The Straits Times, 8 June 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.277 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8. 1910. PUICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 159 1 D. ft J. McCtllND'S PERFECTION WHISKY. •ALDBECK. MACCRE6OR ANO COMPANY t KATZ BROS., LD. Cigarettes. We have just unpacked a fresh Shipment ol the following brands LEOPOLD ENGELHARDT 8 EGYPTIAN. Autum 1.90 Per 100 Necho 2.10 Asma (Gold or Cork-tipped) 230 SIMON ARZT S EGYPTIAN 70 P. in Tins ol
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    • 172 1 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. NOTICE. Until further notice, It ■Haall to* oompultory for •any coal ship dltohar^lr»n ooal m.% the Board! vwh»rvea to work overtime nt nl^ht tap Co 19 p.m.. tr required ao to do by the Board, and tho chnrtfea tor working} uch overtime (hall be nt
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    • 372 1 Robinson A Co. THE S^ rBBBBBBBF*^iETIr BBBBBBBF*^iETl 'Browning" ""■■^BS- i Patent V J|^^jfe Automatic y.i i. Pocket Pistol ,\fe- %.^JL As illustration. -25 OO V$F ?fs I^HHtJfJHHBpjBjHBMBfJBfI jj^^, action ol ihis I'l^tol in automatic, except I that the trigger is pulled for firing ea h shot lbn H pistol can
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  • 693 2 AMUSING ESSIYS BY .LONDON SCHOLARS. What is a Hero? Eogli^b it i* written, when tbe authors •pnci: frcm tbe r'roM-nuiy «cbou'h of Lonilon, oeirk^M aa .it 'QinhioK wialib of imagi n»»oo and apt nc-ralinßMU revelation Also th. r. are to be (ouni in it a bomclv sarvival of
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  • 78 2 At a meeting of tbe China Emergency Appeal Committee (of wbiob Mir Robert Hart i« the pre»i'ieDt) it was reported th t during March £°2,0Hl bad been reoui'ed *nd promiaed towards tbe «urn of XIOO.OOu which tbe committee i" eod> aroaiiug to obtain forth, develnpment of medical, noiiu.l and theological
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 C i/S »a .M i Complexion I "HAZELINE* SNOW" Removes tfiat ({rea^y appearji»>.o <>( tKe i.-omplexion wniih Jetracts w> min-ri from heuu>\ For this purpose it i- mon llfifMMl anJ BMM hygienic tl'jn toiLt powJers in any form. l\ Ha^clmc Sno* ciiuu«i” anJ beaiitifu 1 I'y |^^v stitnuLtint! tho \\v\
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    • 239 2 For all internal ooiuplainta, Dysontery, CoaglU". Colds, flte.. take Woods' Orf«tPepp«r mini Core. LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH I* LIVING DEATH. SANTO NEMEO4A.' or lUIUO REMEDY VETARZO N?ttVVJ& I i> moartablr ..™,M, u nd. th. mall of tW vary .!< \rl..pai« nti aad a. h.< meat, .4 Miiaia ranasi«trv pharK^c ulor., aad
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    • 467 2 CUTICURA CURED NURSE'S ECZEMA j Small Spot of Humour Grtw Gradually Larger Suffered Great Pain for Two Years Doctors Could Not Help Dreadful Eruption. SAYS CUTICURA EFFECTED "MOSTWONDERFULCURE" I auffer*)! great pain on my lag aad arm mon ur I*** for two yrars. ft appeared in a small apot. frad-iallr
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    • 352 2 lIIaJ I J I J K Jsaal By Koy>l rTm 9n^H gal l r HM Km fks^B^SHssLa^Sß^aaaßisjLa|&njLa^^b^aj3l I Assists 'W y g==* I I gives a delightfully appetizing flavour to all \jmM Meat Dishes, Curries, /fuHhjk Original oil t WaLa^ and Poultry, oalads, Cheese Genuine anc j fish. pSSS ■Mai
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  • 1049 3 THE JAPAN- BRITISH EXHIBITION IN LONDON. Oriental Enthusiasm. Onr .'>.ooo Ilritifh aod (Ot) Japaofw workum r, •■< engaged ia potting tb> 6oiabiofi t ache* to tbr Japan Briiiah Exhibition »nn lion the opening take* place teprw nutiv of both the We- W-rn aad toe Eastern Rmpirr* •till
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 771 3 Th.sun NEVER ..uonth. ELOIiI TENTS. They are to be found ALL OVER T«E WORLD. i. oaasJ.v I DVaf^Bßt^'l^ \«4X. > j Tsats SMt sp oa MM! leSQekSbBBI appuoatooalo BBJ e/%.5- -4V EICWafILLSC- p\*vtfH flDaß^ v 1 'J^Hy&g|3r^ CAWBWUI la^Bß**.' ti»<»'u aWaWft^Jey^fllsw^P^^™" OMUer Bolb. LFS Teat Ml-lat-re «wlas Cattage T»«t disc
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    • 50 3 UM£ BHOULOLR Whether rcenltißK from a sprain or from rheonsalie paias. there is nothing so good lot a lame ahoulder as Chamberlain's I'air Ralas. Apply it freeiy aad rob the parts via >< coaly at aaeb «pv UoaUon aad a qoick con •s otruua. For sale by all Dispaataries and
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    • 147 3 TEA We do not claim to have mor<> brains than oar competitors, bat we believe it is really to yoar interest to Uke advantage ol oar forty years of successful tea- blending. BROOKE BONDS TEA Sold ay the fallowing tea law 1 Oaaa Chin Hoa« a Ca Bbramsah Pakirmaiden a
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    • 456 3 1 a 1 9kl"f"% I I Za^Aj^W f~ '-r-^!J I aJ 111 ill -KP.^J Those who urn NESTLE S FOOD for InfanU and Con?aleacenti place their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 33 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 706 4 BTEAHER SAILIRM^ p. 6. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Par Chlaa, Jeaaa, Pet Mag. eJeylea AMtralla. ladla, *dea. Bgypt, NUdlterraaeaa Pert*, Ply. mouth aod Leaden Through BUI* ot Ladla, toned tor Ohlaa Oaaat. Paratoa O«M. OnaMetatal. aad AjaiHiwa fyns. Staamen wUI mbt« Stagapon oa of aboat MAIL LINES. Otmi'l for Ornim*) I>u
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    • 544 4 BTBUKI mum. N. Y. K. JAPAK MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. w A rajrolat tertadabily eorrioe to ■aialai—d Uompaay'i wall-kaowa TWIMOIIW ITHBII* onder Mail Ooaon* wfctt kba Im»»rtal STcompMyi l i.y|iiiaarrioo, Ugbtod Eou«Ea» by «ioßsy. prorided wMh Seoood Clan Pi-yn, MdMtodwNhsU tbe latoat MOtea bfNWM^i Joe Itaaii »ihm ten Oonimi ATMTTA
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    • 603 4 BTtAMEi mumta BUINB PNILP UIL BIMOAPORB IO 'JAVA PORTS. PORT DABWIM. THURSDAY IBLAMD. BRIBBAMB AMD STDMBI. ALBO TAKIMO OABOO FOR OTHKB MORTH QUKBHBLAHD PORTS. BRITISH HKW OUIMRA. M.W BRITAIN HKW BRALAMD PORTS (wttt traatttpaiaat) •Aa todaiMiMt offan. Baaoott paaaag*. Baparb fliaaary, A ragotor moattly earrtae to ahere pom M maUtaiaed
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    • 551 4 STEAMfcK MIUMtt HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG The ttaeman ot ttlt Oompaay SMtatala a Mgator tarrloa hetweta Haatborg. BrtoM. Aatwarp. aad nutter ilna. aad tta Straht. Cb taa aad Japaa nuan»arai. ttty art diipatihia tortatohtiy I >r Hi'ti aad Haabarg aad oaat a raoatt tor Brataarharaa dinet. oalltog at Paaaag aad
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    • 737 4 BTEAMEI BAILIMB. N. D. L. Rorddeutsoher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL LINE. The toe* aad raluon bmH atoaaßan t< ttlt Ooaapaay aall Cortatohty troaa Bnaaae Haaaborg. Tto Rnttiritiai. Aatwarp. Boattear toe. Oibreltor. Otaaa. Bapttt (laaaiaHiii Martalllea. Haptot. Alesaadrto. aad Ttot Tana Port Bald. Boat. Adaa, Oolaatbo. Peaaat Btoprnn. Hoagkoag Baaw-Mi.
