The Straits Times, 13 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.281 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JUNE 13. 1010. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 234 1 D. k J. IcClllDD'S PERFECTION WHISKY. ULDMCH MAC6REBOR AND COMrHUIY. KATZ BROS., LD. Outfitting Dept. This Department is now replete with all Gentlemen a requisites, and all Goods imported are from first-class Houses only. Gents' Shirt* lor Office and Dress wear. Neglige in latest patterns and shades. A new line
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    • 239 1 Robinson A Co. TOP LEVERr3OO BORE RIFLE With Automatic Ejector FOBGED STEEL BREECH ACTION, WITB DOUBLE BOLT, Superior Sw*l BoM Bar-Lock, Selected walnut Stock Automatic For end Fastener Engine Turned Flat on Top ol Barrel Standard and Tangent Sight (60 to 700 Yards) Platina Lined, Platina Tipped Fore-Sight VERY NEATLY
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    • 7 1 Bollinqer CbflnMfie. CALOBECK. MAC6RE6OR ANO COMPANY. 1
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  • 1454 2 INTERESTING NOTES ON THE INDUSTRY. Early Experiment* la Malaya. hollowing ie the eeeood portion of aa article ea Historical notae oa the Robber Industry by the editor at the StraiU and F. If 8. Agricultural Bulletin lor this month The firat iaatalmcat of the article was published ia
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  • 728 2 How to Fight it. Ot aU the evile which the inhabitant of the torrid /.one ia called upon to eadure, the ftiaaliast are, perhaps, the deadly debility aad nervous depression which arc the forerunner* of the more serioos ills so rife in warmer latitudes. Physical fhness should be
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 631 2 A Grateful Wife Li Vjs\^ N 3aS^^^r^B^B^lk sH n Pv v j^^^^^ -j^i bl W' v v Maternity Weakness. Rheumatic Fever, Depression— Just sitrin.: still and thinking everything /vuiW* has been done, doe* aot suit Mrs. Wilson, for all the usual ways failing to restoie her husband's health, she tried
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    • 12 2 Woods' Great Peppermint Cure far si ■sternal oomplainta. Dysaatsry. Concha. OoMa eta.
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    • 77 2 j iKrMA L A R 1 AL DTSTR I CTS? H Tonic Wine K^j Hrfl maintains the strength ai.d inrrcases the E^KrßPjaKj ||||H_\ >tr<-ngthens and noiirintus tli< \hau*tcd BESRsSWfI IbVQbv lu rv>>us system, .m.l digestion KS^Lz^rS^al IV JH CAUTION Brwarr <rf Imitations JLO P*T^J_Mr^f? SOLD BY ALL THE PRINCIPAL
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  • 1244 3 A CHAT WITH THE ENGLISH CHAMPION. Bairy's Prosptcts. I first mat Braeat Barry, the present sc i'ling chaiupion of England, when be was tbe talbet and the stroa«eet boy ia a school ia »<Mtti-we*a Loodio, writes a contributor to the Horning Leadir. It was at that tire
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 812 3 lit sun MEYER ssts on ths ELGIN TENTS. Titty art to be found ALL OVER THE WORLD. I I -||T a^aaaal^^^^^J* (aaaaaaa^aaaaaat^SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJ W9&^ .JaSM-P^^BaaaaaaaaaaaWaaaaßaßfcl! MSttOtaVU o N Vs9||wwnßi.V^ la^BBBaBaBBBBBB^BBBilW«JS^BBi jtteaaiwru. 1 r'BvV^BaP'npfefl^aPjß'VJ'H OtfUers Seftke. LFI Ttwt Mhtlmtaw* 6 wise CMtmf T.nt rtise tr i 10" Price ßa. 88. *»ii>nAL iniMmrutMr.
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    • 88 3 MARTIN'S "ttSK cZS.'JRimSiJSSt Sas£«Sr.V corns AT IMSan 1.,«H-lm«m_ -g la. a<Jiiam> »fc— BALSAM I laniseedJ Howarch Erskloe. Ltd. Sole Ajfents for: "Hornsby" Oil Engines, Gas Engines, AND Suction Gas Plants. NO POWER ON EARTH CHEAPER. Howarth Erskine, Ld. MAKBItS OF Rubber Machinery Hornsby's Engines and Howarth Erskine's Rubber Machinery
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    • 259 3 To Connol— ur» Jfc tho— —1kIn^ m itMtlly rfood Smoke. Harannaba. H#*rj Clay*. Carbaaao. Books, and oth.-r Harannaba. Ontob Uaraanaha. Fotora Nobis. Perlaatoa Ketchil, K qaisttoa. La Rose Doam lanketla, Cokkraa. from Bl Trio and DreMelbaoa and Co. Manila. Issperio del Mondo (nick of Perla del Orients' Loadras, Perleotes BitPBCIALBS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 674 4 STEAMER 8AILIMS. P. O. 8TEAM NAVIGATION CO. •r Chiaa Japa*. Num. w«ytwa. Aaotralla, H4U, *daa Bryrt. MetflUrraaaaa Porta, Plyaaatfc and Utiii. Tbroa«b Bbm of baitof tono* tot OhtM Ooaat, Pantoa Onlf Ooattaoatol, aad aajirim Porte. Steamer* will loan BMcapon oa of aboal MAIL L1NBS. Omtmmrd I/or OMmi D«lto Job* 17
