The Straits Times, 6 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.275 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. JUNE 6. 1010. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 152 1 D. ft 1. icCillnm's PERFECTION WHISKY. MLOBECK. MACBXE6OR ANO COMPANY, i KATZ BROS., LD. Cigarettes. We have just unpacked a fresh Shipment of the following brands LEOPOLD ENGELHARDT S EGYPTIAN. Antum 1.90 Per 100 Necho 2.1 0 Asma (Oold or Cork-tipped) 230 SIMON ARZT S EGYPTIAN 70 P. in Tins
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    • 76 1 SIPIAU TIN COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE. Notioe i» hereby given, that the Company* lTtb Ordinary General Meeting will be held at the Company registered office. Oreaham Uooaa, Battery Boad, Singapore, on Friday, the 10th day of Jane. 1810. at Noon. BUSINESS (1) To receive the Director* Report and pass tbe AoooonU
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    • 240 1 Robinson A Co. the JBBBgtK-^^^ "Browning" ■■■■^HS Patent y j| Automatic Pocket Pistol %t As illustration. 25 OO IiiMBsV^BWMMJi^BB*' > JpP;^^J||^, x The action ol tbih listol is automatic, except |^R!^flyj|pMlP!igg > SB l l^g^ily^j j that the trigger is pulled for firing ca h shot Ibis BBS?^~^"^^*^*^y^^S^B>ggß3|^^^B pistol can
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Champagne. CALOBECK. MAC6REGOR ANO COMPANY
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  • 959 2 COST OF UPKEEP OF THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD. Cxpcnses vl the King. The Houm of Common* wilt before the pre Mliwloo fOM.i a elaar bare to tt'ttle the amoai t of m -d. y to he d. v .1 iodh' y daring tbe pi c. -«ot rrign to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 522 2 A Grateful Wife '*bm^™ ai^Vaaaaas^ssaaaal^^l^^^^^^^las* sßaaV I •^T_\ sa^Vaaaflai Maternity Weakness, Rheumatic Fever, Depression JuM sitting itill an I thin^inc Ttrything fvinllt lias been done, doe* OOt vm Mis. Wi vn, jr all the usual ways h Ka| •> r<Mote her husbands he .1 th. she tiled the Rnal w.iy—
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    • 58 2 JUST WHIT VXI NEEO. Your toarae is ooattd. V. ur breath is fool Hesriaehaiaoa, aad go. These sj wptuasa show tbat your atoßMan i 1 tbe trouble. To re move th* canes ia tb* flrrt thing, and Charaburlain Stomteh aad L *er Tab eta will de that. Ba»y to tsk>
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    • 886 2 MAKTiNH His if <■•>*<. IrWtitbM V g I »t »«■><« i*.k'J .Krt >■ ™^_z~ BALSAM ANISEED/ TO CONQUER MUtIA. Words of Wisdom i Physician's Pen. Tboae who conquer Malaria con.|*r Uitronioa, ia a proverb with which every re sideai in tropical eoaatriea ia familiar. While in oonsr,|ueaoe of the oa
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    • 130 2 JifMALARiAL Disf Riera H Tonic Wine msSi Mjffitl One or two 110-- ilaiK im i> ax 1 1 1 \ll.lity K^^JBwjsKjHbm l>£4i 1 1<1 keep the piural health up !•> 1 ML ZMmjswlU \^Km maintains tlie striiigth and uu r. the rm^HSfSmi IM3/mV 'H-rvims s\ stem, stimtihiti .in.) T^^KS^tV*Jm\ a
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  • 888 3 HEART-BEATS DISTINCTLY HEARD 100 MILES OFF. No Limn to Distincr Tie rcwaatic story i 4 experiments by wbicfa the heart beat* of a person in London have bcea b«»rd over tbe telepbcne many miles anay was to be told to tbe number* of In Institution of Bkotrieal
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 595 3 The Rangoon Refinery COIPANY LIMITED. Kerosene Oil Tba following p»..t.— c»n be obtaiaed from all dealer* OUN Brand. A Hlf h-Cbu* White Oil. "WATCH" Brand A thoroughly good Burning Oil. "UMBRELLA" Brand, A Good Cheap Oil. Candles Petrol THE DANCINGGIRL VERY SUPERIOR BRAND. QUALITY In all siiee and weight?. is
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    • 118 3 BEWIXE OF A C UGH Now U th tin c to get rid of that ooo^b, lor if you let it hat'K oa, bo oae oan tell what the oad m.y be. Utben have barn oond of their eoogba very qoickly by oaing Caaaberlaia'* Coogb Remedy. Why not yoo,? Try
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    • 393 3 COMPLETE AND QUICKEST RECOVERY GUARANTEED. Against Asthma, Cough, Consumption and ALL AFfECTIOMS OF THE CHEST, THROAT, AMD LUNGS J% POUUOF 0 R Wj ELIXIR ANThABTHMATIQUE PULMONAIRE r V^ »•*-< DR. SAUL BERNARD r,^. S' m i N. ThiN exoellent and eDergetic preparation in based /^rlß i^3t n l^" 68t bacteriologic
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    • 76 3 SItieAPORE COLT «iTopa E CO.- LTD. Mil ■NTIUMCB to BORNIO WBaRT T.l* phono 1026. Igw—toak* of aU kind» of f RoZ IN MBAT9. oat I. 1. ared tc Bhippin« *i the Vkam« or to lba Singapore Road*, oa abort notion. •fFIGE HOURS: Weekday* T a in to I p.m. Monday*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 723 4 STEAMER BAILINGB. P. 0. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. Per China. Japaa, Peaaag. Seyien AMtralla. India, Aden. Bgypt. nedlterraaaaa Parta. ply. moalh aad l-ondea. TbUllrt BUli of Lading iaraad for Oklaa Ooaet. Pareiaa Oolf Continental, aad Amerioan Firte. Stoamen will lea»e Singapon oa or aboal MAIL LINES. OttdMrd I/or OAeM) Delta Jaae
