The Straits Times, 16 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.284 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JUNE 16. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 199 1 D. ftJ.JcCillu's PERFECTION WHISKY. MLOBECH MAC6REBOR ANO OOMNNY. KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Dept. This Department is now replete with all Gentlemen's requisites, and all Goods imported are from first-class Houses only. Gent*' Shirts for Office and Dress wear. Negligt' in latest patterns and (.hades. A new line of Porous Shirts
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    • 138 1 Chop Ah Siew, Oeaeral Repairer, of Quoa, Bieyaln Sewing Maehiaaa. Typewriter, and other Maahiaary. Tenaa airAiiaan 355, VICTORIA STREET BURRELL COS. Pale Boiled Linsped Oil. Boottopping, Snow- White Zinc, and Assorted Paints. BANDILANDB BUTTERY AND CO Sole Agents, Straits Settlement* F.M.B. IOBT Dr. Gabriel Gvnawardana's World Umooa, long tried, rare
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    • 173 1 Robinson A Co. INANIMATE BIRD TRAPS oA The "Bluerock." The birds can be sent in any direc «firfS HJ^^^f tion or angle, and over the shooter's OawSK bead. The angle of Might can be altered in a moment. *> v Single Rise Trap fib^^V^^SfiS with cord and spikes for fixing
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    • 33 1 Bollinger CDflmpape. CAIOBLCK.MACGRtGOR AND COMPANY. NOTICE. We have now removed onr business to No. 4, Adis Buildings (Hotel Europe), where we sha'l continue to 3*ll cur remnant* below cost price. LEVY HZEl^n^Ej^lsrOS. MM
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  • 828 2 IN AMERICAN HUMAN INTEREST STORY. The Reform of Gin Sing. Tbe following story is cuiltl (rum tbe col jives of the New York Sou The British freight steamship S*neca, from tbe K«r Ernt. picked up at Singapon a force of atoat twiatyti.M i binese ftolum. io.-luJiog flin
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  • 184 2 At Hackney, Dr. W. Wynn Weatoott. after opening a letter addressed to him. remarked tbat three months ago be held an >n.i>iest at N.-thnal Urean on Uic t, year old cliiM of Mrs. Brewer, of Cambridge circus. Hackney road. who was hurried to death In pathetic
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  • 41 2 Action repreaentatiopi made by tbe i/anadiau aalboritie*. Urn Korenmtnt bare 'lecided to eeUbliih at tbe priTj oooncil office a general Imw library which will oootaio Urn duciu— ij reoonk roUtug to the whole ct tbe Dominiom India, and the Crown oolooiea.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 140 2 ■V® VANA' TONIC WINE Keeps the Blood cool in spite of the Heat 'Vana' Tonic Wine is an ideal invigorator ior residents in the Tropics. One or two doses daily strengthen body, brain and nerves, and counteract the fatigue and depression produced by extreme heat. 'Vana' Tonic Wine enriches the
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    • 68 2 BEWARE OF A G3UBN. Now is the time to get rid of that oou>;b, tor U you Let it hang oa, no ooe can toll what the cad m»y be. Other* hare bees curtd at tbeir ooa(|tu »«ry quickly by aamg Cbamberlaio'i Coa|;h Bemedy. Why not yon 1 Try it
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    • 217 2 7%otis SINGAPORE SODA WATER |^^4>^^«a-»a»k,a«nar^.\ tt^ J. d'A. PEREIRA, F R.H 8.. LOHDOU Hirtlcilf ihst IN H«mt Collector and Exporter ol Orchids and Rare Plants. Diploma Md >ntd saedal trom tbe Latt King of Denmark. By Spaobkl Appointmenl to Hit Majesty the King of Biam, H.H. the Sultan of Jobcre
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    • 479 2 ISMAIL RAHEEM re showing an Unprecedented collection of a very large assortment of diamonds at the finest water and out. Just unpacked and within reasonable prices. Diamonds weighing snJ ranging from 'J carats upwards to '20 carats. Pairs of diamonds for earring, croaangs, etc., a «pecialty. An admirable collection of
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  • 660 3 A GREAT IRISH TEMPERANCE MISSION. Interview With Founder Tbe two i;'«»t phrase* in the North of Ire laa<l to-day are Wait and Sto and Catch ruy Pal. Soch wtre tbe word* nred by tbe R*v K. J Patterson, LI. B.a Presbyterian minit ter in Arrjn»Kb. aa<l tli«-
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  • 247 3 Improvement Shown. retain dealing with the period 1. an.l May 14, published in the Me, shows a distinct improTe■eat in the financial situation of the country The revenue from cuntoms, it ia true, shows a :u-avy failing off. bring £3.044.(00 tor tbe six c ka eodtil Uat
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 702 3 Caps u e l i MMfc^ M^i^,, > jSiXfc- jNB ate Relief without PA RI S. B. rue Vlrlenne. Sold by all Chemlsfa SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. FROM MAY 1. 1909. AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTWi TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. DP TRAINS. lII4IITIIII 1111 t.a. k.m. 4.a. 4. a. >
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    • 53 3 Woods' Oroat Psb M iilb> Care tor all inlerna* eomp'aiaU. Dyaaalsry. Oeacha. Coley.eta. THE EIPIBB BDFF ENVELOPES. (High-elaas envelopes) $1.25 PER 1,000 NETT. KEYSTONE BUFF ENVELOPES. •1.15 par 1,000 nett. Riag up Telephone No. 776. aad w« will aaad the envelopes to your offioe. KOH A COMPANY. W aad 90,
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    • 141 3 11 TEA We do not claim to have more brains than oar competitors, bat we believe it is really to your interest to take advantage of oar forty years o! successful tea- blending. BROOKE BONDS TEA Sold by the following dealers Ouan Chin Hobr a Co. Bbramaah Pakirmaiden A Co.
