The Straits Times, 1 June 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.271 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 1. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 162 1 D. J. MrCallums PERFECTION WHISKY. SfLDBECt MACGREGOR AND COMPANY. i KATZ BROS., LD. Cigarettes. We have just unpacked a fresh Shipment of the following brands LEOPOLD ENGELHAROTS EGYPTIAN. Antnm 1.90 Per 100 Necho 2.10 Asma (Gold or Cork-tipped) 2.30 SIMON ARZT S EGYPTIAN 70 P. in Tins of s<> or
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    • 221 1 Dr. Gabriel Cunawardana'j World (amooK. long tried, nn and permanaat care, tor Diabetee, Blood and Skin Diaaaaaa, Nerroo. Debility >Cd n C0 fa Co SSSS;^aUtode^auSl and other Feren. Childrea'. and Women'i Diaaaaea. Tbene oan be bad from Tot DtnaaaaiT. BillVw Place, and Qhla faaa staf IS, Boat Quay, Singapore, or
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    • 293 1 Robinson A Co. ATHLETIC AND SPORTING OUTFITTERS A Shipment of Hockey Goods Just Arrived The Cekarat fl U«e» W«%»hT Steam Tare* I Mjckiy v. Apxixl tuatob «1 FORCE m\ Jaflanl I d Pncti<x Hookey 8«M. tWBW Uocke 7 Mntl 1"< -y* I (^-vJaaßaß^-^- I larrini; effect--. [V A> i— i
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    • 34 1 Bollinger Cfciiwiie. CALDBECK MACGREGOR AND COMPANY. NOTICE. We have now removed our business to No 4, Adi* Buildings (Hotel Enrop<". where we shall continue to sel! onr remnants below cost price. LEVY IHEIE^LwE^ItsrOS. MM
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  • 1009 2 PROPOSAL TO INCREASE THEM AT CAMBRIDGE- Senate Discussion. There wai> a large attendance ol members of the Senate of Cambridge I Diversity to diaeuaa the ref «rt <.f the Council of the Senate apoa tbe constitution and government of tbe uoiveiMty. Tbe ridecbaaeeUor presided. I Profaseor t ourtoey.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 260 2 and I 'H Complexion 1 HHe^H "'HAZELINE' SNOW" RanswVwJ iKjt 0NBJ), jpjK-arjnce «■>{ t^e ewaflsaMsl winch Jetrj^t.- >.i much fri>m txrautv. Fur lhi?> purp.)-c it i> more tlticafl jnj nu>r< tiyitirnic tlian toilet p<>»Jfrs in M} form. krl.jilini Srm* tli^i -t» and rHjitilu- by •timiilatirti! tKc -kin to K<alth\ jctiun.
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    • 56 2 JUST WHIT YJU lEEO. Voq, toagae i. eoatod. Your arrstb is foaL Hsai..h..o^^^ < s at Tbcaa sjmploms show that your ittik^ is tbe trooblt-. To n more tbr- rnisrs is the ftnt thing, aad CbambMlain'« Sv msoh aad Liver Taa'ets will do thai. Easy to take at>d n>o* rff.
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    • 289 2 CHEONB BROTHERS, Dentists, SB, South Bi-ldga Road ■*—t MnrJlinsfl DeatMtry Oold Onmas, Bcsiaa, fUlin« aad Valeaa ia. Di ration of Wear swariatna. CiHABOBS MODERATE FULL LINE DENTAL BUPPUEB Beat Tooth Powwars aad Braahas for sale. THE Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F. 1.1.. 1. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted with Eleetrie
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    • 225 2 NA Q MOTOR cars. 12-14 H.P.. 4-SEATEO. 4-CYLINOER. COMPLETE WITH CAPE CART HOOD. WIND MssatV, vLI 40CB8HO1UK8. Price i $2,600. TRIAL HI XS BY ARKANGKVEN'T. Sole A^enu Huttenbach Brothers Co. Tekpbooe M» «a> »Vbaj| J sbbYbbbl EEak sbbbbbws y^^^jsaEEE^EEaaaaaw a^ |^< ■IsSi^BaaamMa-l-^lSlßt k^T BBbJLwJ tPa>Bßßto^Bß^BwjL>l«BßMs) I Q To Ck>nnoiaa«ura A
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  • 690 3 INSIRGENT TROOPS SLRROL'ND k TOWN. Sharp Figbtiig I'iiialnliiliie.naiia mioilaniioas bgbting at Diakova, aayt a despatch of May 6. An Albanian chief having refoaed to attend a meeting of tbe otber leader* aad to join tbe ineurgeata. tbe latter leaolved to burn hi* hoeae. Tbe troop* inti-rv eat d
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  • 236 3 B*y« the In<lia Kobbt r .tourr il of M >j 8 With t lie wodiK rful ii.rrt.i-. in tl>e pablic iatercst in labber whicli has taken place daring the rant time mrmlli', we nn«l it might have bern foreartn that Major Morri soa-Bell. or acme one
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 673 3 Greatest Restorative. Bnres up the N«*rve*. Ke>(urrs Knrrg> and i(Our rA W fi^fl a wmiJ.M .i imiT-r. nl.i it vdmuUlr^ ».«h».ut uny BJj^B ft n.3 iktun. "V\ -i tnus" kas a ibaria all its own «hiva) I W P\ on > 'cJ !>> t' 1 wno tr '<^ F^^ J
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    • 5 3 r MAKES^E SKIN S |*BBBjBBBBBjBBSBVBSBaIBsaBBBBaBBBasaiaBaaa^r.a¥
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    • 297 3 SAVARESStS CAPSULES •VBUHtt •> ML. *MB UITISjaaUMMM of cwrt wn 11 ao mmmmimiJ fUU WUITW^ AlLiniMltTS Atwroa SAVAtttSSE. i^. et all TesOc i fe**^ ?rrr?.r ■"""^s^S OHAPOTEAUT'S CTJKATIVE HO PRIM II! f CSw-f TASTE MORRHUOL to »<iß»rior t., Rmtilsiooa or 041.1t curs* chins aad tcnl»\i. ■sea Un> Morrhuul r»p.,.ir ritraetsd
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    • 278 3 irsTis| ipr—^-^r>w—^ milk H a lil t B ..rp°_^J Those who as* HEBTLE"B FOOD for Infants and Convalsscents place their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 33 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 695 4 STEAMER SAIIW6B. p. &6. BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. ■*r Chiae. Japan, Pmmi, SaytM, »u»trella. India, Aaaa. BtTP*. Wcdltarraaaaa Part*, Plymouth and Loadea Through BUI* of Ladtas; l**o*d tor OhtM Ooml. P*r*iao QaU, Continental, aad Amerioaa Port.. finiam wIU leer* Biaaapan oa eboat r— MAIL LINES. Outward [for Okm») Arcadia Jan* S
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    • 590 4 BTEAMER BAILINBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP CB. LTD. A regular fortnightly serriof is maintained katwaaa JAPAN a»d ICROPB by Hrn Company'! woll-kaowß IWIMCIIW BTBABBBB under Mail Contrast with Mm Imperial Japaaean OoTormmart, apeaially aasi«awl tot the Company! I«mm Service, lighted throoghoot by llsatTloitj, prorided wilh ytfffitJMii aooororoortsMoa for First aad
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    • 476 4 tSTEAMbJt SAIUW HAMBURG ANENIKA LINE. HAMBURG oS-m"*" Uta p TmUmt wo at through mm lo Aatwarp aaaoa, Porti la la* Caraat. Plant Baa and -d SoothikSSSLTpo*? •too ria Asm or Port Bald by the Arabian Paretaa Barrio, to AjiUm «d PtriTQulf OCTWASS bMMW4A& '•'0 1(10 Kovlooa •MJun. I Hil««a J
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    • 708 4 BTEAHEI MILWIB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL BERMAN MAIL LIRE Tba taat and wtUtoon matl mini in I Ooenpaay Mil fortalckty troai Brian Hamborg. rla BoHardajn, Aarwvra. Boaabaa* to*. Gibraltar, Dm. Maoiaa lining. Port Said. Boa*. Adta, Ootoßbo, Paaaa« Stanapon. Hoaftkoßg Hkaartal. ImhU aai Cob* to TukotuaM iid
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  • 857 5 TRIUMPHANT WELCOME TO LONDON. It is Good to be Back Again. Lord Kitchener* first act on landing at Southampton, on April 27, wu cbaractemtic, nays the Uaily Mail. Ha insisted on lookieg after hi* own baggage, while the mayor waited in the goods »b«d and the expectant crowd
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 598 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 8 ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Tn NATIONAL HIOH WAY TO BUROPB VIA CHINA, JAPAN, CANADA AND THB I'NITBD STATES Route from Hongkong via Sliainehai, NavaHaki (Imand S»» of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. R.M.S. Kai'ESsaor Ikuu Twinacrow utoam h M..>.
