The Straits Times, 15 June 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.283 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 198 1 D. I J. IcCallnn's PERFECTION WHISKY. •ALOttCK. MAQBREBOR ANO COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Dept. This Department is now replete with all Gentlemen s requisites, and all Goods imported are from first-class Houses only. Gents' Shirts for Office and Dress wear. Neglige in latest pattern* and shades. A new line
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    • 24 1 BURRELL tUt. Pale Boiled Linseed Oil, Boottopping, Bnow- White Zine, an* Assorted Paints. BANMLANOB BUTTERY AND CO Bole Agents, Straits Settlements ft F.M.B. son
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    • 341 1 Robinson A Co. INANIMATE BIRD TRAPS jA The "Bluerock. The birds can be sent in any directioß or angle, and over the shooter's j^ head. The angle ol flight can be fe^TO altared in a moment. F^i. Single Rise Trap &*%3&^Sn*^' wift oord and spikes for fixing into lOrnm Jb*~.
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  • 785 2 BEAUTIFUL COUNTESS FOUND GUILTY. Story of the Crime. A verdict of Railty was returned at Venice, on May 20. against C'ountraa I Tarnowska and I'rilokcff and Naomoff. charged with the Harder of Count Kauarowtki. Tbe jury tiand, hawerer, that both the count* <a and Na iijoff were
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 118 2 B* C BSSSSSSr^^^BSSSSsi {or the Skin 'WZELINE} and y Complexion sd^g I y Rrdoerd P r.lall •HAZELINE' SNOW" ilMlt :>Kki Removes that appearance •>( the complexion which ■Hradi M much from beauty. For this purpose it i* more eidcient anj more hygienic than toilet powaWfl in any form. Hacelino Snow
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    • 168 2 BEWARE OF A CJUGH. Now is tha time to get rid of that cou^li, (or if yon IM it hang on, no one can tell what tbe sad may be. Others have been curad of their roughs vary quickly by usinc Chamberlain's Coo«h Remedy. Why not you Try it and
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    • 559 2 PRESERVE MBYSSKIN With =^r^ <E^/i CUTICURA SOAP A lifetime of disfigurement and ■ufjering often results from the neglect, in infancy or childhood, of simple skin affections. la the prevention and treatment of minor eruptions and in the promotion of pcrmanei.* skin and hair health, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are
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    • 300 2 O«M Malil lmr4W v—^ Ccnincton to M'» fr.nco lnli»h Hi filt Forc«t TH» Eahik'lion 1 »O« A\ Hoy.' »rm y Mrtl«»l Corpa. The only Win* Tmiio V "oval Wwnill ftahih.t to ««.n this X to T.M.'a Ths Hln« an* dot motion. J V >* V Ouoon of Spain. You f^*7j
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  • 1116 3 an echo of the rissoJapanese conflict. Cause of Russia's Defeat Following are ume interesting extract* from I.<-« BDieiKDemtnU Maritime* de I* Gotrre Kuiwo .I»psnse. by L. de Uix«tD. membtr of tbe Chamber of Deoatw*o< Krancr. »nii formerly vrcr. tery of toe navy. It it at fir»t w«ht
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 780 3 "Elgin" Waterproof Tents itTasuMtt DEFY THE i M4 *M SWSBBna»«S«-^BSSWSW»«BSSSSSSB-^BSnn«l^Bß»SS«^—^™^«^^ "b^^bb! .^v^^bbV ■bbbVbbVsVIIIIIiVt^V I -Jo"™^"*^^ ,-^f L.^K fJLWsfßaTsMLyjPrs. Hm|l_||. JJ i a *r^ Pids Offion tVetlrflr Cabal Trat. W "Ibjii" •w.Wfly O-lk Teat V with onterfly o« a single fold 1' **>& '«>■>*.. extra weight of men or kbaki waterproof
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    • 12 3 Woods' Oteet Pspceraaßt Cere lot all interns, eompiainta D|sinlnj. Coach*. Ceids ste.
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    • 142 3 TEA We do not claim to have more brains than oar competitors, bat we believe it is leally to yonr interest to Uke advantage of oar forty years of successful tea-blend-ing. BROOKE BOND'S TEA Sold ay the tallowing dealers i Ouan Chin Hoax a Co. Bbramaab Pakirmaidea a Co. Tiang
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    • 349 3 ta"^*-^-*^ milk] ■*****1l >'I^9PA ThoM who use NEBTLt S FOOD for Infant! and Convalescents place their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 35 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare the Food for immediate
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 677 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CB. Par CMea. Japan, Piafg, ytaai 4.*tralla. ladle, A.dan Bfynt. Medlterraaaan Part*, Plymoath and LenaWn Throogb BUla of Lading hwaed tor Oblaa Ooaa*. Farila. Oulf Oo.Mnentoi. and Amertaae IHnm in will leara Btagapnri on or .boat MAIL LINES. OaXatarai (/or OAwMI Uaila Jaaa IT
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    • 562 4 BTBMCT MIUIIM. N. Y. KJ JAPAN HAIL HEADSHIP CB. LTD. JtJS^jSwtw IUBOPI by I Oompaay'i wiU-hwwi TWIMCIIW ITIIIIH ooder Mail Goatraot with Mm Imperial jMHwf apeoially de««ned lor tbTcompany'i ■wuiMi Barftoa, HgMad eiMUaat MoommoiUtiaa far Bnl aad B—d CU- P— mn. -d WtHJjll Mm Übml modara Wowm tt lor tbatt
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    • 643 4 BTEAJEI BAIUHB. BURNS PHILP UNE. BIBOAPORB iO 'JAVA PORTS, POST DABWDJ, THDRBDAI IBLABD, BBIBBABB AHDBTDHBI. ALSO TAKIHO OAROO POB OTHBR ■OBTH QTTW.iI.AMT> POKTB, BBITIBH HBW OOINEA. ■b w britair *;nw ZEALABD PORTS twNh tn.ehlpmi.l) "Aj tmrlllCaMD— l Qgftrt Bmocth paaaaga Bapart Haaaary. A ngalar ma .Inly aarrtea to above perm
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    • 516 4 steamm mum HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURfI Ta* Hhmih of tkta OoMpaay MalaHli ■■■Mr mttlm bf**a Haabarg. Bnom. L^vwp. ud HoMirlf. aad Ik* 8W« Homeward*. tk*y an d**p*t<>a*d tirlalgkllj ir Han* and Heaibarf sad one* aotlk (or IriMtMwi 4b— k, aaUtaf at Pimm (otocabo Tnj^ jarao at tkroqgk mw to trtwrf
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    • 707 4 BTEAHEH MILIWtS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL aERMAN MAIL LIUE Tk* teat aad waUkaowa suit nmmn tki* Ooapaay aall brtatjkly «w» BnM Hamburg Tta Tlnim ikna Aarwtrp Boa*atar na. OlkfaJtar, O«mi Napto* mo. Htntltttt, Napttt. Alaxaadrta. wl Ttaa nm Port Bald. Bms, AAaa. Oataako. fmi| Mapim. Hoagkoag Bktagkal
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  • 931 5 UNREST AHONGST WAZIRISTAN TRIBESMEN. The Government's Policy. A correspondent of the Times writra from Banna The affair of March 11. at Pahari Khel, near Baanu, in which Captaia Stirling aad tereral men lost their lives, wan the opeaiag of what appears to be a restless summer among the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 597 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPAkTS ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Tss NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO BUROPB VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITED BTATBS. Boate from Hongkong via Shainghai, NaKaaaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vancouver. R.M.S Bapaass or India Twin screw steam RJf.S.
