STREET. 80CIETA ANONIMA
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    • 233 5 APCAR LINE. OF STEAMERS. The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular servioe between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET Tom Commander "Japik" 6,018 A. Stbwabt Gbboobt Apcab 4,800 8. H. Bblsom Abbatoon Apcab 4,600 W. T. Thomas Liohthimo 8,800
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    • 48 5 RAVENSWAY AND COMPANY, NO. 187,: ORCHARD ROAD. Undertakers, Monumental Masons and Sculptors. THB BBST OF GENUINE ENGLISH-BUILT RUBBER-TYRED HEARSES WITH PLUMBS IN CSE. Monuments of every description always in stock. A large consignment of Artificial Wreaths jnut arrived for AU Souls' Day. TBLEPHONB NO. 717. PRICBB MODBRATB, 88
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  • 1083 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25. MOVES IN THE GAME. Some weeks ago we had telegrams from London announcing that a concordat bad been arranged between Turkey and Romania under which the latter undertook to help the former in the event of war. A ocr tain significance was given to
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  • 11 6 It is proposed to clow the rest house at Kuala Dipang.
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  • 17 6 At a recent London auction of rare stamps a Pahang, Ist issue, Be. orange, fetched £t Bs.
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  • 16 6 The Chinese Board of Revenue has reported that there are only 1,000,000 taela in the treasury.
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  • 19 6 The new battleship Kawaehi has been launched at Yokohama in the presence of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of tbe day appear on page 5 as well as 8.
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  • 31 6 The body of a Chinaman wat found yes terday hanging to a tree in the jungle between Neil Road and Cantonment Road. Tbe body had evidently been hanging some weeks unnoticed.
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  • 33 6 Tbe Perak Pioneer hears that in Selangur the ryots are being advised not to part with their kampongs or any land whatever to orang putebs wbo wish to buy them for rubber cultivation.
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  • 32 6 On October 1, 1909, there were 8,840 warrant and non-oommissioned officer! and men of tbe army in possession of first class educational certificates, 62,809 with second class. and 76,840 with third olass.
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  • 37 6 The Japanese Merchant Marine College Training Ship Taisei Mara, with a hundred students on board, will start at the end of tbis month on a cruise round the world. She will return to Japan in September, 1911.
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  • 41 6 Mr. K. Harima, proprietor of tbe Harima Hall cinematograph, returned from the F. M. S. and Penang yesterday, after inspect log tbe cinematograph hall in course of construction at Ipoh and making arrangements for the establishment of a show at Penang.
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  • 46 6 Returns issued by Lloyd's Register of Shipping show that 161 vessels of 169,151 tons were totally lost, condemned, etc., in tbn first quarter of the current year, including 43 British ships of 68,681 tons. Two Japanese steamers, with a net tonnage together of 240. were wrecked.
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  • 41 6 Mr. R. N. Burnel- Norman, of Rafflas-by-the Sea, Penang, cautions passengers against hotel runners and o.her natives misrepresenting themselves to be in the employ of Raffles Hotel, Penang. Attendants from that hotel wear a badge bearing the name of the hotel.
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  • 49 6 Tigers havo been giving a lot of trouble in Ipper Perak lately, especially round about Lenggong. A couple of Sakais have been carried off by them in addition to a number of heads of cattle and goats. A Malay also has been mauled by one of these ferocious beasts.
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  • 48 6 A wirelets message was received at Shaog bai recently from the Commanding Officer of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's R. M. S. Montcagle that he had tbe Ham burg Amerika Line steamship Armenia in tow. The Armenia is a 5,471 ton ship bound from Hamburg to Kobe, Japan.
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  • 45 6 In Tinland is opposed to the idea of allowing advertisements to be placed on the new railway station at Kuala Lumpur. Why dUfigure both the architect's and builder's handiwork with unsightly advertisements it asks. Better make orchid gardens of the vacant wall spaces," it suggests.
