The Straits Times, 2 June 1910

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.272 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. JUNE 2. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 225 1 D. J. McCtllniD's PERFECTION WHISKY. MIDBECK. MAC6RE60R AND COMPANY. t KATZ BROS., LD. Cigarettes. We have just unpacked a fresh Shipment of the following brands LEOPOLD ENGELHAROTS EGYPTIAN. Ani;.m 1.90 Per 100 Necho 2.10 Asma (Gold or Cork-tipped) 2.80 SIMON ARZT S EGYPTIAN 70 P. in Tins of 50 or
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    • 31 1 MORTON. FRESH HOBBBS ky every boat horn Australia far sale. VICTORIA and GHARRY toraoQw) tor private hire a speciality HORSE FODDER of the best quality always on hand. CARBFULBHOBINO Harness repaired,
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    • 43 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALERS A I ways in stock, Cameras, Plates, Paper*. Films and every kind of PhotogmphJe Mate Mia. Development aad Printing executed in Rood style and with deeoatab. Price Lul Free. KONG HINO CHIONO a CO. 104 North Bridge Road. Telephone No. 105*
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    • 145 1 Robinson A Co. ATHLETIC AND SPORTING OUTFITTERS A Shipment of Hockey Goods Just Arrived The Cekbrat I 11 QwWsy Stoain T«rr,-1 l!*-k. y I gpseii i match t<l FOBCK I x-~ 3_H f Dd Pr Ctice Guaranteed to 9 SECT(ON ISr J^ Uockvy llioks. Slna Hna%> Balls alwayv in Stuck
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    • 6 1 Bollinger ChamptiQiif. CALOBECK. MACGREGOR AND COMPANY
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  • 627 2 EMPIRE NEWS FOR INDIA AND THE COLONIES. More Constant Communication The fallowing qao'alion ff>m a recent i--ui- of «)>•' Briti-li sWHafl tliouid n't rest resdoTK in Sinnapn-o: Sir Cliar'.-» Loca< tccmvO l< d«trct a want in tbe Australian Pre»« ot ileta ai t. legra Krapliic in'ormaticn of
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  • 358 2 Lord Northampton s Vision of the Future. The .Vlanj jess of Northimptou presided at tbe one hundred and sixth annual meeting of the British an>l Foreign Bible Society, which waa held on May 4. at the <V Men a Hall. London. It waa reported that the year a
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  • 29 2 The Perak Turk Club baa decided to allow as many me* aa rared to pay 1900 pat diem MM right to bet at iU next meeting tarty is AOffO*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 296 2 <px 'VANA' TONIC WINE Keeps the Blood cool in spite nf the Heat 'Vana' Tonic Wine is an ideal invigorator for residents in the Tropics. One cr two doses daily strengthen bod>, brain and nerves, and counteract the fatigus and depression produced by extreme heat. Vana Tonic Wine enriches the
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    • 52 2 JUBT WHAT YJU NEEC. Your tongue ia coated. Your breath is tool Headaches cm*- aad go. These symptoms show thai your sanaaarsi i* tbe trouble. To remove tba causa ia tba firrt thing, aad Chambwlaia'ii Stciuaeb aad Liver Tablets will do that Baay to take aad n>o-« rffrctive. Sold by
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    • 302 2 CHEONG BROTHERS. Dentists, SB, South a»Hdg« Road Ffcat afcai Mawhan wl DaajUasrw, Oold Oowm, Bridge, FUna* and Tuteasit. Di ration Wear awsraatoad CHABOBB MODBRATI. FULL LIKE DENTAL BUPPLIEB Baal Tootb Ptrwden aod Braabes tar aala. V^ all Ts-ic* i Sf-^l AjjNV -r^-i-^t To Hia Bioailaaey Bit Joba Aodanoa), U.C.U.Q., Governor
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    • 235 2 MICHELIN TYRES. Having been appointed agents for tbe well known Michelin Tyres, we are now in a position to eapply all usual sizes from stosk. Prices on app'icatiou to Dupire Brothers, Maud Hi kuH-j* v iay w j O O aIHL BBB^BBBBBBBmaBk^ i^^ Sal BBBBBB^BB^^kik B^B^C aW^^^Bßß^^ aft LaJaBBB S^B
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  • 907 3 EMINENT SURGEONS STRANGE SUGGESTION. High Court Judge with Medical Assessors. Tha meomd rolama of the eridruoe friveu before tha I ►epartmeetal Committee which baa bacn i»qairia« into the law relating to and Ibft prooedare of Uutt moat ancient of British institutions— the coroners iaqoeat— oontaina many cv -ioos
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  • 28 3 Tha Soltaa of Jobon has parcbaacd Dalrynple and Story (a son of Pedro), whion bare arrived from Australia, and it is reported that ha intaods racing ibtm in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 672 3 ,0 For Prevention OJ N Ii sa sS^Mtoa tact tkal »r,.».u.. to bttfr IWa tmn. .W U m mm hi M atn »w* tbsa la rs«ar« to k**n> bMlik. WkM mmj at Hrrt b* tat (MfM mmj. all iil isjrs nilntU, 4»O»» Ms •ml Inpr ■■IjtoHn.i'it at «>»«aa«ass«« aVsMah SMMiavJaW
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    • 72 3 BEWARE OF A COU6H Now ia the time to get rid of that eoogb, for if yon let it hang on, no one can tell what the end may be. Os'ters have been cur> d of aVir ooogi* v. ry qaickly by naing ITlsaibl lilni Cong i Remedy. Why not