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  • 388 5 Amasio* Defiaiiioa County Court C«M. An aljoowd r»»ecf an hmil rltaiactti otnx beloie Jodge Edge, at tbe < rkenwt I Ccooty ronrt recently, ia whieli ibe. p§r i. l concern* d were Vincent Tboarat Murebischoolmaster and author, of Denmark HI., ud Oeorge Bevtrley, an accountant Tlie
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  • 525 5 Messrs Samacl Montagu and Company's Circular. Msssia Samacl Montagu end Company write, oo May 12, a* follow* The b«r told in the market thin wet k a hoot W0 0110, -*>• dividWl between the Bask o( Ko«laod. India (£216,000 and the Continent, aa laat «v l> Tbe
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 593 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. lsa Millars at this Oompsay msrstsn a tmtrulat dtvast asrvtc* betweaa Caleatta. Btr»i». Boags sag. Wbaatsai sna Jseas. taktwa aa<a> ssibresj* BUU of l^sssf tar Oaesea. flwato* Amoy. Oasloo. Tlibiblb. lawabws— Isngtaas Pom. Formosa, ass FIBI As.. «c ItaiMn Teas OaiißJsaist famaa «.ss«
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    • 579 5 BTEAIER SAILINGS. C. P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP URL Tbs NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO BUROPB VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITBD BTATBB Route from Hongkong via Shaiogbai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan:. Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vaoooover. R.M.S. Bbtpbbss or Itnu Twinacrew steam. R.M.B. Bwtbbm
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    • 583 5 STEAMER BAILIN6B. APCAR LINE. or STEAMERS. Tb< aadermeataoned mail stsamsrs of tbs above Loss maiatain a regular sat lie*, be tweea Calcutta aad Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hoagboag aad Sbaagfaai aa roots. FLEET. Toas Ccmmander "Japam" 0,018 A. Btbwabt Obsoobt Akas 4.500 8. H. Bblaom Abjutook Apcai 4 800
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    • 15 5 Woods' Orsat rniaaiaiist Cure lor all taaWM. ii >> l l liti, Dyasatery. Ooogbs. OaA ata.
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    • 442 5 WINCARNIS GIVES STRENGTH THAT LASTS. Wiroompnea i< good •TaV.^^T'^Bk. In uckneu. »*-~ngrt fJw I^^^^b Wincirn'i „c tn A restor- i V-At t policy orPMiarth tnaurajwos th.M s) d.»p penonAl rasj rbaasnW v- Ihouiand* of Irtin^ Bjesisal (rom bbsbbi all Winoarnla n M Bay aaaT tiv Winoarnia «u»u»rn vaaj bbbbbbbi
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    • 365 5 KHKIMATU MM For yearn I miffer> I rnjelly from rben matic gout.' aamj Mr. K. PssSpa, of 7. New Hiterside, Springfield, Wellington, Somerset, England, who li«.s buen a norw for eight years. Tlie pain>> in my Uj;« bbbbi »n awful that I couldn't atau<l. I was heLUeia as a bady.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 504 6 A Grateful Wife Maternity Weakness. Rheumatic Fever, Depression lusl sitting still an I wnnUinn rtxrything f aWaw* has be«n done, does not suit Mrs. WUaots, lor all ilie usual w.iys failing «o resrtoie lier husband's health, she tried liie Iv. i w.iy Pkmfmm way. The benefit was tmmeiliate. for all
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    • 1014 6 THE BAIB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MIMNG COMPANY. LIMITED. wager's Report for the Four Weeks Ending May 21. Tbe Chairman aad Directors, Raab Ana tralian Im .1 Mining Co. Ltd., Singapore. < .-Dtl. men.— l b- gto submit ibe following M <\ Mi ii«. Iteport for tbr four weeks ending May 11,
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    • 561 6 Msreory arudeeei 7.5 ozs. BoUiun.— N- lin lude.i in Tola's ToWti Bnllioo 1.2U 437 on. T Ti—aaa'nil Analam 3.107 Resort «nk) \XM Uul wn 1,1 3.1.17 Avtrafs naseiss o.*7s» yield par too 7.>il*ta. Vh -I OtTCS, Manager. jusr WHvr yju need. Yoor toagnß ia eottad. V jot kreatb is
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    • 269 6 To Connolmuw At thoaa It> Inmt m. «»»»4»lly tfood Bpiolksb. Havannabs, Henry Clays. Carbaaae, Books, and other Havaaaahs. Datch Havannab*. Futnra Nobis. Perfeetos Ketohil. K'qaisttoa, La Base Dona Isabella, Ctilebras. from El Trio and Dreier thaus and Co. Manila. Imporio del Mnndo (psek of Porla del Orieate) Loadrea, Per fectes
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  • 162 7 FIXTURES fjriialllly, June. S. High Water. 11.16 e-a.. 10.*» mm. krri Horwfxiltaral Show m»-*t IM, aTbambra Ciaemato«rapb Harima Claeoiatoirraph. Marlkoroagb Oiaamatoffraati rburaday, June a. ■bjl Waaw OS p.m-, 116 Philbarmonic orchestra, 6. Football Association. H C. C. I'avr<on. dli. ■Vidaj, June 10. BaSh Wale*. 0.63 p.m.,
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  • 227 7 ToD»t Bangkok hn CM r 3 pa Ooloaabo sad Bombay I»ib»«. Mar pm Poatfaoak Ban Hin <■ '»c :< pa r. Sw'twham. renaog, and Colombo P*I»«* pm Ullir- Port Diekaoa. Port Rw>«Knlnm and Talok tmn KioU .1pm raoaog and UalaaMa On>gor> \ycmr 4 jxn Tni^l»mi K»l»«l»o. PMkoi.
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  • 142 7 Tb* N. D. It oatward mail "Warner BWo. bariog toft C Inmbo 00 tb* 6th mat at about 8 may bs sxpaoled to arrive acre oa Friday the 10th loat.. at aooa. Th« B I ooot ait paokat •taamer Thcnfwa. with lb* (>« Via mail* of
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  • 300 7 laiest ArrtaU. w. Gar *tr M«7 too*. Capt Nsamaaa,' Jim Trom Apt M. 00. Brti IkhlOi Vor Hi.n».kons June B— W. d*~ff*t Brit air M 7 lon*. C«|4 Campb*!!. Jon* Frum c kUm, Jane*. 0.0. Bad It <Lp T. Let Uuta. Fur t"*ham. Job* Rd». p.ti.ttr.
