The Straits Times, 29 June 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.295 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 29. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 193 1 D. ft 1 IcCtllnni's PERFECTION WHISKY. ULOBECH MACGRE60R AND COMPANY. SUAU/C RUBBER rlMff 9 MACHINERY IT Supplied to the LEADING RUBBER ESTATES. />(■ i XT 1 J Singapore. Penantf Stocks Held in L» mp r Estimates Submitted for Complete Installations. GUTHRIE CO., LTD., .28. FRAMROZ t CO. S Hi^h-Class Aerated
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    • 129 1 Dr. Gabriel Gunawardana's World famooii, Ioi»k tri«d. irare and permaneot corea lor Uiabetw, Blood and Skin Dimaaea, Norrooa DebiUty and Kidney Diaordera Coo«{ba, Coo■Dmption, rUicumatiun. Goat. Bowel Diaorden; and all kioda ol Malarial and other Ferara. Childrea'a and Women'a Diaeaaea. Them can be had from Tba DInt&MZT, 38* Raffle. Place,
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    • 336 1 Robinson A Co. THE "REGENT" CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Tbe Regent ia tbe lateat type of Chemical Kir. Kxtiofrniabur for protection againat hire, for Wart, Mill*. Tbeatrep. Inatitatioo*. Public bailding., etc. It ia made of Specially Rolled Steel, haodaom* ly finished in Vermilioo and with heavy poliahed foaaaeUl top*. When
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    • 28 1 NOTICE. We ha?e now removed our business to No. 4, Adia Buildings (Hotel Europe), where we shall continue to bpII our remnants below cost price. le-^tit HiEi^3yi:A.nsros. 1-JM
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    • 6 1 Bollinger CALOB'CK WfCGREGOR AND COMPANY i
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  • 634 2 FOUND BY PARTY OF BRITISH EXPLORERS. Men Who Dread to Leave Their Homes. Two thoimari fee* up tbe mountain* ia New Oaiara the imporWn: aiaoorwrr baa bean tuaJ*. fc> the expedition U tbe Briti«h Ornitbolof(iiita' l'nion, of a tribe of p>gmy people wbow bri|(bt ia 4 ft.
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  • 268 2 French Customs Officers' Gallant Attempt Unsuccessful. ■> muggier* who tried to enter France from across tbe Belgian frontier Had an exciting rtrnggkt with two Cuatom offloers named Sommirr and Spellebut, who were watching tbe road near Boescbeppe, vhen they saw a motor oar coming at ful. speed
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  • 60 2 New York financial ciroles were aatoondad on Jone 16 when tbe president and vie*, president of tbe United Wireless Company war* arrested on charge* of fraod. Ia aba indictment* it is allnged that tbe** two official* of tbe company bare mulcted tbe investing public of millions of dollar* by ar
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 120 2 A 1 1 £^^^^^^^^mm^ Complexion SH>^^| Wp' "HAZELINE* SNOW" Removes that grca*y appearance •>( the complexiun whuli Jftract* >*> muck from boauty. For this purpose it is more efficient anj more hygienic than toilet powders in any form. H«:i')hh Snow cleanses anj heautifie* by j||\ otimulutini! thi -km to healthy
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    • 49 2 UME SHOULDER Whether reanMng from a »praia or fros* r leamatic paina, there ia aoiliing so good lor a lama shoulder as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Apply it freely and rub the parts vig. orouxly at each application and a quick core isoxrtaia. For aila by aU Diapwaaarie* aad r>ealerß. <
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    • 524 2 W Delicate Backward Childrea I are brou K hi to robuat health by I I LEMCO and MILK. M 1 >•> j trn > 0..««| to P<ne kM m,k. I MARTIN h A Swollen Knee is about as painf nl and inconvenient as anything you would And in a day's
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    • 41 2 "CLOVER" BRAND Sterilized Milk. The only Danish Milk on the market BOLB 1GBNT8: THE EABT ASIATIC CO., LTD., Th« Arcade, Singapore. |^1^ LADIES SAFE REMEDY \(§£w£&\ f° r functional troubles, ykrtfjffJßz^ delay, pain and those VWf^J^, irregularities A il in— af
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  • 1244 3 INTERVIEW WITH MP. NICHOLAS TCHIYKOVSkY. Back Amoog His English Friends. Nicholas Tcliajkoiskj. Hie Russian re former, is back hi England amongst his hi— lit aad hi* Jatnilj, bat tbi* time m a ruitor an<* not a* as tsile. Hi* trial a »hort tinw ago at 81 trnbarc cnated
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 614 3 "Elgin" Waterproof Tents HTiiuMii DEFY THE ice«. p Oceaehable bathroom of can van 47 ch^'^ )^rrP^^l!?" J^ii ■TtTsidVßlUNDAHalsoofcan S ."""TS!"? ""JE'lfiS lH R,ai W««htoonipletel9olna. throo«hont.eomple»e as above Ra. SO assies er (vibt siscsip *Sl. •nniisißi «sjcni«. Tien er tibt j__^aaßnMsnW »*ss. e*a» s Apply tor IllostraUol JMHp^gSJ^^ s*«k«
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    • 230 3 Woods' Great Peppermint Core for all atstam oornplair.*. Dvsaatery. Coocba. oM. s*e. Persian Nerve Essence aw, tfilni «|MUn weak mtmnrj, oramtSaad Ul B «Mal tmi sfcf^lal MhuMlM. ri ill TTir-i fi r- r 1 il It 1 brala, Mr*a(taaa> Urn nmluloa aad kaaarta a acMttr n«oai U Ul •koU katas.