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    • 606 4 STEAMER BAILIN6B. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. A rtxalar fortnightly aervioe ie maintained Jw2i^ JAPAITAi IDROPB ky tbe Company 1 well-kaowti fWIMCIIW »Tl*illl o»dar Mail Oortiw* with Urn Imperial Japaaeae Governmeal spatially deaigaed fat tbe Company c Boropean Service, lighted Jhroaaboot iy BleoSSty, provided with exoellent accommodation
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    • 608 4 BTBWEI SAIUWaS. BURNS PHILP UKL BINOAPORE 1O -JAVA FORTS, POBT DABWIN, THDRBDAT IBLAMD. BRIBBABB ABDBTDBBI. ALSO TAEINO CAROO FOR OTHBB BOBTH QDEEMBLAND PORTS. BRITISH BBW ODINEA, BBW BRITAIN BBW SBALABD PORTfI (wttb trwaahrpmaal) •Aa ladaoamenl oflen. Smooth paeaage. Superb Boaaary A regular mootbly aarvtot to above pottt 11 tnetatotaeil by
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    • 573 4 stemm mumt HAMRURG AMERIKA URL HAMBURB. The etoaman of thle Oompaay malataln regular aarvtoe between Hambarg, Bremen I Anlwerp, aad Rotterdam, aad the Baratto. i China aad Japaa Homewarde. they are deepatahed 'ortaightly 1 f Hevn and Hambarg aad oaee a moaah tor I I Bnraerhavea dtreot, oaUing at Paaaag
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    • 753 4 BTEAHEI mums. N. D. L. Norddoutsehor Lloyd, Bromon. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL URL The tact aad well kaewi mag c. thli Oompaay eail fortalghty from BraaMß Hamburg, via Rotterdam. Antwerp. Bontbaw toa. Gibraltar, Genoa, Nepie. |>waae«> a Mareetllee. NaptM. Alaxaadria. and vtee vert, i Fort Bald. Baaa, AAaa, Colombo. Pemaaa I
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  • 135 5 FIXTURES. Monday, June 6. Hi«r> Wetvr 9 Xi a m 9 14 p.m Appeal Court. Klphinatooe meeting. »0 Philharmonic «)rcb»-fcfa, K. Mimiooary Meeting. Prinaep St. Ok. 8.1.» Alhambra Cioetaatograpb. Haruua Cio*-m«tot[raph. Mariboronuh C'ineniatograpli Tuesday, June 7. High Water. 10 25 a.m.. 9.19 p.m Wednesday. June H High
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  • 133 5 10-Dii Bon«kon«, AajHf 11 d£« M Sat»4 pm Yt iaog and Raori<>on OkoofU I!■ MUaooa. Port Dtcksoa. Port BwetVsnham and 1«lok »dsoo P»r»k »pm M. U.ioroe a- id Kjdney Enryalui <pm BaißTia. Ohenbon and fram«T~g Oiang Ann 4 pa "IVMonaov. Ft •aoc. Malaoaa. F.M.B. and Jobors (Orsrls*d)
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  • 87 5 N L>. ontward nail staamer h i ba*io({ !'ft Celnnbo. on tb* sth :'itt bom a.m.. m»y be upeot«l to »inn- I nday Ibe 10 io«t. at nooo. Left Hinapor* Apl K P *0. Apl M N.I". L. Apl M 8.1. Apl W M. U. tUy »1
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  • 692 5 Latest Arrivals. Brit »tr )S9 Urn., Captain booU. Jnu«». from Hamb» 4oo« 3. O.a u< 1 Ap. Thong Ek Oc. Fur Pootiaank, Jam 7— Rd«. 7)m.1«, Nor «lr MO u>o«. rapt Jaool»*u .1 ..o» V From Bangkok. M»v 1. 0.0. ud f. HaD ll'-Ul{ I.KJDk 'HO< 7-Ildi. fl«
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  • 96 5 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and keppel Harbour. Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. E. W. Bura-Nil. B. W. Samoa I -Calypso. Ta-oba, Lai bang Sana* Wauar— BaWa« Riekm-rs. M. W. Becnoal Bombay Mara. s- NsesWa. 4-Ceiaa. -Mil. „6 Pronetbaas. Laoook Doci 7 -<oeder eonsuaotiou W. Wsuar
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  • 163 5 Expected to Arrive. Par F and O. steamer Somali, doe June in -Mm. B. Baker and ohild. Miss Dew, Mr O. F. T»ylor. Major and Mm. H. M. Martin. Mr. F. C. Everitt. Mr. T Wateno. jr., Lieut. C. B Bullou«b. Mia* Wodford, Mr. X ,1 Hoett.
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  • 217 5 Many interesting memories are n called by tbe death, at North Cberiton. Son* rait, of Mrs T. B. Unlock, widow of Colonel T. E Unlock. Mrs Mulock waa Ibe last survivor of the children of tbe captivity A grand -da lighter of Oeoeral Sir Robert fighting
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  • 151 5 P. C. Slo *m on doty in tbe avail hoar* of tbe morning near tbe Empire Hotel wtien I bit defective faea'tiea were awakened by tbe myntetiooa appearance ol a box which wh being lowered by a rope from no upper wiodow. Tbe box wh received by
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  • 251 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SoiOAroBB, Jim 8 1910 On /.on.Jo.i-Baok 4 m i 4| I>. m«od 3 4,', Private 0n>/i Jit dO CD I 1 4(1 O: Qtrmany— Buk d/d MO Private t mi S44 do 6m« 346, On Franc*- B»mk d/d 106 Private (mi SW« do 6 m SOS* On
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    • 172 5 lame "2 Vita*. Baywm. Sellen. 10 10 Bel»t Tio 4.00 1 00 10 10 Bru»n« 4.00 600 10 10 Braaefa Hyd. 6.00 6.80 10 10 Kauaboi 3.36 5.40 41 Ml Kiata Tin Uii 16.00 41 41 KuxUok Tin IJO i.OO 10 10 Koulu Tin 8.00 860 41 MX l+bm*
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    • 564 5 Valor. Bayer* 2 >/■ AlUtftr 6/0 1/. >/- Anglo M%i»y 100 •i, 1/6 BUM« Malak* 8 6 it 41 BttoUfot 14.10 0 41 41 B«»u;Tik» 4.13.0 41 41 Bikit K»)»n« 8.0.0 41 10/ Coolribatory '2.10.0 41 41 Baku Liotang ft 14.0 41 6/- Contributory '2.10.0 41 41 Bakitß»j«ta 18.15.0
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    • 111 5 brae 3 Valor. Bayer*. Seltem. 10 10 Extern Smehiag 1140 10 T 740 8.00 SO 60 Fraaer* Neave aOO.OO 810.00 100 Howwtfa BnkiM 6800 60.00 100 -7% Pref. 90.00 93.60 100 100 KtUBro.M. 120.00 100 100 h 8% Can. Put notn. 10 10 lUyiuurdACo. tiXX 8840 Im» 3 V*loe.
