The Straits Times, 20 April 1910

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.230 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20. 1910. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 134 1 D, ft I McCallmn's PERFECTION WHISKY. OALDBECK. MAC6RE6OR AND COMPANY, i KATZ BROS., LD. JjWw Harness Saddlery. J& BEBT ENGLISH-MADE N^k^r^--^<^r^^ HARNESS. IN BLACK **V '^F^m AND BROWN H j j>mi Horse Size ""^W ia> VS WITH BRASS NICKEL HORSE PONY SADDLES. Complete with Reins, Bits, Saddle Cloth. ALSO R:dic
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    • 94 1 To His Bzoellency Sir John Anderson, G.C.M.G., Governor and Commander. inChief of the Straits Settlement* and its Dependencies. EUROPE HAIR DRESSING SALOON Terms Moderate. Special Bates for Monthly Constituents. kWS BHLIUfIS, G&AID HOTEL EIBOPE. H. CIPRIAXO, Proprietor. GRAND CONTINENTAL HOTEL (Late Union Hotel), No. 331, North Bridge Road. GRAND CONCERT
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    • 386 1 Robinson A Co. ■1 Sl\ Mm w\ v I MJk V I .aJits ao i Maids' Waterproofs, *~^^wiiW**~' ■f fm.. j M^H^MiMk uiade from the newest materials, fl WRI I we cuti ALL 6EAMS ARE JvM ■V JPj» vA SEWN, free from Odour, and (Ss\ JHJ Mj 1 Ha^J* absolute
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    • 9 1 Bellinger Champagne. GA! DBF CX. MACGRESOR AND COMPANY. i
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  • 719 2 OVERSEA BRITONS IN THE RIVAL CREWS. Easy Victory (or Oxford. The Daily Mail over. seas edition of March 2fl says:— Under a fittingly blue sky and before one of the argest crowds of recent yearn Oxford won the boat race on Wednesday by three and a half
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  • 261 2 Windfall of Rare Miniatures for A Shepherd. An old shepherd living in the village of West Haddoo. near Rugby, has unexpected, ly come in (or a fortune. For many yean an elderly lady Hiss Fauquier, a descendant of a Huguenot family bad lived in poor cirenmstanoes
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  • 563 2 £250.000 FOR CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. New Hospital in London. The trustees of the Barnato Memorial bequest of £250,000 have approved of plans for tbe erection of a hospital for the treatment of cancer patients and for cancer research in connection with tbe Cancer Charity of the Middlesex
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  • 263 2 Saracen Commander Is Severely Reprimanded. At a naval court-martial held at Chatham, on March '2:>, Commander James William Guy Innes was ordered to be severely reprimanded in connection with the stranding of H.M.S. Saracen on Marob 7. The court found that the charge of stranding the ship
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 265 2 x..i.,r'.i Hnakaßi "HAZELINE SNOW" Removes that grea^y appearance of the complexion which ictoadi M much from beauty. For tin* purpu-M.' it is more efficient anil more hygienic than toilet powders in My form Hazeline Snow cieanses and beautifies by stimulating the skin to healthy action. jg||\ Powders only clog the
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    • 36 2 MARTIN'S M mlfcr Ladles. l f* a awJLa«h9 l*a»tli Imilf tar all InafaiantMa, t> m* llf» W —f l»»^ii>| •< OW Sr«.« a i>~l, in aar MWaUHaa^. 1mm m»* dM» i i bim 1 ikam. kaac* Aafcr
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    • 69 2 For all internal complaints, Dysentery, CouKhs, Colds, eto-, take Woods' UreatPoppermint Core. rpneer c. k CELEBRATED LKlEtofc f\ Q oilmen's BLACKWELL J? w D stores, H^^^hJ^^^ adjtzS&l PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS. I <B%b£§K£>» j&gpifsiSL. JELLIES, POTTED MEATS. 1 nmfi^mmvun. |@£P|[\ MALT VINEGAR. 8 TABLE Ih^ 5^ Rji SAIAD OiL I nFT
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    • 337 2 Maintains m fl® Good Health. \f J^a Strengthens the System.^ ISMAIL RAHEEM \RM KXHUITINO A /jTjYonderful Pendant with a large Sapphire, enoircled by Diamonds, which is a speciality. They have also received a large stock of loose diamonds of various sizes, qualities and priora. Diamond Necklaces, Bracelets, Pendants, Rings, Bro
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  • 275 3 APPROACHING COMPLETION OF CAfE TO CAIRO LINE. Cecil Rhodes's Dream. The oompletion of the Cape to Cairo railway, the dream of Cecil Rhodes, is now well in sight, says tbe L aily Mail. By the end of the year the whole extent of tbe line will have been
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  • 521 3 j Some Remarkable Epistles to British Officials. A delightful glimpse of tbe Mad Mullab ac a letter-writer is afforded by the new Blue Book on Somaliland. The volume consists oi correspondence, mainly between the Government and tbe Commissoner and one or two of tbe Commissioner's messages are
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  • 136 3 With a vivid recollection of tbe festivities In celebration ol the jubilee of George 111., a man is still enjoying life at Brighton. He is Mr. Jeremiah Martin Simmonds, of Round-hill-crescent and last month be kept his 103 rd birthday. He was born at Lewes, and one
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 92 3 CHAMBERLAIN 8 PAIN BALM A HOUSEHOLD LINIMENT A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever tbe trouble in Chamberlain's Pain Balm drives away tbe pain at onoe and cures tbe oomplaint quickly. First application gives relief. When a bottle of it is kept in tbe house, the pains
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    • 524 3 TEA You like good tea, bat do yon always get it There need be no difficulty, as Brooke bond's Tea is sold.taroughout tbe Straits Settlements. BROOK B BOND'S TEA Sold by tb« following dealers I Onan Chin Hong 4 Co. Ebramsah Pakinnaiden Co. Tiang Joo ft Co. Chin Eeat Co.
