The Straits Times, 3 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.273 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. JUNE 3. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 0. ft J. IcCtllom's PERFECTION WHISKY. SALDBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY. i KATZ BROS., LD. Cigarettes. We have jnst unpacked a fresh Shipment of the following brands LEOPOLD ENGELHARDTS EGYPTIAN. Aotum 1.90 Per 100 Necho 2.10 Asma (Gold or Cork-tipped) 230 SIMON ARZT 8 EGYPTIAN. 70 P. in Tins of 10
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    • 268 1 Robinson A Co. ATHLETIC AND SPORTING OUTFITTERS A Shipment of Hockey Goods Just Arrived rr^ft.-^ TheCelebrat I Q<O» Sti«iii Tarrei Hjck. y Xtt. sptci,. match *d FOBCE I BY* JflHI I aod >r Hockey Stick H C I ork st>ck i» all we^hwi UA^^V W V^-^Vv.) Ouarmw 1 H I
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    • 6 1 Bollinger Ctaflipfljie. CALOBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY
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  • 588 2 RESULT OF BOIRD OF TRADE INQUIRY. Lord St. Aldwjn s Report. I Ixwd St Aldnyo, rrp, .ioK to tli. board of trade on the ioijiiry oondocted by him on ibcir brbalf with rcapeet W the sebe dnle of maximnn poit rates m good- «obmitt«sd to tbe
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  • 497 2 Results of Recent Experiments In France. The results of experiments owing that hard work may be done on a v< diet, with less consumption of lood thsn under ordinary cicnin-lanom. been an nouoceoiu Kranoe Say»ao)m*poO'lentof Mv Revoe Sen ni,ti,|ii«- (Paris) Io 190S, Mr. H Tiasier introduced
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 246 2 KEPLER SOLUTION Checks Consumption A |,o\\<rful and concentrated combination of natural bodybuildiaag anJ strengthening principles. It in rea>e-^ and maintains the vitality, soothes the throat. kli.m- the cough and repairs the ravages of the disease. ><y mi Chemists |(,HS WELLCOME I CO LONDON INt.. 1 "^^T^^*saj2B(J fc^ B SsßßH*^^^2iawawaaßi«w^M^^^~" fc
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    • 56 2 JUST WH4T YjU NEEO. Your tongue ia coated. breath i* fooi. Headaobea eoaie aad go. Tbeae aymptoma show that your ■VtnaiTh i- th iroaWr. To n move tho canas i- tbe drat thing, and Chamberlain- Stomach aad L vet Ta*e<a w«l do thai. Easy to take •ad mo efffckrva,
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    • 544 2 LAY LIKE A LOG ■acaai With S. i iti. > r>B Thuii Lox.i atawltsi L'mil C> aaj My DR Wkl AMS PJNK P HB. likChpu Cul>>hho Elk. mutts. I waa ia despair, after tbree weary pain fal montna in bed with viatica which no thing aetm<<d able to dispel, wbea
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    • 396 2 The Sun NEVER sets on the ELGIN TENTS. They art to be found ALL'OVER T(IE WORLD. •v f Pally illoavatcJ I™ AB^^osaßßßwa.^ EICIHMIIISC JbMMMK CAWUMIIE >4 J^H n in wl l r~ Officer's SeUe LFI Teat. Miniature Swiss Cottar* Teat Siae 8' x Uf Prioe Ra. 88. Ml idbal bxt
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  • 713 3 ONE OF AIERIC4S GREAT SOLDIERS. Always Ready. What is the tfcret of Genera. Leoaard Wood's staxtlin* rise to power and fane I TvelTe yoars ago be waa ao assistant sur K«on with little or bo regular military train ia«: today be is the racking major general and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 374 3 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. AND CO., LTD. HEAO OFFICES: IRAMCH OfFICII: Umaoa a, Beach Street, F— ■■g. WOtKI Batthaaars Baiidiags, Haagoou Staflord. Woolwioh. DaJ.tra Ab4 in ladiiv, Aiiß»rall». MANUFACTURERS or Electric Light and Power Plant, Cables and Apparatus of Every Description for ELECTRICITY APPLICATIONS. M "WE HA.YE
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    • 202 3 BEWUE 0? A COUGH. Now is the time to got rid of fiat ooagb, lor if yoa let it bang "o, do one oaa tell what the cad may be. Others have been cortd of their coughs very quickly by uiiag i'bamberlaio's I'cutli Bemedy. Why not yoa Try it and
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    • 673 3 For Aches and Pain* Kor aclmi and pains in jojog aud old thenis nothing that will «o quickly bring prr maaent relief and Cl KB as that iwvereigo. time tested and proves rtmedy Little* Oriental Itslm Kor the ache» and pain* ol childhood and youil it i- uoexoelled. Kor tlie
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    • 192 3 I The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of 1L Milkmaid! Full Cre&m Milk <3£S^n| IS THE HALL-MARK OF M PERFECT PURITY A JB^^B And CuarantM of Highest Quality grjL^j UNTOUCHED BY HAND. xzj^zjgJPi The Original and Best. ;IlargeBt sale in the world. Sold by all Draggists principal Provision Dealers. 1910 ELLWOOD'S NEW
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 756 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 61 STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Per Chlaa. Japaa, Peaaaf Beylea. Aa-itralla, ladla, Adea. Bfypt, Wedlterraaeaa Parts, Plymouth aad Loadea. Throagh BUU o( Ladiag lataed far Ohlaa 'Joatt, Ptniaa Quit. OoaMaealal, aad t marl ate P>rtt. Oteamen will lenvt Slngtynn oa or aboat MAIL LINES. Outward (for Ofcw-M Arcadia
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    • 636 4 STEAMER BAIUMBB. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. A ramlar wrtniabUy Mrrioo is i—hitaiaed JhZ^Jhr***** IUROPI by th. Company 1 weU knows TWIMCIIW ITIIBIH o__at Mail Oontraot witb the Imperial Jtnannan < rffr— speoially ils*nr-*rl lor tbe Oompany't Biropeaa Serriee, ligbted J_Joo,boit by llaotrioity, provided witb eioulleat loonrnmoflatifla
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    • 602 4 STEAibK BAIUMS HAMBURG AMERIM LINE. KMIBUM. Ths steamert of thU Uompany maintain a regular tervioe between Hamburg Bremen, I Antwerp, aad Rotterdam, aad ths Straits, t Chlaa and Japan Homewards, they art netpalahsd fortnightly I f Havre sad Hamburg aad oaoe a month for 3 Bremerbavea dtreot, oalllng at Peaaag
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    • 749 4 BTEAHM Mllim. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIRE Tht fast aad waU kaown awll minim c. thhi Oompaay sail tortahjhsy trass Bresse* Hambarg, v_ nnmrilsm, Antwerp Soathaesr toa, Gibraltar Oeaoa. NaphM (er.-MeWo-ManaUlet, Naplss, Aleiaadrta. and vtit vtna tort Baid. Boat, Adea, Ooioaiho. Ptaaag Wssssnri, Hoagkoag Hkißgsil.
