The Straits Times, 10 October 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.384 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 367 1 D. ft J. McCallnnTs PERFECTION WHISKY. MLDBECK. MACeREBOR MO COMPANY. KATZ BROS,, LD, Manila Cigars. We have jnet unpacked a fresh shipment of the LA FLOR DE LA ISABELA Brand and offer them at the following prices No. In a box Price per box No In a box Price per
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    • 69 1 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT 217, Orchard Road. AWABDED MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AND FIRST PRIZE, AGRI-HORTICULTURAL SHOW SINGAPORE, 1910. Arranged Floral Baskets, Booqnets, showers and Floral forms of all descriptions. Wedding orders receive special attention. MANY LOCAL TESTIMONIALS. Price* Moderate. Cut Flowers from oor own Nurseries quite Fresh. NURSBRIBS AND
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    • 172 1 Robinson A Co* $WedS and o§^Ef Chocolates Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street V9rm of Confectioners. fl^g^lA WS -uttit.ntr filled with Fuller's Best Chocolates. Kusft Dampers A Most Acceptable p,^ At Robinson's, JOTOR CAR FOR SALE i 23 H.P. Daimler Car, 4 Cylinder, Silent Knight" Engine.
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    • 75 1 FOR SALE. A brick and bilian residence standing it 20 acres of land, known as Kmark Estate Knching, Sarawak the property of the late Mark Gordon Bradford comprising drawing room, dining room, four bedrooms with bath, rooms, office, godown, brick dapor and stabling for four horses. Situate within the one
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    • 16 1 BollingtT Chompogne. CALDBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY. J J. MOTION GO. Watchmaker* Jewellery, Optician* RBPAIBS PBOMPTLT BXHCUTBf
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  • 913 2 CHAMBERS TO WHICH THE PUBLIC ARE NOT ADMITTED. Reasons for Privacy. In the course of a letter dealing with tbe facilities granted to the public at the Tower of London, a correspondent in The Evening Standard, who signs himself History, says I was greatly disappointed to discover
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  • 95 2 The cinematograph films of the fight between Johnson and Jt firies for the boxing championship of the world were shown ai the National Sporting Club, London, on September 12, Commenting upon the exhibition, the Times remarks The pictures represent a rather doll fight unlike that depicted in the
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  • 739 2 Wise Words by a;Phjsician. Among the pernicious diseases incidental to life in Tropical countries, dysentery takes an important place. The reasons for this are many and varied. It is, however, unnecessary to enumerate them here. The great fact which every resident in the country, and therefore
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 515 2 A Medical Officer Debility, Nervous Exhaustion Certainly the absolute confidence of eminent doctors is evidence enough of the exceptional benefits imparted by Phosferine. Even doctors cannot do more to piove their confidence than by using Phosferine to remedy their otvn disorders. Could any proof by more definite, more convincing than
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    • 45 2 WHYP From a small beginning the sale and nse ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has extended to all pacts ot tbe United States and to many foreign ooantries. Wby Because it has proved especially valuable for coughs and colds. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 168 2 PREPAID TO YOUR PORT. fIJS" Go von try Flyor* WAHRASTED FIFTBBK YBARS. lilli™" £3.10 x. £9 VV Jf IMP An CVOLK OOMMNV, \^f IVIs.AU o*st.AoSB. LIVERPOOL. Healthy Children Can only be reared by giving suitable nourishment. If unable to feed your child, the proper snnstitule is a food that corresponds
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    • 93 2 Gives Radiant Beauty to the Skiu /^"'HAZELINE'X U SNOW" Jjl tt An ideal remedy for dull or I fv greasy complexions. iS. I A wholesome tonic which stimu- I 'ry* 11 1 lates the skin to healthy action, restores its natural transparency, l\ and produces the heilthy tone and A
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  • 611 3 STRONG CASE FOR THE EFFICACY OF INOCULATION. Immune Hospital Workers. A rather unsavoury subject, but one fraught with great significance medically, is dealt with in tbe report of Colonel banner ma d, tbe Director of tbe Bombay Bacteriological Laboratory. The substance of tbe report is tbat anti plague
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  • 395 3 Appointment of Mr. F. Dyson as New Astronomer Royal. Tbe appointment of a new Astronomer Royal is announced. Tbe Kin,;, runs tbe official notification, bas been pleased to approve of tbe appointment of Mr. Frank Wtttr-ou Dyson, F.K.S Astronomer KoyaJ of Scotland, to tbe position of Astronomer Royal,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 881 3 The Sun NEVER sets on the "ELGIN TENTS. They are to be found ALL OVER THE WORLD. 1 PqUv illastrmked I M^mm^^lamWa^^ai r I I catalogue of I < t&2, ®&£ffiy/*j?^ TenUeentopon^MMi ;.^SS^' ilia\k(\y j*/>ftk jj application to pJjjH /^*|L >jj*V ELCIN MILLS Co. I JnMWMWn^vl Officer* Bolbe L.P.S. Tent
