The Straits Times, 25 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 28.202 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JUNE 25 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 D. i I Icdllu's PERFECTION WHISKY. •ALOttCL MAC6REBOR AND COMPANY. i KATZ BROS., LD. Agents fox* BARON'S PATENT AUTOMATIC PIPE FILLER. BARONS PATENT PIPE FILLER. HOW TO USE THE PIPE FILLER. «,»4,^ c»^^m. The Pips Killer is made in two pieces an oater tube is) cootainiDK tbe plonijer, and an
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    • 23 1 BURRELL COS. Pale Boiled L.nseed Oil, Boottopping, Bdow- White Zinc, and Anorted Paint*. SANOILANDB BUTTERY AND CO. Bole Agents, Strait* Settlements F.M.B. KMT
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    • 356 1 Robinson A Co. THE "REGENT" CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHER. The Itegent "ia the latest type of Chemical Kin Kxtingiiiaber for protection aKainst Kire, for War. liou- Mills. Theatres. Institution!, Public Building*, etc. It is made of Specially Rolled Steel, handsomely flniolied in YertuilioD and with heavy poluhH gunmetal tops. Whea ready
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    • 50 1 THE BALGOWNIE RUBBER EBTATEB. LTD. NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tliat the tranmler books ol the Company will be elostd from '27th Jane until SOtb June, 1910, both days inclDaiTe, and that the registration ol Transfer! will be sappended daring that period. My Order ol tin Board. OCNN CO., Secretaries
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    • 87 1 Bollinger CMRMfIC. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR AND COMPANY. Dr. Gabriel Cunawardana's WorkMamoo*, long. tried, sore and psnpaoiit cares lor Diabetes, Blood aad Skin Diseases, Nervous Debility aad Kidaev Disorders; Congha, Costsumption. Kbeamatism. Goat. Bowel Disorder*; and all kind* ol Malarial aad other Peren. Children'! and Women't Diseases. These can be bad from
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  • 495 2 a HIGH SCORE BY SYDNEY RIFLE CLUB. Position of Local Teams. Fi*e huudaed aad aiaatytwo clubs entered trams for tliia year Empire Day Rifle Con teat. The following warn tba highest sooree reoaired ap to May 34. HiaiiKitT PoMihu MO. Soora. Uranrille Tecliaical Collage, N.B.W. 81C Laacport
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  • 115 2 PabJie eznltatioa will hardly (free* tba completion of a Tear ruaaarnhaa oa tba part of Mr. F. Theobald, of the Indian Mateam which, ta. s the I'ioofwr, bave raaoltod la tba diaoorary of the typti of twenty three new •peoie* of mowjoito among which are thoaa
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  • 32 2 The steamer Sir John Jackaoa, which haa mm lyia« a wrack off tba ooml at Mm for ■MJ moaitha, baa brokea id two aad the ■lan of the abip ia ahaoat mhaetfed.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 130 2 I I I I I I I Is^BsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP B *WBlßtk l I I I I I I I I I I HAZELINE SNOW Ihr dainty balm that pr«erves the beautiful < omplexion and improves the bad one It removes grrasine»> in<tanlly and .mpartt velvety vftir.s< and transparent beauty to the
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    • 50 2 LAME BHOULKI Wha4baf reanMng Ira. a aataia or rro» theaaaatie pains, tbace ia nothing ao aood tor a lama aboalder aa CbaaaariaiaV Paia Bahn. Apply it freeiy aad ma tba parts rig oronal j at snob inannißlpß aad a aaaak aaw ia osstoia. For aale by alt DianaMaariaa aad Dealera.
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    • 641 2 .KARTELL'S Blue +n4 Sliver Label 'i an annnituJ gnarantee, all tmt tbe world tor tor BBBT quality in BRANDY (THRBB BTAB k OKI STAB). Ton kaow it by tbe Bloc and Sirfw LaW. To be had of all dealers. For parwnalan of toad* pnoea. ptoaaa apply toi 4DAMSOH, BILFILLAN ft
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    • 450 2 ISMAIL RAHEEM £M re abowiag aa loprecedeated oolleotion of a very large ~f\ ssaoHuiuat of diamonds of toe finest water and eat C/ J"** nopaoked and within rnaarniafch) prioss. Diamonds waigbiag aad ranging from 2 carats up. wards to 20 oarato. Pairs ol diamonds for earring, oroaaaga, etc., a speci.
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    • 60 2 Ta EXPLORERS OF COUNTRY far from Road or Rail. MERRY WEATHER* SONS Am pton** r* m mtnufavtar* of LIGHT MACHINERY, Particularly Pumping Plant Ba.rtalli; t-k r "'^aai Paaif "VaWwt," wmbl •!<.•< ran kr <srrta4 »t fear am. WrHater iilualrataa-rarnvrllat No 7»Sm HERRYWEATHERB' «J. iaVM ACMC LOMDOH »C Balabllahad ovar 200
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  • 665 3 SERIES OF ENCOUNTERS IN ONE DAY. M. I. Je Lcsseps Wounded. The Paris oorreapoadent of tin- Morning Leader wired on May 28 The Pare <tt* Priooes was in demand this moraine for duelling purposes No sooner had one party left taw ground than another say os rr
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  • 323 3 livening of i Monument to Japanese Hero A lis.r 4Utae of Commander Hirooe wlio \on tb K kui niaru, ooeo* the boat* I sect to b! lekade the entrance to the harbour I of Port Arthur on the night of March W, 1904. wu oaTeiled
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 648 3 >^g** The Dispensary, Ltd. vttfr^h OHENISTS. PHARMACISTS. OPTICIANS. *jF ay^f (Wholesale aad Retail). ir*Si 43 B Raffles Place Singapore ,^S»^ r?L D,pot for all kinds of Patent Medkanee. Toilet Rt^awtis. Pi- 5 SINO^ESyT tvmvj, Medioeted Wiaee. Surgioal lastmssente, Cheaueal aad Vgaffiy^r Scientifk) Apparatus. Medical, Snnpoal aad Sanitary Apnliaaees Medicine Cbests.