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    • 656 5 I BTEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAF* NAV. CO.. LTD. Tss miitirt of ttlt Oostsasy awtoawa a r^aav dtrsst strvtat bstwaaa OalssMa, Sarsltt. Hiieisesg. tftisgbil aad Japaa. tokto| targo. 3S Ihroaja BtUt of Ladiag tor Uaatos, b»«i., AsMy, OMoc, Tttatsto. Btwaawaag. Taagtess Parti. Forsjote, lbs FbWe|Hatt, as.. «t Teas Owettsltr Kssiabs t.SM
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    • 478 5 STEAMER SAILINGS APCAR LINE. OF STEAMER* Tht uodermeatiooed mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular service be- twees Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong aad Shanghai aa route. FLEET. Tubs Commander J ataji 8,018 A. Stbwabt Obboobt Aku 4,600 8. H. Bblsok Abbatooh Atcab 4.600 W.
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    • 40 5 Dispatches front Hooan report the over, flowing to as atarmißg degree of the Hoaogbr, II ia feared that much damage will be dooe. Active stops arc being taken by the omcUlt to tßTesgthea the dykes. pviAKESf-f-feE SKIN S |osSoFTas^B» I^andSPOOTH
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    • 545 5 IT USHUN COAL Q The Best steaminir Coal In the Far East. FKBSH STOCKS always oa hand sssaassl *«u. •L^'VSrxfSZ. a. OUTPUT 3000 TONS Stti.. 11 PER DAY. j aiaia«:Bir-«STstBT: South Manchuria Railway Co., Tel. address: "ManteUu." Codes: A.B C. 6th Bd. A.I. and Lieber t MITSUI BUSSAW KAISHA. LD.
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  • 871 6 THE LAST HOURS OF A JAPANESE CAHTAIN. His Dying Record. No flow eitmp'.e of tbe spirit wliicb .ioiiuat«a the J*ua\n«ne navM offiacr ooald l« found tban in the dying record left jbj tbe captain of a sinking Japanese Mibi'jarioe, »aj« tbe Tokio correiipon<l<«at a( Tbe Swndaxd. Th« d.
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  • 484 6 At no time ia it of soch vital importance to afeguard tbe kidneys as during pregnAocy Mrs. Mary A Willis, of 109. Kirkdale Terrace South Wigston. nr., Ix>icestcr, England, tells iik of bar terrible suff. ring, which was all brought about by a fright during critical
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 153 6 TBE EIPIBE BUFF IkfMM, High- claw envr)ope>. $1.25 PER 1000 NETT KEYSTDNK BIFF ENVELOPES. I $1.15 pen 1 000 nett., I Mkl wi will «end the envelope* to you i KOH COMPANY. mm and at, Bra* Katah Road. MARTELL'S Blue and Silver Label is as aoee;ted guarantee, all MM |M
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    • 494 6 Persian Nerve Essence i traalartW for »«r»>.aa oabilltT, >ln»lli asas. ista»irrJ li«-.tion. vaak mtmvrf. aad Ul swUI .~1 akTucal asluaatiaa. hrdu Nan* KMon cl*an Iht hrala. imagtlnaa ika ctmUlloa a»l laiMrU a im^twur 't«oaf b> tks I mb.A* balag All Jraiaa ud loMsa mn »sraisasa«l| lataßßSßt Ta« BTapanUioa roaM> la
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    • 54 6 JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Your tongue ia coated. Yocr breath is fool. Headaches coma and go. Thaae symptoms show that yoor stomach is Um trouble. To remove tba eaaaa ia the flrat thing, and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tables* will do that. Easy to take aad most effective. Sold by
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    • 350 6 If You Srrrsß from any Skin or Blood Ihseaae- such aa Ecsema, Scrofula, Bad Legs, Absoesses. Ulcer*. Boils. Sores, and Kraptioa* of all kinds. Glandular Swellings, Blood Pciiion, Rheumatism. Oout. 4c. don't hesitate to start to dav a coarse of L'URKKo BLOOD MIXTURB, and tbe experience of thousands whom it
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    • 544 6 A Grateful Wife *V^^^^*\^B MMMmWTT I I ■MnMnMnMnMnMMMMnm''*^ v >» J -^^SMMM MMnH l^^' Maternity Weakness. Rheumatic Fever, Depression Just sitting il an t IhiaUag cn»ry//ir;,c I •'•> 'la--- been done, d.ies not suit Mrs. V> Jl ihe usual I I tote her husband'* h( i ih, she med ilie
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 169 6 Twenty Things No Money Can Boy. I. A boat for river of years. 3. A tooth for tbe jaws of death. 5. A blanket for tbe bed of a river. 4. A sheet for tbe cradle of tbe deep. 6. A leg f<>r tbe stool of repentance. A. A clip
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  • 165 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, June 15. High Water, .i 81 a 10 5 1 p in Snorting Club meeting, f.xclisngi- 5. A I ham bra Cinraaslngraph Harima c loerostograph. Marlborough Cinematograph Thursday, June 16. High Water, 45 1 s m., 61 1 p.m P. aad O. homeward mail due.