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    • 47 5 Bayer*. Hellers, Howsrtfa Erakine«% $600,000 par Riley, Hergreaves 6% fJSi.OOO 1% 8% pre. K trie T ways 4350,000 Singapore MouaipeJ J% *****,000 nom. Buyera. Beuers. fllßsainri Mo aieiH efIWT XI ,800.000 8% T% pre. "SENS of IMB £1.000,000 6% T% pra tilafpor* Mn niotpsJ4% £802.900 T%d»
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Jaee 7.— At saleroom, eleven Ireebold allotment* fronting s reserve for road off Confederate E«tet* Road, at 'i 80. Jaae 7.— At saleroom, laad situate ofl llu Psadaa Road, at 3JO. Jane 7.— At saleroom, express sawmill, etc. at 2 30 pm June 8.-At tbe
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    • 688 5 To Con-ol—uw Sr. ho— m* tak. ln< gexaiy Mood Smoke. HaTannahn. Henry Clay*, Cerbana*. Bock*, aad other Havaaaehs. Dutch Uavannabm Future Nobi*. Perfeotoe Ketcbil, E jiisitis. La Buss Dons. Isabella, Culebraa. from El Trio aad Dreieslbiea ea4 00. Manila. Imperio del Hondo (pick of Perla del Oriente) Leadrns, Per feotea
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    • 37 5 oa.iehr J OitlNslf. tiunwi We. H. >^ THE BEST FOOD AUD THE BEST t y\ ,„<> *fOlBl •a ate»»«# Might Olmmmr Every Smturdmy. ►>• Tbs Orchestra oaa soosat engagements betwtes B sad T c etock ud after S p a
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 170 5 WEATHER REPORT. KaDdaag KwbM Hoapitoi, Jut S. a. I f 9 f M^IUDtrALiT B»r. II Fab W W tt 7;» 7OT Tamp S6 i ffl OiSI 0 Mil. WatßalbTber >0 n 79 0 78 0 Dirof Wiad calm BE. cairn Mix T«up M.« Mi*. W4 Mai in San 157.0
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  • 31 6 la affectionate remembrance of my hoabaad M P. CAMERON, who died at Muu, Jobore, Jane S, 1907 Till Urn day break and the shadow* flee. L:zzm M. Cams Ron
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  • 1246 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY. JUNE 6. MR. ROOSEVELT'S PEACE POLICY Tbat quality of direotoe** on which we ba»e already csmmtnted while dealing with Ute remarkable aerie* of speeches deli re 'id by Mr. Roosevt It comes oat strongly ia oaf of tbe greatest— the addre.* oa Peace at Chriatiana. We
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  • 11 6 The Salak South May output of tin waa 170 pica I
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  • 12 6 Manila is to »peod P 5.000 oa tbe fourth of Ju.y celebrations.
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  • 15 6 The Kaiser ha* presented a gold diamond soaifpin to the senior pilot at Sheers— s
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  • 16 6 Tbe fallowing returns for XI »v have reached ua-liabman Hydraulic. 650 piouU and Lahat 680 picula.
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  • 18 6 China ha« forwarded the handsome coo tribation of 3,000 tael* tiwarda tbe fond* of tbe Seamen Uo<pital. Ortenwicb.
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  • 20 6 The inspector ot telegraph*. Oeneral Post offioe, adwetus that direct telegraphic com manioation* with Penangand Kuala Lumpur have been restored.
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  • 39 6 The address to night at the Prin«ep Street Churcb. H 15, oa tin World Mis«iooary Om fereoce will be given by the Rev. .1 v I Cook. Mr. Altx. Prostor aad Mis* Cook wi.l sing soloa. AU are invited.
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  • 34 6 Captain Sjott has been prewoted with tba psaaon ot the Amateur Camping Clnb, aad he has promised to leave the flag flyiog at the farthest point South reached by him in hi* forthcoming expedition.
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  • 35 6 Miss D. B. C. Patell, who recsatly brcarne Uie first woman licentiate of th* Royal Collego of Physician*, ha* joet been admitted tbe firkt woman member oi tbe Royal College i of Surgeon* of England.
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  • 40 6 Tbe official aa*i|rnec, Madras, ha* sold Uiree more rubber nutate., the property of tbe lat* tirm of Arbothoot and Co., comprising in all Hi'i acre i. Toe total of the higuent bids for thd whole of three estates wss R*'27.BOU.
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  • 39 6 Mr. Maobado, manager of tho I'nitrd Siogipore Rubber I'laotaUons fail d to p ove I his caw sgaiasl the thrte Nqnatlers ham moaci for n ing criminal foron and c jinmit tiog iv Hjbivf. Tbe dtfendanta were ilia ofaar^ud.
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  • 44 6 A London telegram, of May '23, say* A strong feeling exists io political circle* tbat the great and fnendly gathering of foreign sovereign* around tbe tomb i f Kiog Edward baa produced a beneficent t fleet tending to atsuage differences and to promote peace.
