The Straits Times, 9 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.278 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JUNE 9. 1010. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 303 1 0 ft J. IcCtllu's PERFECTION WHISKY. 9ALO6ECK. MAC6REBOR AND GOMPMY. KATZ BROS., LD. Cigarettes. We have just unpacked a fresh Shipment of the following brands LEOPOLD ENGELHAROTS EGYPTIAN. Aatum $I.9OPerloo Necho 2.10 Asrna (Gold or Cork -tipped) 2. SO *****11 ARZT 8 EGYPTIAN. 70 P. in Tins of 60 or
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    • 181 1 Robinson A Co, THE c< Browning" Patent V_3 Automatic Pocket Pistol I As illuetration. -25 OO 3^jii«iailliTff ly^'-ii.T^i-j n V c act on tnjß I'istol is automatic, except T^f/;' #;*gf"**'' that the trigger is palled for firing ea h shot This [I|^^^^^Hp?y?***T^3r- •t^^*->""' pistol can be discharged at the rate
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    • 6 1 Bollinger!p«|l€. CALOBECK. MAC6RE6OR ANU COMPANY.
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  • 907 2 IMPROVED RFSI'LIS ON YEAR'S WObklNU. An Encoort girg Outlook. Tln> ordinary ajaanal mcttioy of the Eaet era Bxteaaina. Ai>rtrala«ia Ml Chiaa Trie graph Comp».j Lin>itrd. ww lwM rarraf y oodrr tbe pr> •i.lency rf Sir I Wolfe Bar'J. K. C ii Tbe fteaeral nj*oa«rr fU V. B Beaw)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 178 2 'VANA' TONIC WINE Keeps the Blood cool in spite of the Heat •Vana 1 Toniw Wine is an ideal invigorator for residents in the Tropics. One or two doi.:s daily strengthen body, brain and nerves, and counteract the fatigue and depression produced by extreme heat. 'Vana' Tonic Wine enriches the
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    • 101 2 LAME SHOULDER Wbetber rennltan^ from a «i»sJn or from rbeamatio paioa, there in uotb'Oi; so good lor a lame ahooMnr at Chauiborlaia'* Pain Balm Apply it Ireelf and rib t c part* vi||. oroosly at each application aad a .jaick core I* certain. Y or aala by all l'iaptnaariea and
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    • 249 2 7%atis fi?AS££&tf£AVEs SINGAPORE SODA WATEI jjnmntTir-^ °5— Q^ CRABBETT PLATE. Hum Friday, Jun* 10. ABCOT STAKES. Run T>u*l,ty. Urn 11. ROYAL HUNT CUP. AM To- Jay, June 14. STABTtae Pbicb Conanaion* Rxiootbo otJ all Pbiucipal Kmun B«c*a. DOUBLES. TRBBLBB. COMBINA TIONS, ■TC. A Weekly hat of probable Sterten, Jockey*. woi«fata.
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    • 429 2 ISMAIL RAHEEM Ol re showing an Uapreeedeatod oolWtioo of a very Urge 71 aaaortmeLt of diamond* of tbe &a*«t water aad oat. J°*a oapaeked and within reasonable prioea. Diamond* wnigbing aod rantnnx frcu. I carat* upwards to *J0 oarata. Pain of diaiuonda for earring, BBjaaaai tc a spedalty. An admirable
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  • 626 3 DEAIHOF E^LASD» GREATEST AbiKUNUMbK. CoaatitaikM Costts. Sir Wilbam liu^iaa, O M., tba (aiuoua, Qua ok Mb) 12. IB hktißljty aoenUi jear. ITnm v* ibavivatory be boilt. ia 1866. at Tub* HUI, *1 itij aa iat ttottuy dtomantkd, d»ouvi bM Lait. bwn made trom him to i<mt
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  • 346 3 A Gcraaa Eagiaccr's Experiment. IHm a fly, bozcian kboat is the interior of »mil, without .1. add to tbc wtight af the pail One would wy, Of oouive do* ye 4 trial abowt tua« it does, altbouKb precise expUoaboa hcdi to be wanting. A Oermao in«iDe>
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 527 3 6. OTOMUNE CO. HANDSOME Presents f Gifts Souvenirs Comprising of Silver ware, SaUuma Ware, Lacquer Ware, Ornaments in Bronze and Antimony, and Art Work of latest Japanese workmanship. IWSPtCTIQK COnDULLY INVITED. PURCHASBB will be paokad oarotnUy by expahaaeed hands to oaaara taw arrival I at lnMiiMw I a. SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT
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    • 44 3 For all internal aaanlsiata, Dywntery, < Vnda, Cold, ate take Woods' Great Paaair esiwt Oar« Chop Ah Siew, Oaaaralßar,aJraraof Ooaa, Bieyelea Bawtag Maohraea, Tjuewiitsta and otbtf llaanraary. Terau II 111 ill 355, VICTORIA STREET If you wish to save money call at Whlt.away'a Every Friday.