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  • 236 7 To Dav f-.nang and Colombo Tangn. Mar-i pm Mataosa. Port Diokaon. Port Sweltenbam and TMok Aaaoa KinU S pm H sugkong. Shanghai and Japan Poona I |>m Psuanu aad olombo 1 1 1 > 4 pro j Rang sa Palitana 4 pm Bandjermaism. Fulan Lent and OstSS
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  • 167 7 Tb* P. sad O. homeward mail *t*em*r A«ay* left Hoagkong at I p.m oa Saturday. aad I. dor ti arna* here at 6 o'clock on Tbur. •la. m.-rninc. tbe 16lh in.tant. Tb* P. and O. outward mail Maamer Delta left Osaamke at Jsm., nn Sundsv. and •nay
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  • 390 7 latest Arrivals. 4t78 toe.. C*pt B irsrahaa ••a. Jour 11. From Liverpool. May 14. Oc. W. Mansfield and Co. For H'viKkonf Jun* lI— W. «**> Wkatl Hin. Bnl Mr IM ton*. Optain f«agdoo, Jun* It. From P. Swetteobam. Jon* 14. Oi aad d.p. BaraiU Btaam.hip Co. For
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  • 100 7 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To. Day. TANJONO PAOAR. E. W. Basra— Nil. E. W. Section I— Cslvpto, V*a Nocrt, Light siagBasns Nil. M. W. Bronosa— Kan? t- PaliMna. -Vford.a. (Ueiene Kickmrrs). f— <"h cni;mai. 6— Beinlari.-. Alcio >'i*. Natnos. Laooox
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  • 117 7 Arrivals. Per steamer Ken Whatt Hin, June If.— Irom f, M. S. vis ports. Messrs. Durster, Lewi*. Sect Lisa Kang, Sob Cheng Hock, A. K. McLeman. and Tan Yaa Kay. J Per ■teenier van Keimsdijk, June 14. From Bstavia Messrs. S. Broers, aad W. Stephen. I Per
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  • 224 7 Per I'. and O. steamer Moldavia, connecting with tbe steamer I salts st Colombo, doe June IT— Mr. and Mrs. C. Baagb. Mr. S. R. Robinson, Mr. S. Harrison. Mr. J. C. M. Bell. Per N. I>. L. steamer Loetzow, due Juae 34.— Mr. aad Mrs. P.
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  • 48 7 Tb.- .lapanese steamer 1 umi Maru arrived Irom Pu'o Samboe on Monday, witb 11.154 tons ot liquid tori bound lor I'angkslsn Soeeoe. Sbe left tbe port oa Tuesday. Messr*. Wee Bin aad Co.'* .learner Hoag Mob arrived from Am -y aad Swatow yesterday, witb 1,611 passenger*.
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  • 226 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE SiM.APoRr. 9wm 16 1910 Or I.c I Itaok 4 n? a/*| l'l I1I4L.1 4^ Piivalt' -'.mi 1,4) do 8 ni;i j 4|I On CVrm.i-j,— Baok J d -J40 Pii»ate 8 n's *44 do 8 m 1 246| On France— H»okd,d 20s J'ri*iti :< m/i sv*i do 0
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    • 172 7 Vftlw. 10 10 Bel»t Tin 10 10 Broang 10 10 BruK b Hj j 10 10 Kuaboi 41 41 Kmu Tin 41 £1 RJedaoK Tin 10 10 kutnUo Tin XI t\ L»li»t Mines 41 41 MilBja and jiim 10 10 Maikccs Tin 5, 6/ PabaoK CodwI 41 41 PeDRkalen
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    • 549 7 Value. Bayer. Seller*. 2/- 8, Aii«ii»r 7 7 It 2/. S, Anglo Maiay 180 Utl 2/. 16 B«Udk M»l«l«» 1/. pm XI XI Balu C»Tt« U.00 15.0.0 XI £1 Batu Ti«» 4.10.0 6.0.0 XI XI Bukit Kajang 8 i 6 8.7.0 XI 10/- Contributor j 2.10.0 2.1X8 piu XI
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    • 108 7 lane 3 Valve 10 10 EMtern Smelling 10 7 60 60 Fraaer* lM 100 HowMth Brakine 100 7% Prel. 100 100 fUtaBraDef. 100 100 8% dun. Prof. 10 10 M»yn»rd*Co. Bayer*. Solleci ii in 10.00 8 00 •joo.00 aio.oo 00 60.00 90.00 92.60 126.00 Dom. X2.00 2*240 Imiw IS
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    • 49 7 DEBE NTURES. Bayan. Mh» Howwrth Bnkise6% 1800,000 par Riley. H*r gntnt 6% 1384.000 1% S% pr». E'fcrioTwmy. 1% 4S60.000 8inK»por« Ma niaipal 6% 41,878,000 nom. Bayer* Sailer* Singmrora Ma- oioiv»l 4| 1 otiaon xi,uo,ooo prt Sin«»por« Maaicip»l 4, at 1«» Xl.000,000 8 7% pre ■ki|ml 4% XaO^.900 7% dia
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1029 7 I fascination of the East y JET ▼s.^Br *abJaW v J- T^?Btaaajar-"*amT T B*_ i m Bouiton Rouge S ann Felucca (L '£m&fe& «*> .Te'*' ~Vf^avVsK|9pS"^u- Egyptiaa Cigarettes lii&lkl&c^ >_ A Luxury to the Man of Taste. Obtainable st sn*r- JGNN LITTLE Ik CO LTD.. A ROBINSON A CO. S.
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    • 165 7 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MILNERS SAFE, A LABOB COLLBCTION OK WKLL GROWN l'Li The Property ol W. G. Niveo, Es AT BUNGALOW NO. 2. RAEBURN ESTATE. OFF NEIL ROAD On Sa.tur>e7la.y. June 25, at 2 p.m. Handsomely carved teak sideboard with mirror panels upholstered rattan drawing room
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 187 7 WEATHER REPORT. luduf Earbaa Ho*pital. Jna» 14 ,1 a. >. I r. a. t r. ■.|BAi»riLt. Bar. M>'ib.. »I7I tt.lOe 19.81 1 T«mp 8»0 UK 78 .11 io. Wat Bulb Thor 80.4 77 5 77.0 Dir of Wind calm calm calm I Max. Temp 88.« Mia. 74 4 Mai. Id
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  • 1170 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 16. LORD KITCHENER'S REFUSAL. Oae oannot doubt that, before be refused to accept the Mediterranean command, Lord Kitchener bad convinced himself that in offering it tbe War Offlaa waa laas than absolutely sincere. When tbe proposal to place the greatest soldier on the active list
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  • 19 8 Ko«ineer Lieutenant Howa baa base «p pointt d to the post of eoaanlting engineer el tbe new Canadian navy.
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  • 13 8 Latest adTeraisementa of the day appear on paip 7 aa well aa 10.
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  • 11 8 Tbe Telnk Anaon Estate* May crop was 630 lbs. dry robber.
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  • 15 8 An explosion has occurred on tbe third elan* British battleship wtorioao. Fonr men were injured
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  • 20 8 Steps are being taken to form a unit technically known aa a sub-section— of tbe Legion of Frontiersmen at Hongkong.
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  • 23 8 The Imperial Merchant Service Guild di* patch. .1 to Wiadnor a large floral tribute taking tbe shape and form of tbe Red Eaaign.
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  • 29 8 Fifty shares ia the Belat Tin Mining Co Ltd were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co. 'a saleroom this moruing. and realised 18 HO par -bare
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  • 25 8 A tign of tbe times, remarks the Msla> Mail A well known Selangor rubr«r company is going to plant up several thousand acres of coconut*.