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    • 70 3 BEWARe OF A COUGH Now ie the time to get rid of that ooogb, lor if yoo let it bang on, no one eaa tell what the sod may be. Others have keen oortd of their eoogbs very quickly by naiag Chamterlain Cough Remedy. Why not yea Try it aa
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    • 148 3 TEA We do not claim to hava more brains than our competitors, bat we beliere it is reaHy to yoor interest to take advantage oi our forty years ol successful tea-blend-ing. BROOKE BONDS TEA Sold by the fatlowias; dealer* I Onaa Obia HoneC* 00. Rktasaeah Pakii maiden Ca Tianjj Joo
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    • 163 3 RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, Ponang. SUPERIOR FIRBTCUOB HOHL. SPECIAL ACCOM MOOATIOH FOR VISITORS. Delightfully situated on the Sea-front. Breezy and Bracing Health Resort Cuisine celebrated throughout the East. Under direct European Supervision. Selected Menus for Special Dinners. VERY MODERATE PRICES. TENNIS COURT. SEA BATHING Northern Road. Proprietor, A. KKRDW Telephone No. MS.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 678 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Per Chins. Japaa, Peaaag, Oeylee lla. ladla, Adea. Hfyst •ledltsrraaeaa Parts, Plymouth sad Leadea. Through Bub) at Ladlag laeaed (or Ohtae Ooest. Ptrelsn OnU, OoatUeatal, aal Arasrlnse Porto. Htosraert will laavt Siogapon oa or shoal MAIL LINES. Oefward (for Okm*) Delhi Jaly I
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    • 573 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB.LTD. A regular fortnightly aarvioe is malntaiawd ketweoa JAPANahb BUROPB by lbs Company'! well-known TWII-fOIIW ITIIIIII, oader Mail Ooatraet with tbe Imperial Japaaese Oovernmcnt. speeiaUy deaigTirid tor tbe Companyi Buropeaa Servioe, lighted torooghout by Bliuailetty, provided wMb exoSkot BUiJißiawiitßhlßß fcr First and Seoond Class
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    • 563 4 stbulb,! mumt HAMBURG AMEMKA UNL HAMBUM. The eteaoMrt ot thla Ooapaay naiateis ragoiar tervioe betwesa Hambarg. Brentee, Antwerp, sad Rotterdam, aad the Servile Ohlna aai Japaa Homewards, they ere liesatohsl (ortahjhMy Havre aad Haafiarg sad neoe a moath tor Bremarhevea dlreot. oaUlag at Peaaag aed ÜBhaaaa TskUg cargo at throafb
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    • 702 4 BTEAJEK BAIUNIB. nTLTI Norddoutsohar Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL LIRE. Tht (art eel wall kaowa sssll steam I c Ihit Oompssv Mil lortetghty from Pr»a Han-borg. vis Rotterdam Aatwerp. Boalhantr Jja. Olbralter, Oeooa. Meptet (eoaaestloe Marseille.. Nantes. Aie«aadrlaT aad vies M Pott Baal, Bass, Adea. Colombo, Peaaei Slagapora, Hoagkoag Saaaaaal.
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  • 80 5 Hrnncs. Ba* «as. UJS w Cna» >. Ut Aafeala. •Bußi m^ nil. jiii K. aaMjafJaTaa. a. B. A. aaamy aaX IHflaaVaa^. MM a»W 001 t« fM. —j- nu ir -j a-» i Ma»Ua»y» aNHM 30 a>«M. 4*» «jb- XJ> Haaf rT7 taw H«a <ar'[i4>a »J» M Gay
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  • 95 5 Mb Mat P.-. Has •aIP Jakaa kWalHa •as awl Sa> ~liaa X m*t*nk Spa WMI G mi— il &aa. fhM Pvaaa. AaAvm. aawvf *aa .^t' c pa pna^ varav, nn IMM. Caaata. "•jb). Gaaaai aad bjM LfaMt laa ias haMaJJLL ■ittaiOaa* (By Mat ■at »ia i ii
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  • 58 5 ia% C I ■> aatMaaAaUM. •ad a? w aaaaa to am* aaa a Ml a ha a a.a. »a>^. aai af a» aa Jfla hvaiat. 'u. ND.U i«. b Iw 1 V laa« M P *O taB* r«M b t a J«a* Jaw B Jaw Jam Ja*
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  • 138 5 laaa« I I II k> t»-«# t»* ar I** taaa. m>ii Taim 1-vm IK Fra Caw laa M ba<ai| *m la;<U r«C*t Omm H«- Mm i«*IM Mt. Caa« 1 J f— ka Aa A«. Jmb a. Fiav «<«Baa. t raaa(Jw* H-y ar*. r. lr4«Ml». Caa Baa» •vtk. la>
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  • 66 5 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and Keppel Harbour. **j» •^L^- VaaMaaMU aM Bavtawl T»-D«f. TAJ JO— r*«AJ*. aL. V BaaVS— AafllM. H. V. Hal laiatN ir Lai'i Dmi T-fDMw aM»Mi ti-t WautMH. J> W. t-l^aafe-tat kWa CaM W -Hi KXirmX BABBOCaV Com Tbiii r 1* la. Aam. Draa mnu 01 dd
