The Straits Times, 7 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.27 6 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JUNE 7. 1910. PRICE 10 KMS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 D. ft J. McCillnni's PERFECTION WHISKY. ULOBECI, MACGRE6OR MO COMPANY. KATZ BROS., LD. Cigarettes. We have just unpacked a fresh Shipment of the following brands I LEOPOLD ENGELHARDT S EGYPTIAN. Necbo ""IS Asma (Gold or Cork-tipped) SIMON ARZT S EGYPTIAN. 70 P. in Tins of 60 or 100 1 Per
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    • 32 1 R.MORTON. FRESH HORSES bj every boat from Australia for tale. VICTORIA and OHARRY tornoote tot ptivate hire a cpeciaUty. HORSE FODDER ol the beet quality always on band. CAREFUL SHOEING Harneaa repaired,
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    • 46 1 $10 HEWARD $10 Lost on Friday evening in Nsrtb Bridge Road (back of Adjlplii UMe'i, a pus doc aniwen totbe name of "Roy" Municipal No. ICOJ. Finder retarsioß »ame will receive the above reward from II S. Cowan, 88, rUffl Place, top Robioeoo Piano Co. MM
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    • 139 1 Robinson A Co. "Browning •"""^^^H^RP Pat cnt V -jM^-' Automatic Pocket Pistol W |A As illuatratton 525.00 Xhe action of this I'istol is antomttu-, except that the trigger is palltd for firing ca h shot Tfaia »3i^Lm pistol can be dischaiged at the rat«> of ''SbiShvw^ l^ e Cftrtr '^!J
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    • 3 1 Boliinger CALLHttH. NY.
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  • 592 2 VISITOR'S STR»N(,E FREEDOM AT DEVON PUR r Without Let or Hindrance. Confirmation of tbe tfaWuent wbich was made recent yin The QaSal concerning tbe ease with which it i- po- ibl<: for strangers to obtain aduiiiMMjn tv u» a\ dockyards ia Eaglaid is (urni-h< d by ti.o ciperirno-
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  • 528 2 «> Girl Offers to Sell her Braios The New York corre«prndent of tbe Morning Leader wiiw-s -On October li. 190". I cabled to the Morning Leader tbe stnry erf bow Miss Elizabeth M» K i.-, a Chics ro steno grapber, tired of cflloe drudgery, bad idfwtited benelf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 197 2 Weak and Wasted Children and Adults Grow Fat and Strong on "I KEPLER' SOLUTION It works wonders in the early stages of consumption. Every particle helps to make flesh, blood, bone and muscle and to give that >— nry.'.-- A increase of vitality I necessary to shake I off the
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    • 14 2 For all internal ootnplainte. Of asatery, 'onuhs, Culds. eto-. sake Wool* <lrealPsea«rmint p ar«.
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    • 340 2 CRABBETT PLATE Aim Fttdrnn, fun.- 10. ASCOT STAKES Bun TtumUf, J*»» 14. ROYAL HUNT CUP. Run T <day, June U. Staituo Pmica ComtMon Bimhid OM Ul PIIHCIPAL KMUH Kai'B* DOUBLES, TREBLES. COMBINATIONS ■ML A Weekly liat of proWbio Starter*. Jockey., weight* price*, etc, will be wot port free jo application.
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    • 364 2 ISMAIL RAHEEM O| re showing an I'iiprecedpntod oolloction of a very large J\ aanortmect of diamoads of the finest water aad cat Jast nnpaokbd and within reasonable priooa. Diamoads weisbinit aad ranging (racu 'I carats upwards to 'JO os rats Pairs o( diamonds for earring, crosaoci. etc a «pooially. An
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  • 848 3 STRIKING LECTURE BY MR. ROOStVtLT. kaiser Prcscit. Ia tbe preamieß of tbe Emperor and Kmpraea aad tbe Priaoaa aad Priaee»«f- at preeeat ia Be* Ua, Mr Booair«lt, oa May 12. dali>ered at the anivenity there hi* ad.lrtw oa The VS orld Hofracii Tbe paper waa lor tbe maia
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  • 75 3 One boad'cd anl thirty million* of dollar* carr td ia the Da*al appropna'ion bill waa la—jd by the 9vaa«« at Waabioittoo. on May 34. and tba exit so* awaiu oaly tbt ■Hatlnrn of the preaiduot to become a law. Tba anin proTwioa of tba bill h lot tbt:
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  • 77 3 Tbe AlUa Laoe Steamabip Compaay have in »it< d ti-Ddrnt for two Urge twain* ateameia lot their paMen«er r» ice bat»eeo LiTerp* o abd Canada. Tbe reaaala will eaeta ha*t> toaß>|ie of over 30,000 a*d will be tbe Urg. at eafltged m tbe Canadian awrvie* Tbc-y will •laa W> tbe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 703 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortift the* System* against Disease nib Bs^S^B^^^BaaSwca^oa^^uiotKTiiT^o^ y__^j^£^__^_^^ riwnounoaid a^h^ir!?^^^*^^** *^TMMITiaA t%r f F f?^Lt Jorpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, Jd j; WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BLOCD. Fortify tbe System against Disease with PURE BLOOD. IWILKINSONS SARSAPARILLA BI^^^!!^
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    • 73 3 BEWARE SF A C U6H Now ia tbe time to get rid of that eoof.'h, (or if 700 let it bang on, ao oae eaa tall what Iha aad m.y be. others have aara cnrid •f their ooogba vrry qafeklj by asiaa C amU- lama Coogh Huraajy. Why not yoa,?