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    • 612 5 STUMER SAILINCS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tub Xiiiuci of tbta Oomptay a n«olH diraet ttrrle* botwtte CaleaMa BtraNr. Hongkong, Bhtagkal Md Japan. MM— osnr ■m ibrowiS Btl't o» ladtnj for Ueatoa, Bwelow, Amoy, CbWne, THi I*. jtwtHMd lufWit Pom. Totmem. fee fßUtpplaes. ateaaion Teat Oumaa»»<l*r InuH MM R 0,
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    • 552 5 BTEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE. OF STEAMERS Th« andermentioawd mail ■Nwiiiiw of the above Line maintain a regular ten lew between Calcutta and Japan, calliog at Penan*, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en route. FLEET. Tom Commander i"Jafa»" 8,018 A. Stbwabt Ouuoii Apcab 4,600 S. H. Biuo» Auutook ArcAß" 4 500 W.
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    • 36 5 Par ail internal complaints, Dyaaatery, CoQgha.OoWa.eto-. take Woods' Or«at Pepper ant Core mm _zrj§Tu»« AUka. sowkkta »4t —gI Mf irnlln mUktt tmnt >»wt BALSAM I I ANISEED I or iii n,.ni..'< mz. Wt uid Slam g
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    • 380 5 StfWj^l A favourite Pick-me-up. KSsiZjS I 1 dash of Theory.! I"* Sc^/(/ I 1 \ltC)\ feC^g and tj*-' K'numf j I f*V it WORCESTERSHIRE. I J £7jp/n Waterproof Tents (iTtmtitio DEFY THE ,j, TwM Offion 1 iMUcfly CaWI Tnt. V "lljii" iMklrfly 4^lb T«l. > xff witL oaterfly of ainglc
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  • 845 6 THE SINGER OF TAR4-RA-BOOM. DE-AY. Succumbed (o Heart Disease Many peo|i!e will beer with regret of Urn atii of Mil- s Lottie i'olh'n>, tlit- uoce famooa inuaic hall arti-tte. who socoombed to bestt dueaee. Her death rcealla tlie timv, now oeaily *J0 years di«tant. w'len nbe leapt
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  • 164 6 vnimal Escapes From a Menagerie. But is Recaptured. Parisians who chanced to be in the vicinity of the Place de near the In valides, >o April 39, were able to join in the excite meat of a lira wolf hoot. The keeper of a menagerie,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 771 6 A Grateful Wife V ft BVtta Vt aaaa Maternity Weakness, Rheumatic Fever, Depression— ■iMn^ MMaawag awHi lias been done, does not suit Mrs. W no, '>x .1 the u^ual trays failing to rrsloie liei husband's she :.ied ;he K -al w.iy «lf H Bwfli 1 "iie heuelit was i'linicdiate, for
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    • 113 6 The Minister for the Colonies in Holland •as notified that the- output of Bank a tin in >w financial year 1909 1910 may be set at Ml.l46pionls. The qoaatity of the tin to -<>ld this year baa been nxed at Miflao paooU. BEWARE OF A COUBH. Now is the time
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    • 623 6 1 MASS OF ECZEMA FROM KE DOWN Suffered Intense Pain for 3 Year.— Skin Inflamed and Covered with Scales Limb Badly Swollen, with Terrible Itching and Burning. CURED BY CUTICURA WHEN ALL ELSE HAD FAILED Previous to wing (utirura I fervd mienee |«ir, !,r three rears tnwm t^~~^. "cn,jii{imrl»|
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    • 254 6 PHILLIPS' KAHIRA TURKISH CIGARETTES Obtainable of ROBINSON CO. I LADIES SAFE REMEDY f° r functional troubles, delay, pain and those iCIPf Irregularities te-M' f\///^*L P eculiar Me y^^saflOUlF CjttWUUT tf^jr^ paris ftaWaaWaßal »wa»e»ma &/^-~-1 1 Jafra^. mm m •a-a.-a^smnmmßs/^^^^^K iW Bmld km m\U Kjt^^^^^^^^^Jj BauF SB *F a-n-i The Dispensary,
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  • 137 7 FIXTURES sVodncsday, June I. Haffc Water, 8.5 ajn, MO p «>erby Par .Tobore Kailway reopeof Oog regiatratioa begin* AJbsmbre Cineaaatograpl. Harima CinflCoatoKraph Marlboroogh Cioamatograpi. Thursday. June a. Bajh Waoor, 4./T ajo.. fl.^> p x t. aod O. homeward mail doe Philharmooio orobestra Friday, June j HisjC Water
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  • 213 7 ToDw T «oaa« aad Colombo B ran M»r i pm I augkalan R randan I' P m MaUeoa Port Diokaoo, Fort gwrttanhirn »nd Ta»"« lira Ku.U ■< pa gaB**"* Tnutni 4 m tl^fcnfc hni-'«t. I pm T»Mour>< P.MM MalaMa. T.U B. aad Jokon (O>erUnd) fRy 6 *m
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  • 112 7 Toe P. aod O. bomewaM mail itcamer <>«tanba I«A UoogkoaMiat I p.m on Saturday. tatMtli alt. and may b» ~ipa<-ted to arrtMfears to Borrow morning. tb<- _'nd in~t. The P. sad O. outward mail ■teamer a .-alia left C ■Ir.rrbo at l| m. N Saturday, <b» 5
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  • 479 7 Lite.! Arrivals. ufirr. Rot Trau IW> ton- 4u craw, 4 giia., I .MO hp Cam Makanoa*.-. Ma> W. rTomSt Pftont .rg. May M For O*divo»took, ll'iiMffk, Ra« Iran*. 1 '.00 n. 49 er*» 4 Ma* «50 h p C«fn Roltcba- '•!»> 19 From JM P«««nb»rg MaylJ. F tf
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  • 96 7 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To -Day. TANJONO PAOAB. I E. W. Baku.— Nil. I E. W. Bktiokl— K ok Sang. Patani. Sawn Wainr— Needle*. M. W. BnmoaS— Obaaee, Olen^•y Nil. 4- Vnn Hocrdt. Selangor. Ifenledi, Beans, Hebe. lii.KH.s Docx 7-<onder eonstracUoo.)
