The Straits Times, 22 June 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.289 81NGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 22. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 339 1 D. IJ ledllQß'i PERFECTION WHISKY. ULOBEC*. MAOBIEBOR MOOOMPUIY. KATZ BROS., LD. Agents fox* BARON'S PATENT AUTOMATIC PIPE FILLER. HOW TO USE THE PIPE FILLER. B OM g^*,™ Tbe Pipe Killer is made in two pito— ka BbEJ*-% ooter tube <a) containing tin- planner, and an %BNfll inaer tobe (bj (or
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    • 291 1 Robinson 0% Co. A. FRESH BHIPMEITT OF Nestor Gianaclis Egyptian Cigarettes FINE PETIT in Soldered Tins of 100 qq EXTRA PIN?: PETIT $J. 75 EXTRA FINE FORMAT MOYEN $3 50 QUEEN (Oo!d Tipped) 'I; i i Ernest Bnchant's j Belgium Cigars. LONDRES in Soldered Tins of 100 $325 lIEPALJA DEL
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    • 28 1 NOTICE. We have now removed our business to No. 4, Ad is Haildings (Hotel Europe), where we shall continue to sell our remnants below cost price. LEVY KCElt3^^.2^rOS.
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    • 5 1 Bollinger CALOBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY.
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  • 831 2 AIUSING SCENES AT CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY. Lion Shooting tnJ Success in Life. The Lioa aad the I'aioon wUI scatter for their live* Whrn Uie mighty big gam* banter from America arm**, Bat hi* ptoweea ia the jangte to a* ■othiog to hia fame In the copy book cum cuapei-iuiaaionary
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 134 2 lor the Skin "HAZtUNjI Complexion Bb^smH "'HAZELINE' SNOW" Removes that greasy appearance the complexion njraSich jiiravt.- oi much from MMsty. r.»r »hi> purpose it 11 awi iiiicier.t jnj more hygienic ti an toilet jamwtlt in any fiirm. H-^eltiu- Simvs daajsMl and beautifies by sgi\ -timuljtint; t"' >»>" <>' healthy action.
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    • 95 2 BEWARE OF A OUGH Now ia tbe time to get rid ol that ooogh for if you let it hang on, no on* oan tell what tt c end may be. Others have bean oared of tbeir ooaghs Tecy quickly by aaiag Cliamberlain'a Coogb Remedy. Why not yoa t Try
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    • 446 2 COMPLETE AND QUICKEST RECOVERY GUARANTEED. Against Asthma, Cough, Consumption and ALL AFfEGTIOMS OF THE CHEST. THROAT. AMD LUNGS fVOUNQFIR Wj *S ELIXIR i%NThABTfIIIATIQUE PULMONAIRE J mmm DR SAUL BERNARD ir— n~* f^ MJ >w This ex jjllent and energetic preparation is baaed /^SB B^k» oath 3 lateat bacter.ologic experiences. In
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    • 138 2 LADIES SAFE REMEDY *tazfTS|&A for functional troubles, delay, pain and those xkmf /"J^ irregularities l^ii l\/v?si*^ peculiar to the m _2_^Z« ararar^BK J km mil wsja i««»fli Ba^BJIkV *j m*§ T Chrmisu THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. IBST-rVBLISIIBD 1S83) 1 MANCFACTCRIRS OF PURE ROPE ISTMNOI CABLE LAID 4 STRAND l/r
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  • 803 3 ONLY ONE SAVED OF BIG STEAMERS CREW. Sole Survivor's Story. A diaaxtrooa oolluioa ia tbe Channel, with bea»y lose of life, was reported on May H from Lloyd's agent* at Cowch ia tbe toliow ing telefrram Foornaated barqoe.l.C. innen. of Bra. mm, facni Hamborf, bound to Mr\.oo. arrmd
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  • 267 3 Rumours Regarding Commission on China Station The Malta correspondent of the Naval and Military Record writing on May 18, iaja.Wby ia it that lumoqr la M ban again with regard to tbe deatinieaof the Triumph and Hwiftaora. A week or two ago they ware to coal
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 852 3 Urn s.n NEVER sets on th. ELGIN TENTS. They art to be found ALL OVER THE WORLD. j RBa^^^al b^^Bßw9 y Fo "> > l N jjSa .^BBy >i I ualaliwjas of I t<dM op WMmOmMi?- 'w^Hb^w^^T rtcmwwxsct J Ba^^HsaVVHHBolRaBaH Ofllteri Solas L.FI. Teat Miniature Swiss Cottsf e Teat Biae
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    • 14 3 Far ail ialernii eomplaiala, Djibsbi.i Coauba, Oolda, sss.. tak# Woods' OrrairVrrx aii t Cbtb.
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    • 141 3 ■v TEA We do oot el aim to have more brains than oar competitors, bat we belieTe it if really to yoar interest to take advantage ol oar forty years ol sacceufal tea-blend-ing. BROOKE BONDS TEA SoJd by the tollowiae; dealen Oaaa Chin Hoac> Co ■brarasari Pakiraaaidaa A Co Tlaag
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    • 485 3 m I BBW aawßaV b»»^bW^^^^Bßßßbl E-^^-v-v-wS MILK I Those who use NEBTLE S FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a standard article fatorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 35 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 678 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. ■er Chin*. Jaaaa, Paaaag, Ceylea Anstralla, India, Adea. Bgyat, Madlterraaeaa Ports, Plymeutk aad Leadoa. Tbroagh BUlt ot Lading toned tor Oktoa Ooaet. Pordee Onll, Oonktnaatol. and Amerlaeo fort*. Steam in will laev* nia«npnw on or afcoat MAIL LINES Omiwar4 (/or Ohm*) Delhi Jaly
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    • 589 4 BTEAHER BJUUIHS. N.Y.K. JAPAN WUL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. A renlar lortniahUy aarrtea is maratelaad a»tv^»nJAPAT4Bi ITJBOPB by tba Company waU-aaowa TWII4CIIW aTBAHBBa ander Mail Oootraot with tba Imperial JapaneneGovetßment, apaaially danmn far tbe Company* lim,ni Oarffaa, lighted Soojclm-T ky Btefatott,, provided wttb uoaUaat BOfrmimrLi*^- far First aad Seooad Clam f
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    • 569 4 STEAMbI MIUMt HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURB Ta* Ininiii of Into Ooapony aaiaare a ragnlai arvfao ailana Haaborg. Braaea, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, cad th* Strait* Oktoa and Japaa. Homeward*. Ihty ar* d**paloh*d fortnightly f Havre and Haabarg end oaae month for Bremerbavea dlraot, selling at Poaang aad ttoHM Taking oargo at
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    • 727 4 STEAMER BAIUIIIS. N. D. L. Rorddeutsoher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL eERMAN HAIL LIKE Tk* faa and well known aai] Ilia tkto Company aaU fortalghty troa Braa > Haaborg. vto n tin fan. Anvwatn. Hnetkaai ton, Olbranar. Oenoa, Boat** Ma MaraaUla, Map!**, Alaxandrta. and vto* van* Port Bald, Boa*, Aden. Oolotrbo, Peaaat
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  • 936 5 DUKE OF CONNAUGHT TO OPEN PARLIAMENT. Mr Botha's Task. Renter ageoey baa re aaoa to beliere that after May Al, whan Sooth African Uaioa eomna into being, the I'aioo Oorerament will be iaformed that his Royal Tfighnaaa the Doke of Connaoßbt will open the I'nion FaxUameot. Toe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 690 5 STEAMER BAIUNGB. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. las Msamsr* of this Oompaay mentals a regular Hi ant ssrvte* bstwesa Oaten »a. Biraiw. Onsatsaa, ■hsaihal aad Japaa, takmfl avfe. an tbroagh Bias of Laaua for Uaatoa. Bwatow. Amor oVieoo, Tlsatata. Bswehwaa«. Taagtass Petto. Formosa, ths PIIH *s.. Aa. Haaajatß tsatißS t.sai
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    • 546 5 STEAMER BAILIN6B. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAN Y'B ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP URL Tn NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB CHINA. JAPAN. CANADA AND THB LNITBD BTATBB Route bom Hongkong »ia Sbainehai, Nagasaki (Inland Set at Japan). Koto, Yokohama, Viotorie ud Vaaooarer. R.M.S Earun or bn>u Twineorew •team R.M.S. Kvuuor
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    • 571 5 STEAMER SAILINGS APCAR LINE. OP 6TEAMERB Tbt nndermentiooed mail usesmaTß of tha abovs Line maintain a rajralar serrioe be tweea Oalootsa aad Japan. oaJling at Penaoß, Sianapore, Hongkong and Shanghai ea roote. FLEET. Toaa Commander "jAfAK" 6,018 A. Stswabt Obboobt Ari-u 800 3. H. Bblson Abbatooh Afcab 4 800 W.
