The Straits Times, 1 December 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.131 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 379 1 KATZ BROS., LD. Our Great Now On. KATZ BROS., LDj Gents' Fitted Suit Cases. flk f "W ?^^^iw rv Tlir fittings of this reft Bie < nc'oMd in cod paitaif nts 3^L v either end and c en vit i optned lid tliry rtmain 4**l*^i''i^Si^^^^^^^»^^ "j I closed by "2
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  • 549 2 YOUNG LIEUTENANT'S ATTACK IN A LINER'S SMOKING ROOM. Ao Exciting Time. Since a yonng Oxford undergraduate rose in the smoking-room of a White Star liner a year ago, and by sheer force of pugilistic skill thrashed and defeated three notorious card sharpers who frequent the smokingrooms of
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  • 377 2 A Disgusting Spectacle 'Varsity Deer Hunting Stopped. It has been decided by tbo Cambridge University authorities to put a &top to d*er hunting by undergraduates. The iluut have been o' den d to dispose of the deer they havu in their posseKsion. A Cambridge retiidtnt
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  • 51 2 There were 15,681 death* in Perak last year against 14,009 in the year previous though tbe population diminished from 15,000 to 20.000. Oo an estimated population ol 400,000 the death rate works out to 89.2 per unlit-, whii-h, as Mr. R. J. Wilkinwn, the lle«i»trar, remarks, is a very high
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 449 2 IN STOCK ATKuala Lumpur: ONE 12 H.P. ONE 14 H.P. Garreffs PORTABLE ENGINES QUITE NEW, for sale at SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES. Apply to A. C. HARPEB CO., LTD., Kuala Lumpur, OR THE BORNEO CO., LTD., shstq-.a.:fo:r/e3. COMMON SENSE IN A NUTSHELL A new medicai work on tbe causes and mom
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    • 76 2 COLD S ARE DAK6EROUS. If more people would make an attempt to g«t rid of the colds from which they are suffering, as a result of this changeable weather, there would be a decided decrease in the number of cases of pneumonia. A few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will
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    • 436 2 Palace Hotel, SAN FRANCISCO, OPEN On the Original Market Street Site, ON OR ABOUT DECEMBER 15. 1909. at a cost of more than $10,000,000. GREATEP AND MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER. Uadcr the identical management which made it famous the world over. PALACE HOTEL COMPANY. LADIES SAFE REMEDY \j[t' Ws ror
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    • 357 2 J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.R.H.8.. LONDON. Horticulturist and Florist. Collector and Exporter ol Orchids and Rare Plants. Diploma and gold medal rom tbo Lat King of Denmark. By Special Appointment to His Majenty tbe King of Siam, H.H. the Sultan of Jobore and H. H. tho Sultan of Lingga. Fresh cat
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  • 799 3 AMERICAN TRIPPERS ARRIVE IN COLOMBO. Huge Liner Coming to Singapore. The Hamburg-American Liner steamer Cleveland, 18,000 tons (Capt. Dempwolf) carrying'.Clark'a 651 around tbo world American trippers, came through the north entrance of the harbour at 6.10 this morning and was moored in bor berth at 680 says the
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  • 161 3 Effected on the Steamer Rubi at Manila. Sixty-four kilos of opium, valued at P 14,592, the largest haul of the tabooed drug yet made by the customs, with the sole exception of tbe Grant- Kennedy importation, was seized by customs secret service men on Thursday night, reports
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 716 3 pfe£| rif] For a \Ng\> Thousand JL^j m Wash Clothes. X MONKEY l& BRAND N»\ Makes Copper like Gold, Tin like Silver Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, IRON BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS ft GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Steam, Gas and Oil Engines for all purposes. Boilers and Pumps
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    • 52 3 NO OPIUM IN CHIMBERLAINB COUGH REMEDY. There is not a particle of opium or other narcotic in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy! and never has been sioce it was first offered to tbe public. It is as safe a medioine for a child as for an adult. For sale by ail Dispensaries
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    • 460 3 TEA Brooke Bond's Tea has been known for FORTY YEARS in Great Britain. As a result of this long acquaintance, Two Million people drink it and Thirty Thousand Agents sell it there. BROOKE BOND'S TEA Sold by all respectable dealers throughout the Straits Settlements. Wholesale Agents: MESSRS. GUTHRIE CO. MM