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    • 468 3 C^ir^r^r^i milk] Thoae who use NESTLES FOOD for Infants and Convalescents plus their trast in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medioai Profession for upwards of 39 years. Being* partly composed of milk, ths addition of water only is required to prepare the Food for immediate use. Nestles Pood
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 687 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. •er Chins, Japaa, Peaaag, waylee. Aastralla. IndU, Aaea, Bgwat. •ladlterraaeea Parts, Plymealb end Leadea Throogn BUI. of Lading tarasd tot Ohiaa Ooaat. Psrstoa Oalt OonHnsotal. aad AiaartMs Porto. Ilnnuiri will leave Dlagapnrs oa or aboat MAIL LINBS. Outwrd (for oMm| Delhi Jaly I
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    • 580 4 BTEAMEB BAIURBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. A regnlar tortaiffhtly aarrtoe la marntaiaort betweei JAPAN ajtd BUROPB ky Mm, Company'! waU-kaowa TWIR-SCBBW ITIiRIBI. aader MaU Ooatrael with the Imperial Japaaeaa Government, specially aaaigjnatl lor the Company'! Boropeaa Servioe, lighted toroßwhoatfcy BleowSty, provided with nxoeUeat hUUommnftaeVai Cat Fin* tad Seeoad
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    • 535 4 STEAMS SAIUMtS HAMBURG AMERIKA UNL HAMBURG. The stoamen of this Oornpaay maratala a rsgaiar aarrlos bat men Hambarg, Bremen. Aatwerp, aad Rotterdam, aad Iks Straits Ok lna aad Japan Homewards, th.y an despatched fortnightly f<r Havre aad Hamburg aad oaet a month for Bnmerhevea direct, eaillag at Ptaaag aad naaanai
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    • 738 4 STEAMER SAIUNIS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL 6ERMAN MAIL LIIE Tka fast aad well known mall itnsm 0. amis Oompaay Mil tortalgkty tram Bna Hambarg. vto Brwlnr'am. Antwerp. BMtaasnr toa. OibraMar, Genoa. Maple. aMc. Manalllas, Maples, Alexandria aad vtet mjmsj Port Bald. Boas. Adaa, Oolonjbo. Paean. Htngapnn, Hoagkoag
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  • 951 5 REPORT BY GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. An Alarming Problem, According to figures tufßcieatiy autborita live to find place in a Oorarament bulletin. Mm r« tn more drag fiend* in tbe Unik d State*, in proportion to population than tbere are in (l.i i a Thns Dr. L. F K.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 597 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. las staasara of Ibis Oompssy maiatala a j rstrolar (Ur«ei asrrlea bslwscs CarooMa. Btra Is. Hoa«nont, fhaa«asland iapaa. lakiM as to. on throogb BUI* of Ladlaat tor Oaatoa. Bwato«. Amcy. Oavtto. Ttonnnnn*wohwßng. Teaftaa* Port*. Formoaa. tb* nttrpsans*. a... ne Ton* OonunanAsr Esvuas 4,Ni
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    • 751 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP UNL To NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO EUROPE TU CHINA, JAPAN. CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES Route from Hongkong via Sbainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Varcjuver. R.M.S. Bnraaaaor Imdu Twiaacrew steam RMS. BuruMor Japan
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    • 478 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS FOR PENINS ANO RANGOON a-s SEANO BEE. Jaly 1. These Btiiainim haw excellent accommodation for passengers, aad carry qualified rargeons. They have Electric Ligbta throogb ■El For freight or anaaage, apply te TAIK LEU GUAN a CO., agents. Or BARKJBB BROTHERS (for First Class
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    • 55 5 JUST WHAT YOU NEEO. Your tongue is coated Vow breath is foal. Headaches come and go. Then* symptoms show that yoor stomaeb ia tbe trouble. To remove tba cause ia tb* flrrt thing, and Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to takt and most effective Sold
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    • 483 5 mffl r■bV V^^L a Vk a aL as jL^ aaaß H I ma For every use in preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands of infants, children and adults, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have no rivals worth mentioning. For affections of the skin and scalp of
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    • 202 5 A frß Mack^ys Liqueur Whisky. THE ORIOINAI, LIQCEI'R WHISKY THE OLDEST AND BEST. ON SALS EVERYWHERE. Sola A (rants: ADAMSON.6ILFILLANACO.LO. Singapore and P«nang SAVARESSES r CAPSULES^ puatmst or on, »«o cmtim o? KaHMt CcfJtTAIKTT V tutt WTTII B 0 IKCOUVtmtftU^ run DiailTHWl AUCitlMllTt. A^wroa. SAVAfttm CHARLES ~^JL HEIDSIECKS *i7yO White
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 251 6 r W m METABOLIZpI con "~r»v Vi TASTELESS LIVER '^/&>^^x \^> PLAIN,/ >. (CREOSOTE i' GJJAJACOL; t <O v^ [WATERB'JRY CHEMICAL CO moines 1^ A xcitiotibc preparation ■i '< >'J i.i VBK OIL. entirely saperaedi >r tbe old fashioned emnlaioaa. Doss not npaet tbe stouiaeh. .1 di|(e«tioa. DMtrsJ 1 1-
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    • 196 6 M^w^?f A favourite Pick-me-up. ZWZE: J A dash of WO*- j .<t. BbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI k Iheon«nal 1^ Sodil WllttT. EC^ Ine original ft. £TSA genume I Jfy ft WORCESTERSHIRE 1 KELLY AND WALSH, LIMITED. THEA.B.C. m Rubber Plaotias Companies iD Malaya BY PARRY AND MUROAUR. Price i $1.1 0. Fullest partieolan
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    • 278 6 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little Co.. Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Wal«b. Ltd. Kaffles Uotel. Beach lioad. 1 Messrs. Kirn Co., Battery Road Arusaiaa SU,,t Messrs, Kob A Co.. 90. Bras Basah Road Messrs. Obee Soon A to. Orchard Koad. Hotel
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  • 169 7 FIXTURES sFadne«day, June 19. High water, 8.30 p.m. I'uiTie. Middlesex I v. K. K. Harm'- ton C'irc si A! ban. bra CineßaatrgrapL Har iiu a Cinematc«rapli Marlboroagb Cinetuatograpb Thursday. June j<>. High Water. M a.m 4.11 p tv P. and O. botnuwsrd mail due. StraiU Trading Oo
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  • 192 7 ToDit Psoant; and CalcuMa 1 Ha-i. *pm fwaanf! ami CoJomb. Kamo Mam I pm ■Ms'i Port Ihoaaon. Port RnNMbam and Tstok Ansoa Kiala 1 pm (Un K r Promineat Ipm baboan. .iMseltra, Hands kan. >bn. *****0 and Zambcanga 4 pm ToMou, I Pmw Malaeoa. F.M 8.