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  • 90 7 Vessels at Tajong Pagar and Keppel Harbour. Wlurvu at which Vmmli are Berthed To-Day. TAHJONO PAOAK. E. W. B»«t«-NU. E. W.Paenoal— Cal>psc. reraia.^aroba. Bans* Wbabt— Eowlooa. M. W. Becnoe 1— Bing. Mara 8- Orejjory Aprar 4-Volea. Oorgm. N.I Uko Dock 7-<onder uubbb notion.) W. Wauar Habine Biekmcr*. Jianon'a W. 9
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    • 82 7 Per steamer Selangor, Jane 7.— Krom r M. S. via porta 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. B. SewelL Count and Connie**) de Bondy. Mr. aad Mr*. MsuUflibcb and children, Meaara. J. Dove, (US uit'., O. L Bailey. W 3. Oallaeber l'er iteamer Hau<. Jane 7. —From Batavia via 1
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    • 351 7 l'er NH.L. ateamer Koou, doe Jnoe ia— Mr. Stanley Can, Mr Cb. Welter. Mr. and Mr* K. A B-owd. Mr*. A. Moetor. Capt. MnlUrmaon. Mr. Tbiodor N. offer, Mr H. U ll.aigbioo, Mr Jll iaa Fraokel aad family. Mr. I Smith. Mr. D Bun hell, Mr C
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  • 201 7 The Govc rsuMnt ol India bare preacribed ii KaltotrimiMioncf MBtencta, iapor»oance of Hi* Hajt njV (Obßiandr publiibt d in the Home Lfcpaitii't-nt Notification No 128, daitd May 24. 1910. in a Oaiette Extra ordinal y. lhe »c«le is ba*td oa a con ndutatkn ol Uie pt ntd
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  • 74 7 A cargo of teak trom Bangkok for Colombo paaetd throagb the poit, ytaterday, by the Nor»e«i»u nttamer Seirvtad. A < amo ot no* aaa brought from Bangkok on Muaday by Uie N. D. L ateamer Clikngmai. The local aWaowr Kle»o artired from An»c be aad Natona lilanda, yeatcroay,
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  • 105 7 The ciftar roilen U Jaffna are oa strike,demanding inert aaed »»k» from 70 o> ata to Xl per tboopeftd ctaar*. The *itihei* anmbM taandn oa. Work ia m. aay maoaUctot k ha* bt*a aa»p»i>dtd. la p<ae>a abara aotk i» Itotßf on. it ia Mopptd by *iok-i>ec
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  • 238 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE Si.\..mi>kf. Jim h 1910 On I*»ulon— Raek 4 m/a ]/4| l>. n.and A I'iivib f> m < f4| do Im/a X4 t On Gormeny— Bankd/d 340 Private Ib/i 944 do 6 mil M6| On France— Itank d/d *M Private S m tea, do 6w BOS 4 On
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    • 170 7 Value. Bnyer*. Solera. 10 10 Belal Tin 4.00 600 10 10 Braang 4JM 600 10 10 Brvnh Hyd. .00 6-60 10 10 K*n»boi 3.25 1.40 41 XI Kiata Tin 14 J6 16.00 41 11 Kled*nfi Tin 1.60 LOO 10 10 Kuolu Tin 800 860 Ml Ml LtOiat Minos KM
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    • 548 7 Value. Bnyen Seller*. 3/- 3/- AlUkw 5/9 6/0 a, 2,'- Anglo Malay 1 5-i 1.7.6 3/- 1/0 RtUD* Malaka 8 0 4/0 41 41 Bug Cave* ***** 10XM) 41 41 Bttu Tiica 4.16.0 6.1.0 41 41 Bokit K»i»ni! S0 0 S.7A 41 10.. Contributory 'J 10 0 2.12.0 pa
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    • 109 7 Mm Value. Bnye*m. Seller*. 10 10 Barters Smelting 11.60 10 7 a 7M 8.00 60 M FrMerft Nmte 'MOM UOJOO 100 Uowmrth Enkinti MOO 6000 LOO 7% Praf. 90.00 9UO 100 100 KtbßroM 1»X» 100 100 Com Pw4. bocd. 10 10 MayMidftCo. HA) UM lane 3 Value. S. B.ijem.
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    • 46 7 Bayers. Seuera. Howartb Brakiaa6% %tOOJOOO par Riley. Har preaveaB% 1284X100 1% t% pee. B trieT way* 8% aWHMXM SiapaareManioipal6% 41.878^)00 nom. Buyers. Sellera. SiafaporeMaBMiMI *i% ot Wm XI.aWMMO 6% 7% prt. Singapore Ma alcipal**% Of 1900 X1.000,000 6% 7% |t» SianaaoreMn nioipal4% 4805.900 T% dta.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 92 7 AUCTION SUBS. Powell and Co. tune B.— At tbe Ordnance Ifc-pct, l*nlo Kraai. War lKpartment Stone, at 2JO. H. L. Cofhlan and Co. 1 uo« 10 At saleroom*. Oramapbooe*. etc., at IP Jne 11.— At Tbe Boyal Hotel, Seraajmoa Boad. teak foraito'e, eae., at 13 noon. Time balla oa Fort
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    • 257 7 LAMBERT BUTLER'S k^ Smoking Jl!& Mixtures. PACKED IN ,lb AIR.TIOMT TI>S NICE: If OTB. riI TW. OBTAINABLE AT jj^^§Blß|E^J John Little A Co.. Ltd.. Hfi^^Ul Robinson Sl Co. PRICE: 90 CIS KRTIN rusHUN coalT The Best Steaming Coal in the Far Ea»t. UESH STOCKS alwayn on band fIIITBIIT OAAA TAMfi
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    • 21 7 4HflMMtfKKjU2't|2 S EntraaoeOxl y Bweaadßiver Vaiiuy jKjJWhJJi ■^^»Hw Telephone No. 668 m l-ra J^&l imii ÜBLE RO3MB bow atallasu TERMS MODEIUTB.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 182 7 VEOHER KBPORT. Kaneaac Eork*a nmjltsl. Jaae 6. a. a. 8 r. b. 8 r. a. ftAnrrAu. Bar. 88 Fak M.MB ».M0 88.688 .Temp 8>.6 »7 0 0 HU. Watßn'bTber 7*o T6 76 0 DirofWind.. calm W. eaha Max Taasp.. Mia. 7ft S Mai. la Baa.. IW.O Tand. Thar.. 69.0 Ta*
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  • 1025 8 tHE Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JUNE.8 THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE. Than most be a good mvoy people ia plaoea like Malay .wbo are aome what po tiled bow to make quite rare th.t if anythit^ liappeoa to tbemsclre* thoae who are dependeat upon tbcm will be properly oared for. la tbe making
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  • 22 8 While aasiatinf tha Bemaraag polios to capture an ooinm smuggler, Mr. Sayder*. •gtnt of a Hoirabaya aogai laotory, was ■tabbed to death.
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  • 25 8 Tbe Keawick prayer mr«ting will he held on Monday next, at AJO a.m ia the Caiaea* Uirla Sononl, (fcmraoMal HUi trader Re». F. U. Sulliraa.
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  • 32 8 Tbe Oermiaal Company ia Manila baa jo>t raadead aad refuted aa 1 flcr of H 1,000.000 lor tbe factory a*d the oom pany'. otbar iatarasU m the tikaaoo ba.iaeas ol the islands.
