The Straits Times, 28 July 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.321 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JULY 28. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 D. ft J. McCallam's PERFECTION WHISKY. lALDBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY. i KATZ BROS., LD. Furnishing Dept. Teak Furniture Bentwood Furniture Bedsteads Bedding and Mosquito Curtains Carpets and Carpeting Coir Matting Mirrors Linoleums. Sheetings, Linens, Damasks, Calicoes, Blankets, Rugs, Quilts, etc., etc. KATZ BROS., LD. CHEONG BROTHERB, Dentists, 25, South Bridge
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    • 59 1 THB Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.B. A New First-class Hotel Fitted with Electric Light and Fans. Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padang. Single and Double Bedrooms, with Private liatbrooi":. attached. Cuisine under European Supervision. Cold Storage Supplies weekly from Singapore Hotel Porter meets all Mail Trains. Manai.kmknt THE
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    • 68 1 C. H. Willis IS NOW DOING BUSINESS ON THE FORTHCOMING PENANG RAGES. July 26, 28, 30. Straight-out on all Races. Doubles on any two Races Also Treble Events. Bets made by wire most be confirmed by letter. NO REPLY NO BUSINESS. Address: 'Phone 896. 8, The Arcade. Tel. Straight, Singapore.
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    • 143 1 H INKS' TABLE LAMPS. Handsome Table Lamp, with Fancy Hink*' Duplex Burner Lamp, with Handsome Table Lamp with Polish polished Column on Marble B.M. Cryatel brass and marble Ba*e, Cr J8 «l Container, ed Bra« 8 Stand. Cr,rtaTco«arnef Hinkh' Contamer, Hink^Daplfx Saety Burner. Duplex Burner, Chimney and Globe Safety Duplex
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    • 6 1 Boflinger Cfiompflgnc. CALDBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY.
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  • 446 2 NO CHANGES IN THE PRESENT TAXATION. Surplus of .£861,000. Mr. Lloyd George's second Budget, introduced on June 80, is a complete contrast to his first In two sentences, it is as follows There is no change in taxation no new tax and no new redaction of last year's
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  • 439 2 Opening of the First Telewriter Exchange. From what I havo seen and heard, I think and speak amazedly, and it becomes my marvel. Knowledge is the gift of God and the wing wherewith we tly to heaven. With this briof message to the Postmaster General, the Lady
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 tvvv§s§§^ No other preparation i\\v^\Y soothes and refreshes J fumx l^ le sun-scorched skin "•Hazeline' Snow f" mountain |sl«^r9|| WOl*S^ snow **HA7FnN]cii /T Its beautifying and pre- serxative properties imy part a silky softness to the skin and a radiant beauty to the complexion. Neither Sticky nor Greasy y^Wl J
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    • 12 2 Wooda' Great Perpirmint Ctre fir all inlernau eoinp'aiata. Dysentery. Ciiflba, Ostda etc.
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    • 363 2 Fowls! Fowls! Fowls! Have arrived by the s.s. Kanagawa Maru I Carmarthenshire from London. Minocas, Wyandottes, Leghorns, Hoad aros Brahmas, Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, Aylesbnry and Rouen ducks. Kabbits, etc. Also Incubator*, Brooders I Incidentals t'BOM The Cyhers Incubators Co., New York. Specially imported for the Show. SOLE AGENTS: THF SINGAPORE
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    • 486 2 ISMAIL RAHEEM Q| magnificent colloction of Jewellery just turned oat of our Factory J\ after the moat up- to date style and taste, and at moderate prices. A valuable and elaborate Tiara much superior to the ones manufactured before and set with diamonds and emeralds of the best and finest
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  • 640 3 HOW THE WORK HAS INCREASED IN FIFTY YEARS. Personal Recollections. On tbe occasion of his retirement from the General Post Office, after fifty-two years association with telegraphic operations, Mr. A. E Eauies. controller of the Central Telegraph Office, was entertained by his colic agues at tbe Holborn
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  • 169 3 Appearance Said to be Plain and Unattractive. It is rather disappointing to find that the new Chinese silver coins are plain and unattractive, for the appearance of a coin has mnoh to do with its popularity, writes the Peking correspondent of the N. 0. D. News. The
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  • 96 3 Forthcoming Marriage with Prince Victor Napoleon. Princess Clementine of Belgium arrived at Turin on Jane 21, and was weloomed at tbe station by Prinoe Victor Napoleon. The Princes* proceeded to an hotel, where the Dowager Duchess of Aoeta visited her. Princess Clementine will proceed to Moncalieri C.stle to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland Cement. In Casks ol 875 lbs. net. Dnun Pipes, my shape In Bags ol 250 lbs. nel. Gntterways Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Paving Tiles p vin 8 Brick Prioos, umplei »od tall particulars will be forwarded on applioation to Agent: W.