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    • 47 5 LAME SHOULDER Whether lasaaasit from a apraaa or from rbeomatM paiaa, there is nothiM so Rood for a lama shoulder as ChamlarWa Pain Balm Apply it freely aad rob the parts vi« oroasly at sack aaarTaihtoa and a qoiok flora isaartoia For aVW ay aD DlsaaisariMaad iflam
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    • 503 5 ft WINCARNIS EVERYBODY'S WINK TONIC jp^ Hfll LTTi'fX't^ WINCARNIS < ■swT^stM ]J ama mßvVaß^Lsmw7~"^^ < r kn m ll)r rrAI »'alu» •>• '«ri HH K'^cn alorr. Imt in thru h B^ proportion* us m incarr.« thr\ srr afl V *V>«"- out Wit.egl.aaful of Win- I -v amrwtaa, hold n 10
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  • 880 6 SISTER MILDREDS STORY OF RESCUE WORK. Midnight Id Piccadilly It is a dnpussinglv -urdid story, that indicate*, however brittly aad iaavdcqoately. the real nature of the problem of government tl at awaits solution in jonuction with the midoight activities v! Piocadilly and its nei({hboarii)^ thoroughfare*, observes the Westminster
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 484 6 A Grateful Wife L «asL W 11 jaT'^wsrsrsa Maternity Weakness, Rheumatic Fever, Depression lust sittin. Btsi an I i' rvtrythi.ig .<■'■> l>as been done, does DO* suit Mrs. \N ways MtiKaMj ko rr^oie lier husband's hea ih. she tried :'i«: Iv .1 a **W Pkufirim t.<iy. TlMi benefit was
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    • 252 6 Woods' Great Peppermint Cure for all ioterna. eomplainta. Diaeaterv. Coo«bs tMaaf,*** LIFE WITHOUT HCALTH IS LIVING OCATN. SANTO REMCDIA. or •LCSSEO MMtOV. VETARZO N t W e VJJ, D o luu rm^fUlk .viapouJ. Ike imli ot Ike «vy «imJ h». t-mrtitt M maAtrm <h«mi««!V. ph^«^..,10,,. ud Uri^prulm «ilW<a al in
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    • 815 6 SKIN DISEASE PUZZLfpORS They Could Not Relieve Weeping, Itching Eczema that Spread Over Face and Chest Suffering Lasted a Year and a Half— Economically CURED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT A raih broke out on my f«< and ra*»t. wliM-h i-ausmi by arrui.-hlag s |>impl' on my mi. ll ai>rvad
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    • 344 6 KELLY AND WALSH, LIMITED. TUC AD JUST RECEIVED. NEW CONSIGNMENT D., D1 If n The AbdnlLtJi" Cigarette. Rubber Planting Companies in MalaVQ An Exsellent Cigarette, of the Beat 111 MaUJi KKTptiao Tobacco. by parry and miroal k FREE FROM AOULTERATION. Price I 91.10. Specially preper. ,1 for B x port.
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    • 295 6 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at tbe following places in Singapore ateasTß. John Little Co.. I td. i Messrs. Kelly and Walsh. Ltd. RafflM Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs. Kirn k Co., Battery Road k Armeoiaa Street. Messrs. Koh Co.. 90. Bras Baaah RoadI Messrs. Obee Soon a Co., Orchard
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  • 176 7 FIXTURES. aVaaineaday. June a Hitch Water, 10.49 a.m »S4pa. Albsmbra CHasosstograph Harima Cinemstogrspti Marlaoroagh CiasuiaiogTaph rharaday, June 33. ■*rb Water. 11.31 am. 10.JS p.m. Birthday of Priaoe Vxlward B. I. homeward mail alosaa N. D. I*, ootward mail doe. Cop Tie. Lagoon S C. v. tL U.
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  • 173 7 To D»t. Bain Pasat Sr W Dk,*» Maauioa, Port Diokaos. Port BwatWaharn asd Tfluk Anaoa KinU pm Praang and Calcutta Kut Bao, I prn Bang* It Binptp.<rr < pm Qoilo and Manila V!ioant< 4 pm Te-alossb«. raasag. Malaooa. F.M.S. sod Jcbor. (Oariaod) (By trala) t am Crriman
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  • 139 7 Tb* Imp l.rrnun ma I •tfaraer Lv t w. saving let: c. lomb. Os the Ittth kasV at T p.m may be e\n**-t*d to arrive brre os Tb viaafUrnooo. tb* '.'trd io»t., at 5 p m. Tb* B I. contract packet (tasmer T»<- be with tbe London
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  • 451 7 Latest ArrhraJs. rUo Wk*tt Htm. Brit air IN toaa. Captain tjeng<l'>o. Jon<> From P Hwrlteohaoi <ana »l Or aad 77 dp. Btraite Btaaraahip Co. For Port Bwtttenham. June M— Rda. Ban aTta* lass, Bnl atr. 190 toon. Captain ffilor. Jane 11. From P Bw*ttesh»m. Inn* Or and 16
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  • 99 7 WharvM at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. E. W. Basn— Hel». B. W. Batmoa I— Calypso. Birkaall. Kit Sao* Sanaa Wbast— Nil. M. W. Bawnoat -Teats. Nam Sssg. 8- Baron Napier. 4- ■••lomb<> Marti. B— Nil. Loekaun. OUaah.rl Liooob Doca
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  • 252 7 Arrivals. Her steamer Swaasrdeoroos. June '21.— Krom V>MD'\ |< rmaaain via porta I Mr. J. H. FaaW. Per -teamer Selaagor, .loae 21— From r. M. S. via porta Mr» T. Miller. Mn. Saaderstm. Meaara. Cockaoa. Magiel. F. A. Krst/ohwaa aad ft Bnstoa: Per steamer Bao WbaM Hin,
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  • 37 7 be llritiab ateaii<w Cliaroa arrived from Kremantle yeaterday. with a general earg<> ri wool and timber. a cargo of 2.A00 toaa of erode oil wibro xht Irons lab Soeeoe yesterday, by the Mafi ateamer Mores.