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    • 337 3 «ESTI|3 Lm w w m^r m^i milk Those who use NESTLES FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a standard articto favorably regarded by the Medical Profession for upwards of 33 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is required to prepare the Food
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 648 4 STEAMER SAILINBS P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. Por China, Japaa, Penan*;. Oeylea, Australia, India, Aden, Bffypt, Mediterranean Mots, Ply. mouth and London. Through Billt of Lading Issued for China Ocart, Persian Oulf Continental, aad American Ports. Steameri will leave Singapore oa or about MAIL LINES. Outward {for Ohma) Delhi Apl
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    • 595 4 BTEAWER BAIUNBS. N.Y.K JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular tortnighUy s»rvtoeis maintained between JAPAN in BCROPB by the Company's well-known TWII4CIIW BTBAMBBB, under MaU Oontraot with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's Boropean Servioe, lighted throughout by Bleotrioity, provided with exoellent aooommodation tor First and Second
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    • 559 4 STEAMER 3AILINQS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURB. W stsßSnV The iteamert of this Company maintain a ragular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits. China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly ror Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month (or Bremerbaven direot, oalling at Penang and t
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    • 702 4 BTEAMEK BAILIMIB. N. D. L. Norddoutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LIKE. The fast and well-known mall steams is ol this Company sail fortnlgbty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Ro'ilhamp ton, Olbraltar, Qenoa, Naplei (oonasotlca) Marseilles, Naplei, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suet, Aden, Colombo, Peaaat. Singapore, Hongkong
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  • 1142 5 VENICE REBUILDS HER FAMOUS TOWER. Progress of (be Work. When the old Campanile of St. Mark's collapsed on July 14, 1902, after an existence of 1014 year*, the general foaling, at least among the people of Venice, was that the tower mast go np again tli< affections,
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  • 753 5 Alleged Confidence Trick at i Piccadilly Hotel. An extraordinary story was unfolded to Mr. Plowden at Marlborough-street Policecourt, when Robert Barker (44), described as a grocer and giving the Ivanhoe Hotel, Great Russell -street, W. C as his addrew. was charged with stealing by trick at
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  • 148 5 (Allegro.) I love my brassie, My bonnie bolger braasie, It's the finest dub that ever yet was seen. Over ev'ry banker Bailing With energy nDfailing It lands my Danlop deftly on the green. I love my brassie When the lie is not too grassy. Or obstructed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 539 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tn Iteamen ot Ihla Company maintain a regular direot aervtoe between Galon tv, Strain. Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking eargr, on through Bllla of Lading for Oan ton, Bwatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Nawebwang, Tangtate Porta. Formosa, the Philippinea, *0.. ae. ■taajaera Tota Commander
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    • 624 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR UNE OF BTEAMERB IBJ1 BJ undermentioned mail steamer* ot tht above Line maintain a regular servioe Between Ualoatla aod Japan, oalllog at Peatug. B too an, Hongkong and Shaogbal ea romU Tona OommaDdei is.-Jajam- 1,018 J. O. Oumi •.a. ■ObbsobiAmab" 4,600 8. H. Bblsob i.i. ABBAiooa Anab"
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    • 673 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P. R CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Tan NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO EUROPE via CHINA, JAPAN. CANADA AND THB UNITED STATES Ronte from Hongkong via Sbainghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver. RM.S. Expbbss of India Twin sore w steamRM.S.
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    • 48 5 GRAND REMEDY The splendid work of Chamberlain's Stom aoh and Liver Tablets is daily oomiog to licht. No snob grand remedy for liv»)r and bowel troubles waa ever known before. Thousands bless them for onrinj? oongtiration sick headache, bilioossKW. jaundioe and indigestion. Sold by all Diapenaaries aad dealers.
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    • 362 5 Persian Nerve Essence i. a r,iri!<>u. tr* I.mmi for iwrroiM dability .lainln. "W inipaircil itiKWtion, »*a* memory or«rwnrk aJln..iitil ui,l phvueal il,!!"^? 1 1 nr >X nee clenr. th« bruin. .tr,n*th.n. theehjMilM.on aiid Impart, m«n«tir Tipmrtoth. Mo pVI <lrain» and loua* |MrmUHU| S3S 2U K&. w. rf" 11 1
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  • 1595 6 THREE ADDITIONS TO MALAYAN FAMILY. Prospectuses Summarised. The London papers summarise the pros* psctuses of new companies as follows The Johore Para Rubber Co.. Ltd.. has becm formed particularly for the purpose of acquiring and further planting the property known as tho Gunong I'nlai estate in Johore.
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  • 323 6 Speech at the Arbitration League Banquet. President Tait was tbe guest of honour at a banquet given by tbe Peace and Arbitration League, at the Hotel Aster. New York, on March 22, being the first representative of the United States Executive to attend such a function.
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  • 265 6 Old Temple Excavated on Site of Pergamon. Late in the autumn of 1909, says an article in the Voasiscbe Zeitaog, the excavators of the Berlin Archaeological Society engaged on the site of Pergamon, Asia Minor, the seat of the Attalid dynasty in the third and second centuries before
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 459 6 NEW GOODS LOW PRICES r Japanese Jirtware &me Jn Jbatest Visitors arc cordially invited to inspect oar goods, whether intending to puruhase or not. T. NAGAI Co. ••K," HIGH STREET. FOR INDIAN. CHINESE AND JAPANESE SILKS. FANCY GOODS AND JEWELLERY K.A.J. Chotirmall Co. twho have a large variety to select
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    • 37 6 PLEASANT. 800THIN8 AND Hit 1 Prompt relief in all cases of throat and ung trouble if you use Chamberlain* s Coogb, Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing in effect For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 533 6 THB Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.B. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted with Bleotrio Lisht and Fans Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking tbe Padang. Single and Doable Bedrooms, with Private Bathroms attao'led. Cuisine under Baropean Supervision, Cold Storage Supplies weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter meets all Mall Trains. Management I
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    • 268 6 SAVARKSES RSANTAL'S ICAPSUIES mmi Hiss or ml. and cmtijk or MIMMMtC OF CURE. WTW NO IHCOHV t NI t noJ ASH rot*. SAVAR.E.'sSfc. J. dl PEREIRA, F.R.H.8.. LONDON. Horticnlturist and Florist. Collector and Exporter ol Orchids and Bare Plants. Diploma and gold medal tram the Late King of Denmark. By
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  • 181 7 FIXTURES. Wednesday, April ao High Water. 7.80 a.m., 9.h p.m. Albambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Thursday, April 21. High Water, 8 48 a.m., 9 40 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail due. S. L. R. A. spoon shoot. 4.15. Friday, April 22. High Water, 9 29
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  • 149 7 To-Daf. 11 Dgkong and Japan Peteu- 3pm K. Pahaog, Pekau, Kuan :\a and Kelantan Raby 3 pm F«nang and Colombo Miy:i/ iki Mara 3pm Pangkalan Brandan Benca 3 pm Malacca, Port Dickson, Fort Swettenham and Telok Alison Kinta 3 pm JVaang and Colombo Liberia 4 pin Tangkok
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  • 143 7 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Svieaye left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday, •to 16th mat and may be expected ta arrive here tomorrow morning, tbe 31st met. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Delhi left Colombo at midnight on Saturday, tie 16tb inst.,
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  • 456 7 Latest Arrivals. >«i Bell, F. M. K Oovt. yaoiit 4Ck< in, 42 <-r(w, 126 hp. Com. Ahmat. Apl 30 I'rom 'Inngganu, Apl 18. Tor Tnnggauu, Apl Bl— Rds. Uagyee. Brit itr 217 torn, Capt Campbell, Apl 19. From P. gwettenham, Apl 18. O.c. •ad 78 dp. Talk Loc
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  • 92 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAOAR. East Whiw B»six— Matuna. East W. Skction I—Sbantung, Incbia, Ftntt ko'a. Section No. 1 (Shkkp.s W )-Nil. Sectios 8— Yawnta Maro. Benmohr. a J- Overdalc. h 4— Nil. I-Nil. a S— I'eleua. Benoa.