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  • 135 5 Arrival Pw i Pa_ Jim aV-Faa R. W, S. a- -r aa. Kb. Ha^ iwialaMlMilitilia ft. al aftiaV V. D. Wa^BaV. VaMaV I*> G- AaaVaV K. CnaM T W ftM. D A. ft!7T5, 3. W aay Daw toiah a>i aaa Lmw EtpKlM) AoflW. Ml MA Ma aaaa»
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  • 144 5 34- AbbP^P^p S Tan Bdb*i Am» Tiun i. U aa. rv. <mi ftaa. BlMai SI nl I U*? ta. bVN r tFtoa) h»iMta'i km *-H a-av.Cauml Baaam; ■4 i—i, v i^m B^ft^ Bau I T a^L Law alaa 9 a.ay t-Li ama aa* Baaa) •■> fta ami Lot
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  • 62 5 aaa a a aaj Mil naag bmbb. Tarn aamtat a» aal Maw a awk to aae aY pa*oa at Be M. laamky vacs paimSaVa. Tfca Mm liliafci «tab K mm m Una blbh IT i Maaaa at tma ami Baamaaa. Tkm tat nM tor aa|am noai^> amm _^l w_ #Baai
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  • 135 5 Finance Commerce. SaMaiaaa. Joa BX IM Daaaad VbA Pv*aa«aM bhT am S«M Mj|| Owl otfPVba«am»~*al^Bk aL4 att NM Imi Ma am lava Ma« ""puiaataia Z MM am «aM M* 0« I Imi 1.1 tm rmaNii ITT (kamaf-M«i a«\fc. Ptra,»4, M*\aW Oblli gl BiitaVJ M. MMa««i »H 0m fin Bm>T T
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    • 67 5 A Eateite A n I a Tfr iMtah M "i £1 N«(Mn 4Ji 4.J0 440 Mi Mi Mi jji Mi \J» Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi S 3 .2 ,S Mi Mi Mi Mi St 2 A A R«fc Amak. Omki tX 41 kMhTk IOM txja »Ji xm Ui
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    • 376 5 m, tWmmr M T> th D- Milaj I*4- UU 1 l*M>Hta L tpa 41 A iMa&MB KJU l&lfl A illtliTw ftJJ UU 41 a ft** m. iio* AM). Cull ii 11 ua« UU|i A 44 BhUl Lrfasßßg i*f }j|| A t, CM*M} 1*« 41 ax MkMM iUI tX
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    • 48 5 M T m hMtt Mi ill Mi MilatoßM.D* mw. n 6m. rw. M M»»J— I*C MJi AM mtm nui im« SUM «LM m ■.nnyiiini Mi Mi .n pmi M M nMUI S>»Dw 41 A riata' B M M S.Twfc| TTJi MLS MM MJi MJi •Mi urn m
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    • 9 5 Mf.»»1 1% np* «tfir njmjm rf M 4LJMJM
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 Fat a^ all ii il Mj>*fc DjmHi ij MJCm
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    • 134 5 ACCTUHI SALES P»t»al amaC* Jim Jb. -At Jiylii N« 1. laa» atX JaS.- At -CaM Tl« Saja I ABay Mi tak > i f n. Sam, f MMto at Oaav Baal atata af MUb aia»lM*a,aaatatm lal atia. Ja A— At mat Caa Pnaaag hama^alß lu :-tlaMa miiian I |l tai,
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    • 514 5 tawaM m 4 y^r^. Routon Rouge Smni Felucca Mt^jtti E.^vptiai Cigarr*tes S^g^^BP v «^r bv%a4 aaV o^m (mijm v* 9k mw— n nt janP^aaa £r r A Lmujj ta> tlk* Mas TaM: J|«LJTTU4Ci,LTaC4MM»MACa- LATEST AOVERTWeJUENTS CAKS MM W^^tGaL Bal^^B aMal H^^M OaaaaVat IS mmm> qmtilmm ar Faa. QmMMm a Tmaa.
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    • 23 5 SATURDAY, JUNE gft. Extra Special Dinner. A __4*l_j| I aBBBBBBVA* Raaaaal iM From T. 30 to 11 p«n>. HOTEL VAN WIJK CO., LTD.
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  • 1112 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JUNE 31. CURIOSITIES OF FINANCE. At No. 7 Union Court, Old Broad Street, London. B. C, there an the offloea of an in stitouon described aa the Malay Rubber and Finance Co. It baa a telegraph address Indragisi, London." Its tslsnhosn v 450 London Wall, and
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  • 15 6 The world's second longest oabie line baa been laid from taciinaion Inland to Bunnoe Ayrom.
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  • 24 6 Dealers strongly urge the Government of India to postpone the next opium sale if they cannot get the Chinese government to anneal the duty.
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  • 23 6 Bvorything is ready for the opening of liar—ton', oireos at 9.16 p.m to-day We are mini that a noe progrmmsM will be presented.
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  • 28 6 It is expected that the contem plated ad ditions to the China Squadron will bo Mads next, antomn at 'the oosvcluuoe of all the naval operations at borne.
