The Straits Times, 18 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.28(> SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JUNB 18. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 215 1 D. ft J. IcCillnn's PERFECTION WHISKY. lALD6ECH MACBRE6OR AND COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Dept. This Department is now replete with all Gentlemen's requisites, and all Goods imported are from first-class Houses only. Gents' Shirts for Office and Dress wear. Neglige in latest] patterns and shades. A new line of
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    • 458 1 Robinson 0% Co. INANIMATE BIRD TRAPS tfA The "Bluerock." *tfjo The birds can be sent in any direc- ~v^s tion or angle, and over the shooter's QCkwt! fs* head. The angle of Might can be <^£\SBfiilB altered in a moment. jfc!«^Taßan^^^ .map* Single Rise Trap Aaaaa^x^sflflSaßl with cord and spikes
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Chflnpatjie. CALDBkCK/MACGREGOR AND COMPANY. i
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  • 472 2 THIRTY-FIVE NEGRO PRISONERS BURNT TO DEATH. Fatal Plot for Liberty. I Ia a madly planned plot for liberty thirty- five negro ooaviota perished by fire in Itibbs Co'inty. Alabama. I. S A. Amid a dis graceful afasja, such aa would not be enacted in any other civilised part
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  • 429 2 His Late Majesty's Kiodoess of Heart. I In the course of a k-ngthy article oa Kiag K.I ward, which be oontribofce to the Oaalois, U. \lbert Klament relates a very touching anecdote in illustration of bis Majesty's kind neaa of heart. i I have relainwd a memory
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  • 168 2 Dr. Charles Beatley, malaria im estigatioa expert, eapeeially appointed by Government to consider the problem in Bombay, baa iaaoed aa interim report. He point* oat that no part of the city ia free from malaria. Ho on da the only mosquito which spreads infection in Bombay is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 95 2 j^nP^^^^^H ***jNN'^** Haawattl LwaT Lwas /-IbEWTI y HAZELINE SNOW llk dainty balm that preserves the beautiful < omplexion and ini|To\(> the bad one. It removes greasinc?<% instantly and imparts velvety M.(tn--s> and transparent beauly to the »kin. Sold by all Chemists Hi RROI '.us Will, '-mi Co.. i..»Niu>N iNC >
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    • 12 2 Woods' Oreat P.pp rmint Oho Ist all nteraai eomr'aiats. Dyasatary. Ooogba. OrtSstwa*
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    • 589 2 ROYAL STAKES Run TuettUy, Ju,u tl. NORTHUMBERLAND PLATE Bun W.-.hi.;Ja 9 June it. Stabtum Pbicb ComnMiom Buctrrao oh all PanrcirAi. Ex.ilub Racbs. DOCBLBS, TRBBI.KS. COMBINATIONS, BTC. A Weekly Us* of probable Starters, Jookrys. weights, prioes, etc, will be sent post free on application Also S. P. Ruus and list ow
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    • 398 2 ISMAIL RAHEEH Qi re showing an I'Dpreoedented oolleotion of a very laiye JA aasortmerit of diamonds of the finest water and cat. C/ anpaoked and within reaaonablr prioes. Diamonds weinhing and ranging from 'J carats ap wards to 20 carats. Pairs of diamonds for earring, croaaoKs. etc a specialty. An
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  • 581 3 31 .490 MILES OF LINE NOW OPEN. The Profit of Last Year. The annual adminiftratioo report by tbe Indian railway board for 1919 is issued and shows that dating tbe year 909 miles wore opened, bnnging the total open mileage up to 31,490 miles. Tbe actual capital outlay,
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  • 442 3 Nearly 2.000 Persons Treated Last Year. The report ol the Kuauli I>aakur lo.u tote lor last year is publ -bed II abowi that nearly 'i.OOO persona wert treated last year, of wbcui 490 were Kuropeaav.the number of ease* •bow ins a marked advance in spite of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 638 3 The Dispensary, Ltd. •jrSprjpStJt- CHEMIBTB. PHARMACIBTB. OPTICIANS a»*^ 438| Rafll-$ PI Ca> Sln aDOrt ■jW <KS-^ i Telcphoae No. 3. \'r- f& I>epot Jor all kiada of Paatat Mediciaes. Totfet Rtqniaites, PerdX Si^t^r^Wi lomery, Medicated Wia«», Sonpoal lastnijaeafc.. Chemical and Scieatific Apparatus. Medical, Sarpcal and Saaitary Appliance. 3' Medicine Cheata.
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    • 50 3 UME BHOULDER \S Lellur rtanliirg frcm a sprain or from rheumatic pains, tbere is aoiUinK so fC^od for a lama shoaktar as Chaaaaarlaia's Paia Balm. Apply it freely and rma the parts t oroosly at aacfa application aad a quick ctra is aertaio. Fcr sal* by a" Di^easariet sad Dmien.