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  • 163 5 FIXTURES. Friday. June j Hwl Wat** 5 II am. 7 U p.m. BMMay of Kirg <».^ri{o Public anri B»- k Holiday. Empire luv Sport*. lUfflia llec. I Albambra Cinematograph. Harituft Cinotnatouranti. Marlbiirootfli C'ineiuatograph Saturday. June 4. il. mii arataa, I. »w "iM p tu Sanday, June 5.
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  • 257 5 To Dat VioUnie I pm 1 imt« rViujkali Mji Haean |«n Dili II- »pm M »r 1..1. We.. l pm Maiaooa, Port I'lckaon ud Port Bwettenbam Haii Wbatt Hio Ipm lUn^kr.k IK ntllOK > P>n Pant-b, Atabau .io.i I'eli \an iler Parr« tpm Mttaooa. Port Uiokaoa. Port
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  • 148 5 li.c N. IV L. bmi-iu.irJ mail •learner Dstattegsr, Imving left Uongkoag on the lat net. at i p m way ba expected to arrive bars on B<inla> '*< •"•'.I intt.. at S p.m. Sbe will pr<>bab>y br despatched for Europe at noon 011 M oiday Hit- 6tb
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  • 363 5 Latest Arrivals. ixuaf Siam atr 40-j toas. Capt CbrwttaUMta. luoe'i. From Bangkok, May M> 0.0. aad 41 dp. Eaet A«»auc Co. For Bangkok, Joe I fli Bnl <U 6'ol t->oi. Capt 8.-r.b«m Jun. 1. 1 rom U-.miia\, May -'V O.c. M. and MOOI For Sbaagbai. Jon* W. I
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  • 95 5 Wharves at which VesteU arc Berthed To-Day TANJOMO PAOAK. K. W. B*m>-Nil. K. W. brcnox I— Dariu* riauw. TTa-iar M. W.Bavnoat Nasdle,. F«na> L-<lp-. I- Miihims Mara 4- China -Patani 6 -Nil. louooM Dock 7— (Dndar oonttrootioa.) W. Wiur 8- Sorada Jiantn'e W.
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  • 182 5 Expected to Arrive. Per I', and O. steamer Maoedoaia. connecting with the steamer Arcadia at Colombo due June 8 —Mr and Mrs. Ball and child Mr. U. M AUmao. Mr. S. Smith, Mr W. U. Bragg, Mr. W. Talmadge, Mr. V. O. Hidout. Mr. l^emborger, Mr »lI
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  • 48 5 TiBM-ka!ki oa Fort Canning and Moont Faaar drop daily at 1 pan., Singapore standard timo, ooiieaponding to a a-m. Oreen wich BBcan time. Tna time-ana is fired at IS o'clock aooa, «-^-rr~g Bia«apora staadard tuna, oa nn day axoeptu** wVa4ty. aw>a w it tiad m aaa q alatk.
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  • 189 5 Major George 8. Avis*. who has rvtir«*i from the Basex Regiment undti the age rules, bun bad a remarkable career and some uoiiiue experience*, lie ealiated into the HUi root (Weat Yorkabirasi in April, asft, and rolunteored (or Hervioe as a sen oant with the 68th Northamptoeahirei
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  • 405 5 Singapore, 'um Plicss. AU1I..UW. BeauH. Long (per eatty) 0.08 ><\o. Krvorli i do.! 0.10 beil per lb. aie BecfStual. .do' 0.18 Ucau Sprout* (peroatty) 0.031 Mainbuo Spnnf 'do.' 0M Kiaclian (do. i 0.14 Bnnjals (do.) 00J Cabbage. Hatavia da nil (da) China (do.) 0.14 (do.) Sailed (do.)