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  • 247 7 Arrivals. Per steamer Vugals. April 17.— From Bangkok via ports Messrs. F. Nelson. E. Matbieu, P. S. Nairn, and N. O. Dinger. Per Bteamer Singapore, April 18.— From Bangkok via ports Mr. Besresr. Ter steamer Kistna. April IR— From Penang via ports Misses Buroke, Mr. J. W.
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  • 202 7 Per P. and O. steamer China, connecting with tbe steamer Delhi at Colombo, due April 22.— Miss M. M. (i ray don, Mr. E. Anderson. Miss H. Dougia*. Mr. C. T. A. Swan. Dr. O'Brien. Dr. J. C. Graham. Per N. D. L. steamer Derftiinger. due April
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  • 48 7 Time-bails on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time, corresponding to 0 a.m. Green wicb mean time. The time-gun is find at 12 o clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, wben it is fired at ooe o'olock.
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  • 543 7 Bi Lieti. Cou E. G. Bkoai>bick, Commandant. B.V.C. Singapore, >1 It, 1910. a. v. 4. Duties. I:— Orderly officer for ensuing week Lieut. G. B. btr»ttoa Orderly ser-ge.-int Kergt. G. J. Mnrabull Orderly corporal, Corpl. A. E. lteavii. Parades. U On Frido) -'.>n'i inst at 5,30
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  • 95 7 Messrp. Wee Kin and Cj.'s steamer Glen' falloch arrived from Amoy and Swatow yts terday with 1,1. "3 pasFengers. The N I). L steauitr Nuen Tung arrived here from liaogkok with a general cargo of rice. T'te Japanese steamer Fumi Maru arriveo here from B lik Papan en
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  • 246 7 Finance Commerce. SnsATOBa April 20, 1910. BXCHANOE. C n London— Bulk 4 m/a 2,'4| Demand S/4^ Private 6 m/s 2/4) do 8 m/a 2/4J3 On Germany Bank d/d 386 Private S m,'» 244 do 6 m/f 3461 On haw»- B»nk d/d 594} Private S m/l 20«j do 6 m/« 808{
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    • 187 7 ISbUO 2 Value. Bi yen. Sellers. 10 10 Belat Tin 4.00 500 10 10 BruaDK 4.00 00 10 10 Brnseb Hyd. 0.00 n 10 10 Kaoaboi %M '240 XI XI Kinta Tin 14.2.'. 16.00 XI £X KledangTin 1.50 2.00 10 10 Knantan Tin 3.00 8 SO £1 £1 Lahat
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    • 538 7 Issue Valne. Bnjers Sellers. I\. 8/- AUigar 8/. 9/--1 1 Alot Gajah 4 (H» 4 >n 6 I Aver Panas 14 00 1 1 2,- 2 Anglo-Malay 114 0 11.1.V6 10 10 Balgownie -250 00 200.00 2/- 1.6 Batang Malaka I/- 4/6 j?, I Batu Caves 17.10.0 18.10.0 XI
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    • 107 7 Isnne 12 Value. Buyers. Sellers 10 10 Eastern Smelting 11.60 10 7 7.50 8.00 SO 50 Fruei Neave 200.00 210.00 100 Howarth Erskine 5800 60.C0 100 7% Prof. 90.00 03.50 100 100 Katzßro.Def. 120.00 100 100 HCum. Prof. nom. 10 10 Maywud&Co. 22.00 28.50 Ifuae 5 Value, cj Buyeri.
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    • 52 7 Buyer*. Seller*. Howartb ErskineO;, $600,000 par Riley, Har greaves 6?., 1284,000 1% 8% pro. Etric Tways 6% £860,000 Singapore Municipal 5% £1,878,000 nom. Buyers. Sellers. Singapore Mu. nicipal I; of 1907 £1,600,000 6% 7% pre. Singapore Municipal 1; ot 1909 £1,000,000 6'< o 7% pre. Singapore Municipal 4% £*****0
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 193 7 Bouton Rouge Felucca z/ ObtaicaUe at 3kL GHfc> and IJOHN LITTLE E yptlan Clsare e9 ROBINSON co., ltd.. siJSJiflfsrsJttr!^ andco. t«r,'-jo 1 kjamtai v i-rCti gu^ur but UaE AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. April 28 At saleroom, collection of beautiful Chinaware, at 11. April 28.— At No. 7, d Almeida
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    • 422 7 LATEST ADVERriSEMENTS. THE F.M.S. FORWARDING AGENCY. The public are informed tbat the above Agency will be established at KLANG AND PORT B*ETTENHAM from May 1. 191*>. with the object of expediting tbe passage ofgiods between tbe port and exporter* or importers inland. Tbe Agency is also prepared to pass goods
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    • 98 7 CLERK WANTED. Wanted immediately for Sarawak, an experienced Chinese Clerk with a good knowledge of Book keeping. Good salary offered for competent man. Apply, with testimonials, to Boustead Co. 694 AUCTION SALE Of UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, Tbe property of twelve Pawnshop* On Monday, May 9, at 10 a.m. On Wrdnrnday, May
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    • 78 7 BHORTHAND TYPIST WANTED Wanted, Clerk for Mercantile offioe ia I Penang, one who can write shorthand and typewrite. Apply to M., co Straits Times. 891 AUCTION BALE OP OLD STAMPS, At Messrs. 11. L. Cogblan Co.'s Saleroom, On TIV Iniday, April 20, at 4J.S p.m. Comprising: 2,000 Old SiameHe Stampx
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 191 7 WEATHER REPORT, Kandang Kerban Hospital, April 18. 9 a. m. 8 r. m. 9 r. v. R&rxrALL. Bar. 32 lah W.'JW 89.787 J9.83J Temp 76.0 86.0 80 0 Nil. Wet Bnlb Ther 74.6 78.0 77.0 Dir of Wind oalm calm oalm Max. Temp 86.S Mm 75.0 Max. in Snn ISS.B
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  • 1063 8 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20. GOLDEN CHARTREUSE. Recently we came across a fall jadgment of the House of Lords in the famous case of the Carthusian monks and La Compagnie Fermier de la Grande Chartreuse. Once again as we read the beautifully expressed and perfectly reasoned utterances of the
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  • 24 8 From today, the Eastern Extension, Australasia and China Telegraph Co. are collecting 7 oents a word on Ptess messages to the F. M. S.