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  • 33 8 The H. A. L. Peibo, which at one time wax the private ya?bt of tbe King of Siam. ha* hern sold through Messrs. Drowell aad Co. to Mr. I 'da Tonioebiro. of Kochi.
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  • 32 8 Mr. B. C. N Knight, of Jeboog Bitate. Taiping, aad Mr. H. J. Cooper, of Teiok Anaon, have been granted first clans licence* as appraisers for the state of Perak for HUO.
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  • 26 8 At the Marlborough Cinematograph, at which there is a change every Wednesday aad Saturday night, a specially strong programme of pictures will be presented to night.
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  • 34 8 Tbe number of marriages solemnised in Hongkong during last year was 90S. aa compared with 168 in 1908. Tbe number contracted at tbe registrar. general s office wa* IS. In 190H it was 30.
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  • 37 8 Several firm* at Bru«wU and Aatwetn which are interested in Colonial trade bave just started a company, domiciled in Holland, to buy up cocoa, ooffec, aad rubber estate* in West Java. It ia capitalised at IMQftOU guilders.
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  • 40 8 It is notified in tbe F. M. H. Government Gazette that the appointment of European wa-der Prison I'upartmeot, Kuala Lumpur. Ins b«en rendered vacant by tbe absence of Mr. .1. T. Ktlley, from June 1, without leave or reasonable cause.
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  • 32 8 The inspector of telegraph*, General Post Offloe, notifies that direct tcl< graphic communication with Ponang ia interrupted. Koala Lumpur is transmitting all traffic for Penaug wbioh will, in canseiiueaee. suffer some delay.
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  • 46 8 A telegram to Hongkong says, that tbe trouble which has arisen of the freight .me* tion in America has at last oome tc aa end, tiie parties having agreed to terms. The crisis, which waa at one time very acute, is now fortunately at aa end.
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  • 53 8 John Grant, formerly a surveyor in tbe service of the Hongkong public work- dc pertinent ha* been oommitted for trial there on a charge of obtaining a diamond nog by fal*e pretence* from the Po Shiog firm of jewellers on May 29. aad also with forging the name of E.
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  • 58 8 The official result of the opium sale at Calcutta on June 1, tbow* that a total 8,800 cheats were sold for Hs. 7.l*>j,o«>. the general average per cheat being ri*. J.177 The higheet prior realised for Bihar opium was K«. -'.115 and tbe lowest IN. .',20 < for Benares the
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  • 57 8 Two Euraa'aos, a bratbur and *i*ter. Mrs. Kinsley and Hae, have been convicted or selling amis to an Afghan on tbo border an. l sentence! by the magistrate of Pesiiawar to six weeks' simple nod two months' rigo roo* imprisonment, respectively Juman Khan, tbe Afghan, got tea years' impriaon meat
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  • 49 8 Tbe Eist Asiatic Dredging Company ha» contracted to carry out extensive harbour improvements at Samtraog and Batavia. Work will be started next month, to be finished at Batavia ia July, 1911 aad at Simarang in January, 1914. Tbe dredging materials are aow on tbe way from Europe to Java.
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  • 53 8 Me»«r*. Workman, Clark and Co. (Liniitrli Belfast, have launched tbe St Alban* from their Houth yard. The new vmael ha-, been built for tbe aTaetora aad Australian Steam ship Company (Limited), London, and is 3n lft. long, with a groan tonnage of about 4.600. She will trade, be tweea Australian
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  • 67 8 Two Russian exoloriug vessels named th» Kaymir and ths Waigatsch have arm.. l at Saigon on their way to Vlt.lirostock. Tiny are fitted out for scientific research in the Polar regions and will rctura to Europe by ili i north east p usage. The voyage is v.x peoted to last
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  • 67 8 Homainsaii Marioan, owner of a steam laaoob. was fined 110 and oosta in the first p >liee ooart to-day f >t bavins failed to return bis certificate to the Matter Attendant >'a office when it aspired ou Msrcb 81. Captain Murphy, acting Depoty Mastnr Attendant. prosecuted. The msi{istrate wanted that
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  • 98 8 A very pretty fancy dit-.i dance was given at Migaoa CoUsbs, Mount Kli/abath. last niffht. by Mrs. Diet*, tbe popular leader of the Dietx Qaartette at K.flV- Hotel, in boooor of the nineteenth birtbday of bar <*»»ghw Mid Dieta. Quite a large gather inn to* plaoa aad Miss Dietz wan
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  • 441 8 Mr. John Mereeki. a well known oooimor oi al man. has come to Sioxarore after a stay of three month* in Hongkong. Sir Kraocni Pifflott, tiief juatioe of Hoo K Woey, wbo was recently f u a »i»it to the KX s,li«i returned to dotv Mr. R.
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  • 41 8 Messrs. (iotbrie and Co. are in receipt of a cable from the secretaries of the Linggi Plantation*. Limited, informing them that the directors bate declir,<i an interim divi dend of .">0 pur cent payable ia (.oadon oa July 12.
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  • 47 8 Mrurs Derrick and Company advise us of the following output* for tbe month of May— lieUt Tin Mining Co. Ltd Jvfl Mfl pkl*.. Kuaotan Tin Mining Co.. l.ul HI pkis. Bruang Limited, Ml pkl* and the Sungei <»au Tin Minion C. 1.t.l 109 pkl*
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  • 105 8 An interesting change of programme in promised at the Albaiubra cinoniatograpli exhibition tonight, whtn aii up todate him, allowing NOeaes in tin r-c~ot eruption uf Mount Etos, will be tli. punctual ft<atore of tbe evening a enu-rtajnuit -rt I I norios of pictures occupies fifteen minutes in
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  • 125 8 A London telegram in tbe .->outh China Morning Pout iHoowkonui rt ports that Vitionm Milncr has d< In. red a speech in which be deprecates tbe stepmotherly legi*l*tion of the borne government io regard to the Crown oolonies which, be say*, have been seriously neglected II opinion
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  • 172 8 When Cbaaa KaL Edk Krandmotber died he applied to the Chief Polios OS r for permit to bold prnon—ion from Stank)* Street to Alexandra Boad and b*. k with miuic Ha not the permit on which the maetoal part of the procession «u limit ed to two
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 125 8 PATRONISED > 25«wH «gi/>L BV ROYALTY Speciality In Silver Goods I Newest Designs Mjz^Skf "?e«Sets. -~fflf hakim kin-,- Toilet Sets MUOS fßf». Trinket Boxes. f Shaving Sets W JwHteJiWa Manicure Sets x @Hp IB Cigarette Case* Hair Brushes JBj^ BP DE SILVA, cT" 62. HlgM Strmmi. ENTREE DISHES BAMBQL BETB.
