The Straits Times, 28 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 10 1 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JUNE 28. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS. NO. 23.204
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 410 1 D. ft i. McCillnnTs PERFECTION WHISKY. SALOBECK. MAOMIE6OR AND COMPANY. i KATZ BROS., LD. Agents for BARONS PATENT AUTOMATIC PIPE FILLER. BARON'S PATEMT PIPE FILLER. HOWTOUBETHE PIPE FILLER. h>«H^ r»a«~,. The Pipe Filler i* made ia two pit— an ;fc^ outer tube (a) containing the plonavr, tmA an "■s•"-• f
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    • 52 1 SEE IMITTISr. No. Ml Viotoria Street. Agent tor Bartonon Uamber Bteyole* aad Oyole aoceoaonea, etc. Kitoon Lamp oo hire 2.500 C. P. OniraaAL Ba»*i*»*- Cycle* Sewtag Maehmea. Tjitwilfi, aft*. Abx Robber tyroi Ricksba wboel*. Oroer. promptly ettendftd to. Moderate char«oa. n I MOTION CO. Wstchmaken, Jewellftpy, Optlolan*. KB P* IRS
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    • 141 1 BURRELL COS. Pale Boiled Linseed Oil, Boottopping. Snow-While Zinc, and Assorted Paints. BANDILAMDS BUTTERY AND CO. Sole Agents, Siraits Settlements F M.S. wt Raffles Hotel PENANC. The Leading European Hotel. THE BEST FOOD TH LAISEST —0011 TIK MCAimiaT SITVATHW tarwsaat. ENGLISH CLEANLINEB3 JOT ENGLIBH TREATMENT. The Baperionty i f tb*
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    • 194 1 Robinson A Co. THE "REGENT" CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Tko Regent ia the lateet type of Chemical Fire Bstiniraiahcr for proteekion against Fire, for Waroboßaea, Mill*. Theatre*. Invitation*, Public Bailding*. etc. It i* ukde of Specially Rol't-J Steal. handaomely lii.l^ in Vermilion a*4 with heavy poliahed ganmetal top*. Wben ready lot
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    • 75 1 THE BUN6KAI CHUMOR ESTATES. LIMITED. MOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN thot bbbbbw« of tbo OBareboMen of tbo akore Compaay wM be bald at tbe Oo*a r <»y > nil 11 1 1041 1 1 1, Mo. 11, IcCILom, Loodrn, oo Thursday, July 7, for tbe porpuoo of aoktag tbe ahareboldera' ooaaent
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    • 74 1 Bollinger CALDBFCK. MAC6REGOR MO COMPANY SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NOTICE. The Oomiuitfcee ia aaakiag an imuo o* %&S]OCD 9% Dobaataro. of IIUO racb, thr amouat aapMed far keiog payable oa appbea tioo on or before tb* Itth day of Aognot, IPNX Member* de*iroaa of applying for an 1 allotment wUI-on n
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  • 894 2 FIRST ENGLISHMAN TO FLY THE CHANNEL. Return Journey Creates a New Record. At laat aa Englishman baa. not ooly flown tbe Channel, bot has madv tb« rot ma jour aey without drrrending, and thus created a lew rcoard. This daring and brilliant (eat waa performe<i by the Hoc
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  • 111 2 H. M. S King Alfred Sinks Steamer lathe Channel A. S. C. Morning Pott wiie of Jane ->0, aaya: 11. M oroiaar Kia« Alfred, recently Oagship ou the Cbiaa Station, and the Rrifetah .learner ChiapaioV, have collided. Tbe accident to >k place in the Bnglisb Cbaaoi'l. and the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 Weak and Wasted Children and Adults Grow Fat and Strong on KEPLER' ajaaaa aaaaj SOLUTION It works wonders in the early stages of consumption. Every particle helps to make flesh, blood, bone and muscle and to give that increase of vitality <fiJB»HI necessary to shake Uut^Hß off the disease and
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    • 49 2 LAME BHOULOER. Whether resulting from a sprain or from rheumatic pains, there is nothing ao good lor a lame ahoulder as Chamberlaia'a Pain Balm. Apply it freely aad rub tbe parts vigorously at each application and a qoiok care i» certain. For sals by all Diapeaaariea and iHal. r«.
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    • 320 2 fAm*m* V"\J IT c mmrmm }f I v »^r| I i- r•* <*• JULY STAKES. Run Tu.tdaf, Jume $8. PRINCEBS OF WALES BT. Bun Tkirsday, JbjM JO. Stabtiko Pmioa Coßnoaatom BxaotrraD OK ALL PuKCUiL BtMLmk RACas. DOUBLES. TRBBLBS, OOMBIMATION B, RRt A Weekly list of probable Starters. Jeokeva. weijrh te.
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    • 418 2 ISMAIL RAHEEM O| re showing aa Unprecedented ooUectioa of a very large J* aaaortmaat of diamonds of the Oaeat we«* aad cat. C/ J 'J«* aapeeked and within reaaoaable prices. Diamonds weighing tod ranging from I carats inwards to 20 cerate. Pain of diamonds for earring, croaaags, etc a specialty.