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    • 148 3 TEA We do oot claim to have mor* brains than oar competitors, bat we believe it is really to yonr interest to take advantage ol oar forty years ol sacceoßfol tea- blending. BROOKE BOND'S TEA 3old by the feUi wing dealers. Oaaa Chia Hong Co. BbiamsaJi Pakunnaidcn a Co. Tiaa«
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    • 305 3 McKENZiE'S "2| N excellent INDIGESTION n Ail W Til PIT forindigrs"l I H I UllEl tion.wimt.beart- bnrn, a sense Tb» w» bs (<»»« aa txcslltai preparariea far I iMlicastiosaMlUMmmnyunpkaunttymrteaMariaitit Ol fuiiUfSa JlftlT fjora <a* Wn4. Haartburs, P^ia ia lbs Pit ef tht Sto«Mb and ia tht Cac«, aad a amat
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 728 4 STEAMER SAILINGS p. o. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. •ar Chlaa. Japaa. Peaaat. Oeylaa, Aartralla, India, Adea. Btyat, Meilterraaeaa Pet., Ply- ealh aai Laaisa. Through BUI. ot Ladiag leaaed tor Oataa 0 «M, P.reiaa Oalf. Ooattaestal. aai AmoriMo P>rta. Steamon will lea*. Singapore oa or abool MAIL LINES. OaraMrd (/or Ckeaal Delta
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    • 593 4 BTE/>Ki gMinWS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. A ratrolar tortninbtly asrvtee ia a»iaUßw«l between JAPAN Jo BUROPB by tbe Company't wcU-ka«wa TWIMCIIW ITIAIIII, aader Mail Contraot wttb tbe Imperial JapaaeeeOorernmeat, opt tit Hy iintbrawd lor tte Oompaay. Bnropeaa Serrioe, lighted tbrooffboat by Bloekiinity, provided with excellent aoeommodatioa lor First
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    • 555 4 WEAK! SAILIKH HAMBURG AMERIKA URL HAHIHRB. Tb. Mitrain of Mil. O-mipaay njaratoia a regaiar earvtot betweea Hamburg, Brem», Aatwara, aai Rotterdam, aad Mm Strati* Okina aad Japaa 80-aeward.. tkey an deepatobed f utaajkbii f >r Havn aad Hamborg aad nae. a moalh tot Bnmerkavea itnet, aaUiag M Paaaag aad 0
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    • 725 4 STEAK! SAILIftS. N. D. L. Norddoutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIRE Tke fait aad weO-kaowa mail n**ia o< umi Oompaay mil fortelghry from Bta Hamhorg. via Rotterdam. Aatwerp. Boatkaesr tea. Gibraltar, Otaoa. NapU. MarwUlee, Haplat. AleuaAria. aad vie* Mm Port Bald. Ho*.. Adea. Oatoatbo. Peaaag Hlaaipnr*, Hoagkosg Bkaagkal. Bagaaaki
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  • 158 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, Juim q. Biab Wit* OJ p.m., 11.6 p.m Philharmonic nrobcntr». 6. football 4ooci*tioa I C. C. P«tilioo 6.15. Albambra Cinematograph. Htnmt Cinematograph. Mariboroagb CiMmatuKTanti Prtday. June 10. UiCta Wuer 0 s'.' p.m.. II 47 p.m N. D. L ootward iu«il doe. Sipi»a Tin L j
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  • 340 5 ToDit. MTPaaaiig aad Madna. taking muli (or Earap* •><•.., ri» Bombay l»rob« J pm I aiiaoak Bw lotx jU pm Itata Paba* Sri Woagn I pm riiuf ud Calcutta Orvgo-y »P"»* P" 1 Bagan C. Bock Kirn 4pm Baton*. Chanbon »nJ Bamaraatf Oiantf Seng 4 pa Mfca**
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  • 261 5 Latest irrlvali ,G Ni Yaobt, VO too*. 4» or. w Wb p Com Colemao. Jui«l From Paaaog. Jul. f. U-Bd*. Bui».«.. Brit m ton*. Captain Daaoon. Joer7. From P. Sambo*. Jan* I. Oil Aswtio Pelroloani Co. For bhaogbai. Jum Palo Bukom. Hrn L«oh;. Bril air Hi t:*>«. Cant
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  • 91 5 WharvM at which V«wcU arc Ben had -Diy. TAHJOHO PAOAB E W Bun-Nil. B. W. Samoa I— C»lyp»o. P«™». T» hi IIOM W«*m»-B«o Whatt Hid U. W. Samoa O«jory Apcar »-Toia». «-t)aMa*Bickni«n. »-Outt>xi. 6-Ond«.J'ub\V Lmooh lXxn 7— 4oate ooo^ruolioii I W. Wiui i-N
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  • 40 5 Arrivals. Pat «le« nit L*dy WaM, Juaa 0 Kroat Xaltooa Mr*. Bwbby, Hewn. Collia* Dal; [>»rby, KiKly, Tb M»«w^l. Cattarid«e. Par Maaiow Hy« U.,og Juna 9-Froen KwmnUa via porto: II W. Bra;, N. T. Gray, ■in Trnaip.
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  • 336 5 l'er N.D.L. rtaa nwir Boon, doe Judo 10.Mr. Stanley Cur, Mr. Cb. W» Her. Mi. and Mrf. E. A Brown Mn A. Moetor. C»pt MuUcmiMD. Mr. Theodor N. nffar, Mr H. L 1! .igtiioii, Mr Juiiao Fraakel and family. M-. r Smith Mr. L. D. Borchell, Mr.