      125 words
    • 149 8 ALHAMBRA ■BACH ROAD. The Picture Palace. GRAND EXHIBITION TO-NIGHT. NEW SUBJECTS. 2ad Show al 9JO ass. OVERT ORE Selection, The King of Cadonia. Sydney Joaaa COMBAT BETWEEN BUFFALOES. I THE BLACK II AV l». s.ct.o l. A FRIEND IN NK>D. ».c a.o l. A PKINCB'S WORD OF HONOUR. CLEOPATRA. um
      149 words

  • 153 9 URGE SUPPLY BUT IRREGULAR MARKET. Prices Fall Slightly All Round. iFaoa Ooi Own CoaaasroKDirr.! London, June 14. There was a very large supply of rubber st tbe auction to >lsy and a fair demand »w shown. Two hundred and fifty rive tons of plaoU uon robber waa on
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  • 88 9 EFFORTS TO MISLEAD TURKISH OPINION. Dynastic Sympathies Alleged (Rao-ram's Tit.khum.] London, Jom 14. Despite authoritative HUtemeoU ianed is Lond<<D. the German and Auatrian paper* continue to represent Britain M ohampioaing Creten upiratiooa agaio«t Turkey. They attribute thin attitude to the relation ship betwee* M»e MMA and Oreek
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  • 85 9 HUNDREDS DROWNED BY CLOUD BURST. Workmen's Barracks Swept Away. (RacTsas TnNUi.| London June l."> There is a terrible deathroll from a cloud burst in tbe Rhine Veil*). It is believed j that MJ persons have been drowned at Adeoa. l.Vi drowned at Abrvalley, and S3 at j Hoenningen.
    85 words
  • 44 9 |l>ssOBT*si»Tisc«e Liovd Taineaaai.i Berlin, lane 14. Tbe conflict with the Vatican is settled An apologising note has been issued, and further, an offisial d«cl iratioo baa been mad. to tbe State Secretary that tbe encyclic 1 will not be published.
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  • 21 9 IDm OeraaLansan Llotb Tatnensa.) Berlin, June 14. Tbe State Secretary Hen Kelbrueck. has proposed constitutional reforms for Alsace 1. raine
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  • 36 9 iDaa OmiuTiscaa Llotd Twaaain) Berlin, Jane 14. Tbe Turkish heir-apparent baa had a very friendly reception at Sofia. Turl.iab Bulgarian negotiations have been resumed on oertein points at issue between the two oountrise.
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  • 109 9 Report on Stokiag i Secret. The board appointed to isTisiigata the ■inking of the dry dock lltwn has finished i W labours and reported Ma finding* by cable to Washington. The board refoaiag to give on* •U findings, Um oeue* of the aoaidaat trill not be known
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  • 369 9 Farewell to Mr. and Mrs. R W. Harrison. A well attended conceit was bold in tbe Klang Club on Saturday night to give tbe members an opportunity of biddies farewell to their president. Mr. B, W. Harrison, wbo is leaving for home today. Mr. E. B. Prior
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  • 433 9 Administrative Action Lasts for Fifty-Seven Days. '.n tbe supreme court at Hongkong, on Jane 4, tbe acting chief justice Hon Mr. W Reea Daviea, K. C.) gave judgment in toe big Chinese administration action, which had occupied no fewer than 57 full days in earing The plaintiff
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  • 214 9 The nocturnal episode at the Empire Hotel, Coleman Street, last week, when three Frenchmen were caoght ia tbe act of absconding -leaving their liabilities behind them- bad its sequel in the district court. One of tbe men, named C. Marias, appeared before Mr. Woiferstaa
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  • 76 9 T. Payne, of North Shields, baa aooom pliabed a remarkable walking feel In twelve boon, he waited a dtstaaoa of 73 miles, which ia an average of six miles per boor The lamt WH aceompHshad at Stamford Bridge, and ooaatitatoa a record. Tbe previoos record tor
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  • 465 9 MASTER AND OWNER BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE. A Confusion of Figures Mr. Wolferstan. first magistrate, beard yesterday evidence in a charge made by the Crown against Cuptaia Home, master, and Towkay Lim Hob Puah. owner of the vessel Hong Bee. Tbe allegation was that thev I allowed to
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  • 580 9 Serious Study of Movements of Birds Advocated. Mr. D. Wilson Barker, writiag to The Times, from U. M. 8. Worcester on May It, says Sir,- Being intereatod by Mr. Gustav Lilienthal's article on flying, may I add thereto a few observations o( my own That the
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  • 20 9 The Port Dickaoa Kobbec Co. report an output of 880 lbs. of rubber for the month of May
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  • 387 9 YOUNG BOY SAVES HIS BABY SISTER FROM DROWNING. Hoagkoag's Little Hero. Little Douglas Gibson, eldest son of Mr. E. F. Gibson, Hongkong, is a bero at the early age of «l. reporta tbe S. C Morning Post of June 8. Yesterday morning, be saved his four-year-old sister Maimie
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  • 368 9 And How They Originated. A vsst number of incorrect notions are acquired by roaaon of misleading names but, after all, is it ot any particular importance, •o loo£ as we get what we are after For instance, says an American paper, we go into a ntorc and ask
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  • 209 9 One Side Buried in 14 Feet of Mod. One half of tbe great dry dock Dewey lies buried in 14 feet of mad el tbe bottom of Subig Bay. It will take several weeks to raise her. Divers are bard at work preparing for tbe installation of
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  • 90 9 The principal feature of the Agricultural Kolletin for thil month i< the interesting hi. totical survey of the robber industry which baa alreedv been reproduced ia these columns. Other matter hi the nomber in dodo* a ohweologioej tnWe of the Para robber industry bum 1871 to 18W,
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  • 219 9 Immediate Outlook Tends Towards Steadiness. The Globe of May 14 prints tbe follow ing Daring the wit-k tbe price has moved within a compass <>f shoot 155., gsimog on ba'ance 7a. Ad., to IIN Contango has advanced 3a. AJ. Reported Strait* »al*s total I.BAO too.. Tbe position
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  • 817 9 Some Amusing Examples. Many good examples there are of witty answers that have turned away wrath and have become a saving grace. As a specimen of ready wit. says Mr. W. C. Bennett, writing in tbe New York Tribune, it would be difficult to beat the retort
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  • 75 9 Tba Nanking Exhibition baa been opened withoot a hitch. The ground, were crowded on the opening day, the attendance including many Cbiaeaa ladies. The represeataiit. of tbc Cbinaaa ia Java bought the first entrance ticket, for which he paid 10.(100 taela. The North China Daily News pub
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  • 163 9 MR. ROOSEVELT'S CRITICISMS CRITICISED. The Sentimentalists Profoundly Annoyed lUatrras's Tslsohm London, .Inn. 1 1 In tbe House of i jmtuonn Mr. Band i?i called attention to the situation in Kgypt. and attacked tbe Government poli.-y jf self government Mr. Kobertfton deooonoed Mr KjovveltV Guildhall speech as an
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  • 30 9 (Fbom Oca Own CoaaasroHDaar.) Kuala Lumpur, June 14 Tbe death has taken place of Mr. K. I Campbell, proprietor and manager of the Changkat Estate, Jugrs
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  • 28 9 (Fbom Oca Own CoiaasroHOirt.) Kuala I.'impur, .Tune 14. Four armed Chinese haro entered a Java nese boose at Oonoog Cbantu and have oar ried off >MO.