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  • 59 6 An attempted murder at 79 Weld Street was reported at the Rochore police station last night. On proceeding to the scene the police found a Chinaman with his throat cut. He was removed to hospital and, in a deposi tion taken later by Mr. Bartley, be gave the name of
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  • 56 6 The late Mr. Alfred Lonsdale, the American Beer King, who died intestate, left estate valued at £7,000,000. Solicitors have discovered that his original name was Isaac Ooltgenßtein, and they have traced as his heirs seven Jewish pedlars in Russian Poland. A company has been formed to enable these pedlars to
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  • 75 6 Pour I'ne Blonde is the title of a little dance piece for pianoforte in three-four mea sure, published by Messrs O. Kolff and Co., Batavia. It presents no difficulties to the pianist of ordinary capability and may be set down as a merry and bright little production of average merit.
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  • 74 6 One of the changes to be made in the programme at the Hariina Hall, this evening, ig the exhibition of a special film depicting the terrible soenes in the floods at lokio. Tbe negative was received from the company's office in Japan, and in order that the picture might be
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  • 83 6 At a late hour on September 27, sudden orders were icuued for the instant mobilisation of the men and officers of the torpedo flotilla lying at Portsmouth to seagoing strength. Cyclist and foot messengers were despatched all round the town, and the orders for mobilisation were read from the stages
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  • 109 6 At the tim a of the stranding of the Mitsui Bossan Kaisha's bteamer Atagosan-maru in South China waters on June 24 last, the German cruiser Leipsig and the gunboat Lucbs rendered valuable assistance. In recognition of their work, says the Japan Gazette, tho Mitsui firm has decided to present the
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  • 120 6 From Glasgow it is reported that a lady of position who, seme time ago, secured several thousand pounds in a breach of promise oase handed the entire sum over to the mauageri of her church, on the condition that the edifice be lavishly decorated, stained glass windows put in, and
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  • 368 6 Dr. Lello, the Colonial Secretary of Macao, has been dismissed from office. Sir John Anderson will motor from Kuala Kangsar to Taiping on November 9, to attend Mies. W. Birch's wedding. Mr. E. W. Birch, C.M.0., is no longer confined to the Residency and motors about Taiping
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  • 35 6 A debate, "Is an advocate morally juxtified in defending a criminal of whose guilt he has been professionally made cognisant. will be held at the Club House, to day, at 8 p.m.
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  • 62 6 As a result of keen rate cutting by several companies working outside the conference regulatiog steamship trade with China, the P. and (>. have decided to reduce tbe freight on iron to ten Bbilliogs a ton as tbe ocly means of ending ruinous competition. It is not expected
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  • 66 6 The I'inang Gazette, of October 21, says The Convent yesterday afternoon wax the scene of a pleasant epitode in tbe educational life of this settlement, the occasion beine a little entertainment given in honour of Mr. A. E. Pringle, Inspector of Schools, Penang, who yesterday completed a
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  • 98 6 W. de V. writes to the Malay Mail of October 22, as follows With rrgard to a recent judgment in the High Court here, I notice that all contract notes issued by Singapore share-brokers are stamped. Cnuld any of your legal readers tell mo whether these
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  • 91 6 Louie Freear, 81, described as an actresi, of Rodney place, Walwortb, was chargtd, at Lambeth, before Mr. Baggallay, with b. ing drunk and disorderly. I admit everything, thank you, said the defendant in reply to the URUaI inquiry by Atsistant-gaoler Neal, Mr. Baggallay imposed a fine of 10m,
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  • 119 6 The Yogala arrived in Bangkok on the evening of the 16th inst., from Singapore and ooast ports. About eight o'clock, pome of the crew went ashore and among them was a deck band named Chin Dee. He was carrying a bundle of clotbes and the suspicions