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  • 31 8 Note for tbe maaicipal a%aitary departmeet: A daed d-« ba< lain oa Aad. roe bridge ro%d way rnoe aaalj je<*ardat after. •ooa AtaooatoiUy tie eorpaa was euU adorning the na^b boorbood.
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  • 15 8 The Rubber Estates of Ceylon pay a dividend of 8 per oeot. for the year.
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  • 20 8 Hall tbe Posing Bahru plant haa been shot down tor 13 days tor the purpose of installing aew haulage gear.
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  • 16 8 There will be changes of programme at th* Alhatnbra and Warlborough cmemato graph ahjw< thu evening.
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  • 22 8 Tbe importetioa ia India of Mr Mackar aa-s's pamphlet, entitled Tbe Methods of tbe Indian Holice in the Twentieth Century, is prohibited.
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  • 26 8 Th* Rival Datefa Pesrolnam Company ha* distributed a dividend of 48 per cent for 1909. Tbe company h«, oil intoreste in DeU, South Sumatra, aad Borneo.
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  • 29 8 Ipob has been experiencing shocking wea tbar. Tbe town ba< been in an almost chronic state of fljod aad much the aanie state of affair* is reported from ontatatioaa.
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  • 25 8 The seriout affray reported by our Kuala Lumpur correspondent last week took place at Ktmonting, not Ksmuoing. Karauntioit ia the fint station northward from Taipiog
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  • 33 8 Tha Amir of Afghanistan wired hia ex prissiosi of grief at the death of King Edward, and Kj Getrge's warm apprtria tioa of the message of condolence has been oommanieated to tbe Amir.
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  • 35 8 From 8yo"a«y it ia reported that the Loyalty- arcl {(wlago wa< damaged by a cyclone. Tbe cacao and bananas were dee troyed and the inhabitants are bomeleos and without food Aid was seat trom Names
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  • 41 8 It is stated that there it a movement on toot to start another Chiaeae school in K»ub. which township haa up till now had no sstabHsbuisat for eduoatiou of tbe riaiog geaeration, a waat that has been felt lor a longtime.
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  • 49 8 Tha atorr of the bullock oart with two aambarsaad th* missing load of rice was to I i in tbe third polios ooort, yesterday, when Mr Rjbiaaoa sealteciud the driver, a Cbinamao. to three months' imprisonment for atealir K toe aomber plates aad one month for stealing the rice.
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  • 54 8 A J*ng.To.M looking ■word stick waa pro duood ia tha s^oood police oourt to day a* an exhibit in a ohante of being armed w th out a permit agvn-t a Chinamaa. Tbe defendant pleadnd that be bad cm ia trom a rubber plantation and wanted to defend himself. He
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  • 58 8 Chow Yew, a twako owner, wa« summoned ia the m trine ooort, before Lieot. Cater for carrying ptaaeafars ia exaass numbars. to wit 52. when a« be ia ooly allowed 3*4 persona There was a n-cood chame for hariag no cop* ol hia licnw on board at tbe time. Dttdodaat
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  • 53 8 A Shanghai wire, of May M, says -Tbe situation in China ia gtava. Rmting baa begna is th« aeigbhour bood of Cbaogtba AiYiYtag tbariotera bave horned thrrr hundred bouaes. Imperial trrons bate bean »cut to quell the opriaiag. Reports here from Pekinc indicate that tbe foreign embawiea regard tbe aitoatioa
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  • 59 8 So great it the demaad for JavaaearÜbonr in tbe S .raits and F M S. th»tcrin ing flooriabea in J«va, To avoid the raalric tiooa enforced by Government in Java, aome ol the recruiting is ctrried on underhand and tbe coolies are abipped from tbe island a* ordinary oa-iagnrt. Failure
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  • 60 8 Chiswick District Council haa ju^t opened what i< believed to be the largest up>-n aii bath ia Kngland, tava a London daily. A feature of the maragemeot it that, in the afternoon. gnatlem> a will have aa opnortaoity of teaching their wives aad children bow to swim. Tbe bath, whiah
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  • 57 8 The Samatra Post te'lt of a recent rubber land dr»l ia D.,li wbioh provod higblv pro flUble ti a Straits ayadioate. The sytxlicaUaenoirtd tbe eetatt h beloDgiog to tbe Ovaeral CaltivatKM Company ia that quarter lor 900,000 guilders. It tbon transferred them to a oompaay lor 4147.000 or U million
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  • 91 8 A terrible fatality is reported from tbe Merapi, aa active volcano ia Bast Ja»a. which ia a favourite spot lor tourists. On Slay SO, a pa»ty out oa a picnic want to tbe •op of tbo mountain. Oae of thnrn, a Miss Aiarck, stood at the ci» of tbe orator
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  • 111 8 Mr. E. de Kroyff, latalv paid a ittieaiinc to the Philippines, tbe rtsulta of wbioh he ha* joat embodMd in a report. Hia main nbjrrt was to nitke ioqti'iias into tbe coluratuo ol Manila hemp. Tbe Ametioaaa and a -w eatighttnei natives akwe cultivated thr article on scientific priaciple
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  • 129 8 The Botanical Oa'dens at ?aigon onoe in lor advene cri ici«m froaa the ••pinion, a new-paper pabli bed the- c. It finiln that fioal a a ill a-i-n p ml of view, <be Sings p«e Botanical Garden* a>e tar ahead. Ihe Htiajoa) sardsas aw laid oat mainly fur aoo-e ■Matt
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  • 379 8 Mr. and Mrs. Jo*vph Chamoarlaia left Caaass lor borne oa May 37. Mr. Omar bin Merbabaa. at the Registry of Deads, v to be married shortly. Mr. W. Turing MacKeasie. nf Him State, baa returned from ladia. By the Jeath o( the Rev. H. C. Daßw, i>
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  • 117 8 When the German steamer Kowlooa arrivtd in port yevterdsy afternoon, the maatrr report. a aad accident that oocum d ou Friday Wlule tbe steamer was coming down the Straits of Malacca, tbe 14 year old daughter of oae of the tint class riaanagari. Krau Kiieder
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  • 138 8 Another police oaae ariaiDg oat of the con iteHtioa ol traffic oa the day ol the mt-munai ■ftvice waa beard in the not police oourt to day by Mr. Wolferetan. Mr Taa Cheng Tuoo wan tbe d« mlaut and be waa chargud with caukiog obetiuction with
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  • 173 8 Trakic proof of a desperate gambling orime was <liaeo«errd yretetday by a sbrimptr named Tan Wee Sea* living at th. third mil> Oaylaog Road. He bad been ia the habit of going out for prawns in roropanj with his cumin, Tan Kob, bat for st-Teral days Tan
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  • 156 8 Before Sir Matthew N«than 'form.-rij Rovtrn. r of Hnartnag and ocw the new eortWry to the Post Officei, left Sooth Alrics. he wi» presented with aa esrep too- I'y acat httle casket which cootained an »d dre-a nratafc d prior lo his drpariare f'Om Wariikarc,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 PATRONISED jH«| Bfll^ BT ROYALTY. Speciality In Silver Goods of 4^9 2a* 1 I Newest Designs a 3ix sTERLiNo "Yea SeU'. B J.Hy^ O s^i/viNßiNos Toilet Sets MUOB Trinket Boxes. 0 *J >^L§ia!iis^^^ Manicure Set* g h KB Cigarette Cases W Hair Brushes S i T*& &c &c. v W&
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  • 119 9 FAMOUS COLONIAL MINISTER RESIGNS. Pfwfwti to Study China aad Japan. (BactaaVa Twaaiw] London, June 7. The German Colonial Secretary, Heir Dnroburg. has resigned. Tin* 1* attributed to want of sympathy among the reaouooary eioasamte in tbe Govern bbosbV Lostdoo June 8. The Times Berlin oorrespondoat says tbe Ktiser
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  • 68 9 MANY FATALITIES IN SOUTH OF ENGLAND. German Soldiers Killed While at Exercise. I Banna's T*""" I London, Jane 8. Bxtratrdiaary thunderstorms have occurred ia Europe. Ooe raged tor fourteen hours ia Sooth England, aad wa< tbe worst within living memory. There have been many fatalities and much damage.