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  • 150 7 Arrhralt. IVr M.M. atosmer Armaod Bebic. May B7— Mr. C. Viel, Mr Kuig. Mr. aod Mrs. Boy aod child, Mr. Ooulloo. Mr. Drey. Mr. Beozie» Mr. I^pierre. Mr. Oaroior Mrs. Bioat anddauKbtera, Lieut. D. Kioin aod 24 native* l't-r MM. steamer Australien, May «O— Mr. aod Mra.
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  • 183 7 Per I', aod O. steamer Macedonia, coonesting with ibe steamer Arcadia at Colombo, doe June B.— Mr. aod Mrs. Ball aod child. Mr. O. M Allman, Mr. 8. Smith, Ml. W. 11. Bragg, Mr. W. Talmadge. Mr. K. O. Ridoot, Mr. Lemborgor, Mr. aod Mrs. Barn ode.
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  • 59 7 geaerai carfn> of rice was broaitbt from BaDKkok yesterday by the rteamer Trigmpb Th.. Briticfa ntFami r Salfordia arrived from Mok« yeaterdaj with a cargo of coal. Tl>e Britiah ateaaM'r Kom Xbor arnnJ froir. Honnkoof yesterday, with a general caruo aad 1«38 paaaemera. Tse Briti»h iteamcr CaMor baa
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  • 431 7 Bi Luri.-Cou E. O. BaoanaiCK, Commaadant. fi. V.C Aiafayert May 10. T 4. Datio*. 1 —Orderly jSioer r snauing week:— lad Lieut, i. 8. Ownl-ell: Orderly aMgeant Sergt. F. V. Blair Orderly corporal, C-rpl. F. E. OaUi.ora. Paradea. 11 :-On Taeaday, Jme 7, Sig naUiac
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  • 246 7 Outline of Emigration Committee's Report. At aa early date, says tbe U and C. Bxpree*. of May 6. there will be preseoUd to Parliament. Rtattr'a Agency leoro*. tbe report of tbe lndiaa Kmigrotioo Committee appointed in March. 1000. by the Secrotary of State for tbe Col<aias,
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  • 211 7 The L and C. Ksprens to hand by tbe liritikh India mail atya Th. Shell Transport and Trading Company hate sold 10.0mi.00 K allooa petrol direct from tbe East to tbe United Stoles of America, at a price wbtoh return* toe oompany iS per cent more than is
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  • 223 7 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE Hisi.srvmr, .Irv. I. 1910 0 I Hauk4a.« 4| I >i maad I 4 ,>, MMb fi id < M| k Ibi X'4|1 0. i.-r, j H»iA d d J4O IVirtfe :i m J44 do 6ms 2<iA| I (»n r.r l;»ok <l .1 »6 Private I id ««J
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    • 173 7 lam 2 Vtloo. 2 Bnyen. Seller*. 10 10 Bclfcl Tin 4.00 •00 10 10 Brunnti 4.00 600 10 10 Bnweti tljd. W» «JW 10 10 Kmaboi 2.26 3.40 41 XI KioU Tin 14.00 41 41 Kl«Uck'lio JWi USX) 10 10 KnmnUn Tin 800 860 41 41 LAbat Mist*
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    • 542 7 luoe !2 Value. Buyer* Seller*. M. 2;. Allaijar 6,V a.- AngloMaUy 190 1.11 U •i/. 1,0 Baian|< Malaka 8/6 4/6 'I'hhiCnei l«A0 ***** 41 11 Bttn Tiga 510 0 6 0.0 XI 41 Bukit Kajang »60 8.10 0 XI 10 Contributory 2 15.0 80.0 XI XI BukU LioUng 5
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    • 111 7 Im. IH Valor. <£ Buyer*. Stllrr*. 10 10 BMtern Smeltuß U.BO 10 7 so 90 U FrMar* Nttfe JOO.OO -JlO.OO 100 Howartfi Brakinc 5800 80.00 100 m 7% Pkl woo »a.BO 100 100 K»teßro.D«t ***** 100 100 Cam. Prat mom. 10 10 M»ynMd*Co. XLOO 28J0 Im-jc !s Value. <£
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    • 52 7 Bayers. Sellers. Ho worth Bnkiac6% MOfcOOO par Riley. Hu greaves 6% rJM.OOO 1% S° c pre. B'trieTway* aBWOOOO Singapore Manicipsis% 11.879.000 nooi. Boyem. Helton Siogap re Mn nicipa. 4, of 1907 11,000,000 6% 7% pre Singapore Ma nicipe' ol 1909 £1.000,000 6-. 7% prt MMMnriMx oxipal 4% 4603.900 7%
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 46 7 Tell of the good of it *aw what yi-i: >hould of it All tbat von eonld of it day what you wi n.l of it Toil «f cold* cared by it wood lioelth eo>rrr 1 by it !^>ng life cu'pd by it Woods' Ofeot Peppermlot Cj;
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    • 134 7 AUCTION SALBS Powell and Co. June I.— At saleroom, unredeemed plodgo*, si 10. Jooe 3. -At sslwoom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Jaoe 4 At ealeroom. Household Furoi i tore, etc.. at 11 looeo— At aaleroom, unredeemed pledges at 10. Juoe 7.— At saleroooi. express sawmill, etc.. at -1 :t0 pm.