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    • 299 3 FREE BOOK TO THE DEAF. Ii »o are IVjliouhwili i. [i^,; roor s. sssarbodr cwH.irt U n»«i h >ni > u> baa \«i Psbbm of your SBM Naturally. I .im -rI have trnttrn upon IVafn. in. l l dh of the Kar Phon*. I II bm (ore inirilr you 10
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 690 4 STEAMER BAIUHQB P. &O. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. »er Calaa, Japaa. Pwaaag, •eylea < ladla, Adaa. Bgypt, •tediterraaaaa Peru. Ply•aeutb end Leadea Throogk BtUa ot Ladtog toned far Oalaa Ooaat. Paraton OaU Ooaetaeatol. aad Aawrtnan Porto, •teamen will lean Stagapon oa or aboal MAIL LINES. Qmhtmrd (for Ohms] Dalto Jaae IT
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    • 588 4 STEAMER BAILWBB. n.y.k: JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. A roaalar fortnightly •ervioe ia unllktana •Mv^-JAPAITAi IUROPI by the Oompaay I wall-kaowa TWIMOIIW BTBAMBBI jndar Mail Ooatraot with Mm Imperial Jtntrr" apaslaJly deaerjiiwi for ibToompMy'i luropooT 3errtoe, Ugtatod MMOwat lOJ.M nmMoa fat Firet aad tbe lakeat modera faaprovemeoto for Mhßlr •JetyaadoomfortiSTBAamaa
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    • 643 4 BTEAMEB BAIUNGS. BUMS PHILP UNE SINOAPORB IO 'JAVA POBTB, POBT DARWIN, TBURSDAI ISLAND, BRIBBANE ANDBTDNBI. ALSO TAKING OABOO FOA OTHER NORTH QUEENSLAND POBTB. BRITISH NEW ODINEA. NEW BRITAIN ANEW ZEALAND PORTS fwtth trtfaaklpmaat) •An tßduoemeal oflan Smooth peaaaja. Saperb Seaaery. A rogolar monthly earvtea to abova porto ta maintained by
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    • 535 4 STEAifcX SAILINM HAMBURG ANEMKA UNE. HAMBURB Tb« mimw of tbl* OoapMy laalaiata > ragolar atrrlo* blMna H%mbor« Br*m«a Aatwerp, ud R*t*rdM*. aaJ Ik* flWiHi. Oktaaaai Jape* Homeward*. tb«y dMp*tok«l fortatgbtly f ir Harr* Md Hamburg Hi oae« mouth tot Br*m*rba**a «r»e«. aalttag at r«eaa« Md Takta* atno at taroogh rate*
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    • 723 4 STEAMER BAIHNIB. N. D. L Morddeutschar Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL BEMAN MAI', LIRE The fact aad weU kaowa bmII N«am r. 0. thbj Oompaay tail fortalghty front Bna Hamburg, rto Rotterdam. Antwerp floaaharai •oa. Gibraltar. Oeaoa. Haatoa leoaaeoNo* MaraeUUa. Naplaa. Alinadna. aad vtoa varaa Port Said. Soee. Adea. Oolieiao. Peaaa« Hoaflkoag
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  • 187 5 FIXTURES. Thursday. June 16. High Wator, 4 5. a.m., 6.11 p.oo r and O. homeward mail olowei., 8. ■V L R A. apooo aboot Albambra Cinematograph Harima Cinematograph Marlboroogb Cinematngraph. Priday. June 17. High Water, «18 a.m 7.0 pun P. and O. outward mail doe, 6 am
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  • 249 5 To^Dai KaaTP.naaH. Ceyloe. Aa«tralaeM>. bUnntin. ladla, Adea. E*ypt. and rim Bnndm (or enrea*.e»o. \my a pa Bangkok Kolva I pm ntaghaßj C»lh«rior Apoar I pm B*ta Pakat Sri Wongee* 3 pm FUngk'.k Cbungmai pm Pinaeg aad Calcutta Lightning I pm Peaaag. Rangoon and Oaloatto r'altale 4 pm
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  • 134 5 Taa P. aad O. oatvard mail eteamer l>*lu l»ft OilomhK m.. ua Baad«y. aad ra«\ br etpeoted to arnv* at Hingepor* on Friday m tiioc th* 17 intkiol. I b'Hml Dutch mvl «U-x'n^r(>rotiuih*wa< l*(l Babenc *t 7 a.m.. aa Wajoeiday th* IMb tee!., aid i. *tpeo»*d f>
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  • 401 5 Latest Arrivals. iaaam Bnt etr 416*) ton*, Capt Jon**, Jan* 16. From Hher^bai. Jan* 7. 0.0., mail mi r P. *O. Coy. For Bombay, O— W. Bsn Him 9«m. Brit etr *K tone. Capt Han t*r. Jane It. From Pontiaaak. Jan* 18. O.e and 23 dp. Thong Ek.
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  • 90 5 WhiDti at which Vesada arc B«rthed To- Day TANJONO PAOAR. E. W. Baju«— Koirtbarg. E. W. Samoa I— Oalypw, Vaa Noorl Sasaa* Waitr-Onda. M. W. Baeneaß— Kattanturo. Oardigaaebin. B— Caiberin* Apoar. e-HeXordie. B— Nil. 6-Chiengmai.KagaMarn.Nataaa. I.Mooa Doca 7— (Under uuuattaetton.| W. WaAar a—
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  • 154 5 Arrinlf. Per ateamer Caabarine Apoar June 16 From Calcutta via port* Mra. J. E i.'lioney. Menar*. li Alton, Liieberg, Miller and Hogan. Par ateamer rlye Leoax, Juae 16 From KutatM Mr. Powler. Per et earner KoMala, June 15.— From Calcutto -via porte Mra. Draokar, Mra. Oxley, Mtaaea
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  • 221 5 Per P. and O. etoaner Moldavia, connect ing with tbe ateamer Delta at Colombo, doe June 17 -Mr. aad Mr. C. Beugb, Mr. S. R Boainaoo, Mr. S. Harrieon, Mr. J. C. M. Bat, Per N 1> L. ateamar LoeUow. due Jaaa U -Mr. and Mrr P.