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    • 222 3 TEA We do not claim to have more brains than oar competitors, hat we believe it is really to yonr mU-rebt to take advantage of our forty years of sacceeefal tea-blend-ing. BROOKE BONDS IF A Sold by the following dealer, t Guao Chin Hod«i A Co. Bbramsah Pakirmaidro Co TianK
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    • 221 3 The Rangoon Refinery COMPANY LIMITED. Kerosene Oil The following qualities can be obtained frou. all d< it "OUN Brand. A Hlfti-Ctos White Oil "WATCH" Brand. A thoroughly good Burning Oil "U»B»ELLA" Brand, A Oaod Cheap Oil. Candles Petrol THE "OAKCINGGIRL VERY SUPERIOR BRANO. QUALITY In all aizrt and weights. >
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 730 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &6. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. »er Cfclaa. Jaaaa. Psaaag, Oaylea Australia, ladla, *i»m, Egypt. *4eilterr»aeaa Pe<ts, Ply. taeaib aai Leaiea. Tbroogb BUI* ot badlag kjoasi tor Oka* OoaM. Ptrtiaa OooHaiaml. aai arasrlsas Firts. 4t«am<n wtu l*ave BlaaMor* oa or aboel MAIL LINES. OalatH (/or i.' Mmi Delia
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    • 606 4 STEAMER BAIUW6S. nTy.k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD A reaTilar fortniifhtly oerrtoe ia maJntoiaM betweei JAPAN Jd IOROPI ky tbt Oompany'i well kaowa fWIMCIIW ITIiBIIt ondur Mail CoatrMt witb tba Imperial Jtpannan Ooverameat, speoiaily iisawsrl lor tb. CompMys ■uiiajMa Serrtee. lighted exaeliMt aoeommrnUtlna far First Md Beeond Class Paaaeaajer*, and
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    • 562 4 BTEA«« BAILIHW HAMBURG ABEAIKA UNE. HAMBURG. Tbt Hiirsin ot tkls Oonptt; asabrtals a -Bgwar sarvtes betweea Hamoarg. BrsmM Aalwerp. Md Bomardam, aad lbs Satan* 1 OenMaai Japaa Horsewarda. Hit art deepelobed fortaigbHv r Havr* aad R«mbarg Md oaot a moata tot BrtmerbavM dtraot, oalUag al Psaaag aad Taking oargo at
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    • 760 4 oTEAMEK BAIUNIB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIKE I Tks fast saJ wen kaowa mall *< ml* Oompaay aM tortalgbty from Brma a > Hamborg. vta HnWirlsm, Aarwarp. Boatkamr toa. Oibraltar. Oaeoa Banis* IteaaisMc. MareaiU**. Maple*. AJeuairta. aad vtos vert.! Port Satd, Baas. A<tea. Ooioorbo. Psaaag
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  • 138 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, June 7. Hiffb Water in js a.v w4B p.m A I baa bra Cinematograph Harioia CiDematoKraph Marlboroagfa Cinemahyrapb. Wednesday. June S UicL Water, 11 le a w \OM p m Thuraday, June 9. Hwb Watur o..*> p.m., 1 1 8 p.m Philharmonic orchestra. 5 Priday,
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  • 222 5 To Dat. Fwtvak aud Q'rbilt R. ofh»ra prn H Mekong and Japan KiLt'jrk H pm Hftlu Pabat Aids Hip pn> P'jo'iauak Ambr t t pm Malacca and Muar Lady WrWt < pm M«la--.». Port Uirkaon. .v.l f, bweltei.bam Pota Am. I\m II io; 1 i.k l*i Sana
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  • 139 5 lbs N. 1> I', nntward mail nt«amsr Horn. bas4ag <'■. Orlaaaka, on tbc sth nat al abeut f a.m. may be •xpeotetl to arrive liare od Frid*y tbe 10th it tl al ooon. Tbe B I ixofact packet <txn»[ Thoegwa. with tbe Union maila of tb« »'th
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  • 443 5 La (Ml Arrivals i Tzh »tr 3V7C too* Capt Agao. June 7. From Saigor. Jons Gc. and Mb. M^iub Csmia FrCJomts June 7— K fan Hin Qua*, Bril ttr MS W.di, Capt Bnntar, Jaut 7. From Pootiaoak. June t. O.e. aad 11 dp. Thong Kk. For Pootianak, JaoaS—
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  • 98 5 Wharves at which Vescds arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAIi. E. W. til IW B. W. HacTVW I— Talypvj. TsuU. Bans Hsiiu Wmnr-K .wi«n M. W. Sttmont- Bingo Mara. Arab.* t- Ongrtry Apcar. ♦—Volga. 5 Enrtaln*. fr— Gorgon K'Otaek. Liooox Don 7— {(ledar
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  • 189 5 Arrivals. V. r Kiata M< Vmw Kirn Swre, Sime, I C. (i. Korel, A. Eodo. It. Halt <r. V Maua -«*o. F Clod.-. L F. Koek. Halt. Mi i Sect l.ian and twnobiMnv, Mrs Chow BeDg, Set-t I >ai Lim. < 'im C'biooe Kow, O Uoeat, I
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  • 249 5 lVr N.I) L. xtcauier Rood, dux June 10. Mr K MirhT> Mr. nod Mr.. D. E Ooedekemerer and childrrn. Mr II I. H.igbtoo. Mr. S Carr, Mr. K Smith Mr. I obb, Mr M 11. K.^t""-. Mr am! Mrs K. A lion. Mr*. A Mon'er. Capt NT
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  • 234 5 Finance Commerce. ->IM,. WUK*. Jl'M 7 1910 O» London— Bank 4 3/4| Dt-mtad 3 I'nvatt «ni 3.41 do B id/I 3 4(1 On Gfrmatf— Bank d/d 340 Privates ma 344 do 6 id/i 340, On r r«rur<i-B«ak d/d tM PriTkto 8 m/t WO* do 6 id/i BOH On /mltd— BMk
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    • 180 5 lane 3 Vs. a, Bayer*. 8ellan. 10 10 B.:l*» Tin 4 00 8 00 10 10 Braaug 4.00 6.00 10 10 BraMta Hjd. 8X10 ft.50 10 10 tUn»boi 3.J5 3.40 £1 XI KioH Tin U.iO 1&JO0 XI SI Kiedtng Tin 150 a.00 10 10 Kuanteo Tin 8.00 8 60