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  • 555 7 S. V.C. ORDERS. Bt Liarr.Coi. E. O. Bboaduci. Commandant. S.T.C. Sinfapor,, *m U, 1910. r. c. Uait 11-MIM K. A. Bnmn. S. I. Ima rmoried bin rH'in fn>in l«i\e af abaencv. S. K A. M..i.tlil> Sb<»t II:- Thr ni.>ntbly ■bOKt of the 8. R. A. mil take plaea on Kuarfnx
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  • 124 7 Difficulty Respecting Docking Facilities. Tlie naval aullioritiea io lava are in a ftx in tbe matter of the repair* to the armoured cruiai r Noord Brabaat whicl lately atrook on a rest off Lombok island. Tbe damage ia very great indeed, and expert* say that the repaira
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  • 104 7 A apasial aale of rare portage aad telegraph atampe of Great Britain waa bold at toe Loadoan Hotel, Surrey. street, Htrsad, by Meaare. Veatoo. Ball aad Cooper. Bidding waakeea. An lxftS ud etrsw, wrok. embiema. plate 5, perforated, iv mint atasr. fetched £31 IH6B, wmk. spray, la
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  • 242 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE MMMMaWi .ii>» _:j 1910 C« l.oftdi*,— Back 4 nr,a a/4| Dtuiaad a«^ Piivatr 6 m/a nj do m/a 2/4|| On Grttoavy— Bask d/d 340 Private 8 a>/« M 4 do 6 m/a -.MB, On France— Bask d/d we Private 8 m/a 994 do 6 m/a 80aH 0«
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    • 175 7 Value. 10 10 Bel»t Tin 10 10 Brumnx 10 10 Bnueh Uyd 10 10 A»n»boi 41 41 Kin* Tin 41 41 KladMm Tin 10 10 Kntataa T.d 41 41 UJbaX Mian 41 41 lUUya »nd Si*m 10 10 lUlaeoa Tin P»h*n»( Coo«oi 41 41 P—whihwi 41 41 PoMg B»hra
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    • 571 7 Value. Buyer. Seller* >/• AlUfftr 0/0 7 I 2/. 2,- Ari«ioXUl»y I.KH 1.10.8 2/. U KkUii K M>IU> 1/. J pm 41 £1 BUu CikTM 1 4U0 16.0.0 41 41 BUuTiga .15.0 5 10.0 41 41 Bukit KsjutK *-0 8.10.0 41 10/ Contributory 2 10.0 2.1 2.8 pm 41
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    • 104 7 lane 1 Valve 10 10 EaMera Smelting 10 7 60 60 Frtaer ■■M 100 Hiwmrth LKnkina -7% Xl ißro-Def. 100 100 B 8% Com. Prat 10 10 IUyBMdACo. Buyer* StUen nom. lOiX) «00 JO.-.00 215.00 68 00 80.00 90.00 t? 50 nom. tXOO 00 lonic !s w»b. 100 100
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    • 43 7 Howkrtb Brakio*6 ttOOJOOO p*r Riley, H*r iwnil°, «»4A)0 1% pM. rWeT'waja AMMO SaMMre Mi mMapal6% *****.000 Mm. Bayxra. Seller* Siagapore Ma aScipal 4, of 10UT 41.M0.000 S% 7% pr* SiagaporeMn of 1806 11.000.000 6% 7% pr SiaasporeMa oieipal 4% 4802.900 7% dia
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 168 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Jane 24.— At the Railway Store. Pilau Saigon, unclaimed articlca aad uaaervioe able «t at 2 JO. I oe 'IS.— At Raasalow No. 2, Kteb: m B.ut. off Nail RoadV teak houssbold furai < tare, etc., property >f W. O. Nivea, K*| I at ft
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    • 217 7 I W. D.Z* H. O. WILL'S THREE CASTLES "MAGNUMS" A Larga Hand-Made Cigarette. 'nreeCastU- JJ SSCTB. I Wd&'h'o wiiis Bristol I Lon(io'±^jgi^ OBTAINABLE AT: John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. THE QUEEN-MOTHER S LETTER TO THE NATION Tbe Fae aimile of Qoesa Alexandna Aotograph Lester to tbe Nation. Printed ia
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    • 23 7 TUB iT p r' \^L^r*£* 'o'raaoe Oxl« y Riae and River Valley »JsQ <* JlaT ■^g^3sffal Rosd. JCmMsjwJM rsHH Telephone No. toll terms modeu.\""
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 189 7 WEATHER REPORT Kassaag Karban npifttal, Jose 11. |l a. I r. a. 8 r. a. sUnr«uBar. M Fah M.-48 18.717 88.844 Temp 81.4 MB i MS Kil W*lßalbTh*r TB.O TS.O 77.« Dir of Wind r*>lm calm eslai Mai. Tamp I 88.8 Mia 74.0 Max. tn Saa 141.4 Tarad. Tber.. 69.8
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  • 27 8 T*»— At *.*Q p.m. on June 21, at Dingwall, Paair Paajaag, Tan Soo Kbeam. the youngest son of the Hoa'ble Tan Jiak Kirn aged 7 years.
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  • 1053 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22. INTERNATIONAL UNION. At tbe time of King Kd ward a funeral, nine kings. Ore beirt apparent, four qneen>. and representative n of all nationa met in London. At one memorable dinner party, tbe German Bmperor bad a conversation with M. Piobon, tbe French Foreign
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  • 14 8 Mi. Loke Yew is about to open another large estate in tbe Klang district.
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  • 16 8 The spring arop of silk is reported upon most adversely thnmghout the aetioolsuraJ districts of Jspan
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  • 16 8 Tbe Straits Echo says the Municipal Inquiry Commianioa is doe at Peeaag from Singapore this week.
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  • 45 8 Tbe Rebo de Chine anils ittwMoa to the adulteration of robber by Chines* trader* at Singapore. It ia alleged that they ooat heavy ball* of wood, stones, and even iron with rob bar of varying thickness and paea it off m tbe H H •AsrtisJstL
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  • 13 8 Latest advertisrmeßta of tbe day appear es page T aa well aa 10.
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  • 29 8 To morrow is tbe IMb birth day of Prise* Edward, Heir Apparent to the throne, and is declared a public holiday. Tbe exchange banks wiU close tor the day
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  • 29 8 Tomorrow being a public holiday, the Swimming Club launch will make trips from Jotmstou s Pter to tbe dob at 2.80 asd B*o, returning at 8 and S 3a
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  • 30 8 A small, but attractive, stall of china from England and Germany will be one of tbe features at tbe forthcoming sale at tbe Chinese Girls 1 School on June 'U
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  • 33 8 The one of ooouut shells for collecting latex is now boooming extensive »n rubber plantations in Ceylon. These shells are oar. fully aorted aod prepared and they apparent ly answer tbe purpose well.