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    • 445 3 ■mji i ifiMHr^j .TJ MILK mjS 1 1 i1 il hf 9,9-9" Those who use NESTLES FOOD for Infants and Convalescents place their trust in a standard article favorably regarded by the Medioal Profession for upwards of 35 years. Being partly composed of milk, the addition of water only is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 648 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. aTo. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Er.ypt, Mediterranean Po r t«, Plymou'h and London Through Hill* of Ladirg issued for Ohlna Coast, Persian Quit, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) DeUa
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    • 608 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD. Two regular service* are maintained between JAPAN a«. KUROPB by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCRKW *****818, andor Hail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed (or the Company's European Service, lighttd throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for Pint and Sooond Class
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    • 596 4 BTEAHER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The ateamerj of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they an despatohed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 732 4 STEAMER SAILIMB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamen of this Company sail fortnighty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneotica Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena) Port Bald, Buez, Aden, Ooljrabo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai,
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  • 177 5 FIXTURES. Wednesday, December I. High Water, 1.'.l a.m.. 12.10 pm. tjueen Alexandra's Birthday (1841 Church Work Association, Parsonage, 4 l>o. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlboroiu,'li Cinematograph. Thursday, December a. High Water, 1.58 a.m., 0.54 p.m. P. and O. homeward mail due, 6 Lord Kitchener due from
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  • 211 5 To-Dai. l'outiauak Ban Hin Guan 3pm Penang and Deli Calypso 8 pm Peuani; and Colombo Wakasa Mara 3pm Beugkaliu, Siak, Pakan, Kiau Ann 3 pm Malacca, Port Dickson, Port Swettenham and Teluk Auson Rinta 8 pm Pontianak Ban i'o Soon 4 pm Singkawang, Pontianak Van der Lyn
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  • 79 5 Parcels, via Hrindisi ion payment of an additional fee of 15 cents), posted up to '2 p.m., on Thursday, the 2nd inst., should be delivered before New Year's Day. Parcels, by the all-sea route, posted up to p.m. on Thursday, tho 2nd inst
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  • 156 5 The M. M. company's steamer Haiphong will be despatched for Batavia to-day at about S p.m. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Assays left Hongkong, at 1 p.m. on Saturday, the -7th nit., and is due here at 6 o'clock to-morrow morning, the 2nd inst. The
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  • 249 5 Latest Arrivals. Ban to Soon, Dut str 222 tons, Cant Odink Nov 80. From Sambas, Nov 29. G.c. and 6p. Thong Ek. For Pontianak, Dec 2Rds. Fun iro, Brit str 154 tons, Captain Snewiu, Dee 1. From Snurabaya. Nov 17. Nil. Kat/ Bra. For Langkat, IT Rds. 11am.n,,.
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  • 96 5 November 28 Dantaaaw, Brit str, Genoa -'I Liverpool I'uhinaii n, l'ch sir, Yokolivn 1 I ia por.s *9 .Vnrii'iu, Ger atr, Tawao via ports Cmh Mum, Jap str, Son'abaya Uretlet, Brit «tr. Yokohama via ports Han Liong, l)ut str, Cotie via ports Ytlorofu Hunt, Jap str, Japan via ports
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  • 87 5 Wharvea at which Vessel* arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONG FA'JAK Ban Wbait Biant— Nil. East W. Bbotioh I—Liudula.1 Liudula. Samoa No. 1 (Brass Whakh -Nil. Baonoa 2-B«nledi. B— Ningchow. 4-Nord. 6— Paroo. 6 -Idomenens. 7 Chiengmai. B— Yodo Maru. llai|ibong 9 -Nil. Jißoon'i
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  • 32 5 I' mm Miikc, 3,6-10 tons of coal arrived, yesterday, for the Mitsui Kussau Kaisba. The Brititth steamer Lnda arrived from Shanghai, yesterday, with a cargo of casewood for Pulau Sembilan.
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  • 480 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer Morea, connecting with the steamer Delta, due December 3. Mr. and Mrs 11. S. Kinghorn, Mr. R. Reid, Miss Glasboro, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Uarrett, Mr. J. L. Humphreys, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jago, Mr. and Mrs F.
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  • 65 5 Per steamer Selangor, Dec. I.— l'rom Teluk Anson Mr. Kimmel, Mrs. Oillet, and Mr. Madden. I'rom Port Dickson I Miss Me Clymont, Mr. Me Clymont, Mr. and Mrs. Pears and two children and Miss Tame. From Malacca 1 Messrs. Yeow Kirn Swi, Chua Poh Bug, McLennan. H. M. Darby,
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  • 45 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Kaber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore ptandard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time-gun is fired at 13 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time on every day excepting Sunday, when it U tirod »t une o'clock.