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  • 32 6 Perak waa to have had two assistant sur geone from the Hingapnre MsJiual Behool thie month, bat aa both the atodenu ailed they have been reaaaaaW for a period of six DMBtha.
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  • 13 6 Latest aJww»uiimt. of tbe day appear on pags 6 as wall as H
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  • 11 6 TheNottMrlandslsdiaLommsreial Bank pay* a dividend of 12 per oaot (or 1900.
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  • 29 6 We bave received from Messrs. Robertson. Wilson and Co., 16 RafHo* tjuay, some useful glassware, advertising the merits of Peace maker whisky, (or which they ass the local agents
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  • 38 6 A wire, dated the Hague, June IS. state* that tbe President of the French Kopublic will pay Holland s visit ia October He will go in a man-of-war, and will be entertained in tbe royal palace at Amsterdam
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  • 32 6 We understand that a telegram baa been sent to Messrs. Bnwkes and Son. London. informing them that their offer to supply low pitch instrument* to the Philharmooir Society's Orchestra, has been accepted.
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  • 38 6 There are to be changes of programme at the Alhambra and Marlborough cinemato graphs thi« evening, when notwithstanding counter attractions big booses maybe ax psoted as usual at week sods whoa special efforts are made tn pieaao patrons.
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  • 47 6 Mr. V. U. S. McGee. engineer, of Malacca. baa filed a specification of an invention for spouts for the coll* etion of rubber latex, and baa been granted the exclusive privilege of making, selling and using tbe invention in tbe Colony tor the term of fourteen year*.
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  • 50 6 There is a rumour to the effect that another bouse is to be built (or the use of tbe Resident General at Kuala Lumpur. Carooas ia to be lesmiud (or tbe High t jruraineiooer and may be used by the Resident General whenever entertaining on a larger scale than usual.
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  • 53 6 A polios case at Balavia ia which a shop kssper stood oharged with passing off used postage stamps (or new ones disclosed an ingeoioaH fraud. The post mark had been remoTtd from them by moans of turpentine to dissolve tbe ink, and the tampered stamps were -old aa genuine ones
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  • 68 6 It ia stated that one of the leading miner, is Kiota, whose company baa decided to shot down, will shortly be joining the Got erument an inspector of mines. In former days it oat d to be tbe reverse, says Ia Tinlaod Quite so. In former days government paid little
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  • 75 6 Tbe annual salt- of fancy articles (or tbe benefit of the Chinese Gitla School took plaae at tbe Victoria Memorial Hall last evening and waa well attended There were many energetic aaaatants at tbe variooa stalls, where business appeared to be brisk. and musical selections were given as an extra
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  • 78 6 The driving of American and Kuaaian petroleum from tb. general European market is said lo be the object of a Britiab syndicate to which the Lisbon government bai granted a oooeessioo for tbe working of all oil deposits in Portuguese Timor, the most easterly island of tbe -> io<la group,
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  • 94 6 Tbe dreassn in toe service are jubilant aa their salary scheme has be«o revised, says the Taiping paper. They can now use to H.lttO in grade I and there art- to be (oar special class appointments on t'J.ltt) rising to •MOO. These subordi nates are now better off than tbe
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  • 85 6 The oommitasa of the Peace Sooiety propose to raise 450,000. in order to perpetuate the memory s| King Kdward the Peacemaker. The exact form of the memorial ia not yet determined, bat the money may be used to endow a special ward at St. Bartholomew 1 Hospital or to found
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  • 100 6 Detective Rye. of the Shanghai police, on May 10 boarded the V I). L steamer Prias Kite! Kriedrieh on her arrival from Japan and took charge of a <iermas sailor named J. Glocke, who is alleged to have deserted at Yokohama (mm the cruiser Soharnhomt and later on was arrested
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  • 100 6 Where does all the mooey come from? That we imacine to be too ptobMsa of the day. says the Weatmiaater Uaaatt. in a recent ■Mao, writing of the stream of new oompanim -runner, oil and others— which are daily advertiaed in the proas. Yesterday the pro motor, of companies asked
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  • 114 6 Maaaagas of goodwill from various parta of the Kmpire resolved at Leeds on Kinpire Day inotaiod one from Colonel N. O. Moore, the Pressisr of Western Australia, in these terma Every effort that ie pot for ward to bring about a good aaderstanding between the Motherland and her Dominions beyond
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  • 397 6 Tbe friends ot the U-v .1 A Gray will be intsrested to know thnt be i« about to become pastor of the church ia North Mirldlston, Northumberland. Our Penaog correspondent telegraph* th»l Mr. Mesdowa Frost, Brili.h Adviser in Perlia. let (or home yesterday. Daring bit abaeoatbe duties
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  • 21 6 Tbe following crops are notified Marcl 1.50 lbs.. April 1,830 lbs., and May l.Mtt lbs
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  • 111 6 The Tunes of India, on tbe subject of a memorial lo King Bdward. say* Our own view ia that if aa All India Memorial ia to be decided upon a verdict to that tffect nhould be returned at once and that the proper position for that memorial