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  • 59 9 Peace Prwprcts Improved By Armaments. |Rbct«»'s Tblbojum.J Loadoa, June 7. Mr. Roosevelt bat been tbe guest of tbo London Journalist* at a midnight *upper. Ho dwelt ob tbe need of strength io nation 11 to ensure the world's peace, opining that tbe chance* ot trouble for Englaad from
    59 words
  • 60 9 Safety Secured by Disarming tbe Troops. ißarraß'i Tsi.Bssf Loadoo, Jane 8. A Peking telegram states that as tbe maloontoot* were endeavouring to gain over tbe provincial soldiers, tbe Government ba« ordered the removal of breechblocks and rifl bolts in various provinces aad has despatched loyai troops.
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  • 54 9 Conciliatory Praise of German People. Dob OtTisunsou LtorD Totasaia Berlin, Jane 7. Tbe Tope has received a number ot German pilgrim* personally. He praised the German Emperor and other reigning Priacos aad tb» German people, with the object, bo doubt, of diminishing tbe bad feeling produced
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  • 39 9 iKaoTssi Tat bos f 1 London, June 7. Tba Royal Mail Steam Packet Company baa agreed to purcbaits tbe whole of th> Pacific Steam Navigation Company's sbate capital. Tbe pries i* twenty five pounds per share.
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  • 24 9 I KOOTM'S TOMOBIB.J Loadoo, Juae 7. Tba British imports ia May inornasert by XIO 414.W1 Md tbo expxte by XL081, 65.
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  • 26 9 [Daa UatASiATtacsu Lmtd Tstaesta Berlin, Jane 7. Tbe Austrian Heir apparent aad tbo Princess will pay a visit to Bosnia ia Sop tember m
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  • 21 9 (Daa OotaatAnMaa Lmtd TwbboisH BerUa. June T. Turkey to oesidering tba expodiraey of oipxllug UoUa«io sokjoote from Toiitoy.
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  • 568 9 Representative Planters Fora An Association. (Fbom Ovb Otn Coaaaarontßirr). Kbota Bbaru, June 3. A meeting of Kelantoa planters waa bald at Kuala Lebir, oa May 24, for tbe porpoae of forming m aaaociation to bo oalled tbe KeUatM Planters AaanotoaSna. Ihe follow, ing officers were elected Chairman,
    568 words
  • 371 9 Suicide's Ingenious Excuse to Obtain Cyanide Potassium. An ioquuat was h* :d at the coonc'l cmora, Trddiogton, reomtlv by Mr. R. Kempoa the body o" Cap'ain Fnderiek Cbarlna Lilly white Fit Id, aged 46, of Urn Arm? Serrioe Corps. otationed at Woolwirh, who dird OO Monday
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  • 147 9 Aa tbe reaolt of a Are tbe General Explosives CompMy's factory la the town of Hull, on tbe Ottawa River, blew up ia two aooreaaire exp'oaiooa which shook both Ottawa aad Hall. Tbe oouoeewoo aad fly in« projtotilea killed and injured maay people. Tbe dealha aumber nine aad
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  • 485 9 REPORT OF MADRAS BOARD OF REVENUE. Passengers to tbe Straits. Tba following are extraote from tbe report of tbo Madras Board of Revenue oa emigration aad immigrati m for tbe year 1909 Raeraiting oppr*tioas for Natal were more active during 1909 than during 1908, the number of »hipa»nts
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  • 257 9 Open Manholes and Valves Assigned As Cause of Disaster. Open manhole* and valvea have been found by tbe dtvera at work oa tbe dry<Vwk Dewey to h«ve baan tbe oanse of the do k's sadden sinking ou Tuesday asomiag, stys a riMoaace to tbe Manila Times, dated
    257 words
  • 228 9 Remarkable Decision of Country Magistrates. Tbe hard ctee at tbe Ivy Brills Scesioos of tbe Hon. r rancis Laaoaitoa, wbo waa Sard twenty sMl'«w» and ooato for otieg tbe word damn under eiroomttanoes of tbe very greatest provoratoa aad physical soffarieg. aay» Urn Westminster O.sette, ■htm to rwna.ll
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  • 261 9 RUMOURED SERIOUS FRICTION IN KED*H. Tbe State Council aod Mr. Maxwell. (FSOII OCB On CoBBBSroKDBMT. Penaog, June 6. Hto BxoaUeacy the Governor return* d from Kedah at 8.16 yootorday afternoon, and landed a qutrter of aa boor later. Bo afterwards returned to tbo 80a mew, wbicb sailed
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  • 291 9 Speeds of Atlantic Liners Over test Strength of Officers Tba Atlantic M.nttilv pobliahea ia Ha current i«rae an article by an offleer of ao Atlantic liner in wbiei tba writer d«ella on tbe risks paaseegxm in-ur owing to the deaire no the part of the
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  • 204 9 Appeal tor More Efllclent System of Ugkitat A ootieepoaoVat at Kalkudah, Ceyloe, wTttee to a CJombo paper aader date May 28. as follows Ia tba Uat of shipping diaaetora off tbe But Coaat of Coyioa two of tbe moat rconat wrecks ware I. ft out, namely
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  • 125 9 "Kidnapping his Divorced Wife. A littU matrimonial IroaWa m sired io tbe second police emrt to day Ow>, Mobassorl A nif, appeared ou a charge of kidaappia« a ifirl from bar lawful guardian, to wit, her father. Daieodaat stated that tbe girl waa hi« wife. The wit* Im^l said abe
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  • 903 9 New Turkish Line Being Built Through Arabia. Tbe railway that in beinn bmlt by the Turkioli (lovfromvut through Arabia to Mroea baa already reached Medina, and the remainder of tbe route i« being hurried to oompletioß aa faat aa possible. This ro»d ia bo lttotrsn»porttbegreaiOTjwds of
    903 words
  • 189 9 Amoec a sheaf of pro«penta<«a to hand in one fllei with tbe reKtaarar of Boop Stock ComrMoiea which dabblers in rome of Uta loosl flotalinoa mi«ht «oan with better adrse ta«e th.n hat been th«ir lot of Ist.- Tot I company, kaowa M the Betta'liM UnHbrr
    189 words
  • 74 9 ITALIAN PROVINCE SERIOUSLY DAMAGED Feared Loss of Muy Lives. IKbvtbb'i Tniiiu| Londoa, June A Naples telegram sayi (here was an earthquake during the eight in Province Mh Hoatas oollaptod. aad Uie people are camping is the open It tppMr* to bay.. bora a very serioa* ■book, Md bodies
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  • 16 9 [Ranaa's Tbl»«**« London, Juae 7 Prinoe Fushimi has left St Pettirshurg, overland, for Japan.