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    • 223 7 Th* Art of C«t;orette Naklo| \^B «M<JwM,tk^t*..i,- i m *vi i V£ ay l U vL» %M A-t I Ob* ale at jStL .A JOHN UTTU "-W- CK-^ieo mmm Auction Sato of WAR DEPARTMENT BTOREB, At the Ordnance Depot. Pulo Branl. Om Wmdmmmdmy, Jumm 8, mt 2-3O p.m. large quantity
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    • 28 7 THE /SJJBarTV BCBVaW^BSnv^rB Eotracse Oxloy KiM and River Valley jff^^K^^mm^M m^pjaF^T^fOa> ~^f~V9^a ztoad. iOwl iw 9 K&rf! M mml^r BIH6LE ÜBLE RO MS B J™sSj*i^ BW^^^ Tr.h\i> m-ipkkate
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 192 7 WEATHER REPORT. Kaodaag Kerban Hospital. May <1. ,1 4. 1 r. a. t r. a. BantrALi.. I I j mm^.^^ Bar. (S Fab »Ml ».M7 t» M 7 Temp ..I M.S I M 0 |HJ Nil. WetßnlbThrr 79 0 ».i U.S Dir of Wind SB. 8. 8. Max. T«s>p M-*
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  • 1057 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1. THE AWAKENING OF CHINA Lord William Cecil ciiue to tbe Bait fall of ili. en:bu-ia*m of the Weetera mia. aionary to convert the tieithen He bad in bit mind s eye va«t million* of aemi barbar iaa*. and it aimzid him greatly when he
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  • 22 8 A foreigner baa been arreated in Wabo, Cbiaa. on a charge of having forged and pot into <ue Hopab Proviaoial baak notes
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  • 24 8 The Jara-China line of ***ai>ri, which ia aa off.bcot of tbe Royal Packet Navigation Company, baa diatribnted a 6re per oeat. diridead tor 190«.
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  • 51 8 Aooording to the Ipoh oorreepoadent of the Malay Mail, tbe Prrak Miaiaa aad PlanU-n. aaweiatioQ and tbe Perak Cbiaeae Coamber of Commerce an at laajarbaada with the new building regulation* laid dowa by the unitary board aatboritiea, and there ia Mkaty to be forther coaMderabte Jlaamaiaa btfon> ■liter* are wnoothod
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  • 27 8 Tbe Java BodY, under date May at, >»vs tbat plaotatioo rubber ia a very rare article io tbe Batavia market, notwithstanding the fancy prioea offered for it.
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  • 36 8 Farther evideaee was taken by Mr. .loatwe Fi»h»r in tbe Supreme Court, to-day, in the action M. A de Sil va v. tbe Singapore Towage aad Lighterage Co. and Dr. Ooonetilleke. to which we referred yesterday
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  • 33 8 There will be change* of programme at tbe A 1 ham bra and Marlboroogb Cinematograph Show* to night, and judging from the advertisements, the subject* to be presented promise pleasant entertainments to visitors
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  • 37 8 Ia the marine court, yesterday, a Cbiatae twako man appeared before Lieut. Cator for having a fire in tbe galley when hia twako waa loaded with petroiemn Accused pleaded guilty and waa fined 15. and aeveroly oantiooed.
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  • 38 8 A correspondent inform n us that tbe build ing* now being erected on the Beech Koad reclamation are for the Malay *porta Empire Day osieacatioa aad not, as stated by v*. in connection with tbe Agri horticultural show.
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  • 44 8 Tbe Swatow. aa well aa the Amoy n-rfioo. has been threatened with a very serious drought, bat a corre-poodent in tlie ilakka country, on May IS. write* that that day rain bad boj(an to fall in good earnest to the great relief of everybody.
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  • 45 8 Between three and four I and red workmen are tmp'oyt-d oo tbe grounds of tbe projected Hootkjog I ni versify. Some are clearing tbe arta tjT the building operation" to oommeoce shottly, others on the foundation* and the maj rity on tbe extensive retaining walla.
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  • 45 8 O|>eratioii* in connection with tbe laying Of tbe water main from tbe W'oodli igh filter*. at SeranKooo, to Siogapore, have been com menced. woodmen now being employed in clearing the track of timber aad undergrowth preparatory tv the oourse of the trench being staked out.
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  • 53 8 Tbe lodo China atcamorKum Sang, which arrived in port to day, has had a rathe r melancholy voyago from Hongkong. On Uiret con»ccaii\o days tli-y Lai a «ad duty of burying three luineee babies at sea Ia two jf the OBMua the cau«e of death wm malnutrition aad iv the
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  • 51 8 Tbe Avveaire d'ltalia itatat. that in the oourse of the coming summer Si^nor l>ominici, a wall known Neapolitan *port*maa, will at tnmpt to cross Mie Atlao.ic from Kio de lanerio to Naplea in a motor boat HJjft long tie estimates that he can cover ao average daily distance at '2341
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  • 46 8 No official significance is attached to tbe aonouaoemt rjt mat the (iermen Kmporor has conferred toe rank of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister I'lenipoteatiary on Count ila'z feldt, tbe Oerman Agent in Cairo. This rank it already bell by the representatives of several other Power* in Cairo.
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  • 50 8 A python mravoriag well over 26 feet in length ha* been killed tear tbe Taojoog Ara mine iKmta Aatociation, Ltd.) am»na wot stttps. When the caroaat was opened, a goat, wtighiog over 80 aartie*. and several lowU aad rats were found inside. Tbe *kiu and fleih fonml a ready sale.
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  • 57 8 Aa Ipoh ourrt'tpondeat says I Our now cricket pitch on which the forthcoming interetate match, Perak v Selaagor, is to be pUyt<), promiHes to be the be»t iv tbe K M S or It The ilekident, wbea here a few day* ago, exprrosed bimielf a< tborouxhly with it. 1 1
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  • 57 8 Tbe Saigon Opinion notes the arrival of several Japanese tradorH there en tht> look ont for buaiaei>H op> niog«, and for opportunities of carrying on an industrial undertaking on a large scale. They have an open field owing to tbe liatleaanea* of French capitalist* who do not care to niak
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  • 67 8 The worll* yooDife»t gran lwother bar been dieouvered at Kiehmund. Indiana, ir, the pi nton of Mrs. Everett l'ai ker. wbo mow VS. In Parker »n married wbea IK, aad her daughter was married wbru U. M--Parker's great greet grandmother ia atill alive at tbe agi of W. and so
    67 words
  • 73 8 A curious s'qucl to a mutiny at a ia re. ported iv a despatch which reached Plymouth from RritUb Co'ombia. On tbe arrival of the ship (Jape Breton, one of a number of < bineae matineers was pat ashore aad seat uotd to three years for nearly severing a fireman*
    73 words
  • 72 8 The 118.UMI liornwd bonare in tbe United Kmgdom. allo«in« fifteen yard*' frootag* to cacti, would make oae aide of a (treat l.uxi mil-* '.ODi, aooording to Mis* Agnes B. Slack, praaidiog at tbe annual meatiag of tho National British Women* Tempcranoe Aaaooiatiun. On tbe other ude of tbe street. ■aid
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  • 81 8 A eurioua Minnie pheaomenon ia stated to hare been obaerrerl aear i an ti liana, Spain, at a place called Mean Redoada. From ten o'oloek in tho morning nntil noon atone* at a ■pot within a eireumterenoe of over SOU yard* were torn from tbe ground and burled into tbe
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 77 8 Or. Jam— Murria. who waa one of the oldest medical practitioner* in Sootland. ha* ioit died at Doafermliae. Wbea be cele brated hi* jubilee a* a doctor tome tea year* ago he made tbia state x en t Daring my fifty yean in practioe I have attended 60.0u6 patiente, admini<rtered
    77 words
  • 429 8 Mr. H. M. Darby is on a Tint to Singapore. We hear that Mr. A. It llobback baa decided to remain ia government tjrvice, eaya the Malay Mail. The death has occurred from heat app-. nlexy .at Rajpore, ol Mr J. Met allum Wright, I. C. H.,
    429 words
  • 45 8 We nnderotand that our contemporary, the Siam ttboorvcr, from which wo <|Ooted a paragraph al>out thn Bagan Rubber Company. wei wront: in Kayiog that a rppurt had beea made by Mr. S. Moorhon«e. Tbe reporter oo tlie property was Mr. T II Moorhoose.