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  • 360 5 Singapore, Jane 8. Pucn Akticlb» I c Beuu, Long l»« o»t»y) OM (do.) Freacb (do.) a 0 B«4 Ste»i (do.) 0 7 Bc*n Sprouta (p« Ortty) 0«* Bunboo tiproufc. (do.) OW BUahMi (da) 0.1J BnnialH (da) 0^06 C«bbM», ltetavi* (do.) U.ue ida) CbiM (da) ail (da) S^twl
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  • 44 5 Ti— >«lh oa Fort Cuiiif ud Mow* fwkm drop d*il T at 1 p.m.. ffliffnw ■tooted Urn, eomMdtag to «J«. Htm* wUMMIiM. Th» H— mi iaftrad IS ooiook doo«, taiMinMt nto^inw «tudtrd toae. oa Mn 4m imiMni ««<kf. whM M to tea* «i «w
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  • 228 5 Finance Commerce. KXOHAMOC Sixoatou, Jen 0 1910 On London— hUk 4 m/i |/4| D«mud 14/, P.iTftt* 6 mi 1/4 1 do 2«» i Or gfiwtiy Bw> d/d MO Private 344 do ami M6i On Franc*— Bank d/d 396 Pihate I M»t do BO«i On /iUm— BMk T. T. IT4| NnkKi/i
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    • 166 5 IM 3 Vata*. C 10 10 Bate! Tin 10 10 Brotag 10 10 Bnnefa Hyd 10 10 EABkboi 41 41 KioteTin «1 41 KWkUokTid 0 10 KoortM Tio 41 41 LahftlMiae* XI to MftWya awl Sum 10 10 MkIMM Tid v- p«ii»im Comoi 11 iX PMRkAlaa 41 41 PoaiDg
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    • 544 5 :»ioe. S. Bayari teller*. >/. Alla«*r 6/9 8 6 H- 8/. Anglo-Malty 166 1.7.6 I/. 1/6 BUU( Mtlak* 8 6 4/6 41 il BtlnCiTti 14.100 160.0 41 41 Bkta Ti«k 4 15.0 6.1.6 41 41 Bakit K»)MH( 8 0.0 8.7.0 41 10/ Cootnbolory i.10.0 3.13 6pm 41 41 Bakit
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    • 105 5 V»lTe 2 10 10 KMtom Smeltimi 10 7 a SO 60 Fmett Nmk 100 Howmrth Bnktee 100 7% Prat 100 100 iUUBro. Det 100 100 B% Cum Prat 10 10 M.yaard Co. Bayen. Mian 1160 7.f10 8.00 JUO.OO JlO.OO MOO 60.00 90.00 9950 120.U0 com. iwm a Valre buyw
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    • 42 5 Bayer*. 8*Um. HawMtb BnkiM6% UDOJOOO pM Ri ej. Hw KfM*«e% ISMJOO 1% IlneTwij. X88O.0O0 uai(»ll% *****^)00 •oat. Bvyan. SaUan. Wfapnn If a- M of 'W 41,800,000 6% T% pr*. Wfy^Me. wotpfcl alltea «1W),OOO T%pn Ihwiri Ma BM)ip*l JSOSJOO m T% dit
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 7 5 Remnants, Oddments and Bargain* at Whlteaway's Every
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    • 193 5 QARRIOK COARSE-CUT. l lb> Kj^GAAM Pric e Patent ?sff^Hß|iifrei 90 cts. Air-Tight Tine. I^ISHS^SI Pef tiU< OBTAINABLE AT: John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson 6 Co. SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Work., Ltd. AND CO., LTD. HEAD OFFIGE3 BRANCH Off ICEB C«xta>a Boom, Wartmiutat 1, 3, 4 and 6, WiiohMti Hoaae,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 153 5 WEATHER REPORT. Caadaac Karfaao Hoapital. June T. It. I. 1 1. m. •t. Buntu. Bu. nrik ».> Tamp M.i 0 »1 0 HU. W«*BnlbTh«r T»-» I 79 0 Ht Dir o< Wind NE. B.C. cairn Max. Temp M.I m%. wo Mai. la Bu 1*7.1 T««ad.Taar..l M.( TW fottovlM ttlagrvn
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  • 1032 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, JUKE 9. NEGLECTED DIGNITARIES. We have been grtcvnd to bear within the last day or two Uiat tba inoaioioality of Singapore is (solia* neglected beeaoaa we have not honoured it with comment in theae oolamnH. It goes on iv good old way, how ever, whether we
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  • 12 6 H.M 8 Watorwitob is expecVd to atriv* shortly at Port S wetaanham.
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  • 25 6 Note for tba municipal sanitary depart meat The dead dog baa goaa, bat there h a fellow of bia lyiag on tba Taajewg Katnog road.
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  • 45 6 The dale prescribed tar tba holding of a ooort of a judicial rnmmiaaioasi ia Koala Lumpur aad Harem baa, during June bas been altered bom Monday, June ft, to Friday June 10. for Koala Lumpur, and to Monday June 18. far Hir—baa. respeoti vel j.
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  • 55 6 A Chinamaa aamsd Taa Soon Swat arrived at Newtoa Road Station from Coeob oaToaaday with 1710 ia hi* belt. He took a ricksha oa leaving the station When near the filter beds ia Sak* TWh Boad. be wa. set upon by three men and robbed. Hi* assailants, it appears, had
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  • 75 6 Oordius Nielsen was plaiotiff aad W. J. Hadlev of the Imperial aMui'isse eaetoaja was dofeadant in a rait returnable. Hay 10, at H B. at. supreme court, Shanghai. Plain tiff chums Tls. 13,630 daaiagts for breach of ooatraol ia failing to daiivar M aharaa ia the plaintiff to defeadaot. His
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  • 26 6 From Semaraog were reported, on May 80 M raves of cholera, of which 11 were fatal, including an Buiopoau, Mr. .1 Siamktrg, employee of Messrs. Macneill.
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  • 29 6 The output of dean ore from the Kinta Association Ltd for the month of May win a* follow* -Tribute 1.101 picuU Mirw WX) ptcula. a total of 1,401 piculs.
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  • 29 6 Tbe Wayang Kaasim are pi-rforming to night for tbe benefit of th-- sctom and actresMos. the play to b. ntsgmi briiiK faeiah De W L lf,a n«w Dutoh drama-
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  • 38 6 The boya in our schools cannot all be clerks getting a dustman's a ty aad baring to dress like a lord, was a declaration made by Mr. C. Djnkley at the qiarterly meeting of tbe Nortaamptooahire Couaty Coancil.