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  • 133 5 Chan Ah Som was sentenced to a year's rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Wolferstan at the district court, yesterday, for attempting honsebreaking. An English-speaking llukiun named Cheow Hoa has been arrested on charges of assaulting one Tan Kbiam at Pnlan Übin, on November IP. for not releasing his tongkang
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  • 314 5 Unique Entertainment Given at Tokio. Hii the evening of November 11, tho Miyor of Tokio, in his official capacity, entertained Lord Kitchener at the Maple Club, and it may be doubted if the distinguished officer was ever so charmingly entertained before, observes the Japan Advertiser. Arriving after
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  • 247 5 Finance Commerce. SINOAPORI, DM EMBIk 1, 1909. EXCHANOE. On Londoi -Bank 4 w/i a/fjj Demand 2/4 Private 8 m/s 2/4 j do 8 m/a 2/4 On G»rm my— Bank d,'d 2BP< Private 8 m/a L'4;>. do 6 m/? 24HJ On Fran-e Bank d/d 893 Priv at 3 8 m/a 300
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    • 281 5 Isaoi Paid Up j COWANT Law DIVIDiKD 1 BUVBM SILLIRS 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 F 1 1 10 1 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 61I I I 10 1 1 18/10 6 10 10 10 10 1 1
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    • 618 5 I/. 2/. a/--a- a/-f 1 10 10 l 17 10 SO 6 LO M 10 X) 5 1 1 i F 7/8/ T 2/. 1 2/. I 2/. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T f l l l t\ l 10 I l 18/8 F i
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    • 176 5 10 10 60 10 .00 .00 .00 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 10 7 BO 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% for 10% for W 17*% for 'oB 80% for'oB 2i% for '08 7% for '09 10% for '07 8% for '07 20% for' 08 6% for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 182 5 The GARRICK Cigarette A LARGE HANDMADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 50b WZc, (S ARf£#?Pl Price OBTAINABLE AT: JOHN LITTLE CO., LD., ROBINSON ft GO. AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Deo. I— At saleroom, uozedecinod pledges, at 10. Deo. 4— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Dec. 4 At saleroom, French jewellery
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    • 436 5 S. V. (^ORDERS. Bi Liect.-Col. E. O. BnoiDHicK, Commandant, B.V.C. Singapore, November an, 1909 H.V.A. MAXIM COMPANY. Duties. I Orderly offioer for ensuing week .—Capt. F. J. Beujaneld Orderly N. C. 0., Sergt. F. G. Allen. Parades. II:— On Friday, December 3, at "i :i0 p.m., Signalling. On Monday, December
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 347 5 WEATHER REPORT. Handling Kerbau U apital, Nov. 9 A. M.|B P. H. H F. M RADCfALL. Bar. ni Kah 29 907 19 "11 29 Ml Temp 84 0 87.0 79.5 .'6 in. WetßolbTber 79 5 79 5 77 0 Dircf Wind N.W. S.E. B.E •ilix. Tamp 88 5 Mm 72
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  • 531 6 The Straits Times. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1. LA SEYNE AND THE ONDA. The more landsman feels great diffiJeoei in commenting upon the decision of a com t formed for the most pait of marine expert* U is impossible indeed that ho should <!< more than take certain clearly acknowledged tacts and
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  • 663 6 We do not think tbat there is tbe slightest reason to doul t tbat Captain Dapge wen' >ver from port to starboard when Li Seyne ■rossod his bows in order to assure himself lat she was really clear. He tl ought she vas e'ear but (till uncomfortably do- e, and
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  • 30 6 One of the nurse* at the General Hospital »ho went to the ball, last night, leiviug over -70 in an almeirah, f junil Urn morning, that it bad been stolen.
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  • 15 6 M. Latham, on his aeroplane, reached a height af 1300 feet, which constitutes a record.
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  • 30 6 It is said that, including New Year's Day, the number of holidays that will be d< ducted from the Federal* d Malay States bat, as from next year, is five.
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  • 29 6 The suxido took place, on November 20, at Hastings i.f Mrs. Parker, wife of Capt. Parker, commanding the lug K. triever, the deceased being found with her threat cut.
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  • 29 6 Marylebono guardians bavn just given an order tor 29.800 pilU to be supplied to tbe paupers under their control for the next six mjuUih uhich means 160 a day.
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  • 27 6 Thst is a deliberate lie, sail a man at Shoreditch County Court. Silent;, Mid Judge Smyly. You must not nay tbat. Ouly politicians can uso sucb language.
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  • 42 6 {Steamers are delayed by storms in tbe Xtlantic, reports a Land v wire of November 19. A hurricane has sjcept ov«r Liabon. SLiis have been blown up the Tagusand several hive been capsz^d and strauded Damage has been done in tbe city.
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  • 54 6 Mr. J. O Hutt, wbo h n been the second cngimer of tbe K. M. S. yacht Sea Belle fo> snuiu years, j lining iv that capacity before that vemi'l became the property of the K. deral Ujveruu i nt, i* retiring from the service on l>jn;>ion. Air. Huet is
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  • 47 6 Two armoured cruiser?, tbe Holland and the Ili-rtny llendijk. will leave Netherlands waters for Java in the course of tbis month The armoured cruiser Trumps, now in China waters, will shortly return to Sourabaya to be fitted out for the return voyage to Holland in January 1910.