    45 words
  • 128 8 A deplorable "ccurrcDc? fioU f/a<. v on tbe Taintai, bttween Hongkong act Bangkok It apprars that while tt.c Toictau »m between KcKicliang and HungkuUK the quarter master, namid Jim hint;, J ttppeartd, it beiou reported thai be bad jumped o«er hoani There ia no trouble known to tl
    128 words
  • 150 8 fin lillowiiiK Singapore properties wera •lupowd ol by auctun at Mtawra I'owrll aoii Co. s pa'e room yeatordoy aftrrooon Two frocbol I aUotmonta a 1 Kvorton Bm4, off Neil H.i*d art a MM lojutir irtl, Ao« (tur Soon l.'iHJ. fr. olir.ld lauii off Conf^icratt- K-i«W> K*d,ar..i ti.:..'S »|uti.
    150 words
  • 222 8 The Perak l>iooeer of Ma; Bj asr* Tbe B«r Sanding oereinony in coooection with tlie marriage of H H tbe Waitin el Hclangor and Kaj* Zolx-ida was oeU-bratti at Kuala Kangsar on Weduenda; i». u<o«. Though a DM»tnoooeeeful and spl< n.lid affair. matter* were naturally
    222 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 BY SPECIAL APniNTMINT Bft TO HIS MUESTY THE KIM You Can Get the Bemt Selection of Ladie. inawond P\ lAMft Xl ft No weat l>eaigna. Gold Seal* aad LJ Z Peodaota of Ladies Oeu. W\ fJC Bvery Kiad. Kings in (ireat O v *«ety Oold Scarf IHm h hum at
      194 words
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  • 134 9 PRESENTED WITH FREEDOM OF LONDON. Strong Speech oa British Role in E*JPt IRaoTßß's TaiaeßiM] London, Juaa 1. Mr Roosevelt drove to the Guildhall, through cheering crowd*, to receive the freedom of the city ia a gold casket In his speech he eulogised highly the Britiab rule in I
    134 words
  • 89 9 AUSTRIAN EMPEROR CORDIALLY RECEIVED. Cheering Crowds aad Decorated Streets. (Ratma'i Taiaeaia.) London, May 81. The Kmporor Kranci* Joseph i* vititing Bosoiibarg. He made a solemn entry into Sarajevo and received acclamations from the crowds in decorated streets. Replying to an address the Emperor said he valued the reception
    89 words
  • 123 9 The Crown Prince Receives Royal Guests. (KaUTSB'I TSLBABAB.! Londoa, May 81. The wound i j the Kaiser's wrist was doe to lanoiag a boiL He is progressing normally. London, June 1. The Kaiser baa conferred on Prince Tsai tao the Oraad Croat of theKed Kagle with Collar.
    123 words
  • 58 9 Fill Agreement to Preserve the Peace. I DasO*T4SiATncxa Ltoio Taiaeaaa.j BorUa, May 81 Owing to Count Gniliano's praaaaaa a oouimami'i'io, with reference to a meeting at Florence, emphasises tlie peaoarol relations between the Powers. The view* of Germany aod Italy are in accordtnoe with tlnne of the Vienna
    58 words
  • 55 9 Speculation on Mr. Roosevelt's Attitude. HacTs* TaLaeaAMj London. May SI. A Washington telegram say* that specula, lion is rife regarding which section of the waning Ii publican* Mr. Roosevelt, on his retire, will aide with. Meanwhile nomiaatioaa tor the November election* are being prepared, but the usual activities
    55 words
  • 38 9 (Bama's Tbibsbib London, May 81. The lightweight boxing championship of •be world took plaoe at the National Sporting Ciub between Freddy WJeh of Poatypridd and Paoky Msotarland of Cbioago. The fight was drawn, after twenty rounds.
    38 words
  • 25 9 ißao-raa's TaLaaaaH.) Loodoa, May 81. The Darby betting ii now 7 to 4 agaiaet Lratbsrg.ltolagaiaatNeilOow.aad 10 to 1 •gainst tb« others is offered.
    25 words
  • 892 9 Governor Appeals for Help From Rubber Planters. His Kxoelleany tba Governor yesterday afternoon preeeatad tba pritee woa daring the year by the stodeats of the Medicai School The orremoay took place ia the school grounds aad waa attaaded by. amoeg others, the Bishop of Singapore, the
    892 words
  • 121 9 Portuguese Settlements Raided and Occupants Massacred. R< ports have been received ia London of a revolt by natives of N jaw*, ia Portugnese K«at Africa. The powerful native King, Nuaia, is at the head of a force oomprised of several tribe*, and armed with the Latest life*
    121 words
  • 39 9 Sir Joha A. Dewar, Liberal M P.. of lh« dietillieg firm, baa purchased 12,000 acres of the Bart of Kinnouli Da pel m eatst*. near Perth. The pries n believed to be tIbO.OOO, aad the rental i« OTer 110.000.
    39 words
  • 522 9 PETITION TO SECRETARY OF STATE SIGNED. The Resident Councillorsblp. (Kaon Ova Owv Coamaapoai>ajr*.) Malacca May 80. Aa event of onusual imports bos ia the history of the settU nu at took place oa Sun day morning Since it became known that the office of Resident Couocillor of Malawi
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  • 352 9 Prevented by Searchlight Glow from Escaping. Tbat the use of searchlight* during the night watches by the cutter Basilaa and the Dutch cruiser Serdang. have been instrumental in the capture of the fix Moro pirates who took refuge oa the island of Maaoc Maaca after raiding a
    352 words
  • 140 9 A RELIGIOUS FR AUD. Remarkable Exposure by Police of New York. A religious fraud baa jaet bean exposed inNew York. Pierre Barnard, of Chicago, reeeatly went to New York and posed as the reincarnation of the Supreme Being. Scores nf disciples flocked to hi» meetings and paid him an initiation
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  • 519 9 CARTAGO. COSTA RICA, WRECKED BY EARTHQUAKES. Escaped Thieves locrease Terror. As announced by a Renter wire ia our column* on May 7, a great earthqaake die aster. involvinK the lives of hundreds of per •naa, has occurred in Costa Kics, Central America. Renter messages via New York state
    519 words
  • 366 9 Outspoken Views of Vice-President Of N. Y. K. Mr. Kato, ricepren tent of the Nippon Yosen Kaiaha. mtkea the following obeerva tioas oo the depretNton ia the shipping trade It i« freely remarked now a day* tbat the ■hipping world has at hurt emerged from the
    366 words
  • 107 9 No Copra Available for Shipment For Months. By the steamer Tambo, which arrived at Port Vila, on April H, newt wa« root ired that the violent hurricane which recently wrought mob havoc our the southern portion of the New Hebrides had extended over a wider ana. Taaaa
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  • 569 9 Tbc Attitude of Employers Towards Smokers. The aoti opium conference was resumed yesterday, from 10 am to 1 pm Dr. Lie Boon KenK ia the clia.r. There was agaio a pretty full attendance of the delegates. There was a long discussion over tin resulo tioo requaatiog all emp'oyers
    569 words
  • 549 9 (Fbom Oca Own Coiuipukdixt Kbota Bbarv, May 38. Quite a number of motor launches are K"iag to ply over the Kolantan riTer. Ii li. the Raja lim bought one tlirooßli Mr. Stolt< while Tuogku Abdul Kadu, ex Raja of I'atani has arranged to get one through Mr.