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  • 42 6 Hi* kxcellency tbe Governor ha* appointed tbe following officers to be oommiaaiooera aadar section 8 (11) of tbe stamp Ordinano 1907 The treasurer. Strait* Settlement*, the asiKUnt treawrer, Pooaag, tlie offinr in charge of th* treasury, Malacca, aad the district ('fliOL-r, I.tbuan.
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  • 59 6 The directors of the Peninsular and <>n ental Steam Navigation Company aonoooce a divide od at tbe rate of 6 pur cent, per annum on the preferred stuck, and an interim dividend at the rat > of 7 per cent i per annum oa tbe deferred atosk of the the
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  • 54 6 In the t pper Houae of the Hutch parlia ment. voic have boon raised in favour of limiting tbe time within which foreigners oan hold freehold land ia Java io ownership. Toere is, however, a strong body of opimoo agaioKl putting biodranoes in tbe way ot foreign capital developing tbe
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  • 57 6 M. Kloho kowski. the Oovonor Ucoeral of lodo China is returniog to tbe Colony witb scheme* of reform, public work*, and i due* tioo. Tbi* me an* an outlay which tbe colony oan illaffjrd. To meet tbe eir-eone a loaa of eighty million* of franc* will be raised. Tbe interest
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  • 64 6 Tbe Java Time* says —A union baa bet n formed in Hourabtya by Meaar*. Harten aod C> Dunlop and Koltf. Oijwlman and Steup I) imunick, Tobiax Van Kuyk and Sirk* and Uoberto for a local siani market, with bead office at Mu4«r^. Harten and C it., in Willem akale. The
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  • 65 6 A strange phenomenon is reported by tbe Sta'cxnao, which ray* that a*, three o'ulork in tbe moraine of May 7. .i »lcuit» timel a largo meteor lighting the firmament seooied to fall Irom the tail of Hatlay'* comet. Tbin tbe Bjegali* eoaoejt with tbe iatu Kiok pt^ting, juat the S
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  • 80 6 In Tookio, dentitute alien Earopean* in certain circumstance* have their ps —nwa to Europe paid by the government of the C'jloay. Tbe is tbew iindeairablr* flock thither, especially from Hoogkon|{, to bopea of pmntiog by official libursliiy The Avenir dv Tookiu or^e* that Rich aid aboold be limited to
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  • 101 6 Tbe faot, notic. 1 by n* the other day that tbe Dutch Trading Compaay has dVela-r.l a dividend of nine per cen.for 1900, prompts tbe Bat ivia Nieaws Van den Dag to observe that the Sgoie ia not high under the oiroum stance* Tbe distribution is, however, an advance oa
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  • 110 6 The oountry around tbe famous Redjaag LtDoaai Miae ia risb enough to eogsge the attention of another miniog veatare— the Kitahuo Compaay which li jutt issued it* report tit 1909. The company met with groat difficulties from lack of roads— a trouble which the *;ovBrapasat ia »>ack to remedy It
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  • 447 6 Mr. J. Lsroie, third magistrate. Singapore is going on nine months' leave. Mr. J. H. Swanson. of Messrs. Howarth Erskine, Ltd., Bangkok, is going berne shortly on six month's leave. Mr Ju«tice Braddell and Mr lasjMn Thornton have arrived, to awitt in the ■Mova pore court of
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  • 123 6 I It is snigeatHd by the lesdiot; I.ood< laewspspcrt thiU Km pi re Day next Tear (May Ml stiould be chosen aatberlntc of tl > Coronation, »ays a S Morning Putt wwa. A* Prince of Wales. His M»j -»ty li»--•JmOkt every part of the Kuipir. ai.d
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  • 117 6 Tbore was a packed boase at the Marl I borough Cinematograph Sbow on Si' irdsy night, when ooe of the be»t progrtmoie* ever presented w*a |wt m and afforded a very plcaraot mt« rt»irjmt-Dt to (bone preM-nt. There wax much tbat wan iuWrt-Mimtf io tin. picture entitltd Collectioi;
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  • 152 6 Th< current issue of Mm ('ivrromcnl Gsteite baa tbe followiow notifioatio His Bxoelleory thx Oovfimr has bten pleased to appoint Mr 11 A. Korrer to be sn Htistaot protector of CLioi-ae immi||raots and an aoi'ttaot protector <t emiw*Dt« »be Settlement of Sioij.pjre Mr. N K. Bin Ito be
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  • 156 6 Tbe text of a bill to amend tbe lepers I Oidioance 1*» is published in th« Q \t-rn ment Osistto. Tb< following object* and reaaoaa are aWasbed to tbe bill la August 1900, the Sjeoad loternab-ral Sci. uuf.c Contereoos oa Leprosy wii held at B«'gen, and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 raaclnattoa of the East jOkba. v ?I»mV M.V 1 Bouton Rouge Ci and rCIUCCII '■■<*• I.- aa^^^BMßassfftV 4 V Egyptian Cigarettes Jf -Mi J A Luxury to the Man of Taste. |Btfß Obtainable at jBR JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD.. A ROBINSON CO. Melachrino's EGYPTIAN No. Per Tin 100. $290 *^5
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  • 74 7 ARRIVAL IN ENGLAND FROM SOUTH AFRICA. King Edward's Influence Secured the Mm. Raoraa't TaLaeaaa.] London. Jane 6. Lord Selbonx lim arrivtd ia England, keplying to a potatioa, which welcomed Lini. be mid be did not think be could exaggerate King Edward's influence in bringing about tbe uaioa of
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  • 107 7 PAPAL ENCYCLIC AL. Strange Agitation on Reformation Questions. I Rictii's Tblk.uam J Lmdoo, June 5. A papal encyclical, issued on the oooasion of \ht tercentenary of Saiat Borromeo, bu i«fd a ttorm of indignation in Prussia, omog to tbe Pope's strictures on the ProteeMnt n formers oonkuiporary with Borromeo. IoW-rpellaUoos
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  • 67 7 King of Greece Sounding Various Powers. ißauTßß's Tblmbab.l l.indon. June 6. The King of Ureeoa reoently visited Paris privately. He aaej M K*llieri» and bis aioisterm. He ban now arrived prirately at Rome, and is evidently discus -iog Crete, which ban become a burning, indeed almost a dangerous,
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  • 44 7 Army Airship Makes Successful Trip to London. ißaoTßs'i TaLaeaaai London, June 5. Tbe Army airship Bill voyaged from Kamburough to London againxta stiff breeso. It circind St. Paal'a Cathedral at 2.15 in the morning, and devcanded Hucc-eafully at Karnboroogh at 8 80.