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  • 134 7 Tbs P. and O. homeward mail steamer ArendiH l*(t Uingknoa at I p.(a. on Baiorday. she *'th initanl and ia dnc bare at 6 o'clock on Tharsdat m rnioc. the Mth instant. The P. aad O. oatwaH mail staamar rwisi left Oa*oa»l<e at IL M pm oa
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  • 419 7 Latest Arnvtlt. Mmm, WiUnrt. Captain Uoo-^Wo. Joa* K. Kr m Ce'cntta. Jaw 19. Coal. HeAlwtor A C>. For Baiavia. Rd. ilniu l/.iru. Jap »»r u.n». Cnpt Thoop Ms. |aM M Kr m Load n, May I* 0.0. and J. I'ik'wn Simon* A Co. For Yokohama, alv 1
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  • 92 7 Wharvcj at whicr- e*eU arc Berthed To -Day. TAMJONO PAOAR. Basi W«»ar Btan— Fl*h«. B. W. Savnoa 1-Clan MaonliaMr. (Vueda,. Banns Wbabt— Nil Mmx W. Oaonoal— Pa'iMna. Xta'itaMaia. (T»«doii M«ru). (—Lai Bang a— Nil s-Olypao. LAaoos Docs 7— (Dndar oonMrocJ.oo Wm Wbakt ft-
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  • 135 7 AirivfJs. Per ntonuier Noen Tung, Jane 2h. -Frou. Bangkok I Mr. /tor and Dr. Btehmnr. Per Kttramtr Ban Wbntt Hin, June 30.— From F. MS. via port* Mensm. J Jack son. Tan Soo Lock, Mr. and Mr. Tan Mian* Yew. Per steamer AUuta Mam, June 29.— From
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  • 210 7 Per P. aad O. steamer Mongolia, oonoeotiau with the stenmor Delhi at Colombo, due Joly I—Major Oenc ml T. E. Btepfaeoaon, Cnpt. O. Kinjfbnrn. Capt. O. DA. ElliottCoopc. Mr O. dribble, Mr. A. O. McDoa»ail. Mr. J. M. oam. ron. Mr W M Cookrane Per P. and
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  • 378 7 (>»i'rii« bi Lbct.-Col. E. O. Bboadbics, Commandant. B.T.C. atrnffor; J**t KB. 1910. a. v. aDattam. 1 Orderly officer for ensuing waak:— tad Lieut. J C. Campbell; Orderly ••rgaaot Bergt. C J Marshall Orderly our poral, Bcmbr. J. U. Roger*. Parades. II -On Tuesday. July S. D
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  • 241 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE siM.Ai-oKir, 9mm J9 1910 On London Bank 4 TO 1/4,' Dtmaod Pi it ate 6 m/s %4£ do 8 m/s 3>< v On 6'rnriny- Bask d/d 140 Private 8 m/s 244 do 8 M/s 246| On franc*— Bank d/d -J96 Private 8 m/s 299 f do 6
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    • 176 7 Value. 10 10 Belftt Tio 10 10 Bruanii 10 10 bra* i Hjd. 10 10 lUaaaoi 41 41 Kidu Tin 41 41 Kled»n« Tin 10 10 Kauiu Tin 41 41 L*liM Minoa 41 41 M*i»j» and Sinn 10 10 Maiw» Tin Pabaag Oooaol. 41 41 PtD K k*Wn 41
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    • 586 7 ban* Value. Buyer. Seller* 1/. AlUtfar 7/- 'i,- 8/ An|<lo Malay 1.9 0 1.10 S 2/. 1/6 Halts* M»i*k« 1/ </■ pm 41 4(1 Batu Cavt* 17.16.0 19 3.0 41 41 B*MTi|ca 6 6.0 4 10.0 41 41 Bukit Kajaog 8 7 0 8.10 0 41 10/- Contributory 3
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    • 96 7 Tmiw 2 10 10 Butaro 10 7 10 M FraMr Km LOO Howarth Bnkiae 100 T% Xl 100 100 KtUßiaM. 100 100 h Com. Prat 10 10 MajMrdfcCo. Bayer*. Bailor* Dom. 1000 600 J06.00 %UM KM 00.00 90.00 OT^O rifl.oo ■on. WDO 8800 Vaire 100 100 aiUrgretrm 100 100
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    • 51 7 Buyers. Seller i Bewartb Bnkine6% MOO.OOO par Riley. Har greaves 8% 1284,000 1% 8% pre BsrieTways 8% 4860,000 Syiasfnn Mv aiapal 6% *****,000 nom. Bayers. Seller*. SingmporeManicipai *t% al 1007 X1 .800.000 8% 7% pre SsaanporeMu nieipal of 1000 X1.000,000 6% T% pre Singapore Mv nicipai 4% 48TM.900 T%
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 328 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. July At saleroom, uaredeemt'l pltilgeH. at 10. July 9.— At saleroom, unredet mcd pled^rs. at 10. July V -Al -n'«room. freehoM building site at Taoj ing K ttoog. at 'i 80. July 6 —At saleroom, land situate at St. Micbat Is Road, at Joly
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    • 394 7 znz:~ me* tzi (gahbicez:..*! sss COARSE-CUT. In k lb iOMiii w~ Air-Tight Sw||^^^{m»ju» Tin.. ISS^^^S^SI P" tiD OBTAINABLE AT: John ittla A Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. LATEST ADVFRTISEMENTS. GHARRY HM SALE Kibbartyred Obarry In sale, ia firstclass ot ndition, with new set of harness for pony. No reaeoasblo offer i
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    • 13 7 THB WjJG iT"""^-. BntraooeOxley Rise and Kivrr Vuley Hnsk' ow Ttlt BL MODBHATB
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  • 1041 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30. MARITIME LAW. We received reoent'.y a copy of Sauadera' Maritime Law lEffi ngbam Wilsoa 21 net) aad bad a little doubt for a moment whether the volume shjild not be placed in the hands of wmep-r«o steeped in rhioping law in order that it
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  • 33 8 A rhinsroan fell frrm a hillside behind tbe Cbioe*e Church. T<i>jong Psgar K ml yes teHav, wb« re he bad b. en difntiog sand, and ujcutnbed to hia injuries last r in hoaprtal.
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  • 39 8 A rck«ha po lie yesterday atfamrtnl tn kidosp a l'ttl J inane— girl, three, years old, from on side 8i Oxl y Risd H- w«s oaaght. bnwever, and muni by Mr. W. A. Rowell who livas at that addrecs
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  • 55 8 A seeoß'l pi kaocket was eaoght r> A baoded m tbe crowd ontu l» Haim*tr>n'ciTu- last night. He had just robbed a Sikh of 13 but he Ouotriv.d »uort«af..l v to convey the mooey to a friend who y< t off To dsv the Diekpockft sent to pri-on wr Oreea,
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  • 13 8 LaWat advertisement* of the day appear oa page 7 aa well as 10.
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  • 16 8 For centralising and dra'iag solaly with colooial affairs, a oolooial bureau will be established ia Japaa.
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  • 19 8 I'erak Rubber Plantations, Limited, pay* a final dividend of 80 per oant., making 42J per cent, (or the yiar.
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  • 22 8 The Funeral of hia late Majesty tbe King is tbe principal ti m to be shown al the AlbambiH cinematograph this evening
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  • 30 8 Mr. K. 8. Marintyr*. a L'oyd Road, was tbo vioti of a theft yesterday, a j tcket, valued at »In. being stolen from the fence in front of bin house.
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  • 36 8 Tte M. M steamer Australian, which left Singapore on M»y SO. haa, oa ariival »t Djihfuti. reported very bad weather »i'h S W. wind* and high seas, which have ■wept away one of her life boats.
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  • 42 8 We won Id again remind reader* tbat in oonm<|tierce of the »ucce«* of tbe second day's sales at tbe C. K Z. M sale of work. tin re will be no auction of surplu* at Mrs. Kvan» bangalow, Government HiU, tomorrow afternoon.