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  • 34 6 Lord M irley bas sanctioned special pen sions, totalling £iHO par annum, for the widow of Mr. Jackson, the oolkctor who waa murdered at Nasik, and oae of £110 per annum for bis mother.
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  • 43 6 Tbe ■uperinteadeat posti and telegraph*, F. M. S., has issued aa order that all tbe Ipoh darks under bis control must take quinine every other day. It ia said that tbe order has been issued becauM of the frojuont abwno-. tlircinh i.iiyvd blbwMbl
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  • 47 6 Two days ago tbe key of toe safe at the Ueaeral Hospital went misaiag. Yesterday a new key who procured, but when tbe safe was opened it was discovered that 127 i had been abstracted in the interval No trace bas yet bean found of tbe culprit
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  • 53 6 The Malay Mail says -We are informrd that Port HweMeobam is just now troubled with a plague of flies. Our informant pro sumus it is doe to rnbbisii being dumptd at a swampy spot near the P.W D nnolie lino* and hopes the sanitary board, Klaog, will take ttaps to
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  • 56 6 St Qtooon of six months batd Übour was imputed on a Chinese ooolie by Mr. Wolfem tan, first magistrate, for br><akiug into a godomn belonging to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Uoard uod stealing bra»h Hltiogs to tbe value if 17a. He had gained acoes» to the godowu by crawling under
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  • 63 6 Z -ppelio's first pass eager airship will be oompl. t»l »hortlv- It ia 1M metres long 14 broad, bas a 1 W.OOO cubic metres gas capacity, has three motors, is of M 0 horsepower, bas a •peed of r>7 kilometres an hour, and can carry •J-i paaaeaaars aad eight machinist*.
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  • 74 6 The BalleMa Commercial ;BroaMl«l of April BJ. r ports that a pcujcca>i* oa (o-jt Kw Hie c mstrnottoa Ota pdH at Soirabaya, at tbe m wth o? tba rirer K«limaa (Java). The oost of the work is estimated at 10.000.000 guldin (£88.SOOO). The scheme ba< the Mipport of the Commorioal
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  • 87 6 A Chinaman ooefioed ia she civil prisoa made a dstonaiauit effjrt to ooramit koioide oa Tuesday by tying one sad of bis bajo roand his neck aod the other aad round a bar. Fortunately, a warder discovered him and out him down ia time. Brought before the third magistrate, yesterday,
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  • 93 6 In the mariae court, before Lieqt. Cator. ■ix Chiasse (saw mill owners and timber merchant*) ware sammoaed for blocking the Kochor River by loir of timber. Tbe defeadant» wrre fuuad guilty, four bnini; fined 110 each and tbe other two 1 16 and %i, respectively. Two twakowiT oooUds were fined
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  • 92 6 Oa the arrival at Dover, on May 11, of the Second Division of the Atlantic Battle Fleet fruiu Norway, particulars were obtained < f an accident on the battleship Locdin, U< flagship ul Admiral Keppel, which nail delayed the return home It ia stated thai tba ship's high pressure cylinder
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  • 97 6 Mr. Wada, chief exbibitioa oommisoiooc r at London, wired to Tokio that May 16, being a holiday, visitors to the Anglo .Japan. K thibition from the city an well as trcm I lie country rmobsd aa eeurmout. number, aod the main aad other Rates bad to be closed to avoid
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  • 127 6 It appears that a eolama aad impreanvt■—orial ssrriee, ia boaoor of the memory of tbe Uu Kin* Bdward VII, was bald oat aide the Baa* Gate, Kukdaa, a* mhush Viaeroy Ha with ha staff, the Oea-uW Raprtssataamaand all the BrMiah rreideaU of that <a»y ware preaaat. Hi* Bioei laawv Ktood
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  • 417 6 Uwn C. Healy »od P. W Psrslaeoo have goae Lome from Selaogor Mr <>Id 3 Pertilc. of M.»«rn IVitile ltd Co is ca a bounces visit to Iputi Lieut. Masmillan left Peoang on June s>. for Lome to rejoin bis regiment. Mr. Cczoa, ioapector of n.ines. Ipper
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  • 87 6 A fight that haw ended tragically took plaro in Pagoda Street la* night baweea two young Chinaman. One of tl lubatanta was so badly hurt that at In I to be removed to hospital while hi* adversary was arrestvd and chart; ti with can«ini{ i^rievou* hurt. I
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  • 107 6 An interesting ceremony w*-. uiioewed ia tbe districtooort today. A Km la coo tractor waa suod by another Hindu for IW ri tor work alleged to hare been dnnp by plain tiff, but uVfendaot laaawi liability. Mr. Wolftmtan aitked dif.ndaot ii hi' would take the oath in
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  • 151 6 The Perak Pioneer of June 6, says -Th« mail train, thin morning, brought Mr. H L. Mullin« fr mi Ivoang to relieve Uw genial and popular Mr Ambit r. a* agent of the local branch of tli<- t 'iiark-rrd Hank. While wel coming the stranger in our
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  • 127 6 Ui<n K. A. Miwiij return* d to Hjagkoeg on May 80. Whilst id England |k5 Nortti I'liiim l>aily Now., M,.« Mi« has iaaa«'irated a ooenpanT tor the ••xtenuoa of marine motorola* to reptaoe tag tot all uisaoer of email orafl, eitlwr Uiueh, lighter, junk or aampta. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 172 7 PROBABLE COHPROtIISE ON VETO QUESTION. o*d Ronbc'y Perseveres with Hs Resolutions. UcTxai TiuoitM.) London, June 9 Mr A alt r I ..og, *raakwg at a tariff re form luncheon, said Uitt from tbe shadow of mourning mi^ht emerge a settlement ot political difficn tie* Theoppositon was ready
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  • 25 7 Death Roll Will Exceed Forty or Fifty. Ha eras 1 Tblmbab.) London. June 8 The Italian earthquake deatbroll will ai»ed 40 or 50
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  • 40 7 iKaoTM's lßLaea*aj London, June W. A Vienna me»sage states that the keel has been laid of the Drat Dreadnought, privately. at tba building yard iv Trieste. It is expected that a seoood will be laid down ia September.