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 176 6 FRESH SUPPLIES Just Landed OF THE FOLLOWING CIGARETTES: Duncan's (Glasgow) Nos. 17 and 20. De Reszke's Tenors." Fiibourg and Treyer's Finest Egyptian. Weinberg's No. 1 Mahallas. Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., SOLE AGENTS. Jresd ffiutter FROM THE COLD STORAGE Now obtainable at LITTLES' The batter in kept on ice and warranted good,
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    • 222 6 Patlie'i Animated Gazette THE ALHAMBRA To-Nlght I To-Nlght 2nd Show, 0.80 to 11 p.m. Fifth Edition (Weekly Publication). This thoroughly interesting and Popular leßue relates the following events FOOTBALL."— The opening of the Season. Woolwich Arsenal v. Manchester United, at Woolwich. "MILITARY MANOEUVRES UP-TO-DATE."— Aerial Scouts locating the one- PL
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  • 192 7 DATE OF ROYAL ARRIVAL IN SINGAPORE. The Visits to Siam and Java. I DBS OSTABIATISCHK LLOYD TkLEGRAM.] Berlin, October 24. Further details are published with referenoe to the tour of tbe Crown Prince. Tbe Prince and Princess will leave Genoa on tbe Brd of November, and will
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  • 71 7 A CALMER VIEW ON BRITISH ASSURANCES. No Intention of Encroaching. [Raima's Tblbokam.] London, October 24. Berlin messages, referring to the Press anticipations tbat tho British note to Persia was the forerunner to partition, say tbat the semi-official Norddeutsche make-s the announcement that Britain has do intention of
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  • 58 7 Seven British Members of the Crew Drowned. (Rbutbb's Tblhoram.] London, October 25. Tbe Portuguese mail boat Lisboa, witb 250 passengers on board, has been wrecked a hundred miles northward of Cape Town. Seven Britishers of the crew were drowned, and the rest were saved. It is feared
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  • 49 7 Seventy Million Yen to be Spent on New Ships. l.mriKK's Tblboram.] London, October 25. A Tokio telegram cays tbe Premier, in a speech at a merchants' dinner, said tho next bndget would include an appropriation of seventy million yen spread over six years to increase tbe navy.
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  • 20 7 [Rbutbr's Tblbqram.] London, October 2i. Lieutenant Sutor has been re-arrested, it is rrportfld, in connection witb Press interviews.
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  • 31 7 . (KSUTBB'S TILBUBi»| London, October '24. The Franco-Turkish loan negotiations have been broken oS, Turkey objecting to the extent of the supervision over her finances given to French officials.
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  • 31 7 . il)i> Ostasiatiscbi Lloyd Tblboras.] Berlin, October 24. The Cabinet oi M. Venizeloe. Prime Minister of Greece, hbs resigned, owing to failure to secure a quorum in the Chamber.
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  • 25 7 I KbuTlß'h TsLBORAM.] London, October 25. Lori Kitchener visits Egypt and tbe Sudan during tbe winter, but be goes in a private capacity.
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  • 83 7 One of the largest contUgrations which has takea place in Hongkong of recent years broke out on October 17, in the timber yards on the Praya Bast, almost opposite the Praya East Hotel, and as the flames spread with considerable rapidity, threatening the tenements of dwelling
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  • 262 7 . The Conflicting Prospectuses Corrected. It will be remembered tbat, on July 80, we drew attention to the fact tbat there was a startling difference between tbe prospectus of the Taiping Rubber Estates published in Singapore, and tbe prospectus of the same com. pany published in Shanghai. The
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  • 239 7 Largest Vessels of the Fleet Under Construction. The two new mail sto»tners now building for tliti I*, and O Company are similar in type to the present vessels of the M. class but of much larger tonnage and greater power. One vessel is being
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  • 443 7 An Additional Four Hundred Acres Acquired. In their report for tbe year onding April 80, 1910, the directors of Banteng (Selangor) Rubber C: .tes, Ltd state tbat at the date of the last report the area under cultivation, including clearings felled and drained, was 771 acres. During
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  • 92 7 At Messrs, H. L. Coghlau and Co.'s salerooms to day was- held Singapore's first rub ber auction. There was a large attendance and bidding was brisk. All lots offered were sold and the following were the prices obtained No. 1 sheet 1280 per picul No. 2 sheet