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    • 145 3 TEA We do not claim to have more trains than oar competitors, bat re believe it is really to jour oterest to take advantage of our orty years oi successful tea-blend 3ROOKE BONDS TEA Sold by Ibe following dealers t Ooaa Chia Hoax a Co. Baramaah Pakirnaidea a Ca. Tiaog
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    • 278 3 fit BEWARE of IMITATIONS H RIGAUD'S H GENUINE g7j| Japan Kananga jSI Toilet Water PARIS FRANCE SOLD BY ALL. PERFUMERS RAVBITSWAY A ISTID CO. Undertaken, Moaomental Masons, Sooipw,. o d X^bie Merohaota. Tbe oldeni natablUhed Brm of iU kind ia Ibe Btraita. PalroavrJ by the beat people in the laad
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 662 4 BTEJUKI BAHJMB. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. tar Chlaa, Jaaa-, Ptßtag, yi— «a*tralia. ladU, Aiaa. Bgyat. nedlt*rraa*an Partt, P;ym*«tk end Loadan. Through BIU* t* Lading lataad lot Oktaa Co*M, Ptntea OaU. OonHo*_tal. and Am trim* Port*. Btttiatrt wUI teav* Blagaaiw* oa or aboal MAIL LINES. OataMrd (/or Cfc*-a) LMlhi Jaly
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    • 541 4 BTEAMEB BAIUITOB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. tetVem^JAP-ir Jo RUROPR fey w* .ompanyt waUtoowa TWII-ICIIW BTBAMBKI ante MaU Contra* with tha Imperial khrooghoot iy Ili-alrilj, ftorigßd with neelleat amw lattiia lor Fbat Md Baeoad Ola-a Pn infra, and fitted with all |_T_ieat modara m-proremooto tor their ■ißtya-doomnrti— a-,.-.-. Ton
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    • 553 4 CTBUia SAIUWM HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG Tk* ■uißiri ot tkl* Oompaay mtlatil* rigaur aarvto* ktlaitn Hambarg. ffrimn. i Aatwara, aai nmiiltai. aai Ik* Samite. > Oktaa aad Japan Hu— wati*. lk*y an d**Batok*d f ortalgkMy f Hint aad Hambarg aad one* a aaoatk tor i Br*m*rbav*a iinet. aaHtag at F*aaag
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    • 710 4 BTEABEI BAIUNIB. N. D. L. Norddoutsohor Lloyd, Bromon. IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL LINE Tk* tail and wall kaowa ami rtaaman Mm Ojmraay mM tnrtaajkly trom Braaw. Hambarg. vto nmirl Anrwwp. Boatkamr toa. GikraHar, Ooot. NapU. |ooa*.«*to. MaraaHlaa. Raftoa. Aia»aadrta, aad via* vwaa, Fort ami. Baaa, Aiaa, Ooiombo, Paaaag "■■ignn. Hongkong Hb.agkal.
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  • 173 5 FIXTURES. .Saturday, June 18 High Water. 7 M a.m., 7.44 p.m I- ill iuu irmng oasaps. I n. k' t -Otrrieoo. v. 8. C. 0 Med. Sohaol v. 8. C. C Albambra Cioeoaaloxrapfa Hanuia Cioematograph. Marlloroogb Ciaeniito^rapli Surulmj, June 10 High Water, HJM b.t.. Ml p.m Concert
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  • 193 5 ft* D.T 1 K%mp"l pm f Dell sad Asabau Rao*. 1 pm J sfsbsnia. Port 1 an 1 V Hwrtt"nh:on Ban WMm \<m i C,ili<nibo (ill l^>|>e/ 4pm I Rao^kok llrtid 4 pm BMP I Natuua I pm Rln ■> aod In.) ra< r Nahella 4r m
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  • 110 5 Ibt Imp Ocnmn mail ateamer Pnn/ Kitel I r»t ln*b, naMug left Hongkong on ln» IRli 'O.Unl at n >v. m»v he sxpeotod ti arrive here on Monday th. Kl\> in*t., at Ip m Bb* will pr>bablv be deepatcbed for Korope th* f"ll< win? day at 6
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  • 260 5 Latest Arrival. I r 1 '.ii ,\t itr ion. .0 .r« 1.7 0 li p. Com. on Resnen. Jnns M, From Deli, ■me 16. Kor K>ow, f.-UI.. Clan 'litniiivr, Brit *tr MMi tons. Cepsaia MaAlnWr. Jane IS I r>m elcutU, lime 10. Coal. BnuateadACo. 1 r .li<i. I'
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  • 87 5 Wharves at which Vr»icl* arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. K. W K»-m— KoiN.twrg. K. W. Saonosj I— Calypso gauss Wbabt— Nil. M. W. Saanoat T«-»ia. Natana. 6-KeU-ntuMi Psrak. 6- Nil. 6-Olsakhiel Laooos Docs 7 (Ondjr oonttrticUoa W. Wbabt 6— SaUuma. Jibmbb-'h W.