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  • 860 3 DEATH RECALLS SERIES OF ROMANTIC UNIONS. Negro Kindred of Earls of Stanford. Romance in many pbawM isto be found within the peerage, bat not many nobl. lorda oaa claim kinship with negro blood Tbis wan the oase with the late r^rl of Stamford, who baa just died
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  • 239 3 Foreign Astronomer's Dangerous Undertaking. A Shizuoka telegram to tbe Yorodru i boho h» th« 4 on tbe sth instant, at 4 pro a German astronomer, Mr. Kocben Blackslej (•/i, left Ootemba to ascend Mount Knji with a oooiie aann d Mataoo Sbigeta. When ha armad
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 373 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify thf System" against Disease vith RSfflßT™S[ ««isw^Bßw»ws»»WsaWJawlwawar^ I— ZrW •< ICf k l 1 t 111 *J B^JAlAmT^A^^B^La^^aa^awaaßwH SwSSa^ T^ Fronounctd by thw MMJHsWT MEDICAL A*rTMO»nTl«a) "a-ATO* 1 JorpM Liver, Debility, Eruptions, iad PURIREB of the HUMAN
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    • 12 3 Woods' Ofwtl Peppermint Com aw all tafrnv oomplsioU. Pt— w>ri. Ceitbs. OaOsssr.
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    • 148 3 1\ TEA We do not claim to have more brains than oar competitors, bat we believe it is really to your interest to take advantage ol oar forty years oi successful tea- blending. BROOKE BOND'S TEA j Sold by tbe following dealers i Ouaa Chin Hona> Co Bbre—ah Pakinnaidaa a
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    • 307 3 A SOZODONT Plr*l Teeth preserved to middle age S3 are pretty sure to last out one's life;*L~^ time. The greatest known preK?fc Cv!^) servative of the teeth and purifier i] MZmi| of the mouth is Sozodont Liquid. I TEITH I c penetrates the minutest crevices I trgSJ l^ e teetn
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 700 4 STEAMER BAILIM6B. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. J Par Chlaa, Japaa, l*i«fg, <ay«— AMtralla. ladla, Adea, Bgypt, Wedlterraaeaa Porte, Ply. raentb aad Loadoa. rbroogh BUlt of Lading toned far Ohma Ooaat. Parrtaji Ooif. Ooall. intol. and Amerlaaa Porta. St> amen will leave Blngapjre on or aboat MAIL UNBS. Owfwnrd (rorOntM)
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    • 571 4 STEAMER BAIUBBB. N.Y.K lAPAI MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. A retrolar fortnightly bbttmb it Mahrhtlaaii wtweenJAPAl? J» BDROPB by ate Jootpaay'i weUkaowa TWIMCIIW Ifflallll. ladat Mail Oonkraol with Mm Imperiai rmitn t-ii« i ~t ajiaiilly liaigaid fat hTcompanyt Boropaaa SarTioa, lighted towmbomTny Btookriarty, -orided with .xotUeat aoinußodakioa fit Flret awl >»aoad
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    • 540 4 BTEMU MIUMt HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG The atoamer. of thie Oorapaay meretoia a ftgamr aarrtoe hatweea Hamborg. Bremen, aataaiu, aad llntttrittm. aad the StoaMe China aad Japaa Horaewarda. they are deapatahtd tartalghrlv f w Havre and Hamburg and one. a month for Breraerharaa direct, ealang at Penaag aad OaaoMae Takiag
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    • 707 4 BTEAMEI gAIUHfI N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL BERMAN MA!L LIRE The met aad weß known Ball MaaMw. <wa Oompaay aal tortalghry tram BreM-e Haabarg. Rle llbMiili i. Antwerp. Roalhem, J*^»» O-o». «"*m «oeaaaealo. MaraatUet, Maple.. Aleaandrto. aad *toa Tore* Port Bald, Boea, Aden, Oolombo. Feaaag J"Pr'"U Hoagkong Bb.aghtl,
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  • 169 5 FIXTURES TuaaaaT, June »8. High *asat, 1M p m Cap Tic, Lagoon 8. C. t. R. O. A. Hookey. 8. C. C. t. Deooaaa. Harsavtoa'a Oanaaa. Albambra Cinamatogrirh Wednesday, June jo High water, 144 a.m., 8.29 p.m. Cap Tie, Middleeei I t. R. E. Thursday, June 30.
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  • 245 5 To-Dii. Hoegkoag. Shanghai and Japan Braemar I pin Manila. Hoegkon« «nl Jtpsn NiogCbew Ipm Malaooe and Moat Lady Weld I pat Maw. 11 11 rVrt Dickioo end Port Rw«»W>abam Pob Ann I psn Beta Pake* Bri Wong** I pm Bangkok FroaMßsat 4 pm p 3j 1- p
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  • 280 5 Tbs P and O. homeward mail stumir \roadik left Hongkong at 1 p.« on Bntareay. the H«th inatanl. aad dnc ken at 8 o'clock 00 IhamUy aaaming, the 80tk insUnt. Tke P. end O. oatward mail stoiwir Drlbi left Colombo at t I.M p m.. ua
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  • 291 5 Arrivals. Pet Hteamer Lai Bmr, Joae 87.— From UooßkoDß Mr. ud Mth A. E. Were Par nirniat Kamo Maru, June 2".— From Yokohama vU port* Mm Mary Olroa, Major E. M TH*iea, Mr P Steedman, Dr. aad Mrs. F. Haley, Mrs. A. F Ram«ey. Mr aad Mm
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  • 60 5 f*T mbTF imy M MM fOM I P*O fu» H.D.L lot 9 B. I. lin IS M. M. lim II P. *O. Ina* tl N. D. L. lan* t3 B I. ru« r mm. l Jau« 1H Jane Jon* tS Joh 13 Joly I Joly 7 J«l
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  • 226 5 Uttrt Afrinlt. Drooier, Bnt str niS tons. Captain Brain, Joiia 87. From Lrvarpool, May 19. O.e. Patarsen Simoaa *Co Tor Hongkong. Jans »-W. D,tu»m, Oat .tr IM tone. Captain Uotma, Jons 27. From bjambis, Jons M. O.e. and &Bhips >^secy Ltd. For Djambts. June -Eds. O. Mtfr.