    549 words
  • 50 9 Mr. W. H. Bya», asaior partner of the Ana of Byes, Mosley. aad Co., has ioat died. He was tor some years a member of Lloyd's C misdates, aad was ehairmaa of Lloyd* ie IW7. Hi« Maads oesd to joke with him oa bis faaNMkaMa KMmbiaaes to the lato King
    50 words
  • 145 9 FORMAL INAUGURATION AT PRETORIA Lord Gladstone Takes up the High Conmlssiooership. IBatma's Tauaaaa] London. May <l The Bonditf De Waal, at present Colonial Secretary is appointed A dmimslrator of < ape Coioay under tlte Inioa (ijoeral Bjtba baa finally farmed bis I sioe Cabinet It ineludea SmntK.
    145 words
  • 32 9 (Fbom Ocb Own Co«»b*fokd»xt Kuala Lumpur, Jons I. It is understood that Mr. W J (lalla«(l,.r director of agriculture. F. M. S.. ia defiuit. ly leaving the goverameat aervioe.
    32 words
  • 29 9 (Fbom Ocb Own CoaßaspoHDairT.) Kuala Lumpur, June 1. Foot Chinese attempted to ra.i a «bop a High Street, yesterday afternoon. Two arrests were made.
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  • 28 9 (Fbom Ocb Own CoßßßsroHDaxr.) Koala Lumpur, .luae 1 The court of appsel, yesterday, permits d Yap Hoa Chin to apjoal to the M*f Council.
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  • 164 9 Amalgamation of the Districts in Kedah. (Fbom Ocb Own CoaaaspoiroaiiT.) ing, lan. I Ala meftiag of Kuliui plantors held here, on Monday, it wax decided to form a Kulim I") inter. AMoeiation. to be awkstv •luently crgsnixH) into a Kedali I'lantera Ansociatioo in which all the Kalaii
    164 words
  • 220 9 Charge agalist Local Motor Cyclist Dismissed. Mr. Wolfertten. fir<t uiiki -trate. today resumed the beann^ of Hal charge agaiont K. I Hill, tbc hi >tor cyclic who »a* alleged to be riJiog at an nureanooable pam on t) chud Koad on the da] of the Km*'*
    220 words
  • 59 9 Formal ssnouL. mieut wan made in New York, oo May 5, of the eogaMeavut of Mies Mar; Harrinian. srcood daughter of lbs late Mr. K U Harriman. to Mr. Charles Cary Roma*;, a handsome yoaag aoolptor Mr. Honej, who Wmk tooMofUu lead io« families in Buffalo wan tdocated at Harvard
    59 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 185 10 Tram Se rvices. El the Kditor of the Straits Times. Tbat the tram service along Serao .H.-Q is loadeqaate to oc|« with the increas 1C Ukfßc ia evidenced by the overcrowded ►Ute >t tlie cara almoat every trip, ispecially r»-( >re office hours between and 10 a.m. and from I
      185 words
    • 315 10 o the Editor of tbe Straits Timea. m Up n reading the account in youP.PW of tbe 80th mat- of the sad accident at lt.-i.pp| lHxsk, I note what you say, tbat it iid not have been caused by the gases «r<aiag from tbe oil carried b
      315 words
    • 912 10 o tbe Editor of tbe Straita Times. I'iar Sir,— Sinoe my letter a few weeka ayo on tbe eubject of the plac:ed area test M applied by you to new rubber venture*. I have, eomewbat naturally, watched with kvtu interest further criticiame aad oorraaawadsace a* it it oi
      912 words
    • 109 10 Tbe Swimming Club launch wtl c* t .lohakton'« Pier lor tbe club bungalow, on r riday, at 'i <0 and 80 p. m., retarn.n 4 at I i and 5 30 p. m. On Sunday, launches will leave tbe piar at 7, 9 and 10 a. m.,
      109 words
    • 35 10 Tanjjlin Club. Tbe monthly bowling medal for Ma/ iraa won by B R. Tbomai with tbe aoon of 6W 180 864. He was oioaely follow <J by I A. O. Harrington, 644-400 M 4
      35 words
    • 49 10 keppcl iolf Club. The Sprit g cup competition wi medal piay > c oa jd yoaterday aad reealte i in a win tor W. J. Trowell with a aeon »9, SO, 40 IV4-10-H4. Other aoorea were K. O. Bwan 41 •44-46 47 178-3S— IM A. Smith (5 1111 If"
      49 words
    • 306 10 Middlesex Reft. Sport* Tbe annual athletic sports of tue trU battahon Middlesex rUgiiuaot were aro igLt to a aur«isafiil uoocluaion at Tangiin on Monday afternoon, when then waa a oon tiderable Dumber ol guests from Singapore who were moat hospitably enterUmed. The band of the *tb Deooan Infantry provided
      306 words
  • 1069 10 Prkei Qooted Is the larfcit ThU ■sralsf- Singapon, let Jnae, 1010. Meam. LyaU aad Bratt, Brwhaia, aad Shan Broken, iaane tbe followiac list of quotation thia moniox Horn. Value. Bayer*, geiien. 2/. AJlagar 6/. 6,9 U. Option* I/. 6/3 41 An«lo Jobon IS,' D.l s'. 13/- pa
    1,069 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 412 10 GRANITE. The andersigßfd e prepared to enter into contraota for the supply of Granite ornahed and aoreeaed to aay naea. FRABER CUMMING. M. Wiaohtatsr Hooae. OFFICE TO LET. Top floor of No. 4. O'Alnxida Street ,at present occupied by International Restanraat) boo Joly 1. Apply H. Wolskel a Co. ISM
      412 words
      316 words
    • 224 10 NOW IN STOCK Cheeses GOROO^DLA r HOgt EFOBT GRVYERB STILTON U IARMKSAX ifc CRB4M h t n^ 0 M. BOLTER, *ST THE UHATMIKEB.LTO OIVtOENO NO. 2 ilond of M. ptr aharv ha* "coo J« eland payable in I.ondoo, oa the I ltd of June, and will be paid to local
      224 words

  • 1379 11 TRAVELLERS TALES FROM DARK MONGOLIA. By Archibald R. Colquhoun ting I jlio iledky a Tramp* in Dart. Mooimlia. Archibald R lolfjohouo wr.t in the Morning leader Mr. Hodley U a mi«op»ry -no !i»* spent Wn .■■am or m"» ia. <b aa, speak- the lanK'iaite hsjlk M I remaikably
    1,379 words