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    • 528 4 8TEAHEB oAJLHrBo. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP C8. LTD. A Mjrular tortaJabtly •errioe is maintaiaan Mm JAPAKam lOBOPl by Mw niM,iiy-i IWIMCIIW BTBAHIB> 7 under MaM Ooaataot with My bnpenal J^O«F*»r» ■wopwa ftirioe, lighted •XMttsBft MOoauDodsiioa far Flwl &ad SMOvlOlwPiMHn, ud fitted with all tba Ma* ■oil hpw— h lot
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    • 725 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. BOUTS PHILP LINE. SIIOAPORB 1O "JAVA PORTU, PORT DARWII, THUBBDAT ISLAND. BRISBANB ANDBTDNBI. ALSO TAKHfO CAROO FOB OTHER lORTH QDBENBLAND PORTS, BRITISH raw ODINEA. lE W BRITAIN raw ZEALAND PORTS (with aran*hip*a**M) *Aa IndaewjMa* oflan. aonatak paaaaga. B*jaarb Soanary A MgaJtor monthly aarrfae to abor. port. ■t aaVaffiallalkMal
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    • 560 4 mUKM SAIUlit HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. NAMBURB. Tk* ■iibui ot thai Ooanaay matwtaia a ngatat Mtrtae betweea Hamb-jg. BnaMa. j Am£>n^a«^Bow«oam. »d ib. BaW j Hamiwaida. U.y an iiepatabad "latakM. fit Hern aad Hamburg aad one* a month tor I TSSSt ww mmH <: Taking oargo al through ***** to Aatwarp
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    • 685 4 BTEAMEI MILIIHS. N. D. L. Rorddeutsohar Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIME •>• walkaowa mall 1T 0 thta Company aaU tortaigbry trom Bm i Hamburg, Tie Trniiilam. iatami. nnattna. toa. Olbnltar. Oan, ltl I kteNdlk.. MapaM. AJnaadHaTMl'ttoTnn? Fart Bald. Baaa, Adaa. Oatatbo. Faaaag 'asj-Mt-war T*T aw lao to Htogigiii aa
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  • 130 5 FIXTURES. Monday, June 13. Hilb Water 1 30 a.m., 3 M p.m. A 1 hate bra Cinematograph. Haxiaia Cinemasograpb. Marlboroogh Cinematograph >tDgepore Literary 1 iaild debate. h M Tuesday. June 14. High Water, I am ifl p.m Wednesday, June 15. High Waanr, SI a.m .5 1* p.ui
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  • 145 5 ToD»» aVTCcylon, A'tralaaia. Mntias, India. Fgypt, and Earene. sle. i pm 11 ogkong, Shanghai and Japan Japan I pm Bl£ Maoassar, M-nad «od Oorontalo Tso l'»- pio Malacca. Port Diokson. Port BwasWnham aad Tolok Anaoo raX S|im P Bwevtenbam, Penaiig. N-«apatam 4 Madras Thongs a 4pm
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  • 71 5 Left Blaaux r» I) a .1 n V.'m o. Aj.I M N. D. L. Apl 18 B. I. A pi M U. M Hay W P. A O. May S* N D. L. M»> MUM. u» N.D.L. Jaa* 9 B I. ■I )ne in Locdo May 14
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  • 727 5 I atcit Arrivals. (,er raoaport P0»8 lap' 1 i. r Jun. Iff, Irom I.ingUii.Jnni t. Troop lor Wilbelrashavm. Jone IS— W. .Imfc.'if, Bnt ttr 1M ttm, Capltm Soott. June It. From Pouliaeak, lune It. (i.e. aal 10 dp. Thong Ek A Co. Fur Pooti.nsk, June ll-Rdt. / Hunf
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  • 91 5 Wharves at which Vessel* arc Berthed To •Day. TANJONO PAOAU. E. W. Bamk— Nil. E. W. Sacno* I— Calypao. Unda. Sanaa WaUar— K«tt«ntaia. M. W. Bacnoal-Thunrva, I'alitana. Cniengmai. Japan. Bonun. n I Patriow, Kaisuw. Lijoum Don 7— <rioder oonstraclion.) W. WnMßjr 1 >aqua.
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  • 152 5 Arrivals. IVr steamer Lady Weld. Jane 12.— From Hoar via porta Me»»rt. R. Poart and H. A. Miaon. Per steamer Bau Hong Liong, June \i. Kiom Knugkok Meaars. Home. Wellman. I it. >;eiaM. M.iiaiui Mat mi and two d ildren Per iteanjt r .lapara lune 18. —From
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  • 93 5 Per I', aad O. steamer Moldaria. conouct ing with tbe ateuuor Delta at Colombo, due Juae 17 -Mr. aad Mr*. C. Baugh, Mr. 8. R. Robiaaoo. Mr. S. Harriaoo. Mr. J. C. H. Bell. Per V I>. L nteanier Loot/.ow, due .luoe U Mr and Mm. P.
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  • 70 5 A carjo ol lict arrived from Bangkok, yeiterday, by the Norwtgiaa ateamer rromiinnt The l>atcti steamer Merapi arrwud Irom Amoy. yesterday, with a getieral car« j and '.t.« pa*»eugera. The Britiab steamer Murez arrived irom Balik Papas, on Satdrday with a cargo of M.OBK tona of li.|uid foci.
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  • 35 5 M. U Coghlan and Co. ■lune 'i7.— At aaleroouiF freehold eataea, known aa Tim Ayer leroeb Kstate Setaa Koon Koa.l at Ml Jalj I'ieliniiuAry notioc of akk. ol iiu uitore, itc at 1.80.