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  • 914 5 Finance Commerce. CXCHANOC. Sikoatobs, Jena 38. 1910 On Ltm don— Bank 4 m s 3/4 A Demand 3Mf IVirate 8 m/s S/4H do Imt 'i/4r« On Germany Bart d,d 340 Prirate 8 as/a 344 do 6 tn/s 34«t On Frw»e#-Baak d/d 306 PriTate 8 m/s 399* do 9bM 8084 On
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  • 9 5 •Ing.pore, June fM,, neon.
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  • 82 5 /aloe. 10 10 B«U»Tio 10 10 Bruaon 10 10 Bra i Hyd. 10 10 K»n.uo« n 41 Kioto Tin 11 41 KledMgTu 10 10 Kuantaa Tia n 41 IMiMtM^m U 41 M»l»y» Md Siun 10 10 Ma^<-c*Tia s/ I'ii lii -g°n«wl Cl PtaKlulw tl XI P>iaia«BAhni 11 41 i
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  • 39 5 v*lt« 10 10 luhn Smelton* 10 7 SO 60 Fraaar* N«n 100 Uowarth Brskino 100 100 KiUBroIW. 100 100 8% Oam.Pnl 10 10 lUjawdAOo. Bayer*. 806.00 68 00 90.00 8«U«n. nom. 1000 6.00 816.00 90.00 1140 138.00 srbo
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  • 44 5 Buyan. Sellen. Howarth Ermkine6% tSOO.OOO par Riley.HatKmaTesB% rJJM.OOO 1% 1% pra. B' trio T way* 8% A6OOOO Singapore Mo nioipal6% *****,000 nom. Hianapnre Mb •fabaJ 4*% ofIMT 41,800,000 8% T% pt. Waaapoce Ho aWsal H% *M» JUJOOOjim 9% 7%pre J«&al*«%" 4803,900 7% dto.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1 5 ojfgmm*.**
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    • 346 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. June *».-At No. 108, Cross St., Prinking Pnum, eta at 'i JO. Joly 2. At saleroom, uaredeemed pledgee, alia July s —At saleroom unredeemed pledges, at 10. .lolt ..At saleroom, (reefaold building site at Tanjong Katong. at 3JM July 6 -At saleroom, lead -ituate at
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    • 407 5 LAMBERT BUTLER'S S^T Smoking Ltssla Mixtures. J» PACKED IN Mb. AIR.TIOHT TINS •HOf: 7.CTB. FWTML OBTAIN ABI.R AT: John Little A Co., Ltd.. 9taß^^H| Robinson Co. PUCE 90 GTS. KR TIN BTEAHER BAILIHCB. INDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. rtfUMßi* difMl mno< Bttwm Obbloihlm, dMvww, ißgfcnag. Bkaagkal ul Jm— taktef mm,
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    • 396 5 STEAMER BAIUNS3. APCAR LINE. OF BTEAMERB Tot iwdtmMnNßfld Dill BtßMßeVfl Off II toove Lii i maiataia a regular aarrioa biweea OaLotta mm) Japan, oaUlng at Penaup Singapore, Hongkong tad Shanghai an roatr MM Tom Comuulei •Jukti" 6,018 A. btbwabt 1 Ouoon Apuab 4400 8. H. Bbwoh 1 Auatoom Arota 4.SOG
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    • 90 5 SHIRE UK Of BTEWEIS, LTD FOB LOWDOIt Tat s.» DBNBIOBBHIRB. 1.844 toes Cnataki W. C. Barrett, is sxpsotod to arriTS aereanieAyT, and will hay. prompt aesaetek fbrineansv* part. Bke baa eseaUeat aooonunodaaoß lor saloon Fast utem far*. Btngspnrs to Loedoa, B*Bo. Fariinisy.eaatyto' BOOBTBAD A 00, 1448 Aaaato. BWRE LWE Of
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    • 80 5 HOUSE TO LIT. BIARRITZ.' ORANOB OBOVE BOAT), Batty Jaly 1. For rent and partiooian apply to Doaaidnoe and Burkinshaw, 19, Coliyer Qaay. aIMB FOR SALE OR CHARTER 8. 8. BANIT. Length B. P. 83 lent Breadth 18 6 Depth 7ft Brgietet tannage 38.96. Oariie* about 4M na«t of rice. Has
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  • 2184 6 8)t Straits fftmts TDBSDAT. JUNE CB. THE MODERN INDIA. We have always thooght that the resigaatioa of Sir Bampfylde Fuller •hoold he regarded m oae of the great misfortunes of modern India. Thia distinguished officer waa chosen aa Brat Lieutenant Governor of g intern Bengal and ssssm althoogh it waa
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  • 390 6 It is lumoared ton! Mr. Wal'aoe of tba Eastern Smelting Company, T.iping, is transferri'.d to rsaeag Messrs. R. G. Palmer of P. Bang and H. E I»arb/ of Tapah have anna granted licenses as appraiaers tor thia year. Mr. W. C. Vsnreana ia exprcted to take over
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  • 28 6 Wednesday, the 2Uth. being Peter A. M tbere will be a celebration of Holy Com munioo in the St. Andrew's Cathedral at 7 80 a.m.