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  • 41 8 Extensive preparations are bow being made on tbe B< acb Road reclamation in connection with tbe forthcoming Agri borti cultural Show Tbe framework for the various buildings is being put up rapidly aad much ot the ground has been staked out
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  • 51 8 The Malay trolley bo? who was knocked down by a tramoar in Tarj>ng Pagar Road haa died in hospital. Tbe Sikh driver cf the ear is at present in custody on a charge of negligent driving but tbat will probably be smendt-d n jw to causiog doatb by a rash
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  • 57 8 I luring the temporary absenos of the oeropaot, a Kling. a bouse at MM l>unlnp Stm t •v broken it i yesterday morning and I.i I ia notes, 1130 ia clothing and II in coppers were stolen. In Mtuilar circumstance*, a boose at 1 30 Vi ;toria Street waa entered
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  • 60 8 In tbe course of a hale of j'-wels, tbe proptrty of Col m« I L ••lie, of Slicdon Hou»e. Susses, at Christie's, there was submittod a hnl iaot hair ornament, foriut d as a npray of hk leaves aod acorns. Tbe article was given by Chtrlea 11. to V II
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  • 69 8 At the Victoria Dock. Hull, on June 8 Lord Wenlock inaugurated a new system ot ■wel conveyer beltn. stated to be tbe first of ■he kind in the British Islea, for lomdirg -hips. After being discharged from th.waftoaa tbe coal is conveyed in an even layer >n an mc iu-d
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  • 70 8 The evil of depending upon the United 3t<t-a for cotton* have juat own forcibly brought borne to manufacturers in 11 .llan'd The. Master 0 itlon Spinner'n AMiociaiioa there has memorialised the Duf h Government in favour ot encouragiov tbe cultivation of that textile io Sutherland* India The Asao.-ivion priots
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  • 81 8 Acting voder orders from the Rangoon Government tbe ComtnisHioner of I*. >l >• M June H plsofd ou buurd the steamer Fultola fir lintni; tbe man Kara It way, who wa* lep rted uuder the Aliean' Act la-t FeOraary in roootction with < hioe-e f*. too ti ;ht» Oat who
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  • 91 8 Several burglaries were reporttd to tin Chief I'olioe Officer tbis nv>minv k aod tin li most daring waa one that took place at 63 Havel-ck Kid, a houw oocupi"d by Cbioeae widow. Un waking tbis morning «i c found that the bou*e had been broken ■nti, aa iron safe bad
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  • 84 8 A Can toot se woman waa brought before Mr. 'irern ia the absence of Mr Rjbinaon la tbe tbird pj'ioe court, yesterday, charged with being in oo*se«Moo of chandu aud also with atttinpting ti export chandu. Die wnmtn was arreat-d on .l»rdin.— Wharf when about to board the »te«mer Htiphocu
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  • 98 8 The east with which the disaffected native* in (ndo China can t i.iimhul am inunitioo has aroaaed alarm in official cirri. The rtsult i< a deerte j .-t ru .li -J, pottiog tbe arm* trade in tie. Culony voder •tnnu^nt restrictions A raj a dealers m<|at keep ng n ters,aod
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  • 177 8 T»e report of the Internationale Cr Hat es H.n.t.U Vereeniiiiag, K>tu rdam. fir tin J-«r lunu la< ju<t be«>a i<t«ued and >lm» xti fa t»y results on tbe jeai'n working Tim volnoie of bu»iie«i h»< ioor«^-e<l io nearly all brant h s. The n. tt pnfil'. af tr wi itiug
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  • 515 8 Mrs. Olirer Marks. Mrs. Buil Barnard and Mrs. Jelf are at present staying oa tba 11,11 Tbe Prioee sod Prinorw of Mecklenburg were reo> ived in audioaee by the Bmperor o? Japan on June 18. Mr. Joseph Fra**r, the well known visit ing agent returned to
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  • 110 8 The F. M S (iovern'm-nt Oa.cttr, of Jaoa It, c iDtaioK tbo Io I >»iuu anoouocfoientu Mr I li I' l.i| i y. BMfakMt m-pe.torof b ill. rf, I. r»k, n«- bren BMa*M twtlre in iDthi, v4cat:nn U-are with i June 16; Mr. A. I WVIIn. wi.unl con
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  • 130 8 Tlw K -hop of Singapore's viaitatino of tint Malacca S»t uiban chaplaincy i» tin d fur July ->i| AugUHt I It ix buptd thai hrn I. <rd«lnp will rta-h S«-ri mb<n on July 'JO, wb«-re a ooanrm%tioo will b- h> Id on w rnl»y, July Tl
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  • 273 8 Two priva'v« of the If kMlcm* x Regiment, ll> Dry Krowo aod Kroenl II ild n, a|><d Mr Oneo. ifcood Ui«ii'-lrat> V. ilay. II I- firm mv wa- cba'ited with tin ti i h al la bicycle la Hiimik Vi>u Road mi<l tlie ««>Dil mill ilixhonmtly
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 117 8 Speciality In Silver Goods 1 Newest Designs Jft^Q^Bl/^ [^Ja|-. > \3 in «Hssl Hr sTKRt.iNo Tea Sets 8^m K vbr° ,il K K SIL\KK ■APKHf Mil Toilet Sets mugs. V Hair Brushes B. P. DE SILVA, 62, High Strmmt, Assam p Assam SOUCHONG mean 2 1b Tins DLtRU 2 Ib.
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    • 156 8 ALHAMBRA ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY To- Night! To- Night! FOB A FEW NIOHTB ONLY. •i ad Show at •JO p a FUNERAL OF King Edward VII. ON FRIDAY, MAT 20, 1010. Supported by the following Entirely New Subject* I A Sojfar Cave Harvest aad the Case Sugar loduatry. Tabea in Java. Tbe
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  • 129 9 IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE PERSONNEL. New Ambassador for Paris. Raima* Tiiiiiw-l London, June M. Renter Merlin oorreapoafent aayi Mia ■*>n Bohaen and Rbeiababen ba»e reaiffaed Herr Scbnen i« appointed Ambaa'ador in l'*ri« in •aoom*ion to Priaoe lUdolin, who in retiring into pn»ato life. llorr Kidtlea, the Minister at
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  • 157 9 SLIGHT IMPROVEMENT IN THE PRICE OF SHEET. Less Plantation Rubber On Offer. (Faoa Oci Own Coutiarointirr.) London, Jane At t>« Mincing Lane auctions to day, ««I tons of plantation rubber was offered, ol which Mi too* wu Malayan. Tliin wn mocb kn than at the lant auction
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  • 65 9 Haodsome Presentation Made by South Africa. (Raorsß TiLaaata I London, Jone 28. Tbe High Commissioner of South Africt today MNBawa at Marlboroagh House and preaenta tbe Queen, on baba'f of tbe Union, with a m.goificent pendant ring of t'ulli nan diamond.. It wan originally intended to
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  • 66 9 Severe Criticisms in the House ol Commons. {RacTaa* Til*>>ba>; London, Jane I >uung a debate ob the army estimates the opposition drnoanoed the Mediterranean oomroan i, to which Sir lan Hamilton ha* been appoiated, a* a aasleaa appiiotmrot made to MTethe Ojvernmeoti Uoe. Mr. Hal lane »i«oro«ifc'y ditendtd
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  • 29 9 ['laoraa's Taaaaa»si i London, .lone 28. TbeAustiiaa Uojd sterner Trie.ta is aev« n day* overdue at Bombay. It ia thought probabld that her macbiotry ha. brokin down.