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    • 12 3 Woods' Great Pepfe.-icint Cure for all internal oomplaiuta. Dysentery, Coughs, Colds, etc
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    • 424 3 MAKTINJ* APIOL &STEEL m^mS^Lodie^i Pf JLLS *-.xm* aSUS SSSU'S^S Mttß The Merit of a Medicine. Is determined by the test Does it cure 1 What Rheumatics sat. N. Galloway, Snow Hill, London, writes: I bave been a great sufferer from Rheumatism for many years. Daring this time, I have tried
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    • 139 3 THE PUNTERS' STORES AGENCY CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Port Swettenham. SUPPLIES OF EVERY VARIETY AND DESCRIPTION OF ESTATE REQUISITES. Tapping Knives, Gouges, Coagulating Pane, Spouts, Strainers, etc., etc. Glass Porcelain, Earthenware and Terne Plate Latex Cups. Acetic Acid and Purub lor Coagulating Latex. Rubber Mangles and Machinery. Catalogue and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 667 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. i\s?o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. 9t Chins. Japan, Psnug, a*yl*«, Autralla, India, Aden, Bgypt, /nedlterrnnean Parts, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of tadieg issaed tor Oblaa Dcaat Peralao Oulf Continental, aad American Forts. Hsaamars will leave Bingapore oa or about i— MAIL LINES. Outward [for Ohina) Arcadia Oot SI
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    • 535 4 BTEHMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB.LTD. A resoUr fortnightly servioe is maintained between JAPAN and BUBOPB by tbe Company's well-known TWIMCIIW ITlillll, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, gpeoially designed for the Company's Buopean Servioe, lighted thronghont by Bleotrioity, provider] witb exoellent aooommodation for First and Seoond
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    • 584 4 BTEAMER BAILINB3. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Tn NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO BUBOPB TU CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITED STATBS. Route (rom Hongkong via Shainshai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea ot Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotoria and Vanoouver. R.M.S. BtfFßaas or India Twin screw steamR.M.S. Bmpbbss
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    • 319 4 BTEAMEB BAIUNIB. PACIFIC MIL STEAMSHIP CB. AMD TOYO UBEN UIBHJL Tb* Bwo gnat steamship Una* batwaea OHINA, JAPAN and BDBOPB, via Honolulu sod Ban Franoisoo, operating the new 11,000 tona, twin aorew steamers KOREA aad SIBERIA, together with the well-known itaamer* CHINA, ASIA, MONGOLIA MAN OHURIA, NIPPON MARO, TBHTO MABD
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    • 527 4 STEAitK MHINM. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG, Tba itsarrurs of thli Oompany maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad the Straits, China and Japaa. Homewards, they ars despatched fortnightly for Havre and Ham burg and onoe a month for Bremerhavea direct, oalllng at Penang acd Oolombo. Taking
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    • 733 4 STEAMER BAILINIB N. D. L. Norddautseher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The faat and wall-kaowa mail steamer' ot this Oompany sail fortnighty from Br»c en, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soull mp, tin, Qibraltar, Oenoa, Nsplsa (ooaatn on MarseiUee, Naples, Alezaadrfa. aad vioe vr sa) Port Bald, Sues, Adea, Colombo,
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  • 167 5 FIXTURES. Monday. October 10. High Water, 2.8 a.m., 1 88 p.m. Tuesday. October 11. High Water. 8 oam, 2.18 p.m. Singapore Race*. First Day. Wednesday, October v. High Water. 4.2 a.m., 8.8 p.m. Thursday, October l> Bi«b Wat»>' 030 a.m 441 am. Bing%po'e R ice*. Second I)iy
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  • 206 5 To- Dai. Halsoes, Port Diskson, Port Bwettenham and Talok Anaon Porak 8 pm Malacca Bong Ho S pm H"ngkoog, Shanghai and Japan Japan 4 rm Bangkok Pataui 4 pm trr Hcnarß. Ceylon. Australasia, India Aden, Frvnt »nrt >i« Naples fnr Europe, etc. Derfflinger 4 pm To-Mobbow. Penans,
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  • 583 5 Latest arrivals. Attrita. 11. M. miner, 438 1 to"c. f»10 crew, 27 (>'"■'■ 70. l> h.p. C .in. Xi Idle. Oct 10. From I Sonr«h»ya. Oct 7. Senior Naval Officer. For Uocik-k .re <>rt 16- W. Buli. 11. I. M S gunboat SKOtnoß. 107 crew, guns. 5 0
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  • 104 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONO PAOAB. Sun Whib» Basra— Planet. Bast W. Baonoa 1 Taroba, Seirstad, China, Bhbob Wauar— Nil. Hin W. Ban. 1- O. Apo*r, Rumphius. M 8— Ouadiana. m a— H. M. B. Aetrssa. v S- Vvginia.