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  • 61 6 Tbe Monlmein Rd. pond cases came on before the senior magistrate, yesteHay. Dm. Kinlayson and Middleton gave evideoce as to the insanitary character of the ponds, and one Chetty and two Chinese were ordered to till theirs at once. OUier cases were postponed. Tbis is the beginning of a campaign
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  • 63 6 The Kuala Lirupir flower show takes place to-diy. The total Dumber of entritsreoeived is 29;, as compart d with 217 for the last sbojf. A special feature of this year's exhibition will ba tbe dianer-tible decoration competition, for which a record entry his been received. Tbe cot fl iwer clashes
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  • 65 6 A correspondent of the Malay Mail writes I On Siturday, tho mail car from Raub to Ku >la Kubu and the, buseo from Raub to Uentong and lUub to Kuala Lipis were ditblcil milway, putting passengers to considerable inconvenience). Tbe railway mthorities, bowver, coutrive.i that tbe pa-c-ungerN should reach their
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  • 69 6 Advices bave been receive! from Dr. Loictitz, tbe comminder of tbe New Guinea Snowy hUnge exploiting expedition. The exp'orers w<?re then taken act. vely preparing fjr a p'ungH into the unknown n gion. Lofty mountains wore clearly within sight. One of them, the Wilhelmini Peak, showed dazzling white snow fields.
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  • 77 6 With reference to tbe cyclbne which wo alluded to yesterday, at) having swept over ibe Cooos Island?, it is understood thu t of the mtny thousands of ciconut trees on tbe group, Inss'than a hundred are left standing. I'heioof of the Telpgrapli Company's main building is reported to have been
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  • 125 6 The Revd. Father Nain arrived by tho steamer Selangor from geremban this mornning to as-umo the duties of Vicar of the Cathedral of tbe Good Shepherd in place of tbe Revd Father Rivt-t, win has been translerred to Malacca. After tho high mass on Suoday next, the Kevd. Father Nain,
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  • 139 6 Mr. Arthnr Perreau, of 11, Buffalo Rd., pleaded guilty in the second magistrate's court, yesterday, to pouies>ion of a »ho gun for winch be had no permit, paying that it was a present from bis la'e father and be hung it up on the wall merely as a memento. He
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  • 160 6 Abna E'nla Pillay sued Seena Ahna Supramanian Pillay, a tuooey l< n ler, before Mr. Wolferfctin, at the district court, yesterday a'temo in. for the return of a horse and trap or for t2jO as their value and damages for their detention. Mr Johannes appeared fur the plaintiff, who said
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  • 468 6 S r W. H. ard Lady Hyodman Jones returned from Malacca, this morning, by t.u steamer Selangor. A Lahore telegram reports tbe dtath at Kasauli, f'om byrdophobia. of -Vr-.. Fenn, wife of Major Fenu, R A. M. C who was iLcto under trtatment lor a dog bite.
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  • 37 6 Many happy returns of the day to Qieen Alexandra, who celebrates her G.Vh yrard to day. Tlie event was formally acknowledged by a salute of 21 guns firtd Ircui Foil Canuing at nojo, to-day.