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  • 65 8 Mr. Charles P. Tafr, the president's brother, is arranging for the establiobment of a private telephone line from his Uiccianati renideooe to the White Hoawi in Washington. The wire, whioh will be 78} mile< %ag, will only be at the complete disposal of the Taft family from six n. m.
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  • 20 8 There will be a oelebratiou of Holy Com munion at 7.30 a.m. to-morrow (Thursday, April 21) at St. Andrew's Cathedral.
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  • 30 8 Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co., agents for the Kota Tinggi (Johort) Robber Company Ltd inform us that the estimated crop of rubber for March last is 6 »0 lbs.
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  • 31 8 On the M. F. V. ground, at Beach Road, yesterday, the Band Boys of the Middlesex Regiment beat the Westminster Athletic Club, in a friendly game, by 4 goals to nil.
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  • 31 8 A bad case of baby farming has been disclosed in Tokio. resulting in the arrest of a flower vendor and his wife, who are oharged with the murder of three children.
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  • 29 8 All the workhouse staff have handed in their resignations to tbe Bake well Board of Guardians as a sequel to the recent allegations respecting tbe conduct of the workhouse.
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  • 31 8 The Netherlands India Government has a rubber plantation at Langsar ne»r Deli, of which about 900 acres were planted with Hevea at the end of ISO 9. Achinom labour is employed.
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  • 34 8 After an absence from England of soventeen years, the 2nd Batt. Welsh Hegiment reached Southampton from the Cape on March 21, in the Braemar Castle. Only three of those who left in 1892 returned.
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  • 38 8 A well-informed correspondent writes to the Shanghai Times, to say that he has lately made a four months' journey through Anbui and Honan, in the whole oourse of which he did not see a single poppy-field under oultivation.
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  • 38 8 Rltham Oolf Club has presented the King with a Japanese mantelpiece, whioh His Majesty greatly admired during his recent visit to the club premise*. It is understood that the King intends to present the mantelpiooe to the Queen.
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  • 38 8 The Government of Cochin-Cbica has under consideration a scheme- for deepening and extending the canals and waterways in the rice producing distriote of the oolony. The works now in progress are expected to oost 44 millions of francs.
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  • 50 8 The Chibodas estate in Java has passed into the hands of a French planting syndicate tor 00 1,000 guilders. The estate lies near Buitenzorg, with an area of over 9,000 acres, and is assessed at *****0 guilders in the land tax. The crops under cultivation are rioe, tea, and coffee.
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  • 49 8 In our report of the trial of two traders in the second police court, yesterday, on a charge of forgery it was inadvertently stated that the accused were Parsees. It appears, however, that they have no connection whatever with this respected seotion of our community. We regret the mistake.
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  • 49 8 The piratical fleet cruising off the East Borneo and Celebes coasts turn out to be manned by outlaws fleeing from the American authorities in the Sain islands. They have plundered places on the Celebes coast, and have been sighted north of the Macassar Straits. Men-of-war are pursuing the pirates.
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  • 55 8 Awang, the boat lascar of the marine department, who wan admitted to tho General Hospital last Wednesday, suffering from an injured foot caused by a log of tiro ber falling on him, died this moroiug. His loss is much regretted by tho whole staff of the department where he had
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  • 52 8 The Royal Dutch Packet Navigation Company intends to instal wireless tele grapby on board most of its vessel*. The Bitavia Nieuwsblad figures out that fifty installations will be required at an outlay of half a million of guilders. Ttie yearly out lay on working the system is set at about
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  • 71 8 The Java China-Japan Steamship Company Las ordered a new steamer to be built at the Shipbuilding C jmpaav. Fyenoord, at Rotterdam. The liner must be ready in May, ltfll. and will have a length of 420 ft., a breadth of 64 ft., and a drpth of 80 ft., with a
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  • 65 8 Speaking in aid of the Brixton branch of the Leugue of Mercy, Sir Harry Samuel, M P at Lambeth suggested that a branch might be started fnr the benefit of politi otans in these days of trouble and tribulation. It might be used as a place of recuperation lot worn-out
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  • 78 8 Mr. Herbert Samuel, stated in the House of Commons, on Mtroh 21: Tuo initial cost of penny postage to France is estimated at £34.000 a year, and it is calculated that the correspondence would need to be multiplied sixfold in order to recoup this sum. If penny postage with Franoe
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  • 76 8 In an interesting trade review for 1009, just published in Deli, particulars are given of how it fare* with tubaooo cultivation in that quarter. Drought so deteriorated the quality of the crop that it oomes to market in 1910 at a disadvantage. Only a few estates form an exception. The
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  • 89 8 M. Lrais Bleriot, of cross Channel fame, is going to London to select a site for an aviation groan') which he hopes to o )oa shortly. A school of aviation will be attached, and M. Bleriot, assisted by two experts, will give instruction in the art of managing flyingmachines to
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  • 452 8 It is stated that Sir John French, Inspector General of the Koroes, will proceed to Canada semi officially to view the reorganisation of the militia. The Rev. H. Mattbos, superintendent of the Leipzig Evangelical Lutheran Minion, in Malaya, has become a Patron of the Indian Christian Association
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  • 53 8 An anonymous donor who styles him self The Little One's, Friend," has sent, through Lady Hyndmann Jones, a sum of 1600 to the funds of the Children 'i Aid Society. It is a most welcome addition to the means at the dispoHal of this
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  • 151 8 On Saturday afternoon, Capt. Price hopes to give an exhibition of bis sensational cannon act which has created much surprise when shewn in other parts of the world. The ascent takes place about 5 SO p.m. when the balloon will go to a great height, but nothing
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  • 155 8 The young Turkey party seem really to be doing what will creatj a very different condition of affairs in their country. Two instances are referred to by an eye-witness, Mr. Harold Gardner, of Hadjin. One was the weird procession in Adana. last December,
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  • 162 8 The case of alleged forging, whioh was being tried by Mr. Green, second magistrate, yesterdy, and in which two well-known traders, Alibhoy Adamjee Rajbhoy an 1 Mohammed Ktaim Mansoor, are involved, is not yet concluded. After toe tiffia interval yester.lay, the complainant, Fatimah Binte Amil Kasaim,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 191 8 PATRONISED 'ZS&jL&'t EESSS BY RO YALTY SPECIALITT Gem Rings Of Every Description. Ladiea' Miamond and Gem Rings. Gentlemen's Diamond Rings. Ladies' 18-carat and 15-oarat Gold Knot Rings. Gentlemon's 18 carat and 15-carat Gold Knot Ringb. Gentlcsien'R Heavy Bangle Rings, 18-oarat and 15-carat 18-oarat t .old Keeper Rings of all the
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    • 14 8 Latest rfvertiuements of the day appear on page 5 as well as page 8.