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  • 38 7 KiDfj George Pays a Visit to tbe Old Leader. i KaoTss's Tataaaaa London, June 8. King George has visited Mr. Chamberlain at bis town residt noe. He took t.a. and -.ttyed for an boor coo vuraioK
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  • 51 7 (Daa OsTaauTiauaa Llotu Tu^eaaaj.] Berlin, June 4. A msetiag between Count Uailiaao, Italian Foreign Minitt jr, and Biroo Von Aehrenthal, Austrian K^ninn Minister, has been arranged for ia Ju.y. King Victor Eiumanunl has neat a personal telegram to tbe Kmperor William, thanking him for the brilliant reotption of
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  • 36 7 (KacTßß's Tat.aea«ai] London, June 0. All the Field Marballs of Bntain have preatnted to King Otorge, at Marlborougb Houk, a Field Markhals baton Lord RoknrU made the preeeatetioa io a short spaaed.
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  • 37 7 'Kbotbb s TsLH»aA«| Loadoa, June 5. Tbe tear bu C3oiernd the order of Saiat Andrew on I'nnce Kuahimi. IDaa OstaaiATtaoaa Llotd Ta.iaae.ia-) The Qaaj has ooi.(orie<l the order of St. Aodisw d Pi luce Fuabimi.
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  • 36 7 (atainaa's Tblmbas) London. June 4. Tbe king's Mattery ■tote* the* the aeeoad loyal toaet at public functions should be tbe Queei., >\ D Alexandra, the Duke of Cornwall, ud o»W a«uben of tbe Royal Faaaily.
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  • 366 7 Three Judges Sit in the Sapremi tort. The Singapore Appeal Coart assembled this morniog to di»po*e of a lint of fifteen appeal*, seven of which we from decuionn of Mr. Jo* ice Sereombe Smith, on* from judgment of the Chief Jastior, fuar from decision* of the D.striot
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  • 798 7 Sir Frank Swettenham on Prospects For Current Year. >ir F. Bw«Meaham. pmi'lingat tbe annual meeting of tbe Selangor Kabber Company, held at Glasgow on May said tbey hoped to produce 450.001) lbs. of robber in tbe carnal year. Against that tbey made contracts ltat year for tbe
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  • 637 7 HUGE STRUCTURE SUNK IN SUBIG BAY. Big Loss of Mooey. Tb« bog* Soiling dry-dock Dewey, wh'cb pa-f<d tbiougb Singapore Home )e«r» ago oa lur w»y to the Pbilipoioea where she was imp'oyed by the L. 8. aavy. anaeocuatstl/ r-sok id Snli< Bay on Miy 24, •ml tbe Ute-t
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  • 261 7 When Tbe New Issue Will Take Place. i In view of the fact tbat an issue of postage ataopt beariog an effijy of King (>.->rge V. will abor ly be forthooming, ia not tbe moment an appropriate one to consider J whether it is powibln to obtain
    261 words
  • 209 7 Yoag Ah i iio, a femal iMndiil tt the Qeneral Hopital, baa imported to tbe police thatabix and entente, value i at •M 47, •m stolen from her quartan oa Satui d*y night. Tbe police are also looking lor tbe I person who until yesterday wm cook ib
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  • 943 7 THE PROPOSED S4LE TO LONDON COMPANY. Is it a Fair Deal for Ibe Ordinary Shareholders? Tomorrow, at bcod the shareholders of Port Dickaoa Kabb t Company will matt in Siogspire to rounder a prof <>*al that Urn I roperty ol the company be fold to Loodoo cooip.oy,
    943 words
  • 442 7 Incendiary and Inflammatory Handbills. The first referaare to the big strike a* Haogkok arpeatii in > Sum paper ol M«y 80. •nl reads We learn that jp«Wrd«j the police arnsted several Coiaamen io Urn oetgLbxirbood of Urn Ysowaraj toad, wbo are cbaiged with the circulation of
    442 words
  • 370 7 Review of the German Troops at Potsdam. Tbe worlds two chief uxpoDiots of the •trenuom life mtt on May 10, wbco tbe K tiler and Mr. Koo*evelt clapei-d bands oa (tie tteas at ¥n denck the Ocwal's N-w Palace. at Potadam. <' ad in tbe
    370 words
  • 149 7 Mea«r*. B»ha Mejrr and iV-npan j. inform m that the M»y crop from the Singapore Para Rubber K*tatr« ia 4,060 lb«. Mwin B»rlow aod Company, inform a« tbat M»> ITgbland* »nd Lmlmdi May crop in IX lbs aad tbal Iho total cod !ur ibe flmt fi*e
    149 words
  • 66 7 Tin following wrtlwm htva B»eB appointed by His BionUaaey the Oovrrar r to he u>«aibrn«f •ronnaii'e«toeoaM4er th» qimtooo of the r.»i-^n o( the ■temp Uwbol the ooioay sad the Fedftfcx! M»i»t Sute> Tbe •etini tre»»ur»r i chair mam. th« »t|or tninrnl, Hoo H. K«». MtMr>. E.