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    • 149 3 TEA We do not claim to have more brains than oar competitors, bat we believe it is really to your ink- rest to take advantage oi oar forty years ol succesafol tea-blend-ing. BROOKE BONDS TEA Sold by the following dealers Ouan Chin Uong A Ca Bbramsah Pakirmaidoa Ce. Tiang Joo
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    • 247 3 ISMAIL RAHEEM (> re showing an loprecedented cohVetion of a very Urge /A assortment of diamonds of the finest water and col O J°** unpacked and within reasonable prices. Diamonda weighing and ranging Irota 'J carat* p wards to 'JO carat*. Pairs of diamond* for earring, crorangs, etc a ajsj
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 713 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. •ar Chlaa. Japaa, Peaaag. Oeyiaa Aa«tralla, India, Adea Bgypt, Mediterranean Parts, Plymouth and Loadao raroogh BUI* ot Lading is— ad lor Galas Ooart. Persian Oalt. Ooatueatal. aad Amertaan Port. JlMmrri wUI laaT* Stagapor* oa or aboal MAIL LINES. OttCaMfd (/or Oki—l Aroe4i* Jona
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    • 630 4 BTEAJER BAIUW63. N. Y. K. iAPAM MAIL BTEAMBHIP CB. LTD. A ratraiar fertaiirbUy serri— is maintained between JAPAN ajto BUROPB by the Company* w«Uknown TWIMCIIW ITIiIIEI oador Mail Oontraot with Ibe Imperial Japaneae Government, apeoisJly dnaiirnad lor the Company* Boropeaa Sorrioe, lighted throoKboat by Bleotricity, provided with ezoeUeat aonnnirafrdahina far
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    • 590 4 BTEAM-K SIILIWiS HAMBURG AMERIKA LIRE. HAMBURB. ,Th. sas— «n ot lai* Ooa— any maintain a ra— Jar ss— toe bmm Haabnrg. Briaia, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad laa Strait* Oalaa aad Japan Homeward*, they an deapalohad teaaghMy 'r H»tt* and Hamburg and oao* a month for Bremerhareo dlraot. oaUiag at Paaaag
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    • 751 4 BTEAJEN MIUNJg. N. D. L. Norddeutsohar Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIRE. Ta* fast aad well kaowa mall iteaßn>r< o« thti Oompaay ail f u -tnlgbly troa Bra— «c Hamburg, Tta RoMardaa, Aaiwa— Soothemr toa. Olbralter. O*aoa. Napia* to— sasrlo* MaraiUa. Napla, Aluaadrta. aad rta Tan* Port Said. Ha**. Alaa.
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  • 139 5 FIXTURES T mrsday, June a. Ua«h Water 4 '7 v., 8.31 1 p.m. Philbarmooic r robeetra. f> Alhambra Cin< mat lerapii Harima Cinemato||rapli. Marlboroagh C oecnsU> i ra-'l' P May, June j. Hiarb Water j b"i a.m., IJt p.m P and O. outward mail don, 6 S.iu
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  • 206 5 loDn. P«uaog and Caloutla Kum bang 3 pm S"ursbaya. Bali. Ampa o»o ami Maouaar Nam Yom: J pm Bangkok Pstani I pro Batavia. riamaraa^: and Bonrabaya *n Noui I 4 pm Hongkong and Japan M< hima Maru 4pm EaaTPaaeag, Ceylon. I lAtMttrakwi*. Mauritiu*. "India. Aden. Kifypt. *nd
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  • 134 5 Tbe T. and O. untward mail aUemsr Vrcadi* U-fl Prn.oi{ at l» p m.. MBBBfia) and i. expioMil to arn»s k< r. to mormw morning. th. a. J n..t Tba N I' b liim*w»rd mail .(aamer irtlinger. h*Mug laft Uunskoog on tba 'at insl. at 1 p
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  • 366 5 Latest Arrtrals. Brrtd N.- ill Hi too*. LapUio Folkmea Jane 1. From Bangkok, May M. O.c. and I dp. Jco t*.ngti)tt>. T--r angkok, .Tmii. I Hi Urn -tr I too* C»|.t W-hster Turn I. From I^.i. lou. Api M. Oe. P Simons 1 a Co. f r Hoogkneg.
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  • 96 5 Wharvca at whlcb e»»el» arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAK I v ■aaa>-em E. W. Hicnoxl— K"tn BMgi Bastm Wsu.i Necdiea. M. W. BnmosJ-Ona.** Moo« -iia Misbima Mani 4— Van Noordt S-IkoWbattHm -PsUui Lauooi> Dolu 7— <rjaa«r oon«tnictioa 1 W. WBA»r a— Nil
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  • 95 5 Arrivals Per steamer Hye Leong, June I.— Hrouj: Kdaotan via port- Dr. lleid, Messni A S.I Daviesand Bristow. Per steamer Ipoh, >uae 'i.— rroua Ten I ana via purts Mrs Ward and child, Mr. ao'l Mrs.J.W. Stikrs. MisnChaWr. Mrs. Authoay Miss (Hiara Site. Messrs (ieo. Stol.ard M.oley,
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  • 512 5 Splendid Dividends Paid by leading Companies Siooc last dualt witU rubb. r ouiupsDiun n-uiu tvacily tbree uecka aao, amyi tlie I iuaiia«-r. many tuoru of tin. plantation tnter prinua wliiob hat i rueebvd tlie prodncmg and urubt eerniu|(fitaue ba*n ianued their accounts for tbe year 19utl. Tlie
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  • 187 5 i Per I', and U. stoaoiur Maoedoma. cub- I nootioK with tbn steaiuer Aroadia at Colombo, due June- 8 -Mr and Mrs. Ball and child Mr. O. M. \llman Mr. S. Smith, Mr. W. M. Bragg. Mr. W. Talmadge. Mr. F. O. Kidout. Mr. Lemborger, Mr. and
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  • 49 5 Time- ball* on Fort Canning and Mount Paber drop daily at 1 p m., Singapore standard time, oorreapoading to 6 a-m. Oreea wieh mtmn tima. The time-goa ia fired *at 13 oolook nooo, indicating Sinßapor. <laadMd ttaae. on erery day «s*apiia« Hnn<U» wU it i. Brad at aaw o'clock