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  • 328 5 St. Andrews Cathedral. (sunday. June 19.) 1 OlKlll BIMMI AIIM I'llMII. Hi Aavaaw'* <Jit««jk»l.--7 a.m Mums, Hymn 17 7Ui m Holy Cocnmamoa (Cho ral) Hyino. Ma, Ml and lU| I 15 a.m. S|>e< nl Holy Cummoniuo (Plata) with A'l liew si Mem beiMiod A~~,3'hU>. of llief liurcl. W
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  • 242 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGC. msoaicm, Jtsi 18, 1910 On London— Bank 4m 2 4| D»m»«d a^ Private 6m l/4| do Imi On German*— Baak d/d 340 IMnlel no 344 do 6 m/t M«t On Franc*- B«ak d/d 395 PriflttSm.i 3w^ do 6 u/i 80»i On 7miia-B4Bk T. T. i;g Private Md/«
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    • 174 5 larae Valoe. 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Bra*DK 10 10 Bnuab Hyd 10 10 Kanaboi £1 41 Kinta Tin 41 41 KkxUag Tin 10 10 KainUo Tin 41 41 Lahat Mine* 41 41 Malay* and Siam 10 10 Malaora Tin $i- Pahao* Ooaml. XI M r.uvkaioo 41 41
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    • 539 5 lame "2 Value. Boyoni Sellef*. >/• a/. A!l««»r «/8 7 >/■ a/- ABgloMalAT I.B* 1.M., a/- 16 BttUD MaJaka a/, pm 41 41 Bata Caves 14.0.0 15.0.0 41 41 Batu Tma 6.5.0 6.10.0 41 41 Bakit Kajaaff 8.6.0 8.10.0 41 10/- Contributory 2.10.0 2.13.6 pm 41 i.l Bukit LinUim
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    • 103 5 Une S V»l»e 10 10 Butoro Smclton* 10 7 60 M Frame Im 100 Howarth BnikiD*. 100 7% Prel 100 100 K»ltHro IM 100 100 8% Cum.Pnf. 10 10M»yaard*Co. Bay«r«. aoA.oo 6-00 80 00 ii.OO owwri Dom. 10 00 800 315 00 «0.00 M.SO 1J5.00 now i-.00 I mac
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    • 42 5 Bayers. Sellers Howarth Erakinc6% 1600.000 par Riley, Har B tneT ways 4*50,000 Singapore Manioipal6% 41,*****0 nom Bayers. Mullen fHfHimn Mil n«PJtI 44% of 1607 AI.KOJXO T% pra. Singapore Mv BJoipaJ 44% of 1009 41.000.000 7% pra Singapore Municipal •TJO'i.9oo T% dia.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 50 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED FOR PKHAHO. MADRAS ABO NEOAPATAM Tbs Oaaspaav's Stammer TEEBTA. MM toas, C WUli*. Commander, will be dee patched for tbe ebov* pert* on Tbarsday, tb* iird inst.. all p.m. She hMUoeUentaoooouaodaaon torarst aad atooas-osast paaßtngar*. Far b*ie»t or psamge apply la BOUBTBADAOa. MCT eafasts,
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    • 318 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. June Jl. -At saleroom, froobolJ land togetbw witli tbe booses known as Noa. 03S and 941, Seraogoon Rd., at UO. .lone 'Jl.— At saleroom, freehold land front ing a reserve for road off Syed Allay Road, at 280. June 3S.— At Hangalow No. 3, Ktebiira
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    • 767 5 STEAMER BAIUN6B. CtalßDlß* MBTIVB «F m BCEAN 8 8. CBY.. LTD.. THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8 N. CB.. LTD. ■tfiu '■•iwAWTLB (PBBTBI ■•■TB WMT ABBTftAUAB r«BT» JAVA AH* aiaSal-WBB K^aUr rnrtasjatlv aaUap between Slasa «r* sad Wsstsra AossraUa, eaulag at Java ai ladaassaaa* aflsrs). Darby, Kaßf, B^.a Port tor the Taabsrtsj
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    • 342 5 APCAR UNE. OF BTEAMERB Tbt undermenaioned mail steamers of tbe abort) Line main tain a regalar son ice between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Panaag. Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tom Commander I'-Jafah" 8,016 A. StiwaST "Obboobt Apcab" MOO S. H. Bblson AaJUToo* Arc.a MOO W. T. Thomas
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    • 24 5 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Pas sir Pan Jang, Singapore. Retreading Repairing OF ALL MAKB OK Motor Isyres AT VERY MODERATE PRICBS. HOOGLANDT COMPANY, Slnf.port.
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  • 18 6 BRAOro*ii.— On June 17, at the General Hospital, Singapore, M. O. Bradford, of tbe Sarawak Oovernmeot Service.
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  • 1071 6 The Straits Times. SATURDAY, JUNE 18. EXTINGUISHER. Whatever may be the fate of the Ordinance to impose a doty on certain Bills of T^ing, and to protect shipper, of goods from ex oeasive oharsjas and undue matiiidiimi." tbe Government of this colony is to be congratulated on a morn daring
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  • 20 6 M Derrick sad Company inform as that tbe output of dry robber from Pegoh, Ltd., during May, was 8.361 Ike,
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  • 24 6 At tbe Bank of England, on May 38, the ram of J26.000 was set aside for tbe Strait* aettluuisnt. note guarantee fund, gold PortJoa.