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  • 149 6 There was a very serious affray, in which knivrs were freely used, in a certain h >use in Upper Uokien St., at about lu.tO pm, yesterday. A detective who v>an taltd to the scene by the commotion arrested a man who was tunning, and found a
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  • 145 6 Malayapcrmal, a Tamil watchman employed by Messrs. Robin>on and C i. arrested a Chinauian on a charge of gambling, ripresenting himself tone adetective, and ull.rej to nlmm his pii-onor for tifly cents. This brought himself and his quarters under the notice of the police and it was ascertained
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  • 190 6 Burns' Night Scottish Cone. 'ft. The next groat event for Scots and tin it friends of other nations will be the Scotch Concert in the Victoiia Theatre, on Burns' nixhr, the 25th of January, under Hie piironago of His Excellency the (Juv -rnor, Sir John Anderson, O. C. M O
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 267 6 PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SEAMLESS STEEL BOAT SUPPLIED TO THE Straits Steamship Co.'s Agent at Malacca i &aHEß^^i^B^^^^^HHHHraSnHß^^BHa^s^^ by GUTKRIE AND COMPANY, LIMITED, Singapore/ CHRISTMAS Millinery. A new shipment for Xmas Wear has just arrived, including all the smartest ideas. SPECIAL DISPLAY ON THURSDAY NEXT. INSPECTION INVITED. JOHN LITTLE AND CO.,
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    • 167 6 ALHAMBRA BEACH HOAD. fo-Nieht, and Show, at ojo p.m CM.ANQE OF i'ROGKAMMB. Entirely New Subjects. MONKS SOLDIE..S" (Film dArt). Au Kiiisode ot thu Sitge of Sarauossa in ins Casts M. Volny of the Sarah Bcrnliarrit. M Clement if tho I'.lai, R .yal. M. Colin *f the Odenn, Madame I'olaire of
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    • 74 6 A "Moutrie" TRANSPOSING PIANO Is an Ideal Instrument FOB TUB "MESS" Simplest, Cheapest and Most Perfect on the Maiket. FOR KIRE OR PURCHASE. S.Moutrie&Co. (L'MITEO). THE ARCADE, MfILKS SjI'ARE. ITalloway— Dewsoeb. At St. Andrew' ', Singapore, on November 80, b he R»v. II C. Iz ird, Colonial Chaplain, Job. '•liter
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  • 359 7 CLOSING SCENES OF HISTORIC DEBATE. Finance Bill Rejected. LORD ROTHSCHILD ON RUIN OF CREDIT. Peers Charged with Straining the Constitution. [Rictbb's TilboramJ Loadou, November 80. Th House of Lords resumed discussion of tbe Budget Bill yi strrdiy. Lord Morley, speaking on Lord Lansdowne's amendment, sail is ass'iiued
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  • 270 7 OISASTER TO THE CHAMPIONS AT HONGKONG. Beaten by the Combined Team. (Fbom Oub Own Cobbkspokdbnt.) Hongkong, November 80. The concluding day of the match between BoDgkong, the ohampionn, and a combined tesm from Shanghai aiid the Straits and F. M. S resulted in disaster to the home e
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  • 268 7 Kuala Lumpur Shopkeeper Sent to Prison. Ong Kong Cham, of Xl ing, was before the district court, this morning, on a charge of having lelt tbe colony to avoid an examina'ion in respect of his affairs in bankruptcy. He admitted leaving the Colony for his borne in Klang
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  • 199 7 Experts Satisfied with Results of Examination. Wo understand tbat Mr. T. T. Lawson some time time ago obtained an oil concession in Kedab, where he found petroleum oozing in several places, says tbe Pinang Gazette, of November 27. After oareful examination he decided to approach the L
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  • 124 7 Young Italian Airship Officer's Terrible Fate. A fatal accident marred the journey of the Italian military airship to Bracciano, the other day. Since its departure from Bracciano the airship had pert jrmtd a record t.';i of over 800 miles without tho slightest mishap. As supplies were running
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  • 258 7 Imperial Responsibility of (be Colonies. It is difficult to understand from Renter's summary, at any rate, says the Statesman, tbe points of advantage contained in tbe scheme for an Indian Fleet laid before the Central Asian Society by Capt. Macaulay of the Indian S',aff Corp*. Two
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  • 102 7 A rubber planting boom ha*, says tbe Sjurabaya Htndelsblad, act in throughout Java. There, estates on which c ff -e has proved to be a failure are parsing for large amounts, into tbe hand* of foreign planters. In Deli, rubber cultivation is gaining ground deopite tbe
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  • 664 7 EXPLORERS' EXPERIENCES ON TIBETAN BORDER. Woman Chief's Fear. Mr. C. II Mears has given Forae Dew and interesting det tils ot tl c remarkable journey undertaken in tbe unknown borderlaol between China and Tibet, which ended co disastrously in the murder of Mr. J. A. Brooke. In
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  • 386 7 (Fbom Oob Own Correspondent Labuao, November 25. Mr. H. Chevallier arrived from Singapore, by the Darvel, on the 16th inst., and took over duties as Resident from Mr. Stoney the same day. Ue wai met on board ship by all heads of departments. Mr. W. Baitley also arrived
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  • 2194 7 SCOTS AND FRIENDS HOLD GAY CARNIVAL. A Draw Bricht Nicbt. Scotland has monopolised tbo Victoria Hall for practically a whole week io anticipation ot and preparation for tin national earnivil of lait night not only to the exclusion of ordinary Sassenach folk, but even to the exclu-ion
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  • 190 7 KAISER SPEAKS ON FOREIGN AI FAIRS. Advocates Increased Interest io tbe Colonies. IRatrrsß's Tslsobam| London, December 1. The speech from tbo Throne at tbe opening of lha R ichs'ag refers to the prolongation of the A nglo German oommercial arrangement, expresses salisfartioi with tbe sririt in which
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  • 30 7 [DBS OSTASUTISCHB LLOTD TsLIOBtJf) Berlin, November 83. An interpellation has been mvle in tbe Turkish Chamber with reference to the Eaglihh shipping monopoly io Mesopotamia,
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  • 32 7 [Dsb Ostasustiscbs Lloyd Tklioham] Berlin, November 30. The Russian Foreign Office is determined to take sivcro measures with reference to tho attack on a Rjsaian Consul in Southern Persia.