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  • 73 6 The directors of the Hotel v«o Wijk have declared an interim dividend al '16 per oeot. for the half year eaded May 81 las*. Tbe balanos sheet thaws that for this period tbe net profit was 113.609 which ia 90 15 per oent. on a turnover of
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  • 78 6 Serious trouble has oocurr. I on board tbe British steamer Highland Monarch. The vessel is at present in Philadelphia harbour having arrived there from a voyage to the Far East. Fit some reason or other not yet explained the Cbinem members of tbe crew mutinied. They f
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  • 86 6 A public meeting, will be held un Sator day, July "i, at 4 pm. at X. files Institution. Singapore, (by kind permission of tbe acting principal!, to which all who are interested in the Boy Scoot* movement are invited to be present. Major E. W. Sliphiai n
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  • 123 6 In the weesma 'oors of thin morning the tranquil tSB car of K. P C. Hat'on 's night visjil in Osisi I Bad Police Station wa. broken ia upon by a Chinaman, who com plained that a python had invaded hi* nan boose aad was redooiag the
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  • 168 6 Tbe fltm dnniating the faaersl of His late M«j. *ty Kidk Edward Vlf, bu arrived, aad will beabowa tot the fir«t i.ioe m tbe Al hsmbra eine morrow Bight Um> 2SMh last. Pap^n by the Isst mtil from bom* tell of tbe large sums at mm; sssde
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 84 6 COURVOISIER^S Famous BRANDIES. Samp/em mnd Price* from i Ca'dbeck, Macgregor Co. SOLE AQENTS. Melachrino Co.'s EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. |,£-»|O Par Tin of 100 53.00. The Beat Egyptian procurable. Special prices for quantities to Mesata, etc. Sol* Aganta i John Little Company, Ld. RUBBER ESTATE SUPPLIES SUCTION OAS PLANTS. OIL AND QAS
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    • 231 6 ALHAMBRA BsUCH BOAD The Picture Palace. TO NIGHT 8 EXHIBITION PATBE3 CBLBMUTBD NOVELTIES l*i Btanw at M p m OVERTURE BY OWN ORCHESTRA OF PROFESSIONALS. ZINOARA. Taken ia th.< wild* of Bohemia. THI TURN. An amusing and very sacoessfal picture, pjanimd aad taken daring the recent Paris Flood*. IN THi
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  • 106 7 THE BOYCOTT REMORSELESSLY IMPOSED. Protests by Foreign Ambassadors (Raima's Tatanna j London, Jane S7. Tbe snti Oreek boycott is universal ia Torkey. aod in most rigoroas. 1 be Ambassadors oalted attention to tbe molestation of English, French, and Bn— ian steamers, and tbe Orand Viiter replied that
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  • 54 7 Reception at Vienna by Austrian Emperor. IRsDTBSi TaLSwBAa.) London. Jane 38. Tbe Emperor Francis Joseph haa received tbe Tsai too Mission Prince Taai tao handed to him aa aatograph tester from tbe Prince Regent ooogra tulatioe the Emptror on bia eightieth birthday Tbe Bmp >r or returned tha
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  • 49 7 LetUlative Work Rehabilitates Mr. T.ft. (Rsotsb's Tslbobahi London, Juan 28. The American Cong'eu has closed with a record of legislation described aa surpassing ny Cocgreas since tbe civil war. The Republicans opine that President Taft'a preMtign Im bean restored and are more hopeful of tbe oongrsssional elections.
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  • 42 7 Sad Disaster at a Leeds Lifeboat Fete. IKSOTBB'I TsLSOBAn] London, June 27. Tbe premature explou'on of a firework bomb, dn-iag a lifeboat gala in Rooodhay Park.Levd- killed a Territorial Sergeant and a woman, and injured fourteen other people, boom dangerously.
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  • 45 7 [1 >si ii-tjiuiiuhi Lloyd Tbumbam.] Berlin. Jons '27. Cordial expressions of li rman Balgian friendship were made at a banquet in Brusxels, at which the Ministers Oelbrueek and Sydow ware present It was beld in connection with tbe International slinsml Bank Congrriw.
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  • 38 7 Dsa OsTASUTisoas Llotd Tsts.stn Berlio. June 27. There In-, been a fire at one of tbe installrants in connection with tbe Brussels Exhibition. Tbe Monaco Pavilion waa tared by tha activity of tlie Oerman staff.
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  • 23 7 [Dna OrrasiATisona Lloto Tti.rtifl Borlin. June 37. The KKJptian Ulemas suggest tue foundation of a Mobamedaa I oiveraity at t'jn stantioople.
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  • 25 7 f>«« OsTASUTISOHB LIOTD TILEOBAD. Berlin, June */7. The condition of Carmen Sylva. Qoaan of Koumania. has become worse. She is suffering from appendicitis.
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  • 31 7 Dan Onastansonx Llotp Taisanin Berlin. Juan ST. 8t Petersburg messages r sport the arrival of Mr. Moore at Teheran, wham ha haa gone to settle some Persia* lota qieUions.
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  • 27 7 (Dan UvtamaTiaona Lxotd Tsueaaa.l Berlin, June ST. A Portages* Cabinet haa been annul hi which S an ors Vortity. Teixeira an* Souss will have offices.
