The Straits Times, 20 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.287 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JUNE 20. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 119 1 D. I I McClllDD'S PERFECTION WHISKY. iALMECI. MACQRE6OR AND COMPANY i KATZ BROS., LD. Sole Agents FOR Marie Brizard and Roger's CELEBRATED LIQUEURS AND Fine Pale Cognac. FBIQB LISTS PIT APgLICATION, KATZ BROS., LD. jBURRELL COS. dtbrn^te V ".^^cJBBBBB^ A M W^fikmW^ P»le Boiled Linseed Oil, mtr..^ BOARDING HOUBE. Snow-Wbile
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    • 191 1 Robinson A Co. A. FRESH SHIPMENT OF Nestor Gianaclis Egyptian Cigarettes FINE PETIT in Soldered Tins of 100 -2.00 EXTRA FINK PETIT $275 EXTRA FINE FORMAT MOYEN $3 5Q QUEEN (Gold Tipped) Ernest Tinchant's Belgium Cigars. LONDRES in Soldered Tins oi 100 -3 25 REGALIA DEL DIQIE 50 $325 ORIENTALES
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    • 6 1 Bollingcr CfiMpfflC. CALDBECK.MACGREGOR AND COMPANY. i
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  • 1215 2 SUBMARINE SINK OFF CALAIS HARBOUR. Thrilling Description. Writing from Paris, on May 2«>. the correspondent of the Morning Leader says Off Calais this afternoon the submersible I'lnviose was sank with her crew of 27 '(Boers aud men by the cross Channel ■teener Pas de Calaia. It is not
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 562 2 A Grateful Wife C^> L«^***^sbl flat Maternity Weakness. Rheumatic Fever. Depression Just sitting atisi an>l tliinkiog everything f.'iJ V has been done, does not suit Mrs. W wo, (or ah ihe usual mrja. hiNts] to restore her husband* he.i :h, she t.ied the Royal tray tkt Pkmfmm nay. The benefit
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    • 789 2 Woods' Oreat Peppermint Core lor all iateraat eiwapleiasß. r>y*eatery, Oonghs, OoMs etc. FOR LADIESH D-JORET.HOMOLLE-SAPIOL it rM avsaf «er« rtmri, a«4 >ir txe lictoeit. ae*f ctfter sweefs eMtest s> Ike tft/i/ «r th»_ rtgulir ptnojt Chop Ah Siew, Oeaeral Bepairers of Gone, Bicycles Sewing Maohinea, Typewriters and other ■■ehlaery. Terms
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    • 214 2 IffXfA LA R I A*L DID I STR I CT<£ H Tonic Wine K^ ■ffi*.l < >'!•' <>r tWO ()<>-'< ll.llK IMtK.lx til Mt.ility jPV^^C^d^ji lyj|| CAUTION- Beware 01 Imitations J2l W^fel_ WWJ SOLD BY ALL THE PRIWCIPAL PHARMACISTS A3ST3D 00. Undertakers, Monumental Masons, Sculptors and Marble Merchants, The oldest
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  • 420 3 TURKEY'S SUSPICION OF GREAT BRITAIN. Unfounded Suggestions. There baa recently been an exchange of Notes between the British aad the Tnrkiah Government* with regard to Egypt- Owing to certain repot ta relating to the future of the country bec>>ming current, the Turkish < •overcmtnt applied to the
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  • 221 3 Incident Involving American Naval Officers at Toulon. A di«»i;rr eabls incident is reported to have taken place at Too lon. where the I'nited gtatee battleship New York was lattly ia harbour. Two officer* of Uie Ne» York hired two boatmen to row them aboard. It aa oae o'clock
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  • 185 3 Revolutionaries Fight in* and Cntt ing Queues. Kioto are reported from Nanking. Fight, ing baa taken place in the streets and several people bare been injured. The anti dynastic beling is intense and the people are now cutting off tin ir queues in large numbers. We will no
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  • 78 3 The vial of the French icaaiiiata who were arrented for mutinous conduct in con nection with the recent ahippiag strike at MarseiUea has U a concluded at Nime*. Fifty fire of the reserviaU were aentenced to two month* imprisonment, one month of which ia to be spent
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 749 3 "Elgin" Waterproof Tents mhumi DEFY THE >»»» ENBVskasssst F ctawstLS c- <*t' KM fffion- lw.kflj Cu«l Tnt. "EHio" sWlftly MVIk Twi. x with oalerfly o< a aJngle-foM J«» hi £j? ~J*- stmaiof khaki waterproof canvas. m 7'bathroom about 6 lba. Sihrlc (old INNERKI.Y aaed three materiaU. erf gre^ k^aki waterproof
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    • 68 3 BEWARE OF A COUGH. Now is the time to get rid of tbat ooogb, for ii yon let it hang on, no one oan tell what the end msy be. Others have been cart d of their roughs very quickly bsr using CbamberUio'K Coogh Remedy. Why not yon Try it
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    • 149 3 MARTIN'S 4#lfiteiddlfi] PI LLS "*<usW?ir afisf 2ms7ksh«3m SaStaW THE EMPIRE BDFF ENVELOPES. < High class envelopes) $1.25 PER 1.000 NETT KEYSTONE BUFF ENVELOPES. $1.15 per 1,000 nett. Riog up Telephone No. 776. and we will send the envelopes to yoor office. KOH A COMPANY, 88 and 90. Bras Kasah Road.