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  • 613 5 Arrivals. Per ptraroor Hook Lee, Oot. 9.— From Basan: Mr. H. Jaobs. Prr Rteamer C Lopez y Liivb, Oct o.— From Manila Messiß. C W. Phillips. A. K. Jonts, A Solchiragmall and C. 8. Souaa. Pur Rteamer D*rve', Oct. 9.— From I.ihuan Mm. O. Z-chtkeo, Metwrs. Allen,
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  • 249 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. StNaAPOBB, OCTOBIB 10, 1910. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 1 Demand 2/4 ft Private 0 m/s 2/4} do 8 m/s 2/4£ On Germany— Bank d/d 840 Private 8 m/s 344 do 8 m/s 2481 On Franet— Bank d/d 296 Private 8 m/s 3994 do 8 m/
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    • 180 5 Issne 3 Value a! Bayers. Sellei 10 10 Belat Tin 876 400 10 |10 Brain* SCO 6.60 10 10 Branch Hyd. 4.00 6.0) 10 10 Ktnaboi 2JO 260 XI £1 Kioto Tin 15 60 16.50 £1 Zl-KlediDf? Tin 175 ISO 10 10 KoanUn Tin 800 8.25 £1 £1 L»hat
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    • 623 5 Tonne 3 Value. Bayers Seller*. 3/- 3/- Allagar 8/1 i 5 6 2/. 3/- Anylo Malay l.» 0 169 3/- 1/6 Batang Mataka 6 1. 1/- pm £1 £lßatnCavea 16.10.0 ***** £1 XI B*tn Tiga 414 0 5 0.0 £1 £1 Bokit Kajanß a 0 0 2.2 6 £1
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    • 132 5 frlne Rajers. Seller*. 10 10 Eastern pom. Smtltirg 10 0J 10 7 Bo £1 £1 Electric Tnmwiji 8/6 10 10 F.»ter Ne»ve 3800 80.1 0 100 Howartb Erhkine 67.00 68.00 no 7% Pref. (0.50 92 SO 100 100 K»tz Bro. Df. 12S OJ 100 100 8* Cum Pref. nnm.
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    • 48 5 Buyers. Selleia. Howarth Bnkine6% 1800,000 par Riley, HarRreavea 8% 1284,000 1% 1% preB'trieT'ways 6% f860,000 m, Singapore Mvnioipal 5% 11,878,000 nom. Buyers. Seta* Singapore Ma. u^.^ai of 1907 11,800.000 «<% f% ff. Singapore V a nioipal of 1909 11.000,000 1% 8% ps* Sinoapore Manioipal 4% 1603,900 T% Jak
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 62 5 The ro»n who wh'dprr* down a well, About the good* ho has to nil, V oo't teap the gUaming K r>Men dollars Like he who climb* a tr»n aod holltrn, The man «ho let* a congh Hlonn, To nut him down to *kio aod hone, Won't be in hi all
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    • 139 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Oct. 18— At saleroom, land situate at Pnodan. at 2.80. Oct. 18 —At saleroom, land and house eff McPhrr.on Road, at 2 80. Oct. 18 At Halt rrotn. proportiee pitnata at Synd Alwte Ko*r>, Ktubao Lane aid Kast Coa «t Road, at 2.' 0. Oot.
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    • 538 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. BUCKNALL STEAMSHIP LIMES, LTD. AMERICAN-MANCHURIAN LINE. TO MANILA AND JAPAN. S.S. SWAZI wiU leave Singapore about 12th Ootober for above ports. To be followed by S.S. "KANSAS" lot Hongkoog, Shanghai and Japanese ports. For information regarding (riegbt, etc.. apply to McALISTER Co., Ltd., AGBNTS. 2200 AUBTRIAN LLOYDS STEAM
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    • 517 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. HOME via SIBERIA. INTERNATIONAL SLEEPING CAR AND EXPRESS TRAINB CO. Through tickets for the entire journey from any of the principal points in the Fai Bast to any principal point in Europe oi America by the TRANS-SIBERIAN ROUTE. THE ALL-RAIL ROUTE. Coupon ticket books to travel by any
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    • 99 5 PROFESSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. W. R Lamb, AMERICAN OCULIST AND OPTICIAN, SPECIALIST IN EXAMINING THE EYE CORRBCTIXO i-EFBCTIVB VISIOM. IS NOW AT No. 1, Hotel de l'Burope Building* (aorner of st. Andrew's Road), until October 18, inclusive. He hss the most modern instruments aod apparatus for examining and refraoting tbs> eyes
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  • 1187 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. MR. BROADRICK'S DEFENCE. If anything were required to round off and complete the indictment of Mr. Broadrick by the Municipal Commission it would be supplied by bis own defence. He did not attempt to exercise an tfficient financial supervision but left that to the
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  • 15 6 Latest advt rti« tnrntH of tbe day appear on page 5 as well aa 8.
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  • 22 6 I The output of tin ore for the month of September, from M< wm. Sooiete dts EUiDB de Kinta is 2.046.87 picuN.
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  • 21 6 The third magietrate crmmitUd for trial to tbe Ashizoi, to day, a Cbioaman wbo is ailegtd to have returned from banishment.
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  • 23 6 We understand that an appeal has been lod«ed in tbe Luoas ebtate case, in which judgment was given last wetk for tbe defendant.