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  • 31 8 A hurricane swept over Tonkin in the district* adjoining the Chinese frontier on Jane 9. Great damage wan done to bouse property. Two persons were killed and about twenty were wounded.
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  • 35 8 There will be a change of programme at tbe Marlbortugli cinematograph, to night, tbe pictures 1 Deluding a number of roloured ones, besides tbe historic films Claopatra and the Kr option of Mount Etna, 1010.
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  • 36 8 Many of tbe principal residents of IVnang were present at tbe KsfHas' guest night din ncr on Saturday. Music waa indulged 10 after dinner and is now being supplied each evening—aa innovation which is greatly appreciated
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  • 37 8 At tbe Alhambra. Shanghai, a former gambling bouse, which was recently rson—il aa a roadside house, tbe police arrested two parsons, aa American named Setten Had ley and an Austrian named Popovwh, on charge of permitting gambling.
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  • 42 8 An International Conference is to be b. id at tho Hague to consider the laws of exchange. No fewtr than twenty nine different states will be represented, and it is expecWs) that the findings will be of great value to international finance.
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  • 46 8 A shocking tragedy is reported trom Than bos* in Aooam (lodo-Cbina). Tbe district ffioer —M. Erny by name— when delirious from (over 00 June 12. snatched a revolver •ud shot his son, a baby fifteen months old. dead, severely wounded his wife, and then killed himself.
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  • 45 8 The Journal of tbe Society of Chemical Industry for May 18. has a most useful and entertaining article on the India Kubber Industry, by Dr. Philip Schidrowits. together with tbe discussion which followed upon its reeding before the Society at Burlington Hoove, on April 4.
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  • 57 8 About one of the oldest landmarks in Taiping is aliortlj to disappear. vi«., the bouse whicli was Colonel Walker's borne for over a quarter of a century It in situated next to the Bewdency asd on aooount of it* age, it being a wooden structure, it has been decided to
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  • 48 8 A distinguished party of Malaya has left by tbe Sappho for Trengganu. including Tungkus L'mposn wi(» of the Sultan of Linggi), Kilek. Tci., Sslamab. /.abarah. tiie Hajsh /.«'.irs, the Tungkua Hesar and All of Kiow aad Linggi, Tungku Mabmoad bin 1 >thtnan of lohore. and several Kbio official*
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  • 54 8 The Msm-hester owucl roaUiug stoamer British Empire, waa sunk in Uie Mancbcuter Ship Canal, in tnc result of a collision with tbe Swedish steamer Hsfidan. Th. latest news wh that eleven steamer* were waiting to eater the Canal at the Mersey, an. l much inconvenience liad been cao«e<l to ship
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  • 67 8 Aden is fast developing into a cigaret<e manufacturing town. There are now six firms making cigarettes for export and more than ooe hundred firm* manufacturing Hulely tor local ooowmptioo. Tbe climate of Aden is believed to be better suite<i to the mano fscture of cigarettes than U«at of Cairo. In
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  • 59 8 Tbe case against Messrs Aylesbury and Garland s agent, arreeiud and charged with pisllisiag rubber outside the district pro rided by bis been c, baa aroused a deal of local interest, reports the Ipob cci respondent of the Malay Mail. Mr. Ebden who beard tbe appeal from the Kuala Kangaar
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  • 62 8 Mr. J. Maxwell, of the Chartered Bank of India, wbo was motor cycling near Madrsii. took too wide s curve, with tbe result that bis machine dashed into the parapet of a bridge and be waa thrown into the bed of tbe Oooom below and rendered unoouetioui He quickly recovered
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  • 76 8 About a week ago. Mr. Green, second tuagiktraw. had before him a dozen coolie-. charged with escaping from a boose isolated under tbe Quarantine Rules wber. they hsd bees confined as bubonic plagoe contact* Eight of the prisoßers wer- fined |H Tin oases of tbe other four were postponed in
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  • 88 8 Mr. Mitobell mentioned to tbe meting of tbe Tapah Planters' Association held the other day that be bad recently been request (d by government to nlraae a number <>( innmtnni Tamil oooliea to the low to tbe e»ttte of ITiXX Mr. Mitchell suggested that tbe aaaociation a delegate to the
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  • 442 8 I 'uring Uie visit of the Bishop of Singapore to Perak, be will consecrate tbe Church of tbe Resurrection, Kuala. miss 1 on the ■-'nib inst. 11 E. sir Cheng Tung I/eung Cbiag, Chinese minister to Germany, was on (he German mail steamer which left for Europe
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  • 54 8 A fire broke out. on June I 00 tbe steamer of the Macl.iy, Mclntyre line, the Magdals. which arrived at Bombay on the 3rd inst with ocal from Calcutta. The outbreak was due to spontaneous combustion. Tbe 6re was pot out by tbe Port Trust appliance*. Tbe
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  • 77 8 Harmston' s Circus. llarmstoo's circm has left Medan fnr Singapore and is doe to srrive bere on Fri day morning, the opening ptrloi n announced for tbe follow log 1 vnning. booking for boxc* and first clannclisirn in proceed ing at the Robinson l'iano Company Wn have already referred to
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  • 161 8 To night, the series of pictures which has been exhibited at the Albambrs cm. mato graph since Saturday will be exchanged for a new set which will include one <<f s lo< i! character. This i« entitled In tbe Land of Eternal Summer, aod the picture takes ono
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  • 164 8 an impresntoaist demon vtrstion the ■bow at the Engine* r> Ini-tniite doe* not ocunt, lay* the I'idsok Gazette Man cxhibi tion of modott wotk by ingenuna* amateur* it i» quite op In tbe aTrrav and io some in ilu<-i I deserves genuine praiw. There are seventy wkd water
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 126 8 Speciality In Sliver Goods W^t I Newest Designs Jfefr~^^^/ sterling Tea Sets SILVEK ill-OS naikin Kiscjs Toilet Set* IOK I Z '&fc |Q Cigarette Cases j a Hair Brushes MSußm\ aB B. P. DE SILVA, 5 62, High Strmmt. Assam f Assam 10UCH0NG n lclyn I lb. Tin- DLtlill ii
      126 words
    • 259 8 ALHAMBRA BBAUH BOAI> THK BIG SHOW NEW SUBJECTS TO MIGHT 2ad SbowatßJOpm OVBBTUBE: Seleetioo -"Oar Miss Gibba. IN THK LAND OF CTKRNAL SUM MEN A pietoresqiie film depiotin^. anDoa otbet things, tbe sp!«ndid Deer Park and 1 tli< tamoos Botanical Gardens at Baiten aorg (Java), the seat of the Governor.