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    • 608 5 lw»ue 1 Value, e. Bujen Sellers. 2 3' Alla«ai 6,6 7/8 2 Anglo Malay 160 1.7 0 2/. 1 e B<UD|i M»ltiu 8/6 4 6 11 il lUta Citm lil.O 160.0 XI XlBttaTicm 4 ISO 5 3.6 41 XI Bokit K»j»ujj 8 0 0 8 6 0 XI 10
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    • 106 5 Bayer* Seller*. 10 10 EMtoro SiuultiDK 11 fO 10 7 7.40 8X0 50 SO F rawer 4 No«»e 300.00 210.00 100 Howwtb Enkine 68 00 8O.C0 -.00 »1% Vnd. 90.00 92.50 100 100 lataBro.EW. 1JO.0O 100 100 Cam Prel. nom. 10 10 M»yn»H Co. 2U.00 i3.60 Valoe. Buyara. S~Uan
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    • 49 5 Buyer*. Bellan. Ibwirtb Erasi«*6% 1900,000 ps* Rile, Har aTeeTeaS% 1J94.000 1% pre. B'trieTwan XMO.OOO SiasßDore Ma. nieiptlSV; X1.878,000 bob. i Soyar*. Walton. Singapore Ma nicipal «i (X 1907 11.800,000 T* pr«. BiiM« Mn ■Jorpsd 4*% *****8 X1.0U0.000 6% 7% pre Singapore Ma. ucipW 4% 4WW.9UO 7% dii. ~~i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 AUCTION SUES Powell and Co. June B.— At the Ordnance Drpot, Polo Brani War Department Store*, at 3.80. H. L. Cot hl.n and Co. Juo« 10— At lalcrocm* Oramapbonck etc., at 10.80 Jone ll— At Tbe Royal Hotel, Serangooa Road, teak fonitore, etc., at 12 0000 JUST WHIT Y3U NEED
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    • 195 5 The GARRICK Cigarette ;jS" A LARQE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 50b IB^fc^ABSTSsI t>riCe Airtight i||^^ «^flSHl 6 CTS sftftVvSwajßsaßSß^BSßMßllV^lil B^\|JBJ OBTAINABLE AT JOHN LITTLE ft CO.. LD., ft ROBINSON ft CO. To ConnolMeui^jho»yj»«!JjJ! ir>g «s. i?«B«»lly UoodL Smoke. Uaranoab* Henry Clay*. Carbenaa. Bock*, and otbrr Uavaanaba. i 'otch Ua»annabs, Fatura
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    • 22 5 Kfepto| 3. RntrftDot Oxk-y Rim *md River ValUsy m t^aw V^mE^itf SINGLE ft DOUBLE ROOMS a^ataa^li^ VOW I* tT IiATI«B TKPH& MODUUTB.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 176 5 WEATHER REPORT. Ktodtng Kert»a BrwpiWI, JaM 5. li. i. I r. m. > r. >. Bustill. Bar fti I ah I9W1, M.-01 t» HI Tamp "9.0 MO I MO Nil WatBnlbTber 76" T«0 WO Pirol Wind c*'m 8 E. oaln Mu Temp 8-.* M.o. ..I 75 0 Mmi. in bnn
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  • 28 6 McKxoK.-On Jane 8, Liisie Kate, wife ot Lieut James McKeoe. late of tbe Malay State* Ouide*. at tbe Quarantine Camp, '.ngapore Deeply regretted. English paper* please oopy.
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  • 981 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, JUNE 7. JASIN RESUSCITATED. Tbcra are a Rreal dmj booeal man mdoo« Ibow who in actively ooaaeoted with the rubber baaiaes*. N*toraily. tbere an a great many also who are not, and ioidb ol •>* koow bow to tell the oaa from the other. At times,
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  • 18 6 Tbe Admiral Neilly passed through Singapore yesterday, from Saigoa for Marseilles, with about 280 French soldiers on board.
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  • 29 6 We are informed by Meexn. F. W. Barker and Co. that tbe of clean ore from Salak South Mine for the month of May waa 1 79.84 piools.
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  • 32 6 Messrs. F W. Barker aad Co. write tbat 'be oatputof clean or* from Kaoaboi, Limited, 'or tbe mooth of May was aa follows Mine «S peul». tribute 391.40 picuU, total 360.40 piouU.
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  • 34 6 Tbe Kom Sang, which arrived from Singapore this morning lost bar starboard anchor an 1 some IS >»ti»«vn»« of ohaia while penr awl ing to toe ■aohorage, says the Straits Bobo. of Jane 4.
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  • 44 6 Tao Ttong Ber. treaeaij clerk, at I «baao. is now in custody oa obarare of forgery and nriminal breach of troat Tba aocofed was until recently a dark in tba polios (Oca at Singapore having been transferred to I ssnaii tome time last year.
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  • 59 6 The L-gtulative Council holds its aext meeting oo Friday afternoon. Tbe action ','olunial Tnasorer will move tbe pasting of certaio addition* made to tbe rrtimitee larioK the quarter ended March 81. The new Lepers Ordiaaaea Amendmeet bill will be iotrodoced, aad tbe Robber Dealers bill aad the Oeasral Ordieanae
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  • 82 6 Two Chiw»c were, charged in the second polios oourt, veeterday, witb seteJiag a private rickaha belongine; to Mr. Walls* Obar miller, Oarnu, of Taluk Harm Road. Whoa they ware •mated, tba nokehe iv fcoad in tbair minima. They wara paaoUat; Urn wheel* different ooloar to what they had been ud
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  • 27 6 Tbe Chine** government intend', a a a b. i inning to the reform* ia Thibet, to e*iabli«l poeitioas for two pretests and four magi* Irak a tbere.
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  • 29 6 Tbe accused ia the Yin kin Strett murder Hob Hwat, appeared b. fore Mr. R .bin son third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, aad was coo-mitted for trial to the aaaiaae.