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  • 31 9 IDaa OsTAau~i»caa Luiyd Tkucukam. Berlin, Juoe 28. The l'liy«iciana aproioted by the Court retort that i'riece Eulenborg will never le »b i to attend tbe hearing of bis otaa.
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  • 27 9 |Pb» OsTASUTI-i-ui Lloyd Tilicih B-rUo, June** 11. rr DeroWt: »^ut to bate «o •ii.l eiion wild ti I KtiMt before le«Ticy en bis propoaed tout.
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  • 242 9 Ihloamen Punishrd for Takiig VNnckajje The second magistrate, yesterday, pro iionord judgment on three mimaided hinaroon wbo h«d dwposed of »ome barrel* >f ail which had been found in the *ea at Unions Katon«. The fir* aoeowd. aMm coolii-, was charged with (1) erimin»l ri-apir p-ia'iio
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  • 315 9 Us Stains Restored After 440 Years. After U'i year« the anciont kingdom of Bo»di» and Henagovina haa >ooe tuore been restored. Thin is the ordinance whioh bu delighted Bonniani «imaltan*ou«ly with the arrival of the Emperor I'rancii Joseph among*! them. All »'oo« the route traveraed by the
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  • 194 9 Master's Certificate Suspended (or Three Months. .lodgment waa given by Mr. Di -kioaon and a l' >urt of Asa».»or. on Jane 3, aa to tbe stranding < t the Minnehaha. Th oourt foand that the nauwa of the ttrnarliog were tbe wroogfol act of tbe mutn in steering
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  • 284 9 1( f. rring to the Army Pageen'. which RraV-r wired op-Bed »t Kalbam I'Jaoe *Mt week, the Na»»l and Military rroord -tat«* r.roark»ble display ol old r.tfi iucdUl 00l >ur« will he m n. They will be carried at the head ol the b«tt»lion« taking nart in
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  • 467 9 SUCCESS OF RUBBER AND TEA CULTURES. British Capital Invested. A report oa Jara for 1908 by Mr. Coaral J. W Stewart ia iaaued Tbe year 1900 (it aay.) ha* been a more than o»n«lly prosper 00. one for the inland of Java. Tbe principal feature of tbe
    467 words
  • 453 9 Stock Exchange Expected to be a Sufferer. A Stock Exchange correspondent writing in the Economist ol Jane 4, s«yi Whether boom ever rmult* in ptrmatnent benefit to the Stock Exchange— »hether it is not oltan pwitively mi«chie»ous to the market* as a whole— ma probltm of perennial
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  • 106 9 Wcundorataad. «ajm Um> Pinarcier.that ar arr.nK«m-Dt h»« bi in fot- r»-d into bt tli«dirrtt >« f the New Croc <dil« Ri»i r (S» lan Ron Knbb^r Company to ru chaae afmt>>«tr 1,4 O acr.ii tpproximtU l> of land id ib o. i«!>b>uib< ol of the company* e»taU>. ol I which
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  • 329 9 ■R. CHAPLIN ON NEED FOR PROMPT MEASURES. Reign of Terror Mr. Heary Chaplia. ia a latter to tbe Time, on Mr. Rjoaarelt'. .patch at tbe Guildhall. «aya: Prraonally I cordially agree with him. and am oonfi lent that io tbe K«oeral purport c I what be .aid
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  • 660 9 (Fbom Ocb Owm ComsrusutsT I Mslarca, Jjne 23. A mooting tnoW place m the Stvlt H<>um», )|i|aof« ou Wednesday evening l*>t, to illen** U»' proposed memorial to Kintf Kiiward VII. Mr. sou, acting Keaidant Councillor presided and m»i oJ tbe Kumptn ami n.liui< »':nnt>e and Malay r.»i
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  • 156 9 General As Co- Respondent. Tbe president of tbe Divorce Cwirt ha« tfranied ao application for tho>uit<f Koiglit Braoa v. Koight Brace and Pile tier t > ataad ootnl the I until oeit term. The i lover i« Major Kniifbt B'Oop, aad tbe on reppocdeot waa atavd by ooaoarl to be
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  • 258 9 The First Batch of Immigrants for the F M.S. The first batch of Cbineae coolies wbo •re intended to bn tinned oo estate work id the V M S in, we believe doe to arrive bent from Hongkong by tbe Arratoon Apoar oo Friday or >»• r
    258 words
  • 396 9 Closes Analysed by the InspectorGeneral of Police. Mr. C O. Lorßien'n administration report for 1900 contain* the following rela'tag to eiiroe ia < Yylon I li »ye analyw-d tbe c»n«.H which led to a large number of th munlcro >( I ant year. Tbe moat frequent caaae
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  • 137 9 Shadowed by Detectives When in Hongkong. I hiriDK the viiit to H mifknDg of Hi" Ex ■rihMfMtOkM Turn. Chinene Mioi-Wr leoitfoaW 1 to !U rlin. bio |«'»n«l xtfely from attack w»« a matter <li»t raa«<<l do end of ■inea«ioww »mocf|<t th- autboriiivs at Hookk >ag. Sir C'h<
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  • 192 9 Commonwealth Destroyers Coming To the Straits. Then ha»e arrived in KqbUd f within lh« pMt lev d»y» the cewi which are U take ibetwoConnDoow>althdes«roj«>rii,tbe Parra mttu and the Ya'ra, t) Aniitrali*. Tli-y oomprise tbres ofßaers, thirty two pell? nfflotr*. and kdm ttiirly men. aoH t>»-»«- have been
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  • 91 9 The pbo4-«raph of tbe Floral Shield mtmi t)Wiod*r bj liw Rny»l CIIOBI4I lo^tiiiit. appears iq t»i- Jnoe N ol U Ol tod Euipirt twipw«i'l at W-iito Nwcii<n'. dnped with pnrple ribhoo M no<raai oa'lined ij purpl Croon <<f Purp'e VijU4» to<i V. l»r»; Trii^.t ix
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  • 128 9 BILL INTRODUCED IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. Text of Proposed Declaration 1 RaoTM't TiLkiua j London, .'unc 'J9 Mr. Aw]iith, io tho llouw of Commiaa, baa iatroluced a bill amending the Kioga dcclaratioo oath io ordor not to offend the aaaoeptibilitixe of K <mv Catholic*. Th bill wv
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  • 71 9 THE SUNGARI RIVER QUESTION SETTLED. Desire for Neighbourly Relations. [KaCTIB's TILIORAM.J London, June Id The Daily Telegraph H I tomborn oantnpoodent Myt that Chin* ban intitmted. bet rraiiocM to accept Kiaaian -Undpoint ia rr|(ar<l to St]og%ri rirer n»vin Ui in She deairr to culti»aW< newhbaarly relttio— The
    71 words
  • 36 9 Lod'lkd .lun- 'I <■ The Daily Chronicle «ji ilie R«Mi n-l" btT« d.<ilod to oppo* the badj<ut .iole« Ihej 1 are Mti«fiui Hi»*. thare i« to b> DO ooin proiaiae on tb« Veto quest ion
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  • 26 9 (Daa Ost»m»ti»obs Ll<ti. Tblsobaml HcrUn. .lane 'id The J.p%neae toariat* now io Berlin hay* r m ted ttie Chamber of Commerce aod tbe Exchange.