    66 words
  • 76 7 UNITED STATES AND GERMANY AT VARIANCE. Mining Rights Question Raised. I tiltTlil TlLHlll] Loadon, Jane 4. A CoMtenliaoplc tcl^rmm my an American aobrme >v reoeotly approved I y tbe Council of State to oonatruct railway* is A-i» Minor, wilb mioio^ r «li» mi ol eighty tbcusind kilometn
    76 words
  • 19 7 I Das ONMajMMBB Lloyd Til«i»*ml Btrlia, June F. The Emperor William baa en led iv tbe rewrve.
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  • 25 7 (Dam Osi tsurisuaa Llotd Tiliiui J Berlin. June 8. A revere shock of earth ju ike in reported from Siuiiigo, in Cuba.
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  • 17 7 I DaaOvTMiATiaoaa Llutp T*te*aa«.) Berlin. June 4. Tbe Emperor William m now quite recov. •red.
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  • 29 7 il'aa Oeraauruoaa Llotd Tblb«sj» Burlin. .lane 4. The Xmptror Francis Joseph ha< returned t] Vienna from tii* tour id Bjaaia. lie received the Turkish heir apparent
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  • 18 7 fD«m OrtAMiATiacma Llotd Til»»»«« Berlin. June 4. Count /epplelio ia expected id \ieooa do Jdoe 10.
    18 words
  • 52 7 (Fbom Oem Own CoßutroroaMT i Penan?. Jane 6. Hi* Kxcellency the Ilitfh Commi**ioner, Sir John Anderson, m <> arrived here at noon od Sunday and loncbtd at tbe Real ■leoey. He afterward* vi-ited tbe Hospital a <d returned to hi* yacht at 8 p m leavioii ttt
    52 words
  • 168 7 His Application for Admission to Shanghai Bar. (Fboh Oca Own Cokhspondbst >'i»u«li»i, June 6. 11. B. M.'i Supreme Court, (or China Mid tmm li»i adjojrnnd Uitt app'i -ition of Mr. Mont ma Harm, late of Singapore for *1 mimino to practice at tbe local Bar in order
    168 words
  • 219 7 The following ia the Wt of a onniiDuotci Horn wot by the pre-i leut ol tbe Maoicipal Commi-Mjoem to Mr Hiji tfobamnd lUkuu ooe ol tbe laadir>g member* of tbe Motiam ruod»o oommuuiljr io S Dn»porr. and winch the laMar bai ctuted to be circulated among tbo
    219 words
  • 29 7 One bondn d sbarrs in the Mergui Rnbber Ksta'ea, L'd.. wen sold by auction at Meaais. Powell and Co 's saleroom, this morning, at 15 (0 par aba re.
    29 words
  • 35 7 H. B. tbe Ovk'ir of Rtmdi «0.l nuit•noipaaied by Sir Cltode Marloo«i.l, H. B. M. Ambaa>ador, wore r»oei»i-d b» Ui.-ir Mtjealiti th« Kmieror aod Kmprim of J»p»B is ■nrtiwot oa to* BMaiag of M*y 28.
    35 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 243 8 r the Anttralisi: scailing ohampionkhip, Paaroe beat Hagoey. Mr. Chang Ah Yoog 1 ai received a fair offer for bis twi bone* Q lorroboloDj; and Primrose, with wnich b* is likely to closeTbe cricket mat ■he«. on May 2s. were brought off ia fine weather. Lancashire beat
      243 words
    • 54 8 The Jackson Millar Cup Tbe drat of the thru, handicap races for the Jackson Millar cup was sworn at the »«imming Club, yesterday morning, over a 100 yard* ooorse with the following result 1 K K Thomas 10 sees., iIL L. Coaoadeu •or .88. W, Newell aor. Tbe winner's
      54 words
    • 63 8 51itf apore Uolf Club. If the weather remains fine, tbe L»diet spoon for May will be played at the Sioga pore Uolf Club this aftornjon. Tba June medal waa competed tor on Saturday and ytsterday, but as tbe winning card was sinned by a non member, tbe winner's name
      63 words
    • 91 8 Saturday's Matches. On the Bopta. ade. on Saturday alkrnoou. a cricket match was played between tot C. and a oombini.l t liven of tbe K «t. A aad R B. The club wade 194 for eigbt wickets, aod the military were all out for TO. For the winners Ugbttoot
      91 words
  • 410 8 Native of Malacca Appointed to Lhassa. TLc announcement that H r B Tion Kao|; baa been instructud to (rooted la take np BM r»t ol Amban at Lbaua a>Hy (x receivud with a considerable aiocjnt olqucs tion a* to why be sbuuld be asked at
    410 words
  • 74 8 Mr. W. 11. Smitl'. oUierwiec known a* Raja Smith who ha* botn partially paralysed (or some yoara,died at liw reaideacc Moont Hates*., oo May 16 Mr Smith wa* toe oldaM European iob*attant of Labnan oaviagaaaaa out a* ao oTorater ia the Oriental Coal Com paoy Ltd., in 1671,aBdnavar went to
    74 words
  • 336 8 Italian Travellers Experience Hardships. Simla w> !>• >tued aru3ru<t tli < arrival- oa Kaf H Us« Mmijui* (iian Ponti. who with lit. rVrr«. >o H. AntOK<ni and servants kft Italy fully toar rnontb* sgo, aod maoe tboir first Ikak st Cairo From ihtnoe tho party tin to
    336 words
  • 365 8 Losses Consequent on the king's Death Several millions sterling will be paid in insurance a* the result of toe king death. Riak* wen covered at Lloyd* for 65 per cent. J be amount of business done at Uiat rate. taid a broker, wa* not great, and tbe
    365 words
  • 187 8 It Known) all nigui iju^at Obtraminergau and tbe audience uf up*ard> of 6,000 per 4uot including mimst^i-. lueiuber* of iarliauicnt and j^urnalißi- truui many eoontriet, «itoeeaed ttie opening performance ol toe Paseioa Play wiappnd in tba warmest rug* procuraole, aaya a wire from Bet I■ n,
    187 words
  • 189 8 Now that each keen intercut ha* beaa arouMtd in naval aad other eireias in aerial navigation by locti splendid perlormaaoa* aa Ummu oi M. Paolhaa and Mr Ui ahame White, it ia iattratian to note that the uret Inter national Judicial rna,r»a* ior.tbe renulauon uf