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  • 135 9 BRISK MARKET AT YET HIGHER PRICES. Fine Sheet at Twelve Shillings and Ten Pence. (From Odr Own CokRRSPONDRNT.) London, April 19. The Rubber Auctions wore very brisk to-day and sheet wao in greatest demand. One hundred and ninety -five tons of plantation robber was offered, of which 165
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  • 282 9 EACH CHARGES THE OTHER WITH FALSEHOOD. Mr. O'Brien Stands on His Past Reputation. [Baoraa's Tslbgram London, April 19. In the House of Commons the Guillotine resolution bas been adopted by 845 votes to 253. Mr. O'Brien emphatically reiterated his assertions that Mr. Lloyd George was ready
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  • 42 9 Driscoll Wins in the Fifteenth Ronnd. (Bar/Taa'i Tbusram.] London, April 20 At tbe National Spurting Club in London, tbe Featherweight Championship of England for a parse of £1,000 was fought. Jim Driscoll knocked out Spike Robson at the fifteenth round.
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  • 33 9 (Daa OsTAf utuoaa Llotd Tblioum.| Berlin, April 19. The Emperor William will go to Karlsruhe on the 2 ltd inst, to Straiburg on May 7, and to Wiesbaden on May 10.
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  • 37 9 (Da* OaTAJUTisoBi Llotd Tslsoram.) Berlin, April 19, The D'imi has drafted a law which provides that sailors of the mercantile marine shall be at the disposal of the navy in case of mobilisation.
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  • 27 9 [Daa OsTASunsoßa Lloto Tiliobam.] Berlin, April 10. Mr. Taft declares that he will not offer himself for election to a seoond term of presidency.
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  • 26 9 (FBOM Out OWV CORRRSPONDINT. Kaal* Lumpur, April 20. The annual meeting of the Planters' Association of Malaya wiJ Ibe held on Apt U 90.
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  • 152 9 Chinaman Murdered in Singapore This Morning. A murder took place this morning at 178 Alexandra Road, a squatter's nut occupied by a Chinaman named Ong Peng. About 4 o'clock, Ong Tongs wife, Tan Cha, was awakened from- her sleep by hearing cries of Police and Thief
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  • 334 9 Rubber Deal Occupies Attention of Shanghai Court. The Shanghai Times, of April 4, reports At tbe Mixed Court on Saturday, a case of extraordinary interest involving a transaction in rubber share was commenced, tbe defendant being Mr. George Sinnocker, wharf manager, Pootung. The action was brought before
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  • 237 9 Abnormal Prices Obtained for Food in the Interior. The following communications to the Shanghai Times are indications of the serious situa- n in some parts of China Our correspondent at Changohow, writing on April 1, says I Prices of almost all commodities are higher than usual.
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  • 258 9 (From Our Own Corrbspondrnt). Malacca, April 18. The need for a hotel of some kind is becoming a more pressing question every day. At a moderate estimate there are about 200 Europeans now established in rubber or other businesses in the Settlement, and a large percentage of
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  • 67 9 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. inform as that they are in receipt of a wire from London announcing ttiat the directors of Lioggi Plantations Ltd recommend the payment of a final dividend of 100 per cent., making 155 per cent for 1909. The dividend is
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  • 491 9 OFFICIALLY RECEIVED TO-DAY AT JOHNSTONS PIER. Will Stay Until Sunday This morning, early, the F. M. S. yacht Sea Bell?, which bad been specially commissioned to convey H. H. the Sultan of Trengganu to Singapore anchored in the roadp, having as passengers, in addition to His Highness,
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  • 318 9 Design Accepted After Spirited Competition. The groups of sculpture whioh form sooh a striking feature of tbe Cardiff City Hall and Assize Court will be reproduced in the Welsh National Museum in Cathays Park, the designs for which, submitted by Messrs. Dumbar, Smith, and Brewer, of Gray's
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  • 131 9 Seven Men Arrested at Yokosnka Arsenal. The Japan Herald, of March 25, contains the following report A fresh scandal in the Yokosuka Naval Arsenal is reported from the Naval port. On the 17th inst.. four policemen of the Yokohama Water Police Station visited the arsenal and arrested
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  • 59 9 At an outcome of the mooting between President Tait and Earl Orey, the Governor General of Canada, the former baa challenged the latter to an eighteen -hole golf match for the executive championship of North America, the game to be played on the Myopia link*, near Beverly
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  • 467 9 ORIGIN OF THE WORLD-FAMED BROOKE DYNASTY. A Model Protectorate. In the April Number of Travel and Exploration, Mr. Harry de Wind*, F. R. O. S., describes a Model State. Sarawak occupies an anomalous position among the British Dominions beyond the Seas. Exoept that it is technically
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  • 407 9 NOTES FROM KELANTAN. (From Our Own Cormspondmtt.) Kbota Bharo, April 10. The auction of the ferry farms, Kelantao, for the Malay year 1828, took place in the office of the British adviser on the 7th inst, and realised t7,R40. The farms of twelve different places were offered and fetched 1519
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  • 170 9 An interesting phenomenon has been mentioned to as in connection with fish life in Siamese waters says the Siam Observer, of April 12. Though the bones of what is undoubtedly a whale is shown to visitors to Antfhin, a whale has never been seen
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  • 335 9 Directors' Report For Presentation To Shareholders. The foilowiDg is the director* report for presentation to the shareholders at the meeting to be held on April 80:— Your directors submit the daly audited statement of account for tbe tenth year of the company's working, during tb«
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  • 650 9 Prospector's Camp Attacked and Boring Plant Wrecked. The Times of Malaya, of April 14, says The strange freaks of the wild elephant when he shows a desire to investigate the doings of tbe white man in his native jangles have from time to time been chronicled,
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  • 74 9 Captain Angus, of the Singapore steamer Ban long Seng, which arrived here yesterday, report* that his vessel came in collision with one of Sir John Jackson's steam barges in the harbour, yesterday. Only slight injury to a plate wan done. The muter of the Sii Hoar ti 1
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  • 88 9 DEFICIT WILL BE MADE UP EASILY. Agricultural Land Freed From New Taxation. (Raoraß's Tiuoua. London, April 20. Mf. Lloyd George reintroduoing the Budget, said tbe realized deficit was 2»,245.000. When the arrears had been oollocted there would be a surplus of £4,200,000. Tbe deficit on customs and
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  • 105 9 MR. REDMOND'S HOPES OF IRISH SUCCESS. Mr. Balfour on the Government's Position. (Kicna's Tauaaaa.; London, April 19. In tbe course of the debate in the House of Commons Mr. Redmond said the abolition of the veto meant attainment of Home Rule. He believed that Mr. Asquith's declaration was
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  • 88 9 Javanese Coolies Attack Chinese On Caledonia. (From Ocr Own Corrrspondmt.) Penang, April 20. A dozen Javanese oooliee yesterday entered a Chinese shop on Caledonia Estate and demanded cloth. This was refused, and the Javanese thereupon attacked the shopkeeper with parangs and also assaulted another man who went to
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  • 81 9 (From Ocr Own Corrksi-ondrnt. Penang. April 20. Mr. J. Burke, who has been a warder in tbe Gaol here since 1893, and has been employed in the Oovernment service »iooe 1879, wan yesterday evening presented with a purse of gold at a farewell smoking concert given to
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  • 34 9 (From Ock Own Corrkspondiint.) Kuala Lumpur, April 20. The Federal Council opens on May 2. It is expected that the High Commissioner, Sir John Anderson. G.C.M.G and party will be present.