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  • 25 9 GER MAN CHANCELLOR. (Das O*T*suTiacaa Lloyd TauaesAßj.) iteriio Jit. a& Heir Betl m»nn Hu I".**,1 l!« In>parial I'hanoellor. ha. ret arm <l to li "liv
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  • 18 9 I DSB O.T4.UTUOB* LhOVD TaLKSaj Berlin. Jsal The PortoiiiKw «'ortc- election, liave beea ii dfor St-pUn.
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  • 24 9 Una OiTaauriscna Lloid T.ta».AH| m, June W. Tbe German Anuv 1 Ibrccht, baa been appealed Chid Physician of tbe Tarkiah Army.
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  • 24 9 DBB OsiASIATISUBB LLOTS TllMUll .lune i*. The Kindland Bill hnbwa .greed to by the RaMian 0 mncil of the r.rap
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  • 99 9 Preparl.g (or a Fight at kuaU Lumpur. (Fbom Ourn'Owa CoaaawoKDawT.) Koala Lumpur. Jua* 39. A aqaabb'c baa broken out rniong two (action, of iiok»b» pollt rt here The alleged origin in ttitt a Lin bad beea iatrmliag on th* pitch of the Tan. outaida of the Empire
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  • 150 9 We h«ar that M I K »ng a Wei, om of Uw Cuioeae reform party bm> known 1.-«d«c«, h« arrival iv SD«.|'.M'Udi< r.»idiog la I horu 00 K >ad. h«vu i; h.lix. r.orally been id Penang K.o K N iW« IbM -traone* ■o S DX.pore. tut' r
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  • Sorting Intelligence.
    • 504 10 V I C. athletic sports on July 6<- sat tc mgLt it fevtn o'ciock. Those avbn ii > o riUiicded they 1 so at one Vt ...jffton rorrtMpoadent* te.U k r.. in tii. lotevnational -mall-bore rirti i -d IMttfaaawX i .tail 14,4*1 ant 1 v -strata
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    • 325 10 ilotch Surprises Zb> sco. frank Ootch, the American, aud /byseo. 4be Pole, iPft at C)ucaf(o to wraatle (or a |nne nf £5,000 ami tin catch ascatcb can Cbamriooahip of the world, and tbe flr<t«tuued oon6irord hia ti«lit to tbe title alter «ouie citing wrr»t!iog After »liakinf( hand»aj, -trr. Ontch
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    • 396 10 The Rr»t Cup Match Tbe flr«t of tl.r mfttcbrn for tbe Singapore Fjntball Aawciati' n cup took plaoe on the ■T^laaade, y*'< 'day aft, ramn, in fine, hot •••»i!te r rid bt'ore a "cup crowd of coo MaV«*Me •linifoaiooik. Tim contestant* were 4b* rt")»l OatrmoD Artillery and an
      396 words
  • 861 10 Favourable Report on Position of Property. The rtatutory meetinn of tbe United Bating Knbbtr fcnUWH. Limited, wa* held in Loodoo, Mr. A. O. Angier preaidinß-. i The obairman. in tba courae of bia addrrM. aaid Your reaident manager. Dr. Connolly, is attacking the work of cleanioß np
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  • 39 10 An loririrallab retort wbi< h oo*t £28.000 and ia tbe gft of th.- l>iapvra' Cou.paay. wn rri n»it'. to Oxford l'oi»ei« ly on Juoe 21. I^nl I'li'itio. in arknuvU dicing ibeinfi, foint«d>ut that tD((intrrinK lauoratorHH were ••nil o>e.itd.
    39 words
  • 1035 10 Prlcti Quoted li the Market Tbli •tontag. Siaaßfora, June 1910. Meavs. Lyail aad ■raM, Bzebaafe aad Share Broken, iaaoe tbe tollowini Tirt of this moraiac r— Norn. Valor, Wmjtn. fellen. 3/. Ailagtt 7/- 7/6 >/. a Optiooi 4,8 6/8 XI An«loJ»T» 14 80/6 41 Anglo Joboce 34/.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 65 10 How greed ia Na'.ore in ber wiide-t mojH. Wln-n liuhtciogK fla*li and storm clooda bnmd. Old N- ivuue rears aloft hia boaiy errst, La«r-<d into fury by He windu' unrest. Ti t at d-l tbe war ol e raw la nabiimr. That mark' tfce paasigo of all enaqoar ii K
      65 words
    • 258 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. EUROPEAN NURBE WWTEO. Wanted at once, Eoropesn Norre for baby girl. 1H months old. Apply Lancarfe. Tanglin Hnl. TAMIL CONOICTOR WANTED A Tamil L -wdocior for a I lubber rotate in kelastan. At j licants mast have Ustimonia!* testify tail to lobri j and boscsty. Apply If Basra.
      258 words
    • 387 10 TO PLANTERS BERTRAM'S Rubber Machines HAVE MOW ARRIVED. The Strongest and Most Up-to-date in the market. Can be se«ti at our Works. Sole Agents Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd. "TRIUMPH" Motor Cycles The most successful Motor Cycle ever made. Handle Bar Control. SOLE AGENTS: Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE F.IVI.S. MM
      387 words
    • 200 10 MARLBOROOGH BIACH ROAD. The People's Popular Grand Gala Night. SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Seeood Show, at 9.80 p.m IN THE LAND OF ETERNAL SUM MaTR. Shewing the bea tutu hoWmcai dardnnsor Buitenzorg and givixg ulbur •plondid vicw.t of that p*rt >( Jar« THR •MfTOOI.BM'fI lilnlNO PLa«-r< TMB CELEBRATION OF YOKOHAMA'S JUBILEE. A
      200 words

  • 2244 11 Or MMI MFE IN ■AUfl By R 0 ihML i. in U>e V ai i i'k< J I?- aje t■ I tiny •it i .»rt»i« arr rod at t be lop Ktooped and kiJ.^d < iff a pair of pawn I tht j j^ij tbc verandal.