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  • 230 5 Finance Commerce EXCHANGE. IMNM| Jvvt 8 1910 |O- »./i>n Hack 4 aa/a <| Demand _> Private 6 m |/4| do Sm 4 1 1 O> f?«T.n<i-.y— Bank d d 240 Private iDt 344 do 6m 24«t On *>.«-■ -Bank dd 3M PriTtklma mi do 6 iii f HOlj 0- />k'
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    • 174 5 laoe 3 Vuloo. Hayerm. 8«llen. 10 10 Beist Tin 4.00 6.00 1U 10 BnuaK 4.00 6.00 1U 10 Broaeb Hyd. 640 ft.6o 10 10 KMftboi 2.25 8.40 11 Al K.du Tin 14.iC 16J» £1 XI Kledaoß Tin 1.94 S.OO 10 10 hunUo Tid H.IN) 8.60 XI *l L»b»t Mine*
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    • 554 5 3 Value. Buyert Seller*. Allmii 6/H 7 8 2/- 2 Anglo Malay I- 1' 1.90 3/- 16 Bataog Malaka 8'6 4 X1 Batu Cave- 17.00 18.0.0 £1 <1 Btto Tim 5.10.0 XI XI Bukit K»jiunj 800 840 XI 10 Contributory 2 10.0 2 12.0 pni XI XI Bukit
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    • 110 5 Iwu. "i Value. Buyer* Sellers. 10 10 Eastern Smelting 11 JO 10 h 780 800 SO 60 Fnaor k New 200.00 310.00 100 Howarth Brakine 68 00 60.00 100 .7% Prat 90.00 92 SO 100 10U K*UBro.Drf. IJOOO 100 100 B% Com. Prel. Dom. 10 10 MaynarfftCo. S3JW 38.00
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    • 46 5 Buyers. Sellers. Uowarth Brakine6% 1900,000 par Riley, Bar greaves 6,, ttMJOOO 1% 8% pra. B-WeTwaya X360.00U n&paiet Xl,87«,000 aotn. Buyer.. Sailer*. Singapore Mv wcipal 4*% ol 1907 XI 800,000 6% 7% prs Singapore Mn of 1909 «1.000.U00 6% 7% pra nxapai 4%» 7% dv
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. lunc 4 At saleroom, Muustliold furniture, etc. at U. Jnoe 8 At saleroom, unredeemed pkdges. at 10. lone 6.— At saleroom, one hundred sha»es in the Mergui Kubber krtates, Ltd. at M nooo June 7.— At saleroom, express sawmill, etc.. at 'J 80 p vi
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    • 58 5 Maynard Co., Ltd. WHOLESALE CHEMISTS ORUGGIBTB, SINGAPORE. Mines. Rubber Estates. Hospitals and Dispensaries Supplied at Special Rate*. A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRUGS. CHEMICALS. SURGICAL REQUISITES AND INSTRUMENTS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Agents for Colemans Wincarnls, Vibrona, Sanatotfen, Mestrs Burroughs Wellcome A Co's Tabloid Products, Messrs. Parke Davis A Co's Standarised Extracts,
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    • 306 5 HOME via SIBERIA. INTERNATIONAL SLEEPING CAR AND EXPRESS TRAINS CO. Through ticketa lor the eatire jooroey from any of the principal points in tlie Far Bast to any principal point in Korot-i or America by the TRANS-SIBERIAN ROUTE. THE ALL-RAIL ROUTE. Coupon t ,-ket bouks to travel by any ol
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    • 26 5 THR F^2SKav^3 sb* Bnlr noe O* k y R"* »»<! R>»« Valley JtaTSSSStCSmjafSK m --IZSgAwfe Telaphoaa No. MS. SbbbbbblbV'SbbbT^ '^bßmbbl '^G^antaßS j^jp^pipnsiac^ H^^Ba^i mow availaals. TBRMB MODRBaTB.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 191 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Karbaa Uosattal. Lao- I. ila. A. it r a. 9r. B-|RiD>FiLT.~ Bar. M Fab ».M1 ti 7t1,19 Ma Temp M.O 110 HI Nil Wet Bulb Ther tO 0 910 !79 f DirofWind.. E S.L eaba Max Temp.. M.t Mia I 76 8 Max. in Son lM.n Terad.
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  • 1035 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, JUNE 8. LABOUR AND SETTLEMENT. When we bear in mind the extraordinary extent to which the whole of Malaya ia de pendant upon an ample Üboor aopply, no •polony need be made lot rerertiae; to the qoeation of Indian immigration. From abort lUttmeot reeeatly iaeaed by
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  • 14 6 Heavy gales aad rough saw are being experieaosd on tbe trip op to Hongkong
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  • 30 6 Mr. J. A. Rassell left °lips.mii by the K reach mail lor China, where he will make tbe preliminary anaafamsaU in aonseeUou with the laHsliilwi of a Chinese labour boreao.
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  • 38 6 The Matey Mail bean that a joint com mitteeoi Straits aad r M S repreeeetativea is to revise tbe stamp laws. The F. M. 8. upmsahsWas wiU he tbe Legal Adviser, tbe Fetail Treason* aad Mr. OH. Day.
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  • 38 6 Ninety three abota bad been fired at Omdebaach to mlibnti the birth of an heir to tbe Oraod Doohy of Mecklenburg Sohwerin, when the powder aopply (ailed. The t—n sluing eight shota were batten on a big dram.
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  • 33 6 Tbe total quantity of tin ore exported by the tributora oa thelan.l of tbo Royal .1 jli ire Tia Mining Company, Ltd., during tbe month of May. IVIO. was IHN picuN, ioU bay-
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  • 51 6 It ia rumoured, states tbe Times of Malaya. that a Government official in 1 pper Perak has had to replace W.OOO of (rovernment money whiob was found missing aad for whiob disappearance certain of bia clerks were respoaaiblu. If this is true it ia most unjust on tbe officer in
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  • 48 6 Tbe S. C. Morning Post iiaderstaada that Mr. George Stevens, who has been chief susistant on the .long Landor Rubber Estates, j Bear Cbeaderiang. Perak. F. M. S., ever eiaee tbe jungle with which the land was covered before wa» purrhased fjr rubber, haa been promoted to manager.