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  • 24 7 (Dsb OsTASUTiscaa Lloyd Tixbobam| Berlin, November 30. EagUnd his laid down a now D.eadoougbt and a new cruiser, both of great strength.
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  • 17 7 |DSB OWTASUTttCBB LIoVD TsLBOBIM] Berlin, November 30. Tbe death is announced of Karl Theodor, of Bavaiia.
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  • 48 7 Great Destruction of Native Shipping. IRauTßß'a TaxaoaaMj London, Djcember 1 Telegrams from Tokio cay that there has been a fierce storm at Shimonoseki. Several Japanese vessels have foundered and it is believed tbat all on board bare been lost. Twenty-five bodies have been washed ashore.
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  • 29 7 AbandjneJ in View of General Election. [Racist's Tiliobam] London, December 1, I', bu been agreed to abandon all the bye elections in view of the general tkc.ion.
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  • 39 7 |K»utbk's TbuukamJ London. December 1. The Archbishop of Canterbury has con. Recrated, at Westminster Abbry, the Rev. A adrew Bannister, Bit>bop of Hokkaido, and the Rev. Arthur L a, Bishop of the Kwangbi diocese.
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  • 19 7 [Raima's TiLaanAM| Lo don, December 1. Tbo Cainese Naval Commissioners have paid a vibit to Devooport.
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  • 38 7 (Fbom Odb Own Cossispondent) lljogko-ig, November 3). Cox, of Singapore, bea- Carr, tuu Hongkong champion, by o—o,0 0, 6 l, C l. The Straits are now the tounis champion?, having won four event-i to Hongkong's two.
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  • 64 7 Mean*. Fercu«on Brothus, shipbuilders and engineers, of Port Ula-gow, tiave ro3trxcted to build a tt»iu scitw atlf-piop* llin< bitket dredger for Japanese onnera. Tln'a dredger is to be i luplojrd in the great b-ni j at Dalny, mar Puit Arthur. The dredger will be of powerful construction,
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 147 8 It is proposed to hold all India hockey tournaments at Allahabad during the week February, 21 to 26, 1910. The Kinta Gymkhana Club's 1910 griffins are to be drawn for in Singapore as there are a great many subscribers at this oentre. The race for Derby Gold
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    • 42 8 .Sepoy Lines dolf Club. The following is the result of the play for the Monthly Medal Dr. Dane HB= B=Bo A. R Chancellor 94 11 88 Dr. Keith 92 8 84 Seven other cards were taken out, but were not returned.
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    • 111 8 5. R. C. v. U. Co.. Middlesex. A Hockey match was played on the S. R. C. half of the Esplanade, yesterday, between an eleven of that club and another representing G. Co., :trd Middlesex regiment. In the first half the soldiers scored two goals, and though the home
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    • 538 8 Scotland v. The Rest. Elevens representing Scotland and The Rest met in an Association football match on the 8. C. C. ground, yesterday, in commemoration of St Andrew's Day, and a large gathering of Europeans, including a number of ladioH witnessed the game besides the usual crowd of
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  • 180 8 Our useful contemporary the Leading Light and China Coast Shipping GtEettesaya the China Critic, has established a free registry for officer* and engineers seeking employment on the China Coast. The idea seems to be an excellent one. Without publishing names, the Leading Light
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  • 364 8 American's Lonely Grave on Jungle Hilltop. Writing to the British North Borneo Herald, E. A. Pavitt says A good many years ago, having to go from the the West Coast to the Interior of British North Borneo, accompanied by Mr. P. F. Wise, the District Officer of
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  • 202 8 Publication of the International Correspondence. The correspondence was published, on November 5, relating to the International Opium Commission at Shanghai. The first document is a despatch from Sir Edward Grey to the British delegates giving the views of his Majesty's Government on subjects to be discussed and
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  • 175 8 The Civil Service Competitive Examination. From the list showing the various services to which the successful candidates in the concurrent open competitive examinations, held in August 1909 for (i) the Civil Service of India, (ii) Clerkships (Class I.) in the Home Civil Service, and i Hi) Eastern Cadetships