    2,244 words
  • 278 11 THE VATICAN WiRNS KINGS OF SPvIN AND PORTUGAL A Pan-Latin Republic. ■>: I jorua!. o( I'*ri-. Ka» pablxlit-d from H» Kloieow oorr^pond.ot remarkable i w»rtiinu i» ned to tbe Spani«l. .n-i PMh iMi So»«jn iifim by the atican f, m 1»»« bi ire tlie recent bomb exploaioc iv
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  • 769 11 A Maid by the Silver Sea. In thi- volume iHodl»r u«1 Stooghtou 8* Mr. John Oxmham ha« given a* freah. human nuvel wbioh will bn read with th» atiuoat co jovment a tele of love and I'xcttini; incident in Little StrW. which amrrav spot the author kno«« si
    769 words
  • 47 11 Hutwiob. tb« M«port oi Kstex, fron. which H>f >c we r-« ilw liaesol pttckota to Antaerp, Bf uaaal I*,1 Lo id ia, e*r.. h«« bdi Uk nceue dI <ia>t iiauve Ara. T<w whole o( Mm ox-lacti-e pu r which th« Mwaui 1m ham bet o baisad dow*.
    47 words
  • 1334 11 INGS A SOVEREIGN CAN AND CANNOT DO. Powers Limited. M are many oarioM matter* of I>i o( and regulation, and of etLjuoile. wliicli eOMNtate Urn dif iaity which doth hedrfe a king. For dome there are historical rmoiiio their origin, (or others »ooh reasons stil exist, other*
    1,334 words
  • 377 11 Interesting Experiment to be Made In London. An imoortant expert vi. ot in Ml pr itki id rrf Hi- Mml P ib'.?b<vi«e i-- ab-"> it to be madio Oxford .•tiit 1 h» a well '.nowa firm of MtNM Air- »riU th< nature and i ulity of
    377 words
  • 327 11 Mr Plowdea and the Bagpipes. William Campbell, a ptpei. of Veoablm ,troet Mar? M»n<>. ih cba'tod before Mr Plowden at Marylebooe witti drankcnneM and disorder. Campbell, dreand in lull Highland out tarn*, carried hi* pipe* under hu left arm while ia Uie dock. A constable stated that
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  • 159 11 Remarkable Wonun Pirate a French Captive. Thirty I jot pirates and malefactors liavs arn»ed at Mtnetllen «nu with than reanrhab'e xn»o oae of the wires of the redoabuaie pirate Dv Tbam. wb<> baa gives the Kr.n jb ao micb troulite ia lodo cbioa. Co Ba, aa the w
    159 words
  • 1155 11 EIW.VICTOiV <»F ENGMNd OVER S.(TLAND. Five Matt. ho tv four, imeeot M*y II I the 'ol'jfiu of the golf M 8a,1»i..1 iti b«t a II >j I ike o« by t »0 i ,jr. Alt' u-n. M I p«Mik i t >«-o fe« Aceta* b. u»' Hit: Ka^iind
    1,155 words

  • 588 12 HORRORS SvlD TO BE WORSE THAN THE CONGO. Britain and America to Act Jointly The seriou* all<v*tion» published nome monthi sgo in the Morning Leader as to lh» conditions under which rubber has been collected io the Putumayo alley, on th. frontier of Peru and Colombia, are being
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  • 425 12 Philippines Contemplate. Tbe Manila Time*, of June 18. Kivea au opinion on robber planting, and it appears tbat we may have the Philippines planting •oo Ooe Glasgow company baa invest! d 14 0000 and ot tiers have pertous U.kiDK up rubb: r land A writer in
    425 words
  • 967 12 CAST ILLOA RUBBER. The Rival to Hevea Brasilieosis Described. Mr. Hermann T. Oardr. writing on Ca« lilloa Robber tre«s in Tbe FinaoeieT, s*yn Tbe truck, which io older tree* may to anytlnn* from 45 ft to 100 ft. or more high, bears a crown of branrbt s, which bend down
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  • 171 12 The market, eay< Tbe Financier, professed diaeppciuiment with tbe report of tbe Rubtor I'lioUtuDi loveet-»eat Trust, and put toe abar-« down from 81 prom, to 2] pram. Some of ihe optimiet* «er* looking for 6>. per share, aod were diea*ti»i*d with tbe wa per share actual It
    171 words
  • 773 12 Disastrous Effect on the Future Labour Supply. Mr. H. Stanley Jevon* sm, in c, r s.s., ha* recently beea making a erne* of rubbrr estate vsluation* in Tbe Rubbrr World. In an article which appears in the issue of June 2. he refer* to the qae*tioe
    773 words
  • 331 12 Tbe statutory meeting of tbe Djember Rabber Evtate«. Limited, wm held yesterday. Mr. li. C. Hadfield pr*aid«d, aad aaid that tbe purchase of tbe eatake* had be ea completed on the term* net oat in tbe proapeotos. TIM director, had carefully ao«M*rrfl the future den lopment of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1853 12 LONDON AND SINGAPORE RUBBER PRICES. STOCK EXCHANGE, MINCING L4NE, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON JUNE 2 A camber at shares in which local investor* are interested are Dot qoot«d in local lhare lists, and there are occasionally wida margin* between quotation* here and in London. Transaction* take place in Mincing Lane
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 304 13 A. W. TULLY^AND CO. S3. RAFFLES PLACE. SIMGAPORE BOOK OPEN ON SELANQOR MEETINGhi Ist Day, July sth, 1910. DOUBLE EVENTS DM ANY TWO RACES TREBLE EVENT 1000 TO 20 Race* 3, 6 and 6. Telegraphic Address: TULLY, SINGAPORE. Telephone 899. RACB I BACK I RACK S Durbar 0 4. Lucretia
      304 words
    • 272 13 More Beef in LEMCOi I than in any other Bc«f E.tnc. *eU. I lnT*hi«ble in Kitchen and Stckrooro. I THB Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.«B. A. New First-class Hotel Fitted with Electric Light and Fans. Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padang. Single and Double Bedrooms, with Private Bathrooms
      272 words
    • 127 13 BELLAMY AND CHRISTIE,; TURF ACCOUNTANTS. Are doing business on the FORTHCOMING BELANGOR MEETING Run July B, 7 and 9. Double Events 8 and 5, 5 and 6, 3 and 6. Treble Event Races 3, 5 and 6. Straight-out on all Events. Tel. "Triton," Singapore. Telephone 188. Prioe List to be
      127 words
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  • 507 14 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA ACCOMPLISHED. King s Good Wishes to His New Slate. Within the Empire yet auotht: Empire has sprung into being. The Ln.on of Sewth Africa to m accomplished tact. Tbe Me King had looked forward wrtb great otereet to this event, and bad arranged
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 449 14 insurance. cheat eastern life assurance 60. LIMITED. ■MiOflla: WtocfctfUi Hmm, BINOAPORI. lowi of DlMOtww i A. Dnmob, Chairman rm Fowu«, <*W Ma*. (Mat. im, itaq.. B-r. Oow««. r. Jl. But**, Bag- *>■• Soob Tia. t.m N.*» Pt», »«J T*«KjHA«Hooß.laa, Cm* 8u«T»», ««l Lorn Cbow Eit. 1^ Bnm W. Ratm. B«aK«Ky
      449 words
    • 208 14 hbummce. THE CHINA BUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. HM4 Olfc»-i»A, C— lll Shustaat. Btiw at Dbmnmi 0. IMaabariaa, BaY, j. H. iUMiotwel, lUq--0. R. Barkfll. B«j., J. A. Watt*, Bag. TwnMimßfiautrmi AtexMdet lULeod. Bm.. Joha Carrie Haaaoa. Baa. H t t y Dnaoroßi j. a. WaMto, B«j.. IMWUII Ajfeor J.