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  • 26 6 Tho one fourth sharo in the J-tbara Rob ber Estate which waa auctioned by Mr. Boomgardt at Taiping, waa bought in for •4,1)00 by tbe owner.
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  • 35 6 Convicted of having broken into a bonne on Boat Qmy by night, Ng Ab V >w, a coolie niplujed on tbe Clina Cbu Ksog rubber estate, was tent to prison to day for nine months.
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  • 38 6 One man who was convicted of partioipating in tbe assault on Polioe Sub-Inspector Kirn Swee, while the latter was endeavouring to quell a faction fight ia It nuah Street recently, ban been sent to prison for tix months.
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  • 38 6 Four boxes of rubber, belonging to Messrs Peterson, Simon and Co Ltd., and containing nine piculs were stolen from the quay on the river on Saturday. The tin-It has been reported to tbe police by tbe firm's storekeeper.
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  • 43 6 The ootpnt of tin mini d on tbe Heawood CtyDpanv'B account ia S. ptrniVr was 80i piculs. Proceeds cf tin Rales 116 120. N■ t revenue from tin mined on tribute 1500. Working expenses on minipg approximately IB,roo. Approximate profit from mining •8,620.
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  • 43 6 An Imperial Edict ban been issued sanctioning tbe proposal of Prince Tsai Tso tbat tbe Royal Infantry Guards of China should be composed of soldiers from tbe provinces > f Chili and Shantung and tbat tbe cavalry should be drawn from the Mongolian regiments.
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  • 44 6 Tin concert at tbe Adt-lphi Hotel on Saturday evening proved moat enjoyable, and tbe large gathering which partook of an excellent dinner appreciated tbe efforts of the management in t» coring tbe services of Madame Vital who sang both during and after tbe meal.
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  • 53 6 Tbe fit* am ship Gleiogle, which arrived at Hongkong on September 28 from Singapore, r- ported that on tbe SunDay at ten minuten utter noon a Chine«e dtck passenger jumped overboard. A boat was immediately lowered and a search made for him, but without success. A heavy sea was running
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  • 58 6 There was a crowded bonne at the Ma-I-boroogh cinematograph on Saturday night when there was iho uftual change of programme. Ibe items comprised a number if now picturep, and a good uimy ocmics wi re interspersed among the most nerioiiH subjects Tbe programme was en the whole a very enjoyable
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  • 65 6 Wbile tbe Conpols of tbe East are going strong, wbat price the coconots of tbe West, aoks tbe Tiiii-o of Ceylon Wbat a picol they are in I No one used to joke abont coobolh. Now they no longer retain public respect. They are tbe shuttlecocks of cir romsiance, and
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  • 67 6 Several cases of petty theft were reported to the police during the week end. A pack ing case containing property to the valun of $102 disappeared )esterday fnm tbe fivefoot way in North bridge Road, where it had been placed by its owner, a Ja^nese. One man has been arrested
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  • 63 6 Michael S. Cowan, who is charged on three counts with criminal breach of trust in i expect of sums of money belonging to A. W. Tally, turf accountant, appeared in tbe toird police court again today before Mr. Robinson. Mr. Cooke Yarborough rtprest-nttd the prosecutor and Mr. Braddell, tbe dtfendant.
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  • 65 6 South Afrioa's first postage stamp, of the 2}d. denomination, it* to be introduced en currently with the opening of tbe Union Parliam nt in November next, and, therefore, Practically in commflrriorntion of tbe event Tim d«eigo includes Kiug George's hi ad, tbe Imperial Crown, and in i acb corner shields
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  • 90 6 The members of tbe Star Ope-a Company played before a crowded bouse on Saturday, wben H&wai Maglis, or a trip to fairy land, was presented ard enjoyed thoroughly. The piece was very i ff-.ctively staged, tbe scenery being up-to date and most of it specially prepired for the occasion. Tonight,
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  • 72 6 Among tbe bills for cnnmd-ra'nn at nfxt Frid iy'n meetine of tbe Legislative Council is tbe Holidays Ordinance amendmert bill to amend tbe Il>lid»j8 Ordinance 189, arid Public Officers' Guarantee Food IMI to mnko better provision (or the establishment of a itnarantee food witbr<g*id to securities to be famished by
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  • 78 6 Mr. Graham Hntcbiaon, who has bad a long connection with loc*l shipbuilding i.nd other mariue cODbtructional work, Lai btaited business on bit own acciuot as a naval archit ct, surveyor and *i ner»l ci.ntracW r, with offi esat69 TLeArc»l«. Mr. HutcLiaon cao be consult* d on iln> trt otioo and
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  • 86 6 A well filled bouse at this bliow on Saturday night testifies to tbe bold on tbe showgoiog public which the last word in rim m tto graph;, PatheV Animated Gez >tte, now has. Tbe ladies' page of tt is edition hhows the latest creations of the Bon Marche
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  • 59 6 Those who have not yet seen the moving pictures at the Harima HaU should make a point of doing ho before the programme is cuaDged. Much interest has keen aroused over the views of Singapore, the hall beicg crowded on Saturday and seating accommodation taxed to the
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  • 113 6 Another tiffin room Prince's— madn its debut to day in pr< mines at tbe corner of Prince Street and Collyer Quay, under the management of Mr. E. J Kobertson. First cia<>B fare and service are proiui*< -d. ami afternoon tta ami oaken will beavai'ablH distinct from the
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  • 310 6 We are iodkbtod to a correspondent for tbe following:- 0a Saturday last, at St. Andrew's Cathedra', tbe wtdding of Miwi CUra Mary Beatrice Moore, eldest duuulitcr of tbe late Mr. James And'ew Moore, of tlio I M. CuHtoms, China, and Mr. Charles H««k*wi-ll Rowe, fourth Ron of Mr.