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  • 92 8 While walking along the shore at Thornoss Bay, Isle of Wight, a man picked up a tightly corked bottle containing a paper bearing the following words Steamship w aratab, July (date not decipherable). Ship waterlogged. No other ship in sight. The paper is also stated to
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  • 134 8 Hindu tradition and legend ascribe long arms to the divine ones. Dr. IVrric-. a Frenchman, who has made a close study of the criminal, has arrived at the conclusion that the fate of the criminal depends largely on thu longth of the man's arm. Tho arm. stretch of tlie average
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  • 394 8 Scheme for Working the Product in Dutch Borneo. Dr. Sandmann, the German rubber expert who lately visited Singapore, reports that, when here, be experimented with jelutoog or wild gutta, along with a local specialist. The experiments were orowned with such success, that both the expert and the specialist
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  • 207 8 Official Use of the Harmless but Necessary Cat. The Government of tho < ■orniau colony of Togo has issued a decree ordering that in public buildings in the colony where natives congregate, such as schools, hospitals, or prisons, cats are tc bo kept officially. The explanation of this
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  • 227 8 Sad End of Descendant of the Doges of Venice. Guiseppi Morosini, whose ancestors were Doges of Venice when the city was a great power in Europe, and who was once the president of the tribunal at Venice and a well known judge, has taken his life under
    227 words
  • 837 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Lysll and Evatt, Exchange and Sbare Brokers, issue tbe following list of quotations this morning 2/- Allagar 3/- 8/1* 2/- Options 1/- 1/0 il. Anglo-Malay 14/- 14/6 xd. £1 Ad glo- Sumatra 81/6 85/1 Banteng 80/6 85/1 Batn Caves
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 164 8 Property Sales. The following Singapore properties were disposed off by auction at Messrs. Powell and Co.'s saleroom, yesterday afternoon: No«. 7-'>. and 77 Queun St., total area 2,147 square fett, Government leases for 99 years trum March 1859, quit rent 81 50, monthly rent Si:>, Shaik Lajtm 13,800; freehold land
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      369 words
    • 263 8 MARLBOROUGH BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT I 2nd Show at 9-30 p.m. GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME MEW PICTURES. 'EQUESTRIAN FEATS BY THE COM. BRIS DWaRFS." In this beautiful film, tho Dwarfs faco us in their circus, of dimensions to suit the performers, and a number of feats are executed by them with
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 292 9 7%at/s /V4S£e&A2ZAV£S SINGAPORE SODA WATER SKETCHES STORIES OF MALAYA. A few copies of the "STRAITS ANNUALS" FOR THE YEARB 1906-7 arc still in stock and may bts obtained at a clearing price of 'J5 cents ouch from tin Straits Tim. Office, Singapore or from our agents as under Me»»rs. JOHN
      292 words
    • 360 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APGAR LINE OF STEAMERS. To aDdermantioned mail iteamen of ibt ihove Line maintain a regular eervioe between Calootta and Japan, oalhnfl al Penang, Blnga pore, Hongkong and Shanghai m roue FLEET. Tout Commander i.e. m 3ktiM" 1,018 ),O.Oumi •.a. »UaaooiiAM*a" 4,600 B. H. Baiaoa «.9. "Auutooh AfCAi" 4,600
      360 words
    • 634 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. OGEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. GB. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despached from Liverpool outwards tor the Straits, Ohio* and Japan every week and from Japan homewards tor London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Mareeillei and Liverpool and for Marseille*, Havre
      634 words
    • 660 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Paolflo Railway Company's Royal Hall Stoamshlp Lino. TBB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUHOPE ru CHIHA JAPAH, OAHADA Ml tat UNITED BTATSB, Bonte bom Honfikong, Ha Shanghai, Hagaarti, (Island Baa of Japan). Rob*. Yokohama, Victoria and Vanooarar, R.M.B. ■EmaMO*l»u" Twin tcrew Mm R.MB. "Bureau or Jttu'
      660 words
    • 243 9 $2 Ik $2 PER rKi; WEEK. ~7 WEEK. TALKING MACHINES ON EASY TERMS Enjoy the Instrument irhile you arr paying for it. A LARGE SELECTION- TO CHOOSE FROM, AT PRICES RANGING FROM $2O TO $100. Records from each. THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. Proprietor: J. CARAPIET Teliphoxi: No. 58. THE
      243 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 539 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors I O. A. Dbbbice, Em]., Chairman. As. Asmds, Esq., Vice Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pbtbu Fowiib, m.b., cm. Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, E«q. Rev. N. J. Cocvbbdb. Vow Noan Pan,