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    • 70 8 Property Sales. The following Siogtpori propcrtu weredu pooed of by auction at Memi- Powell t'a •ale room yesterday ailerncn Freehold land at -xrang :m Koad, area 69.1 '>4 Mjoam feet, grant 000 Cljia <>o K Tin at ft oeoto pvr at] foot-- •'i.96T.T0. and freehold land hooting a raaerTe for
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  • 143 9 SIR lAN HAMILTON GOES TO THE MEDITERRANEAN. Questions of Colonial Inspection Raited. Raima's Tuasaf London .loae 21. It is announced officially that Sir lin Hamilton is appointed Commander in Chief in tbe Mediterranean. .Major General Kwart become. Adjulaat General, aad Sir Archibald H (inter Governor of Gibraltar. Tbe
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  • 71 9 Liberal Majority Reduced at West Hartlepool. I Rama's Taissaia I .on don, Juae '11. The Ityt. Election in West Hartlepool has resulted a» follows Furaess (Liberal* 6159 Orettno (Unionist; 59M Majority 106 Tbe -eat wax declared vacant owing to illegalities on the part of Sir Christopher Kurneas's agents,
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  • 63 9 Germany Endorses M. Isvolski's Proposal. I Raima's Tnrrifr] London, lune T.L. The Times St Petersburg correspondent aayi that Germany has informed Russia of bar entire approval of M. Isvolaki'i Cretan proposal, the parport whereof had been learned from tbe newspapers. Tbe Protecting Powers alone received tbe
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  • 49 9 Labourites Refuse to Recognise Conference. IRSCTBII TBIBSBIB- I London Juae Tl A meeting of Labourite Commoners baa resolved that the Veto resolution* are on modifiable. Tbe Labour party therefore ntoteate against the front benches assuming authority to go behind the decision* of the House ot Commons.
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  • 35 9 |KsoTsa'i Tblbobahj I<oadon. Job* 'il. Theodore Koonevelt. junior, was married at New York yesterday to Mus Alexander. There was a hast of guests and the street* were packed Mr. Roosevelt* roughrders attended
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  • 39 9 jßsoTaa's Tst.— >hm.] London, June 2U. Lord Roberts hai opened a great Army pageant at r'olham Palace grounds. It depicts tbe development of the army from tbe aailket times onward, and the finest episodes in continental wan.
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  • 48 9 I DsbCst Asia rowan Llotd Tbibsbim Berlin. June 21. Prince Tsei-teo was received by the Kaiser st boob, and afterwards departed for Vienna. At KriudrichehsJea. in the presence ot the Chinese Military Commission, Count Zeppelin made an assent for It bourn All passed off welL
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  • 39 9 (Dm OttASiATisoani Llotd TaLS*aam.| Berlin, June 21. The Emperor William goes to Hamburg oa Wednesday, where he loaches with Hen Ballin. Afterwards be goes on to Kiel, where be will take part ia all tbe festivities.
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  • 17 9 (Das Ostasutucm Llotd Tilbakam Beriia. Job* 21. Tbe Siberia* town Isohita ia partly flooded.
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  • 354 9 Applications for New Licences Reined. The Lieaniias Justice* sat In the first magistrates court, yesterday afternooa, to ~~f 7 iA— k number of applications for renewal)., transfers aad new licence*. Mr. Wolferstan presided and there were also ..reseat on tbe bench Lieut Cetor. Messrs hooper, Macbean, Gahagan,
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  • 431 9 Orchestral Concert at tbe Teutonia Clsfb. The Singapore Philharmonic Society entered upon its twentieth season by giving. at tbe Teuton ia Club, Us* night, a concert mainly orchestral in character, varied with a few most acceptable songs. The ball was comfortably filled, tbe audience incluiing a good
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  • 114 9 Mr. J. A. Le Doux, manager of the Koto Tinggi iJohore) Rubber Co.'s estate, prosecuted to-day, in the second pones eouit, s young Malay for retaining itolea rubber worth 145. He stated be saw the defendant landing from a sampan at Rota Tinggi with a ■u»picioos lookiog box
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  • 67 9 President Taft had a narrow escape from death ia Pissaic oa May w. At the Aycrigg aveane turns ins, ot the Eris railroad a west bound express train, bidden by trees until it was almost upon the presidential party which was ia automobile*, asoorted by State cavalry and mounted police,
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  • 283 9 TRAVELLERS ATTACKED AND CARRIED OFF. Red Sea Piracy. Further details about the unrest in tbe Adea hinterland are given by the Times of India. There seems to be no appreciable improvement in tbe position. Tbe follower* of the Amir of D.hala have once again got into troub'e
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  • 267 9 t American Corporation to Import 540,000 Toas from China. Uoe of the greatest commercial enterprises recorded for years ia the Pacific is tbe mmtract olostd by the Western Steel Corpora tion with the Hangyaag Iron and Steel Com pa iy ot China for tbe supplying of
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  • 193 9 Two American Lose Their Lives While Bathing News has reached Bombay ot a very aad fatality at TithaJ, a nea coast village ia tbe I Sorat District, resulting in the death of two missionaries of the American Mission, vis the Rot. Mr. Howard E. Bishop and Miss Williams.
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  • 230 9 Courageous Incident Reported from Ipoh A burglar attempted to burgle the house of Mr. Walt Jaekaoo, at Ipoh. daring tbe ab nen on of that gentleman a tew nights ago, and be was promptly caught by the scruff of the neck by Miss Ada Jackson. Mr.
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  • 916 9 *> AN UNOFFICIAL VIEW OF THE LATEST EDICT. Land Tax aad Currency Reform. A well informed China eorrespood.-ot writes to the .1 apaa Advertiser oa the subject ot tbe new coinage, proposals, lie aays The Chinese Imperial Bdict, of May 24. dealing with the enrrenoy 1 lesti
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  • 232 9 Attitude of the British Consul Criticised. There have been no frcab developments in tbe opium situation siaoe we wrote last Friday, reports tbe China Mail, of lane 15. Tbe establishment of tbe mooopoN baa vir tually stopped all boaiaeas ia the artiole in Hongkong, aad what a
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  • 1025 9 Statutory Meetings of kwiloe and Lewa Estates. The fo'lowiu^ rvport* aru sammarieed from Tbe Financier Tbe statutory mooting of tbe members ot tbe Kualoe (Hnmatra) hnbber Kxtates Limited, was held on May 26, Mr. H,ff. vnn (ohairman of tbe rompaay) presiding The ohairrna?, in tbv oourae ot bin
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  • 82 9 In the supreme court, Hongkong, on June 15, before the obief justice Sir Francm I'.g gott, evidence having oonclauVd. his lordship reesrved bis decision in the action brought by Yap Hok Ling, eompradore of the Yokohama Specie Bank, at Kobe, against Chaa Tung Hang, to recover tbe
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  • 95 9 Tbe following ia a translation of a fierce anti foreign placard posted op ia Nanking The people are ia trouble When toe for lian— come under pretext ot protecting they will destroy Nanking. Voa will 6. drive* to work as oxen and horse* aa baa human nd
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  • 58 9 REMARKABLE PROPOSAL MkDE IN AMERICA Mr. Roosevelt is Head of Great Peace Movement SUTTIIITILMU.., London, Juae M, Tbe Washington II >use of K pteaeotativoa ha* reaolved to ask Praaidont Taft t« appoint five dieting lished Amcrioaaa to oonfar with Foreijjn Oovernmentx on the question of worldwide peace, and
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  • 38 9 I Dei OrrttuTiscna Lwoto Tsistsaa lierlin, June i\ Count iiernstorfl. tbe< a rniin Ambswador at Wavhingtoo. bat been l-cturing on Oar many at various American l'eivenaiti<'< an I baa been mocb bonoored during the, laax
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  • 31 9 Dai OrriuiTixjßs Llotd Tslsxi.. Berlin .lane Tbe '*paoesc afiaister of Comto'vee haw viaitdd B«rlin. Ho went to tbe Cuainber ot Oorumeree, the Aaadamy. an 1 tbe Bxnbangn.