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  • 24 7 Das OacaauTawaa Ltoro Tmnssm) Berlin, Jane 17. President Dia» has been re elected ia Max! aoand Vice Pressdent Corral baa also teal
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  • 302 7 Shart holders' Views en Present State of Affairs. Fbom Oub Owm CoannsrosiMnrt.) Penang, Jons 37. At tbe mating of the Eastern Shipping Company a iflscnssion on tbe accounts elicited the tact that tbe principal debt* due by tbe directors was 1 10,000 Inaned to Koo Cboo Chooa
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  • 83 7 Valuable Rewards for Competition Ncit Year. (Fbom Oob Own Coßßasroavairr.) Kuala Lumpur, June 37. Tbe Rubber U rowers' Association is pre aantiog three trt dais- gold, silver, aad I bronse at tbe London Rubber Exhibition of 1911, tor tbe beat exhibits of certain kinds of erode rubber.
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  • 46 7 (Fbom Ocb Own CoaaasrovoavT.) Koala Lumpur, Jane 18. Mr. E. W. Birch, C. M. O British Re sident, Perak. wbo has been unwell, goes on Saturday with Mrs, Birch and Miss Winifred Birch for a two months' holiday at Vowara Eliya, Ceylon.
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  • 46 7 (Fbom Oub Owa Cobbbspokdbmt.) Penang, Jane Tbe Tamil immigration return* from January 1909 to Juan 31, 1909 showed adults 0,468 males. 1,764 females aad minors 7'JO. From January 1910 to Jane 28, 1910 tha tiguree ware adults 24.371 mates, 436* inmates and 2,069 mincra.
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  • 333 7 Stockbroker's Clerk Who Gave Way To Temptation. The robber boom wa* given by a stock brokers ckrk Darnel Frask PVrcy Barry, wbo pleaded guilty at tha Old Bailey to ataslist a cheque for X79. as tbe causa of ln« dowsfaU. Ha said be bad been working nearly
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  • 662 7 IMPORTS INTO THE UNITED KINGDOM. A Foor Years' Review The first volume of tbe trade returns of tbe United Kingdom with foreign countries j and Hritish nomad an a lor 1909, just pub lisbed, contains among its mass of statistic* tome particulars of the rubber imports, which am
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  • 82 7 Y«tarday attarnoon an rgrajydinary general m-eting of the sipMnstone ■Tstatas, Limited, waa bald at the oOoss of Mwsrs Ontbrie ana Co., 1 1 nriltries, when tha fallowing tssorations. whins were pas— d at tbe ex traciMiiriiisFrsThssMsgotaWTanijiiy haldon June* warn eoenrtoed -That tha company be wound up
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  • 498 7 INTERNAL CONDITION OF THE PROVINCE. Steps to Lessen Daafcr. The Viceroy of the Two K wang seems to be vary anxious coooeming tha unreatfoi oondition of much of the two pioviaosa, says the China Mail He haa jotiasoed s long statement, which be has ordered to bs
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  • 453 7 Commercial Union Company Uniting With The Ocean. A London paper of reoant date says I— One of tbe most important insurance amai gsmationa lor many yean past ia in process of being carried out, toe two oompanies con oeraed Ming tbe CxamerciaJ I'aioa Ascur anee Compaay and tbe
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  • 50 7 On account of a special sagagimsat an Tnanday afternoon, tbe orotmetra will meet oa Friday at tha osnal boor, i pa. and snesvssssT ssi a buwji as van. Work will bs piansisd stsraltaaeonsly for the next Children's Cult and the next Philharsaoaic OnsasH, sa as to have variety
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  • 424 7 An Income Tax ihe Most Probable Solnioo. A eorreftpoadent writes:— lt is apparent that the taxation of 'JO ceota on every tin of petroleum will not bring ia each a large income aa will oover shortages ia reveana. It will therefore be not surprising if there be
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  • 353 7 Considerable Improvement In the Value of Property. The statotory meetiog of tbe Suogei Matang Robber Company, Limited, waa bald in London, on May :t I.Han Vmtoaat Moles worth presiding. Tbe chairman, ia the coarse of bis remark*, aaid 1 would wish to con g'ktolate you on
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  • 322 7 Charged by Elephant in Jangle at Tambun. Dr. F. M. Skae, of Ipoh, bad a narrow escape from the tasks of a large elephant oat near Tamban village oo Jaae 35. According to the Times of MAlaya it appears that Dr. Skae waa returning from Bis) ■anal
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  • 74 7 SAVAGE CONFLICTS CCCUR IN THE STREETS. Stcialisij Charted by Police and Cavalry. RsLTsti Tbubbam.] London. Jaae ML At Paris the funeral of a workman killed io a brawl with the polioe. waa attended by tea thousand socialism. They made a procession and flr«d revolver shots at the
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  • 47 7 I Baron Charged With Espionage at St. Petersburg. Kama's Tblsssjb London. June H The Kbaaiaa. Baron Stern burg, correnpoo dent of an Aostrian semi official no wa agency was arretted at St Petersburg on a char*. of espionage, after hia flat hvd beea searched
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  • 236 7 KaoTaa'i T.l*ouh London, Jane 29 Sir Arthur Nioolsoa ha. beea appointed Permanent Foreign I oder Secretary Sir Arthur Nioolsoo, Bart, wbo succeed* Sir Cbarlrn Hardinga as Permanent Coder Secretary tor Foreign Affairs, baa had a ry distinguished diplomatic career. Who'n Wbo gives hia record a. follows- llth
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  • 58 7 Sir John Anderson s Visit to Selugor. (Faoa Oob Owa CoaaatroaosxT.i Kuala Lampar, Jaae 27. The Kseidents conferred with ths Ui<h Commissioner. Sir John Anderson, yesterdty. It is underntooi tint they di«cu«s«d BOK^estiou for the Federated State* Medical Department. Sir John Anderson leave* to-day. Mr H. Con way
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  • 118 7 (Fbom Oca Own CoiutruNoarr.) Koala Lumpur, Joaa 27. Ipob wire, that (he millionaire towkav Van Tet Shio. ia connection with (tie recent gambling oaae at the Kiata Social Club, i* being proceeded agaiaat for ao alleged attempt to bribe the magistrate. The Tim* of Malaya,
    118 words
  • 32 7 (Fas* Oob Own CoumwovDurr. Penang, Jane >7 The Maaieipal Bnqoiry Cnrnwuo U aminad M». L. A. C. Bigga secretary, muni cipality. and Dr. P. V. Locke, muuicip oommU*ioner, yesterday.