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  • 368 7 SHANGHAI ON THE COMMISSION'S REPORT. A Sorry Record. Elsewhere, says Capital and Commeroe, a Shanghai journal, we publish extracts from the report of the special commission appointed by tbe Governor of the Straits Settlements to inquire into, and report upon, the municipalities in the Straits Settlements, and the
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  • 382 7 Corner Men Largely Control the Market. Writing on September 24, the city oorres pondent of The Globe writes: The rnaiket closed task week at £160 cahli, £158 lCs. three months, and the final close this week is £168 2s. fid. cash, £157 17s. 6d. three months. The
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  • 228 7 An exhibition has been held in the art gallery on the Kingston on Thames Public Library, of the books, lantern slides, and apparatus of the late Mr. Badweard Maybridge. Born in Kingston in 1880, Mr. May. bridge emigrated to the United States, and was employed on
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  • 761 7 CIVIL SERVANTS NOT TO DEAL IN STAMPS. How the Trade is Affected. Lord Crewe, the Secretary of State for tbe Colonies, has recently forwarded a circular despatch to the various Crown colonies doaling with the sale of postage stamps for purposes of trade amongst collectors. The circular,
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  • 175 7 Mr Bernard Shaw's Strong Protest In the Temps. Mr. George Bernard Shaw writes to the Temps to protest against the argument that tbe use of the lash has served to put down garrotting in England. It is on this argument that tbe advocates of the lash
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  • 95 7 A Rangoon paragraph states that an interesting experiment will shortly be made by Mr. Garrood, of Messrs Garrood and Plan, contractors, who intends to sail in specially built boats beyond Diamond Island inquest of the Skip Jaok, which is a fish of the horse mackerel type.
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  • 422 7 THE MIKADO. The Bandmann Company in Light Opera. One of the dominant impressions brought forward from home experience is that Gilbert and Sullivan's operas need a deal of study to be adequately coped with. We can recall tbe opening of a certain season at tbe Savoy Theatre when The Yeomen
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  • 515 7 SUPREME COURT. Another Action on Rubber Share Differences The Chief Justice commenced the hearing of another local rubber share dispute in tbe Supreme Court to-day. Tbe plaintiffs are the Planters Stores and Agency Co., Ltd., of Kuala Lumpur, who sue S. J. Judah, of Singapore, on a rubber share contract,
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  • 136 7 NOTES FROM LABUAN. (From Odb Own Coruspondbmt.) Labntn, October 20. The robber trees on Pulau Daat are now being tapped. The Kesident left for Brunei in the MoArthur on the 12th mat and is not expected back till the 28rd. H. M. S. Merlin oame into port on the 17th
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  • 93 7 NATIONAL FUND TO PAY OFF DEBTS. School Secularising and Priest Prosecution. [Rbctbb's Tbuoram.] London, October 24. A Lisbon telegram says decrees have been published ordering complete secularisation of the schools, and prosecution of anti-Re-publican priests. A committee is considering the opening of a national subscription for repayment of
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  • 80 7 THE LATE KING OF SIAM. (Fbom Odb Own Cohbbsfondbkt.) Penang, October 24. On tbe news of tbe death of the King of Siam being made public the flsgs were half masted on the Resident Councillor's offioe, Fort Cornwallis, Government Hill, the Consulate, tho schools, several mercantile bouses, and tbe vessels
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  • 248 7 Terrible Experience in the Arctic Regions. A letter has reached Dundee from the Rev. E. W. Greenshield, who was wrecked while on a voyage to Blacklead Island to resume his work on behalf of the Church Missionary Society among the Esquimaux. The letter was the first communication that
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  • 133 7 Dr. Fowlie bas given notice that, at the next meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, (on Friday, 28th inst.) he will move: I. That Government be informed that before granting Mr. Martia throe months' extension of bis ha'f pay sick leave the Commissioners to,k all the circumstances into consideration.