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  • 239 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE ■aMaWaaa, Jixs 18 1910 On. London— Bask 4 m t v Dtmaad 'i<*4, PiirateSms 2 4| do Bms 3/4« l On Germany— Bank d,d 240 Private 8 n/i 344 do 6m 24«t On Franc*— Bank d,d 896 Private 8 tn/s aaaj do 6 d/s 808* On India—
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    • 173 5 lame Value. 10 10 Belat Tin 10 10 Bruang 10 10 Bnueh Hyd 10 10 K»uaboi 11 1 KjdU Tin Ml <1 KlodMdTio 10 10 Knantea Tib £1 41 Latwt Miaou 41 Ml MaUy* and Siam 10 10 Malacca Tin V 6/ Pabanf Oomol. Ml Ml Penekalea Ml Ml
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    • 565 5 Iwne 1 Value. Bayen Seller*. 2/. 3/. AU*«ar 7,0 8,--2- 2/- Aiiklo Malay 1.100 Ltti 1 BaUo« Malak* 1/- 2/- pm 41 41 BMa Utm ***** 16.0.0 41 XI Batu Ti«» 4.1H.0 6.0.0 41 41 Bukit Kajang 8 2.6 8.7.0 41 10/ Contributory 2.10.0 2.12.6 pm 41 £1 Bukit
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    • 100 5 Mm 10 10 BMtern Sotbitiotf 10 7 M 60 Frwnr* ■mm 100 Howwth Bnkiue 100 „?>, PraL 100 100 K»UBro.Drf. 100 100 8% Com. Prat 10 10 M»jn»rd*Co. hnjtn. 8«lkM Dom. 10.00 Ifl --■00.00 310.00 69 00 60.00 90.00 M.60 136.00 Dom 33UW U-60 V»It«. 100 100 R.H*rgn»TM 100
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    • 44 5 Boyora. SeUan. Howarth Krakine6% 1600,000 par Riley, Uar (frea»ea«% 1J84.000 1% B% pra. B'trioT'waya 6 X850,00l) Sinsapore MonMipale% «137(MX» doiu. Bayer*. Bellan. Singmpore Ma. at 1907 X1,«00,000 7% pra, SiDgapora Mn of 1908 X1.000.000 S% era aianapora Mn Dioipal 4% AMM.9OO T% dU
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 LAME 8H0UL0ER. Whether reuniting from a sprain or from rheumatic paint, tLere U nothing to j.ood for a lime •boo'der at Cdamberlaia Pain Bajm. Apply it fneir and rub the pirta rig. oroaalr each application tad a quiok care uowute Fon>U >y all P«piWMi«an»a
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    • 19 5 JUBT UNPACKED: Fat Coeeeea-delicevcj in (in. Smoked Sa'mon (Lasohi) Grained Caviare Canadian Lobster, v\ l i?Z? M. BOLTER, 9B^
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    • 864 5 R/j^^TDTSTS^W^Y AITDOO, Cadartakerv, Moaameatai Maaona, Seoipton aad Ma.bie Merebaata. Tba oldswt titabUsbed firm of iU kind in tbu Straits. Patroniacd bj tbe beat people is tbe lat 6 -i- »iufol aad Artistic Marble and Oraaite MononjonU of ev.ry jssatiphioa! always oa ban. trom til, apwaidn, also Iron Kailiag* tor grave
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  • 32 6 Macuado —At tbe General Hospital, Sioga pore, on Sunday tbe 12th instaol at 8a m Alfred Doarte Machado, Manager of tbe United Singapon Rubber Bttates, Ltd Sbaa ghai paper please oopy.
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  • 1176 6 The Straits Timws. MONDAY, JUNB 18. THE MILITARY CONTRIBUTION. Some flgaree were laid before the Legislative Council on Friday with riaWiim to what ia known at the military ooatribation U theee figures are accurate, it would appear that the aotoal expenditure ia the colony in the year 1908 00 amoaasad
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  • 28 6 Mi— i. Smith aad Palmer, who represent Messrs. Hamilton and Co.. jewellers and silverattK, of Oalootaa, are now in ding*DOM shaa*d Ba%T k| aTntssssßi *&A fina^LmM Ha^nsW W
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  • 13 6 Lass* advortisemenU of the day appear on page 6 a* well as 8.
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  • 14 6 Mm' Adam Mm. Oilnllan, Ltd, have o < wo*a a I raach ulbue vi Malacca.
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  • 19 6 It ie rumoured that a very high oAV ial in Selangor will shortly be retiring fn m the ssrvio.
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  • 15 6 The charges for tbe cmveyaooe of motor cycles per tbe F.M.S. Railway* have bean inorsasad.
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  • 24 6 A China ruse baa laid a charge against another four men of hi* own race of rolbing him of 151 in I'ppar Hokien Street.
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  • 37 6 A towkav in K«Uang Road sent out hi. clerk to collect some acoouoU last wot k The clerk duly collected payment for a bill amounting 1195 80 but be failed to return with it to hia master
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  • 35 6 In connection with tbe Singapore Literary Guild, a debate on Tariff Reform v. Free Trade will take place ia tbe ball of tbe Presbyterian Church to nightatx 19. Lenders: Mr. A. Lea and Mr. Knight.
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  • 41 6 Tbe box, containing a tiger's akin, bead and claws, which had been left ia a mmpan by a nephew of Captain Donald of the steamer Hye Leong, bas been recovered. The sampan coolie, who bad appropriated the articles, bas bean arrested.