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  • 32 7 (Fatoui Ocb Owa C'ouuroKDiKt.l Koala J.ompur, Jaae 17 The Selaogor Chamber ol Commerce aanaoaaai 'that Oiiwnwt baa agreed to niliniwm thn telegram deposit account iratotn frosa,Ja]y L
    32 words
  • 32 7 (Pin Ova Owx Coimnwii.) Koala Lumpur. Jm SB. A aow—l is on loot iomk govarameot oAoors to aflat* a reduction ollba aga I. out 1 from 51 to 80.
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  • 252 8 NOTES IN GENERAL The French Grand National has been won by Jerry M. One of tba looky drawers of an entry in the Celootte Derby awoep in Bangkok geta Hi 1,403 aabiaaiiare. Tbe raoantly instituted maratboo to be ooataeted by tbe Territorial* has again been woo by the
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  • 130 8 K a utman n Langforrt. The Ksoiosana Lang<ord fight hat been postponed, any* a wire to the 8- C. Morning Post. Seoaod only ia i a tor oat to the fight between Jeffries and Johnson waa tbe Kiufmann-Lengford bxtote, which baa now bean paatuoaad, ao doubt in deference to
    130 words
  • 67 8 Home Matches. Tbe M. 0. C. have beaten Oxford Tniversity at Oxford by 259 r as. Kent hs* beaten Leioeater at Tonbridge by tea tickets. Woroester baa beaten Hampabire at Woroeater by aa ionieg* aad 53 run* S oases ha* beaton Surrey at Brighton by one wicket. Yorkshire ha*
    67 words
  • 73 8 Malacca L. R. C. Sboating for the Hargreeve*. spue a, took place on Wednesday la-.t at Bakit Sebnkor. The reaalt waa Scores. Hdp. Mia O. Williams 88 85.6 Mia* William* ...88 aer. 88 0 Mrs. Collies K S3 3 Miaa Farrar Baynos 31 -8 83 2 Mrs. Bargees
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  • 91 8 WeUb v. McParUnd. Paoky Mefattaod and Freidie Welab light weight abaaaßsoa of Bnglaad) met at the National Sportiag Clab oa May 80, for a £1,2J0 purse aad a aide. The fight lasted 30 rounds, aad ended in a draw. The orowd at the olub rivaled tba attendance at the
    91 words
  • 101 8 Malacca dolt Club. Way fat tbe J«ne aedal of IU Ktleooa OoU Cmb reanlted aa follow. ■ay*» itvuk PCM. Weans 105— le-97 W. MiUiarxw 1U 16 96 l>*Ma*' aa»Afc. MiaO. Wiiilnoa 69 tß—ai Mn.Fraat« 57 55 Mrs. Derby Bl 32 to Mr*.Colu«. 77 U oi kcppol OoH Quo. Cattuv
    101 words
  • 13 8 rrh* Baraita Time* w not rsituosibU tor tne ■aWaae of its ourrespoadsnts.J
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  • 104 8 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, Be good enough to allow me a little space in your valoed journal to aay a taw word* about tbe waat of repair to Snogei Baad wbiob is daily oaoaing great inooa veaieace te tbe public^ that
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  • 535 8 Messrs Saaoael Maatafa and Co.'s Weekly Report. I ader date .'uneU, Meagre. Saniael Mon taga and Co. write Tbe arrival* of bar goM were well over a million uterlirg. of wbich more than twothird* waa aor«red by the Bank of England the remaiadrr ww abaorbed by the
    535 words
  • 106 8 Possible Alteration of Company's Rate. The general manager ia AaaktalajU ol tbe MaaaaiMla* Maritime Cnrnaaf reoaived advioea on May »t. ttat th« French Oorern. SMBt bad decided to call tor tendera for a new mail oootract, aud upon the reenlt oi the tendering woakl depend the fatare of
    106 words
  • 153 8 JM fiangoon. on Jar c 14, before Mr. JaataM Onnond lilting in the Admiralty Jnrladiaaion of tbe Chief Uoort, there waa beard the ■onliatinai of 8. BaltUaaar v. the owner* at jfcaateamir Paknam. The ipplioatton waa be bail and for the owner* of the vaaaal to
    153 words
  • 799 8 fricM Qooted to the larkel Tbli ■aratof Olnpf ore, Jane 28, 1910. Miami Ljall and Bvatt, Bsohange and Shan Broker*, tan* the toUowina Tirt of qootationi tbaißMnin« OBBBNTURBS. 100 Howerth Brekine Ld. par 100 RileyHargreave**Co.Ld6% Ujkfar. 1» Sineapore Mankinal 8% «%p« 100 dc 1% i<Jf ptr 100
    799 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 37 8 ?ow Jooea wan eon ewil Urew daUy aomier I Mm aoogh waa enaathiog pad A baart Ur atooMC Tbao MottU'a tba (nillltihni) wo*ld bove bled, When UoeaoMiaoD aao if Jooea waa dead! -Jialt*!" yi Jones. yeose «aji«Uat
      37 words
    • 402 8 LATEST ADVBRTISBMENTS. HPIST WANTED. Wanted, a amort Cbinaae Tyniat, one accnatoiuwl to Baflaeenng terms preferred. Salary to begin wttn tto per noath. Apply T c o Straita Time*. MM TO SAW MILLERS ft ENGINEERS O. B. F. "Overhead Roawaya" Socood baad) for aale, consisting of 414' H iron baama (sixe
      402 words
    • 622 8 "TRIUMPH" •*hp Motor Cycles The most successful Motor Cycle ever made. Handle Bar Control. SOLE AQENTS: Riley, Hargreaves Co Ltd., SINGAPORE F.M.S. MM HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS And Royal Menagerie OF PERFORMING WILD ANIMALS. Again To. Might at 9.15 p.m. IW OUB NBW WATERI'KOOr TENT Looation Beach Road DOOR 9 OPBN
      622 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 655 9 a. w. tulTTand co. 83. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. BOOK OPEN ON SELA3STGOB MBBTINQ. Ist Day, July sth. 1910. DOUBLE EVENTS ON ANY TWO KACBB. TREBLE EVENT 1000 TO 20 Raeaa 9, S and TeW«raphie Addron.: TULLY. SINOAPORB. Telephone BSS). li u-B S RACE i KAI B Darbar 0.4. LocretU 100.