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  • 385 6 Mr. C. V. Dyson took bi« wat on the bench of the second police court today. Mr. W. J. P. Hnme, Anditor.Geoeral, F M. S is expccttd w return Ircui Icavo on De.ember 15. Mr. K. J. Tborpe, of EllamuDa, Maturata, and Mr. R. Cromie, of Diragiin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 I Players J Ravy (Dixture In i Ib Patent #j% Air-Tight Tina. PRICE 55 CTB. obtainable at t Pur Tin. ROBINSON CO. "Special sBknd" Isea. Wde SBeverage. Indian k Brand 60c. Ib. Bole Agents LITTLES 3 THh Popular Beer. Sr [WnufTTJ nil OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE.
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    • 231 6 LOOK OUT FOR THE VERT LATEST EFFORT IN JOURNALISM I Patlie's Animated Gazette THE ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Tuna Edition (Weekly Publication) BUOWINO TBE LAIEST PARIS FASHIONS IN LADY'S GOWNB. {Removal of Church in Limburg, 2,600 tons, with strong screw jacks. Viut of tbe Emperor William II to Hanover.
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  • 488 7 AMAZING STORIES OF BRITISH INTRIGUE. King Manuel in Safety. THE PROGRAMME OF THE NEW REPUBLIC. Priests Not Allowed to Appear in Clerical Dress. IRsutsb a TiLsuaAH.l London, October 9. A Heater's message from Lisbon says tbat Admiral Riis, a lead ir of the revolution, committed suicide, thinking
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  • 43 7 Ten Thousand Chinese Carcases Not Allowed to Land. [Kbdtkr's Telkoram] London, October 9. Permission has bern refused to land at Liverpool, for immediate consumption, ten thousand pigs from China, owing to tbe carcasos not hating been dressed according to regulations.
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  • 39 7 [Rbutib's Tslboram.] London, October 0. Sir William Robron has been appointed a Lord of Appeal, and Sir Ruf as Isaacs succeeds him as Attorney General Mr. F. J. Simon, K C, member forWaltbamstow, is appointed Solicitor General.
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  • 31 7 Membership of tho Union of City Hawkers is now indicated by a green aod »hie badge, combers of wbich now meet the eje in eveiy quarter of tie City of London.
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  • 94 7 Messrs. Hogg and Cos. Quotations To-day. Messrs. Hogg and Co. kindly favour n» with the London prices they have received this morning Quotations. MIDDLI MIDnLF PRICKS. PRICK-. ADagars. 6/6 Linggis 47/8 Anglo-Malaya 25/3 Lomnts 22/6 p Bukit Kajangs 40/- Merlimaus 6/9 Bukit Mertajams 4/3 Patalings 60/Charsoneae 4/6
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  • 662 7 A Rubber Estate Development Scheme. Last week's mail brings tbe published pro "P- ctus of the Mnngkibol (Central Julnre) Rubber Company, Limited. The capital is to li £150,100, divided into 150.000 eha-esol £1 each and tbe present i sue is of ll 0,000 -hares at par, of
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  • 152 7 Narrow Escape on the Turret Ship Flamingo. On tbe morning of September 22, while the tnrret ship Flamingo was being hauled out of Kidderpore docks, a terrific report was heard, due to the blowing out of one of the boiler plates, which earned tin whole engine room to
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  • 72 7 Mr. K. Midzumacbi, financial commissioner to foreign countries, declared at a banquet given in hia honour by prominent bankers that the impression he has gath°red in foreign coootrits was that Japan's tiuanciai condition was tery good. There was still room, however, for the lowering of tbe rates
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  • 1007 7 HEROIC RESCUE BY GERMAN OFFICERS. Tbe Loss of the Lydia On September 28, the steamer Lydia, belonging to tbe Hamburg America Line, from Hjngay to Cbinkiang with a cargo of coal, was wrecked in one of tbe typhoons that have been knocking around lately, reports the China Mail.