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  • 51 6 Mr. Arnold Saey*. who i« walking round tbe world for a wager and who reoentlv related some of hia experiences at tbe Dutch Club in Singapore, baa arrived at Hongkong having sin. c travelled through tbe Dutch j Bast ladies and Corhin China. H. went by ateamer from >auron to
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  • 51 6 Tbe steamer Northaui baa arrived at Bombay harbour bringing twenty i>oe of toe crew of the steamer Torridge, of Cardiff, whiob was wrecked on April IH. on an un charted reef off Parqahar Island, Indian Ooaaa. Tbe crew bad remained on the vessel for s fortnight before the Xortham was
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  • 58 6 Mr. Barboar. of tbe Kevenue Survey I)ep»rtm< it, ia reoiguiog tbe servioe, says a Taiping wire. He waa charged with rash driving and causing hurt to a railway gate man. He was fined tftO and ordered to pay t'JOU compensation, while hia licence to drive a motor was canoeileil The
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  • 64 6 Nome time will elapse before a new coinage is issued, aad no issue of postage stamp* bear ing an effigy of King George V. ia likely to be madt until about a year htm c It ia augg< sted is Tbe Time* by a correspondent that tbe value on all
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  • 65 6 The journey which Bishop Montgomery, as secretary of the Society for tbe Propsß*. tioo of the Ooapul, i« aakiog to the Kar Ka»t will extend to Manohuria, Sbaatong. Peking. aad tbe North China diootse, where a fort night will be spent On U.r way borne! visits will be paid to
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  • 63 6 The following telegram waa sent to tbe jlonisl Office by tbe Sultan of .lobore on tbe death of King Edward Please oonvey to tin Koyal Family and His Majesty a Government I the moat ainobre sympathy of myself snd my Government in the great losa wbich they ao>l I have
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  • 64 6 According to a telegram from Kads Peeth Counters Ladislao* bzecbenyi m.-c Vander. hilt), while returning from America to Hungary, lost an ebony casket oootaming jewels valoed at XS.OO. Tbe stolen jewels were seen just before tbe Countess landtd II baa been diacuvered that tbe culprit waa a man connected with
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  • 69 6 Count Zeppelin oomplaias that influence haa been brought to bear on tbe Kaiser to induce bis Majesty to believe that the Zeppelin type of airship i* osetew*, and be charges tbe War Office with pursuing a policy ol hostility towarda him. He adda that unless the attaTsi on him cease,
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  • 70 6 Yesterday afternoon tbe Kire Brigade waa sum mooed to atten>l to so outbreak of fire that bad occurred at tbe Armenian I'bnrcb. It was found that tbe roof bad become alight on account of a fusion in the electric wire ossioga. Owing to the promptness of the Brigade's arrival, however,
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  • 72 6 Advices from New York, dated Msy 34. state that tbe trial is proceeding of snme official* o( certain big •<igtr oompanitt for conspiring to defraud the customa by tbe sender weighing at the dock. An official named Spitzar, who we* recently convicted, ha* turned State* evideooe snd ha» ranied a
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  • 84 6 Sedition mongers in Beat Java took fall advantage of Uslley'a comet, asys tbe Soars bays Coorant. They apread tbe report that ita appearaaoe was an indiostioo of Dutch rale in Java ending short I j All tbe Euro pnana. they said, wooli die a midden death, aad tbe Jtn»«t would
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  • 82 6 Judging by report! of police ooort proceed ings at tbe Port of Spain, Tnoidsd. tbe city magistrate baa peculiar notiona of justice. Here are a few rtaoiaioaa snnoanoed in tbe Mirror Abusive language. £1 floe stowing sway, ooe month'a imprisosmi nt, iscresaed to two month*' on the apf l<csl mi
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  • 98 6 Havta prioM were realised at Meaxra. Sotbe by 'a for a remarkable col lection of royal autographs, 195 lota producing joat abort of £S MX) The lollowidk were Uie moot notable prieca reslisrd Mary Queen of hoota. one Mfl* letter, 80S word*. AT7IS Mary guess of Bagtand, one page letter,
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  • 496 6 Mr W A. White, formerly of tbe Singapore post office, ia acting aa director of poata snd telegraph.,. M I At sTmceting held on May S. Mr. William Discan. of Penang. waa elected a member a uongst others ol tbe West India Committee. Mr. E Pullein Tbompeon
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  • 101 6 King George V attain it bis forty tilth birtii day to day, but beyond the fact that the day was declared a public and bank holiday throughout the Colony, tbtre waa no public observance of tbe anniver aery owing to His Msjrety'a expressed Jesire, and tbe usual
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  • 184 6 Wild rumoor« were in eircilstinn on Tbursdsy. and were being repestod y< ->terda> as to the position of the Duff Development Company. Oat of the fact that thr managing director baa gone home to attend an mi portant meeting ol thr company, a leers waa constructed which
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  • 190 6 Hia Eioelleney the Governor. Sir John Andfraon, <• < v leavea this afternoon (or Ptuang in the Government steam jaclit Seamew. Hia Excellency expect Ito stay at I. n»n« a couple of days, > i»iiiDg KedaJb on hnncay, and to nAorn to Hiogapure by Thursday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 The GARRICK Cigarette A LARGE HANDMADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 60b GARjj/^ Price: Air-tight A jaWggg GO CTS. Tins. "Tsl per tin. bbbtV*' g^^aaalD OBTAINABLE M JOHN LinLE ft CO., LO., ft ROBINBON ft CO. FRESH FRUITS Apples, Pears and Quince. Order at once to ensure obtaining supplies. John Little Company,