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    • 66 3 ABOUT DIGESTION It is not the quantity ot food taken but tbe amount digested and asrim-lated that gives strength and vitality to tbe system. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate tbe stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions. Tbe re salt is m relish for your food,
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    • 127 3 TEA We do not claim to hare more brains than oar competitors, bat we believe it is real! 1 to your interest to take adva. ge of oar forty years of successful tea-blend-ing. BROOKE BOND'S TEA Sold by the following dealers I Ooan Chin Hong'A Co. Bbramsah Pakirniaidon i Co.
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    • 482 3 FREE BOOK TO THE DEAF. U SM are I>af you need remain Deaf no losaw, uu\ your trouble dues from l.,rth or that your Sense of Hearing is totally paralysed. I will enable you to Hear as well and .i- d.stmctly anybody could wish. lam sure of this, because I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 586 4 STEAMER BAILIN6B. P. O. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. ft China, Japan, Penang, Caylan, AMtralla, India, Aden, B«ypt, Mediterranean Parta, Ply. month and London. Through Bills of Lading laaaed for China Ooaat, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerloan Porte. Steamera will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES. OatuHtrd (for OMm) Devanha July
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    • 546 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP CB.LTD. A regular fortnightly aerviee is maintained bei^tSfJAPAN a«d BUROPB by the Company's well-known IWIMCIIW IfIAHBI, under Mail Oontraot with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, Bpeoially designed (or the Company's Buropean Service, lighted throughout by Bleotricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second Class
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    • 559 4 BTEAMEK BAILIIIM W SB^aafeaV The (teamer* of this Company maintain a 'egular (ervioe between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Stralta. OhtnA awd JciptiD Homewards, they are deapatohed fortnlgbUy fir Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremarharsa dirtot, oalUng at Penang and O numoo Taking cargo at
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    • 721 4 STEAMER BAILINIS. N. D. L Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL LINE The fait and well-known mall mam r- ol tht* Company nail fortntghty from Bno i. Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soolaaior ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplea (ooaaectioii Maneillee, Naplea, Alexaadria. and vice var *i Port Said, Buea, Adea, Colombo, P«»«-<\
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  • 173 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, July aB. High Water, Ml p.m. IVunuii RaceH Football Cup liual, Esplanade. I'hilharmonia i)rcheMtra, B. Albainbra Cinematograph. Han ma Cinematograph. Marlboroagh Cinematograph. Friday, July *<t. High Water, J 4O am., ;).26 p.ui P. and O. ontward mail doe. 1,. U T. C. tournament entrioK close
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  • 238 5 To-Dai. Jl»t'i Paliat Bri Wonytfuo 3 i>m i'onang. Kangoou aud CaJontia Palamcolia 4 pm Hongkong and ,lapaD Miya^akl Maru i pin Batavla Rembrandt 4 pm Bangkok Ban Hong Liong 4 pm Bangkok Hridge 4 \.m Bangkok Prominent' 4 pm llntavia O. O. DaeudeU 4pm ISS* Penang, Ceylon,
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  • 184 5 The P. A O. outward mail »ttamer Devanha, left Pcnang at II p.m. yesterduv and ma> be uxpect^d to arrive here at 6 a.m. t i mo-row. The Royal Dutch mail steamer R-mHrandt left Babaag at II p.m. on the 2 th inst., anl mty be exi^isted
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  • 444 5 Latest Arrivals. Bm Mm, Qavt yacht, 500 tons, 46 crew, VWb.p. \>m. Cbamberla in. July 27. From Penang, July 25. For Lighthouse service, Ang 1-Rds. BaataMn, lint atr 2521 tons, Captain Bee, July 27. Wrom Loiuiou. Jane 30. Oc. P.iter ou bimuns CV For Hongkong. July •27— W.
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  • 90 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TANJONG PAOAB. Eim WiiAsr Bisra— Hebe. K. W. Sictioh I— Gracchus Bhxebs WHißr— Ht. Michael. MainW.Biot. 3— Carnarvonshire. Miya/uiki 8-Hcnlaweirf. [Maru 4-Gerd. s— Paroo. 6 -Triui^i'Utt Mm, I'alamcotta. Laooom Dock 7— (Under oonstraotion.) Wtji Whabf
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  • 264 5 Arrivals. l'er nteamer MaUraiu. July 27. -Krom Sydney Mrs. Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stephenn, Mr and Mrs. P Kel'cy, Mr. and Mrs. T. Daroey, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Trotter, Mr. and Mrs Norton Trancis, Mrs. A. P. Schrieber and child, Mrs Graham, Mr*. H.
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  • 928 5 t i Prevalence of the Disease in the F. M. S. In tin- courno of his administration roport on Pahang in 190 D, Mr W. V. Baroas, tbe > Aoting Uritiiili Resident, writes:— Another disoase now attracting much at- 1 tentioa ankylostomiatiis is not yet prevalent in l'abatig. Examination
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  • 246 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE Sikoapom, July 28, 1910. On Loiulon— Bank 4 m/s 2/4£ Demand 2i*jt Private 8 m/i 3/4 ft do 8 m/s 244 On Germany— Bank d/d 340 Private 8 m/s 344 do 6 m/s 340| On Franco— Bank d/d 396 Private 8 m/s 399{ do 6 m/s 808*.