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  • 39 7 Kslibs TaLaaa*M.| London, June 8 King <teorge baa honoured the soldiers wtio took pm t 10 the King Kdward funeral in tba aaBM niuaner aa be bad already honoured the eailuo. It was a stately oeremony
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  • 35 7 (KauTaa TsLaeaaa.j Londou, June M 10b n «ul*Uoo bas arisen oa tbe fact that Mr O'Connor thrice visited Downing Strict yesterday. Mr. Asquith and Lord Crew* had audienona wilh tbe King last night.
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  • 20 7 [Us* OMasiansuaa Llotd Tamsiia) Berlin. Jane The wedding bat taken place of Prii.ce Krederick VMnaj and Priaossa Batiaor
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  • 17 7 ;Dsa Usrasuris) Llovu Xsta<n>a| Berua, June H Coant /-ip-iion visit t>> Vienna bas been deterred
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  • 27 7 I Dm ii-icinNHr LinL Tbix<)Bax 1. jJou Juue H Heavy lo«ct, due to baiUtjrma, are. repoit edtrooi oectial (iormaoy. There Lave been great thuniiemtorma also.
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  • 16 7 iDas'JsTAauriscas Lloyd Tsksaaia Berlin, JuasH Tbe Kali Syndicate ha* been prolongod until IWI J
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  • 23 7 (L>»» OntiAn*mm Lloyd Tnna«ii.| BerUn, June laJaaa aa4 July the Csar and his family will cruise 01. the Baltic coast.
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  • 23 7 (Daa OaTaaunaoaa Lloyd Tntaama.| Burba, June 8 The two huadredtli anniversary of the inaorporatioa of Riga is abuit to be oelebrated.
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  • 56 7 The caw ooumieaeed oo May 37. before the district augistrate of Aiirore. of the toi lowie. aocuseJ, rt »rg»d wiui taujperiag with the loyalty of luo 10:h Jatf, Itamchuader MaiU. Poddoioohan Das, Sorboug Sunder, Kotal Uaridas Das, Moaayial Dolt, and as otbar. Witnesses wan aiamiaofi aad tha
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  • 135 7 Sl.m-Kedah Exploration Compsny's I'ptloa. .Faoa Ooi Own Coaaaarowoan.) Penang, June 8 Mr Kha w 100 Tok a director of the Siam Ktdah Kxploratfon Company, has raaaived s oable from tbe company* manager. Mr Percy Cook, bow at Melbourne, stating that tbe .jaw. near Tambun. over which the
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  • 912 7 Planitrs Outside the Peninsula to Be Invited. The. r nance aad General Purposes Com miMte of tbe forthcoming Agri Multicultural dhow met at the Exchange yesterday evening to disenam d tbe adviaability of permitting certain plaaters in Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Indo China lo send to
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  • 586 7 HIS EXCELLENCY AND THE Mtlh LOIVJL An Authoritative Statement j Hi* Excellency the Governor, Sir John Andersen, u.>.m v., returned from Peaang in t)M Oovanneot yacbt Saasoew, this morning. As bas already baaa indicated .in thi* paper tue special object of Hi* Bxoalknry* journey north was 10
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  • 179 7 In ooasequenct of the progress of the army re-organiaatioa of China the troops of foreiga Powers itatioasd in North China are being gradually withdrawn. Aaaotdiag to toe latest inveetifatioaa of the Military authorities the present forces of tha troops of various nawoaals stationed in North
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  • 940 7 A COMPANY WHICH ANTICIPATES GREAT FUTURE. Mieliog of Shareholders The ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Golconda Malay Rubber Com pany, Limited, was held on May 10, in London. Mr. Gilbert F. Traill presiding. The chairman, ia the oourse of bis remarks, said The year's
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  • 145 7 During the month of April there ware 144 deaths at Koala Lumpur. The aum bar of death* among the resident popula tion was 106, giving a true death rate of 94.79 par mille. The crude death-rate for the month wm 85 04. For the oorreapoad ing
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  • 580 7 Details of Estates and Prospective Yields. The statutory meeting of the Mount Austin (Johore) Rubber dilates. Limited, wx bold at St Michael's Hector*, Corahill, Louden, 8.C., on May 7. Mr O M. Ouodw Moul pwfataa The chairman taiil Ai yoa Me aware, this statutory meeting U
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  • 383 7 Short-handedness of the Staff at Penan*. A correspondent writes to the Pining Gazette on the xubjoct of the dearth ol medico* in the northern settlement. Ho points out that, about May 4, Dr. F. C. Fraaci*. deputy registrar of deaths, mtt with an aocidrnt and wa* placed
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  • 130 7 Under the supervision of expert aaval officers, experiaMals of a highly character have been ia progress in Berlin with a modal af a aew type of saanarina, the chief feature of which appear* to be the ■baiirloaroeat of the oigai abape in uuastrac two for aa almost
    130 words
  • 91 7 REFERS TO HIS STRICTURES IN GUILDHALL SPEECH Not Pleasant but Sayabie by Sincere Frknd. hsCTS. 'llLI,»I London. June 8. Mr. Roosevelt, addressing the American Club at Oxford, referred to his Ooild Hall speech about Egypt. Perhaps what be said I was not altogether pltaaant. but it wa* only
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  • 607 7 Sir William Botler and Professor Goldwlo Smith Hi .in BLaeaaa London. June 8. Obituaries are published of Oeneral Sir Wm. Butler, and of Protestor Gold win Smith, who died at Toronto, nnuxptrfedly Sir William Butler's record m Who s Who reads an folio wp Butler, Sir William Krancia. cr.