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  • 82 7 REPORTS OF A RISING AGAINST MANCHUS. Warnings Received by all Peking Legations. f Raima's Tstaaaaa] Loadoa. Jane 8. Renter* Peking correspondent says that all the Legations have received aaoaymou* Mtera, apparuatly from revolutionaries ia Shanghai, warning them that an extensive anti-dynastic rising is imminent. If they
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  • 60 7 ANGLO-AMERICAN COURT HOLDS FIRST MEETING. Cmlaeut Lawyers to Dispose of Old Dispute. I Raima's Taueaaa.] London, Jane B. Tbe arbitration tribunal, consisting of amineat lawyers, appointed to settle the Anglo American Newfoundland fisheries dispute, has met. The President said America and England bad e«t an example to tbe whole
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  • 51 7 Rolls Crosses Twice Without a Stop. ksCTBB i TSLSOKAn hoodoo, June 8. holla, tbe aviator, started at 6SO a.m. aad < ■croplaincH from Dover to Calais. He circled j for ton minute* over Sangatte, without land ing, and then «tarte<i back aad reloaded at I "over at
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  • 44 7 Ninety Per Cent of Revenues to Cover Loans. ißaoTss'i Tniaeata.) London, Jane 8. I r the loan agreement the French controllers have begun collecting 90 per cent of tbe Moorish customs, tbu. leaving only too per oent to Uw Salten.
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  • 38 7 'Hooves'* Tiliuui i London, June 8 A Cretan (to\.rnment note appeal* to tbs P jwt-r* not to delay tbe onion with Gret ce. Any otL.r government than the Hellaaic will, the note nays, be a failure.
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  • 29 7 il»s. OrrnurisT.s L.LOVD Tsteesia I Berlin, lane i. Tim Hungarian gonoral election, are in progrusa, and there will be a very large majority for tbe Government patty.
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  • 24 7 (Das OetaauTlsoas Lloyd Tsiaasta.l Berlin. June 9 The p jet. Julius Wolff, it *eriou*ly ill, aad his life is despaired of.
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  • 84 7 Chinese Protest Against tbe New Poll-Tax (FaoM A Spbcul Cobbbipovcbmt.) Bangkok. June 2. j Tbe Bangkok Daily Mail publishes details j of a big hineae strike which was declared here yesterday as a prate*) against the im paaitioa of a poll tax. Work in connection with
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  • 79 7 Tb« sraounta for tbe period from Marab 17. 1900. to March 81, 1910, khow a Ml revenue of £2 103, out of which U» director. ■MHMMad a dividend of 4 per oent. carrying forward XIJB. Duriag tbe Period under review a profit of £8 473 was
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  • 553 7 Toe Existence of Bear Positions Revealed The Loadoa and China Express, ot May 18. contains the following report oa the rubber market The market for Para has been doll, and bnsiness is difficult in the absence of sellers. Fine Hard on tbe spot is quoted 10s. «rd. value.
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  • 347 7 Sharp Earning to Bibulous Stndents. Tbe Berlin oorrespoadeat of the Daily Telegapb writoa: A sympathetic eoUo will be awakened in tbe mini]* of many of tbe Emperor William's .übjecw by tlie tharp oon it-uj nation which bin Majesty i« reported to have pronounced oa tbe bibulous habits
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  • 121 7 For a time Queen Alexandra, amyi tbe Week-Bad, will go into retirement probably at Sendriagham, whieb baa keen left her by bar hosband. Balmoral, by tbe way. goes to King Otorge, at does, of course. Windsor, which, alone of tbe Royal rssidnanas. oaaaot be dmpoaed
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  • 300 7 A BRITISH FLAGSHIP NEARLY RAMMED Alarming Incident in North Sea. Tlie First Division of the Atlantic Battle fleet baa arrived at Dover from Norway. Particular* were obtained oa May 10, of an exceedingly narrow escape from disaster which befell tie battleship Prince of Wale*, flagship d Vice Admiral
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  • 179 7 Presentation b> the Employees of Riley Hargreaves and Co. His fellow. employees in tbe various departmeets ot Mestrs. Riley Htr^reaves and Co's establishment., yesterday afternoon, present. ad Mr. James Allan with s gold watch and chain aad a pair of sleeve-links. Mr. B. M. Goldie made
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  • 246 7 Students With No Definite Mean Of Support. The Keport wu issued, on May 12, of tbe oommittee appointed U inquire into the best means of relieving, repatriating, or otherwise deposing of seamen belonging to India or aay Crown Colony, aad oativua of either, who might find llmmHulves destitute
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  • 207 7 Extra Cables by Eastern Extension Uae. Tbe report of the Eastern Bxtea*ion Aim traiaaia and China Telegraph Company, Limited, eta tea that tbe gram receipts, aa abown in tbe revenue account amounted daring tbe half year to December 81 to 4816,084 agaiaat 450M89 tor tbe oorraapoad ing half-year
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  • 2118 7 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN LONDON. The Freedom of the Straits Ports. The L and C. Bxpraa*. of May IS, say* Tbe annual general meeting of the Straits I Settlements Aatociatioo waa bald on 10th imt. at tbe Inttituto of Directors, Corbet* I oourt. Loadoa, E C. Mr.