    189 words
  • 1120 8 Pricet Quoted the Market Ttab Morning. Sina«Fora, 6th .lane, 1910. Mcmtt. Lyall and Bvatt, Bsebange and Share Broker*, iatoe the fol'owinK Hat ol qaotationi thi* morafaM N«m. Value. Bay* tm. Bailers. I AlU«ai n 9 1/ Optioa* 8/ b/h £1 Anglo Johora 16, pd. B. 13/. ptn
    1,120 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 43 8 lie wst the cottar* oely oh ltd Tbey oalitd him Little Jim, awl Ueetb, wrtbacyibeaad boor glaaa, bad Callra roond to wait oa bin Tba Dotber wept, tbe father sobbed, For Death looked vary sore, Bat Little Jim s mil m tba swiat,
      43 words
    • 275 8 LATEST ADVeRriSEMENTS. FOR SALE Lot of Scrap Don. i in be innp* cted at Pulaa Braai Smelt log Works. 'jjt«fenB a in Jt 8 p m. TYPIST WAHTEO. Wanted, qutl.fled typist with cjmiueroiai experitnoe. Moat bo thorongbly efficitnt and speedy. Apply to R D Straita Timf-h j 13M $10 REWARD
      275 words
    • 280 8 LAUNCHES! p^i«»^^^aßßßSsl >^^^BaS3s^^* l^ h pa^^*aa*^ LAUNCHES AND STERN-WHEEL STEAMERS A Speciality. DESIGNED TO MEET REQURBMENT^For> River UseParticulars on Appliratioa. Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. MARLBORO UGH BEACH ROAD Tbt People's Popular Change of Programme. I UKSHXOVKLTfKS DELIGHTFUL SBKIKS Seoood Show, at p.m COLLBCTINa PALM JUICE rot ARRACK SBBINO THB
      280 words
    • 223 8 i AMOI S WAYANG KASSIM. FAVOLRITES OF ALL. Tba Well known aad Oldest Company Ts# lain haiku lapl TWtriai OF SI NO APORE «i.m ALEXANDRA HALL. North Bridge Road TO-NI6HT I TO-NIGHT Bahman-Noor Isliik •> KABrXfM ■<n)p Proprietor AUCTION SALE 0 OtUJIsVMOttI HLTsU and l oATtD UOJDS At MoaHTH. li.
      223 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 221 9 What is the use of Experimenting Get m 1 FORD CAR That you can absolutely depend upon. Commercial Motor Cars and Passenger Traffic Cars of the well-known" Rapid" make. SS., GADELIUS CO., 2<TC>. 34. ROBIITSOIT ZROJLID. CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, 25, South Bridge Road. First class Menhinaoal Dentiatry, 3old Crowns. Bridge,
      221 words
    • 364 9 STEAiEB SAILINGS. APCAR LINE. OF BTEAMERS Tht ondermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain a regular service between Calcutta aod Japan, calling at Penaag, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai on roate. FLEET. Tuas Commander ■JaMS" 8.018 A. Btiwabt Oasooir Apcas 4.600 S. H. Bblson Abeatoom ArcAß 4 500 W. T.
      364 words
    • 314 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. HOME via SIBERIA. INTERNATIONAL SLEEPING CAR AND EXPRESS TRAINS CO. Through tickets for tbe entire journey from any of the principal points in the Far Baat to any principal point in Europe or America by the TRANS-SIBERIAN ROUTE. THE ALL-RAIL ROUTE. Coupon ticket book* to travel by any
      314 words
    • 615 9 1 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 8 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Taa NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO EUROPE vu CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THE L'NITBD BTATBB Route from Hongkong via Shainghai, Nuraaaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.B Barnaas or litdu Twin screw
      615 words
    • 372 9 CINGERS Dull Evenings DIHULKO A call will CONVINCE YOl Prices to SUIT YOU. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT B^ Hl MAJESTY THE RING You Cm* Get thm Beat Selection of Ladiea D.auiond JT\ IA 11 AIIH Oentlemen and Uemaet II II IWI 111 B.«ne^atall N.w«"^;L 1/ 1
      372 words

  • 413 10 MORAL SPIRITUAL CONDITION INVESTIGATED. Extravtgaat Liviag. The Special Commissioner of tiic Sunday at Home baa been making some inquiri** into the moral an j spirisaal ooaditioa of LoLdoa sooMty. au l publishes the results in the May number. A well known rector in the heart of toe fashionable
    413 words
  • 76 10 Mr. I. J. S. Cramer, who was formerly attached to the government botanical gardens at Boitensorg in Java, has been leotur ing ia Holland on rubber cultivation ia the Far Bait, eapreially ia the F. M. S In bia opiaioa planters there aad in Ceylon pay too little attention to
    76 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 478 10 INSURANCE. MEAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE GO, UM|TED. dead Office I Wlßchcster Hobm, SINGAPORE Board of DlfH»otora I a). A. 1 'saaica. Esq., Chairman. A. H Faim, Bsq Maaaging Director. •ma Fowua, mm., cm.. Chief Mad. Ofootr. ab. Ataoe. Bag.. Rev. N. J. Oouvaaßa. t. M BauoT. Bag. Oae Soob Taa,
      478 words
    • 391 10 INSUKAItCL IuiUFMiTUIEn UFE INSURANCE CO. OF CANADA Katabltohert IMT. PoUetot are WOBLD WIDB.' DNBBB rRICTBD, INDISPUTABLE aad NONPX)RFEITABLB." Claima, loaas, caah aaiiwrliira, aa»-, ate promptry atMtod by the OeaeraJAgeato at WpoiV without the delay of relereace to BeadOMoa. Tba Itoaarrea tor J**7 Holders are omt t50.000.990 (&8.C.) Tba Aoooußto areauperviaed
      391 words
    • 493 10 BANKING. MMTOEO BANK 8F INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. BOORPORATa'D BT ROTAL OHABTBK. raM «f OapHal Ib H.BM bbmMß at aaetaaa 81.n0.000 iaaarrs Wmmt as aI.tOO.OM I aawMßry of f»aartstoii «l.«O0.0O0 BABKEBB. Baak at > -s»ai. Baaial Baaa af tin Mas I rw aoateoa uty a bhbmmi aaaa. awa. SIBOAPOHB BRAJICU.