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  • 27 9 (From Odr Own Cokukspohdbnt) Kuala Lumpur, April 20. The Songat Estates will be floated in London on Friday. The shares are already at a premium.
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  • 77 9 A St. Petersburg tt-l.gram to the I'ttit Journal, says a Central News Paris mossagf', announces that an important discovery in medical science has been made by a working locksmith named Lwitzevilocb, who found a method of tffeciing the concentration of X rays. The discovery, however, bad
    77 words
  • 95 9 According to the Journal of Commerce, there is a big development going on in the I bilippine sugar industry, and there it talk that Hawaii will soon be surpassed aa a producer. The conae-sion granhd in the matter of admission to the United Staks bss bai a stimulating
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 63 10 /> m. w York cable says that as an outcome *>fthe eeting between President Taft and Earl lirey. the Governor-General of Canada, t or has challenged the latter to an laboie golf match, for the Executive Championship of North America, the game to be played en the
      63 words
    • 87 10 i Gray, a youth of 17, who made a bruak gfBM last year in Australia, will make tut appearance in England, next October. It will l>e remembered that b3l points of the broali uientioned were made off the red ball alrvn.- Oay has accepted an engagement of w\ tucnths in
      87 words
    • 146 10 Inter- Varsity Meeting. There wero some altogether unexpected j the annual inter- varsity athletic j Queen's Club, London, on March 19, j ad of Oxford gaining their generally j anticipated victory, the Light Blues gained a muaway «ucceJ>» by seven events to threo. Tha i-irk Blues were, however,
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    • 174 10 Lard rlawke's Scheme. '.t a mooting of the Advisory Cricket Com- j niittt'.- it Lord's, Lord Hawke's scheme and! the Warwickshire proposals with regard to tbo nty championship were dropped Umagb lack of support. Lord Cobham's propotal T'itli refcreaco to the finance of the oounty championship was referred to
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    • 213 10 Tramway Cup Tie. "li I 'urul Ta'alam will meet the Koosdiah in the score competition this afternoon, on the Reach Rd. Reclamation ground. Mr. F. A[ipi will be the referee. K i«b> for America. Kor somu time past in certain New York j uportinu circles there has been an
      213 words
    • 218 10 Ji, C. Tournament. '"he following ties in the S. C. C. lawn ienma <ournament were played yesterday B. NaMua, Stoat rec. 1 beat Wett wood owe 1 6 4. 2-t\ 3. Swan scr. beat Lyall scr, 6— i, s— 6. C. Sinolks. I loi rec. 1 beat Henderson
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  • Correspondence.
    • 342 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. -Having read the letters addressed to your paper I cannot heip but express the opinion that share lists both those in the press and those issued by tbe brokers would be much more useful, concise and presentative of the actual
      342 words
    • 472 10 To the Editor of tbt "traits Times. Sir. After reading your leading article of Monday I got up with the impression that I was an extremely wickei person for having even a small interest in nc- of the bloodI suckiug organizations you so roundly eon- demned. But
      472 words
  • 181 10 New South Wales Premier Resents Warning. Mr. Wade, the Premier >l New South Wales, strongly resents tke publication by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a warning against Australia as a field for emigration. He declares that no country in the world today effers a better
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  • 1084 10 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 20tb April, 1910. Messrs. Lyall and Bvatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations this morning iioni. »aiue. oujers. sellers. 2/. AUagar 8/- 9/. a/- Options 4/6 7/2/- Anglo-Malay 85/- 88,9 41 Anglo- Bumatr» 77/6 90/--1
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 52 10 What brangs tbe colour it the chetk Of those that suffer and are weak, Whose ailments have but made them crave To be released and in the grave I That now has given such desire To live agair. you may ic.juire, Cousnmption cannot well endure Tbe stiength of Woods' (ireat
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    • 373 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. RUBBER ESTATES WANTED. Advertiser, now in Singapore, wishes to buy one or two Estates of any size, and wishes to communicate with Estate Owners. Apply, giving fall particulars, to 345, c o Straits Times. 869 BHAREB FOR BALE. 10 shares, SINGAPORE RUBBER CO., LTD., for sale at
      373 words
    • 264 10 Bertram's RUBBER MACHINERY OF THE LATEST TYPE. iVP^t^H RUBBER IJ^Srv 1 _V^j§*H Drying LJflfl^^HHLi st res Smoke iB MM' nc Bl^j Sheds. WHITE FOR PARTICI Mil.S. Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd. ALLIANCE ASSURANCE CO LTD. Motor Car Insurance Covering LIABILITY TO THE PUBLIC DAMAGE TO THE CAR. DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE BY
      264 words
      142 words

  • 1249 11 PROGRESS AND DIFFICULTIES IN MALAYA. A Perak Correspondent's Letter to The Economist. A correspondent in i"erak, who is in a position to write without bias on the rubber luestion and the plantation*, sends up. says The Kconomist of March 12, tbe following ttor. which merits careful attention It
    1,249 words
  • 786 11 The Continued Predominance of the Brazil Sources. Reviewing some recent Board of Trade returns as to rubber imports, the Financial Times Bays In dealing with the Board of Trade Returns for February in our last issue, we pointed out, as we have done on previous occasions, tlio
    786 words
  • 193 11 A good deal bus been Raid, remarks The Financier, about tlio ri-ks run by inventors in Dutch East lodian rubier companies in respect, chii fly, of hara*«iog legislation, but a letter from Mr. \V. O Hurt, director of one of the companies which expects to