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  • 102 7 The inquest was resumed on September 17, into the death of Thomas Weldon Anderson, an actor, who was murdered at tbe back of a Ratternea flat on the night of Saturday, July 16. Ihe jury retained a verdict ol wilful murder by name person unknown. Tbe story
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  • 974 7 CURIOUS PROPOSITION FROM SUFFOLK. A Happy Family Party. Tho Financier writes as follows Like the ditigible that circled tbe dome of St. Panl'n on Saturday, a new robber company, |of weird aspect, attempts a perilous flight in tbe nipping air. It hails from Ipiwicb, tbe county town of
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  • 74 7 Yokohama papers report tbe death cf Mr. F. O Correa, who wan a member of the staff of tbe International S'tHfing Car Company. Mr. Correa died from tbe effects of burning i r juries sustained thrr.auh tbe opwtting of a kero«< ne lamp. He was twenty two years of age,
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  • 301 7 Election Riots That Preceded the Outbreak. Some light is thrown upon thn condition of affairs in Poitagal, ptior to the Republican revolt, in telegrams which were despatched to N«w Yoik some we< ks sg", in reference to the national elections then in progress. One cable from Lisbon
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  • 134 7 Comparative Statement for Years 1910 and 1909. Following is tho comparative state ment of cultivated ruhber exported during tbe years 1910 and 1909:— Of the rubber exported from Selangor during August, 1010. 4,128 lb j were produced in Perak and 81,885 lbs. in Negri Sembilan.
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  • 249 7 Final Figures for Eight Months of Current Year. Following are the final figure* of the export of block tin and tin ore from Perak, Selangor, Ntgri S mbilan and Pah ing reaped ivily dnring tbe months of January to August, 1910, as compared with tbe corresponding period
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  • 74 7 Capitan Lira Ah Pat, of Mantok, who wan decorated some time ago by the Dutch Government, ha« juxt returned to Singapore from Europe. During his visit to tbe Went be expres-ed his thanks personally to the authorities in Holland, and before returning he made a tour of the principal places
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  • 91 7 ASSISTANT MANAGER OF TRONOH ATTACKED. Robbers Surprised. (Fbok Odr Own Cohrispomdikt.) Kuila Lumpur, October 8. Ipoh wires that Mr. J. B S. Campbell, tbe assistant manager of the Tronoh Mines, en countered several Cbincte tin ste»lers down tbe mine shaft and a desperate fight t
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  • 71 7 (From Our Own CoRREsroNruNT) Pi naog, October a Messrs. Kennedy and Compaoy. on behalf of tbe Malayan Planters' Association, ha\ing pointed out to tbe Government the incon veniencrs and hardships that would be occasioned if the impjrtatirn of indentured Indian coolies was stopped on Octobir:)l, bave r<c ived
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  • 23 7 [Rbctib's Tblboram London, October 10. Teheran messages report lint disorder and biiijanda^c are rife in the Southern provincos of Persia.
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  • 26 7 [Dbb Ostasiatischi Lloyd Trlioram. 1 Berlin, Octobor 9. In oelebration of the centenary of Berlin University representatives of all Universities are coming to Berlin.
    26 words
  • 247 7 The output of dry tulb r from Klubang Estate, for S. pt. mber was V3S lbs. Messrs. linker aad Co. n port The Sandycroft Rubber Company, IXI.- St-ph inner, 8,717 lbn. dry, corresponding month l«st year 5,T.7 Ibf. dry, total for first e'iibt months of financial year
    247 words
  • 255 7 Tbe R-v. Win Run^iuinD, pastor cf tbe Presbyterian Cburc) Siogaro c, has decided to insne a sort of congregational magazine,. In tbe first number tie rias an article hi ml, d First Impressions in which he sais: Life of Singapore has drawback-, bnt then it al-<o has
    255 words
  • 163 7 On Jane 10, a Chinese m aman of the river ■teamtr Fatsban wan atkod ly I. is father, who has a largo s>>op in Canton, to bring nix pearls valued at 12.100 to Hongkontr, with a view f o offericg them for Hale. On board tbe
    163 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 706 8 To the E litor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,— Until I read your succinct leader of the 6.h Hint uodur tbe above heading, my imprt-HHon was that the Freight' Bill was in the natnre of a protective measure by tbe Straits Government, but it appears f om
      706 words
    • 169 8 The Australian boy billitrd player, Gray, his m »dea break tf 98 > at Leeds, of whxu 969 were losers off the red. It bas been decided that tbe annual Rugby International, England v France, f-hall be played at Twickenham on Januaty 28 next. R E Walker,
      169 words
    • 88 8 Mr. Alex Taylor bas now fixed up bis billiard matcliec To-morrow evening he plays at tbe Adelphi Hotel, his opponent bo ing Sergt. Turubu 1 of Fort Canning to horn he conordes 400 ia a game of 800. Admission jh |1. On Wednesday, be will meet Mr. Lewis at
      88 words
  • 845 8 Prices Quoted in the Market THl> Moralog. Sintnpora, October 10th, 1010. Messrs. Lyall aod Bvait. Bxoliange and Share Brokers, issae the following list o< lootations this morning i tfnm. Valoe. Bnyera. Hnllnra. 3/. AlUg^ 61} 6 0 Option. 2 Il'| 6/--41 An«lo-Java 11/0 15/. 1 Anglo- Johore
    845 words