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  • 75 6 A circular has been ianoed by tbe Hoe. J. U. AuthoniM. acting Resident Councillor. Penang, directing all gnvernnu nt servaaU who have not been vaccina. I to attend at the Cbowrasta Dinpeosary to have tbis done. In aid of the building fuod of th< Portu wuese Church of St Joteph,
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  • 53 6 Rumour says that between XSOO 000 and £400.000 is to be voted tor addition-, to the I Volunteer Fleet for the development ol Ruasiaa connection" with the Far Kast. while aa attempt will also be madv to oon o .atrato as far as possible all the Amerioan immigration at the
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  • 51 6 A destructive Are occurred at tbe work* of the Indo Burma Petroleum Company at Tilwa, Raagooo, on May 31. Oae ot the feed pipes appears to have broken, with the result that it want into tho rtfiaing room where it naught fire. Tbe damage amounted to the extent of Ra,
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  • 47 6 The well known foot bailer Stephen Jalleb, P. W. D. overseer at the l>.ndiog>. was thi» morning charged before Mr. Oiborne with falsifying account*, reports the Straits Echo. of June 4 Tbe oaoe was poitp>eed to the 9th insl bail bting allowed in tbe sum of •500.
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  • 57 6 H. M. S. Serdaog visited Sandakan on May 11, aad left oa 13th for Maooc M .on in search of the remaining pirate who murdered three Dutcti traders at Toli Toll, in the Celebea. Some American veaea's aod trcops are oo operating with the Serdang and al read? six ot
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  • 51 6 Three Cbiaeae appeared bt fore the saaior magistrate to day charged witb beiog in pomes Moo of 400 tahils ol chandu other than government chanda, valued at II 2 X). The case wax adjourned in order that the chandu might bd aoaljmd, the defendants being liberated on baU of 14.000
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  • 56 6 The Empire League's New South Wales branch decided to cairy out the celebration* of May H and to urge tbe authorities in the other Australian States to concur ia coo nidering that day not so much one of rejoicing as of affirmation of unity with and loya ty to the
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  • 56 6 Tbe ere ct ion of the new coal conveyor and waggon tipper at Labuan has bet n com plettd. Tbe Aral trial was very suooe»lull) carried out, tbe tipping of tbe larye fi lot waggons being done witb eaae. The ooi veyor aod tipper will probably be used when tbe
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  • 50 6 Manila papers printed ia big type, on May 22, tbe following Washington terrain —Tbe djupelcbes received at tbe State Depart meal trom mimtter Calboun at Peking are of sinister import. Tbe American rtpre«< o tative in China flods cuidilioos ia the empire alarming sod Washington is disquieted by hi* repoiti
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  • 55 6 A eorrespoadent writ* Siatcaporu baa loag regarded Bangkok with a so»pici Mi eye aad armed with disinfectant Bangkok has always been po-Wd as aa infected port. Now however, the worm has turned, liangkok bas issued a warning to mariners to the tff«ct tbat Singapore is rotting witb Kru.ll pox. obolera
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  • 73 6 A taltgram from St. Petersburg to the Lokalaoxeiger asserts that tbe annexation of Korea by Japan ia imminent It i* declared that tbe aem Rasao Japanese Com mereial Treaty will be aj worded as to embrace tba province of Korea, and will contain aa exprosaioa of the desire of both
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  • 80 6 The camphor export trade ia Ceylon ba< not been so brisk this year as in tba past. Io the Brat quarter, last year, nine .1 wtigbt of oampbor of tbe value of Ha 1,093 was sent away the diatoms returns for the current year show that only two hundred,
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  • 85 6 Tbe care in which Mr. James Christie was to have reappeaiei on a charge of eausirg death by a rash act waa menuomd ia the second police court to day. The sllegition was iha Mm defendant knork. d dowo and killed a Chinaman while dmiog a motor car neylinently aloeg
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  • 79 6 la tbe master attendant coart. yeetor day, a sampan coolie was floed 15 for kaviog taken his tampan alongside tbe ship QleoogU while »be wa« quarantined The defendant showed a paas. inaned on Juae 8, to allow s i ■toward oa tbe ahip to go ashore for a day and
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  • 93 6 Tbe Piaaag Osxettr. of Jane 4, says The harbour to day waa the scene of some mild excite meat due to tbe aaw Peoaog Provisos Wailseley ferry boa*. Toeg Bee •teaming io tba roads. Boilt at tbe Ee»t am Shipping Co dockyard, ot 46 toes tonnage, aad driven by screws
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  • 431 6 Tbe Hne. W. Evaaa is to be tbe O vernor leouiy during Sir Jobn Aoderaoe's abtenre o P. narg and Kedah whither be proceeded the 3rd tost. Io Tinland beam lh«t Mr A. Duboin. late manaiftr of Sernndah Hvdraoiic Tio Minieg '0., is boring the Tin llakau
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  • 42 6 A.haocefiKOres, liable to correction, of t(» fxpirtof tin trom Porak dv leg M»v havi be o (urwardedfiom iheaecrxtariat, Taipiag *s I. low. -Block :io 7.77) '21, tin on 20.7X7 24. and duty 1319 HI Ufl
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  • 87 6 Some of the pictures cow being »bown at the Ailnmbra riQeajatugrapli c more than a mvre pas^iOK mention. Id the Kuina of old Iv-'ln oo« urn Kploudid BBaariatiVi picture, aod the subject Water aod Win rera'ls the la<t diaantxom Uool io l'*n- in i:. mid«t of which tbe
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  • 120 6 i The Manila municipal bjard ha* paased a 1 resolution appropriating P. 1 800 a year to hire Filipino aoraaa to work in Majyaeeta with the Oota da Ltcbe in saving Manila babies. These annes will go aboat the city look into tbe sanitary condition of the I