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  • 207 5 Shareholders Agree to Reconstruct Company. The annual Kuaeral meeting of the Kodah Rubber I'laaUtioa Co.. Ltd., was held lat the Chamber of fonimorcr. I'ooang, on May Ml Tlio meetuitt proceeded to tbe election ol three directors to replace the Hon. A. h Adauip who retires by rotation
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  • 101 5 At Cairo, on May la. Wardeoi. tbe youth 1 who assaMiaated Hn Übsly Bootros, tbe Premier of Egypt, a cooplr t f months ago, was found guilty and was condemned to death, ln bis address for the defense the prisoner ooaoscl persisted in delivering an irrelt vaot
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  • 49 5 Whether resulting from a -pram or from rheumatic pain*, there ia nothing ao quod for a Unic shoalder bj Cbamberlains Pain Balm. Apply it freely aad rub thu parts vig. orou«ly at each application and a quick core ih oertain. For Hale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • 234 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. «>iv.jAPoitf. .h\r 2. 1910 0,. UaaW- iHI 4■ a i/<| Detnaad ij, I'r irate m |/4| do Idi 2Hi| 0 r> y— Baakd d 340 Private Bn. 344 do 6m 3461 On tr Baakd d m PrrvataSme sas^ do 6ms SOtf 0» /nrf...-Baak T.T. 1741 Private 80
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    • 171 5 lame S Value. Bayon. SoUwb. 10 10 BeUI Tin 4.00 00 10 10 BnumK 4-00 6.00 10 10 Brtuwb Hyd. 8.00 6JO 10 10 K*n*boi 'i'it 5.40 XI 41 KiDk Tin 14.3 C UJUO £X 41 Ki«danf| Tin 150 %JOO 10 10 Katatu Tin 8.00 »M t\ Ml L«b*t
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    • 569 5 lHoe !H V'aloe. Baytm Sellor*. 2 1>- AUa«ar 1/. An|(lo-Malay 190 l.ll" >/■ 1/6 Batan* Malak* B/6 4 8 f t Bftta Cam 16.0.0 17.0.0 •1 o/- 1 XI XI Bain Ti«» 610 0 6.0.0 £1 £1 Bakit Kajang ■< 00 3.6.0 £1 10 Contributory 2.10.0 2.15.0 £1 XI
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    • 50 5 Baywa. BeUm. Boyan. Seller*. Howmrib BlafMinn Mv Krakiaeo% MOO^OO par nicipa: 4f% Biley, H*r of 190/ 41.500.000 6% 7% pre. Bn»*«a6% I-J84.000 1% 8% pte. Siaammn M« BtnoT way. awpj «i% i% MOJOOO oll»* iIIXMO.OOO 7%pr« Siacapon Ma Singap jre Mv aUp»i»% 41,H78,000 nom. aidf*l 4% £001.900 7% dia
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    • 108 5 ralnt. Rarer* Seller* 10 10 Ewrtetn Snieltiuc UH 10 7 60 8.00 N 60 FrtMt* Ne»»e ***** 310.00 .00 Howwtb BnkiM 6800 10.00 100 .7% Prof. 90.00 WM LOO 100 K»taßro.D«<. ISOOO LOO 100 Cum. Pret Dom. 10 10 M»yo«rd Co. 33.00 i 8 60 lame 3 Value. Bayora.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 126 5 AUCTION S4LBS Powell and Co. .lose 8. At lalerooui. unredeemed pled((os, at M ijn.- 4. At saleroom, Household Kurni ture, etc., at 11 I .laneo -At saleroom, unredeemed pledges 10 -•tune 7.— At aalerooiu, express sawmill, etc.. at 'i 80 p.m. June 8.- At tlie Ordnance Depot, I'alo Brani. War
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    • 181 5 LAMBERT BUTLER'S Smoking ™g|| Mixtures. &P|ftj|Tffl^ PACKED IN |lb AIH-TIOMT Fln> PRICE: TOOTSKRTWI. t^sWßcyy*^**y»r> OBTAINABLE AT: John Little A Co.. Ltd.. bg^|^||| Robinson Co. PRICE: 90CT8 PUTIN BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPAIY. LIMITEO. H»K CENANO, RANOO«>\ AND CALCUTTA Tbe Comp%oy« Strainer sIRADA, 6334 tons, F. Alton. Commandtr «ili be despatched
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 185 5 WEATHER REPORT Kaadeag Karbaa Hospttai. Jaae 1. A 4 a-il r. »T» r. a.. Bust all. Bar. 13 Fall M.WI ».."M 19 Mi Tamp ag.O 88 0 Mi Nil. Wet Balb Tner 10 0 8< 0 T9.8 DirolWiod.. E. B.K. aaua Max. Temp Mis. Nt Max. ia Boa l»» T.rad.
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  • 28 6 BiisiHT —On May M, Llcwelh n Dooglaa. yoor^i ht son of Mr. and Mr*. J H Barbery, "1 Hnnapitiya, Ceylon aged i years 7 months. Deeply ngntted.
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  • 1038 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, JUNE 8. UNCONVENTIONAL We Me beginning to understand Mr. Roosevelt more folly and to appreciate bit worth more highly. The raaaoo (or hi* ex traordiuiry popularity ia America ia obvioos when we observe tbe tone ol bia speech in acknowledgment of tbe Freedom of tbe City
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  • 14 6 The Exchange hanks close tomorrow, which is the iiUx birthday of King George V.
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  • 21 6 Tbe Yooag Men a Christian Association hi Toronto has, in nine days, rained £140.000 tor tbe erection of its new building*.
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  • 30 6 AU tbe ships sank at tbe entrance to Port Arthur at tbe time of tbe war have now been removed and tbe harbour may be aaftly entered day and night.
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  • 22 6 There are thirteen oases for trial at tbe Supreme Court daring tbia month. Tbe Singapore Court of Appeal opens on Monday nut.