    193 words
  • 1093 11 ECONOMIST ANALYSES RECENT PROSPECTUSES. Sees No Reason to Fear Excessive Production. The Economist has taken ninety-four prospectuses published daring the last two years and has examined their estimates of future production and compiled aggregates for the next seven years. The results, as it says, are very rough
    1,093 words
  • 328 11 The Consumption Outstripping the Output. Tbe situation in the raw rubber market is discussed by the Frankfurter /eitung. which states that the considerable increase in the price is mainly due. apart from speculative action, to the circumstance that tin; production has not advanced in the same degree as
    328 words
  • 354 11 The Financial Time*, dealing with the rise in price of some of the best known robber companies, says: All tbo shares are in the dividend-paying list. The rise has been enormous during the twelve months, even though a year ago all of the shares
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  • 143 11 The West India Committee Circular eontaius a noteworthy article by Mr. Robert S. Reid on robber planting in Tobagn. in which be states that 20.C0 acres of Crown and private Unds may be parcbanod there for £2 to £i per acre freehold, oh it fly on hilly slopes
    143 words
  • 1344 11 Rapid Increase of Investment Trusts. Certain people soon, to believe that tkere will very soon be a large number of rubber companies in need financial help, and it is a strange thing that some of these people have been extremely active in the pro. moting of new
    1,344 words
  • 652 11 A Record of Steady Progress and Prosperity. A Perak correspondent writing to Tut* Economist comments most favourably on ztw establishment of the Hew Federal Conor. and the general outlook in Milaya. A glanse at the previous budgets of tv;native States, he says shows an aim t unique
    652 words
  • 181 11 Attention is being drawn in South An.'?; can quarters to the prospect off>r. d to rubb- planters in Guatemala. Certainly, in resp*"°s. of humidity, the Atlantic coast of this Ipublic seems to bs well favoured, tlie averat: annual rainfall there bei Dg 9."> ins., aR coi.. pared,
    181 words

  • 978 12 Directors Quite Satisfied with the Estates. The statutory meeting of the Scmpab Rnbber Ebtatep, Limited, wbb bcld at the offices of the company, Mincing Lane House, Eabtcbesp, E. C, Mr. William Frederick de Bois Maclaren presiding. The Secretary (Mr W. A. Lack) read the notice convening the
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  • 188 12 Hurled Twenty Miles at Cost of $1,000 Gold. The hugeat and heaviest projectile in the world is said to be the five-loot, armourpiercing shell fired from the United States Government's great 16 inch rifle We read the following description of it in The Scientific American. This giant
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  • 548 12 Judge Holds it to be Conditional Gift. An interesting action was heard in tbe City of London Cooit, in which Sidney <). Brown, Covent-ttarden salesman, 14. Endell Street, Long. acre, sued Miss Gertrude O'Conner, and her father, tbe latter of whom was one of the porters to the
    548 words
  • 211 12 Railway Companies and Suggested Change. The railway cc id panics at home view with apprehension tbe Bill of Mr. A. C. Morton (Sutherland) to extend for an indefinite period tbe time in which the return baives ot railway tickets will bo available. Tueir attitude is based on tbe
    211 words
  • 347 12 Anglo-Indian writes as follows in reply to some comparisons wo quoted recently from The Financial News In reply to Senex, of Bedford, on his critieitm of the value of Straits (Bertam), as oompaied with London Asiatics, there are several very important points be has omitte i
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 493 12 The Eddystone Lighthouse Keener Nervous Depression, Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, Rheumatic Cramps Because he has benefitted so tremendously by taking Phosferine, Mr. Francis Warder, head keeper of the Ediiystone Lighthouse, now realises that until betook "the Greatest of all Tonics," the best time of life was slipping away in ili-healtli. Disorders came
      493 words
    • 128 12 /&4S£2&AfeAV£s SINGAPORE SODA WATER £smA/isA*fo»cr2sj*ua. 1910 ELLWOOD'S NEW HELMETS No. 105 Shape r LATEST STYLE, Ventilated and bonnd white book, durable, safe protection and in tbe end cheapest. No. 107 Shape PRICES i fl Dollars 10.75— N0. 1 Qaality, without Pngareo. Dollars 1 1 ,75— N0. 1 Quality, with ELLWuOD
      128 words
    • 323 12 SKETCHES STORIES OF MALAYA. 9 A fi# copies of the "STRAITS ANNUALS" FOR THE YEARS 1906-7 are still in stock and may be obtained at a clearing price of '25 oents each from the Straits Times Office, Singapore or from oar agants as under Meaars. JOBS LJTTLI A CO., Ltd.,
      323 words

  • 331 13 IMPORTANT PROPOSALS AS TO QUALIFICATIONS. Alterations in Procedure. In the second report, issued on March 24. tbe Departmental Committee inquiring into the law at home relating to coroners and practice in coroners' courts pay a tribute to the good sense, tact, and good feeling shown by the great
    331 words
  • 356 13 IS THERE A RING The Financier Treats Rumour as Ridiculous. The Financier and Bullionist says:— One result of the rise in <i dotations and the unprecedented prices which have been obtained at the sales for plantation rubber has been certain imaginative efforts on the part of outsiders not using the
    356 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 731 13 THE FORD CAR f*% Hot Only Good, W But Also Cheap. /ZT\ M f; "kJisss^^C^vN, This is proved by 14 cars /f^jj flMLj] having been sold and '■A^Ty k-u i jsMj^k ordered by us during 2^ V^. „fe» .-fc^.-/' months. sf~r GADELIUS CO., 2sTO. 34. HOBHSrSOIT IS-O-AJD. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB.