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  • 207 5 Finance Commerce. Swaaroaa, Jena 16, 1910. On Loud <m— Baak 4 ■>/■ D-— 7%, Private 6 n/i |/4| do I B/a 4,1 On Cframy-Buk d/d mo Private B/a M 4 do 6 m/a 346* On franc*— Baak d/d yog Private 8 B/a w*i do 6 a/a 80*4 On Indui -Baak
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    • 167 5 Imm S Value. 10 10 B«Ut Tm 10 10 Brnaog 10 10 Bfweta Hyd. 10 10 IimM 41 Ml Kid ta Tin £1 Ml KledMgTia 10 10 Kuglu Tin Ml Ml LAbUMiM* Ml Ml lUUjr* Md Si«m 10 10 M.i v-4 Tin 4/ 1'khwiu Cooaol XI <1 rcn»(k»leo Ml
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    • 563 5 XI 1« Somlayan 1.17.6 2.6.0 pa XI £1 Sbellord .1.15 0 4.0.0 XI 15 Sialaog 1.7.0 1100 pit XI £1 .Mngapore Para n 15 0 4 0.0 i i SimUiBerUni 8 8 9 8 XI £1 Sangai Ctjoh 680 610.H 2/ 8/. 8angei Kan*, ib/0 XI XI Sungei Silak
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    • 92 5 10 10 lUMera Boolta* 10 7 60 60 Fimm* ■■M 100 Howartfa Brakise MO 7% M 100 100 K«taBio.De( 100 100 8% Ou».Pret 10 10 M»yn»rd Co. mm. 1O00 «.oo »6.00 314.M 6-00 90.00 90.00 OT.60 1M.00 MLOO KM Valre. i 100 100 KHMgratTw 100 100 ..7% Prtf. 10
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    • 37 5 Bayer*. Sellere. Howarth BB*JaaS% *****00 per Mtm*K -Err" 6*6 1% f% 4MOJOO ninaapoHi Mn aioipeU% MlJtmjßOQ Dom. Singapore Maoiifcn xi,8O(w»o e% t% pn. Singapore Mo aUal 4«% <Him 41,*****0 8% T%pn* n£pal 4M1900 M T% din.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 Splendid Opportunity to Secure Excellent Bargain* at Whlteway'a Ivupy Friday.
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    • 140 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. ■laae 18 At aalaroom. booeebold for niture, ate., at 11. Jaae 18.— At ealeroom, 826 ebarea ia tbe Btlat Tin Mining Co Ltd., at IS noon. Jane 11.— At enlerooa, frenbold land to aether witb tbe booeea known aa Nob. 934 aad 941, Seraagnna Kd.,
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    • 344 5 The GARRICK Cigarette gjj* A LARGE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 60a I^' oARP^! Prioe: Air-tight 6O CTS TiUB. |I^sj*ana^aaSaal^™^Q p^r tin. OBTAINABLE AT: JOHN LITTLE CO., LO ft ROBINBON k CO. Time-balla oa Fort Caaaing aad Mount Fabor drop daily at 1 pm Singapore 1 etoailani tiinti nrrnnininliin ttr 111
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    • 349 5 STEAMER BAIUNBB. INDOCHINA STEAM N AY. CO.. LTD. Taa Hull 111 ef Mkbj Onmpaai BMintekt a rayamr afceet eervte. kef eenbnJiatm, Btrntn. Bugklia. Hh.aghel aad Japan, laktaf atrfc aa throaS bib. ol Uemg laToaniaaTlwatM. AaMf, Olmii. Tttilaii fliirabaanc T r«na, 711 ib. taa najaataea. K *c. Ton* Oommaader B«Baaa 4.688
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    • 22 5 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Passlr Panjang, Singapore. Retreading Repairing OP ALL MAKE OF Motor Wyres AT TWtT MODERATE PRICES «C*.U: HOOOLANDT COMPANY, Slniiport
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 182 5 WEATHER REPORT. fandeag Earbaa Hoepttal. Jane 14 |8 4. a.|B r. n.,8 r. n.;RAisrAU.. Bar. 61 Fab 88.678 88.808 BM»6 Temp 81.0 61.6 78 8 .14 ia. WetßelbTher 88.4 77 6 77.6 Dir of Wind calm calm eaba Mas. Temp.. 864 Mm. Mai. la Ban.. 1310 Tend. Thar.. 86.6 Th*
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  • 1146 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, JUNE 16. POLITICAL COMPROMISE. Mr. Balfour hjn agreed to meet Mr. Aaqoitb, and probably nome other present and past ministers in an attempt to settle tbe question ot tbe Lord*' Veto. Before the dsath ot King Edward, this question bad reached a stage at which it
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  • 36 6 The China Mail, of Jane 10, say. -King Edward's status has at last beam oaaared of the dearie of decaying wreaths placed aroaud it on May 10. The authorities wars long ia moving in this aiattar.
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  • 15 6 Tbe Inch Kenneth Kubber Estates Co.. j Limited, annouooe an interim dividend 6s. par share
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  • 27 6 11. E. Cbao Krh Fang. Viceroy of Saeehuen. has reported that all riots in Tibet have been suppressed and that tbe troops have rntnraerl to Po Toag.
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  • 31 6 There were 1,137 deaths in Singapore last month This is ojual to a death rate of 47.9k There were 08 fatal cases of cholera, and '1 1 1 of malaria (ever
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  • 28 6 Mr. Alton, the advance agent of Harmston circus, has arrived from Mt dan to make the neooaaary arrangements for tbe opening of tbe abow on Saturday, June 25.