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  • 41 9 [Dan OrroUTUou Llotd TiU'iiiai 8.-rlin. Jane 'it. Tbe damtli of the Priacess Feodora, stater of th« Gorman Kmprees, i annoaooed. She had gone to Oberhaabacli oa a week visit, as she was mffoiiog dom a weak heart
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  • 343 9 Chinese Methods of Enforcing Uw It appears that the energetic uuuaren taken by the offisia's soon broke the back of the rebellion in the north east of Yunnan Province. Tbe Yunnan fu correspondent of the N.-C. Daily Nrwi says that the berbarou* way in which tbe
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  • 227 9 Abdul, the *ddie master bAMmOn riaon <»olf Club, has bean arrostod for ustortioo. After bis recent dismissal frotu tb« eJnb's service be ived to hang about the course of an evening aad make an e*»y living by extorting small >nm- bsjvsj five cante. from the ea<ldie* Two mom
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  • 146 9 Robert Steveneon.ol 1 1 l>b by (Hunt, plead ad guilty, before Mr. Wolf«r»tan. first mania tmte, to day, to a chiryc being >■> poa*ea ■toe of a doubl. barrel i breech loading g*a oa June I withoat a licence. I nspnctoc Loom stah<l that Hi.- chaise
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 55 10 ii,. cricket Batch. Ce> lon M v S.C.C, t t• p' I ■t■"* groan. l to-morrow «ng will Ce\lon A W It. a. <> O. Jam.-s. U Al«is, S. U. V K Oorlofl W. Paare, II M \r, npin.l, 11. Van Co>lenburg, O. Arm•tn.og. W Keyt,
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    • 101 10 Th« Art at Homckonff. ttroo" ot the rinp will tx interested to Uf%t that Bill L. wis laltaa Lyn Truaoott sr! be back in Hongkong towards tbe end f4 oevt month. Arrangements are being .ii i la- by Mr ft Whittaker for fixing up some •in table meetings for
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    • 127 10 intland v Tlte World. SC« boeke> fixtiir. (or yesterday s»\-a match l»l»icn cV\.-ns reorienting Kn;;land and The World Th. n was some ■I individual play on bo: 1, aides, bat f«)(; lan.l WM worsted by a margin of two gja'a. The World men drew first bloo<l aa tot a
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    • 197 10 .■■nttapore (101 l Clab. "Ie Spring Cup Competition was played i it sVa Racecourse on Satarday and San'•T -line 1H and I. Owing to tbe «< i.- wiath.-r a namber of m<-nib. rsoompoted nn I A cards were returned. p waa won by the lion F. .1. Pigott w-U;
      197 words
    • 261 10 ik Turf Club. I ua* been definitely settled that tie '"vpiog races are to take place on A isjaat 9. 10 and 1:: next under tbe pre«i -i yo( the Kosident with Mi W. H. Tate at honorary secretary, and a strong com futtee ol eip rienced «port»iiien,
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  • 210 10 Military Display at Royal Funeral Denounced <'ir liardie, M. P rrM-akiog at l'onty (ni ill (io (Uamorganshire) on May li. paid m ln-prri the suffg-wtion indefinitely to poet -iii- tlra resumption of the constitutional n K lii i a which Parliament M engaged w<mld And neither sympathy
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  • 421 10 Shareholders Agree to Disposal of Assets. A special meeting of shsvaoo den .n tbe Tooftlcal! Oovw»m«it Comp-aad Co»aswsioCoTx. L.. Siam, was heU ?n May 10, at the offices of Messrs. Toobey and w iapole. 87 t>uee« street, Malboorae Xr. C. Andrews pnoided. Tbe object ol tiie aieet-ng
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  • 278 10 Vigorous Measures Takei xgaiost Brigandage. A despatch frou Allaaabvi ia^l -'urn 7, The Pioneer write* It w mid §*em that the Government at Tab* %a s at ast begin ning to realiae the necessity d loing something to put down tbe anarchy that prevails over southern Penua. It
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  • 207 10 Postmaster at Allahabad Ordered To be Prosecuted. I nusual interest Las been takei. at Allahabad in a ease under tbe I'rcveatioa of Cruelty to Animals Act. in which tbe police seized thirteen bones n the rust office com pound used Ut carrying mail" aa totally mfitfa I
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  • 126 10 Two Japanese Bluejackets Badly lojurcd. A case of maltreatment by i yojng naval officer of men under bis charge as come to light aajs tHe Tokyo Aaahi, on Miy 10. Kngtoeer Sub lieutecaot &obaya<t>i, at tacbed to tbe rruisvr lakacbiho. severely tbraabed a bluejacket urn d Sa'kichi
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  • 996 10 PrICM QMtwi la tbellartet TMfl fli-pi>nri, Jum 1910. mill LyaU aad I vatt. linhls^i aad Share Brokers, iaww Urn nikrwbsg Us* of qootetiou this morminn Norn. Value. Bo you 8*Uan. 8/- AUa*u "4, 6, 1/. M Option 4/- 41 Anglo Jobore It pd 4/- 8,9 pm 3/.