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    • 171 5 Inane 3 Value. 10 10 Rahman Hyd. £1 £1 Rambntan ill £1 Ranb Aunt. Gold 41 £1 Rodhills Tin 6 6 Royal Johore 10 10 Salak South £1 £1 Sempazn Tin 10 10 Sereudab Hyd. 10 10 Sipiau Tia 10 10 Songei Oaa Tin £1 £1 Tukka £1 £1
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    • 589 5 laaoe 3> Value. Bnyers. Sellers. 2/- 3/- SeJangor a.12.6 8.16.0 £1 16/- Sendayan 1.17.6 3.A.0 pm £1 Seremban 6.5 0 6.100 £1 £1 Sbelford 8.17.8 400 £1 16/- Sialang 1.7 8 1.10 Bpm £1 £1 Singapore Para 8.18 8 8.17 8 2/- 21. Straits (Bertam) 7/8 8 6 3/-
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    • 106 5 lasne a Vklve 100 100 RHarßroaves 100 100 „7% Prel. 10 10 Spore Cold Storage 80 60 Spore Dig. Al 41 Eleotrio Tramways 100 100 Straits loe Co. 100 100 S Stem Ship 10 10 S. Trading Buyers Seller* 1 77.60 80.00 10C.00 16.00 18.00 62.60 64.00 4/8 4/»
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    • 49 5 Bayers. Seller Uowarth Erskin 6 6% 1600,000 par Riley, Hargreaves 8% $284,000 1% 8% pre. B'trioT'waya 6% X850.000 Siagapore Municipal 6% $1,878,000 nom. Buyers. Sellers. Singapore Municipal H% of 1907 $1,600,000 7% pre, Singapore Municipal H% of 1909 31,000,000 7% 8% pre Singapore Mnnioipal 4% 9602.900 7% dis.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 252 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co July ay.— At Mr. Walter Palliser s Work", Kampong Babrn Road, valuable machinery and nitineeriag stock in-trade, at 0.80. July 80.— At section No. 8, Oodowns Nob. 15 and 16, Tanjong Pagar, 200 bags tamarind, at 9.80. July 80. At saleroom, Chinese Jewellory. etc., estate
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    • 64 5 AUCTION BALE Of HOUSBHOLD FURNITURE, ETC., At No. 219, Qneen Street, On Tuesday, Augu»t t, at 3 30p.m. (On view 2 days prior to Male). POWELL A CO., Auctioneers. 1784 AUCTION BALE Of 200 BAGS TAMARIND! (SEADAMAGED) EX.3.S. LIGHTNING kt Section 8, Godowns Noe. lfi.snd 18 Tanjong Pagar, On Saturday,
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    • 94 5 BOOK-KEEPING CLERK WANTED. Wanted, Book keeping clerk for office io Malacca town. Commencing salary $76 per month. Good pronpects. Apply, witb copies of testimonials, to X.R P., c.'a Straits Time*. MORTGAGEES SALE On Tuciday, August S, at 2.30 p.m. 1. The shop-house premises known as No. I' 9, Beach Road,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 199 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerban Hospital, July M. 9 a. m. 8 1. if. 0 r. m. BinmLL. Bar. S3 Fan 29.877 39 833 39 '59 Drizzlioß Temp '9.U ti 0 79 0 during tbe Wet Bulb Ther 78 0 77 0 76 0 night Uirof Wind 6. South ca m
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  • 45 6 Lvk.— At 159, Waterloo Street, Singapore, on July 20, Lye Joon Nyong, wife of Mr. Cheong Kwi Thiam. Funeral cortege leaves the above address on Saturday, July 30, at 4 p.m., for the old Christian Cemetery. BcVit Timah Road, where interment will take plaoe.
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  • 1148 6 The Straits Times THURSDAY, JULY 28. RAILWAY NATIONALISATION. We were rather pleased to see the telegram, published yesterday, giving the pith of a decision arrived at by a Viceregal Com mission appointed in 1906 to report upon the condition of Irish railways. The majority of that commission recommends a scheme
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  • 7 6 Trade prospects at Kara par are improving.
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  • 12 6 Foreign Malays are said to be coming into I'erak in great numbers.
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  • 15 6 The period of half -mourning for the lite King Edward comas to a oonckuion tomorrow.
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  • 13 6 Latest advertisements of the day appear on page 5 as well as 8.
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  • 13 6 The Kowloon- Canton Riilway is to be opened in tho middle of Angus.
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  • 20 6 A water rate of 25 oents per 1,000 gallons will in futnre be charged on all private tupplies in IVrak.
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  • 22 6 The cenauft for Korea has now been published. The population of the country consists of Koreans 12,868,404, Japanese 148,046 and Foreigners 11,701.
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  • 35 6 A batch of small sho >keopern appeared in the first police courts yesterday on oharses of using false weights. Eight of them wen fined $10 each and six in sums of 120, $40 and ISO.