    2,118 words
  • 103 7 Oa November 6. 186*1. William McCormack aad Daniel McCormack were cesjvicted at Loughmore, ia Tipperary, oa a charge of having murdered aa estate agent aad shortly afterward, they were hangerf, their bodies being buried in the Menagh goal yard. Re oantly tbe actual murderer of the agent
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  • 91 7 Mr. Tata, of Hunan. Geo. Cobb anJ Cs.. bad a bad accident laat night, any* tbe Malay Hail, of May 81. While riding motor hioycle, be ran into a bollock cart in the Damaaaara Road at tbe turning leadiag to the general boepital, aad anfferad severe lojaries to bis bead
    91 words
  • 83 7 GREAT POPULAR OVATION IN BERLIN. Crazy Russian's Act Rouses Citizens' Lojalty. I Rama's Tsls»ba«.| London Jane 8. A Berlin telegram say* that tbe Crown Prince, who has been ropreneoting tbe Kaiser at state functions for a week, had a remark able reception, yesterday, when returning from the
    83 words
  • 421 7 Effects of tbe Promised Increase of Strength. The Nava! and Military Keoord say.:The decision to despatch tbe Swittsure and Triumph from the Mediterranean to the Far Kant follow* naturally apon ti inclusion of the Agamemnon and Lord Nolsod in tlie A rat named fleet. Tbe Swift sure
    421 words
  • 205 7 Messrs. K raser and < o. s share circular, of .1 uae 'I, states —The past week has seen a dull market all round with almost generally declining prices. Tbe London market in rubber shares is alw> described as dull with nothing doing Xi husk Highland, aad
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  • 149 7 Dr. O. L. ruck or a. he is officially ttyled Wu Lien Tab, ma, m. p. iCauib for Uie past two years assistant director of tbe Im perial Army, Medical Colics, st Tieatain, has come to tbe stiaiU Settlement, on a vsit to bis father aad
    149 words
  • 84 7 I Messrs. Outline aad to. report that the output of dry rubber from Bsateag H slang—) estates during May, the first month of tbe company financial year, was 1,716 lbs. Tbu i output for the eorreopoadiag month last y« ax was 479 lbs. Messrs. Ouan sad Co.
    84 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 267 8 Towkay* Yap L.x>og Hia and Ong Eng swan have each offered a silver cap to tbe Helaoeor Cbin*s» Merchant Club to be pro seated to tbe wionura in tbe billiard handicap. Tbe followioK are th»> result* of three of the big otickei matches: Worcestershire best Iwrtty by
      267 words
    • 25 8 keppel (101 l Club. Members ar<> ramiuded that tbe <| lalilyiog round for the Captain's Cup i- to be plsyed or tomarrow (Saturday) aad Sunday.
      25 words
    • 273 8 I he Mills Trophy. Tbe Siogapore Ladies Kifle Club firi J for the Mills trophy at U*lestier range yesterdsy s'ternooD. sooring s total of 2Qf' made up a* follow* 100 yards Miss Uuoo 86 Miss Ken 35 Mrs Krlkin 84 Mrs. Murphy »2 Mrs. Fu-her B'-' Mr, Ager
      273 words
  • 296 8 WHAT IS WHISKY Brief Summary of President Tail's Ruling. The British Consul at Baltimore, Mr. U Krater, in a r»port oo tbe trade and com uierou ot tbe district io 1909. says Tbe (joestion as to Woat is Wbisky wbioh baa e*«a diatnrbing the Ujaor trade of lUltimorc ever since
    296 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 158 8 To the K Jitor of the Strain Times. Mr. With roiertott t) the laet pan: ia jour oommenU oo ■('omen letter in your iaeue u< to day date. I hare not bad the »d»»nt«Kr o( mwiok Mr. Moorbooea'a report and valutuoo of (he N yalaa property, m> do
      158 words
    • 225 8 To tbe Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, X nder Uiis heading you print with cv. 1 y appearance of approval aa ex.-erpt fn in tbe Kipreesanimadvertiag vety severely on tbe popularity of skirts ibe exiguity ol wbicb prevents hue aoveont of tbe neither umb*. The writer say*
      225 words
  • 228 8 Serious Block la ibe Frozen Meat Trade. Aocoriog to a Sydoey despatch, dated April W. ail tbe (roxtn meat store* in wfaway are absolukly lull lv tbe doors with tru/L-u meat, aad stiippers am at thoir wits od to know what to do with their produce. In some
    228 words
  • 283 8 Remarkable Increase of Habit la Recent ie«rs. Among the rcporta aad tbe epoeohea of tbe third mmioo oo May M. of tbe M. K Coalerf not' at tteou! there «h oat. of great interest to all who have tbe good of Korea at beait. Ttu SM a
    283 words
  • 77 8 The snooassi > of aviatioa are oompellins iovuotoia to setk greats triumphs Hans are bow ia preparation for tbe oonstroctioa of a monster airsbip, wbiob it is empaated to fit kstwses Loodoo aad New York. The intea Moa i« to have th* vtaool ready if ynstialc witbia a
    77 words
  • 1139 8 Prices Quoted la tbe Market Tills ■•mag. Sinirtfore, RrJ Juao, lwlO Messrs. Lyall aad Bvatt, Bxcbaoue aad Share Broken, iarae the following list oi lootatioDi thia moraine UENERAI 10 Baatern Hmolting Co. »7p.1 1.0 M Kraaer and Noaw Ld -210.— *W. 10 Hole! »»o Wijk V8 100
    1,139 words
  • 65 8 Toe N )r» nun »W»w. Haiui wbicb arrived io 3iot;»porr yoatt rJay. had oo board a ligbtor ooolie win bad baea pioked up at sea mile- eaat of s.ogapo-e. Toe m%u atated that be bad beto oo la] iter Ka, ISM While cwryini; a load ol stone-, tj
    65 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 25 8 Tbe anMctad aa fly to tt, Tbe at/fl. rm« cry for it Stacpraiaratuajbaliti it aaa ensure Prtnuwne troa abilla, Cbast troaaisa aad ills, «Wf«7s*fsW« Utlta.