      655 words
    • 697 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY ROYAL MAIL BTEAMSHIP LINE. fn NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO EUROPE TU CHINA, JAPAN. CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES Route from H«nrfcoa«; ria Sbaißchai, Nagasaki (lalaad Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama Victoria aad VaaooQTer. R.M.B Bmtsbss or Im>u T win serew steam
      697 words
    • 331 9 Mil I V MoKenzle'a mm cough mixture BBS^Mnasßsf AND LUNG TONIC. JFA P4 (UOIfTSKSAV CmmmWk H 'T^ 1118 LtlD 8 Tonic h been selling in this Colony SHAKE THE BOTTLE. I *>r w year., D d m -f^ the most effective remedy for McKKMZIE'S cough mixture coughs, colds, asthma. i-iWtonic
      331 words
    • 141 9 FRASER AND NEAVE LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that tb» Trannfer Book, of the Company will be closed from July 1, on ,j| a y 8 1010, both daya iaclosivp, aod that the registration of Tranafen »m bu aospeeded daring that period. By order of the Board, ALEXK. PROCTOR, S^creUry.
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  • 1 10 COM
    1 words
  • 636 10 MR. CURZON BRINGS ACTION FOR SLANDER. One Shilling Damages. Mr. Frank Corzon, lessee of tbe I'rince of Wales'* Theatre, brought an action for slander in Urn King* Beach I >i vision oa May •M, before Mr. Justice Darling aad a speciai jury, against Mz. Philip Ellia»«n, of
    636 words
  • 142 10 American j Dash From Continent To Catch Mauretanla Mr. Chalaars, of New ork, accompanied by his wife aad a maid, arrived at t^aeens tuwn at four o'clock t c morning, bating raced from Carisbadl in order to oatch tbe outward bound Mauritania. Mr. Chalmers has 'received a
    142 words
  • 180 10 Presiding en May 80 at tbe spring meeting of tbe National Rifle Association, at the Royal ("ait* -I Service Institution, Lord Cbe>lesmore made sympathetic reft n nee to tbe dead' of King Kdward. who had taken a keen interest ia tbe ork of the association from tbe
    180 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 416 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. UNITED. ■•id Office Winchester House, BINQAPORB. BogtoMj of Director* I A. DssJBOB. Bsq., Chainnaa. A H. Fan, Bsq., Managing Dboatst. r*ras F«wu, 0..., Ohtef Mod. Ofaeer. Ai Asbos Bsq Bor. M. J. Oocraarm. 9. M. Bum*. Bog. Owe 8oo« Tbb, Bag. fey Neaa Paa,
      416 words
    • 487 10 MBUIUUICL THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. HM4 OftteewiaA, CaWtM KooX. Ousmisalos Aote, Bnglaed. Mi uader tbe aoagkoag Oil in* ana* ITtib- a* DiaaoToas. k rr^A^ MoLeod. 800., Ohairßjaa. Lee Tuag Bu, Bag., C atephariua. Bao., J rL McMiohaWTßeq 0. B. Burkill, Beq^ J.A. Waotie,Beq. Tiuiiaas i ns H.