    133 words
  • 191 7 The report for presentation at the seventh ordinary general meeting of shareholders, to be held at Shangh»i, to day, is as follows Tbe balance at credit of the account is Taels 205,719.17 and after deducting ac interim dividend of 1\ per ***** aggregating Taels 31.441 05,
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  • 82 7 The Dickens testimonial stamps, the pro. coeds of which are to go to a fund for the benefit of the great novelist's descendants, more than one of whom is in straitened oircumstanoes, will shortly be on sale at one penny each at all booksellers' at home. Tbe stamps are being
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 394 8 At a Rugby football match played at Kuala Lumpur, on October 21, the scora was: The Rest, nine points the Planters, three. Stanley Ketcholl, who fought and was defeated by Jack Johnson previous to tho latter meeting Jim Jeffries at Reno, has been shot dead. If it
      394 words
    • 44 8 5.C C. Tournament. Following are tbe ties for Wednesday. I'lay to commence not later than 6.15 p in. Sinoles Handicap. Brown owe 4 v. Noon 8. WinnYld 6 v. Lyall owe 2. Webb 2 v. McKean owe 6. Hay scr. v. I'ugh sor.
      44 words
    • 185 8 The Ladles Bisley. Tbe Singapore Ladies Bisley was continuod yesterday afternoon, with events 6 and 7. Miss Kerr won both with a good margin in each; her 31 out of 85 at tbe vanishing target was a specially fine performance. The mooting will cnnolode on Thursday afternoon next,
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    • 336 8 New Red -Ball Record. George Gray, the joung Australian player, who liia to his credit a coiple of breaks of over 800, mainly compiled by losing hazard play, has played his first match ir. England, having George Nelson, the Yorkshire chtmpion, for opponent in a game of 4,500 op
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    • 395 8 Tbe Turf. Amateur Race this Morning. The riding members of the Singapore Sporting Club are to be heartily congratulated on the success of their race, this mora ing, and should feel encouraged to continue to promote such contests among themselves It was a delightful morning and everyone enjoyed tbe early
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  • Corrcspon&cnce.
    • 173 8 Is There.No Mercy To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, An admirable criticism of a new rubber flotation recently in y mr oolumns used the plaintive query, "Is there no mercy I don't intend to criticise a rubber oompauy's affairs, but I should like to use the came expression,
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  • 213 8 In The Times commercial supplement, it is reported that Germany's shipping trade in 1910 generally shows a satisfactory improve ment over 1909. East Aniatio and African trade shows very favourable results, partly in oonscqaence of tbe increasing export trade and partly since railway building enterprise in
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  • 789 8 Prices Quoted la the Market lib Morning. Singapore, October 28th, 1910. Mull Lyall and Bvatl, Exchange and Share Brokers, Issue the following list ol this moraiog I— Norn. Value. Hoyeri. Seller*. 3/. Allagai 4/9 6/6 2/- Option! 3/8 6/--41 Anglo-Java U/8 15/. 1 Anglo-Johore 18/9 16/8 21-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 My horse I my horse! My kingdom for a horse 1" So cried King Dick Why did be want tbe horse 1 Because, of oourse, He felt real sick I Did he require the horse to get some goods T One can't be sure. Tin possible poor Richard yearned for
      54 words
      12 words
    • 44 8 WHYP From a small beginning tbe sale and use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy baa extended to all parts of tbe United States and to many foreign countries. Why Because it has proved especially valuable for oonghs and colds. For sale by allkUspeusariea and dealers.
      44 words
    • 631 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRBT-CLABB CLERK. Vaoanoy filled. Applicants thanked. EVATT CO. Ml FREE LANTERN LECTURE. Will be given at No. 12, Japan Street, on October 20, at 8.16 p.m., for tbe Chinese Babas. QUALIFIED TEACHERS NEEDED. For the Lower Standards of St. Joseph's Institition. Apply to the Director. 2568 BILLET WANTED.