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  • 55 6 In order to avoid the neormity of paying duty on npiritoa* liquor* at Port Swettenham and again at Tranum (in Pabaagi tbe Chin* vi liijuor shop keepers at Kaub and Kuala Lipis an importing their tupplie* from Singapore via Kuala Pabang. By thia Utter route tbey need only pay duty
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  • 55 6 Phoo La Man, a Chineae junk-man. bas been charged in the marine court before Lieut Cater for having a fire on board the junk when she was loaded with petroVnm and other cargo Defendant said he waa bound for China and ws« preparing food before departure. He was fined III),
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  • 63 6 A strange br^oest appears in the will of a Tunbndge Wells barrister, Mr Alfred John Bowruafa, of Rasthall Lodge. Ilia estate has been vaJoed at £15.88:1. of which £-J.OOO is left to his mother and tbe greater part to bis brother*. He bequeathed, however. £10(1 each to ten friend* to
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  • 63 6 A shocking murder ia a railway train is reported from Soarabaya. Several Indian trader* from Bombay wen travelling when two of them quarrelled. One of tbe two drew a knife and stabbed tbe other to death The conductor, helped by tbe other Indiana, seised th« murderer and handed him over
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  • 65 6 A wire from tbe Hague gives particular* bf a bill jast brought into the Datch Parlia ment tor the expropriation of so-called free bold e*tateK ia J tva. It is net out clearly that oompolhioo will be reported to if the owner* *how unwillingneaa. A schedule give* s list of
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  • 53 6 Two Australians, J. Stevenson aad W Orant, appeared in the third police court, today, charged with baviag fraudulently removed property belonging to tbe former from tbe Waverley Hotel. It was intimated however, that matter* bad been settled aa between Stevenson and the proprietor of tbe hotel aad tbe ease was
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  • 73 6 Sheik Dowd has reported to tbe police the loss of an old and hitherto faithful servant and also now money. He was going into a godown on Saturday bat before doing so he gave six sovereigns and ten dollars to bis rickuba coolie who bad polled him for the last
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  • 88 6 In the neighbourhood of Chancery Lane lives a perfervid young Soot who makes the night air musical with tbe ikirl of tbe bag pipes. He has at least one appreciative bearer and that ia a Cingalese boy employed by a resident in tbe same vicinity. The hoy. however, was appreciative
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  • 95 6 A senssriusal contest took place yesterday ia a eonpouad in SUveas Road. Tij. com batanta wen the champion fighting cock of Stevens Road and the representative of Kjunpoag Paya Ooyang. Tbe fight was in fall swing and toe spectator* had warmed with tbe lust of bottle when tbe law per
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  • 99 6 Tbe other day. we noted tbe fact that, in Tonkin, there waa a briak contraband trade in arms of which the disaffected then took every advantage. Fuller particular* show that the centra of sedition lies in tbe soatkan ■nation of the protected Stair of Aanam. Tbe Governor General of lodo
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  • 105 6 The Bebo de Chine draws a dark picture ol Kreoeh commeratal ecterpriae in Java. Slack awaa aad lack of poah ataad in the way of all progress. At Batavia oaly are there Kreoeh ftrma aad they in two in number with bra nebee at Sooraaava aad Samara eg. Oaly one
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  • 439 6 Maj U Ouggiaberg. kr bas been appointed director of *ur\.y* ia Northern Nigeria. Dr. A. Willey, r.u >.. the Cireotor of tbe Colombo Museum, U leaviog to take up ao appointment in Canada. According to tbe Malay Mail. Sir Robert Laidlaw ia expected to visit the SltaiU
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  • 85 6 Sir R. Baden -Powell. Tbe London OizetU- on May 17. oontained tbe following Lieutenant General Sir Robert S. S. Baden I'owi-11. Id, ut», is placed on rctirxl pay 4a r l."n'ion paper* at tbe time. Ma, >r QnajnaaJ Mackianoo. in prmeotinK tin priz< i at a display by the JnajU
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  • 117 6 Tbe Australian Mining Standard ol April 37, stated —The following anoounoemest was made by tlie director- of tbe Tnnekah Harbour TD Co., llobart T la»t Kri.liy Tbe directors have tliu day reoeived advice from the option holdnrn that they have decided to ford it the i.l 'Ml deposit.
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  • 154 6 Tbe Observer ban mooted the exopllent idea that tbe ooronatinn u( Kana George atiould lake place on Kmpire l»»y next veer. Two very obviou* idea* ur>. the advisability of *ucb a *t< p, rtmarka the Rangoon Oaa»tto. To Lave two events of •uch wide «ignificano' occurring at
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  • 190 6 A terrible dot 1 took place thia morning between a Chinaman and I m wife in iM. ir boons at the juncli' n u( ynt.-a ai. I Arib Streets. Intimation waa brought to tb* Ro ebore police aUtion Uiat a fi k l,t ww in pro
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 69 6 Th« Art of Cicarettc Making X^QV^^P^ \^H -«i MidKur. ikM» t«* k:uii iw«i M Obtainable at jS ■^■m**'«* t~J^ 4,, JOHN LITTLE V Umn «<■'*"•• ROBINSON J Melachrino's EGYPTIAN No. 4. Per Tin IQO. $2.90 NO. 9. Per Tin 100. 11.80 Lew 5% Sole Agents: John Little Company, Ltd. Of
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  • 86 7 RUINOUS EFFECTS ON BOMBAY TRADE. Indian and Imperial Governments Confer. IBaena'a Tmmi im.| London, Jane 12. The Imperial %od tb« Indian Uoveramenta hare been cammanicating with reference to the Canton opium monopoly, which ii re garded aa a violation ol the existing con ventiou. Bombay jpiam merchants
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  • 90 7 HULL OF THE LOST SUBMARINE OPENED. Slow Death of Some of the Crew. [Bimi'i TilmuiI London, Jane 18. Heater Calais oorreepondent «ay» the »ubmviaw PlaToine tuM been lowed into the harbour. Tbere art- two huge real* in her aide. The Aral body taken oat tu thai of the