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  • 35 6 The Household Cavalry have nhall—gr il tbe right of the Grenadier* to guard the remains of the dead monarch Matters have been referred to the Matter of tbe Holla and will involve much historical research
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  • 34 6 The Japanese minister has made a request to tbe Waiwupu that tbe oompeaitation lor losses snstained by Japanese merchants in the Changxha riots be negotiated between the Consul and tbe Governor of tbe Province
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  • 38 6 Tbe Chinese Government, baring considered tbe eaae brought by the aew soldier*, are of the opinion that tbe Viceroy of Canton ia not the oaly person to blame, but that tbe Tartar General must also be dealt with.
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  • 41 6 Mr. B. T. Knight has cnm«ed the Siamese peninsula in imihp. automobile, followed by a boy on a bicycle. A correspondent add* tbe detail that it coat him only a dollar and a half to get from Trang to Nakon Sritamarat.
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  • 45 6 The death sentence passed in India on Private .lame* Coglan, of tbe 'iod Koyal Irish Kuailiers, has been commuted to penal eervi tude for life, in view ot the (act that Coglan has been declared insane, and that a rapi I recovery is not anticipated.
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  • 41 6 Tbe Vernacular School children are having sport this afternoon (rom M tv 6 at the Raffl- Institution groands. We are told that it will be rather a pretty (unction. All people connected with rchools or interested in schools will be wcloom«.
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  • 37 6 Before the district magistrate, Poona, Uari Itaghunath Bbagvat, lately editor ol Bande Mataram, a vernacular newspaper, waa sentenced to fifteen month*' rigorou* imprmonmtut under Suction* U4A and l.v. Indian Penal Code, bis apology having not beta accepted.
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  • 53 6 Tbe charge against a seraog on tbe steamer Ooldmouth, partly beard in tbe first police oourt oa Tuesday, was of cheating in respect of money which, it was alleged, tbe aocuwd collected oa the pretuooe that it waa for tbe chief engineer— nit, as waa inadvertently stated in our report,
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  • 54 6 It baa been arranged that Freddy Weinh of and Packy McKarlaod of Chicago, will meet again at Cardiff next month. Thexe two men fought a lull twenty rouada la't week, tbe decision a draw being an unpopular one as McKarlaad wa* held to have won on pointa. Tbe stake
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  • 51 6 The Director of Agriculture in the Philippines has notified the ports of H»g kong, Amoy, Shanghai adl other ports along the Chinese coatt to be infected with a dangerous communicable animal disease, and announces that animal ihipped from those places to the Philippines will be dealt with according to Philippine
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  • 59 6 A meeting of the municipal commissioners ia called (or to morrow afternoon, when the agenda of busioeas embraces, amongnt other things, a wall and railing (or Orchard Koad market, reduction in price of gas, tender* for supply of granite to Woodleigb filtora and for sale of land in Thomson Koad,
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  • 62 6 Tbe Englishman reports that a European lady, Mrs. Haaerjce. wife of Mr. N. Ban< r jee. barrister, mysteriously disappeared from ber home ia Calcutta, on Jane 8. She is reported to have been strange in her mind (or some time past. Subsequently, she waa found on tbe Bhowanipore maidan by
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  • 66 6 It is reported that tbe battleship Pni.oe of Wale*, flagship of Vice Admiral Prince Looi» of Battenberg, Ccmmander in Chief of tbe Atlantic fleet, now at Dover, baa eetablinhtd a aew coaling record for tbe Britiah Navy. She coaled from a collier at the surprising rate of over 866 tons
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  • 62 6 Jodameat was pronoonced, on Jane 18, in tbe alleged (ambling eaae at Klang Tbe occupier of tbe bouse waa fined tl.Oli on the three counts aad the remaining twelve Ohtasai bad to pay each a fine of 135, while aba Malay who toraed King s evidence, was discharged. A sum
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  • 68 6 Meaan. Riley. Hargreavea aad Co, have lostiaaoeda vary hsadaoms eircalar with baaatiful photographs tt the latest rubber waahioM aod rollioe machinery. Tbe maker. are Bertrams Limited, of R i'»Viirgh and some of tbe machines were special I v nnaiffaml from exparieoaa gaiaad oa leading Malayan robber estates Prom what we
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  • 96 6 Mr. Cecil Chapman, polios magistrate, giving evidence bafort tbe divorce com mission, advocated the appointment of six women on every jury in divorce oases. Bishop Ingram said, in toe course o< a speech, that the Church mast oppose the eitmaioa to tbe poor of facilities which had proved the curse
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  • 493 6 Mr. W Carrie has just returned from hit six months' holiday at home Mr. Mair, manager of Tuving l.imt. Isavss for home this week on a holiday Tbe Rev. J. A. R. Cook and Mr. Cook gl to-day by tbe Van N'oort to BaUvia. Tbe death is
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  • 88 6 There ia bring showu at tbu Marlbjrotifcb Cinematograph, besides other mtertating ones, a aew art picture, whicb xtiould prore attractive, especially to rta 1< 1 1 ot Latin claaaics, callrl The Ktrx-, or tv m zing and carrying away by force of tbu Sabiuua. In this film is
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  • 105 6 Wo hear that Mr. Bran I Norman, so wtll known in Singapore an i while manager ot tut Adulplii Hut i baa now opened hrn new bot»l ia Penan k and ia mcttiou witti nucb auooeaa that those who have not prt? toaaly engaged room* are unable
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  • 95 6 By kind |xrmitMun of Major K W |< Stephcnwn, llie band u( tli.' M batuliuo The Duke o' C'»inbrid«o h (>»u (VlilJieaex Regimeoti will play in tbu Botanical Oar duns on Monday next, from 9 to 11 p.m. 'lur programme ia aa lollowa March Tbe Black
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  • 139 6 Indian tea export* to all port* to the end of Auril are nearly a million pound* abead of the fignrea (or the corr— pondinK pariod ol last tear, tbe exact btiou 1910, 2,We.THS Iba 1W«. Ib. These ahipmenta consist ot Uie balaooe of Uat saaaon's
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 186 6 ALHAMBRA BIACB ROAD. The Picture Palace GRAND EXHIBITION TO-NIGHT. NEW SLBJEOTv ■2od Sbuw it 910 ps OVERTURE: Selection, Tbe Kiog of Cadouia. Sydney Jones. COMBAT BETWEEN BUFFALOES. THE BLACK HANI), i.i.i.iu A FRIEND IN NEED, A PRINCE'S WOKI> t.fc' HONOUR. CLEOPATRA. urn Adapted and staged by Messrs. F. /ecea
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  • 97 7 HOPES FOR A UNITED NATIONAL PARTY. Tbe Value of British Protection Acknowledged. [Raoraa's Tauaaaa.] London, Jaae 15. A Pretoria telegram says that General Botha, in a declaration of policy, said he hoped the old party organisations would be amalgamated into a great South African National Paity. The foremost
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  • 69 7 OBBRAMMERGAU ISOLATED BY THE FLOODS. Great Damage Done. IRbctbb's Tili'ixam London, June 10. Taltoaahr i«' practically destroyed by the flood Tbe death roll i. unknown. Überammerttau, where the decennial Pas sion Play is proo.-eding, is isolated, and nnm bars of British and American visitors are Hood bound.