  • 349 11 Sequel to a Breach oi Promise Case. At i.reenwuh county coart, on May A, I 'avid Williamson, a clerk in the employ of the London County < ouncil. living in ilaw-'.ead road CatforJ applied to bia Hoc >ut Judge Willis to vary a judgment -ui.iiuoch order made
    349 words
  • 252 11 A Brmarkable New Building at Wasbi-gtM. The new building ot the International Bureau of American llepublics, of which Mr. Koosevelt laid tbe cornerstone two years ago, baa been dedicated. The atiaasais. wbi h has been deacribid by ibe beat critics of architecture as one of ibe moat
    252 words
  • 126 11 A Man wrftea tn the genre's Ia Oxford Street, K» t»nt Bt-ee», Bond Street, Pinca dilly anywhere, io fact, where women 11 «k fnr shopping or promenading you now Be mi»B*uid*d and vapid females arrayed in •kirta tbat wonld make a monkey weep. The skirt* are so tiubt
    126 words
  • 1295 11 THRILLING LECTURE BY THE EXPLORER. London's Tribute I an. jft> uaaked.aaidComn %ndw !'t*ry on May 4. 1* taring at the Albert Hall before tbe Koyal < .eograpbical Society oa bis j urney to the North Pole, what were my sensations when 1 round myself at last at the
    1,295 words
  • 480 11 Story of an Attempt to Obtain Speech with Her. since the death ot King Leopold, the Bar oarsa de Vaogban haa been living very toietiy at tbe Chateau k I'.aincoart, in the Oise. A Paris news)iiper, oo May 1. pabliabed a curious story of luw the haroness'a
    480 words
  • 244 11 Hearty Send-Off to Lord and Lady Gladstone Lord and l.*dv UlaoVtoae were given a hearty send off f'om Waterloo on April .14) wbea they left by the boat train for Sooth amptao to j <in the W aimer Castle which is to carry th. in to Sooth
    244 words
  • 222 11 A Heater telegram to tbe following tffret, dated the Hague May 3. haa appeared in tbe London Pra>a:— ls iti rep'y to the report of the Second Coambt r regarding th. Bui for tbe purchase of Ktndaaghaoer, ooe of the private e-tiki of Java. tlw> govsmmeat dedares
    222 words
  • 28 11 Tt c North Oeraaaa Lloyd sii pp'Bg Con>pasy is fittin* fifteen o' its straa ers eewagtd isUe Far baaanrn anl Anstielits tr^l. with tbe Ttlalnnksa wireless t<t«>grspbic apparatos.
    28 words
  • 632 11 WILD RUMOURS REGARDING THE RAILWAYS. Serious Consequence Possible Tim. an&an correspondent of tbe S. C. Morning Post wrote aa follows on Msy 7 Tbo-e bard -beaded folk wbo refused to be joav^aoed of <Ue awful infanticide and cbilJhrlhor of South and South-west China should have the opportjnity
    632 words
  • 379 11 New Company with three Singapore Directors. ~Xi team that an extraordinary genera! meeting of tbe Malakoff I'iantatioos Com paay Ltd. was held, at Penang on May -'.">. when the following resolution was uoani moaaly oarried I Tbst a aale be made by tbe company to a
    379 words
  • 68 11 The aggregate va'ue of tbe ynar* trade of Caoada, aeording to a return just is ill HO i«8,H10, aa increase of £~U I Si 165 o*er itaa otvvMtas year and oi &.3V4 446 in ureas if the previous bigbsot rtoord scbievtd ia 1901 8. The iodtcaunna are favourable to a
    68 words
  • 1209 11 SLESDER STREAH SL'FFICIE' l TO DRIVE BATTLESHIP Without Smoke or Gr'mc Sydney North, author of i>il Fuel I. t leim. and oilier works ha* wtr.tei following intorestinK article which appear. <$ in the Times of Ceylon -Tbe idea of oil aa fuel has struck upon the
    1,209 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 51 11 l*« 8H0UL0!!. Whether resalting from a sprain or from rheomatic pains, there is noth'Og so good for a lame shoulder ai Chamberlain's P. in B»lm Apply it treelv and rob ibe parts vg. ivon-lv at esx-h aprli «too aad a qiick cure is V >t aale by all Dispea^ariaa and
      51 words

  • 1653 12 AUDITIONS TO NUMBER OF LOCAL FLOTATIONS. We .|jc'.b tbe (oil owing from London paper. Klian-Kellas Tin and Rubber. fi'ioas ara in rite 1 at par for 800,000 ■ban* of It etch of the Klian hWlas Tin aad llu'ibor Cjtnpeny, Limited, which ban bees form A with a
    1,653 words
  • 640 12 4 Rise to Fifteen Shillings Quite Possible. Ws are not responsible for the optimism of the Financier representative who wii'es I on trie recent fall in these very optimistic term*: In the wonN of a prominent Mincing-Lane bujtr when robber want from lla. 6d. to I 12s.
    640 words
  • 1035 12 kiota Kellu, Jeram. Peneiro Selangor and Sungei Wiy. Tbe following summarised' reports came I to hand by Monday m Mail Tbe statutory aveting of Kiata Kellas Rubber B»tatea waa otlJ ia London, on May 0 Mr Ed waid Bedford, who presided, raid that tbe shares were largely oversabscribed.
    1,035 words
  • 92 12 An American paper Hates that Ex State Comptroller WiUiam S. Hancock, who baa jut returned from a trip through Booth America, foond tbe biding plan of Dr. Fraderiek Cook at tbe little Tillage of Chiieoolas, ou tbe Chilean aide of tbe Andes Dr. Cook aad bia wife
    92 words
  • 1919 12 MUCK tAUMNfaE. MINCING L4NE, AND SINGAPORE QUOTATIONS ON MAY 4 A numb, rof .bare, is wbKh local inverter, are iatoried are not quoted in local ...are lirt.. ud Ibm oecsaioiall, wide 6 V£.7 U d 11 Tr M C >«-«*-« L— well Mm the Stock
    1,919 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 611 13 What is the use of Experimenting Bmt m J FORD CAR That you can absolutely depend upon. Commercial Motor Cars and Passenger Traffic Cars of the well-known" Rapid" make. SSSL GADELIUS CO., usro. 34. i^Oßinsrsonsr :r,o-ajd. i THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore: Messrs.