      493 words
    • 315 10 LAME SHOULDER Whether resultir^ from a -prein or from rheomatio pains, there is nothing to good for a lame shoulder as Chamberlain'a Pain Balm Apply it freely aad rob the parta vigorously at each application aad a <|Uick cure is certain, lot sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. TMISZE HAJTOM
      315 words
    • 470 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. THE ROYAL HOTEL UPPER BERANGOON ROAD. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Teak Furniture, Billiard Tables Hotel Appointments, MESSRS. H. L. COGHLAN A CO, HA\ K i:ECKI\BI> IN-TKICTIONS To SELL BY ACCOM, On Saturday, June It, at Ipm. The whole of the Hotel Apooiatmeetit cnupr. ting:— Two handsome
      470 words

  • 798 11 MOTORS MOTORING. LORD MONTAGU'S RECOLLECTIONS OF KING EDWARD. In the current number of the Cur, l.rd Mootagu of Bcaaliaa given aoma inte reating personal reouUeetioM of King Edward s keen intereat in motoring Mj earliest remembrance in a motoring sense, U> sayn. waa taking bis Majesty oat for hi* tint
    798 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 294 11 NEW 15.9 H.P. The WAROPFICb had 120 different Types of Cars to Choo<-.' from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car Ova to Arrive naxt Month. Full pa 1 ulart of which can bs bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CUB FOR HIRE DAY
      294 words
    • 86 11 Woods' Oreat Peppermint Core for all intern* oomplaiata. Dyaantery, Coughs, Oolda ate, ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO.. LTD. FIRE AND MOTOR CAR RISKS 01 every description granted bj this Company at rates of premium and subject to conditions whiob will be found favourable to tbe Insured. MTERBON. SIMOIIB ft CO.. LTD Ag-Bta.
      86 words
    • 765 11 REALLY TERRIBLE SKINJROUBLES Girl's Head a Mast of Humour Grtw Thin and Weak Despaired of Ever Curing Her Baby was Even Worse with Runnint Eczema— N« Signs of Eruption left Now. MOTHER TELLS HOW CUTICURA CURED BOTH Mr l.tti* girl* atad started wit* a Wi or plm|»U» and ts-u Mksr
      765 words
    • 208 11 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Work., Ltd. AND CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICES BRANCH OFFICES: Caxtoa House Westminster, I. 2, and 6, Winchester House London. SINGAPORE. g.... 6, Beach Street. Penang. WUM Balthaaar's Baildinga, Rangoon Stafford. Woolwich. DaUtoa And in India, Australia, tte. MANUFACTURERS or Electric Light and Power Plant, Cables
      208 words
    • 130 11 New Books. Tbe Memoirs of Harriett Wilaon, written by herself. 2 vola. I 18.1': Tbe Gates of India, by CoL Sir Thoa. Holdkh a .61 The Laws of Life and Health, by Alexander Bryce. M.I). 4<V Tbe Ball and the Cro*.. by G. K. Cbesterton 8-: Leaves from aa Afghan
      130 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 623 12 WANTSDRIVER WANTEO WhLid. Kmart motorcar driver. Good i capeblo man. Apply Room 25, Tin trcade. MM PRINTER WANTEO. w .nt«-l l'rinter. one uwl to Warfdale machine Oaal «a ary given to competent man. and only first clan* men need apply. I'riut. r. co Straits Times. CLERK WANTEO. Watt<<l for mercantile
      623 words
    • 520 12 WUITB. BILL-COLLECTOR WANTED. Wanted, a smart Chinese Bill Collector. Moat flod security and write a good hand Apply V X c o Ctraits Timt*. 1239 OHINEBE CLERKS WANTEO. Wanted for Britinh North Borneo, three Chinese Clerks. Salary t4O per month Apply in writing stating oxperienoe, to OUTHRIE A CO., LTD.,
      520 words
    • 476 12 TO BE LET n SOLD. ROOMS TO LET At Zetland House (Armenian Street). Apply on the premises. 9b COMPOUND HOUSE TO LET No. 2. Adi* Road, entry from July 1, 1910. Apply to F. B. David, 1, Malacca Street. 1262 ■SUMS TIM LIT. ■as. tl sad H, f swill sua
      476 words
    • 611 12 NOTICEB. THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK BOARD. NOTICE. Until further notice. It ahavll bat oompulsory tor any coal ship dlichnr^ir»tt coal at tha Board* whawea to work overtime at ntaght up to 12 p.m.. if required so to do by tha* Board, and tha charges for working such overtime shall ba
      611 words
    • 423 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RUBBER ESTATt FOR BKLE Apply C r o Straits Times. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE Gnod Locality. Term* Moderate. Apply 11, c o Straits Times. MM PALANQUIN FOR SALE Kor nale, one rubber-tyred Palanquin io good condition. Apply to D P c o Strait* Times. 1271 LANCASHIRE B9ILER
      423 words
    • 454 12 7%atis fi?AS££&tf£AV£}i SINGAPORE SODA WATER £staM*sA*toHtr2Sj*aK*. Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES. -Miseellaae on* want* of every de«cription are insert ed at the prepaid rate oi II prr toot lines for one or two insertion!!. Notion ot Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if aot wioeediag four line*, II each insertion For p.p.c. card*,
      454 words