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    • 299 3 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. AND CO., LTD. HMD OFFICES: BRANCH Of FrCES: Caxtoa Hooae, Westminster 1.1, 4 and 6, Wiaeh—sat House London BINOAK>RB -ynnr a BeMO Street, Fenang. WIMH>« Balthaaars Buildings, Rangoon. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalasoa. And in India, Australia tte MANUFACTURERS at Electric Light and Power Plant.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 678 4 BTEAHER SAIUNwS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Her Chlaa. Jaaaa. Peaaar Seyieei. ABMtralla, iadla, Adea, Bfy»« Medlterraaeaa Pert*, Plyraoutb aad Loadee. Throogh BUI* of Ladtog taraed tor Obtaa Ooart. Pantaa Oolf. OuaMaatal. aad Aaartaa Fort*. •itaaman wUI lar* Blagapon oa or ahoat MAIL LINES. OataMT. tfor OMm) r>lh. Jaly 1
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    • 545 4 BTEMIEK BAIUMBB. N.Y.K. JAPAM MAIL STEAMSHIP CB, LTD. Oompaay* weil-kaowa TWIMCIIW ITIIUBI under Mail Oontraot with tbe Imperial the Comoßay't Boroceen Serrioe, llghtarl tSoo^iTky BtookSry, Ptorided wtth e^MUaat aooornrnofUttna tt Firtt aad SSoad Olaa Paaraawi. tad fttoed wtth all yje lateet modem unproreniento (or their atoty and oomtort I— STBAHBB*
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    • 558 4 HAMBURG AMERIKA UNL HAMBURG Vaa aaat Th* ttaeaan of IMt Oompaay laatatal* a i lagator aatrtaa bilma Haabarg. Braaaa. aatwerp. aad Tlnllirlßa, aad the Hit alto, i 3hlaa aad Japaa BoaMward*. they an deasat&kad fortoagkaly r x Ham aad Haabarg aad oaee a moatk for Bremeraarea dtreet, ealltag at Peaaag
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    • 723 4 BTHMEI mums. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. Tka ait aad wall kaowa atoll atoaßMn •< at* Oompaay *aU (nrtalgkty boa Bnaw iaaborg, rto llrlliiiii. Antwerp. Beataear oa, Olbrattar. Oeaoa, Haato* |iniaaa*atDi iaraula. Naplaa. Atozaadrto, aat rte* ran* Port Bald. Hoaa, Adea, Ootaabo. Paaaag Wapßnri. Hoagkoag
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  • 142 5 FIXTURES. Moodav, June Jo. High Water, Ml a-m., h.Bl p.m. N D. L homeward mail duo. Hand in t lie Gardens. 9. Albambra Cinematograph. Harirua Cinematograph. Marlborouitb Cinematograph Tuesday, June ji. High Water. 10 ri a v 9 \ii p.m. I.tocoMOK notice* meet. I H). Philharmonic Coooert,
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  • 190 5 To 9m. r>atevia, huriboa nod Samaraag Gian k Auo Spm Malaooa, Port Dwkaon. I'ort Bw*tt*aa*m and I aloa Aawa l'erak I pm !-»r sk k Br»id I pm |^g*P*nan^, Ceylon. Aoatraiaaia. India. Aden, Egypt and >a Naplea for Europe 1" I- Kriwlrich pm T* Moa» 1 P»uao4,
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  • 98 5 I lie Imp inrfflu m» i tteamer Lii'-i/ h.i ing left Columbu 00 tb* 18tb in<t. at 7 p.m ■SB} b* ripactad to irmt hire oa Tbnr*day afut!i'>n. tb* -Mrd in.t.. »t Ip.m. Left Sl«fl»por» May W P. A O. May t« N D. L. May M
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  • 741 5 Latest Arrlv-aU. Bnt «tr \U loot, Captain SOOM )n« 19. Krom Pouliaaak, Jan* 17. G.c an 4 11 1 r Thong Ek a Co. X■■ Pootmnak Jod* if Mi halaritr. Hril itr Sit Viol. Capt Kimpaoo lmdl From Anambsl*.. Jan* 16. Copra and 80 d.p. Teo Ho* Ly*.