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  • 27 6 The 2nd Battalion Middlesex Regiment, at Guernsey, has been moved to Bor^on Camp, Aldershot Command, where it relieved the Urd Battalion Rifle Brigade, which proceeds to Tipperary.
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  • 34 6 A very rare coin, a £5 gold piocc, was stolen from the watch-chain of a Chinarran in a clubhouse in Smith Street this w> eh. The police have since discovered it in a pawnshop.
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  • 33 6 The Mersey Dock Board are arranging the construction of a new dock, which will pro. bably be the largest in the world It is to accommodate vessels 1,000 feet long and 60,000 tonnage.
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  • 40 6 A house at 67 Upper Chinofaew Street was broken into last night, the latch of Ihe door being opened by means of a hole bored beneath it. A box containing jewellery and clothing to the value of $62 was stolen
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  • 37 6 Messrs. Kioahan and Co., Dublin, one of tho oldest wholesale whisky firms in Ireland decided at a recent shareholders' meeting to wind up their business, owing, the chairman announced, to the effect of the increased whicky duty.
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  • 47 6 The drydock Dewey will be ready for «ervice by the middle of Au«ust at the latest. Work is being mshed on it and the author! ties have found that it is little the worse for having been on too bottom of Subig Bay for over a month.
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  • 45 6 The creditors of the Law Guarantee Trust Association have decided at a mreting held on July 20, to wait for a period of three yeais in order to allow the affairs of the Trust to be arranged, with the lecst possible hardsbiu to the shareholders.
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  • 56 6 The F. M. S. Railways used Australian coal in 1909, the consumption per train mile of Australian coal being 41 50 lbs. as neainst 44.24 lbs. of Indian coal used in 19C8. In of this the price of Indian coal has 'alien go much that it was decided to use
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  • 50 6 The correspondent of the Temps at Fes, when bidding farewell to the Sultan, received a magnificent horse as a present. He besought iußt; ad the release of the wife of the former Sasbaw of Fez, who, like heir husband, has been horribly tortured in prison. The Sultan granted her release.
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  • 56 6 Some wealthy Bhatia merchants of Bombay intend proceeding to England shortly with a view of witnessing the pe-formances of the Indian cricketers and taking part in the Coronation festivities there next year. Ttey are arranging to charter a steamer for themselves. About 400 are to be accommodated and they will
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  • 71 6 This was how the Australian inspector of schools found himself face to face with the eternal Sex problem, observes the Globe He was visiting a school one day, when he noticed an infant in an ambiguous kind of drets. He patted the infant's head, and inquired, My child, what are
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  • 120 6 Commander Janes, of the U. S. A. cruiser New York, landed yesterday afternoon and called upon the Deputy Governor (the Hon. W. Evans) and the Officer Commanding the Troops (Major- General Stephenson i. To-night the officers will dine on shore with the American Consul General and to-morrow nieht the Consul
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  • 125 6 Admirers of the inspiriting skirl of the pipes will be pleased to hear that Mr. Haldane is about to form a school of instruction where Army pipers will be trained by ex pt-rts. The projected establishment is to be conducted on the lines of the well-known Royal Military School of
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  • 127 6 Sentence has been passed on a young Hokien named Tan Luan for voluntarily cans ing hnrt to two others, Li Snn Cho and Yap Tian Kaa, with a knife. The statement of the complainants in effect was that Tsd Luan attacked them in Beach Road and stabbed both with a
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  • 389 6 The death is anncunced of Monsieur Henri Quesvin, ViceConnu for France at Sw*tow. Sir William Wedderburn is mentioned as President of the next Ijdian National Cjngrtss. On enquiry this morning we were informed that the condition of Mr. H. A. Mason remains about the same. Mr. S.
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  • 78 6 The Alexander Dock extension disaster at Newport was brought %c mind by the presentation on July '20, of medals to the he roes who strove so valiantly to rescne the buried workmen, and later excavated the bodies. The Duke of Connaught made, tlie presentation to the men, who
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  • 101 6 The annual competition for the King's Own polo cup will take place at the race couise daring the Agri- Horticultural Show week, and will doubtless prove an interesting addition to the attractions of that period. It is understood that three teams will com pete, representing the Middlesex
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  • 154 6 The Duff Development Company ban issued to its shareholdt rs a ve ry beautiful ceriesof photographs illustrating she progress made on the properties of the company iv recent years, and incideotaHy law vi»it uf Hit Excelleccy Sir John Andtrton la^tyear. Most of the photographs wore tik.-n by Mr. S. R.