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  • 87 7 Subscription List of New Dollar Flotation Opened. (Faoa Oca On CoaaaaronDarr). Kuala Lumpur, Jane 0 The K«ms-n- list opens today and oloses oo Tuesday. The capital I* 1290,000, divided into 12 shares, of which 80.290 are offured to the public, 60 oonta being payable on apyhoa won and
    87 words
  • 35 7 Tne Robber Batata* of Kriao Ltd Msy crop i. U&n las. Our Kuala Lumpur correspoaoVnt wires the following May crops:— Songei Msy s Ml lbs. North Hummock 6,189 lbs., and CastWacklB,oat) las.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 223 8 Tha itisMn of tbe Singapore FoHball Annotation to held this evening, at 6.1 J, in tbe 8. C. C. pavilion. Arrangemente will be ■jade for tha next cop sompetrtion Tbe soccer match fixad for thin afternoon -8. 0. C. v. R B.— baa fallen through as mly
      223 words
    • 223 8 AeUntor Turf Club. Ata 'pwiai Beoeral meeting oi tbe Balaagiw Turf Ciub held IM F.ilav it waa decided that raeaa 6 and 0 on too first day. aad rac« 8 on the third day. »hoold read aa follows lUc« 6. Fiui Uay. Tbe AmpaoK Stake*. Vaioe 12 0.
      223 words
    • 225 8 Straits Chln«*e Recreation Club. Tbe annual tennia tournament in conneetioa with thia dub ommeeeia on Monday, tbe 18ib iaat Pl<y <ra wdl uo"« that a table uf fixtures for each round will be p wted op oo tho notice biard twenty foor lioarkvfore play. Cards notifying theordorof pity
      225 words
  • 151 8 Countess Refuses to Attend the Court. Constant Taraowaka refused tc attend tbe hearing of the trial at Vaoioe, oa May IS, oa tbe pretext of being ill. but tbe prison doctor refused to certify that tbe coaoteea waa nnaola to leave ht-r bed. The president of the
    151 words
  • 72 8 The gun boats Wheeling aad Petrel, oa tbe I'acific coaat, have been ordered to proceed to tbe Portamoath Navy Yard, says a Washington despatch dated May 4. The trip wili be made by ws* of the Sue* Caaai aad will enquire about three or (oor
    72 words
  • 402 8 Sone Facts Coocerelag the Causes 01 the Disease. The subject of leprosy ia unfortunately one not without ieten at to tho inbabiunw. of Malay a, obaarTea tbr I'.oaDK Uasatte. Tb» Madras Mail, In a recent iason poaUshtd aa arttole, over a oolatna in leugtti. on tbe
    402 words
  • 326 8 To Tiait tbe Ideal Home EiUibition at Oljrmpi* withoat npaciag a b» f hour for tbe Tudor Village, wish ila curious minKhag ot tbe old aad tbe new, would be to mias a pliawnt relief bom the long suooeaaioa of -xhibiu hasriag the stamp of
    326 words
  • 119 8 Thefeatore of UMadjUg meeting at Lyons, ob May 9, waa a owiug fl gui by M. Panlbaa made late in the day. Stofcdilj and rapidly bo rose ia sweeping apuaia natil ha waa at laaat 1,U«) liiat hgb His mother was very anxioua lor bia aat»wy,
    119 words
  • 85 8 Mr. D'Bynoort at OUrkeowelJ, obaarred to a woman ooa'ged with dronkenneas To* gi>e your age a-> 89 U«saadaat: W. 11, yes Mr. b'Bjoooart: too gtre it at 46 a taw days a«o Dtf.odsnt: Did I? Mr. D'Syaooort: What is you oorreot afln. Dilmiaut: lam 48. lotfwotor Woaa
    85 words
  • 61 8 The eeoretanr of the FMmk Chambet of Muea toniabea the feUowisf ootpata of aJaM dry on, tor tbe month ot May, from Oopaag Tin Miaiag OoUd 0W pießlaN«v OoMBg. Ltd. »0 Teaka, Lid. TOO BMbntea, Ltd. 490 B pott b Miaea, Ltd. 400 PMu.gßoaraMuKie.Lid «T8
    61 words
  • 1089 8 Pricei Quoted ia tbe Market Tkli Momloj. Sinp*Fora, Mh Jium, 1910. HMsn Lyall aaid BraM. Bietoange and 4hare Brokera. iseoe the following lie* of lootatioaa thia morning 3/- AUajcar 5,9 0 8 Opttoa* 8/- 41 An»{lo Jofaore 16- pd 8/6 -Upm 3/ Anglo Malay 28/- 38 0
    1,089 words
  • 137 8 Tbf Kaiser Wilbelm 11. aailtJ Im Europe from New York on May M with a r> m irkabU cargo of culobntie*. and a crowd of more than Qvo Uioutand poop! bid tbem I boo voysge. Tbe eompaay luolu led Camao and i m<tny metropuiitan grand opera atar«
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 48 8 S. uheo Watsreealk. oor milkaMn. laaaviaalaJtbatUki Cloth a bia oo<*s ia rn^a. does Baaaaa, L» st the raia mitrbt spoil the oilk t Oao- be *MI half ao boaaat. And tha nvlk wa« far front para Be aaHha, a» hfa nimwaJai 4VltaW^q M9l lV VrH^ al Oa n
      48 words
    • 306 8 LATEST ADVERriSBMBNTS. NOTICE. Ml THE GOODS OF CHIN SIT KEON6. OECEASEO. Purauant to Tbe CoavcyaaeinK aad Law ot Property U.-diaaaoo, 1885," Sec lion 4e NOTICB ia hereby given that ail ertditors aad other persons baviog aay claiaas or demand* a^ain«t tbe itttte ufCUAN SIT KEOMO. late uf Malaet t, dooaaaad.