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  • 123 6 Atareooral meetiog of tbe Eipbinntone Kitetet Limited, bald yesterday afternoon, it waa apeed tbat the company be wooed up voluntoily under the provisions of the Com panics OnJioaooe. 1819, and tbat Mr. A. A Goan, of M ieor». Oann and Co be appoint* i liquidator al a fee
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  • 150 6 Tbe Singapore Coort of Appral eontinu.d its work jettsraajr, tbe jud«.« oa tbe beach Mag the Cb*f Justice (Sir W H H vodman Junto). Mr. Jostioe Biaddell aod Mr Juauoa Laalie Tborbtoa. Ilia appeal of Bt*i, m >n A. IVreira, ex part* Soooa Ahna S .bra
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 79 7 AMERICAN TRUST PRESIDENTS PREDICTION Great Fall in Prices Within tbe Year. Ratrrss TnaMO.] Loadoa, Juaa 7. The President of the American Robber Trast, in tbe coarse of an interview, pre dieted reductions ia tbe prioe of tbe raw material within tbe year. The present pricos be said
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  • 62 7 SIR ROBERT FINLAY OPENS THE BRITISH CASE. Explains Basis of Newfoundland Fishery Claim. ißacTss TaueRAS-.' London, Jaaa 7. Renter states tbat in tbe Hague Arbi tration Coort Sir Robert Finlay opeeed Britain ease in the Anglo American North Atlantic fisheries dispute, by a lengthy exposition of Britain's rights
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  • 51 7 RUMOURED GREEK DECISION TO ANNEX. Tbe Only Possible Solution. [Daa OsTAsurucaa Llotb Tataaaaa.l Berlin, Job* 8. It is the intention of the Orcek Govern meat to proolaim the annexation of Crete. In the opinion of tbe King, this is tbe only solution of tbe question that i«
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  • 59 7 Presention of Victorian Medals. ißaoTss'i Tummi 1 Loadoa, Jane 7 King Ueor XiK i bas received at M*rlbouroogh House the hundred blot- jackets who drew I the gun oarriage at the late King Edward's funeral. His Majesty confided tbe gun carriage to tbe keeping of tlie bluejacket*,
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  • 48 7 Italy's Recognition of Practical; Htlp hst'T.. isLaea^B London, Jane ft. In nconoitim of auistsnee rendered ia connection witU tbe Sicilian earthquake, King Victor Binanoul lias conferred a num be r of gold medals, including tUe ladiaa aad Japanese -vtmmenu, and the Priaee Rageat of China.
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  • 46 7 President Taft Thinks it the Greatest Problem 'KaoTaa'f Taiaaaaa' Loodoo, Juao 6 Speaking at Jaciunn, Michigan, Prewd. at Taft proclaimed hii belief that SocUlwm ia the gr< Pr b'i in confronting America. Tbe issoc would toon ocine and moat be •kill ully met.
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  • 25 7 iKaoras Taiass >■ Loadoa, Joae T. I There was a Cabinet meeting yesterday afternoon, aad thereafter Mr. T. P. o'Coaaor interviewed Mr. Lloyd George.
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  • 26 7 (Dm 'JeTASiATttuma Llotd Taiaaaia Berlin. Jaaa 6 In refereaoe to tbe Papal encyclical, the Osservatore declares that tbe word* have been wrongly interpreted.
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  • 24 7 Da* Oatasutiscbi Lloyd»w| BcrUa. Jaaa 6. Abdul Aiis, tbe ex Sultan of Morocco, ia starting oa a trip to Meooa.
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  • 71 7 Probably never ia the an sals of Shanghai baa so much inJi«D«»ioo been aroused as at an seat opoa tba aobjeot of kidaappiaa childrea. Tba Taotai bas oiroalariaed ail the ooasolates with rslsrsaas to tba matter, asking tba oaVsiale to tako aotioa ia aadeavoeinng to pat dowa tbe aril aad
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  • 368 7 Fresh Scheme Proposed by the Directors To day at noon, the abareboldera of Port Dickaoo Robber Company met at Gretham House to oobsHbt a proposal tbat tba proi party of tba oompany be sold to a Loadoa oompany, oa terms set forth ia a circular issued.
    368 words
  • 414 7 Searching for Smuggled Upium on Board Ships. 1 The sequel to tbe etixure of opium oa tbe t steamer (ilenfalloeb. on May 80, was heard in tbe first police court, yesterday afternoon, when Captain Mason, matter of the ship, and Lim Ho Poah, the owner, wore charged
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  • 204 7 Sncceu of Clever Rase on the West River. Tbe Wnebow eocreapoadeat of tbe 8. C Morning Post wrote on May 36 About a fortnight ago, a native junk sailed from Kweilia to Wusbow with USOO taala on board, shipped by a native opium tout. Wbaa tbe junk had
    204 words
  • 1086 7 MR. LAMPARDS REPORT ON TAPPING PROSPECTS. Increased Labour Fore* Required. The foortb annual general meeting of sbarabo'.ders of tbe Rubber B» tatea of Jdbore, L miUd. waa bald on May 11. Sir Frank S «etteaham, O. C. M. ti presiding. Tbe chairman, in tba course of his
    1,086 words
  • 34 7 Agri- Horticultural Show. Memban of tbe A gri Horticultural Show fiaanee aad general parpo-o. oommittM an remiaded of tba importeat ■■■>■■■ of the ooaimittsa oaUed tor to-morrow afterso—, whWi thsy an iiHlitlj H(wM to astaod-
    34 words
  • 40 7 Mr. Leaaa, tbe manager at Sapoag Estate, haa left oa a tear ot taepeotioa ia the Dutch ladies aad tbe F. M. 8. A raster factory is in course a< noastraat-lns aad be hopes to Mart tapping o« hi. return.
    40 words
  • 1072 7 EASTERN MORTGAGE AND AGENCY COMPANY. LIMITED. First Debenture Stock Redemption. Tbe eighth annual general meeting of toe Eastern Mortgage and Agency Company (1901), Limited, «h held m Uie office* ol lti« oomjaoy 4, Crbtt Court, Loadoa 8.C., on May 11, Mr. Alfred U. Drew in the
    1,072 words
  • 69 7 According to a Simla d- apatob, tba Secretary of Stale haa sanctioned a reward ol Ha. 900 to Colonel H T., M. B for designing a raok (or the aa'e ousiody ol arms of Britisb troopa id luJia, and alao a reward of Ba. 6.000 to Major K. M.