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  • 125 6 Lt. Col. Rea, Wth Decoan Infantry, re ported two losses to the police yesterday. One was a silver watch, ralu. I at 115. which has disappeared from bis quarters tbe other, a silver scent bottle, of tbe same value, which preceded tbe watch by a day or
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  • 139 6 The following notifications sppisii in the (iscstts of .loos 2* -Hi. Kxcelleacv the Governor has been pleased to appoint, by aa tlltrnmi.t under the public seal of the colony, the Hon. William Brans to be his deputy during bis absence in S»laagor, whether he proceeds on the
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  • 179 6 A tragedy, that is as yet enveloped in mjstery, oociirrtd yesturdsy afternoon in a Ik>um at SO, P>«xta Str«* t. occupied by a Hosgali uoMd Mahomed An.,. About 6.80 yesterday evening, Mahomed finished work v the godown of Meeer*. McAh-Oer aad Co. <)u returning borne be. according to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 145 6 "^«s«M**»*.^BMtasC*mT~~v naVJnan^^^- Melachrino Co.'s EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. ISIS Per Tin of 100 13.00 The Best Egyptian procurable. Special prices for quantities to Messes, etc. Sole Agenta i John Little Company, Ld RUBBER ESTATE SUPPLIES SUCTION OAS PLANTS. OIL AND OAS ENGINES. RUBBER FACTORIES. CENTRAL COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEMI- ENGINE WORKS, PORTABLE POWER
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    • 225 6 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD The Picture Palace TO NIGHT S EXHIBITION PATHES CELEBRATED NOVELTIES, ■isd Snow at MO p m OVERTURE BY ~OWIT ORCHESTRA OF PROFESSIONALS. ZINOARA. Takes ia tbe wild, of Bohemia. THI TURN. An amusing aad > cry soocesaf ol picture, plan nod ana taken airing the recent Paris
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  • 123 7 IMPORTANT TREATY ABOUT TO BE SIGNED. All Differences in the Far East Settled. kscTsss Taiasßinl London June W. The Daily Telegraph St. Petersburg correspondent says a Rosso Japanese treaty will to signed in a (ew days bringing Rosso Japanese relations into a phase of neighbourlinens which it
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  • 136 7 MARKET MORE FIRM AND BETTER DEMAND. The Antwerp Saks. (Fbom Ocb Own Cdtiasrorourr.) London, June S3. Tbe rubber market in London ia more firm now, aad there is a bettor demand for all qualities. Plantation ia selling well, bat the prices average about eight penoe below those given
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  • 69 7 Mr Cody Has a Serious Fall at Laffans Plain. IRaornn'i Tntasaasi] London, Jane While Mr i jJv, the British army aviation expert ojm dying over LifTan's Plain in a dhw light machine, a gust of wind violently threw the aeroplane to earth. The m«-Uioe wai smaxhed. and Mr.
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  • 39 7 Confirmed by Archbishop at Windsor. IRbctbb's Tslbobam.) London, Jane 26. The Prince of Wales ha« been Confirmed by tbe Archbishop of Canterbury at Windsor very quietly. Their Majesties and gueea Alexandria aad other royalties attend -d.
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  • 64 7 Tbe German Emperor well Enough to Attend ißiom'i T«umb4«.| London. June 25. I The Ktiser was present at Kiel RegtcU j yesterday. Dm OtTAnMTisctis Llotd Tbijmkax., Berlin. Jobs 34. During tbe Kiel regatta week tbe festivities will to attended by a number of French visitors, including M. Camboo.
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  • 25 7 ißaoras's TaLaeaaa] London. June 26. The Drtily Chronicle demies tbe Daily Mail's statement in reference to Lord Kitchener and tbe Imperial Forces Staff.
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  • 27 7 I Sanaa's Taiaoaaa.] Loodoa, June M The Basj tao Mi- ion was banqueted at tbe Oastls at Vieona. The Archduke Francis Salvator represented the Bmperor.
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  • 41 7 (Dm Oataaiansoaa Lxotd Tauaaaa.) Berlin, June 24. Turkey baa received from Athens a set explanation of the calling up of Greek KussfTss. and any danger of war la oonstqueoes of too Cretan unasHoa is believed to to rtnwveA
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  • 34 7 A Trip With Passengers Who Paid Fares. Rsrsrsss TiiMUl.) London. JomU. The Zeppelin Seventh haa Mt Doe— tldorf lor a ihort eroiaa with number of paying luaMiiui' U>oa inaugurating a commercial asfvios.
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  • 44 7 IDss OiTt»iA rises Lmtu TauaaAn.) Berlin, June 24. At tbe Hague aa International Conference is ilisnrsssiag Bills of Exchange with a view to simplification of tbe law. It ia hoped that Birgland will agree to conform to the continental exchange laws.
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  • 27 7 D»s OsTasunscna Llotd Tauaaaa.) Rerlin, June 24. Rumours that tbe Emperor William is a candidate (or tbe Nobel Peace Pri«e are not OOff FGOV.
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  • 26 7 (Dm OiMiumon Laoto Tsuesan.| Berlin, Jane U. Am attempt baa been made to murder tbe oommander at Harbin. Tbe would to assassin escaped.
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  • 35 7 (Kaon- Oca Owv CoßsatroaDnaT.) Kuala Lumpur, Jane '25. Tbe Oovurnor arrives bore to morrow and returns oo Monday. It is understood that ths object of his visit is to discuss medical matters
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  • 25 7 (Fsosj Oob Own Cobbbstobtibbt.) Penang, Jane 21. The Municipal Eoqairy commission opens its proceedings in tbe Municipal council obamtor here on Monday.
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  • 39 7 (Fbom Oob Own CoßßJtsroin>B«T.) Koala Lumpur, June 15, Good sport was had on the first day of the Klang iky races, tbe winners being Mistral, Idol, Kilat Sodager Nogga and Mockfield. The going was very heavy.