      487 words
    • 501 10 BANKING. NMTUED BANK IF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. DBOOBrOaUTaU) BT BOTAB OHABTBB. rsaf *p Capital la H.OOS Beer** at ■Masse eI.Mo.OM ■mm reai CI.MO.MO IsMssTtv MstMttty of Pfoprtßjton 411,100,199 B4U.EHB. BslasVk Ol amammmmm SbBBbI^BBBbI ■■ÜbbBBT Bat afaSBBBBBBBBBsfI. tks aneeoa OMy a) MldteaJ Beak BM. BUIOArOBB BBAJIOH. Oaiisal Aawnaai ars eyeasa
      501 words
    • 67 10 BEWARE OF A COUGH Now i* she time to get rid of that coogb. lor if you let it bang oa, ao oae can tell what the end may be. Others beve been cortd of their roughs very quickly by using Chamberlain Coogb Bessedy. Why not yon? Try it aad
      67 words
    • 936 10 MLEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale of VALUABLE MACHINERY AND ENGINEERING STOCK-IN-TRADE. ETC.. To be held at Mr. Walter Palliser s Work*. KAMPONG BAHRU ROAO On Friday. July 22, mt 9-30 m. m. POWELL CO., all.. Auobioaeerf Important Tanglin Sale off HIGH-GRADE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. GRANO PIANOFORTE. OR6AN. RUBBER-TYRED
      936 words

  • 1004 11 MOTORS MOTORING. THE £100 CAR PROBLEM. Attar i< .tJ.ou tbe .lenoription of Mr. 1 or 1 ater's li^ht ctriDtbe Motor, wiitci J. O. in ihe Weetaaiaatßr Gazette, the iuiprenaioa one get* i- that tbe £100 oar problem ii even more difflcnlt than we had imagined. To pro <laoe thoroughly latiafaotory
    1,004 words
  • 105 11 K Mar* Woman writes to the Time*: Moefa baa b co Raid oa the obatrochv«D«ai ol womena b»u a a »i«lit m< iu« crowd, but no one att iu< to remember tbat the bat of the mere man in almott as bad. At tbe supreme mumt-nt be
    105 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 364 11 HEW 15.9 H.P. The WAROFFICI. had 120 difierent Types of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car is Out to Arrlva naxt Month. Full patloolara j! winch can b? had from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CIRS FOR HIRE DAY OR
      364 words
    • 58 11 JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Your toaffoe ia coaled. Your breath k to jl Be«daobe« torn- acd go. Tbe« .ympton- abow tba* yoar rtnniinri ia tbe iroobtn To r mom Hw eun a tbi Aral b or. and Cbinv^rlan/n 8t inach and Lifer Tablet, will do ttwi. BVy to take and
      58 words
    • 282 11 COMPLETE AND QUICKEST RECOVERY GUARANTEED Against Asthma, Cough, Consumption and ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST, THROAT, AMD LUNGS *k POUMOFOR r ELIXIR A-TI-ABTHMATIQUE PULMONAIRE I. DR. SAUL BERNARD i m m This excellent »nd energetic preparation is bae< r, f m^^m IW^, 0D th«* latest baeteriologic experiences. In odl 1
      282 words
    • 148 11 CARLYLE BLEND of TOBACCO In 2 oz. and 40. k r t*'»'. a^Hka^aV99)BEßaiaaDa^l ?^aa»t^nlag^ariC».-.Utt¥ga ffl-^HSfit^SSy^tlßl-, j CAN BE OBTAINED AT naaaaaaaaTCßansaa^awa^^ir^ Ann jOC^ an(^ Ma^aaCZ3 L^HSi**]*^! Cheng and (Jo. r_ ■^^^^^^^^^^^^^*Zr~ Yong Lee Seng. H||| £***?y A.Kadir If. Saiboc. NON-THROAT CI6ARETTEB W m W m W m W m W&
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 631 12 WANTS. CHINESE CLEM WANTED. VYanbd, Capable Chinese CUrk experienced in Booking and a good typint. Salary M [x r month. Apply X c o Straita Tune*. U137<5 CLERICAL WORK WANTEO. *uU(i, clerical work. Account* kept, eomspondeace and type, writing done by a competent CUrk in spare time. Terms mod. rate.
      631 words
    • 528 12 WANTS 1 INSURANCE BROKERS WANTED. Wcnled, European aod Chinese broker* for life inaurance. H<gb commissions. Apply to F M.. c o Straita Times. 1498 BOOK-KEEPER WANTEO. Wanted, esperieaord book keeper. Mu-t write a good band. Salary tB-'. per month Apply, with tertimonals, to C. e/o Straita Times. 14*8 POSITION WANTED.
      528 words
    • 546 12 Tt BE LET QK MID. SOOHS TO LET. At Zetland Hoove (Armenian Street). Apply on tbe premiaue. 0409 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. No. 1. AdU Road, eatry from July 1, 1910. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. HOUSES Tl LET. Noa. 7 and Ba, Ohaaooiy Lane. Superior European
      546 words
    • 718 12 NOTICE 3. A Reward of $10 i» offered to sny rw*on who WITNESSED (and can IDENTIrY THE CL" PRIT OF) AN ASSAULT on a European AT AROI'T 6.65 ».M. ON TUESDAY. Jlst JUNE, 1910. between POLICE QUARTERS OF T. J AND R. LTD. AM) KBPPIL HAKBOUK HOTEL. All communications to
      718 words
    • 753 12 NOTICEB. Jim COMPANY Customers are kindly informed that oa aad after the Ist of Jaly. 1910, Mr. Oh Jit Sing who w appointed Manager, will sign all bill*, receipt*, letters, etc on behalf of th- above Firm. By order, OH JIT KLANG, Senior Partner MM THE STRAITS TRADING CO LTD
      753 words
    • 306 12 a) C. H. Willis IS NOW DOING BUSINESS ON THE FORTHCOMING Kuala Lumpur Races, JULY 5. 7 AND 9. No Entry Mo Bet. Straight-oat on all Races. Doubles on any two Races. Treble Event on Races 3, 6, 6. Bets made by wire mast be confirmed by letter. NO REPLY
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 242 12 Straits TBimes. ADVERTISKMBNT RATES.— Miacellaoe oos wanta of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of II per foot lines for one or two insertions. Notaoe* of Bi.ths, Marriages, or Deatha, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertioo For p.p.c. cards, on page 8, %'l. Im-B Scau
      242 words