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  • 31 6 Tbe Singapore Volunteer Artillery bold a week (od camp at Fort Pasir Pnajang on Jane 11 and IX Than will be heavy gun practice with fall charges on tbe second day.
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  • 21 6 Tbe Star Newspaper Company, of London, hat been ordered to pay tbe Electropboto Company, wboee bosisstt k tbe enlargement oipho>oi»»phe,4l,ftOnihiMHnfa»ilMnnbiin UMllllWf
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  • 33 6 From May 28, a wireless tt-le graphic me. sage despatched from tbe Eiffel Tower, at Paris, at II o clock each night, will enable mariners who receive it to dad their longi tnde.
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  • 34 6 A Chinaman who. in Selangor, had been banished Worn the peninsula, appeared in tbe second police court todsy on a charge of returning from banishment. Mr. Green committed him to the assizes (or trial.
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  • 38 6 Tbe Times of Malaya informed that the K. M. S government are about to Inkt serious steps against unlicensed estate valuers under the Appraiser* Enactment and that this will mean a fine ol tl.OOnto all future unlicensed valuers.
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  • 42 6 Tbe practice of snatching has become a I fat ourile one with a number of C'bioeee at Uongkoog The othei day an offend, r. who snatched a bangle from tbv arm < t a little boy. was *entenot<l to twelve months iiu pnsonment
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  • 41 6 The transit of Hal ley a oomet was not visible at T»kio. bat remarkable phenomena were witnessed nevertheless. I •< spite fine weather, the win leas tele grspby system com pletely failed, and scientists discovered that tbe emanation of radium greatly increased.
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  • 41 6 The Royal Cocimiaaion on Klectoral Reform, at home, recommends the adoption of tbe alternative vote where there are more than two Candida ton for one seat. It also reoouimen<U the abolition <if tbe tystem whereby one constituency return" two mem bsrt
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  • 48 6 According to a nrunt l.iodon wire in the 8. C. Morning Poat. thr pl< t.ure >acbt Brynhilde, belonging to Sir James Pender. director of tbe Olobe. Telegraph and Trust Co and the Telegraph Construction aod Maintenance Co. has sank. A British tor pedo b->at destroyer rescued the crew.
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  • 50 6 Kor trespassiug at Tanjoog Pagar, the third magistrate yesterday tined a Malay $1" witl. tbe alternative of fourteen days' imprison ment, wbile. on s charge of being in possesaion of a pawn ticket for property that wa» not hi. own. tbe defendant waa given a further term of tix montba.
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  • 54 6 1 >vi Hiw a 24 bourn' motor rac>- at Brighton Beach, New York, on May 14, one of the competing can da-bed into a fence, killing tbe mechanician. An hour later another ear wan similarly wrecked, but tbe occupent. uscei* .1 injury. Later on, another car turned turtle, ami the
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  • 61 6 It is kttt< d, io >inila. that orders have been i»»ue»l for a design of tie new coin with an iffiiryof King (teorge V. Tbia will be auhinitttd f r Mis Majenty a apprnvtl and will be issned after tbe Coronation. It may be recalled that a Rrt*t delay took
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  • 53 6 Major R >bin«oii, Agont Oeneral for ijueen* land, pmtcnttd to bi. late Majesty the Kion tbe ink.tand from tlie gateo.'arjd govern ment as a souvenir of tbe (Jueen. land Jubilee. Tbe inkstand waa made from a beantiful pearl shell, obtained at Tharvday Island, and was beautifully mounted in gold, with
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  • 64 6 The S. > Morning I'oat »aya that to tbe numerous civiliuos who bave mysteriously disappeared there has to be added tbe name of a highly respectable member of the liocg Lorn; Harrison, Sergeant Caroll. of tbe He y»i iirii»on Artillery, a floe young sol lier aged about S/i years, who
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  • 78 6 Mr. R R Beattie.aceoantantof tbeEattern ExU u«ioe Cable Cocipaoy in Hoogkoug. baa I bad bard lines, ssya the S c" Morning Post, i of May -ti. iin Tuesday night lie boarded! the Ilirano Mara (sailing at daylight' MtaaV pating a well earned furlough \tel>gram. bowever. arrived which noowxitated hia re-
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  • 133 6 Samuel Brooker. a resident of Singleton. near Sydney. m«.l with an unusual aocideul tbe other night. Hearii k a stiaoge noise, at ih« rear of the bouse, be went to invealigato and found that a cow ha<l made ita way mt i tbe bathroom, where som« ooru and dull were
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  • 119 6 Mr. ForbM and Mr. Yatea. the two American aeronaut, who were iniurtd tbroogb their balloon being wrecked at Glasgow, in Kentucky, wbile they were attempting to break tbe world's long-distance ballooning record are recovering Tbey state that during tb*ir disut tbe balloon reached an altitude of 30,000 feet, thus affording
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  • 150 6 1 will never retaru to Singapore, wailed a woefnl .laTanese to tbe police ytstetdai when be went to report the lots of bia whole ■tuck- in trade. He bad come over from Java for tbe tint time with a large quantity of sarongs for sale. Last night be met three
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  • 391 6 Mr. Munro. we lean, continues to show signs of improvement Mr. A. R Peel, the Bnti«h ■■Mm at Bangkok, it shortly to make a visit to Singapore. i Mr R. W. E I>alrvmp!e baa hi en recogni* id by tbe Java Government M I -iiisli I rice
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  • 58 6 As many shareholders of tbe Peaik Kubb> r Plantation., Limited, bave expressed a »;-h that the £1 sbares should be split into in shares of '2« each, tbe director, if tbe board meeting, to comply wiiL tbi. view ■object to the approval of tbe shareholders at an extraordinary
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  • 78 6 Mr W U Nivcn. tbo secretary TanjiuK I'agar Dock Board, notiti.< that until luitber notice, it ►hall be compalaory (nr any coi. sbip diachargiog coal at the b. aH wharves to work overtime at night up to I'l p m if required no to do by
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  • 99 6 While maniravrioK at Plymouth, on May 10. th< Hrilmb nub marine AHdivtd to a de^tb ,of '200 feet and touched the «oean bed. It did not regain tbe suifaou until an hmir Ithr after oonaidfrable labour on the pait if tboae on board. Tbe ptnt up
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  • 82 6 Another accident of a sssssUnfl nature occur i i-d at Taojnng Paasj I Maw flic moond engineer ut tin. I Malay, was coming c auip while abe waa being unload- d ol iruu rail" He U"i in ton close y to the aosSM of action
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  • 114 6 Mr. Hugh Coorteny Luttrell, M P.. ban introduced a bill in parliament I sweeping changes in England mediaeval the criminal sentence*. Tbe bill proposes the sbolition o( the death sentence upon minor*, penal servitude instead of cxi cution tor in fanticide. tbe abolition of
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  • 138 6 The jaded dweller in tbe tropics who c< v template* a trip borne tbia year mi«ht do wone than apply to tbe local agency of tbe I', and U. Cnoipaoy for information concern ing tbeii pleasure cr uises to be mtde this sumuior to tbe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 138 6 ALHAMBRA BBACH ROAD THE 810 SHOW. Gr«.nd Exhibition. New HobJoeU. To Nigl.l Pitbei Norvtooi teooad Show at 9JO p ni O^BTCRB.- POET* PEASANT. Krao/ Vod Sappe. CAUGHT RIOHANDIO. < OLLKCTIV3 PALM .ICICB PM ARRACK IMPLACABLE HATi. M t•• i TUB SILVER KINO. DOUBLE SIGHT. ».t ufl t YOUNO LADIES QRACLE.