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  • 35 6 I n s test case just soaorsd.d in th. la w oourts at home, a rlisiiios wwnno that tbe London County Council siansdiid iU pownrs wbsart prohibited the holding oi cinemato graph exnibrttoM on Buadays.
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  • 34 6 Tbe forUiniii, iislimi i promoted by the Royal Colonial Intitate will b. attended sjaississ Tw'ehist objoot of the gathering will be to establish a psrmnsas standing anminissss, on which all the sowntiss will be
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  • 16 6 The schools in the Garrison will close k r rammer holidays from Monday to July 30
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  • 19 6 Tbe total balance to tbe credit of tb» Tamil lai migration (and at tbe end of Marob was 1167.CK3.
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  • 22 6 In our report of tbe bankruptcy case re» tsrday. Mr. Foster s initial should have been Kiven as C. instead of W.
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  • 29 6 M _ej R. r Knox will be tbe visitor at the Detentkn Barracks aad Major H. M Martin, 3rd Middlesex Regiment, the Seld 0* yet for tlit ensuing week.
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  • 31 6 Tan Tian Seng, MS South Bridge Road. gave one of hi» oooltes 172 yesterday to pay name bills aad to pay other ooolies. but tbe messenger has not been seen since.
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  • 28 6 Several curios aod a bronze figure, of the total value of 153. have been stolen from tbe verandah of Mr. J. M. Watt's bouse in Cairn hill Road.
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  • 30 6 In tbe marine oourt, before Lieut Cator August Meyer was charged with being in the Colony without a orrofijete of discharge Defendant was fined 146 or 41 days rigorous imprisonment
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  • 56 6 An attempt was made reoeotiy by some person or persons unknown to blow up a Chinese owned motor bus with a charge of dynamite on tbe Pahang Trunk Road. Tbe car having broken down bad been left at tbe side oJ the road without anyone in charge for a few
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  • 76 6 A Chinaman living in Maasuor Street woke with a start at 3.90 this morniag to find that there were two uninvited strangers in bis room His waking disturbed them and one made his exit from tbe house by tbe back and tbe other by the front Providentially. a Sikh policeman
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  • 68 6 Testimony to the popularity of tbe oaiaine at tbe Adelphi Hotei v borne each Saturday evening by the incree* ing number of visitors who partake of tbe special dinner prepared for guests. Tbe in- mi for this evening main U'Di a bigti standard of reputation while too band programme i
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  • 80 6 Pay lutster in Cbitf Joseph Wm. (barter, R.N (retired), aged 61, died from injuries sustained by fallioK oat of a window at 7 South Parade, Southsea. laat month He joined tbe Koyal Navy a. an uuiUnl clerk in 1865, wm promoted as»istaot paymaster four yearn later, and in that capacity,
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  • 90 6 Toe joint oommission to mark out tbe boundary between l>Jtcb New Ouinea sod the (Jernian section of the island is now fairly at work. Tbe commissioners started from Huniboldt Bay. aod will work on from north to south in a general way until they reach tbe norfi west point of
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  • 95 6 The Batavia Nieuws van dan Dan notes that tbe British rubber .yndioato have a great liking for abandoned ooffee estatus of which there is any quantity in Bast Java But tbe lassoes of these land* oomplain that, too often, the syndicates bold options tor a long time without coming to
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  • 122 6 About four months ago. Sergeant Budd. of the Koyal Engineers, stationed at Fort Canning, lent his boy a silver Eoglinh lever, valued at X-UOj in order to keep him up to time. Tbe other day the boy reported that tbe watch was stolen and when the police investigated tbe matter
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  • 137 6 Tbe Parsees are going to commemorate the first landing of their race in India more than 1,000 years ago. There is no direct historical evideoos of tbe first ooming of the Parsees to this country from Persia, their original borne, nor is the place where they landed mentioned in any
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  • 165 6 Professor 8. B. J. Sk*rtohly, father of the late Mr. B H. Skertohly, woo died as Penan*; several yean ago, wrote to tbe Conner on May 19:— Our own Clomeat Wrafaa has waned a friend to stop indoor, at high noon to morrow lest bis health suffer from the
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  • 430 6 Tbe Rev. F. O Swindell and Mr* -.wmdd. have arrived in Kuala Lumpur Mr. de •onion is doe in Singapore by the Krnest Simons on June 17. Mr. M Tribes is recognised as in oherge of the Consulate of France and the V.os Consulate of Spain at
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  • 51 6 The members of tbe congregation of the oburoh of St Joseph are informed that the collection to be made at tbe low and bigb missel and vesper on the feast of St. Anthony de Padua to morrow will be for the poor of tbe St. Anthony's Bread
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  • 62 6 Mr. W. M Bath, manager of the Kuantan Tin Mining Co.. Ltd., report* to tbe directors as follows Oentlemen I brg to utibmil to you my report of tbe work done on your mine during tbe month of May. 1910. No. >. Hill 40 acre Block.-The
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  • 188 6 The text of an ordinance to confer upon the Supreme Court jurisdiction to Divorce and Matrimonial Causes is published in the Government (taaette which utatw that the bill is about to be introduced into the Legislative Council. Among tbe clauws it is stated that No clergyman
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  • 170 6 At the Singapore Philharmonic Sooiesy's ooncert to be given in the Tentonia Club, on Tuesday next, tbe orchestral pieoas will be: overturn, Tantalnsonslen (voa Suppn. valse lent*. Tout Passe (Barger); baroarolW from Contn d' Hoffmann (Offrabach) transom p lion. Prelude (Kacbmaniaoffi; introdootioa to Act HI. Lohengrin i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 Melachrino Co.'s EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. I t7 w*""*"" ISIS Per lin of 100 93.00. Tbe Best Egyptian procurable Spec al prices for quantities' to Messes, etc. Sol* Agem* 1 John Little Company, Ld. RUBBER ESTATE SUPPLIES. SUCTION QAS PLANTS. OIL AM) QAS ENQIISES. RUBBER FACTORIES. CENTRAL COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHI- ENGINE WORKS,
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    • 155 6 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD The Picture Palaot. GRAND EXHIBITION TO-NIGHT. NEW SUBJECTS. Pntho's Unrivalled Setiee. led Show at JO p.m OVERTURE Selection-" On. MissOibbs. MISB CLARKE AMD HBR CAKES. CLEOPATRA. 5.».».r. Adapted aad stand by Messrs. F. Zocea andAndreaai TEe love story of Mark Anthony aod CLEOPATRA, Egypt .peer less Qoesa.