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  • 612 7 Mr. E. D. Bryce Explains His Method of Valuation. We have had some correspondence with Mr. K. O. Bryoe who thinks that we did him aa injustice in our comment on tbe nflota lioo of laain Rubber Estate ia Loodoa. Ia 'Sat moment wi pointed out that
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  • 837 7 STRANGE DEARTH OF LOCAL DISCUSSION Nobody Will Talk. Without going into details of the various ■it ages of suggestion and discussion wbich have eventuated ia tbe recently published draft of a bill to oimbat tbe shipping ring and its methods, it »>ay to recalled that tbe bill
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  • 171 7 Seventy Persons to be Tatooed aid Banished. Acoording to the Bangkok Times of June 17, the official figures in connection with the arrests made in tbe recent strike, are now available. It appears that tbe first two men arrested were the loafers who issued the order
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  • 38 7 A deaf old Kling nun. 86 years of age, wm knocked dowl aad killed is flsriagnnn Bead ysaterday Miaiag by a motor oar toloaflng to. and, it is nndsrstsod, driven by awsjTkaowa losai Iswaias g— lliim
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  • 441 7 BGTTER CONDITIONS EXPECTED IN THE AUTUMN. Prospects of Rise In Prices. Tbe London and China Express of June s, contains the following report Tbe market (or Para has continued to decline. A moderate business has been done in Fine Hard (or June July delivery at »s. 7d
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  • 687 7 Presentation from Tujoog Pagar Employees. The retiral of Mr. W. O. Niveo, from the sucietsryhip of Tanjong Pagar book Board wm signalised last night by a presentation in the Tanjong Pagar Recreation Club Blair Lodge The gift wia a handsome tea and ooffee eerrice ol
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  • 890 7 First Ordinary General Meeting of Ike Company Tbe first ordinary general (or statutory) meeting of the Changkat Serdaag "rtitm Ltd., waa held at the Aroade to-day at noon! Mr. C. Bmenoa pmaiilinu Tbe Chairman, addressing the sharelioldors, of whom there were about riftean present, said This ai
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  • 101 7 Tho Chinese Miaister to Holland has sent a letter to tbe Vioaroy saying that the Hague Coatsreuce has a report mads every year referring to tbe debates on matters which have been decided there annually. Eight volume* of them have toon translated, and forwarded for His Excellency
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  • 101 7 Giving evidence on May 81, before the Divores Commiwion. tbe Lord Chitf Justtoe (Lord Alverstoae) said be objects* to giving divores jurisdiction to eouaty c jurts or any iaasrior court. The difficulty experienced by the poor ia asooriag divorce might be met by tbe State paying
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  • 519 7 EIGHT ADDITIONS MADE TO THE PEERAGE. Liberal List of Baronetcies and Knighthoods. I Raima's Tblssbasi.| London. June 24. Tbe Birthday Honour* list is as follows Peerage* Sir R K. Caoston Sir Walt. I Foster; The Right Hon Sir E. Hudson Kearley Sir Weetman Pearson Sir William H. Holland.
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  • 71 7 KaoTsa's Tilbobah London, June 23. The Open Golf Championship result wai Braid 290 Hard 808 Duncan HO4. Braid has now won the open chanipioo ship four times, which make* him equal with Vardon and Taylor. His first win was ia 190$, and to won tbe next yesr
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  • 197 7 Charges Against Mr. Maxwell Absolutely Frivolous. (Fbom Oca Own Cobjuspoiidbmt.) IVnaog, June 34 The Pinang Uasetto alleges that the gravity of the recant conflict in Kedab was much iiiigfatssiiil that none of the charged made by the Tungkua against Mr. Maxwill ware ia any way serious and
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    • 23 8 The monthly shoot of tbe Singapore Kitle •i ■■aooiittnn Ml take p'aos at Balestior Range to morrow at J.*l pm.
      23 words
    • 177 8 Tbe Pagct Cup. The Bangkok Time* -luoo U saysAfter tbe last Cri. ket Club Committee m< -»t mg. the boa ser (Mr. N*. suttoai. seat ao invitation to thr Singapore C, anking thorn to asnd a team to Bangkok tv couir. m for tbt' P*cet Cup. We are indebted
      177 words
  • 879 8 Sir Vrthur Yoaog Describes His Recent Visit. Among the paper* laid on the table at tli« meeting of the Legislative Council yesterday was the report by Sir Arthur Young on bn visit to the Cooos Island*. It is a most intureeting dooumeat aad from it we make
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  • 731 8 The Rubber Dealers Control Bill Passed Tbo meuibess of the l.««isUuvo Council m et, y< Wrday atternooo and. au-ongnt other butine**, parsed into i iw the Rubber Dealon bill. His Kxclltncy the (Jovcroor Sir John Aodersoo. O. M. (i presided aad tbrr. also present the acting Colonial
    731 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 126 8 To tbe Editor of the Strait* Time* Dear Sir.— Wuh reference to tbe eubiect aader a telegram dated Jane 8. 1910. published in your paper under the beading remission of weuteaoa*, would you through the msdium of your paper be kind enough to inform me 1 it
      126 words
  • 97 8 The report of tM Auttriao Lloyd Steam ship Company slates that the acoounU for the year to December ll show a surplus on working of H. lOwOO.OiiO as compared with d 7.800,0(Xi in ilie preceding year. After ap propnatiag f1.1.50U,(X0 for interest on loans, 11. 4.800.000
    97 words
  • 814 8 Prices Quoted It* the Market ThU ■Unit*. Siampore. lune Si, 1910. Messrs. Lyall aad ■vatt, Bzobaage aad Share Broken, issue tbe following list ot qofrtatJoos this morning Nom. Value. Bayer*. Hellera. a/. Altaffw tm "II/. OptlOM XI Anglo Jara 14 XI Anglo Jobore If/ pd. 18/6 8/9
    814 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 28 8 Cholera ha* spread so maob in Cast Java aaoag the ooou* class that many sugar estate* o*» searoaly carry os bosiasas owing K tbt Bi*2'^ f*V b ■'■■woa*.