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  • 97 7 KING GEORGE SENDS CORDIAL MESSAGE. Lnlon to Strengthen the Empire I Basra's Tbib«bam) London. Jane 1. Kiou George, ia a measageto tbe people of Sooth Africa on tbe birthday of tbe laion, expresses an earni *t hope and strong con nlcnce nM the new constitution, under Divine
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  • 161 7 CLOSE RACE WON IN RECORD TIME. Lemberg's Fioe Victory. ißaoraa's Tetwiiw I^ondon, June 1. Tbe Derby was run to day, with the fol lowing result: Lemberg 1 Oreenback > Charles O'Malley a Fifteen ran. aad Lemberg won by a neck. Veil Qow was fourth. Kftttiug wa* 7 to
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  • 55 7 Important Increase of Military Expenditure. Kbctibs Tat aeam) London, June 1. Vienna telegram says that the Finance Minister ha* announced fresb permanent military expenditure of 17,500,001 kronen .jwing to tbe increase of remits, and a naval jnitru. 'ion expenditure of 1 J, >00,000 kronen. (Tbe krone is w.>rth
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  • 28 7 IRaoTss TaLaaaaa-J london, June 3. Tbe Terrs Nova, with Commander Soott's stiff, has sailed Commander >tt follows by inailboat, aod joins the ship at Capetown.
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  • 23 7 iKaoTss TsisaSA«.| London, June 1. Togugaws. Ssngoku. and Ours listened to the debate* in both houses of tbe Ptuaaiaa Diet yesterday.
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  • 25 7 haoTss's Tiunus.) London, June 'i The Nationalist Cornm. .ht» have entertained Mr KxxMvelt at luoc^i at tbe Cerltaa Hotel, Mr. John Redmond presiding.
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  • 25 7 I Una OsTiauTtacaa Lloio TuaeaiM.) Berlin, Jane 1. The toasts exchanged at Potsdam were very beany expressions of German and Belgian friendship.
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  • 28 7 I Daa On uutucu Llotd Tuaeaaa.) Berlin, Joae 1. i 'Count OiiUaao has left Germany, aad meat sympathetic Press comments are made oa bis visit.
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  • 33 7 THE POPE AND. THE MONARCHS |Uaaorraaianaoaa Lloto Tnaaeaia Berlin, June 1. Some comment* in an encyclical by tbe Pope on the sovereigns of the nations of the reformation period (fj are much commented
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  • 58 7 In tbe District Court to day. Mr. Knowles intimated llitt tbe charge of eliciting against Bahm bin Oollab, ia wbiob V. A. Pastans was tbe prosecutor, bad been withdrawn. Mr, Braddell, agent for the defendant, stated n»t bis client withdrew ail impute Moos against tbe complainant, they had be. a
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  • 218 7 Trouble with the Evicted Chinese Squatter*. Mr. Alfred Machado. manager of tbe United Singapore Knbbnr Company plantation, waa proaeeotor ia charges of ciimioal force aod w.lful mischief prefer ed against thiee sqoattt rs on tbe as* ate, in tbe first police court to day. Tbe charge arose
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  • 402 7 Handsome Presentation to Mr. James Allan. The Engineers' Association of Singapore last night parted with one of it* oldest members -in fact, one ot it* founders I wbo. after thirty odd yt an in tbe colony. I sails for home to morrow by tbe P. and O. steamer
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  • 410 7 Series of Lectures Inaugurated by Mr. F. W. knocker. According to the Malay Mail, of May 28. Mr. F. W. Knocker, who was formerly in charge of tbe Taiping Miseum. and went borne last year, has inaugurated, to all appearances with great snooess, a series of lectures on
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  • 977 7 PHYSICIANS REPORT ON COURSE OF ILLNESS. Refusal f Spare Himself. I Australian exchanges to baad, yesterday, fornith a number of interesting telegram* relation to the fatal illness of the late King. From the secies published we select tbe 1 following I London. May The Daily News state*.
    977 words
  • 107 7 Mr. Jonas, of Shanghai, passed through the ooluoy by the Aseaye, ye**erday, says the 8. C. Morning Poet, of May 23. It ia on«er stood that he has oome through from Bangoon, having visited Burma lately tor the pur poor of securing a rubber cononosion (for Ha.