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  • 24 9 (DoaOtTaaunaou Llotd Tbuobab Berlin, June 4 Tbe Sana Canal dues will be radooc 1 by dO oento from Jaauary 1, 1911.
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  • 179 9 Important Amendment of tbe July Programme. (Fbom Oca Own Cobbbsfokdixt.) Penaag, June 7. Tbe bai/y tarly gnoeral niat-tiog of the Penang Turf Club bat been held. Tbe aeooats to March 81 diaelowd a aatiateutory state of affairs, tbe practical caab balanoi) being 110,000 Tbe chairman, the Hon.
    179 words
  • 65 9 (Fioh Op« Own Coausi-okDavr Kuala Lumpur, June h Advaurc nßurea of tin f-xxnts for tbe firat five month* of thecurreot y>ar have ami published, aad are aa iollowPerak 170.h5« piooU Selangcr 97.' NegH S. mbilaa lt.wFor tbe first five moatbs of 1909 tbe ftgurre were: Perak
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  • 55 9 (Fbom Oo* Ow» CoakaaroKDurr i Peoang, Juno T Tbe Ulu Piab May return wsa 937 pioala. value 114,9-20.47, aad royalty 11,701 17. Tba working expenses amoaoted to 19.219JM, and tbe profit made waa |8.91fl 35 The New Tamboc output waa IISM pieuU Md tributers 97 71 picuto, a
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  • 109 9 Meaars. Ouan and Company write that Ihe Trafalgar crup in Wi Ins Maura. J <*f(er and Company inform that tbe May crop* of the 1 oited Sumaar% 1 Kubber BaUtea, Ltd .are aa follow Kuas«-r B,'ia lb».. ooffue 88) pioala. Our Fuoaoß oorrt aoondeat seadu us tba
    109 words
  • 96 9 Tbe British Frootirr M'a^ion, nixter Mr P iti lit, mot the Al||haa Commission ua Mat U>, aa«r KaUobi, at tbe brad of the Kama) V.lley. aad the eeiwtaaWUag deWt Md oredit sreoonts ia connect*- with local re dfc. K •hieh to always ao tmaklsßOms a fsatßas
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 41 9 Prof. Rogers, a well known Americas ssagioiaa. bypa«tot.voa>riloo]suat.o«o.topass lag through ■iaaspneo oa hto way hosse af or a three year lour of India, and will give aa w tola ■sate locally probably in ronnoo tioa wi b ooe of tbe aaosistfuniphs
      41 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 313 10 Mooting lor tbe Mill- Trophy tor .Line, tea ag scor< d 208, Siagapore tuadr 'JIO. aWaagor* re waa 107. Thecriiet (xtjrc* for afternoon n. Xt are nratcoes on tbe Ksnlaaailw kutwua tbe reopeoive firnt .md wcond eleven^ of the and the S. I; C The Siagapote 0..1f
      313 words
    • 52 10 h.iniather Cup Competition. Hi t>r"vi-iooal Hat in the Schumacher Cup Competition i« aa follows: -HatupMiiree Ist witi) *"th arnatics 2od with "2,621 M«n t» -h« with '.'sl'; 2*>th Punjabis 4th artth MM 6»rd Sikh* 9tu with i 174 'iftlh Paojabu 10th with 'J Ml and Malay Onidea 13th
      52 words
    • 101 10 8. C. C. v. Middlesex Regiment. Oa tlif B«rl%n*de. yeaterday afternoon, an «.cellent bjei key malrb was played between tbe S.l' i «i dth Middlesex Ri ciiuent, and tbe I b| b|bb< n displayed iacb good form that they rotind by six goals to sv# denpite tho fact
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  • 302 10 Editorial Commtois of Some Indian Papers. The Tribune nays -The Message is won by of a Sovereign wbo, a- Prince of Vales, Mionded tho toevm uf sympathy, and will bt baikd as the ptomite of an era that will biiou tbe races closer as cqoal subject*
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  • 188 10 Tim* ffars that ar* bi ing gesr rally entertain.d it.i. u«lu>ut CbiLa that the country •rUI »i If. r a w*ere fsnviae are ell fouixku Tin** pj :hf piiDci[»i csu»o of the rioting ifi Hoi »i "id i.tbtr pl:ias ia Ibe Umpire lltve bttn »t md
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  • 56 10 Hi- it«Hsiei Mi coee wa* blue H. i.|i4:lk J jaataay "Tehoo, Asit ijb d» i. uDt, tiny knew. *l,| pph.. h. ii l.'ni b<- t,.d the "lloo," Ai Ist I fct-px 4 Wtst sfaall Ido Ad I •<• >•'<■» itDr ib> aoiiwer too, Km -sfli <Be otb d. Icol proenre
    56 words
  • 445 10 Present Kiig's Vblt to Sisgapore Nioc Years Ago. Intereating reminiarawM of Kiag Creole s viatt to Sinampote, aiae jt*n a«o. wben be travelled oa the ophir as tbe Duke of York. are rtcordWd ia tbe Daily Telegraph, which "*Tbe coorw taken by the Oalur from
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  • 370 10 Scheme to Make Money Hand over Fist. At the Ooildhall, before Mr. Alderman 1 1 »nc n. further eTideooe was gireo against Oaiuii Tom Vinceat, »-t, a stock dealer of WestboJme. Heath road. Horat-11, Surrey. ,nd Krank Albert Dawaon. 58, atook and share deaJer, loderhill road, Bant Dulwirh
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  • 139 10 A King's Bequest. Tbe following vtrses by Alfrtd Austin appear in the Daily Telegraph L What darkness deep a* wintry gloom O'tnhadows joyous SprioK f Id vain the Temai orchard* bloom. ainly tbe woodlands ting Koand Royal sbrood A mi nrnrtil crowd Is all now lid
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  • 1069 10 Prlcci QMted the Marfcct Hit fllHßjnn, Mb .lane, 1910. l«n, Lyall aad Ira*, lubM«e and Share Broken, issue Mm toUowtag Uet el qootat 3O« toil morning 2/. *"-g" '■> 1/. a Optioaa 8/. 6/ XI Aoglo Joboce 15/- pd. 4/- 9/- P™ 3/. Aagio Makf 2*,8 'JB,'
    1,069 words
  • 115 10 The following Singapore properties were disposed of by aa. von at Powell and Co* aalcroom yesterday afternoon rreebo'l land off Confederate Katate Road, area Ts.MO sqoa. i teat, bting lots I.JOO to I.JIO of lot 6 of Gnat 2. A. K. 8. AnnMnalia Ontty •800. Land of Ila
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 303 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. i♦ THE HAJOEP DUTCH BORNEO RUBBER ESTATE. LIMITEO The Third Call of 5 Shilling* per Share must be paid to The Mercantile Bank ot India. Ltd. net later than Wednesday the l'.ih June. Pit ate apply for forma to Tbe Mercantile Bank, or to H. SCHAKFER a
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    • 338 10 LAUNCHES! I Ql LAUNCHES MD BTERM-WHEEL STEAMERS A Speciality. KKSIONED TO B9BEt HE'H'IKKMENTFor River Urn. Particular-, on AfpUcitioo Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. GRANITE. The undersigned are prepared to oot r into contracts lor tlw supply ot Ur»ni.e crushed aad sorueatJ to aay aisea. FRABER CUMMIH6. W tncbester Hoote. TREASURY CLERK
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  • 835 11 SOHE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY IMPRESSIONS Bold Kings of Acheen. Ac- o Jinn to L)r. Samuo'. 1' rchas, tuo King of Joborewaa moat friendly to ih« Dutch in 181 ft, but be declined to allow tbetu to boild a fort in his territory ao they bad to aontent t lemnelvei