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  • 181 6 Three women were prosecuted in the third police court yesterday after* oon by Sergeant Joyce of the gambling suppression ri> partroent. Ono woman, living in Upper Hokien Street, wrs charged with BRRistiD^ in the management of a Chap Ji Xi Intiory and also with pofliestion of lottery
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 91 6 COURVOISIER'S Famous BRANDIES. Samples and Price* from i Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. SOLE AGENTS Now on View. w3 ENGLISH HALLMARKED "^1 lp Silver Cups jg£ Cantonese Bowls —^fcgv SUITABLE FOR PRIZES FOR THE j^ AGRI-HORTIGULTURAL SHOW, ■^r***-^^— ~"^*?<i Inscription* Neatly Engraved. JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. ASTER ELECTRIC i PETROL OR KEROSENE)
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    • 185 6 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. THE BIOSHOW. NEW AND INTERESTING SUBJECTS 2nd Shew, 0.80 to 11 p.m. 1. OVERTURE SELECTION "THE DOLLAR PRINCESS." 2. IN THE BAY OF NAPLES. 8. THE OLD GAMP. 4 THE MICROBE OF RECURRENT FEVER. A very interesting 8ci< ntific Babjeoi. An Episode in 1812 6 in whiob
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  • 271 7 CHINA WARNED TO RESPECT TREATIES. Important Statement on tbe Opium Position. IRSCTIR'S TILIQKAM.] London, July 27. During the Indian budget debate in the House of Commons Mr. Montagu said the new treaty with Bhutan was evidenoe of the Government's determination not to allow foreign interference in Nepal, Sikkim,
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  • 45 7 Blow to the Supporters of Friendly Agreement. JRecter's Telkoram j London, July 27. A Berlin telegram say that tbe semi-official denial of it rumour that Admiral Tirpitz has Ms%M 1 is regarded as a blow to the agitators (or an Aoglo-torman naval understanding.
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  • 37 7 Ceylon Group with Million and a Half Capital. ißkttkk'x Tflkoium London, July 27. A pro«po3tus has boon issued of the Ceylon Grand Central Rubber Estates. The capital h one million and a half ster-
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  • 37 7 The King and the Japanese Officers ;r-Kf>E»'s TiLBOBAM) London, July 27. The King has arrived at Torbay to witnesses secret tactical exercises aboard the Dreadnought. No outsiders aro allowed on the ships except Japanese officers.
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  • 41 7 [Der OsrAsiATiaiim Lloyd Tklroram.] I Vrlin, July 27. In connection witb the sinking of the Tii'.xiiri-i Maru the German Press recalls the fact that Duke -loliann Albrecht travelled on board her, and expressed his admiration Of till' ?-llip.
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  • 27 7 Deb Ostasi atihchi Llotd Teliobau.] Berlin, July 27. Marshal Hermes de Fonseca (President of Brazil) will attend the Kaiser Manoeuvres und Parade at Dantzig.
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  • 27 7 1 Der Ostasiatisihe Lloyd Telboram.] Berlin, July 27. Fighting has ta.cen place between Arabs and French trojps at the boundary between Tunis and Tripoli.
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  • 23 7 Der Ostamatische Lloyd Telkubam. Berlin, July 47. Kuin ->urs of a mutiny on board the German cruiser Bluecber are absolutely unfounded.
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  • 16 7 Dkk Ohtasiatuchi Lloyd Tklkoram.] Berlin, July 27. The Emperor William is returning to Bergen.
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  • 102 7 Messrs. Hogg and Cos. Quotations To-day. Messrs. Hogg and Co. kindly favour us with tbe London prices they have received thin morning Quotations. Mil. Tim MiniHT. I'llli M. PRK K>. Allagars 6 8 Linggis 68/Anglo Malays 25 6 Lumots 26 3p. Bukit Kajaogs 65 Merlimans 7/ BukitM«rtajams3/6
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  • 448 7 Indications of Rapidly increasing Prosperity. The Times of Ceylon, in a short edito>ial, says The annual report of the Principal Collector of Customs is always looked forward to, for it is lucidity itvelf on the important subject of the trade and revenue of tbe port. The
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  • 417 7 Wireless Telephoning Through Chalk Cliffs. The feat of not only telegraphing, but telephoning, by means of one instrument, through solid chalk or rock, or indeed earth of any kind, by the use of the win less metb. od, is one which opens op all sorts of possibilities.
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  • 24 7 Within a very snort time the Shanghai volunteers are to be arrayed in nun helmets instead of the colonial bata at protect in use.