    69 words
  • 637 7 Local Company to Develop Polo Daat. Tbe prosprctas of a modi at little company to develop the small island of Pulo Das*, tour miles from the port of Laboan, bas just bat d i-iioed. The direotors are Mes»r*. K F 1 1 Hisaioaße (Kudat) K. Oottschalk, and
    637 words
  • 233 7 Refuse to Recognise Japanese Coral. Superintendent O. B. Baldwin, of tbe San Francisoo census district, bas side stepped an international complication I says a San Francisco paper. Tbe largecolony of Korean, in that city acd Oakland refuse to take orders from tbe Jaaaaeae consul general about
    233 words
  • 191 7 i Messrs. F W. Barker aad Co. enpply the following return" Singapore snd Johore Rabbar Co Mty 10.050 lbs. May 1000. 2,(02 lbs. First five months of fiaaaoial year 41,081 lbs. Total! for oorreapondiag period last year H.rtOU It* 1 Ledbory Rubber Bstatos. May ».«M Ib* May
    191 words
  • 130 7 NANKING EXHIBITION OPENED QUERY. Seven Thousand Suspected Troops Disarmed. rR>CTBR's TtLIORAM.] Loadoa. Jobs 6 Tbe Nanking Exhibition haa beea opened, and tbere was no disturbance Seven thousand suspected foreign drilled troops bad previously beea disarmed) aad replaced by eight thousand others A wire from P. Uidk. dated
    130 words
  • 149 7 Chinese Assailant Bolts and Commits Snicide. (From Ocr Own CoKssspoMDsitT.) Hongkong, June 7. Custom* officer Martin, attached to the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs, at Canton, boarded the steame-r Hwangtung, at I Canton, and commenced searching tba Chinese pasnemgers for arms. Suddenly, oue of tbe natives wbo was
    149 words
  • 571 7 NOTES FR OM KELANTAN (Faoit Our Own CoßaasroNDßirT.) KhoU Babro May 10. Mr. Kerr, of the British LosaMon, Bang kok, ia reported to have btcn appointtd cuntoms ofßcer at Tumpat. Hi* quarter* are I under conalruction and will bet completed sooa. I Oa tbe recommendation of the distriot rffiosr, (fovorniuf
    571 words
  • 109 7 In Tonkin, tbe trade ia robber from mdi geaooa vine., oaoe so fljnriabing, bas fallen off tMmeadoaaly of late years. Tbe native collector* recklessly bled tbe good vines to death. Then they tamed to bad and iadiffer eat vines aad so adulterated the lattx tbat there was hardly aay market
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 320 8 It was antieipeted Uiat the Singapore rifle team wonld be sbU te practice tugotber at Bisk y. tor tbe first timf te day. An S C C. K'igby practice match waa flayicl on the t) pltuvk yesterday after noon. Whites beating I. j loam by IS potots
      320 words
    • 161 8 Woolwich Arsenal F. C. A meetiug of Uie ilirtctoni sj tl c Woolwich \r*enal Club baa been held at wbioh tbu lullowiog resolution* were paeaod 1 That in ooOM-qoenoe of iutufucitnt abaro capital having been applied for. the directors decline to proceed to allotment, and have drawn ebt-<]oe* for
      161 words
    • 195 8 Keppcl Oolf Club. Tbe fulliwing pltyurs (jjilib.'d io tbe preliminary round for the K^ppel Ojlf Cub captain's cup Toe draw for tbe tr-\ round, »aiob um*i be play<d oa or before Sunday next, resulted as under Vf. King V. J K noedy W. 8 barn U v. K. O.
      195 words
  • 209 8 British Officer Congratulated at Brussels. Tba King tod Q teen of tbe Belgian! moat heartily congratulated Lieut. L twrtaof, of tbe IStb Hussars on bis splendid performaoce in tbe BroareU cavalry compotitioos, aay- tbo 8. C Morning Post, of May 39. As stated in a rtceot
    209 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 113 8 To the KdUor of tbe Stra'ts "ivot*. Sir.— l am dc*. and HM bare beev a «han-ii f. rin tliii* company, but tliuk, tbe tbanks of ssjsJi sbanbolders wbo have ■either tLr time nor ability te ►uiiy tbe math r t tli< mnelvra, ate doe tv the
      113 words
  • 437 8 Indians Incited to Murder tbe White R"ce. Tbu Madras oorre»|M«aent of Tbe -tan dad writee: I ba*« *uoowd«-'l in obtaining a c"py of an pxtreoM iy seditious brr l*be> t. tirofMWing to be a re iasne of th« notorioai VigaoU', aad to be printed at The X, vinKdi
    437 words
  • 199 8 Inofficial Estimates of Recent Census. A Wmhiogtoo rrpjrt, dated M»y 4, states: Altbougb return* trom tbe rural di* .riots will not rtacb ibe C«osua Bu'etabore tor auotbur furtoigbt. sufficiuot tt^iini iioui tbe towns arc now available ti'rnaole the 11 in *a to issue uoofli :i»l estimates of
    199 words
  • 133 8 Three privates of the MiJJlesex Regiment anpeart d ander miliia-y e«eort in too tbird police coart yeaterday. They were ebarged with doing ujj-cljul in an eating, booae ia iiigu Street— proof of Urn ir handiwork being pro luoed in the form of s, b n-kttiul of bn.k-n cxjckery—
    133 words
  • 116 8 A lecture on Irrigation ia Stun wm delivered toe other day. before tbe Bngiaeera' lo.tilufce »l Uie Uagu< It abowed bow (be Hieaaaa government itiiM ilMif of tbe ■ervioas ot fire Dutch eo*iu««r imriilnM. iocloding the atatsuar, Mr. J. Vac Tuber^n. ▲a ini«(auaa departaxnt was formtd bat Itck ct fund*
    116 words
  • 1028 8 Prices Quoted ia the Market This Morning. Siaptpore, Nh Jose, 1910. Mean. Lyall ud Bvatt, Bzobaaae ad j'bare broken, issue the following list of juotet oui tbii morning Ham. vaine. cayer*. sellers. 3/. AUagar 6 6 2/- Option* 8/. 6/8 II Anglo Jobore IS p>1 10/ pa
    1,028 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 51 8 Never mind tbe why aad wberrfore Love oaa kvtl ratk, aad therefore, If my lass yon lm y can- for, You an w«:lcjm», .ad, I'm sure Tbos U» Uake of Derw«et water bpuae to oae wbo loved bis daoghter baoanaa tba «wav bad b. ought E*ve of W'.xAi O.vat fsa.