      28 words
    • 43 8 "To tbe Woods aaag the bard. "To tbe Woods let me flat. For this cold seems as bard Aad a* tough a* can be To tbe Wood* I'll away, For tbe oaJl doth allow, And will uuobase tbi* day Tbeu Qrc*t {Vppermt«j Can.
      43 words
    • 414 8 Mrs. Gertrude McKlei mil. jnXi*^ aVna» aanwawK H •*"*><■ >J MOTHER AND DAUGHTER PRAISING Pt-Rt-NA. MRS. GERTRUDE MrKIKRSAN, ilo Neoabo street, Emporla, au n writes: "I auffered rery much with a sever* cold In tbe head and was always complaining of feeling tlrrd mnd drowty. When my mother suggested snd
      414 words
    • 228 8 "TRIUMPH" 3iHP Motor Cycles The most successful Motor Cycle ever made. Handle Bar Control. SOLE AGENTS Riley, Hargreaves Co Ltd., SINGAPORE F.M.S. MM Moutrie is A SYNONYM OK O<K)l> Moutrie's '.I ArIAMr.K SATISFACTION. Moutrie's SBLL TUX BEST fVaXITI OK GOODS ONLY AT THE LOWEST MOM THE PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE.
      228 words
    • 135 8 MARLBOROUGH BEACH ROAD. The People's Popular. FRESH NOVELTIEB TO-NIGHT. Second Show, at 8.80 The eruption of Mount ft nit. 1910 DopictinK in dniail the recent actirity <>( this famous volcano. CLEOPATRA. 1 Adapted aad ataxed by Measra. f. /co a and Andreaoi The lore story of Mark Antony and
      135 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 633 9 A. W. TULLY AND CO. S3. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE BOOK OPEN ON SELANQOR ZMZEETIISTO-. 1«t Day, July sth, 1910. DOUBLE EVENTS ON ANY TWO RACBB. TREBLE EVENT 1000 TO 20 Races 3, and 6. Telegraphic Addr...-: TI'LLV, SINGAPORE. Telephone 539. During our sbMnos Mr. F. Lmnder will o«rry on our
      633 words
    • 662 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. w. V Iv CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANTB ROYAL HAIL STEAMSHIP UNL raa NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB CNITBD STATES Route from Hongkong via Shaingbai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama Victoria aad Vancouver. R.M.S. Banna* or Ikdu Twin screw steam R.kt.B. Bavaass
      662 words
    • 179 9 Speciality ln\S liver Goods K^ifiW_^^|^Sl Newest Designs aaal/^^ BT sfL^S° "reaSet*. napkin; rings Toilet Sets MV99 x x Trinket Boxes. >havinjf Sets i B. P. DE SILVA, 62. High Mtrmmt. HOT* BEHE. I i >»ij n t tt— Trraas y aT~^ PLEDGE' BRANDJ: HYGIENIC SWISS Mil* Milk hfc **irtSF^fl anyijjj|j
      179 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 417 10 MSatAWE. HEAT EASTEM UFE MBURANCE GO. LIMITED. ■ttf OOet 1 Wncheiter Hoom, SINGAPORE. ■oard off Dli-ejotOft) 1 Ai !>■■■■ Beg., OislraMsi a. S. Wmt*. Bsq., Managing Wreotor. rwraa Fowun. H, Baa. Chief Mod. Ofoaar. an Aa— a, Bag., Rer. N. J. Oocmaoa. f M. Ballot, Bag. O*e Soon Taa, Bag.
      417 words
    • 454 10 WSURMICEs THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Mead Orßca— l3A. CeWtM KsWi. ni| I oader the Laa Him II OompeaJee Aeta Baglaad. Mi aaAat tbe Hoagkoag Ordiaaaees. Baaa* xm DiaanTias 1 »L. a«A» WtCl^cA Bag Oaairaiaa Lee Tnag So, Bag., C. Oset^iarina, Bea., J.afta«iaßßaUE»a>, 0. R. Bnrkill. Beg., J.
      454 words
    • 446 10 BAHKiNQ* MMtTEREO MM. If RNNA. AUITHAUA AND CHINA, MOOsWOaUTMD BT BO lA* nBaBTBB raM ap Ca*Mai la mm* Baares et mmmm ■eaarrs Faaf Y. AXMOJOB fa. 1 ■tn. Osty A EkaM Baaa. EM, SUIOAPOBB B*AaOH. aJaVaaajftaal avA 1 aaaaait .aaa. a^. aVsaitw m^ mmU waMMfc mm MMMMM» fME sWsal MBBiy
      446 words
    • 606 10 BANKING, THf IZE MAI TIM lAMIHI AM m AMD to. EUBajrTBBBT. Usaessl, ■oeaaaal, M W.sHß.iOt Oaaaali aaU on tI.OsD.OOO Beservs ifaßattttT of r^roatieson II Nt ON cor/aff 09 MaacToai. I Km Tsea Jooa, Bat. r Ba Ku lim. Bsa. I Uu Oai* Haas. Ksa. t Tno Hoe Utl, Sea. I
      606 words
    • 834 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Important Tanglln Sale. HIGH-GRADE TEAK HOUBEHOLD FURNITURE. GRAND PIANOFORTE, ORGAN. RUBBER-TYRED VICTORIA. Meears. H. L. Coghlaa and Co. have been Instructed by O. Scbwemer Bsq wbc hM left the Coloay, to sell by Aoetioa On Smturdmy, July 9, mt 1.30 p.m. AT VILLA BERGEOORF. NO.