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  • 392 7 DISCUSSING THE PROBLEM OF GENERAL INSPECTION. The Overseas Forces. During the consideration of tbe Army Estimates in the House of Commons on June 27, a debate took place upon tbe appoint ment of General Sir lan Hamilton as Com mander in-Chief of the Mediterranean and Inspector General
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  • 145 7 Final Figures for Six Months of Current Year. Following are the final figures of the oxport of block tin and tin ore from Perak, SeUuwnr, Ne>gri Sembilan and Pabang respectively during tbe months of January to June, 1910, as compared witb the corresponding period of
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  • 310 7 Programme of Reliefs Between India and England. According to the trooping programme for the season 1910-11 between England and India The R-jwa arrives at Bombay on September 28 next with drafts and fm lough men, and leaves Bombay on October 6 with the T. Btttery for Egypt,
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  • 646 7 MOROS ATTEMPT TO MURDER PHILIPPINE OFFICIALS. A Recent Palawan Incident. Papers to hand from Manila today announce that during a reotnt official visit to Palawan, Secretary Dean C. Worcester, of the Interior Department, narrowly escap ed death at the hands of Moro re nevades, and exoopt for the
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  • 197 7 Programme for Performance on Saturday. No lover of pure music should fail to hear the selections which will be presented by Miss Marie Russer (soprano) and Miss A. van Velthuijsen (piano) at the Teutoma Club on Saturday evening next. Seats for this con cert are now being
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  • 76 7 The European Keatiogs, who will be shortly tried in the Allahabad Sessions on a charge of alleged cheating, appears to have represented himself to be the agent of the Ka ja of Singrauli to purchase goods. Accused has pleaded not guilty, and stated that he ordered the goods in bis
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  • 696 7 High Values Placed on Vessels by Insurance Companies. Tbo official report of the Court appointed to inquire into the circumstances attending the abandonment and loss of the Britis-1 steamship Kingswell in the Mediterranean Sea, about 120 miles west of Cape Matacan, has boon issued in London
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  • 179 7 Government Experimenting witb Para Plants. The Government of Bombay in a resolution passed on Mr. R. L. Proudlook's report on the Government Experimental Rubber Plantations in Bombay Presidency are of opinion that the plantations in Gersoppa have not been given a fair chance and therefore the experiments
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  • 158 7 A cisc of an all to frequent nature was heard in the third police court yesterday by Mr Oreen. A Chinaman, recently arrived in the port, charged a revenue officer witb extorting one dollar from him. Defendant boarded the ship on which complainant was a passenger and searched his luggage.
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  • 88 7 MR. BRYAN LOSES DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP. Republicans Rallying to the Taft Standard. [Rbutbr's TeleobamJ London, July If. Mr. Bryan has been defeated on a question of procedure at the Democratic Covention at Nebraska. This is regarded as his downfall as the Democratic leador. At Columbus, Ohio, the Republican State
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  • 22 7 'Reuter's Tklkoram. 1 London, July 27. Mr. Taf ha* appointed a Negro collector of customs at Georgetown.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 56 7 (Fbom Odb Own Correspondent.) Penang, J'.ly 28. The following shares have been disposed of at auction 6OO Perak River Valleys 81 cents, each, 160 Kamuniugs 13, 100 Lubber Estates of Krian 12.20, and 700 Nellmays at 90 cents. Owing to the races the attend auce of buyers was
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  • 51 7 (Fbom Ocb Own Cobb>spondiiit.) Kuala Lumpur, July 27. The Planters' Stores and Agency have a London cable stating that at yesterday's auctions Plantation sheet biscuit was at 8/4, Crepe at H/8, Best Scrap at Bark scrap at 7/1, Scrap untreated 6/6, Rambong 6/8. Fine hard Para was
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  • 48 7 (Fbom Odb Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 28. The Penang ladies have shot for Colonel Walker's shield and scored 453, 176 points being secured at 200 yards, 109 at 160, and 168 at 100. Taiping made 418, viz., 17S, 81, and 162 at the respective ranges.
    48 words
  • 48 7 (From Ocb Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 80. The Batak Rabit output for the six months ended June 30 was 4,100 lbs. Tapping com menoed in the middle of January witb under 3,000 trees, and by the end of June tho number had increased to 9,000.
    48 words
  • 168 7 Deplore Condition of Education in Kwong Provinces. According to the Hongkong Daily Press, the Chinese resident in the Straits Settlements, under the leadership of a noted merchant have sent to the Viceroy a memorial deploring the bad state of education in the Kwong Provinces. They point out
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  • 207 7 His Character as Revealed by the Archives of Windsor. The Quarterly Review publishes articles on the character of King Edward the Seventh founded on private papers from the archives of Windsor. It describes minutely the elaborate care taken over his education, even scheduling the qualities of deportment