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  • 318 5 Arrivals. lor nteatuor I.ady Weld June '2(1. Krom Malacca Messrs. A. K l-owell, aad Xrmstrong. Par Reamer Turste. 1 oe 18 —From Madras via port* M«*irs. Hampshire, W. Byre- Keaay, C. A. Waller, Haas /-tcliaa i; A. MonUrio van Boswell, aad C l> Mcd Imnit, Mm M
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  • 80 5 The Itritieb steamer Satsama ]arrmd from New York on Saturday, with a cargo of 8,11*2 tons of coal for Manila. Tbe Britiab atramer Mm arrived from Polo Sembilan on Saturday, with 18.000 tins of petroieom oon»igß<d to Measm. KaU Bros. A cargo of oopora arrived from Natuna lalaod
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  • 226 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE SINOATOU, JUXC JO. 1910 On Lvndun Bank 4mi 3/41 Demand *f, Private 6mi ]/4| do Im 2/4JJ On Gtrmanff Bank d d 340 Private 8m« ■Mj <*° M*| On Frunee- Bank d/d -jm PriTste 8 m/i aw* do 6dj BOS 4 On /miv.- Bank T. T. \U{
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    • 176 5 lasoe Vkluo. 10 10 BeUl Tib 10 10 Braaog 10 10 Hnut-li Hyd. 10 10 Kanaboi 41 41 Kioto Tid 41 XI Kiedaoic Tin 10 10 Ruolu Tin 41 41 l.»ti»t Xiaea 41 41 Malays and Sum 10 10 Malacca Tib 5/ 5/ JVIiiUK Cooaol. 41 Xl IVn^W«leß 41
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    • 550 5 laro 1 v»loev »loe- Buyer* Heller*, a/- 8/. Allinr t/1 7/8 M- Angla Malay I.x 8 1.9 6 3/. MBMDIM^. 1/. -j.po, XI II Bila Ufa 144.0 15.0.0 41 £1 Batu Tiica 6 5.0 6. 10.0 11 XI Bakit KajanK 3.5.U 8.10.0 XI In Contributory 2 10.0 2TJ 6
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    • 104 5 laoe 3 Valv* 2 10 10 ItHen SmeiUnn 10 7 60 60 FraMr* Wmm 100 Howßith Bnkine 100 7% Xl 100 100 K*taßro.Drf. 100 100 B 8% Cam. Prat 10 10 MatmkUOo. 305 JOB 68 00 80.00 num. 10.00 8.00 215.00 60.00 •2.60 l'ie.oo Dam Imae 5 V*lto. Bajan
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    • 50 5 DE BENTURES. Boyera. Seller* Howartb Erakinc v, IflOO.-XO par rUloy, Har Bo>wl% 1384,000 1% 1% pro. K'trie T ways 1% *860,000 SiaaoporoMa. ■Mipat6% 41,978^00 Dam. Boyora. Sellor*. Siasmporo Mo nwtpal 4*% otIWT «1,900,000 9% 7% pit, Siaaaporo Mo. aJdisJ of 1908 41,000,000 8% 7%pr« Sinicapore Mo ajoipal4% £803.900 7% dto.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 267 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. line -21. Atsaierocin, 600 sliares ia tbe 11. kit Mertojsu Kubber Co Ltd., at lSsooa. Jane '21.— At saleroom, trosboid land together with the booaea known a* Noa. VSi and 941. Seraogooo Kd., at UO. June 21.— At saleroom, freehold land front ing a reserve
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    • 552 5 1910 ELLWOOD'S NEW HELMETS No. IOS Shape IT LATEST STYLE, Ventilated and boand whito book durable, sato protection acd in tbe sad cheapest. No. 107 Shape PRICES i iHjllam IO.TS— No. 1 Quality, without l'li^artu Dollars 11.76 No 1 Quality, with ELL WOOD Puaaree. Dollars 8.7S No I Qoaiity, without
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    • 353 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. SEANQ LINE OF STEAMERS. FOR PENAN! ANO RANGOON BKANU BEE. Joae '26 FOR HONGKONG. AMOY ANO BWATOW. ii OLBNOOLB, June 27. These steamers have exoeUaat aoaon ■odatwa far paasoogera. aad oarry qualified •nrgeona. They have Bleotrie Ligbto throogb asm For freight or passage, apply to TAIK LEI OUAN
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    • 8 5 PHILLIPS' KAHIRA TURKISH CIGARETTES Obtalnabla of robinson &;co.
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  • 1259 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, JUNE 20. THE SHIPPING RING There will be a period, no doubt, during which criticism of tbe Shipping Conference Ordinance will be inclined to go astray. We beard one critic exclaim in bitter disappointment after reading the bill "Why it leave* that infamous secret rebate absolutely
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  • 16 6 It ia said that th. reeruita to tbe M.B R from N'egri Setnbilan number uv»r thirty.
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  • 31 6 Mr. Walter Jackson, who has just come back from a visit to China, states, according to tbe Times of Malaya, that it is ilangai to mention rubber in Shanghai at present
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  • 33 6 We understand that tbe directors of tbe Cnited Singapore Rubber Estates, Ltd. have appointed an tbeir manager Mr. R Pona. of MessTH. Sharpe. Roes and Co.. in snocconiou to the late Mr. Macbado.
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  • 41 6 Mr. Lra<t<. the manager .if Sapong Estate. lia» left Java on a tour of inspection in the Dutch Indies aed the K M. 8. A robber factory is in course of construction md In bopes t<i (tart tapping on hi* return
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  • 38 6 Tbe oriiiaer, King Alfred, which has just returned home after a term of service aa flagship on the China station, i* now flagship of tbe Rear Admiral in command of l>evon port sob divi'ion of the Home fleet.