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  • 733 7 EXPERIENCES OF EUROPEAN OFFICERS Terrible Time oa a Lonely Island. Among* Urn rusnagin on tbe Howard Smith Company i*miir Oooma. wbiati arrived at Brisbane from Townsville, en roote (or Urn Booth, on April 76, were (tptain M Ptuul ud Messrs. Dobsoa (mate) and Sbaplaod (engine, n of
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  • 343 7 By that Spirit la All My Time to Come I Will Faithfully Abide. A OaaeMe of India Extraordinary, dated May 34, anooanoes that Hit Majesty the King-Emperor o( India baa been pleased to ■end the following latter to the prioot and people of India The
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  • 531 7 Malacca Sungel Banru Reappears as Kempas. Tbe public will remember Uiit v ittrmpi wa» made ud failed to float, at a cipit.l of 11.000 000, oartaio amail properties which weiegmop,d under tbe Dame of Malacca Sungtu Biliru. On exactly the same valuation winch was made, contrary to all
    531 words
  • 263 7 Allegations of Luxury at School Denied. Mr. R. Somervell, t'i« Rarsar of Harrow, does not agree with Mr. Page, tbe retiring Sixth Form Master of t'htrtorhouse. who declared in an interview that tbe usefulness of public school* is being imnaired by the growing paasioo for luxorv Too mocb
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  • 163 7 A Chinaman named Yo Tui Mooi was brought before the firit magistrate yesterday on a charge of attempting to ntter a countorf-it dollar aad oa a second charge of having in his possession tea counterfeit dollar* which be bad kaown to be counterfeit when be became
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  • 96 7 PARADE OF THE GARRISON OF BERLIN. Assault on the Crown Prince by a Lunatic. Raima i Tilnui., Loodoa. .luoe 1. Tbe Crown Priaoe of i trrintny replaced the Ktwr at the «pna K parade U the Barlio garriaoa. Prince Tmi Uo and tbe tinmam o< his miauoo were
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  • 115 7 Serious Affray Reported from Kamuning. (PaoM Oca Owa Coßßasromxirr.) Kuala Lumpur J Taiping wires particular* of a rerioua affray which has been reported from Kaniu ajna It appear* that ooclie* U longing to Changkat Herdang e«t.»te raided tbe iarni and complttely wrecked the building. The police,
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  • 28 7 (Fbom Oca Owx CoaaaspoNoairT.i Koala Lumpur, .luoe 2 A Crovernment notification published in Perak states that unlicensed valuets will be prosecuted under tbe A pprainon Bnactmert
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  • 32 7 (Fbom Oca Own CoaaasronD* «rr.i Penang, June 2 Tbe Tongkah tin output for M ty was 659 picuis. aad for tbe tive months 4.1 IS piculs as against IJH pictls.
    32 words
  • 131 7 Tbe first of tbe May rubber returns ara to hand. Mi Kirs, duthrie and Co. 'übiuituox ibe following L\bo i F.MS K«t»U Mat 1 First five mootb* 70.2/4 Ib*. Msv lt*». s.tx.n •b« Fir* 1 five months I WN ITMllfea Cbangkst Salak May Mil lbn. I lbs
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  • 237 7 Attempt to Obtain International Co-operation. Tbe conference wbi:b recently met in Paris for tbe purpose ot finding way* and means to suppress obscene publu »ur>u. liv drafted a couvention win. h will be I ba,.iu i to tbe governments >f tbe vaiions couiitrns represented. As, however, some MaM
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  • 32 7 A new time table of the F M S. Kailway is doe Id be published on July 1. Dia^tic sitoratioas in tbe service are, tbe Times ot Malaya understands, embodied in this
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  • 34 7 Tbe new General Manager of th* F. M S. htilwaya, Mr. Anthony, is »aid to be introduoiog scheme whereby the overtime now work, d by the fc. gropes n railway euiploju* will be curtailed.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 167 8 Mu.i»»ia by Mooltaa, who eo*t the Java vportamao. Mr. !C« biry 1 MJO guineas M a three year old, wan lately sold ia Sydney for 70 guiotaa. Chief Petty Officer < orraa, ot the Royal Na«r who bat lately been ooo»picuous in tbe ring, baa beaten Uoaner
      167 words
    • 81 8 Mill* Challenge Trophy. Tbe following icons for May were made ■a tbe shoot tor the Mills Challenge trophy Siafmpore 'JOl' Taipiog M Peaaag 190 Selangoi 194 North Kiota I*> Ipoh IST Lower Perak 150 Tbe Singapore and Taiping team, tied with a score of 'JO2, but Singapore is
      81 words
  • 414 8 Proposal to Increase the Company I Capital. Tbe secretaries of tbe Jong Landor Rubber Estate* LuniiWd iaaued a circular to the shareholders, ia the coarse of which they state tbst an extraordinary gcocrtl mooting was called for May 1- to paw a resolution to increase the oapital
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  • 240 8 Itcpurta art to hand irom Wellington ot the heroism of Oeo Pitt*, one of the nieu entombed by toe second fall of tbe Olira tanael. By superhuman efforts be rescued a mate who wan buried almost entirely by huge rock" and timber. He almost succeeded in rescuing
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  • Correspondence.