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  • 54 7 Powers Taking Steps to Deal with The Situation. IRsctss'i TsLaaais).] London. June 11. Tbe Coiuul- vestordiy, presented tbe Cretan •■jverniuent with a last joint note, stating that if it does not permit Moslem deputies to part K ipate in th; Assembly the Powers w.ll take active step* to
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  • 65 7 Peerage for Sir Charles Hardinge kauTu'i TlIM London, Jose 11. It ia understood that Sir Chalk* Hardinge will re** ire a peerage. The I >Aily Chronicle mjn it is ondentood thai thfe »pp3inliu oU of the Duke ol Coa o»o«bt in Governor General of Canada, aod Sir CbaiUx
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  • 68 7 MOTOR TR IALS. Prize Offered by Prince Henry of Prussia I KaOI *B Tl LB4RAB. London, Jane 12. A Berlin toli«r4m state* that Priooe Heary bti giren a trophy lor the grett intern* tiooal motor reliability tritU in 1910. They are to be contented in Oermaay. litrtuany and Britain are
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  • 43 7 Extension of Religious Liberty. iMaoTsa'* Tiimus I. >ndoD, June 18. A notable reform baa been made in Spain by a decree just published removing restriction* upon tbe exercise of non Catholic religion- and permitting tbe display of emblems and flag*
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  • 58 7 Dm* o«t\iiati«< n« Lloyd Tilioeam Berlin, Jans 11. The Chinese Military Mission baa visited tbe milftary institutions at Berlin, Spaa, dan, Haaover aad Potsdam, aad tbe shoot iag range at Joeterhog, Grusos work* (a branch d tbs Krops work* at Magdabtg). Herr I. owe. manager of the
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  • 19 7 I Don Unwuriwu Lloyd TiLaeaAa.) Berlin, Jans 12. Tbe insurrection of Indian* ia Mexico has been suppressed.
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  • 19 7 Ksujss* Til London, June 13. Tbe Observer states that Mr. Balfour, yesterday, replied favourably to Mr. Asqoith*
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  • 374 7 ■auger Hopes to Make a Profit This Year. Tbe annual meeting of the Temaooh Tin Syndicate, Ltd., w»h held in tbe offioe ol Maura. Et»U and Co., Tbe Arcade, on Saturday Mr. H. C. CookeYarboroogh pc— idud and there were also preeent Miwi. J. Spaajaard, V. Finkleatoo
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  • 499 7 Severance of Another Link witb (he Past. Another link with tbe now distant past of tbe oolony has been snapped by the death of Major J. F. A. McNair. which i* announced in tbe London Times. Hit official record dates from the day* when these settlement*
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  • 214 7 Prevalence of the kidnapping of Children In tbe eonrse of the report of tbe registrar general of Hongkong tor 1909 it is stated that tbe n amber of ptrsoas reported to tbe Po Leung Kak as misung in Hongkong daring tbe year was 288 of whom only
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  • 903 7 QUEEN MARYS INFLUENCE ON COIKT AND PUBUC. Royal Domestic Life. Very soon tbe public will begin to ap oreoiate what a change of'tovt reigns mean* io tbe social life of the cooi try, tor tb iogb <o politics tbe King i« hedged round w tb all ■orts
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  • 126 7 Tokio newspaper* state that at a m sating of tbe director* of tbe Nippon Yusea Kaisba it was decided to pay a dividend at tbe rate of 10 per oent lor tbe bait year ended March 81. The income available lor this purpose is 2 million
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  • 122 7 Ttaa Japan Chronicle aaaorooaa that, thronch the overtiming of a lamp oa May XI, Miae Irwiae of Yokohama, m ao terribly banted that she died eat ly the follow ing morain« The unfortunate roaog lady brother, Mr B. H. IrwiM, woWTOored to aave bia akter bat
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  • 897 7 STRANGE HISTORY OF A JOHORE RUBBER COMPANY. Big CcapeoMtion Paid to Acquire Possession. Recently we drew attention to the flotation in London of what is to be called tbe Majedie (Joborei Robber Estates. It was tbeee estates that Mr. Oawlor valued at 481.900 and which Federick Oeorge
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  • 181 7 Amazing Figures el the Colony's Grewth. Last year 527,280 vessels of 84,880,845 tons entered and cleared at Hongkong, say* tbe 8. C. Moraiag Poet Although a dwasß oa Mm previou. year of 4,HBi vessels, tbe tonnage shows an increase of 218,604 ton*. Of this total 48,794, vessels
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  • 604 7 Death of a Well-known Miner and Planter. We regret testate thai Mr. A. D. Macbado ■MenU manager of the Coiled Singapore Robber Estates, Limited, died io tbe General Hospital, yesterday morning, from poeu ■oan. He wm taken oo well about tea days ago. bat there were
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  • 329 7 American Scientific Expedition at Work. An expedition for tbe gathering of data for a monograph of the pheasants of tbe world ha* been undertaken by tbs New York Zoological Society. It ia in charge of C. William Beebe. cm zs. who is Curator of Ornithology of tbe
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  • 154 7 Visiting justices at Dartmoor have paaatd a sentence of fifteen day* No. 1 diet, tort; two days No. 2 diet, yell jw drees and chains tor a period not exceeding six months, and the usual loas of remission mark* upon tbe convict Hubert, for attempting to escape
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  • 94 7 PROPOSAL TO FORM ANOTHER PARTY. Mr Roosevelt Named as the Leader iRsCTBB's TILBOKAM.] London, June 1* A RoomvbH Clu>> dinnor !i. M at S|. r-aul», yesterday, resulted, aooordiag to tbe »Ute moat of the chairman. Mr. Hubert, in tbe formation of a mw party yet unnamed. The I—dew
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  • 45 7 I Dm OrtAauruou Llotd Tmnui Berlin, June 11. The protonU in reference to the Pcpt reformation Kacyclicil continue in Germany °raMW w DOgotifttin^ with the Vatican lor as answer. Berlin, Jane 13. The Bararian repreaentatire at the Vatican baa {Mrointed aRainnt the encyclical.