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  • 148 7 THE P OLITICAL TRUCE. FIRST MEETING OF THE VETO CONFERENCE. Perfect Freedom to Discuss Every Mat I Kama's Tstaea*n:| London. June 17. Tbe Budget wiU be taken in the last week at Jem Led I iruburn bas conferred with Mr. Balfour and Loid l.insdowne. It i. reported that tbe pirty
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  • 89 7 HUNDREDS OF LIVES LOST IN HUNGARY. Whole Villages Aulhilated |Ks utb ii Taieesie London, Juae 17. There bas been a terrible cloud burst in ooooty Krassossoerenyer, in Hungary. Whole villages have been annihilated, and 259 bodies have been recovered. Many places are cut off aad no aew.
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  • 56 7 A Colonel of Geodarmery Murdered iheoTßß's TsLaeaaa.) London, June 18 There hai b< en a revival of outrages ia Kosao-Polanl. A ooijoel of gendarmery waa killtd at lUod<>m, and the chief of police was botube'i ,i\ Warsaw. lie w»< un'iurt bat two of bis escort were killed.
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  • 62 7 ksot.s s Tetßoasa London, June 17. The Kaisers illness is the result of a strain. He is cxpeotod to reouver after a week's rest. |Dbk Osta.<*iati<h:hs Llotd Tiuoiiv Berlin, June 17. The Emperor William U not suffering aay more pain from his knee. No operation is ncoessary,
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  • 47 7 iKbotbs'i TaLoesAß.) London, June 18. The Turkish Minister of War haaintrodue ed a budget in the chamber. It amounts to eighteen million pounds Turkish, and provides f ir the purchase of a boodn d fljd, and thirty six mountain ba'.teriea, and eight hundred quickfirera.
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  • 21 7 I Raima's Tsueosta) London. June 18 The Jjhn«oo Jeffries prixe fight will take pleos at Gok'fteld. Nevada.
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  • 19 7 Tbls..»a«.| London, June 18. The Washington Senate has admitted Arnona as a New Mexico State
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  • 15 7 IDoeOetaaunsosa I.lovd Tauss.n Berlin, Jaae 17. The Prussian Herreuhaua aad Diet are closed
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  • 85 7 A nit we. filed on tbe sth mat., in Vuili by the latMoationei Banking Corporation •gainst tba Standa-d 0.1 Compaay. It ia ■Urged that Urn Philippine Prodocta Com pan; owe.l the defendant corporation the ■am of IMS.COO pnws and when the Philip ptne Product. Company became
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  • 850 7 Shanghai Comes to Malaya For an Investment 1,, told, has been rather bard bit over the rubber boom. It took a loo* time to wake op to what was hapeeoing, and when it did wake it held what it bcugbt too loog. We have beard of various
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  • 114 7 The marriage was solemnised on Thors day. Jane 9, at 11 a-m at St. Michael's Church. Polwatte, Ceylon, ot Mr. Stauia lava Matthew Hastings Rhode., Solicitor General ot the Straits Settlements, Paaaag, who arrived by the P. aad O. steamer Devaaha on the previous Wednesday, aad
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  • 25 7 Mr. J. B. Martin, building inspector. TaipioK. bM resigned boot Urn esrvioe oa the termination of bin ipiWHl, and will U returning to KagUad shortly.