      731 words
    • 597 13 each olass separately handicapped. Horses that are handicapped in Class 1 to be eligible to run for the Singapore Stakes. Entrance, 120. Diatanoe, Kaoe Coarse. 6. THE CLUB CUP— Value »l,500 and $100 to the Second Horse. A Handicap for all Horses that have ran on the First Day. Entrance,
      597 words
    • 148 13 C. H. Willis IS NOW DOING BUSINESS ON THE Forthcoming Races, MAY 10. 121 AND 14. Straight-out on all Races. Doubles on any two Races. Elastic Prices the Griffins. Address: Tel. "Straight" 8, The Arcade. 'Phono 596. 0.622 ArtieTully&Co. TURF AGCOUNTANTB Have now opened their Book on the forthcoming SINGAPORE
      148 words
    • 30 13 asSOFTas JaBBLandSHOOTHJ mVET^HHjWJ^M*HITE| CHARLES rijL HEIDBIECKB White Seal ijm: Champagne Tr JbTTsbbV Sole Agents I JSBbbbbbbbb BEES, lETEB CO, LTIL ffl I Singapore Pen ang. S|^^| JOHNLITTLE4CO.. I^^En Singapore. Urr^SXaBBBM
      30 words
    • 455 13 The Auto-Manual ENGLISH MADE THROUGHOUT. BEATS ANYTHING; OFFERED HERE. Our Price: $625! Profeeslonal Announcement. Dr. W. R. LAMB, AMERICAN OCULIBT AND OPTICIAN. SPECIALIST IN EXAMINING AND REFRACT 3 THE EYE AND CORRECTING DEFECTIVE VISION. Has the pleasure again of announcing to tbe citizens of Singapore tbat he has opened an
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 423 14 mSURAHCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE Board of Direoton I Q. A. Daaaioa, Esq., Chairman. A. H. Faib. Bsq., Managing Director. Pbtbb Fowun, a.»., cm.. Chief Med. Offlow. Ai>. Asann, Bsq., BeT. N. J. OooTaaoa. F. M. Bluot, Bag. Oko Soob Tbb, Bsq. Vow
      423 words
    • 459 14 INSURANCE, Son Life of Canada. las,,, ...46.740.7C2.15J) Sobtlos over ail liabilities aooordingto Oovi SUndard £1,016,182.16.0 I -com, ISO 9, ...«T1,698,54«.e.a )a»lK»»"mM.l A.WBITI. Si«O#m /mum«. 8o»U> tuMn Asia v GUARDIAN ABBURANCE OOMPAHY, LIMITED, LOHDOB. Bnaaaribaa Capital fi'SS'SS Total ißvastsdPaads •••«K£s Aaaoal Inoome 41,100,000 Th* aadMttgnea, Agaatl tot lII* abort Jompaay, an
      459 words
    • 518 14 BANKING. •BARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. ■OOBPOBATatD BT ROXAL OHABTEB. Paid np Capital in M.OOO Shares ot flttaaeh f11.M0.000 SsssmFoad «i,676,000 cU»iT« Liability ol Proprietor! i1.M0.000 BABEXBB. Bank ot Bagiand, ■aHoaal Bank ot Bootlaaa. VU tomtom Olty Mldlsad Baaa. LM. BIBQAFORB BRANCH. Oarreat AMonats are opened aad bitsresl
      518 words
    • 865 14 Largest Airship. RECORD VESSEL FOR BRITISH NAVY New Metal Used. The new airship for the British Navy is rapidly nearing completion at the works of Vickers, Sons, and Maxim at Bnrrow-in-Furness. It will be the largest, one of the fastest, and the most powerful airship in the world. Its great
      865 words
    • 745 14 ITCHING PIMPLES FOR 11M0NTHS OrrGirl's Face and Back— Back was Dreadful to See— ltch ing and Pain Kept Sufferer from Work for Weeks at a Time— Amazed at Prompt Cure Effected by Just ONE SET OF CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "Some time ago mv back and faoe came out in
      745 words
    • 468 14 SALES' BY AUCTION. AUCTION BALE OK IKTSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOFORTE, ETC., At No. 14. Siven Road. U" Wrdnctday, April 10, at 3p.m. For particulars see catalogues. H. L. COGHLAN A CO., Auctioneers. 849 AUCTION SALE Of A COLLECTION OF BgALTIFUL CHINAWARB, At Powell and Co.'s Saleroom, CM Friday, April g9, at
      468 words

  • 1149 15 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. H. C Lafone writes in The Globe as follows: A point of law npon which many motorists need enlightenment has to do with the notice which moat be served upon a transgressor of the statutes by the police, in cases where a prosecution
    1,149 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 417 15 Hitherto, these cars hare been called *A >FV2 mWI W%P BIOOELEY-AUTOCARB Th.' name lias been changed to SIDDEL.BY WQLSELEY-BIDDELEY AUTOCARB. A WWoM\4^.4ft Al WjVgg The 1910 Wolseley Siddeleys are a deAUIIJ'L'AICO =«ded improvement on the 1909 models, 3^** a-faMf eabo a y i ng as they do the recent WoUeley
      417 words
    • 221 15 Beauty Series No. 3 /a/ *^Z*&* c No. to follow). Here s another Beauty ((K* CIGARETTES \J/r!t They are mild but not tasteless. They are light but satisfying. They combine all the virtues of p« r so. fine tobacco leaf without any faults—a combination g% c only possible by the
      221 words
    • 31 15 BURMA CHEROOTS Imperial No. 1, Large K» U1 in Boxes Imperial No. 1, Medium „1 9 i at Imperial No. 8, Small „1 4 100 A. BCOTT ft CO.. 2187 Rangoon.
      31 words
    • 40 15 SEE 3^TJ3ST. No. 50-2, Victoria Street. Agent for Barton-on-Unmber Bicyolos and Cycle accessories, eto. Kitson Lamp on hire, 2,600 C. P. tamat Ripai»«»:— Cycle*, Sewing Machines, Typewriters, ote. Alao Rubber tyrod Ricksha wheels. Order* promptly attended to. Moderate charges. 72
      40 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 619 16 WANTS. DRESSER WANTED. Vv anted, Assistant Dresser for Estate IrV'ork. Apply, Bukit Cheraka Estate, Kapar, ro i-.m. s. AB3T. FIELD CONDUCTOR WANTED. Wanted, Assistant Field Conductor, Tamil. Appiv Bukit Cheraka Estate, Kapar, P. 0.. Firs. PAYING GUEBT WANTED. Wintt 5. Gentleman a- paying guest, two in Family, nice home, Tennis.
      619 words
    • 633 16 TO BE LET OR SOLD, ROOMB TO LET. At Zetland House (Armenian Street). Apply on the premises. u409 OODOWN AND OFFICE TO LET. No. 85, Robinson Road. Moderate not. Apply to J. LEVY, No. 10, Robinson Road. nlB6B TO BE LET. Nos. 16 and 20, Boat Quay. Immediate entry, moderate
      633 words
    • 521 16 TO BE LET OK SOLD. HOUSE TO BE LET. Devon Villa, River Valley Road, garden and out-houses, entry May 1, 1910, low rental. Apply to Adis and Ezekiol, 3, Finlayson Green. HOUSE TO LET. To let. a compound House in Mt. Elizabeth, No. ISA. Rent moderate. Entry May 1. Apply
      521 words
    • 683 16 NOTICES. NOTICE. THE BZE HAI TONG BANKING ANO INSURANCE CO. LTD. In accordance with the articles of the Company's Association, Mr. Tan Teck Joon retires (but remains a Director on the Board) and Mr. Nali Kirn Seng, a Director, has been appointed Managing Director, who will assume charge as from
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    • 688 16 NOTICES. nonet. Take notice that the firm of Lee t him Tuan iV Co., Winchester House, has frcm this date ceased to carty on business as share Brokers and will henceforth carry on business as Estate Agents. 884 THE UNITED BINGAPORE RUBBER ESTATES. LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the
      688 words
    • 251 16 High-Class Hand-Made Egyptian Cigarettes PURE TURKISH TOBACCO LEAVEB. free. One Trial will Satisfy the Moet FsstiiWtrni PRICES VERY LOW. JEANOU&PATTARA Miiinn OT ■saMhga i niUn 01. •tveStts Osassal Net office EXCELLENT RUBBER CASES Made from Swedish Pine, For prices and samples. apply to GADELIUS AND CO. 34, ROBINSON ROAD.
      251 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 236 16 Straits Wimes. ADVERTISEMENT RATES.—Misoellant ous wiintK of every description are inserted at tho prepaid rate of SI per foor lines for one or two insertions Notice* of Birthb, Marriages, or Deaths, if nol exceeding four lines, $1 each insertion For p.p.o. cards, on page 6. 12. Inch Mail Kates are
      236 words