    207 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 276 8 The annual meeting of the S. C. C. in fixed for Monday. August 29, at 5 15 p. vi. Tbe Northern Union has beaten tho Maori Hugby team at Auckland by 29 point) to nil. It is said that Mr. A. R.Hubback baa put up a shooting
      276 words
    • 552 8 The South African*. Tho South Afrioan Crickot ARsociation has '■••■•■11 notified by cable that tho guarantee of Ja',ooo, asked for in connection with the proponed visit to Australia of a cricket team, cannot be givon. A large maj >rity of the Australian Hoard of Control were unwilling that their
      552 words
    • 785 8 Record Established tor tbe Course I And Straits. (From Ocb Own Cormsfondbnt.) Penang, .Inly 27. The woather for the raoes was perfect and he going was good. The attendance w*> very large including tbe Resident Councilloi tbo Hon. I. O. Anthoniez, tbo Sultan ol .lobore, and many Singapore
      785 words
  • 1042 8 Prices Quoted la (he Market 1 his Morning. Singapore, July J8th, 1010. Mean. Ly»ll aad Bt»«, Hxahftoge and Share Brokers, issue the following lit* ol quotations this morning t— Worn. Value. Bayers. Seller. 2/- Allagar 6/- 6,9 2/. Options 4/- 6/1 £1 Anglo-Java 116 14/9 1 Anglo
    1,042 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 39 8 WATERBURYS MBTABOLIZEO OOD LIVER OIL COMPOUND. Aids digestion. Does not upset tbe Btoraach and is unrivalled for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all pulmonary trembles, and is general tonic fnr building or the eyetem. OF ALL CHEMISTS $1.25 ANO $2.00
      39 words
    • 352 8 Mysterious Fatalities on Steamer. The coal steamer Wearmouth roturued to Caloutta on .Inly in ballast. An enquiry was held at Karachi anent the myterious disappearance of one of her crew, a Chinese I'm man, who was suddenly missed from bis pout shortly after the vessel had paused the Sandheads on
      352 words
    • 270 8 JUST ARRIVED Large Shipment OF New Records OVER 2.000 TO SELECT FROM. Zonophone Records, 10 inches, $1 OO G. C. Kecords, 10 iuches, $1 50. G. C. Records, 12 inches, $2 50. S.Moutrie&Co LIMITED. The Arcade. The Standard Life Assurance Co. WB CAN OBTAIN FOR YOU A LIFE POLICY I
      270 words
    • 223 8 HARLBOROOGH BBAOB ROAD. The People's Popular, New Programme To-Night. Sooond Show, 9.80 to II p.m 1. THE SLKEP WALKEH. 'THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA. 8. j .s.i .A.1..L. 4. HIS CHUM. s.c.A.L. I Werther. 8- IN I PARTS. A German lovo story m which very refined acting is shown. 7. WHEN
      223 words

  • 978 9 CONTRABAND METHODS IN THE STR4ITS SETTLEMENTS. Mr. James Buck land Statement. From Renter's summary of Mr. James Buck land's article in the Sd borne Magszine, one may be led to believe that the traffioe in plumage was carried on an extensive scale in India. As a matter
    978 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 97 9 tiSSSEE^^ HOT A BENE. jg|yEHM{HIHnL 117 ICC PLEDGE" BRAND I, hygienic swiss M' L TUTillr v all ITI I I w\ i any& and withmn addition d Xy n "W else ff rS rH (Ins n»l k n lhffl TRAVERB ft 80N8. LD. Smith Premier New Model VISIBLE MO. 10.
      97 words
    • 645 9 -STEAMER SAILINGS. cTpTr CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL BTEAMBHIP LINE. rHS NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES. Ronte from Hongkong via Sbainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Emprbss or India Twinscrew steam R.M.S. Emprbss of Japan
      645 words
    • 77 9 RHEUMATIC PAINB RELIEVED. No one need now snffer tbe agonizing pains of sciatic and acate rheumatism, as quick relief may be bad by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This fact has been clearly demonstrated in many thousands of cases. This liniment relieves the pain and makes sleep and rest possible, which
      77 words
    • 704 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Taa steamers of Ibis Company maintain a regular dlraet serrfoe between Calcutta, Strait* Hongkong, Bhanflhal and Japan, taking aarge, m inroogb Bills of Lading for Oanton, Hwatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, XangtSM Port!, Formosa, lbs Philippines, *0,, *a. (Meaner* Torn Ocmmaadu KcnuM 4,891
      704 words
    • 421 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE. OF BTEAMERB The undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular servioe between Caleatta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en ronte. FLEET. Tons Commander Japan 6,018 A. Stbwart "Grsoort Apcab" 4,800 8. H. Bblson Abbatoon Apcab 4,600 W. T. Thomas
      421 words

  • 605 10 HOW IT IS ADMINISTERED IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. Few Changes in Form. The ceremony ot taking the oath has been known since earliest history. According to the Green Bag the only dhanges in form which have come in thousands of years have been due to the introduction of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 429 10 INSURANCE. MEAT EASTERN LIFE IBBURANGE GO.. LIMITED. liad Mlice Winchester House, SINGAPORB. loard of Dlreotors I t, A, Daaaioa, Bsq., Chairman, a. H. Fan, Bag., Managing Director. faraa Fowiia, 0.m., Chiel Mea. Offloar. U). Assras, Bag., Rev. N. J. Ooovaaoa, r. M. Buiot, Bsq. O>o Soon Taa, Bsq. Taw Ne*»
      429 words
    • 535 10 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO^JJD. Head Cfflce— 13A, Canton Road, Shanghai. Registered ondet ihe Lin Aasurance Companies Acts, England, aad under the Hongkong Ordinances. Boabd or DiaaoToaj 1 Alexander MoLood, Bag., Obalraaa, Lee Tang Su, Esq., C. Stepharius, Esq., J. H. McMichael, Bsq,, 0. R. Burkill, Bsq., J.