      208 words
    • 390 14 turroEO imk n mou. ■COBFOBATaU) BT BOT4B GHABTBB. U-r t. Fan! „ri .Ltu. "£hMM BUUBB Ifta ftoaaoa o*7 BMbM Baa*. »»i BWifOM BBAJMH. ■Mri at lprMt.p«tuuil» M* ■laami. WkN WMI WMI bl MrtUiM HtMOUIIO M. M WMMI li DvMMlli MV NMftoA o» flni p«rto4< M ■Hi WVMB MB M MMBtMBM
      390 words
    • 315 14 BEWARE OF A C3UGH Now ia the tine to get rid of that con^h tot il yon let it bang on, do ooe out tell wli»t the end may be. Otben ba»>' been curt d of their ooagha vary quickly by naing Chamberlain's Coogn Betoedy. Why not yon 7 Try
      315 words
      1,029 words

  • 1039 15 MOTORS MOTORING. AIDS TO INTERNATIONAL TOURING. A nt aad importaat Order ia Couaafl issoea oadVr the Motor tax International > ircolation Aot 10W, for the porpoaa of giriag effect to the lateraatfonal AoteawMi Convention, oooolndod in Peri* ia October o< laat j-er, cornea into loroc oa Jane 1. Tba pnaoipel
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 316 15 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAR OFFICE had 120 different Type* of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar* Car Is Ousj to Arrive next Month. Full parti ."ilars ol which can b-> bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE
      316 words
    • 4 15 r MAKESj^E SKirT asSOFTas^fM
      4 words
    • 332 15 U?° Beauty t^v CIGARETTES 1 Is that they embody all the distinguishing features of a I really first-class Cigarette mild but satisfying, rich In fragrance and of delightful flavour. STATE EXPRESS Cigarettes are absolutely unique in their qualities. Virginia Leaf No. 555 1 65C. 9* 50. Turkish Leaf No. 1
      332 words
    • 167 15 21,251 MILES A STILL IN GOOD CONDITION DUNLOP As used by thrf leading Corporations, Tram Rail, and Bus Companies at Home and Abroad THE VANGUARD MOTORBUS COMPANY. LIMITED. Albany Hoc-b, Ali mi Sthbbt, Loxt-cw, N.W.. 16tb Jamoabt, 190 C. Tbe Dualop Robber Co., Ltd., 160, ClerkaawaU Road, E.C. Dear Sirs.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 588 16 WANTSWANTED. A joiidk Cob, to bi- ilriT. n and ridden also trsp an I h*ro< M;i-*. be cheap. Replies to < >. en Slraita Times. I HOUSE OR BUNGALOW WANTED. W«nt. ii to ri-nt. Small H.ium' or Bungalow. Furniahed preferred but not tmo till State term* aod particulars to Simon,
      588 words
    • 554 16 TB BE LET M 88LD. •Frt.* HMWN Tl II (IT. wtaa t— 4>**s anary 80. T. MWnaaa Bars—. taffy ss OUTHBU OU.. fjTD ItM OFFICES Tl LET. To Let, Cotnmodiooa office*, No. 1, Raffle* Quay, overlooking the Harbour. Apply to Outhrie A Co, Ltd. 04T9 TO BE LET. The oommodiou*
      554 words
    • 571 16 TO BE LET M SOLD. COMPOUND HCUSE TO LET To let, comßsodioos 'wmpoond boose No. 900, Queen Street. Moderate rent. Immediate entry. Apply to Guthrie A Co.. Ltd. HOUSE TO LET. BIARRITZ. ORANGE GROVE ROAD, Bntrv July 1. For rent and particular*, apply If Donaidaon and Burkiathaw, 19, Collyer Quay.
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    • 597 16 NOTICEB. STRAITS STEVEDORES MID CO Contractors of Labour and Provision* for waists. Loading and discharging heavy IMb, ffrae'al oargo aad coal. Supplying Lighter, and Cbiaeae boat* for tranship- Mat work and Provision* ot all kisda at moderate charge*. R. H. SLLTAN. Proprietor Tel. No IMt Office Na 6, Loko Vow
      597 words
    • 683 16 NOTICEB. JITTS A COMPANY. Cnstomen are kindly informed that on and after the Ist of July. 1910. Mr. Oh .lit Sing who id appointed Manager, will sign aj bills, reotipta, letter*, etc, on behalf of Ui< above Firm. By order, OH JIT KUANO, Senior Partner 1479 THE KITLANG CO. LTO.
      683 words
    • 303 16 C. H. Willis 18 NOW DOING BUSINESS ON THE FOKTHCt»MING Kuala Lumpur Races, JULY 5. 7 AND 9. Mo Entry Ho Bet. Straight-out on all lUces. Doubles on any two Races. Treble Event on Races M, 5, 6. Beta made by wire most be con firmed by letter. NO KBPLY
      303 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 245 16 Straits Wmes. ADVERTISKMENT lIATES. Miacellane ous wanu of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per foot line* for one or two insertions. Notice* of Births, Mamagee, or Death*, if not exceeding four lines, $1 each insistifi For p.p.c. cards, on page 6, %'i. Im<b Si alb
      245 words