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  • 322 11 Tbe dratbol K-iog Edward Vll. will render the adoption of a now Great Seal impt I aHaa, When uu a sew rei«n or on a chanKC of the Roy«l tiini or etyle or owing to tbe mecbuoi cai part" ol tbe Great Seal Beiag worn oat and
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  • 555 11 Cholera. Smallpox, and the Malaria Microbe, Tbe laU»: lunort ol the Sanr-arj Com mi— <ne)rr gives mom rignincaat unpi latins) uuort* l>jriagl»JBWUiebi-tb rait through oat Biitish India fu 37 7*. a little higher than io tbe previous twelve roontb«, whilat tbe <iuio ia»oniml mean tv Deaths Dumbercl
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  • 490 11 Bl Liict. Col. E. O. Bboidbick, Ccmm.ndaot, B.V.C. Sifafore, „1910. a. c. A|<i«j ".inem.— Uii KxceJlaocy ihe Governor h%% bean plea U< appoint tb* Kav. \V. Itun I ciman t-> b* Hou. Captain and Chaplain to tbe I ■aaaaaja Volnntcer Corp* witb effect from the let
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  • 552 11 INTERESTING DISCUSSION AT QUEEN'S HALL Decay of Home Life. DelfKatoa from all over England attended tbe first annual ooetereeee of the Natiaaal KeoVration of Christian Workers among Poor Children, held at < joeen's Hall, i-oodoo. Sir John Kirk presided at a buainoaa moet ing, at which the
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  • 495 11 Scientific Diagnosis of Its Cause And Care. If Pro*. W. A H'Ott, the Aaserinan notbro DolngM, fortn«T chief of the United State* ]Jan«o erf Bthuology, it correct io hi* diagnosis of live. li\lf the roetry in tb«* world will nead to he rewritten. Love. nn tbe prof
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  • 712 11 David Heir Apparent. THE CHILDREN OF THE KING AND QUEEN. Prince Edward a Favourite. The boat aooooat of the children ul Eirg iieoivo an.] 70*. o Mary i». m might be expected, that written by Mr*. S..rab A. Tonlev, in the Daily Chrooirie. While the m.tion ia moaraiag their Kiag.
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  • 216 11 Late Lieut. Boyd 4lex.«der's Recent Achievemtnts. ReoiKr baa already in'ormed ua tbat Lieat Boy i Alexander, niik, r zi, tba »«plorer, ba« b«na murdered by native* at Wadai. io tbe K-»nch Congo Tbe i-ian.l-in the Galfot Oaiaea were viaited in 100 V by him. aed after wai
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  • 85 11 Si'on the return immbitrcal mi'ki"* H I H Piioc* H-on, tbe aprc'tl Cbiae** Com-ni<eio-t*)r for MSwsaWa'ing igi narsl y«wm\ lusmu' d an nrd r a rrui -f to b» vi n to a certain f r—gi l.iutm I I m o. in ••»y at a co*t of £2"0."0 i). Itisrwmrti
    85 words
  • 512 11 Weighing a Seven Thousand Millionth of an Ounce. To a mall underground chamber below hi* own laboratory at I diversity Collage. London, tbe other day, Sir William Ramsey tha faaoos scientist, led a visitor I will •bow you, be Mid, a mw pair of Male* which will weigh
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  • 365 11 c Story of Two Lovers aid Two Pensions. A romantic atory, of which tbe heroine ia a lady of arventy-soven yean, baa been brought to light by Vm operation nf tbe OldAce IN Ack io Kaat Ham. The first chapter ot romance opened in
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  • 212 11 Extraordinary Story Related From America. An extraordinary atory baa b. eu cabled to London from N w York. Tb» pareaU of a >i«le girl nanwd M«ade Kobinaon declare they *«w an anarl ataading, at tbe bead ot tba eiek ebild'a bed! Mra. Rnbioaoa deciarea that tbe angel
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  • 991 11 QUEEN ALEXANDRA S WORKS Of CH4UITY. Touching Stories The _r»cioun and touching aw* u- 1 of Um> Qieen Mother remiD<l« imttiat ioth d«rk«a| hoar of oar sorrow tl»>re i* eoaf >rt to B» gained from the r. rt,.»tion that fh« (real Contort of a great King
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  • 152 11 Canada As the Emp ire's Rudder. Karl Gnry, bidding ta'* will tv th* oaae> diaa Parliameat, «atd W. mlr. d .t on IU» vaataaas at ywr are*, oo the fertility u f tuur sol. aad .jo the unlimited waahu uf yooc na'ural rtMoaroea, whicli I aajajlaa aawCfaai it^ deterrjQiii-Kl •>
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  • 1029 12 PROGRESS REPORTED AT ANNUAL MEETING. Question of Share Spliiting. At the annual geaeral mo'ing of .hare holder* of tl»- Xus-gei *'»J»r,{ •r) Rub** r 10.. Ltd., held ou May 0 »t (il.-gow, MTboru.i North Clinttie (chairman ol Urn roaji*i<)i. it motion tbe adoption ol th« report
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  • 952 12 London Offered What Singapore Refused Protuinnot among toe new oompaaiea ad vartiaed ia tbe London paper* to band b laat mail ia Jaaia (Malacca) B* ate, wbieh i may be uut—kawd in offered ia Sir.** gaporelaat December aasa oc« ■.•rally. Th. l.oadon proapeotu* ia tho* aummariaed ii
    952 words
  • 221 12 No Excessive Supplies to Justify Lower Prices. An article oo tbe rubber position which ap pr.'s in tbe "Time*" Commercial Sopp'e meat give, figure, ia rapport ol it. view thai there baa been do matrrial chans* in th. actual statistical po*itioa of robber. Romcors are ia calculation of
    221 words
  • 66 12 la Java, robber from townrnwl plaata Moat worked by the forest dtpartmtnt U on tbe market at BaJavia, wbera Urge iibMUm are kept i. stock. Bat tn» »overni»eat move* so alowly that *>oatr» paa. without basiassa Wieg done. Bayer* .re ready to make ooVrt lor the article, bat eu ft)
    66 words
  • 753 12 London Asiatic, Johore Lands, and Si mo Irt ports. The report of tbe Loodoo A'i.tic Rubber »od Produce Company, Limited, atatet that 'he rubber crop harvested daring 19> 9 .mouoted to 75.427 Ik* .gainst a revtatd .-.»ioj»t»- of 65.100 lbs. and an actual yii Id in 1909 of
    753 words
  • 276 12 A Novel Test of ibe Share Market MM Writing in Tbe Financier, a correspondent •ay* I have fouad mmc amna.awat and iaatrattion in eomniling tbe following table. which aay poaaibly interest your raadera. 1 have tak*n tbe capital v*lu»tion ol each onmpany as »liowd by ibe approximate
    276 words
  • 1808 12 STOCK EXCHANGE, MINCING UNE, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON MAY II A number of ditm in which local inverter* are interested .re not quoted in loci (hue liato, <tad tben are orcaaioaailv wide "Jote'ne. T^lST*?^ "f ii l UUdO Tra~~.ioo.Uke plac, in HWh-Lm,. we. a. in