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  • 56 9 (Kaon Oca Owa CoaaaspoHoan.) Kuala Lumpur. .luo<- It Aa Ipob wire states that Id: poiio raidol a social club there M Monday night. am*tr-< thirteen towkayn, and seized a large «um ol money It ia alleged that hugn suu» changed hands, tbe club s ten per nasj|
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  • 32 9 (F»o» Gen O«s CoKßsipomsgrr.! Kuala Lamp. IMr. Daug'.ii o,b>roe leivt* for houiu July.'. He mill be given a farewell »ru will probably take the form ol mo 1 gymkhana
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  • 58 9 (Fkom Oik Own Cokkihi Kuala Lumpur, June 14 Tbe output Iroui the roudeh Co'h miin-i daring May was pikals »M. prol iciog profit of !■<•;.' Tbe full- »ing figure* reach u« from the secretary of tbe nompany, K taU I. impur Output pikuUWU 87, vslue*l3 TiT M
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  • 226 9 Reported Diminution of Business Last Year As we know to our cost Irado in the K'ar Bast waa extremely b«d last yiar aad it i». therefore, not surprininy to learn from tbe Hankers Guette that M leading bank, ton Hongkong and Shanghai, experienced a diminution in its butucexs.
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  • 90 9 The Globe says Now when tba niniinji of tba National Anthem has again com to a* diamuiaad, it ia interesting to note what The Globe said on this subject ia Kbroasj 1901 "Tte National Anlhem is ill te» centre of a good deal of ignorance. Tin- word
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 271 10 •pecial roeetini; of tbe Singapore Hportioit Club, to consider tbe proposals of tli« bo. hog commitUe. takes place at tbe Ki ct.kngr this afternoon, at five o'clock. 'a tarn cricket match at borne. Aims r N>r* the reprt senUtives ot Ui< Ainu ry. defeating the Navy ..ingi
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    • 486 10 CfiMu School Record* i-vrling contributor of The Times exe view that, judging by the records si hi. vtar m sports at tLe chief public i.oom Holland has never been so well off for •/■•uthftii athletes of first rate ability. More ii x« j- ui.lividualtcliOoU nave beon broken us >o
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  • 77 10 Tli wrestling chauipionnhip sj tLe world ti,-i hdii decided in a pant contest at tuics^o. Kive tboutand pc.inds nkrhng was the prize, and the contestants I tt.snts tiolch and /ybsen. Ootch bxat iii< oipontnt by two straight falls and •atrned utT tbe purse. It is now reported Ui
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  • 64 10 T.i, -.if my trannpot Indianapoli* which has •>1 to make regular trips between M- ula t'jrregidor and Oraodc Island, was •.tic I t. 10 fatbcnia of wattr on the *ind imt. ■U4U a clock by strikicg a log one milt- eff atsjasn Viint, says the Cabienews- American Tint
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  • Correspondence.
    • 671 10 To the Kditor of tbe Straits Times. My attention has been drawn to your v< ry misleading criticism on my report of k., anas Estate. While I do not suppose for a minute it wiii be taktu seriously by planters there; may be a few reader* whom it
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  • 220 10 HONGKONG 'S FUTURE. The Prediction of aa English Writer A writ, r in the National Review has tbe following to say of Hocgkoog Time »pent at Hongkong is never wasted, though Hongkong is not China It has tbe moat beautiful ami picturesque harbour I havt ever seen yet the Hongkong
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  • 150 10 Nearly Five Millions Paid op in Six Weeks. The big arrears in income tax are begin ning to com* in to the Exchequer The return for tbe present financial year up to Mi) I i»bows an increase from Uiuaouioa of revenue over tbe same period of last year
    150 words
  • 1094 10 Prices Quoted lo Ac Market ThU Morning. SmMfore. 13th June. 1910. Menri. LymU »od IrkM KiebtBgr »od Share Biokera, woe tbe tollowia« lit! el qooUlioon thia momisi Nona. Value. Bayer* Seller.. 3/- tIIHT 7/8 V. a Option* 4/- 6/6 41 Anglo Jobora 16/. pd. 4/- m U
    1,094 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 sough with octlids heavy and 'worn, cough cough fioui Jtwy ere ull morn. i-ougb and an aching bead. tklief that they'll soon be dtsd they wiU if fiev dcu I look out 1> i i uza is knocking about h ifh to the ehemiat. and three procure J.«-!nf with Woods'
      53 words
    • 236 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MORTGA6EEB BALE. Cn T-.."/<y. luortl. a' 1 30 Kreehold bu iding Und frontiri. a reserve tor road off Syed Alley Hoad, Singapore, area 21.768 K|uar« feet, being lots I'.' and 18 of Grant No. 1. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. AUCTION BAU OF HOUSEHOLD FIRMTCRE, ETC, At Powell and o
      236 words
    • 556 10 LAUNCHES! asß4Qn^ paß^^4Hßss^B^BW4MPJlJPfl§^__« ua^ M l LAUNCHES AND STERN-WHEEL STEAMERS A Speciality. DEMQNED TO HER REtvI'IRSMENTFor River U«4). Particulars on Application Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Young man, European. Jfi. seeks employ I ment on Rubber Rotate Good references, i Apply O S. H co Straits Timrs. 1878 JUNIOR
      556 words

  • 987 11 tVHERE DIAMONDS C4N BE FOUND IN HaNDFULS. \n Inhospitable Region. y- by tin .og one M thai land ol Mont: Craate wtssr* the. b* gatUi nd in rasaa >u-h Wt si \frica nn g -kaudard It- history lan I tl-at wa* pluck and Mavatt It'v. n Uataat (or
    987 words
  • 90 11 ath took plao oo May at "ante arUara. California, ot User Admiral BowVan H McCalla. of the Toiled State Navy. We may recall that be was in command of the landing party from tbe L'nited States Tsaatic F«*t during the Boxer rising in hina in I9UO, and joined the column
    90 words
  • 659 11 Driver's Thrilling Ride Down Side ol Mountain. n. of its im isese drivieg rods broken off close to tbe wheel so that it flew abou- like a greet ft ail in tb. grasp of a monster Is.hiag itself to greater speed, s icuiiiotive tort down the n.ep
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  • 333 11 i aluable Family Estates Lost by Marriage. With tbe death ot i ount Karl zu Leiningen n s'oudenau, at the sge ot 66, which took plsoe it Lahr, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, one i( >( the tew surviving links with the fate oi >hc- ill .tarred Emperor Maximilian
    333 words
  • 181 11 Displaying Strong Anti- Foreign i Feeling. i Strong auti foreign toiing i- lying l.e < played in this pre vine —the home of the I I'JUO Big Fist Society, ssys the Tsiogta i correspondeat oi the A. Morning IV-t But tbe lee ling this time is taking the
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  • 870 11 NATURAL HISTORY OF WESTERN PROVINCES. A Shanghai Expedition. For the first time lor many month-, say* the Shanghai Mercury, new* has been received of tin xpedition now in Western China in which Mr. K. Kingdon Ward, a well known Shanghai gentleman, is taking part. This expedition,
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  • 260 11 Snagging Barge for River Clearing Ib Perak. taw days ago. says the I'inang Gasetto oi June b, sre chronicled tbe appearance in lensng Harbour oi the steam ferrv boat 1 ng Bee, a vessel with double decks drives bv fore and aft screw*, kflaw at the work- ol