  • 336 8 Commander's Presence of Mind Saves Rest of the Fleet. A good deal of pparu'ation has been indulged in as to bow IIMS. Bedford came to piU lit r-t-lf i v Qaelpart Island. It has bet n assumed, nays The Shanghai Mercury, that fog must have prevailed, or
    336 words
  • 606 8 Notes and Comments on Race Course Training. Saturday Morning, A very cleir morning, and the attendance large. Fly (Form) c>ntertd down to the ncurry pout aud gtlloped tin courte in 1-18. Annie (C*sson) went at about half pace ouco round, Puonourai>h (Torpey) doiog similar work. A. 1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 79 8 RHEUMATISM THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF BUFFERING. Rbetunatixm causes m ire pain and suffer. irg than any other di«eat«, for the rea-on that it in the most common of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to snffarers to know that CliHiuburUiu's Fain Balm will afford ii In f, aud
      79 words
    • 41 8 This Is It. W Tbe latest scientific preparation of COD LIVER Mjijaßl| OIL. D jea all that is claimt?;VV^l| tel «t and supersedes T. 3 Fr~ li tbeold fashioned emulsions W^t whiota upset the stomieh. OF ALL CHEMISTS. $1.25 AND $2.00
      41 words
    • 37 8 For all internal complaints, Dynentery, Cjughp, Cods, etc, take Woods' Great Pel permiot Cu'n. HIRE OF MOTOR LAtNCH WANItD. Wanted to hire, motor launch 31 —'iff fe. t or buy sec ni-hand, Reply ABC, c/o StraiU Tune.,
      37 words
    • 575 8 THE PREMIER ESTABLISHMENT For Estate Tools. Stores and Requisites. We stock everything required on an up-to-date Estate from a Changkol to a Rubber Machine. SPECIALISTS IN FACTORIES AND BUILDINGS. Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. Rubber ia Honduras. Acoorrlipg to tbe Globe of September IS, tbe London boom appears to have given
      575 words
    • 483 8 SOLE AGENTS WANTED. A World-known Manufacturing Company desires to establish an agenoy for the Straits. ELECTKICAL ENGINEERS AND MERCHANTS are invited to apply to the manager of the company, who will be in Singapore from 11th to 16th October. Only firms or persons of first-class reputation need apply. Addies* communications
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      256 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 230 9 If it be not true, speak it not, If it be not seemly, do it not." Marcus Aureliue. The one and only Sole Agents PATERSON, SIMONS CO., LTD. Ask Always FOR THE Sskyde-*(&yres OF THE SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Pas sir Panjang, Singapore. Price very Moderate. Best Quality. HIGH-CLASS UNDERTAKING. ALBERT
      230 words
    • 189 9 A. W. Tully Turf Accountant. NOW DOING BUSINESS ON THE FORTHCOMING SINGAPORE MEETING. Treble Event ON RACES 2. 5. 6. Double Events ON ANY TWO RACEB. Strtii^ht out all Events. Bets made against Griffins stand tor either Race. For particulars and prices, apply to S3, Raffle* Place, Singapore. All offioe
      189 words
    • 266 9 ARTICLES FOR BALE. FOR SALE. Simoosbrot (Oeril Bread), per tin 80 eta. Servelat, Plock Wurnt Saaoagea. As supplied to the German Mail by Mr. H. Kahlniann. Bremen. Haven. Can be had at J. Levy, 10, Robinson Road, Agent. u1716 MOTOR GAR FOR SALE One I'2-h.p. WnUeley Siddeley Motor Car complete
      266 words
    • 60 9 PATRONIZKI) j^jß^RMßn^SF^F^^^J BY UOYAI TV Necklaces and Brooches C^mJ^ LATEST m** DESIGNS SET WITH DIAMONDB. PEARLS. y<3% fc*>w AMETHYST. ETC. <^ B. P. DE SILVA, High Street. i MICHELIN TYRES DUPIRE~BROTHERS, AGENTS. Interesting to Planters BUSH'S Coagulating and Bleaching Powder for Rubber Latex. Particulars and Samples from i THE UNION
      60 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 846 10 INSURANCE. CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office t Shanghai: Registered ander tbe Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under tbe Sonskone Ordinances, POSITION OF COMPANY (iTwelfth Year). Total Insurance in force $37,855,886. Total Assets 8,415,249. Total Funds 8,216,812. Total Income for Year 8,666,567. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE EAST. All
      846 words
    • 527 10 BANKING. .BARTERED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA ■CORPORATE D BT ROY Aft CHARTER Pall ap Oapltal In M,OOO Skarsi ot fl*o sash 41,100,000 Ssssrvs Fan* 41,000,000 Ssasrvs liability of Proprletori i 1,100,000, 100,000 HAN KERB. Bank of KagUai lattoawl Baak of Bootlaaa. m ftonta City MUlaßi Bank. »M. SINGAPORE
      527 words
    • 982 10 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. The Autumn Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 11, Thursday, October 18, and Saturday, October 16. PROGRAMME. Under 8. R. A. Rules. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, October 11. 1. THE OPENING STAKES.— VaIue MOO A handicap for horses that have never won a stake of more
      982 words
    • 540 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale of Valuable Teak Household Furniture, Horse and Carriage, Well-Grown Plants, etc., AT "HERAT." NO. 88. INSTITUTIBN HILL. On Saturday, October 22, at 1.30 p.m. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. 2874 lent of One Hundred Dollars, when determining tbe advertised value of stakes. In calculating the
      540 words
    • 361 10 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan k Co.'s Salerooms On Monday, Octorkr 17, at 2.30 ML Lot 1. TEBAN. 20 acres I rood 11 poles of land, held under Statutory Land Grant No. ***** Quit rent $15. Lot a. TAMPENIS. acres 1 rood 86 poles, held under Lease No.