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  • 40 6 The Echo de Chine hears that plague i* raging in Hainan Island, the native coantry of our Hyuun servant- In April about 8,000 deaths from the disease were reported. The European* there have bad themselves vaccinated with anti plague -eruoa
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  • 41 6 Tlie temporary railway which baa been erected on the edge of Collyer and Utfllee Quays was put into use for ballast train* today, the material being brought from Mount Palmer and dumped Ma the enclowd area beliind the new sea wall.
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  • 43 6 A jumble sale of old clothes, etc will be held at th<- Mission Hall. Stamford Itoad. on Saturday July at 10 am. Any contribu ttonn will be gratefully received and may be sent to St Mary's Home not later than Thursday, .lout- 80
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  • 42 6 Clause 41 of the proposed ordineaor- con farriag upou the Supreme Court jurisdiction in divorce and matrimonial causes states Th. whole or any part of any proceeding und< r ibm ordinance may be oeard. if the court thinks fit. with doted doors.
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  • 40 6 The members of th. Heck Jian Teng Association celebrated their first anniversary by holding festivities on Saturday and Sunday at their club boose. The guest* invited included representatives of the Young Men's Benevolent Society, Juvenile Weekly Picnic Association and others.
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  • 48 6 The Bangkok Tinj< ■•> is informed that the tender of Mi— m Howar'.li Brakioc. Ltd., for the electric lighting of the new royal palace at Hetchaburi has been accepted. The contract is a bin one, the amount in .{notion l» ing Hdine what between Ten. -'ki.UCO and Tos. 300,000
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  • 50 6 A fire broke oat 1a No. 3 ho.l of the fcteamer Mutdala laden with about 0.000 or T.tKX) tons of Sdebpore coal. The ship arrived at bomber on .lane 7 from CsJaMssV Tintire spread to No. 4 hold. The I'urt Trust salvage boat helped the crew to tight the flame*.
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  • 67 6 The Jm Opium Regie, which largely deals in the Turkish drug, finds lUelf faced by rise in prices through the operation* of atr u»t. A knot of British aDil American ■peculator* bare bought up almost all iut year's crop, and are trying to corner that of the present year. Thin
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  • 62 6 The Pinang Oaxette states —Some timo ago, the Jin Heng Bsiate wa* clowii to statute immigrant* by reason of the bigh mortality. We now learn that, since then, very favourable reports have been made on the health of the estate by the luperinten dent of the immigration department and the
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  • 69 6 A most singular and impressive sunset bung over London two or three nights before tbe late King's funeral. Tbe whole sky was purple and gold and crimson. It h a curious coincidence that a similar sight was seen on tbe eve of tbe funeral of Queen Victoria. By one writer
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  • 78 6 A rather nowl excuse for a theft was given by a prisoner in th.- dock of the third police court on Saturday. Ho «v cuarged with stealing a gold watrb and chain and a kaybook He admitted he look tbe articles from hi. am plover beeaosr be said, be wanted
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  • 65 6 An improved method of eoagulatiug rnbb. r and of rrm-tviag impurities from tbe latt\ is said by tbe Hourabaya UandeNblad to have been invested by Or. Von Fabar, a scientist attached to a sugar planting laboratory there. The discovery rt«ultt<l from expert' mooting witli latex from different kind* of rubber.
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  • 85 6 A certain amount of tbe American and other tobacco which had betn held up in bond in India ainoe tbe reosnt imposition of duties, is now ooming oat for sale, but a oon lfitti WL eonjignment has been shipped borne again (com Karachi by the importers Other consignments are finding
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  • 404 6 The Archdeacon of Singapore aud Mi» l/ard returned from Java on Saturday. It is said that the wedding of Mhi W v fred Birch and Capt. L'argill i* likely to la. o place in tbe first weak of November Herr von Prollius, the (roruian uiicislor Plenipotentiary, in
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  • 61 6 Price*, for the period from lune IT to .«i, IUIO, inclusive, of cultivated ruhber on which export duty ia leviable on an ad valorum basis are a* follows Sheet -nd biscuit %t-S |«r pioul. Kine i -rape 10 Best scrap in cr< pc fornj 4< Hark scrap
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  • 92 6 Colonel Bob Love is in town again busying himself in connection with the. forthcoming visit of Haruieton'* Circus which is doe to open on Saturday next. He inform* us that they are presenting a first clas- pprformaoo tbe artist* including nine newcomers. There is tbe Weitzmann troupe of
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  • 117 6 Un the let instant Iran Nath. a Sadbu made an extraordinary application before the officiating hicf presidency magi *rs>i Cal cutta. He asked hi* worship tograotau order to have hi* wretched life sacrinoed bnfore tin Hiodu goddees KalimatU for the benefit of Government and tbe people
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  • 217 6 St. Andrew a Cathedral on Saturday. wa» i the scene of a pretty wedding in which the contracting partien were Mr Herbert Murray Hodges, of Ipoh, and Mis* Jensie Monmouth Hurt. daughter of Mr. L. J. Kurt, prison department The .ifflciatioK clergyman waa the Re?