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  • 38 7 i DsaOnaaiATtsoaa Liotd Tmjsui., Berlin. June 11 Toe St Petersburg agency at Wellington says thai the American Consul at liarbin has iasu-'d instruction* to American oitixen* there that they must pay municipal taxes anJ duties
    38 words
  • 34 7 |Daa OsvAsuTiauaa Llotd Tsimbabl Berlin. June 1 J Tbe christening of tbe son of tbe Grand Duke of M. cklenborg Schwenn has taken place in tbe presence of tbe Emperor WJ. liam.
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  • 30 7 IDs* OnvasiaTisoas Lktd Tblmbab.l Berlin. June 1 2 There is a Press rumour that M. Uvolsky will demand from the Porto an explanation of it* naval programme.
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  • 23 7 (Das OtTisiATUcu Llotd Tili.i»»« Berlin, .June 11 King Ferdinand U to pay an offlnia 1 visit to Paris oo June U3.
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  • 20 7 (Fbom Oca Own Cobuspuhdbh t.) Kuala Lumpur. June 18. Tbs Vallambroia rubber crop for May was 29.000 lbs.
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  • 36 7 (Fbom Oca Own CoaaasroxDßMT.) Penang, .lone 11. A serious affray occurred on the Malak. rT Estates, yesterday, two Chinese being killed. Sixty Tamils are now under arrest at Butterworth Station pending enquiry
    36 words
  • 117 7 (Fbo> Oca Own Co>aa»roni>iMT.) Kaala Lumpur, Jane IB. The farewell conceit to Mr. R. W. Harrison at Klang. on Saturday nigbt, wm a icost ■oooetafal (unction. Mr. Conway Belfield, tbe Kewdent o( SeJ»n«or, eoloKiiad Mr. U«rri*oa *dJ asid be bad hard task in succeed 1 ok Mr.
    117 words
  • 118 7 (From Ova Own Coe»«»po>dist IVnuti, June 11. Some disefttuiaction eziite among the •Uff of the Eastern SmeltiOR Co on rumour* that the 14,000 bonus recomnmndi"! in the annual report, which Mr. Jeastn. at tb« annual matting, intimated wouM be divided auioog** toat teeo employ**, will now
    118 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 23 8 lac match for the Cbampionahip of Luglaad at racquets brtween too amateur. Mr. Baerleeo, and Williams, professional, has been postponed.
      23 words
    • 280 8 Gotland v. The Rest. Oa tbe Racecourse links, yesterday, a match was played between tentna of tbe Singapore I'lub representing Scotland and Tbe Rest, the renalt being five wins tor the Scotsmen and three for Tbe lUt. The re«poctive captains were M---.r». Crabb Watt aad Milea. Tbe detaiU are
      280 words
    • 156 8 I he Intertchool Sports Tbe first ol what it may be hoped will be a aeries of athletic content* between tbe principal ncbools of Singapore was held on tbe Kittles School lield on Saturday alternoon, and proved aa interesting and sociee* ful meeting, despite the fact that tbe ground
      156 words
  • 275 8 Investigating Officer's Report on Bombay. An exbauhtivc iatcnwtin^ report Ir I'r Charles Bentiey, special malaria inveetim tmn officer in Bombay, was issued on May M, wetting forth tbe risnlts of his enquiries and the moasures which be thinks should be taken to combat malaria in the city. Bombay,
    275 words
  • 122 8 Tbe following 1 cobratioo is from the Birmiogham I>«ily Pu»t AnythiDg from fifteen to twenty appointments si reepoasi b iity in tbe aarrioc ol Sum are, I under. *taad, likely to fall vacant at do distant d«te, aod tbe belief is entertaiatd, aad in being pxpreaaed
    122 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 242 8 Tv tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,- You recently printed two paragraphs snani dead dogs lying about our main aweata, aad it (truck me, whilst reading them, that tbe time bad arrived to wake up tbe aani tary ii |nilmmt a branch of oar ever green municipality which
      242 words
  • 696 8 Hongkong Shipping Interests May Combine. Tbe Boatb China Mormon Pott reports that with the object of thwarting tbe cnouingly laid plans of tbe npiam Huaggler, too nliipptng firms of Iloogkons iDteretkid in the trade with Manila may in tbe near iutare devise some co operative *cbeiuo of
    696 words
  • 47 8 Tbe Dofc'h ■nwil-^-n.-ral a; Calcutta baa aotinod to t lie ro«-rc»n tile ootnmanily in .lava ttiat in India, it is beoomiß« common for n.tiTe traders and sliopkerpef to deal under Boropeaa names or under tbe names of Bnropean firms. Warnius in lirtm auainat dealing with such people.