    • 71 8 I the Eiitur ol tbe strait* I Tn. Sir.— lf Manner bad. before rushing inti print, properly inquired iat i tbe oorrecl ness or otherwise U bis ini jrmatioa, he would haw di-oo»t-red that tbe government analyst did report the Pooabootvi clear ofgao p'ir to the time tbe
      71 words
    • 224 8 To thu Editor of tlie Straita Times. Dear sir I thaak you tor yoar oomuicots on my letter of yesterday. I bold ao bru-1 fur N'yalaa, or auy oth*r r-,tate, and wiah to poiut out that I did not w-t myneif to prove, as you appear to have
      224 words
    • 519 8 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. I 'ear Sir,— ln your i«»ue of tlie May -11 I read an article ua the Hansoi Nebaag iPenang) K-uu lljtation ia which you unfavourably criticise tbe valuation of Mr. K. (>. Pkloior, one of the pioneer planters of the
      519 words
  • 208 8 A remarkable oaae of sacrilege and wanton destruction in a oh arch oooaircd at the Rotuao Catholic oburoh at Wol verton. Hacks, on May t. Between tea o'clock in toe morning sod ooe o'clock, in accordance with custom, tbe bail J mg wan 1< ft open
    208 words
  • 1110 8 Prices Quoted ii tbe larkei This aUnlag. Siaa*FO«a, Jod .loec. 1910. Hewn Lyall Md Bvatt. Bxehaace aad Sbare Broken, issoe the following list of ]uotatiorjs this moraiac Norn. Value. Barer*. Molten. J Alia«(H 6,' i c. y V- Option* 8/. 6,4 XI Anglo Johore IS, pd. 18/
    1,110 words
  • 57 8 The T hird List of Subscriptions deceived. I'r.riuuily acknowledged MUM II in Tan iiak Kin 100 Per Hoa. Tun Jiak K>ui .174 T. 8. AraaaalamCrNtty 200 E. S. Campbell (Selangoi 10 Rodyk and lUvidwn .V> Drew aad Napier SO Siaaoa and Delay 'it Evans and Kitont/ li Mr.
    57 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 18 8 Kaisar Will Aad Coda Kad, Obasfjoaa ibuU, Fort«.i. iBBMid Kaither tfOOl-, Aad (th<t 'a su.a), BMb tafc.t Waoaa'
      18 words
    • 216 8 THE TAN JONG PA6AR DOCK BOARO. NOTICE. Until fsrtkar iisttca, it taarl as eswpslssr; (sr any CMI skip d itcfcartmt caal at Mm ■aar«*s wkarvas ts wsrii svsrtim* at attkl ••11 a.*., if raaairaa' »o to by tbs tsars »nd las chargas far wsrkia| sack evertime BhaN as at tat
      216 words
    • 213 8 1 NO HOME COMPLETE WITHoI r A Gramophone THE BK.SI ANl< <;HEAPEsr MBAN> OK PL XX ENJOYMENT, nasal to mix all. S.Moutrie&Co (LIMITEO). IHK AKCADK. HARiMA HALL Cinematograph, .rth Bridge Koad Special Programme. TO-NIOHT. NiOuod Show at V.JO p.ui I >ann K Maul. Ma in Law lia* a llir.l l.if.
      213 words
      301 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 507 9 BTEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Taa NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO BUROPB TU CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES Roate trom Hongkong via Hbainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Soa of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vancouver. R.M.S. Baraaa* or Ixnu Twin screw steam R.M.B.
      507 words
    • 444 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE. OF STEAMERS. Tbt oßdertneatJooed mail steamer* of the shore Line Maintain a regular serrioe be tweea Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Sbangbai en route. FLEET. Toas Commander Japan «,018 A. Stbwabt OaaooßT Apcab 4,800 S. H. Bblson Akbatooh Apcab 4 800 W.
      444 words
    • 484 9 BTEAIER SAILINCS. INDO CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. TBS Mmmh of IhU Pomp— y mmtw***m rafolaV dlrMw tmrwiom Imlwms OftvOtlMßß, BtnMf, Bos«aoB«. Hnana>al aad Japaa. takiaa sar* oa tkraaja BUla of Ladlaa tor Cantos. Bwaaaw. Asßoy, Oantoo. Ttssttstn. Bswahwaaf, Taagaw* Port*. Formoss, ta* FMttpasßM, *c., *c ■t— SBTt Toa* Ooaiatsaast
      484 words
    • 550 9 Dr. Gabriel Cunawardana's World-famous, long tried, sore aad permanent cares lor Diabetes, Blood aad Skin Diaaaaea, Nerroo* Debility and Kidney Disorder., Cough*. Con sompttoa. Rheumatism. Goat, Bowel Disorders; and all kinds of Malarial aad other Fevers. Children* aad Women* Diaaaaea. These oaa be bad from Tha DUpntarf. 38b Raffles Place,
      550 words
    • 232 9 KOTA BENE. Sledge --^gp^/ o wiss "SLEDGE" BRAND jj! HYGIENIC SWISS W' LR TVrilir Us sS^^ m h nalural f**L Jjr J I 4jS!lf£ wilhoUl k s 2 W^fjS I Import*. Proprietor: J. CARAPIBT Tslbthoks No. 58. THE BEST FOOD AND THE BEST BAUD. w o» Bummt itlght Dlnnmr Evmry
      232 words

  • 591 10 THE NEWS OF PAILHAVS WIN IN PARIS. Partflis' Joy. The I-aria correapondeat of tie Mb Tele graph, wiring oa April 38, said The Loadoa Msarhaattr flight excited almost v moth atereat in raris v in London. L*>t ni C ht spodal edition* of the paper', published the
    591 words
  • 531 10 Member of Parliament Awarded £100 Damages. Iv the King s Bench Nvisioo. I. n tor on April A, before the Lotd Cbiel Justice .od I «f(«ial jury. Captaiu the Hon. rt.-i<rick Edward Gu.»t, Mi. (or Eat t> .rMM^hirw..« awarded iIUO dan.agia m a action for libel
    531 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 425 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN UFE ASSURANCE CO. LIMITED. -tad Office Wlactauter Hook, SINGAPORE. Soard of Dlrootorsj i A. Damme*. Bag., Chainnaa. A. H Pan, Bag., Managing Director. rVraa fowus, BAs, c.a Chief Mod. Officer. itm, Bsq., Rlv N. J. Cooraava. t. M. BuioT, Bag. Oae t-oom Tea, Bag. row M«aa tut,