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 119 6 GARRICK COARSE-CUT. lu.ll>. t5A\€T GAH/?/r> Fnce Air-Tight ■tSuSHB j s^*» ,^r *j*^ W per tin. URTAINAIU.K AT John ittle Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. Assam p Assam souchong n r c Cl y n 2 lb. Tins DLEHU OK 2 Ib. Tin» lib. 4 21b. Tim OiO QK 60c*1.20 vPeCafJO Leu
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    • 183 6 ALHAMBRA BBACH ROAD. The Picture Pmlacw. GRAND rXHIBITION TO-NIGHT. NEW SUBJECTS. lathes LnriTsiled Seiiee. 2ed Show at 9 JO p m OVERTURE Selecti >ti— "Our Miss Oibbe. MI SS CLARKE AMD HKR CAKES CLEOPATRA. urr. Adapted and staged by Messrs. F. Zeeea i »nd Andreani The love story of Mark
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  • 167 7 TURKEY CALLS OUT ADDITIONAL TROOPS. Protecting Powers Sending More Warships. ißatnaa'a Twmiij London. Jane 18. A message from Constantinople announces that although it ia not alarmed al lbs Greek military preparations, the Turkish Govern uiuut baa decided to call out a brigade of I -edits aa a
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  • 77 7 EXTRAORDINARY ENTHUSIASM DISPLAYED. Makes Procession Through New York iRaoTBBi TsLaeaaa.) London, June 19. Mr KojfieTi !t bad an unprecedented wel ouiue at New I safe A tl >tilla of two hund redduooraU 1 aaWMaaa atoamer*. sailed out and eaoorted Mr Koosovelt's steamer into (••jrt amidst the s
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  • 56 7 Prosecution of the Market Riggers. I RaoTaa's Tblsobah London. June 18. At N> w Yotk. eight oottoo up. colatom, iiiduiling Mr. Patteu, have been indicted before a Federal graul jury for alleged v tolation of the Sherman Antitrust law ia jouecli .n withthu rea ot bull pool >>t
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  • 70 7 Taiatam Londou, Jane 20. Tbe Prussian Minister. Arnim von Moltke ha* resigned in nonsequenoe of the failure of the Franchise Bill. 1 1 >vk OnaautaMaal Lloyd Tslxsx* Berlin, June 1* The Prussian Minister Arniui von Moltke ha- rttirt I l'hi < irder of the Kagle of the
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  • 63 7 IRacTu's Tblbobam.] London, June *JO. The Kamcr v progit —ing satisfactorily. I Daa OerasMTiaoaa Llotd Tsissaia Berlin, .lane 18. Tbe inflammation from which the Kuiperor William hail been suffering in bis knee ha* been reduced and it ia probable that be will be abut to attend tbe
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  • 38 7 Kan** i Tblbobab. London, Jane 'JO. It kj announced at Berlin that Germany i« mcreasiug the technical effective* of tbe army. Tbe statement OMI M intlances tbe itaff La railways, telegraphs, an*) tbe airship branches
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  • 15 7 Dan Omiurucii Lixtd Tatasata London, Jane ML The Portuguese Cabinet ba« resigned
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  • 30 7 |Daa Orriu.iiscaa Lloyd Tatnemil Berlin, Jons 18 In connection with Goethe Society Jubilee at Weimar a gold medal for merit ia liter* ttur baa been created
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  • 246 7 Colleague Furnishes Particulars Of His Death. Writing to tbe Pinang 'iaaette from Paratoae. Dorset, on May 30, Mr. Kd ward H. Bell, late of the Htrait* Settle menta police, say* I cannot help think ing that tbe new* of Mr. H O. New land
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  • 273 7 Output of Malayan Estates for Past Five Mouths. Having published the various Estate retarns as received we now tebuUte them so a* to show tbe increase Ibis year over the same period of last year Output Fire Five Company, far Month. Month. May 1910. 1910. 1909. IU. IW.