    47 words
  • 1139 8 Pricu Quoted In the Market Tbli Morning. S.nftpore, Mi Judo, 1910. Heart Ly*U ud BrmU. BxchuKc tad •>h»r« Broken, iwo* ib« loUowin« U«t of jooUt'ODii this momiDK i— "UIU. 'B1OO. BUTffl III II 3/- Allagar 3/ Option* I 7/ 41 Antglo Joboru IS (< ."> i. 1"
    1,139 words
  • 297 8 Attempt to Sacrifice a Girl toHalley't Comet. BafaTMJb'a rerljctii.< telcscui at tLe llolu*n (»o»erv»ury, ia Kgypt, b«i secured splendid photograptu during the earth* I'Msagv turougb the tail of Hall, yn comet. These show a vivid nucleus enveloped ia a tail, tbe outline of tbe latter beiti* parabolic The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 When eoo«bs aad ooUi distarfa tbe booM When sick worry mate*, Aad so«MiB( throngti Mm oigbt aoaors The fend and weary pater Too'U bmu bim toss and say to mi Tomorrow yon prooore Jhe ataS to cars tbese weeauu kids, *to 1| Too* Qr«at Psp^fart ewe.
      46 words
    • 50 8 JUBT WHAT YOU NEEO. Voor toacne is coated. Your breaifa is fooX Headaches oome aad go. Tbese symptoms show that your stomach l« tbe troable. To remove tbe oasse is the ftrrt thing, aad Cbambatlaia's Btomseh aad U—t TakMa will do that. Basy to tais MdmoataflevtiTe BoM by »ii IH>jMnite»
      50 words
    • 88 8 CLERK WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Wanted a clork. with jjojd Handwriting, for simple home work. Apply .Scrip," c o Strait" Time*. THE BTAR OPERA CO. at Tan THEATRE ROYAL, North Bridge Road. To-Nitfht: To-Nirfht: Thai very beaulila! play SAM PECK ENG TAI I ILL Bl «Ii ,11 Don t forg-t t? oom«
      88 words
    • 616 8 LAUNCHES! "•^S^b^SMbW -j "I A "^aa— ■■■s»Mßwaw^awfc*A^MnnnWMMnnW*wJnww^^^ ■^^■^""^n^MMaMi LAUNCHES AND STERN-WHEEL STEAMERS A Speciality. 1-K-lONKH TO MKKT HBgCIRBMBNT> Por River Use Particulars on Application. Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. JUST RECEIVED HARLBOROO6H Violins ivanoas -lualities.. bbach roai> Mandoliues, Uuitsrs, fi-oi 0 8 The People's Popular. 41. a■» of froUi String, for
      616 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 171 9 What is the use of Experimenting Get a J FORD CAR That you can absolutely depend upon. Commercial Motor Cars and Passenger Traffic Cars of the well-known" Rapid" make. SSL GADELIUS CO., IsTO. 34. BOBINSOIT ROAD. -•*<•> V*^BBBB«Pl^^P^^^s I A. W. Tully AND CO. 83. RAFFLES PLACE. SIN6APORE BOOK OPBN
      171 words
    • 324 9 MTICLEB FOU SMI, RUBBER ESTATE FOR SALE. Apply C, c/o Straits Times. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE. Oood LooaUty. Terms Moderate. Apply X., co Straito Time*. ISM LANCASHIRE BOILER FOR SALE For sale, one Lancashire Boiler, English made, in exoallent eonditioo, length dia 67 lioonoe for 80 pounds, 900 square feet
      324 words
    • 401 9 BTEAMER BAIUNGB. C. P. R. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 8 ROYAL HAIL STEAMSHIP UNL Taa NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITBD BTATBS. Route from Htmgtong via Sbainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Ysamimn B.M.S. BarEaas or Ihdia Twin screw steam R.M.S.
      401 words
    • 323 9 BELLAMY AND CHRISTIE, TURF ACCOUNTANTS. Are doing basinets on the FORTHCOMING SELANGOR MEETING Run July 5. 7 and 9. Doable Events Races 3 and 4, l J and 7, 6 Mid 7. Treble Event Races 8, 4 and 7. Straight-oat on all Events. Tel. "Triton." Singapore. Telephone IH6. l'rioe List
      323 words
    • 181 9 CINGERS T*. Very N More Lmtmmt Dull Evenings OlNutrW A call will CONVINCE VOl Prices to SUIT YOU. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. Speciality In Silver Goods f ll^^ra W**' tt I Newest Designs JL u^L\s sterling Tea Sets stbblino HILVBIt SILVBK napkin kino* Toilet Set* U[ x m^a\ Trinket
      181 words

  • 1032 10 PROSPECTS IN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. Notes by Mr. Carrutncrs. Mr. J. B. (amthcrt. formeriy of tba K. M S.. aad now Oovernmeut botani»t and isaiataiit director of aajt:coltore, Trinidad, contributes as article on robber eultiration in Trinidad and Tobago to the official Agricultural Italletin of Trinidad After
    1,032 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 745 10 INBURAJICL THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.J.TD. Mead Ofllce— 13A Caatoti Read Shaarhal. |l^ Urn t ja* Aaßßraaea "f»»»v» mm*^ .1 Aeto, BngUad. aai eader the Bongkong Orrlreianre Beaae at Dnaeroaii Alexander MoLeod. Bag CblraM Lee Tnng Sn, Beg.. g Otoehartoa, Bafc. J H. McMioWj7Beq O. B. Borkill Beg, J.A.
      745 words
    • 415 10 BAHKINB. HMTOEO MNK 8f INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (■OOSrOBATtfO BT BOYAft ORABTBK. m^Lt Aaaarrt Fvs4 all ,000.000 BABEBB8. Baai ITaglial la^BV^a^aJ Hn^ tat f^M^rf^AA At lain OBy UMmmi BtU, Btf. HKUfOU BBAMOH. •fiwW fjl 1 p*f aasi. par imob cm Mi teUj ■toi. Wk« Ibi uorul Mmil tor Hi _^_J^.