      631 words
    • 388 8 Victoria Theatre. THE BANOMANN OPERA CO. Last Two Nights TONIGHT, "Lady Madcap." TO-MORROW, POSITIVELY THE LAST NIGHT, By special request The Merry Widow. Plan at tbo Robinson Piano Co. ***** MARLBOROU6H BBACH ROAD. Tbe Popular Show. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME, To-Night. Seoond Show, 9.80 to 11 pun. 1. A SWISS COUNTRY
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    • 228 8 CALL AT Moutrie's FOR THE PIANO Proven by 38 years' Experience. OVER 1,200 DISTRIBUTED IN ALL PARTS OF CHINA AND THE STRAITS. S.MOUTRIE&CO..LD. THE ARCADE. HARBOUR. DOCK AND PIER WORKS. Contractor*, Engineers, etc., requiring trained DIVERS for Submarine Work in Wood, Stone or Iron, apply in first instanoe to Submarine,
      228 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 67 9 FUSSELL'S Milk Cream. Butterfly Brands. Sole Agents Paterson, Simons Company, Ltd. THE LM.C." Touring Model 1910 WIMIIFI A splendid specimen of a Touring machine (ally equipped in every detail, vide Motor Cycle," Sept. 15, 1910. SOLE AGENTS STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., LTD., 15. BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE. 'Peacemaker' SCOTCH WHISKY. Of
      67 words
    • 687 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE. An excellent Billiard Table (or sale. Complete with all appurtenanoes. Can be seen at any time. Sergeants' Mess, Tannin. Sale price $600. 2500 TURNOUT FOR SALE. Two-seated rabbertyred Victoria, in excellent condition borse, strong black cob, )uict and easily bandied. Apply A.F.N., co
      687 words
    • 549 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP LINES, LTD. AMERICAN-MANCHURIAN LINE To the Phillipines. S.S. KATUNA, will be despatched from Singapore about 10th December. To be followed by S.S. "KIOTO" for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japanese ports on 20th December. For further information regarding friegbt, etc., apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGENTS. 2209 ARCHIBALD
      549 words
    • 396 9 (Bivil Engineering VOork. THE FOLLOWING SURPLUS MATERIAL FROM CONSTRUCTIONAL WORK AT TAIKOO DOCK. HONGKONG. IS NOW FOR SALE. Portable Locomotive Boilers and Engines. 12 Expansion Joints for CcntrUuga Marine Boilers Complete. o. i. Foot Valves for Centrifugal P Vertical Steam Engine, Rope Drive. »nd 12" Diameter. Plenty" Engine and Dynamo.
      396 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 803 10 IHBURAHCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE GO., LTD. Bead Office BhanfcTiall Registered under the Life Assurance Companies Arts, England, and under the POSITION OF COMPANY (iTwelftb rear). Total Insurance in force $37,t»8«,855. Total Assets t*418,0«9. Total Funds 8,216,812. Total Inoome lor Year 8,566,887. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. All forms ot Lite
      803 words
    • 527 10 BANKING. •BARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUtTNAUAAND CHINA. IBCCBPOBATntD BT BOIAI OHABTBB. Pail np Capital la 10,000 Baarei of iMsasa 11,100,000 isssrvi Faai 11,800,000 Isssrvs Stability ot Propriston 11.100,000 baUbbs. Baak at Kaglul arlcmal Baak of Boottami. Cat toaloa Oiry «J Hldlaal Bank »M. BOIOAFOBB BRAMOH. Outsat Aeoounai are opened and
      527 words
    • 736 10 BANKINGTHE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKING ANO INSURANCE CO., LTD. NO. 57 AND 58, KLING STREE Established 1907. Capital paid up M,0C0,C00.00 Reserve liability of proprietors 1,000X00.00 COURT OF DIRECTORS 1. Tan Teck Joon 6. Six Xi v Jan 2. Nam Kirn Seno 7. Teo Hoo Lai 8. Liau Chia
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    • 904 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Mortgagee's Sale of THE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, KNOWN AS THE SIGLAP ESTATE, Situate at East Coast Road and Cbangi Road, Singapore, with extensive sea frontaee and containing an area of 448 ACRES planted with about 85,000 ooooanut trees, fully grown, and about 60,000 rubber trees
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  • 763 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Major C. O. Matson writes in the World of September 27 as follows Last week I expressed, myself with some vigour on the growing disfigurement of the landscape by advertising signboards of varying degrees of ugliness, and I especially referred to those
    763 words
  • 244 11 Interesting Figures for First Half of 1910. Accounts published by the Board of Trade show that the United Kingdom's imports daring the first six months of this year amounted to £279,141,000, a very substantial increase over the totals in the corresponding periods of 1008 and 1909, whioh
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 63 11 The Dental Hall, NO. 1. RAFFLES PLAGE (Opposite John Little k Co.'s Building), tinder the supervision of Dr. «K. Iwatsubo. DENTAL SURGEON, (Who may also be fonnd at 82, Bras Basah Road). Newly opend for the convemenoe of Patients. Treatment and workmanship guaranteed to be of the Highest Order. Special
      63 words
    • 12 11 Woods Greit Peppermint Cure for all internal complaints. Dysentery, Coughs, Co!d«. etc.