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  • 246 7 Judgment wa* given by Mr. Joatiea Kiaber, to-day, in the recent action brought by tbe administrator* of M. A. de Suva (deceased) againat Dr. Ooonetilleke for leave to proceed to execution on a judgment for til.v) odd given against I >r. Goonetilleke in a previous action. The defence
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  • 1119 7 THE RETURN OF A SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION. Many Valuable Discoveries < The Times of Ceylon, of Jane 10. publishes 1 an intonating interview with l>r. Mueller, a German scientist, aho was ethnologiftt and linguist to an expedition which waa recently despatched to tbe Sooth Seas, to make a
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  • 630 7 NEW COMPANY WITH CAPITAL OF £150,000. Result of Negotiations. A general meeting of tbe shareholder* ot the Hevea Rubber Planting Company, Ltd waa bald ia tbe offices, Tbe AroadV. this morning, under the presidency of Mr. A. Diebn. Tbe object of tbe meeting wsa to i authorise
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  • 487 7 (Faon Ooa Own CoßsaaroKDirr Malacca, June 19. Th«- demand for bungalow* in Malacca id OtuMM daily and the supply it apparently quite oihanstod To a faii'ily uj to tl.. ceil house charge* for a long stay are i absolutely prohibitive becaose tbe terms an daily »od no
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  • 968 7 Lanadron Ledbury and Johore Lands i Malaya). According to Tbe Financier, tbe report of lbs Lanadron Rubber Bstatos. Limited. ■totes that no farther planting baa been done during tbe year to December U but 968 acres have been prepared for extension. The area under tapping has been 340
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  • 88 7 The International Congress on Tro pica! Agriculture proved to be a great nnnnaaa Special intereat waa shows in tbe flisniisaiiiii* on numerous important paper*, including those by British and colonial authorities and a*|>eoial!y that by Mr. F. B. Oatkrie, nhtmiii to the department of agriculture in New Sooth
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  • 60 7 Tbe following share* were disposed of by r-n~~ at Maaars. Powell and Co 1 salaroom on Saturday I Belat Tin Mining Co. Ltd 'J.'. shares al IIM per share. 60 at »S SO. .XI al #B*3, 100 at »8 100 at •3.90. and 25 at MM. Kota
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  • 53 7 FRENCH EXPRESS TRAINS TAKE FIRE. Many Passengers Burned aid Mangled ifUnran'* Taiasaaa.] London. June II Two express trains collided «t ill. prem near emaille*. Both took tire and th, pa— anger* were burned and uiauglud. Ten corpses have boen re>\>v< red but MM newspapun say that ninetoeo aaaj
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  • 26 7 iDaaUsTaaunsuaa Llotd TaiM**u Berlin, lune 1Uermany announce* that from the I*l ol July it wiil abandon the tpocial I French Champagne and Brandy
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  • 38 7 Rsoraa'a TsLaesaa| J .t There ia a growing outbreak of cholera in Southern Kussia. There have been Tim cane* and M deaths at h )<ttovoodou. au 1 77 canes and SW death* at Aiexandrotl
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  • 166 7 Gloomy Report on the Results of Past Year (From Oi's Own I Peoang. June 18 In the Kaatorn Shipping Compau for the year ended December :il, la*l th. dirt-otor* stale that after w riting ot! |Wi.6<S7 to depreciation of the Haet aud water boatand ♦ii-460 to tbe
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  • 118 7 PLANTER 'S SAD DEATH. Jura Estate Assistant Dies From Hydrophobia. iFaoa Ooa Own Coftßa»POMi>aMT.) Heoang, -lune 20 The death took place at the ttaaanVJ X m pital here, on Saturday evening of Mr Charles "ordon r inlay, planter engage 1 aa Jnru Estate It appear* that six week ago the
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  • 184 7 (Faoa Oca Own CokusroxoanT.) Labuan. line 14. Tbe Koaident. accompanied by Mi. H >tx 11and Inspector Crummey. left tor I the 6th in»t. and returned on the l'itb mat The preliminary inquiries in tbe oaae. Hex vs. Tan Teong Bee. wa* concluded on thert'.h inst when tbe
    184 words
  • 97 7 Mar borough Cinematograph. That the Marlborougb cinematograph *till maintain* ite popularity a* a place of enter >sini»*st is evidenced by tbe good house* it ■scares nightly. Last Saturday waa no ex oeptton to the rule on tbs contrary In* rs wa» more than the usual weak sad crowd at tte
    97 words

  • Correpondence.
    • 906 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,—While I had no intention of eontioolng this controversy on tbe Kamassn flotaI on, I cannot allow your comment on my reply, to what I termed your very misleading criticism, to pass unnotioed. It was s pity that in your comment
      906 words
  • 88 8 To Urn Blrtor of Mm Straits Timer •it, With nbrace la Ibis Singapore robber I still, I think Urn director would do wim thing if they would (1) PnUutatbenMßlhlyoßlprtisMMlooAl ft) Hare lbs daily prfc* iassrtid is Urn ihinluL (I) CNtw Urn rrsrotorv t ni mm stattag fully
    88 words
  • 133 8 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— When they have disposed of ooui plaint* you bavr. already published, the muni cipal sanitary inspectors might give their attention to the eon*ervaocy arraagemeate in Bmerald Hill Road. Our portion of it is particularly disgusting, and no oae whose olfactory
    133 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 72 8 At K'tala Lumpur, on June 17. Die Negri Sembi. «n cricket t. am arrived and went oa to Ipoh tbe following morning to play Perak. Tbe match will be continued to day. which ih a public holiday in IViak. bniog the birthday of 11. H. tho Sulten
      72 words
    • 117 8 5. C. C. v. (iarrison. On Saturday aftaraooa, a oncket match was played oa tbe Esplanade between the 8. C. C. aad an eleven of tbe Gamion. Tbe military batted first and were dismissed (or 189. Tbe Club bad made 13-J for seven •rickets wbeo play was abandoned. The
      117 words
  • 322 8 \rrangement of Fixtures lor Cop Competition A masting was beld on Friday in the SCC. |'»Tihon to arrange axtures, etc for the forlboamiog football cop competition Q M. S. English was in the obair. Others present were Mr. S. 11. I'iridaon (boo. sec. aad treasurer) and repreaentativee of
    322 words
  • 113 8 A Peking special to Km Jiji wy« that w.tL regard to tbe calling in (com circulati jo of old eoiaa, tbe Chinese gowrauient bae issued tbe following iultuotioea -1 Tbe amount uf silver ooina minted during 19 years ending in I'JO reached over 500,000,000 pieoee so tLat
    113 words
  • 734 8 Price* Quoted ia the Market Thl> Moraia|. Siaaafore, JOth Jane, 1010. Mean Lyall Md Bvstt. liebH|t aad Share Broken, taeoe Urn following lie* of qootatioa* tbie morniaK RUBBER SHAKES. Nam. Value. Bayen. B«Uen. 3/- AlUgtr f. i j am I/- Opboa* 8/9 41 Anglo Jobore 18; pd.