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  • 36 7 Duke of Connaught Designated to Inaugurate. I Rants*'. Tblbubam London, Jane 15. It is announced officially that Kiny George has desigoati d the Duke of t'jnnaaght to open the Sjiith African I'uion i'arliament
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  • 39 7 Nagasaki Abandoned as a Port of Call (D*I<>STaSUTIBOB* LIOTD TtLS«B*B.| Berlin, June 15. Tbe North Gorman Lloyd steamers, alter September H, will call at Tsingtaa. Nagasaki as a port of call has therefore been given up
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  • 45 7 Attempted Murder ami Successful Suicide. (Rsotsbs TsLßoaAn] London, June 16 At Serajovo a socialist named Karajic fired five allots at M. Vareaanin, tbe Governor ol Bosnia, while the latter wa* returning (rom opening the Diet. Tbe Minister was unhurt, and Karajic oommittid suicide.
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  • 52 7 |Dbb OvraauTisoas Lujid TaLaeaaa.) Berlin, June IS. Tbe Bmperor William goes on Jane 18 to Hannover. On tbe 20th he will motor with the Bmprasii to Hamburg. He will loach with Herr Ballio, and will be t>ruM>at at tho rtgUta oa the 22nd. The following week he goes
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  • 33 7 iKacTBBt TsLseaf) London Jane 16. Rio .lanero has given a brilliant reception and ball in honour of the Japanese cruiser lkoma. All the minister, an 1 notabilities were pn sent.
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  • 27 7 IrUcTss'i TsLSSBAa.] London, Jane 18. Lord Wclverbampton (Sir Henry Fowler) baa resigned the presidency of tbe Council owing to tbe state of his health.
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  • 20 7 |L>.» (>STaSUTI*vBS LIOTD TltMlil] Berlin, Jane 16. Tue Press recognises tbe satisfactory ssttlt ment of tLe Vatican dispute.
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  • 29 7 hsciss Tai—sta London. Jane lft. Britain has proposed that in order to aatoroe the recent notf. to Crete, each Power I mil despatch an additional battleship.
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  • 436 7 Dividend from tbe Commencement Expected. At tbe statutory meeting of the Pandan (Johore) Rubber Estate*. Limited, in London, the chairman Mr. O. M. Dandaa Mooat, said Tbe statutory meeting, aa you know, is called to comply with the act of parliament which stipulates that such meeting shall
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  • 242 7 Wonderful Machine Built for CrossChannel Flight. The new French dirigible, Clement Bayard II which will probably make an aero trip from France to England before being handed over to tbe authorities, is to be taken out (or further trial*. Tbe airship has remained shut up tor some weeks
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  • 342 7 s Tbe Borstal System In Burma. In Rangoon, on May 28, was published a lengthy resolution by the Lieutenant Governor, on the report of tbe committee appointed last year, with the late Hon. Justioe Moore as chairman, to consi der to what extent the Borstal system of treatment
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  • 972 7 MALCOLM CUMMING, PROMOTER, VERSUS Malcolm Cumming, Valuer. There is none righteous— no not oae We have slept in cur bed o' night* wit i a calm I mas' of eeeui ity and peace baeiuw tbe nrpiooa with which we have whipped everyone who cverralnes rubber were raised
    972 words
  • 58 7 A company with a capital of Tls. 2,000,00 C baa been formed in Tonaan fa to develop the tin mine*. Under tha old systeai some 6,000 piculs of ore were extracted annually. but with machinery it is expected that 40 too* will be taken a day, and
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  • 997 7 SPORTING CLUB EMBARKS ON NEW ENTERPRISE. New Stands and Improved Drains. The scheme lor tbe com traction of a largt new stand on the Raeeooni se was coaaide -ed and approved at a meeting of tbe Sport ot Clab. yesterday evening. Tbe Hon. H Fort presided and
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  • 95 7 The committee formed in Japan to invest! gate th* origin of beri beri, a disease which claimed many viotim. in the naval military services daring the recent war with Rotsia. has takes steps to ascertain whether the extensive as* of rice msy not, as claimed by various
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  • 135 7 Lord Kitchener Suggests Internal Commercial Railways. Lord Kitchener was the chief goest at tbe annual dinner of the London Chamber of Commerce en Job* 3. Mr. Boxtoa, replying (or tbe Government, said the present trade prosperity and the drowse ol unemployment was partly attributable to tbe stttling of
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  • 202 7 Curious Case of Young European at Calcutta. A strange case of loss of memory ha* been reported to the Calcutta police on Wednes day night, say* a despatch dated Jane 8. A young European was found lying iiik— niiim at tbe College Street gate of tbe Medical
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  • 239 7 Curious Incident at Bangalore An incident which caused no little conster nation took place at a Bangalore church, when the wedding party arrived at the sharch to witness a marriage between a well Known resident and the daughter of tbe former proprietor of a local journal. the parties
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  • 122 7 Save Lad from Drowning In River Wear. Two girl scouts effected a splendid rescue in the River Wear at Finchale Abbey, near Sunder land, the other day. Fifty boy scout* from Suoderland and lly.tou »irr carrying oat maoM'uvres in tbe grounds ol tbe abbey. A number