      51 words
    • 576 8 LATEST AOVEWriSriMENTS. 006 FOUND Found, a dig owocr cm bavc turn by pijioK coat of tbu a^vertii mieit and aendint; a dcacriplian to L B c o Strait* Times. Hrn TURNOUT WANTEO. Wanted, a two neated Victoria and Hor*r, in good condition I'Uese senJ oIT.-:» under M. B. C. c
      576 words
    • 270 8 S.f/ioutrie&Co. LIMITED. THE ARCADE. Vocal Scores Our Miss Gibbs The Merry Widow The Arcadians. Selection. Our Miss Gibbs. Valsß. Our Miss Gibbs. Song. Yip-I-addy-I-ay. Two Step. Yip-I-addy-I-ay. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST WANTED 'A Hnt.«i lir Uttivia J iva. at no a rom I Unt suaf*r«| i -r snl Typi-t Apply by
      270 words
    • 322 8 MARLBOROUGH BBACH ROAD Tbe People's Popular. Change of Programme. raw v-'VELritv hki. lain i i I ■MOM. .Seoond Siiow at p.iu 'OtLLEI TING I'AI.M .11 UK AKKAA.K SEEING THE REAL THING. THK ULTU UNO. THE TWO PORTRAITS. I THK TIMU.S Of CHAI FKKII. IMPLACABLE HATE. I*l 'ill r KKltll WI'KI"
      322 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 392 9 A. W. fully AND CO. S3. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE bOOK OPKN IN Selangor Meeting, IstDav.Jh.y sth, 1310. Double Events Races 3 ft 4. 3 A 7. AND 4 ft 7. Treble Event 2000 to 30 Races 3, 4. a lf 7 2000 TO 30 Telrjraphu A<Ureu TULLY. SINGAPORE ißßßnaaaM B3S.
      392 words
    • 664 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. GO. LTD. Tn Hiirair. at tbh) Compaay maraaata a mvalar «rr**» Mrvta* b*»a«*n Oaliilti Btralw. Hongkonc, Bbnagfenl and Japan, tnahtf *atß> ja •nroogn Mm* of Lananglar Oanaon. Bwnto* \atoj, Cbatoo, Ttantshi, B*w*fewang. Tangnw* Port*. Fonsosm, Ik* PalttpptoM. *o. Itmnari Tons nnmasarnir ImiM 4.1 M B.
      664 words
    • 570 9 STEAMER SAILINGS* jO. i K. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. m NATIONAL EIOH WAY TO BUROPB VIA CHINA, JAPAN. CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES Route from Hongkong via Shainrhai, Nagaaaai (Inland Sen of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S Empbbm or India T win aorew steam
      570 words
    • 512 9 ESTABLISHED 1846 rfila.i^liJk7 T^ e Great American Dentifrice T<> nuH't the deman 1 f r an antiseptic, non-ad I 1 dentifrice. SOZO DON'T was ptoducad, ami has fur sixty yean ling incre favor in every had where teeth are cleane<l. i»OZi )I )< >.\T T< >( »TH POWDER was da
      512 words
    • 116 9 s^g HOT A BEME. PLEDGE' BRAMD HYGIENIC SWISS L TV/TilL Us JJ*rnpd in us natural punj J' of a^S? eT ltnUl d l(1111 Ji de^*^icuri.v .Ins milk o^J dtUablHf rmaintainl to I SoUlmporW. a ._gg^ TRAVERB ft SONS. LO. Proprietor: J. CABAPIBT. Tbwbohb Na H. THE BEST FOOD AND THE
      116 words

  • 890 10 PROBABLE CHANGES IN ROYAL HOUSEHOLD. Coming Appointments. Though there will of vtce-titj be tnany cbangea among tbe treat boun. bold official*, it maj betaken for granted tbat king George's dct-p and sincere attachment to bir father will lead bim 10 insist, says tlir hxpres*. that tbe ehsngek
    890 words
  • 98 10 Tbe new war»bip Hrioolea, aieter ahip to tb« Culomo*. rtrvutly bt.iltoa theCl)d«. wan laoaciied fr< m Palmtr'a Yard at Jarrow, on May 10. Tbe Hrreolea, wbicb i« 515 fi. in iMffttt. ban a daplanm+ot of r.».500 toax. Her turbine rnginta < f 86 KO bp. will gire aafirtdofSl kaouaad eaoo
    98 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 384 10 ——■BE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO. LIMITED. let J Olflce Winchester Hoom, BINOAPORB. Board of Director* i 4 Disbicb. Bag., Chairman. a B Faib, Bag.. Ma»»« in K Vi****hm Fowua, mm., c CW Hed. OBtoar. A». Ai«xt B«q Bt». N. J. Oobtmcb. f K Biuot. Bag. 0»3 8oo« Tm, Bag.