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  • 845 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Wolseley Company employs labour to the extent of about 4,000 bands, working at present by day and night shifts. During the week of a correspondent's visit, fifty nine complete cars and chassis had been despatent rt to orders received. In the
    845 words
  • 162 11 Found in Possession of Rare Books From Naples Libraries. The Naples police have arrested Prof. Zaniboni, who was found in possession of '200 rare books belonging to the National Library. Over 100 volumes have been niiH"ed from other libraries in Naples, many being rare editions and very valuable.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 319 11 WOLSELEY D SIDDELEY MAXIM, LTD. A I I A C3 THE-NAME Is THE MU I WwMlAWl GUARANTEE. SOLE AGENTS FOR WOLSELEY SIDDELEY AUTOCARS In Singapore, Penaog, K. M. S. and Sumatra CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, "SSSZ7*- Stanley Steamers One 10 H.P. 4-seater fitted with Hood, Screen, Acetylene Head Lamp and full
      319 words
    • 95 11 Viceroy Sik Liang, of Manchuria, contemplates the wholesale hunting down of the Huoghutze (mounted bandits). He has communicated his ideas to the local officials and asks thtir cooperation in bis measures. FORA WEAK DIGESTION No medicine can replace food but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help yon to digest
      95 words
    • 336 11 W* X WILL BE FORWARDED ON X H^^^^ X APPLICATION /A^y/ Continental Tyre Rubber Co., Ltd. A// KUMPERS CO., FED. ENGINEERING CO., y/ Singapore. Kuala Lumpur, Through all Dealers and Garages. SOMETHING NEW IN BIN6APORE. Dr. R. H. Lamb, graduate of The Philadelphia Dental College, of long and extensive experienoe,
      336 words
    • 133 11 13 FORD CARS. Now Arriving iii The FORD Factory pays (I r c=: i lii greatest attention to^the macl |tC_r\ I nery of the Car, which tin j|g^_ I' \l consider to be the most importai _j£?<^JK5S5L i l j All Ford Cars aro alike, bat ai -X* '^p&**fesjcj fancy
      133 words
    • 40 11 ST. ANDREWS HOUSE A Cbureb of England Boarding House tor Buropean and Eurasian boys who deeire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St Andre rt House or to the Colonial Chaplain.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 565 12 WANTSROOM WANTED. Wanted by lady and gentleman, two rooms with private family as paying guests. Apply K. A., c/o Straits Times. ■Mi SURVEYOR WANTED. Wanted, a qualified land surveyor (Eurasian or Native) for Sarawak. Applications stating salary together with certificate)), to be sent to Resident's Office, Kuching. U2C6B DISPENSER WANTED.
      565 words
    • 612 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICES TO LET. Suite of commodious and well-appointed offices on the ground floor of No. 6, Collyer Quay, completely fitted with Electric light and fans. Aoply to Messrs. Powell Co., or Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co., Raffles Place. u162 OFFICES TO LET. Whole of second
      612 words
    • 721 12 TO BE LET n SOLD. UNFURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. Tba pleasantly situated residence known as No. 102, off Thomson Road, about 8 j miles from town. Immediate entry. POWELACO., Agents. 2867 TO LET. No. 12 and 18, Boat Quay. Very suitable for offices and Godown and at present occupied by
      721 words
    • 587 12 NOTICES, NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Ezhaoge Banks will be closed at NOON on TUESDAY. OCT. 111 Race Days I HJJRSDAY. OCT. 131 y NOTICE, As we are closing our Business on the 12th instant, all Bills against our Firm ought to be presented before that date. We
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    • 718 12 HOTICE3. NOTICE. THE JUNGLE CLEARING COMPANY. LTD. AUTHORISED CAPITAL t200,000. Tbe Company undertakes contracts to clear Jungles, clean, improve, plant, drain, cultivate, develop any land control, superintend tbe olearing, planting of land and plantations erect, construct, repair bungalows, coolie lines, hospital sheds, bouses and other buildings. Contract for the snpply
      718 words
    • 291 12 CLEARANCE SALE OF PIANOS Two Weeks Only TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR New Autumn Stock. The ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED MllSiC AT COST PRICE DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. THE Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.i.B. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted with Eleotrio Light and Fans. Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 242 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Misoellane. ons wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per foot lines for one or two insertions. Notioee of Birthe, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, tl each insertion, For p.p.c. oards, on page 6, 12. Inch Soalb Ratis
      242 words