      12 words
    • 423 11 PONTIUS FLUID CO. Boiler PrsiervUlve Manufacturer* Pontius Fluid prevents corrosion, pitting, groving, bleeding, eta, in new and old boilers alike, especially when they are using feed water containing vegetable matter or other solids that are injurious to the plates. It will also slacken original scale. THAT is very difficult to
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    • 181 11 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland Cement. In Casks 61 876 lbs. net. Drain Pipes, any shape In Bags ol 260 lbs. net. Gutterways Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Faying Tiles Paving Bricks Prioes. samples and fal particulars will be forwarded on application to Agent W. A. STOP
      181 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 624 12 WANTSROOM WMiTEO. \n»td by lady and gentleman, two rooms yr private family as paying guests. Apply 1 A c/o Straits Times. OJOO2 DIBPENBER WANTED. ud. a dispenser for a rubber estate at Kati Tin^gi. Apply to H. L. Coghlan I Co. v Ml DIBPENBER WANTED. V anted, qualified Dispenser for
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    • 553 12 WANTS. LADY TYPISTS WANTED. WANTED, TWO LADY TYPISTS for an Estate in Malacca must be smart. Good pay, comfortable quarters, short hour*. Apply S.M., c/o Straits Times. 2545 DIBPENSER WANTED. Wanted, a qualified Dispenser. Apply International Dispensary. 2554 SHORTHAND TYPIST WANTED. Wanted, a Typist, by a firm in tbe Federated
      553 words
    • 669 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. TO LET. No. 12 and 13, Boat Quay. Very suitable for offices and Godown and at present occupied by Messrs. Moranx Co. Terms moderate. Apply to Messrs. Alkoff A Co. No. 70, The Arcade. 2849 GODOWNB TO LET. Nos. 25 and 26, Damar Road. Area
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    • 737 12 NOTICES. KIAM KIAT A CO. SHIP-CHANDLERS, Government and Municipal Contractors. Telephone No. 421. 108 109, Market Street THE BUKIT K. B. RUBBER CB.. LTD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tbe First Ordinary General Statutory) Meeting of Tbe Bukit K. B. Rubber Co Ltd.. called in accordance with Section 77 of
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    • 653 12 NOTICES. hoticeT All creditors and other persons having any claims whatsoever against the estate of the deceased Mark Gordon Bradford, late of the Sarawak Civil Service, are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned within one month from date, and all monies owing to the said estate should
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    • 524 12 NOTICES. JAPAN TRADE. The Representative of an old established Foreign Export Firm in Japan will be visiting Singapore on or about October 80th with complote rango of samples of al kinds of Japanese goods, with a view tc making arrangements with reliable firms for representation. Interview can bo ar. ranged
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 240 12 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellaneous wants of every description am inserted at the prepaid rate of II per font lines for one or two insertions. Notioe* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, |1 each insertion For p.p.o. cards, on pago 6, 12. Inch Scali Ratis are
      240 words