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  • 279 7 Tbe usual series ol thefts was reported to tbe polios thia morning. Tbe most serious of to day's list i. one of which a Bombay trader, ol 18 Malacca Street, was tbe victim. Some time ago, be pat a bill ol exchange (or •400, drawn on
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  • 65 7 CABINET ARRANGES DETAILS OF CONFERENCE. Satisfactory Progress Reported. KauTSB T.l. saaji London, Jane 11. Mr. Asqaitb presided over a full Cabinet meeting yesterday afternoon. It is understood that the meeting con aiderrd detail, of tbe proposed iiimibw— re and afterwards Mr. A«i)uith and Mr Balfcar bad a
    65 words
  • 78 7 STRONG ACTION BY COUNCIL OF MINISTERS. Legislative Council Overridden, llmu'i Thmui.! London, Jane IS. Tbe Cairo Council ol Minister, baa paused in its original (orm the new Press law vthioh tbe 1-egi.lative Council bad rejected It baa also passed tbe Secret Societies an d School Discipline law*
    78 words
  • 29 7 K.CI.S T.LS.I«4K London, Jane 16. Mr. Asquith has introdoced a Bafaaey Bill w licb provide, (or naming a regent daring the minority of the heir apparent
    29 words
  • 211 7 Mr. Adams and the Straits Times Criticism. (Fbom Oca Own CoßßßiroKnsrr.) Penang. Jane IS. At an extraordinary meeting o( the Redab Rubber Plantation Company, tbe resolution. referriog to tbe reeonstr action schtme were confirmed. The Chairman, the Hod A. K. Adam*, re(erring to remark* in tbe pro—,
    211 words
  • 46 7 (Faoa Oub Own CoßaasroMoarr.) Kuala Lumpur. Jane 16. Tbe Planter*' Store* and Agency ad»l»e that tbe London prioe ol floe bard Para i* 10a. Od. M llarpor aod Co. bare received a telegram from London stating Uiat average plantation rubber i* 9*. 7d.
    46 words
  • 47 7 (Fioa Ocb Own CoßßasruNDßirT.) Kuala Lutupur, June 19. Tbe director, report on Tronob, Litaittd, bM bean published and tbow. that last year 2.1 M tons of ore were told, against 1,712 ton* in the preceding year. Tbe balaoee ol profit on tbe year U £04.901
    47 words
  • 39 7 (Faoa Oub Own l'utuiru»'UrT i Penang. June 18. Tbe Meaglembu Lode output fur May was 802 pikaU, making tor tLt five aioothb of thia ye*r 1.408 pikuls, aa against 799 (or the corresponding period of IMI yiar.
    39 words
  • 20 7 (FBOM OCB Own CoB*«SrX>KDB»fT Kuala Lumpur, Jaae 13. The Kamsi** Rubber Co.'. fl jiation bM beeo over subscribed.
    20 words
  • 22 7 iFbom Oub Own CouMroNDMrr.) Koala Lumpur, June 19. The Hint* Tin Minion Co w.U piy tarthat dividend at mm shilling.
    22 words

  • 344 8 INIQUITOUS TAEL SYSTEM MUST BE ABOLISHED. Foreign Banks Blamed. flbj Tientain correspondent of tbe S. C. Momac Peat, writing on May 80, says Hongkong. I believe, happily is not curved •o baavily by tbe Chinese currency problem a* wa her* in tbe north, but your huge aad wealthy
    344 words
    • 67 8 Hurliaghams challenge to play aa American team for tbe International Polo cup baa been accepted secretaiim of football dab* should note that tbe entries for this year's cup competition clone to-morrow evening at 0.16. Tbe members of the Singapore Ladie* Rifle tssociatioo huld thoir monthly spoon shoot
      67 words
    • 60 8 Marvellous Scoring. foretaste ot Hisley record* wa* Riven by •>gt. T lupin*, of North London, on May Ji, under Bisley rules. He used ru aperture -U;ht of bis own invention aud fired under King* Mm condition*, scoring ICTJ. 101, 108. and 104. He ma>le seventy. four ball* eye*
      60 words
  • 226 8 Mr Urmit sends to tbe Editor of the «gnoultural Bulletin an instructive photo ..■rspli of cocoouta cultivated in the same kind of peat soil which has been alreauy described as utterly unsuitable for Para robber. The cooonut palm were first planted name twenty flve year* ago
    226 words
  • 219 8 Aa Incident not without it* amusing aapeot wat aatociated with tbe official landing of tbe Admiral Ijiohi at Hongkong Shortly before 9 o clock a guard of honour drawn from the Buff* Kegimeot liaed up oppoaite Blake Pier ia readinea* for the laoaptioa of the
    219 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 291 8 To the Editor of the Straita Times. Sir,— While you are calling attention to tbe numeroa» extraordinary method* of con ducting boaineas in use in tbe municipal otto** aad ootaidV. by municipal employee*, you might o*ll atteation to tbe way in wbioh tb* revenne* of tbe postal
      291 words
  • 455 8 Use of Polished Rice forbidden in Philippines. Kuui the Manila Time* of .lane >. we take tbe following —Tbe Philippine government is tbe Brat in tbe world to take the initial steps in a general morement to >Ump out bon-beri. tbe most de*tructi»e of eastern ilinnaarii by
    455 words
  • 194 8 Lady and her AltenpUd Rescuer Drowned. A distressing doable bathing fatality baa occarred at Tithal near Hulaar. It appears that an Amerioao lady. Miss W. a. Wilbaas, of Barods. Mia* Austin and Mr. Howard bishop, tbe missionary in oharge ot tbe Industrial bngineering Institute at Nadiad, went to
    194 words
  • 813 8 Pricei QtMted ii the Market Thli •Ursisg. Siaavpora, 16th .June, 1910. Measrs. Lyall aad IvaM. Ixobang* aad Share Brokers, issoe tb* following liat of quotations this moraiac i Nam. Value. Bvyan. (Mian. 3/- AUagM «/H 7/8 I/- a OptfOM 4/- 6/6 41 Anglo Johora 16 pd. If
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 10 8 Please Remember To* Morrow, Friday, Is Bargain Day at Whltaaway's.