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  • 537 7 DRASTIC REMEDIES PROPOSED. BILLS OF LADING TAXED TWENTY PER CENT. The Infringement Penalty Filed At $2,500. The Straita Govern ment Oasette issued yes terday afternoon contains the text of the pro miaed I.< isolation against the shipping oon fureoce. It U disrrlbtd m Aa ordiaanoe to impose
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  • 668 7 Whether the Bill summarised abort, and givea in toll text below, oan be evaded by the Shipping Conference may be seen best, per haps, by stating the point* in the form of question and anawer. thoa Qoet. (1) Suppoee the Conference ia retaliation raiaea all
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  • 1831 7 Aa Ordinance to impose a doty on eartain Bills of Lading aad to prottot sliippers of goods from exoaative charges and undue restrictions. Wheree* certain shipowners have entered into aa agreement with oertain merchants carrying on boeinesa in the Colony which tends to raiae to aad
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  • 251 7 Imports and Exports oa The UpGrade. The quarterly statement of imports and export, to and from the Strait. Muttl—Mta has just been iaOsad from the Government Printing Press. It gives ia detail a statistical account of the growth or otherwise of the many varied industries that
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  • 876 7 STOCK SUPPLY INADEQUATE TO DEMANDS Company Reports. The London aad China Express, of May II contain, the following report —Toe market for Para baa been dull with an dency. Fine bard on the spot and n< at is quoted 10*. l*d. value. July Aligns sold at 10a.
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  • 158 7 Erroneous Report on Employes Boons Division. Messrs. Preagrave and Matthew* write to say that Messrs. H. Jessea and Ue Chin Ho consider the statemente oontaioed in a telegism from oar Peaeag correspondent, pubbened ia our imue of the 13Ui inn. pi H ly improper and libellous. It
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  • 28 7 laspeetor Oxley, win was ao-idoaUlly •hot in the foot three weeks ago, has low left the Pan era! Hospital aad has bean granted two weeks' leave to reeaaarate.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 139 8 Me B**la C. Wright, the well known nieriean Itwi tenni. player, who baa several timei figured ia the Davis Cap competition*, ia now in England, where be will participate 10 all the o«t important tjuruatuunte. Toe members of tbe Hritish Rugby football team who are tearing in
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    • 303 8 S.C.H.C. Tournament The following ties are to be played to day Mngles Tan (bong Kbee owe I v. Dr. S. P. Chan sor. Song «»og Siang owe j 9 v. Sect Hock Seng owe B Singles.— Quab Sin Keat owe 10 v. Lee Peak Lock owo 7. Lim
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  • 228 8 Managers Monthly Report to the Directors. Mr. w. M. Batli. manager of the Belat Tin Mining Company. Limited, submits tii. following repirt to tbe director. Gentlemen,— l bag to submit to yoo my report of the work done on your leas daring the month of May
    228 words
  • 206 8 W«||.DeMrv«d Sentence on Member of Notorious Society. In sentencing Antonio Miaoaai to seven yean impriaonmeot aod deportatioa for at tempting to blackmail Signor Caroao to the j extent of J&0O0. 'od^e Kawoatt, at Maw York, laid amid the applauss of the eoart A lite lmpn-Toment nenteaoe would not
    206 words
  • 580 8 Commissioners Decide on Reducing Price of Gas. I The muni, pal comminiionert met yesterday afternoon. Mr. E. O. Broadrick presided and the other gentlemen present were Dr. Fowlit- Messrs. V. E Jago, J. Carapiet. i beog 1 Keng I.*. W. Poaoock, A. J. W. Watkina, !,I. Polklsss (seorttary)
    580 words
  • 432 8 The Hon. A. R. Adams aad The Straits Times. An extraordinary i^oeral niectioK of the Kedah Itubber Co Ltd wa- held in the Chamber of Commerce, Ponang. 00 Toeaday afternoon, aaya the Straitn Echo when tbore ware preaoat the Hon. A K AdaoM chair man Messrs.
    432 words
  • 782 8 Prlcei Quoted in the Market Thli Morali*. Singapore, 18th Jane, 1910. Means. Lyall and Bvatt, Bxohana* and Share Brokers, kwne the following lint of {notation* this morning Worn. Value. Bayer* Seller*. 9/- AUagmr 6/1 6 21 Optioon 80 A/. 41 Anglo Jobore 16/ pd. 4/ 8/0 pa>
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 68 8 BEWttE OF k C9U6H. Now is tbe time to get rid of Urn* coat-, tor if yoo let it bang oa, no one can tell what tbe end may be. Others have been ourt d of tbeir oongbs *cry quickly by nsing Chamberlain Coogb Remedy. Wby not jm f Try
      68 words
    • 55 8 Help the weak if yoa ara atrong Baapaos tbe old if yon are yomng Own your fault* when yon are wrong j Aad when you're angry bold you snaps Pay you dwMa before yon bet. baok not a bill for tiob or poor, Aod wben a oonab o> cbill yoa
      55 words
    • 47 8 TO ESTATE MANAGERS AND PROPRIETORS 800,000 First-alasa Robber Stamps. Oaar aateed 1 year old, MS pat 1000 F. O. B Port Bwattinl 900.000 FirsleUas Robber Stumps Onarentaed IB months old, lie par 1000 F. 0. B. Port tiwWailiiiii 0. P. JOAQCIM 00., Loto Ytw Boiktogs, mo t*m\ta»ym.