      834 words

  • 896 11 MOTORS MOTORING. CARS AS DELIVERY WAGONS AND TRUCKS. I Tbe oat of motorcar* by commercial house* kw- nowhere become to ■ooeeaaful a* in department storea. It more aad more becoming a tact that department atom eonaider their eqaipmMt incomplete unlea* electric aad gaeoline delivery ear* have been provided. One great
    896 words
  • 90 11 A aarioaa aenkat, oausing loaa to two Lauiko lir< aad mocli livestock, ocoarred on Jaae 18, m the Tapti Valley Ruliray, India, la ooaatquanoe of heavy rainfall a culvert wm ■wept away by th< fljod*. A mixed train ■>i approaooinc Doadatcbe »t»tion, when the eoßiae aad eight load-d cattle wagßoaa
    90 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 529 11 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAROFFICb had 120 different Types of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car Is Duo to Arrive nent Month. Full particular* o( which can be had bom CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOI CARS FOR HIRE DAY OR
      529 words
    • 55 11 JUBT WHAT YOU NEEO. Yoor tongue is coaled. Your Breath ia tool. Headaches come aad go. These symptom* ahow that yoor stomach is the tnmoie. To rsmove the ««ose is the first thins;, .nd Chamaarlaia's Saomaeb and Li»er Tab eU wiU do thai. Baay to taka and nwst effeotim. Sold
      55 words
    • 255 11 K 4p I 1 jQI TOR MBYS TifIDMN SM< Unxwkaut tkf wor A rM«OM I mn, J7. FT.n. AMnu. E t»m a Co. 9itmn. pm io Juu Maran. Ll4 Tafcl.. Ho Inn 1 '<! c*m Ton. til, limk i>«uu>. I* S A pmw Drw <«**. Cki* SM. mv Hi "niuata
      255 words
    • 125 11 Guinness' Extra Foreign Stout, Basss Ale T B HALL C?L".° HEAD or ALE STOUT BOAR'S HEAD BRAND. £3 Teacher's Highland LJ £H Cream and Extra jg\ Special Whiskies J9k **^aW| THESE SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE OLD AND Afl Teachers J mellow.andean be obtained khom >"t£°H Ann Lock and Co Cheng and
      125 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 624 12 WANTB. CHINESE CUM WMTEI). VYaottd. Cnp*bli< Chinese Clerk experienced in UookicK and a good typist Salary (75 per month Apply K co Straita Time* ■UN SHORTHAND-TYPIST WANTEO H«qniM-cl iniiuidiatclT. an expert Short, hand T\|iitt for English orr< spondenoe in Saigon.* Address A. It c o Slraita Time*. ■MM CLERICAL WORK
      624 words
    • 516 12 WATS. PERMS NURSING ASSOCIATION. Wanted, a folly qualified Nurse with Maternity training. For farther particular*, apply by letter to the Hon. Secretary. Dr. J. STUART ROSE. MM BELANBOR CLUB. Applications will be reoeived on or before 16th July, 1910, far the Secretaryship of this Club at a Salary oommeaoiag at
      516 words
    • 436 12 THE LET H SOLD, ROOMS TO LET. At Zctlaad House (Armenian Btreet). Apply on the promises. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET No. 2, Adi* Boad, entry from July 1, 1910 Apply to F. B. David, 1. Malacca Street. HOUSEB T 0 LET No*. 7 and Ba. Cbaooary Lane. Superior European reaidenoe*.
      436 words
    • 683 12 NOTICES. STRAITS STEVEDORES AND CO. Contractors of Labour and Provisions for veaaela. Loading and diacharKing heavy lifts, general cargo aad coal. Supplying Lighter* and Chinese boata for traafhip ment work and Provision* of all kieds at moderate obarge*. R. H. SULTAN, Proprietor. Tel. No 1122. Ofßoe No. 8. Loke Vow
      683 words
    • 692 12 NOTICEB. THE KITUNG CO. LTD. OF NO. 1-3. OLD MARKET SQR.. KUALA LUMPUR. Have made arrangementa for weekly arrival* of Chinese Immigranta at Port Jwetten bam, beginning with toe s s. Arratoor A pear ■ailing from Hongkong on tbe 88rd instant. Estate Managers desirous of eagagiag this claa* of labour
      692 words
    • 304 12 C. H. Willis IS NOW DOING BUSINESS ON THE FORTHCOMING Kuala Lumpur Races, JULY 5. 7 AND 9. No Entry Ho Bet. Straight-oat on till Races. Doubles on auy two Races. Treble Event on Kaces 3, 6, 6 Bets made by wire must be con firmed by letter. NO REPLY
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 240 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miaoellaae on* wash of every description are insert ad at tbe prepaid rate of II per tout lines for oae or two iasertions. Notice* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not fiipending tour line*, II each inswliua For p.pc. oards, on page 8, 12. Ihcb Scalb Hats*
      240 words