      10 words
    • 47 8 Little Jack Homer ait* ia the urn Naraiag a terrible oold, TbeohOlsandiUathatlusUMlefraaMftU*, Would take a large book to oafold i Ut't mini and saofflsd, mmi Mail aad aobed Fat day*— boi ha'U ao loagtf aador* Snob miaarak** tonitanta. far **c in bit bmE HahMWoaJg Qraat Taiyial Can.
      47 words
    • 679 8 Raffles Hotel PEN A. NO. Th« Leading Europsan Hotel. TMBttTWM TIH UMUT to«m Tltf ■EALTMUT WTwATrCM la Naaaf. ENGLISH CLEANLINESS ANO ENGLIBH TREATMENT. Thr Superiorly if tb* Raffle* ernmnr i* due to the (act thai thr catering 1 1 pi ally iiwl«r«k*a by tlir fropnetjr aad >- nit (AS ISUSI'AL)
      679 words
    • 261 8 NO HOWE COMPLETE •mm a Gramophone I UK BBSI AND CHEAPEST Ham OK ITKF. ENJOYMENT. IKKMS TO SLIT ALL. S.Moutrie&Co (LIMITED). THE ARCADE. STEAM LAUNCH WANTED. Wanted to purohaw, a sec >t»d •li and oteam laaacli (about BY- SI feati must be ia tlioroo«lily sound condition. Kratt a Co., ■awajaag,
      261 words
    • 226 8 MARLBOROUGH BEACH ROAD The Peoples Popular TO-NIGHT 8 PROGRAMME Second Show, at 9JO p.m MOSTAGANftM. Uawjts In which some vz^rllaul riewa of this town and the drillioK ol tU ><l|..r. ar •hown. BY THE MILL STKKAM BROTIIBK MUSICIANS No FOLLOWERS AI.I.OWKI' THE RAPE OF XHE S A BINES urn. A
      226 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 268 9 A. W. Tully AND CO. S3. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPOfIE BOOK OPEN ON Selangor Meeting, Imt Day, July 6th, 1910. Double Events Races 3 4 3 ft 7. AND 4 7. Treble Event 2000 to 30 Races 3, 4, and 7 2000 TO 30 T*Ujr*pku Ad4r*t, TULLY. SINGAPORE TaUphoru SSO. CHEONG
      268 words
    • 324 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RUBBER ESTATE FOR SALE Apply C c,o Straits Tina*. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE. Good Locality. Terns Moderate. Apply X., o/o strata Times. MM LANCASHIRE BOILER FOR SALE. For asJe. one Lancashire Boiler, English made, ia excellent oonditioo; length 28. dia B,' lioenoe (or 80 poands, 000 square
      324 words
    • 319 9 BELLAMY AND CHRISTIE, TURF ACCOUNTANTB. Are doing business on the FORTHCOMING SELANGOR MEETING Run July B, 7 mnd 9. Double Events Races 3 and 2 and 7, 6 and 7. Treble Event Races 3, 4 and 7. Straight-out on all Events. Tel. "Tritoa, Singapore. Telephone IH6. Prioe Loet to be
      319 words
    • 610 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R CAHAOIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 8 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE m NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO SUROPB CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES. Ronte tram Hongkong via Sbaiagttai, Nagaaaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vancouver. BJI.B. Bvpaaa* or In>u T win acre w
      610 words
    • 334 9 MOT A BEME. STALDEW^BM^tIiKytMriOITHIU. ***** 0 "SLEDGE"BRANDI HYGIENIC SWISS Mil* IVTlllr fciSr^'nlbnatur.l 0 IXLUK anyS J d M "houl j.]«n m»9* 1 Propnetor i J. CARAPIBT. Tatf oai i No. M. THE BEST FOOD ABD THE BEST BAUD. w *V^^^ Bummt Might Dlmmmr t^<**^^ Evmry Smturdmy. k* Tbe Oroheatia oan
      334 words
    • 248 9 HOME via SIBERIA INTERNATIONAL BLEEPIN6 CAR AND EXPRESS TRAINB CO Through tiokot* for tb« entire journey from any of the principal point* in l.'.t Kar Eaat to any priuripal point in Europe or America by the TRANS-SIBERIAN ROUTE. THE ALL-RAIL MUTE. Coupon ticket book* to Wave! by aay of t'*
      248 words

  • 495 10 TWENTY DREAONOLGHTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED. More Submarine,* ■Support is lent to Captain von fiutaus assertion that A uttria- H ungary intends to create a fleet of sixteen Dreadnought* by the Ham burger Nachrichtti which publishes informa boa, professedly from Vienna, continuing aad supplementing the detail* of the German
    495 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 399 10 fiREAT EASTERN LIFE ABBURANCE CO., LIMITED. tttad Office I Winchester Hobm, SINOAPOBB. Board of Dlreotora 1 k. Daaaioa. Bag., Chairman. A d Fsia, Beg. Managing Diraotor. faraa Fowua, M, oa., Chief Med. Omoar. Aa. **sro*. »taJ-. N J> Co*™ 0 f Biuot, Bag. Oa* Soon Taa, Bag. Tew N*a» P*«.