      306 words
    • 395 8 S.Moutrie&Co UMITED. THE ARCADE. Vocal Scores. Our Miss Gibbs The Merry Widow The Arcadians. Selection. Our Miss Gibbs. Valse. Our Miss Gibbs. Song. Yip-I-addy-I-ay. Two Step. Yip-I-addy-I-ay. ME STAR OPERA GO. AT us THEATRE ROYAL, North Brid#» itoad. TO-NIGHT. NO PERFORMANCE. F»e Wilielioi Theatrical Go Will perform to nujht, in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 473 9 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RUBBER EBTATE FOR SALE Apply C, c/o Straits Tinea. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE. Good Locality. Terms Moderate. Apply X., o Straiu Times. 1214 LANCASHIRE BMER FOR SALE. Kor Rale, oor Lancashire Boiler, English madn, in exc«-lli Dt condition; length 28', dia I H. 1 lieenee for HO
      473 words
    • 430 9 A. W. Tully AND CO. 33. RAFFLEB PLACE, SINGAPORE. BOOK OPEN ON Selangor Meeting, Ibt Day, Jilt 6th, 1910. Double Events Racea 3ft4. 3 7. AND4 ft 7. Treble Event 2000 to 30 Races 3, 4. Q d 7 2000 TO 30 eUjraphu Atldreu TULLY. SINGAPORE Telephone B3S. STEAMER BAILIH6B.
      430 words
    • 549 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tbjb itnmiri of late Company ntMdi a nnhw nweet ssrrto* ssrwesa Oaleetta. BbralV, llpaglnng. Hksagkn aad Japan, laaaaf *art in baroegb BUM of Lading tor OaMon, Bwsso*. Amoy, Onafoo. Tttntsm. Rswebwaeg, Tsngtss* Ports, Fcrmoss. th* Piblbiliii. Itltllfli Tons Oosßmaai<*r (nuw MM H. O.
      549 words
    • 622 9 BTEAHa 8/UUHCB. C. P. R CANADIAN PACinC RAILWAY COMPANY 8 ROYAL MAIL BTEAMBHIP LINE ms NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB TU CHINA, JAPAN. CANADA AND THI UNITED STATES Roote from Hongkong ria Bbainghai Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancoarer. R.M.B Evpanssor Ivdu Twin sere w steam
      622 words
    • 236 9 Proprietor: J. CARAPIBT. Taursosm No. »a THE BEST FOOD AHD THE BEST BAUD. Qmmmt Might Dimmer Every Smturdmy. Tb Oroheektn can accept eneeevnieots lint a use 8 and T o'clock and after 9 p.m. MOT A BEME. 4jiiiiV'inl wT^ STAiDEnTSai?Ww«ii|yfHHonitAi IlfiCC "SLEDGE* BRAMD j j MVGIENIC SWISS M' lK TJTilb'
      236 words

  • 461 10 INTERESTING FACTS OF FORMER REIGNS. king Edward's Insurance King Edward tera isated his reign on a Friday, as four other Eacii*h sovereigns have dooe. Qiieeu Victoria began and t ndtd lier rtign oa a 'lv. aday. as also did roar other Mtveieigae. Five died on a Sunday six
    461 words
  • 151 10 Ki\s more of the Paoifk Mail tMtamsbip Company's Orients, liners will be equipped wisri tailed Wir> li as tplrgrsph instrnmt-cts at ocr. according to information givtn oat at the offioes of the United Wirelra* Telegraph Compsay, sa>s the Ticoma Ledger. The rtsu U to be«qni|pid sre the Ctiaa,
    151 words
  • 106 10 la reference to the srrioos ebaroes of bribery pn (erred agaiavt some mrmbars of the Calcutta fire brigade in coooert.on with the recent Nimtnssih timber ooofl.gratioD says toe Englishman, orders hsve been iMned by the Governmeat of Bengal calling opon Soperin«end^f«t Haaltais. of the Reserve Force,
    106 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 428 10 INSUMWOL GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. dead Offlct Wittckester Hmuc, 9INQAPORB. Board off DlroMtOfoj 1 a, A. Daaaica, Bsq., Chairman. A. H. Fata, Bsq., Maaagiag Directoi. Paras Fowua, m.b., cb., Chief Med. Officer. AB. Asaus. Bag., Rev. N. J. Ooovaaom. 9. M. BtuoT. Bsq. Oao Boob Taa, Bsq. j
      428 words
    • 434 10 INBUIAIICL THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Msad OfUca— iaA, CaortM KoAd. ShanrhaL rtinlitml aadat the LMs Assoraoee Jompaaisa Aots, Bnglaad. aad aaaer she Uongkoag Ordinances. Boaas ot Diaacroasi iUiuiW m«ljwl |m OBairaaaa Lee Tang Ba, Baa., O. Btepharms. Baa., J. H. McMichael, Bsq C. R. Barkill, Bsq., J.A,
      434 words
    • 437 10 BAMKIIIB. •BARTERED MNK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AMD CHINA JK3OBPORAT*D BT BOTAL OHABTBB. r«ii as Oapttsl n 00,000 Bbano at OOasab AU.100.000 jiinil raa^ M 1.000.000. 000.000 BABKBBB. H&Ms^bbbbbl BBBsbbbbbT aTaf nVasBBBBBSBBaBBnt (■a BBMiM OHy a) Mloaaas Baak. Bsf BOIOAFOBB BRAJICH. ■»W™ bbbl skBaBTBTah P*»* BBBTaBIUn QB Ibbbw sbbbbllJ aaaass §mi
      437 words