    734 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 101 8 Those travellers bold who faced the cold. Tbe Sooth Pole to explore, Would have foresworn their quest forlorn, Aad stayed at boms, I m sore l Did they not know, that mid ioe and «n u w, They could perfsct health eaamre. By having olosn by a good supply Of
      101 words
    • 38 8 COMMNIA TIUSATUimQA OF aa i aef|ijfi/ FOB ILOILO AMD MAwrr^ Tbe Bpaouh Mail Steamer "ALICANTE expsolwl to arrive ban from Bwope, oa Thursday, the lird last., sad will bars prompt Upalcs for abov. pom. For h^^yto aaBLOW.OO.. mm
      38 words
    • 556 8 LAND SURVEYORS WANTED. A number of qualified land turveyon are required at ODCe. Application", with copies of recent wst i monials qualification* and aalary required, to Swan ana Maclaren, Singapore. MM ENGINEER WANTED. Wanted, a thoroughly well trained Mecbanioal and Electrical Engineer, with knowledge uf Oas Suction Plant. A Mre»»
      556 words
    • 400 8 LAUNCHES! '^^bsSs'***"*^^"^*^l**li3bH HBBBBWBBaBBaas LAUNCHES AND BTERN-WHEEL STEAMERS A Speciality. DEMUNBD TO MEET KEQL'IKEMEM For River Use. I'artKiilam on Application Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO. LTD FIRE ANO MOTOR CAR RISKS 01 every description grauted by this Company at rates of premium and subject to conditions which will be
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 228 9 A. W. fully AND CO. S3. RAFFLES PLACf. SINGAPORE BOOK OPEN M Selangor Meeting, Ist Day, Jult 6th, 1310. Double Events Races 3 A 4. 3 A 7. AND 4 A 7. Treble Event 2000 to M Races 3, 4. nd 7 2000 TO 30 T»UjrapkU Addreu TULLY. SINGAPORE TtUpkoru
      228 words
    • 377 9 ARTICLES FOR BALE. RUBBER EBTATE FOR SHE Apply C, o/o Straits Times. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE. Good Locality. Terms Moderate. Apply R., c/o Straits Time*. MM UNCABHIRE BOILER FOR SALE. For sale, one Lancashire Boiler, English made, in exoellent condition; length 518", dia B,' lioence for 80 poanda, 900 square
      377 words
    • 140 9 BELLAMY AND CHRISTIE, TURF ACCOUNTANTS Are doing business on the FORTHCOMING SELANGOR MEETING Run July 5. 7 mmtl 9. Doable Events Races 3 and i, 3 and 7, 6 and 7. Treble Event Races 3, 4 and 7. Straight-out on ail'.E vents. Tel. I "Triton, 1 Singapore. Telephone 186. Prioa
      140 words
    • 238 9 7%atis fi?Js&e&tf£AV£s SINGAPORE SODA WATEI £staMjA*/<»rr2Sj*ax*. V Try I DUMIHYS 1 LOUIS ROVER m\ CHAMPAGNE, H Kotailers I KIM HIN CO. IkWONG VAN HIN co. TECK WHAH ft CO. CRUSHED FOOD. Trj H v, Tn rill te SatMiit. L R. BBLIUOB keg* to inform Mm poklio that hia Faotorr tor
      238 words
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  • 592 10 DETCRMINEDSUICIDE OF WOULDBE ASSASSIN. Seen Prowling Around Ihe Palace. A boat ten o clock last night, wired a Madrid correspondent oa May 34 a bomb exploded in the Ticinity of toe monument erected iv Mayors*, to the Tictinis of the explosion on King Alfonxo's wedding day. There
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 825 10 lISWAWL GREAT EASTERN LIFE ABBURANCE CO., UWTED. ■•ad Otflcs Wlachester Hoase BINGAPORB Board off DlF«otora I A. DanaiOß. Bag., Chairman. A. B. ran, Bag., Managing Director Fwraa Fowua, ij ob., Chief Med. Offleer A». Aaaroa. Bag.. BeT. N. J. Oowmnoß. F M. Biuot, Bag. One Booa Taa. Bag. Tew N«»»
      825 words
    • 506 10 BANKING. IHARTEHEO BANK BF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AHO CHINA. raOOBTOBATBD BT BOVAB OBABTBB. mv »p ObsMbl la M.OM Bnacaa at BNamas fl.MH.aso ■sssm Fan* t1, 100. 000 ■aabmm« laaajbm.* *m rp.MiiL.inM mi aaa aaM SHBSBTa aaa»»Mwj as r»p§p, hrn a]i,aww,ipVH BABKBBB. ■sstoaai Bask ot BaoMass. I*M Bsssw Oty Wisl Bask. BM.