      399 words
    • 406 10 INBURAMCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Mead Offlca— l3A. Canton Ro*4, Skuctei. nngiitiiiii under the Life Assoraaoe Companies Aots. England, aad oadar tfaa Boagkoag Ordinances. Boab» or DraaoToaai A(r!>~w MoLeod, Bag Oiainua. Lee Tung So. Bag.. C. Stepharius, Bax, J. HTMcMiohael, B»q C. R. Burkill, Esq., J A.
      406 words
    • 486 10 BMIKINB. IHARTERED BANK Bf INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA (BOOBTOBATaU) BT BOTAB OHABTBB. raM at OaaMal la 10 000 Bfcarss at •Manas •l.tno.W) ■mm rand «i.»».o«O aassrvs btakuirr at Fioirlitaii ml.Km,oto BABEBBH. Baak at Bagaaa 1 Baaoaal Baak «f Beoaaat. Cat BaHas OMy a UTaal Baak, Bat. BIJIOAPORB BRAJIOH. Oartsas Assosnls
      486 words
    • 327 10 LAME SHOULDER. Whether resulting from a <iprain or from rheumatic pains, there is nothing so good for a lame shoulder as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Apply it freely and rob the parta vig orously at each application and a .juick cure is certain. For nale by all I>ispensaries and DeaWa. THI
      327 words
    • 729 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MILNER 8 SAFE, A LARGE COLLECTION OF WELL GROWN PL4XTI The Property ol W. G. Niven. EAT BUNGALOW NO. 2. RAEBURN EBTATE. OFF NEIL ROAO On Saturday. June 25. at 2 p.m. Handsomely carved leak sideboard with mirror panels upholstered
      729 words
    • 209 10 MORTGAGEE S SALE. On T mhj naatffj if IM Freehold building land frootioi; a reserve for road off Alley Koad. Siuiiaporr. area inait- fett. beiuK lotx I. irant No. I POWELL k CO.. Aoctiooeers. MORTGAGEE 8 SALE SI I Kreehold land togtther with the bouses known aa Nos. 98ft snd
      209 words

  • 989 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A correxpondent writes to The Car aa f oil" I was recently driven by a professional in a powerful car, and watcbeil with a critical eye the manner in which be drove round corneri and bends in tbe road uhich ware to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 321 11 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAR OFFICE had 120 different Types of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car la Due to Arrive next Month. particulars of which can b-j had from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CMS FOR HIRE DAY OR
      321 words
    • 113 11 JUST WHAT YOU NEEO. You tongue is coated. Your btsath is foul. Headaches oome and go. These symptoms sbow that your stomaoh is tbe limible To remove the causa is tbe firtt thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by
      113 words
    • 605 11 COMPLETE AND QUICKEST RECOVERY GUARANTEED. Against Asthma, Cough, Consumption and ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST, THROAT, AND LUNGS fk POUMOFOR Ti F ELIXIR AMTI-ASTHMATIQUE PULMONAIRE y t.,,...^ DR. SAUL BERNARD t,^. m h This excellent and energetic preparation is based g IWv 0D c eB bacteriologic experiences. In use ■I
      605 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 594 12 WANTSPRINTER WAITED Wanted Prin'et. oae otod to Warfdalt iracl.iD'- (iood •••ary given to competent man. aod only first claw men need apply. Printer, c/o Strait. Timea. EURASIANS WANTED. *ai,ii-J at oooe. tw Kurauan* for po»i boot- c I ><wpcakibility in a hotel. Apply by letter stating *t>6, previous expriences and
      594 words
    • 1008 12 TB BE LET OR SOLD* BOOMS TO LET. At Zetland Hoo*e (Armenian Street). Apply on the premiaue. u409 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. No. 2, Adi* Road, entry from July 1, 1910 Apply to F. a David, 1, Malacca Street. Hi HWIEI Tl II UT. U tmt m. IsmtsMne Hal, Btvsc
      1,008 words
    • 738 12 NOTICEB* THE ELPHINSTONE ESTATES. LIMITED. Holders of uoregi*tered transit r* in the above Company are utroogly urged, in order to save a considerable amount of trouble to themselves after the liquidation of the Com pany, to register s jch transfer* before tbe MH Jane, 1910, tfao day fited for tbe
      738 words
    • 661 12 NOTICES. i GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A List of application* for pnb'ic boose licences to be oonsidfrixl at the meeting of the Board of Licencing .1 jotioea on Taeaday, June -JUt, 1910. may be seen on application at the Colonial Secretary* Offict- au.l tt tin < Mvernment Monopolies L>eparttneot daring the asual
      661 words
    • 304 12 e«^*>tV HBfe^B^nw^an^BaaVJtfam A C. H. Willis isNowDoiNu mm the mnooin Kuala Lumpur Races, JULY 5. 7 ANO 9. No Entry Mo Bet. Straight-oat on all Races. Doubles on any two Races. Treble Event on Kaoe Beta made by wire mutt be con firmed by letter. NO KEI'LV \i> l.i imiHl
      304 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 239 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES.-Miacellano ova wants of e\ try description art laserted at the prepaid rate of $1 per (oar lines for one or two insertions. Notices of Birtha. Marriages, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, $1 eaoh imiißiii For p.p.c. earda, oe page 6, $2. Ikcb S< alb
      239 words