      539 words
    • 336 10 INSURANCE. (IANCABHIRB INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. ■ow ni»a«D is THE ROYAL INBDRANCE CO.. FIRE LIFE. IHVEBTED FDNDS £13,500,000 POWELL Co..— Aim*. OANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMIIED. Oapltal Bnbeoribed.... 81,800,000 Amount paid-up 800,000 Reserve fond 1,680,000 Hub Oma, Hoaaioas. The undersigned, having been appointed vgenta of the above Oompany, are prepared le isoepl
      336 words
    • 570 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. ■OORPORATiiD BY ROYAL CHARTER. t>sid op Capital is 80,000 Shares of «J0 each f11.M0.000 isesrvs Fund «1,574.000 ieasrvs LiabUity of Proprietors •1.J00.000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. National Bank of Scotland. i. Londen City A Midland Bank. Ltd BINOAPORE BRANCH. Ourrenl Aoooanis an
      570 words
    • 665 10 BANKING. NETHERLANDS-INDIA COMMERCIAL BANK (NED.-IND. HANOELSBANK. Established 1863. Capital Jtniul Olds. 15,000,000 (about £1,250,000. Paid-up 12,878^00 (about £1,031,600. Reserve Fund Olds. 2,754,888.09 (about £229,528). Head-Oflice Amsterdam (with Snb-Officc at The Hague) Head-Agency Batavla. BRANCHES Hongkong, Samaraog, Sonrabaya. Bandoung, Indramayoa snd Wtlteviedcn CORRESPONDENTS in all principal towns of Netherlands-India, Britiih-India, China
      665 words
    • 877 10 SALES BY AUCTION. -A-TTCTIOISr SALE or A Large Collection of Rare and Beautiful European, Japanese and Other Plants, THE PROPERTY OF TEO KONG HIN, ESQ., At the Bellevue Nursery, No. 23, Kirn Keat Road, Adjaoent to the new Buddhist Temple, off BALESTIER ROAD, ON BATURDAY. DECEMBER 4. AT 1 30
      877 words

  • 994 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. When the doors of Olympia are opened a fortnight benco fir the annual exhibition of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Trader?, says a paper just to hand frcm home, it will be fount l that, although the motor-car has undergone so startling
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 282 11 KELVIN MOTOR Launches Engine Sets AS SUPPLIED TO Crown Agents, F.M.S., and Singapore Municipality. Full particulars and pr'cea from tbe Sole Agents for Strait Settlements CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. Motor Accessories. EX S.S." SOMALI" AND "OANFA." GOOdriGh TyreS. Tlio^rubbcrstud tyre cannot slip, and tbe fine quality of the rubber makes it
      282 words
    • 5 11 asSOFTjs VaVET WHITE Cc <^^mWß&Bnßawmwx*
      5 words
    • 601 11 Persian Nerve Essence ll afamotu treatment for nerroun debility, tl«epleu ne««, MM <li<estion. weak memory, overwork and Peril m Nerre Kuence cle;ir« the brnin, •trengthena i Clr iT :it u ni P lrt magnetic Tlgour to the whole being. All .lr..m.i and lo*«ei are permanently aJld U Carefully compounded from
      601 words
    • 118 11 H Famous 'Grio. PEARSON'S PEARSON S I PEARSON'S WINSOME HYCOL SHAVING TOILET SOAPS 80APS. are unequalled, The most power- Stick or Powder, being made from (all Disinfectant Yield a creamy the purest mate- and Insecticide lather which does rials. in the world. notdryontheskin Order from your Chemist or Provision Merchant.
      118 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 445 12 WANTS. BHORTHANO TYPIBT WANTED. AVanted, Shorthand Typist. Apply to ADAMSOX, GILFII.LAN I CO., LTD. VW>O DREBBER WANTED. Wanted, l>ressor for Cocoanut Plantation near Trinwaanu. Apply personally to Drs l\wlio and lilaok, Battery Road. aMN SITUATION WANTED. By a European, as Overseer or Superintendent on a Rubber or Sugar Estate. Knows
      445 words
    • 640 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICEB TO LET. No. 06, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. Apply to J. LEVY, No. 10, Robinson Road. UlB6B HOWES TO BE LET. Hot. SI ud M, UaMtaUoa Hill, River Valley Eoad. Apply to LEB CHENG lAN aadOo. UTI HOUSE TO LET. WHITEHOUSB, Dalvey Road. Entry
      640 words
    • 727 12 NOTICEB. NOTICE Of REMOVAL The Offices of The East Asiatic Co., Ltd., have been removed to the Arcade, No. 40, Ist floor, Rattles Square. 2370 TENDERB INVITED Tenders are invited for the supply of Engineering materials required by Sarawak Government for tbe year 1910. Full particulars can be obtained on
      727 words
    • 684 12 NOTICESNOTICE. Mr. H. G. Diss, Of Campbell Latham A Co., Tailors and Outfitters, 59, Conduit Street, London, W., has bis address at 80, RAFFLES PLACE, next to the Banque de I'lndo Chine. 229; i NOTICE. Tenders will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office W§ to noon on December 7,
      684 words
    • 926 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardenhoses, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Bole Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      926 words