    996 words
  • 46 10 The giaeral manager of the Tencui Borneo Rubber Co. bin erectel near tbe mouth of tbe Menggatai river a building for tbe accommodation of enfeebled coolies bom bis l.abau eitate. II is facing tbe o\<en sea aad the spot at* orda excellent facilities (or -ea bathing.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 49 10 T»ie miser sat aruongtt his gold I would not part,' be sail. ■Vrtl. liaU a gninea tho' my life •*'er« to be forfeited. Bat it djeaaa got him down. 1 is brt atbs grew short aeil fewer, all Ive got, be cried. bat give > l d*' Great Peppern:iat Cure
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    • 413 10 SHORTHANO TYPIST WANTED Wanted immediately, a smart Typist and shorthand Clerk mist have bad previous experience. Apply L. J. C e'o Straits Time*. 1452 CHINESE CLERK WANTED. Wanted for Kelaatao. Chinese clerk with good knowledge of Book keeping. Apply, with testimonials, to Patonon. Simons and to.. Ltd. I 1415. OODOWNS
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    • 376 10 TO PLANTERS Bertram's RUBBER MACHINES Hmve now Mr rived. The Strongest and Most Up-to-date in the market. Can be teen at our Works. Sole Agent Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. MARLBOROUGH BIACH ROAD. The People's Popular TO-NIGHT 8 PROGRAMME. Second Show, at 9.80 p.m. N ATI VI DANCES. A hoe colour
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    • 247 10 JUST RECEIVED: SEW I Violins various qualities > Mandolines, Guitars, Banjoes. Also a floe selection of fresh string* lai a: Musical Instruments. "W. CT. QABOIA, 219, Orchard Road. 718 GRANITE. The undersigned are prepared f> anter into oootracta for the supply of UrauiU crushed aod screened to aay siaea.) FRABER
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  • 1570 11 SOUE IMPRESSIONS OF E4RLV VISITORS. Chiocse Immigrants Imriag bi> voyage in Malaya walara. from left: to 1606, Captain Kdin in,i Soot vitited buUm. ia .Uva Major, aa be calls the island which we know now only ai Java. aid I >r. Saiii-Jel Porchaa •.•ivo* an i.bbrevia*ul ac ooont
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  • 614 11 By Rudyard Kipling. Who iv the realm today lays down dear life lor the sake of a land uisre dear And, i oooncerned for hi* own estate, toil* till the last grudgud sands bare ran I Let him approach. It is proven here Oar King a«k« nothing
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  • 993 11 LONDONERS KEEP VIGIL ON HAIPSTEAD HE4TH. Reourkable Scenes The Evening Standard, ot May J3, nays Hall- y s comet io much heraldt d, and W long awaited, b.i"tat last been seen— and *uea by many thousand* of Londoners. < to Hump stead Heath last night they saw
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  • 92 11 Earl Grey, the Governor < teoeral of Canada. says the Canadian Press Aaonciation. is arrac^inK an ambitious trip of exploration and adventure for the summer. He ha< arranged to leave Ottawa in July for Winnipeg, then under the escort of toe North West mounted polios, travelling
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  • 431 11 BRITISH FIRMS ORDER FOR CHILIAN RAILWAY. Keen American Rivalry. Considerable excitement pervaded the office* of Mentis. Griffith* and Co, the oou tractors in London wall on May 33. consequent on the announcement that Mr. .1. Norton << rifflths, M.P.. the bead of tbe firm, was about to
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  • 531 11 China's Attempt to Cope with Reform of Currency Moot Mmwl Montagu and ompany wr.te on May J6 The arrivals of bar gold tram the Cape etc amounted to about X4Ho.iioo aud were divided between the Bank u( Knglaod India ii 177,000 i and the Continent. A riae
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  • 552 11 Revelations at the Pure Food ExbibillM. 1 I'pc.t w l. load of thrilling reveiations ■hoald pry visit to the (loyal Horticultural I*ll. Vioorii I W eetmin-ter. ui< the L-.derofilay :i. The I" re hood hxbibitioa opened there yesterday, aid at oliU sections is derated
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  • 308 11 How Mr. Grabame White Answered A Summons, The other morning Mr. urabame WhiW, whose exploit* of two month* ago will be re membercd by oat renters »n reepon-ible foe a further important if Dot technical, development of tin aeroplane by introdocing humcur of d. iceac character
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  • 203 11 Long List of Casualties Reported at Canton. At asua the Inagon KeseiTal has not pssenrl ofi without serioas casualties, write* the Canton correspondent of tbe > C. Morn ins Post, under date June 11. Two m>.n were severely wounded yesterday and mitoy others received minor injuries owing
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  • 934 11 I HOW MR. ROOSEVELT KILLEI HIS FIRST ELEPHANT. Dramatic Story. 1 (track exactly wbf r<s I timed, bj; Urn bead «f an elephant ia enorn. >v. »r I t*brain small. .iud the boll.t missed it. Bimwi the shock n.imentanly ntuoned U.t r**«' H. stumbl. J forward half
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  • 152 11 shorthand it apt to bo looked upon r««unbally mwieru art Tin' predi otn«or- I'ituiao Byrom to the ei^ht-a-atl. o< at Maaon in the sevunttootb Ml ui-Tl' Weekly I dim and di«Unt tgmm which it teem* unelesn to venture ttctatod bis oratiuaa to bis froedman. 1 Talliai Tiro,
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  • 439 12 UIBBER CONSUMERS ADVISED NOT TO BUY. Tlie hoiorur. <f May 26, fays Tha mult of these salts, both yesterday and on tbe previous occasion, is a convincing de womlration ot the extent to which tbe London rtibkx m arket i* influenced by American < ,iuiui»i"n- Bveryonx in the
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  • 307 12 Chronological Table from 1873 to i ,vm The Agricultural Bulletin for the present mi nth contains an interesting chronological UliU- of the I'.ra robber industry from 1M73 to MM an follows 1878- Seeds received at Kew from Mr. Collins. H7rt Steis received from Mr. Wickhftm. First plants
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  • 271 12 ASAHAM (SUMATRA) RU BBER. Large Planting Extensions to be Undertaken. At the first ordinary general meeting of tbe Asahan (>amatra) Robber Estates, l.uuikd. Mr. U. M Pandas Mouat, the chair ojko. in tbe coaraa of bis address mid The estate it situated aboot nine sailes from tue Port B»toe Bare
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  • 602 12 Interesting Opinions Expressed by Mr. Patrick Gow. The irrent iasoe of the Itobber World cootainH an interview with Mr. Patrick Gow, from which we take tbe following The robber boom, said Mr. Gow, bad its origin in a way in tbe American troubles ot ISO" n, when
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  • 316 12 Government Rales to Fix the Age of Tapping, It would appear that tbe Brazilian* are folly realising the importance ot giving their rubber industry every official enoooragemunt possible. If an article in a Brazilian robber =*«rpapar has got its facts correctly. tbe Federal Government ia
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  • 229 12 Investment of Foreign Capita). With tbe intention of making a definite selection (or tbe site of the plantation of the Rubber ■states oompaoy which be represents in the Philippine.. Mr. A. C. Littler has de parted for the Zamboaaga region, says tbe Manila Times in its
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  • 676 12 London Broker Thinks There is Overproduction. Wide divergences of opinion exist as to tbe recent tall in price*. Th« general view seems to be that if supply was not behind demand it was very just sufficient, bat in tbe ccurr-t ot an interview one ot tbe
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  • 499 12 We <joote tbe following summaries of rcoaut London prospectuses from The Finacner Tbe Tanjong Malim Robber Company, Limited, has been formed, with a capital of XSCOOOO, in XI sham, of which *****0 are now offered for subscription at par, primarily for tbe purpose of acquiring and cultivating
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1866 12 LONDON AND SINGAPORE RUBBER PRICES. STOCK EXCHANGE, MINCING L4NE, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON MAY 25 A number ot shares in which local investors are interested are uot qooted in local share list*, and there are occasionally wide margins between quotations here and in London. Transactions take place in Mincing Lane
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 938 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RUBBER EBTATE FOR SALE Apply C, c/o StraiU Times. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE. Good Locality. Terms Moderate. Apply R., c/o Straits Times. 1214 LANCASHIRE BOILER FOR SALE For sale, one Lancashire Boiler, English made, ia excellent coodition, length dia B. licence lor 80 pounds, 900 square teat
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    • 262 13 BELLAMY ARO CHRISTIE, TURF ACCOUNTANTS. Are doing busiuess on the FORTHCOMING SELANGOR MEETING Run July 0, 7 and 9. Double Events ON AMY TWO RACES STRAIGHT-OUT ON ALL EVENTS. Tel. 'Triton, Singapore. Telephone 180 Prim List to be seen at office, 17, Change Alley over Kelly a Wakh. CRUSHED FOOD.