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  • 1008 11 UNCEREMONIOUS OPENING OF THE WHITE CITY. Wonders of Japanese Handicraft. Without say tl irish of trunmeta or brilliaat gathering such as baa characterised tbe opening day at Shepherd's Bush in tbe pa-t. the J span. British inhibition was thrown open to the public the other morning. At
    1,008 words
  • 151 11 Sailed Over 1 ,000,000 Miles. After crosaiog tbe North Sea 1.M2 times and sailing 1.084.748 miles during bis lorty years service witb tbe Wilson line. Captaia Osorga Pepper baa just compl«*ed hi* last voyage Irom Cbristiaaia to Hull He has been appointed bv tbe King of Nor 'way a Knight
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  • 478 11 Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co.'i Circular. I nde-r date May 19, Messrs. Sam .t Montagu and Company write Oold lata bar gold available amoint- 1 t. *'7a"sX> oi winch the- Hank of England i secure. i about i.'JOOJXK). aad the r. ma in del i avtM din
    478 words
  • 138 11 Lady Wimboroe Guilty of Illegal Practices. Mr. Justice Lawraoo- and Mr. .luatice Pickford bsve concluded the bea-ing oi th. petition against the return oi Captain Frederick Oueet as Liberal member (or East Dorset. Their lordships have declared the election was void on the ground that Lady Wimborne
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  • 359 11 Suit Against New York Times for £200.000. Mr. Rando.pb Hearst i» suing the New York Times ior tIOU.OOO damage ior publishing the report ol Mayor Oaynor a speech in which the famous editor waa accused ol tampering with tbe lacsimile of s 448,000 cheque paid by
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  • 792 11 STORIES OF EARLY Elk MARINERS. Diving (or Diamonds. i awt* r \oort. who v. rssen mariu. r to .ail roun.l I 11-itterdam in IMH and eh lfiOO. It mav h-> aval -I in passing fis*. acco-dinii to Fer I nsn-l Msgallsa, ho visit-d the Archipel.ign in the King
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  • 148 11 I The London G izi-tt" states thai bn .ate Majesty wa« pleased ti sigssf. In- plea...' that tiie Albert Mt.lsi al ti; Basel I should bf awarded to M ij II igh l.anoam. Lithgow, K i i snd to ->, rgcent ma|< I Charles Steplieus. let gallantry
    148 words
  • 105 11 The total co-t of Hongkong a lea bvagwta for lsiw wsa ♦7i.-'77, >I wlnib smoos' 111 Tin was lor tbe new dieting ergo. The .tri ngth oi tin brigade is 97 men. ar I tbey had to deal witiiM fire* and M the damage caused by
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  • 673 12 SATISFACTORY REPORTS FROM THE ESTATES. Dividend Prospects. At tbe general meeting ot the I In 1 lan tan Rubber Estate* Company, Limited, held at the London Chamber ot Commerce, Oxford Court, Cannon Street, E. OL, Mr P. C. Oswald wbo presided, ssid -Tbe reports we con tinoe to
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  • 441 12 PERU AND EC UADOR. Recent War Danger Dne to Rubber Interests. A London paper aays:— The boundary between Kcuadoe aad Peru has never been definitely settled, aad tbe ideae of the two communities oa the subject sre aot precisely iu harmony. Ecosdor weals to hsve tbe boundary so adjusted as
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  • 853 12 The Substances Used To Diminish Cost Mr. Hermann T. Oardner, writitg oa rub ber compounding, .aye Rnbber -compound ing Las r-een condemned as rubber adulters lion. No doubt over compounding is deserv ing ot Lias* ill ii. and equally, no doubt, there is often a tendency to over
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  • 237 12 The Opposition to Cbristineville Settlement Fails. We reported the Cbristineville Rubber Company* meeting last week— the meeting at which ginger and palms seemed to be more hopeful than rubber aad bow we hear that opposition to the grant of a special seUlement for the (bares by the
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  • 397 12 Tbe Increase in Cultivation Last Year. A correspondent in Bast Somalia writes to London as follow* Rubber cultivation wss considered relative- ly unimportant here two years sgo, aad there were oaly a few large concerns which belonged to English companies. But in 1909 the rubber cempeniee
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  • 348 12 Bcranang (Selangor) Rubber Plantations. The Beranang (Selangor) Robber Plantstion*. Limited, has keen formed (inter alia), says Tbe Financier, to eve-quire from the A agio Asiatic Rubber and Finance Trust, Limited, tbe Cycle inbber estate, situate ia the Mukim ot Beranang, district of Uln Laagat, in tbe State
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  • 240 12 Government Encouragement. The British acting consul general at Rio de Janeiro (Mr. B Hembloch) reports thai, socording to aa article ia a Bniilian rubber trade newspaper, tbe Government of the State of Para have sent a message to the State congress snggratiag that rubber planters should be
    240 words
  • 66 12 Some idea at the high boom figures reached ia sales ot Java rubber lead may be formed by a recent deal, particular* of which are j Sivea ia tbe Batavia Nieuw.blad. A lease- J old which a year sgo. could not find a buyer for oee thousand guilders, baa just
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  • 1917 12 STOCK EXCHANGE, MINCING LINE, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON MAY 18 A. nomber of abaree io which local investors are interested are oot qooted ia local share lists, aad there are occaaioaally wide margin* between quotations here and in London. Transection* take place in Mincing Lane
    1,917 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 447 13 What is the use of Experimenting Sera J FORD CAR That you can absolutely depend upon. Commercial Motor Cars and Passenger Traffic Cars of the well-known" Rapid" make. se: gadelius co., nSTO. 34. ZE^OIBIIiTSOiT ROAD. Saanasassaaa aMaa*aaa»*aTa*a*a*BTaaWa -'■^^^■itsE^r^PJSaHaafeSßßTßaaW^^^- Al^W. Tully AND CO. S3. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE BOOK OPES ON Selangor
      447 words
    • 487 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RUBBER EBTATE FOR BAU Apply C e/o Straits Times. BOARDING HOUSE FOR BALE. Good Locahty. Terms Moderate. Apply R., e/o Straits Times. 1214 LANCASHIRE BOILER FOR SAIL For tale, one Lancashire Boiler, English made, in excellent condition; length dia B.' Uoenoe for 80 pounds, 900 square (eet
      487 words
    • 162 13 CINGERS T-. vry No More L 9f Dull Ev&nmgs OlßwtKo A call will CONVINCE VOL Prices to SUIT YOU. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. M th MoKenile's WWm COUGH MIXTURE ■^■nß^ AM> |]l LUNG TONIC. r "»lIiS Lung Ton has U.en selling in this Colony SHAKE THE BOTTLE, j for
      162 words

  • 1104 14 HIS FAMOUS HUNTING TRIP IN INDIA. A Great Sportsman. Sbootintj. whether the bif{ game !a:ina of India or tlie common game ol the I nited Kiogdom. always appealed utrongly to the Into KinK. .tale* the Daily Telegraph. He was a good -hot without ever beicß
    1,104 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 492 14 MEAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. lead OMlce I Winchester Hoist, BINOAPOBB. Board of Doctors I a a DsBJUon, Bsq., Chairman. A. H. Fais, Beq., Managing Director. farss Fowua, a m., 0.a., Chief Med. Ofßoer. Av Asbcs Baq., Rev. N. J. CoovasOß. r M Bluot, Bsq. Oao Soob Tan, Bsq.