      384 words
    • 475 10 MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA. ■atabllabed 1817. Polioie* are WORLD WIDB. UNRKB TRICTBD," INDIBPCTABLB"a»d MONFORFBITABLB." ClaißM, loan*, eaah-air—aari, oromptly asttled by tbe OeoeraJ Agent, at Sia^apora, without tbe delay of refecenee lo iaadOtßoe. Tbe nuawii* for protection of Policy ftou£. are orer $XQ.6oSj»O (8.8 C.) Tbe Aeoooate are eaparTiaad
      475 words
    • 465 10 BAMKIH6. IHANTttED lANK Bf INDIA. JLUSTUUA AND CHINA. BOOBPOBATjCD BI BO TAX. CHABTBB Mi op Oastta! Is iC.OOO Bkarai o« OlMk •1.t00.a00 bbmtt* fo»i MX 000 MO iMHTf faBBBBwy w» If 4^4H L4U4 1 4 41,100,000 BAB IB KB BHk o* Baf^a* Bettoaal Baai ctf f i*a~* ffc* BaaJn OH7
      465 words
    • 48 10 LIME tHOULOER. Wbe4brr nanhirg fr> m a sprain or from rbeoaoaUr rarae, tb»re i* »o«h'ng good to* a lam- •bou'dt-r aj Chasabrrlaia'a Paia Balm Apply it frrcly aad n>b the parta »-g--orea'U M taeb appltoatwa a*d a qntck core ia orrtain. ror aale by all Dirpeatariea aad Dtalan.
      48 words
    • 735 10 SALES BY AUCTION. THE ROYAL HOTEL, UPPER SERANGOON ROAD. Important Auotion Sale of Valuable Teak Furniture, Billiard Tables Hotel Appointments, MBSSRS. H. L. COOHLAN V CO., lUVK KBOBIVfll) DCSTROOTIOf SELL BY Al CTIOK, On Saturday, June ti, at Ipm. Tbe whole of the H<j*bl Apo«intru- o c>inori«ini; T »o haoilvomc
      735 words

  • 736 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. It i- dow firmly estiblitbed that motor can are very aMtal in military purposes as well a« in daily aw It in reported t*iat the British A my baa provided for I*oo,ooo earn, tbo <iermao Army 100,000 earn aut the Krrnofa Army
    736 words
  • 452 11 Marvellous Performances by the Veraons. Keorntly. the Vornoo" gave a rema kable seanoe in a private ro.oa at Sto ecotU-r st. Mr. and Mia* Verooo aie brother and lister. They were be m at aa interval ol ten year* between then on the same «*ay of the ssni*month
    452 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 401 11 NEW 159 HP. The WAR OFFICE had 1 20 different Types of Car* to choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car la Due to Arrive next Month. i 4rti"olar» of which can be had from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOO R CARS FOR
      401 words
    • 12 11 I Vmm aasal iipfemiot Car tui •■> iaiirai. ctu)f»nU, Dywsteiy, Coafcb*. Oo.Ji eto.
      12 words
    • 356 11 r-T^ BRYOSD OOUPBTIJfJ*R TION FOB CHEAPNESS fWW are we in all ARTICLES ASHNOVBLTIBBOFTHE fV&kXwJ* (JKKMAV •NOLSTRYtocU j.\ I m foj*. Hard war*, Leather JTill warp, Pap«r, Stationery and ffM m I i-icirood.. Perfume*, Vetty <^|A »uo, Gold and SilTerwar*, CyoLea, Photographic Article* and everything eW Oar caWkwue m our DC
      356 words
    • 274 11 LIPS' SAFES. Bundarreakwiaff Sales I UkCTIH :ll <u wjatimoni-s ia the market. mm <roui (iovornmenu aad Biu aka from a ample eteel -^^^Baejaßaaaßßwaiaßr fiflereot sues v plate. For pBwtMBM and price, INTERNATIONALE CREOIETEN apply to sou importer. HINDELBVEREENIGING ROnERDAM. rUSHUN COALT The Best Steaming Co;n in the Far Bast. KRBaH
      274 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 574 12 WANTS. TYPIST WMITEO. Wanted, ssaj lied typist with commercial eii«-i:i n-i, M.iot be llriro u'lly tffioient mi ..It to K D Suaita Tin.» urn PRINTER WANTEO. A >i:t<«l Printer, one avl to Warfdale niachioe OaaJ sa'ary given to oompetrnt ■an, aod only first claaa meo need apply. Majtar, c/o Straita
      574 words
    • 556 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD iff nt mm ti bi lit WMa laaiaili awary Bo T MaeaM Banal Apply at OOTSKUt 00.. IrTO. a IBM SOGOWNOROFMCETOBEIir. No. 91. Robinson Road, lately done up Apply B. N. Khac, 6, Malacca Street. 1009 Tl K LET. Oodowa. No. I, Mirbao Road, aad
      556 words
    • 330 12 FO BE LET Bl MID. ROOMS TO LET. At Zetland House (Armenian Street). Apply on the prtiniaue. o«O9 COMPOUNO HOUSE TO LET No. 2 A<ii« KuaH, entry (ion Ju y 1, 1910 Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Strict. 1262 HIUIH Tl IE LIT. ea. 11 Ml H, laMMaHaa
      330 words
    • 636 12 NOTICES. THE TAN JONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. NOTICE. Until further notice, It shall IMS compultory for •vny coal ship diaoharg*Ing coal at the Boards wharvaa to work ove»r> tlma at night up to 12 p.m.. If required ao to do by the Board, atnd the charge* for working such overtime
      636 words
    • 790 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. Daring my abisore in Europe my affair* will be in tun Hand* of Mr. A. U Hog*, ta, V A.uiticn Suttt. (Sd CHARLSS BENJAMIN. MM NOTICE. NOTICE IS HSRRBY OIVEN, tbat the ruad* and approache* to Ctieang Hong Lim Market. beion X i: to tlie KaUte ot'*ng
      790 words
    • 456 12 ARTICLES FOR BALE. RU3BH ISTHIt FCR SUE Apply C co Straits Time*. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE. Orod Lroality. Term* Moderate Apply R.. c o S'.iaila Timea. UM PALANQUIN FOR SALE. For salr, one rubbertyrtd Palanquin in good condition. Apply to 1) V c o Mint* Time*. I^7l FOR SAIL IxH
      456 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 246 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT I.MKs Misctllane ou* want* of <-\try ithcription sre iajaari ed at tbe prepaid rat< aj 91 per toot line* for one ur two iu^ciliodk AoUoo* of BirU». Mamagea, or Dtatha, it not axeeadioit four linea, II i-ach inatirtioo For p.p c. earda. oo page 6. 12. Ix.
      246 words