      415 words
    • 71 10 BEWARE OF A COUGH. Now is the toma to get rid of ibat ooo^b, tor it joo let it r>ang on. bo one can tell *bu the t Dd may be. Utbcr* h»ve b« i car. d of U < ir coupb* *'»y qoiikij by oaion Cbamterlsio'i Coogh Rrmtdy nby
      71 words
    • 350 10 BAIEB BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. Important Tanglin Sale. HIGH-GRAOE TEAR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. GRAND PIANOFORTE. ORGAN. RUBBER-TYRED VICTORIA. Meaara. H. L. Coghlaa aad Co. have been instructed by O. Sohwener, B«j.. v.b haa left tbe C lony to sell by Aootion On Smturdmy, July 9, mt 1.30 p.m. The whole ot
      350 words
    • 442 10 ESTATK Of lAMBS McUILI. I'fcCBASKL. LAND SALE At H. L. Cogfalan Co V Sale room 0- MMaffaa, Junr at »-30 THK rALUABLE FREEHOLD KSTATK Known an THE AVBK IERXKH ESTATE SerangooD Road. Comprising Lot 1. Two pieces of Freehold l*n<i it Districts of Toah Pyoh. cad Amokiafc Area -19a. <r.
      442 words

  • 1093 11 MOTORS MOTORING NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Motor Car Journal writes I bear thai Mr. J. C. Joll*. A. M I. A K.. who has ksen cot: n*«ted > with the Daimler Motor Company tnr nearly mx Tears oa«t and woo was p>«vioo>lT wHb Mesnra. D. Napw>r aad
    1,093 words
  • 161 11 There are men and women in every locality who are being racked to death with nitenawlinii Many of them have tried electricity liniment*, Turkish aad mineral baths, massage. Ac., while others have been doctored until they have lost all hope and patience. Little's Oriental Balm has,
    161 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 314 11 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAR OFFICE had 1«O different Type* of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car i. Ou« to Anrtva n*xt Month. Full particular, of whioh can b* had from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CUS FOR HUE DAY
      314 words
    • 10 11 For aJ iatermal eomnluala, Dysentery, Gooe^Coifeea»..takeWo<dV Great rVpper mtot Core.
      10 words
    • 470 11 CRIED WITH PAIN OF SKINJRUPTION Suffered 12 Monthi with EciemtFtce, Hands and Nsck CeveredIrritation Almost Drove Ntr fed I m possible to Do Her Work. INSTANT RELIEF AND EASY CURE IN CUTICURA "1 «ulT*r*d for iw.W« moatlu wltk bad dry srsrata. My fat*, beads and tarrk »»r« covnrei with larsa
      470 words
    • 210 11 S. SIVIIXH BON'S Ltd World Renowned WATCHES. LADIES' UVEI WaTCRES «V «n> TBl-CHaRiHO i .i..(.i..n. ,n SoImJ Silvtt t-~c- t ■A>J '■nl'«.£2. In lien Cad Cttf Sr^^TfCWJx VnV mjr^y /'A IIXUsTfcATED gjSh *,S 7.'.*5; Caiuogies. B] N. Aa LINES 1 LEfll f 4TCIES. Mp arau"vi"m t T In Half-Huminj ISci
      210 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 711 12 WANTSTUMMUT WMTEO W.iu.l, a two seated Victoria and Horse, ia cool condilijn. Pinnae send offer* under I j Strait* Timt-s. i m PRINTER WANTED. W»nW-l Printer, on* nwd to Warfdale assassin* <>ood salary giv*n to ouui patent man, nod only first claw men need apply Printer, c/o Straits Timea. OPENIN6
      711 words
    • 498 12 WAMTS CHINESE CLERKS WANTED. Wanted, two good Chinese Clerks for Mercantile Office is Kwala Lumpur moat be smart at figures aad general office work. salary to start with 150 per meassn. Apply Knuckle, c o Straits Times. UOl CHINESE CLEM WANTED. Wanted, smart Chinese clerk for Mercantile Office in Klang
      498 words
    • 408 12 TO IE LET W SOLD* loom to in. At Zetland House (Armenian Street). Apply on the premises. ■b COMPOUND HOUBE TO LET. No. 3, Adis Bond, entry from July 1, 1910 Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. HMNU Tl IE LIT. ■o*. il aas M. iMMimi Hbb, Mm
      408 words
    • 755 12 NOTICES. THE SINGAPORE RUBBER CO.. UNITED. (IN LUJI'IDATION). NOTICE. The attention of holder* of unregistered transfers in tbe above Company is called to Section 173 of tbe Companies Ordinance, 18H9, which provide* as follows All traas fers of shares except transfer* made to or "with tbe Kanction of the Liquidators
      755 words
    • 574 12 NOTICEB. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A List of application* for public boose, licences to be considered at the meeting of the Board of Licensing lostioes on Tuesday. June 21st, 1910. may be seen on applioatiou at the Colonial Secretary's Office and at tbe I Government MonopoUss Depaituisst during tlie usual office boors.
      574 words
    • 312 12 Bassawi^^^rtan m naY C. H. Willis 18 NOW DOING BCSINEsr, ON THB FORTHCOMING Kuala Lumpur Races. JULY 5. 7 AND 9. Mo Entry Ho Bet. Straight-out on nil Races. Doubles on any two Races. Treble Event on llacee I, 6, T. Bets made by wire most be col firmed by
      312 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 240 12 Straits TBimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—MisobUaaaous wants of every description are inserted at the prepaid rate of II per too/ linos for one or two insertion*. Nottos* of Births. Marriages, or Deaths, if not Blooding tour lines, II each iasortioa For p.p.c cards, oa page 8, 12. Imcb Scalb Rats* are a*
      240 words