    • 101 10 BCWaIE Of A CQU6H. Now is tba tun* to get rid of that ooo|<b, lor if yu let it hang oa, ao oae oan tell what Mm tad may be. others bave bseaeartd of their eoagbs wry qoirkly by uaing Chamberlais's Coogb Remt-dy. why not you T Try it sad
      101 words
    • 814 10 BALE 3 BY AUCTION. THE ROYAL HOTEL, UPPER SERANGOON ROAD. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Teak Furniture, Billiard Tables Hotel Appointments. MESBR.S. 11. L COOHLAN A CO., HAVK I'.BCKIV ED IXsTltf CTIONs T.i SBLL BY AICTION. On Saturday. June It, mt Ipm. The whole of the Hotel Apowolmoot- cmori«int{ T«o
      814 words

  • 730 11 MOTORS MOTORING. GASOLINE ENGINE IN CHINESE MM A Saccessfal Experineit. Several month* ago tbe America* o-ioaal. Jik «a U. Arnold. ofAmoy. reported oa aa expenm<nt of placing a R»«kline eoginr in a nativ< Chinese atuipaa there, the reaoils of which be now 'I acribea: The tampan i> a :!*t bottom
    730 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 333 11 NEW 15.9 HP. The WAW OFFICE had 120 different Types of Cars to Choose from. They Selected STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car is Dim to Arvtv* next Month. Fall ptrtic Jars of which eaa bo bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE DAY
      333 words
    • 100 11 JUST WHU YJU NcEO Yoar tooffoe ia eoatad. V >ur Wreath is tool. Headaches onm aad go. These symptoms show that yoar stomach is tbe trouble To remove tfc- oaaw is the drst thiac, aad Cbamberlatn'» St. m«ch aad Livor Tablet* will do that. Baoy to take and mo effective.
      100 words
    • 316 11 COMPLETE AND QUICKEST RECOVERY GUARANTEED. Against Asthma, Cough, Consumption and ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE CHEST, THROAT, AND LUNGS t% POUMOFOB f r ELIXIR ANTI-ABTHMATIQUE PULMONAIRE b» DR SAUL BERNARD msm m This excellent and energetic preparation is based g «/^H fl^jL, on t Qe Istest bacteriologic experiences. In use t
      316 words
    • 176 11 rUSHUN COAL^ The Best Steaminv; Coal in the Far East. 1-HBBH STOCKS always oa hand AIITIMIT 9AAA TAIIO 1^ OUTPUT 3000 TORB ae,*****" per day. ■»aia« MraaTaiai: South Manchuria Railway Co., ID-A-HR/HJUSr. Tel. address "Maatetea." Codes: A.B.C. sth Bd., A.I. and IJeber's. MITSUI BUSStN KAISHA. LD. HIGH-CLASS UNDERTAKING. ALBBBT L.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 655 12 WANTSTURSHIT WMTTEO. Wanted, a two mated Victoria and Hone, in good condition. Pl<<ase send offers under U. K C. c 0 Straits Times. MM BOILER WANTED. Wanted second-hand 10 to li hone power fcoilvr in good oondition. Apply Malarco, c o Btra>t* Times. MM TYPIST WANTEO. Wanted, nual Bed typist
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    • 520 12 WMTB CHINESE CLERKS WUHTEO Wanted, two good Chinese Clerks for I Mercantile Offioa in Kwala Lumpur mu*t be smart at figures and g> neral omoe work. Salary to start with $50 per menaea. Apply Knuckle, c o Strait* Times. MM CHINESE CLERK WANTED. Wanted, smart Chinese clerk for Mercantile Office
      520 words
    • 481 12 Tl BE LET H SOLD. ROOMS TO LET At Zetland House (Armenian Street I Apply oo the pr—iim, MM COMPOUND HOUBE TO LET. No. S. Adi* Road, entry from July 1, 1010. Apply to P. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. ■ss. llsH H, *a*MM»aa Hbb, bwvm Vsllsv Boat. Apvry to
      481 words
    • 638 12 NOTICES, THE LAHAT MINES. LTD DIVIDEND NO. 1 A Dividend of 9d. per share ha* been declared payable in London, oa the 14th of Jane, and will be paid to local shareholders ss soon as the roistered Hat of shareholders oa that date, is received from the London Office, A.
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    • 731 12 NOTICES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NOTICE. A Special General Meeting cf tbe membrrs of tbe Singapore Sporting Club will be held In tbe Exchange oa Wednesday, the 15th instant, at 60 clock p.m. BUSINESS. To consider the Report of tbe Building Committee as submitted to Members of tbe Club. Resolutions will
      731 words
    • 791 12 NOTICEB. MUNICIPAL NOTICE A Secretary is rt quired by th. Commissioner* of tbe Town mi I .rt ol Malacca. Salaiy XB5O. riaiB XtK t annual ioeremenu of atstfaVMl transport allowance. Security in <OCto be given. Applications stating ig*. Ex, Dr n J tbe earliest date en which th. ifpliiaDtis |>n>paird
      791 words