      611 words
    • 575 13 ARTICLES FOB SALE. RUBBER EBUT6 FOR BAli Apply C. c o Straits Times. BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE Good Locality. Terms Moderate. Apply K c o Straits Time*. 1-214 LANCASHIRE BOILER FOR SALE. For sale, ooe Lancashire Boiler, Knglitb maaV, in excellent oooditioo; It n«th M\ dta B,' lieenee for HO
      575 words
    • 115 13 CINGERS THe V.ry M MorO Latmmt Dull Evenings OmULKo A call will CONVINCE YOU. Prices to SUIT YOU. The Robinson Piano Co Ltd. -gggSggft HOT A BEME. f~^ sTM^ElT^M|^^^WEm^ ICC "SLEDGE" BRAND i HYOIENIC SWISS Wlf* lVrillr fcjj^in,b natural iwntsj'^lri «"*>-fhin? 'mdi nd Wllhl l(1ltl n 'l TIMVERBftBOrIB.LD. fi^Ba McKENZIE
      115 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 753 14 WBWMIBL THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CC^J-TD. head Otßca— ixA. Castes tfoae, Shsnvhai nisirtiiiil aadar aw I-*. 1 1— mci Ootnpanies Aoto, Bnglaad. aad oader Mm aoswkonß Ordinances Boaap or Dnaoroeti A lexander MaLeod, Bag Oinlflßßß. Let Taag Ba, Bag., C. Stephana., Bu., J. aMclUohaeiriUq.. O. B. Barkill, Baq^ J.
      753 words
    • 467 14 BAMKINQ. WMTEIEO BANK ef INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. BOOHTOKATtU) BT BOTAt OHABTBB. Ml Bff Oaprlal hs M Baaras of Maa Bl.twJ.Wi 1-srrs Faad sUJOO,tw» ■mstt. UahtMy of Proprtoson II.KIBI BAJIKVBB. H«aß\k Ol KbbCbßbsVA tU laalD. Oily a BTldtoaa Bank Bta. BIBOAPORB B&AAOH. Ounsl tw.als an aai tatantt <hwrai at
      467 words
    • 401 14 «*THE^i SINGAPORE SODA WATEI X J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.nH.B lanoN. eirticiiiiiisi 111 Flirts! Collector and Exporter ol Orchids and Bare Plant* Diploma aad gold medal from tba Last King of Denmark. By Special Appointnaal to His Majeety the Eiag of Siam H H. th. SaMaa of Johore aad H H.
      401 words
    • 952 14 BALEB BY AUCTION. THE ROYAL HOTEL, UPPER BERAN6OON ROAD. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Teak Furniture, Billiard Tables Hotel Appointments, MEBSR«v H. L. OOOHLAN k CO., HAVK HECKI\BI> IMIKUUnOM TO SELL BY A I CTIOV. On Saturday, June It, at 2 p.m., Tbe whole of the Uotel Appointment* cmudthiuk Two
      952 words

  • 980 15 MOTORS MOTORING. NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. •a t.acy motorists bare air fIM pianl-. in their country boneea now a dayt that the British Petroleum Company, ol Shell fame, bare brooffbt oot a suitable petrol sty I. a S wan Spirit, for thia wotk, and vapour lamp*. It claim*
    980 words
  • 115 15 The abnenoe of telegrams to ooodoU with the Kin« frcn. the Legislative and Municipal Council* and public bodies in Ceylon is remarked here, say* a London wire of May 26. ComnKotioß on tbis, U» Oyloc Observer stake— There m tome mistake as far as tbe L-tialative Council is oonoern* d
    115 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 360 15 NEW 15.9 HP. Urn WAR OFFICE had 120 different Type* of Car* to Choose from. They Selected 4 STANDARD ARROL-JOHNSTONS. A Similar Car ia Dua to AitHva nawt Month. f ,U partioalars of which can be bad from CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. THE MOTOR AND CARRIAGE WORKS. MOTOR CARS FOR HIRE
      360 words
    • 13 15 Woo la* Onwt Peppermint Cure lor nil kttsraa. eoap.aiow. Dysentery, Coogba. Cold* eto.
      13 words
    • 698 15 EUauty Sariw No. 1 Nc iia «altaw). The Beauty \?T\ fl^v CIGARETTES J Is that they embody ail the distinguishing {eatutes of a really first-class Cigarette— mild but satisfying, rich In fragrance and of delightful flavour. STATE EXPRESS Cigarettes are absolutely unique in their qualities. Virginia Leal No. 555: 65C.
      698 words
    • 139 15 FOR INDIAN. CHINESE AND JAPANESE SILKS. FANCY GOODS AND JEWELLERY K.A.J. Chotirmall Co. twbc have a larga variety to eeleot from. Jnst received i Indian, afiriapore, Persian 51 k 52. HIGH ST. Md Please eaii at oar shop and yoa will be sure to I «c« bent value for yoor
      139 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 616 16 WANTSOPENING WANTED BY OOCTM. I loctor i British I some years Government i and Planting \p< ri.-ure desires opening. Kirot elm references. Would act as locum. Apply Medico*, c I Straita Times. 1167 6IRL FOR RETAIL STORE WANTED. Oir! wanted for retail titore. experience not a.eeasary. Apply 8. W. G.,
      616 words
    • 587 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD. mm imiwn ti ii ut. Wrta kßiithisi entry Bo. Msauss Sate* Apaty to QTJTHBIK 00.. hTD. s IMM 8000WN OR OFMCE TO BE LET. No. 91, Robinson Road, lately done up. Apply B. N. Kliaa. 6, Malacca Street 1099 tik in. Oodowa, No. I, Mirbau
      587 words
    • 479 16 TO BE LET QR SOLD tttUSES TB BE LfT. ■as. ■l'asJ M. lartMoMoa HU BrvsVaUsy Boas Apply to Ul CUIIO TA» set Ob lfTl HOUSES TO BE LET. With "Immediate entry, 44, Ansoo Road. 78 8, Anaon Road, and 80 and 36, Bobinaoo Road. Apply to B. 8. Nathan, IS,
      479 words
    • 758 16 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to noon of the '2nd Jane, 1910, for the following works 1. Filling and raiding the swampy land bounded, by toe Railway Line. New Bridge Road and the People's Park 1. Painting, whitewashing and general repairs to
      758 words
    • 649 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. Ail persons having claims fgainxt I N Adis or Tbn Hotel de I'Kuropt on account u( debta contracted piior to the '.'Jod day of March, 1910, are rr?|aested to send, on or be fore the Ist day of July, 1010. fall particulars thereof, tog. ther with a Statement
      649 words
    • 500 16 NOTICEB. NCTICE. It is hereby uotifi.'il that the Ex.hangf Banks will be closed on FRIOAY. JUNE 3. Dit Majepty thr King's Bithday. MM MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tl.. Municipal Commissioner* n the Town of invite ttinlt r» Ie r U.< purchase of six Cow- and five t alves and nuodry lair\ utensils.
      500 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 239 16 Straits V)imes. ADVERTISEMENT BATH Miscellaneous wants of every description are insert ed at the prepaid rate of tl per four lines (or one or two insertion*. Notion of Births, Marriagea, or Deaths, if not exceeding four lines, II each insertion For p.p.c. cards, on page 0. t'l. Inch Si alb
      239 words