      47 words
    • 306 8 aSAL CATARRH PRODUCES DEAFNESS RELIEF IN Pt -RL-NA. Mr. R. J. Arlrsa, 401 City Hall An, M'.uirral.Quet*. U »Q old gentleman nf wide acquaintann-, havlnf nwn] thlrty-«tgbt yean In lbs General }'<>- orUvo of Montreal, a record wbich •peaks for Itself. Concerning bii use of Psrana, MM irlven helow. BfIpBJBJPJBJIBr^f^K^
      306 words
    • 510 8 Rangoon Para Rubber Estates, Ltd. We bave to-day received tele graphic advice from London that the above Company will be floated The list opens oo 20th June ami closes on 2iird lane. The Company ar<|iir-Bthe Twantay Ebtate, 18 mi If- frorr Kangoon, belonging to Mr. Lim Chin Tseng, containing a
      510 words
    • 369 8 MARLBOROIIGH RBACII ROAD Tbe People's Popular. CHANGE OF PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT. PAUU v NOfBLI IBS Svoond Show, at W.VU p.iu COMBAT BETWEEN BUFFALOES A picture lull of PxnWnirnt. l.'pictiot tiijlil kt-twuro Imi'ilchk n n f U Hatoie Inland*. I \t I.X S K\KS AUK uIKNKI) TWO trtOINTMKKTH ta I Comic. The
      369 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 304 9 c^^BßaTaßßßsv! AmT A^WTTully AND CO. 33, RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE 8008 OPEN ON Selangor Meeting. 1-4T Day.Jcly sth, 1910. Double Events Races 3 4. 3 7. AND 4 7. Treble Event 2000 to 30 Races 3, 4, aQ d 7 2000 TO 30 TeUjrapHu Addr TULLY. SINGAPORE TeUplums »3». During our
      304 words
    • 420 9 ARTICLES FOB 3ALE. I RUBBER ESTATE FOR SALE. Apply C, c/o Straits Times. BOARDING HOUSE FOR BALL Good Locality. Terms Moderate. Apply R., co straits Times. MM LANCASHIRE BOILER FOR BALE. For sale, one Lancashire Boiler, English made, in excellent condition, leogth 38', dia B. lioenoe for 80 pounds, 900
      420 words
    • 301 9 BELLAMY AND CHRISTIE, TURF ACCOUNTANTS. Are doing business on the FORTHCOMING SELANGOR MEETING Run July 5. 7 mm* 9. Doable Events Races'. B snd 4, 8 and 7, 6 and 7. Treble Event Races 3, 4 and 7. Straight-out on a v; E vents. Tel. Triton, Singapore. Telephone I*l Prioe
      301 words
    • 593 9 STEAMER SAILIH6B. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANrS ROYAL HAIL STEAMSHIP URL Tn NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB INITBD STATBB. Roote from Una^nay via Sbaiaobai, Nagasaki (lalaad Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotona and Vanooarer. ELM.B. gurus* or Irou Twin screw steam R.M.B. Kamu
      593 words
    • 474 9 Speciality In Silver Goods Of tsS^l^BßT^'^ JU^^wl^^bßl Newest Designs Ws STERLING Tea Sets'. BTKRLIS<i BILVKR SII.VBR napkin rinos Toilet Sets h j^- JmM Cigarette Cases g| r^feSo Hair Brushes /^S\ B. P. DE SILVA, Q^' 62, High Mtftt. Pfoatiaauii J. CARAPIBT Tsunimi Na H. THE BEST FOOD AND THE BEST
      474 words

  • 558 10 ORANG OITANG VISITOR ARRIVES IN LONDON. Mrs. Kelley From Borneo. Tbe week end ha. brought to l-cndon a ▼iaitor who will feel very lorn ly aa oranuontang froi Borneo named Mrs. Kelly report* tbe Lander of May H T .*r. is not another ol ber race in the
    558 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 876 10 GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. god Office Wlßchester Hmuc, BINGAPORB. Board of Olraiotura i 4. Daaaics, Bag., Chairmaa. A. a. K*ib, Bag., Managing Diraeaor. p,i.s Foww, a*., on., Chief Mad. Offtaar. j Aa. Aaana, Bag., Bay. N. J. CooTsaoa. r. Buaot, Bag. O«o Soub Taa, Bag. Taw Nat* Pab,
      876 words
    • 497 10 BANKING. MIIKINB. BMMTUED BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. raOOBTOBATAD BT BOTAB OHABTBB. Pats as OanMai la M.aM Skaraa at •SO aaok U.HB.WO Paad «1 Joo.oio am »_A_* 4 _a»S-__ ,-_> p_ J1 as*sw> MA ■aMBsTTt wmmmmj Mrm^nmmw% ■i.aHW.wtBU aUBBBBB. aMoaal Beam at laa koanoa Otty A Midlaal Baak
      497 words
    • 273 10 THI ME HAI TOMB IMUMt Ml INSURANCE OP LTD. ft AID 11. ILIMO BTBBBT. BatatHatlil January t INT. UspMai, BoaaaaaJ 11.t00.0J0 OnnMnLarfdnn 11.000.000 BMar^LtakltttyotProprtoton 11.000.000 coubt of anaoroaa. I Taß Tbos Joob, Bsa. T ffcm Eu Jts, Eaq. I lava Oau Hans, Bas, I Too Hoe Lai, Baa, I Taa
      273 words
    • 940 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MILNER 8 SAFE, A LARGE COLLECTION OF WELL GROWN PLtNTs, The Property of W. G. Niven, Eh.,. AT BUNGALOW NO. 2. RAEBURN ESTATE. OFF NEIL ROAD On Saturday, June 25, at 2 p.m. Handsomely carved teak sideboard with mirror panel*