      535 words
    • 520 10 BAHKINQ. •BARTERED BANK BF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IBOOHPOHATsU) BY BOIAB OHABTKB. Pall np Capital ia 10,000 Bfcaraa of ClOaaak (1,100,000 BaaanraFiwa «1, 600,000 Baaarvi Liability ol Proprietors C 1.100,000 BABXXBB. Baak ol Boglaaa. ■aHoaal Bank ol BeosUai. Tk* koatoa oity Mldlaal Bank, IM. HIHQAPORE BRAHOH. Oomal Aoeooaaa ars opeaea
      520 words
    • 263 10 For ail internal complaints, DytentetyOoogbs, Colds, etc.. take Woods' Great Pepp. r, mini Cora. AUCTION SALE Of MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. At Powell t Co.'s Saleroom. On Wednesday, Aur>u*t 3, at 11 a.m. Five drums Aider's dog brand bolza oil, 1 bale wood bunting*. I Case brass Tom Bowling lamps, 1 case
      263 words
    • 916 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. Auction Sale of VALUABLE MACHINERY AND ENGINEERING STOCK-IN-TRADE, AT MR. WALTER PAL USER'S WORKS, Kampontf Bahru Road, On Friday, July 29, at 9. 3 0 a.m. The machinery comprises a608.H. P. Tan^ye s horizontal K as engine and sactioc g^lS 'i W W0 n(? mach "H*y comprising
      916 words

  • 989 11 MOTORS MOTORING. R USING THE STATUS OF MOTOR DRIVERS. Another new car to uiako its appearance in Koala Lumpur is the 16 h.p. Martini imported to the order of Messrs. Harper and Co. by the local agents, Messrs. Paterson Simons and Co., says the Malay Mail. The body is paint,
    989 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 300 11 METALLURGIQUE SCIEXCK OF METALS) O^^l^S EXCIIE THE AUiIIKMIoN OF ENGINEER AND CONNOISSEUR ALIKE. Two Duo Shortly I f Fall particulars from the Sole Agents CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE DAY OR NI6HT. General Rupairerg ol Cycles, Motors, Coils, Magneto, eto. Cycles and Can
      300 words
    • 94 11 CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY. This ia a medioine of great worth and merit. Try it when yon havt> a coogh or cold and you are oertain to be pleased with the quick relief wbiob i affjrds It is pleasant take and can always be depended npon F m Ml" hv all
      94 words
      219 words
    • 276 11 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little k Co.. Ltd Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs. Kirn k Co., Battery Reed Armenia* Stroet. Messrs. Koh k Co., 90, Bras Basali Itoau Messrs. Obee Soon k Co., Orchard KoaU
      276 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 622 12 WANTSCHINESE CLERK WANTEO. Wanted, Capable Chinee Clerk experienced in Booking and a eood typist. Salary •76 per month. Apply X., c/o Straits Times. n1876 LONDON MATRICULATION EXAMINATION To meet the demand for a course of study in inspiration for the above, the I. C. S Ltd., have prepared a special
      622 words
    • 653 12 WANTS. STOREKEEPER WANTED. Wanted, an experienced and reliable storekeeper. Copies of testimonials and particulars of experience should be forward ed with applications. Good salary to competent man. Apply to The Federated Enirineering Co Ltd., Kuala Lumpur. 1768 EUROPEAN RESIDENCE FOR SALE. The comfortable frteLold residence and outhouses, No 1, Devonshire
      653 words
    • 560 12 fO BE LET OR SOLO HOUSE TO LET. From Ist September next, Rosebank," No. 6, Mount Elizabeth. Apply to D. BItANDT k CO. 1729 HOUSE TO BE LET. BURNBRAH, Orange Grove Road, to be let from August 1. Rent 100. Apply H. L. COGHLAN CO., ul6oB Auctioneers. OFFIOEB TO LET.
      560 words
    • 522 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. FOR SALE. The very best kinds of Cigars and Provisions at very moderate prices. Can be bad at 10, Robinson Road. J. Levy, Ship Chandler and Importer. ■MM FOR SALE. Servelat, Plock and Rot Wurst Sausages. Best and delioious. As supplied to the German Mail by Mr.
      522 words
    • 676 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. Coolie labour for estato or other work for a term of 2or 8 years. Enquiries invited. C. JOHNSTONE k CO., 17-a, Qubbn's Road, 1688 HorjgkoDg NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Bar, kB will be closed on MONDAY. AUGUST 1. First Monday in August. 1778 VOLUNTEER
      676 words
    • 491 12 NOTICES. NOTICE W REMOVAL. We have removed from 11, Rallies Place to 6 2, Malacca Street. SARKIES k MOSES. 1568 THE UNITED SINGAPORE RUBBER ESTATES. LTO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that persons wishing to visit the Company's estate must first obtain written permission from the Manager or the Secretary. By
      491 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 240 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miscellane ous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of 81 per four lines for one or two insertions. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.c. cards, on page 0, 12. Inch Scalb Ratbs
      240 words