      506 words
    • 272 10 TNI IZE HAI TOM BANUNfI AND IMSUIANCE 00 LTD ABD M, BUBO BTBBBT. BatebUebrd Jasaary T, 190 T. UapMai. Bomlnal H.OM.OOQ OapMal, psid ap 11,000,000 Bsaßrvi Llabulty of Proprietors II.Mt.OM cotnrr or msaoroaa. I Tin Ties loom. Baa. f Ba Iv Jia, Bs«. I Lua Onu Bans. Esq. I Iso
      272 words
    • 782 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MILNERS SAFE. A LARGE COLLECTION OK WKLL GROWN I'LINT* The Property ol W. O. Niven, Es<j.. AT BUNGALOW NO. 2. RAEBURN EBTATE. OFF NEIL ROAD On Saturday, dune 25. at 2 p.m. Handsomely carved teak sideboard with mirror panels upholstered
      782 words
    • 212 10 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. On 1 I HI Freehold building lsml boa Mag a risen u for road off Bjai All< v KoaJ SiDKspon ar< U.7M tijusrt; (et.t. beiuK lots IS and 1 i (irant No I POWKLL A 00, Auctioneers. MORTGAGEE S SALE On 7 Freehold Isnd togitlitr with tfae bouMf
      212 words

  • 877 11 MOTORS MOTORING. REVIEW OF THE COMMERCIAL SITUATION. Writinii in The Standard, Mr Gerald Him says The death of the Sovereign in any civilised 0 otiy most in certain respects spell a tern)>orary commercial collapse in Liany Industrie*, aud through this coantry there lias bees considerable uieotal stocktaking during tbe laat
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 485 11 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAR OFFICE had 120 different Types of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car Is Due to Arrive next Month. Full particulars o( which can be bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE DAY
      485 words
    • 707 11 iitncuounc COULD NOT SLEEP Sneered Badly from Eczema on Fact) and Body for Over Two Years— Very Inflamed and Disfiguring— Doctor's Prescription did No Good Gave It Up as a Bad Job. CALLS HIS CURE BY CUTICURA WONDERFUL I >iffrrr<l fit in •vmna on mr face and body vsrv batiily
      707 words
    • 171 11 ***** MILES BTILL IN 600 D CONDITION. UUNLUi m de As used by the leading Corporations, Tram, Rail, and Bus Companies at Home and Abroad. THE VANBUMD MOTORBUB COMPANY. LIMITED. Albany Hor>«. Albany Strsbt, I W 16tb Jam-AST, IMS. Tbe Danlop Rubber Co., Ltd.. 150, Clerkeawell Road, E.C. Dear Sin,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 649 12 WANTSCHINESE CLERKI WANTED. AsDted, Chinese clerks for Office Some r.nowWdge of book keeping required. Apply i a Straiu Timea. MM CHINESE CLERK WANTEO. Wanted, Capable Chinese Clerk ex pen i nofd in BookiDK and a good typist Salary t75 per month. Apply K c o Straits Time*. ui:i7rt ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL
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    • 580 12 WMTB OREBBIR WANTEO. WaaU-d. an ezpnrieneed dresser to work undtr a European I>octor on a Rubber Bstete. Apply Box M c/o Straits Times ■MM CLERICAL WORK WANTEO. WanU.l. clerical work. Accounts kept, corn«pondence and type writing done by a competent Clerk in spare time. Terms moderate. B. D. S., c
      580 words
    • 435 12 TB BE LET 91 SOLD, 100*8 TO LET. At Zetland Hoase (Armenia* Street). Apply on the premises. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET No. 2, Adis Road, entry from July 1, 1010. Apply to F. R. David, 1, Malaooa Street. ■a mub w if in. Be*. 81 aat 88, I 81l ill
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    • 639 12 NOTICEB. CHURCH OF EN6LAND ZENANA MISSIONARY SOCIETY The usual Half yearly Sale of I'seful and Fascy Article*, in aid of the fund* of the Chinese Girls' School, will take plaoc, D. V., in the Victoria Hall, oa Friday June 24tb, from 4 to 7 p m aad Saturday, Juae 25th
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    • 486 12 NOTICEB. STRAITS STEVEDORES ANO CO. Contractors of Labour and Provision* fo<vessel*. Loading and dinch*r({iDK heavy lift*, general cargo and coal. Supplying Lighten and Chinese boat* for tran*bip ment »o>k and Provuion* aj all kiad* at moderate charges. a H. SULTAN, Proprietor. Tel. No Urn Offloe No. 8, Loke Vow St
      486 words
    • 309 12 «*^V'JBtj PBkBtBB&r^BBiBaB^BfMB SB aPKf^BBBBMHk C. H. Willis IS NOW DOING MMOBI M THE FOKTHCOMING Kuala Lumpur Races, JULY 5. 7 AND 9. Mo Entry Mo Bot. Straight-oat on all Races. 1 >oubles on any two Races. Treble Event ou Uaces 3, 6, 7. Bets made by wire most be confirmed
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 239 12 Straits iDimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Miaoellaa* oaa want* of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of II per foot lines for oae or two insertion*. Notion* of Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not moeeding four lines. II each insertion For p.p.o. earda, on page 8, IX Imcb Scau Ratb*
      239 words