      492 words
    • 301 14 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Mead Ottca— i jA. Canton Roaa. Shanchal Registered under lbs Uts Assnrsass Oompanies Aets, Baglnad, and aassr lbs Hongkong Ordinances. Boann of DiaacToas I L rT--iU» MaLeod, l*q Cbnlnaaa. Lee Yung Su, R*j C. Stepharius, Baa. J H. McMiohael aV, C. R.
      301 words
    • 479 14 BANKJNB. IHMTEREO BANK IF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IBOOBFO&ATCD BT BOTAa OHABTBB. PsM at OajHal la 50.009 Bnars* a! ■sssrvi Psai II.SOO.SSO ■mm UaMNty at PtoarHtoti •1.m.580 BABBBBB. Bank at Baglaaa. lisosa) Baa» at Bsaaaaa BEBOAPOBB BBABCH. Oattsat Aasnaaa) in aasaai aal tatocaa) ami at I par sent, ear laass.
      479 words
    • 48 14 LAME SHOULDER. Whether resulting from a sprain or from rhanaiatir pains, there is nothing so good for a lame shoulder as Cbamberlain's Pain Balm Apply it freely and rub the parts vig oroasly al eaeb applicatioa aad a qoiok core kosrtain. For sale by all Dispensaries aad Dealers. <
      48 words
    • 982 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Important Tanglin Sale. HIGH-GRADE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. GRAND PIANOFORTE. ORGAN. RUBBER-TYRED VICTORIA. Messrs. H. L. Cogblan and 10. have been instructed by O. Schwcmer B*> wt has left tbe Colony, to sell by Auction On Saturday, July 9, at 1.30 p.m. AT VILLA BER6EDORF. NO.
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  • 959 15 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. There is no k.ener student of aatoinobilim in all its aspects than Sir John Mac daoaJJ. tbc author of an exhaustive paper on the l'ast and Future o( I' wer Traction recently read at the Royal Automobile Club. Krciu the earli< it<l»ys
    959 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 269 15 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAROFFICb had 120 different Types of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car is Due to Arrive next Month. K.iU particulars of which oan be had from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE DAY OR
      269 words
    • 31 15 For ail internal oom plaints. Dyseotety. Coaffhs.Coiaa.eto.. take Woods' Great Pepper mint Car*. SAVARESSES KSANTAI/.3 TCARSULES fWBUH!! O» OK. AN» CMTIW OTMUSMMaJSt OF (MM. WITH SO MCOWVTJBtttI^ llUOiailTnal AUCHIHKTt. Aswro* SAVARtSSt.
      31 words
    • 293 15 Beauty Series No. 3 v */S o Ne. 4 to ioUew). Jr Here's another Beauty 9 CIGARETTES \j/Tt They are mild but not tasteless. They are light but satisfying. They combine all the virtues of Per f«. fine tobacco leaf without any faults a combination M >■*• n r only
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 631 16 WANTSPRINTER WANTED. Wanted Printer, one uwd to Warfdale maclnL-e. (rood *aary given to competent man. nod only first class men need apply. PniiKi c/o Straits Times. OPENING WANTED BY DOCTOR. Doctor (British) some years' Government and Planting experience desires opening. First clium references. Would act as locum. Apply Medicos, c/o
      631 words
    • 502 16 TO BE LET N SOLD. •f NM 4 MMVN Tl If LIT. WMb ssjsmtsii mmt *o Msiasss Btrss*. Afsl; ts (iUIHsUJt a UO.. hIU siata Tl IE LIT. Oodown, No. I, Mirbeo Road, and dwelling house. No 90 and 100, Chin Swss Bond. applv to Oo Boon Quan.M, Chin Swee
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    • 390 16 TO BE LET M SOLD. ROOMS TO LIT. At Zetland House (Armenian Street). Apply on the premises. 0409 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET. Na 2, Adis Roed, entry from July 1, 1910. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street 12A-J KfOtEl Tl Bl LIT as. II ass H. liilbHllub HH
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    • 769 16 NOTICES. THE ELPHINSTONE EBTATES. LIMITED. Holders of unregistered transfers in the 1 arove Company nre strongly urged, in order to save a considerable amount of trouble to themselves after the liquidation of the Com pany, to register snob transfers before the INh June, 1910. the day hied for the second
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    • 601 16 NOTICEB. Lost a Banker's Receipt, under the name of Wong ham < huso, ia favour of the Char terjd Baak of India. Australia and China. for 100 (One hundred shares in tin Sembswang Rubber Plantation*. Limited Finder please return to No. 28. Kling Street. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A List of applications
      601 words
    • 310 16 C. H. Willis IS NOW DOING Bl>IN ON THE FOKTHCOM Kuala Lumpur Races, JULY 5. 7 ANO 9. Mo Entry Ho Bet. Straight-oat on all Races. 1 'oubles on any two Races. Treble Event on 1 laces "5, 7. Bets made by wire moat be co; tinned by letter. NO
      310 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 248 16 Straits Wmes. ADVERTISEMENT KATES -MisoeKan* ous wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rale of II per four lines for one or two insertions. Notsac* of Births, Msrnagea. or Deaths, it not Bioseding tour lines, II each insertion For p.p c. cards, on page 6, 12. Imcb
      248 words