      25 words
    • 282 8 LATEST AOVERriSEMENrS. DRIVER WANTED 1 Wsn'-.-d. Hmart mjtor rs* drirer. (ioud wages fcr cspiMr man Apply Ii ,m, js, Tbe Arca>le I 1274 COMPJU4O HOJJE TO LET Ni. 8, Adis Rosd. off Sjpbis R>»J up th> hill. Kolry.luaol. Apply to A 8 Sbooker 7. D'Almuida Strwt MM notice" Will the
      282 words
    • 343 8 LAUNCHES! i r awataßaaaaa ■^■■^■■aai aa%a»»»»»TaWMMMMa»I l^^^^^^^^^^slHHaalE \T I '^IWll LaallaaaaaaSHl jfcafc THBH HaMHsaar LAUNCHES AND STERN-WHEEL STEAMERS A Speciality. MSWMB TO MKK.T REvCIRKMKNTFor River Urn lUrticulaii on ApplicaUon Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. THE STAR OPERA CO 1 TBS I THEATRE ROYAL, North Bridge Uoad. To-Night! To-Niffht! That most popular
      343 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 429 9 What is the use of Experimenting Bat a I FORD CAR That you can absolutely depend upon. Commercial Motor Cars and Passenger Trairic Cars of the well-known" Rapid" make. S£, GADELIUS CO., nsro. 34. ißOißiiisrsoiT :roa.:d. BTEMER SAILINGS. C. P R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 8 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE.
      429 words
    • 464 9 STEAMER BAIUNCB. APCAR UNE. OF STEAMERS Th< andermentioned mail steamors ol the I above Line maiatain a regular service between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore. Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tons Commander "Japan" 6,018 A Simm Gbboobt Apcab 4,600 8. 11. Bbwon Abjutoom Apcab 4 600 W.
      464 words
    • 540 9 STEAMER SAILINCS. tNDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Taa Btsaaaars of tkis Oompaay mtliMi s rsgnlar direst sarvtes tiivwua Oalsatla Straltr Boagkoag, ahiagasl sad Japaa. taktas aars 3a laroaga BUI* of Ladtag tor Oaatoa. Swatow. Aawy, Oaefoo, Tlsßtsta. kswehwaa*. Isagtsi Ports. Formosa, kas PMHpaaaM. *c.. *c. It— Ml TOBS OfBIISBBBfISI InuM
      540 words
    • 224 9 7/iat/s /mS£#&MeAV£s SINGAPORE SODA WATER JEstaMsAmfotv 2Sj*aa. Dr. Gabriel Gunawardana'j World famons, long. trio] snre and permanent euros for Diabotea, Blood aad Skin Diseases. Nervocu Dobility and Kidney Disorders; Cooghs. Cobsumption. Rheumatism, Goat. Bowel Disorders; and all kind* of Malarial and other Fevora. Children's and Women's Diseases. Those can be
      224 words
    • 338 9 CINGERS Tmm V.ry H More Latmmt Dull Evenings Ol mU LIW A call will CONVINCE YOU. Prices to SUIT YOU. The Robinson Piano Co., Ltd. Proprietor: J CARAPIBT Tauraons No. 68. THE BEST FOOD ABD THE BEST BAUD. \J\ -**>■ s#**^^ Smmolml *y*^ Bummi Might Dlmmmr v* Evmry Smturdmy. The
      338 words
    • 9 9 J. MOTION CO. Watch-nakeri, «/««vellery, Optlolant. RBPtmS PROMPTT.T BXBrrTB!
      9 words

  • 540 10 LATER NOTES ON INTERESTING REMINISCENCES. Nursemaids Rebuke. There an many bmnoron- utorics in tLe k*MM instalment <>( Sir Robert Andemoo reminiscences of bis official career which appear in Biackwood's Maga/iae, it tbe tonniett of all is his account of h. w be was once reproved by a
    540 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 484 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. ictd Office Winchester Hook, SINGAPORE. Board of Director* i a. A. Dausot, Bag., Chairman. A. H. Fu*. Baa... ManA|(i»a: Direeaai. Pmn Fowua, M, 0.«., Chief aled. Offleer. Ad. Aj«o§, Beg., Re». N. J. Cooraacm. r. If. Bluer, Bag. O«a Soon I», Bag. tow
      484 words
    • 317 10 WBMAWCL THE CHINA iIJTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.^LTD. MMd Otfkav-iaA, Canto* RMi SkngkaL Ooopaniea Aota. Ba*i*»d. mi (ka Hooßkoeß OrdiMMM. BOABB 01 DIMOfOMI Alexander McLeod, Beg, Otatam. Lee Tobs So, Beg.. 0, Ofprnrina, Baa., J. H. MoMtahaal, fcq C K Burkill, Bag., J.A. Wat*e,Beq. Tkoitbm roa Stmali Vvwv i H B.