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  • 459 14 ENGLISHMAN'S STRANGE ARREST IN VIENNA. Curious Story. A <N»aaation has bean emoted by the arrest of Mr. Bird, an Baaliabmaß. aad director general of Luna Park, aa opaa-air place of cntertaiament carried on in connection with Viaaaa Sports Exhibition Mr. Bird wiU be released to-day on bail, bat
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 748 14 THE CHINA MUTUAL UFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Mead Offlca— i jA, Caawtaa Raast, nii|ialll Aate, Bnglaad. aad aaaar Hal Hoagkoag Ordiaaaoem. Botas o» Dtaaoiaasi Alaxaader M^T^tiJl, Bag OhanTaaaa, Lee Tung So, Bag. 0. Sw^pbaVnOaV Ml., J.H. MokbohaeTßsq., O. Bnrkill. Bag., J. A. Waksie, Bag. Taorraa* ros SraotAk Fuwb i H
      748 words
    • 437 14 BAWKIIIB, HMTEREO IMK 8F INDIA. AUSTULU AND CHINA. (■OOBFOBATaTD BT BOIAB OHABTBB, fkM aa Oaastal la ByM Bkans st MBaaak ai.8H.009 BaaaTT* Fma4 tnW.MO faU aa-rfakm OH7 A Pm.,l Ml. BIBOJIPOKB B&AJIOH. OUTVatI AoOOTlsiW aVfw OfMSAtI mb\4 fcaßaWM* -n»i lywaiymw Om mmHj Wlmb BS MOTmI tettrMl lov *tAz DipOßtti in
      437 words
    • 273 14 TmakeSs^e SKir? lasSOFTas^fl ImVET^J fc^WHITE I THI IZE HAI TOM BANKING AND WtUIANOE M.. LTD. •V AJID M. ILIKO BTBBBT. ■ssisllirm Jsasary f, 190T OapMai. ■omasal H. 300 .000 Oapttal, paid q p »1,000.000 n^ssrvsLatkUHjotProprtston II.OM.Mt ooubt of msaoTow. I Tab Taea loom. Be». (Bnla Jis. Es* I inta Oau
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    • 1003 14 BAl£B BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MILNER'S SAFE. A LARGE COLLECTION* OF WELL GROWN PLtNTs, The Property ol W. O. Niven. Es AT BUNGALOW NO. 2. RAEBURN ESTATE. OFF NEIL ROAO On Saturday. June 25, at 2 p.m. Handsomely carved teak sideboard with mirror panels upholstered
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  • 1106 15 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. With the Wbitsuntile provincial aaaiing of tbe i:oyal Automobile Club cancelled as a mark of reapaot to its late patron, manorial*, will have to be content with ordinary tearing rani for tbe next few month*, as beyond the Henry Bdmonds hill climb
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 384 15 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAR OFF. Cb had 120 different Type* of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTON3. A Similar Car is Out to ArHv* naxt Month. Full partici \rs >! whicb can to bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CMS FOR
      384 words
    • 56 15 JUST WHAT YJU NEED. Your tongue is eottad. Ynur br.-.tii i* loul. Ua-ul tcbos cm and $fo. Thaw iymi>'oa< sbow that yoar stomach i tbe ir...ii>l. Ti rtawm tv» c»a*e is the first tti iik'. "»J I'luisxlaiii'i Stuuiicb and Lire To > •>■* wul do that. Ea-y to take arrl
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    • 478 15 B««uty Sayia* No. 4. atataawßl.^ A Still another Beauty V ts^ CIGARETTES "I^/ Is that they enable a iliscrimtnating smoker M (Ratify an ■Sjbi aristocratic taste at a democratic price and they combine a l the aroma and characteristics of the best tubarco eaf without any heaviness a result obtained
      478 words
    • 164 15 21.251 MILES a STILL IH 6000 CONDITION. DUNLOP As used toy the leading Corporations, Tram, Rail, and Bus Companies at Home and Abroad. THE VANBUMD HOTORBUS COMPANY. LIMITED. aalaaWl Hur«r. Albany STaarr, London. N.W., 16th Javcait, 1906. Tbe Dan)o( i.atbtrr Co Ltd., VX <.'.trkta«eli Road, MX Dear Sirs, In reply
      164 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 599 16 WANTSCHINESE CLERK WANTED. Wanted, Capable CbineM Clerk expert itnovd in HookiDK and a good typif*. Salary li.'' per month. Apply K c o Straits ul:-7.. BOARD AND RESIDENCE WANTED. Wsottil. by Eoropean K^Dtleman, board and ronidenoe in private family. State particular* and terms to Board, c/o Straits Times. EURASIANS WANTED.
      599 words
    • 523 16 TO BE LET 01 SOLD. SWSt IlltW WM UT. WHI IsSwMslßaßwa) tanXVy a*o. T. HftlstsfSM MbTw»V A,pfs7 to OOTHBIB CO.. aTD s IBM OFFICEB TO LET To Let, Commodious offices. No. 1, Raffle* Quay, overlooking the Harbour. Apply to Outhrie A Co., Ltd. ■479 TO BE LET The oommodioos dwelling
      523 words
    • 448 16 TO BE LET SOLD, lOOIM TO LET. At Zetland Hoosa (Armenian Street). Apply on tbe premises. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. No. a, Adis Bead, eotrv from July 1, 1010. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca .Street. HI wfHwßTiiiin. OFF ICES.— TIw ■■tisn.T, prwnt— •ttrMod i— iw» inasmni CnAa^si b«IH
      448 words
    • 599 16 NOTICES. CHURCH OF ENGLAND ZENANA MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The u»ual Half yearly Sale of I seful and Fioey ArUcler. in aid of tbe funds of tbe Chinese Girls' School, will take place, D. in the Victoria Hall, oa Friday Jane 24tb. from 4 to 7 p m sad Saturday. June '2Mb
      599 words
    • 556 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Racks will be closed ON THURSDAY. JU4E 23. Birthday of H. R. H. The Heir Apparent to the Throne 14S1 NOTICE. NOTICE IS HBitEBY (MVKN, that persons wishing to visit the Company Estate must first obtain written permistiou from the Manager
      556 words
    • 297 16 Vhhß^^^JSjt^annC^ 9 C. H. Willis IS SOW DOING BCSINOS THE KOKTHCoMINU Kuala Lumpur Races, JULY 5. 7 AND 9. No Entry Ho Bet. Straight-oat on all Races. Doubles on any two Races. Treble Event ol IJaces B, 6, 7. Bets made by wire muot be confirmed by letter. NO KBPLY
      297 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 241 16 Straits V)imes. ADVEBTISEMENT KATES.—Miaoellane ous wanU of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rat* of II per font lines for one or two iar^rtions. Notions of Births, Marriages, of Deaths, if not niOßoding four Unas, II eaoh insertion For p.p c. cards, on page 6, laca Si alb
      241 words