      940 words

  • 918 11 MOTORS MOTORING. REMARKS ON THE QUESTION OF NATIONAL INVENTION. .1. O miles in the Weetminatei Gazette In bi» admirable a]«cch at tb< Patilhan baii'i itl io Paria on Monday, Mr. Kennedy .lonea made Home oogent remarka on tbe j.u -tion u( national invention, which well duaerve th< seriooa attention ol
    918 words
  • 129 11 Kecently referenoe wm made to the pea- j -ions granted to a.ember« of the l-rtnch Chamber ol Uepaties. They also receive paymeat for their services at the rate ol 4»>00 a year. France ia not alone in thia malts*. The payment made by other ooantriea, according to
    129 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 437 11 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAN OFFICE had 120 different Types of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car i« Due to Arrive next Month. r ill partisalars ol which can b« bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE
      437 words
    • 56 11 JUST WHAT Y.U NEED Yoor tooirne is coated. Your brta'h font, lir dacbe com an 1 «o. Theau symptom > abow that you stomach is th 1 rouble. To remove tha eaoae ia tb* j firtt thing, and Chamberlain's Stounch aad Liver Tablets will do fiat. Basy to take aad
      56 words
    • 295 11 LIVE HAIR OIARSKIN Assured by the Use of CUTICURA Soap and Ointment All who deli^lit in a clear skin; soft, white hands; a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair will find that these pure, s\\eet and gentle emollients realize every expectation in promoting skin and hair health and bodily
      295 words
    • 79 11 CARLYLE BLEND of TOBACCO 1, In 2 01 and i 0/. air tight Wttt FER TIIST. c n be obt ined t -fflHaol DD <oc ftU(^ Cheng and Co. Yong Lee Seng. A. Kadir If. Saiboo. NON-THROAT CIGARETTES flßMT7T~ fffr A hecret blend, not medicated in V any way. Tbe
      79 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 654 12 WANTSPRINTER WANTED WacUxi Printer, one used to Wartdale bbjjMm Uood *a ary given to competent man, aad only first class men need apply. Printer, c/o Strait) Times. CHINESE CLERKS WANTED Wantod, Chinese clerk* for Office Some knowlxlgo of book keeping repaired. Apply C. A., c o Strait* Times. MM SUPERVISOR
      654 words
    • 554 12 WAWTB ORESSER WMTtD. Wanted, an experienced dresser to work uodtr a European Doctor on a Rubber Estate. Apply Box .14. c/o Straits Times iilB9l From and into English. French, German, Ihitch, Malay and Javanese by duly quali fied Solicitor*. Apply to Saakilie, No. M. Boachßoad. CLERICAL WORK WANTED Wanted, clerical
      554 words
    • 450 12 TO BE LET 08 MLB, ROOMB TO LIT. At Zetland House (Armenian Street). Apply on tbe premises. COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET No. 3, Adis Road, entry from July 1, 1910. Apply to F. B David, 1, Malacca Street. 1363 HMISEt Tl If UT ■ot. ii mn. vsMtattoß am. Mm Vsßsv
      450 words
    • 737 12 NOTICES. THE ELPHINBTONE ESTATEB. LIMITED. Holders of unregistered tranafera in the above Company are strongly urged, in order to save a considerable amount of trouble to themselves after tbe liquidation of tbe Com psny, t j register noeh transfers before tbe 87th June, 1910, tbe day fixed for tbe second
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    • 728 12 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A Litt of applications for public house lioenoes to be considered at the meeting of tbe Board of Licensing .Justices on Tuesday, j June 21st, 1910, may be seen oa application at the Colonial Secretary's Office and at the (•avemment Monopolies Departmect during tl.e usual office boars.
      728 words
    • 305 12 Ltbb»^[K&^bb^bbbbbW C. H. Willis 18 NOW DOING BOSINBM ON THE FORTHCOMING Kuala Lumpur Races, JULY 5. 7 AND 9. No Entry Mo Bet. Straight-oat on all Races. Doubles on any two Races. Treble Event on liacca I, (>, 7. Bets made by wire must be confirmed by letter. NO RBI-L^
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 244 12 Straits Wimes. 9 ADVERTISEMENT kATK.s MnK»<lt»j>e oaa wula of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of II per foot line* (or one or two insertion*. Notion of Birth.. Marriage*, or Deaths, it not exceeding nor line*. II each inaertooa For p.p.o. card*, on page 6, 1*2. Imoi
      244 words