      317 words
    • 420 10 BAKKIWG. IHARTERED BANK 8F INDIA, j AUtTNAUA AND CHINA. OKXMLFOBAT4D BY BOIAft OBABTBB. Fata m v OapHel ta H.OM Uim o< u^Trum* «i!mo.«m Bmhtv btebttltT ol PitMrttlon 41 too OW BABIBBB. Bukol taalial ■aNona! Bm aelninaMl n» tomtom OMy MMaal B«l Ml. SWOAFOBB BBABOH. dowW at iptmifKMiiiiH Mm tally ttlMMIt
      420 words
    • 323 10 LAME BHOULOER Whether rnuitit, from a -praic or from rheumatic pains, there i* nothing so good for a lamo shoulder v Chamber lain's Pain Balm. Apply it freely and rub the part* rig orously at each application and a i|uick core is certain. Kor <*'.c by all Dnpeaaariea and T>caler*.
      323 words
    • 798 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. THE ROYAL HOTEL, UPPER SERANGOON ROAD. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Teak Furniture, Billiard Tables Hotel Appointments, lESSR>. H I. COOHLAN s CO HAVK UECKI\£I> IN-II<CCTUr SELL bY ATCTION. On Saturday, June it, at 12 Moon. The whole ol the Hotel Appoiatmoofe c^mpri«ing:— Two handsome Xl LL-BIZI
      798 words

  • 1247 11 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. a in writieg ia the Weetimnster < .*zette of May 1. ftayn A leading exptil t >ld me at :be Paulban fuocuoa on Saturday th»- be di igible was the tfaing— t!.e ooe and Dly nolatioo. in bet, of tbe aerial problem
    1,247 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 368 11 NEW 15.9 HP. The WAkOITICb had 1 20 different Types of Cars to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car i« Due to Arrive next Month. Full particular* o( wiiicb oan be bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE DAY
      368 words
    • 397 11 Rowland's Macassar Oil FOR thk HAIR It tit BfM PrtptntiM you oi un. WHY? accatwc .iiaaat H Uw Halt l*.w .'■>. lain. >tM l«<lila, uvl i hi. ia tax aaanat aapmarhialtianAiaral .41 in II ir. :ba Ism I <■ cm*i aaawawa aacauac „.n kaa} taa 11 k iwi i-t. 1
      397 words
    • 118 11 TH» Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.B. .1 New First-class Hotel FiMad with ■iMtrie Lattat and Fan* Fire minutes from Railway fctaiioo. Orarlookian tba Padatv. giagia J f*aWa— aallaa a» J f-| fa. j aaaaKl a^UllaaatfJ OVwUVOCIV, WIV3 I rITBtW Baaataaaalaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaaa^aaaatlL flaaaaaaataaaaa taaaßaaaaaaa" ■■uiawaßafar.isioa. CotdSkxace 8«||llil weekly (rota Singapore. H
      118 words
    • 68 11 COLD STORJiet" CO., LTD. f NUAR IKTRANCI to BORVBC WniKK) Telephone 102* ISeaatookaotailkiaiaol rBOZBM MIATB, ese eaa be deilvsrtxf k Shippiaß at tbe Wharrea, of to Mm Hiagapnre Roads- aa iho-1 aetioe, 9fFICE HOUM: Weekdaj* T a.m. to t p.m. teaday* T *.m. to 8* nc klj n. Ie pjw*
      68 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 645 12 WANTS. OKNIN6 WANTED BY DOCTOR I >octor i British some years' Government bl t Planting t xperiene*- denires opening. Fimt clam references. Would act as locum. Apply Medicus, c o Strait* Times. IM7 PRINTER WANTEO. Wanted MawJß, oae used to Warfdale ma<'hine kaaj sa ary given to competent man. ,->nd
      645 words
    • 599 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. iff Iff ft MMWN Tl If LIT WMa aamiJMti satry 80. f Masmam Street. Apply to OTJTHBIB a CO.. fcTD. UNI GOOOWN OROFMCETO BE LET No. 91, Robinson Road, lately done np. Apply B. N. Klias. 6, Malacca Street. n n in. Godowa, No. I,
      599 words
    • 559 12 Tl IE LET il 80L0. (MUSIS Tl IE LIT. ■as. II h< H lasMtawos Bin Btvai vsllsv BeaS. Apply to UB OHBVQ TA" MTI OOMPOUKO HOUBE TO LET. To let, commodiooa compound bouse No. 309, Qoeen Street. Moderate rent Immediate entry. Apply to Guthrie Ca, Ltd. eBll noons tb in.
      559 words
    • 717 12 NOTICES. BEUO6M CLUB. App icatiooß will be received on or befor< 15th July, 1010, for the Secretary -hip „f tbw Club at a Salary commencing at |BM M mouth. Cauitidatea are notified that the whole ol their time must be at the service of the Club. The appointment will be
      717 words
    • 678 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all th. road* and approaches to t m aog Hong Lim Market, belonging to the Estate of Cheang T. w Muey, will be slosod to public traffic from 6 am., to 8 p.ui .on Tut -day the 7th June. I'M O. Dat. J
      678 words
    • 369 12 BOARO ANO LODGING 60MD ANO REBIDENCE nice roo-un ,wnli verandah* attaoL cdi with private family close to town Suilablt for married couples or bach, lor* Evtry comfort Terms me! rate. Apply to Board I o Straiu Times. ST. ANDREWS HOUSE. A Choreh of England Boarding Hoose for Buropeea and
      369 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 245 12 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.-Miaoellaa* oils wants of every description arc insert ed at the prepaid rate of tl per foot line* for one I r two insertions. Notion of Births, Marriagfte, or Deaths, il not exceeding four lines. II each insertion For p.p.c. cards, on page 6. I'i. Is. h
      245 words