    1,808 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 229 13 What is the use of Experimenting Get m J FORD CAR That you can absolutely depend upon. Commercial Motor Cars and Passenger Tratf ie Cars of the well-known" Rapid" make. S3! GADELIUS CO., 3STO. 34. ROBIITSOIT ROAD. KELLY AND WALSH, LIMITED* New Colonial editions. New Book*. PRICE SI 10 EACH
      229 words
    • 194 13 COLO •TORABE CO., LTD, N BAR BKTRANCB to BORNBO WBAHP) T«l»phon« IO9S. ISeaatoelu oi all kteda ot FBOZBN M B ATS, etc, oan be dattrand to Bhippum at tba Whama, or in the Hinffipnri Roada, on abort Weekdty. T a-m. to I p-m. today* Tarn to Ba ra I p.n>
      194 words
    • 219 13 ArW.Tully AND CO. SS. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE BOOK OPEN ON Selangor Meeting, 1»t Day, July 6th, 1910. Double Events ■mm 344.347. AMD 44 7. Treble Event 2000 to 30 FUce. 1, 4. »nd 7 2COO TO 30 Ttlr.jraphu AtUnu TULLY. SINGAPORE Ttttphofu M9B. nfnt^nwn^sSnnl^ CHEGafi BROTHERS. Dentists, 88, South Bridge
      219 words
    • 149 13 §INGERS TH. Very N **OrO Dull Evenings OlllULKo A call will CONVINCE YOL Prices to SUIT YOU. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. wljsgp^fef Swiss too S LEDGE M BRAND WVOIENIC SWISS MIL^ IVTilk jpSSSS"" 1 11 iiWill g^^g.,,,^.^^l TWVERB 4 80HS.L0. Proprietor J. CARAPIBT T»nrmo»a Na S«l THE BEST FOOD
      149 words

  • 933 14 Royal S tables. THE LATE KINGS INTEREST IN THE THOROUGHBRED. Newmarket Memories. One of tbe pleisnre* which the lale KiDg enjoyed durioft bit lot visit to bid Norfolk borne was a look round his stud faim, in wbicb be always too. tbo kecaett and moat practical inter* at. Stud cards
    933 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 490 14 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. ■Md Office Winchester Howe, SINGAPORE. Board Of Dlroxjtoro I 0. A. Daaaica Bag., Chairman. A. B, Fata, Esq.. Managing Director. Paraa Fowua, a.a., c.a CLief Mod. Officer. a*. Assros. Bag., Ber. N. J. Coovaooa. r. kt. Buiot. Bag. Oao Sooa Taa, Bag. Tow
      490 words
    • 272 14 WBWAMCE, THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Mead omco— l3A. Canton Koad, Sbauifhai. Regiaawed under too Lite AooHoatt Oompaaies Acts, England, tad under tbe Hongkong Ordinances. Boaao or Dnaoroaai tiy.^A. McLeod, Bag.. Ohairmaa. Lee Toag So, Bag., C. Stophariaa, BoY, J. BTkUMiohaeirßoq., C. B, Burkill, Esq., J. A. Wattio,
      272 words
    • 488 14 BAWKJWCL IHAHTEREO BANK 8f INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. ■OO&PORATo-D BT BOTAa OHABTIB rati ap Oapttal la M.OM Bbarss at Baaaab a1.W0.000 inirvi rood ai.eoo.oot) ■aaam rinlHllj of Ftoartsloii o),*t0,000 BABKBBB, Baak ot atoajaaa. RaMoaal Beak at Boaaaaa. (aa aaaloo OHy a Maflaaa Baak. BM BIHOAPORE BBABOH. Oaitaat Aaaoaaia are opiail
      488 words
    • 73 14 BEWIIE OF A CIU6M. Now is the time to get rid of toot eoogb, tot if you let it bang 00, bo oae can tell what tbe end may be. Others have bsea cor. d of tbfir coughs very quickly by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Why not you f Try
      73 words
    • 611 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. THE ROYAL HOTEL, UPPER SERANGOON ROAD. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Teak Furniture, Billiard Tables Hotel Appointments, MESSRS. H. L. CCHiHLAN v CO.. IAYI BbMbVVBBI IN- TUrcTIO^ SELL BY At TIOX. On Saturday. June It, at 1/t m The whole of tbe Hotel Appoiatuii-ots ennri 4bk T«o
      611 words
    • 407 14 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at tbe following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little Co.. Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs. Kirn a Co., Battery Road a Armeniar Street. Messrs. Koh Co.. 80. Bras Baaab Road Messrs. Obee Soon Co., Orchard Road. Hotel de
      407 words

  • 1185 15 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. H. > I. alone contributed the following items to tSe Olubv oo M*j 1 1. In tbe death of Kinn Edward every motorist in tbu coon try will feel be h»s >anVred a persona lorn. It would dp difficult to exaggerate
    1,185 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 274 15 NEW 15 9 H.P. The WAROPPfCG had 120 different Type* of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car Is Duo to Arrive next Month, r ill particulars ol which can bo had from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR MRS FOR HIRE
      274 words
    • 353 15 Beauty Sarias No 2. •No. 3 m Wlew). Sf CIGARETTES X I is that they embody all that is desirable in the best I tobacco without any heaviness. Tobacco leaf is I like wine valueless unless ripened by age, and t 4 a 4a 4 4Prrr I even then all
      353 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 626 16 WANTSIUSSOUI WHNTtO wTawsßs, s two vested Victoria aad Horee, in good condition Pltaae sen'] offers under M II r o StraiU Times. MM BOILER WANTED. Wanted secondhand 10 to 11 bone-power bank rin good condition. Apply Malaroo, c o HtraiU Times. TYPIST WANTED. Wanted, justified typint with commercial eaporieooe. Mast
      626 words
    • 532 16 WANTS. CHINESE CLERKB WANTED. Wanted, two good Chines* Clerks for Mercantile Office is Kwala Lumpur must be smart at figures and general office work. Salary to start with 150 per menses. Apply Knuckle, c o StraiU Times. 1(01 CHINESE CLERK WANTED. Wanted, smart Chinese clerk for Mer oastile Offloe is
      532 words
    • 557 16 BE LET 81 SOLD. ROOMS TO LET. At Zetland House (Armenian Street). Apply on tbe premise*. o«09 COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET No. 3, Adi* Road, entry from July 1, 1910. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. 1243 HtUSIS Tl If LIT. ■as, II islH, taawtcMos Htt, Bivn Vstfsv
      557 words
    • 655 16 NOTICES. THE UHATMtN.EB.LTD DIVIDEND NO. 2. A Dividend of 9d. per share ha* bees declared payable in London, on the 14th of June, and will be paid to looal shareholders as soon a* tbe registered list of shareholders oo that date, is reoeived from the London Office. A. GRANT MACKIE.
      655 words
    • 514 16 ARTICLES FOR BALE. RUBBER EBTATE FOR SALE Apply StraiU Timea. BOAROING HOUSE FOR SALE Orod Locality. Terms Moderate. Apply R., c o StraiU Times. I'JU PALANQUIN FOR SALE For •ale, one rubber tyred Palanquin in good oondition Apply to D. P l^StraiU 1271 FOR SALE Lot of Scrap Iron.
      514 words
    • 577 16 BOARD AND LODGING BUM WO KIIOEWE Three nice rooms with verandah* attach «-4 ith f™** Umii oole< c *> »»wb *uiteble for marriod couples or hanholor* Even comfort Terms me derate. Apply to Board c o StraiU Time*. ST. ANDREWS HOUSE A Church of England Boardinu House las •sroßsaa aad
      577 words