      425 words
    • 463 10 INSURANCE THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO^TD. Mead OWo i»A. Cat— RtHL Oompaaies Aotx Bnglaad. aad aaowr the Boagkoag Ordfiavsooa. Boabb a* Ptaaoroaai Lea Tung So, Bag., C. Stephariaa, Bao., J U. MeMiohaeirßeq C. B. Borkill. Bag., J.A. Vfattie,Baq. Taomas voa Sraosaa Fmroi H B. Onlland, an. A!e Aitder MoLeod,
      463 words
    • 464 10 BANKINU IHMTERED BANK 8F INDU. lUBTRJUJA AND CHINA. ISOOBFOBATaTD BT BOTAB OHABTSB. Past np Oapttal In M.OM Baorw of •TMsaea ai.MO.OOO mmmmWwm* AMOOJM ascerri UsMrlrr ol Propiteturs «I,SM.OM BABBBBa. rh* t»Mtm Os>y a Mtdtona Baak. BM. BnOAFOBB BBABCIH. aasasi s* I pat eaas. pat aaa— oa tbs daily BMHb*WMS> WMB
      464 words
    • 867 10 BALEB BY AUCTION. THE ROYAL HOTEL, UPPER BERAN6OON ROAD. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Teak Furniture, Billiard Tables Hotel Appointments, MESSRS. H. L. COOHLAN A CO.. HAVK KECKI. mV HRM t. Tl«>'. SELL BY ALCTION. On Saturday, June 11, mi 2 p.m., 1..J55 »hoto oitUlfa4al Apfloiataaeßta oonipri ting:— Two handsome
      867 words

  • 973 11 MOTORS MOTORING. RESULT OF SPEED EXPERIMENTS AT CORNERS. Milest oe wriu- to tbe Car of April .'7. Toere is a road twenty-three miles ont of L-md m, fairly often used by motors, which at one point is narrow and rnna between high banks, and it baa several bends which art
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 371 11 NEW 15.9 HP. The WAR OFFICE had 1 20 different Types of Cars to Choo-e from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHIMSTONS. A Similar Car ia Due to Arrive next Month. Full part' olars o( which can be bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR C:f S
      371 words
    • 54 11 Woods Urea* Peppermint Owe for all ■ntnmti complaints. Dysentery, Oooghs Oolds eta. For promotion of Companies in London or the introduction ot Capital for sound Colonial undertakings, communicate witb THE VEND ING SYNDICATE. LTD. 15,010 BROAD STRir. LONDON EC ENfiLtNO. T.i a d es (jmaderim. London McNe 1, Cole (1.04
      54 words
    • 304 11 a *y b Mackay's Liqueur Whisky" THB ORIGINAL LIQUEUR WHISKY THB OLDBST AND BEST ON BA LE EVERYWHERE. Sole Agents ADAMSON.GIIFILLJUUCO Lo. Singapore and Penans. JM THB Empire Hotel, KUALA LUiPUH F.M.B A New First-class Hotel Fitted with Biectric Lie** and Pant Five minatea from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padan?
      304 words
    • 946 11 LIPS SAFES Burglar resisting Saius I I EjT NKafilll H-nbest teetimonials in tbe market. <•* pßJ||| from Government, as from a tingle tteel -^-^RtaaajaaßßaaaaaiJP Different tises io P*sW B^*BBV|£ a^aV^V^iß^^^K^ Stock. For particular, and prices. INTERNATIONALE CREO<ETEN apply to so«« importer, HANDELBVEREENIGING ROnEROAM. Lend Me Your Ears and I Will
      946 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 631 12 WANTS•PBMNG WANTED BY DOCTOR. I'oc'or iKritish) *omo years' Government and Planting < xperii-nce desires opening. Kirt4 cU .1 act as locum. Apply Medicus. c o Straits Times. 1167 GIRL WANTED. Wabtod, nice respectable girl to take charge of mil. boy, age 3) years old. Apply Mrs. F. Hinsch. Essex Lodge,
      631 words
    • 540 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. •MM ft MMWN Tl Bt LIT Wlta Imiitlili satry lo T. Kstass* Btrset Aypry to QCTBRI* n 00.. siTD. sl*M GOOOWN OR OFHCE TO BE LET. No. 91. Robinson Boad, lately done op. Apply B. N. Elias, 6, Malacca Street. Tl K UT. Oodown, No.
      540 words
    • 471 12 TO BE LET M SOLD HwUIH TB Bl UT. ■as. (1 ani 11, IsmM-.Mos Hl*. Brrsr > vattsy Boai. Apply so Ul CHBMO TA> sains un HOUBEB TO BE LET. With immediate entry, 44, Anson Boad, 78 Anson Bond, and 80 and 86, Robinson Bond. Apply to B. S.Nathan, 18,
      471 words
    • 752 12 NOTICEB. nonet. NOTICE IS HLKhbY GIVEN, that all the road* and approaches to «'L.eaog Hong Lim Markot. belonging to tbe Estate oi Chesng Tew Mney, will be closed to public traffic trom 0 a.m.. to 6 p.m on Tut -Jay. the 7th June, 1910. Dated tbi* Ist day of Jane.
      752 words
    • 699 12 NOTICEB. noticeT All purson* having claims tg*in*t N N. Adi* or The Hotel de Europe oo account of debts contracted piior to the JJnd day of March, 1910, are rrquested to send, oo or be tore tbe Ist day of July, 1910. ful: particular* thereof, together with a Statement as
      699 words
    • 521 12 NOTICES. NOTICE. It is opreln uotitieit tliot the Hanks will be closed on FRIDAY. JUNE 3. Hifl Majesty the King's bi thday. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tin Municipal Commi*>u'ont>rs of the Town of Singapore iDvitc Uiilm for tl.i purcl acs of a piece of land containing an area of about one
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 245 12 Straits TSimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.— Miacellane ooa wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of tl per four line* for one or two inscrtionx. Notices ot Births, Marriages, or Deaths, if not emending four lines, II each insertion For p.p c cards, on page 8. 4X Ik.
      245 words